#its the little spider on the front of his costume if u must know
kuroSHITsuji ii electric boobaloo
help i’m watching black butler for the first time in 2016 and i couldn’t handle season 2! what happens next will shock you
you may NOTICE, that some of this makes no sense. if i had an explanation, it’d go here. what these are is just weird little drabbles (is that the word? help) & stale memes i wrote up while watching (and reflecting on) kuroshitsuji ii and trying not to go insane because of how horrible a time i was having i’m sorry to anyone who liked it no offense i just did not like it didn’t think it was a good substitute for what the manga has to offer and while it has its moments, i’m generally just glad it isn’t canon. right? it’s not canon right? ? anyways thanks for reading um yeah! buckle up or.. something :) please don’t read this mom
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: ciel needs help
Chapter Text
“the fuck kinda shabby piece of shit lets a fuckin spider LIVE”
claude gasps, offended. “earl phantomhive, such an opinion is not welcome in this household!!”
ciel doesn’t notice. “sebastian let’s leave you know i hate spiders more than i hate myself even”
sebastian’s mouth quirks up in one of his creepy ass smiles. “yes, my lord”
ciel turns on his heel and marches out of the threshold, butler dutifully at his heels. sebastian turns around and gives claude a two-eyed wink.
did you just … are you trying to… wink at me? claude thinks as his left eyebrow raises slightly.
sebastian flicks some spider shit off his shoulder, glancing once more at the strange bespectacled man, thinking: yes, i did. i wink with both my eyes.
that’s just blinking
NO, it’s
“o—oh god… what the hell is happening to me this is the third time today” ciel looks around the lavishly furnished entrance hall, vision swimming and stomach churning violently. his ears are full of a loud, piercing ringing and he scarcely notices when he tilts backwards into sebastian and clutches at him like a lifeline.
he scarcely notices, but indeed he does notice after a critical moment in which he has displayed weakness in front of the demon. he extracts himself from sebastian’s protective embrace and regains his balance more than a little unsteadily.
Chapter 2: alois is a pic e of basura
this chapter has some rapey shit in it. like, not explicit. you could argue that they are doing nothing of the sort. tihs is wehre that one tag up there comes in. i dont condone this stuff. in any case - be warned! skip this if it makes you uncomfortable! thank u! this thing isn't like coherent and doesn't have a coherent plot so there's no harm in skipping it :) thank u for reading this awful monstrosity
ciel’s beginning to maybe enjoy himself a little. yeah he feels uncomfortable, but when has that ever stopped him before! it’s with this thought that he crashes into a blue-clad figure holding a tray of wine. the wine is red, he notices now. it is hard to not notice it when it is in fact now covering the entire right side of his costume’s front, and dripping.
“oh! i am so terribly sorry, sir, i didn’t see you there!” the tray-carrier exclaims.
“it’s nothing, don’t worry about it” ciel says politely.
"i must get you a new jacket. please, follow me.” implores the blond in the apron.
ciel ponders this. he doesn’t have parents to tell him not to talk to strangers, so he sees nothing wrong with this situation. “ok, thank you very much, lead the way miss”
they take a few hallways and staircases and soon ciel is completely turned around. he’s even more disoriented by the fact that his vision continues to swim every so often as if he was having some kind of breakdown or something. what’s up with that
lost alone in a mansion with a person he doesn’t know, ciel continues to see nothing wrong with this situation. “so where did you say we were going again?”
the blond finally turns around to face him, this time with a disturbing smile and an equally disturbing tongue waggle. “i didn’t!!” at this the maid dress comes flying off, revealing a completely naked alois tracy. the boy then tears off ciel’s pants and—
the eyepatch practically whizzes off ciel's face. “SEBASTIAN, COME!!!”
in the painstaking twelve seconds it takes sebastian to locate him, ciel will not admit that he shed a tear or two. never in his life.
“what the hell is going on here you motherfuckers!!!”
“sebastian, stop him!” ciel is definitely crying now, fuck.
“at once.” after a brief (very brief) struggle, the blond is torn from his unsuspecting victim more violently than strictly necessary; and as if he’d been following sebastian this whole time, the other butler™ skids down the hall and grabs a hold of his young master.
“claude!” said young master exclaims.
“aloi—i mean!! your majesty, what is happening here? why are you in your birthday suit?!”
“i was just giving ciel phantomhive a warm welcome is all” the boy exclaims cheerfully, happening to glance over at—no one!
“where is ciel?!?!!?!” he roars, red-faced and ready to throw down.
ciel is already the fuck out of there at that point, pants on and also equally ready to throw down, though decidedly more scarred for life than the other party.
“sebastian, i think that might not have been a maid!”
“oh?” sebastian says, mouth quirking. “then who, pray tell, may it have been?”
ciel looks a little dead inside. “the master of this house, alois tracy. of course. he even had his name tattooed on his chest. what do you take me for”
sebastian is saved having to answer that dangerous question by the sudden appearance of alois riding on claude’s back, both of them moving at a terrifying speed towards the fleeing duo.
“you won’t escape me, ciel! i’ve waited a long time to meet you! i mean it! it’s been like two weeks, god dammit!”
ciel groans. “sebastian, you think you can get rid of them?”
“i’m afraid this may be a little out of my depth at the moment. though i do understand the sentiment.”
“hmm…” ciel quickly formulates a plan. “this is what’s going to happen, and it is an order: …"
“—and i said, ‘girl, i trusted you! i trusted you and you spat in my mouth!’ and she was having none of that, i say, she says to me , she says ‘and i’ll spit in it a thousand more times if that’s what it takes!’ … true story, by the way, this actually happened—”
ciel knows this is the smartest thing he could be doing in this situation, he really does. he hates being smart sometimes. at the current moment, it is because his calculations have led to no better solution than to be accompanied by the strange indian prince and his butler. he isn't trying to have another incident, and without sebastian ciel doesn’t quite feel … safe in this place. it's weird. but hanging out with the prince, he almost feels like he's among .. friends...
Fortunately, by the time Alois rips the wig off and puts his tongue up the side of Ciel’s ear, Sebastian is already lying in wait for the order to make this madness stop. Ciel can feel Alois lapping up his earwax and it seriously skeeves him out. Just what does this fucker want from me anyway? A whisper of some dark emo bullshit from the taller boy is the last goddamn straw.
“Sebastian!” Ciel whisper-shouts hoarsely, strategically ignoring the fact that his voice is several octaves higher than normal.
“Who are you talking to, little boy? I’m the only one here…” Alois mutters into Ciel’s ear. “I want to have you… possess you… tonight will you let me in…?"
Said little boy cringes. At the same time, his demon butler shoots past like an arrow and grapples onto him like a bird of prey. Ciel has never been gladder to see him in his entire young life.
“Get me out of here!” Ciel demands, both eyes bare and wide in terror. He feels sick. Sweat sticks hair to forehead and shirt to back.
“At once, young master.” Sebastian replies, intense disdain evident in his voice and facial expression.
In the copse behind them, Alois seethes. “Claude! Go after them! Get me Ciel Phantomhive, or there will be consequences!”
Claude is crouching in a nearby tree. He sets off immediately, not because he fears his master’s threats, but because he fears reneging on their contract. His hand itches where the pentagram sits on his skin like a reminder that this was his life now.
Ciel swallows heavily. He tastes bile in his mouth from when he spilled his guts earlier in the cellar. Powering through the pervading sick feeling that clings to him like a spiderweb, he addresses Sebastian once more.
“I want Alois Tracy dead, and I want him dead tonight. Is that clear?”
Sebastian’s mouth twists into a mock-sweet smile. “Of course, my lord."
[From “Forunately,” to “normal.” aka the ear thing, (#puke) — ]
“Who’s Sebastian?” Alois says with a frown. “I’m the only one for you now, Phantomhive. I’m gonna have you no matter wh—“
“Excuse me.”
Ciel is ripped from Alois in an instant and put behind the barrier of a familiar broad back.
“Excuse you!” Alois peers around Sebastian to leer at Ciel. “He’s mine, I tell you! CLAUDE!”
“You rang” Claude is there.
“Get me that boy!”
“Yes your majesty.” Claude says.
“Sebastian, kill Alois Trancy.” Ciel whispers.
Sebastian nods. “Yes my lord."
there is a battle between the two. who wins? who’s next? you decide! [a/n: I’m wiped the fuck out lol fangs 4 redding!!!11]
Chapter 3: ciel has amnesia
also stabby stab blood. that happens too
Chapter Text
as soon as he gets back to his manor, ciel notices something is definitely wrong.
“okay either i had a crazy growth spurt in the past week or? i don’t even know what” his legs don't hang nearly as childlike off the edge of his bed as he remembers. ciel looks around the room. “sebastian?”
sebastian appears. thank god he was right in the corner watching paint dry or whatever the hell “yes my lord?”
“how tall am i?”
a flash of something, then, materializes on sebastian’s face. it is gone behind the pokerface in an instant, too quickly to judge its nature, but ciel is certain he saw it. “pardon?”
“how tall am i?” did i fucking stutter?
“well, let’s see…” sebastian zooms off for a moment and appears with a tape measure in his hand.
“look” ciel looks. he’s 150 cm tall. “ha ha you’re a baby”
“shut your fucking trap sebastian this is serious.” sebastian is still laughing but is trying valiantly to hide it. ciel chooses to ignore this in favor of addressing the problem at hand.
“since when am i that tall? last time i remember i was at least like 5 cm shorter!”
“you ARE a growing boy, young master”
“oh my god sebastian stop for a minute.. this is weird!! why wou—“ ciel wavers, clapping a hand over his mouth. his vision blurs like it had in the tracy manor. he’s on the floor by the time it begins to subside. the first thing he sees is sebastian’s face. ciel groans internally. ugh why as if i need the extreme closeup honestly
there’s something in the twist of his eyebrows, though, that ciel cannot ignore. he’s only kinda conscious, so maybe he’s imagining it, but sebastian looks really actually worried? what the hell??
it’s a minute before ciel realizes sebastian is saying something to him. the same something, in fact, repeatedly.
“young master!”
"young master!!”
"young master!!!”
“…uughh…” ciel tries to get up, lolling his head around embarrassingly in the process. “stop it with the exclamation points…sebastian”
that look hasn’t quite escaped the butler though, and it has ciel worried. just what the hell is sebastian hiding from him??
“Just give up already, fool! You know you can’t beat me!” Ciel spits.
Alois remains firm in his conviction. “Over my dead body!"
Lightning courses through Ciel's veins. Blood pounds out of the wound on his palm. He turns his eye towards the pitiful wreck clinging to his clothes and pants:
“So be it."
Adrenaline gives Ciel the strength he needs to plunge his sword up the other boy's soft palette, killing him instantly. He has won. The earl lets his defeated opponent drop unceremoniously to the floor in a slap of blood. He straightens up and paces out of the hall in search of his butler.
Somehow, it doesn’t feel like winning at all.
Chapter 4: its over.. isn't it
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Hana emerges from the lake like something out of a horror movie, sopping wet hair covering her face and hunched back. Under her arm is the limp figure of Ciel. Sebastian can only stare as she floats in eerie silence to the boat in which he is waiting.
“What have you done…” he murmurs quietly. She deposits the drowned boy onto one of the rowboat’s seats. The demon trio row them to shore in what could have been an eternity for how long it feels. The boy isn’t dead, but it almost seems like…
“OH MY GOD WHAHTH TFUCK IS—“ Ciel sits up in a panic, unaware of his surroundings. He sucks in air and is confused. “I’m not… drowning.”
“Young master.”
Ciel sees Sebastian. “Sebastian! Wh…” he looks around some more.
“What the hell am I doing on this boat again, I thought we already— wait a minute.”
He sees Hana and the three amigos.
“Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oh god. I thought that was a dream. That was real? That shit really happened?” His eyes are wide. He clutches Sebastian’s shoulders and shakes them, looking up at him in distress.
“Is the seal still there, Sebastian? Is the contract still there?”
Sebastian sees the purple ring and pentagram still inscribed on Ciel’s eyeball. “Yes, my lord.” But…
“You’re a demon now Ciel” Hana says. She’s running her hand through the water. This shit makes no sense. How could it end like thi
“Umm…” Ciel looks from Hana to Sebastian, and back. “Excuse me? Did some shady deal go on behind my back or something?” Man I really need to stop passing out for these things...
“I did not go behind your back this time, sir.” Sebastian responds politely. “Hana here and her… contractee… have requested the transformation."
Ciel chokes a little. “UM, but that means LAST TIME, you— "
“You might be wondering how this is possible?” Hana interrupts. She looks bored out of her mind.
“Well, I suppose so, among other things…”
“The process is actually simple!” Sebastian points out cheerfully. He loves explaining. “First, the—“
“Will you shut up!” Hana now looks more ired than tired. “God! Now, what I was going to say was—“
“—probably too inflammatory for the young master’s ears. I cannot in good conscience allow him to be subjected to such language! As his butler, I am responsible for—“
“—nothing!! Absolutely nothing! I don’t know how that godforsaken contract is still in place, given how blasé both of you fuckers have been about the terms you set down, but I’M the one who—“
“—needs to stop it with this gag!” Ciel interjects, shaking his head furiously. “I don’t even care anymore! I’m a demon now, so what? Not like anything else in my life makes any bleeding sense!”
With that, the boy rises to his feet and dives off the side of the boat. Sebastian catches him around the middle before he goes sleeping with the fishes and hauls him back on board.
Hana’s glowing eyes fix Ciel in place. She speaks. “You’re a demon, Ciel.”
After a few stunned seconds, he responds. “I’m a what?”
“A demon, Ciel.”
“A demon?”
“Yes, Ciel.” She sighs. “You’re a demon."
“No, I’m not. I’m… just Ciel.”
“Well,‘Just Ciel’ . You’re a demon!”
“But I’m just Ciel!”
“No!!, 'Just Ciel,’ you ARE a Demon!”
“Listen here Hana! I’m just Ciel!”
“NO! Ciel, you are a DEMON.”
“Ciel, this music…” Lizzy is grimacing. “It’s creepy…”
Ciel sweats. “Uhh!! -hH!” He makes a slicing motion across his throat. Across the room, Sebastian kills the record player. "Well, you know what’s always good and not creepy?!? ..Cake!!”
“Hmm? WhAt is it Lizzy?” his voice definitely doesn’t crack.
“You’re acting really weird…”
“What are you talking about I always act this way there is absolutely no reason for alarm, and DEFINItely no reason to THINK that I, CIEL, PHANTOMHIVE, have been Magically Transformed,,, into,… a DEMON????!!! I ALWAYS ACT THIS WA??Y?”
Lizzy raises an eyebrow. “Like I said. Weird.”
Ciel is really sweaty now. “S-Sebastian!! Help!!” he whisper-shouts.
“Ah.” Sebastian glides across the room with the utmost grace. “I must apologize on the behalf of the young master. You see, when a boy reaches a certain age, strange things begin to happen to his—“
“OH!” Lizzy interjects. "I get it now.” She smiles knowingly at Ciel, who looks about 10x as sweaty as he did before he called his butler over. “Puberty can be nasty, I know. I’m sorry I judged you. We can go do something else if you don’t want to dance.”
Ciel’s violent perspiration is replaced by a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Lizzy.” Whew.
“Do you think she bought it?” Ciel whispers to Sebastian as they exit the room.
“Honestly? Probably not.” Sebastian never lies. “But I lampshaded it with all that puberty talk, so it should be fine.”
“See, the thing about that is…” Ciel looks shifty. “What exactly IS puberty?"
“So,” Ciel smirks, “how’s it feel to be my eternal servant?"
“You’re not the worst person to play butler to. Plus, I can do THIS:”
Sebastian picks Ciel up from the carriage doorstep and spins him around.
“AAAAGH! What the FUCK! You think I missed that shit the first time you did it, asshole??!” Ciel rages while being set down, face steaming in embarrassment. There are people around! People on the street! Staring! Laughing! Sebastian is laughing!
“No, no,” his butler says, “it’s just too good to not do it multiple times. Forgive me.”
The small earl turns around grumbling. He stomps away, cane in hand. Sebastian follows.
that's all i have lol
i mean maybe i;;ll writ emore garbage in the future. dont bank on it though
thank you so much for reading!!! have a nice day. hopefully this steaming pile didn't ruin it. ...have a good one!!! :D
i feel like i should've written more soma and agni, beacuse, i love them,, but i didn't want to make them doodlebobs of themselves,, and also kuroshitsuji ii didn't feature them too much,, which made me dissappointed. im so so happy they keep coming back in the manga soma is probably like.. atl east my 2nd fave. i love him
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notbenjyfenwick · 4 years
when: 8 august, 1979 where: comic con, london who: @rocketshipbell
“Hi, excuse me, would you mind helping me with my— wait, Zoe Bell?”
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askcarlyle · 5 years
[A contribution (in conjunction with @askbarnum) to FanFicFeb on @theothersidediscord for Prompts #11 (Left or Right), 12 (Signs of Affection), 13 (Ashes), 15 (Cruelty), 16 (Harmony), 17 (Outcast), and 23 (Drink). Edited from the live version, which is continuing on server in a following installment.]
cracks open one eye as the light of dawn returns, revealing their hastily constructed shelter and now-smoldering campfire, nothing but ashes and blackened rocks. rubs away the bleariness and sits up in concern upon realizing he is alone under the warm travel blanket
PT? Where'd you go?
Over here, hold on.
Wanders out from the shady undergrowth with an armful of various berries and mushrooms, slumping down next to Phillip and dumping his hoard onto the blanket.
Got up early, couldn't sleep. Any of these edible for breakfast?
Rubs a tired hand over his eye and leans over to pick up a twig and prod at the still warm ashes of the fire.
Phil, I.... I am not sure which direction we need to head in. I've been wandering for the past hour and it all looks the same in every direction. I don't even know how far it is we need to walk. Or even how far it is until we find water. This has been an amusing adventure but I'm beginning to feel concerned that I may have actually gotten us into some trouble.
looks around at their surroundings, acknowledging that the trees all pretty much look the same. Selects a berry and nibbles at it experimentally
Nonsense, we've been through worse. Sit down and eat, these are good. You just need to look at things from a different...
turns around and regards the boulders they are huddled against, an idea starting to form
scrambles to feet and rolls up shirtsleeves, taking a few steps back to crane head up and gauge the dimensions of the cliff face
Hmm. Doable. Be right back.
clambers up a pile of rocks before any protests can be made, and starts to scale the boulder, a cascade of pebbles showering down in his wake
Shoves a mushroom into his mouth and chews on it in disdain. Then observes in curiosity as the younger man scrambles out of the small shelter. Following after a moment and putting his hands on his hips as he watches Phillip start to scale the huge rock face
You going right to the top? Careful. If you fall from there, there is no way I can get you to a doctor from here.
methodically searches for foot and handholds in the boulder's pitted surface, finally reaching the top approximately three city floors above Barnum. Pops head over the edge to look down
No worries, medical assistance won't be required today.
stands up and surveys the forest from the new vantage point, now able to discern a pond and a few other landmarks more readily, noting their general positions with the directional assistance of the morning sun's movements
I see water! And maybe where the road should be.
takes one last look, then descends at a more careful pace, trying not to dislodge any stones along the way
Waits impatiently at the bottom, opening his arms to steady Phillip as he hops down the last few feet
That was a rather impressive show. How would you feel about performing next week in a spider costume, I have some ideas.
Nudges him in the ribs playfully with his elbow.
Let's head in that direction then, Mr Wildlife. Left or right? 
takes a look around, then upward, to figure out their relative location
Neither, actually.
turns Barnum around 180° and points straight ahead
Onwards, then!
Scoops up the blanket in one arm and marches ahead in the direction
How far did it look to the water? It has been one night and I'm already considering trying to suck the liquid out of the dirt.
Steps over a particularly large fallen tree into thick undergrowth, holding his arm to steady Phillip as he does the same.
This is going to make an incredible story when we return. We should rack up some interest with the papers. Two brave men stranded in the wilderness, fighting off wolves and bears to survive with their bare hands. We can bend the details a bit, people just want a good story.
plunges into thicket and wades forward, considering
Not more than a mile as the crow flies. But I didn't account for how much vegetation we'd have to make our way through. It might take a while.
thrashes forward in silence for several moments before grabbing Barnum's hand and coming to a sudden halt
...did you hear something?
Pauses chewing on the berry he was gnawing on, standing motionlessly in silence to listen out. After a moment he glances at Phillip's hand in his own, chuckling and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Probably just a rat or something. They thrive in the sheltered areas like this. If we keep moving they won't bother u-
Begins to step forwards but is suddenly interrupted as an enormous black bear bolts out of the trees directly at them. Muzzle coated in drool from it's snarling toothy maw, it lets out a terrifying roar. Leaving a trail of blood in its path from something latched onto its back leg.
yelps in startlement, taking several quick steps backwards and pulling Barnum along as the bear jerks to an abrupt stop, roar petering out into a pained whimper
pauses in mid-flight, the unexpected sound causing him to turn back and take a closer look, concern outweighing caution
I don't think that's a normal bear sound. 
Step back, step back.
Puts an arm in front of Phillip protectively and forcefully pushes him to keep moving away from the animal as they watch it stumble closer very slowly.
It's....injured. It's weak, doesn't mean it won't attack if it think's it's in danger.
Without taking his eyes off the bear, picks up a heavy broken tree branch from the ground and pushes it into Phillip’s hand. Eyes softening on the animal as it makes a pathetic pained noise, stepping closer still.
Don't make any sudden movements or loud noises. If it makes a sudden move, hit it in the head with this and then run. Find something narrow to hide in.
Reaches into Phillip's jacket with one hand and removes his flask, then with the other hand slowly unbuttons his jacket, discarding it to one side and then removing his shirt
Takes a cautious step towards the bear, then another, stopping dead every time it flinches or snarls
Easy, girl, easy. That's it.
Gets up close enough to feel its breath against his face, then very slowly moves his shirt and the flask into one hand, using the other to press against the side of animal's thick neck
What twisted person did this to you, huh? Must hurt a lot.
glances at the branch in his hand, then lowers it to a more non-threatening position while still gripping it tightly, eyes never leaving the bear's head as it is approached
holds breath as contact is made, watching with disbelief as Barnum proceeds to examine its injuries while murmuring gently to it, then with utter incredulity when it responds and collapses into an exhausted heap of dirty fur
Bear trap, nasty one too. We will have to watch where we step.
Continues to gently stroke the bear's fur as he kneels down next to it, pulling out his pocket knife to try to ease the sharp metal teeth of the device from the animal's flesh.
Don't know how long it will survive after this, it's exhausted and wounds like this get infected easily. Can't just leave it here to suffer though.
Ignores its pained yowls and whines as he presses the sharp knife into the already raw wound, grunting to himself as he uses all his force to release the trap mechanism. As it clicks and snaps back open the bear lets out a bloodcurdling screech and in an instant turns around and lashes at him instinctively, slashing at his arm.
He grunts in pain, grabbing his bicep and feeling blood trickle from the scratches. Then takes a deep breath and returns to his task calmly.
This is going to sting a little but it will help, I know you can't understand that so I'm sorry.
Pours the small amount of whisky from Phillip's flask onto the bear’s bloodied leg, stroking it' fur faster as the animal whimpers. Then swiftly takes his shirt and wraps it around the wound, tying it off tightly to slow the blood flow
Good as new, huh? Bet it feels better with that nasty thing off of you. Here.
Scoops up some of the berries that fell from his jacket pocket, holding them near the bear's snout and beaming in delight as the animal's long tongue sticks out to lap them up
inches closer as the animal is treated, nearly swinging when it scratches. is practically looking over Barnum's shoulder by the time he finishes, now thoroughly sympathetic to the creature's plight
Who sets traps indiscriminately and then leaves the poor things to die slowly? It seems like senseless cruelty without even the veneer of sportsmanship.
sets down branch and shrugs off jacket, then tears a strip of fabric off the hem of his own shirt and nods to the bleeding scratches on Barnum's arm
We should take care of those, too.
retrieves flask, cleans arm and neatly bandages it before taking a long sip from the remaining whiskey
Feel up to moving? 
Yeah, I'm fine.
Stands back up and stretches, looking over the makeshift bandage on his own arm and admiring the good job. Then wanders over to collect his jacket again under one arm before returning to give the bear a scratch behind the ears
I feel bad leaving her here but we should really head towards water. Keep a close eye on where you're stepping.
Begins to trudge onwards with Phillip in the direction they were heading, trying to move as straight as possible to avoid going off course.
You alright? That was enough to nearly give me a heart attack, you still look rather pale.
Moves for a solid ten minutes before realising that they're being followed, glancing back at the limping bear trundling along behind them
...We should name her.
glances back at the bear, which is now rooting around in a fallen log and lapping up grubs
No we shouldn't. She's a wild animal.
walks determinedly onward, so intent on putting distance between themselves and the bear that he doesn't notice when the woods thin and they are suddenly confronted with a deep ravine, over which is strung a spindly-looking rope bridge. nearly topples over the edge, stopping just in time and watching loose dirt fall down into the stream below
Ack! Didn't see this from above.
Grabs the back of Phillips shirt gently and tugs him a few steps back away from the edge.
What did I tell you, watch where you're stepping!
Glances down over the edge at the sheer drop, then glances both ways
It could be miles around the edge but that bridge does not look stable.
As if to prove a point, puts one foot out on the rope bridge, listening to it creak and feeling it sway.
eyes the moorings and knots, then gives bridge an experimental shake
No worse than the tightrope back home. It's even got railings. I can go first.
takes a few steps onto the bridge, then gives it a light bounce
It's fine. The flexibility actually makes it last longer in the elements. Which is good, since I can't imagine this place is high on anyone's maintenance list.
rapidly balances the rest of the way across, one foot in front of the other, crossing without glancing down or hesitating. shouts back across at Barnum and gestures for him to follow
Just pretend it's an act!
You've had a lot more practise on that front than I have.
Carefully grips the rope railings and takes a step onto the narrow bridge, pausing a moment before letting it take his weight
You're right, it's stronger than it looks. Twice as wobbly though.
Takes a few cautious steps forwards, keeping his eyes on Phillip. After a few moments seems to get into a rhythm of steps, making it about half way across before the sound of the bear grunting from it's place at the edge of the bridge distracts him. Trying to turn his head on instinct and missing a step, slipping on the thin rope and in a split second losing his balance. Just barely managing to suppress a yelp as he grabs the bridge.
Takes a steadying breath and hoists himself back up onto the bridge, struggling to steady himself. Moves his eyes back to Phillip, feeling things spin a little and not being able to stop himself from looking down once more. Eyes fixed on the sheer drop under him. Standing absolutely still on the rope.
takes hold of the railings and is about to bolt across, rethinking the action when the bridge sways precariously at the added weight. bites lower lip and clenches hands in vexation
PT. Phineas. Look up. Look at me.
waves at Barnum unsuccessfully. takes a deep breath and then starts humming the musical accompaniment to the trapeze act, softly then with growing volume as he notices Barnum's head tilt to listen
After several moments manages to finally lift his head to focus on the slightly unsteady sight of Phillip ahead, turning a few shades paler than is healthy but saying nothing.
Takes a very long steadying breath and stands himself upright again, then a few moments later joins in and begins humming to the tune in near perfect harmony
Starts to shuffle forwards to the tune, after about two feet then starting to take proper steps again. Only losing his balance slightly twice before reaching the other side, grabbing Phillip's hand to pull himself up
hauls Barnum the rest of the way onto solid ground and into a tight embrace, muttering into his shoulder with a shaky exhale
Why do you always have to look?
drags Barnum down to sit against a nearby tree trunk and offers him the last swig in the flask
Let's rest here a while before continuing.
Takes the flask gratefully and swigs the last of its small amount of content. Colour returning to his cheeks after a few moments
I'm fine, I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy. We should press on.
Despite his words, leans against Phillip's shoulder just slightly. Somewhat weary from the lack of comfortable sleep and the long hours of walking.
When we reach water we should really find some food, I'm star- WAIT NO!
Startles and lunges to his feet, dropping the flask and rushing back over to the edge. Eyes fixed on the hefty back bear beginning to shuffle onto the rope bridge.
bolts upright in confusion and follows Barnum's gaze, watching with incredulity as the large bear balances along the length of the bridge with surprising alacrity, especially considering its injured foot
Phin, I hate to say it, but I think I would trust that bear to make it across more than you.
the bear in question continues daintily placing one huge clawed paw in front of the other, distributing its weight easily on its three functioning feet as it makes its way across
It looks like it has done it before.
the bear reaches their side of the bridge and sidles over, giving Barnum an amiable head butt and snuffle, as if expecting another treat
Stares in bewilderment for a few moments, absentmindedly moving to scritch behind the animal's fluffy ears and pull another berry from his pocket for it to lap up. After a minute his confusion bubbling into excitement
Well that decides it then. We are keeping her. The universe has offered us a tightrope walking bear, it would be rude to turn down such an incredible gift.
Gives the bear an excited kiss on the head, then turns on his heel and begins onwards once more
Just think. Perhaps we can train her up to fly the trapeze too. She will be a worldwide sensation, people will travel from across the globe to see her. She needs an elegant name, something that displays her grace and beauty. She is going to be a star.
falls in alongside Barnum, unable to formulate any further protest given that there was a certain sense to what he was saying
I suppose it would be easier to give her proper medical care if we took her home. But only until she is better and she can choose if she wants to return.
glances at the creature, which is now inching closer to Barnum's other side and making contented grunting sounds
Is it normal for them to show such obvious signs of affection? 
I just have a way with animals. And drunken playwrights.
Ducks over to press a kiss against Phillip's neck as they walk, then slings an arm over the bear, rubbing her soft fur. Chuckling softly as she presses her muzzle to his hand and licks his fingers
I'm going to call her Grylls.
grumbles good-naturedly and reciprocates by also head butting Barnum in the shoulder and nuzzling his neck
It's a strangely fitting name. I'm not going to ask where it came from.
reaches over and strokes the fluffy ruff of fur behind the bear's head
Lost in the woods and you still manage to recruit the unique and sensational. Was there ever a time you didn't have a parade trailing along everywhere you went? 
Chuckles and teasingly ruffles Phillip's hair at the same time as the bear's
I wish I could say that I was born covered in glitter to a band of trumpets, but it's far from the truth really. Before the Circus and the girls and Charity, I was something of an outcast. Society's scumbag. Then again I suppose I still am in a sense but at least a rich and famous scumbag rather than a hungry and dirty one.
Pauses at a moderately sized rock face, locating the easiest way up before continuing to climb a few ledges, easily followed by the bear who seemed to make the same trip in two leaps. Then pauses for Phillip to catch up, watching him with a slightly distant look
It is strange sometimes to look back and remember being that way. The child that people kicked stones at for a game, the one that mothers would shield their children's eyes from for being too dirty. It isn't like that anymore, I found a place in society that I fit into. But I spent a long time not fitting in anywhere and those feelings, well, I suppose they never quite go away entirely. There is always that fear that you might awaken one day to the same fate of being cold and alone.
Offers a hand down to tug the man the rest of the way up before continuing forward at a slower pace, giving his injured arm a rub irritably.
glances up at the direction of the sun and then points forward and to the left
Shouldn't be far now.
leans into Barnum's side as they continue trudging along, arm slung casually around his waist more for comfort than support
We might not have had similar upbringings, but I know exactly what you mean. That feeling of isolation even when you're in a crowd. I never thought there was a way out of it until you barged in. You're stuck with us for good now, I'm afraid. 
Grins and throws his arm casually around Phillip's shoulder
Wouldn't have it any other way. Even if we lost it all; the fame, the fortune, the crowds and adoration. I could still live the rest of my life happy because I am engaged to my best friend. and I can come home to him every day. Whatever happens, loneliness is a thing of the past now, for the both of us.
Steers around, watching the sun slowly starting to lower in the sky and beginning to feel the cold a bit more.
Are you sure it is this way? We have been walking all da-
Trails off as they emerge from the trees into a small clearing with a large lake, clapping his hands together in delight
I take it back, sorry for doubting you. Thank goodness for water at last.
heaves a sigh of relief and makes a beeline for the water's edge, depositing their supplies on a nearby rock along the way
It's about time. What are you waiting for?
scoops up icy cold lake water in hands and splashes face with it, then does it again for a drink
Follows him brightly, eager to wash from the dirt of outside.  
We should start a fire near the- wait what are you-?! 
Smacks Phillip's cupped hands to spill the water before he can get it to his lips
What are you doing? Do you want to die of cholera out here? You can't just drink water you find.
blinks at Barnum for a moment uncomprehendingly, then looks back at the lake
It looked clean?
Just because water looks clear doesn't mean it is clean. When I was a boy in my first job we would sometimes be laying tracks for hours and hours out in the hot sun without a thing to drink. Some men on particularly bad days would take gulps of water from the lakes and streams, which we were heavily warned against. It always looks safe but unless you want to spend your remaining few days of life curled up on the floor of a lavatory , I suggest you don't risk it.
Splashes a little water on his own face and chest to clean off, then moves away from the water's edge.
If we boil it, it kills whatever bugs are lurking in it. That's why the majority of America drink nothing but coffee and beer. Help me start a fire. You get the wood, I'll fix up something a little bigger than this flask to hold water in.
Fair enough. If I had known there was actual justification for subsisting purely on alcohol, I might adopted the rustic lifestyle earlier.
heads into the nearby brush to gather suitable fire supplies, emerging twenty minutes later with a bundle of wood tied securely with his jacket and several duck eggs wrapped in his bundled up shirt. sets down load, then places a large fistful of brown cattail heads on top
Found dinner along the way! These taste rather like corn when roasted. 
Arms and chest completely coated in river mud, lifts up a rather impressive large clay bowl lined with thick smooth leaves, filled securely with water.
A productive trek. A full meal alongside our new companion's contribution too.
Gestures at the bear, who is lounged by the edge of the lake gnawing on a large fish, a few smaller untouched fish in a heap next to her.
Thank goodness too, I think I could eat a horse.
Sits down next to Phillip and helps to arrange the fire wood in a heap, placing his bowl against the edge, then takes great joy in smearing his muddy hand on the other's torn shirt.
This is a good amount of duck eggs. We shall dine like kings tonight.
hours later, dinner now a comfortable memory, settles down in a newly built shelter, warming hands in front of fire
It doesn't feel as cold tonight.
pauses and looks out at the darkness
They must be looking for us by now, right?
Tugs the blanket around his own shoulders a little more and lets out a yawn, gently pulling Phillip to lean on his shoulder
I hope so, surely someone will have sent a search party to find us. Our presence surely will have been missed somewhere.
Laughs as the bear plods over, curling up peacefully beside them in the shelter. He leans back against her huge hairy body and closes his eyes
I'm calling it a night. Guess it wouldn't really be so bad if they never found us anyway. It's not so bad, just you and me out here. No one to look at us strangely if we present our love. I could get used to eating berries and eggs for every meal if it means I never have to hide my love for you again.
Cracks open an eye and smiles at him knowingly
We should make the most of this freedom. Get in touch with nature. Make the most of the situation.
Tugs Phillip to lay on his chest
We could get married out here. Grylls could officiate. Everyone knows that bears are animals of god.
Act II fade to black
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Luckily Unlucky
Anon Request: Hi!! Thanks for your amazing writing, you are a blessing!! (A/N: you’re too kind :D ) Could you do a tom holland x reader where you've been together for a year or so but you have never really have had the chance to go and visit him on set because you're busy with school but when you finaly do you can't contain your excitement bc ur a really big Marvel fan and you geek out about everything, even the smallest things and Tom just finds you the most adorable human being and u also meet seb who's ur celeb crush and u freak out
Warnings: a little language
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robertdowneyjr  @tomholland2013 is bring his leading lady to set. Are we embarrassing him enough??
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It was hard to not scroll through Instagram without being bombarded with people tagging her in pictures hoping to be recognized by Tom, being sent direct messages asking for personal information about her and Tom’s relationship, and even having reporters pose as fans online. Social media became a form of hell for (Y/N) after she started dating Tom, but seeing the photo Robert Downey Jr. tagged Tom in earlier today had been a relief from the regular occurring torment.
“You didn’t tell me Benedict Cumberbatch was going to be there,” she gasped while turning to face Tom as he sat in the driver’s seat, maneuvering his way around Atlanta traffic.
“You’re such a Sherlock nerd I figured you’d deduce that much,” he replied with a smirk.
“Will you please just tell me who all is going to be there?” she begged.
“And ruin the surprise?” he laughed as (Y/N) continued to pretend pout in the passenger seat. As they pulled into a large parking lot surrounded by fences and electronic gates, (Y/N) shifted impatiently in her seat.
“Can you promise me one thing?” she asked as Tom looked over at her with a smile on his face as his eyes beamed into hers.
“Anything love,” he said softly.
“Don’t let me make a fool of myself,” she stated while only lead Tom into a lighthearted laugh. “I’m serious!” she quickly protested. “Don’t let me look like an idiot in front of anyone, okay?!” Tom continued to laugh and pursed her lips together and narrowed her eyes at him. Upon seeing this, Tom placed his hands on either side of her face and smiled.
“There is no way anyone could think you’re an idiot, (Y/N), but I will make sure you don’t turn into a luny fangirl in front of anyone,” he promised before placing his lips on hers.
“That is all I ask for,” she laughed in response as Tom pulled her into one last kiss before exiting the vehicle and hurrying to her door. From the outside, everything seemed normal; big white buildings towered over the trailers, golf carts hurriedly scurried through open pathways, and people walked wherever shade was available. There was nothing too different or exciting about set upon first laying eyes on it, and Tom knew this.
“What’s the matter?” he teased (Y/N), “Why aren’t you excited?” Figuring he was taunting her for getting herself worked up about a bunch of buildings, (Y/N) shrugged in a slightly defeated manner which only caused Tom to suppress the sly grin he had been hiding while his heart jumped from excitement. 
“What are all these buildings?” she asked, trying not to sound let down but rather inquisitive of her surroundings. 
“Different studios and such,” Tom continued while peeling away from his girlfriend’s side and bounding up a couple of metal steps toward a doorway. “This way, love,” he called to her as she continued her pace toward him. He opened the door and escorted her into the dark room. (Y/N) clung to Tom’s arm, afraid of getting lost and not being able to find her way out--a very realistic fear considering Tom once unknowingly abandoned her in an escape room filled with porcelain dolls.
Tom flicked the lights on, illuminating the room they stood in. Immediately, (Y/N)’s eyes flashed to Tom in excitement, anticipation, and a slight bit of fear. Looking around, she realized she must have been standing in the wardrobe department since individual sections for each of the sixty-something main characters wardrobe changes hung on racks beside their respective props.
“Am I even allowed to be in here?” she asked Tom who shrugged in response. Honestly, he didn’t know where (Y/N) could and could not go, but the wide-eye heart fluttering excitement that flooded her beautiful face was something he couldn’t pass up regardless of rules. “Is that--” she couldn’t finish her sentence before she took a few steps closer to the relic that appeared to Steven Strange: the cloak of levitation. “No way!” she yelled as her attention flashed to Red Wing, Anthony Mackie’s character’s ‘pet’ robot. “And the wing pack?” she gasped while picking it up and then hurriedly glancing at Tom. “Can I?”
“It’s not like Anthony’s my biggest fan anyway,” he teased and watched as (Y/N) slid her arms into the prop with its wings already extended. With her back toward Tom, she glanced down over her shoulder to look at the wing only to hear the snapping noise of Tom’s phone as he took her photo. “You look much better in that than Anthony,” he teased.
“Don’t you dare send that to him!” she shouted. 
“Fine,” Tom sighed, “I won’t yet.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and then quickly put the prop back where she found it before rushing over to Peter Quill’s prop and wardrobe station. Immediately she put on the helmet, strapped the walkman to her belt loop, and held up his blaster and waited for Tom to take her picture again. For the next hour Tom followed his giddy girlfriend around as she grabbed whatever prop she could find and posed dorkily with them. By the end, in addition to the photos Tom already took, he had pictures of her peeking over the cloak of levitation, pretending to pick up Mjölnir and then raising the hammer victoriously, ducking behind Captain America’s new shield, raising her fist in the air as the infinity gauntlet covered the better part of her forearm, and his favorite: fem!spidey. Tom and (Y/N) had started dating shortly after the premier of Spider-Man: Homecoming and so the idea of her wearing the suit wasn’t possible until today. 
“What do you think?” she asked while pretending to shoot webs at him.
“Damn I love you,” he laughed while taking numerous photos of his girlfriend being a dork in his costume. Oddly enough it fit her surprisingly well and, though he would never admit it, he loved seeing her in it more than he loved being Spider-Man. “If Peter Parker ever does a gender twist like Thor, I’ll commission for you to take over,” Tom said while pulling (Y/N) into a hug.
“You’re a dork,” she laughed at him while wrapping her arms around his waist.
“You’re the one in the Spider-Man suit!”
“You’re the one getting off on it!”
“Shut up,” he muttered in a fluster as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Change back, it’s nearly lunch and some people are excited to meet you.” Once (Y/N) was back in her t-shirt and shorts, Tom grabbed her hand and the pair left out the door they came in and started walking toward where the trailers were gathered.
“Where are we going?” she asked as Tom put his arm around her waist and she did the same to him.
“Downey Town,” he said proudly.
“I won’t want to go to town,” she said in a complaining tone, teasing Tom.
“When are you going be nice to me today?” he laughed while poking her sides. “You’re welcome for me making all of the mistakes you can learn from, by the way.”
“Thank you so much for embarrassing yourself back then so I can not seems as strange,” she replied, “but if you introduce me to Robert’s stunt double on purpose, I will hurt you, Holland.” The two arrived at a collection of trailers set up to remind (Y/N) of the way the cabins were described at Camp Half-Blood. Slowly, Tom and (Y/N) made their way into the grouping of trailers to see a large, standing extendable tent set up with benches and picnic tables placed underneath and a catering company setting up lunch. Throughout the courtyard were the various actors filming Infinity War this week. Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr. stood beside Benedict Cumberbatch and Benedict Wong just outside under the awning of one trailer and Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie and the Chrises were gathered together under another awning.
“Are you okay?” Tom asked (Y/N) again as her grip on his waist tightened unexpectedly.
“Y-yeah,” she started, “it’s just...there’s a lot of people.”
“You wanted to meet them all, right?” She found herself unable to respond and instead quickly nodded her head. “Well then, come on,” he smiled to her and pulled her toward RDJ’s gathering of actors.
“Tom,” (Y/N) murmured quietly they approached.
“Uh huh?”
“Don’t let me say Bobby Newport in a menacing voice near Paul Rudd,” she hurried to say.
“Why the hell would you say that?”
“Just don’t let me,” she stated, “okay?”
“Okay, love,” Tom laughed and pulled (Y/N) against his side in hopes to make her feel more comforted and less anxious. Before she knew it, (Y/N) was face to face with RDJ and Mark Ruffalo, who just happened to be the first two people to turn around as stye approached.
“Welcome to the party, Tom,” Robert called while stretching out his arm and taking Tom under him in a side hug. “And this must be the lovely, (Y/N) I’ve heard so much about,” he said while pulling her into a warm hug and kissing her cheek. He left his arm across her shoulders and looked between Tom and (Y/N) before turning his attention back to the girl. “Blink twice if he’s got you under some sort of Stockholm Syndrome thing,” Robert joked, “it’s the only way a guy like him could get someone as gorgeous as you.” (Y/N) could feel her face blush a little at his compliment but was quick to humble herself.
“I’m the lucky one,” she laughed. “Had there not been a screw up with my hotel room, we would have never met.”
“And then we would have never met, and I mean, come on,” he said while raising his hands in the air and moving them up and down like a triple beam balance, “me, Tom, me, Tom. Me? Tom?” A smirk grew across Tom’s lips as he tipped his side of Robert’s imaginary scale upward.
“Tom,” he said with a smile as his fingers found their way toward (Y/N)’s. As soon as (Y/N) was beginning to grow comfortable in her situation, Tom, Robert, Mark, and Wong were whisked away to help with food set up, leaving (Y/N) in the company of Benedict Cumberbatch, AKA Sherlock Holmes, AKA her favorite childhood icon.
“Hello,” he said with a smile and then extending his hand, “I don’t believe we’ve met.” She graciously took his hand in hers and smiled.
“I’m (Y/N),” she said quickly. “I’m visiting Tom today on set--Tom Holland, not Hiddleston, but if you know where he is I wouldn’t mind visiting him either,” she laughed anxiously. To her surprise, Benedict began to laugh as well.
“You’re Tom’s girlfriend, aren’t you?” he said in realization and slight surprise. (Y/N) nodded. “How did you meet? I know he told me you were a fan.” (Y/N) bit her lip and swallowed hard before speaking.
“I flew out to LA for Comic Convention and there was a mixup with my hotel rooms. They gave me the wrong key and wrong room number and it ended up being Tom’s room. Oddly enough I was at the convention to meet him in the first place.
“Funny how things worked out,” Benedict smiled.
“Yeah,” she said hesitantly.
“He speaks highly of you, you know?” he continued.
“Does he now?” (Y/N) began to laugh.
“One of the first things he said about you to me was how he tried to introduce you to ‘Sherlock--’”
“And I had seen more episodes than him?” I finished and Benedict nodded with a light grin on his face. “Yeah, I had a teacher in high school who played series one for us in class when we went over induction and deduction. Its’ easily one of my favorite shows.”
“What did you think of the plot line with Mary?” he asked, his voice holding genuine interest toward her opinion. Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) could see Tom returning and hurried to speak before he arrived.
“I enjoyed her character as well as what she brought to both John and Sherlock’s lives, but I also see that, with her past, and with Amanda and Martin splitting, there was no other way for it to end for her than the way it did.”
“I agree,” he smiled as Tom approached. “I love Amanda and I loved working with her and Martin but--and here’s a little slip about the next series--I think John and Sherlock are going to go back to their roots a bit more but still have Mary as a guiding voice for each of them deep down.”
“I knew the conversation would turn to this,” Tom laughed as he came back.
“I don’t want to keep you for very long, but I’d love to talk to you again before you leave,” Benedict said while shaking (Y/N)’s hand in departure. Tom and (Y/N) said their farewells to Benedict and she followed him toward a picnic table to wait for lunch to begin. They were alone for a total of ten seconds before a figure slid in front of them, a smirk plastered across his face.
“Tom, I’ve got you a little something,” he cooed while sliding a tumbler in front of Tom on the table.
“Is this my juice?” Tom laughed. 
“Yeah, and there’s a surprise in it this time,” Anthony stated as Tom took a sip. Immediately, Tom’s lips curled as an unexpected burning caused his tastebuds to tingle. 
“Thanks,” Tom replied as he adjusted to the alcohol in his cranberry juice.
“Pratt’s idea,” Anthony said as Chris Pratt slid onto the bench beside Anthony, accompanied by Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, and Sebastian Stan. (Y/N) could hardly contain her excitement as she noticed everyone around her: Chris Evans on her left, Tom on her right, and Anthony, Sebastian, Chris Pratt, and Paul across from her, all awaiting lunch to be served, and for some reason, all excited to meet her: a nobody who was lucky enough to be unlucky when it comes to booking hotel rooms.
“We brought one for your lady friend too, if she drinks that sort of thing,” Chris Pratt said and slid a plastic cup in front of (Y/N). She took a quick sip of the ice juice laced with what tasted like rum and then turned her attention back to the group.
“I’m assuming you know us by how much Tom drones on and on about how amazing we are,” Anthony cooed.
“And we pretty much know you from how often Tom talks about (Y/N) this, (Y/N) that,” Sebastian smiled while teasing her boyfriend.
“Now that you’ve met her can you blame me for talking about her so much?” Tom laughed while gesturing toward (Y/N).
“Is it true you’re a super huge fan of the comics and all?” Pratt asked.
“Uh, yeah.” she said hesitantly and then took another sip of her drink.
“Okay, then who’s your favorite superhero?” Chris Evans asked.
“Marvel or DC?” (Y/N) asked in return.
“Both,” Anthony interjected.
“Well for DC it’s Raven, hands down and for Marvel, well as a kid it was Spider-Man; my dad and I would sit down and watch the Tobey McGuire movies all the time, and but once I really got into the comics, I was a fan of the Winter Soldier storyline, but I’ve gotta go with Domino, she’s pretty bad ass,” (Y/N) responded.
“Raven and Domino?” Pratt asked. “Not Star Lord?”
“Or Falcon?” Anthony chimed in.
“I could see you as Domino,” Sebastian said while looking over (Y/N)’s face and a small smile rose.
“But why those two?” Paul asked.
“They’re smart and can out wit anyone and are talented and strong enough to also overpower anyone as well.”
“What even is Domino’s powers?” Tom asked, turning toward his girlfriend as he continued to learn new things about her preferences.
“So long as she makes an attempt to avoid or prevent something, she’s able to. Say if someone was trying to shoot her, if she moves, or makes an attempt to move out of the way, she won’t be hit, no matter what.”
“She’s also super tactically trained,” Sebastian added in (Y/N)’s favor.
“That too,” (Y/N) said while taking another sip to cool her as the Atlanta heat overcame the air.
“And why Raven?” Tom asked.
“She’s easily the most powerful and most bad ass character in all of the DC universe!” (Y/N) couldn’t control her excitement while talking to superheroes about superheroes. “She’s half demon, has the ability to wield dark magic for good purposes, has basically no weaknesses, and mental powers are always more powerful and stronger than physical abilities.”
“That’s not necessarily true,” Tom tried to argue.
“My point was proven in Civil War. No one could touch Vision besides Wanda--the only Avenger to have a mental ability rather than a physical one. She singlehandedly fucked everyone up in Age of Ultron too,” (Y/N) defended.
“You really know your stuff, huh?” Chris Evans said with a hint of admiration.
“Don’t even get her started on Batman,” Tom murmured as food was slowly being placed in front of everyone.
“What’s wrong with Batman?” Anthony asked, leading Tom to groan and grab (Y/N)’s hand tightly in his.
“Please don’t do this,” he begged her.
“Why, what’s so wrong with Batman?” Anthony pushed as Tom glared at him.
“My best mate, Harrison, couldn’t talk to her for a week after she tore down every argument supporting Batman as being a superhero.”
“That’s because he’s not a superhero,” (Y/N) interrupted.
“Here we go,” Tom grumbled and then laughed. “Do you see what you did Anthony?”
“Wait, I want to hear this!” Sebastian said from across the table and then extended his arms to silence everyone and gave (Y/N) his full attention. “Please, go on,” he smiled and gestured for her to continue talking.
“There’s nothing about him that makes him ‘super.’ He has no ‘super’ human or advanced qualities about him.”
“He knows almost every form of martial arts,” Anthony countered.
“That doesn’t make him a super hero. It makes him a master of martial arts. Batman is nothing more than a person who knows things and has money. There is nothing about him that makes him ‘super.’”
“Then what’s the difference between him and Tony Stark or Clint Barton?” Paul asked.
“Clint know’s he’s a marksman and ex-spy. He may be a hero, but he know’s he’s not a ‘super’ hero. I try to avoid the Tony Stark argument because it goes both ways: you can say the arc reactor is something that makes him ‘super’ because it’s keeping him alive, but then again, it was developed by him: billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist; notice ‘superhero’ isn’t on the list.”
“Okay, then what about Black Widow?” Sebastian asked while leaning over the table and facing (Y/N).
“Trick question,” she muttered while mimicking his position. “How else would someone born in 1928 look like their only 29 in the year 2017? She received a similar variation of the Super Soldier Serum used on Steve and Bucky--which also explains how Bucky trained her in the Red Room.”
“Leading to their subsequent relationship,” Sebastian stated.
“Which the movies have been subtly hinting at.”
“Damn, you two are fucking nerds,” Anthony laughed as he and Tom agreed on something while laughing at Sebastian and (Y/N)’s back and forth.
“I told you guys not to get her going,” Tom laughed and then put his hand on (Y/N)’s leg as he looked at her with pride and admiration. The group continued talking as they ate their way through lunch. Conversation fluttered between comics, movies, books, and other things of entertainment, to (Y/N)’s degree in school, her and Tom recounting the story of how they met, and even bringing up the fact that Chris Pratt and Paul Rudd had worked together already, which lead Pratt into the scene where Ben, Andy, Tom, and Jerry were trying to make a negative ad about the Bobby Newport campaign. Sebastian, Anthony, and (Y/N) all joined in with him at Paul’s expense and toward the end of their meal, (Y/N) was more reluctant to leave than she was hesitant to arrive. Anthony forced Tom to promise to bring (Y/N) around more often and even invited the couple out with the rest of the cast that night, saying that bringing (Y/N) with Tom was the only way he would be allowed at the grown up’s table.
Knowing that (Y/N) was more than likely exhausted, Tom took her back to his trailer to rest where she was unable to stop thanking him for the amazing day and repeatedly telling him over and over how he was the best boyfriend and most amazing best friend anyone could ask for, and that she was so fortunate to have met him, let alone grow close to him in the way they have become with one another.
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Island of Tech
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>Griffin Rock, Maine, United States. We were on a ferry headed there to help find out how we can change Skull back from Overflow, one of the new Ben 10 aliens. We gathered a list of the best to help us. Apart from the Phantom Thieves, we also had Bruce Sato, Miles Morales, Dr. Curt Connors, Ryan Choi aka The Atom, and Conor Jackson in Team Science and John Constantine, Zatanna, Robin Sena, and Faragonda the Headmistress of Alfea College for Fairies in Team Sorcery. Also with us is Mirta, her friend, Lucy, and, at the advice of Mitsuru Kirijo, Fuuka Yamagishi. We also have our two new members, whose code names are now Slice and Dice. Dr. Strange said he would meet us later.
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Wow! So this is Griffin Rock. I’ve heard so much about it, but to see it in real life? I’m totally speechless.
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The greatest of the world’s wonders are often the most hidden.
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I think I understand. Griffin Rock isn’t often seen by the public to protect its technology. Only a handful of tourists come here everyday.
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Either way or what he just said. I’m just so hyped to know I’m working with the Pha-
>I quickly cover Conor’s mouth.
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SHUSH! I don’t think anyone on here can hear us.
Conor: (surprised) Oops. Sorry. We have to keep it quiet. Right, Chim-Chim?
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(mimes zipping his mouth shut)
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It’s okay, Conor. You still get kudos for the robot monkey.
Conor: (happy) Thanks, Miles.
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Looks like you blokes are getting along.
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Yeah, it’s like having two Miles.
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(laughs a bit) That’s a good one. Like we just got more distance.
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(also laughing) That’s true!
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But it is good to know those young men have found kindred spirits in each other.
Conor: I know, right?
Miles: (whisper) Just hope Pete doesn’t get jealous.
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Glad to see all of you getting along.
Constantine: Not all of us.
Bruce: I wonder where Dr. Choi is.
Ren: He and Dr. Connors are with Ryuji in the van. The others are just spread out or want to get a better view of the island.
Zatanna: You should probably let them know we’re almost there.
>I nod. And I leave them for now. I go to the van where inside, Dr. Connors was examining Ryuji and Dr. Choi was sitting nervously. Constantine used his magic to extend the inside of the van so we can all fit in.
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Well, what’s the verdict, Doc?
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It’s too soon to say. I’m so sorry this had to happen to you. This is no different when I became that... Well, when I went to a dark place.
Ryuji: It’s not your fault, Doc. Jin did this to me and you just fell for the words of a sadistic asshole.
Dr. Connors: (sighs) I guess you’re right.
Ren: I’m glad to hear it.
Ryuji: Oh, hey, Ren. Are we almost there?
Ren: Yes. I’m going to let everyone know so we can meet.
Dr. Connors: You best do that. And while you’re at it, you may wish to check on Dr. Choi. He keeps staring anxiously at the sea.
>After I sent the message, I go over to Dr. Choi.
Ren: Is something the matter, Choi Hakasei? Are you sea sick?
Hakasei = Professor, doctor, scientist
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It’s... It’s nothing.
Ren: Are you sure?
>Dr. Choi was still look out at the sea, worried.
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Oh, I see. You think he’s going to come out of there, huh?
Dr. Choi: ... Maybe a little... Okay, a lot. I just don’t want him to come and make things hard for me. It especially got worse when Nanako Dojima broke up with his son.
Ren: Don’t worry. His queen is doing everything in her power to keep her king from bothering us.
Dr. Choi: ... I hope you’re right. I know I decided to become a hero again, but I still can’t help but feel like he’s going to show up to bother me... Is this how Dexter feels when Dee Dee comes into his lab?
Ren: Just relax. We’ll be fine.
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And if he does show up, he’ll have to answer to me.
Dr. Choi: (smiling a bit) I guess you could. Thank you.
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>Then, the others arrived.
Captain Shaw’s voice: Attention! Now arriving to port. Please gather in your vehicles if you came in one or take your seats. I repeat...
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Well, this is it. Is everyone ready?
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(putting his ID Mask on) If it means my mom will have her son back, we are.
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This will also be a good opportunity to study technology to one of its fullest.
Miles: Not to mention I get to meet Doc Greene. Everyone at Horizon says he’s a legend. Max even told me I could invite him to speak at this summer seminar at the school.
Zatanna: And I’ve always wanted to meet the Rescue Team... Especially Dani Burns.
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Just try not to forget why we’re here.
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To find a way to turn Ryuji back to normal...
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Well, as normal as he can be.
Ryuji: (not happy with that remark) Hey!
>The ferry arrives at the docks. We drive off into town.
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I know this is an island of technology, but it reminds me of... Small town nostalgia.
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I must capture this in my art when I have the chance.
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Yes. It does have that effect.
>Suddenly, something flew passed us.
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>Then, the man with the helicopter backpack crashed into some nearby bushes. He came out a little beaten.
Helicopter local: I’m okay!
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But then that happens and your remember where you are.
>The man gets back up and tries to restart his machine. But as he does, the propeller springs off and flies right into a pizza restaurant. The people, including the chef run out as the place explodes. Flames come out.
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Whoa! That was big!
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I know I needed a new pizza cutter. But this is ridiculous!
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Don’t worry, I already called the Rescue Team. They should be here soon.
>Suddenly, Miles looked like he sensed something.
Miles: I don’t think they alone are gonna help.
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Your Spider Sense on alert?
Miles: It’s off the charts.
Dr. Connors: Off the charts? ... Never mind, I don’t want to know.
Conor: Me neither.
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Same here.
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But you’ve gotta admit, things are about to get interesting around here.
>Dr. Connors, Coner, Chim-Chim, and the Deucey Twins leave the van quickly.
Dr. Choi: If you’re going to do what I think you’re going to do... At least let me help.
Zatanna: Me, too.
Mirta: And me.
Robin: I want to do my part, too.
Miles: Okay. I could use the help.
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I love it when a team comes together.
Mirta: Magic Winx! Charmix!
>Mirta goes into her Fairy Form.
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Mirta, Fairy of Illusions! I bet your science can’t do a transformation sequence like that.
Dr. Choi: ... We’ll see.
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Mirta: Okay, that is a little impressive.
Atom: Ant-Man’s got nothing on me.
Miles: Speaking of costume changes, do you think you guys can give me some privacy? I’m a little shy and the only person I’ve ever changed in front of is Peter.
Constantine: I can help with that.
>He snaps his fingers and in a poof, Miles was now in his Spider Kid costume.
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Mirta: Okay, that’s a transformation sequence.
Spider Kid: I know, right? Now I need a way out of this van without being seen.
Atom: Ever shrunk down to a subatomic level?
Spider Kid: (worried) I’m not going to like this, aren’t I?
Ryuji: Wait... I wanna help, too.
Ren: Are you sure?
Ryuji: (taking off the ID Mask) Just in case we fail to change me back, might as well make it useful.
Atom: Then we’re set. Everyone, hold on.
>Ryuji, Zatanna, Mirta, Robin, Spider Kid, and Ryuji take the Atom’s hands and they shrink. We quickly look out the window to see the Rescue Team arrived.
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Alright, everyone, back away! This places is for baking pizza, not people.
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I have scanned the building. It looks like the propeller from Mr. Harrison’s heli-pack has hit a gas tank. There is another one next to it. If the fire is not extinguished soon, the other gas tank will explode and destroy this side of the block.
Chief Burns: Then there’s not a moment to lose. Kade?
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I’m on it, Dad. Heatwave, let’s hose it down!
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It’s a gas fire. I think extinguishers would be better.
Kade: Same deference.
Chief Burns: Graham, try barricading the area. Don’t want any civilians getting too close.
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I’m way ahead of you, Dad. Boulder, how does this design look?
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This should work just fine. Dani, Blades, try to scout the size of the area.
>Up in the air.
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Looks like a good distance. You’re clear to build.
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It looks like a stretch, but I’d say it’s some of Graham’s best designs.
>Back on the ground.
Graham: Thanks.
>They built the barricade quickly as Kade Burns and Heatwave try to put out the fire.
Kade: Man, this is hard! What kind of propane are you using, Mr. Marcello?
Mr. Marcello: It’s a new invention of mine. A propane that burns fire that goes out on its own. So I won’t have to worry about it accidentally blowing out... In retrospect, that may not have been a good idea.
Kade: (amused) You think?
Chief Burns: No choice. We have to take the tank out.
Heatwave: How are we going to do that? The flames come back faster than we can put them out.
>Suddenly, the flames blocking the entrance opens... They saw Robin inside.
Robin: Will this help?
>After getting over the shock of seeing a real witch in Griffin Rock, Robin guided Kade inside. They get to the gas tank. The Atom, Spider Kid, and Ryuji unshrink.
Kade: (even more surprised) What is this!? Invasion of the Superheroes?
Spider Kid: You wish.
>Spider Kid shoots his webbing on the unexploded tank.
Spider Kid: Grab hold.
Atom: I’ll shrink the tank a bit to make it easier.
Kade: Couldn’t you just shrink it really small?
Atom: If I did that and it explodes, it could cause a chain reaction that can cause every atom to explode as well and could destroy all life as we know it.
Kade: (shocked) Never mind, shrink it however you like.
Ryuji: And if any flames come at us, I’ll blow ‘em away.
Robin: And I’ll push it aside.
Kade: Good. (on the com-link) Dad, we’re coming out. Tell Heatwave to be ready.
Chief Burns’s voice: I will? Heatwave?
Heatwave: I hear you loud and clear.
>With all their strength, Kade, Atom, Spider Kid, and Ryuji all pull the gas tank out of the restaurant. Suddenly, as they got out, the tank begins vibrating.
Heatwave: What’s happening?
Mr. Marcello: The gas tank! It’s been exposed to the heat so much, it’s going to explode anyway.
Chief Burns: We have to get it out of here!
Zatanna: (appearing with Mirta) Mirta, think you can find someplace where it can explode without hurting anyone?
Mirta: I’ll see.
>Mirta flies up into the sky until she was right next to Blades and Dani. They searched until Dani spotted a place.
Dani: Found it! The rock shoreline behind the airport.
Mirta: I’ll mark a path to make it easier.
>Mirta creates an illusion of an arrow showing where they must go.
Boulder: I could carry it or throw it, but I don’t want to take a chance that I might drop it or it misses.
Chief Burns: We’ll have to drive it out.
Chase: I am ready and able. But I think we might need a little more help. Training Center, this is Chase. We are going to need more wheels here.
Voice on com-link: Alright. Me and Blurr are on the way.
>Carefully, Boulder loaded the tank in a wagon and strapped it in.
Boulder: I don’t know, Chief. Judging by the weight, even with Heatwave, Chase, Quickshadow, and Blurr, we’re going to need two more vehicles to move it.
Makoto: (coming up in the van) I can help as well.
Chief Burns: I appreciate the offer, young ma’am, but I don’t think we should allow civilians to help in dangerous operations like this.
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Would it help if I gave you one more car to help?
Jared: (coming out of the van with Jesse) That’s our cue!
Jesse: Zatanna?
Zatanna: Gnirb Deraj dna Essej rieht rac os yeht nac pleh.
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>The cars are hitched up to the wagon, the gas tank still shaking. Then, two new cars show up... And transform.
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Did someone call for extra wheels?
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That’s right! Don’t worry, we’ve got-
>Blurr suddenly stopped... at the sight of Ryuji. He could feel Blurr’s gaze as well and look up at him... They suddenly sensed something between them.
Qucikshadow: I also think it would be best to have some of these new heroes ride with us.
Heatwave: That’s probably a good idea.
Atom: I’ll handle the spy car... Try not to get to too jealous, fire truck. (begins smirking)
>Heatwave just glared.
Heatwave: Anyway, Blurr, you and the magic girl-
Blurr: I choose the Cascan.
Heatwave: What?
Ryuji: (surprised) Me!?
Blurr: Because... We might need his water power, you know?
Ryuji: That’s... That’s right. You never know when you need H2O.
Heatwave: Not a good idea for a gas fire... But I’ll allow it.
Zatanna: And don’t worry about magic girl. Ekat em pu ot eht eno I tnaw ot teem eht tsom.
>In a flash, Zatanna was gone... And reappears in the passenger seat of Blades next to Dani.
Zatanna: Shall we?
Dani: (smiling a bit) I’m gamed if you are.
>And we were off. We drive quickly and carefully through town until we make it to the airstrip. Then, Boulder and Heatwave carefully take the gas tank out of the wagon and take it to the rocky shore. They carefully put it on the ground as the began to shake even more violently.
Heatwave: It’s getting ready to blow! TAKE COVER!
>Heatwave and Boulder run as fast as they can from the tank. We all take cover behind the Rescue Bots. And then...
>The tank exploded. Luckily, the flames hardly made it to the trees in the forest. After some minuets, the flames finally burned out.
Kade: (looking disappointed) Well, looks like we’ll have to make do without pizza for awhile. But at least we did a good job.
Mirta: (flying down and resuming civilian form) We all did.
Chief Burns: Which begs the question. What brings a bunch of superheroes, fairies, aliens, and witches to Griffin Rock?
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Kind of a funny story, actually.
Ryuji: We’re here because of me.
>Suddenly, something flew in. It was a young man on a hover board.
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I just had to see this for myself. What is it you want from here, Overflow?
Ryuji: Yeah, about that... I’m not who you think I am.
Cody: What do you mean?
Constantine: Brace yourself, lads and ladies, but Red here isn’t an alien... He’s a young Japanese man trapped in an alien’s body.
Entire Rescue Team: WHAT!?
Ryuji: ... Yo.
Headmistress Faragonda: I think we should explain this more someplace else.
Chief Burns: That’s probably a good idea.
Heatwave: Rescue Bots, roll out!
Blurr: You can ride in me again if you like.
Ryuji: I would like that. Thanks.
Blurr: (winking) No problem.
>The laboratory of Dr. Ezra Greene. On the way there, we told the Rescue Team everything about what happened with Ryuji. (We left out the fact that we’re the Phantom Thieves and that Miles is Spider Kid. He said he would meet us later after he changes.)
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Intriguing. I never thought such a thing could happen.
Ryuji: (nervous) Isn’t that a little too close.
>Doc Greene was examining Ryuji real close.
Doc Greene: Forgive me. I still find it hard to believe that you’re actually a human. Up until now, I thought only Ben Tennyson was capable of this.
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I know. It is rather unusual.
Cody: It’s just a shame Frankie and CeCe aren’t here to see this. They’re with Mrs. Neederlander and they won’t be back until later.
Professor Baranova: They’re already on their way home now. They’ll be here soon.
Doc Greene: We’re also glad to have two fellow scientists with us as well.
Dr. Connors: I am glad to meet you, too.
Dr. Choi: Likewise.
Doc Greene: I’m sure with the help of four scientists, we might help this young man with his problem.
Lucy: Don’t forget, this transformation was done with magic as well. Be grateful you have experts on that as well.
Mirta: You didn’t have to say it like that.
Lucy: Just pointing out the obvious.
Conor: (disappointed) And what do you mean four? Believe it or not, I count as well. And so does Miles as soon as he gets here.
Doc Greene: Forgive me. I guess I should have noticed because of the robot monkey.
>Chim-Chim crosses his arms and nods.
Headmistress Faragonda: Either way, with all of us here, we might be able to change Ryuji Sakamoto back to his human self... Before that self is gone for good.
Ryuji: (whispering sadly) Along with Harry.
Constantine: Stiff upper lip, lad. We’ll get through this.
Diego: (whispering to himself) I hope no one forgets the Phantom Thieves are here as well.
Makoto: So, you think you can help us?
Doc Greene: We’ll do so to the best of our abilities.
??????: That’s good to hear.
>We turn to see Miles coming in with two girls who we can only assume are the Greene girls.
Haru: Miles kun, you made it.
Diego: What took you so long?
Miles: I got lost. It’s a good thing I ran into Frankie and CeCe here.
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Frankie: We were on our way home when we met.
CeCe: (gurgles)
Frankie: And it’s not just him. We ran into someone else on the way here. But he asked that he surprise us with his arrival.
Professor Baranova: Someone else?
>Suddenly, the sound of a phone rang... It’s was Dr. Choi’s. He answers it.
Dr. Choi: Hello?
???????: Guess who?
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Not you. Anyone but you.
Ahoy there, Professor!
>We were all shocked by this new face.
Dr. Choi: What are you doing here!? I thought Mera was keeping you busy.
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And miss a chance to go on such an adventure? No, sir! It wasn’t easy to convince my dear queen though.
Yusuke: But how did you even find us?
Aquaman: ... I’ll keep that one to myself, thank you.
>We just stood silent. In defeat, we help Aquaman catch up on what’s going on.
Aquaman: Outrageous! Turning an innocent high schooler into an alien and depriving him of a future. Shame on the culprit. Shame on him.
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Can you shame someone who’s been dead for nine years?
Makoto: At any rate, we have our team. Now we can find a way to change Ryuji back.
Dr. Connors: Not all of us are here... Where’s Stephen?
Ren: He’ll be meeting with us soon. Right now, we’ve had a long day. I think we should begin our finding in the morning.
Chief Burns: Probably a good idea. We should give you some dinner to thank you for helping us.
Kade: Just don’t order us any pizza... Tonight, anyway.
Ryuji: I actually heard 'bout the New England Clam Chowder, if you have any.
Doc Greene: What a coincidence, that’s what we’re having for tonight. Do you like it?
Ryuji: I don’t think I have much a choice. In this form, I can’t even enjoy those sweet and juicy beef bowls or even Ren’s famous curry.
Ren: That reminds me. To thank you for helping us with Ryuji, I should make something for you as well.
Chief Burns: You don’t really have to do that. You are our guests.
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Still, you have to let us thank you somehow.
Chief Burns: Well, I guess that would be okay.
Miles: Actually if you don’t mind, Doc Greene, Max Modell wanted me to ask you to be a guest speaker at Horizon High. We want to get our newest students antiquated.
Doc Greene: Well, my scheduled is pretty worked up... But I’ll see what I can do.
Miles: Thank you.
>With that, we leave. Then, I get something on my phone. It’s from Admin.
Ren: You guys go on ahead. I’ll catch up.
>They leave and I check my phone.
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Hey, Amamiya kun, I heard you and the other P Thieves are in Griffin Rock. Well, I was looking through the Phan Site and this is what I found.
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Do you think you can do this? It would really help the sender.
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I guess we can do it while we’re here. Any chance, we’ll take it.
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That’s great! We’re counting on you guys. And tell Sakamoto kun that I hope he gets well soon.
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We’ll do.
>I end the text and leave to join for dinner... And tell the others about the request.
>And so, our adventures with the Transformers begins.
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