#rogue trader fanfiction recommendation
cawyden-gaming · 4 months
Dopamine week 2 - day 5 - fanfic recommendation
This oneshot linked above is just one of many works from @aylinvail.
It is a surprising story which I am not going to spoil but I enjoyed it a lot.
Beside her Starseeker au which is an incredible creative new interpretation of the games events there are also lots of oneshots that just like Psychologically Warfare allows us to witness a very specific moment in the life of her characters - like RT Rana and Calligos in Shot in the Dark or RT Aylin and Heinrix in One boring day.
From teen to explicit rating, different kind of pairings (RT x Heinrix, RT x Argenta, RT x Calligos, RT x Kunrad…) there is something there for everyone and her stories are like filled chocolates - you might not know what is inside but you will most certainly enjoy it very much.
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vitanithepure · 4 months
Dopamine Week #2 Day 3!
by @pallysuune
pallysuune on ao3
Ulfar is one of those characters that doesn't get enough love. And he is lovely in a jovial and steadfast way, so beautifully presented in this piece.
It's comforting, it's calm and gives Ulfar justice. I truly recommend this!
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bnbc · 7 months
fic rec fic rec!!
I didn't plan on doing fic recs (producing any coherent text is much of the effort these days) but CALLIGS NATION RISE UP AND READ
by @holylustration
like hello?? the idea, the dialogues, the play, the tension, the characters???? I REPEAT: HELLO????
*proceeds with other incoherent noises*
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Writer @bnbc
I love this little story so much. It's a slice of life from the Acolytes of Xavier Calcazar, Lord Inquisitor of the Koronus Expanse, point of view.
Why should you read it?
Because its writer gives life to a character that's only featured twice in game and makes her interesting. Bnbc manages to paint a rich and full picture in very few brush strokes, and it's a good entry point to her other writing. It's also all connected in a larger series. Also bnbc is responsible for the Calcadora ship, and the world of the Koronus Expanse will never be the same.
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holylustration · 7 months
Dopamine Week #1: Fic Recommendation
In honor of the first Dopamine Week, I thought I would do a recommendation of the first fanfiction that I read in the Rogue Trader fandom. And I think for many of us, we all share that same first fic: Tapestry of Fate, by Aparima.
I love a lot of things about Tapestry of Fate.
First: It is heckin' brave! Aparima's been writing this since the Rogue Trader beta. The BETA. Can you imagine? She dove right on into the pond, irrespective of whether it could have been a shallow puddle or a deep ocean. She was out there filling in the blanks for those of us on the outside looking in!
Bonus: Tapestry of Fate is sitting at nearly 200,000 words and I dare anyone to write an enjoyable and cohesive story of that magnitude in their second language - and if that's what's stopping you from reading it, then you're really missing out.
Second: Let's talk about our heroine, Elena Martyr. Elena's a lithe voidborn oracle, but she's also a 6'2 kickass Amazon who could bench press me with her mind. She's a badass boss babe, and I stan that (as the kids say). Elena has seen death - has dealt death - and despite the hardships and the grief, has chosen not to lean into the monster that she used to be, and instead has elected to become a better person. But I tell you what, I cannot wait to see if Elena falls back into her old habits in Commorragh. You can take the girl out of the assassin, but you can't take the assassin out of the girl. Also, you can't spell assassin without sass, and she's got that in spades.
Third: This story has some amazing beats and character moments, and I don't want to spoil too many of them. However... did I think the, ahem, first encounter between Elena and Heinrix was just one of the sweetest things ever? You betcha. Did I go gaga over Chapter 34 with each portion of the Magnae Accessio being broken down into dance movements? Yes. I 100% did. Do I think that Jae is fantastically cast into a specific role in Elena's retinue? Yes, I do, and I scream when she comes into a scene. Did I love Aparima's thoughtful executive summary? YES and I wish more stories had that, actually!
Fourth: The author is a real treasure of an individual. Aparima is funny, gracious, kind, and fiercely supportive of creators in the community. Her enthusiasm is boundless and infectious. She's one of the first folks to cheerlead on an idea and is always ready to be a sounding board. She is not just a fearless writer, but also a great friend and an all around wonderful person.
So, what are you waiting for? Go give it a read! Show Aparima some love!
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cawyden-gaming · 4 months
Dopamine week - day 1 - fanfic recommendation
I like to start with this fic from @vitanithepure
I find the idea to have two Rogue Traders very cool to begin with and here both are quite different from each other, each with different strengths and weaknesses and personalities.
I especially love the last chapter, the writing and image of it still lives in my mind.
And while the work is complete I would love to read more.
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cawyden-gaming · 4 months
Dopamine week 2 - day 2 - fanfiction recommendation
Today a recommendation for RT x Xavier one shots from @kamoriko
She has currently 4 one shots where the relationship between her RT Cesselie and Xavier develops (with a little bit Heinrix x RT).
It is written in an interesting style and I really love the dynamic especially between Cesselie and Xavier.
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vitanithepure · 7 months
Dopamine Week Day#2
Day 2! In which I would love to recommend @leadflowers's excellent fanfiction.
You think you know suffering? No, you don't, not until you read this dark and twisted fate of Niobe von Valancius!
It's pensive, kept me invested right from the start to finish, mostly by the incredible mood it sets. So if you are looking for a horror story with a dash of delicious madness and Abelard to keep you company - this is for you!
I'm giving it a:
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vitanithepure · 4 months
Dopamine Week #2 Day 5!
by gravelorded
Look, WH40K may not be a setting that makes you think "yeah, slice of life would be rad", but it turns out it is. Of course there are a lot of layers underneath, but this piece of writing turns cutting hair into a heartfelt moment and the most playful exchange I read in a long while.
A must-read inbetween all the violence and angst of this setting.
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vitanithepure · 7 months
Dopamine Week Day#7
Sadly, in our universe, a week has only 7 days, and that is FAR too few days to bring up all the RT fanfictions I enjoyed in the past or caught up to this week.
So I'm cheating (is it really cheating if there are no rules? :D).
First up: @themagnificentmags !
Gather around heretics, it's your time to shine! :D
I very much enjoy the premise here, of going back and correcting your mistakes...or making them worse, who knows? I enjoy the certainty at which the heroine, Eltura, acts - comes with knowing what will happen? I can't wait to find out :)
I'll be watching this one very closely, and I recommend you do the same!
Again, I'm unsure if the author is around on tumblr, if so I will gladly tag them :)
It's incredibly sweet, it's touching, and if you have a soft spot for Abel Haneumann it has your name written all over it.
It's like a love poem, both from and for Abel.
I saved the first fanfiction I read for last, because it seems like an appropriate way to sum this week up considering I went with my latest read on the first day :)
And this one opened my eyes to two things:
You can absolutely smash it with your interpretation of a character that has barely two lines in a game, and you never know when you will get dragged into the Calcadora rabbit hole and make a conscious decision to stay there.
A round of applause for @bnbc
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vitanithepure · 7 months
Dopamine Week Day#6
Not to be dramatic, but allow me to be a bit dramatic.
@redbatchedcumbermayned's story is SPECTACULAR.
I am mad at ao3 for doing this to me:
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I DON'T CARE. There are many chapters and each deserves it.
It's fun, it's filled with character, it's hot.
Forgive me for not forming coherent sentences, but this is what this one did with me. Please, please, read it. Do it for Isha von Valancius
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bnbc · 7 months
I was jumping on my chair while reading this!!!!
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vitanithepure · 4 months
Dopamine Week #2 Day 7!
by WotanAnubis
Last, but certainly not least, I present you a very rare find.
A voidborn telepath psyker doesn't sound like a good combination to live with in the Imperium, but when you inherit the Warrant of Trade it gets so much easier to make people see things your way.
If not, you can still make them do it regardless.
Very climatic and eerie exchange between Abelard and the new Lord Captain, I'm slapping a seal of purity and approval on this one.
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bnbc · 7 months
fic rec again
because the world needs to know this rairpair (thank you, @aylinvail they are part of my personal canon now)
read but mind the tags!!
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vitanithepure · 7 months
Dopamine Week Day#1
I would like to start off with the newest fanfiction I read, but one that really caught my attention!
By @holylustration
It has everything I enjoy: characters you quickly get attached to, a hint of a mystery, a heroine that doesn't shy from voicing her opinions and a spin on knight!Heinrix that caught me by surprise and I didn't even realize I needed.
If you enjoy a really compelling arranged marriage AU I can't recommend this one enough! :)
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vitanithepure · 4 months
Dopamine Week #2 Day 2!
By the lovely @iamaweretoad
Weretoad_Writer on ao3
I was already mentioning this one a while back, but Dopamine Week was the perfect opportunity to revisit this!
Do you know how the saying goes? Silence is golden? Well, neither Mago nor Heinrix ever heard about it.
And that's good! Because the tension that builds with each unfortunate choice of words in this scene is just 😘👌
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