ballsballsbowls · 5 years
randomfuzzbunny replied to your post “HOH Guy held a door open for me (he does this a lot for everyone) so...”
He can have a little hand touch as a treat
I’ve said it before, but this whole thing with HOH Guy feels like an 1800s set romance novel where I am a sheltered woman of good standing and he is the quiet but ruggedly handsome landscaper/stablehand who is permitted inappropriate access to me because he’s perceived as too well mannered to be a threat to my reputation.
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kvltprince · 5 years
Show me something ✨
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3, 13, 23, 33, 43
Thank you for the ask!! <3
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
What Comes After by JayceCarter was a sort of inspiration for multiple fics. I loved the pairing of Deacon/Scribe Haylen and I loved it so much I wrote 15,000 words for it. I also fell in love with the soulmate trope I wrote a fic for that, too. And I’m working on another. Also @its-sixxers work More Ghosts than People and l’Appel du Vide were inspiring all on their own, they made me want to be a better writer.
13.  Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
I outline some, mostly in short sentences or paragraphs that remind me of the next scene or specific dialog I want to put in. I think there would be minimal headache, mostly confusion. Most of my fics are just word vomit of ideas with barely coherent plot anyways.
23.  What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Oh man, probably mutual pining, dumbasses to lovers, neither know that the other is head over heels. I love it so much, especially paired with a fake dating or undercover thing.
33.  What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
Multi-chapter for sure! When I try to write one-shots I can never seem to keep it short, there’s always more I want to say. The one exception is angst, if they die, the fic is over!
43.  Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
Honestly, @its-sixxers @theinkspots @crenarei you!!!! @adventuresofmeghatron and so many others have just been so supportive with kind words and encouragement. Every time I need help with a fic or just someone to tell me my writing isn’t terrible I can reach out to one of them or @cheesepuffbar @kvltprince @randomfuzzbunny and so many others in the Fallout and writing community. It’s really amazing.
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theredalice · 6 years
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Wooden man Take me by the hand  take me to the land so I'll understand Wooden Man, the voyage to drawing better is a real trip 
This is Wooden Man. He is proud of you and proud of your achievements, especially in art. Whether that art be music, drawing, writing, or anything else. He’s proud of you
Here is his original concept art
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created by @randomfuzzbunny and Lilly (to be tagged) and me. The drawing above is by me and inspired by the picture below it. Please continue to do what you love and dont give up! Remember that Wooden Man is proud of you!
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ballsballsbowls · 5 years
randomfuzzbunny replied to your post “The other day I said goodnight to HOH Guy as I walked away from him,...”
I think he was trying to telepathically tell you something but something went wrong
He better develop his telepathy fast, he’s getting rid of his cell phone in a few weeks.
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ballsballsbowls · 5 years
randomfuzzbunny replied to your post “I had psyched myself up to ask HOH Guy for his number today if i saw...”
Another one lost to the hermitzone, RIP
“All these ladies want to seduce me, but none of them realize that the only Direct Messages I answer anymore are transmitted via dreams and the single skull under the oak tree”
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kvltprince · 5 years
For the small physical things that give your characters personality ask, non verbal greetings for all your OCs! If that's okay of course.
We are ignoring professional relationships and acquaintances. (many of these dont know or arent on speaking terms with a lot of companions)
Phil: He goes in for whatever is the most standard and best received for the situation (or conversely the most annoying for the informal situations). Exuberant half wave while taking off his mask with the other hand from any distance while in the Commonwealth.
He gives Piper a big showy hug and hands her whatever the sweetest treat he has in his bag, or the rarest Nuka Cola (mostly so she doesn't steal his later), and asks her what trouble shes gotten into with a gleaming toothy smile so that he doesn’t need to tell her what he has been doing. Cait gets a SUPER firm handshake and shoulder clap (but always allows her to have the stronger grip, pulls her in for a hug if she is in a very good mood or he has good news hes GOTTA tell her or wants to annoy her). MacCready gets a hug nearly no matter what., showyness depends who is around. Strong gets an exaggerated nod. Gage often gets a hug, or a half hug with an arm around his waist in order to tell him something, partially without prying ears. 
The arm around the waist or something similar to sortof keep the person from making any distance from him before telling them anything is a habit he has with anyone thats ‘close’, and he does it fairly often, he is an asshole though and will happily make people vaguely uncomfortable. He is kinda fake bitch hours if we are being completely honest.
Lucy: He tends toward a nod, sometimes a wave if it has been a while or he knows it will get their attention and he is really wanting it and they somehow haven't noticed him, if he is wearing a mask for any reason he completely forgets and leaves it til something is said by an acquaintance or stranger, but generally his leg is pretty telling unless he is completely covered head to toe if its someone that knows him. (he realizes any mask is on once he actually gets to any good friends, because its in the way, oops) He hugs friends, full stop. 
Piper (and Nat) get cheek or forehead kisses pretty often in greeting after the hug. Cait is usually a fakeout squareup like it will be a handshake or armhold before a fight but it gets pulled into a hug, often she is the one that doesn't let the fakeout last and it ends in laughing at eachother. Deacon and Lucy will once in a while end up in a momentary playfight or have a greeting kiss if its been a while but yaknow its NOT weird because it is Lucy and Deacon and no-one was worried or anything. Danse gets a lingering big hug, every time. Nick gets a solid, honest, polite hug and an offered lighter when they actually do meet up. MacCready gets nearly a bearhug that turns into a one-arm-around-him thing (comfortably its a tossup who does it) until they get wherever they are walking to to let him tell about whatevers going on in his life. Strong doesnt get a hug, because that would be weird. and Strong has no use for hugs, but he does get get a comfortable wave, and often sharing some meat, that may or may not have been some commonwealth raider at some point. Gage gets an arm around his waist if there are too many nebby raiders round or it is a strange situation, normally though Lucy half pulls on Gage’s armor/shirt after the hug to get him down to his level for a kiss (but really rarely they are apart often). Hancock gets at least a cheek kiss, sometimes one right between the eyes if hes sitting at the bar. 
Jereldo: He nods when in less safe areas, waves when in safe areas, and is prone to coming up with handshakes and quick hugs. His nearly omnipresent mask of some sort is pulled off when not in Diamond City. 
He flags down Gage with his bat in the air, and a good 2 hand armshake. Hancock gets a hug and often handed off some jet that has been hoarded cos he doesn't use the stuff but knows the right connections for the good jet. Piper gets a big wave and some Nuka Dark, and a Nuka Cherry for Nat. He brings Cait a bottle of whatever booze he thinks sounds the best at the time from where he has been recently. Strong often gets a small bag of meat tossed at him with a smile.
Austin: She tends toward waves and big smiles mostly across the board. Sometimes she brings gifts of scavved things for people if she is expecting to see them (she rarely expects to run into Deacon). She brings Nick and Ellie bourbon and preserved/fresh! cigs she finds, and shows up to Piper’s house holding up a box of snacks grinning from ear to ear.
Roland: He tends to nod and takes off his hat only at the last moment and only at polite times like going into a home, but often hugs people he is close to once they are in hugging range. He is close to almost everyone ever that can tolerate him. 
Cait hoists him up and sends his hat flying before he can even take it off (that started out from some boredom in sniping and they discovered she could pretty easily lift his scrawny ass for some creative shooting). Strong gets a comfortable nod and a smile, and if meat isn’t offered will get meat offered from Roland from his pack because brothers share and Strong has zero chill about it. Piper and Nat both get hugs, he brings a small snack or drink often if he is visiting them at Diamond City. He is really good at finding Danse in the middle of buseywork and getting a little too close to him/watching whatever hes doing but a dog usually making him known and its all smiles (sometimes awkward) and often a hug after he has been noticed and has sufficiently petted the dog. He keeps his greeting Gage Raider Formal while in Nuka World, mostly, unless someones hurt or has been gone a long time. Prone to flopping down on the couch with little to no personal space with him regardless after the hellos. Outside of Nuka World he relaxes a lot more about the Overboss Appearances (he is very aware how not-fitting of that title he is overall, visually at the very least)
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kvltprince · 5 years
Feel free to do any or all your OCs, OC Ask #76 What is your OC’s favorite animal? Please I need to know, for science!
Lucy: cats. He thinks moose were (eek are??) pretty awesome megafauna and radstags and similar things are still pretty a-okay.
Roland: He would have a flock of dogs, and often does in settlements/outposts, his pack outposts are silly tbh when fully set up. Wild bighorner flocks in the mountains (and wild gazelles) are nice to watch.
Annamarie: The Big Salamanders In Far Harbor. They just, gotta stay ... up in the trees, for whatever godforsaken reason they are up there. Atom help her stop dropping on her head. Standard things are fine but those are neat.
Austin: Mole Rats, tamed. Rat pups, tamed. Radstags and such too.
Charlie: He is still adjusting to this. The animals are probably the one place its a bit more “ohgod what the fuck” than most of my OCs. He clings to keeping cats and dogs in settlements for some normalcy, and likes watching the early morning/evening radstags once he figures out where they wander through. That said, he does have a fascination with deathclaws, from a healthy distance preferably, because honestly what the hell.
Phil: He absently wonders how giant squid and octopus are doing.
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kvltprince · 5 years
If Phil could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Also does he pour his cereal first then milk or vice versa?
TELEKINESIS, because that’d be great to fuck with things also just be great. 
Milk first, because he likes to horrify people, also he adds more cereal after hes eaten it all anyway
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ballsballsbowls · 5 years
randomfuzzbunny reblogged your photo and added:
Both MCs know what’s up ����
This is the second time IkeVamp’s MC thought about using physical violence against Leonardo
And the first time she actually DID it.
I was so worried she’d be more like the MC of Midnight Cinderella, who basically blushes or loses her ability to speak when anyone makes eye contact with her.
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kvltprince · 5 years
Annamarie super quietly falls for Gage way the fuck before she ever admits it and way way before he ever dares to admit it either and they are insufferable with their (understandable) guardedness and trauma. Noone acts on jack shit before Nuka World is 100% taken back and the power is working and everything is Settled though. Work First.
Conversely Charlie fell for Preston pretty fast and admitted the closeness and affection but was Comfortably Guarded and Distracted with work for a while instead of standoffish. Loved having the other man around as much as he could regardless of getting over the entire adjustment and his wife. 
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kvltprince · 5 years
OC Asks you say 👀 You don't have to do this one, but based on what you know about my OC Michael, who'd you think would best get along with him and why?
Probably the very best over all from initial to even after everyone has gotten to know each other - Charlie. 
Charlie is my Literal Rebuild The Commonwealth (with Preston whistling a jaunty tune somewhere nearby) biker sosu. He is generally pleasant and generally optimistic but not that all smiles kind.  Hes adjusting to the commonwealth with a hammer and building houses/making friends. He would LIKE to make friends with everyone, but will also not feel bad about having them make friends with his rifle instead if it comes to that to protect his actual friends.
He works fairly hard, relaxes with purpose, settles into the commonwealth by making his own alcohol pretty quickly (that is how you know you are home, right?). I could see them at a new settlement bar sitting area going between chatting away and not-awkward quiet watching everyone else and it being a good time.
Hard Mode - Jereldo. Im not sure how they would manage to cross paths that wasnt involving raiders tbh. Jere isnt *inherently* a raider he just tends to fall in with them really often because he is a ghoul, a glowing ghoul at this point. and he tends toward mercenary work because it is more steady (and better paying) than courier work. and again see point 1. He is standoffish and has a mile high wall around him and has the worst of tendancies make real stupid choices when in relationships (maybe just that, bonehead ghoul mopeing cos he fucked up yet again and dadmode activate)
somewhere under that he has the wanting to fix/rebuild/create things. he accepts *others* as they are just fine. if he were somehow living a normalass life and he somehow figured out how to stop being a fucking disaster at every turn and maybe lived in one place for a while he might not always turn to That Raider Life and just be a slightly shady merc settler with a real nice boyfriend with the good tatos
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kvltprince · 5 years
I wanna know what's in Austin's and Phil's pockets 👀
two stimpacks, a knife (not really for fighting but i guess in an emergency she could use it), some caps and a couple of letters if shes going very far (she tries to not actually pocket things and use bags or beltloops for most stuff)
stimpacks x2, mentats, rad-x, unending annoyance at everything, small notebook and pencil usually,  (jet sometimes if hes actually expecting something to come up up close and personal instead of taken out at range, he would rather not.)
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kvltprince · 5 years
Feel free to do these for any or every of your OCs if you’d like! I think this one would be interesting. 31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
(we are just ignoring any non pg definition of ‘needs’ here because that gets real awkward real fast at best and it is not where i even was thinking til way late in answering this anyway because im like that)
Lucy is really hesitant to put anyones needs ahead of his own given his everything, that said if the persons needs are needing attention when his own are doing okay and he loves the person its likely to be done assuming he has the mental energy also to begin with. Children can be an exception to this too. He will hand off standard wastelander foods/rations to the squeamish and go find whatever in short order if food supplies are low (and maybe they will even be not horrible things, but he doesnt want people to go hungry and will lie to them to prevent it if it would be a situation that it would be too long to be a problem) He has a more caring heart than he admits even to himself sometimes.
Phil most of the time would not. It would really have to be only family/lover(and even then itd have to be really special cos hes kinda distant and iffy on that) or really have to be a situation to be ultimately getting him some favor he needed. 
Austin is reasonable about it, she would put friends/family ahead in most non-dire situations and more extreme it would really depend on too many factors. She isnt going to be very into doing things that are going to be a big problem, or going to create a weird expectation of anyone. Inconsistent but sometimes kindof big things as kindof a show she cares (but it sortof needs to go both ways in some sort of fashion. No taking advantage of her or you might meet a can of beans on a end of a chair leg!)
Jereldo is often the one doing the emotional labor type stuff in most relationships, even friendships, but when he is not he kinda demands his emotional needs be met with not a whole lot of wiggle room. So he is generally putting most people he cares about first even if it is only slightly (he does not allow it to be taken advantage of, don’t get the wrong idea there)
Roland is pretty open to being helpful and if its reasonable sure. He isn’t going to stop drinking for someone else (that is his own problem, thanks)or do anything that is unreasonable for the situation, and he has some random soft spots for doing things for children or addicts. It might have been part of why he and Niner started together and we see where that ended up, ahem.
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ballsballsbowls · 4 years
Pour one out for @kvltprince and @randomfuzzbunny 
who are about to listen to me stream a game with a low grade fever and zero ability to string 3 sentences together
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Make Me Choose: Fanfic Edition
Tagged by @its-sixxers thank you!!
coffee shop or flower shop • alternate universe or fix-it • enemies to lovers or childhood friends • angst or fluff • love at first sight or pining • modern au or historical au • soulmates or unrequited • fake dating or secret dating • breakup and makeup or proposals and weddings • get together or established relationship • oblivious pining or domestic fluff • hurt/comfort or crack • meet the parent or meet cute
Tagging @cheesepuffbar @valkyriejack @adventuresofmeghatron @saltsealed @theinkspots @crenarei @randomfuzzbunny @kvltprince
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