#roland is probably hungover
mymultiverse00 · 1 year
Mrs. Blum
My head is pounding. Over and over again, it’s drumming out a cadence in 4/4 time that I can feel behind my eyes, and in my ears, and all the way down to my stomach. I feel sick and hung over, but I have no idea Why I’m hungover. I don’t remember getting drunk last night. Actually, I don’t really remember anything from last night, but whatever I got up to has left me feeling sick as hell and I do not like it.
I pry my eyes open slowly and am momentarily blinded by a blazing hot sun shining in through a wall of very tall windows. Where the Hell am I? I wonder, taking a moment to try to focus on what’s going on outside, sitting up with a start when I finally start to recognize the landmarks. There’s an enormous fountain outside with dozens of people standing around it, and loud music playing in the distance. The Eiffel Tower stands across from that, looking very regal and pretty, but somehow not quite the right size. Eventually, my turtle slow brain clicks over. I’m in Las Vegas. Why the hell am I in Las Vegas? I really need some answers.
I look around the room a little and confirm that I am in a very large suite at the Bellagio Hotel, and judging by the overturned bottles and dirty glasses everywhere, I’ve been having a party. A tiny twinge between my thighs and complete lack of clothing tells me I’ve also been having sex, and likely quite a lot of it, but with who? That mystery is about to solve itself when the bathroom door suddenly flies open and a very naked and very aroused Roland Blum steps out.
“Roland! What the fuck are you doing here?” I shout, yanking sheets and blankets up over myself to hide my naked body.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Y/n!” He growls back. “Could you keep your screeching to a minimum this morning? I’m hungover as fuck and that’s not helping.”
“Sorry, you just surprised me is all, but what in the world is going on here? What are you doing in my hotel room and why the hell are we in Las Vegas?”
“Well, Mrs. Blum,” he began, swaggering over to join me on the bed. “First of all, it’s our hotel room. And second, it was your idea to come here in the first place, but I guess you chose to forget that.”
“My idea…? Wait. What did you just call me?”
“Mrs. Blum. Unless you want to keep your maiden name like some kind of bra burning feminist? We got married last night, kid.” He flashes his left hand at me, showing off a gold wedding band.
“What?!” I squeaked, scrambling to check my own ring finger and finding an enormous diamond resting there.
“Yeah. You came over to my place last night, crying about some shit that probably doesn’t matter and I offered to fuck you. You said the only way you would ever fuck me is if we got married so… there you go,” he concluded with his hands spread wide like some corny magician, giving me that self satisfied smile he always wears when he knows he’s won an argument.
“So you’re telling me, you drove us all the way to Vegas - to marry me - just so you could get some pussy?” I ask in disbelief.
“You’re damn right I did.”
“Huh.” I sit back against the headboard, taking in this new information and trying like hell to recall any of those events. “Was it any good?”
Roland gives me an offended look. “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t ask me that, doll.”
“Well, I don’t know! I’ve never had sex with you before, not sober or as a married woman. I have nothing to compare it to.”
“Well then, let me tell you, wife,” he says lasciviously, slowly pulling down the sheets to expose my bare breasts to his eyes. “Married pussy is the best pussy. You wrapped your long legs around my head so goddamn tight last night, I thought I was going to pass out a couple of times! Then you did this thing to my ass…,” he shivers at the memory. “You’re a real freak, Y/n, and I gotta say, I like it!”
“And you’re ok with being married? To me?” I ask timidly.
“Fuck yes, Y/n. I’ve wanted to get inside your snatch for years! I got my trophy now, and I’m keeping it.” He leans over and kisses me roughly on the mouth. His beard tickles, but in the best way.
“So what do we do now?” I ask.
“Well, if you’re hungry, I can feed you my dick. If you’re not, I’ll eat your ass until you pass out. After that, who the fuck cares?”
I giggle. I’m beginning to come around to the idea of being married to this foul mouthed lawyer, and I’m thinking it might be helpful if I could remember having sex with my new husband, so I give in.
“Tell you what, husband. I’m going to order some room service from downstairs and then I’m going to eat it while I sit on your face.”
He growls in response, sliding in closer to me so his massive cock rubs against the side of my thigh. He starts sucking a bruise onto the side of my neck and pulling at my nipples.
“After we eat, if you’ve been a good boy, I’ll let you rail me against those big glass windows over there, for all the tourists to see.” His head pops up and he smiles widely.
“Goddamn it, Y/n. I fucking love being married to you.”
“Good. Now, I’ll sort out my breakfast, why don’t you sort out yours?”
“Yes, Mrs. Blum.”
The End
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kvltprince · 4 years
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Ootd ✌💚😘
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mehdeaguided · 6 years
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Don’t let your 3 INT Courier poke at strange mechanical things in the desert, or you end up with WAY more questions when they return, and not very good answers.
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years
How would the 2ps react to someone confessing they have a crush on them?
I will show you how:
2ps reaction to a confession of love:
(this is on the pretense that the feelings are mutual)
Allen: Only falls in love with someone who's a close friend to him. So chances are, the confession will happen while you're hanging out. That, or you pull him away to somewhere private. Anyway, onto the actual prompt: His cheeks flush, and he scratches his neck. He laughs between words to distract you from the fact that he's melting. Eventually just says "Fuck it," and pulls you in for a tight bear-hug, hiding his face in your shoulder so you can't see him a 'weak' state.
Matt: Literally has the wind knocked out of him. You can hear it. Clutches his heart and leans onto any surface he can. When he regains his balance, he'll remain completely silent and just pull you into his chest.
(also, matt has big booba so 🤤)
Francois: His first thought is PANIC; He tried to suppress his feelings and hope to god they weren't reciprocated, but now he has you in front him, flustered and embarrassed, confessing to that very thing. Francois doesn't melt a lot, but oh boy did he just then.
Oliver: You both realize exactly what the other is going to say. Racing to say it first, you both blurt out "I love you!" at the same time. After looks of shock and a second's pause, you both burst out giggling; Ollie casually compliments you on something small, like your laugh or your dimples when you smile, then goes back to what he was doing like nothing happened. You're both red for the rest of the day.
Viktor: For a moment he looks surprised, letting out an "Oh-!" He puts whatever book he had down, and gives you a little head pat. "I think I love you too. да."
Xiao: "No way! I was just going to say the same thing!" Xiao is very casual about it. "So... you wanna kiss now? Or later?"
Luciano: This one is hard to write, because I don't see him allowing himself to be close enough to someone to even warrant a love confession. That being said, when Luciano falls in love, he falls hard. He is Italian, after all. So hearing the person he loves feels the same, he is QUICK to put a ring on it.
Flavio: Squeals and jumps around the room. He makes it quite clear that he's in love, so he knew it wouldn't be long before you returned the feelings, if you didn't already. Needless to say, he's just excited that it's official, and he can spoil you without it being uncomfortable.
Lutz: He's definitely intoxicated when he receives this information. (Lutz is a fun drunk, don't worry, its unrelated) The next morning he forgets what you said, but knew you said something important. He calls you half-asleep and a little hungover, to ask what you said. You're gonna have to say it again <3 At first he'll give you an "Ohhh, ok", but after he's completely sober and in a clear mind, the realization of the confession sets in. And BOOM: HIMBO BRAIN!
Kuro: Kuro is a very silent type, so if he's interested in anyone, they're the same. Declarations of love are never really explicitly stated, they're found in actions and unspoken words.
Gillen: Poor boy has fallen to his knees and is crying. You kneel down to ask him what's wrong, only to be answered with cries and wails of "IJUSTLOVEYOUSOMUUUCCHHHHAAHHHH"
Roland: This is quite an unfortunate situation, because this bastard absolutely DRINKS it UP. He pretends to not hear you correctly so you have babble it out again, strokes your face, and is just giggling the whole time. This whole thing probably ends in nsfw so I'll stop here. Roland I hate you
Andres: Chokes on his drink and asks you if you're being serious. Fixes his shirt and hair and plays it cool. "I- Yo- Uh-Hum- Yeah, yeah, I mean get that." fgbhdfg wtf is this man saying ??
Anastasia: Brushes the hair from side of her face to reveal her rosey cheeks. Nervously laughs; She's not used to confrontation like this! "T-Thank you, I feel sames!" You two end up just going for a walk, hand in hand, testing this thing out.
Katya: Sighs of relief. Most people that act interested in her are usually only there for her body, money, and popularity. She already trusts you, therefor feels incredibly safe in this moment. She tears up and pulls you close, a non-verbal vow to stick together from now on.
[I've omitted the Nordics, Hermes, Caligula, Germania, and Egor because my mind blanked for all of them]
[Also Paul, Scarlett and Raimonds because they're children]
[Also Franciszek and Leonas because they're strictly in love I'm sorry]
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kaibagirl007 · 5 years
Come Undone 3/6
( the third part of a mini side-fic series to accompany my RP with @dragontamer05 )
‘Does it not intrigue you even the slightest bit as to WHY your council suddenly seeks an audience with you?’ Seto asked curiously from inside Kaiba’s mind as the CEO strut down the corridors of Kaiba Corp towards an ‘urgent’ meeting with the board of directors. 
No. Kaiba shot back tiredly, still slightly hungover from the night before. He’d really hoped that the other would have taken the hint he wasn’t welcome and go back to wherever it was that he had come from by now. Obviously not. You’ve been lingering around long enough to know that it’s perfectly normal procedure for me to meet with them.
’Timely arranged, yes…’ Seto agreed as his ghostly form slowly materialised beside the CEO. He was very disappointed to see the other still wearing the same dark teal suit and black shirt from the night before. ‘Abruptly like this, no.’
Whatever the reason may be, it’s nothing to be concerned about. This is MY company, I call the shots and would be the first to know if something wasn’t right.
‘Conceited rulers do not last long on their thrones-’
Fuck off already! Or do I need to resort to blocking you right here and now?
‘You wouldn’t dare.’
Try me.
Reluctantly, the pharaoh backed down. He’d already witnessed his bullheaded descendant develop the drug addiction to combat his unwanted presence, and had no desire to give him further excuse for such reckless behaviour. ‘Very well. I shall adjourn for now.’ 
With that said, Seto vanished and left the other in complete solitude, much to the CEO’s relief.
The door to the boardroom was pushed open and Kaiba entered to the sound of soft murmurs from the rest of the board members. Without saying a word, he headed straight towards his seat at the head of the table and sat down. A quick glance around saw an array of inside directors present for the meeting. Amongst them, he also spotted an unknown face.- a new intern was his presumption,- wearing a light baby blue suit, white shirt and striking red tie. It was a look that greatly contrasted his own. 
Imbecile. Kaiba scoffed internally at having seen the fresh-faced man dressed in such a bold manner that was way beyond his actual status. Either that or he was fashion-challenged. Heh, who in their right mind would wear such an audacious looking outfit?…
“Thank you for gracing us with your presence at such short notice, Kaiba.” 
The sound of the male voice greeting him broke Kaiba’s attention from the ‘nobody’ seated across the far side of the table. With the CFO seated to his right now having his full attention, he spoke, “Let’s bypass the formalities and get straight to the point, Tsuda; What is the purpose of this meeting?”
All murmuring around the table stopped and the situation was addressed head-on. “Our shareholders are becoming increasingly concerned with your behaviour as of late.”
“Oh? And just what behaviour would that be?” Kaiba challenged. Calmly he crossed both his arms and legs as he awaited a response from the older man. Had his addiction been uncovered? Hopefully not, he’d been so careful in hiding it.
“Since your break-up with Miss Amarella, you have been seen by the media, on numerous occasions, with various women… Surely you know what kind of picture that paints?”
“One that suggests I’ve moved on with my life?”
Tsuda laughed nervously. “Not exactly,” 
“Then enlighten me.” Irritation was starting to seep into Kaiba’s words. His head throbbed. He wasn’t in the mood for playing games and wished the other would just get straight to the point and accuse him of being a womaniser if that’s what was being insinuated. It wasn’t a term he wanted to be associated with, but if it kept attention on him and away from Kisara,- so that she was free to heal from their break-up without anyone hounding her,- then so be it.
“Well, um…” The CFO looked towards some of the other board members for help. “It’s understandable that you have… ’needs’, but… um…”
“What he’s trying to say, is that you should be more discrete,” Fuguta came to Tsuda’s rescue. Unlike the other, he wasn’t afraid of being so straight forward with his boss. “It’s been brought to the board’s attention that most of the women you’ve been seen with are known prostitutes. Associating with them will tarnish both yours and Kaiba Corp’s reputations when people find out you’re paying for sex.” 
“What proof do you have on these women?” Kaiba challenged the two men and anyone else who dared to meet his eye. “Personal experience? Or just some shareholder’s hearsay?”
Whilst he knew perfectly well what ‘services’ the women offered, he was disappointed in his board for believing the word of others without being able to verify it. “And HOW DARE you suggest I would EVER proposition them for sex! They’re ‘escorts’. I hire them to accompany me to and from social events, nothing more.”
He was bending the truth a little, and with good reason as far as he was concerned. The women were used primarily as an easy access route and cover for his newfound addiction. Chizue and the others simply supplied him with drugs and very rarely did sexual intercourse enter into the equation. When it did, it was due to him being too high to give a shit, was meaningless and empty of any emotional connection or joy. Always. He fucking well hated it and felt disgusted with himself afterwards. 
“I suggest you cease hiring those woman before rumours spread and you become even more of a liability.”
 “You don’t get to make suggestions or call me a liability!” Kaiba’s attention and outrage shifted towards the boldly dressed intern who had brazenly spoken. His brows narrowed dangerously. “Need I remind you just WHO you are talking to?”
The other stood his ground, glared back and replied, “Go ahead, but let it be known that I really DON’T care for your womanising ways and conceited attitude.”
It was only now, when their eyes locked on each other, that Kaiba realised his mistake. The fresh-faced man wasn’t an intern at all but was, in fact, his brother. Mokuba? No, that couldn’t be right. The other’s voice was too deep, hair too short, face not as round, and even though they were sitting, his sibling seemed even taller than he remembered. He hit a growth spurt…and I missed it.
“Your position DOES NOT excuse your behaviour!” Mokuba hadn’t planned on being so aggressive as he spoke, but it seemed to be the only way his stubborn-ass brother would take note. “These rumours could ruin Kaiba Corp, the company you fought and worked so very hard to build. You NEED to stop before they become rampant and destroy what you have left.” 
Okay, this wasn’t how Kaiba had envisioned being reunited with his brother. Sure he’d expected some kind of hostility after what he’d done, but not like this and certainly not in front of the whole board of directors. He scoffed at the absurdity of the confrontation. “What do you plan to do besides this reprimand? Remove me from my position?”
“Your choice of words, not mine.” 
Wait, he’s actually serious about this?! Kaiba struggled to hide his disbelief at the solemness in both his brother’s face and voice. His eyes then scanned the rest of the board and he let out a hysterical laugh. “Sorry to break the news to you all, but as chairman of the board, NONE of you can do shit without my say-so.”
“I anticipated you’d say that.” Despite already feeling exhausted from the confident demeanour on show, Mokuba remained calm as he reached down for his briefcase and took out the holo-tablet. He tapped and swiped at the screen several times before an array of charts and graphs were projected into the air at the centre of the table, all of them showing Kaiba Corp’s shareholders and their choice of the two brothers whose stance they favoured. “As you can see, I dominate with 54% of the shares on my side. We both know what that means.”
I should have never given you 15% using my own assets. There were no words that could describe what Kaiba was feeling. His brother had done the unthinkable and betrayed him. In fact, all of his shareholders had. Except Industrial Illusions. At the back of his mind, he could hear Gozaburo’s amused laughter begin to surface. 
Sensing the sudden wave of fear, anger and a strange chortling in his descendant, Seto’s ghostly form entered the room by his side. ‘What is it, what happened?’ His presence seemed to be ignored as the other continued to focus solely on his brother.
“TRAITOR!” Kaiba roared as he failed to hold his anguish back any longer. He slammed his hands down on the table’s surface,- causing every member of the board to flinch,- and rose up from his seat. “HOW DARE YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS, AFTER EVERYTHING I’VE EVER DONE FOR YOU!!”
Fuguta readied himself to step in and defend Mokuba from a possible assault. None came though as Kaiba stayed where he stood, clenched his head and battled against the growing laughter inside it.
Seeing the distress that had been caused, Seto retreated to inside his descendant’s mind with aims to banish the source of the laughter. That was, once he could find it in the dark murkiness of the hippocampus.
“This i-isn’t a takeover, I promise you.” Mokuba’s voice cracked a little. It pained him to see his brother like this, knowing that his actions had just probably triggered memories of their adopted father that were otherwise best forgotten. He cursed himself for not having argued more with Roland and Pegasus about this part of the plan. Unfortunately though, it had been decided an unavoidable necessity. “You NEED a break to sort yourself out. You weren’t prepared to do it willingly so it came down to this. But if you go and self-reflect, or get help from a therapist, and work through your problems, Kaiba Corp is all yours again.”
The frozen terrified face made it hard for Mokuba to determine if his brother was listening or not. With a heavy heart but knowing it was for the best, he continued, “Until then though, as Kaiba Corp’s vice-president, and with the backing of the board, I relieve you of your positions as chairman and CEO.”
Kaiba remained unresponsive 
It wasn’t long before the pharaoh found the memory of a man tormenting the young boy whose throat he held whilst the child futilely fought back with tiny trashing arms trying to strike at the grinning face. With fists clenched, Seto raised his arms and flung them in a sweeping motion to dispel the memory as though it was nothing more than mist. The laughing ceased.
So that was it; he’d been overthrown my the only person he’d trusted throughout his whole life. Kaiba let go of his head and furiously turned on the board members. There was no way his brother would do this to him,- right?,- someone else had to be behind it all. “WHICH one of you put him up to this?!“
“None of them put me up to it,” Mokuba stated and almost wished that he hadn’t from the look he’d received. His lip trembled. “I just… couldn’t sit back and watch you flail any longer. You NEED help, Seto!” 
‘He’s correct’. the returning pharaoh sided with the younger brother. ’You have many issues to overcome. If you fail to tackle and overcome them, they will continue to eat away at and control you for the rest of your life… I know you don’t want that.’ 
I don’t know what I want anymore. Kaiba absentmindedly confessed before he remembered that the pharaoh could hear all of his thoughts. Fuck.
‘I understand you feel hurt by your brother’s actions,- just like both he and Kisara were by yours,-  but it takes courage to stand up to those you love, and after the way you have attacked and pushed people aside, it is unsurprising that THIS was the only way he felt you would take notice of him.’
“Seto?” Mokuba dared to break the silence and trance-like state the other had fallen into. “Please bro, take this opportunity to seek some help.”
Help? Kaiba didn’t feel he needed help, he just needed to self medicate. 
“Whatever,” he breathed tiredly, almost but not quite in defeat. Stepping away from his seat, he headed towards the door before taking one last moment to glare back over his shoulder towards his brother. “I hope you realise what it is you’ve let yourself in for. You’ll soon find out that my job isn’t as easy as everybody seems to think it is.”
Once Kaiba had left the room, Mokuba turned to Fuguta. “Would you please watch him for the next 48 hours or so? You know, just to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. He should be okay once he’s had a couple of days for things to sink in a little.”
An affirmative nod was given. “Of course, sir.”  
With his brother now under surveillance as Fuguta went about the task asked of him, Mokuba turned to the rest of the board. “Nothing changes in my brother’s absence. You all continue to do your jobs like always and follow whatever plans he had in place, no matter how ridiculous they seem on paper. Understood?”
“Yes sir,” voices answered in unison.
“Good… Well, that’s all I have to say on the matter right now.” Mokuba then looked towards Tsuda and asked, “May I be excused for a moment please?”
The CFO failed to stop himself from laughing. “You’re the chairman now. You don’t need to seek anyone’s permission.”
“Yeah, that’s gonna take some getting used to,” the teen laughed nervously before he then left the room with a flush of colour to his face. 
He wandered down the corridor a little and then made a call on his phone. “Hey Roland!… Yeah, I’ve just done it… He didn’t take it too well, but it was better than expected… I am, and in all honesty, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I could really do with some guidance. So do you um, want your old job back?… Cool. I’ll see you in Seto’s- I mean, ‘my’ office when you get here. Oh, and could you pass the message on to Pegasus to let him know how it went? I really don’t feel like talking to him right now… Thanks.”
The call ended and Mokuba stood in silence with his thoughts as he looked down at his brother exiting the building below. I’m sorry it came to this Seto, but it’s for your own good. Someday you’ll see that… I hope.
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“We All Will Be Together”--New Year, New Life
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A/N: Hey, everyone! So, my plan was to do this last year but then Old Blue (my laptop) died and I lost it all. I’ve spent 2018 trying to build it up again (though I’m still not as far along as I hoped) so I could spend 2019 giving you a peek into the lives of the Mills-Locksley family from my story The Christmas Wish. If you haven’t read that first, you might want to read it—but you’ll probably figure it out without reading it. 
I’m reusing The Christmas Wish cover, which was made by @glindalovesshoes. Thanks again, Eva! 
Happy New Year!
Regina was getting used to waking up to a pair of strong arms around her and a warm body pressed against her back. She sighed as consciousness slowly crept upon her and snuggled deeper into Robin’s embrace. He pressed a sleepy kiss to her shoulder and then the side of her head. “Happy New Year, Mrs. Locksley.”
“Happy New Year, Mr. Mills-Locksley,” she shot back, smiling.
He hummed. “If you want to hyphenate, I’m fine with that. Do you want to change the boys’ names as well?”
She crinkled her nose, feeling like her brain had short-circuited. “Ugh. I think that’s a question to be decided when I’m more awake and not hungover.”
“Of course.” He kissed her shoulder again before pulling away from her.
She shivered at the loss of his body warmth and rolled over to ask him where he was going. However, her stomach turned over and she clutched it with a groan. “Oh god…I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have had that last round of champagne,” he said, his voice sounding scratchy. He then groaned as well. “Or the shots.”
“Are you going to lecture me about our drinking choices last night or are you going to help me before I’m sick all over the bed?” She held out her arm blindly, trying to reach out for her husband.
A warm and strong hand closed around hers and helped her helped her out of bed. He then wrapped an arm around her and walked with her toward their bathroom. She knelt and was sick into the toilet as Robin held her hair back.
She moaned as she sat back against him, hearing him flush the toilet for her. He leaned her against the bathtub. “I’m going to get a facecloth, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, maybe you had a point about the champagne and the shots,” she moaned, pressing her hand to her eyes to block out the little light that was trying to get past her eyelids.
Robin gently wiped her mouth before sitting down next to her. She fell over, resting her head on his shoulder. “This probably wasn’t the picture you had in mind when you agreed to stay married to me,” she said
He chuckled. “Believe it or not, this is exactly what I had in mind when I agreed to stay married to you.”
“Really?” She would’ve opened her eyes and glared at him but she worried that would’ve triggered the headache she felt lurking behind her eyes.
“Well, I would’ve thought you’d have the flu and not be hungover, but I knew that this agreement would mean holding back your hair at some point,” he told her.
She let out a wry laugh at his statement, acknowledging that truth of it. “Thanks. I’d do the same for you but I doubt your hair gets in your way.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll take good care of me when I get sick.”
They sat on the floor for a bit longer and Regina started to drift off again. She felt Robin lift her into his arms and carry her into their bedroom, lying her on the bed. He kissed her forehead as he covered her with the still warm blanket. “Get some more rest. I’ll deal with the boys.”
“Thank you,” she murmured, rolling over and letting sleep claim her yet again.
Robin was also feeling the aftereffects of too much champagne but he was clearly in better shape than his wife. After shrugging on pajama pants and a shirt as well as his bathrobe, he stumbled downstairs and started up the Keurig. He hoped one very strong cup of coffee would help him feel more human before the boys woke up and needed breakfast.
As his coffee brewed, he leaned against the counter and hung his head. The last bottle of champagne had been too much, he decided. Celebrating their marriage did not need that much alcohol. They could’ve toasted their new life together with water.
Or at least drank a gallon each before going to bed rather than making love well into the wee hours of the morning.
The Keurig finished and he grabbed his mug, sipping the hot black liquid without adding any creamer or sugar like usual. He needed his coffee extra strong at the moment. And maybe some Advil, once he could shuffle to the medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom.
He leaned against the counter as the reality of his new life hit him. He and Regina had made vows to each other and pledged to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. Now that the holidays were over, they were going to have to really start blending their lives together and coming up with new routines. Robin easily adapted but he knew that Regina liked her schedules, something he figured came from living with her mother. Cora Mills-Blanchard demanded pretty much perfection from her daughter, so if Regina could remain a few steps ahead of her, the easier her life would be.
Robin wanted this transition to be as smooth and easy as they possibly could make it. If it meant getting onto one of Regina’s schedules, then so be it. Hopefully he would then show her that it was okay to shake things up sometimes and be spontaneous, but it would have to be in baby steps.
“Good morning, Papa,” Roland said, shuffling into the kitchen. He hugged Robin. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year, my boy,” he replied, holding his son close. “Did you sleep well?”
Roland nodded. “Especially once you and Mom told us you were staying together. I like having a mom again and having a brother.”
“And you’re okay with living here instead of our cottage?” Robin asked.
“Yeah. Santa moved all my stuff and there’s more room here,” his son replied. “Do you like it here?”
Smiling, Robin nodded. “I like it here very much. But as long as I have you, Henry and Mum, I would be happy living anywhere.”
“That’s really sappy,” Roland said, scrunching up his nose.
Robin chuckled. “I guess so, but it’s the truth. You three are all I need to be happy.”
“Well, I guess I just need you, Mom and Henry too,” his son replied before smiling widely. “And French toast.”
“Okay, okay. Why don’t you go have a seat and I’ll get the French toast started for breakfast?” He gave Roland a gentle push toward the table before turning to gather the ingredients needed for the request.
As he fried up some French toast for his son, he heard the padding of little feet and knew who had just joined them. Without looking, Robin said: “Good morning, Henry. Are you hungry?”
“Yes. Is that French toast?” Henry asked, coming to stand next to him at the stove.
Robin glanced down, seeing only the boy’s sleep-tousled brown hair. He smoothed it down, causing Henry to look up. Smiling, Robin motioned to the table. “Why don’t you join your brother? Breakfast is almost ready.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Henry didn’t move right away. Instead, he hugged Robin. “I’m glad you decided to stay my dad.”
“Me too,” Robin said, kissing the top of his head. He then pushed Henry toward the table to join Roland before plating the French toast slices for his sons.
Once the boys had their breakfasts—complete with glasses of orange juice—Robin sat down with his own slice of French toast. Henry looked around, frowning. “Where’s Mom?”
“She’s still sleeping,” Robin replied, sipping his second cup of coffee.
Henry’s mouth fell open. “We’re up before her? Is she sick?”
“Uh…” Robin paused, trying to figure out the best way to answer that. He doubted Regina wanted their children to know that she was hungover but he didn’t want the boys to worry too much.
Clearing his throat, he decided on his response. “We were out really late and I kept your mother dancing most of the night. I think I really wore her out.”
“Oooh,” both boys said, satisfied with his answer. They turned back to their breakfast and Robin let out a sigh of relief.
Crisis averted.
Continue reading on FFN (no smut), AO3, Wattpad
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one of the many reasons i love will roland so much, he posted this the morning after the Tony’s lmao he’s probably so hungover
edit: I just realized on my long drive home that he also might have meant it as “wow the world is brighter and more vibrant knowing we’ve made it this far with the tony awards” and i was so touched
but he’s probably hungover
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wearecounterfeit · 7 years
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Bit late transcribing this one. Giggoer interviewed the band at Leeds Festival
All: Hi, we're Counterfeit. Roland: Were here at Leeds Festival with Giggoer. Jamie: It's our first time here, my first time here as a punter as well, [to Roland] as is yours right? Roland: Yeah, I think it's only been Jimmy who's been before. Jimmy: I've been coming since I was 15 years old.
What's the worst thing about the festival? Jimmy: Bit of sloppy mud y'know.
Any weird tour stories to share? Jamie: Well on the last tour my girlfriend decided she would come and surprise me on the last date of tour. Everyone else knew and I didn't and she like got onto the tour bus in the morning and was like stroking my face and I thought it was someone who wasn't meant to be on the bus so I sort of tried to reject her quite quickly from my bunk. So that was fairly weird. But not much else weird stuff has happened. Sam: I lose everything that's pretty weird, it doesn't happen much other - Tristan: That's not weird, that's normal for you. Sam: Yeah potata potato.
Has a fan ever crossed the line? Jamie: Oh I've had some weird gifts in my time. Yeah I got a wheel of cheese and some nipple clamps and a bondage collar with a letter that sort of in great detail what this individual would like to do to me sexually. A ripping good yarn if I do say so myself. E L James has got nothing on this person.
Who is the messiest on tour? Jimmy: Probably Sam. Sam leaves his shit everywhere. T-shirts, belts, fucking shoes. Sam: I like to make my presence known around the area. Tristan: It's like a territorial thing I think it is.. Sam: Yeah yeah. Tristan: It's like pissing, in your areas. Sam: We're talking about mess here by the way.
Who drinks the most? Roland: Jimmy. Jimmy: Probably Sam. Tristan: It's between you two. Sam: I don't know, we kind of, we're not good for each other. Jimmy: Roland sinks a few pints. Tristan: Roland's a sneaky drinker. Roland: On occasions. Sam: A sneaky pint.
Any hangover cure tips? Jamie: Borrocca in your final vodka of the night. Sam: I find however hungover I am, I'm like 20 mins before a show I'm sober and instantly it comes back.
What's your opinion on Big Ben going silent for four years? Sam: Big Ben going silent for four years.. It's a tragedy. Roland: Heartbreak. Outrage. Sam: It's ridiculous, he bings he bongs all day, and what for?
Does pineapple go on pizza? Sam: Pineapple goes where it feels like it goes. Tristan: It can't come here though, it's not allowed in here. Sam: No. Tristan: Pineapple has been banned. Roland: What from pizza? Tristan: No from here, this festival. Roland: Why? Tristan: Don't know. Sam: Has it? Tristan: You can't come in with a pineapple. I have no idea why. Jamie: Really. At this festival you couldn't? Tristan: At Reading and Leeds. Jamie: No pineapples at Reading and Leeds. Sam: Wherever pineapple feels comfortable, that's where it belongs. Tristan: Not on a pizza though, no.
What's next in your near future? Jamie: We are playing the Don Broco show at Ally Pally in November. We're moving into a house together, and we're slowly but surely starting to work on new material.
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abutterflyobsession · 8 years
Doctor Who AU: Part 25
“Try this.”
Bog's hands closed around the mug the Doctor had handed him. The sound of the smooth dish in his hands was vaguely unsettling. The dull sound of wood on ceramic. Every movement was unsettling, the scrape of bark on the smooth floor, the faint grinding of the hard edges of his skin where his joints bent.
The unease sank readily underneath the haze of exhaustion when Bog shoved the thoughts down and tuned back in to whatever the Doctor was going on about.
“I got the recipe from Aunt Aura. She yelled at me for ten minutes even thought I told her you were just hungover.”
“I guess you could call it that.”
“As a general rule I don't get yelled at by people's aunts.”
“I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.”
The Doctor rolled her head around to fix him with a look of dull disbelief, “Nothing can stop Aunt Aura. I tried and failed. Drink your miracle-gro and cease to make empty promises.”
Bog groaned and pushed the drink back at her, “No, please, things are already growing enough as it is.”
Soft green tendrils had wound around the cables plugged into Bog and crawled their way into the console. The central column was wrapped in tender new vines and a profusion of soft pink blossoms. Primroses dottled the interior of the pseudo-art gallery like pink constellations in a stark white sky.
“Just joking,” the Doctor took a seat on the floor next to Bog again, “It's just something to help the pain. All natural herbal remedy for the Cheem with a headache.”
Bog was glad the Doctor was next to him. He knew she'd probably stand up again if he tried to hug her, so he just took one hand away from the mug and put it over hers. A line of tension ran up her arm, fingers curling in at the touch of his hand on hers. He could feel the effort as she made very deliberately relaxed her hand and let him take it.
“You're looking quite the festive floral pine cone,” She remarked abruptly, her free hand clenching a fistful of her jacket.
“Don't remind me.”
There were flowers growing from the cracks in his bark-like skin. Wide, flat leaves layered his head with tiny pink blossoms peeking around their dark edges. He could feel the budding plants, itchy and disconcerting. Dawn had taken pictures and said it looked like a crown.
“King Broden Broderick,” the Doctor said, rolling his scrambled name off with a mimicked Scottish accent, “Lord of the primroses. Speaking of, you seem to be the sort of plant that likes shade, like primroses. Also, I suspect, nearly impossible to kill.”
“Fantastic,” Bog sipped the drink. It tasted like tea and spinach, “How long is going to take to fix me? When prince blondie stuck me in here he said he aged me, like, ten years? More?”
“That won't shorten your lifespan, before you ask. Extended it, actually.”
“That's good, I guess, but what about--”
Dawn sat down on Bog's other side, kicking her pink shoes into the air as she did, “Why are you two so buddy buddy all of a sudden? Today had been like two months long for me, but you two have been strictly linear. What gives, sister mine?”
The Doctor grimaced, “Don't call me that. I was just checking his pulse. Great news: he still has one.”
She picked up Bog's hand and shoved it away.
“Have you two been bonding over mutual grouchiness? Has my sister made a friend? This is a huge advancement in your socialization!”
The Doctor looked at Dawn with smudged eyes and an expression of deep weariness, “I don't want to be socialized. I want people to stop being idiots.”
“Your standards are a little too exacting. You could count on one hand the number of people in the galaxy who even stand a chance of meeting them.”
“So, what are we going to do about this?” Bog gestured at the cables and his generally leafy visage, hoping to divert the conversation before Dawn figured out that Bog and the Doctor were . . . well, whatever they were.
“What are we going to do about this?” Sunny said, standing over the still unconscious Roland, “Are there, like, space police we can take him to? Is there a reward on his head and can we collect it in US dollars?”
“Sunny!” Dawn laughed.
“What, I have student loans to pay off!”
“I forgot he was still there,” the Doctor stood up, giving Bog's head an absent-minded pat before she walked away, “After the AI got its virtual neck snapped I sort of discarded the idea of him.”
“Wish I could have seen that,” Bog sighed.
“But what are we going to do with him?” Dawn joined her sister in standing over Roland, both of them staring down at him with the air of people trying to decide if something went in the garbage or recycle bin, “I don't know why he decided to go all supervillain, but he is my brother-in-law.”
“Was,” the Doctor said with great emphasis, “The only thing he is to me now is a problem I need to solve. I'll have to think on it.”
“I suppose we can just take him back home and let them deal with him,” Dawn suggested, “Unless you don't want to risk getting charged with flying a TARDIS without a license.”
“Mm,” the Doctor said vaguely.
“More importantly,” Bog cut in, “am I going to be able to get that blasted necklace back to my mom?”
“Um,” Dawn looked into the opened console, “It's sort of . . . a bit fused.”
“With what?”
“Everything, basically,” Dawn waved her screwdriver over the console, “Looks like it's part of the computer. And engines. The whole TARDIS.”
“Great,” Bog took another swallow Aunt Aura's concoction, hoping it would somehow ease the painful thought of talking to his mother, “Not only do I have to tell her I'm temporarily a tree, but also that I got a family heirloom fused to an alien time machine. Oh, Aunt Aura is going to be livid.”
“Good news is,” Dawn said, continuing her examination of the systems, “I think you've got control of this TARDIS now, through the primrose. You're in charge. Just about all the systems have been wiped and control relegated to your pendant, though there are some little pieces of programming . . . something a tiny bit alive. Those are always stubborn. Give me a second--”
“Leave it,” the Doctor walked around the console toward her sister.
“Just a second—got it!”
A final buzz of the screwdriver was followed by Roland materializing next to the console.
Dawn threw her screwdriver at his head.
It went right through.
The Doctor caught it.
“Oh, hologram,” Dawn ran a hand through her fluffy hair and gave a little laugh before taking her screwdriver back.
“Of course you have holograms,” Sunny shook his head, “Because this month—uh, day—hasn't been sci-fi enough. Can I get a hologram? I could use it to make my boss think I'm working when I'm really out back checking my phone.”
“Most mobile holograms would be too see-through for that. Now,” Dawn put on her glasses and looked at the hologram's fixed smile, “what have you got to say for yourself?”
“If this has been activated you probably saved the day,” the hologram drawled, coming to life and standing at ease with its hands on its hips.
“How can one guy get around so much when he's not even awake?” Bog groaned, “turn it off, I am begging you.”
“Trying,” the Doctor was attacking the console with her own sonic screwdriver, giving pieces of machinery several whacks with her fist for good measure.
“Right now you're popping the champagne, throwing confetti, having yourselves a good old party of self-congratulation,” the hologram flicked its fingers in the air, “While I am probably off and away already or I'd be saying this myself. I can only assume I made my exit with my usual flair.”
He twirled a finger through the curl that hung over his forehead and cast a sideways look and a smile. The effect was not what it could have been, seeing as the hologram apparently couldn't tell where people were standing and was facing a wall.
Everyone looked at Roland on the floor and rolled their eyes at the mention of an escape. The Doctor even paused in her work to grumble something under her breath about unnecessary dramatics.
“Now, this is very important, little sister. She hasn't told you yet. My buttercup hasn't told you everything and it's only right that you should know. As your big brother I feel it's my responsibility to make sure you have all the facts at your disposal.
Hologram Roland put a hand to his heart and looked sincerely at the wall.
“Turn off, turn off,” the Doctor muttered, still working, “Bog! Turn it off! You should have control of this thing!”
“Yeah, I just know how to do that, sure. Why do you keep assuming I have any idea what's going on? Can't you just hit mute?”
“Dearest little sister,” the hologram gave a winning smile and Bog was almost positive that Roland's teeth actually sparkled, “has she told you yet? Has she told you of Gallifrey's last days?”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” the Doctor kicked the console so hard she sent herself stumbling backward, screwdriver falling out of her hand and disappearing into the growth of plants around the console's base. She dropped to her knees and began scrabbling among the leaves.
“Has she told you how it burned? How the red-gold skies turned dark with smoke, the great silver spirals of the cathedral enclosed in their glass dome lost their light, like a star extinguished by the dark? The war raged throughout time, throughout space, our people fighting, brave until the last. Until the last flicker of the candle was lost and there was only the emptiness of space where a planet had lived, breathed, pulsed like a heart, a glorious centerpiece in the constellation of Kasterborous. Has she told you that it's gone? It's charred husk locked outside of time so there isn't even a grave to visit. Did she tell you?”
“No,” Dawn's eyes were fixed on the hologram but she shook her head, “I would know if it was gone. Gallifrey can't be gone! I would know! My head would echo with the emptiness if everything was gone. Roland knows that! Why would he say something so sick? Why would he say that? Sister! Look at me! I don't even know what name to call you but look at me!”
“Stop, stop, stop,” the Doctor ripped at the plants in a desperate, uncoordinated way, “She doesn't need to hear it from you. Not from you. Shut up, shut up--”
“Has she told you?” Roland's smile was gone and his eyes hard, his jaw set, “Has she told you, little sister, who robed our burning world in darkness and destroyed everything? All of it gone, daleks and Time Lords alike, assigned to oblivion?”
“Shut up!” the Doctor was on her feet and ripping at the console's innards with her bare hands but unable to pry anything loose.
The Doctor's scream made Bog's heart leap up into his throat, the cry was frightening in its desperation and choked by the beginning of tears. Her eyes were wide, the pupils dilated so wide that her golden eyes were almost black, and her face marked with pain.
“Has your sister told you what she's done?”
The Doctor's face was dead white and she flinched at the hologram's words, hands going still. She leaned heavily on the console, breathing hard, eyes fixed on Dawn with the look of someone beneath a cresting ocean wave about to crash down on top of them.
Bog had know that the sisters' planet was gone, but until he saw the horror in Dawn's eyes he had not fully realized what that meant. What it meant, that the Doctor had ended the war and her entire race. Every member of Dawn's family, every friend, every person she had ever seen on her planet, were gone in the blink of an eye and their blood was on her sister's hands.
Something flipped in Bog's mind. He just wanted the hologram to stop and something responded to that desire. Roland's hologram gave a fizz and disappeared.
But too late to stop the truth from crashing down.
“You did something in my head,” Dawn said slowly, “You took your name right out of my head. And you did something else. Something else isn't sitting right in my head and I want you to tell me that it isn't what I think it is. That this is Roland's sick idea of a joke and his implications are pure invention.”
“What's going on? What happened to your planet?” Sunny touched Dawn's shoulder.
She grabbed his hand and held it tight, “Time Lords know Time Lords. We can hear each other in our heads. I know Gallifrey lives, it’s humming in the back of my mind. Or, at least, I thought it was. Something is there, in my head, but it's not right. It doesn't want me to look at it. Something in my own brain is hiding itself. Somebody did this to me.”
“When she erased the memory of her name?”
“Yes. I thought that was all she did. I hope that was all she did. Tell me I'm wrong. Look at me and tell me!”
The Doctor's head was bowed, her eyes cast down, “I was going to tell you. In time.”
“No,” Dawn's hand tightened on Sunny's.
“But not like this. Never like this.”
“No. No! Tell me the truth! Tell me he was lying!”
“What I did . . . I regret it but it had to be done. I regret that it had to be done and that I had to be the one who did it. I'm sorry, little rising star, I'm so very sorry.”
“No!” Dawn pushed the word out, clenching her fists to keep back her anger, “No. It isn't true. You and I are going to unhook Boggy, make sure everything is right here and then we are going home. We are going home to Gallifrey with Roland and we'll get him help. We'll go to the house in the mountains. Just—just help me get Boggy out of this mess!”
Dawn dropped Sunny's hand and rushed over to the cables trailing from Bog, running her screwdriver up and down them and talking a mile a minute.
“He's fused to the primrose, but we can get him out. You had a plan. Just tell me what we need to do and with both of us working we can get this done in two heartbeats. Well, four heartbeats. And it'll take some time, Bog, to get you back to your usual handsome self, but we've got a time machine and you're welcome to come along. Not that you look so bad right now. You'll be looking sharp once we get these cables off--”
“Dawn,” the Doctor said softly.
“What Roland did we can undo. Just be patient and don't try and blow out any candles since you're exhaling oxygen. You could lose your eyebrows. If you had any.”
“Dawn, please.”
“Just tell me what to do!” Dawn threw down the cable, “I can't see how to fix it! You're the one who suddenly got old and clever, you tell me how to fix it!”
“We can't. He's the new interface. He's completely merged with the primrose pendant and the TARDIS systems. Removing him would destroy everything. Including him.”
“You—you--!” Dawn gasped, “I couldn't see how to get him out but you made me think—I thought you had a plan!”
“Yes. You were supposed to.”
“What do you mean, merged?” Bog pushed himself up to sit straighter, “You're getting me out of this!”
“There is no way out of it,” Dawn said, hands digging into her hair, pacing up and down the room in a swirl of coattails, “Before you merged with the systems. I couldn't see how we could get you free even then, but I thought she had a plan. I trusted her. I trusted her to have a plan!”
“You . . .” Bog struggled to breathe, trying to remember when the Doctor has promised to free him, to unhook him. She never had. After Roland had hook him up to the cables she had never stated Bog could be freed. She had lured him with the slim chance of overriding the interface and surviving to be free again. When that had never even been a possibility.
She had kissed him, or let herself be kissed.
In a day of fantastic, impossible things Bog had actually let him think that he might have a future. Not a future he had ever wanted or expected, but a future worth living. She had let him kiss her. Let him think that the impossible was possible. All while carefully making no actual promises, just the shape of a promise, outlined in the air by words that implied but never stated.
It had all been a trick.
“You played me.”
She raised her eyes to meet his, her face blank but her eyes full of emotions that Bog couldn't read. When she spoke her voice betrayed no quaver of tears, only a terrible tiredness and dull acceptance of inevitable pain:
“I told you I would.”
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mehdeaguided · 6 years
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My Courier 6, Roland and Niner having a moment in the Mojave Wastes.
They are glorious disasters together.
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kvltprince · 5 years
Okay, since bored, I'll ask some from the list about whichever oc you'd like to answer for! Have they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it? Who is their greatest confidant? Who confides in them? What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t?
I’ll lump together yesterday(??)’s ask in here too since I am on the desktop.
How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read? - If he is in a good mood or anything better than neutral hes quite easy to read, and is fairly expressive, however if his mood is neutral or worse he has a major case of RBF and theres nada. You need to go by body language more. The worse the mood the more distant he is in all ways (will probably get physically get OUT of my space if approached too much even by someone he does like that ignores all cues)Have they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it? - Sure, he has no shame and very little restraint tbh. Definitely the guy to send texts too. All about knowing hes going to get whoever flustered.Who is their greatest confidant? - probably Gage or DeaconWho confides in them? - Piper super overshares really easilyWhat is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t? - Honestly with as piss poor as Lucy’s impulse control is most things that he decides he wants to do ends up happening. Even if it needs a stimpack or a trip to a doctor after.
How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read? - He is super expressive and rather easy to read. Its worse if he is drinking, and honestly his gunshot to the head made him more expressive than he was before though he doesnt really remember clearly how his personality has changed.Have they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it? - He cant write well enough to do all that, though he would.Who is their greatest confidant? - Almost anyone if he isn't sober enough, though he will tell things to people he maybe shouldn't anyway.Who confides in them? - Niner eventually, many people once he stays around anywhere for long, he is personable and isn’t going to remember details of things from a one-off conversation to spread anything. He genuinely cares about people and it shows to most.What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t?  - 
How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read? - Quite, and she is usually happyHave they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it? - she would leave short lil “lovenotes” that are quite blunt. Her writing isn’t very good though.Who is their greatest confidant? - Phil to a point, but she has a lot of friends in Nuka World. Phil still has a lot of shiny interesting things about him, and she has no issues letting oddball questions d/evolve into serious discussions. Gage.Who confides in them? - Phil such as he does, she tends to avoid most peoples very deep conversations though.What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t? - Steal EVERYONES dogs and turn Safari Zone into a Dog Habitat.
How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read? - Expressive, but usually it is Fake As Shit, any real emotions are generally unreadable. A lot of the humor is close to real, though. Usually wears a mask outside of settlements and outposts though.Have they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it? - Sure, who hasn’t, right?Who is their greatest confidant? - When he actually does Madra, Gage, X6 eventually.Who confides in them? - Madra to a point, though its mostly just Deep DiscussionsWhat is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t? -  Seeing as the world is essentially destroyed as it is, that general impulse is not something to be really an issue now, but he still wants to sabotage things pretty often. It is only a matter of time before something major happens in Nuka World or The Institute and he lets it go down/helps it die faster to save his own ass. Both are kind of ticking time bombs and he is really too young to be heading either one.
How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read? - He is I don’t know, average expressiveness? He is however used to being around raiders so humor and some aggressive reactions can be more exaggerated and some others can be a little less so. Also usually wears a mask/hood outside of settlements/outposts, so sometimes he just forgets that people can actually see his face. oops.Have they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it? - Yeah, but it was left in a predetermined place for being picked up, and later meeting.Who is their greatest confidant? - He essentially wasteland journals and leaves it for people to find, often.Who confides in them? - Sometimes people do, though not often.What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t? - Pack it up and become a clothing vendor or something. There probably wouldn’t be enough excitement, but who knows (might be a good goal for him eventually).
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kvltprince · 5 years
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Roland and Niner up to no good.
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kvltprince · 5 years
For the small physical things that give your characters personality ask, non verbal greetings for all your OCs! If that's okay of course.
We are ignoring professional relationships and acquaintances. (many of these dont know or arent on speaking terms with a lot of companions)
Phil: He goes in for whatever is the most standard and best received for the situation (or conversely the most annoying for the informal situations). Exuberant half wave while taking off his mask with the other hand from any distance while in the Commonwealth.
He gives Piper a big showy hug and hands her whatever the sweetest treat he has in his bag, or the rarest Nuka Cola (mostly so she doesn't steal his later), and asks her what trouble shes gotten into with a gleaming toothy smile so that he doesn’t need to tell her what he has been doing. Cait gets a SUPER firm handshake and shoulder clap (but always allows her to have the stronger grip, pulls her in for a hug if she is in a very good mood or he has good news hes GOTTA tell her or wants to annoy her). MacCready gets a hug nearly no matter what., showyness depends who is around. Strong gets an exaggerated nod. Gage often gets a hug, or a half hug with an arm around his waist in order to tell him something, partially without prying ears. 
The arm around the waist or something similar to sortof keep the person from making any distance from him before telling them anything is a habit he has with anyone thats ‘close’, and he does it fairly often, he is an asshole though and will happily make people vaguely uncomfortable. He is kinda fake bitch hours if we are being completely honest.
Lucy: He tends toward a nod, sometimes a wave if it has been a while or he knows it will get their attention and he is really wanting it and they somehow haven't noticed him, if he is wearing a mask for any reason he completely forgets and leaves it til something is said by an acquaintance or stranger, but generally his leg is pretty telling unless he is completely covered head to toe if its someone that knows him. (he realizes any mask is on once he actually gets to any good friends, because its in the way, oops) He hugs friends, full stop. 
Piper (and Nat) get cheek or forehead kisses pretty often in greeting after the hug. Cait is usually a fakeout squareup like it will be a handshake or armhold before a fight but it gets pulled into a hug, often she is the one that doesn't let the fakeout last and it ends in laughing at eachother. Deacon and Lucy will once in a while end up in a momentary playfight or have a greeting kiss if its been a while but yaknow its NOT weird because it is Lucy and Deacon and no-one was worried or anything. Danse gets a lingering big hug, every time. Nick gets a solid, honest, polite hug and an offered lighter when they actually do meet up. MacCready gets nearly a bearhug that turns into a one-arm-around-him thing (comfortably its a tossup who does it) until they get wherever they are walking to to let him tell about whatevers going on in his life. Strong doesnt get a hug, because that would be weird. and Strong has no use for hugs, but he does get get a comfortable wave, and often sharing some meat, that may or may not have been some commonwealth raider at some point. Gage gets an arm around his waist if there are too many nebby raiders round or it is a strange situation, normally though Lucy half pulls on Gage’s armor/shirt after the hug to get him down to his level for a kiss (but really rarely they are apart often). Hancock gets at least a cheek kiss, sometimes one right between the eyes if hes sitting at the bar. 
Jereldo: He nods when in less safe areas, waves when in safe areas, and is prone to coming up with handshakes and quick hugs. His nearly omnipresent mask of some sort is pulled off when not in Diamond City. 
He flags down Gage with his bat in the air, and a good 2 hand armshake. Hancock gets a hug and often handed off some jet that has been hoarded cos he doesn't use the stuff but knows the right connections for the good jet. Piper gets a big wave and some Nuka Dark, and a Nuka Cherry for Nat. He brings Cait a bottle of whatever booze he thinks sounds the best at the time from where he has been recently. Strong often gets a small bag of meat tossed at him with a smile.
Austin: She tends toward waves and big smiles mostly across the board. Sometimes she brings gifts of scavved things for people if she is expecting to see them (she rarely expects to run into Deacon). She brings Nick and Ellie bourbon and preserved/fresh! cigs she finds, and shows up to Piper’s house holding up a box of snacks grinning from ear to ear.
Roland: He tends to nod and takes off his hat only at the last moment and only at polite times like going into a home, but often hugs people he is close to once they are in hugging range. He is close to almost everyone ever that can tolerate him. 
Cait hoists him up and sends his hat flying before he can even take it off (that started out from some boredom in sniping and they discovered she could pretty easily lift his scrawny ass for some creative shooting). Strong gets a comfortable nod and a smile, and if meat isn’t offered will get meat offered from Roland from his pack because brothers share and Strong has zero chill about it. Piper and Nat both get hugs, he brings a small snack or drink often if he is visiting them at Diamond City. He is really good at finding Danse in the middle of buseywork and getting a little too close to him/watching whatever hes doing but a dog usually making him known and its all smiles (sometimes awkward) and often a hug after he has been noticed and has sufficiently petted the dog. He keeps his greeting Gage Raider Formal while in Nuka World, mostly, unless someones hurt or has been gone a long time. Prone to flopping down on the couch with little to no personal space with him regardless after the hellos. Outside of Nuka World he relaxes a lot more about the Overboss Appearances (he is very aware how not-fitting of that title he is overall, visually at the very least)
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kvltprince · 5 years
For any and as many of your oc's, have they surprised people with being good at something?
Lucy- for some his chameleon sort of nature catches people off-guard at first, he tends to settle into expectations to whatever amount, so suddenly being 100% comfortable around the Upper Stands residents thanks to his parents, or adjusting very quickly to cooking new foods with little more than tasting the new stuff caught the usual companions a bit unexpected. 
His patience with people and their inconsistencies (while overall being a VERY impatient person and seeming to be pretty distant overall at first) and general people skills is what always seems to surprise people, even if it is overall more subtle. 
Phil- for some raiders or those that are often the targets of his antics and pranks they really do not know that he is as smart as he is until he switches gears and goes oh yeah sure let me just see if i can mix up a batch of that hybrid chem and see if its stable for you, im pretty sure we can shove it in booze too you want that? Conversely when you only know him as The Best Chem Dealer Overboss and you find yourself the ass end of the best planned out prank in existence and find out his him because you have to be told it is because he has an ego the size of the Greentech building. 
Roland- He can shoot well even while drinking. Drives half the Mojave nuts, drives half the Commonwealth nuts, and will amuse Niner for the rest of their lives I imagine. He can decorate living spaces well even if some of his choices are a little suspect and he dresses himself in essentially the same terrible jacket and hat no matter what. 
Charlie- for being kinda brash and loud and overly friendly/helpful and quick to hunt things he actually can sneak. really well. and essentially only does it to not disturb/watch herds of radstags or gazelles and keep companions from fighting them. (or get out of fighting gulpers, or avoid some robots sometimes)
Jereldo- his artistic skill is kept semi-secret and his journal is fairly well protected from prying eyes so when that is discovered from anyone new it is usually a surprise from the violence prone ghoul. He gives excellent massages and can braid or style most hair though he rarely gets to.
Annamarie- how high her alcohol tolerance is for how slim she is, is the immediate one, honestly (i know thats not really a skill shush). how purposely good she is with wasteland children regardless of who they are, and regardless of how high her defensive and annoyance and whatever else walls are at the time with any adults/the world/anything else (and how immediately she goes right back to however she was with whoever else after dealing with the child nicely) ((i should probably decide for sure if she is a sole survivor or not))
Austin- She can Fight and fight well, she tends to try not to - it makes things easier after all when you have a goal of scavving everything you can. She doesnt really shy away from it either but she does try to avoid it and will absolutely sneak/stealthboy/take the long way around places so the first time someone sees her take her club/bat/chair leg with a can of beans to something is probably pretty impressive. 
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kvltprince · 5 years
@omniblacklight asked me to do  5 8 9 and 16 and tumblr ate the ask before i finished the ask i was working on.
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
Lucy: normally he wears his terrible rag-wrap skirt and tanktop thing, depending he will go slightly more disciple like for daily wear, or start piling on scarves/opt for the nuka jumpsuit in all its obnoxiousness it is still less “hi i am a raider” if he is playing nicely and the weather is appropriate. Dressing nicely is probably an operator outfit, hair down, smelling of hubflowers or something.
Austin: Those work overalls with the duct tape. Probably the triggerman outfit or something? 
Roland: Wanderer duster or Ulysses’ duster, His Hat. Something that buttons up - probably also a triggerman outfit in all honesty, he looks good in operator outfits but thas too dressy for him.
Charlie: Leather jacket and jeans. Suit jacket and slacks, something with a blue tie probably
Annamarie: cropped leather studded jacket/tight pants or wrapped outfit. Either a super cute bright Summer Dress, or a black sequin dress.
Jereldo: Whatever he finds, honestly. Vaguely still tends toward leather jacket and jeans when it is an option and while among raiders, opts to be covered more than that otherwise. Black suit or leather jacket with something decent under it. Depending he will wear Benny’s suit (with black stuff under it) - he CAN dress himself he just chooses not to.
Phil: Buttonups/slacks/labcoat usually, not averse to the vault suit or whatever else. A black suit probably with a blue shirt perfectly matching his eyes and a silver tie.
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
(i dont really have voice claims for my ocs, but i might actually come across them more... i dont really listen to people a ton because i dont hear the best)
Lucy: Easy to talk to, rolls with forgetting words. Speed/volume/amount of flowery/symbolism/disjointedness is very reliant on his mental state. His voice is fairly smooth and generally he is soft spoken until he gets real wound up in some topic. 
Austin: She is talkative unless she is scavving somewhere semi dangerous or something like that. Bright and a little raspy from too much dust and repairs over the years.
Roland: Talkative really only when drinking, a bit deeper than you would expect from his small frame and more rough from the drinking and radiation over the years in his travels. 
Charlie: not very talkative, nice to listen to, clear deep voice, slightly Appalachian accent (best laugh of the ocs possibly)
Annamarie: Selectively chatty (good company or chems/alcohol will help that out, shes not actually adjusting to the wasteland well), easy to talk to once she does talk, less honeyed seeming than default nora when trying to get people to play nicely still nice to listen to.
Jereldo: The usual ghoul gravelyness. His speech patterns are fairly smooth and nearly melodic otherwise though. 
Phil: Default Nate but pitch adjusted down a bit and a little bit untrustworthy, but that charisma makes you do the thing anyway. He is fine, and fun to talk to! Just, dont trust the raider boss head of the institute.
What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Lucy: Comfy bed at Fizztop, too many blankets that are shoved off the bed most of the year, CoA bottles and candles over on a far side table and on the mannequins much to the disappointment of like, everyone. Bookshelves of random things and probably art supplies blocking the morning sun, different art and posters on the walls, the bar half remodeled for an outside kitchen. Cluttered everywhere.
Austin: She has a nice setup at the South End Red Rocket, her bedroom is an added on back room that has a comfy bed and a place for her cat (or mole rat depending on my playthrough), lots of shelves for things she has collected and nice lamps and rugs. The red rocket has a full setup of all that a tinkerer could ever dream of, and places for all of her favorite things to be displayed so her friends can see (and hopefully her pets will not steal)
Roland: He lives at the top of the lucky 38 with Niner and like 5 dogs that all have their favorite companion/s to be around the most, so really its fine and not so overkill. There are more games that the two of them have brought in and toys. The snow globes have been kept around, and the booze has been stocked a little more to their taste. Stash of chems left on tables because it is their space and who cares (in the commonwealth it isnt much different, pile of bears/moon monkies/buttercups as decorations, chems and booze decorate as clutter more than it should.)
Charlie: Codsworth has been instructed to leave the Stuff Chair alone (it is mostly just a spare change of clothes and another warmer jacket) comfortable bed, the dog shares the bed, fairly orderly. rest of the house has as much of the normal house things as he can find as soon as he can honestly. a bit sparse but he is still sorta getting the hang of this decorating thing.
Annamarie: She starts out with ‘whatever, good enough’ levels of bedroom and house and not much of a home base for quite a while. She will have a nicely made raider house once she gets her son and falls for Gage. 
Jereldo: when hes not slumming it with raiders When he settles down for any amount of time, it tends to be in places similar to the house of tomorrow with the obnoxious teal kitchen and cute little 2 bedrooms at most. Bedroom tends to be kept with drapes and string lights. Potted plants and a music player are a must for the living room, some art area set up somewhere generally or on the porch area.   
Phil: He prefers nice sheets and quilts and brings a lot of things to Fizztop and Sanctuary from the institute, fairly orderly overall and comfortable rugs in the bedroom. He clears out most things from his main living/working space, though things can get a bit cluttered/disheveled if hes working a lot. well lit. 
What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
(ohgods really im not getting into this one tonight lol but it is a question i need to delve into one day)
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kvltprince · 5 years
Feel free to do any or all your OCs, OC Ask #76 What is your OC’s favorite animal? Please I need to know, for science!
Lucy: cats. He thinks moose were (eek are??) pretty awesome megafauna and radstags and similar things are still pretty a-okay.
Roland: He would have a flock of dogs, and often does in settlements/outposts, his pack outposts are silly tbh when fully set up. Wild bighorner flocks in the mountains (and wild gazelles) are nice to watch.
Annamarie: The Big Salamanders In Far Harbor. They just, gotta stay ... up in the trees, for whatever godforsaken reason they are up there. Atom help her stop dropping on her head. Standard things are fine but those are neat.
Austin: Mole Rats, tamed. Rat pups, tamed. Radstags and such too.
Charlie: He is still adjusting to this. The animals are probably the one place its a bit more “ohgod what the fuck” than most of my OCs. He clings to keeping cats and dogs in settlements for some normalcy, and likes watching the early morning/evening radstags once he figures out where they wander through. That said, he does have a fascination with deathclaws, from a healthy distance preferably, because honestly what the hell.
Phil: He absently wonders how giant squid and octopus are doing.
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