based--ball · 25 days
i wrote a poem for @timebegins-onopeningday a few weeks ago and decided i want to share it here. it's about danny jansen and jordan romano and spring training and the trade deadline and loving in secret and leaving with the world watching. and a little bit about the tragically hip, because i will never stop making baseball about the tragically hip.
format notes: there are blank spaces in the poem, and each one has a handful of words or phrases that fit in that space. if you read on my neocities site, each time you refresh the page, it will randomize each spot to make a slightly different variation every time. if you read it on ao3 (linked below the read more), you have to find the corresponding number and pick a word/phrase (the "word bank" is at the bottom, below the main text). i suggest reading it on neocities and reloading the page a few times to see what different versions you get, and then looking at all of the possibilities on ao3 if you would like.
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jimothystu · 1 year
for the hc questions: 🔥 and 🐬 for both romansen and biggiette :)
Oooo okay
🔥 - Who realized they were interested in who first? 
I think Danny would realize it first be because I love Jordo but he gives me airhead vibes sometimes lmao. Obviously they’re super close friends and everything but I think it would take Jordo a while longer to realize he’s in love with Danny than vice versa.
🐬 - Who made the first move? 
While Danny realized it first, I think Jordo would make the first move. Once he realizes he is in fact in love with Danny, he’d make his mind up to tell him as soon as he has the chance.
🔥 - Who realized they were interested in who first? 
Hmmm. I think maybe Cav? Bo’s so focused on baseball that he doesn’t have time to think about romance and feelings and stuff. He wouldn’t really register that his feelings for Cav have changed until they’re apart during an offseason. But Cav would be helplessly in love with Bo since they were in the minors together, and would just be pathetically pining over Bo.
🐬 - Who made the first move? 
Definitely Cav again. Bo’s so reserved, and I don’t think he’d want to jeopardize their work relationship or the dynamics of the team by trying anything. (But when Cav makes a move/tells him how he feels he just feels so happy that he goes “fuck it”)
OTP asks
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whencyclopedia · 17 days
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The First Triumvirate was an informal and secret political alliance formed in 60 BCE between three of Rome's most powerful figures: Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great, and Marcus Licinius Crassus. This alliance allowed them to bypass the Roman Senate's authority and consolidate power to achieve their individual goals. Julius Caesar sought military command and political support to further his ambitions...
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bichettes · 1 year
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game 3/? of the season
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shiroselia · 2 years
Bara för att jag nu börjar tänka på böcker jag tvingades läsa i skolan
Fyfan vad dåliga böcker jag läst på svenskan
Hade en lärare i högstadiet som alltid fick oss att läsa massor av sumpiga jävla romantiknoveller o jag är SÅ fucking trött på svenska författare och deras högstadieromanser
(Mycket för att svenskar också har en Sjuk obsession med mobbade nördkillar x populära tjejer som beter sig som om de vore 25 o inte fucking 15, o det får en Alltid att höja ögonbrynen) (Ni har aldrig upplevt smärta förens nu läst tre böcker på rad där 15-åringars “djupa klyftor” beskrivs varannat fucking kapitel)
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Okay but can someone (if I write this myself I don't trust my own ability to do it justice it probably wouldn't be good enough) entertain the idea for a fic where its SpoilOfWar!Reader in ancient times:
1. RomanSoldier!Simon, Gaz, and Soap who bring SpoilOfWar!Reader with them on their journey back to Rome to retired general now RomanSenator!Price knowing that they would be a perfect addition to their home. SpoilOfWar!Reader complains and fights the entire way, expecting to be treated badly and turned into a slave, only to be very confused when these four romans begin lavishing them in fine clothes and jewels and treating them like a wife. Another roman citizen doesn't take kindly to that? How unfortunate for them since no one wants to incur the 141s wrath. Unfortunately this includes reader--because at the end of the day you certainly still view yourself as a spoil of war which leads to interesting debates.
2. SpartanSoldiers!141 taking reader as a spoil of war after they find them fighting back against one of their own and (nearly) winnng. They're impressed, like to the point where they just know they have to have reader as a spoil once their little war is done. Reader disagrees, doing everything in their power to prove that Sparta is worse than where they came from since the 141 act as if being a spoil of war was a favour. (And did they mention that Spartan women have more rights than the city-state reader came from?) They certainly lay on the promises that in time you'll be better off.
Bonus for AncientDeity!141:
Reader who escapes capture from being a spoil of war to a man named Graves. Desperately running and finding themselves at the Necromanteion (in our world, this is a temple for Hades and Persephone, but lets pretend the pantheon of this one is....different) where they pray to whatever Gods this temple is for only to accidentally summon the 141. Price, Simon, Gaz, and Johnny are all Underworld deities--they happen to rule it, together--and...well Godhood and immortality can be given to mortals. They know by just one look that they want to keep reader and reader prayed for help. A deal is struck. Pomegranate seeds are given. Which is where poor reader finds themselves: somehow immortal, bound to four underworld deities, and why are there flowers sprouting wherever they touch???
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reptile-ruler · 1 month
något jag tyckte de hanterade bra med "kärleks dramat" är att det tacklades som "de här ungdomarna startar puberteten och deras känslor är överallt, och de är rädda för att känna sig utanför" inte som om det är någon livsavgörande love story. Det var också kul att se Peo hitta kärlek efter skilsmässan, kanske för att han påminde mig om min morfar, och Ulla liknade min morfars flickvän.
Ja!! Älskar hur ungdomarna blir kära och avundsjuka på varandra utan att det måste sluta med att en av dem får tjejen. Väldigt true to life och roligt att se när fiktiv romans annars ofta har ett end goal, även när det är media för barn. (Har ändrats i barnmedia på sistone men i alla fall det jag växte upp med kändes så.) Miras avundsjuka på Irina är också intressant, när hon måste vänja sig vid att inte vara enda tjejen ombord.
Alltså Peo och Ulla är ju ett OTP! Peo som gett upp på lyckan i livet, har skilt sig och tappat kontakten med sina barn... Han blir fäst i dom här ungdomarna under äventyret, det ger honom livsgnistan tillbaka, han får mod att försöka på nytt, att uppvakta kvinnan han älskar, att inse att det inte är försent än! Det är så fint <3 Och att den huvusakliga romansen i slutet inte är mellan ungdomarna utan mellan gamlingen och en kvinna som inte ens är del av äventyret, men det märks att hon är viktig för honom.
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based--ball · 2 months
ship ask for bobblehead battery icons danny & romano
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Holy shit they make me lose my mind??? They have a ship name (thanks espi) that they used for marketing a bobblehead. The first time they played together Danny got a baseball to the throat and invited Jordan to dinner afterwards. They have known each other for so long and !!!!! Trading Danny is possibly the worst thing ever actually
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svenskjavel · 2 years
Kamera romansen var genuint rolig
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whencyclopedia · 1 year
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The quaestor ("the one who asks questions") was the oldest and lowest office on the cursus honorum, or "path of honor" in ancient Rome. Considered a stepping stone to higher office in the Roman government, the duties of the quaestor ranged from administrating public properties and overseeing treasuries to collecting taxes and recruiting in the provinces, among other tasks.
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ifindus · 10 months
they really tried to have us fooled when they put Rosa into the mix, men nei, den går ikke! Sabeltann og langemann for life !!
Sånn særr, Rosa var en bra karakter, men den romansen med Langemann bare funka ikke 😅
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travisdermotts · 1 year
what am i gonna do after monday when there's no more romansen commercials 😢
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anotherhockeypage · 2 years
I will only refer to Romano and Jansen as Romansen
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gubbanarkist · 2 years
Det som verkligen skiljer Dan Berglund från de andra gamla (r)-trubadurerna är att han verkligen kan göra annat än väldigt arga politiska sånger och han kan göra dem bra, helt separat från att De Mördades Fri Republik är den Bästa Sången i sin genre, utan snack om saken.
Men helt separat från det så kan han verkligen kommunicera skönheten och den solkiga romansen i alla de människor som, uttröttade av livet, söker någon mänskig kontakt på ett sätt jag inte finner like övertygande hos någon annan riktigt, kanske just för att han liksom fattar det solkiga i det, det vackra i det ofina, solkiga. Det är sant både i balladen om aftonen och framförallt i Nattvandrare, hans nog vackraste sång. Det kan inte de andra gamla kampsångarna riktigt.
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based--ball · 5 months
BLUE JAYS WIN! romansen is BCAK! outfield hugs! vladdy romano 👉👈!
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jerrykalman · 5 years
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Today is the #idesofmarch known historically as the day #juliuscaesar was assassinated in the #romansenate so we note the moment with a #quote of his and back it up with a surfing scene near #paia on #maui. If this #quotograph speaks to you please #repost it (at Paia, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wjba_pCIh/?igshid=1167pqjhmz145
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