purkissmyass · 4 years
when: 30 january 1980 where: no. 4 low street who: @rocketshipbell​
“What do you suppose is in this?” Doris asked holding out a cup. “Someone else made it for me, but I can’t figure out what they mixed in it.” 
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fabiansacharmer · 5 years
when: Friday, 27 September, 1978, after 10 pm where: No. 6 Low Street who: Fabian Prewett & OPEN
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“Anyone want another round?”
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islaxlucas · 2 years
WHEN: March 28th, 1981
WHERE: Puddlemere Ruins
WHO: Isla & @rocketshipbell
Another day, another full shift, and Isla found herself stepping outside of Puddlemere's city bounds, still in her Wixburger uniform. A diversion from her usual routine, to be sure; one would be more likely to find her either at a club, the quidditch stadium, or on a friend's basement smoking a joint or two. Today, however, she felt like being alone in her thoughts for a bit, and the clear, starry sky above the Ruins seem to call to her.
Was it dangerous? Maybe so, but the past month had shown that "safe" was quite the relative concept. At least in the Ruins she'd get some silence and a gorgeous view.
The one thing she didn't expect was to find someone already there when she arrived, yet it was exactly what happened. Isla's first instinct was to back out without disturbing the unknown girl, but of course she would end up stepping on a branch and getting her attention anyway. Sigh. "Sorry. Didn't mean to bother you, I was just leaving."
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theprophetgoyle · 3 years
WHEN: 8 December 1980 WHERE: Ashwinder’s Egg WHO: @rocketshipbell​
Cardiff was the perfect backdrop to the Church that Che-Wei had erected overnight, and shops like Ashwinder’s Egg—where you could never quite trust the deals you saw—were exactly why. Strolling the aisles brought him inspiration on some days, and on others it brought him prey. “I wouldn’t.” His face appeared suddenly over her shoulder. “If I were you. Geminio Charmed.” Che-Wei straightened his back, retreating once more into his own bubble. “Do you know how to tell?”
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jamespooper · 3 years
When: 18th December 1980 Where: St Mungo’s Who: @rocketshipbell​
“Reckon this shit is getting more and more inedible.” He took another bite of his hospital meal anyway - what was supposed to be roast beef, but he wasn’t quite sure - and then offered the plate to Zoe.
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dorcasmeadowes · 3 years
when: december 8, 1980 where: no. 1 low street who: @rocketshipbell​
The Low Street home wasn’t different, and neither was she, not really, but when she stepped through the door Dorcas still expected everything to have changed. After all, the world couldn’t be the same, with what she’d seen. 
Nearly a month after she and James had managed to escape their Muggle captors, but it hadn’t yet been set right. How could it be, when James was still in hospital, and there was nothing in her pocket where the comfortable, familiar weight of her wand should’ve been?
Dorcas angled a halfhearted smile at Zoe. “Did the sofa move, or something?”
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florencescamander · 4 years
When: 23 February 1980 Where: SCAAR Fundraiser Who: Florence Scamander & @rocketshipbell​
There were plenty of familiar faces at the nights’ fundraiser, but just as many if not more unfamiliar ones. “Welcome.” She smiled brightly, greeting the girl. “If you have any questions or need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask!”
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julietbenci · 3 years
when: 14 September 1980 where: 8 Eversley Way, Folkestone, Kent who: Jennifer + @dorcasmeadowes + @rocketshipbell
To the day, it’d been a month of keeping inside and right before Jennifer’s wide eyes, the beachside cottage had become more of a prison, than the escape she and Dorcas once discovered so many months ago. Windows could have very well been boarded up. She had not heard the song of a bird in so long. Nor had she heard gusts of late-summer wind or the crash of the ocean nearby. And even if Jen had been capable of the above, she was no longer in touch with Earth or the grand nature it presented across it’s wide expanse. Jennifer was numb to it all.
Four faces she had seen during this time. Only four. Belonging to her wife, two premature and ever-growing babies, and their Imperiused healer, Ruthie. And while Jennifer did not glance at her own reflection in a mirror, it was not only out of disgust. She’d simply forgotten all about herself. She was everyone’s but her own.
The sound of other voices in the cottage did manage to shake her to her core, even if she had been the one to reach out and ask the girls to please come around. The falling of her face could have broken anybody’s heart and Jennifer began to cry, wrapping two arms tightly around the women she should have been calling her best friends all along. She was scared to be so close to somebody. She was scared to have them ripped from her grasp. It’d almost happened to her babies. But she held on.
“You came for me.”
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hestiajones · 3 years
WHEN: 14 May, 1980 WHERE: Great Hall WHO: Hestia Jones & Zoe Bell ( @rocketshipbell​ )
“Zoe, I have to ask---” Hestia swallowed her tea and placed the cup on the table. “What model have you been flying on this year?”
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camillegladstone · 4 years
When: 22nd of December, 1979 Where: Gladstone home, Kidlington, Oxfordshire Who: @rocketshipbell​
“So,” Camille concluded the story – the news at Cambridge, her experience at the schol, her and Doris’ article, everything. Even if she’d cried, and that was evidenced by the red spots all over her face, blending with her freckles, it wasn’t half as much as when she’d told Dawn, a week before. And that had been less than when she’d told Doris. Telling the story enough times put some distance between herself and what had happened. As hurtful as the memory was, stating the facts was no longer that big of a hassle. Even if she was scared, that fact alone made Camille feel stronger. “I’m past telling myself it was a shit choice now, so I suppose that’s progress. But I still don’t know what will happen, of course...” Not to her, not to her family, not to the school. “Maybe nothing,” she mused. It wouldn’t be the worst case scenario. “Have you ever read the Oracle? I mean, do you reckon people read it much?”
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noircissablack · 4 years
WHEN: 16 March, 1980 WHERE: Charms corridor WHO: Narcissa Black & Zoe Bell ( @rocketshipbell​ )
“Oops.” The combustious clatter of Zoe Bell’s books landing in a heap on the ground tinkled in Narcissa’s ears like Christmas bells. She kept walking, only smiling once she had passed the Ravenclaw by.
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notbenjyfenwick · 4 years
when: 8 august, 1979 where: comic con, london who: @rocketshipbell
“Hi, excuse me, would you mind helping me with my— wait, Zoe Bell?”
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adrianvallancourt · 4 years
WHEN: 11 December 1979 WHERE: Twelfth Night  WHO: @rocketshipbell​
By the second act, Adrian found himself well plied with alcohol and nothing short of fit for the stage. After all, was not all the world a stage, and all the men and women merely players? He would have laughed to himself, if he were himself and not at the present moment Duke Orsino, standing opposite Viola in her boy’s garb. 
“Tell her, my love, more noble than the world, Prizes not quantity of dirty lands; The parts that fortune hath bestow'd upon her, Tell her, I hold as giddily as fortune; But 'tis that miracle and queen of gems That nature pranks her in attracts my soul.”
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olinburke · 4 years
When: 7th December 1979 Where: Hoggies Who: @rocketshipbell​
Olin, of course, knew who Zoe was. He knew who all his sisters friends were. But he pretended he didn’t, when he spotted the girl ahead in the halls. It was a lucky coincidence, that something fell out of her bag. “Excuse me,” he scooped it up. “You dropped this.”
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jamespooper · 4 years
When: 13th February 1980 Where: Formal Who: @rocketshipbell​
Hands on hips, looking around the room, James declared, “Isn’t this brilliant?” At this point he had drank almost a whole bottle of champagne, and was covered in Peeves’ glitter. And he didn’t care at all. 
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dorcasmeadowes · 4 years
when: november 21, 1979 where: ravenclaw dorms who: @rocketshipbell
“Do you feel like we’re missing adventure in our lives?”
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