#robin magee
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genlirema · 4 months ago
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New OC’s! This is Team Strato
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magexii · 4 months ago
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older brothers
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damthosefandoms · 2 months ago
rip dick grayson you would’ve loved staying gold.
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nea-art · 2 years ago
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I am not immune to pretty new alts
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clauwagart · 8 months ago
Imagine Frobin like a magician married couple. Franky changing his hair, turn on his nipple light and doing some poses meanwhile Robin make hands tricks like disappearing stuff or moving in other places.
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theshotsheardacrossworlds · 3 months ago
Stolen Moments
A series of vignettes between Agnes "Rook" Aldwir and Emmrich Volkarin, in which these two dorks awkwardly flirt, Agi realizes she's in love, and plans are made for a future romantic getaway. SFW.
Agnes glanced at Manfred, who was pouring milk into her cup of tea. Light and sweet---just like my coffee. “That’s a lovely tea set, Emmrich.” It’s pretty!
The older man nodded. “Thank you, dear. It belonged to my mother.”
His mother.
Who died when he was a boy.
She smiled politely. “It’s beautiful.” I wonder if his mother had black hair like him. Unsure of what to say next, she was grateful when Manfred handed her the cup of tea. “Thank you, Manfred.”
He hissed happily and then walked towards another wisp further away.
Sipping her tea, Agnes was once again grateful for time alone with Emmrich. Intelligent. Charming. His voice drives me mad. Sexy when he casts spells…and does anything, if I’m being honest. And speaking of being honest… “I wasn’t sure what to expect when you asked me to come with you tonight, Emmrich, but I’m very glad you did.” I’m glad to spend time with you. You know that, right? “Being here with you…it’s brought me a sense of peace I haven’t known for some time.” You mean a lot to me. I know it hasn’t been too long. I know. But I also know I have feelings for you that go way beyond friendship.
The professor’s brown eyes widened, but then he quickly caught himself and smiled. “I’m always happy for your company, my dear. If it is true what you have said, then I’m quite pleased to have played even the smallest part.” His lips curled into a teasing smirk. “After all, I’m happy to serve you in every way possible.”
How do I even respond to that?
What do I even say?!
“Is that so?” she squeaked, her cheeks burning.
He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Manfred’s timely return with the wisp.
Serve me…in every way possible…
“Be borne on the great currents. See now as they see.”
Slow. Deep.
As he said.
I feel…
I feel Emmrich’s hand on mine. He’s warm. Alive.
Then her brown eyes opened, and she saw the currents of life and death as he saw them. She saw wisps and friendly spirits.
But more than that…
She felt his magic around her. Within her. Surrounding her. Like a warm blanket on a snowy winter day. She felt his magic as her own.
Fire and ice.
Life and death.
Together as one.
Agnes called him “a compassionate necromancer” minutes earlier and recognized how woefully inadequate that was.
He’s the most wonderful, kind, brilliant, brave, handsome man I’ve ever known.
She took in his features as he spoke, his hand still on top of hers---the way the light illuminated his cheekbones, his adorable mole, the wrinkles around his eyes. I’ve never seen another man like him. Elegant and strong and so fucking classy.
I love him.
She nearly laughed when realized it.
I’m in love with him.
As she was about to tell him about her revelation, Manfred interrupted.
I love you so much my skelly boy BUT NOT NOW!!!
Unfortunately, things could not wait.
So I must.
Later then, Emmrich.
Be brave, Agi.
I love him.
I want…I wish…I hope he loves me too.
“There’s never anything behind a waterfall.” Harding said glumly as she, Agnes, and Emmrich located one on a trek through Rivain.
But there might be!
Agnes grinned. “Let’s find out!” She practically skipped into the waterfall and giggled like I’m seven years old again as the water hit her. “Come on!”
Harding’s mouth dropped when she saw TREASURE!!!! WE FOUND TREASURE!!! See, things are hidden behind waterfalls sometimes! The three gathered the loot, and then Harding smiled conspiratorially. “Yes! I’m going to take inventory. You two take a breather.” She winked at the couple and then went through the waterfall.
Should I…I should!!
“When I was a girl, I remember reading a book where the dashing hero and his lady had a kiss behind a waterfall.” She whispered with a creeping blush on her pale cheeks. “It sounds very romantic.”
Emmrich’s dexterous hands found their way to her wide hips, turning her gently to face him. “Do you wish to experience it? To determine if it is indeed romantic, of course.”
She nodded breathlessly. “Yes, please…”
I swear whenever he kisses me I feel like I could float away. He’s perfect. He’s the most perfect, wonderful man…
Who is currently grabbing my ass.
Agnes chuckled, hands clutching his jacket. “You naughty man, I know what you’re doing.”
He pinched my ass!!!! “I don’t know what you’re talking about, my dear.” Uh huh.
“Emmrich, you tease—”
“AHEM.” Harding coughed from beyond the waterfall. “I’m nearly finished.”
He reluctantly released her and straightened his waistcoat and pin. “A momentary pause. Fear not, my love, we shall continue this later.” Placing a kiss on her nose, he then stepped away and walked through the waterfall.
It is quite romantic after all.
Thanks, love.
After speaking about the future of the Wardens, Agnes allowed herself a few moments of enjoyment among the flowers, further away from Taash, Antoine, and Evka.
Even with all the blight and death surrounding us, there’s still life, light, and hope in the world.
“They’re nearly as lovely as you, my dear.” Emmrich’s velvet voice whispered in her ear, his hands resting on her shoulders. “Nearly.” He pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek.
Oh Emm, you giant softie.
Her lips found his, briefly sharing a kiss before she turned to face him. “Are you taking one for your diary?”
He hummed softly. “Oh yes. One to press as a keepsake. A stirring and beautiful symbol in these dark times. As are you, my love.”
You can’t just say shit like that and not expect me to do this.
A squeal of delight emerged from her as she took his face in her hands and kissed him soundly. She heard him whimper softly as his hands moved to her thick waist. Always touching and grabbing…like the rest of me… “And you are to me, Emm.” She murmured between kisses.
Taash gave them another five seconds before they coughed and said they were returning to the eluvian.
I guess that means it’s time to go, take a very long bath with Emmrich, and then spend the rest of the day in bed with Emmrich.
Great plan.
“What lovely view!” Emmrich exclaimed, hands on his narrow hips as he gazed from the highest point of some ruins that he, Taash, and Agnes were exploring.
Taash, please find somewhere else to be for the next several minutes.
Agnes gestured to the loot they obtained. “Taash, can you deal with this and the stuff down below? We’ll join you shortly.”
Rolling their eyes, Taash grunted. “Have fun.”
Excuse you, I’m not fucking him up here. Just giving…some ideas…for future…things.
Once Taash was out of earshot, she moved to stand next to her too handsome lover. “I love this place. It’s gorgeous. Very…romantic.”
He nodded silently, still staring towards the horizon. It’s a clear day. You can see for miles I bet. He sighed and then took her hands in his. “Romantic, hmm? What do you have in mind, darling?”
She smirked. “Picnics. Swimming. Sex. Candlelit dinners on the beach. More sex. Walks on the beach. Things like that.”
Raising an absolutely interested eyebrow, a teasing smile tugged on his lips. “I’m open to all that and more, dearest, as you well know.” He released one of her hands, using the newly free one to reach behind her. And that’s my ass he’s grabbing. He really loves my ass. “My insatiable little love…”
A breathless laugh escaped her as she threw her arms around his neck. Both hands on my ass now. “Emm, how many times…” Kiss. “Must I tell you…” Kiss. “I’m not bloody little!” Kiss.
“Then I shall have to call you my big, beautiful darling girl instead. Would you like that?” His voice was husky, his jeweled hands squeezing her behind slowly.
Eyes wide as saucers, she nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, you can, love.”
A low, pleased noise rumbled in his throat. “My big, beautiful darling Agnes---make the arrangements. Plan a romantic getaway for us. I shall look forward to it eagerly, dearest.”
“I’ll get right on it, handsome.” She whispered, giving him a sweet kiss.
I love you, and I’m going to plan the most amazing romantic trip.
With recommendations from Taash!
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kiastirling-fanfic · 1 month ago
14 Days of Circle Mages Character Profile
I'm looking forward to writing some words about the Circle next month!!! thanks @14dayscirclemages!!!
Here's a profile for the character I intend to focus on
Character Name: Robin Amell
Character Origin: Human minor noble, trans
Mage Circle Setting: Kinloch Hold (Circle of Ferelden)
Age When Living at the Circle: Age 6 to 21ish
Brief Character Bio: Robin realized she wasn't a boy very young and had transitioned socially even before her magic manifested, at which point she was written off by her family. She became close friends with Jowan, an older boy who was very kind to new incoming mages, and Hamin Surana, a dalish elf who is brought to the circle a few years after her. Robin is bright and personable, and uses the privileges that brings her to protect her less positively-viewed friends.
What Are You Most Excited to Write About? I'm excited to write about Robin with her friends, exploring her magic use, and her time in Aeonar
Character Image:
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months ago
do you think arranging the little veilguard tableaus of npcs standing around together was fun. I think it would be fun. I would make up soooo many dumb intricate little stories for all of them while I was placing them around the map and no one playing the game would ever know about it. but I'd know. I'd know their stories
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shushmal · 11 months ago
i just binged all of frieren so ofc im thinking about elf mage eddie who's been around for thousands of years. everyone thinks he's this ethereal emotionless infinite being, but actually he's very silly and a coward—he runs from battles and he hides by pretending to be a powerless bard. people treat him differently though, and those that knew his true self have long died.
enter warrior steve who's on a quest to defeat the demon king and takes one look at eddie and sees right through his cold elfen mask and is like, "you're coming with me, harp boy" and drags eddie kicking and screaming across the continent (it was not kicking and screaming, eddie is weak to pretty boys)
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runicknight · 5 months ago
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High Mage Vox is an All-Seasons kinda Witch
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aestheticitii · 1 year ago
as someone who's been victimized by frieren, i will never get over the thought of robin from the "kill grima" ending coming back when chrom is old and barely remembers anyone—but when he meets her, in a rare moment of lucidity, he mistakes her for a granddaughter (SOMEONE has to get her genes), and tells her that she looks like his wife and how he's grateful that someone takes after her, like he'd always wanted
which leads into a cheesy as hell reincarnation au where she runs into him hundreds of years later and they finally get to be together!!
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years ago
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Dungeon 5, May/June 1987: "A powerful air elemental lays waste to the underground fortress of a mighty wizard. Robin Wood has captured the first meeting of the sorcerer with his nemesis in this month's cover painting." Note the artist's name worked into the decorated floor.
Rich Stump's AD&D adventure "Hirward's Task" presents an interesting situation for adventurers -- a wizard's laboratories still populated by his human and kobold underlings, whom the wizard wants protected and unharmed, but who are jumpy and quick to defend themselves due to some rampaging loose monsters.
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melissa-robin-ultros · 9 months ago
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Me and my big lion wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet but I love her
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e-b-reads · 1 year ago
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big fan of: used bookstores, and 80s fantasy covers
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midnight-raven · 2 years ago
Ideas for a Black Phone/Magic School AU
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Finney and Gwen are Half-Blooded Mages (Human Father/Witch Mother)
Robin is a Werewolf.
Vance is a Vampire.
Bruce is a Wizard
Griffin is a Changeling.
Billy is a Frankenstein Creature.
Max is a professor of Magic History 101 at N’Evermore.
The Grabber is a Dark Wizard that possesses Blood Magic, the most forbidden form of magic.
For the story, students of N’Evermore are being attacked in the halls of school by a mysterious figure known as The Grabber, who drains his victims of their magical essences. (Either to cast a powerful spell or to undo a curse placed on him for tampering with Blood Magic)
The drainage spell doesn’t kill the kids here, but it does leave them in a comatose-like state barely clinging to life.
With more kids being attacked, magical siblings Finney and Gwen team up with other students to stop The Grabber once and for all.
Roommates: Finney & Robin. Gwen & Suzie. Billy & Griffin. Vance & Bruce.
Gwens’ magic is considered light while Finneys magic is in a gray area (between light & dark)
Gwen has healing abilities, can link to other people through dreams, and can conjure visions. Finney can cast spells,but above all, he has the ability to connect with spirits of the dead.
Because of her healing abilities, Gwen sometimes volunteers around the Hospital Wing of the school. (That’s how she became connected to the Grabbers victims later on in the story)
Bruce becomes a magical tutor for Finney, who struggles with his powers in the story.
Before attending the school, Bruce inherited his fathers old staff. He wears it around his neck, shrunken size.
Vance became a vampire after his mother survived an attack while pregnant with him. This made him being a vampire… let’s say, a sore subject.
His parents basically left Vance on his own to figure out his powers. Going to N’Evermore was an escape for Vance.
Amongst his powers, Vance can connect with nearby bats to conjure an army.
Every full moon night, Robin sneaks out of the school to run through the nearby woods. It’s his favorite thing in the world because it makes him feel connected with his Dad.
Robin had been raised by his Uncle after his Dad was killed by Monster Hunters(sacrificing himself to save either a friend or young Robins life)
In this AU, Griffin has elemental/nature kind of magic.
Griffin has trouble fitting in with his peers, after spending his life being raised in a mythical forest by Faes.
Billy was actually born human and was turned into the creature he is today. He woke up one day, in the schools hospital wing, only to discover his body was covered in stitches, he had super strength and electrical powers.
The incident left his mind a jumbling mess, and he can’t remember what happened to him, or his life before. The school is trying to help him with his trauma and to find out who he is.
Harper is his Anxiety Dog, the school lets Billy take her everywhere.
Magic teacher, Max Shaw used to be a student at N’Evermore with his older brother; Albert. They both loved it there, especially the nights when they would sneak into the restricted section of the library.
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 5 months ago
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