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vincekris · 4 months
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Fulvio Roiter
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adreciclarte5 · 4 months
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Bruges by Fulvio Roiter
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winniethewife · 3 months
Oscar Isaac Characters as angsty Quotes/Lyrics
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Steven Grant: I am not a violent dog, I don't know why I bite
Marc Spector: I am not your pet, I never liked you, I don't care about you, I won't wait for you. I bite.
Jake Lockley: I suppose if it worked, we'd be dead already
Llewyn Davis: I Know I could have Loved you (But you would not let me) 
Kane: I'm well beyond you now, and travelling very fast
Leto Atreides: No good deed goes unpunished
Blue Jones: It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.
Nathan Bateman: Genius must ever be imperfect.
Santiago Garcia: A hero of war, Is that what they see? Just medals and scars, So damn proud of me.
Abel Morales: I can pardon everybody’s mistakes except my own.
William Tell: I lost a game you couldn't even lose in.
Poe Dameron: When heroes fall from the sky, many more will learn to fly.
Rydal Keener: If you're not having me nor I you that doesn't mean I will stop loving you 
Peter Roiter: I love you in every universe
Mikael Boghosion: I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
Miguel O'hara: Listen, don't meet your heroes. If you meet your heroes, you're always going to be disappointed.
Jonathan Levy: Maybe then you could've loved me like you don't know how to
Outcome 3: I could disappear forever and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Orestes: If I'm a pagan of the good times, My lover's the sunlight
Taglist: @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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psikonauti · 1 year
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Fulvio Roiter (Italian,1926 - 2016)
Umbria, 1954
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foxilayde · 1 year
Collisions in Entropy [Peter Roiter x Fem!Reader]
Summary: You were drawn to him like gravity. Like the only two bodies of mass on a lattice field, dipping in the center like marbles, stretching the fabric of time with the weight of yourselves and converging at the center into a singular point.
Length: 5.5k
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Romantic smut. Oral: f receiving. PiV.
Author’s Note: I couldn’t stop thinking about Peter making it to Rome and then confining himself to wait out his remaining days like an invisible stranger, careful not to disturb this timeline. I like to think his curiosity couldn’t keep him away from a special event he never got to see firsthand. Enjoy!
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The wedding of Callum Roiter to Rebecca Bradley took place at Creeksea Place in the Essex countryside on Saturday September 30th 2023. Is taking place, rather. Currently taking place. Peter Roiter arrives in a rented grey suit and gate crashes his own parent’s wedding, 13 months before his birth.
They’re taking the photographs now, the photographs that will adorn the walls of his childhood home. The same photograph he will accidentally shatter In 2032 while playing cricket in the house. He recognizes the angle of the pink jaunty bouquets up in the air, the collection of color in a joyous line on the red brick footbridge beside the white gazebo, a bridal party draped in lavender taffeta posed in what looks like “a silly one” where they lovingly encircle the blushing bride—Rebecca Roiter née Bradley.
The camera flashes weakly against the midday light and at the same instant a bridesmaid looks in Peter’s direction and smiles.
He’d cut his palm on that picture frame—the shattered one—the bridal party laid in fragments in that parallel future time. He looks down at his hand and the thick scar is still there. He wonders if the Peter Roiter who will be born 13 months from tomorrow will get the same cut. If he will hit the cricket ball in the same exact angle, turning his head to the same exact call of his mother’s voice from the other room. “Peter!” Crash. A vortex.
That’s what had ruined the photo in the end. Not the shattered glass, but the blood. Will this timeline’s Peter Roiter grow up and do what he’s done? Do it exactly the same? Blood and shattered glass in the parlor. Blood and shattered glass in the terminal 4 bathroom.
He’s never been to a wedding like this before. Never even heard of one with so many people, unrestrained smiles, photographs, laughter, dancing… nowhere outside of a movie, that is. His own wedding to Helen was private, as most weddings in 2050 were. Out of necessity. Sweet and civil. She held peonies and they danced to Marvin Berry in the backyard, underneath the stars and the patio lights. He has an insane urge to make a toast to the people of 2023 and tell them, “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”
They’re so unaware. Unbothered. It’s beautiful to see. Like the carefree cheers-ing that must’ve been happening on the Titanic cruiseliner 10 minutes before they collided with an iceberg.
He doesn’t feel sorry for them. He is jealous. They’re feting in the last roaring moments of civilization, right before the interminable lockdowns will begin. He conservatively guesses that half of them will be dead within the next ten years.
He stays as invisible as he can, observing his parent’s tender happy moments from afar. They’re so young. He’s nearly old enough to be their father.
During the ceremony he sees both sets of grandparents for the first time in his life in person. Maybe that should be his alibi instead of “cousin of the bride”, he’s much more believable as “colleague of the father of the groom”. If only he could remember what Grandfather Roiter did for a living… insurance, maybe?
He won’t stick around long enough for anyone to ask just how he knows the lovely couple anyway. He’ll stay invisible for now, just another speck in this world that doesn’t belong to him.
This timeline might be defunct anyway, he may very well be cautiously tip-toeing around what he only assumes is a sleeping beast, but may in fact be nothing more than a carcass. Peter errs on the side of caution anyway and sips champagne from the further-most table.
Callum Roiter, looking everything like the father of his childhood, stands from the center of the high table and clinks his crystal glass. His cheeks look hurt and shiny from smiling, he holds his new wife’s hand and makes his toast, he thanks the guests for coming and makes a joke about how more guests might’ve showed up had they hosted the ceremony on the Boleyn Ground. He’s so young. So untroubled. The trip to Essex was worth every potential risk to the balance to see the joy in his parent’s eyes in real time. He feels supremely lucky to be a product of such an astounding love.
And then Callum raises his glass higher, winks to Rebecca and announces, “and lastly, a great big thank you to American psychologist Doctor Eliza Knight,” There is a knowing laugh amongst the wedding party who are privy to the story of the bizarre phone call from a Dr. Knight. “Without whom, I would have never met my beautiful bride. Wherever you are, love, cheers.”
“Cheers” the crowd responds. Peter downs the rest of his glass, “to Beatrix,” he mutters.
“You know what that’s about, don’t you?”
It’s the first time anyone has addressed him all day. He hadn’t seen her approach. The young woman from the bridal party. The one who smiled at him as the flashbulb went off. Pink roses, purple gown, shards of glass, blood, and a cricket ball.
“What’s about?” His voice slips into the Essex dialect like it’s nothing. He wonders how much of that is the chip and how much of it is his real voice— the one his mother and father taught him to use. He looks down at his lap when the woman sits beside him.
“The American doctor story.”
Oh he knows. He’s heard the tale his whole life, moreover he’s overturned timelines and sold out the souls of billions for the American doctor in question. “No,” he says to the pretty bridesmaid. “Would you let me in on it?”
“Can’t believe you haven’t heard it before,” you smile, “would have thought Cal and Bex told damn near everyone in England by now.”
“Must be a good one.” He says with almost no defensiveness. Almost.
He’s cute. Older than you. A little scruffy, but in a very pleasing way—slightly overgrown at the nape of his neck and shadowed in the roughness of his sharp jaw. His eyes are kind though. So hopeful, sweet, and terribly familiar.
“Come outside with me and I’ll tell you, it’s getting warm in here.”
He glances to the high table, there’s a line forming of folks offering their congratulations along with envelopes of money to the young couple. He nods to you, leaving his grey rented coat on the back of the chair. He offers you his arm and you take it with a “thank you”, leading him to the French doors and stepping out onto the grounds.
The air is late summer. Warm and green. A million twinkle lights glow along the pathway to the pond, the place where you’d first laid eyes on him this afternoon.
“What’s your name?” You ask, trodding slowly towards the gazebo, your arm still in his. His forearm is warm under the white cotton dress shirt.
“Hmm.” You smile.
“What?” Defensive.
“Could have sworn it was something else.” You goad.
You can feel his pulse pick up from your fingertips on the crook of his elbow.
“What’s your name?” He counters.
You ignore him. “I didn’t bring you out here to tell you my name, I brought you out here to tell you a story, remember? Do you want to hear it or not?”
Peter breathes deep as if he’s winding up to tell you something but all he does with the breath is exhale and nod, “Please.”
“Last year, November the 23rd, 2022, to be exact, both Callum and Rebecca got a mysterious phone call from a Doctor Eliza Knight, a psychoanalyst from America, telling them that she knew their son. That he was a 39 year old time traveler sent from the year 2062 named Peter Roiter and he claimed to be on a mission to save the world. What do you think of that, Oliver?”
His grin is tight, dismissive, “sounds like a nut job.”
“The odd thing is, Callum and Rebecca had never met each other before. Doctor Knight gave each the other’s information and told them it was crucial that they meet and fall in love and have this child. Peter.”
Peter says nothing.
“So they do get together. Because of the absurdity. They go out for a drink, out of curiosity, to laugh about the madwoman who told them they were going to raise the messiah of the twenty first century.”
Peter leans against the railing of the gazebo and glances back to the house where the party is winding down. “And the rest is history.” He nods toward the red bricked abode.
“That’s not all,” you smile conspiratorially.
“No. See, I looked into it, just to check to see if there was a Doctor Eliza Knight, and there is… or there was.”
He remains silent and surreptitiously fingers the raised scar on the inside of his hand while you talk. Nervous habit.
“See, the very next day after she made the phone calls, Doctor Knight walked into an airport bathroom in New York City and disappeared… disappeared! They checked all the security footage. She walks into the restroom and never walked out. They did find her clothes, and a shattered syringe full of blood that wasn’t her own, a tape recorder in a trash can. But her? Nowhere to be found. Can you believe it? The very next day after calling Bex and Cal. That’s insane, right?”
He nods, lost in thought across the lake.
“It’s funny, most people get a real kick out of that anecdote. I was excited to tell you. Brought you out to the dim ambiance and everything.”
“It’s a great story. Really. I’m just tired is all.” He folds his arms across his chest and looks at you with a believable amount of sleepiness.
“You’ve heard it before, haven’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“That would be one explanation for your boredom— you know the story by heart… How do you know the bride and groom, Oliver?” You nearly whisper, stepping closer to him.
“Who are you?” He backs away a step, bumping into the rim of the gazebo and catching himself on a polished beam.
“Peter, you’re about to upset a very fragile ecosystem that we’ve been curating. I had to get you out of that party, I hope you understand.”
“Peter, if you care about the future, you need to kiss me right now, in the next five seconds, it’s our only chance.”
Peter doesn’t hesitate. With a look of solid determination he takes two steps towards you, cradles your head in his hands and presses his lips to yours, kissing you with reserved lips that didn’t match the committed blaze in his eyes. You break the kiss in near disbelief and regret.
“That was mean, I’m sorry.”
Peter’s face scrunches and he takes half a step back, letting you fall out of his grasp.
“What? Wait, tell me who you are, what’s going on? Did the W.H.O send you? Do you have a message for me? Did the project work? Any word on Beatrix?”
You press your fingertips to your lips and your eyes widen.
“Are you fucking with me?” You accuse.
His face drops from hopeful to incredulous and the two of you stare at each other with mutual suspicion for a beat.
He licks his bottom lip. “Why did I need to kiss you? Who are you?”
“I’m… I’m a friend of Rebecca’s. I… hang on, are you— is your name really Peter? I just called you that because… because of what the doctor told Bex…” you can hear your heart hammering in your ears.
Peter’s eyes narrow, “you were teasing me?”
“Holy shit. The… the doctor? The story? Peter Roiter?”
Peter remains stock still, his back rigid, gritting his teeth.
You clap your hand over your mouth and laugh. “Oh my god! Bex is going to murder me if she finds out I snogged her son. This is so weird.”
“How did you know?”
“I didn’t! I mean, god, no one actually believes that story about the doctor, do they? it’s insane! something straight out of a movie! I figured they met each other on tinder and wanted a cuter “how’d you meet?” Story and made this one up for clout or something, but… then we were taking photos today and you were lurking in the back of the setting up, lurking the back of the ceremony, sitting all by yourself in the back of the reception— not talking to anybody… which is exactly what someone who isn’t trying to alter a timeline might do. What am I saying? And god you do really look like half Bex and half Cal… it’s uncanny.”
“You can’t tell anyone about this, you understand?”
“Tell anyone? No one would believe me if I did! I don’t even know if I believe me! Besides, I’m not joking about the whole ‘Bex would kill me’ thing, I’m kind of skeeving myself out right now. I mean they’re both fit and well obviously,” You gesture to Peter up and down before slapping your forehead, “oh my god, I need—I need to shut up.”
“Wait, wait, wait, just calm down. Okay. I need to—look, if this isn’t a dead timeline, I can’t have you treating Cal and Bex’s son any differently than you would had you not learned that.. that I’m him. So—“
“Hang on, dead timeline? What the hell does that mean?”
“Is the name not obvious enough for you?” Peter begins to pace around the pergola, the valley between his brows growing deeper by the minute.
Your eyebrows shoot up, “well excuse me for not understanding your sci-fi speak, Mr. Coherence.”
“Dead timeline. It means the statistical likelihood of salvaging the future of this particular timeline is… astronomically low. If this is a dead timeline, then there is a near 100 chance humanity will be destroyed within the next 40 years.”
“Oh god.”
“It might not be. There’s no way of knowing right now.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“It could be a loop timeline, in which case, it’s important for you to—“
“Not treat the forthcoming baby Peter Roiter any differently.”
“Exactly.” He breathes with relief.
“Even though he will apparently grow up to be a man who potentially puts me and everything and everyone I know and love into a dead future or whatever you called it.”
“That’s not—“
“It’s fine, Peter, the less I know the better, right?” You shift in your heels and lean against the polished railing. “Might make it difficult to take him out for ice cream knowing that I snogged him at his mum’s wedding. Bleeding Christ, I really am sorry about that.”
“You’re surprisingly easy to convince. And you’re taking this extremely well. I’m not used to that— people believing me. And it’s fine, its my fault for being here, for following you outside. I promised I wouldn’t interact with anyone and now we’re getting… inextricable.”
“I don’t know why I believe you. I mean I know it’s crazy, it’s the least likely explanation for all of this, but I just feel like, I have to believe you. I just… have to. Now that sounds crazy.”
He shakes his head. “I really thought I was being stealthy coming here today. It was probably a mistake.”
“Well, if we are in a loop timeline, as you called it, I don’t think there can be any mistakes. And if we are in a dead end, then the mistakes don’t matter, right?”
“Who are you?”
You tell him your name. He shakes his head with that same worried valley between his brows.
“I don’t remember you at all from my childhood. Or hearing about you from my mother. I’m not even sure you were in the photo that I broke.”
“The photo that you broke? What photo?”
There’s a sudden cacophony from the French doors where you exited the reception with Peter. A group of groomsmen stagger out, each with a champagne bottle in their hand, singing what you can only assume is a fight song from Cal’s alma mater.
Peter runs his thumb and forefinger over the stubble surrounding his lips. Those lips that you made him kiss you with. God, what is happening?
“C’mon,” he mutters placing a hand at your lower back and guides you to the path by the pond, further away from the celebration. “Just being cautious.”
There’s a bench aglow with twinkle lights near the pond, out of view of the estate house. It feels good to sit and take some pressure off the silk heels you bought special for this evening. You slip them off and let your feet rest on the cool grass.
“What photo were you talking about?” You ask.
“The bridesmaid photos with the bouquets on the bridge. I grew up with that photo in my house. But one day I was playing football— no, it was… it was cricket. I was playing cricket in the house and the photo shattered. I cut my hand trying to hide it from my mum, look.”
You take his hand, inspecting his palm and turning it over. He continues. “But I don’t recognize you. From the photo. I don’t think you were there. You weren’t looking at the camera. You were looking at me.”
“I don’t see a scar.”
Peter pulls back his hand.
“It is kind of dark out, so that could be why.”
“Wha…” Peter holds his hands up to the twinkle lights in the willow branches above the bench. He shakes his head. “This doesn’t make sense.”
“Deja vu.” You whisper.
Peter’s hands fall from inspection, he rubs his fingers together at his sides. “What did you say? Did you say Deja vu?”
“Yeah. I’ve— I’ve been here before. This has happened before. With you. What’s happening?”
Peter sits back down next to you on the bench, grabbing your upper arms with insistence. “Are you messing with me again? Are you screwing with my head?” He’s breathing fast. He looks scared.
“No! No, I swear Peter. This just… feels so familiar. Do you feel it? The smell in the air, the champagne bottles popping, you checking your hands in the light, the kiss in the gazebo… what’s happening? What does it mean that I’ve felt this before?”
Peter lets go of your arms and runs his thumbs across the smooth insides of his knuckles. “It means… it means it’s elastic. This timeline is still alive. I’m not in a loop, I’m not in a dead end. Something is happening… or something will happen. Either way, we’re all still breathing…” Peter laughs quietly for a few moments before silencing himself with his own hand. “Somewhere, somehow, in the past 20 minutes or so, a vortex was formed— a shift in the timeline.”
“What does that mean? Is that good or bad?”
Peter shakes his head. “I don’t know. We—us in the future—don’t even fully understand it. It’s a technology we discovered from elsewhere in the universe. I’ve been thinking lately that we don’t have the receptive capacity to understand the dimensionality. Like trying to conceptualize a tesseract.”
“What are you doing here? Still trying to save the world?”
“No. That window closed. Or at least, I thought it had.”
“So your window is closed. You didn’t succeed?”
He stares into your eyes for several beats. He thinks about December 31st in Rome. How he waited on platform 23 at the piazza di Spagna until the last train came it at near midnight. And how he walked around the Villa Borghese alone when security shooed him away from the station, he walked back to the red tiled hotel alone. A doomed mission. He must’ve passed at least a dozen kissing couples that night ringing in the new year.
“No. I didn’t. I’m sorry.” His apology feels personal.
“It’s okay.” You say with a small voice, placing a hand on his knee. “So, now what? Do you go back, to your original time, the future?”
“Can’t go back. Can’t go anywhere. Even if I could, there’s no one to retrieve me.”
“So you just live out the rest of your days here in 2023 onward?”
Peter bites his lip and looks out over the pond. “Yeah.”
“What happens when baby Peter Roiter is born?”
“You’re too quick, you know that?” Peter snorts and shakes his head.
“I watch a lot of sci-fi movies,” you smile, shouldering off your lavender shawl and pointing out your tattoo. “See. It’s a—“
“DeLorean.” He traces his finger over the small line drawing tattoo.
“A 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 to be exact.” You grin proudly.
Peter swallows and traces his finger down your bare arm, making your hairs raise.
“You got it the day of your 18th birthday. You had a fight with your father and you got it on a whim. You were so angry at your father that you cried when you got it and when the tattoo artist asked if you needed a break from the pain you said—“
“How do you know this, Peter, you’re scaring me.”
“You said, I’ve had worse.”
“I know you. We’ve been here before. This bench. The lights, the way they glow on your skin.” He swipes the side of your face lightly with the back of his unblemished hand.” He gulps. “I kiss you on the gazebo by the pond, I kiss you under a willow tree far away from the house, I—“ he shifts closer, his forehead nearly touching your own. “I carry you like a bride up the stairs and I kiss you in a room with golden leaves on the ceiling.”
You shift closer to him, your noses touching.
“Don’t you remember?” He asks, cupping your cheek. “No matter where I go. There you are. Entanglement.”
“I remember.” You nod. “Tell me, Peter. Tell me what happens when you’re born.”
Peter cradles your face in both of his hands and pulls back a fraction of an inch, eyes flickering between your own before he sighs and shuts them in a near grimace.
“I die.” He kisses you. And its so different from the kiss on the gazebo. Your little lie, your little trick in back there that got him to kiss you the first time. A lie— or so you thought at the time. Something made you say it to him you’re sure of that now. The deception was compulsory. It wasn’t why you led him out at the time. But now it its.
As sure as he knows the date of his own birth, he knows he will die. In almost exactly 13 months. Or sometime before; but never after. They didn’t teach him every facet at The Project, mainly due to their own ignorance; and he wouldn’t have to face his demise if he had only taken himself to the extraction point… but that had been out of the question. And what is he doing now? With you on this bench? 100 yards from his newlywed parents. This is a new dream he is fulfilling, the erasure of his scar, these new-old memories, the fulfillment of a loop.
Your silk shoes abandoned in the grass, he scoops up your knees onto his lap, he holds your face so tenderly and kisses you, and kisses you, and kisses you beneath the willow tree.
He carries you like a bride to your bedroom at the top of the stairs. If any party stragglers notice you, you aren’t aware. You cling to Peter with your face buried in his neck, holding to his broad shoulders, your bare toes make brushing contact with the walls of the stairwell as you ascend. You don’t need to tell him which room is yours, he’s been here before hasn’t he? You certainly have. In a dream. In another life.
He lays you gently on the bed, kissing up your ankles, sliding the satin of your sheath dress up your legs as he goes, crawling up and up and up you, his lips trailing over the rise of your knees with abject devotion. His strong hands splay and scoop under your dress, under your hips, to grab your lace panties. He looks into your eyes from where he kisses the crest of your thigh when he slides the material down your legs and tosses them to the floor.
“How could I have forgotten you?” He whispers with a longing against your skin, pushing your dress up until it pools in a satin puddle at your middle. He kisses the tip of your hipbone before he settles between your thighs, his stubble scratches pleasantly at the sensitive flesh when he runs his nose along the junction of your hip and thigh.
Cradling your hips in his palms, he shrugs your legs over his shoulders. He’s still fully dressed, the only disrobing he did of himself was the grey jacket abandoned on the the back of the far-table chair in the reception hall downstairs, and the blue tie he loosened and discarded somewhere near your panties. His disguise.
He crawls up further onto the bed to fully press his face into your sex. He latches onto your puffy cunt with his kiss-swollen lips and licks you open with messy, savoring swirls of his tongue. His mouth hot and slick, chin and nose pressing into you with a rocking hungry motion. You don’t intend to cry out at the sensation but he’s making love to you with his mouth like it isn’t the first time and you have no choice but to strangle your own keen of pleasure and fully and gracelessly recline on the bed, the prop of your elbows unable to hold you up through the slick furnace of pleasure that is Peter Roiter’s mouth.
You scrunch your eyes closed and bite your bottom lip when his tongue focuses in on your clit, hot mouth still sealed around your pussy, he lathes you with stern and steady lashings to your point of pleasure. Your hands fist in the pool, of silk at your belly. He sighs hotly into you and works his own fingers through yours, loosening your grasping hands from your dress. He laces all his fingers flush with yours, soothing the sides of your palms with his thumbs.
He never stops the hot assault of your spread sex with his tongue. Your grass stained heels rest lightly on the taut warm linen of his dress shirt. You can feel the way the muscles back there flex, your feet sliding every so slightly when his hips buck gently into the mattress. You don’t open your eyes until you’re desperately close to cumming in his mouth and when you look up all you can see are flashes of gold.
Your hips lift off the mattress with the arch of your back and the contraction of your thighs. You let out a long low keen and his face tilts up to follow your clit, sucking you lovingly, his hands gripping more tightly to your own than ever before.
“Peter,” your lips tremble, you slowly open your clamped shut eyes.
There it is. The gold leaf ceiling glinting in warm yellow light. Just as he said. Just as your remember. You stare dazedly at it and you know in less than a moment Peter will crawl up your shaking sweating body and place a kiss on your lips. He does. You grab him by his thick curls and push and pull and twist him in a debauched kiss till he’s flat on his back and you’re on top. His mouth is hot and sticky and so, so giving.
He runs his hands lightly over the open back of your dress. You only unbuckle him enough, and shimmy his trousers midway down his thighs, to get him inside of you. When you sink down on him he holds your forehead against his and gasps in disbelief.
“I—“ He chokes, catching his breath and fighting his eyes rolling back so he can get a good look at you when you take him all the way down.
“What?” You smile, stroking his cheek.
“I— I’ve missed you. Ahh.” He grabs you hard then, sitting up slightly and clawing your dress strap down so he can bite and suck the softest parts of your chest.
You cradle his head there, grinding into his lap slowly, gasping softly at the feel of him inside you.
“You won’t disappear, will you?” You whisper in a daze of pleasure.
No, he chants against your breast.
“No, no, no. I can’t lose you.” He holds you tight to him like he means it.
Peter has pulled the top of your dress down to your waist now and his hands roam freely over your back, plotting the elevated terrain of your shoulders, the valley between your breasts, and the maps of rivers at your wrists.
He lays fully back down and takes you with him. You smile against his kiss.
“Getting tired, old man?”
“Mmm, I’m younger than you—technically— negative one years old next month.” He bites your ear. You laugh. He thrusts up into you. You moan and clutch him by his clothed shoulders.
Peter cups your cheek in his hand. The one with the missing scar. You turn your face to kiss his unblemished palm. You rock on him slowly, his mouth parts in bliss.
“Does this mean anything can change at any time?” You ask, glancing at the inside of his hand.
“Yes but that’s always been a given.” Cheeky.
“No, I don’t mean just anything. I’m not talking about normal changes, I concerned about—“
“Dissolving out of a photograph? Ceasing to exist?” He teases, flicking your tattoo.
“Or Chuck Berry never writing Johnny B. Goode?”
“Who?” Peter delivers in convincing deadpan curiosity before breaking out into a beautiful grin.
You pinch his side. “Rat.” You can feel the intensity of his jerking response to the pinch where he’s buried warmly inside you.
Peter nods, “I don’t know. I hate saying that I don’t know and I hate that worried little look on your face, but I promise that it doesn’t change anything. We are here and like it or not the only thing certain is change.”
“The mortal agreement.”
“There is one thing I do know. No matter what I change, no matter where I go. I find you. Even when I send you away, you bounce back. Right back into my arms. A less scientifically minded man might think that love has it’s own special inter-dimensional set of physics. We just… keep extracting entropy from a closed system. No matter how hard I break the billiards they fly right back to the center of the table in formation. Not always in the same order, but… still… accounted for. I thought it was fragile, like butterfly wings, you know? But I’m learning it’s durable. It’s elastic, alive. And you always bounce back.”
“Sounds less like time travel and more like pattern reconfiguration.”
Peter tucks your hair behind your ear and drinks in your face, nodding thoughtfully. “Everything you say. Everything you’ve said. It’s all like something that’s on the tip of my tongue.”
You grin, bending over him, taking his pretty face in your hands, you kiss him and suck his tongue into your mouth, bobbing your mouth on the tip of it suggestively, “is it?” You smile. He’s still hard in you. You hope he never stops. This is how you should have every conversation about everything from here on out. Joined together, the beast with two backs as Shakespeare would say.
“I don’t want to cum.” He groans into your mouth, “when I cum I’ll have to stop being inside you, and I don’t want that, I want to live inside you.”
Call it the contrarian in you, but the admission only makes you want to force it out of him against his will. To make him fall apart precisely because he said he was trying his best to keep it together.
You clench, ride him, and moan into his ear until he’s nearly tapping out from ecstasy and when he comes he calls your name.
“Oh no.” You gasp, looking around worriedly.
“What? What is it?” Peter halfway sits up, adrenaline opening his eyes fully.
“Do you think your parents heard us?” You grin teasingly.
Peter sighs with relief and shakes his head, kissing your cheek and crushing you against his chest in a hug.
You don’t worry about tonight, the shoes you left outside, the rented jacket in the reception hall, or what will transpire in the next 13 months. Everything will bounce back in the end.
Tagging everyone who interacted with the post asking who was interested in this Peter Roiter fic:
@ozarkthedog @toracainz @mundivagantsoul @ominoose @astroboots @orestesimp @spacecowboyhotch @steven-grants-world @convrsation16 @onefinnedwonder-fm @grumpyeagleandfriends @miguellohara @winchestershiresauce @user215sstuff @greg-drunk @poeedameronn @piptoost @danilovesyarn @toracainz @red-hydra @motleyfolk @ladywillowgrey @munasolid @karoblaer @theaterm @howellatme @mistaknight @dailyreverie @guruan @lunar-ghoulie
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hildeeveraert · 1 year
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Fulvio Roiter, L'uomo e l'albero, 1950
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justineportraits · 2 months
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Mikhaïl Roiter - Rowers on the arrow at the Krymsky Bridge 1958
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gacougnol · 11 months
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Fulvio Roiter
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lascitasdelashoras · 9 months
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Fulvio Roiter - San Marcos, Venecia
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henk-heijmans · 2 years
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On the Gela road, Niscemi, Sicily, 1953 - by Fulvio Roiter (1926 - 2016), Italian
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peeposhy hello
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adreciclarte5 · 15 days
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by Fulvio Roiter, 1953
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winniethewife · 15 days
I had all and then most of you, Some and now none of you.
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(Peter Roiter x reader)
Prompt: Can’t let you go
A/N: For my Event Nine weeks in hell and Angstember
Warnings: Angst, Death, Use of very generic names for NPCs,
Words: 605
There was nothing left in this timeline for him, everyone he had cared about was gone. She was gone. It made sense to join this time traveling initiative to stop the pandemic, that way, in another life, she was still around.
“Can I request one thing, before you send me back?” He asked the official.
“If I can accommodate it, I would be happy to help.” The man with the boyish face looked at him.
“Theres…one night in this timeline I’d like to go back to one more time before I…” He thought it was a long shot but the man nodded.
“What was the date?” He asked simply
“Halloween 2046.” He said. The night they met.
She walked in to the bar, her friends on her tail as she takes a look around. Their usual hangout was packed to the brim with costumed locals and people from out of town. She reaches to pull down the skirt of her witch costume again, she really should have tried it on before tonight, and she could have returned it for a size larger. Oh well Hindsight is 20/20. She walked up to the busy bar, her friend Mary taps her shoulder. She turns to look at the girl in the devil horns and bright pink hair.
“Hey I’m gonna stop by the bathroom, get me a Cosmo?” Mary asked innocently, She rolled her eyes.
“Alright but I’m not opening a tab for you to put all your shit on okay? I’m closing out.” She wasn’t going to let her friends drink free just cause she’s the one with a better paying job. Mary put her hand to her chest in Mock-offence and their other friend Jenny laughed.
“I would never…okay I would but still, I’m offended you think so little of me.” Mary wandered off, Jenny adjusted the Cat ears on her head and looked around.
“I think the whole town is here tonight.” Jenny Said surprised
 “I think it’s possible, there seems to be a lot of out of towners too.” She replied as they both walked to the bar to order their drinks from the bartender Arthur.
Peter watched her from a distance, He knew this moment so well, because he was there the first time it happened. There she was drinking with her friends, the two would later be her bridesmaids at their wedding. He was new to town, just moved there for work. She had grown up here, and never strayed far, he saw his past self observing her from the end of the bar, his own Halloween costume of Sherlock Holmes was something the two of them would make jokes about for years to come. He watched as Past Peter waved Arthur down and pointed over at her. He could hear his own voice in his head.
“I’d like to buy the Witch a drink.” He said. Arthur had obliged his request and handed her usual drink to her, and after an exchange of confused looks and exchanges, she walked over to him. Peter leans in closer to hear her voice, just one last time, to hear those words once more.
“Hello Detective, how can I help you solve the case?” Her voice, he had missed it so much. He watched for a moment longer, knowing he only had so much longer. Just as the scene around him started to fade he heard her laugh at his dumb joke.
He felt free.
He knew he could do anything now, to save another timeline, to save another her, so another him could have more than just the night they met.
Taglist: : @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Fulvio Roiter (Italian,1926 - 2016)
Andalusia, 1955
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foxilayde · 1 year
This song is for and about Peter Roiter.
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81 notes · View notes