#robin x sumia
I see you write for fe:a! Could I get some Chrom/Robin/Sumia? I would forever appreciate it
The candle was burning low by the time Robin looked at it, the dimming light pulling them from their work. They knew the candles had been new, Lissa had gifted it to them a few days ago. Now it was a stump, maybe only an inch tall now.
The world was slowly filled in around them. They could hear the ticking of a clock in the background, the only noise except for their breathing. A chill has settled into the air and their back ached from leaning over their desk. They’d lost track of time again, looking over their shoulder and squinting at the clock told them that. It was close to midnight, everyone but the night guard was asleep now.
They looked back down at their work, blinking slowly. They still had much work to do and not enough hours to get it all done. They rubbed a hand across their face, sighing befre grabbing their quill. One more hour and then they’ll go to bed and hopefully, neither Chrom or Sumia noticed the late arrival.
All hope of that was dashed away with the knock and a soft voice calling out for them.
“Robin? Are you still here?” Sumia peaked her head around the door, holding out a candlestick to see into the room. For a traitorous second, they thought of lying to Sumia just to get more work done. But then the thought of her searching the castle in a panic, waking everyone up to look for Robin when they were right here made them banish the thought. That and the thought of Sumia hurting herself with so few awake caused their stomach to flip.
“Over her love,” they sighed, setting their quill down as Sumia tiptoed over. She set her own candle down next to Robin’s, pulling them into a hug. Her nightgown was cool against Robin’s skin, a soft purple that barely reached her thighs. Robin hummed into the contact, blinking a bit before Sumia pulled away.
“You must be tired. Come to bed, Chrom is waiting.” Sumia’s voice was quiet, lulling theim as she grabbed their hands, pulling them up to their feet. She handed them her candlestick, taking a moment to clean Robin’s desk before linking their arms.
“Come one.”
Sumia led them down the halls of the castle, greeting any guards they saw. Robin just followed along, nodding a head at anyone they passed, but the motion was quickly draining. They didn’t realize how tired they were and they were grateful that Sumia was there for them to lean on. And that she didn’t complain about their weight.
Soon they were standing outside their bedroom, the door cracked open from when Sumia snuck out. Light flickered from the crack, alerting Robin that Chrom was awake. Sumia wasn’t bothered at all, pushing the door open and dragging Robin inside, almost throwing them into Chrom’s arm. He held them close as they collapsed, Chrom’s embrace was warm after how cold the castle had been. Sumia closed the door behind them, taking the candlestick from Robin and setting it on the nightstand. She quickly approached the two, hugging Robin from behind as the three of them navigated their way to the bed.
“Did you take the long way back?” Chrom asked with a chuckle. Robin didn’t know or care, but the giggle from Sumai answered for them.
“Maybe~ I had to make sure Robin was tired before we got here,” Sumia answered, giggling before letting out a yelp. Her grip tightened around Robin as she slipped, taking a moment to right herself before loosening said grip.
“Oops, sorry,” She mumbled, pressing a kiss to Robin’s cheek. They let out a hum, leaning more on Chrom before he collapsed on the bed, taking both of them down with him.
“Let's lay down before someone gets hurt.” Chrom chuckled, earning a lip smack from Robin as Sumia laughed.
“Mmmm, not funny,” they slurred out, rolling off Chrom as Sumia collapsed on his other side, still laughing. “I’m not the on;y one who’s tired.”
“Who knows, I might kick someone and cause a bruise during the night. Knowing my luck,” Sumia said after her laughter subsided.
“That’s why Robin’s in the middle,”
“Hey wait! I bruise easily!” Robin pushed themselves onto their hands, glaring down at Chrom as he chuckled.
“Well nothing else stops you from sneaking out, so you’re in the center until we find a different situation.
Robin pouted at the jab, hiding their face in Chrom’s chest as he stroked their hair. They could hear Sumia move around, the room growing dark with each candle that is snuffed out.
“I know you worry Robin and there is a lot of work that needs to be done,” Chrom started.
“But you still need to rest. You can’t work if you don’t get any sleep.” Sumia finished, the bed dipping slightly as she climbed back on and planted a kiss into Robin’s hair. “Let up help you rest at least.”
They hummed under the contact, already familiar with this song and dance. The two waited for their response, already knowing what it was going to be.
“I’ll try, no promise though.” Robin heard both of them let out a sigh, probably sharing a look before they spoke again. “This is nice and all, but I would like to be under the covers while I sleep.”
Chrom snorted underneath them, shifting around so they were resting on the pillows. He tugged the sheets back, Sumia climbing into the bed and plastering herself to Robin’s back, both humming at the contact as Chrom tucked them all in.
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cupofcolors · 2 months
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chrobin ver of that labru meme
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thatratgo · 1 year
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mayordeas-clone · 3 months
recently been in love with the idea of f!morgan and lucina qpr and have enjoyed developing it in my headcanons. i decided to leaf through the fe awakening artbook (which i will tirelessly remind everyone i have) to see lucina and morgan's supports and maybe build something off of that.
turns out f!morgan can only support with lucina if lucina is her mother 🥲 BOOOOOOO
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hiddentrails7 · 2 years
Kidnapper: We have one of your men, pay us and you will get him back.
Frederick: Which one?
Kidnapper, while Inigo is staring at him intensely: T-the fashionable one.
Frederick: He made you say that, right?
Kidnapper, on the verge of crying: Just come and take him back. Please.
Brady: Love is dumb.
Brady, glancing at Owain as they punch a hole in a wall: And I'm the dumbest bitch alive.
Olivia: This is a mistake.
Henry, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Olivia: But not today.
Henry, still enthusiastic: Oh no, today is going to be hell!
Cherche: But what about Henry?
Ricken: Don't worry about him.
Ricken: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened.
Donnel: So, how did the date with Lon'qu go?
Stahl: I tried complimenting him, but couldn't decide on whether to say "you have an amazing smile" or "you have nice eyes." Then he smiled a little and I panicked and said, "You have eyes."
Ricken: I’m kind of crushing on someone... but I’m worried about telling you who it is cause you’re not going to like it...
Vaike: Just rip the bandage off, shortie.
Ricken: It’s Henry.
Vaike: Put the bandage back on.
Kidnapper: We have a troop of yours.
Frederick: Which one.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying one who never shuts up
Frederick: Which one.
Stahl: I’ve never smoked marijuana.
Stahl: I ate a brownie once at a party.
Stahl: It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating.
Stahl: Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Chrom @ Robin: I'm not gay but DAMN
Lissa: You don't have to be gay to appreciate a good looking guy
Chrom: Nah I'd fuck him
Lissa: Oh okay shit
Robin: What did you two do.
Robin: You're not in trouble. I just need to know if I need to lie to Lissa again or not.
Donnel: You know what they say: if you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs.
Stahl: ...Nobody says that.
Sully: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Say'ri: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Chrom: Who traumatized you?
Robin: Do you you want a list?
Chrom, with Falchion out: Ya actually
Basilio: I'm gonna prank him by calling him Lon'qu.
Olivia: I don't understand. That's his name..?
Lon'qu: *Walks around the corner*
Basilio: Hey Lon'qu
Basilio: Lon'qu?
Lon'qu: Are you mad at me?
Basilio: Oh no, I'm sorry Lon. Come here son.
Olivia: Oh, I see
Sully: Based on genital structure, men should really be the ones wearing skirts and women should be wearing pants.
Stahl: The Scots were right all along
Kellam: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies
Gaius: The Scots were right all along.
Sumia: How do you feel about children?
Sully: Uh, they’re okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one on the street I wouldn’t throw a rock at them. 
Sumia: Why would you throw a rock at a child. 
Sully: I just said I wouldn’t.
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femuirdris · 10 months
Mushroom Soup for the Soul
Fire Emblem Awakening | Rating: G | Character Focus: Frederick, F!Robin | Ship(s): Fredsumia, F!Chrobin
Frederick teaches Robin to cook, but when he asks what piqued her interest in pursuing his guidance, they end up discussing love versus duty.
Companion piece to Companions in Clumsiness
[Read on AO3!]
While she didn’t remember any of her life until meeting Chrom, Robin retained many skills under her belts. She, of course, was a fine tactician, a skilled mage, and was even a budding swordsman. Her interests held steadfast, as well—her passion for reading and chess, alongside her disdain for early mornings and excessive physical activity, all manifested in some way throughout her daily affairs. Cooking was an anomaly though, a task she held little passion for but was eager to learn to better serve herself and her fellow Shepherds. Plus, she didn’t want to end up completely helpless, should such a scenario arise where she was dependent only on herself.
Or on the many Shepherds still fed from a silver spoon.
During her game meat-eating training sessions with Frederick, she suggested different ways game could be cooked to make it more palatable, but admitted she had no cooking skills of her own to even attempt such a feat. She spoke of her interest in learning, and Frederick insisted he be the one to teach her, if only partly to make working up to bear meat a little more tolerable. As a bonus, they considered the lessons an opportunity to grow their friendship, too. They were rarely paired out on the battlefield, with Robin usually paired with Chrom or Gaius, and Frederick with Sumia or Lissa. Plus, with Frederick usually running around performing all kinds of duties to keep operations running smoothly, and with Robin working out battle strategies well ahead of time, they rarely had moments of respite to aquatint themselves further.
This evening’s course was a creamy mushroom soup, as Robin had recently learned of Frederick’s interest in foraging. He had done the honors of collecting the ingredients and preparing the vegetable stock prior. (He made sure to recite the recipe for the stock, but noted that it was fairly simple to prepare in advance.) Left for Robin was simply washing, dicing, and combining the ingredients. Simple enough! she thought.
Well, the washing certainly was.
“Ah, Robin, remember to hold your knife like so,” he demonstrated as he spoke, “as choking up on the blade gives you more control over the motion.”
“Like this?” She adjusted her hand position, her forefinger resting on top of the blade. “Er, wait no—“
“If I may,” he asked permission, and she hummed in approval. Frederick adjusted her finger so it was gripping around the knife instead. “This gives you more ample control of the knife’s motion, keeping it from swiveling from beneath you. It is not unlike proper weapon technique; you do not want your foe to disarm you with a flimsy grip.” She nodded. “And now…”
He returned to his own knife and chopped the onion with quick, circular motions. His left hand was splayed out like a spider to stabilize his knife work, his fingertips tucked safely beneath his knuckles.
“You see?”
“Yeah, I think so!” she said tentatively. She chopped slowly, adjusting to the unfamiliar motions, but quickly got into a rhythm. Her cuts were a bit uneven, but her technique showed promise. With a bit of practice, Frederick assured her, she’d be an expert in no time. He had seen how quick she was to improve her swordsmanship on the battlefield; surely a chef’s knife would be no trouble at all.
As Robin diligently continued her chopping, adding garlic and mushrooms to the mix, Frederick rummaged around the wares storage. He located the Valentian oven, his favorite cast iron cooking vessel, giving it an affirming nod and a small smile. He hooked it over the campfire, stoking the flames so they licked up the sides of the oven, heating it thoroughly.
“The Valentian oven does a marvelous job at regulating temperature—more so, I would say, than a ceramic vessel. It tolerates the high heat of the flames far more reliably, as well,” he explained. “Now that you’re finished, we can add a bit of cow’s butter and sauté the onions and garlic together.
Frederick went silent as he observed Robin thoughtfully, his careful breaths unheard over the sizzle of the sautéing aromatics.
“If I may be so bold to reaffirm,” his voice broke the silence, “why did you want to learn cooking skills again? You mentioned briefly that, ‘One of us has to!’ but I cannot imagine in what scenario you and milord would find yourself without myself or any stewards arou—“
“Hold on,” she interrupted, straightening her back and pausing her stirring briefly. “Who said anything about Chrom? I sure didn’t.” Her voice was shaky, but she turned back to watch the pot, though her eyes were unfocused.
He frowned, his eyebrows knitting together with concern. “Forgive me for my bold presumptions, but are you and milord… not courting?”
Now her cheeks mirrored the ferocity of the fire in both heat and color. “Frederick, by the gods, what would ever give you that idea?!”
Frederick dismissed her questioning briefly to add mushrooms to the pot. “Now, roast the mushrooms with the aromatics for approximately ten minutes’ time, stirring occasionally to allow all the mushrooms to have an equal time on direct heat and soften.”
Compartmentalizing her thoughts proved easier in battle than now, but she tried her damndest to focus on the mushrooms than Frederick’s insinuation.
“To answer your question, Robin,” Frederick continued, Robin uttering a small groan, “but you two share many knowing glances with each other, many intimate and overt touches. When I adjusted your hand, your face remained curious and professional—this is not so when milord assists you on the training grounds with your sword technique.”
She glared, and her response oozed venom. “You touched my hand as a test of my purported affections for Chrom?”
“No, merely an observation to provide an example,” he replied cooly.
“Well, we are not, as a matter of fact, courting in the slightest. Chrom is my closest companion, and besides, he’s the general and I am his chief tactician. It just… wouldn’t be right,” she insisted, a sadness replacing the anger in her tone. “I would never forgive myself if my feelings caused me to make poor calls on the battlefield—and Chrom would be beside himself, too. You understand, don’t you? I mean, isn’t that why you haven’t courted Sumia yet?”
His face flushed at her accusation. “I—er—well, I cannot compare the scenarios exactly. Milord is the prince of this realm, after all, and is of age where he is expected to wed within the coming years. On the contrary, I am a knight, and will always be a knight, and my duty is first and foremost to the royal family.”
She laughed incredulously, punctuating with a small snort. “And you think that the prince of Ylisse would be allowed to take an amnesiac foreigner as his wife? It’s bad enough he made her his chief tactician—I mean, even you mistrusted me through countless battles.”
“I only had milord Chrom and milady Lissa’s safety in mind when we first met,” he snapped, his frown drooping further to his chin. “And now I must consider milord’s happiness—“
“Just like you’re considering Sumia’s happiness, hm?” He winced. “She is absolutely over the moon to spend time with you, and yet your duty to the royals and the Shepherds comes first. So does mine. And besides—like I said, I’m some amnesiac you found asleep on the side of the road. Do you really think some foreigner of dubious origins is fit to court the prince of the realm? For his sake, he’d be far better off with a prudent noble like Maribelle, or even continue to improve Feroxi relations with Olivia.” She stirred the mushrooms aggressively.
“The people of Ylisse could never mistrust you as much as I once did,” he growled.
“What a ringing endorsement, Frederick,” she spat.
“That is not how I intended my words,” he grumbled, his attention brought to her near destructive stirring. “We should add the stock now.”
Robin glanced down at the oven, blinking rapidly as if waking up from a dream. “Right. We’re cooking,” she said matter-of-factly. She stood up quickly, brushing by Frederick with little regard to him and reached for the stockpot and ladle. She added the stock slowly and methodically, careful to not spill any into the fire. “How long?”
His tone equally dry, he replied, “About fifteen minutes’ time with this. Stir occasionally, to ensure the ingredients do not stick to the oven.”
“Got it.”
“Now then,” he continued, firmer this time, “what I meant was that even if milord were to take you as his wife, you have already succeeded in gaining my trust. I do not give such trust lightly, especially when it comes to protecting the royal family. There are many members of the Shepherds who have yet to gain my faith in them.”
An, “Oh,” escaped her lips breathlessly. “That is quite the compliment from Frederick the Wary.”
“Indeed. And you deserve to be showered with more, considering your skill and dedication in serving the realm,” he explained. “However, I am not here to pucker my lips against your buttocks.”
Laughter jetted from her nostrils. “Then why bother in the first place?”
“Robin, it is painfully evident that you captivate milord. If you were to spurn his affections, I am unsure if I’d be able to see you in such a favorable light,” he said grimly.
“Frederick, he has yet to even approach his feelings with me! Hell, last week in the bathing tent—er—“
Frederick’s eyebrows shot up. “The bathing tent? Robin, your sense of propriety, please!”
“Wh—it wasn’t like that!” The burning of her cheeks was almost painful. “Er, never mind. The point is, Chrom has not expressed anything to me directly. Hell, he might even think we’re just good friends!”
“Mmm. Despite your closeness, I have known and observed milord for far longer than you. His affections for you rival none, despite his many, many admirers, both romantic and platonic,” he admitted, a feather-light dusting of pink to his cheeks. “As milord’s former closest confidant, and as a,” he sucked in a heavy breath, “friend… to you both, I implore you to—stir again, the mushrooms are sticking to the sides!”
“Huh? …Oh!” She stirred, digging at the sides of the oven to scrape any clinging mushrooms.
“I implore you to allow yourself to court milord, if that is what you both desire,” he finished.
“I don’t know… I—it just. It wouldn’t be—“
He cut her off. “I’ve said my piece. I only want you to consider it for both milord’s happiness,” his expression softened, “and your own.”
“We don’t know how this war is going to end,” she muttered. “What if something awful happens, what if I—what if someone hurts him?” Her free hand gripped the bridge of her nose in frustration.
Frederick reached for the cream to add to the soup, slowly adding it as Robin stirred it in. “What if something good comes amidst the war? You would do well to read more of milady Sumia’s romance novels. They might inspire your next course of action.”
At that, Robin burst into laughter, her face still miserably warm, and pushed him aside playfully. “Oh gods, Frederick, she got you on those too?”
“No, but I cannot deny her the opportunity to recite them in full detail during our lengthy marches. It passes the time in the most delightful manner,” he said with a smile—one not unlike the smile he has when Chrom sings his praises, though with an uncharacteristic softness.
“I never thought I’d ever describe you as adorable but…” she snickered, “it seems I have been proven wrong.”
His blush made its way up to the tip of his ears as Robin’s snarky grin widened.
“Th-That’s not—“ he stammered. “I’m not—er—“
“Frederick, if you’re telling me to pursue Chrom despite our very different social standings and birth origins, and despite the war and our leadership roles in the army, the least you could do is not be a hypocrite. At least you and Sumia are similar in that regard! I mean, you’re the royal family’s most trusted knight, she’s a noble and knight, you’re both Ylissean, you both have all of your memories from before you met…” You’d never hurt her, she wanted to add. She winced as she remembered her nightmare just before meeting Chrom—the only memory she had at all prior to meeting him, and she still wasn’t sure why or how.
“Robin, are you alright?” His voice welled with concern as her eyes glazed with anxiety. “Robin!”
“Ah!” She snapped to attention. “Anyway, if you’re insistent on me and Chrom, then I’m afraid I must be more insistent on you and Sumia. It’s only fair, since we both have the army and Ylisse’s best interests at heart. It would be a shame to spurn the affections of a fellow Shepherd you care so deeply about.”
“Mmm, I suppose… you do have a rather sound rebuttal there…”
“What? You weren’t supposed to agree with me!” she squawked. “What happened to the most dutiful, dedicated knight in the halidom putting his duties first?” She gasped when she realized how aggressive she was with the spoon, smooshing the mushrooms. “O-oh gods, I am so sorry…”
Frederick chuckled. “Ah! Don’t be, you’re already on to the next step: pulverizing the mushrooms so as to blend it into liquid.”
She allowed a relieved sigh to escape her lips, continuing her work on destroying the mushrooms.
“I thought you’d be on my side if I turned this around on you, Frederick…” she continued. “Duty, social standing, the roles we play… don’t they all come before matters of the heart?”
He furrowed his brow. “I did not wholeheartedly agree with your apparently false rebuttal! I merely said it was sound! I take the utmost pride and dedication in serving milord, and he absolutely comes first. However, you are attempting to justify spurning milord’s affections.”
Robin’s eyes darted away from his piercing gaze. He was right. But if he knew how she had killed Chrom in her nightmares each time she slept, he’d cleave her with his own axe.
Her mashing became erratic in her anxiety, but there was so little left to blend, she was merely sloshing around the liquid.
Frederick steadied his hand on her shoulder.
His tone was firm, but lacked his usual commanding edge. “That should be plenty, Robin. Give it some time to meld the flavors together more and it’ll be done.”
She sighed as she lifted the spoon from the pot, watching the soup drip from the sides. “I’m sorry.”
“There is naught for which to apologize. The soup is complete.” He nodded.
“No I mean—“
“You don’t need to apologize. I believe it was you who pointed out how duty-bound we both are. We are sworn to protect the people of Ylisse, the royal family, our…” he hesitated, “most cherished companions.”
“Yeah,” she replied with a tentative smile.
“Now then, I believe we have a meal to serve! Prepare the bowls and I will alert our dinner guests.”
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djtitus921 · 2 years
A Special Ylissean Christmas
I meant to post this during Christmas. But i got busy visiting with family that i couldn't edit this fast enough. But better late than ever
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nm-mattuz · 1 year
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emblemxeno · 11 months
Chrom x Maribelle and M!Robin x Lissa, double lavender marriage hmmm 🤔
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crazystarxp · 1 year
“When a Pedestal Breaks,” a Fire Emblem Awakening hurt/comfort fanfic written by me.
It’s based on the idea of “What if Morgan was there in place of Chrom witnessing Lucina try to pass judgment on Robin, and Morg was Luci’s daughter?”
This was something I wanted to get out of my system before I got to work on my OC lore.
Note: This fanfic is complete, but there’ll be some adjustments every now and then.
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kenny-lovers · 6 months
Chrom: Le prometí a Sumia que no haríamos nada estúpido. Robin: ¿Por qué le mientes de esa manera a tu prometida?
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apollolewis · 11 months
The true fire emblem awaking ship is Chrom x Robin regardless of Robin’s gender. Like I don’t care if Chrom and Sumia are the default pairing. Chrom and Robin in every other appearance outside of Fire emblem awakening are basically a married couple. In engaged their interactions with Lucina is basically her with her two dads. Chrom and fem Robin’s events are also goofy as hell, and the scenes that happen if they’re married are the cutest thing. They acknowledge that the two are married in most cut scenes.
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emmebearpaw · 1 month
I was about to make a silly post about how making a character gay instantly makes them more interesting and the ships better and then I realized that is clearly not my actual position. Because het!Chrobin is better than gay (mlm) Chrobin in my opinion. “Oh ok it’s probably just that making the ship femslash makes it better.” But a hypothetical femslash Chrobin… isn’t that much more interesting. In that Chrom being a woman… I think he would be more interesting but not a whole ton more interesting, you know? It would add an extra layer to Chrobin’s slow crawl towards being the basically canon ship if Sumia is genderbent to make chrom x Sumia straight though. But femslash chrobin where both Chrom and Emmeryn are genderbent? That would make it even better because now Chrom has the added spice of being the second ruler of a generation and being a woman. Like Yllise seems more egalitarian and it’s just the oldest child is first in line regardless of gender but. You know.
Male Robin x Female Chrom without Emmett’s gender bend is the most boring possible combination. Like yeah you just put the leading man and woman together. Plus I think Female Robin is a more interesting character than male Robin? That is insane to say considering they are both player inserts and don’t change personalities with the swap but robin’s story is more interesting if she is a woman. She’s the reincarnation of a god referred to as a male, a pawn for the predominantly male leaders of the Grimleal to use as a tool. While we don’t know Robin’s mother perspective, we do know she married Validar, who she was related to, and then ran away with the baby, presumably to protect them from their fate. But wouldn’t there be extra spice if there was also the element of a woman, born and raised to be the mother of the next try at birthing the perfect vessel for Grima, looking at her daughter and deciding she can’t let her daughter face that life and running off with the baby?
anyways after pondering all that I realized that it’s really just about writing strong female characters and that misogyny really adds something to a character. (EDIT: when used as a backdrop to explain why they are like that. When you can tell the author hates her it’s bad) With a female character I like enough im pretty much down for a heterosexual pairing if there aren’t any good gay options I like better (ex: apothecary diaries).
edit: one undeniable advantage of genderbending chrom would be that female robin would be more common in spin offs and other games they are in the same way male robin is currently. So that they can pretend they arent implying a ship. This would be a win since female Robin is better.
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i wish Chrom had more romance options, like yeah i get from a gameplay and coding perspective why that isn't the case(too many variables if there's too many options and also not every woman is recruited pre-timeskip) but like come on only (female)Robin, Sully, Sumia, Maribelle, or Olivia??? that's not really a lot anyways, all this to say i ship Chrom x Anna and im mad i cant do that in the vanilla game, thanks for coming to my tedtalk-
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outerspacebun · 7 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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luclraven · 8 months
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Does anyone even do shipping charts anymore?
Meh, whatever
List under cut but no explanations bc uhhhhhhhhhh idc
OTP: m!robin x chrom, inigo x gerome
QPPs: henry/miriel/anna/olivia
Love: henry x olivia, virion x libra, maribelle x lissa, chrom x gaius, cherche x lon'qu, kellam x panne
Like: morgan x nah, laurent x lucina, inigo x owain, sully x stahl, cordelia x sumia, basilio x flavia, olivia x gaius, f!robin x chrom
BROTP: frederick & chrom, awakening trio (inigo, severa, and owain), donnel & ricken, chrom & vaike
Tolerate: sully x virion
Didnt put any in dislike or hate not bc i dont dislike any but just bc i dont rlly feel like dealing with likers of the ships getting mad at me
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