#romance scammer memes
djdemmernecks-blog · 4 months
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mijlen · 2 years
So I used my time machine (which is canon to my blog but which can only be used for shitposting; there are reasons, don't worry about it) and I went ahead in time three years to see what was up with the Goncharov "remake," aka Goncharov (2025), aka the Meme that Became a Real Movie. 
Well, things started out promising even though Martin Scorsese simply would not bend to pressure and direct the Meme Movie, but when the Safdie Brothers DID sign on, it was with Scorsese's blessing. The script appeared to bounce around through most of 2023, there were three different writers attached in the span of five months, including Ronald Bronstein, Steven Zaillian, and most exciting at one point, Gillian Flynn. Most industry people really expected it to eventually fall to Zaillian, and that all of the hot potato was simply premature reporting. Put a pin in that.
This was around the time (July 2023) that Tumblr launched the ill-fated (to put it mildly) crowdfunding campaign so that user @tuvuofa, maintainer of the Goncharov fan wiki, could drop out of college to finish their screenplay, and move to Hollywood just to pitch it. @tuvuofa stole $21,000 of donations before deactivating their blog, deleting the wiki, and disappearing. A few blogs have since claimed to be the vanished scammer, offering hivliving-ian tall tales to explain the events. None have truly passed the sniff test. 
September 2023, the film was officially announced to have its stars, and this is where the trouble started. Robert Pattinson as Goncharov made sense, was a Safdie mainstay, and most were excited about this casting. There were exceptions. Case in point: 
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So we had Pattinson as Goncharov, Florence Pugh as Katya - fine (the age gap discourse was heavy but brief), Avan Jogia as Andrei (we'll get back to that one), Jake Gyllenhaal as Ice Pick Joe, Nina Dobrev as Sofia, and Taylor Zakhar Perez as Sascha. 
Altogether, not bad. The cast was, for the most part, young, and a lot of them had proven acting chops. Even before principal filming started Goncharov (2025) was being hailed as the next "it" movie. 
Then, the trouble began. Robert Pattinson elected to drop out, the provided reason being Batman filming obligations even though the new Batman was already in the can by February 2024. This was bad sign number one. We all wondered "who's gonna play Goncharov now??" and at the same time we all were thinking "please not Harry Styles" 
Well, the monkey’s paw being what it is, it wasn't Harry Styles, but it WAS Timothee Chalamet. 
Then, the script drama. After Chalamet joined the film, we started to hear about rewrites. Nothing really added up, but we went along with it. Two weeks into principal shooting, the story breaks that the script still isn't even COMPLETE, and that studio meddling has been turning the movie into less of a tense, emotional crime drama with fleshed out characters and implied complex relationships, and more into a CW-esque melodramatic romance that just so happens to be set in the world of organized crime. In Naples. 
So as soon as this story drops, Robert Pattinson metaphorically jumps the fence of his enclosure and admits he was 100% lying about leaving due to Batman obligations, trashes the script as it was when he last saw it, and blows the whistle on the biggest bombshell to date: the Safdies aren't even attached anymore. 
Look, I'll make a long story short since the Time Cops are probably going to come in here blasting at any moment. Here’s the future of Goncharov (2025): the movie debuts to what can best be described as critical bemusement. Returns are paltry given the hype. Avan Jogia delivers the performance of his life, and his career enters its own Pattinson Arc of Respectable Unhinged Roles. Still, everyone agrees that he seems to be acting in a Completely Different, better film. The way he punches the wall during the Train Scene becomes a meme unto itself, as everyone is convinced he was channeling real anger in that moment at how wooden Chalamet's performance was. 
Time machine didn't have the juice to pop over to 2026, but last I heard a major campaign is underway, similar to #ReleasetheSnyderCut, to fund the Safdie helmed, Zaillian written, Pattinson starring version of Goncharov. 
Discourse is split between the camp that's pissed off because the IP is now owned by Legendary Pictures, so it won't "really" be Goncharov, and the camp that's thinking "finally the characters can be Neapolitan and things will make sense" because they didn't even read the synopsis of the movie. It's about the Russian mafia IN Naples, idiot.
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myfriendthecouch · 2 years
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effielumiere · 3 years
The Companion - Prologue
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre: Romance, Idol AU, Drama, Comedy (I hope my sense of humor will relate to your humor lol), slow burn.
Synopsis: Park Jimin of BTS is going through a lot of emotions after they announced that their tour has been cancelled because of the pandemic. More than a year has passed and he's trying so hard to hold on. One evening after drinking with his brothers, he asks them what he should do to get his mind of the sadness that continuously tries to being him down with everyday that passes, they suggest a lot of things but only one of them sticks out. Get emotional support. They suggested to get a puppy, but Namjoon had a funnier suggestion, he was drunk after all. A human companion. It was supposed to be a simple, funny suggestion that wasn't supposed to be taken seriously but Jimin had other plans. He finds the perfect one but is she willing to step up to the challenge? And most importantly, how will things play out for them with him being ... well, him and her being an ARMY?
Warning(s): Mentions of depression, the pandemic (ugh). Reader thinking it's a scam lol. Unedited.
A/N: Sorry if it's a bit boring it's just the prologue. It's been a while since I wrote a fan fiction and decided to give it a go after nearly five years, preeeetty rusty. Also, sorry if there are any grammar error. I hope it's alright for you guys, lemme know in the replies and comments about what your guys think. Here's the masterlist for this story and the link for my Wattpad in case you feel more comfortable reading there. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
They're live! This was how my life has been since the pandemic hit, waking up to a BTS livestream was the highlight of my week. I recently joined the fandom after the pandemic hit and Dynamite lifted and pulled me back from descending back into the depression I felt nearly four years ago. They saved me, just like they've done to countless fan across the globe. They made my days seem less boring and everyday I made it a fun mission of finding more youtube edits, tumblr posts and I've even fallen to the vortex of playing BTS World. Tuesdays are fun. Tuesdays are RUN BTS days. After reading tweets from fellow ARMY's memes and threads, I get out of bed and help my family prepare lunch only to return to bed for a nap before I prepare for work.
Dragging myself to the office desk in my office, I contemplate whether of not I should work. It's been days since I kept losing my voice that I close the door and went with my initial plan. Job hunting. Opening my laptop, I make my way to job hunting sites and spent a good half hour there until I gave up and opened my email and found something more interesting then the search for Atlantis, long lost treasures and the existence of aliens combined. An email from HYBE Corporation with the subject line: Job Offer: Y/N L/N. Thinking it was a spam and a scam email, my cursor hovered on the delete button when curiosity got the best of me and I ended up opening the damn thing with contained, indeed a job offer as well as an attachment. An NDA. Reading through it, my eyebrows almost reached my hairline.
Job Title: Executive Secretary/Personal Assistant
Company: HYBE Corporation
PA? Can't they just find someone who's within the country? I continued on reading the job description as well as the benefits when I reached the end of the email that had a disclaimer.
Your day was just getting weirder and weirder. Deciding between replying and deleting the damn thing, I go with my gut feeling and read the NDA, electronically signing it and sending it back. Almost instantly, I get a reply stating that my job interview was in a few hours along with a zoom meeting ID and password. Thinking this scammer has absolutely lost their marbles I settle back and watch a few movies before the interview.
Bad move. I fell asleep and woke up with a puffy face thirty minutes before my interview. Trying to wake myself up, I wash my face and do my make up as to look somewhat presentable. Scammer or not, I was not going to face these people looking like shit with no eyebrows. Logging in to zoom I enter all the necessary information and was instructed to wait. There were three people in the meeting room including myself. One had their webcam open, who I'm guessing was my interviewer and the other was probably a co-worker of hers. I stay alert despite of legit the interview was going, reminding myself that this might be a scam. She was asking the usual questions to be asked in a normal job interview until she asks, "You've read the NDA right Ms YL/N?"
"Yes, and I've signed it." She nods and she informs me when my next interview was, but there was a catch.
"In person?" I ask, trying not to sound like a complaining lunatic.
"Yes, does there seem to be a problem with that?" she asks nonchalantly.
"Um... yes." I muster up the confidence to speak up. "To be quite frank, I'm still doubting that this interview is real since it sounds ridiculous of HYBE to send an email saying they want to interview me for a position like this when in fact you could just put up a poster there and anyone would try out for an interview."
She tilts her head a bit and for the first time, her eyes move to a different part of the screen. She wasn't looking at my face or hers, she was looking at the other person in our meeting room who had their display picture as the logo of the company. There was no name, only a simple dot that made everything more mysterious. She then looks to the side of her table, probably her phone before looking back up at me and saying something that had my eyes popping out of their sockets.
"Ms. YL/N, just a quick reminder that you've fully read the NDA and you're aware that this interview is being recorded." I nod "I'll also have you know that we are currently checking your computer to ensure your following protocol as we are. And breaking any of the clauses mentioned in the NDA will result into serious... trouble "
"Protocol? You mean, y'all are.. hacking me?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Not exactly hacking, we're just double checking that you're not recording this." I stare at her. That's basically the same thing.
"Um.. why?" I ask, scared I even did.
"Because your about to meet the co-worker of your employer." I stare at her again, more confused as I before just a few minutes ago. "Come again, now?"
The other person behind the company logo opens their webcam and speaks, and every thought I had of this interview being a scam went out the damn window.
"Good morning." He smiles.
"Good... Lord, you have got to be shitting me." I stare at the man who was in the dark room of his studio, wearing a grey hoodie with his blonde hair not styled. He chuckles.
"Eh.. he's not. Nice to meet you, y/n. I've been listening to your interview. My name is-"
"Kim Namjoon." I mutter and just smiles and nods. "Yep"
"Wait so..." I try to pick up my thoughts as well my soul from the floor which refused to return to my body "This isn't a scam interview?!"
"No, no, no" Namjoon reassures me as my interviewer shakes her head smiling.
"Then what's the point in all of this?" I ask hesitantly.
"Your job description is somewhat easy." Namjoon starts "One of the members requested you to be their companion. Emotional companion. That means you have to by their side to comfort, support and basically, be a friend."
"Alright," I nod slowly " By emotional companion you mean kind of like a therapy dog, but human?"
"I ..." he stutters "I wouldn't compare it to a therapy dog"
"I would." I whispered to myself forgetting for a second that they could hear me, Namjoon keeps his mouth in a firm line making his dimple show.
"Basically that's all you're gonna do. Be some sort of comfort." He continues "Once you get here that is, we can't have you two having a long distance relationship. I'll try to explain more when you arrive. I promise."
"I have to move to South Korea?"
"Yes" my interviewer pitches in "Once you do, your accommodation is taken care of" she starts discussing other things related to my job, that includes my contract, said accommodation, benefits and salary.
"The apartment you're staying is actually his place that he bought earlier this year, supposed to be up for rent but the pandemic happened. You don't have to pay rent, electricity nor water. And you have a monthly food and transportation allowance on top of your salary."
My eyes widen, well shit. "And finally, your visa and airfare, and every other document that needs to be paid will be paid for."
"So, all I have to do is..."
"Pack your bags and get on the first plane here once you're done with everything else there." Meaning once I resign from my current job and tell my parents I need to leave as soon as possible.
Call it desperation, I need a job. Moving to a different country is a big deal, yes, especially if your broke ass can't afford tickets, a roof over your head, food, electricity, airfare and visa but if everything is handled by your employer, well fuck worries. I'll take it.
The interview ends with me agreeing to it, signing it and sending back the contract to them. Leaving my desk, I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling wondering what the fuck did I just agree to. Let alone in the middle of a pandemic. I abruptly stand up again and make my way to my desk to draft a resignation letter and think of how to explain to my family how I could have possibly sold my soul to an angel... a fallen angel. Waiting for my mom to wake up so I'll have someone to back me up when I start explaining to my father that his twenty-three year old daughter was going to venture off to South Korean in one month in the middle of a pandemic. I hold my head in my hands when my phone vibrates on my desk alerting me of a notification finding an email from Namjoon including a lot of comforting words, a thank you and a promise of seeing me in person soon. I politely reply the same enthusiasm but not before asking him who was I going a therapy dog for, minus 'therapy dog' replaced by 'companion' rolling my eyes to myself as I typed the word. I get a response a few minutes later only short of the name of my hooman. I didn't push it, praying at the same time it better not be him or the other members of BTS or I was seriously gonna lose my shit.
Later in the evening, after much discussion and a lot of crying. My father reluctantly lets me go and accepts my fate to work as a executive secretary, if he only knew. I'm desperate for a job. Desperate that I chose to move to another country.
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taeshabibi · 7 years
28 Days - Part 5
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Romance
Pairing: Jungkook x Y/N
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mentions of Depression and Suicide.
Summary: You and Jeon Jungkook despise each other and were sworn enemies. But what if Jungkook took his own life? Would you be willing to make a deal with the Devil to relive the past 28 days and prevent Jungkook’s early end?
Read: Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3: Part 4: Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 :
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Part 5 - Dank Memes in Hell
After lunch, I decided it’s imperative for me remain as invisible as possible in school. I was aware that I needed to continue with my mission to save Jeon Jungkook’s life, but in order to do so, I need to save my own life first from Ji Hee. That psycho was out to get me.
I was in my last class of the day, Physics. Jungkook was across the room and his intense stare was giving me the creeps.
“Can anyone stay behind to clean the chalk board?” Mrs. Lee, the Physics teacher, asked.
Yes! This is a perfect way for me to avoid Ji Hee and her friends when class ends. I won’t be forced to leave class until the hallway was empty.
I raised up my hand as fast as possible…but so did Jungkook.
Mrs. Lee moved her eye-glasses up her nose. “Since you are both so enthusiastic, you can both clean the boards. Two heads are better than one.”
I expected Jungkook to make a snarky comment, but he enthusiastically replied, “Sure Mrs. Lee! Would be our pleasure.”
The final bang rang and my classmates left the classroom. Mrs. Lee also departed from the room. She informed us she needed to run some errands and would be back in awhile.
I was uncomfortable that Jungkook was content with staying behind with me in class. This is the same boy who avoided me most of my life except to create mischief. Wait, does that mean he’s gonna play a trick on me right now? I’m frozen with fear and don’t have enough bravery to leave my seat.
“Uh, are you gonna help or not, y/n? Or are you gonna be the lazy bum like you usually are and make me do all the work?” Jungkook barked.
“Lazy bum???” I gritted my teeth. I jumped from my seat and walked to the chalk board. I was no longer afraid. I was angry. Also hungry. So I guess hangry.
“Yeah, I started on the project and I’m waiting for you to email me,” Jungkook replies, nonchalantly.
“We JUST got the project today. And you could have just emailed me yourself? You know our emails are based on names and you know my name,” I argued and placed my hands on my hips.
“I don’t know how to spell your last name bruh. You’re lucky I barely even know your first.” He counters.
Why does everything Jeon Jungkook say piss me off? We’ve had classes together since 2nd grade and he used to call me by my last name when we were kids. He’s lying.
“Listen JungCoconut, I’ve been trying to be civil with you all day. I don’t need your sass.”
“JungCOCONUT?” Jungkook gasped.
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“Yeah your brownish-black hair is styled in a bowl shape most days. I don’t understand why you don’t part it more or show your forehead. You’d be so much more attractive.” I cover my mouth. Wait did I just say that out loud?
“So you find me attractive?” He walks one step closer to me and tilts his head to the side. Oh god, he’s even doing that annoying smirk.
I stammered, “N-no..I just, uh…you’re disgusting most days. On a one to ten scale I’d rate you as a negative 5. But when you part your hair, I’d give you a negative 1. But that’s still borderline hideous.”
“I didn’t know you paid attention to little details about me,” he says as he cocks his eyebrow.
“Ummm.. well you play pranks on me so I have to watch out for you to stay safe,” I fumble with my words.
“Watch out for me?” he snorts.
“Can you please not twist my words and waste our time? Let’s just get started erasing the board,” I begged with desperation.
“Fine fine. You’re no fun.”
We finally began cleaning the dusty board with the erasers. He reached the higher spots because I was too short.
“So…have you heard about the Victoria’s Secret Scammer?”, he inquired. He turns his head to look at me.
Ahhhhhh, that’s why he wanted to stay after class.
“Uh, no hahahaa what are you talking about?” I squeaked with a high pitched voice.
“Don’t lie y/n, we were in the same first period class when the incident happened. It’s spread all over school. And I know you heard Ji Hee complaining about it too at lunch. I was watching you.”
This boy is officially terrifying me.
“Oh yeah.. that. I didn’t want to talk about a controversial topic ya know…” I attempted to explain my reasoning.
“Oh, of course. So who do you think it is?” he asked.
I turned around and studied his expression. His face was completely devoid of emotion. Why is this boy playing dumb? We both know it was me. Unless if he actually doesn’t know.
“I don’t know. Perhaps Fred?”
“We don’t have a Fred in our English class y/n…” Jungkook crosses his arms.
“Well maybe Fred from Physics class did it! He may have been bored of his life being a nerd and wanted some adventure,” I blurted out.
Jungkook stares at me quizzacly, “You are so strange…”. He shakes his head side to side and mutters to himself.
Jungkook places his eraser back in the ledge below the chalkboard. “I’m good, I’m done. I ain’t doing more.”
I rolled my eyes. “C'mon Jungkook there’s so much to do. ”
He places his arms behind his head and says, “I’d rather KMS than continue cleaning.”
“Don’t pretend to be innocent, y/n. You know what that means.” Jungkook jibed.
“No I don’t.” I was puzzled.
“Kill My Self”, he explained. My eyes bulged out of my head.
“Kill yourself? Why the hell would you want to do that?” I scream. Jungkook is completely ataken back with my dramatic reaction.
“Chill, it’s an internet meme. You know our generation loves joking about death.” He clarifies.
“No. Joking about death isn’t funny.” I furrowed my eyebrows.
“It’s hilarious. I’d rather kill myself than commit suicide.” He begins laughing hard.
“Wait I wanna tell you a story I read on the internet.”
“Id rather not hear it.” I tried to stop him. I didn’t want to hear any more of this nonsense.
“So a man went into a library and requests for a book on how to commit suicide. The librarian says: "Piss off, I know you won’t bring the book back.”“ He chuckled.
"I’m not feeling that comfortable right now..” I look down.
“Wait do you know what time it is?” He asks me seriously.
“No, let me just look at my watch..” Before I have time to look down at my wrist, Jungkook answers.
“It’s Time to Die o'clock.”
“Can you please stop!” I pleaded.
“Guess what? I have a health problem.” He lowers his gaze and fumbles with his thumbs. He sticks out his bottom lip and pouts.
“Oh my gosh!! What is Jungkook?? You can tell me anything!” I assure him and put my hand on his shoulder.
“I have this condition where I’ll die if I don’t make a joke about death every day. I know it’s real. My doctor said so.” He smacks his knee like he made the joke of the millennium.
“Wow your idea of comedy sucks…” I bite my lip from nervousness.
“Imagine if you accidentally sent a link to your parents of a fan-fiction that you’re reading. I would die of death.” Jungkook puts his hand over his heart.
“You read fanfics?” I questioned.
“Hell yeah, have you ever read Iron Man fics on ao3 and wattpad? That’s what keeps me alive and going.” He pounds his chest with his fist proudly.
“Oh that’s good you have a source of happiness that alleviates your stress-” I began explaining.
“Wait, do you remember that time last week when North Korea threatened to nuke the planet? Man, everybody was so excited to just end it all.”
“NO JEON JUNGKOOK. Not everybody wants to end it all. Some of us really do want to live. If you have inner demons, you can call suicide lines or find a friend to talk to. And the people who make those evil jokes can go shove it right in-”
“Woah, woah woah. No need to get so serious. It’s just dark comedy. We read books with morbid jokes like As I Lay Dying all the time. What’s wrong if I use it?” He challenges me.
He’s right in a way. We do read those books in school. But it feels so wrong for Jungkook to make those scary “jokes” when I know what he can do to himself in the future. But I’m not allowed to tell him.
“See, this is one of the many reasons why people avoid talking to you. Your narrow minded brain can’t understand anything. You need to lighten up more and develop a sense of humor.” he huffs, picks up his books and leaves the classroom. I crouch down and sit on the floor. I rub my hands over my eyes.
“He’s right you know.”
I open my eyes and find that Taehyung is a few feet away from me. It’s strange seeing him sit in a tiny high school desk with a fancy suit that a business man would wear. I almost laugh. But oh wait a second, I don’t have a sense of humor.
“How the heck is he right? You’re the one who sent me on this mission to save him. And now you’re encouraging me to make jokes with him about dying?” I questioned him.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Honey, I haven’t been on Earth for a long time. I just got here the day I met you. And even I know about the current trends.” He takes out his phone from his pocket and shares some morbid punchlines he retweeted on his Twitter account.
“Still it’s messed up to casually make fun of frightening topics like death. I don’t understand the appeal.”
“Well I’m a devil from Hell and I find it hilarious. Seriously all the ghouls and demons there just say the same overused jokes over and over again for centuries. The lack of dank memes in Hell truly makes it a sufferable place.”
“Well noted. So..since you’re here, can you help me clean the chalkboard?” I ask, hopefully.
“Do I look like a maid to you? I’m a time traveling all powerful super-being. I can anihilate your existence with the flick of the wrist. I have the power of Satan and memes on my side. I don’t fear anyone. I deserve all the respect in the universe. You should be bowing down to my-”
“Just shut up Taehyung,” I snap and get started on finishing cleaning the chalkboard. And I’ll have to remove the dust from the erasers too? Aw man. Taehyung leaves his seat and walks towards me.
“Well, well well. Ever since time traveling twice haven’t you gotten a bit more feisty? I was just about to tell you my ingenious plan to get closer to Jungkook but I guess you’ll have to wait,” he says as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Oh my god, you really have an idea?” My eyes bulge out of my head.
“Now I have your attention, ay? Don’t want me to shut up anymore?” He pouts and crosses his arms.
“I didn’t know devils were this sensitive,” I giggled.
“Well the only information you have about us is based upon what you read in books and movies. I heard humans were supposed to be caring, but you’re even more cruel than the monsters below. You never even asked me how my day was,” he huffed.
“You’re right. I’m so sorry Taehyung. How was your day?”
“Confidential information. Not gonna tell you.” He stuck out his tongue.
“Then what was the point of me asking..ugh my head hurts. Can you please tell me your plan?” I begged.
“Nah, mate. I was going to but you ruined my mood. Just wait and see. You’ll know when it’s happening though,” he winks at me.
I blink for a second and Taehyung disappears from the classroom. Like he wasn’t ever even here.
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siteea580 · 3 years
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orbemnews · 4 years
'I Set Up A Studio In My Garage': North Texas Woman Recalls Losing Nearly $200,000 To Bruno Mars Imposter NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – A North Richland Hills woman is speaking out for the first time about the romance scam that cost her close to $200,000. She is afraid of becoming a target again so CBS 11 News is not revealing her identity. READ MORE: Former Texas Wholesale Electricity Provider Griddy Files For Bankruptcy “Jane” says she was adapting to a new way of life in 2018 after her husband of 25 years died. She moved into a new home, bought a new phone and spent a lot of time on social media interacting with friends and strangers. One man came on strong right away, using a line from a famous Bruno Mars song: “I think I wanna marry you.” His profile had Mars’ name and photos, so Jane assumed it was the famous singer just looking for someone to talk to. They spent weeks trading messages and memes; she shared details about her life, her family, even her finances. “That’s the first thing they do, is try to be your friend,” said Jane. “Get to know you and be comfortable with you.” “Bruno” said he was in a bind; he needed $5,000 to help pay for rental cars he’d used on tour. When Jane didn’t immediately say no, he asked for more. “It went from five to ten, then we started getting bigger.” Jane sent a cashier’s check for $10,000, but “Bruno” said he needed more help – more money for his tour. “The next thing I knew, I was going to the bank and cashing out all my bonds,” said Jane. She handed over another cashier’s check, this time for $90,000. Jane and Bruno’s messages were filled with declarations of love and devotion. She received an engagement ring in the mail. It arrived in a priority envelope from Houston with “Mars’” name in the return address. “It wasn’t like we were in love – like love-love – it was more like I was in love with his talent,” Jane told CBS 11. Jane says the relationship consumed her life. She was up all night answering messages while her days were spent collecting cashier’s checks and making withdrawals from her bank. She couldn’t explain why she didn’t tell anyone about the relationship. She just bought in and let herself believe. READ MORE: Texas Senate Introduces And Passes Bill In 1 Day To Reverse Billions In ERCOT Overcharges The Bruno imposter told her he was unhappy with his tour and all the traveling. He asked to come live with her in North Richland Hills. Jane bought music equipment – guitars, drums, microphones – and made room for the entire band. “I put up some bunk beds for them,” she said. “I set up a studio in my garage.” Then – another text message emergency. “Mars’” plan had been detained at Dulles Airport. Jane received a copy of a police report that said “Mars” was in custody until he paid fees to the airport and pilots. “They were constantly showing me pictures of them in jail – pictures of Bruno Mars in jail,” said Jane. One image showed a headshot of the real Bruno Mars edited onto a stock image of a man in handcuffs. Jane was desperate to make the online relationship real. She gathered money for his bond and texted a photo of the stacks of cash and money orders. That’s when the scammers became even bolder: one of them came to her front door. “Bruno had someone come here to get that money so they could get him out of jail,” said Jane. “It had to be quickly of course, the security guard needed the money right now, everything was an emergency.” She handed over the money and waited for “Bruno” to be released. Soon she received more messages: he wanted to fly to Texas right away but he needed $5,000 for jet fuel. After months and months of giving, Jane finally realized she’d been scammed. She refused to hand over any more money until “Bruno” repaid some of what she’d loaned him. “They threatened to poison and kill me if I didn’t get them the money. That’s how it got toward the end,” said Jane. “As you start giving to these people, they just want more and more and more.” Jane contacted police. Investigators traced the cashier’s checks to two Nigerian citizens in Houston. Both are charged with money laundering, but prosecutors believe the mastermind – the Mars imposter – is overseas. “I’m so ashamed that this happened to me,” said Jane. “I’m so sorry that I helped this person, even though I thought it was a famous person.” She is more careful on social media now, and she’s increased security at her home. But even after everything she’s been through, she’s still a fan of the real Bruno Mars. “If he got on Instagram and said ‘hey, I need some help,’ I’d help him out,” she laughed. MORE NEWS: COVID-19 Hospitalizations Falling In Texas, Lowest Level Since Last October While this is an extreme example, the FBI says romance scams are on the rise. Last year more than 23,000 victims reported more than $605 million in losses. That’s compared to 2015 when there were just over 12,000 victims and $203 million in losses. Source link Orbem News #Bruno #brunomars #dfwnews #garage #Imposter #Losing #Mars #North #northrichlandhills #northtexas #recalls #Scam #Set #Studio #Texas #Woman
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jkfortunekookies · 8 years
Jungkook The Kink Explorer
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Genre: romance/fluff/Semi-smut (Warning: Read at your own RISK.) Pairing: Jungkook/You Length: 4607 words Summary: Jungkook  wants to know what is your kink and he’s not backing up until you tell him.
Jungkook was soundly asleep like a child in the embrace of his mother with all of these fluffy white blankets wrapped around his toned body. This night and all the other ones have been keeping him restless with never ending requests and paper work to fill up. Coming back 3 AM or at dawn, Jungkook always got back at home around these unhealthy hours of the day. Slipping right next to you at night when he thought you wouldn’t notice his presence, yet you always did and you felt pained every time he sighed of tiredness. He wasn’t the type to openly complain about how hard it was becoming at some point. He might have been the hardworking type but looking at his dark circles, the way he gave you that tired smile, how he’d always ruffle your hair and tell everything was okay. You only felt like crying. Were you the one who made him like this? Was that tired sight of jungkook a result of marrying you? He could have been living dream of his life, up there on that stage yet he gave it up for his undying love towards you.
You rub your eyes before staring at the man right next you. His beautiful eyelashes shadowing his cheeks and the way his pink lips parted majestically to let out those cute whimpers and breaths. You may haven’t been able to see him much for a little while now but you still feel
“Jungkook…” you poke his arm
“T-Two…more…minutes…” He mumbles while pulling the blankets closer to his body
“Kookie-ah…” you pout at the sight of his pitiful sight “Are you that drained?” you sigh before brushing your fingers
“I love you” he mumbles
Your face soften up at those words.He may have been drained and tired with eye bags slowly reaching down his cheeks yet he’d still mention these three words. Did he loved you that much? Were you that worthy to be his? Were you worthy to be with a hardworking man like him? You couldn’t give him anything yet he was still there sleeping next to you. The only thought of it made harbor that pained expression on your face.
“Don’t be sad…” He mumbles once again without opening his eyes
He felt you would be pained like this. It’s not like he needed to open his eyes to know that you were hurting. He was your other half and he could feel you.
“I’m n-n-not!” you wipe that tear on the crease of your eyes
“I’ll always be by your side, so you shouldn’t cry” he makes himself more comfortable with his blankets before peeking out his hand out of the giant wrapping of blankets around his body
He holds out his larger hand to hold out his pinky and wrapping it around your own pinky.
“We promised to stay forever that day on the aisle and I’m never letting you go” he slowly opens his eyes to stare at you with the look of true love ( A/N: KILL ME I DID NOT JUST WRITE THIS ASDFGHJJKL)
You looked at him for a few seconds before that pained expression on your face turned a little more joyful as you stared back onto his eyes. The man closes his eyes to drift back to sleep and you smile. It wasn’t long before you analyzed him from head to toe. Jungkook may have been unaware of it, but he managed to make you smile even if he didn’t try. The way he looked like some sort of gigantic worm who appropriated all the blankets to itself almost made you laugh out loud. He looked so cuddly and fluffy like a gigantic neck pillow. You clamp a hand around your mouth because this sight of him is too cute and you can’t resist but giggle. You take out your phone and snap a few pictures.
“My giant little worm” you chuckled at yourself before you tap his cute nose
“Are you having that much fun?” his tired face stretches slightly into a smile as he keeps his eyes closed
“Yeah, you’re super cute” you give him a thumbs up before snapping more pictures “AND SO SQUISHY!!!!!” you poke the blankets
Jungkook wraps the blankets around his body tighter with a little grunt due to tiredness. He clenches his eyes shut tightly to keep on sleeping without getting disturbed. This action only made him look more like a little worm. You chuckled at this sight
“What’s so funny” he opens up his eyes to stare at you with a little resentful look
“You’re just so….” You struggle to keep yourself composed
“Stop laughing at me” he pouts before wrapping the blankets tighter around himself “I’m not talking to you anymore”
“Hey” you push him and his blankets with a smug look on your face “Why so serious?”
Your sudden little strength makes Jungkook rolls to the side of the bed. If it wasn’t for the last strength he had left in his body he would have fell on the floor.
“Why are you pushing me?” He turns around to give you that look of disbelief “Are you picking a fight? “His eyes shot open
“Yeah” you nod cutely
“Yeah??????” he tilts his head “Why fight first thing in the morning?” he makes that meme face before crouching his shoulders “Can’t we just cuddle or do something that requires less body strength” he kicks the blankets as he sits next to you “ And STOP LOOKING AT ME WITH THOSE EYES”
“What?” you blink
“Don’t feign innocence!” he pokes you “You obviously want something out of this!” he scoffs
“Am I being that obvious?” you hide your face in your hands
“Look at you being all shy” his eyes rounded “Was I scammed while getting into this?” he tilts his head while chuckling
“I’m not a scammer” you roll your eyes “You fell for the trap” you smirked “You got yourself into this, Jeon Jungkook” you whisper in his ear
“This girl” he shakes his head while chuckling “The marriage terms were that we’d stay together for the better to the worse huh?”
“I’m sure I can win against you” you cross your arms around your chest
 “I’d like to believe that you’re a scam Y/N, but you’re way too innocent for this” he pulls on your cheek
“So what??! I still managed to GET YOU IN THE END” you stick out your tongue
“ Oh so you were that eager to get me in the end?” he tilts his head playfully “Seems like you were quite smitten over me” he pulls on the side of his collar in a sexy motion “ I mean….who wouldn’t ?” he gives you that seductive gaze before bursting into laughter
You blush a few shades before you scoff at his sudden behavior.
“Look at you going?” you scoff “you SEDUCED ME!” you cupped your cheeks in embarrassment
“Let me dig through this and figure out why you’re acting up this morning” he shifts closer before staring at you from head to toe
His large eyes looked at you innocently at first. Analyzing that messy hair and that bare face before he broke into a smile. It wasn’t long before his eyes travelled to the way that strap from your camisole fell on the side of your shoulder. He gulped before suppressing a low grunt that left his sinful lips at your delicious sight. His eyes travelled lower eyeing the way you were wearing only one of your favorite fuzzy socks, god only knows where the other was. Jungkook stares at you while being completely perplexed by this before voicing out his inner thought about what’s going on. He was feeling stuck in between lust and adoration.
“Did you woke me up to fight me?” he gives you that meme face
“No” you shake your head to the sides and that strap only fells lower from your shoulder
“You want a kiss this early in the morning?” He raises his brow before suddenly pulling your waist closer to collide against his sturdy body
“No it’s not that” you press your face on his shoulder to hide yourself
“What is it then?” he licks his bottom lip while trying to look at the ceiling and avoid any form of eye contact with your bare shoulder
You try figuring out an excuse to give him because you don’t want to sound too cheesy by telling him how much you yearned and missed him for the past few weeks. It was never your style to try surrender to jungkook and admitting things like these.
“I like picking on you” you stare up at him cutely
His reaction was different than what you expected.
“You like bullying me?” he blinks at you before that smirk reached his lips soon enough “Is that the birth of a new kink that I’m seeing?” he tilts his head playfully
“N-NO WAY!!!” you cover your face in shame at the word kink
“Finally! AFTER MONTHS OF MARRIAGE I FINALLY FIGURED OUT SOMETHING YOU WANT” he brings his fist up in a celebratory motion
“Hey!!! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING” panic shots through you as you punch his arm “Stop saying nonsense!!!!?Who said I want this???!!” you turn a few shades of red
“Oh MY god….” He stops to stare at you “Babe….” He gasps while staring at the arm you just punched
“W-What?” you stuttered
“You were A SADIST TOO ON TOP OF THAT?!” he covers his mouth with a palm “Damn, I’m learning so many sexy things about you today” his husky tone chuckles and you suddenly feel nervous
“Jeon Jungkook you better stop teasing me like this” you flush with embarrassment
“You like things like bondage?” he wiggles his eyebrows “Handcuffs and the entire set to torture me?” he pokes you “I didn’t knew I’d get myself a girl that is into this wild stuff” he gives you that smug look
Jungkook takes your vulnerable sight to poke your waist playfully and tackle you down on the mattress. That look on his face only meant that you were in for more than hours of him teasing you about everything and anything.  This was about to become fun for him.
“I AM NOT!!!!” you surrender at the way he pokes your sides since it tickles so much
“Oh you’re not??” he attacks your waist with his poking fingers and you burst out laughing “ Are you sure about that?” he gives  you a naughty look “Come on, Tell me, you’re obviously  a hidden dominant in this relationship”
“Stop!!” you reply while laughing in between breaths “I-I’m not. This is not what you think” you keep on laughing
“You wish you could order me around and have me obey to each one of your commands don’t you?”  he replies with that smug look on his face “ You want to have me wrapped around your little finger don’t you?” his breath whispers on your neck
“What are you saying?!” You chuckle while pushing him away
“Don’t you dream of having entire control over me? Controlling each and every moan coming out of me?” he pushes strands of your hair away from your face
“Oh My lord!?!!!” your eyes rounded “JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!” you smack his arm at the his explicit way to tease you “What about you then? You’re just as guilty if not more!!!” you snap back
“Let’s talk about you first baby” he runs his fingers along the bareness of your arms “You’re the center of fun here”
“Why…” you scowl
“You wish you could blindfold me too right?” he stares at you playfully “Too bad, I’m a dominant too” he takes this opportunity to slide his fingers from your arms to your waist on his manly iron grip “Do you really think you could top, baby?” he asks you “It’d be quite a competition to try going against me” he smirks
“For the last time Jungkook! I don’t have a kink!” you furrow your brows as you flush at his last comment
“I’ll make you admit all of them” he takes the opportunity to press kisses against the side of your neck
You gasp at the sudden contact of his manly lips on your sensitive skin. He laces your hands together while leaving his little pecks everywhere, from your jaw to your neck to your collar bone .You whimper under his touch but it doesn’t take more than a few seconds for you to understand that his intentions aren’t that pure compared to the other times where you simply made out. This guy wants something else this time.
“D-Don’t DO IT!!!!” you giggle at how his fluffy hair feels beside your neck “Why are you so eager to know about this? Do you want us to get kinky or something?” you giggle
“Baby, I’m only looking for new ways to have fun” he presses his forehead against your shoulder “Just think about it for a few seconds” he lifts up his head to look into your eyes “Don’t you somehow fantasize about this every night I’d leave for work?” his manly fingers hover over your soft thigh as his husky voice sends shivers down your spine
“S-Stop touching my leg!” you stutter as this sudden raging pulsation shot through your body
“Oh, so my baby girl’s thighs are getting sensitive as well?” he’d raise a cocky brow “ Seems like you yearned for some of my touch while I was away weren’t you?” he’d bite on his bottom lip as  he wraps his manly hold around one of your thighs  to bring your bodies closer and you gasp at the sudden contact
“What if I do this?” he sneak his manly touch upwards to reach your butt and earns a yelp from your lips “You like this as well huh?” he nods innocently almost proud at himself for experimenting and figuring out what your liked  
“J-Jungkook why are you doing this so early in the morning” you hide your face with your hands “shouldn’t we got get breakfast or something instead of…” you try changing topics
“You’re my breakfast” he’d gently remove your hands from your face” I doubt I could find something as delicious as you in my apartment” he licks your earlobe
“Jungkook, why are you like this?!” you squirm in heat under his racy comment
“I’m just stating facts here Y/N. I could consume you day and night while never getting tired of your taste” he touches the side of your face “and I’m absolutely planning to figure out your biggest kink” his cocky smirk was back again
“This is going nowhere!!! I have N-No KINK!!!!” you try prying his hands off you
“OF course you do” he pulls away from you “I don’t need to ask you to know that you obviously have a fetish for cop uniforms too” he smirks
“Where does this cop fantasy come from??!” you furrow your brows “Aren’t you the one who just made it up cause’ you’re into dominance much?” you smirk back at him
“What is wrong about being a dominant when I get to have you defenseless under my hold begging me to touch you?” he trails a finger inside your shirt on your stomach “What’s wrong with finding my pleasure through your moans?”
“E-EVERYTHING is wrong about this” You respond in a breathy tone attempting to stop his finger from going further up inside your shirt
“Then why is it so wrong, yet is feels so damn good?” he’d hover his sensual lips over yours “ You were the best out of us at School Y/N, maybe you’d have the answer to this?”
“I may be the best at school, but you’re the best who knows how to make it feel right” you mutter under your breath
“What was that?” He raises a brow
“N-Nothing” you stutter
“And I bet you’d love to be my victim if I was the cop” he graze his teeth over the side of your sensitive ear “Am I not right?” his mocking tone almost set you on fire.
“I-I-I….” you breathe heavily trying to compose yourself as you use his muscular arm as mental support to hold on
“You’re not just a dominant, but a sub as well Y/N” his warm long fingers caress your hip as they slowly tug on the fabric of your lacy underwear “A sub for me aren’t you?”
“Who said that? I’m not a sub either!” you attempt to remove his hands laying on your hip
“Oh really?”  He replies as he watches your face giving him that confused expression
Taking advantage of your sudden confusion, Jungkook wraps his masculine fingers around both of your wrists before pinning them over your head “You’re not a sub for me?” he’d hover his body against yours “Are you sure about that?”
“Y-YES!!! A-Absolutely sure!!” you turn your head to the side to avoid his piercing eyes
“You’re not a sub,huh? “ He chuckled unimpressed “After all those times I made you scream your lungs out” he commented as his long fingers caressed your thigh “Yet you don’t think you’re a sub?”
You bite on your bottom lip as jungkook leans forward to press his moist lips on the side of your neck as grazes his teeth on the sensitive flesh. You fight against yourself to not let a single sound out. Moaning only meant loosing this game.
“Even now. Aren’t you turning your head to the side to give me a better access, baby?” he smirked
“You’re so full of yourself” you say in between breaths “I’m not a sub!!! NO I REFUSE TO BE A SUB”
“Not a sub?” he raises a brow “Are you trying to go against me right now?” he’d bite on his bottom lip
Jungkook would lick his bottom lip at the idea of having you going against him. He was curious as to how you’d try defying him and it only made the raging sexual tension in the room grow every time you tried rebelling against his grip.
“A dominant against a Dominant?” he chuckled sexily “Sounds pretty exciting to me” he eyed you hungrily
“What is exciting about this?! It’s not exciting!!!” you shut your eyes firmly to avoid his lusty gaze
“Sure you can say that it’s not exciting, but your body tells me otherwise “ he comments before caressing your folds through your shear underwear
You sink your teeth on your bottom lip to not give him the chance to hear you or how you actually enjoyed this. Jungkook chuckled evilly at how cute you looked trying to suppress any sound when he obviously knew that you were slowly getting wet by the second he was talking
“Why would you hold it back? Let me hear your moans” he brushes his thumb over your abducted bottom lip
“They’re not m-moans!!” you try replying without trembling
“You’re absolutely right Y/N” he nodded cutely “They’re not moans, they’re like music to my ears” he brushes his cute nose against yours “My favorite music”
You feel ripped between sexual frustration and adoration. Jungkook was really something else for getting all sneaky feeling you up and making such adorable comments as the same time.
“You’re THE EVIL” you reply in a needy sexual tone without meaning it
Jungkook lets out a playful chuckle at how your voice and your comment didn’t made sense when being put together.
“Yeah, I’m the evil” he nods “Guess I’m evil for wanting to make girl feel good?” he pouts cutely as he massages you through your underwear  
“Evil is not right. You’re worse than the evil” you nudge his leg with your thigh “S-Stop MAKING THAT FACE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING “you cry in despair at how crazy your man is for acting cute while casually touching you as if it was no one’s business
“Oh Romeo, you’d be surprised or what I’m capable of” you scoffed
“Romeo? You’re only allowed to call my name from now on Y/N” his husky whispers were heard in your ear “On whose accord?” you blink
“On my accord” he pulls your thigh closer to him as he closes the gap between both of you “Baby, I’m just trying to figure out your kink …” he blows air on his bangs cutely
“Like I said there’s nothing to figure out” you cry a moan out fighting yourself to not grind on him in order ease that aching desire.
“I can already tell you have a fetish for my thighs too” his deep voice grunts next to your ear sexily “I can already imagine how hot and f*cked you’d look while riding my thighs” he suddenly attempts separate your thighs by sliding his leg in between “ I bet my thighs alone could make you come several times”
You let out a subtle growl at how frustrating this man was making you. You could almost feel yourself soak through your underwear. He was being way too much first thing in morning for you to handle him.
“Can’t handle me?” jungkook raises a cocky brow “Or maybe you’re digging the idea of pleasuring yourself off of my thigh alone?” he lets out low grunt as the thought crosses his mind
Jungkook may had planned to drive you over the age and make you sexually frustrated but he was making himself just as frustrated if not a hundred time more. He was trying his best keep that kookie under control. Every sound, every whimper coming out from your lips were his form of pleasure.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DON’T!!!!” his comeback makes you press your legs together to ignore the sudden heat invading your body
“Of course you don’t “he chuckles sexily before adding fuel to your fire with his next comment “You’re a dominant too right?”
He grabs one of your wrists as he brings your fingers under his shirt this time . You gasp at the sudden contact of your fingers against his muscular toned stomach. Jungkook’s work out was no joke and his abs only made you heat up a few degrees higher.
“…you’d be the kind to Dress me up as your cop and then handcuff me, am I not right? Miss Dominant” he winks at you
“Who knows? Maybe I’m really into dominance?” you slide your cold fingers further up inside his shirt as you reached his sturdy chest
Jungkook’s breathing turns a little heavier as he feels your hands creeping up in his shirt on their own accord. He brought this to his own self. He’s the one who grabbed your hand and brought it inside his shirt, he started this. He had to live with the consequences that it brought with it. Jungkook suddenly weakens when you finger hovered over his sensitive nipples. The sensitive nipples Jin would touch to wake him up.
“N-No!!! NOT THE NIPPLES” He suddenly gets off you and lays on his back trying to cover his chest in protection
“Why baby?” you smirk this time “I was just trying to please you” you pout this time
Two could play this game and Jungkook sure was under your control this time. You straddled him in place as the boy tried catching on his breath.
“Y-Y/N S-Stop it!!!” jungkook would struggle to remove your hands from him
“What is it this time Jungkookie” you tilted your head “Are we sensitive there?” you giggled evilly touching his chest one more time
“A-A-AH!!!” he whimpers this time all defenseless against you “B-Babe, I-I thought W-We agreed on this” he said in between breaths “Y-YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T DO THIS WHEN WE GOT MARRIED”
“Too bad you thought I was a dominant. Maybe I really enjoy this” you nod your head before smirking
“L-Leave my nipples out of the game. I BEG YOU” he grabbed both of your wrists “ I just wanted to please you” he pulls you in his embrace locking your arms into place as your faces were inches from each other “ I really thought about this seriously Y/N. All girls have a preference towards something. I just want to make our love making more exciting for you” he sighs  “but you pick on my weaknesses” he pouted “ That’s unfair”
“Then what about you!!!” you furrow your brows “AND ALL THAT TEASING YOU JUST DID!!!”
“But you liked it didn’t you?” he stares back into your eyes
“I-I resent you” you reply as you try to mask your flushing face  
“Why?” he asks “Don’t resent Jungkook… He’s a good kid” jungkook stares at you cutely
“Oh my Lord.” You sighed
“Did you call me?” he grins
“Jungkook did you just really talk in the first person POV?” you raise a brow “I married a crazy man” you shook your head  
“Yeah, I’m crazy for you” he kisses your cheek “ So crazy, I’d  do anything to please you for hours” he kisses your neck gently “Now why don’t you tell me what you’re into ? I’m being serious baby” he nuzzles his nose in crook of your neck inhaling your delicious scent
“Only if you promise you won’t make fun of me” you relax in his arms
“ I-I kind of have a sort of fantasy where you’d dress up as a sailor” you hide your face in your hands
“Damn, so you’re into sailors?” he raises a brow feeling that smirk creep up
“… or maybe into a cop” you blush furiously
“Oh my god” he blinks “ So I guessed it right after all?” his jaw dropped before that evil smirk made its way back on his face “Into role play that much? Baby….You’re under arrest for having so many kinks” he suddenly laughs out loud
“WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SAY IT LIKE THAT??!!!! CAN’T YOU SEE HOW EMBARRASSED I AM??!!” you grab the nearest pillow to muffle your face and scream onto it
“Did you just admit to it??!” his eyes light up at your reaction  
“Stop making fun of me!!” you pout “I’m not wild to that point!”
“What If I said I’m into that kind of wild?” he stops to look stare at you
“WHAT???!!!” Your jaw drops
He surpresses a chuckle at your scandalized face and decides to tease you more.
“Stop….this is not funny” you lower your eyes
“Why you suddenly so serious?” he gives you back the words you told him previously
“Stop eyeing me like a prey!!!” you cover your chest and collar bones with your arms in protection
“Babe, I’m telling you that you’re sexy! Why are you thinking I make fun of you??!This is real!! Why can’t you take me seriously” he pouts back at you
“How am I supposed to take any of this seriously” you sigh
“Okay then” he sighs “Do you want to know what my kink is?”
“I don’t need or want to know!!” you cover your figure with that blanket
“It’s you” he presses his soft warm lips on your forehead
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Hilarious second cop calls back irs scammer
A scammer who tried to rip off a wisconsin man by pretending to be an irs agent definitely picked the incorrect goal when he called kyle roder - a cop who makes a speciality of telephone fraud. The alter-ego and insanely widespread meme from comedian branden miller, joanne is often seen in a fur coat and blonde wig, threatening these round her and teaching us all about caucasian dwelling.” a regular on super deluxe's youtube stream, joanne the scammer is able to make you her next goal. I`m concerned with scammer and ship him plenty of cash, I`m ashamed to say how much.... I`m nonetheless in touch with him and I would like him to be caught. And rip-off busters on pig busters that help by reporting scammers to us they find on different websites however we do not use the websites in any kind to promote you are it!
A scammer will normally insist on cost in a single manner, for example, only permitting you to pay by bank card over the phone and refusing fee by any other method. If it can't provide you with basic information about the debt, such as the date of default, quantity of precept vs. Interest, account number, whose name the debt is in, or different information, or it refers you to the unique creditor for such data, it's possible a scammer.
He just sent me Ouahib El Hanchi an extended love letter stating his spouse died from most cancers three years in the past and he's claiming his true love for me. This is the second scammer I met from match. A scammer may switch stolen cash into an account, and then tell ask you to wire the money if you happen to do not actually know the person, you may't know where the cash comes from or the place it's going.
As if all that is not bad enough, romance scammers are actually involving their victims in online financial institution fraud. The scammers switch stolen money into the brand new account, after which tell their victims to wire the money in a foreign country. In case you do a picture search and the particular person's picture seems beneath several completely different names, you're in all probability coping with a scammer. In the event you gave the scammer your financial institution or bank card account numbers, contact your financial institution or credit card company and ask the best way to protect your accounts.
Police say the sufferer will meet the scammer by an internet courting website and be sucked into a romantic relationship with out ever meeting this individual. Last 12 months we launched you to james veitch , a london-based comic who enjoys nothing more than trolling pesky internet scammers by feigning curiosity in their ridiculous schemes. See beneath for one of the many funny conversations he's had with varied unsuspecting scammers.
The cellphone name continues for a number of more minutes with a number of different clues from the irs” caller that he is a scammer, together with giving roder two totally different names. Scammers put up profiles on relationship websites , 19 social accounts, classified sites and even boards to groom new victims. Upon discovering victims, scammers lure them to extra non-public technique of communication, (similar to offering an e-mail handle) to allow for fraud to happen. He says tipton tapped him and others to play a sequence of numbers on sure dates.
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