#romantic sheith scares me so bad
kukos-satellite · 4 months
Ever see a post that makes you do this face because trust me I have seen some shit man that I DID NOT WANT TO SEE. I get everyone liking their own thing but I just have one complaint on something…
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fandomboy15 · 6 years
Some thoughts
My main question is just why? What was the point of it all. I have so many thoughts and feelings that I don’t even know how to comprehend it all. I’m gonna be a little salty however this is no way me inviting hate to Lauren, Joaquim or anyone else, but rather just questioning and more so criticising the choices they made in this. They made a wonderful show that I love with all my heart, but it was destroyed by the absolute confusion that was the way they chose to end it. So there will be spoilers if you haven’t watched season 8 yet don’t read if you haven’t seen it or don’t care, though i doubt anyones gonna read this anyway, this is more to vent my feelings and critically think about decisions that were made cause oh boy theres a lot. So let’s get started.
Allura. Why. How could they do this to her. It was supposed to be some noble sacrifice but why? Why was it both her and Honerva that had to do it, if it was just Honerva it could have been a good redemption for her. Why couldn’t it have been the lions since they weren’t even needed at all and left afterwards. Or why would they not bring her back? When the lions went into space i for sure thought they were going to bring her back but nope, again the lions just leave so whats the point they just ended up losing both. Not to mention she never even got to say goodbye to Coran, didn’t even tell the paladins to say goodbye to him for her. I’ll talk about this later more but it just feels like they completely forgot how these characters are and to have Allura not even mention Coran, the man who was literally a second father to her, it just feels so wrong and I can’t understand their thoughts. This season just felt different, seasons 1-6 were so great and amazing, then season 7 was both good and bad in a way, and just with this season it felt like they just threw everything out the window. Also I feel horrible for Lance, he spent the entire show in love with her and eventually she loved him back only for her to be killed and him spending the rest of his life still pining for her like seriously they should have either not made Allurance canon or brought her back because once again, what was the point of it all. I get that Allura had felt alone in some way, but this was not the solution, she outright said the paladins were her family and she loves each and every one of them, so why did they have to take that away. 
My next thing is Shiro and Keith. Now I love the two of them both individually and together and so to watch this season was weird and confusing. The entire show has been built around showing how much these two mean to one another, wether you like them platonically or romantically (i like romantically) you can’t deny that their relationship was the one most explored and most deep, literally honerva herself said they had the deepest bond, but apparently they decided to just throw that out the window cause in season 8 they barely talked to one another which was so out of character for the two of them.  So again why? Was it perhaps you wanted to make us care less about Sheith so when they didn’t end up together it wouldn’t hurt as much. I know this sounds bad what i’m saying but I am in no way meaning to bash or be mean I am just so confused and sad and angry and this is all a lot to deal with. Now i’m going to be honest i thought that we were going to get at least implied canon Sheith. Why? It’s because they had the most developed relationship in the show and it just felt natural for them to be together.
Then add the fact LM and JDS said their relationship could be interpreted as romantic if people wanted.
Add how Joaquim said Shiro would have a stronger relationship with Keith.
Add how they said romance in the show would be a slow burn and that they weren’t just going to throw it in for the sake of it. 
Add how an animator made a drawing that says “Shiro loves you baby” then “he’s looking at keith.” 
Add Keith saying to Shiro “I love you.” 
Add every single one of their moments where they show how much they care about one another cause boy there is a lot. 
Again back to the original question of why? Why would you say and do all of this and then give us this weird ending where the two are barely around and don’t even feel like friends anymore. To have Shiro end up with whoever that guy was just felt like a cheap shot to score points. I mean yes it is great to see representation, but I don’t care about it, there is nothing in the show to make me care about them as a couple. I know i may seem biased as a Sheith shipper, but when I look at it as objectively as possible it just makes absolutely no sense to have them throw away their relationship in favour of having Shiro end up with a side character. Then add the fact that a fan asked Steven Yeun about the leaks (which turned out to be the real ending, with the only difference of which random side character Shiro would marry) and he was confused cause he had never seen them before and say those aren’t real. Was he lying not to spoil or was it because it was genuinely supposed to have a different ending. This isn’t about Shiro and Keith not ending up together because like I said earlier I only expected ambiguous ending that would leave all fans happy, its about them completely changing who they are as characters and giving us an ending that was just not good. 
So now I just want answers. Some reasoning, or justification as to why they chose to end it this way. This amazing show and amazing characters, why would they throw it all away at the very end. Was it because they were scared of anti’s? Or was it revenge against the fandom in general for behaving so bad and so they decided no one gets a satisfying romantic ending? Was it maybe the show was supposed to end differently but there were higher ups who made them end it like this. Was this all they were allowed to do? Again this is in no way meant to be taken as hateful bashing, just saddened criticising over something that a lot of people really cared about and just wanting some kind of reasoning for it. 
If anyone wants to message and share feeling please know i’m happy to talk and have open honest conversations with people, cause i’ve already seen the amount of people upset because of this. 
Why? Just please I need to understand why. 
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holeofmarmora · 6 years
My standpoint on Allurance and Kaxca (Keith x Axca)
So being the empath I am, I always try and see things from other perspectives, and try and see if I can empathize with the other side, or even just understand where they’re coming from. I’m a sheith shipper, and while I know klance isn’t inherently bad, it often makes me uncomfortable to see it due to my negative association with many fans, which I feel is justified. Anyways, that’s not the point I’m trying to make.
What I really want to talk about is ships that are not sheith and klance. I want to talk about Axca and Keith, as well as Allurance.
I’ve heard many klance shippers get upset because Allura is showing signs of like/love back to Lance. Often the argument is “she never showed him any signs of interest before! She’s treating Lance like her second option!”, and while that’s a somewhat valid argument, I think these people are interpreting that wrong. I think there’s a little bias here.
As far as Keith and Axca, people from all sides are upset and really hoping he doesn’t get with her. For me, it’s because it’s very forced and right towards the end of the series. Sure, Axca saved Keith a few times before, but they had no real interaction, and no sign of romantic feelings. Hell, for a long time I was theorizing that maybe they where siblings and we just didn’t know about it. Maybe she knew something Keith didn’t. But I’ve noticed especially that Klance shippers are really loud about this. Sheith shippers are upset, yes, but it’s the klance shippers who seem to be losing their heads.
Now correct me if I’m wrong, but I think its because of a bias. The majority of sheith shippers always knew, know now, or are coming to terms with the fact that sheith will never be canon. Are they scared? Maybe. Disappointed? Yeah. I’m not saying my side of the fandom are pure little babies who knew all along. I’m saying the majority of us are older and more rational, and at least can manage the thought of our ship not becoming canon. The klance side however, is something else entirely. I don’t venture into the klance side because obviously it’s not my cup of tea, but I’ve still seen it. It’s practically unavoidable. People are angry and raging about Allurance and Axca and Keith as a pairing being homophobic and how “of course the heteros get together but the gays die” and all this nonsense. It’s understandable, as a good majority of klance shippers are of the younger demographic and are therefor generally more passionate and outspoken, but it’s not right.
I was trying to empathize with it. I was thinking “maybe they’re seeing something I’m not”. I thought long and hard about it and I came to the conclusion. They think it’s homophobic because a huge majority of the klance side of the fandom thought their ship was going to become canon. It makes perfect sense. When you look at both sides and see how many sheith shippers knew and how many klance shippers promised with their whole being it would be. Compare that to how many outraged people there are on both sides and the difference is head spinning. One of the main slogans of the klance side is literally “klance is canon king” and if that doesn’t say something about why this is happening, I don’t know what does.
So how does this really affect Allurance and Keith and Axca (I’m gonna call them kaxca for now). I’ll tell you it straight (haha): it’s because it gets in the way of their ship. If Lance is with Allura and Keith is with Axca, they’re not going to be with each other (in this monogamous universe and mindset). A lot of klance shippers are saying it’s homophobic and forced because they thought this whole time that klance would be canon. That it would be endgame.
So why do I as a sheith shipper despise Kaxca and not Allurance? They’re both the Herero ships of this show so far (even though kaxca really isn’t). Well, it has nothing to do with gays or sheith from MY PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE. I have a huge respect for good and consistent writing. Voltron has been well written from the beginning, from its clever comedy to its deep undertones that really get you thinking, to its interesting and sometimes unpredictable plot twists. Whoever is writing it is decent at worst and amazing at best, for a kids show. Allura and Lance have been set up since the beginning. Sure, before it was just Lance practically harassing Allura and annoying her and the team. He was (and still kinda is) a bit immature. However, from the beginning I knew that a good writer would build his character up even a little to make him a better person towards Allura. I’ve shipped it because I knew that all along. I didn’t think his behavior towards her was cool in the beginning. He was treating her like every other booty call in the galaxy. But you can see through the series (and something klancers often ignore) he starts treating her better. He starts respecting her better because he’s not seeing some pretty princess in the castle who he gets to come back to and show off his big strong man muscles. He sees a girl with a complicated mind and a kind heart. He sees why she preached so heavily about peace, and he sees her fighting for it in the front lines right next to him. He sees her creativity and her effort and he supports it hard. His range of sight has moved beyond her physical self and into her mental self. He has a genuine crush on her and it’s been built from day one.
Kaxca, however, is not like that. Before I say this, I want to point out that the only thing going for them is a couple of glances, a battle together and maybe a conversation with the team that was only to move the plot along. I personally don’t think it’ll be endgame, but it would be terrible if it was. That being said, kaxca would be the very definition of poor choices and bad writing. Imagine that; a show with such good pacing and writing and diverse characters has been going on for well over a year. We’ve grown with these characters and loved them for a long time. Well would you look at that, a pretty alien girl just as angsty as Keith! Let’s have them kiss after no interaction or emotional growth together hardly at all! Sound familiar? That trope has been popular for ages, and that trope is called lazy writing, shown in the book of “how to avoid legal troubles but still get two characters to kiss on screen”. It’s not a good idea, and I really hope they don’t go with it. The show has never been about romance, and if they do that, it just confirms that they eventually stopped caring and wanted to make it interesting to one type of person. THAT is why I think it’s terrible. There’s a HUGE difference between Allurance and Kaxca.
This is why I can’t empathize with klance shippers right now. Allurance isn’t homophobic or cheap, and it’s not going to be endgame just because it’s the herero ship. In my opinion, it’s going to be endgame because Allura and Lance have both grown enough emotionally to be ready for each other. That’s all.
Before I end this post I just want to point out that I do NOT in ANY WAY mean all klance shippers. If you ship klance and feel differently than the pack, you are valid and I respect you. This post was very generalizing to get my point across, but if this doesn’t apply to you, that’s amazing. Same with sheith shippers. If you feel differently than what I said above, that’s okay and valid. This is just a show that we all enjoy and we should interpret it however we want as long as we aren’t hurting anyone.
Have a good day and remember, be nice to each other!
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thatgryffinwhore · 6 years
My Personal Voltron Season 7 Review
Okay, so I’m seeing a lot of S7 hate and love on here, and I have some opinions of my own, so let’s talk…
(Just so you know, none of my opinions are influenced by which ships did or didn’t get their moment.)
• First off, I hated the game show episode. Hated it. The only part I liked was the end where they all voted for who should get to leave and gave reasons for it, but then they just cut through a good moment with Keith’s reasoning for picking Lance. Like, totally threw his character development out the window for a jab at Lance, which, ha ha, makes an audience of ten-year-olds laugh I guess. But for older and long-time fans of the show, it just fell short of anything good. The whole episode was full of Lance jabs, too. And Lance has been developing as a character, so I don’t think that was very fair. Here, it’s like the one-sided rivalry all the way back from S1 is back, but this time Keith, the leader, is the petty one. I just really didn’t like that episode. Overall, they were barely in character, character development was completely ignored, and it did not move the plot along What So Ever. Filler episodes were cute in earlier seasons, but this season is the penultimate. There’s sooo many more filler options that could’ve maintained the tone of the season while still being funny and light-hearted.
• Too many new characters. I feel like the writers are digging themselves in a hole here. Don’t get me wrong, I like Romelle, but she’s just… there. In the background. The only scenes where she’s given any screen time are comedic ones, which is great, but she’s just tagging along and the loss of hER ENTIRE CIVILIZATION AND HER BROTHER DYING IN HER ARMS Is never acknowledged. I would’ve liked to have seen a bonding moment between Allura and Romelle, maybe even with Coran. Hell, they could’ve made THAT the filler episode. Aside from Romelle, I feel like they did a good job with Krolia’s character and her bond with Keith, but they haven’t really given us a reason as to why she’s there. What’s her purpose? Too much screen time with too little impact on the plot, in my opinion. Don’t get me started on Acxa. No point. Literally no point. I seriously hope that the writers have plans for her in S8 other than Keith’s love interest. Characters don’t have to fall in love to get closure, but it seems like that might be the “closure” route they’re heading to with Keith and it scares me. It’s such a forced relationship. I don’t mind Keith getting with a girl but shit, at least put him with someone the audience can connect with. A blade member that he fought side-by-side with or something, not “I’m so sorry for being on an evil team, I’m different now” and “don’t you remember how she never wanted to kill him uwu” ugh. Please stop. And I like Griffin’s team, a lot, but I’m not sure what the purpose is of introducing a group of characters with main-character potential with only one season left. Maybe it’s a surprise, or maybe they just did it so the audience could be better invested in the flashbacks about what happened to Earth.
• The??? Fucking getting lost in space??? How? Like, I sort of understand the purpose: Keith’s been separated from the team for a while, and they need to re-establish their bond. However, it seems like Keith’s character development has been ignored again, and he’s reverted back to S1 Keith, which is really annoying. I was rolling my eyes the whole time. Like, I get it, they’re going a little space-crazy, and they’re gonna turn on each other a bit. But it’s like the writers forgot that they aren’t in S1 and S2 anymore, or at least that’s how it felt to me. Angsty Keith, *yawn* been there, done that. He’s an adult now. And their leader. They could’ve gone about re-forging the paladins’ bonds another way. Not to mention, the time-lighting thing was never explained, never made any sense. Oh! And guess what else was ignored? The characters figured out a long freakin time ago that they could call out to their lions for help, did they just forget?
• Shiro and Keith practically don’t interact throughout the entire season, besides ep 1. Again, I kind of get it. They dedicated an entire episode to their bond, last season and this one. I’m not looking for more proof of their bond, but they need to talk about Shiro being dead, Keith fighting his clone, and Keith willingly falling to his death with Shiro. They’ve both got to be traumatized on some level, and it’s not even acknowledged. Like, what are the writers afraid of? Are they afraid that the Sheith shippers will get their hopes up? Are they afraid Klance shippers will get mad? Are they afraid people will get bored of Shiro and Keith interacting? Did they just not have enough time to address it (*cough* game show episode *cough*)? Like, regardless of the reasoning, a lot of shit happened between the two that needs to be talked about. I don’t know and it doesn’t matter if the writers intend for them to be like brothers or best friends or something more, that kind of stuff needs closure. Shiro probably has nightmares about dying/being dead and trying to kill his team. Keith probably has flashbacks of the first person other than his dead father to care about him trying to murder him and saying he should’ve abandoned him. Writers, please, even a thirty second conversation would suffice if it’s done well. They at least need a
“I’m sorry I tried to kill you, Keith.”
“It wasn’t you, Shiro. I’m sorry I didn’t know you were dead.”
“It’s okay, you saved me from that darkness. I thought I was going to be there forever.”
Then they hug and go on their ways. That’s it! That’s the bare minimum. That would’ve sufficed. Shiro’s obviously got some heavy inner monologue, why push it off to S8 or ignore it completely?
• And for my last bad, we have: killing Adam. This isn’t about shipping; I really didn’t care if Shiro and Adam got back together or not. But they deserved closure. Shiro deserves closure. I know Shiro’s the “stoic leader” but he has feelings, and the writers just keep making bad shit happen to him and never address how it’s affected him. Listen, Shiro is an LGBT+ rep regardless of whether he’s in a relationship, as long as he isn’t killed off. But give him some depth. The closest thing to that we’ve gotten so far is knowing that he (used to have?) muscular dystrophy, and seeing his memories of Keith. Other than that, where’s his backstory? His reason for joining the Garrison? His family? How his adventures have affected him mentally? Adam could’ve been the window to all of that, but they killed off an opportunity. If they wanted to highlight the loss of war, they could’ve killed one of Lance’s many family members, or one of Hunk’s; but Adam, as far as we know, was all Shiro had to come back to. He was the only way that they could’ve taken Shiro and made him into a more complex character. Besides that, I don’t think it’s right that they had us anticipating meeting this queer character for nearly an entire season before revealing he’d died. It’s not as bad as when some shows kill off queers, but still… I hope they give Shiro a romantic interest in someone else; queer representation includes healthy queer relationships and happy endings.
Overall for the bads, in my opinion, this is the gist of it: Character development was ignored at times. Some of the writing was lazy. Too many characters/plot point, too little time. Not addressing major issues with characters. And… queerbaiting. You don’t have to agree, but this is my opinion on queerbaiting: it isn’t black and white. Sometimes it’s terrible, sometimes it’s just a little annoying. Voltron killed off a queer character, but he wasn’t a main, and he wasn’t the only queer, and we didn’t know him. On the other hand, he was the only other (confirmed) queer character’s love interest. On a queerbaiting scale of 1-10, I’d call it a 5. Like I said, it’s partly redeemable if they give Shiro another male love interest.
• Shiro’s flashbacks of Keith. We’ve been seeing since S1 how much Keith cares about Shiro, and now we finally get a glimpse of Shiro caring about Keith. The “we saved each other” line. The flashbacks paired with Keith’s desperation really cemented that bond that they started showing us in S6, and little Keith was adorable. It was also important to get a little more background on Keith, it tied up all the loose ends from Keith and Krolia’s time in the quantum abyss. Also in ep 1, the humor was top-notch. The writers managed to make comedy out of a dire situation for the paladins, and Romelle seemed to fit in very well! And I find it impressive that shifting back and forth between the funny, light-hearted adventure of the others and the solemn, tense situation in the Black Lion didn’t kill the mood of either plot line. It will come as no surprise to you that ep 1 was my favorite of the season; probably one of my favorites in the series.
• Having Krolia separate from the team. Don’t get me wrong, I love Krolia. She’s a great mom and her relationship with Keith was written perfectly; it checked all the boxes for my hopes when Keith finally met his mother. But she was older and more mature than the paladins; she didn’t fit in. In her heart, she’s a member of the Blade, and she knows she’s more useful to the cause as a spy and fighting alongside Kolivan. I’m glad that they didn’t undercut my love for Krolia by having her awkwardly tagging along. And the writers kicked fragile masculinity’s ass with the goodbye scene between Keith and Krolia. The soft smiles, the “I love you”s, the hugs, and KeiTH GIVING HER HIS BLADE THAT HES HAD SINCE HE WAS A BABY BECAUSE HE KNEW HED SEE HER AGAin those were all wonderful. Everything about the mother/son relationship between Keith and Krolia, from the moment they met to the moment they said goodbye, was perfectly executed. They took their time with it. Kudos to the writers for that.
• Character development. Barring everything I said in the ‘BADS’ because I don’t want to be repetitive, the character development in S7 was phenomenal. We have Lance taking on more leadership responsibilities, stepping up, protecting people he cares about at the risk of his own life, and respecting Keith as the team leader. In this season, I’ve grown to respect Lance a lot (ha) more. And we finally get some background on Hunk, we see him missing his family and home, we see him crying, being frustrated about it. We see him opening up to Keith. Keith, of all people (maybe Keith was the only one who asked). Either way, I love the depth they gave Hunk, and I love the acknowledgement of Keith and Hunk’s friendship, especially after that lost in space scene. And Keith’s character development, omg. It was the best. He was a leader before, but now, he could give Shiro a run for his money. Maybe he already did. The team respects him unhesitatingly. He leads them out of every life-or-death situation on top. He helps them forge a closer bond with their lions than they’ve ever had before, on more than one occasion. And he does something that’s really hard for him, which is asking someone else (Hunk) to open up to him. He offers to listen to his teammate’s worries. His fighting (mostly hand-to-hand combat) skills are clearly the best we’ve seen in the show, right on the same level with Shiro. When he killed that Druid without seeing him I was like 😯, and when hE LAUNCHED OUT AN AIRBORNE LION AND SLICED THROUGH SENDAK LIKE HE WAS NOTHING BECAUSE SHIRO WAS IN DANGER I Was like 😲!!!
• The animation was outstanding. I know the poor animators were busting their asses, especially during those last few episodes. It’s got to be the best animation I’ve seen in the show so far (besides the ‘The Black Paladins’ animation in S6, it sent me into another dimension). In fact, VLD has some of the best animation I’ve ever seen in shows of its kind, and that’s saying something. Those fight scenes get you so immersed, and they’re like a visual orgasm.
• This one is more opinion than anything else, so I’ll keep it short, but I love how they showed the fighting spirit of Earth. How humanity never gives in. I think that’s part of why everyone enjoyed those flashback episodes of Earth so much; the audience felt they could relate to those people, and they felt proud to call themselves human. In the show, while interrogating Sendak’s memories, they asked, “What do you do if a planet refuses to give up?” (Referring to Earth). And Sendak basically says, “We destroy it, but the only planet who’s ever refused to give up is Altea.” And I. Love. That. Time and time again, we’ve been shown how smart and powerful the Alteans were, and now we’re being compared to them. I love the overall way that the writers handled the paladins’ return to Earth. I love the paladins’ interactions with Griffin’s team, I love the Alteans integrating easily with humans, I love humanity’s resilience being showcased, I love the reunions, I love Keith’s interaction with Iverson, and, most of all (some people won’t agree with me on this), I love that humans already knew about aliens and the Galra when Voltron returned. I would have dreaded them having to go through quarantine, and being called crazy, and having to fight against the Garrison, and whatnot. I just love how most of the last few episodes were handled; it was mostly the middle of the season that I had issues with.
Overall for the goods: I liked getting a little insight into how much Shiro cares for Keith. I liked ep 1 a lot. I liked how well they handled everything about Krolia. I liked the character development and background that we FINALLY get throughout the season. The amazing animation. Enough said. And the way the writers wrote Earth, in the flashbacks and in the present.
Overall for the season: I don’t think it completely tanked. I think too much of people’s opinions are based on ships, but I agree that this was not the best season, and it fell short in a lot of areas. It was a little disappointing, but not un-redeemable, and I think everyone who’s saying “fuck Voltron” and swearing to never watch it again is a bit ridiculous and childish, tbh. Disagree if you want, but that’s my opinion and last I checked, I was allowed to have one.
Alright, let me know if I left anything out! Feel free to add anything or share your opinion, even if it’s negative, I want to know your thoughts!
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Was season 6 really that bad?
It really depends on who you ask. If you are a Lotor fan you might not like this season. If you are a sheith fan you might enjoy this season. However I’m both and I’m more along the lines of it was okay.... This might get very long but let me explain.
This was a very strong season. A ton of questions got answered, loose ends tied up, you know the whole shebang. But as for character arcs... some were told better than others... My main issue with Lotor’s character arc. Lotor is my favorite, he’s reminded me so much of Loki, a man with so much to prove, yet had terrible parent(s) that raised him. The thing is he developed into a morally gray character that you could sympathize with, only to do a complete 180, and turn insanely evil at the last second...
That hurt... a lot... but at the same time I’m conflicted because from the beginning, vld staff said that Lotor was a complex villain and I should have fucking seen that coming from a mile away but I drank my dumb bitch juice and look where it’s gotten me. Slightly bitter. But I don’t like the Azula comparisons. Azula was mean, cruel and ruthless from the get go. She had a pitiful but totally justified end to her arc. Lotor for me didn’t get that. *Sigh* but whatever... I’ll come to terms with it... maybe.
But one thing I’ll never say is that the vld staff are terrible writers just because things didn’t go the way I wanted it to. I’m talking about the /otura shippers lashing out at the al/urance shippers. It’s silly honestly stop it’s not worth fighting over.
One pro about this season is Keith and Shiro. Their character arcs were... perfect. The Shiro clone theory was fucking right. Although I am a bit sour about all those clones, what a waste. I also have a bone to pick with the vld writing staff... They promised that they weren’t going to kill Shiro, yet only the find out that the man has been dead for 3 THREE SEASONS!? I have trust issues enough already I don’t need the staff adding to that. Good thing Allura ex machina happened otherwise I don’t think I could go on.
And Keith! This was such a good season for him! Got to hang out with his mom, got a space wolfy, got older, got longer hair and hotter. All good things... mostly. That fight between him and Kuron, it was so good, tense yes but good. He’s so devoted to Shiro and he’s not afraid to tell him that he loved him, HE WAS SO READY TO RIDE AND DIE for Shiro. And that really touched my heart. It’s rare that you get to see a bond like that between two guys. I don’t really care if their relationship is platonic or romantic. As long as they are together, I’ll be content. However, fuck all y’all (negative nancy’s) let the sheith shippers have this! Let them have this moment, after all the bullshit they put up with, the harassment, the bullying, the false accusations. Fuck you, they deserve this one moment. You don’t have to like sheith, you just got to respect and leave people alone that do. Don’t be an asshole.
Those are the two main things I wanted to talk about... but other things about this season... Hm...
I never expected Romelle! She’s a sweetie! I love her! And I knew Acxa was ride or die for Lotor until.... you know...
Hunk got some really good moments I’m so proud of him. And tbh I want hidge to happen... I want it so bad!
Sendak was only in ONE EPISODE! WHAT THE FUCK!? I demand more!
Keith’s dad= DILF; Krolia= MILF
Lotor might become a rift monster... I kinda want to see that...
Keith and his Galra eyes. Good stuff
Lance being a good boy, and him crying over Shiro almost got me crying, like no baby boy it wasn’t your fault you didn’t know! (shance forever)
And finally Haggar... Honerva... She’s dangerous. Especially now. She’s lost her husband, and now her son. She has nothing left to lose, and when you have nothing left to lose, people usually lash out and go to extremes. She’s a very dangerous antagonist, even more than Sendak. I’m scared of her. Very...
also as much as I like shipping, I’m convinced that vld canon couples are doomed to fail. They are either missing, dead or both. prove me wrong. Sam Holt doesn’t count because he was missing! so... now I don’t want any more couples to become canon atm....
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minteapurrs · 6 years
Anon: Yeah, tbh that whole scene with Keith and Shiro was definitely... Yeah. Heartbreaking.
Anon: I cried when Shiro started saying Keith was worthless and all & I need,,, Some nice fluffy Sheith hcs, they don't even have to he romantic, I just need some of my happy Bo is™ to help me through these trying times
Alright, I got y'all cause bitch I'm hurting too
Keith still checks on Shiro at night to make sure he's alright. At this point, he knows that Shiro is perfectly fine, that his vitals are up and he's mentally stable, but he's still-- well, let's face it, scared.
Whenever Shiro is awake and Keith shows up, he just silently waves him over and pulls him into a hug. He doesn't say anything, doesn't need to either. He just holds Keith close until he's calmed down enough to say anything
Shiro has learned the art of making breakfast! Yessir, all of your fears of him becoming a sappy, domestic son of a bitch have come true
He sometimes makes pancakes and coffee, but Keith refuses to eat them (Unless they've got that special spice that Lance brought from Cuba... He doesn't know what it is but god does it make Pancakes worth it) so he makes eggs instead.
Keith doesn't like eggs either, but Shiro looked really proud of himself the first time he made eggs for them, so he doesn't complain
"Keith, what are you wearing" "The same thing I always wear" "... Oh. Come on, we're getting you some more clothes."
He never gives Keith a lot of romantic advice because he's just as bad at romance as his little brother, but he does tell him what he's notice from time to time
Shiro, coming home from a date, disshevled and with a hospital bracelet on his wrist: Not all girls like flowers!
Keith, from the couch: Kay
Keith, contrary to popular belief, is always dragging Shiro around like a child
Shiro, staring through the window of a clothing store: Keith-
Keith, already dragging him away from the glass: Shiro no
They both really like to watch the sky at night. It's their little 'thing', and it's one of their most personal and vulnerable traditions w/ each other
Silent hugs silent hugs SILENT HUGS SilenT HUGS SILENT HUGS
"I love you, Keith. But like, there're never a good reason to throw somebody's wallet off of a roof."
"Theres always a good reason to throw somebody's wallet off a roof."
They fight over everything. Constant arguing. Fight me
... They're just trying their best to get through this big old mess of a life they've got
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spaceace-keith · 7 years
Broganes has gotten so boring for me and ultimately destructive.It was a cute idea but it's saturated the fandom so much it's become tedious and overdone and monotonous. Shiro does not change. Whatever fic I read that has broganes has him in the same sort of role. It's so stagnant and I think it's ultimately an outcome of straight up denying their relationship in canon.
Because it's always them being brothers, or half-brothers, or adopted brothers, or Shiro adopting Keith. It's always Shiro worrying about Keith, or reprimanding Keith, or forcing Keith. Even when Shiro is written as the brother he's also written as a parental figure, a stand in for the parents, for Keith.
And first of all its far different than the relationship we see on screen. Their canon relationship is more of equals, though Keith obviously views Shiro as someone to listen to (but not always). Shiro doesn't take a parental role in canon; he's mentoring and he's soft but it doesn't come from a place of "I have responsibility for you and over you and I need to teach you how to live" that's found so often in Broganes.
Second of all, I think there is some weird sort of denial of male emotion going on. People have no problem expanding what we see of Lance and Hunk's relationship to be emotionally open and supportive, to the point that they are often written as being comfortable enough for hugs or cuddles.
But Shiro and Keith? Who canonically have the deepest emotional relationship? Somehow they're not allowed to be friends, or best friends. Their emotional connection HAS to be framed as "familial" in order to be safe. It's the same pitfall that toxic masculinity falls into = if you're not related and you're that close emotionally and close over all, then you must be gay (which toxic masculinity views as bad) or you must be weak (bc emotions are weak) you're just plain unmanly.
It's distressing how many people who are against shopping Sheith play into this toxic mindset, probably without realizing it. Unable to look at Shiro and Keith having a strong emotional relationship without seeing it as romantic, they MUST put them into a familial relationship in order to justify it. There are only two outcomes for them in this case - romance or family. The concept of friends being this close seems alien (unless they're Hunk and Lance for some reason).
Stop being scared of men having emotionally strong and deep relationships. Stop being afraid that two men with that sort of relationship can only be family or partners. Stop propagating that toxic mindset!
You don't HAVE to write Sheith or even agree with it, but if the only way you feel 'safe' writing about their bond is by shunting them into the family box you're doing it wrong. Write them as friends. Write them being supportive. Write them LOVING each other as friends, because that's what best friends do - love and support each other. Don't be scared to show that friends can be close as well.
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huntypastellance · 7 years
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A follow up to the posts about the Nazi art (drawn by a Klance artist), the Pride Parade Klance sign & all those edits where Sheith scenes in canon got turned into Klance ROMANTIC scenes by people who constantly spam “I ONLY SEE THEM AS BROTHERS, BROGANES, THAT’S SUCH A PLATONIC BROGANES SCENE” everywhere.
NOTE: This is referring to the Klancedom, NOT Klance shippers. If you do NOT do any of these things, this post is NOT talking about you.
This interview has been approved of by MisterPoofOfficial (names were blacked out at her request).
Do NOT harass any of these people in the screenshots.
The events:
> Misterpoof creates a parody animatic of the Heathers song “Dead Girl Walking” & makes it a Sheith video. At this point, Poof was already known for not wanting to make any content for Klance & only making content for Sheith, Keitor, Pance & gen stuff.
> Klancers fill the comments section, whining for a Klance version. Misterpoof blacklists the word “klance” from her notifications & deletes all comments mentioning them. Poof’s fans tell the klancers to knock it off.
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> A Klancer makes a yandere Klance PORN version of Poof’s animatic, directly advertising it on the comments of Poof’s animatic. (Keith & Lance semi-graphically have sex in this video).
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Lord Pastel Lance: The Klance version was Keith TRYING TO RAPE AN UNWILLING LANCE (he gives in after Keith "reasons" with him) Oh god, klancers Never change Poof: Oh dear lord;;;; that’s gross I didn’t even watch the video, I was too scared it was gonna look like mine;;;” Lord Pastel Lance: NOPE It's got yandere creep faces & is genuinely disturbing with dark colors & Lance PHYSICALLY shoving Keith away from him And like, actual sex Like, they fuck
> Meanwhile, as Klancers & antis flock to the Klance version, the plagiarist upvotes & responds positively to anti-Sheith & anti-Poof comments. She claims that she admires Poof’s stuff even though it’s Sheith & she hates Sheith & doesn’t like going on Sheith vids while also saying that Sheith content on youtube should not exist at all (even joking that she will start a ship war).
Poof: And my video was dedicated to my friends--It wasn’t even supposed to be taken seriously yet people think that me assigning Lance as the "bad guy" means that I hate him Lord Pastel Lance: Seriously, who says "I was inspired by Poof" & then promotes & likes comments basically saying "I hate Poof & Poof's stuff".
> She even went so far as to react negatively & shut down an upset Sheith fan who was just asking for others to let people ship whatever they want. > She also agrees (multiple times) with fans that gay sex is sin & that they are sinners for getting off to her Klance porn video. > She also claims to be a 14 year old who openly draws BL porn on her parents’ laptop & says that she got all her knowledge from BL stuff & yaoi.
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Lord Pastel Lance: Google research: literally just a click away Poof: Honestly......I mean they’re using their parent's computer after all Lord Pastel Lance: They already drew twinks fucking on their parents' computer Are they seriously that worried that their parents will see them reading about gay sex
> She also linked Poof’s video directly on her Klance video & self-promoed her klance version directly in the comments of Poof’s vid. (And mentioned how much she hated Sheith). [Reminder that the Klance version was watched predominately by Klancers/antis who were bashing Poof for not making Klance stuff. This was essentially painting a huge bulls-eye on Poof. And that the Klance artist was encouraging these types of comments in her own comment section.]
Poof: The comments I’ve gotten in the video (are removed) -- I’ve been called a "pedophile" for liking Sheith and making content for it -- another comment was talking about age discourse (also removed) I recall getting a comment (also removed) saying this wouldve been better with Klance
> Poof finally disables all comments (just on her Heathers video though).
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Lord Pastel Lance: Also They're blaming YOU & your fans in the comments Poof: I KNOW I READ IT AND IT’S RIDICULOUS
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Lord Pastel Lance: ??? If they wanted to apologize, why didn't they just send you a fucking ask? Poof: Exactly??? I have my tumblr and twitter on my about on youtube Lmao they could’ve looked and said sorry instead of talking shit
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Poof: I found this in my Dead Keith Walking part 2 Lord Pastel Lance: Amazing Poof: Funny.....You say that Lord Pastel Lance: And yet they can't seem to send you a single comment apology Poof: Yup Lord Pastel Lance: It costs zero dollars to say "sorry for causing people to bash on you" Like damn gurl, you don’t need a tumblr to talk to misterpoof Poof: Exactly??? And they don't know how to use it ------------------------------------------- Lord Pastel Lance: By the way, Did the plagiarist ever apologize to you (directly) on tumblr/youtube? Poof: Nope! Never got a single message from them apologizing to me Lord Pastel Lance: Damn It's been like a whole week or so, right? Poof: Yeah Lord Pastel Lance: Even toddlers can use smartphones to google "how 2 do this" now Poof: Lmao true Lord Pastel Lance: Seriously, there is no way that it takes them over a week to figure out "HOW DO I SEND POOF AN ASK ON TUMBLR" Poof: I mean sure they're new to it and they don't know how to use tumblr, but seriously, it's not so hard to just go to my channel and apologize or send me a message Lord Pastel Lance: Yeah, but A WEEK In 2017 Plus they already send you comments on youtube There's nothing stopping them from sending you an apology On youtube Poof: Mhm ------------------------------------------- Poof: So apparently they "apologized", but through instagram and it was just...
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:/ You know, I was expecting a message since there is an option on instagram. Not...being tagged in something where everyone can see it.......... I checked my instagram for once jfc, I don't go on it often, but they tagged me in their post to say "sorry"... Lord Pastel Lance: With like zero context Poof: Yup They just straight up said "I’m sorry" and nothing else :/ Lord Pastel Lance: Sorry for what? Plagiarizing? Shitting on you? Self-promo-ing in the comments of your own vids? Promoting comments that shit on you & your vids? That's SO vague Poof: Exactly??? I'm not replying back to the post because not only is it awkward, but it's just not right to forgive them for what they've done Lord Pastel Lance: I don't think they've fully understood their part in this either I think it's more like a "oh noes, a BNF is upset & people think it's my fault that she's mad!!! D:" sort of thing Poof: Mhm
Twas not the straw that broke the camel’s back, but a never-ending pile of sticks instead.
The entitled hypocrisy of the Klancedom is outrageous.
Claiming to loathe Sheith, but constantly looking at Sheith content & whining to the creators that the content would be “so much better if it was Klance & Broganes instead”. Taking no responsibility when people use your Sheith->Klance content to harass the original creators. Excusing anything & everything fucked up that a Klance fan does with “they didn’t know any better!” even though everybody in the discourse is talking through the INTERNET -- the information multilingual multicultural highway. Encouraging discourse & ship hate while pretending to be ignorant about it. Dismissing all the harassment shaladins receive while using the “Not All Klancers” card whenever shaladins complain about the harassment. Doing NOTHING to stop/prevent the Klantis from harassing people while you yourself bitch endlessly about how Shaladins are such hypocrites for generalizing Klance fans as hate-spamming anti-Sheith douchebags. Calling yourself an anti to “protect children & the LGBTQ+ community” while squealing happily about how gay sex is “sin” unironically.
The second you start allowing/encouraging people to trash on someone, who you CLAIMED to like, & that person’s stuff, which you REPEATEDLY mentioned that you dislike, you have chosen a side in the discourse. You are NOT being neutral.
You don’t want to get involved in discourse? Fine. THEN DON’T GET INVOLVED AT ALL.
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skaylanphear · 7 years
What are you favorite Voltron ships?
Hmmmm, well this is a hard question. I love a lot of ships in Voltron, so… Well, I’ll divide this answer into two sections. The ships I would like to see in canon and the ships I am just generally fond of, lol. 
Ships I’d be happy to see in canon (but I wouldn’t honestly be broken up if they didn’t happen. I don’t watch this show for the ships). These are mostly based on my own headcanons and are probably ships that most people don’t even think of, except for the first one. 
Klance: I think everyone who follows me knows I love Klance, lol. Especially in the advent of season 3. They work so well together and they’re growing so much in tandem. I think they could have really natural romantic development that starts from a place of deep friendship and trust. From rivals to partners to friends to best friends to lovers. I love it. I can’t get enough of them to be honest. They learn so much from each other and work so well as a team.  
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Pigtor (or Lotidge, I just learned): Yes. You read that right. I don’t even think this ship has a name? I may have just coined it, hahaha (I’m probably the only person that ships it)! But if it has a name, feel free to tell me. In any case, it’s Pidge and Lotor. “But Skay… what the fuck?” Just HEAR ME OUT, OKAY?! I already think that at some point Lotor is going to switch sides. It’ll be difficult, but I do hope he’ll come over to team Voltron, maybe as a result of something traumatic or learning the truth about his parents addiction, etc, etc. And no, I don’t ship them at the ages they are now–Pidge is 15, c’mon. And Lotor is clearly older. BUT in the future, I have a headcanon that as Lotor tries to rebuild the war-ravaged Galra kingdom, which has fallen apart as a result of no longer being an empire, Pidge is around being the green lion and generally doing genius things. She’s inventing things, working on nature/quintessence research, being awesome. Anyway, she and Lotor see each other once in a while and somehow maybe end up working together. Lotor has always had a deep respect for her intelligence and passion for what she’s doing, and as he watches her, he begins to fall for her. Pidge reminds me a lot of Honerva and I kind of like the idea of their story mirroring hers and Zarkon’s. But unlike Zarkon, Lotor has more self-awareness and sees when Pidge might be getting a little out of control. He loves her passion, but with any resource in the universe at her disposal, she begins to get lost in her work. Lotor could encourage her, but when he sees that she’s dabbling in the dangerous parts of quintessence work, he pulls her back. His own parents were destroyed by such things and he won’t allow that path to be repeated. Pidge and Lotor have formed a pretty close friendship at this point and she sees his point, realizing her own errors. It’s probably a very dramatic part in their story, but yeah. From there things maybe develop more romantically. And then Pidge becomes Queen of the Galra and she and Lotor kind of become everything Zarkon and Honerva could have been, leading their people and doing great things with their research, but knowing from Zarkon and Honerva when something is going too far. This is a huge development for Pidge because, as she is in the show now, I’m sure she’s of the opinion that learning anything and everything is what’s right, similar to how Honerva felt. But I think that, through Lotor, she’d realize that while knowledge is powerful and should be exposed for all, there are also some things that are, perhaps, best left unknown. I also headcanon that Lotor is the only one that calls her Katherine (because I want that to be her full first name) because he thinks it’s a beautiful name. When they were younger, it annoyed the crap out of Pidge, but as they got older, she didn’t mind. Honestly, I love this ship so much. YOU CAN’T STOP ME! PIGTOR FOREVER!  
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Hallura: I read a fic where Hunk and Allura were together and I was like, “huh, that’s interesting…” And from there the ship just got better and better for me. And now that they’re both legs, I’m like “okay, so let’s have some Hunk and Allura development where Hunk is like ‘and this is how you do this move.’” And I just kinda want them to become friends because I think Hunk will become more calm and levelheaded as he gets older, and that he’ll be a good, steady presence for Allura as she continues her diplomatic stuff. Like, she’ll get back from a meeting and Hunk will just be there, ready to comfort her and de-stress her and I just really love them, OKAY?! Like, Allura being upset about her people and her planet and Hunk is just there beside her, saying nothing but being there and just… letting her grieve. I also think his sense of humor would be really good for her. I need Hunk and Allura development so bad…
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Shiro/Romelle: Romelle doesn’t actually exist in the show yet, but I’m hoping that when the rebels get introduced, she’ll, like, be their leader or something. She’s from planet Pollux in the original Voltron, and I think was Allura’s cousin? Anyway, maybe the Polluxians are related to the Alteans, or maybe she is altean and is descended down from the lines of what few Alteans weren’t on Altea when it was destroyed. I don’t know. I just want her to be a badass rebel that saves Shiro and they fall in love. Maybe she’s a lot like Allura, but has a more battle-worn maturity about her, and maybe she and Shiro bond over that. 
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Sibling/Platonic!Sheith: I love sibling relationships, probably because I have a lot of siblings, lol. I love the idea of Keith and Shiro being half-brothers (which would make Shiro and Acxa half-siblings too, if she and Keith are twins, which I hope they are). I just… love the idea of them being brothers so much. And Keith finding his family, and having parts of that family on top of his Voltron family. I NEED IT! 
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Those are the ship I like best when related to what canon we have at the moment. But I also like all these ships to. 
Shallura: They’re both so mature and have their own demons, I think they’d be really beautiful together and balance each other out. They’d be the support the other needs in hard times and I think it’s just a really… bitter-sweetly beautiful ship. They’d become each other’s strength. 
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Hunk/Acxa: I basically like Hunk and Acxa together for the same reasons I like Hunk and Allura together, lol. I also think that Acxa probably has a lot of the same displacement issues that Keith does (if they are brother and sister, which I like to think they are), and that Hunk would be a really steady presence for her to come back to.
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Shance: I love a good “you’re my idol and I might be falling in love with you, but you’re so amazing I’m too scared to say anything” trope, lol. 
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Allura/Acxa: I dunno I just really like them. 
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Allurance: I like the idea of Lance having liked Allura, but then he kind of grows out it. But then Allura develops feelings for him, but doesn’t feel it’s appropriate to act on them. So it’s this long, drawn out back and forth that gets resolved when they’re older and fall in love again, this time at the same time.  
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Um… I think that’s all the ship that kind inspire me creatively? With the exception of a few, I like most Voltron ships, but I think these are the ones I like the best from a creative, personal standpoint, lol. 
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EDIT: I forgot the most important one!
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Sven and Slav XD
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idontgiveaquiznak · 7 years
rant time?
Soooo I get triggered really badly by a/nti content and blogs. That happened again just now, and I’m gonna rant about it. Feel free to read/reblog/whatever and talk to me about it if you’d like. I definitely would like to commiserate with other people who experience this kind of thing. I’m just putting it under a read more so I don’t accidentally trigger somebody else, or expose someone to discourse if they don’t want that.
I’m not explicitly discussing sexual assault or anything. I’m just mentioning abusive relationships with age gaps that I’ve had in the past. I’m also talking about how I feel when I’m triggered, so feel free to skip out on this if you’re afraid that’ll send you into a similar mindset.
A blog I was following just reblogged a post from an a/nti blog. I looked at a couple of their other posts, which also came from a/nti blogs. Conclusion: they are a super quiet a/nti, or person who’s okay with a/ntis, who doesn’t say anything about being a/nti-Shaladin in their blog description but follows a/nti blogs.
I’ve just blocked them, and a couple of the a/nti blogs their posts came from. This is the first time I’ve ever done this. I try to avoid blocking people on principle. I don’t like to cut myself off from other people’s perspectives. I like to be able to learn from them. But I just don’t see myself learning anything from perspectives that say I’m supporting abuse by shipping Sheith.
I’ve been in two different abusive relationships with significant age gaps. The first one started when I was 15 and the other person was 20. The second one was when I was 20 and the other person was in their 40s. (They never mentioned their exact age to me. They seemed like they’d rather not think about it and just relive their youth through me, making up for all the things they missed out on at my age.)
I am super, super triggered by a/ntis saying that by shipping Shiro and Keith, I am approving of everything that happened to me.
I started shipping them in the first episode of season 2, where Keith was jetting across a barren, rocky planet to save Shiro. I loved the way they worked together and smiled at each other and reassured each other through a scary situation. I always go for the “tragic best friends” ships. I also ship Stucky (Steve and Bucky from Captain America) real hard. Gimme that good “two dudes just being bros loving and supporting each other unconditionally and fighting impossible odds just to stand at each other’s side again” shit.
Today I thought, “I guess Sheith is like healthy relationship porn for me.” I also enjoy Kl/ance, but my heart goes to ships where people who are life partners in every other sense start to realize that they’re in love with each other too. I’ve seen a post where someone said they shipped Sheith because they’d never been in a healthy relationship, and they liked seeing Keith and Shiro’s dynamic. I relate to that. I like to see that it’s possible for two people to love and respect each other and come together to form something greater than the sum of their parts. I want to believe that something like that can exist.
I relate to Keith and project myself onto him. I love headcanoning him as a gay, autistic trans guy like me. Dating is so hard for me as an autistic and trans person. Even without taking systemic oppression into account, it’s hard to allow people in when I’m scared of being traumatized again. I’ve got some walls up too.
I want to believe that someone like Shiro can love someone like Keith despite all of his social awkwardness and pain and rage, or maybe even because of it. I want to believe that there are good guys like Shiro out there somewhere, amidst all of the creepy, misogynistic, transphobic guys who keep messaging me on gay dating apps. I want to believe that it’s possible for someone like me to find a healthy, loving relationship. Sometimes it feels like a fucking pipe dream.
I am deeply triggered by people saying that the relationship is inherently unhealthy because of an age gap. I don’t even view Shiro and Keith as having a significant age difference. I thought of them as being maybe three-ish years apart from each other before the guidebook came out, with Keith in his late teens or early twenties. After hearing that the guidebook wasn’t even made by the Voltron showrunners and some of the information is inconsistent or out-of-date, I’m not inclined to change my headcanons. If Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos are confused about the Keith and hippos thing, how do I know for sure what is true in the book? When Star Wars fans are confused about a certain aspect of canon, we don’t go to a book written for kids called “The Official Star Wars Handbook” or whatever and take what it says as gospel. It’s fun to enjoy this stuff, but I’m not going to take it too seriously.
But some people do, and they call people like me pedophiles. And I get triggered, because I start feeling like I must have somehow supported what happened to me, and like I’m supporting similar things happening to other people. I get so angry to have this happen when I don’t even see them as having a big age gap, when I don’t want to see them that way because that triggers me too. I don’t want to imagine a 17-year-old Keith meeting a 24-year-old Shiro at the Garrison and feeling sexual tension build between them. That freaks me the fuck out.
I’ve tried so hard to convince myself that I didn’t ask for what happened to me. It’s hard to believe that when a post pushes my Trauma Brain™ into “this happened to you because you deserved it and you’re a bad person and you secretly wanted it” mode. It starts feeling like maybe I’m just broken and I naturally gravitate towards things that hurt people. Now that I’m closer to Shiro’s age in the guidebook than Keith’s, it also starts feeling like I might hurt someone else the way I was hurt. Trauma Brain™ is not logical. It doesn’t care that I know for a fact, deep in my core, that I would never hang out with and date a fucking 15-year-old.
I like Sheith a lot, but I don’t have any problem with people who like b/roganes. If you find comfort from seeing Shiro and Keith’s relationship as brotherly, just like I find comfort from seeing it as romantic, please keep doing what makes you happy. I’mma stay in my corner and you stay in yours, and we don’t have to bother each other. But god, my Trauma Brain™ goes nuts when I see a/nti blogs that also have b/roganes. Like, not only am I approving of abusive relationships with age gaps, but I’m approving of incest?? Sometimes literal incest, because some b/roganes content portrays Shiro and Keith as literally being brothers?? My brain just starts shitting itself. And I hate it so much, because I’m autistic and Voltron is my special interest right now. This is supposed to be soothing me, not triggering the fuck out of me.
I especially resent that I can’t search for autistic Keith or trans Keith content without finding a bunch of a/nti blogs. I just want to be able to find this representation without shit saying “shaladins don’t interact.” Seeing that just sends me on a fucking roller coaster with my brain being like, “Right, I’m a fucking Shaladin, because I approve of Shiro being shipped with literally any of the other paladins, who are all apparently underage or barely legal, and he would be taking advantage of them if they ever actually dated, and apparently I fucking secretly support pedophilia and don’t even know it.”
Again, Trauma Brain™ is not logical. It doesn’t care that I know I don’t support abusive relationships with age gaps, or any abusive relationships at all, or pedophilia. Even though it’s illogical and just plain incorrect, it fucks with my mindset a lot. It’s past 1am and I’ve been writing this damn rant for a couple of hours. I got up at 6:30 this morning to go to work, and I haven’t gotten any sleep since. I know I need to go to bed, but I just want to get all of these feelings out. Otherwise I feel like I’m going to choke on them while I’m trying to fall asleep.
I’m just angry, tired, and bitter as hell that people are the way they are, and that my Trauma Brain™ is the way it is. I fucking love this show. I’ve seen all the episodes at least three times. Reading fanfic where Shiro and Keith are being sweet to each other has helped me get through a brutal year. I’ll even admit that the NSFW/explicit fics have helped me too. It’s pretty damn cool to see people having sex while keeping each other’s comfort and boundaries in the forefront of their minds at all times. Even the weird, kinky shit is healing for me when many of my experiences with sex haven’t had my comfort or boundaries in mind at all.
I just wish that I could have all of that without also being prompted to stay up late when I’m fucking exhausted in order to process being triggered by the fandom. I hate that a subset of the fandom fucks with my mental health so much when the show has been really good for me otherwise. I guess I just have to keep blocking a/nti blogs and hope I stop seeing them someday? Maybe? One can dream, I guess?
If you read all of this, I really appreciate it. I’m totally up for talking about this kind of thing together if you’ve had similar experiences and want to talk to someone. Have a good night!
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
Hi, Love your blog and all the posts. I have a question. Why do you think ‘pinning Keith’ is so popular in VLD fandom? I never took Keith to be a pinning type sort of person, not that it’s bad, but in most K/lance fiction, it’s mostly pinning Keith or mutual pinning with most emphasis on pinning by Keith. Maybe it’s because Keith is suck a guarded character that it’s fun to imagine what’s going on inside his head? But most pinning-keith-fic have keith do nothing BUT pine and that’s just....Meh
The thing that confuses me about this is that I can’t see the dynamic at all for k/l, as the ship has no basis to me in canon. I can however under pining Keith in the context of sheith. As Shiro’s safety is always his top priority, and the two allow themselves to be uncharacteristically vulnerable and affectionate with one another. In his Marmora trial, canon literally establishes Shiro as the person Keith desperately wants to see, the living embodiment of his greatest hopes and dreams. The Blade of Marmora book acknowledges that Keith decided to give up his knife for Shiro’s sake, because, “Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain.” 
Not only that, Keith is also terrified at the thought of losing Shiro. When commenting on the scene, Josh noted that, “[Keith’s] always scared he’s gonna say or do something wrong and he’s gonna lose Shiro.” (source). That level of longing sure reads as pining to me. 
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Keith also prioritizes Shiro’s safety above all else. He’s singular devotion to Shiro can certainly read as love and longingly, particularly when reexamined in the context that their dynamic shares so many thematic parallels with Zarkon’s unwavering love for Haggar. Keith is typically not someone who will look past the greater good for personal loyalties, but he does so when it’s Shiro on the line. This is the character who was against going back for Allura because it was too risky, but then ten minutes later, broke away from the team because Shiro’s safety was worth so much more than mission. Even when Lance called him out for it, he didn’t listen. Shiro was in trouble, and that’s all that mattered. 
Keith’s unrelenting loyalty to Shiro is so integral to the plot, the narrative actually questions how strangely invested Keith is in him. Kuron jokes, “How many times are you going to save me before this is over?” And Keith’s admission is an easy, “As many times as it takes.” He’s completely unabashed in his confession, neither surprised nor embarrassed. He means those words wholeheartedly, and it’s something he’s believed now for a long time. Keith will do whatever it takes to save Shiro, no matter what, and that kind of devotion certainly sounds like pining. 
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It was especially disheartening to me that fans were excited by Shiro’s disappearance on the shallow assumption that Lance would step up to replace the void in Keith’s life Shiro left behind. Surprise–he didn’t. In fact, Lance even has the audacity to trivialize Keith’s very personal attachment to Shiro by claiming he only wants to pilot Black for his own glory. 
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And Keith’s response isn’t how you react to someone you love. Quite the contrary, in this confrontation Shiro is established as the person Keith loves most, whether you interpret that as romantic or platonic. And it’s something Keith outright confirms–“Shiro was the only one who never gave up on me, I’m not giving up on him!” The fact that he feels Shiro’s the only one who never abandoned him, the very noticeable point that he values his bond with Shiro over the rest of Team Voltron–it’s very telling. Lance literally spits on that dynamic in this scene, and Keith understandably lashes out. He’s still so deep in mourning when Lance makes these accusations, and it’s heartbreaking to watch. 
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The way Keith grieves Shiro is also further proof of his deep attachment to him. While everyone else has moved on, Keith cannot. He scours the same debris field for months, he adamantly refuses to seek out a new pilot, he sinks deep into depression until it eats away at him. He’s distant, despondent. He longs to see Shiro again. And he feels he’s completely alone in his mourning, can’t fathom how everyone else can just be moving on and doing fine. He’s the one deeply affected, he’s the one who can’t break past this. And he’s incredibly, understandably livid about it. “We don’t have Shiro anymore, either. Everyone else seems to have forgotten that.” He’s essentially saying, None of you care about Shiro like I do. 
Keith even tries to speak to Shiro through the Black Lion. He’s the only one who ever does anything like this. He latches onto the Lion because of his bond with Shiro, desperately reaching out to try and reconnect with him any way he can. For him, the shared mental link with Black offers some measure of solace. It’s a comfort he clings to. Despite everyone else on the team voicing that they’re for him, he’d rather isolate himself and speak to someone who’s no longer there. The depth of Keith’s longing to reunite with Shiro is absolutely heart-wrenching, and you really are seeing him pour his heart out here. His bond with Shiro is a level of intimacy we never see replicated with anyone else. 
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Keith mourns Shiro in much the same one someone would grieve a lost lover. He fixates on this one person, blocks out everyone else, hangs onto whatever’s left behind. He’s continually carrying a torch for Shiro despite scenes like Lance saying that Shiro would want him to move on. And even still, Keith is ever loyal to Shiro, swearing he’ll find him no matter what. Never giving up on him. That sure sounds like love. Never mind how Keith was waiting for Shiro after Kerberos, but I degrees. 
Consider also the look in Keith’s face during all three of his reunions with Shiro. In the pilot episode, he appears teary eyed as he gently reaches out to touch Shiro’s face. His very first line is choking out Shiro’s name. In Across the Universe, he chuckles softly and breathes Shiro’s name in palpable relief. In The Journey, he and Kuron slowly drift into each other’s orbit, all while Keith is gazing back at him with such loving, tender fondness. 
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So yes, Keith is typically a very reserved person. And, as he realizes in his vlog, a lot of that stems from fear of rejection. But in the same way that Keith freezes up when others reach out to him but easily opens up to Shiro’s embrace, there’s one person he’s wiling to let his walls down with. One person he’s not afraid to be vulnerable in front of, someone who has always loved and supported him no matter what. Shiro is the exception, and I don’t think we’ll ever see Keith be so openly affectionate with anyone else to this degree. This bond is very unique to just them. And in that respect, I can see where the idea that Keith is longing after someone he loves comes from. But the way it’s presented in fanon often doesn’t do his canon character justice. 
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evilanti · 8 years
So one of my best friends started shipping sheith out of spite, since she read about some stuff the antis supposedly did. I haven't told her I'm anti shaladin myself, and honestly I'm kinda scared to. I don't want her to see me as a bad person. And she's pretty hooked on to the fact that antis are bad people, and I don't really know what to do.
did you tell her how bad sheith really is (romantically)?
maybe tell her that you’re really not the biggest fan of shaladin ships, and don’t like to see them. and maybe if she says something bad about antis, try to defend us and say that hey, we’re not all terrible people like the shaladins make us out to be
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If you haven't blacklisted vld 6 spoilers and don't want any don't read this.
Have some s6 thoughts:
Coran is amazing and I'd die for him.
The fact that Keith spent two years on that whale things and that was totally brushed over for the dnd (or mnm) episode and only brought up once in a slight joke is the most frustrating thing ever
Shiro made me cry
I still ship Klance but also Allurance, so I now ship dark purple, a Keith and Allura and Lance's partners and they're in a mono-poly relationship. (Dark purple because that's what you get when you mix black blue and red)
Hunk is so beautiful I'd die for him
I actually sobbed when Shiro first talked to Keith in the astral plane.
Pidge is a fucking dwarfe I stg
Kuron made a Mary Sue
Shiro made me cry
I used to want bp! Lance by now if anyone kicks Keith out of black I'll fight them.
Did I mention Shiro made me cry
Lotor is a crazy ex boyfriend, never become Lotor kids.
This season was such a finale, big bad is dead, Shiro is back, all the paladins are together, they're going to earth.
I happy cried at the ending because of Shiro.
Kuron not knowing how to make his character other than using a cookie cutter backstory and his own name (or Shiro's I guess) and personality is such a mood.
Pike is a type of weapon similar to a lance and I officially hate Lance.
I don't think you get it Shiro made my cry
With the ship name Dark Purple I realised the fact that people don't make ship names based on the characters colours is the biggest missed opportunity ever.
Using that logic here are some superior ship names
Klance - purple
Sheith - wine (Google said it not me)
Punk - lime
Allurance - magenta (pink + blue) or bright pink (red + pink)
If you have any issues with the names, you're wrong.
Bonus: Shunk - mossy rock
My brain is split into three battling parts, part one says to not forget how much I love Klance, part two days Lance fucking died for Allura and if they don't kiss I'll fight and the third part says if Voltron teaches kids that being persistent after getting rejected will get you the girl I'll also fight.
There are two mini factions way too scared to fight, the "just ship them all part" (which is battling with the "Keith has been put in several situations that could be romantic and was painfully indifferent he's so gay." Part) and the other part is shrugging cuz "look Klance is dead but sheith has been dead longer so at least we're not them"
I mentioned Shiro made me cry right
Those rifts were too easily closed and the dark beings are totally gonna be a threat and I'm scared.
Keith is good and I love
They're going back to earth which means meeting Lance's family which means everything will be good.
I forgot like half the things because I got distracted by ship names.
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
I'm saying this from the perspective of a shipper I guess but looking at all these Sheith moments got me thinking.. Would it be possible that the creators themselves are actually planning for them to be canon at some point? But because of some complications..(not gonna name it) they decided to scrap it off? Do you think this is possible? Although Keith telling Shiro he is like a brother to him kinda made me sad? lol I have got so many questions so I can't wait to see more of this amazing series!
Hi anon! The thing is, writing and animation for shows like this are done way in advance. When season 1 came out, I imagine the plot up until seasons 3 or 4 was already set in stone. And Voltron, like most shows, works off a “TV Bible” that had all the major plot points outlined right when the series was first pitched so,, once you plan things out like that I think it’s difficult to make big changes to characters’ relationships.   
I think the writers have also made it clear that they are going to go ahead with their narrative rather than catering to popular fannon, particularly when they’ve told certain fans they don’t agree with their mentality at all. Even with things like how they mentioned Allura was a teenager like all the other paladins, a lot of people didn’t headcannon that, but the writers stood by it. It’s their own story after all, and I don’t see why they should change it. As for sheith, we know the writers have outright told people that harassing shippers isn’t okay and they’re completely against it. 
There are also plenty of writers, animators, and VAs who have liked clearly romantic sheith fanart, cosplay, or pro-sheith posts (and gotten backlash for it). So we know they’re certainly not opposed to shipping it. And I mean, whether it’s romantic or not, we know that the cast certainly seems invested in their dynamic. The fact that their relationship and character development is by far the most fleshed out is certainly apparent. Here’s also some stuff staff has drawn that shows they at least like Shiro and Keith’s bond: 
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So anyway, despite how the fandom can be, I don’t think it would necessarily deter the writers or dissuade them from following through with major writing decisions. And given how supportive the staff has been of sheith, I don’t think they would suddenly just abandon whatever plans they had for their character development together. Under the hypothetical that they did make sheith canon, I think they would just maybe adjust how they went about it so that the fandom could kind of like, ease into it, and hopefully not be too mad about it. Though I have no doubt people would still harass the staff if sheith happened, which just…makes me feel really bad to be honest…
On the BOM line though anon, I don’t think it goes against sheith at all and here’s why:
in all honesty, everyone is kinda “brother zoned” in Team Voltron lmao. Found family is a common theme, and I don’t understand when people pull apart that one line when they conveniently forget other brotherly moments, like:
any combination of shipping Hunk, Keith, and Lance
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or shipping any paladin and Allura
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I know there are fans who will point at Keith’s line and claim that it discounts sheith. But people ignoring the other scenes mentioned above while latching onto the BOM line seems extremely transparent (and defensive) to me.
By the logic that Keith and Shiro can’t be shipped due to one out of context line, it also discounts ships like k/lance, h/ance, h/eith, sh/allura, k/allura, ect. I mean, Keith says “we’re all related” about everyone in the universe at one point so like,, it’s not meant to be taken at face value.
With BOM in particular it’s especially bizarre to me, because I’ve seen plenty of people replace Shiro with Lance and make the scene romantic. So, whatever someone’s opinions on Shiro and Keith, clearly the scenario itself–dying on the floor and wishing for someone to come back for you, to never abandon you, someone who is the very embodiment of your greatest hopes and dreams, the person you most desperately want to see–obviously, people can easily read that as romantic.
Key word here is also “desperate.” That does not sound like something brotherly to me, it kinda has this unrequited love vibe. But again, that could be just me. It’s fine to interpret Shiro and Keith’s relationship however you like, though it’s obvious that, platonic or romantic, Shiro is obviously the most important person right now in Keith’s life. Which makes sense, considering how Keith already said Shiro changed his life, not to mention Shiro being the only one to check in with Keith while he was worrying himself sick over being galra. He’s also the only one that can hug Keith without the poor guy instantly freezing up; there’s an unspoken intimacy to their interactions that’s obvious to any viewer at a glance.
For your consideration though, studio mir also made avatar. Katara once thought of Aang as a little brother, but that didn’t stop them from getting married. Character development happens, and people change. Also, you can lie and say something in the moment because you’re scared of expressing your true feelings. This is especially applicable to Keith because of how he reacts to strong feelings
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More importantly, in the Blade of Marmora, Shiro actually mentions family first.
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“We’re all the family you need.” This line alone proves Keith sees all of Team Voltron as a family–his family. By that logic, all the paladins are his siblings. What’s really interesting though here, is that Keith could agree. He could’ve said, Ya, you’re all my family and you’re all important to me. But no, he says “Shiro, you’re like a brother to me,” which means he effectively moves on from the whole team and puts all the focus on Shiro. That literally shows that, even though he holds a familial, platonic love for everyone on Team Voltron, his connection with Shiro still runs deeper than everyone else, and he sees his relationship with Shiro as being on a whole other level above the rest of the team.
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As for Shiro and Keith and the portrayal of their relationship, we’ve already seen that plenty of people on the Voltron staff are supportive of Sheith in a romantic context. There’s plenty of evidence for staff liking sheith fanart and sheith posts. Also, as I’ve said before, it’s obvious they’re fond of Shiro and Keith’s dynamic. So I mean, even the creators are capable of reading their relationship in a romantic context–and support it. Doesn’t sound like you can only interpret their relationship as brotherly to me.
So honestly anon, I don’t think you need to worry. There’s nothing about the line that strikes me as detrimental to sheith. If anything, I think it just proves that, out of all the paladins, Shiro is the one Keith is closest to. 
And again, Keith’s fake Shiro refers to everyone as Keith’s family–so he sees them all as found family. The brother line doesn’t discount Sheith anymore than it does any other Team Voltron ship with Keith. 
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