#roman rupert
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oldmanbracket · 1 month ago
Sexiest Old Man Tournament: Round 1
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Who is hotter?
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liesmultixxx · 1 year ago
they are my roman empire
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my-film-reel-world · 1 month ago
I Just Watched: Horrible Histories The Movie: Rotten Romans (2019)
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I loved watching Horrible Histories when I was very young; it’s very nostalgic and an iconic piece of British children’s television. However, I'm very mixed on this film.
I'm not really the right demographic for it. (My dad made me watch it as he loves BBC’s Ghosts, which was made by the same people) This would’ve been fine if this had been made - say - 15 years ago, then little me would've enjoyed it more. As it is, it's just very eh, in my opinion. I spent most of the runtime going "Oh, I know that actor!" "That actress was in this and that!"
Also, how could you make a Horrible Histories film without casting the main people from the Horrible Histories TV show!? You'd think they'd make cameo appearances or something but NOPE! None of them were in it! At all!
Overall, very mediocre. Could’ve been worse.
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doyouhear-footsteps · 2 years ago
i swear i dont have a maternal bone in my body, but something about this image releases such a primal hormonal protective response i have never experienced before
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gravesdiggers · 2 years ago
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edwordsmyth · 1 year ago
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The Swan, Wes Anderson (2023)
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crrative · 1 year ago
The Sides as Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters, written for my own satisfaction:
Roman as Buffy. Peppy, headstrong chosen one with a penchant for quips? Absolutely.
Virgil as Angel. Vampire with a soul and, subsequently, depression. Probably burdened with glorious purpose or something.
Logan as Giles, no shit. The actual librarian. The Slayer's mentor and the teacher and the one with the books and all of that shite. We love.
Patton as Willow. The Slayer's best friend, the one with the sweet disposition and the one who snaps and turns a man inside out and then sets him on fire when they kill her girlfriend.
Janus as Spike. Their aesthetics don't match but they're both spiteful little fuckers and Spike and Angel hate one another almost as much as Janus and Virgil do. Shit's funny.
Remus as Drusilla because they're both fuckin batshit I guess lol there is no other similarity between them
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comicsiswild · 2 years ago
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Batman: The Adventures Continue (2020) #1: Season Three
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anastpaul · 10 months ago
Quote/s of the Day – 8 June – The Queenship of Mary
Quote/s of the Day – 8 June – The Queenship of Mary “She is the eldest daughter of the Great King.If you enjoy her favour,she will introduce youto the Monarch of the Universe.No-one has so great an interest with Him than Mary,who was the occasion of His coming down from Heavento become man, for the redemption of mankind.” St John the Merciful (c 552-c 616) “And as Queen,she possesses, by…
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partywithponies · 1 year ago
I think about Demons (2009) every single day without fail.
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the way that Lachlan Murdoch is closer to Roman Roy and James Murdoch is closer to Kendall Roy
And Lachlan is taking over, just before the next US election
the one who's politics is closer to roman roy's is going to have massive influence over the US 2024 election
fucking yikessss
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kermodefan94-blog · 2 years ago
Asteroid City. Movie Review
This watcher has a weird relationship with Wes Anderson. Isle of Dogs and Moonrise Kingdom are in the top three releases for the years they came out. 10 out of 10 masterpieces. All his other work over the last 10 years ranges from forgettable to snarlingly twee to insufferable. Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox is easily this viewer’s most overrated film of all time. Yes, it looks beautiful but talk…
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lovetgr76 · 2 years ago
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tonyrossmcmahon · 2 years ago
I Claudius - best historical TV drama ever?
In 1976, as a young teen, I watched I Claudius and thought it was amazing. But some TV critics at the time loathed it with a passion - why?
In the mid-1970s, British TV viewers tuned in for a weekly fix of murder and intrigue such as had never been seen before. I Claudius hit our screens and was a national sensation. The TV series was based on two novels by the British writer Robert Graves (1895-1985): I Claudius and Claudius The God. Today it’s almost universally recognised as one of the best historical TV dramas of all time. But…
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alltrekvarnews · 2 years ago
'Asteroid City' despega con una ovación de pie de más de seis minutos; Wes Anderson y Starry Cast en estreno mundial – Cannes....
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jam3sacaster · 4 months ago
“What did you fucking say?”
(Rivals) Rupert Campbell-Black x Reader
Suggestion by a sweet anon 🫶🏽 / Rupert would go the ends of the earth to protect you, as he always told you. However, you’d never seen it in action…
18+ FANFIC / Feral, protective Rupert 🩷 Reader character aged at 21 🫶🏽 Mentions of half the cast 😅
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It was a tantalisingly crisp Spring afternoon — golden rays of the sun casting a glow against the tremendous cups of daffodils and the brisk breeze dancing between the blades of grass at Green Lawns. Freddie and Valerie Jones had decided to host a garden party, meaning copious amounts of horrific champagne and a hoard of people exchanging fickle pleasantries. It was also yours and Rupert Campbell-Black’s first public outing as a newly established couple, and you secretly adored the scornful looks you received from every attendee’s envious wives as you arrived, hand-in-hand. The crowd has grown silent as he led you into the flamboyant garden, mouths agape in resentful shock.
“Charming welcome, as always.” Rupert remarked towards you, shooting the hushed crowd a fraudulent smile. Soon enough, their conversation grew frightfully noisy once again, although a few piercing gazes remained on you. “Oh hello, Mr Campbell-Black, please do help yourself to champagne.” A woman with a gaudily colourful dress on — mismatched hues of green and pink slapped onto a black linen shell — spoke towards your boyfriend, ignoring your presence entirely. “Thank you, Mousie. We will.” Rupert nodded, making his way to the buffet table and pouring you both a teeming flute of champagne. He just about made it over to you to hand you the glass, before he was whisked away by Valerie to introduce to an adoring gaggle of fans.
From across the carefully preened lawn, Tony Baddingham was involved in a tedious conversation with some television executives, but his piercing eyes leered at you like a hawk eyeing its prey. “Hello, gorgeous. Feeling like an outcast yet?” A familiar voice chimed from behind you, heavy hands pawing at your shoulders. “Hello, Bas. Not yet.” You grinned at the olive-skinned man, turning around to face him. At least you had one friend here — you had spent just as much time with Basil as you had with Rupert, often feeling like a third wheel in their fantastical friendship. “Oop. No. Not today.” Your boyfriend’s boyfriend groaned, bringing your champagne flute to his mouth for a stolen gulp, and practically bolting in the opposite direction. Utterly confused by Basil’s prompt exit, it immediately became apparent as Lord Baddingham emerged afore you.
“Why, hello there. Lord Baddingham. And you are… Rupert’s latest conquest, I take it? You’re not the first poor bitch he’s dragged along to one of these things.” The Roman-nosed man spat. God, Rupert’s right, he is a total cunt, you thought to yourself. “Lovely to meet you, Lord Baddingham. Rupert has told me all about you.” You respond — saccharine smile aching your lips. “Which lie has the poor bastard told you to get you here then? He’s never felt this way about anybody before, he’ll give you the world, or your pussy’s too tight that he can’t let you out of his sight?” Tony chortled at his own repulsive witticism. “I don’t think that’s rather appropriate to say to somebody you’ve just met if you don’t mind my saying, Lord B. I’m happy with Rupert.” You reply, but you needn’t have. Tony’s predatory eyes were ogling your cleavage, dreaming of something so very, very out of his reach. He leant in towards you, hot, acidic breath washing across your skin. “When he chucks you, you know where to find me. I wouldn’t mind a go on those marvellous tits.”
“What did you fucking say?” Rupert boomed from behind him, his voice irresistibly sexy and his presence providing the most needed wave of calm. Tony paused for a moment, exhaling deeply and turning on his heels. “I was just taking a moment to introduce myself to your new lady.” He replied, lying through his teeth. “No, what did you just fucking say to her?” Rupert reiterated, teeth grinding together so hard they could’ve crumbled. “Steady on, old chap. You’ll dispose of her in a few weeks, and she’ll be wanting to hold onto the fame with a new cock.” Tony hissed, the words leaving his mouth bitter and cold. It made you shiver in disgust.
Without hesitation, Rupert’s arm swung and delivered a forceful punch to Tony’s jaw, knocking the sinewy man to the floor and coaxing a ripple of gasps from the now gathering crowd. You clapped your hands across your mouth, shocked into silence. “Rupert! Don’t lower yourself, for fucks sake.” Basil thundered, sprinting over to his friend and pulling him aside. Tony, sitting up, tended to his bruised and bleeding jaw, Monica now fretting beside him. Rage seethed through Rupert’s body, but he smirked at the pain he’d inflicted on his mortal adversary.
“I’m terribly sorry you had to see that, angel. But there was no way I was going to allow him to speak of you like that.” Rupert huffed, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you tight to his chest. “Yes, of course. Well done, Rupert. Made yourself feel like the big man now, have you?” Tony continued his barrage of abuse, pulling himself to his feet and spitting a bloody glob of phlegm onto the ground. Marching towards him and grabbing a tight fistful of Tony’s navy silk shirt, Rupert practically lifted him from the grass. “Listen, Baddingham. If I see you so much as glance in her direction again, you’ll be straight to Corinium nursing a lot more than a fucking broken jaw. Do I make myself clear?” He seethed, and rather enjoyed seeing Tony spluttering in confusion. “Yes���” He managed to choke out in that weedy, pathetic voice of his.
“Good.” Rupert muttered, loosening his grip of Tony’s shirt and watching him fall to the ground once more. Taking a firm grip of your hand, Rupert ushered you towards the pathway. “Come on, angel. Let’s go home.”
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