#rock game gifset
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mynarco · 4 months ago
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These I just felt like recording after getting Kiryu's gifset.
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myfandomprompts · 10 months ago
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sodapop--stims · 10 months ago
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Shadow The Hedgehog Guitar 🖤🦔🎸
Please credit if you use my gifs!
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sumi-ko-no-hito · 1 year ago
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sandrockers · 2 years ago
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My Time at Sandrock
Unsuur’s Mountain Rose
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alastors-stim-broadcast · 1 year ago
Gifset of Julia from Sesame Street in the game Playground Pals, with Julia.
Gifs of her autistic behaviour, flapping, rocking, avoiding eye contact, T rex arms, etc. Also some general playing/cute animations.
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Pls link these back to me if you use them (and if you wanna please send the boards you make to me I love Julia and would love to see these used!)
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mynarco · 8 months ago
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Jade's Dance is gonna haunt me to the end of my days. How is anyone expected to play with him and the twins covering up the entire field???? It's impossible, really
Anyways the lab lore they dropped near the end of Lapistoria is fucked up do you wanna read about it
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thedestinysunknown · 3 months ago
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Tekken 8 - Reina:
"Second new character in the game and is a very important one. Reina is a very mysterious girl. There is not enough information about her, other than she's Heihachi Mishima's adopted daughter.
In terms of gameplay, she is quite awesome. I really wanted to main her, specially because she has one of my favorite outfits in the game (Reina rocking the mask is pure fire), but she's not that easy of a character to get into."
PS: the gameplay used for this gifset is not mine. The original video belongs to the user: TheInnocentSinful, on Youtube.
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bikenesmith · 3 months ago
ive noticed some engagement on some of my monkees (shit)posts from way back in 2012/2013 — my 14/15 year old self. which is endearing, bc im aware the monkees fandom is still going, and is perhaps even more active than it was in my day. this did remind me of a @fansplaining article by allegra rosenberg / @areyougonnabe that i finally got around to reading earlier this week, the beatles live!
(i have no idea how long some of you have been here, so to recap i was fully obsessed with classic rock bands and 1960s/70s pop culture from like, 12 to 15 years old. profound impact on me in many ways, still love 60s/70s music, culture and history. also lmfao at my fandom of the last near-decade being sparked by a film set in the 60s. the several page video essay script about x-men first class' anachronistic 1960s fashion, which is sooo close to actually being filmed, will likely be the ultimate culmination of it all) the beatles were my first music fandom — while i still have feelings for the monkees [obviously, considering my ~12 year attachment to this url across nearly all of my social media] it is the beatles that i still have brain worms for. a tiny, isolated worm, but one nonetheless. so this article, i had to read.)
i was really taken by this section on the anachronistic modernizing of beatles fandom activities.
It takes a certain stripe of fannish brain to obsess over music from a bygone age instead of modern artists—taking something as broadly popular as classic rock and treating it with all the intimate, loving attention that other fans devote to a sci-fi television show, a fantasy book series, or a cult video game. These fans are cultural archaeologists, working with the materials of the past to create the passion of the present. The phenomenon is not limited to the Beatles. On TikTok, fans place meme tweets on pictures of the Stones and Bob Dylan; celebrate Freddie Mercury’s style; and make Monkees fancams. But the Beatles fandom is still top dog, with a kind of default dominance it retains from the dawn of Beatlemania. On Tumblr, you can find gifsets of Beatles movies, fanart, and the occasional Yoko Ono stan post, side by side with more typically Tumblr-esque wackiness along the lines of Paul McCartney posts tagged “#my twink wife”, “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” memes, and toxic yaoi polls.
it made me think about how this phenomenon — the blending of modern fan practices and modern pop culture (fancams, memes, insaneposting, etc) with classic rock fandom is not new (not that allegra insinuates it is — i am speaking generally), but is something that has been around for a while, and is something i participated in quite heavily when it came to monkees fandom. whether it was
editing a music video to the tune of marina + the diamonds
making art of mike nesmith as a genderbent marina + the diamonds analog
not to mention the entirety of the who (slight flashing tw)
creating mockups of a classic rock-themed homestuck/OFF/undertale/earthbound analog:
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classic rock icons using homestuck icons as a base
blending classic rock into my ~aesthetic~ blog theme sensibilities:
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this video where i did nothing but put the beginning of baby got back over a scene from the first episode of the monkees and the music lined up almost frighteningly well
or creating emo notepad screenshot aesthetic posts with quotes from head (1968)....
i was very invested in engineering (or maybe just yearning for + acting out desires?) a form of classic rock fandom that was "hip" to the modern fandoms i was aware of. this was likely inspired by the fact that monkees fandom at the time skewed older.
i cannot for the life of me find these accounts or screenshots of them, but i think the ultimate expression of this was a collection of twitter accounts i made as mockups of twitter stan accounts, modeled directly off of one direction accounts at the time. complete with icons that were cut-outs of musicians overlayed onto aesthetic background, and descriptions that noted how many times the musicians had interacted with them.
importantly, i could not have sustained this if not for the close friends i had at the time that were around my age and were on my wavelength, that supported it, commiserated with me, made lots — especially on the homestuck parts. even if it was a small thing, in a small fandom, it was a communal effort
idk. its interesting to see that these dreams of mine have now come to fruition.
abrupt stop, no conclusion bc this is just a post not an essay (a comment directed at my autistic ocd self). may be interesting to some of the nouveau classic rock fandom.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, November 16
WILLOW: It is nice. He's great. We have a lot of fun. But I want smoochies! BUFFY: Have you dropped any hints? WILLOW: I've dropped anvils.
~~BtVS 2x15 “Phases”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Haunting Echoes (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Secrets (Drusilla/Lilah, not rated) by Nymue
I Am (Buffy, not rated) by Nymue
[Russian language] Баффи Саммерс выходит замуж (Buffy/Angel, T) by B_E_S
Vengeance (Buffy/Angel, E) by Belladamon29
Tell Me (Buffy/Angel, E) by evesock
Midnight streak (Angel/Cordelia, Buffy/Spike, T) by Bl4ckHunter
"Are You Trying To Get Yourself Killed!" (Giles/Jenny, M) by Alexistiel
wolves of my want (Cordelia/Faith, T) by mistyheartrbs
Saturday 9:13 pm (Buffy/Giles, M) by Sdhuskerfan
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 349 (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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The Ripperverse AU, Chapters 1-3/6 (Giles, ensemble, E) by AvicusKing
In the Company of Witches and Slayers:, Chapter 172/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
[Ukrainian language] Forward to Time Past//Вперед у час минулий, Chapter 65/67 (Buffy/Spike, E) translation by Uraniya
BtVS : Judgement Day, Chapter 6/? (Buffy, Terminator xover, not rated) by AntonioCC
Out of Time: 1942, Chapter 60/? (Buffy/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter xover, M) by Aynn_Ward
Bring Me To Life : A Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel Crossover Event, Chapter 72/? (Buffy/Angel, not rated) by Jean_theGuardian
Okay Dad, Chapter 3/6 (Ensemble, T) by Work
The Yellowstone: A Safe Harbor, Chapter 12/? (Ensemble, Yellowstone xover, G) by Buffyworldbuilder
Painting Flowers, Chapter 7/? (Buffy/Angel, T) by crowncitydreams
Ghosts of Sunnydale, Chapter 2/? (Buffy/Spike, T) by VThinksOn
Soul Mate Magic, Chapter 18/20 (Giles/OC, M) by Emma_M_Black
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Indecent Proposal, Chapter 10 (Buffy/William/Xander, M) by thetherealman
Bring Me To Life, Chapter 77 (Buffy/Angel, T) by Jean-theGuardian
Double date, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Giles, M) by Rippertish
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Incarnate, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Sigyn
Little Light, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Melme1325
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A Man in Shadow, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, 13+) by Zab Jade
Christmas at the Folly, Story 1: Room 3 (Buffy/Spike, 13+) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: faith/drusilla commission (worksafe) by loopnoid
Gifset: Every Tara look: S5E06 Family (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Artwork: [Doodle of Spike] (swear words, worksafe) by yarboyandy
Crafts: Bored now [cross-stitch pattern] (worksafe) by batstitchnerdycrossstitch
Artwork: [Drawing of Spike] (worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: Collage # 236 (Buffy, worksafe) by thedecadentraven
Gifset: If anything could fall at all, it’s the world That falls away from me (Buffy, S1-S5 finale parallels, worksafe) by theveryunlikelywonderland
Gifset: (im)perfect for you… (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by clarkgriffon
Cosplay: Ready to start casting spells? (Vamp Willow cosplay, worksafe) by lauren-delorean
Gifset: Lifter Puller by Atmosphere (Buffy/Angel, worksafe) by andremichaux
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Costume: Willow Cosplay - Lauren DeLorean (worksafe) by lauren_delorean
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Demon design: From the Archives: Ubervamp (Turok-Han) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7 (worksafe) by Christopher Burdett
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel - Episode 5.11 – Damage by rock-and-compass
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PODCAST: S4. Ep15. Orpheus Ft. Prophecy Girls Podcast by Investigating Angel
[In Search Of]
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ISO: Original Buffy DVD sets still in production? requested by Bright_Wolverine_490
[Community Announcements]
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Revamped IWRY Marathon 2024 — week two masterpost by iwillrememberyoumarathon
12 Days of Calendilesmas: Asks open from now till 25th November! by hal-1500
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Secret Santa: Sign Up Thread by nightshade
[Fandom Discussions]
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BtVS - Redemption Through Violation by itsnotmymind
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Cordelia Chase [ask game] by moistvonlipwig
[POLL] Pick your favorite of Wesley’s two main ships by ohrupie
[POLL] BTVS Fans: Pop Quiz hot shot! by juanabaloo
Wait so Angel (sadly) is the shadow of her father in the form of her romantic brooding hero by magpie-trove
Angel should have fallen in love with Giles. by thequeenofsastiel
[POLL] Choose your favorite of these mostly comedic, self-contained (non-arc–I refuse to call them “filler” :)) BtVS episodes! by ohrupie
sooooo many thoughts on buffy constantly telling spike to leave her alone when she’s clearly enjoying his company by lesbianmarrow
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Tara was a true friend buffy deserved by Jamieo1111
Does Angel The Series have superior fight scenes to Buffy? by LouvrePigeon
Buffy is insane by No_Introduction_4136
Buffy resurrection question by
I love Primeval as a season finale simply because… by _theoneandonlyyyy
Which old horror movie franchises do you think inspired Buffy and Angel the most? by PlaneAutomatic4965
The fandom's changing reaction to Willow... by stillhavehope99
I don’t care want anyone says, Giles is a trusted adult. by Familiar_Recover8112
What's something you choose to ignore in the Buffyverse? by PristineSituation498
what's the worst Buffy remake you could imagine by alb5357
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: The Top 10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Secondary Characters Ranked From Least To Most Powerful by Looper.com
PUBLICATION: The 15 Best Willow and Tara Episodes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ranked by CBR.com
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nerdalmighty · 9 months ago
just out of curiosity, what does birdie look like in-game if you don't mind sharing? and is there anything about how you imagine her that you couldn't capture in game, that maybe you'd try to change/add if you had access to mods for it? especially since iirc you said she was part-siren!
I don't mind at all! Here's a pic of her and the gang (that's the header for my writing blog)! This is them listening to a Balduran statue while on the Ansur quest. Usually Astarion is also wearing a circlet and Shadowheart has a druidic hood, but the cut scenes like to glitch them out lol
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Birdie really started as a self-insert character, so I did try to make her look like me a bit; she has short curly brown hair and blue eyes. But that's really where the similarities stop, as she's a half elf and has a preprogrammed face/body.
I forget the name of the armor she's wearing here, but my favorite dyes for her are Lavender (which is more magenta and blue) and Ocean (her camp outfit is currently using the ocean dye which is basically teal and brown).
As I've said before, she's based on my first DND character whose art looks like this (which was originated by someone named Dantrelium on Reddit):
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I always imagined the blue accents in this being red though, so it's interesting that my Birdie in the game ended up having a blue AND red-ish color scheme :)
I'm not entirely sure what I'd change about her since I've gotten so used to the way she looks, so in my mind that's just her canon appearance. Maybe some sort of face mod where I could elongate some features (like her nose), but I'm pretty pleased with how she looks and would feel weird going in this late and changing things.
Something that IS canon to my DND character that would be fun in-game would be that she has scales on her thighs that are left over from being a siren/half-siren. It would be cool to be able to show those off (I know there are scales that can be added to the face, but I didn't think those really suited her). Because of that, maybe I'd opt for mods that allow for shorter outfits? Not that Birdie would want to show off her scales, but it would be nice to have the option should she want to!
But yeah, that's my lady! I wish I had more pics/art of her but I'm not a skilled artist and it's been incredibly tough for me to get footage and photos from my PS5 onto my phone/computer. I've been able to download stuff onto a USB which allowed me to make this gifset, but the quality and colors are sooooooo bad. Maybe someday I'll have some more high quality images, but for now this is what I'm rocking with :)
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charistim · 1 year ago
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AROOOO!!! — 🌟
dook larue stimboard for anon with space, arcade, and drum themes! this did not take nearly two years to do (it did i promise i'm catching up w reqs), thank you for your patience!
🚀 🌠 🥁 | 🎵 🐶 🎵 | 🥁 🌠 🚀
[ID: A gifset of 9 gifs themed around Dook LaRue from The Rock-afire Explosion. The top left gif is a brightly colored circular arcade game with a light tracing the outer edge. The top middle gif is a bright yellow galaxy slowly zooming into a bright glow in the center. The top right gif is a person drumming. The middle left gif is of Dook LaRue, an animatronic canine with brown fur, floppy ears, and a silver and black spacesuit, looking to his left and nodding while speaking in front of a blue sky stage backdrop. The middle gif is of Dook LaRue under a spotlight singing. The middle right gif is of Dook LaRue singing in front of a blue sky stage backdrop. The bottom left gif is a yellow-tinted gif of a person drumming. The bottom middle gif is a yellow galaxy with stars moving quickly past. The bottom right gif is a yellow ticket machine spitting out bright orange tickets. End ID]
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selamat-linting · 5 months ago
its been a while since i write abt terrafirmacraft... well its because i've been busy rebuilding the house. its a two story house with a wing dedicated for cooking and forging. the roof was burnt down twice until i replaced it with mudbricks instead of wood blocks. it also has a basement where i kept barrels of limewater, tallows, and preserved foods. limewater is useful for a lot of things, but right now im using it just for leather. tallows are candles. turns out whale hunting is a lot easier than i think. i crossed the ocean many times during my move, and some of them lingers and follow you on boat. candles are better light source than torches. you cant exactly hang it off the walls or ceiling, but it lasts longer. i'll be using candles until i finally get materials to make lamp glass.
as i get settled, i started farming. plants grow better here, and i can forage things from the forest, but they overheat fast so i need to provide crops with lots of fertilizers. i planted tomatoes, but i forgot they need a stick to prop them up. and then i find some animals, a cow, horse, and a llama i think? idk. i also got some chicken but it dies lol.
the cow was probably the worst animal i had to drag back. theyre so stupid! i brought three, but only one survives because one of them escaped the leash and ran off while the other fell in a hole and gets bit to death by crocodiles. i hate crocodiles so much, theyre demons that trap you in swamps.
winter came, and i started preparing for a trek to find graphite. i found a bunch of coppers, cooked, don my leather armor, i vaguely remember that there was an exposed bit of rock that might contain graphite in one of the lakes near my super super first base. i spent at least one and a half prospective pick just to get graphite. its tedious, long, and arduous. i think it took me two weeks to get it. i play the game in 2 hour duration twice a week so yea im a casual. its super satisfying to hit a super large stack though and coming home with a bonus of pyrite and beets. also now i know how to mine deep underwater <3
my plan here is to make glass for lamps and jars. to do that i need tools like paddle, jacks, blowpipe, and gem saw. i need brass to make jacks. and for gem saw i would need gems like pyrite and brass rod. to make brass you need a tin and copper and a way to process said tin and copper to be brass. by that i mean i need a crucible. its made out of fire clay. fire clay is made out of kaolinite clay and graphite. i just need One Thing.
but of course finding kaolinite isnt as easy as it sounds. it took me a week before i start using cheats. i already live SOMEHWERE where kao is supposed to spawn. but all i see is sylvite and saltpeters. its drudget i use locate biome to see other places like highlands and old mountains that might give me what i need, but so far i found zero. im starting to think my world just doesnt have kao. so i just give up and type give tfc:kaolin_clay.
i gave myself just enough to make a crucible. i made my brass rods and once i got it, i have to weld and work said rods on the anvil to make my blowpipe.
i blew all my coal and brass ingots to zero results. i just suck, suck so bad at working the anvil. so i took a long break. i didnt touch tfc for quite a while. i focused on making gifsets and such. but i get bored with only dabbling with photoshop so i look up tips on anvil working on tfc. there's no way around it. the mod is meant to slow you down and make you learn and explore. some suggested i practiced working on an anvil using copper. some suggested i work on other shit before coming back to the anvil.
so, i went back, and realized how much i neglected my house. my animals still doesnt have a barn. i havent fixed the burned kitchen roof. my bookshelves are empty. my leather armor have been worn down to a nub. my inventory shelves are a mess. i havent restored the decorations that got burned down on the third (or was it fourth?) house fire. i went to work slowly fixing those things. i made copper armor again, a helmet and boots. to tell you the truth, i think i did metalworking better when im just going by vibes instead of overthinking the maths.
im gonna complete the armor i wear, but for now i think i want to make a proper barn first and a warehouse. as i was working, the chest near the forge caught fire. i realized then the space im working in is too small. i need to make a storage space and a building dedicating for forging.
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irlvernon-moved · 1 year ago
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thank you for tagging me maddie !!! ilysm im so glad you were part of my year @jeonwon-wonwoo
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (totally fine to skip months) and tag some CCs you love!
i only started giffing this july so i'll start from there hehe take a look at these sets please i worked so hard on them and i really really enjoyed creating for seventeen this year ♥️
most popular | wonwoo birthday post (1.5k notes) favorites | junhui, crush @ be the sun in newark / junhui eating a snack on gose / all my special video gif typography
most popular | seungkwan, mingyu, wonwoo, and dk for cosmopolitan korea (1.5k notes) favorites | hai cheng mv / mingyu and minghao on hybe x game caterers / 'i want us both to eat well' svt gifset / maknae line 'rock with you' 007 edition
most popular | minghao on gose ep. 93 (4.4k notes) favorites | limbo mv / maknae line iphones / scoups, joshua, dino ima gifset / joshua on nhk
most popular | mingyu on wageul wageul (2k notes) favorites | junhui playstation gfx / dk for elle / seventeen first profile sketch / junhui + pink / underwater mv / dino, woozi, hoshi gifset / woozi on aaa 2021
most popular | hoshi for vogue korea (600+ notes) favorites | screen time mv / joshua's double take cover gif typography / hoshi in attaccaa dance practice / seungcheol + pink beanie / dk, to you @ attacca comeback show / wonwoo, to you @ attacca comeback show / maknae line hot mv
most popular | hoshi on nana tour highlight (800+ notes) favorites | pang! attacca highlight medley / dk @ '19 japan tour / dk, run to you @ '19 japan tour / mingyu & dino on gose ep. 48 / dk, to you @ weverse con
i made so many gifs this year holy shit 😭 tagging my cc mutuals and any other cc's who wanna do this! i wanna see your favorite creations and reblog them again before the year ends c: (no pressure tho!)
@woozis @goblinvern @wnjunhui @woozification @master-tonberry @kveom @jeonghan-yoons @wonufied @jeonsupershy @hongjoshuaz @facethesuns @booskwan @ajusnice @woozi @junranghae @singularities @junmail @saerom @dinoboos @97-liners @yuqi-s @kiimtaehyung @emoremix @seonghwasblr @renjunniez @jjunhui @sevencoloredstar @shnryjn @lesseraive @heeseunq @soonhoonsol @mimisamo @jebiwon @ppanghanni @toplines @xiaojuun @twiceland @ambivartence @sunghanbin @kimjiwoong @jusnhui @ryudaeng @
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spotsandsocks · 1 year ago
✨12 days of Christmas✨
12 Days of Fandom Holiday Challenge created by @mostlyinthemorning
Every day for 12 days in December, choose a fandom work from any fandom from 2023 that you loved. It can be anything you like - a gifset, a drabble, fanart, a fic, or just a post that made you laugh.Reblog the post and add a comment or tags about why you love it.Tag your post with #12 days of fandom
A few amazing fics from the talented
@thekristen999 I’m typically a fluffy fic kind of spot but l love these more dramatic and edgy fics and would 100% recommend
Follow You Into The Dark 14k a serial arsonist terrorizes the city, plunging Buck and Eddie into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
Bro.ken 32k
Forced to take shady side jobs to pay his bills, Evan Buckley doesn’t think he’s ever seen such rock bottom. Until he meets Eddie Diaz, a man even more desperate and alone. Season 3 AU.
Cutting the ties that bind the mafia au I still need to read
@monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @loserdiaz @buddierights @hippolotamus @steadfastsaturnsrings @weewootruck @disasterbuckdiaz @rogerzsteven @spaceprincessem @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @daffi-990 @wildlife4life @pirrusstuff @jamespearce9-1-1 @giddyupbuck
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thisweekingundamwing · 6 months ago
This Week in Gundam Wing 25-31 August 2024
Here’s the roundup for August 25th - August 31st, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
Tainted Sleep https://janaverse.tumblr.com/post/760346843437760512/tainted-sleep-it-was-inevitable-heero-supposed
Sims Universe, Heero Yuy, drabble, NSFW
it was inevitable, heero supposed, that he would have a sexual dream that night.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Old Manga Magazine cover, official art
GW Pilots ad D&D characters, fanart
WuFei Chang, fanart
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Noin, gifset
Zechs Merquise, gifset
More Zechs and some trivia.
Trowa(Triton) Barton(Bloom), gifset
Duo Maxwell, Hilde Schbeiker, gifset
Fandom Discourse:
Wing rocks.
Prompt List!
I’ma do it y’all... just wait for it. Marvel Crossover idea with WinterHawk in Heavyarms and Deathscythe.
Sally & WuFei
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, September 6th: https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/760328389280317440/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2024
Sign-ups OPEN: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/760398363123384320/hey-gundam-wingers-the-gundam-wing-holiday-gift
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