#roll the dice 🎲 (>> dash games)
staticsqueaks · 1 year
(Go here and pick which handwriting closest resembles your muse's!) Font chosen: Quite Charming Font
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Hosin's handwriting is rushed and uneven with how he holds his pen. He can write faster in cursive than in print which serves him well when he's taking notes on the fly, scrawling in his journal, or drafting reminders for himself before he forgets. He loves to write at length with flowery language about his observations, describing everything down to last minuscule detail. When in formal settings, he will sign his full title, but will usually just sigh "Hosin" with his sister and close personal friends. Hosin is required to use formal speech as Emperor of Suppaliax, and both speaks and writes words in full without abbreviation, even in informal settings. He never uses hyphenated words or words that are shortened such as "don't," "won't," or "couldn't." Instead he would write "do not," "will not," and "could not." His proper language has become a habit that he cannot seem to drop, no matter the situation. He often dots his writing with little hearts to spruce it up. Hosin is right handed, prefers to use cheap ballpoint pens as he usually loses them in his travels, and loves lined notebook paper because it's easier for him to follow evenly. He typically writes in black as colored pens are distracting to his busy mind and enjoys drafting handwritten letters to those he loves.
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Tagged by: @loyal-logik AND @aircommndr Tagging: @heliotropez, @13urningstars, @flameofprimus, @biggest-ultra-mags, @martyrix, @rodimii, @followingprotocol, @xxdoctor-djdxx, @forgedcold, @polyhexianchicken, @dizzydiodes, @doorwings, @aprimesrpcorner, @mastermegatron, @red-in-revolt, @rosecoloredoptics, @gowithplana, @thee-forcefield-guy (I'm tagging a lot of you because I'm literally so freaking curious. If you do decide to do it, tag me so I can see what you do!! Anyone not listed can feel free to do so as well! ^_^)
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mediical-trek · 1 year
// @starfleetsxvulcan. (You can pick which Spock!)
AOS Spock: Bluebird told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with
AOS Spock: *very seriously* You need to stop doing weird things to cope with the stress. Going outside might help. AOS Bluebird: I went to the park today. AOS Spock: There you go! I hope you got something from that. AOS Bluebird: *opening her coat* This duck.
*Pilot Spock and Pilot Bluebird's house is on fire, but they don't know it*
Pilot Spock: Damn, it's hot in here.
Pilot Bluebird: I know, it's so hot there's smoke coming out of the vent!
Pilot Spock:
Pilot Spock: First of all, I'm assuming you have no idea what the problem with that statement is.
Pilot Bluebird: What?
Pilot Spock: Second of all, we need to get the fuck out of here, NOW.
Pilot Bluebird: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Pilot Spock: Wow. They sound stupid. Pilot Bluebird: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Pilot Spock: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Pilot Bluebird: I guess you’re right. Hey Spock, I love you. Pilot Spock: See! Just say that! Pilot Bluebird: Holy fucking shit. Pilot Spock: If that flies over their head then, sorry Bluebird, but they're too dumb for you. Pilot Bluebird: Spock.
SNW Spock: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
SNW Bluebird: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
SNW Bluebird: Can we get a birthday cake? SNW Spock: It’s not your birthday. SNW Bluebird: The cake won’t know!
TOS Bluebird, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
TOS Spock, confused: I mean, this is my room, so yeah.
TOS Spock: Hey, about that love letter you sent me- TOS Bluebird: *blushes* What are your thoughts? TOS Spock: The fourth sentence- TOS Bluebird: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I- TOS Spock: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
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icon0scope · 8 months
🌸Please don't interact with this post
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speeding-engines · 1 year
Tag Dump
🌺Please don't interact with this post
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) … ((aw man this one is gonna be sad actually)) Number Generated: 10 - After being mugged ____________
Hosin felt sick. He knew he shouldn't have gone looking on the Cybertronian black market by himself, but his curiosity had driven him on to try and learn more about the darker side of their planet's history. It had started innocently enough, he'd asked around, found some long since buried information, and ended up excitedly taking his ship to the planet....well, the planet...? He couldn't remember in his frazzled shakiness. It was rough and tumble, filthy, and full of drugs he hadn't expected, but still, Hosin and his ridiculous compassion had kept him in the dark to the true intentions of others. He'd made his way into the city, skipping down streets and admiring the crumbling, rusted visage of something that once looked great. Others had watched him, glossed over his strange, bubbly form as he touched everything he could and scrawled down notes. Unfortunately, he hadn't noticed he was being stalked until it was too late. The last thing Hosin remembered were big servos grabbing him around the waist and slamming him against the wall to strip him of his satchel and root through his things. He'd attempted to wiggle free but fingers found their way over his mouth before he could protest, leaving him at the complete mercy of those bigger and more callous than him. Could he have defended himself when they tossed him about? Yes. But he was a pacifist, he refused to harm another until the most dire of circumstances. He was beginning to regret that decision as his body throbbed with the unfortunate beating he'd taken. The little Suppalian had left after that, horrified to keep going and covered in disgusting rust as he cried silently to himself over the controls of his ship. He'd lost his notes. He'd lost his camera and his research, all of it was gone. Everything he'd loved and worked hard to achieve was in that notebook. He wanted to scream, but his throat was too sore from the manhandling to do anything properly, leaving him hoarse and weak. Hosin wasn't quite sure what happened between his warp jump back to the Lost Light, but he knew he didn't feel safe alone. He'd haphazardly docked his ship, stumbled out, and made his way to the only habsuite he could think of at the moment. There was a faint knock, Hosin standing ragged and disheveled in the doorway of Chase's hab as he silently sobbed through his shame. He didn't say anything, he just stood there and stared at the floor, unsure of how to explain his hideous defeat or the ache in his chest. All he knew was that he felt sick, and he didn't want to be alone.
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Where do you deserve to be kissed?
You are made of light. your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. you should be kissed there. and often. a reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
Tagged by: @thee-forcefield-guy Tagging: @followingprotocol, @wazzpinator-do-not-know, @grand-galvatron, @mastermegatron
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mediical-trek · 1 year
Wanted Poster
WANTED: Bluebird , dead or alive.
REASON: Murdered a citizen.
LAST SEEN: 6/28/1852 in Mississippi.
BOUNTY: $50,000
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) … ((TW: Dark humor and alcohol. GOOD LUCK PHARMA LOL)) Number Generated: 5 - blackout drunk ______________
Hosin rarely partied. It wasn't really in his nature to even want to. Maybe, just maybe, he'd been egged on by a few minibots at the bar. Maybe he's emptied an entire canister and a half of helium. Maybe he'd gotten in his ship and plugged in the first coordinates that lit up on his screen just to see what happened. Maybe he'd knocked on Pharma's door until he answered. Hosin stared up at his friend from below, swaying where he stood as he blinked unevenly and took a few steps, instantly face planting into the floor as he laughed. He rolled onto his side and stared up with a half lidded gaze, trying to comprehend what his helium intoxicated mind was seeing. "Huh...?" He lost himself in another fit of giggles. "Wait, I was there and now I am here? Life is funny that way." He slurred, pushing himself up to his knees and instantly falling back forward onto all fours. "Annnnyway, I wanna see if," He paused, trying to let his thoughts catch up to themselves when Pharma's colors started to confuse him. "Woah, woah, I am colorblind, what color are you supposed to be?" He laughed again, outlining Pharma's features from below with an unsteady finger as he amused himself. "Oh! I-I was gonna ask...do you wanna come back to the Lost Light and party with us?" He rested his chin in his palm, missing a few times before digging into his satchel for a can of silly string. "We are having a smashing time and...a-and I think you should get out of this musty old clinic and come have some fun, Pharma! It would do you good!" With that, Hosin haphazardly uncapped the silly string and sprayed it over Pharma's chassis, coating him in a thin layer of bright yellow fun before he caught the remaining bit that fluttered down in his mouth. He wrinkled the bridge between his eyes and spat to the side out of disgust when the taste wasn't what he'd expected. "G-Goodness...that does not taste silly at all!" Finally, he managed to force himself up to a stand, taking a few wobbly steps. "Let us depart, p-post....post haste, Pharma, my friend! We should....we....s-should....-" With that, Hosin faceplanted back into the floor and conked himself out, snoring messily over the once pristine metal of the clinic as he finally fell into his drunken stupor.
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
What's your role in your found family dynamic?
The Protective One
it does not require much for you to take someone under your wing. you have a knack for seeing the best in others and rooting for them, and they look up to you in turn. they feel that you are safe to go to in times of chaos or strife, and are calmed by your presence. you take extra measures to make sure everyone feels supported. things that others might not even consider, you have already likely accounted for. in most scenarios, you are "the leader." your struggles tend to come from your desire to provide things to others. you want to give, to see those you love happy, to make wherever you are a place of comfort. your failures hit you hard because you see this as your responsibility, and you hate to let people down. …okay, yes, there's no avoiding it: this is the parent friend.
Tagged by: Stolen from @13urningstars Tagging: @thee-forcefield-guy, @rosecoloredoptics, @xxdoctor-djdxx, @loyal-logik, @aircommndr, @followingprotocol, @big-ultra-mags, @battlexworned, @wazzpinator-do-not-know, @aprimesrpcorner, @mastermegatron, @css-stupid-boatman, @faultfindingfirebot (WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO)
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Hosin was dead asleep, feelers twitching over his plush pillow as his creaky little ears flicked aimlessly at things he came across in his dreams. He didn't register the deft creep of someone unseen or the intense glow of familiar optics hidden in the shadows of the night. Slowly, he stirred, rolling over and connecting with something solid in his groggy, dream-laden state before reaching out and cuddling closer out of habit with a soft yawn. He didn't remember his berth being quite this small, Didn't he used to have more room here to himself...did he- Wait. Hosin cracked an eye and instantly scrambled back with a screech of terror, rearing back for an impulsive punch but stopping himself when he realized he definitely wasn't alone. He flattened his feelers to his back and flopped back down over his pillow, face to face with his living sticker sheet of a friend, Starscream. Starscream?! Instantly, Hosin flustered up without warning when his atmosphere heated with a confused mixture of nerves and bewilderment, not registering that all of this was simply a joke to scare the daylights out of him in his sleep. There were too many thoughts in his already cluttered mind; why was he here? What did he want? Starscream was in his berth. His berth? Out of every berth on the ship he was in this one? Right here, right now? How did he even get in here?! How had Hosin not heard him slip in? What time was it? Why was he rambling? He hadn't said any of this out loud had he?? Hosin honestly couldn't tell at this point, pinning his ears back and staring like a dear in headlights at that characteristic, basterdous smirk. Oh shit, his face. Hosin's face felt warm, did he look ridiculous or weird? Why was he so embarrassed by everything all the time? Geez, just say something! D-Do something! He came to you for...for whatever and you're just going to sit here and stare back like an awkward ball of inhibitions and butterflies and- Without thinking, Hosin reached forward and hooked his fingers into the seams of his friend's chassis, tugging himself forward to press a rushed, impromptu kiss over his lip plates. He lingered a moment before realizing his mistake, instantly pushing off and covering his mouth with shaky hands when he realized he'd taken things too far. "I-" He blurted out, unable to find his words. "AH! I-I am so sorry!" He managed to squeak out, unable to move as if caught in a pair of headlights....in this case, optics. "Oh my goodness, I-I do not know what came over me, I am S-SO SORRY!"
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff )
Prompt for @thee-forcefield-guy. (For some reason I can't post it as text, so have a doc instead! Anyone can view the link to Google Docs below!) Number Rolled: 15 - Covered in Blood (their own) ((TW: Blood, violence, attempted "assassination" This is canon in the Hosin LL AU)) Document Found Here
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
RULES: Bold what always applies. Italicize what could apply / applies only to some verses.
Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone’s Life | Invented Something | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won A Bet | Lost A Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor’s Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Broken Someone’s Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/Uncle
Tagged by: stolen from @13urningstars Tagging: @biggest-ultra-mags, @aircommndr, @followingprotocol, @css-stupid-boatman, @battlexworned, @xxdoctor-djdxx, @medical-jet-troubles (FEEL FREE ANYONE ELSE TOO!!)
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) … Number Generated: 19 - Covered in baking ingredients ___________________
It had been quite a while since Hosin had visited the Earthen planet. In his ventures to understand Cybertronians, he needed to visit them in all aspects of life, environment, and the like. When he'd heard about the Rescue Bots from Chase, he needed to see what their life on Earth was like for himself. He'd been here a few weeks now, excitedly surveying the town, loving the warm weather of the summer and the friendly Earthen folk he met along the way. He'd disguised himself as a formal little banker with fun glasses and polished shoes to stay his stent in a hotel without worry. But, there was something that was the talk of the town; it was the anniversary of the Rescue Bots arriving here. Surely that was a big deal, Hosin had determined in his hours sipping tea by the window, so he diverted his mission to something new. He went out in the morning, shopping around for flour and sprinkles at the local grocery store as he hummed sweet tunes to himself and attempted to grab what he needed off of high shelves. It took a bit longer than he'd hoped it would, but he finally made his way back to his temporary kitchen to smash lovely ingredients together. Sugar for sweetness, some icing whipped up in a mixer borrowed from a kindly couple a few doors down, and the delicate touch of placing each bright red sprinkle himself. With that, his mission was complete. At least for Heatwave. He would have to repeat the process a few times over to make sure everyone on the team felt appreciated! "Excuse me, excuse me!" Hosin had just shown up one day, a tray of neat, fiery cupcakes clutched above his blonde disguise as he beamed. He was covered head to toe in flour and smeared with stickiness, not that he cared. "I heard it was your anniversary of arriving here, and I wanted to commemorate the occasion! My name is Hos- Um...Holland! Yes! Holland Moneyman, And I am just passing through town and wanted to bring these to you in commemoration. If you cannot eat them, I figured you could share them with your human team!" Holland...wasn't that a country? Oh well, it didn't matter. He just wanted Heatwave to enjoy his gift!
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
Mun vs Muse
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Saw this on @13urningstars blog and it made me wanna try it! I'm super wild and flamboyant in how I dress, but Hosin...he'd be super monochromatic in his color scheme. Blue is his thing.
Tagging: @biggest-ultra-mags, @aircommndr, @aprimesrpcorner, @followingprotocol, @flameofprimus, @heliotropez
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mediical-trek · 11 months
What is your character arc?
romance/friendship arc
You started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
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mediical-trek · 1 year
What does your heart look like?
iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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