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hannahcrazyhawk · 5 years ago
This may sound odd, but I've found a combination of essential oils (diffused into the air) that helps relax my stupid face a bit at night. It certainly doesn't eliminate the Trigeminal Neuralgia pain but it sometimes helps ease the sharpness of it.
5 Drops of Roman Chamomile 🌿
5 Drops of Lavender 💜
It also smells nice and helps me sleep. I just wanted to share in case anyone else happens to be an essential oil addict like myself, or who is willing to try new ideas.
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cosmicfaeriewitch · 6 years ago
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Feeling real antsy for springtime & spending my days in the garden 🐝💛🌼 #honeybee #chamomile #savethebees #romanchamomile #garden #nature #naturephotography #michigan #bees #pollen #organicgardening #flowers #plants #photography #michigan #cottagecore #beesofinstagram #pollinator #ilovebees #worldbeeday (at Leonard, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbTY8SHdS_/?igshid=1bqxf92td68r9
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essentialginnie · 6 years ago
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Try this relaxing diffuser blend after a long day!
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Roman Chamomile
1 drop Vetiver
You can also try 1 drop of each of the oils and apply to the bottoms of the feet or add to Epsom Salts for a relaxing bath!
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elefteriamantzorou · 3 years ago
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Chamomile, growing wild on the hill above my little school. Read more below. Learn more about our online courses on herbal medicine & aromatherapy in jointheflow.net Discover my books on bodywork and more: amzn.to/3xhaNey Chamomile tea is a herbal infusion made from dried flowers and hot water. Two types of chamomile used are German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile). Now is the time to harvest the flowers. Extracts or dried flowers of Chamaemelum nobile are used in hair care and skincare products. The plant may be used to flavor foods, in herbal teas, perfumes, and cosmetics.  It is used in aromatherapy, as it is a calming agent, to reduce stress and promote sleep. Chamomile essential oil contains sesquiterpenes, terpene lactones (including the blue compound, chamazulene), acetylene derivatives, and polyphenols, which contribute to the fragrance and may be extracted individually. It can be used to create a fragrant chamomile lawn. Chamomile has historically been used in making beer and ale. Unlike for tea, in which only the flowers are used, the whole plant has been used to make beers and ales, adding a bitter flavor component favored by craft breweries and homebrewers. The main constituents of chamomile flowers are polyphenol compounds, including apigenin, quercetin, patuletin, and luteolin. Photo taken by me, all rights reserved. #chamomile #romanchamomile #phytochemistry #plantchemistry #herbcrafting #herbalcrafting #healingherbs #apothecary #healingherbs #medicinalplants #greekherbs #myherbalstudies #herbalistsofinstagram #botany #botanicalmedicine #wildfood #wildfoodlove #foraging #survivalskills #primitiveskills #herbaleducation #eatweeds Text credit: Wikipedia (at Athens, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcPV52Zoytc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eobuddy · 7 years ago
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Red, White, and Blue are colors we associate with 4th of July! So I decided to cover three oils that remind me of red, white, and blue. White is #tranquil and pure - #RomanChamomile. #eobuddy #essentialoils
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shuchan-chan · 4 years ago
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ジャーマン vs. ローマン (分かりにくいけど…) #camomile #camomillaitalia #germanchamomile #chamomile #romanchamomile https://www.instagram.com/p/CRC7kwsB-Vt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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greenomlet · 7 years ago
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My next batch of #100percentnatural #handmade lipbalms are ready for sale! 😇🌏💚 #naturallipbalm #lipbalm #doterra #essentialoils #dyicosmetics #toxinfree #toxinfreeliving #toxinfreehome #dōterraessentialoils #naturalcosmetics #naturkosmetik #romanchamomile #lavender #peppermint #frankincense #onguard #sheabutter #coconutoil #eglantine #jojobaoil #eveningprimroseoil #rosarubiginosa #vitamine (at Duisburg)
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23percentchallenge · 4 years ago
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Plant 🌱 Food for the Week - Chamomile #23percentchallenge #chamomile #medicinalherbs #herbs #germanchamomile #romanchamomile #chamomiletea #chamomileoil #chamomileflowers #chamomilepowder #chamomileextract #apigenin #chamomileallergy #eatmoreplants #vegan #plantbased https://www.instagram.com/p/CLZ3KbvpqYy/?igshid=8tkdt5b3bcb6
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biaoleosessenciais · 4 years ago
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Quer dicas de como usar o óleo essencial dōTERRA®️ Brasil Roman Chamomile? Adicione de 1-2 gotas ao seu hidratante favorito, shampoo ou condicionador para ajudar a promover a aparência de cabelos e pele revigorados. Difunda ou aplique na planta dos pés na hora de dormir. #romanchamomile #camomilaromana #camomila #oleoessencialdecamomila #chadecamomila #biaoleosessenciaisoficial #oleosessenciais #sono #qualidadedosono #paz #tranquilidade #oleoessencialdelavanda #dormirbem #sonotranquilo #sonoreparador #vegano #aromaterapia #sonodebebe #sentimentos #bonssentimentos #bonsfluidos #vegetarian #yoga #estéticanatural #belezanatural #cabelosaudavel https://www.instagram.com/p/CIiZmyMjkYz/?igshid=9pwbqvcnz8hc
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pureoilgen · 5 years ago
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7/29, Wednesday ONLY, #BOGO +1 when you buy Melissa 5 mL, you will receive Roman Chamomile AND Yellow Mandarin FREE!! 🙌🙌 Melissa 5 mL Wholesale: $115.00 Limit: 3 per account Simply add Melissa to your cart, and both Roman Chamomile & Yellow Mandarin will automatically appear when you click to process your order. Wholesale customer: https://doterra.me/SZHQuAVp Only available while supplies last. Go to Facebook page Pure Oil Generation BOGO & Specials page throughout the day for more info and TIPS on today's specials. #doterraessentialoil #pureoilgeneration #doterrapursuewhatspure #doterrabogo #bogoplus1 #Melissa #RomanChamomile #YellowMandarin https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOuQY6gM1G/?igshid=1dfpkvefl8sqp
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wamae · 7 years ago
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THE ROSE— —Yin in character —Considered to be the “Queen of the Flowers” Rose refreshes the soul. . It has a deeply positive psychological effect. . It balances, Particularly the heart. Rose Opens the doors to love, freedom, friendship & empathy. . It increases cellular regeneration & dermal turnover. It’s astringent, emollient, & tonic, cleansing, purifying relaxant qualities nourishes beyond the dermal layers of the skin. . Rose Hip Seed was a remedy used by the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, & Native Americans. . #natural #herbal #floral #skincare #rituals #sweetheart #sweetskin #ascension #regeneration #smallbatch #renewal #apothecary #regimes #madewell #aromatherapeutic #wellness #rose #romanchamomile #halifax #novascotia #maritime #wildrose #madewithlove (at Osha Studio)
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oilsofmothernature · 5 years ago
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#passion #romanchamomile #peppermint #celebrate 🎇
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This very #colorful "Zoned Out" #bathbomb is made with a great blend of #Sweet #Marjoram #RomanChamomile #YlangYlang #Sandalwood #Vanilla and #Lavender #essentialoils That combined with the #sweetalmondoil and the loving dried #Milk, make this bath bomb #loving for the #skin. Get "Zoned Out" today! @ismellcakesandcandy #shop @instagram #instagood #instalove #bathtime #instagram #instapic #smallbusiness #standwithsmall #skincare #products #entrepreneur https://www.instagram.com/p/CCC2VZ_H0yT/?igshid=el09m7e2p4kc
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helloimac3 · 5 years ago
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#ガーデニング #gardening #植物 #green #花 #flowers #カワラナデシコ #ヤマトナデシコ #河原撫子 #大和撫子 #Fringedpink #アスチルベホワイトグロリア #泡盛草 #Astilbe #ローマンカモミール #Romanchamomile #ハーブのある暮らし #herb #instagardening #gardeningtime #gardeninglife #植物のある暮らし #緑のある暮らし #花のある暮らし #mygarden #おうち園芸 #おうち時間 #コロナに負けるな #dontlosetocovid19 #今を乗り越えよう 小屋の庭から ① カワラナデシコ。株分けしたら無事に咲いてくれた。花びらの切れ込みがひらひら〜 ② アスチルベのホワイトグロリア。移植して2年目、もう少しで開花?楽しみ🎶 ③ ローマンカモミール。毎年景気よくたくさん咲いてくれ���。ハーブだけれど、咲いている花の少ない我が家ではうれしい植物。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBihCOIJ5xO/?igshid=17oiowilvrn92
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tri111light · 5 years ago
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The weekly essential oil blend, a gentle blend to help you let go of that which no longer serves you. 💕 Jen #trilight #essentialblends #myrrh #romanchamomile #sweetmarjoram #petigrain #letitgo (at Cumberland Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_20NLeHr7p/?igshid=z01md74ihatq
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spendtimewithtom-blog · 5 years ago
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The #day3 #bogooffer from @doterra is here. Today only, Wednesday, April 22, buy one 15 ml bottle of #citrusbloom and get a 5 ml bottle of #pinkpepper for free. Citrus Bloom is a combination of #grapefruit , #lavender , #magnolia , #romanchamomile and #wildorange #essentialoils . It’s excellent for diffusing first thing in the morning to support a #calm and #optimistic start to the day. It is both #refreshing and #relaxing . #pinkpepper can be used in a diffuser, or used internally or topically. It also aids in the support of a healthy immune system as well as a healthy metabolism. If you are interested or you have questions, send me a message. #2020 #april #bogo #doterra #doterraessentialoils #essentialoil #wednesdaybogo #wellnessadvocate (at Henderson, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TKOAUhB01/?igshid=7yx6mnk2o2vt
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