#romantic! jason todd x reader
dc-x-reader-stuff · 4 days
HusbandJason Todd x Reader head cannons please !!!
Husband! Jason Todd Hc’s
Jason Todd x Gn!Reader
My first time writing Jason stuff, AaAa - I hope it’s accurate to a good point. Like I said before I’m partial to Wayne Family Adventures Jason and a mix between him and the other versions of Jason’s I’ve seen on this app so I hope it’s acceptable- TvT
I’ve seen a lot of people be a stickler about the accuracy of Jason and have gotten genuinely angry if he was too nice or too angry or whatever so it’s all ahdjfnfjfn-
Anyways I hope you enjoy though- :DD
The wedding the both of you have was small. Well, small-ish - there was a lot of people he wanted to invite, surprisingly, ranging from some close friends, to allies in the vigilante world, to his family. There were a lot of vigilante’s in their civilian forms at your guy’s wedding. Your side of the family was really surprised The Bruce Wayne and The Clark Kent was there without any paparazzi whatsoever.
(You and Jason were very careful about that. So was Bruce, especially for all the hell Jason went through when he was younger. They may be on better terms now, but he still felt he had a lot to make up for. Jason is completely fine with that - to a point, of course.)
The honeymoon? Nice and calm vacation to a small town near Smallville. Jason and you wanted a getaway for just eachother, without any stresses of vigilante stuff, or villains to inevitably interrupt that.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, his siblings were also keeping a very strict routine of ‘DO NOT CONTACT JASON OR Y/N UNLESS IF IT IS A DIRE, DIRE EMERGENCY’
Trust me, if it was two dires you both would’ve had to come home.
Luckily that didn’t happen.
Now, married life back in the city was a whole other thing to get used to.
You two have already lived together for the past couple years beforehand. You two have already dealt with your fair share of strains in the relationship, and still do to some degree. But luckily over the years before marriage you guys found a way to deal with that in a healthy way.
You prioritize healthy coping skills. So does Jason.
Even your respective therapists do. (Harley Quinn helped you both find ones qualified for your respective traumas. Very hard task, but Harley has a bit of a soft spot for Red Hood both in and out of the mask. She’s pretty chill with you too.)
Jason has his bouts of anger. Never, ever takes it out on you though, ever. Hell no. You guys have a punching bag for that. Sometimes you both use it together if you guys are venting about your day! Very cathartic and nice to bond with.
He teaches you how to fight. Just in case. You hate using weapons but he helps you get more comfortable, and you guys go over plans in case of break-ins, kidnappings, ect.
Especially if someone decides to burgle your cat.
You guys have a black cat you guys found in an alleyway a year into dating. He is your guy’s son that you decided to name Robin. Jason didn’t like the name at first, especially since you not-so-subtly alluded it to be reminiscent of his Robin days, but over time it stuck.
Robin is a nice and very sweet kitty. No one messes with Robin and you have thrown hands after someone broke into your apartment once to steal him. That was also during the time you moved in with Jason, he freaked out when you called him after the break in. Thoroughly impressed you managed to beat up the intruder but he cares about your’s and your cat’s safety - you moved in not long afterwards.
Reading and drawing dates - you guys, even into your marriage, go on small dates like these that don’t require too much thought or money. Sometimes you go to the park, or if it’s raining to your guy’s favorite café, with your favorite books (and sketchbook no. 173637294 for you specifically), and just enjoy your times together.
You guys do it at home too, but it’s fun to dress up and get out of the apartment for those kinds of dates.
Your home, despite all the weapons he has hidden around or on ‘decorative’ display, is quite cozy too!! It’s your safe space and you want it to exude that energy all throughout. Jason likes figuring out where decorations and furniture should go with you, it’s his favorite thing that gives him a sense of normalcy with you.
Also the banter between you two is fun. Smartass after smartass remark leaves you in stitches with laughter. Especially if it’s late at night and you both are loopy from lack of sleep. (Jason has more practice with that but it still effects him to some degree.)
At this point being married, you’re used to his nightly activities too. Sometimes you stay up and make him his favorite food to the best of your ability (you aren’t too good at cooking, but you’re learning for the both of you, same as him). Other times you just order takeout and eat with him.
Sometimes you help with his injuries, other times you don’t. If they’re small and benign he’s able to do them himself, bigger ones have you worried and helping him.
You always make sure he has an icepack ready for bruises. He’s taught you how to stitch wounds up to, given the fact that you don’t have as much medical experience as him.
Also after his nightly escapades as Red Hood, you guys sit and have tea too!! Calms him down enough to sleep, even if some nights are harder than others.
He’s gotten better at coping with his PTSD, but as per the usual he does have his nightmares at times. You being there right next to him helps. And you help ground him back into reality. Be it cuddles, if he’s comfortable with them, or be it just sitting there next to him and talking to him about whatever’s on your mind until he’s laying back down to listen to you.
You guys switch between who’s big and little spoon.
Robin is always near you guys in some way during bedtime. One time you woke up to cat fur in between your’s and Jason’s heads before. Robin doesn’t understand personal space at all but you guy’s love it all the same.
Speaking of which, he’s a natural born shoulder kitty! He will jump on your shoulders when the offer is available. Sometimes he scares the crap out of the both of you though whenever he’s being frisky, though. But normally Robin’s smart enough to do it when you two are aware that he’s there. He learns.
On your harder days, Jason makes you breakfast and makes you tea just like you do for him. He always asks you what you need, what you’re comfortable with. Some days it’s cuddling, other times when you don’t want to be touched you just tell him you want him near only. He knows that’s when he can just sit beside you on either the couch, table, barstools or bed and just read while you listen and watch your guy’s favorite shows.
You guys also have nights where you guys have watch parties too.
Sometimes his siblings join in too, bringing food from Alfred as well. It’s fun, and annoying for Jason at times, but still great nonetheless.
You guys visit the manor when needed, or during holidays too. Hanukkah, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, certain Galas, birthday parties, ect.
Sometimes you guys both just visit to mess with his siblings and Bruce. Cause some chaos a bit, that sort of thing. It’s fun.
Also you guys have gossip dates.
Be it about vigilante drama, co-worker drama, customer drama, family drama, villain drama, you guys will gossip and when those dates are at home Robin the cat will put his two cents in as well. He’s as vocal as he is sweet. Which is very.
And sometimes you record when Jason and Robin have conversations. Neither of you guys can understand the cat’s meows but it’s so fun interpreting it and seeing your husband have a full on conversation with the cat. You send it to the group chat you’re in with all the siblings and he never hears the end of it for the next few patrols. Sometimes Dick and Tim and Duke want to know what the tea is between Jason and the cat and he always says “That’s between me, my spouse and my cat, not you three.”
You inevitably tell them anyways, as well as Cass, Steph and Barbara.
Also Damian loves Robin that cat. He requests play dates between his pets and yours. You always cave for the kid, much to Jason’s dismay. But then again, he caves for him too. He always does.
Speaking of kids, I don’t think you guys will necessarily have one for a long, long while.
You guys agreed that you have to be absolutely sure and ready. Financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, mentally. Kids are a big responsibility and neither of you want your kids to ever grow up in an unsafe and unstable environment.
When you guys are ready though, which won’t be for a long while, I’m sure you guys will pull a Bruce and adopt or foster kids. Teenagers first, along with their siblings if they have any. You’d never separate them from their siblings - hell, the both of you, along with some help from his family and friends, would track siblings down if needed.
Like I said though, that won’t be for a long while.
You two are perfectly content in your save haven apartment with your lovely black cat Robin.
Besides, if you guys had kids early, Robin would be jealous and attention starved.
Neither of you would want that.
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yandereforme · 5 months
Yan Jason x Joker’s Kid! Reader (Non-binary Reader)
You found out about your parentage when you were 16. Your mom, the woman who had raised you, had never indicated you weren’t her flesh and blood until that day.
Your mom had gone to school with Harley, and they had been close. They lost touch after a while, however, and didn’t see each other again until Harley was admitted to Arkham during her relationship with the Joker.
Harley hadn’t told anyone she was pregnant, and it was kept need to know. As far as most knew, she was being kept away from others due to illness.
When Harley gave birth, she asked your mom to raise you. Even though she was still somewhat blinded by her love for the Joker, she could still see that raising a kid with the Joker wasn’t a good idea.
Your mom was infertile, and had always wanted a kid. So, after that day, and after Harley was broken out of Arkham, your mom took you and left Arkham, only stopping to have a friend of hers forge papers making you her kid. Only five people knew about you, and her coworkers who helped deliver you died not long after, only leaving three to remember where you came from.
The reason your mom was telling you was because she had been diagnosed with an illness, and would require full time care in a facility, meaning you would have had to go into foster care, since your only ‘relative’ was your goon uncle, who would never be cleared to take care of you. She managed to sort out papers to emancipate you, but she knew that she couldn’t let you leave without his telling you the truth.
Fast forward to the Red Hood Era, you are a book shop owner, having inherited a building from your uncle when he died, and turned it into a bookshop, just on the edge of Crime Alley. You were known to offering homeless people jobs like delivering books or helping you stock shelves in exchange for food, money, clothes, and/or a place to sleep, depending on preference. Your good reputation with the street kids was what made Jason learn about you.
He decided to visit as Jason and make sure you didn’t have any nefarious purposes for your deeds. Not only do you two hit it off immediately, but you also care about the street kids, and aren’t taking advantage of their desperation.
Jason started visiting you every other day, often walking you home at night. He has a few of his men watch your house, and even has them make sure you get home safe when he can’t. However, he was still in heavy denial about his feelings….
Until the Joker Broke out of Arkham
Notes: In this au, the Batfam know Jason is Red Hood. Also, the Batfam will become yandere for you too, don’t worry. Probably won’t be posting much, I’m traveling a lot over the next couple weeks, but I will try. Let me know what you think!
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best-of-yandere · 2 months
NSFT DC Cockwarming and Lactation Kink Headcanons
tw: yandere, public sex, dub-con somnophila, food tampering
Cockwarming ft. Bruce, Dick, Tim, Clark
Bruce: he’d have you warm him while he’s on the batcomputer (facing towards him so that you can’t see the horrors on the screen). His biggest motivation for doing this is so he doesn’t lose himself in his research and the crimes on the screen; you clenching around him brings him back to you, and thus himself.
He’d also want to try it in his office during boring phone calls/meetings. He’ll be in a conference call with some nobody shareholders, while you’re twitching around him. It’ll inevitably turn into him fucking you over his desk trying so hard to keep his voice level (and you quiet) while you’re creaming around him.
Dick: he’s always active, always moving around, but being buried inside you gives him a chance to relax for once…although it always turns into more. Him humping you and cumming over and over until he’s finally exhausted and truly allows himself to relax and stay still. At least until he falls asleep, still buried in you, then his wet dreams (about you) take over and he’s humping you in his sleep. He just can’t get enough of you, even when he’s unconscious.
Tim: this boy is exhausted – yet he refuses to go to sleep, kept too busy by paperwork or cases. Unless, of course, you lull him to sleep with your warmth. It’s the best way to bribe him to go to bed, by spreading your legs and and easing him inside, cuddling with him, your face in his neck and his cock in your pussy. He’ll stay in there as long as he can before the inevitable emergency rises him from his slumber.
Clark: he’d be into cockwarming due to not having a refractory period. When you’re exhausted but he’s still ready to go he can just let your post-orgasm clenching bring him to the edge and past it again. He stays inside you during the night, only separating from your warmth when he has to go to work/patrol.
Lactation kink with Damian, Bruce, Jason, and Tim
Damian: he’s obviously got a breeding kink, and lactation ties into that. It means he’s been successful and you body is providing the means to nourish the child you’ve made together. But he starts thinking that if it could nourish a baby, why not him as well? Used to his breeding kink, the agreement to let him have a taste comes easy. And once he does, he can’t stop. It’s a part of YOU inside him, feeding him, giving him strength. He’s insatiable, which means he’ll just have to keep you pregnant (and as a consequence, never be able to leave him).
Bruce & Jason: both would be into breastfeeding for the same reason – comfort. They’ve both been through a lot of trauma and loss, haunted by horrors that give them nightmares, keeping them up at night. Suckling on their darlings’ breasts and drinking your milk (something that is made to give life, not take it) brings an instinctual comfort that helps lull them back to sleep in your arms.
Tim: his way of indulging in your milk is different than the rest of his family. He’ll have you pump it so he can put it in his coffee, cereal, and any food you make him, sometimes just drinking it plain in a glass. He thinks it’s romantic; you giving a part of yourself to him, him making it a part of himself. You creating something that gives life, giving it to him, to feed and nourish him. And of course, he’ll return the favor by sneaking some of his “milk” into what you consume; he’s just a romantic like that.
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
Random Jason Todd relationship headcannons
Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Jason adores baking. And if there is one thing he loves more than baking, it’s baking for you (he likes reading to you too but we’ll get to that). During the weeks when he’s busy and isn’t able to spend time with you, and visa versa, he shows up at your door with a bouquet of flowers and your favourite desert.
He loves seeing the look on your face when he surprises you, and even more when you’re enjoying the food he makes for you. It makes him feel warm inside when he does domestic shit
He loves cuddling. Yeah, it took some time for him to allow for close intimacy with you, but when he did, he would find any and every reason to get you to cuddle with him.
“Babe, my back hurts. Come cuddle me.” “How will that help?”
Sometimes his excuses are very extreme. Like the time he got stabbed and came through your window and was practically on the brink of passing out.
“Oh my god!” “It’s okay, a few cuddles will make me feel better.” “…Todd, you’re bleeding out on my carpet, I need to get the first aid kit.” “Yeah yeah, we’ll get to that later…”
He’s pretty dirty minded, so of course he makes offside jokes.
“I’m sorry baby.” You told him after you hit him on the head with the cupboard door.
“That’s not enough.” “Ah babe, I’m so sorry I-“ “Give me head as an apology.” “…what?”
He turns into an absolute mother-hen when you’re injured or sick. He just can’t help it. Seeing you in pain really stresses him out, no matter how many times you tell him not to worry.
He loves reading to you as much as he loves you reading to him. Mans will reenact Shakespeare for you, just say the word. He loves speaking about books and poetry and also having deep conversations in general. He truly cares about your opinion on things, and sometimes it even changes his perspective on certain topics too.
When you guys argue, he usually ends up walking out of the conversation, not wanting to say something he’ll regret to you. Sometimes he’ll come back a few hours after he’s collected himself. Other times he’ll be unreachable for a few days, and it stresses you the fuck out, but when he returns he’ll apologise the moment you open your door and will spend the rest of the day/night telling you how much he loves you.
His love language is words of affirmation, but not for him. He loves hearing you tell him how much you love him as sometimes he forgets and convinces himself you deserve someone better.
his love language for himself is definitely a mixture between acts of service and physical touch. He will do the most random shit for you like doing your laundry while you go out to buy something at the store. Or watering your plants. He always puts your phone on the charger too.
He’s always touching you in some way (not always sexual). He likes when you guys link your pinky fingers together when you’re around friends or family. He gives random hugs all the time.
He loves you. Sometimes he can be a bit distant, but with you around, he’s working on it a bit more. You make him feel comfortable and he loves that he can be honest and raw around you. (That’s not the only thing he does that’s raw ;) )
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jasonsmirrorball · 10 months
putting off my assignment because i hate myself so here's some roommate! jason thoughts (in a no capes au)
pretty good roommate except for some reason his family are always over? aren't these guys supposed to be rich? you don't even know how they got a key to your place because jason is so over them breaking in
he's threatened them so many times it goes over everyone's heads at this point. at least they don't mess with your stuff. too much, anyway. you've caught the littlest one looking at the fish you guys got as a laugh and have had several conversations about different kinds of fish (he's a little awkward but he's kind of endearing)
comes into your room when the both of you are home to hang out a bit (always knocks and lingers in the doorway but picks things up and puts them down while he's talking when he gets more comfortable)
asks you if you want some when he's making food and if it's something he knows you like, always makes it anyway
the type to be so annoying during finals season when your sleep schedule gets messed up and you've been staring at your computer screen for hours. he's disgustingly organised about his finals and is always on you to get up every so often when you're studying at home
you guys become pretty good friends while living together. is it a roommate au without movie nights? they're pretty sporadic though i think because you guys have your own things but they're always a good time
you guys fall asleep on the couch one time and wake up in the morning hurting all over because even if the guy at the store assured jason's dad it was ergonomic it really wasn't made to be slept on and jason couldn't exactly move when you had your legs in his lap so he fell asleep sitting up. poor thing.
imagine a pair of skrunkly cats that look like they've crawled out of a hurricane. that is the both of you.
dumb and dumber dynamic
you see him at a get together and you both go :O across the room because you didn't know you had mutual friends !! judging strangers the entire night and skipping out early to get cheap dinner that will come back to bite you in the butt in 30 years
he always comes through for you because you guys are best friends actually no matter how much he says you're his government assigned personal tormentor for crimes he must've done in a past life
how do you know this? it's because he's come to get you in the middle of the night before and picked up on the first ring when you know his phone is always on do not disturb therefore your contact must be set to bypass that therefore you are his best friend
he says you're full of shit and that he ate the last of your snacks :)
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smartycvnt · 9 months
Can I please get marriage headcanons with Jason Todd?
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Jason is kind of hesitant to get married for a multitude of reasons
Married life suits him well though, and he is visibly a bit more relaxed after the wedding
He likes having a slice of a normal domestic life to come back to after his night job
The thought of having a family scares him because they could be targeted, but Jason slowly warms up to the idea
It kind of blows his mind whenever he hears you talk about how great a husband he is
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super-marvel-dc · 10 months
Ok, so I had a sweet thought (at 3 a.m. because I was still awake... Oops?) about Y/N playing Atlantic by Sleep Token (because it's my favorite song) on the piano in the Wayne Manor late at night because they couldn't sleep. But what they didn't know was that they weren't the only one awake, Jason was awake, too. He had a nightmare and needed to walk around to clear his head. While he was walking around the house, he passed by the room Y/N was in and stopped to listen to them play. He didn't know they could play the piano, it was something Y/N kept hidden from everyone but Bruce. Y/N didn't notice him standing there watching them play as they finished the song, only when he walked further into the room did they notice him. Y/N looked slightly embarrassed at being caught by Jason, but wondered what he was doing up at this time. Instead of Jason explaining why he was awake he just sat down next to Y/N on the piano bench and asked them to play it again while he laid his head on their shoulder/head, closing his eyes and enjoying their company.
[Ok, I'm done now... If anybody wants to use this as a fic, please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, tag me! I'd love to read it. I'm a huge sucker for fluff and anything that gives my love, Jason, the attention, care and love he deserves.]
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rainbow-universe · 7 months
I want to be roommates with fictional characters so bad 🥺
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itscherrylipsforme · 5 months
Heyyy, new to Tumblr so please let me know if I did this wrong 🥺
📓 (I genuinely hope this is the right emoji) a fic with Jason Todd where reader is a vigilante and they don't know each other's identities but reader is a HUGE literature nerd and makes a bunch of classical literature puns and stuff and Jason is internally freaking out like “This is the love of my life! I must know who they are!” and he eventually track her down as a civilian and she's a theater kid who now owns a bookstore or something? Something cute with an identity revel with a lot of book puns? I'm a hug book worm so I would adore any fic with that in mind.
Anyways, I hope I did this right, thanks for taking time to read it!
Aww darling this request is amazing! As a bookworm/theatre kid myself I will be more than happy to write it down. Thank you so much and don't worry the ask is more than right, it's perfect 🫶🏼
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lilblueprint · 2 years
Sweet Nothing
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I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings
Outside they’re push and shoving
You're in the kitchen hummin'
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
A slice of domesticity, as they call it. Or, when Jason’s around, things go as you like it.
I’ve decided Karma will stay a oneshot, but I’ll be writing a piece dedicated to the wedding after Midnights is over. Keep an eye out for it ;)
Gotham was a peculiar place to live in. 
Most nights, it was dark, pitch black and blood red mingling from the back alleys to the big roads. Most days, it was gray, even as the city bustled with life. However, the few times a year that it became just like any other city was the holidays. 
Your breath came in puffs of smoke as you panted slightly, out-of-office rounds were becoming more and more frequent as Christmas approached. More business to take care of, last-minute deadlines before the holiday break.
As you began to recognize landmarks on your way home, you considered cutting through the mall. It would be warmer and faster. Less riskier than slipping on the icy sidewalk. 
Surely there won’t be that many people. 
And you set off for the nearest entrance. 
The mall was packed. 
“What is this, a T-Swift concert?” you moaned as you tried to swerve past a group of people going in the opposite direction. “Never taking this shortcut on holidays again… don’t know what I was thinking.”
The high ceilings of the mall projected the rumble of the crowd into your ears as you wove in between shoppers. And as you noticed more and more Christmas merchandise, you realized just how stupid your idea of a shortcut had been.
You were so glad that your husband wasn’t here to tease you. You’d never hear the end of it. 
You made it home eventually. After a few minutes more of getting jostled by eager children and frenzied shoppers, you had slipped out a side door in the end. 
It had been a long day, and you could feel it in your aching bones as you dragged yourself across the threshold of your new home. 
“Honey, I’m home,” you sang tiredly as you shucked off your shoes at the door.
“In the kitchen,” your husband called out. 
Your husband. 
You sighed happily, some of your fatigue dripping away with it like water down a sink. It delighted you to no end to be able to call him that, call him yours. Just as you were going to peek in the kitchen, Jason came to you first. 
He was wearing one of your aprons, the red-green-and-white checkered one. It was the subject of your never-ending debate on whether it was Christmas themed or all-purpose. You ignored that today, instead opting to press a soft kiss to his jaw. 
“Hey, doll,” he greeted you. A mischievous grin appeared on his lips. “Or should I say my wife?”
“Both are much appreciated,” you murmured into the crook of his neck. He wrapped an arm around you, careful not to touch you with his ‘cooking hands’. But the gentle flex of his bicep against your spine was more than enough. 
“Rough day?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe. It’s coming to a close, though,” you told him as your gazes met. 
“Good.” He left kisses along your hairline before releasing you from his grip. “Go wash up and I’ll have dinner on the table when you get back.”
“My little househusband,” you teased. 
“Don’t know about the little part, but I am a helluva cook,” he winked. 
“Agreed.” Shaking your head good-naturedly, you went to freshen up for dinner.
The sky outside was a smoky gray-black when you passed the window, noticing some stray snowflakes beginning to drift down. 
“Jay,” you called ahead. “It’s snowing.”
“Yeah?” He looked up from where he’d been setting the table. 
“It’s snowing out,” you repeated, coming to loop your arms around his waist. He hummed as he grasped your hands and lifted them to his lips. Kisses tickled your fingertips as he graced them with soft pecks. You nuzzled into his defined back, the skin there warming up swiftly as you pressed your cheek into him. 
“Someone’s feeling cuddly tonight,” he commented fondly, slowly turning in your embrace so that he could face you. 
“Am I?” You wondered, touching your cold warm forehead to his. He murmured a yes and began to twirl you slowly around the table to your seat. “No couch?” You asked as he sat in his own chair, chuffing in contentment. 
“Nope. Figured I should up the ante a bit, especially since you’ve been working so hard lately.”
Nodding gratefully, you dug into the meal he’d prepared for the both of you, eyes closing in ecstasy as the first flavors hit your tongue. 
“Where did you learn to cook like this?” You asked, although already knowing the answer. 
“Alfie. But you knew that,” he chastised playfully. “He’s taught you a few tricks too, right?”
“Mhm. Can we go see him soon?”
“Not on Fridays. That’s when almost everyone’s home,” he grumbled. You giggled. 
“But Jay–”
“Don’t but Jay me, you can’t rope me into another Christmas gala.”
“We haven’t been to one in a while,” you pointed out. “Might as well go, to celebrate our marriage, hmm?” You gave him your best puppy eyes, a product of watching him and Dick do it to you a few too many times. And sure enough, Jason cracked. 
“Fine,” he relented. “But you’re staying with me the whole time, darling.”
“Of course I will,” you assured him. He perked up, eyes brightening ever so slightly. You loved that soft blue glimmer, it made you want to wrap him in a hug and never let go. He always told you that he felt the same.
You sank into the couch after dinner, a smile on your face and warmth in your belly. It was the best feeling to sit here and know that Jason would come to you. And come he did, appearing in the doorway arch like magic. You beckoned to him, and he obeyed with a wordless smile. 
“Hi,” you breathed as your noses brushed. 
“Hi,” he replied. His arms snaked around you, gradually lowering you so that your back was on the couch and his head was on your thighs. 
“Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” You joked, stroking his hair and gazing fondly at him. 
“I love you either way, sweetheart,” he said easily, eyes slipping closed as he leaned into your touch. Your heart purred, it was fascinating to see how you healed him as much as he did for you. 
“Hey, Jay?”
“Thank you… for everything.”
“‘S not a problem, doll.” 
The warm lights blinked gently as the snow swirled down outside. Yes, it might get dark and gray sometimes, but you knew your little world with him would always stay bright.
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augustinapril · 1 year
while I work on my connor request you guys should so send me batfam requests <3
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greenunoreversecard · 2 years
Hi! I'd figure I'd do an introductory post.
INTJ-T, enneagram type 8w5.
Virgo sun, Libra rising, Sagittarius moon.
Sirius kinnie. Also a rise! Leo kinnie.
• I'll mainly go by greeny online on this platform ^^
• I am neurodivergent, so I might have trouble with tones and processing things, please be patient with me when i ask for clarification.
• i am a minor, so please don't be to creepy. I'm fine with mentioning some light NSFW topics, and will tag a post accordingly if it has any. The reason I'm partially fine with NSFW is because I try and normalize stuff of sexual nature, seeing as it's normal. Just don't make any weird comments about me or other people, or my hyperfiaxtion.
• I'll probably do a lot of different writting things, headcanons and random thoughts I have.
• I use he/him pronouns, and am queer <3 and vv single lmfao
Link to my discord here
<Quick Fun Facts!!>
I love horror games.
Please talk to me about music it's my favorite ever.
on top of drawing, I also adore reading and writing.
I watch quiet a bit of game playthroughs on YouTube. (I watch a lot of eddievr, juicyfruitsnacks, slimecicle, ranboo)
《Things I'm not comfortable with:
●Pedos, rasicm, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, religious hate, and other stuff of this nature.
●Purposefully tracking me or others down and doxxing myself or others, and trying to make people uncomfortable on purpose.
●threatening mine or others safety, and any type of hate speech. I'm fine with general curiosity of why things are the way they are, just be respectful about it, and don't be a dick
●I'm fine with cursing, and venting, just be sure to add trigger warnings if you dm me a vent so I know what to look out for.
●no z00philia, b3ast!al!ty, r@p3 or sa comments, or inc3st.
●just generally don't be a shitty person and hate on other people because you got your tick tac dick in a twist, please. 》
~Fanfic guidelines~
I will write for
Tmnt specifically mutant mayhem and rise (strictly platonic)
Hazbin Hotel (romantic and platonic) NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Marauders Era (Harry potter subgenre)(platonic and romantic)
Possibly helluva boss in the future
Ninjago (platonic and romantic)
I reserve the right to deny requests.
And currently in time, I will only do light steam and no full on NSFW.
I will also only do gender identities that the characters are attracted to (ie, queerplatonic exclusively for alastor, male for angel, etc, etc)
I will ONLY write for gender neutral and male characters, as well as identities under the Trans umbrella as there is a severe lack of Trans and male character rep. That is also why some characters are strictly platonic.
If I am unaware of a characters identity, please let me know so I can be aware and change things if I need to.
Matchups are also a possibility, but I will not be doing them as of currently.
Same rules and guidelines go for my fanfics as for the boundaries I set for myself. (See above)
Also, absolutely no tcest or incest of any kind. I will block you immediately.
I am also a busy person, so I am limiting requests. I run with my inspiration which is mildly fleetig considering I'm always exhausted from everything.
Also, I will only take requests from the inbox, bc it's easier for me to manage that way
Rules are subject to change. Some may be added or taken off.
Current requests: 0/10
beta reader:
Anon list (ask to enter):
🐊 Anon
Characters I am willing to do per fandom:
Hazbin Hotel (no longer available for requests):
Alastor (platonic and queer platonic only)
Angel dust
cherri bomb
Sir pentious
Huskerdust poly
Charlie and vaggie (platonic)
Niffty (platonic)
Lucifer (platonic and familial)
hazbin hotel masterlist here!
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
Barty Jr.
jegulus poly
Wolfstar poly
Moonwater poly
Poly! marauders
Marauders Masterlist Here!
TMNT (platonic only):
Mikey (mm and rise)
Donnie (mm and rise)
Raph (mm and rise)
Leo (mm and rise)
CaseyJr. (Rise)
Peepaw! Teetlz (romantic is allowed, but with limitations)
Ninjago masterlist here!
Types of fics I will do:
Oneshots and twoshots
Multi chapter fics
reader pov, character pov and 3rd/non biased pov.
Most tags. Literally just send it in and I'll let you know in the a/n if I can't do smth.
More boundaries will be added as time goes on and I figure myself more and what I'm comfortable with.
Anyways, hope yall have a good day/night/afternoon! Nice to meet ya! :)
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jasmines-library · 4 months
👀 'tis me, i loved the other one so much ❤️❤️❤️, and am back with this wAcky idea muahahaaa:
batboy (you choose) x villain!reader
they are supposed to hate each other because of circumstances (you choose) BUT they got caught in a fight and are working together. after that fight, batboy finds that reader is actually a HUGE softie, and has never really had relationships, and when batboy does find out, he teases reader to embarrassment. they end up falling in love they kiss and fluffy things, under the moonlight, but then reader goes spiraling. like- is it safe to do this? is it okay to show weakness like that? will they put batboy in danger? and they are on the verge of a panic attack. they run away from batboy, which breaks both of them 🥹. reader avoids batboy for months, not really coping with their feelings, having panic attacks every night and all. and then one night, batboy sees reader fighting in an alley. reader takes out the thugs quickly and batboy approaches, and he can see through reader's eyes a whirlwind of emotions and it breaks his heart... and then they somehow make up and a lot of fluff pleeasee <3 (omg it's not totally angst 🥹)
ilyyy muah! (platonic ofc 😘)
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Tumblr media
Note: This is so cute! I love this idea and I hope you like it. I just wanted to make a side note and say that i am queer, and whilst I am very happy to write romantically for the batboys, It may not be super great (which is why most of my work is platonic tbh) so apologies in advance for that. I also chose to write for Jay so I hope that's okay!
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Minor injuries, self doubt, manipulative parent (bane) but only brief, swearing teasing, kissing but no smut (SFW)
Word Count: 5k (it took me 40 years but it was worth it)
Jason Todd was your enemy.
That is what you have always been told. It had been ingrained in you since you were very young. Batman and his band of proteges were a nuisance. Bothers. Vermin that needed to be exterminated from Gotham. Your father had countless rivalries: and that had extended to you. Your whole life was dedicated to training to cause havoc and trying to remove Gothams vigilantes.
Jason Todd was your enemy. And you despised him. He despised you too. Not that you cared, he had every right to. Your father had broken his many times.
He had always been tricky. He slunk around the shadows and always put a stop to your fun. His brothers weren’t much better. So when he was killed… you should have been ecstatic. You should have clenched your fists in rage when he returned…but instead you felt…lost.
Jason Todd was your enemy. So why were you helping him…?
You had heard the commotion from nearly a block over. The cacophony of shattering glass, the ricochet of bullets followed by the screeching of the building's alarm: you were over there speedily, tugging your pistols from your holsters as you weaved towards the orange glow of the flickering lights.
The building was completely destroyed. The windows were smashed in, spidering where the bullets had passed through them or jagged where what looked like a brick had been lobbed into it. The frames of the windows were completely broken too, splintering under the brute force of the coloured bandits that had weasled their way inside. Dressed in unsubtle colours, they seemed to be searching for something; they overturned desks and sent an array of papers scattering to the ground. It was that or they were just looking to have fun. You smirked, taking a step closer to the building ready to join them but then you caught a flash of the triangular emblem they had haphazardly spray painted on the back of their jackets and cursed. Safe to say that they weren’t going to tolerate you being near them. Your father had royally pissed them off. More than once. But who were you to back down from a fight?
Shouldering your weapons, you stepped closer crouching to try and keep out of their sight. It was going to be much easier for you if you could take them by surprise. Much more entertaining for you too. Though it seemed that luck wasn’t on your side because one of them, a tall girl with blonde hair she had tied back in a braid, turned her head just before you could dash out of the way and with a cry of your alias, all heads turned to you.
There was no use hiding now your cover was blown so with your guns raised high you aimed and fired. They were quick to retaliate and with their the sheer number of them it was difficult to predict their movements and stay out of their line of fire despite all of your training. The whole ordeal was a mess, bullets and punches flew left, right and centre. The whole ordeal only got a fuck ton more complicated when he arrived. The knight in fucking black and red armour. He perched on top of the roof, teetering dangerously to the edge, before landing on his feet only a few metres away, no doubt with a smug grin hidden behind his red mask. It didn’t do him much good. You knew exactly who he was and it hadn’t taken you much to figure it out. But perhaps that was because you were much more perceptive than most. Perhaps it was because you spent far too much time thinking about him.
Red Hood stood towering over you, glaring at you through his brows. He tutted. “Y/N Bane. Should have known you would be here.”
“And miss the chance to beat your pretty face?” You mocked. “You should know better.”
Red Hood rolled his eyes, shifting his weight as he reached for his weapon. He looked as though he was going to say something; another jest or sly remark, but the moment was ruined when one of the bandits ran up behind him bearing a weapon he intended to plunge into the vigilantes side. However he was much quicker, twisting around to grab the boy by his wrists and flinging him over his shoulder. He landed with a grunt before trying to grab at Red Hood's legs. You beat him to it though, landing a harsh blow to his back and sending him slumping back to the ground.
That seemed to set the rest of them off and all of a sudden the pair of you were surrounded. The street quickly became a flurry of punches and rounds of bullets that lodged themselves in the crackstone bricks or ricocheted off of the metal pipes with a cloud clang. None of them found their mark. Strange for a group of people who wielded their weapons so confidently.
It seemed to be going well. Some sort of unseen rivalry seemed to bloom between you and Red Hood, trying to see who could take the most thugs down. Those that didn’t flee dropped like flies. But you were outnumbered. And even though the pair of you were twice as skilled as them combined, you began to find it difficult to push them back.
Darting into the building to shelter from their hail of bullets, you managed to take down the pair that were hurtling things at Hood. And then it all fell silent.
Exhaling heavily, you wiped the sweat from your brow and holstered your weapons after checking the coast was clear. Smirking, you slid out of the doorway ready to jest to the vigilante. But he seemed to be nowhere to be seen. You rolled your eyes. Coward.
“Given up already?” You jested. “Honestly for a man of your size it thought that you would last a lot longer than-”
Your stomach sank when you turned the corner and saw the vigilante hunched up against the wall, his one hand pressed firmly into the wall, the other pushing hard up against his right side. His breaths came in short, ragged gasps as he tried to catch his breath, his back still turned away from you. You furrowed your brow, taking a hesitant step toward him. It was then that you noticed the crimson that oozed between his fingers.
“Here to finish me off?” He spat, words laced with a thick and potent venom.
“I’m thinking about it.”
He turned toward you, his body jolting in agony as he twisted. From there you could see the two small but ragged circles that jutted out from his suit; one above his left hip and the other a few inches to the right of it. Only one of them seemed to have an exit wound.
“Get on with it then.” He grumbled trying to keep his composure. You could see the way his legs trembled as he tried to keep his composure. “They’re not coming any time soon.” He gestured to his coms. The screen was blank. Broken. “Comms are down.” his voice was torn up by a sickening cough. “But I'd get it over with quickly so you can leave before they catch your trail.”
Your fingers twitched as you reached for your pistol. Instinct. You should finish him off. It would make your father proud. It would end your years of resentment and it would bring you oh so much glorious fame. He was already practically cowering on the ground; an easy kill. Jason Todd was your enemy. You should have pulled the trigger. But instead, you found yourself darting forward as Jason as his body careened forwards.
When Jason awoke, he did so in a panic. His eyes were wide and his heart pounded in his chest. It was only when he tried to push himself up and was met by a sudden pinch in his side that everything came back to him. He didn’t recognise his surroundings. The walls were decorated in artwork that he didn’t recognise, and he was laying in a bed with streets that belonged to a stranger. He scrambled for his pistols only to realise that they weren’t there. And that his mask had been removed.
“Lay back down, you idiot.” You scolded from across the room. “Your wounds are still healing, And relax.” You gestured to his mask and the top half of his suit that you had folded up and laid on a chair. It was then that he realised that he was not wearing his shirt and that the eternity of his torso was wrapped securely in bandages. “I knew who you were.”
Jason had to do a double take. But he soon turned sour. “What the fuck am I doing here?”
You scoffed, placing the glass of water you had brought in on the bedside table. “A thank you would be nice.”
“I’m serious” he narrowed his eyes on you.
You faltered, eyeing him cautiously and pursing your lips. Truthfully, you had struggled to get him back to your apartment. You had to move fast with the amount of blood he had lost. You were glad that he lost consciousness when he did because although you should have left him there to rot… you couldn’t bear the thought of seeing him writhe beneath you as you dug a pair of tweezers under his skin to dig out the bullet.
The vigilante eyed you cautiously, still confused as to why you had decided to drag him all the way back here. It couldn’t have been easy for you. He watched as you dug around in one of the draws in your bedroom. He had never seen you properly without your suit on. And he could fully see your face now it wasn’t obscured by the black and white mask that sat comfortably around your eyes. Jason stared for a little too long and found his thoughts wandering a little too far for his liking. He was supposed to loathe you. He was supposed to think you were vile. But yet again…you were the furthest thing from what he had convinced himself to believe.
“You’re staring.” You could feel his eyes on you.
Jason’s cheeks flushed and he turned his gaze away. Rolling your eyes you tossed him a bottle of painkillers that you had pulled out of the mess of your draw. They rattled as they hit the side of the plastic container when he caught them.
“Take some of those. They should help with the ache.
He gave you an unamused look, hand hovering on the seal.
“Relax, bird boy. If I wanted you dead you would be.”
Jason popped two in his mouth hesitantly and swallowed them down with the water you had left on the side. A loud buzzing sounded from out of the room. You disappeared briefly out of the doorway. Not being able to see you made him nervous, but you returned soon with two items in your hand. The first, his phone and the source of the incessant buzzing, and the second his comlink which was no longer dark like it was before but instead was lit up around the crack on the screen. You handed the two to him.
“You might want to let them know that you’re alive. That damn thing’s been going off all night.” You told him.
“You fixed it.” Jason gawped, turning the small device over in his hands.
You shrugged. “Had to make sure the GPS was off. Besides, I had nothing better to do.”
After sending a quick message to reassure his family that he was alive, Jason frowned at you. “Why are you helping me?”
You faltered. Why were you helping him? It went completely against everything you had been taught. But you hadn’t really thought much about what you were doing. It was like your body was on autopilot, moving without thought of feeling and just following someone’s orders blindly. You shrugged at him. “It just felt like the right thing to do.”
Jason practically laughed. “But doesn’t that go against your entire image?”
“There is a lot you don’t know about me, Todd.”
The vigilante smirked, the corners of his lips creeping upward. Snarky. He liked you. “Then perhaps I should get to know you more.”
No matter how hard he tried, Jason couldn’t take his mind off you. Even once he had long returned home, he couldn’t get the image of your face out of his thoughts. There was something about you that was just so enthralling to him. And that bothered him greatly. His hours passed by quickly as he thought of you. What you had done. And god he was so conflicted. But the part of him that seemed to want to inch closer to you won.
After struggling to pull on his hoodie, no thanks to the dull ache that still emimated from his wounds, he slipped on his shoes and trudged down the stairs. He was just about to slip out of the door when a voice stopped him.
“Jay?” Dick asked, scowling at his brother. “Where are you going?”
“Again? You’ve only just got back after completely wiping off the radar and now you’re sneaking off?”
“I wasn’t sneaking.”
Dick cocked his brow.
The younger Wayne sighed and with a roll of his eyes told him defensively “It’s nothing, Grayson.”
Jason slipped out of the door.
Even though he had only been there once, Jason seemed to practically have the route to your apartment engraved in his mind. After all, he had walked in over and over again in his head as he thought about returning to see you. Although he was confident on how to get there, when he stood in front of the door with his fist poised to rap against the panel, a very rare occurrence happened to Jason. He was nervous. His stomach fluttered and churned underneath the bandages and then the door flew open.
And there you stood. You looked more awake than before. Perhaps because you had actually managed to get some sleep since he had left. It had been a well needed rest. The ache in your bones from the previous night had nearly vanished once you awoke. However, similarly to the vigilante, when you awoke you too had found your mind wandering back to the boy you had dragged back into your home.
There he was. Standing in your doorway.
“Todd?” You darkened your brow. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I came to get to know you.”
Gripping his wrist you pulled him inside and shut the door behind you.
You and Jason had grown close very quickly. After he had slunk up to your apartment, the pair of you exchanged numbers. This led to many rendezvous and you began to actually enjoy spending time with him. He was an intricate person. He had so many layers to him, each one more interesting than the next. He had also discovered that there was much more to you than your facade let on. You were kind, funny, and deeply compassionate despite your history. It was ironic really. But that made Jason love you even more. He loved the way you smiled with your eyes and the way they lit up when you saw something you adored. He loved the curves of your cheekbones, your nose, your jawline and your figure. He had grown to love your laugh and the way your voice softened when you were tired. He loved all of you. But he wasn’t sure if you so much as even liked him back.
It would be a complete lie to say didn’t. Slowly, the pair of you began to open up to each other. You knew little about his past and hearing him open up about it brought tears to your eyes. That was the first time that you had hugged him. Wrapping him up in your arms seemed to come almost naturally and despite the fact that Jason wasn’t a huge people person, he found himself leaning into your embrace. The two of you began to learn things about each other very quickly. You would tell him something and he would exchange the favour. Countless hours were spent as the two of you messaged back and forth or lounged around on your couch as you talked over the movies you tried to watch but failed because you couldn’t tear your eyes off of him. He was smart and he was kind and it was nice to have someone to really open up to. You had never really had that before Jason. Of course, when he found out about that and your lack of relationships, he couldn’t help but tease you. He thought it was adorable the way that your cheeks flushed and you shrunk into yourself.
Tonight, you were sitting on a hillside. It was a little far out of the city, but Jay had insisted that it was going to be worth it. Reluctantly, but with a little grin, you had followed him up the small hill.
The view was truly magnificent. From here, you had a view of the entire city. You could see all of the lights flickering throughout the skyscrapers and the neon lights of the signs as they reflected off of the dark windows. But what was even more magical were the stars. They twinkled above you brighter than a thousand diamonds all at once. It made your breath catch in your throat. With all of the light pollution in Gotham, it was hard to see the stars. But out here you could see them in all of their beauty. So as you lay back in the grass, basking in the moonlight while Jay pointed out the constellations, you twisted your body to sit face him. He returned the motion, looking at you with gentle eyes and a smile touching his lips.
“Thank you for bringing me here, Jay.” You told him. “It truly is beautiful here.”
He nodded, speaking softly. “I’m glad you like it.”
“I’ve never seen so many stars.” You said, inching yourself up so that you were sitting. “Though I suppose that’s because I’ve never really been out of Gotham.”
Jason raised an eyebrow. This was something new. “No?”
You shook your head as he too sat up. “Never. My father never let me.”
This surprised the vigilante somewhat, but he remained silence and let you continue.
“He’s… protective. And somewhat controlling.” you trailed off. “I know he just wants me to follow in his footsteps but for my entire life I’ve been following his command blindly. It’s always what he wants. He’s never once stopped and thought about what I want.”
Jason reached out a delicate hand to brush away a stray hair, tucking it back behind your ear. “And what is it that you want?”
“This.” You breathed out.
Tenderly, he leaned forward to interlock his lips with yours. They were soft and gentle and he kissed you with a gentle amorous touch. His hands brushed the back of your hair, tangling in your locks as you returned the kiss, leaning into his touch.
Being with Jason was more than you could ever have imagined. It was a different kind of love. Something you had never really experienced before. It was filled with gentle exchanges of touches, reassurances of your love for each other, gifts and small trinkets that you would buy for each other when it reminded you of them and so so much more. With Jay, you could just be yourself and he loved you for it. There was no more trying to keep up a facade that perhaps was much more of an act influenced by your father than you thought it was. Everything was perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
You and Jay had been going out for a few months when it happened. You had returned home after a late night stroll with him to find your father sitting on your couch. He was angry, face contorting with dark lines when he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Dad?” You asked, trying to hide the evidence of your outing from him. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t play coy with me.” He spat standing to tower above you. “I know exactly that’s going on with you and that little bird.”
He took a step forward, intending to intimidate you but you held your ground.
“How long did you think you could keep that hidden?”
“I don’t see what that’s any of your business.” You grit your teeth.
“I am your father. I made you who you are. Without me you would be nothing.” His words dripped with venom as he backed you into the wall.
“That’s exactly the point! You've never once stopped to consider what I want!”
Bane's face hardened and he leaned forward to speak to you in a scarily hushed tone and he gripped your wrists so hard you were sure it was going to leave a bruise later. “Now you listen here you insolent little girl. Either you stop running around with Bruce Wayne’s little protege or I will end him and I will make you watch. You understand.”
You didn’t meet his eyes. Instead you found a spot on the carpet to burn your gaze onto.
“I said, do you understand?” He raised his voice and you could feel your heart pounding against your rib cage.
“Yes, Father.” You admitted with defeat. He released his firm grip.
“Good.” Bane moved back towards the door. “Because I mean it.”
Without another word he turned on his heel and slammed the door behind him.
You crumpled to the floor, your body wracked with sobs that forced their way out from your ragged gasps.
And then your phone buzzed. His name displayed brightly on the screen.
Jason: Hey baby. D’you get in okay?
It was one of his usual messages. He sent them often when he couldn’t walk you back to your door. Sometimes even when he had walked you back and made sure you got inside with a parting kiss. You couldn’t blame him for being cautious. You had seen eachother fretting for the other when you came home with injuries. It was normal for Jason. But now it felt so wrong.
Opening the message your fingers hesitated over the keypad as you thought about your fathers warning. Was he right? Were you putting Jay at risk. Would it just be better if you. No. You tried to clear the thought from your mind.
You: Fine. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
You replied, waiting for the small bubble to finish typing.
Jason: you sure you’re okay baby?
You: of course. Why wouldn’t I be?
Jason: No reason. I just had this feeling.
You: Oh? Well I’m fine I promise. Night Jay.
You were in fact, not fine.
The next time you saw Jason your heart was racing. And not in the good way. In the “I think I’m going to hurl” way.
You had been thinking about him nonstop. About how much joy he brought you. How you could never fathom leaving him. But Bane's words kept replaying in your head. Seeing him had brought a part of your old self back. The part that you had long since tried to move past. Was being with Jason making you weak? You had told him so much that it felt as if he knew you inside and out. Was it okay to show vulnerability to him like that? You had been thinking a million thoughts at once. But the one that stuck out most to you was ‘am I putting Jason in danger?’ Would your selfishness of wanting to be with him cost him his life. You had tried to tell yourself that you were being silly. That Jason could handle himself. He was the infamous Red Hood. But you knew Jay. And you knew Bane. So you knew that if he put his mind to it, Jason Todd would die.
And that was why you needed to leave.
When Jason arrived he greeted you with a bright grin that only made your stomach sink deeper into your abyss of guilt. You took a deep breath, trying to hide the tremble of your body and the tears in your eyes. You could not bring yourself to return his mannerisms.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” He frowned as he approached you.
“Jay…. I-I” your voice caught in your throat: a reminder of how little you wanted this to happen. But you had to. For his sake “I can’t do this anymore.”
Jason’s face dropped. “W-what?”
You honestly don’t think you had ever seen him look more hurt. Another wound to add to the collection.
“I can’t do this anymore.” You gestured between the two of you. “ I love you, Jason. But I can’t carry on being with you.”
You took a step back and Jason reached out to try and touch you but stopped, cutting himself off short. “Y/N what’s happened? Please tell me baby. What have I done wrong?”
“Nothing, Jay.” You shook your head, blinking away the tears that fell. “That’s the worst part. Nothing at all.”
You avoided Jason Todd like the plague after that. No matter how much you mourned his face and playful smile. His flurries of texts and calls went unanswered until they slowly thinned out. Never stopping, but as the summer turned to autumn, there were less and less of them.
You could tell it broke him as much as it broke you.
You hardly left the house after that fateful day. Everything seemed to remind you of him and his stupid voice. You didn’t want to run the risk of seeing him because you knew the second you did you would break down again completely.
Your father stopped by occasionally. He would tell you that he was proud of you but you knew he was just trying to manipulate you back into his little copy of himself. You swore to yourself that you wouldn’t go back there, but after a short while you grew desperate. Perhaps it was because you had grown bored of staring at the same blank spot in the wall and the empty space on your bed, or perhaps it was because you secretly hoped that you would catch a glimpse of that infamous red suit.
It seemed that your wishes do come true.
You heard the fighting from around the corner. The cacophony of fists finding their marks. When you rounded the corner you saw him. The red of his suit outlined by the dark of the black to contrast. Your first thought was to run. To bolt back down the alleyway. But you weren’t a coward. You had had enough of hiding. You longed to see him and this was your chance. Red Hood was loosing.
With one swift action, you leaped towards the thugs grabbing one and sending her careening towards the ground. Red Hood had to do a double take when he saw the flash of your suit in the light. But there was no doubt that it was you. After months you had appeared.
Motivated by you appearance it didn’t take long of the two of you to take out the thugs. And when the last one dropped to the ground. Your first thought was to run. But then he said your name and you were glued in place. God you had longed to hear that voice.
“Y/N? Y/N please look at me” you had never heard so much softness in Jason’s voice before. He too was scared.
He was right behind you. Close enough to touch. You could sense him. His hands itching to reach out and gather you up in his arms.
Slowly you turned around to face him and your gaze met his for the first time in months. And his heart wanted to break. Jason had always been good at reading people, but he could see the whirlwind of emotions swirling in your gaze.
“I'm sorry.” You blurted out.
Jay hummed. Although he would never admit how much he had hurt during your absence, he had a feeling that you weren’t not thinking properly and had likely been influenced by someone else. The fear in your eyes confirmed his suspicions. “I know.” Jason wanted to reach out and snatch you up to pull into his embrace. “I know it was your father.”
You felt as if the whole world had been lifted off of your chest when he breathed out those words.
“Truly, I didn’t want to do it, Jay. But he threatened to- I couldn’t let him hurt you.” Your voice broke and your lips trembled as your eye filled with tears. And that was the final straw for the vigilante. He took another step forward and wrapped you up in a tight hug. He had missed you so much.
“Shh.” He hushed. “I forgive you.”
You sniffled looking up at him. “Really?”
“Of course I do.” He nodded, tucking your head under his chin. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Me too.” You muttered.
“So what do you say?” He asked. “You want to give this another go?”
“If you’ll have me.”
“Oh darling, I would trade the world for one night with you.”
And with that, Jason Todd leaned down and kissed you once more.
side note in case it bothers anyone: I'm somewhat aware that Bane has a daughter canonically, which is sort of why I went with him. If you wanted to you could interpret this as the reader also being created in a lab, or being his biological daughter (how I imagined it) but it doesn't really matter. I also chose bane because I didn't want to go with the joker again, but this this also doesn't really matter as the reader kinda just becomes her own villain.
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
I’m not your friend
Jason Todd x GN!Reader
A little cute story for Jason!
Jason furrows his eyebrows at the sound of your hushed giggles as you enter the apartment. He messaged you that he’s coming over around a hour ago, and when he found the place empty he just decided to stay and wait up for you. He found it weird that you weren’t home at 2 o’clock in the morning, but he didn’t really worry because you could have gone over to a friend’s place.
He looks up from his spot on the couch to see you stumbling into the room, a dopey smile on your lips as you held onto the wall for balance. You shush yourself a few times but still giggling rather loud. Jason smiles at the sight.
“Y/N?” He calls out, and let’s out a laugh when you jump a little. “Oh hey Jayjay…” You say, a hand held to your chest. You bend down to take off your shoes, which appears to be a difficult task for you as you struggle to pull them off. You almost fall over but catch yourself at the last second. Standing up, you look at the man in front of you with the same goofy smile. “You look nice.”
He smiles at the compliment. “Thank you, are you drunk?”
You move closer to the couch, still stumbling a little bit. Once you reach it, you lean against the arm of the couch and stare into his eyes. The first thing Jason notices is how close you are to his face, and the fact that your eyes are bloodshot red and that you reek of weed.
“Maybe.” You grin at him, your hands coming up to touch his cheeks. Due to your lack of balance and having nothing to support you properly, you fall forward, causing Jason to grab you wrists to stop you. You let out more giggles and look down at your hands. “You care about me.”
You say it teasingly, but Jason ignores it to encourage you to take a seat. “Uh-huh, come and sit on the couch Boobie.”
You smile at the nickname, but listen nonetheless and allow him to pull you into the seat next to him. ‘Boobie’ is a nickname you and Jason came up with when you were kids. You’ve known him since Bruce first adopted him, and rekindled your friendship when he came back from the pit. People have always said you two were inseparable, stuck close together like to boobs in a bra (the words of Dick Grayson while he was drunk off of his ass). S you both now call each other ‘Boobie’ for that reason.
As soon as you sit down, you snuggle up close to him with your nose buried into his neck. You take a deep breath before they turn into soft ones. For a second Jason thinks you’re sleeping, but then you start humming a song. He side eyes you but goes to pick up the poetry book he was looking at without moving you too much.
As his eyes scan the pages, he feels you peek to see what he’s up to. A scoff leaves your lips before you sit up and move away from him to face him properly. You lick your lips before speaking.
“‘I wanted to tell him that I loved him, that my heart beats a little faster when he smiles at me. I wanted to tell him that whenever I’m away from him, the noise gets louder and that the knife feels deeper.’” Jason looks up at you with and lowers the book onto his lap. With his full attention, you continue. “‘But I can’t. Not when he looks at her like that, and how she looks back. Not when his hands feel cold in mine, but his face heats up at the sight of her. Not when I know the pain of rejection is one I wouldn’t be able to take. So I stay silent.’”
“Hm.” Jason stares at you, a curious expression on his handsome face.
“It’s one of my favourite poems.” You tell him, an almost painful smile on your lips. Your eyes move to another spot in the room, a distant look on your face as you let out a loud sigh.
The atmosphere in the room changes. Jason watches you closely, trying to understand exactly what you’re feeling and thinking in this very moment. He says nothing, and neither do you. You fall into a comfortable silence.
After a few minutes Jason stands up to get you a glass of water and some Chinese you have left over in your fridge from last night. As he warms it up in the microwave, he leans against the island in the middle of the kitchen to get a view of you on the couch. You have your head in your hands with both your eyes closed, probably trying to get yourself together.
He shakes his head at you but let’s out a little chuckle.
“Here you go Y/N,” Jason kicks your foot gently to get your attention when he returns to the living room. You lift your head a little too quickly and groan in pain. “Easy easy…”
“Thank you,” you whisper, your voice now a little raspy. You take the glass and the plate.
Jason responds before taking up his previous seat. There’s a little space between the two of you, not much, but enough for the both of you to move around.
You chew on your food, occasionally taking a sip of water, as Jason continues to read some poetry, but not without sneaking a few glances at you to make sure you’re eating. You finish eating in about 15 minutes and place your dishes on the coffee table in front of you.
“Hey Boobie?” You start.
“Mhmm?” He doesn’t look up from the words on the pages, but you know he’s listening.
You clear your throat. “Do you think it’s possible to love someone that much?”
He still doesn’t look up. “What do you mean?”
“Like in the poem. All that fairytale shit we hear about butterflies, and hearts beating faster, all that shit. Do you think it’s true?”
“Um…” he licks his lips and lifts his head to look ahead of him in thought. “I mean, I think it’s possible for someone to make you that happy. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you don’t feel those ‘butterflies’ that you’re not in love with the person. It’s different for people.”
“And the pain?”
“Of rejection?”
“Of love in general.”
He looks up at the ceiling now. “The people who love us the most, can hurt us the most. And the other way round.” He looks at you in the eyes now. “Whether it’s intentional or not, we hurt those around us. But the beauty of love? It’s being able to help each other heal those wounds they caused each other. To accept all the ugly and the beautiful, because that’s what love truly is. It can be painful, but it can also be beautiful.”
You’re stuck staring at him. You try to move your mouth to reply to his poetic words, to tell him you agree, but you can’t. It’s like your body is afraid to ruin the moment, afraid that if you move too much you’ll scare him off. One of Jason’s eyebrows lift as he stares back at your face. He can’t explain the look on your face, because it’s not emotionless, in fact it’s full of so much emotion.
“You have beautiful eyes.” It comes out without you even realising you’re saying it.
His eyes widen at the compliment. This compliment isn’t like the one you said earlier, or all the ones you’ve ever said to him, because this one is said with some much love that it surprises him.
“Thank you,” He clears his throat. “Your eyes are beautiful too.”
You smile at him and he swears he’s so fucking in love with you.
You both continued to talk, having conversations about anything and everything. The room was filled with laughs, whispers, yells and the occasional song from one of your phones. Throughout it all, you both keep on stealing long glances at each other. Unspoken words sit on the tips of your tongues, words you both wish you were more confident to say.
Somehow you got onto the topic of fears, and had migrated from the couch to your bed. Both of you lay on your backs, your heads to the ceiling.
Your heads are both on one pillow. You’re so close to each other that you can feel his body heat. It comforts you to have him so close. It makes you feel safe.
“What’s your biggest fear?” He whispers to you.
“My biggest one?” He hums. You turn your head to look at him, causing Jason to do the same. Your noses are practically touching. “Losing you.”
He turns his head into the pillow to let out a laugh. You smile at how cute he is. When he turns back, he has a little bit of red on his cheeks and a dopey smile on his lips.
“Losing me?” He questions.
“Because I love you.”
He doesn’t move. The smile he held seconds ago disappears, leaving behind a blank expression. The longer you watch him though, you realise that he isn’t looking at you blankly, that his emotions are where you always find them: his eyes. For as long as you can remember, Jason has always been a hard cookie to crack, he’s been trained to hide his emotions by Batman and years of trauma. But one day, as you stared deep into his eyes, you realised that Jason’s eyes held all his emotions.
For something so beautiful, his eyes hold so much rage within them.
“You love me?” He finally asks, his voice just above a whisper.
“Of course I do, I tell you this all the time.” You smile at him, but you know what he’s really asking. You can feel it too.
You’ve said those 3 words dozens of times to him, but this time, it feels and sounds different. Like you mean it differently this time. Like you don’t mean it as just friends.
“No but…” His hand comes up to your cheek and hovers above it, as if he’s afraid to touch you. “Not like that.”
“Then like what?” You were beginning to sober up. You move your head so that his palm finally touches your cheek. He cups it gently, stroking the area below your eyes soothingly. “Like I have a crush on you?”
He chuckles at your childishness. “Do you have a crush on me?”
You grin. “Sometimes…”
“Yeah, like when you won’t stop looking at me like that.” You playfully try to push his face away from yours. He laughs at your actions, his hands coming up to grab your wrists. He lays a kiss on one of your palms.
“Like what?”
“With your stupid pretty eyes and face that make me nervous and blush and shit,” He snorts, the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard leaving his mouth. His one hand moves to caress your cheek. “And when you do cute shit.”
“Cute shit?” “Like you are now.”
He leans his forehead against yours, his eyes closed and your hand held up to his chest in between the both of you. One of your hands move to stroke his hair soothingly. Jason moans softly at the feeling, his body moving slightly closer to yours. A yawn leaves your mouth, causing you to pause in your movements. Jason opens his eyes and watches you throw your head back as you let another yawn out.
When you look back at him, he has the softest smile on his beautiful pink lips. It makes him look more kissable. You wish you had the courage to just lean in closer and press your lips against his. Hell, you wish you had the courage to tell him you love him. Your right hand moves to stroke his bottom lip.
“You’re my best friend…” you start, and something flashes in Jason’s eyes. The smile falls from his lips. “Don’t say that.” He gives you a vulnerable look.
“And I love you. Just…not how I’m supposed to.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “What are you saying?”
You give him a sad smile. “Nothing. I just…wanted you to know that I love you.”
“I love you too.” His eyes drift to your lips before looking you straight in the eyes. “Not how I’m supposed to.”
Your smile grows wider, and you can’t stop yourself from leaning over and placing a loving kiss on the side of his mouth, so close to his lips. His eyes close at the sensation. You place another kiss on his forehead and allow him to snuggle under your chin and into your chest, his arms wrapping around your lower stomach and yours circling his shoulders while cradling his head.
It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep, not only because you’re still kinda drunk but also because you have the man you’re in love with cradled in your arms.
Even though you know you’re probably going to be mortified when you wake up for saying all this shit to Jason, for now you allow the familiar scent of Jason to consume you as you drift off into slumberland.
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yandereforme · 5 months
Yan! Batfam x Teacher! Batmom
All platonic besides Bruce
First off, you were Dick’s teacher at Gotham Academy, and the most sympathetic to him. You knew how hard the transition was, especially since he had learned on his feet most of his life, so you decided to have most of your classes on their feet at some point, and offered him help with homework
Dick absolutely adored you. He was suspicious at first, but after a little while he grew way more comfortable. The change from the circus way of life to living in a city permanently and having to go to school was astronomical. You were the only teacher who seemed to realize that and try to help him. You threw a ball around for the class to answer things, played games to help people learn, and comforted/defended him when people looked down on him for his background.
People learned very quickly not to complain about you or your class, otherwise they would have to deal with ‘pranks’ like being doxxed, having their things ending up in trees, and their parents deals falling through.
On the first parent teacher night, Dick dragged Bruce over to you. Bruce had already heard of you from Dick and done his own surface level research on you.
The minute this man met you, he understood why Dick loved you so much. You just gave this aura of light and comfort that no one else could ever measure. You were kind and understanding and sweet.
(Note, Bruce isn’t completely yandere yet. He is starting to be, but I like slow burn. Dick is 100% yandere though.)
Dick threw a major tantrum when he learned he would have to leave your class. He was aggressive and started purposefully failing your class. It got to the point where you called a meeting between you and Bruce and Dick where you talked about everything.
You met with them at the manor, and after a few minutes, you managed to get it out of Dick why he was upset. You quietly told Dick that while you would miss him too, you would be very upset if he stayed back for him.
However, Bruce and Alfred managed a solution. With a few bribes to the school, they started a theatre club that you would run(they did research and knew you liked theatre) and that Dick would be your assistant, and he would still have the option after he graduated.
Everything was back to normal for you, besides the fact that all of your dates never lasted anymore. You couldn’t figure out why?
Then, Jason Todd was enrolled in your class
I hope you guys like this! This is my series for Romantic Yan! Bruce x Reader.
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bug-bites · 2 months
batfam beach episode?? real not clickbait no glue no borax??
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cw: nothing! pure vacation beach fluff (p≧w≦q) also barely proofread,,,
pairing: gn!reader x batfam (NOT ALL AT ONCE.)
characters: dick grayson, jason babygirl todd, cassandra cain, tim drake, damian wayne (all intended to be interpreted as either romantic or platonic unless its damian. ik in some comic runs he's like an adult but hes like permanently 12 in my head and i dont fw that :/)
a/n: im back with a new dc obsession tee hee (soz to everyone who wanted more abt the cod guys or spiderverse im comicsmaxxing and redhoodpilled) will probably make a part 2 w/ bruce, babs, steph, and duke eventually :3c
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Dick Grayson haha dick
oh he loves the beach so much
the sand beneath his feet make him feel nostalgic from when he would practice tumbling with his parents in the circus ring i think there's sand in circus rings right? I dunno someone fact check me on that one
the victim of being buried in the sand, always asks for a mermaid tail but ends up with something like massive sand tits (courtesy of either tim or jason), he laughs it off anyways
somehow gets the worst tan lines. He wore a swim shirt one time and never again because the tan lines looked SO BAD which is a total shame because he tans gorgeously
will beg to do play shoulder wars i have no clue if this is the right name, again fact check me for this thing where you get a piggyback ride from someone and you try to knock someone whos also getting a piggyback ride over in the water
you’re on his shoulders since bro is strong asf and you square up against tim and damian
obviously you lose because hello that's damian wayne we are talking about but at least its fun!!
cass and jason are forever the undefeated champions of shoulder wars though, that goes without saying
Cassandra Cain
shes always seen beach episodes in animes that damian practically dragged her into watching so when she gets to actually go to a beach she is so excited peak sibling bonding is dragging your siblings into your interests
loves building sandcastles and writing things in the sand, watching it get washed away, and then do it all over again
hold her hand and jump over waves together on the shore and she will be the giggliest and happiest human being alive on planet earth
but out of all the beach activities she loves beach volleyball
shes actually scarily good at beach volleyball for someone who has never played volleyball before
dick thought it would be fun to teach her and have a friendly match between him and bruce vs you and cass
yeah bruce and dick were COOKED. huffing and puffing like they have a vendetta against the three little pigs at the end of it while cass is like “this is so fun, lets go again!”
ends the day with a little sunset stroll along the shore i need her so bad you do not understand please bbyg ill treat u soooo well
Jason Todd
beaches are fun on paper for him, in person not so much
PERSONAL HC INCOMING! He gets migraines after the lazarus pit so he can only have so much fun before needing to lie face down with his head covered with a beach towel to make everything less overwhelming or he wears sunglasses the entire time
he brings a book to read at the beach and stays in the shade the entire time yes he is that bitch
usually at home in the comfort of his little library he likes to read things that have an impact on him or just stuff that makes him want to analyze deeper. think books like frankenstein, lord of the flies, all quiet on the western front, just generally heavier stuff
but his vacation books? totally different. usually something super light, maybe a shitty romance book that you find in walmart which are clearly just results of book packaging, or a some booktok recommendation he got for shits and giggles because it just was so laughably bad, maybe even a childhood feel-good book like percy jackson or the little prince (mostly just books he would not grieve over if sand permanently got in between the pages)
he tried reading a colleen hoover book once and honest to God wanted to toss it into the ocean HE WOULD HATE HER BOOKS AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
but out of everything he likes watching you enjoy yourself, his book wasnt that important anyways. show him that funky sand dollar you found or that really cool piece of seaglass, he’s probably gonna bring it home with him. a little keepsake along with the millions of grains of sand that never seem to go away
Tim Drake
Burns so easily
At first its kinda cute, like hes asking you to help him get that spot on his back he just cant seem to reach and its just a little sweet moment between you two as you rub the sunscreen into his sore muscles
But then it happens again. And again. And again to the point when he goes up to you, you automatically reach for the tube of SPF 100+ 
I just know his vitamin d deficiency goes crazy
Leaves the beach looking like a lobster, sunburnt, a crazy bump on his head from getting hit with a volleyball, and some god awful sunglasses tan lines
Overall, beach activities are not really his thing bros job is NAWT beach
Enjoys the boardwalk a lot more than the beach itself, likes the touristy stuff but still goes to the beach because dick loves it and he loves his older brother :(
Damian Wayne
i feel like he wouldn’t care too much for typical beach stuff. like at every beach that has sand and decently clean water you can do most beach activities
one thing that is never 100% consistent at all beaches is what lives on the beaches. this boy will spend hours staring into tidepools 
bruce was lowk concerned because his son did not gaf about normal beach activities that kids do but eventually he reached a point where he was like "i mean at least hes having fun and being safe"
i feel like talia would always show him books of sea creatures when he was little but he never ended up being able to see them in their natural habitat someone take this boy to an aquarium now
tells you fun facts about each creature you come across
will scold you if you take a shell from the beach, definitely says some shit like “how would you feel if someone ran into your house and just took your bed?”  based though, leave shells at the beach yall! taking them is like bad for the ecosystem
brings his notebook around and has little sketches of the sea creatures
even though typical beach activities arent his favourite, he doesnt hate it. he likes that he can catch a break from all the vigilante stuff and spend time with his family as a family and not just as a team
loves scuba diving. idk it just somehow makes sense and i think he would look really stupid in a wet suit
also i feel like he would never mention it but in his mind hes fully thinking "this is just like a beach episode" but he would rather die than say it out loud FUCKING NERDDD
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