#rollan x meilin
Spirit Animals and Character Development
Has anyone ever realized how Rollan and Abeke, and Meilin and Conor all have opposite character developments?
(I've never seen this talked about, so I'll just have to talk about it.)
Rollan: His arc is all about learning to put more faith in people. He learns to trust more. After bonding with Tarik, he learns that it's okay to have people that you can trust, care about, and lean on. He learns that some people are trustworthy and that trust can be earned.
Abeke: Her arc centers around learning to trust less. At the beginning of the series, she blindly puts her trust in Shane and Zerif. Later, she learns her trust was misplaced. At the end of the first series, we see her fight Shane and yell at him about how she trusted him and he essentially lied to her the whole time. She learns that although people can seem kind, they may not actually be.
Meilin: Her arc is about how to step down and not be so controlling all the time. Give other people a chance to lead, to make decisions. She needs to step down from a leader-like position in the group and let others' opinions be heard. She needs to be less of a leader and more of a follower.
Conor: His arc centers around being more of a leader. He learns to trust himself, step up as leader, and be less of a follower. He learns that even though he messed up when he gave away the Iron Boar, he can still step up and make decisions and lead the group. He learns to be more sure of himself and less shy.
I love Reilin and Coneke as much as the next person, but platonic Rollan x Abeke and platonic Meilin x Conor is something that I don't see much of. I think it's so interesting that their character developments are mirror images of each other. They need to be a bit more like the other person was at the beginning of the book. It also creates an opportunity where the characters can learn these traits from each other, and I really enjoyed how it played out in the books. It's such an interesting dynamic.
It also shows how neither extreme is ever healthy: you shouldn't trust people too little, lest you end up like Rollan, but you shouldn't trust people too much, either, or else you'll end up like Abeke. You shouldn't be too controlling and bossy, or else you'll end up like Meilin, but you shouldn't be afraid to step up either, lest you end up like Conor.
I don't know if the writers did this intentionally, or if it was just a byproduct of the characters, but either way, I love the way this was handled.
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jinn-mori · 3 years
Rollan: You might not want to go out today, Meilin. It's pretty muggy.
Meilin: Rollan, if I find mugs all over the yard, I'll hurt you.
Rollan: *sips coffee from bowl*
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Greenhaven’s Next Top Stars (GNTS) Synopsis
In this pop star/idol au fic, Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan join a failing entertainment company (Greenhaven Ent.) hoping to save it from bankruptcy. But with the company's financial situation, track record, and lack of resources they'll need hard work, originality, and a miracle to make it in this cutthroat industry.
The main platform for this fic is ao3. However, on this tumblr I'll be be posting links to the chapters, and art for the fic.
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
Rollan: *carves ‘Rollan + Meilin’ onto a tree*
Meilin: what a nerd.
Meilin: *adds 4ever*
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Happy four days late Valentine's Day from Rollan and Meilin!
PS: You ever have that moment where you realize that you messed up in your drawing but you already lined the part you messed up? Doing traditional art sucks when you don't have a back button...
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bladealvis · 7 years
Stormspeaker came out today! Have anything to say about it?
(spoiler alert!)
It was great!! I loved the scenes+lore surrounding the Stormspeaker object. Nefrini is amazing and I loved how they brought back Tembo in the way that they did. I missed him. (Kinda also wish they brought back some of the Redcloaks too, aka Karmo, but we did get to see Takoda and Xanthe and that was great) And like always, the description of the environment and the locations in the book were so awesome and rich. (I’m kinda biased towards Nilo because a lot of it is desert, or is just generally hot and has the same flora/fauna as a desert, and the desert is where i feel most at home lol)
The only thing that I didn’t find interesting was Anka’s reveal (we’ve already seen that happen before w/ Shane so it wasn’t that shocking—Anka is still a freaking interesting character tho. I also thought Wikam was mentioned as the Oathbound leader but apparently not….?). Also i’m glad the whole Jehan/Rollan/Meilin thing didn’t last very long. The book made it flow surprisingly well though (Rollan x Meilin is such a good pair honestly)
aight this is sort of long now but just. Stormspeaker was really good!! I liked it better than The Wildcat’s Claw, though honestly each SA book has its own charm lol
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blue--lotus · 5 years
Non-Kpop Masterlist
Spirit Animals
Inheritance Cycle
DC Comics
Red Hood
Captian Cold x White Canary
Batman x Catwoman
Star Wars
Ben and Rey
Greek Mythology
Hades and Persephone
Run Away
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
modern day (Like highschool) Spirit animals headcanons?
Mkay let’s see what I can come up with. FYI this is kinda gonna be Meilin-centric because she’s my fav. Also this somehow turned into a drama club AU? But I think it turned out okay???
Meilin is a straight A student and is really good in every class but doesn’t have any friends because tbh she’s kinda a bitch.
And she’s okay with that I mean who needs friends right?
But her dad thinks she does so when she hits high school he tells her she has to join one club.
She’s not happy about that but she does.
She figures she heard the theatre club’s production of Mary Poppins was good, not that she bothered to go see it, but she decides to try that out because acting is easy right?
Wrong. Meilin finds that theatre is not as easy as she though it’d be and even just the choreography calls are hard.
Then on top of that there’s her fellow freshmen and Conor seems okay but Abeke is competition for female leads and Rollan is just plain annoying. Nobody else really even talks to her.
Rollan hates Meilin because she seems like just some rich entitled bitch who doesn’t even care about theatre which he finds super annoying because Rollan loves acting more than anything.
Even before the 4 of them make friends with each other, they end up friends with a college kid named Tarik because Tarik is really nice and is the club advisor but the members refer to him as Theatre Dad.
Tarik and his girlfriend Lishay starred in everything when they were younger but now they just mentor everyone else.
Also they run a website that partners young actors with professionals for anonymous mentoring. The kids get to ask questions and the pros get to give advice to without anyone getting too excited because the kids don’t know who their pro is and the pro doesn’t know anything about the kid beyond their audition tapes. Not everyone gets picked but a lot of people do. The 4 freshmen get signed up as soon as possible.
Conor gets picked first by someone who uses a wolf as a profile pic. He doesn’t know this, but it is basically that universe’s equivalent of like Chris Evans.
Abeke gets picked second by like Lupita Nyong’o, who uses a leopard profile pic.
Meilin gets picked by someone like Lucy Liu with a panda profile pic.
Much to his annoyance, Rollan is the last to get picked but he does eventually, by a less-known actress. (In my mind she’s like Mizuo Peck {the lady that played Sacajawea in natm})
Basically these actors advise them throughout the AU but moving on.
The next musical is Into the Woods.
Many of the older kids don’t have the advantage of mentoring so all 4 get cast in main roles.
Conor is Cinderella’s Prince.
Abeke is the Witch.
Rollan is the Baker.
And Meilin, much to her annoyance, is the Baker’s Wife.
Also Maya is a year older but she’s short so she plays Little Red.
But basically they all run into a little dilemma here because Rollan and Meilin really want these roles but they also fucking hate each other and while they can get through the scenes where they argue fine they can’t act like a couple for more than 5 minutes to save their lives.
Tarik is the director so he puts them in a room and tells them to figure it out or he’s going to have to move them to different roles.
And Rollan does not want to be Jack for some reason. Maybe because that insinuates that he’s small and dammit it’s not his fault he hasn’t gotten his big growth spurt yet.
Meilin doesn’t want to switch either so they argue talk and eventually work out their differences.
Rollan finds out that Meilin is guarded because she doesn’t have any friends. That she’s never had any friends.
Meilin finds out that Rollan thinks she doesn’t care and he’s defensive because he’s an orphan and theatre is all he’s got.
And maybe they’re not exactly friends after that but they definitely aren’t enemies anymore.
Tarik doesn’t ask what they talked about but he knows that their character dynamic is a million times better so he doesn’t really care.
But Abeke is curious and she drags Conor into it when she tries to investigate but it is Conor who comes to the (wrong) inevitable conclusion which is...
Meilin and Rollan had one decent conversation and now have crushes on each other.
So now Abeke and Conor are trying to get them together, when in reality, Rollan doesn’t have a crush on Meilin (yet) and Meilin is just learning to think of him as a friend.
But besides that, there is a sinister plot going on.
2 weeks before opening night, Maya is caught on the edge of an explosion because someone planted a bomb in her car. She’s alive but she definitely can’t perform so a girl named Drina gets the role. Oddly, she doesn’t seem to feel any sympathy over what happened to Maya.
The police don’t want to scare the kids so they don’t tell them but of course they all find out why Maya’s car blew up.
Meilin starts getting a little paranoid, knowing whoever it was will likely come after other main actors, too.
Sure enough, 3 days later, Finn, the guy who plays the narrator, gets a set dropped on him and is lucky to be alive. His understudy, Zerif, takes his part.
Over a series of ‘accidents’ that badly hurt a lot of actors, most of the remaining ones quit, leaving their understudies in their place. The 4 freshmen kind of close ranks, figuring they can’t trust anyone but each other.
Abeke drops her guard when Shane, the guy who plays Jack and the only other actor who hasn’t gotten off the cast one way or another approaches her and asks if he can stick around their group.
When Abeke asks her friends, Conor is willing to try to trust him, but Meilin and Rollan are pretty sure there’s something... off about him.
She should’ve just ask, but being a dramatic little shit, Meilin breaks into Tarik’s office and finds that Shane wasn’t going to be Jack. The guy who was originally picked was in a car crash before the cast list was even released.
Unfortunately, Meilin is caught in there, making everyone think she’s the one who’s been masterminding the attacks to get people who pay her on the cast. It does not help that one of Shane’s friends plants cash in her locker.
Rollan, Abeke, Conor, and Tarik are the only ones who believe she didn’t do it besides her own father, but none of them can prove it was actually Shane, who Abeke is feeling hella betrayed by.
Also it’s like 2 days to opening night and most of the original cast is incapacitated and Meilin is very possibly going to juvie and if she doesn’t get out Rollan is going to have to act alongside this basic bitch called Ana who he hates.
As a last ditch effort because he has faith in his kids Tarik tells the cops he did it and framed Meilin and he feels guilty for that but he was behind the attacks.
Of course nobody from the school believes it but it’s good enough for the cops and Tarik gets fired and Meilin gets her role back.
But at this point the 4 freshmen want their roles just a bit less than they want revenge.
So at like 4 hours to curtain Meilin confronts Shane because she knows he framed her and figures he knows she can’t prove it.
Little does Shane know Meilin has a recording device on her and she’s recorded his entire confession.
She goes back to the others with all the evidence they need to send Shane packing. Abeke is about to take it to a teacher when Meilin is like:
“Wait. We’re not going to reveal this just yet. Rollan is going to have it in his pocket the entire show and he’s going to play it in a microphone for the whole crowd to hear after finale.”
Rollan is s h o o k.
Like he met her like... a few months ago and she’s trusting him with her revenge and she’s like an evil genius?
He gets overwhelmed and kisses her.
*gasp!* Rollan apologizes but Meilin... doesn’t mind.
Fast forward they do the show without a hitch and the 4 of them are great and Abeke pulls off her quick change from an old lady to a beautiful witch flawlessly.
Conor and Meilin agree never to speak of the Any Moment scene.
When Meilin dies and her ghost is singing to Rollan he actually like... sheds a few tears??? Because the two of them are hella good and Rollan forgot she’s not actually dead.
Then they get revenge on Shane, who goes to jail and gets what he deserves.
So do all his friends.
So happily ever after.
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
Cherry Blossoms
(Hanahaki AU for Reilin. Warning of blood.)
Rollan could only think words that no one would approve of as he stared at his hand.
Well, not his hand so much as the blood-soaked flower petal he’d just coughed up.
Everyone sort of thought Hanahaki disease was a legend. A story to scare children out of falling for people they couldn’t have. Supposedly, if you fell in love with someone, like, deeply in love and either they didn’t love you back or you didn’t think they could, flowers would grow in your lungs. Those flowers would not disappear until either that person returned your love, or you slowly suffocated. The first case had been documented in Zhong. That was where the name came from. It was rare enough that most people didn’t really believe it existed.
Clearly, it did. Rollan had gotten a cough weeks ago. He’d just thought it was a cold that wouldn’t go away, until he’d been standing on the side of the ship, just thinking, and gotten into a coughing fit that ended in him coughing up a blood-soaked flower petal.
Rollan didn’t know what kind it was. He didn’t really care. All he knew was that he needed to make sure his teammates didn’t find out about it. They’d just worry, and Rollan really didn’t need to deal with that.
It wasn’t like he didn’t know who he loved, anyway. And she’d never love him back.
Without a word, Rollan turned his hand and let the flower petal soaked in his blood fall into the water.
Rollan was acting strange. Meilin knew that much; it was obvious. He was acting strange enough that even Conor was taking notice, and wolf-boy usually liked to stay out of other people’s business.
Meilin had noticed weeks ago, when the Amayan boy’s voice started getting hoarse with a cough wouldn’t go away. He’d insisted it was nothing, even when it very clearly was not nothing.
Then he’d started acting even stranger. A few days ago, he’d started behaving even more recklessly than usual, not seeming to have any care for his own safety. He’d started taking more time to himself, standing alone by the back of the ship more often than any normal person would. He’d started teasing Conor less, actually acting like an ordinary friend would.
And... lately, it kind of seemed like he was avoiding her. Which stung more than it should.
That didn’t mean that she appreciated Tarik noticing that she was hurting and confronting her about it.
“I’m fine,” Meilin insisted, “It’s nothing.”
Tarik huffed in frustration, “Meilin, it’s not nothing! I’ve already got Rollan acting strange, and I don’t need you denying something’s wrong with you, too!”
“Maybe that’s just the problem!” Meilin shouted.
It was simultaneously comforting and annoying how Tarik acted as the ‘team dad,’ but right now, it was more annoying than anything else. It was a reminder that Meilin’s father was gone. It was just painful.
Still, ranting felt good.
“Rollan is the problem!” She shouted, “Because there is clearly something wrong with him, and he won’t tell anyone what it is! And what’s worse, no one seems interested in confronting him about it but me, and last time I tried, he dodged like there was no tomorrow until I had to back off. Something’s hurting him. And he won’t even admit it!”
Tarik seemed surprised, as if he had expected her to say something else. Meilin wasn’t sure why. Everyone knew how good of friends her and Rollan were, even if they argued a lot.
Tarik sighed, “Do you want me to talk to him, or do you want me to make him talk to you?”
Meilin was caught off guard by the question, “I... I don’t know what... I think... You should talk to him.”
Tarik nodded, “Alright. I have a hunch of what might be wrong with him. I need to confirm it before I worry you with my suspicions.”
Meilin had no idea what he meant by that, to be honest.
She just hoped her friend would be okay.
Rollan held in his coughing as Tarik approached his spot by the back of the ship. He couldn’t let his mentor know what was wrong with him.
The tall Greencloak was silent for an instant before speaking in a sad, almost broken voice.
“I had a cousin once, named Aban He was only a little older than you when a rare disease claimed his life.”
Oh, no. Rollan prayed this wasn’t going where he thought it was.
“He knew he had the disease long before anyone else did. He didn’t want anyone to know because he didn’t want the people he loved to worry, so he isolated himself. He pulled away from his family and friends, being nicer to them than he normally would on the rare occasions when he actually let himself be around them.”
This conversation was going where he thought it was.
“Aban didn’t even know what caused his disease. Or rather, who caused it.”
Tarik turned to Rollan, sadness clouding his eyes.
“I get the feeling you do know who caused yours.”
Rollan couldn’t respond. All he could do was cough up a full flower into his hand, the white petals in full bloom, spotted with blood.
Tarik took it from him, studying it with a sad curiousity, “A white cherry blossom. Known mostly for being in gardens in Zhong.”
Rollan didn’t say anything. He’d only heard of those gardens in stories, but he already knew.
“It’s Meilin, isn’t it? You love her.”
Rollan sighed, “Is it that obvious?”
Tarik shrugged, “To me, Abeke, and Conor? Yes. To Meilin? Not so much.”
“Well, let’s hope it stays that way,” Rollan muttered.
Rollan had assumed that it was obvious.
“She doesn’t need to feel guilty because I’m dying.”
Tarik made a frustrated noise, “What makes you so sure she doesn’t love you?”
Rollan laughed harshly, “Why would she? I’m a street kid from Amaya and she’s a rich, beautiful, warrior daughter of a Zhongese general. Why the hell would she ever love me?”
Tarik shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe the fact that Meilin is more worried about you than anyone.”
“She’s worried about me?”
“She’s the one who told me to come talk to you.”
Rollan took a second to process that. There was no way. There was just no way a girl like that would love a boy like him. Meilin was worried about him as his friend. That was it. He hadn’t exactly missed Abeke and Conor’s concerned glances lately. It was like that. He hadn’t seen Meilin’s concern because he’d been avoiding her on purpose the last few weeks. Because every time he saw her, he felt the urge to cough.
“You’ll never know for sure unless you tell her,” Tarik pointed out.
“I can’t,” Rollan said harshly, coughing suddenly. The coughing fit made him drop to his knees on the deck, flower petals coming up so fast he couldn’t breathe. He’d never coughed up that much before.
Rollan was dimly aware of Tarik’s voice shouting his name over and over again, a hand hitting his back to force the petals up faster, and more panicked voices joining the fray, asking what was wrong.
The last thing Rollan saw before passing out was Meilin’s face as she ran towards him.
He was so still.
Meilin hadn’t seen Rollan as still as he was now since he had the Sunset Sickness.
His breathing was still labored, from the flowers growing in his lungs. Meilin kept expecting that breathing to stop. He was getting worse. He was so bad that even Jhi looked worried.
Meilin had wanted him to wake up, but the pain in his eyes as he did made her wish he hadn’t.
“You have Hanahaki disease,” she said pointedly. She sensed that Rollan would probably want her to keep things seeming normal.
“Yeah,” he agreed, his voice hoarse.
He coughed pitifully, and a single flower petal came up, which he wiped away before she could get a good look at it.
“What kind of flower is it?”
Rollan shot her a look, “Does it matter? It’s killing me no matter what.”
“It matters because I’m trying to figure out who it is,” Meilin shot back, “So we can make them love you and save your life, you idiot.”
She didn’t say how much it stung that that person wasn’t her. If Rollan loved her, he wouldn’t be coughing up flowers in the first place because...
Because Meilin loved him. She hadn’t always known that, but she knew it now. She loved him enough that she didn’t even care he didn’t feel the same way. She just wanted him to be okay.
“I already know who it is,” Rollan mumbled.
“I said I—“
“I heard you!” Meilin snapped, “So who is it?”
Rollan laughed harshly, “It doesn’t matter. She’ll never love me back.”
“How do you know?” Meilin pressed, “How are you so sure that—“
“Because I’m a nobody who grew up in the streets of Concorba!” Rollan snapped, “And you’re a strong, beautiful warrior who’s basically royalty!”
Meilin froze.
“I know,” Rollan said, “You’re my friend, Meilin. I know you care about me, but not that way, and that’s okay. I’d be an idiot if I thought a girl like you could possibly love a—“
He was cut off by Meilin’s lips.
She pulled back after barely a second, red in the face, but the look on Rollan’s face made the embarrassment worth it.
He was looking at her the way every girl wanted to be looked at. Like she meant everything to him.
Meilin wanted to kiss him again, but she restrained herself for a second.
“I love you, too,” she whispered, “Never doubt that.”
Rollan’s next breath before he leaned in for another kiss came easier than before.
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
Hey could you do more spirit animals things?
How bout some shitty headcanons for a modern AU?) They still have spirit animals but also have like phones and stuff.)
Rollan and Conor get their first phones at Greenhaven.
Meilin chooses to keep her old one and she knows it’s too dangerous to try to text her dad but she has a picture of them together as her lockscreen so she just sits there looking at it whenever she misses him too much.
Rollan walks in on her doing this once and it involves sass and deflecting but she eventually talks to him about it.
They have a group chat of course which Rollan named and Conor and Meilin gave up trying to change it cause he always changes it back.
By the time they trust Abeke enough to add her it already has sentimental value though.
It’s called The Sexy 4 Fallen🦅🐺🐼🐆
They have a separate group chat with Tarik and they add everyone worth adding over the course of their adventures. (Barlow and Monte, Finn, Lishay, Maya, etc.)
Rollan spams both with memes constantly.
Of course the second one is super annoying 99% of the time cause everyone’s in different time zones.
Lishay and Tarik forget they’re on a group chat and flirt until someone tells them to please go text each other on single. (Speaking of which can their ship name be Tigerotter?)
Meilin’s favorite movie is Wonder Woman and she will not admit that she broke her leg trying to do a backflip off a horse and fire an arrow at a target like an Amazon did in the movie.
Rollan will also not admit that he was filming this in case she succeeded.
Abeke will also not admit that she lent Meilin her bow to try this.
Conor will not admit that he tried to stop them but ended up promising not to tell anyone how Meilin really broke her leg.
Abeke has so many cat memes saved.
When Meilin runs away to Zhong she deactivates the password on her phone and leaves a video explaining why she had to go.
Before she gets in the maze Jhi is just so tired of all this and is like ‘oh my god Meilin you’re going to get yourself killed just piCk UP A DAMN PHONE.’
Obviously she doesn’t but whatever.
When Rollan gets sick Conor very helpfully googles to confirm that there is only one cure.
There isn’t much service in Artica or Oceana or the middle of the Niloan desert so nothing much to mention there.
After Tarik dies Rollan sometimes texts his number just to pretend he’s telling him about his day.
Cue parallels as Meilin has a chat with him about it when they get her back.
Actually when she’s all mind controlled he does that with her, too. Well, sort of.
Meilin comes back to a ton of messages of all the things Rollan wished he could tell her.
Feels and stuff.
Obviously in between series 1 and 2 (I haven’t finished 2 yet) they stay in touch and Rollan still spams memes.
Conor snaps and says his first curse word because Rollan’s been spamming for like 2 hours and Conor is So Tired and he just texts Rollan to shut the fuck up.
Meilin is proud of him. Abeke is a little worried. Rollan is ecstatic that he managed to corrupt Conor.
Conor feels bad and pretty much never says curses again.
Here are their contact names for each other.
Conor: Abeke: Abeke 🐆 Meilin: Meilin 🐼 Rollan: Rollan 🦅
Abeke: Conor: Wolf BFF Meilin: Panda BFF Rollan: Falcon BFF
Meilin: Conor: Conor Abeke: Abeke Rollan: Annoyance
Rollan: Conor: Good Boi 🐺👍😉 Abeke: Female T’challa🐆🏹😄 Meilin: Kung Fu Panda🐼❤️😍
That’s all I got for ya pal.
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