#robin buckley is a drummer
panickinganakin · 1 year
stepping stones to hell ch. 8 (ronance fic)
hello!! you can find all previous chapters here!
Painter’s Point was beautiful; even in the dark. Especially in the dark, Robin had thought. 
The grass was so soft it almost felt fake. There were small yellow flowers throughout the field and taller yellow flowers that surrounded the pond. An old wooden dock sat to the right of the pond, “It’s rather fragile. I think it’s best if we lay out here,” Nancy said. She flung out the blanket and it glided down, landing perfectly on the ground. 
The two sat down next to one another and Robin stared at the water. The moon was reflected in it but it looked huge and beautiful. “Everything is so clear out here,” Robin said as they both fell on their backs. 
She stared up at the night sky; it was as if she could see every single star. Nancy held her hand up, pointing straight down below them, “Capricornus.” 
Robin looked over and it took her a moment to locate the constellation. “I can’t believe how well you can see everything. What’s that one?” Robin gestured towards Nancy’s side above them.
“Ohhhh, that one is Cygnus. It’s one of my favorites. There’s Pegasus,” she turned on her side, motioning to the left of them. 
Robin found which one Nancy meant and let out a soft breath, “Stars are so fucking beautiful.” 
Nancy stayed propped on her side now looking at Robin, “I love coming out here to look at the sky. There’s something so calming about it. I usually come alone.” 
“Thank you for sharing this with me,” Robin said, trying to hold eye contact with her. 
Nancy sat up and opened one bottle of the wine then took a long drink. She passed it to Robin who turned it up. She wasn’t someone who drank a lot so she was surprised to find that it was sweet. “I don’t think I’ve ever had good wine before.” 
“It’s one of the cheapest they sell at Walmart. The expensive shit is always so dry and bitter.” 
“Noted,” Robin took another drink of the wine before passing it back to Nancy. 
They sat in silence before Nancy looked out over the water. “Can we play a game?” 
Robin raised an eyebrow, “Like?” 
“Just ask each other questions. I feel like there’s so much of our lives we’ve missed out on. I just want to know you.” Nancy said quietly. 
Robin knew that even the night sky couldn’t hide how red her cheeks had become. She nodded slowly, “Alright. I’ll go first, what’s your favorite color?” 
Nancy smiled before she tilted her head in thought, “Peach. But not like a bright peach, like a soft peach. An almost pastel shade of peach.” Robin closed her eyes for a moment and could picture Nancy wearing a cardigan the color she had described. It paired well with her eyes and dark hair. It made sense that it was her favorite. Nancy interrupted Robin’s imagination with a question of her own, “Who’s your favorite band? Or artist?” 
Robin bit her lip, “That is a tough one. Elton John is one of my favorites and has always been an icon to me. I also love Prince and The Cranberries. Ugh, too hard to choose. I love them all for different reasons.” 
“If you had to pick one?” 
“Queen,” Robin finally decided. Nancy nodded her head in approval while Robin thought of her next question. “What’s your favorite movie?” 
“Okay, so I think it’s because we literally just watched it but I really love Jurassic Park. However, it is fresh on my mind. Had you asked me hours ago before I had seen it,” she trailed off in thought. “Hmmm, I think I would have said Back to the Future two.” 
Robin covered her heart with her hand, “Nancy Wheeler. Those are the words I’ve waited to hear my whole life.” 
“I figured you would say something like that.” She smiled and Robin raised an eyebrow, “What? Don’t think I forgot Halloween of eighty-five. I had come to rent a movie and you were dressed like Marty McFly. You made Steve wear that ridiculous Doc costume.” 
Robin fell into a fit of laughter. She hadn’t forgotten about that year but she did forget that Nancy had stopped by Family Video. “Oh man, Steve hated that wig. He was so pissed. I don’t think we’ve topped those costumes since.” She sighed before looking back at Nancy, “You would love my bedroom. I have a replica of Marty’s guitar from prom night.” 
“You don’t!” 
“I do! I really do. In fact, when I get back from tour, you are more than welcome to come see it.”
“Oh? So I can see something as precious as that but I’m not allowed to see your t-shirt collection?” 
“Why do you think I said when I get back? I can’t show you tonight because then you’ll rob me and leave town before I’m even back.” 
Nancy laughed as she grabbed the second bottle of wine. “I’m glad you feel you know me so well. Okay, my turn. Oh, got it. What’s your favorite book?” 
“Oh that’s an easy one,” Robin started. “The Princess Bride.” 
“Really? The Princess Bride?” 
“What? Why do you look so shocked?” Robin stared at Nancy who looked to be in disbelief. 
“I just would have expected like Stephen King or something?” 
Robin did a double take of her, “Stephen what? No! No way. I cannot stomach horror. I’m a scaredy cat. Like the biggest ever.”
Nancy let out a joyous laugh, “What?!” 
“What? What’s so surprising about that? Have you met me? I’m terrified of almost everything!” 
“Okay, that’s fair. But, you don’t act like it.” 
The two of them shared more wine before they laid back on the blanket again, staring at the stars again. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve only ever seen you in one scary situation. You know, when we were younger. You always seemed so brave. When I look back I always picture you throwing that bottle while we literally stared death in the face.” 
Robin chuckled softly, “Funny. I thought you pictured me as Marty McFly.” 
Nancy laughed and brushed Robin’s arm, “Shut up.” 
They laughed together, falling into a silence once again. Robin squeezed her eyes shut tight, trying to not think about what had happened that night in Hawkins all those years ago. “When did you know you liked girls?” Nancy asked. 
“I thought it was my turn,” Robin offered, then sucked in a breath. “I don’t really remember, that’s how young I was. I know when I had my first real big crush was high school. I just never had an interest in men. I could never say that though, no matter how early I knew.” 
The two turned their heads to look at each other. Robin could see something on Nancy’s face she had never realized before. She was wearing the same scared look that Robin herself had masked all those years ago. It was the same look she had given herself in the mirror when she questioned why she was different. “Nancy, I-'' she paused. She didn’t want to assume. What if it was just the alcohol? Robin didn’t feel drunk, she barely felt buzzed. However, maybe it had hit her harder than she realized. She didn’t want to make Nancy uncomfortable. They had just become friends, she didn’t want to scare her away. 
“I’m really glad we’ve reconnected, Robin.” Her voice was barely a whisper. 
So maybe the alcohol was clouding her judgment. Or maybe it was the hope deep down that someone like Nancy Wheeler could ever like someone like her. She felt crazy. Even though they had known each other for a long time they had only just rekindled a friendship. Robin didn’t like Nancy. She couldn’t, it was too soon. She was just feeling the wine, that was all. 
Robin gave a half smile before turning to look back at the constellations above her, “Me too, Nance. Me too.” 
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findafight · 2 years
We know and love metal god Eddie and Just Some Guy Steve but please hear me out. That dynamic of looks but with the additive of Steve also being a famous musician. He's in a band with Argyle, Jonathan, and Robin, and he's on keyboard wearing sunglasses (photosensitive Steve...) Which somehow became kinda iconic? He has a bunch of different ones and he's no Elton John but they're not boring. So his face is often obscured and combined with the fact he's the keyboardist, he's not entirely recognizable.
So when people inevitably find out Eddie is dating this guy who looks like he's from a Gap catalogue, no one puts two and two together that he is another, let alone famous in his own right, musician. Eddie mentions his Steve plays piano (royal conservatory grade ten with honours!), And that he's from the same Indiana town as him, but the fanbase crossover isn't high so they don't put together that Steve the Keyboardist from Hawkins in as yet unnamed stobjargyle band and Eddie Munson's Steve from Hawkins are one and the same.
Everybody thinks this is hilarious as Eddie's fans like to playfully drag Steve for being Just Some Dude, without knowing they are dragging the guy who is booked to play the same venue the next night. Robin thinks it's funny because both bands have mentioned knowing each other in interviews (because they're all from Hawkins! Yes except you Argyle we know you're from Cali we KNOW) and Steve dresses comfy like that all the time? How could they not have figured it out? Hilarious.
Steve is slowly dreading the day they realize who he is and he becomes more recognizable as Eddie Munson's Partner than his own musician and won't be able to go to the grocery store in peace anymore.
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headcanon-vault · 1 month
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some queerplatonic relationship / platonic partnership headcanon edits. can't really call most of these icons at this point lol, i had to mess around with sizes and ratios to make these work
fox mulder & dana scully // tallstar & barkface // robin buckley & steve harrington // dethklok // jay & silent bob // hawkwing & plumwillow
warriors art by @/eggfeather
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seths-rogens · 1 year
lil hc that just came to me,,,
Eddie’s already a pro at the guitar and since Corroded Coffin split up (all his friends remaining in contact but spreading across the country for college) he’s been desperate to get back into the live music scene.
He encourages Steve to take up drums when he notices how often he taps his hands - a nervous tic left over from years of Upside Down related trauma. The energy of playing the drums helps Steve let out all of his pent up energy and anxiety.
Robin - feeling just a little left out - channels her language learning prowess into the language of music, and starts to learn the bass because “Chicks dig bass players, Steve!”
But they’re missing a key piece. None of them are too confident in their singing abilities.
Enter Max Mayfield.
Her eyesight worse and not as physically strong as she used to be, she takes after Eddie and lets out her pent up anger listening to metal music.
It’s Eddie who recruits her, after walking past her trailer and hearing her singing (screaming) along to one of the many tapes he lent her.
It’s like a lightbulb goes off.
She’s in the band only three days later.
Anyway, this is just a very long winded way of me saying I think a Max lead metal/heavy rock band would be insanely good and that I think her singing Bundy by Animal Alpha and Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless would be very cool :)
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weirdo09 · 1 year
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“i’m your drummer, remember?”
“i’ll do what i want, when i want to.”
“rock n roll, baby!”
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spacediscos · 2 years
now i’m thinking about robin in marching band and how badly i want to know what the drama is over there… like listen high school band is soooo cliquey you stick with your section and judge the rest. like the trumpet and saxophone players were absolutely my enemies and i would talk so much shit just as i’m sure they all talked shit about the drumline!!! flute players also got a side eye from me… someone needs to study this phenomenon and like specifically i need to know who Robin has beef with
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shieldofiron · 6 months
Pretty Boy Live in Santa Fe, 1977
Part 1/3 Also on Ao3 here
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For @harringrove-relay-race. Very happy with how part 1 turned out, and there will be more to come. Thanks to @foxxtastic for the intro and next up will be something stunning from our fearless Relay Race leader @half-oz-eddie
Rated M / 5k words / Part 1/3
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Part 1: Into Hades
Rolling Stone Magazine - May 2002
Billy Hargrove arrived after I did, in his lovingly maintained blue Camaro, the subject of his song, “Lady Blue.” “Lady Blue” was recently named #93 on Rolling Stone’s Top Love Songs of the Century.
“I wrote, ‘She’s the wind in my hair, the rumble in my soul.’ I thought it was so obvious,” He laughed, his blue eyes still boyish. “My niece made it her wedding song, I said ‘Really? It’s about a fuckin’ car!’”
He showed me several pictures of his niece, the supermodel Tyler Sinclair. It seems good looks run in the family. He suggested the diner and he ordered waffles, winking when I mentioned that we’ll be here a long time.
The decades have been kind to him, maybe a few more lines. It’s not hard to imagine him stepping right back onto the stage, as if no time has passed at all.
“A little extra glitter on the eyes,” He said with a smile, “to hide my crows feet. That’s all I need.”
I ask what he’s going to wear to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony for Kaleidoscope's induction and his smile dims only for a moment.
“I think I should pull out some old costumes. You know, the butterfly still fits.”
He was referring, of course, to the sheer butterfly cape costume that nearly had him thrown off the stage in Houston Texas in December 1976. He caved to putting on a pair of silvery shorts rather than the nude underwear it was designed with. He later wore it with the nude underwear on the inside cover of Kaleidoscope, the album that will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in just a few short weeks. Kaleidoscope was his last album with the iconic Glam Rock band Pretty Boy, which famously broke up at the height of their career while touring for the album, onstage.
It’s not often that a band is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and there’s a question if all of them will even show up.
“I’ll be there,” Hargrove said, fiddling with the silver band on his middle finger. “I have no problem with seeing him.”
The him is, of course, the lead guitarist and other lead singer of Pretty Boy, Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington invites me to his oceanfront house in Malibu later that afternoon.
“I haven’t decided if I’m going to go,” He said thoughtfully, his brown eyes darting around the room.
When I mention that Billy is going to go, he seems surprised.
“He didn’t say he was going to punch me, did he?” Harrington smiled, but it doesn’t seem like much of a joke.
For one of the most famous rock stars of the 70s, Harrington is shockingly low key. He wears a t-shirt and slouchy linen pants, and he jokes that he ought to have shaved when I take out my camera. The house is stunning but empty, with miles of blank white walls and overstuffed white furniture.
“I’m looking for a little peace,” He shrugs, “I used to have all these pictures up, all this furniture… It was too much.”
It was hard not to see him as an artist without a muse. He drifted listlessly, picking things up and putting them down as we talked. So it was a surprise to me to hear that he’s been recording.
“I may never release it but… Yeah,” He laughed, “Music. After all this time. Bet you didn’t know.”
He picks up a rare photo from the piano. It’s from the early days of Pretty Boy, before Billy Hargrove. Harrington has his arm around his bandmate, Eddie Munson. Their drummer Chrissy Cunningham is balanced precariously across their shoulders, laughing and cringing at the same time. Bassist Robin Buckley smirks from the corner of the frame, messy bangs in her eyes.
“Who knew, right?” He asked no one, shaking the frame a little.
There are no pictures of Billy Hargrove.
“That’s a… a long story,” He said, when I asked.
But I have time. I tell him Rolling Stone will pay for it. At least that makes him laugh.
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It was just by chance that Pretty Boy’s last concert was filmed.
“We were meant to just film in Vegas,” The director, Argyle Molina-Zapata, sat down with me after a private screening of Pretty Boy Live in Santa Fe, 1977, “But there was a freak rainstorm, and I couldn’t get my camera’s out of the back. The crowd was digging it, refused to leave. I remember when Billy hit the high note for ‘Mother Make Me,’ there was this lightning crack… brilliant.”
Molina-Zapata shook his head, “But the footage, what I got of it, was awful. Awful! So I begged Murray to let me come with them to Santa Fe.”
Murray was Murray Bauman, famed tour manager, who handled the Boys, later Pretty Boy from their first album Starfire, all the way to Kaleidoscope.
“And I was lucky,” Argyle nodded, “They had that extra tour bus.”
The tour busses are featured in the first few minutes of the film. They roll around the corner, one reading Billy Blue (Billy’s original stage name was  Billy Blue before he dropped the Blue), and the other, Steve’s Six (Named after Steve’s best friends from his hometown.)
“They were nightmares,” Murray Bauman’s voice crackled over the phone, “Nightmares on tour. Separate buses. Separate hotels. Fuck me, I swear to god at one point they wanted separate stages. And the label caved on almost all of it. Fucking nightmare.”
It’s almost impossible to imagine it when you see them on stage together. There’s something electric that passed between Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington, something that drove crowds wild. They gravitate towards each other on the stage, orbiting like planets until they can share the same mic. They can’t seem to stay apart.
It’s hard to see exactly what happened that night.
“I’ve watched it a million times,” Argyle laughed, “But the only two people who can really say what happened are Billy and Steve.”
What you can see is this: Steve tearing into “Pride & Prejudice”, the lead off Kaleidoscope and the last song of the night.
Billy was trembling, visibly shaking as he sang and Steve harmonized along.
What can I say, if you ask me to walk away?
Baby, there’s no words for you.
Baby. I don’t know what to do.
Billy danced closer, joining Steve, his handheld mic loose at his side.
Can you ever put away your pride?
Is it worth it to not have me at your side?
I guess it must be, because I’m yours,
Billy leans in, sharing Steve’s mic for the bridge.
Is it really a mystery?
What I mean to you, and you mean to me?
Is it really, baby?
Billy shook his head, curls bouncing. He looked into Steve's eyes. He smiled. Steve looks at Billy, and Billy looks at him. It almost looks like Billy mouths something, but bootleg footage also has appeared where it looks like Billy just nodded. Steve goes a little shell shocked, hand freezing on his guitar, falling out of sync.
And then Steve turned away and left the stage, handing his guitar to a stagehand. Billy turned to the crowd, his expression strangely triumphant. He was always magnetic on stage, but this moment transcends that. It somehow feels like he’s getting everything he wants.
So I guess I’m losing you,
You promised me you would and it’s true.
Baby, there’s no words for you.
Baby. I don’t know what to do.
Steve Harrington hasn’t performed in public since 1977.
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“None of us knew what was going to happen that night,” Chrissy Cunningham curled up next to her husband, Eddie Munson, on the large white couch of their Seattle home.
They’re a handsome couple still, draped in rock and roll finery. He toyed with the edge of her scarf, and she curled his long hair around her long fingers.
“We had some of our own shit going on at the time so…” Munson shrugged, “Maybe we were distracted.”
Their living room was crowded and verdant, every spare flat surface covered in plants. Their partner, former record executive Jason Carver, puttered in the kitchen in an apron that read Plant Papa.
“Yeah,” Chrissy smiled, “We had some stuff going on at the same time. But still… It seemed like they were getting better. Didn’t it seem like they were getting better?”
Munson shrugged, “The thing about Billy and Steve… they were soulmates. You don’t write music like that and not… it was like they had a second language, just for them. They were soulmates, I really believe that. Everything they did, everything that happened… they could only hurt each other that badly if… yeah.”
When I ask what they did to each other, Eddie and Chrissy just scooted closer together, like teenagers in a slasher, hiding from the killer. She laid a hand over his leg, her two stone diamond ring catching the sunlight.
“Steve never wanted Billy to be in the band,” Eddie shook his head, “but Jim had a soft spot for Billy. And Steve had… I mean Jim was…”
“Jim was like a father. To all of us.” Chrissy’s knee jiggled.
“We were this little tiny band from Nowhere, Indiana,” Eddie nodded, “And Jim believed in us.”
“I was just a junior exec at the time. I was put on the Kaleidoscope tour in case of catastrophic failure, which by the way it was,” Jason Carver is making risotto while we speak, the steam curling the lock of hair that falls over his face. “But it wasn’t my fault although I was high as hell on coke half the time. I guess I deserved to get fired. But Jim was the real deal. Gold records out the ass, best wife in the world, and his daughter, I mean… she was something else.”
They’re referring, of course, to Jim Hopper, producer on Kaleidoscope as well as Billy Blue and The Boys’ records, and the father of pop superstar Eleven aka Jane Hopper.
“Jim was…” Steve Harrington’s eyes always got a little misty talking about Jim, staring out over the ocean. “Yeah, I guess he was a little like my dad. My own parents were always gone. Which is like… I grew up so privileged so like I’m not saying… I just mean I grew up mostly by myself. And we were just so lucky he even agreed to listen to us when we got to LA.”
“I remember that night,” Joyce Hopper’s voice was raspy, cigarette-y in the way only old movie stars are. She’s a gorgeous woman in jeans and a gardening hat, speaking to me while she tends to her garden at her home in Castellammare. “He came home and said, ‘I have the next ones, the next big ones. Fuck, Joyce, they’re brilliant. Unpolished, but brilliant.’”
When I ask about when Jim discovered Billy Hargrove she just laughed.
“If Steve and the rest of The Boys were unpolished, Billy Hargrove was a fucking ten carat diamond,” She said. “But Steve’s band was Jim’s, and he could polish them up how he wanted. And then when he thought they were just right for it… he set the diamond.”
Jim Hopper was a big man, larger than life both in appearance and in personality. His fingerprints are all over some of the best hits of the decade.
Watching him on old interviews, there’s an immediacy to his presence that leaps off the screen.
“My daughter is the one who really found him. She snuck out with her sister and wandered God knows where. And she just… found him. Called me the next morning, saying ‘Dad, you have to hear this guy.’ He was playing in this… terrible club,” Jim said, tapping his cigar on the table of Merv Griffin’s set. “Absolute shithole, pardon my french. And he’s got a great voice, you’ve heard his voice, right?”
“I have,” Merv said.
“I had to get him out of there. He was a star.”
Billy Hargrove was a teenage runaway from San Diego when he came to LA in 1971.
“I had a girl’s backpack from my stepsister, eight dollars, and an extra pair of underwear. By the end of the next week? I had two more dollars,” Billy laughed. “But I got lucky. I met Heather.”
Heather Holloway was a showgirl at Wildwoods, a nightly revue. She found Billy at the backdoor, and took him to her apartment.
“She saved me,” He frowned. “Whenever I needed her most.”
Heather Holloway, Billy Hargrove’s first and only wife, died in 1979. 
“I got a job singing at Sugar, this great gay club downtown. It was in the late afternoons, so I had a crowd of about… two. But those two brought two more,” Billy smiled, “Heather would talk me up to all the promoters. He’s a singer, he’s great, you’ll love him, he’s so cute.”
“He was an instant hit,” Sugar’s manager, Bob Newby, tells me by phone as well. “I did have to keep a couple of creeps off him, when he just started he was only nineteen. But even if you closed your eyes… he was a hit.”
“Guys used to think that because I was a part of the entertainment, I was fair game. And let me tell you, the novelty of that wears off mighty quick,” Billy shakes his head.
He shares a diary entry from his late wife of a night in April 1972. He came to her home with blood all over his face.
“Some guy thought because I was a fag…” Billy’s mouth twisted, but he went on, cradling the little marble notebook in his hand. “He could do whatever he wanted to me. When I fought back… he cracked a bottle over my head.”
He’s not just a piece of meat. He’s a person. I don’t understand these people. I just don’t understand, Heather Holloway wrote. I cleaned him up and he’s sleeping now.
The next diary entry is from a day later. April 12. Billy and I drove to Vegas and got married. When we spoke in the morning he said he was afraid for me too, even though I’m careful with the girls. He’s afraid of the cops trying to bust up the Wildwoods and picking me up. At least this way, he says. He and I can come home to each other. Look out for each other. Always. The groom wore band aids and his great velvet pants. The bride wore lavender. It was perfect.
“And lucky too. Because within a month… I met Jim,” Billy smiled. “And my whole life changed.”
Upside Down Records signed Billy Blue, unagented, in1972 and he spent the next year working on his debut album with Jim Hopper.
“I didn’t even realize, when it happened,” Billy shook his head. “A couple of girls came by after a show, wanting to talk to me, wanting to meet me. That wasn’t that unusual. But they were young, far too young to get into the club. And the little one, she was asking all these weird questions. Did I have an agent? Did I know if I had enough songs for an album? Weird fuckin’ questions. And then she said I have to meet someone. To be honest, I thought she was coked out of her mind when she said, ‘You have to meet my dad.’”
“I was not,” Eleven promised me, “coked out of my mind. But that’s just Billy.”
Eleven aka Jane Hopper, meets me backstage at one of her shows. She’s dressed in slouchy leather pants, to match her sister and drummer Kali Hopper.
“I knew he was something special. My dad was always talking about the IT factor. That thing that made a person something special. But I didn’t get it until I saw Billy Blue singing on that tiny stage,” She smiled. “He didn’t just have the IT factor. He was IT.”
It’s odd then, that Billy Blue’s first album had a surprisingly tepid response. His first single, in 1973, “Let Alone,” came in at only 26th for the month of April on the pop charts.
“People liked it,” Billy shrugs, “But I don’t think they knew what to do with it. You have my songs, these like… little pop love songs and ballads. I wasn’t that strong of a writer at the time. It was like half my songs, half covers. And so they’d book me, expecting fucking… Peter Frampton. And here comes this big queer with glitter on his nipples.”
But the lyrics of “Let Alone” would hint at his later songs, a hallmark simplicity that shone off his raw voice and poetry that hinted at a troubled past.
And if you were meant to care for me
You would, and that’s how it has to be
You said I couldn’t go on without you
Ha, look at me, looking brand new
At the same time, The Boys’ song “Paper Girl,” penned by Harrington, was number one.
She’s my paper girl
She’s my paper girl
Wakes me up every morning, right on time
She got me smiling, got my head in a whirl
Picture perfect, paper girl
“Billy didn’t have much commercial appeal. Sex appeal, yes,” Jason laughed, toying with Chrissy’s hair. “But for sales? That’s where The Boys came in.”
“I hated that name,” Eddie said, “To start with we were half girls.”
The Boys had already had a somewhat successful tour under their belt by the time Jim suggested a collaboration with Billy Hargrove.
“It was a nice, short tour,” Steve Harrington glances away when I ask about the first tour.
“It was a nightmare. Balls to the wall nightmare,” Robin Buckley’s voice is a warm crackle over the phone. “Steve went on like thirty overlapping benders at once.”
Her partner, soap actress Vickie Carmichael cackles behind her, at their home in Salt Lake City.
“The thing about Steve is… well… he’s never found a good way of coping with himself,” Robin huffs. “Music was about as close as he ever got. But in those early days, he just kept looking for more and more.”
“You don’t think it was about-” Vickie asked, just barely into the phone.
“It was about Nancy,” Eddie said confidently when I mentioned their first tour. “Nancy, Nancy, Nancy.”
The Boys got their start in the late sixties, beginning with Eddie and Steve. Eddie gave Steve guitar lessons, which turned into some talent show performances. They used to practice at Eddie’s Uncle’s trailer.
“That’s where we got the name,” Eddie nodded, “My uncle used to just call us that, and it stuck.”
“I don’t even remember,” Chrissy said.
“That’s not how we got the name,” Steve shook his head, when I mention Eddie. “It was our first gig, after we got Chrissy and Robin. Robin put it down after the headliner kept asking when ‘you boys’ would go on, and kept addressing it to Chrissy’s chest. She blew him out of the fucking water.”
Nancy Wheeler was there that night, writing about local bands for a tiny column in the school paper.
“She was beautiful. Smart. So smart. Could hear her talk forever,” Steve said, eyes falling.
Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler were married in 1972 after they graduated high school.
“Steve made his own choices,” Chrissy shook her head.
That summer, the Boys plus one drove to LA and Nancy Wheeler took a job at Women’s Day Magazine and later, Rolling Stone. Steve Harrington and The Boys got a “steady gig” at La Bonita Rosa on the strip, playing for drunks every night from seven to eight.
“I really liked playing at La Bonita,” Steve said. “The audience, right there. You could smell the sweat. You could see on their faces if you were bombing. And we used to bomb. A lot. But it was a great place to try things. Experiment. We played there for about a year but… it felt too short.”
Within the year they had met Jim Hopper, who got them into the recording studio and sold their demo nearly on the spot to Upside Down Records.
“They had a great sound. They had got this way of playing. Smooth like a polished stone. Everything sounds good sitting in a frame like that,” Jim said in an interview with Rolling Stone in 1981. “Their songs were… catchy, but basic. But they had the sound.”
Upside Down records set the Boys on a US tour after “Paper Girl,” and “Joy to Love You,” both charted.
“It was like… overnight. One day we’re in a studio, messing around. Kid stuff. I was nineteen,” Steve Harrington shookhis head. “But…”
“That tour,” Chrissy trails off, playing with her ring again.
“I…” Steve Harrington scratched his nose. “I was losing it. Majorly losing it. It felt like we had just moved to LA and we were already neck deep. I mean, I had a number one fucking song. And for some reason I got it in my head to call my mom. She told the maid she wasn’t home. And I could hear her over the phone. My mom. So yeah. I lost it. Lost about half my damn mind on that tour. And people will say it was because of Nancy, because we got married just out of high school, and she wasn’t supportive… but that wasn’t true. Nancy saved me.”
“Nancy never wanted him to be in the band. But… she also didn’t seem to care that much either,” Eddie shook his head, “It’s… complicated. Love is supposed to be. Simple. Like the chords of a song. 1-3-5.”
Jason Carver rolled his eyes at that, “Then what are we?”
Eddie grinned, “We’re a band.”
Nancy Wheeler met me on a Thursday in New York City, slim sunglasses dominating her small porcelain face. We get lunch at her favorite deli shop, and she perches at the counter, loafers dangling. She’s an editor at The New Yorker now, but she still has a soft spot for rock and roll, as evidenced by the Grateful Dead t-shirt under her blazer.
“That tour. I didn’t even know anything was wrong. He just came home with a funny look on his face, saying, ‘We’re headlining.’ So I said, ‘That’s great, Steve.’ He just kept… saying it. It was starting to piss me off, if I’m being honest,” She shook her head. “I should have known something was wrong.”
“I wish she had stopped me. But how could you know right? Hindsight is always 2020,” Steve Harrington said. “I mean, she was my wife. How could she not want me home? But that’s just… sorry. That’s not fair to put on her. I chose to go.”
“I flew out to meet them when they were in Indianapolis, visited my family, and I came a day early to see him,” She smiled warmly, and then it fell. “He was… Well, first, Eddie Munson tried to intercept me at the hotel, so I wouldn’t see him. I told him, ‘I’m here to see my fucking husband.’”
Steve Harrington didn’t add any more details about the tour, just shrugged when I asked.
“He was coked up like you wouldn’t believe,” Robin scoffed. “She walked in on him with two girls and coke all over his… well.”
“I just asked him. Do you want to come home? Do you want to get help? Or not?” She purses her lips. “And so he came home and we found a rehab place near Hawkins.”
“The tour kind of… fell apart. Obviously. We had lost our lead singer and guitarist to fucking… Hawkins, Indiana,” 
Everything stopped for the Boys. Upside Down offered to let them out of their two album contract, but Steve couldn’t afford to pay it down.
“Rehab,” He shrugged. “Is expensive.”
Right as it seemed that everything would be over for the Boys, things were looking up for Billy Blue.
“Jim was always saying, ‘the record is selling alright, the songs are getting there but he needs a… push,’” Joyce said. “‘He’s so close. So close. He’s a star.’”
“He always believed in me,” Billy smiled, toying with his ring again. “Always. Even when I threw a jug of milk at his head.”
Joyce laughed when I asked about that moment, “He came home saying, ‘He milked me, Joyce. But he’ll fix the song tonight.’”
“And I did,” Billy said. “And the album was going alright. I did a little tour, socal and the southwest. And then one night, Jim brings me this song. He said, ‘I want you to tell me what’s missing from this.’”
The song was, of course, the Boys’ biggest hit, “Hades.” Steve Harrington’s first version was called, “To Orpheus” and the chorus goes:
Don’t turn back don’t look behind you baby
I’m close, I’m right behind
The future's so bright, and I want you to take me
Wanna be holding your hand when I make it across the line.
“It was fine, but just kind of… nothing. It was supposed to be about Eurydice, but it was so… nothing. She just loved Orpheus and that was it. There were no insides to her. She was going to follow him to her doom,” Billy shook his head. “That’s not right.”
This was not the version that made it to the recording booth, of course. The Boys’ single, “Hades featuring Billy Blue,” came out in 1975. The actual chorus goes: 
Turn back on me and I won’t forgive you baby
Don’t want you to see me like this
Up ahead is bright, and I want you to take me
If you’re strong enough to cross that finish line
“‘Hades,’ was a real step forward for the Boys. Gone were the teenybopper tunes,” Steve Harrington’s biographer and personal friend Dustin Henderson wrote in his book The Pretty Boy. “Their first album got the kids dancing. But the second proved that they actually had something to say.”
“Still hate it,” Steve Harrington said. “I wrote that song in rehab. It was deeply, deeply personal to me.”
“He came out, all ready. He wanted to start recording right away,” Robin sighed. “Like I mean the next day. All these songs, just pouring out of him. But the label had lost faith in us. And they certainly weren’t going to let us start recording with a guy who had only just earned his thirty day sober chip.”
“The song wasn’t ready,” Billy shook his head. “But I guess he was. Jim said he needed this. So Jim asked if I would come and like… pitch some stuff as a personal favor. Songwriting credit, that’s all it was supposed to be. Get the songs moving, get them going.”
Steve Harrington takes a long time to continue speaking about it. 
“I felt it, writing for that album. I felt proud of those songs. They didn’t belong to anyone else but me,” He toyed with some piano keys while we talked, and then finally sat down and began to play something tuneless and half formed.
“That album was all about Nancy,” Chrissy said. “I mean. I know it. You know it. Nancy knew it. And she kind of hated it. But-”
“You can’t leave your husband right as he gets out of rehab,” Nancy said to me, toying with her wedding ring. “When he writes all these songs about how you’re the only thing… Steve was always like that. Heart wide open. That’s why when he met Billy. I almost thought… it would all be okay. That sounds fucked up but. I thought they could save each other. That the music could save him.”
“It was just a songwriting credit,” Billy raised his hands. “Jim swore up and down. I was just gonna come in there and sit down with this guy Steve. But when I walk into the studio, there’s two mics set up.”
“I was the Boys’ only singer,” Steve Harrington shook his head. “And to be absolutely honest, I was kind of a jackass about it. So to have some guy come in and say he’s gonna sing me my song… well…”
“Steve was the only one who would ever argue with Jim, And he let him have it that day,” Eddie laughed. “He called him the most low down, dirty, rat bitten bastard in California, and that he would die rather than give up his band to someone else.”
“I did not want his band. I did not know his band. And I did not care. And his song sucked. And I told him so. And then I sang it. Better.” Billy smiled.
“Billy was…” Chrissy shook her head. “Incredible.”
I ask Steve what Billy was like that first day in the studio.
“He was,” Something passed over his face. “Alright. He has a great voice, alright.”
“I was good. Better. Best.” Billy smiled.
“But he didn’t understand the song. He wanted Eurydice to… doubt. To think she wasn’t going to get out,” Steve slammed his hands on the keys. “It’s been… almost twenty years. I still don’t understand it.”
I asked why he let Billy stay. But Steve doesn’t have an answer.
“They were like oil and water, right away,” Chrissy said.
“Yeah, but oil on the water can catch fire,” Eddie shrugged.
“Jim asked me to stay,” Billy looked away from me, down at his waffles. “It was a favor to the label.”
“If Billy said louder, Steve said mute,” Robin snickered. “It was kind of great, actually. Finally someone called King Steve on his shit. One day I came in and they were arguing over how close the microphone should be to your throat. Almost got in a physical fight over a fucking microphone. I mean, I love Steve. But he always thinks he’s like… the babysitter. It’s his job to do everything for everybody.”
“Like who was this guy? Really? He came into my studio with no shirt on, most of the time still half smashed from the night before, and he thinks he can make all these changes. But Jim keeps telling me it’s just business, the label thinks it’s good business.” Steve frowned, and then smiled, and then frowned again.
“Yeah, I never wore shirts back then. Or underwear,” Billy said with a grin. “I was a rockstar!”
“Steve fought for every song on that album,” Nancy Wheeler patted her lips primly with a napkin. “He only lost on one.”
“Billy Hargove has songwriting credit and lead vocals on “Hades.” Dustin Henderson wrote.
“Billy was all over that album. He’d make some minor suggestion, maybe this chord instead of that, this word is better. And Steve would flip out, yell at him, yell at Jim, threaten to storm out… and then two days later quietly tell me to change the chord, he’d start singing the new words. Billy was there with us about every single day,” Eddie said.
“Of course, it was our biggest hit,” Chrissy laughed. “Everything but that song, Steve did what he wanted. Oh we had Billy in the studio, making suggestions. But Steve did what he wanted except for ‘Hades.’ Jim said that song is the album, and he wouldn’t cut it.”
“Jim was always right,” Steve closed the piano. “The bastard.”
Hades exploded onto the radio in late 1975. They didn’t have the same distribution as their first record, but the Boys had another hit.
“Billy had this way of singing it. Still does. He broke four mics when we recorded it. Singing so loud I had to keep an eye on the cymbals to stop them from shaking. You can feel him, right in your chest.” Chrissy giggled. “Like he was trying to wake all the dead from Hades. If anyone could, he could.”
“It’s a really, really great song,” Robin said.
This song belongs to Billy Blue, Rolling Stone wrote in 1976. The only question now is, what will The Boys do next?
“I remember that article. Fucking… Harrington said that he basically wrote the whole song. But he said, ‘the label thought bringing Billy in was a good idea,’” Billy gets tense for the first time. “I’m not saying I was like… I just mean. It would have been nice. To treat me like an equal. I’m more than just a singer. I’m not just… a piece of meat.”
“Billy was really pissed about that article. I remember, the day after the article came out, we were getting breakfast at this tiny place off La Cienega. Steve had this car back then, a big maroon BMW, and Eddie had got him a vanity plate when he bought it. Stupid thing it said, ‘BIGBOY.’ Anyway, We’re having breakfast, and we hear this screech outside, like an accident,” Robin Buckley gets uncharacteristically quiet as she goes on through this story. “Billy’s car is parked halfway out of the parking lot, and he comes in like a bull in a charge. Billy… he wasn’t some wimpy guy. He was small, but he was strong as hell… He came right over and grabbed Steve by his collar and lifted him right off the counter. And he said, I’ll never forget it because Steve used to recite it from memory, yell it at me, ‘Tell me I’m not dreaming. Is that Steve fucking Harrington? The lead singer of the Boys. Hey man, I love your song ‘Hades.’ How’d you get your voice to sound halfway decent for once?’”
“I don’t remember that,” Steve Harrington said flatly when I asked.
“And Steve used to be a fucking dick in high school. So he starts getting real bitchy, shoving Billy off him, asking what his problem is, why he’s such a dick all the fucking time, when it’s not even his band. And Billy said something like, ‘No one wants your shit band. Not with you in it,’” Robin paused for a moment. “And they just. Stare at each other. Like… daring each other to do something.”
Billy just shrugs when I ask, “I was pissed. I gave this guy a number one hit, and he still wanted to treat me like some… airhead singer the label brought in as a stunt. I’m not just a singer. I’m not a piece of meat. I’m a person.”
When I ask Steve about that day he’s pretty quiet, deflated at his piano. He only wants to talk about the song. The music. Can’t seem to talk about Billy any other way.
“He sang it like he not only knows Orpheus can’t save him, but that he won’t. It was supposed to be hopeful. A happy ending.” Steve said.
“So you still hate the song?” I asked.
“No, I don’t. It’s brilliant. And that’s the whole problem.”
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To be continued...
Next up is Half-Oz-Eddie's piece at 7:00 pm. GET HYPE!
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aylasology · 10 months
Oh Pretty Woman~
70s!Rockstar!Robin x Groupie!fem!reader.
Rockstar!Robin (she's her own warning honestly).
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Your high heels clicked, walking into the hallways of the apartment building as if it was yours. Crimson red lipstick and fur coat on. You were supposed to stop with the habit of getting with these rock stars, but there was something so different with the way this rockstar whispered into your ear before she left.
"L.A ain't the same without you, doll."
Robin. Robin Buckley. How could you forget? You were her pretty little drug, the girl wrapped around her finger, the princess she'd pamper and spoil whenever she was on the road. The girl that wasn't explicitly hers, and yet, the girl she lead on to believe that maybe she was more than just some groupie.
Your friend, a journalist who was simply following everywhere Hellfire went - where Robin went - stood by the front of the door, grabbing a pen and a notepad. He doesn't know anything about you and Robin, or the whole groupie thing, but you'd like to keep it that away.
"You ready to meet some cool people?" you asked him. Watching him straighten his jacket and hair. You found it amusing how he wanted to look so formal for a party, you shrugged it off. He only nods.
You weaved a sigh, opening the doorknob. Musicians, groupies, and a shit ton of strangers fill the apartment. It was a big place so to speak, music filling the room through a broken record player. For the rest of the night, you made sure to stick to your friend, a looking eye for him so that he wouldn't get drunk or "unprofessional" as he worded it. He said he was a journalist, but in truth, he really is just a young boy writing and fanboying over rockstars.
"Guess who's going on a motherfucking tour!" Eddie Munson, Hellfire's lead guitarist, yelled as he opened the door, bottle of wine in hand as he chugged. A hand is shoved to his face, pushing him away from the door. A boy tall and muscular walks into the door - Steve Harrington, the bassist of Hellfire waves to the crowd.
"Don't mind him, he's drunk." Steve chimed, pulling Dustin Henderson, their drummer, into the room. All three boys running and prodding towards the partygoers. Where's Robin?
And as the thought of her comes to mind, in flare jeans, and a graphic sleeveless shirt, Robin walks in. Leather boots long and fitted on her legs, sweat after tonight's opening act for some band they don't even remember the name of shined and slicked on her exposed arms, muscular and smooth. Her hair dishevelled and longer than the last time you saw her, the brown roots of her hair growing a little more. Heart-shaped sunglasses blocked the vision which were her blue eyes. Those goddamn eyes that could weaken you with a single glance.
"I'm not late am I?" Robin asked, smooth and slim fingers holding onto the rim of her glasses as she pushed it up to her hair. Her fingers tut with her hair, a playful chuckle erupting from her soft, glossy lips. She strides to the couch, hips swaying so effortlessly as she walked towards the rest of hellfire. Sitting down on the empty space between Eddie and Steve, manspreading as her arms slung around the two boys shoulders.
Your fingers gripped on the red cup you were holding. Your friend had a grin on his face, tugging to your coat as if it told you everything that he wanted the two of you to do : go closer to hellfire.
You look down on your cup, it's almost empty, a perfect excuse not to go near Hellfire - near Robin. "Why don't you go alone? I'll watch from afar." you chuckled awkwardly. Noticing now tense you were, without really knowing the reason why, your friend nods, leaving you alone with the crowd.
He waves over to the group, a toothy smile from Dustin in response. He lets your friend sit in the armrest of the couch, bickering over something you couldn't quite hear. A guy in the crowd goes over to you, talking about the band and all that stuff, responding to him with half hearted "mhms" and mindless nods.
But your eyes were focused elsewhere; focused on the girl scanning the crowd. The girl who's eyes, blue and deep, scanned the faces of the strangers in her apartment - as if she was looking for that one familiar face, your face.
And that's when eyes meet. Her eyes meeting your own. You could feel your heart skip a beat, a crimson hue arising on your cheeks. She was no guitarist, but she plucked on your heartstrings better than anyone could.
A smile tuts on her lips. That goddamn smile, a devilish glint in her eyes, her smile pursed into a smirk.
You looked down on your cup, empty. "I need to get some ice." You announce to the stranger who came up to you, running down the halls in search of an ice machine, in which you find in a small room.
You get in, and as you do, you hear the door swing shut.
Holy shit.
"I can't believe you actually showed up." She whispered, her breath against your neck, fingers sliding to grip onto your waist. You've never actually felt yourself melt before, but as you felt her fingers caress on the fabric of your coat you knew you were done for.
"When does it end?"
"What?" Robin cooed, her voice deep and low, a tone she's always reserved just for you. Her fingers move high up, planting them on your waist.
"This. The story about the girl who's wrapped around a rockstar's little finger and when she gets tired of being this rockstar's plaything she leaves. The rockstar sends her six...no..ten letters and doesn't even leave a backstage pass in San Diego." You replied, sliding her hands off your body. "Robin I've had enough. I'm done with this lifestyle. I'm done with you." You added, there wasn't much truth in your words as you'd like to believe yourself, and Robin didn't believe you at all.
She smiled. Why did she smile?
"Oh honey." Robin chuckled, fingers moving to grab your cup. "I say you're done with all this when I tell you are." She replied, grabbing ice from the machine. "And let me tell you, the day you're truly done, rock n roll's gonna miss you." You hear ice being tossed to your glass, daring not to look at Robin herself.
"It's gonna miss the way you turn a hotel into a home."
An ice cube thrown to your glass.
"The way you know every song. Every song. Even the bad ones. Especially the bad ones." A chuckle slips out of her plush lips. Another cube thrown to your glass.
"Coats and vests in the middle of summer." Another cube.
"Those pink lips and the way it giggles over every small compliment." Another cube.
"The way it fawns over me as if it's never been complimented all it's life."
Silence fills the room, your fingers brushing over a table. A lump in your throat. You feel warm hands on the grip of your waist, your cup left on the table.
"You're more than just some groupie, darling." She cooed, lips brushing on the flesh of your ear. "You're your own kind of woman." She said before turning you around to face her, pinning you up against the brim of the table. "You're my woman."
And before you could protest, she kissed you powerfully. Hands gripping on the edge of the table as if fighting to keep your hands off her. She pulled you closer, a smirk on the edge of her lips as a soft whimper slips from yours. A needy sound that could make her go ballistic.
"So loud for me already, huh?" She chuckled, pulling away. "I barely even touched you."
Fingers brush against your chin, making you look up at her.
"Come to Arizona, baby."
"Never." yes
She smirked. "We leave tomorrow. 9AM. And pack light this time, Jesus."
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
love like an ache in the jaw by fivecenturiesverse
Rating: Teens and Up
2,797 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: POV Outsider, Social Media, News Media, Band Fic, alternate universe famous, Platonically Married Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington, Epistolary, Kinda, Coming Out, Fans, Alternate Universe - Celebrity, but still monsters exist, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Eddie Munson in a Band, steve harrington in a band, Music, Twitter, Tumblr, Song Lyrics, Canonical Character Death, it's Billy dw, Fluff and Humor, Future Fic
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, famous musicians in their own rights, have a collaborative band together called 'Bright Teeth Bat Bait'. They return for a surprise fourth album, almost a decade after their last. (Organised social media posts and news articles chart the release of the album.) - assigned-batbait-atbirth GIF set description: several instances from Indiana Panic live concerts in which they bring on Steve for a BTBB song or two; Gareth (Indiana Panic drummer) looks like he’s dying inside, meanwhile Steve and Eddie come close to having sex on stage in the foreground of the GIFs #i want what ever these two have going on #but instead i am gareth
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was Fics posted in Summer 2023.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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melodymunson · 4 months
Platonic Eddie Munson x Robin Buckley with fem reader oneshot blurb
So In love with 2
Mentions of smut, nsfw. 18+ only. Mentions of strapons, anal play.
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You first met Robin during your college years at 21 years old when you were auditioning for her punk rock band Queens Of Noise. The band mainly did original songs but some covers as well of bands like The Runaways, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, and The Ramones. Through Robin, you met Eddie and Corroded Coffin was still amazing even in their 30's and he thought you were a wonderful drummer. Robin was the guitarist and lead vocalist and Chrissy was the bassist.
The band hit it big when you played Battle of the Bands against Corroded Coffin and many other older as well as new up-and-coming bands in rock/metal and pop/rock. There was stiff competition except you were determined to bring the most rocking drum solo ever. By this time you and Robin were dating writing some songs together about love and romance but also about life experiences. Corroded Coffin placed second and was an honorable mention but Queens of Noise won receiving a huge trophy and magazine cover spread.
To celebrate your victory you had a date together at Enzo's and that night you had celebratory drinks. Robin was so beautiful and gentle with you but in bed, she was dominating and gave you mind-blowing sex. Even though you were 12 years younger than her, she was your girlfriend and you were very much in love with her. Sometimes you would just 69 but other times she brought out her strap and fucked you hard before you did the same to her.
Soon things got even better for you though because you were able to do your photo shoot for the magazine cover. You and Robin dressed scantily clad in the nicest lace black lingerie with her posing with her guitar of course and you were posing with your drums. Many photos were taken and the best ones were chosen which was one of you and Robin entwined in a passionate embrace. In the interview for the magazine, you talked about new music, your inspiration for songs, a bit about your relationship, and what it was like to be a women in rock n roll.
When Robin found out you liked Eddie she was alright with it and if it wasn't for Robin's encouragement you wouldn't have acted on your feelings. The truth was that Eddie was feeling you too. Not only did you tour together but you were able to co-write some songs together. Once Eddie knew of your feelings he was ecstatic and you agreed to go out together with him and Robin as well. The date was nice and at a concert for Judas Priest followed by time at a bar sharing a pitcher of margaritas.
Once everyone was drunk you made your way home with Robin talking more about your arrangement and how things would work. Eddie picked you up on his motorcycle days later and you had a date with him just the two of you spending quality time together riding go-karts and going paint-balling before grabbing some food. This was the first of many dates together but the ones that followed were with the three of you together. Everyone was happy with this arrangement and after Eddie waited for quite some time the right time came and one night you found yourself ready to take things to the bedroom.
It was a great night with foreplay and you bought some new lingerie for the occasion- lacy and in your favorite color. Robin was there too of course and you started by having her eating you out as pleased your breasts. Eddie had you give him a killer blowjob after that as Robin fucked you with your favorite dildo. After that they watched you cum for them over and over again with a vibrator seeing how long you could take it as their bratty submissive.
The next time you hooked up with both of them you had Eddie watch you as Robin fucked you with a vibrating strapon. She was making you cum so many times before you and Robin fucked with a double-headed dildo 12 inches long. After you had Eddie and Robin taking turns eating you out to see who could do it better. It was a tie though and you couldn't choose between the two of them.
As the relationship progressed you would spend most nights tied up and blindfolded as they took turns having their way with you. After you returned the favor to them by eating Robin out as Eddie fucked you from behind. Eddie managed to make you cum three times and you squirted for him. You began filming your sex sessions having it just for the three of you to watch and it was hot content.
On tour you would sometimes take groupies back to the tour bus and some nights it was girls only. Other times Eddie was involved and you would have foursomes. Either you would be fucking Eddie as Robin and the groupie had their way with each other or the groupie would be fucking Eddie as you fucked Robin. All the fans loved the music and both bands especially when you would perform onstage together and tour together.
They bought you a black leather with heart charm choker you wore proudly as their submissive. Whenever you would get high together and share Eddie's weed/joints you would shotgun with them and makeout. Whenever you wore pretty lingerie for them they would be sure to take polaroids especially if you had been bratty and were tied up for them. You would wear either Hellfire club, Corroded Coffin, or Queens of Noise oversized shirts to bed which led to Eddie and Robin finger-fucking you until you passed out from exhaustion.
One day in the recording studio you made a super sexy collab track featuring your moans and cries as Eddie and Robin teased, fingered, and ate you out. The best part about having studio time was having the chance to write and play with the two loves of your life. The way you sang backup vocals and played your drums never failed to impress Robin and Eddie. Hearing Eddie's voice record with no auto-tune was always a treat.
Public affection with Robin and Eddie publicly was never something you shied away from. Sometimes on your dates, you would shamelessly be felt up or fingered by them at the movies, under the table, in the park, at a party even at a concert side stage, or in the audience. They made sure to buy you multiple pairs of vibrating panties and would always fight over controlling the remote even in public. Whenever you would misbehave while you were out, they made sure to punish you at home by tying you up and giving you endless orgasms until you begged for mercy.
One night you went to the sex shop with them and bought so many new toys, a butt plug, lingerie, costumes, restraints such as handcuffs, and a gag ball. Once you got back home with your purchases you tried on the lingerie for the modeling and decided to wear the red lingerie. Not only did they handcuff you and make you use a butt plug, but they administered the gag ball and proceeded to tease you with the new toys they purchases. The toys they used on you included a rabbit vibrator, a magic wand, a G-spot vibrator, a clitoral stimulator, and a rose vibrator.
The next few weeks you did anal training with bigger butt plugs and then some dildos in various sizes and shapes. When they felt you were ready enough Robin used her new vibrating strap on your ass as Eddie used toys on your pussy. You used toys on Robin after that as Eddie fucked your ass with lots of lube and oils beforehand to prepare you for his cock. They provided the best aftercare with warm baths and massages.
They were the best lovers and cherished you never a day going by that was dull for the three of you. Soon you toured the world with Robin and Eddie getting so much attention and love for your music. Soon after that you all moved in together and adopted a black cat and a corgi. Life was perfect and they were to thank for that always putting you first and giving you the best love and affection.
@corneliuswatkins @jadeylovesmarvelxo @ali-r3n @mrprettywhenhecries @keeryatmosphere
@lovelythoughtfulcupcake @munson-mjstan @espressomunson @veemoon @eddiemunsonfuxks
@seatnights @corrodedcorpses @hcwthewestwaswcn @haceleyes @onegirlmanytales
@thepurplelovewitch @stolen-in-moonlight @hellv1ra @kelseyaparker19 @keikoraven
@loritate7311 @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @shichey97 @harringtonfan4
@londonfog-chan @bunnsandroses
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satelitis · 9 months
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୭- 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐘 : standard tumblr games (cym, whos most likely, kmk etc,etc.)
🕸- 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 : send me a trope and a character and i will make headcanons about it. (drummer!butch jojo, baker!peter parker)
⋆-𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 : matchups!! send me a short desc. of yourself and i will match you up with someone (please include fandom and gender preference)
୭- 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 : moots only!!! i will associate you with a song, artist, color, book, movie and character!
🕸- 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 : give me a specific mood/ vibe/pastime and i will give you a movie, song and book rec!
⋆- 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 : your turn!! tell me who you ship me with!! you can write little headcanons or thoughts <33 (please do this one if you do ilysm!!)
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DISCLAIMER!! : please only stick to one request per ask! and only the fandoms i write for!! keep the reqs sfw!! I AM A MINOR!!! also if a character is canonically lesbian or gay then only req for that gender specific reader please (no robin buckley x male reader)!!! this event is running from 1/07-1/31 !! have fun loves!!
TAGGING MOOTIES!! : @mictodii @spaceagebachelormann @dizzyntrr @juneberrie @solutopia @spiderst4rgirl @spiderfunkz @stvrlighttgabss @isitoversnowtvs @jaidens @dljcem @doyouknowwhoyouare13
CHARACTERS I'M WRITING FOR : tasm! peter parker , miguel diaz, johnny lawrence, daniel larusso, anthony larusso, hawk mozkowitz, robby keene, tori nichols, dallas winston, ponyboy curtis, steve randal, two-bit matthews, darry curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, butch jojo, brick jojo, boomer jojo, sirius black, regulus black, james potter, remus lupin, marlene mckinnon, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, lee jordan, bradley bradshaw, nick bradshaw, pete mitchell, tom kazenzky, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, leia skywalker, han solo, richie tozier, stanley uris, eddie kaspberak, beverly marsh, ben hascom, mike hanlon, bill denbrough, mike wheeler, eddie munson, robin buckley, steve harrington, max mayfield, lucas sinclair, richie white, john b routledge, jj maybank, sarah cameron, kiera carerra, pope hayward. ask if a character you would like isn't on this list!!
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2023 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long and rough year and I will do my best to continue this month but if I miss a day it's because of writer's block or work but anyway here is my Kinktober masterlist and what I have planned for you all, my wonderful amazing readers! I hope you like the thigh clenching, panty soaking, jean tightening thrill of smut! I hope you enjoy!
Banners by: @vase-of-lilies​
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst;  👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Semi-Public (Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Drummer!Steve Harrington x Groupie!Fem!Reader) 🔥 Day 2: Stepcest (Stepbrother!Ransom Drysdale x Stepsister!Fem!Reader)🔥🌙👿 Day 3: Size Difference (Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Petite!Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥 Day 4: S&M (Masochist!Eddie Munson x Sadist!Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥 Day 5: Fucking Machine (Mr. Freezy(Robert Pronge) x Fem!Reader) 🔥🕸️ Day 6: Body Worship (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) 🔥🌙 Day 7: Stripping (Shy!Jake Jensen x Stripper!Fem!Reader) Day 8: Hate Sex (Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader) Day 9: DP in One Hole (Married!Steddie x Babysitter!Fem!Reader) Day 10: Fisting (Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader) Day 11: Pregnancy (Steve Harrington x Pregnant!Fem!Reader) Day 12: Deepthroating or Facesitting (Sub!Jake Jensen x Dom!Fem!Reader) Day 13: Orgasm Denial (Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader) Day 14: Rimming (Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader) Day 15: Glory Hole (Post TFAWS!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) Day 16: Breeding (Dad!Thor Odinson x Mom!Fem!Reader) Day 17: Masturbation (Jim Hopper x Secretary!Fem!Reader) Day 18: Spanking (Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader) Day 19: Humiliation (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) Day 20: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Lee Bodecker x Pirate!Fem!Reader) Day 21: Sex Toys (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader) Day 22: Pegging (Human!Castiel x Fem!Reader) Day 23: Costumes (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) Day 24: Shotgunning (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) Day 25: Daddy Kink (Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader) Day 26: Virginity (Virgin!40s!Stucky x Experienced!Fem!Reader) Day 27: Titfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-sized!Fem!Reader) Day 28: Body Worship (Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader) Day 29: Breathplay (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) Day 30: Squirting (Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader) Day 31: Bondage (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
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halfadoginatank · 1 year
Okay I know im a CoD blog BUT-
A stobin fic idea has absolutely demolished my brain, I think about it constantly. Its about robin and Steve (newly Stevie after a horrible confusing bathroom meltdown) deciding that they need to work through the trauma of starcourt. So what do they do? Well, they write songs. And they're no good at first. They dont flow well and they have no instrumental skills (because "no robin I swear you will never play trumpet over the lyrics depicting my trauma!").
Until robin just says screw it- she takes her dads old guitar and she doesn't know what to do so she just learns and it's awful. Slowly they find their sound. They have no drummer but Stevie is writing more and more and he blows saved money on a cheap bass. Until one day after a horrible PTSD attack caused when robin sees her old Russian notes she thinks Fuck it. She starts translating the parts that dont flow well into Russian and it comes together perfectly.
The hide-out is witness to two girls (robin knows Stevie can't really be herself here but its the thought that counts.) Who have an old electric guitar and a very shiny bass and the guy that runs it just says "don't make a mess" and thats how they start playing shows. They don't have a name they're just two traumatized teens who play decently and sing in English and scream in Russian because screw starcourt, they're taking it back.
They sound like pseudo punk, riot gurls before the two even knew about it.
One day Eddie and the boys come to book a time and the owner just says they're gonna play after another band and out of everything he thought he'd see, known band geek Robin Buckley and the Steve Harrington in a shitty punk band is not what he was imagining.
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burnthoneydrops · 1 year
Blonde (r.b. x reader)
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pairing: robin buckley x female!reader, band au
word count: 2.4k
warnings: language, use of she/her pronouns, reference to time appropriate homophobia
a/n: had this idea while I was at a concert last night and really wanted to write it so here it is! hope you enjoy!! <3 (also not proof read haha)
You’re nervous. You’re shaking your hands out in front of you and you’re nervous. You can hear the crowd chatting to each other out by the bar, the sound of low mutterings and glasses clinking echoing off the wall and into your ears. Running your hands through your hair, you smooth some pieces down before fluffing up others, trying to give your shaking hands something else to focus on. It’s not even the biggest show you’ve played and yet you’re nervous as all hell. 
Morgan, the drummer, walks into the dressing room. “Woah dude, are you ok?” 
“Huh? Yeah fine, totally fine,” you mutter. 
She scoffs, “your hands are shaking and you keep moving your foot like you need to crack it or something. What’s up?” 
“Just pre-show nerves. It happens all the time,” you try and brush her off. 
“Have you talked to Robin yet?” She asks, sitting down on the couch. 
“No. Something about her shift getting moved and Keith would be weird about her being on the phone during work hours or something,” you respond. That’s what it was. You haven’t talked to Robin yet and your nerves are out of control because of it. Pre-show nerves are something that happen before every gig you’ve played thus far, even when you were just an extra vocalist for Corroded Coffin when Eddie lost his voice for a week. But something else that usually happens is you calling Robin on the public phone outside so she can talk you through it and reassure that you’re going to be amazing like she always says you are. Just hearing her voice through the phone makes you feel better; even if you know she can’t be at every show physically, talking to her before you go on means she’s going to be bouncing around in your brain in the best way possible, which makes things feel all that much better. 
This show isn’t too far from Hawkins, seeing as you and your band were looking for bigger venues and Hawkins definitely doesn’t have those. It’s still a shitty bar in the middle of a city, but it at least fits more people and has more stage room so Hannah, your bassist, doesn’t fall into the audience again. She claims it was her attempt at crowd surfing, but you all know she just wasn’t watching where she was going, too busy thrashing her head around as Morgan kicked up the energy on the drums. 
“Damn, that nerd has them on that tight of a leash huh?” Morgan asks, pulling you back to the conversation at hand. 
“Yeah, I also get the feeling he doesn’t like me very much so it wouldn't really help if she tried to explain”. 
“Does he like anybody?” Morgan snorts back and you shrug, not really sure. 
“He gives me the creeps if I’m honest,” you answer after a few seconds, going back to adjusting your hair in the mirror. 
“Hey, I doubt it’s changed much in the 15 seconds since you touched it last, leave your hair alone. Don’t go messing up all my hard work,” Morgan stands up and grabs your wrists before you can touch your hair again. She did in fact spend 20 minutes with you making sure it looked ‘cool’ enough for this crowd of what you were expecting to be mostly drunks. 
“There you guys are!” Victoria, your lead guitarist, announces herself as she walks into the dressing room, “we’re on in 5!” She sounds exasperated and you and Morgan share a look before Morgan drops your hands, assuring you you’re going to kick ass no matter what happens. 
You try to take in her words, but all you can think about is how much you miss Robin and how much you want to hop in the van and drive to Hawkins just to see her again. You know she’s proud of you, as she tells you that every time you call her, but it feels weird living your dream without her. Before history class sophomore year, your dream had been exactly this, performing on stage to an audience who knew your songs and could sing it back to you (well this one would be at least a partial audience but it was close enough). But then you met Robin, the girl who made you smile and laugh like no other and who’s hug felt like home wherever you were, and she quickly snuck her way into your dream as well. Steve was the one who convinced her that you actually did like her like that, even after you dropped some not so subtle hints that the blonde girl had you absolutely wrapped around her finger. 
“Y/N, come on! Time to show them what we’ve got!” Victoria calls as she realises you’re not following them. You crack your knuckles, looking in the mirror one last time before running out after them. The crowd is already applauding and hollering when you take your place on the stage, and you can’t help the smile that etches onto your face at the reaction. People are walking to and from the bar, drinks in hand as they clap for the four of you. Hannah smiles at you as you two make eye contact, the familiar adrenaline carrying you past any stage fright from before. The same thoughts linger in the back of your head, but you try and turn the nerves into excitement, fuelling the adrenaline like Robin told you to. 
“Um, hey everyone!” The microphone squeaks and the feedback sends hands over ears. You clear your throat awkwardly before gripping the microphone softly. “Sorry about that,” you laugh, trying to brush it off, “we’re the Suburban Rejects and we just wanted to thank you guys for coming out tonight. How’s everyone feeling?” The crowd cheers once again, though you notice a few people already drunk off their asses. 
“You guys ready?” You turn toward your band and they all nod, Victoria smirking as her fingers trace over the strings in anticipation. “Alright!” You shoot your attention back to the audience, “this is our first song, Violet Summer and I hope you enjoy!” 
“One two three four!” Morgan whisper-shouts so the rest of the band can hear before shooting off into her usual drum induced trance. Hannah is soon to follow, building the bass line as Victoria strikes out the familiar power chords. You tap your foot along to the main beat as you look out over the crowd, noticing some people nodding their heads and tapping along with you. Another rush of adrenaline hits you and as the first verse starts, you’re practically smiling into the microphone as you begin singing. You turn to look at Victoria as you sing, taking the microphone from the stand and walking closer to her, leaning from behind her so your head fits between her shoulder and her neck, the smile on her face growing as you sing into her ear. She turns to the side slightly so you can be back to back, and she rests her head against yours, your side profiles exposed to the audience. Next you cross the stage to Hannah and she jokingly flips you off, causing you to turn to the audience with a sad face before smiling again and making your way back to center. 
A few songs into the set and you’re starting to feel much more comfortable. You’ve gotten the audience on your side, except for the already mentioned drunks, and you can finally feed off of the energy enough that you don’t have to worry about a little voice crack here and there. Morgan crashes her drumsticks on the cymbals repeatedly as the current song comes to a close, and you finally stop jumping around long enough to introduce the next song. 
“Alright, now we’re going to get a little more sentimental. But don’t worry, we’re keeping the energy up as always. This song is called Blonde and I hope you guys like it,” you smile at the audience before Morgan counts you guys off again, the familiar chords from Victoria’s electric guitar bouncing throughout the room. The crowd had gathered closer to the stage as the set went on, and you lean forward to run your hand through those that were sticking their hands up, trying to give each a little high five. This song is so very obviously about Robin, but you had framed it as if you were someone else looking in on the relationship, hoping that it would keep the homophobic responses you were trying to avoid at bay. As the chorus kicks in and you start jumping around again, you do a little circle around yourself and glance out into the audience again. In a moment that you couldn’t have planned any better, Hannah nudges you in what you think is a joking manner before she tilts her head, wordlessly instructing you to look in a certain direction. 
There she is. 
The muse herself is standing at the back of the audience, her arms crossed against her chest and a proud smile gracing her face. She looks so beautiful you almost stumble over your feet. Victoria laughs and you flip her off, closing your eyes as you continue to sing, trying to keep the blush trying to show itself as undetectable as possible. 
“Lips so sweet/they’re dancing on the rooftop/Angel face almost makes her heart stop,” you sing as you make eye contact with Robin. You hadn’t gotten a chance to play this song for her yet, and you hope that she gets the reference to your first “date”. Steve had invited a bunch of people over for a party when his parents were away and when the stuffy house had gotten too much for you and Robin, she grabbed your hand and took you to sit on Steve’s roof with her. The sun was setting and it was creating the most beautiful halo around her face. “I’m going to kiss you and if you hate it then we can pretend it never happened and I’ll never talk to you again ok?” You had asked, not usually one for rambling with nerves but that was just something she did to you. Without responding, she grabbed your face between her hands and made the first move for you, connecting your lips and kissing all the nerves out of you. 
A knowing smile crosses her face as she lets out a quiet laugh, blowing you a small kiss from her spot in the audience, which causes you to quickly wink back in recognition. You look just to her left and see Steve standing next to her, waving at you with his car keys in hand. Your heart almost melts at the effort these two must have put in to make their way here. 
“Get yourself together lover girl, we’ve got three more songs to play!” Morgan laughs at you as you turn to her to have a moment to collect yourself. 
“Shut up!” You laugh playfully and turn back to the audience as the song comes to a finish, Victoria strumming out the last few chords as Morgan smashes the cymbals again. 
Now it was as if the last few songs couldn’t finish fast enough. You rush off stage as soon as you can, thanking the audience quickly before heading back into the dressing room anxiously. The rest of the band follow soon after you, already making fun of your current state, teasing you about how in love you are. You’re grateful that you have the bandmates that you do, seeing as they don’t care that your relationship is with Robin and not Steve. You hear the backstage door open and two pairs of feet scurrying in before it can close and it takes all of you not to run everyone over to greet them. 
“Hello?” Steve calls as they round the corner to the dressing room. 
“Go be a lovesick idiot,” Hannah smiles at you, giving you a light shove. 
You run toward the pair, Steve scooting to the side before he gets run into. Robin smiles widely at you, wrapping you in her famous hugs before putting a little space between the two of you, her hands still around your waist. “That was absolutely amazing!” She compliments you, but you barely process it, only thinking how lucky you are that she’s here. 
You can hardly keep yourself together, so instead of trying to let out whatever mumbled garbage would spill out of your mouth, you pull yourself closer to her, kissing her with all the pent up emotions you’d been holding since the tour started. “What am I? Chopped liver?” Steve complains sarcastically, causing Robin to shove him with the arm that she unwrapped from your waist before quickly putting it back in its original spot. 
“Alright guys, break it up,” Morgan calls as the rest of the band make their way over. 
“I can’t believe you made it,” you whisper to Robin as you turn so she has her arm around your waist as you stand shoulder to shoulder. 
“I wouldn’t miss my best girl for the world. You killed it like I told you you would,” she smiles down at you before turning to face the rest of the band. “That was an awesome show you guys. Seriously awesome”. 
“Thanks Robin, glad you two could make it. This one was an absolute wreck before we went on. One night without her usual phone call and she was going to flip her shit,” Victoria motions to you, a playful smirk on her face. 
“Hey! I was not going to flip my shit!” You try to defend yourself. 
“It’s ok, you don’t have to hide it around us,” Hannah chimes in. 
“Don’t be ashamed Y/n!” Morgan starts, “be who you are!” She sings in an awful voice, purposefully doing a horrible job of staying in whatever key she picked. 
“You all suck!” You call to the group of them before turning your head into Robin’s shoulder. 
Robin’s laugh causes her shoulders to shake against you, “I love you” she mutters against your hair as the group bursts out in laughter. You flip them all off with your head still buried in Robin’s shoulder, thankful for the height difference she usually teases you about. You might be incredibly embarrassed right now, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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xspeter · 1 year
𝟎𝟎𝟏: “tell me how we made it this far.”
reminder: this fic will be written like the book!
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m.list next chapter ➪
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Steve: i think we all knew when y/n l/n stepped through that door, that she was going to change things. and not in a good way.
Eddie: she was… different. we all know that if it hadn’t been for her, we would have never reached the level of fame that we had. steve’s the only one who hasn’t accepted it.
Robin: she was vibrant. she was new. she was exactly what the band needed.
Jonathan: do i think if she hadn’t of joined the band we would still be touring? absolutely. am i glad she joined? everyday.
Dustin: when she walked in the studio like she owned the place, i just remember thinking, “this is it. she’s our ticket to fame.” and i hadn’t even heard her voice yet!
Y/N: i did what i did best.
i fucking ruined them.
Interviewer: so let’s start at the beginning-
Eddie Munson (lead guitarist of, “silver springs”): the beginning beginning or just when y/n showed up?
Interviewer: the beginning beginning.
Eddie: *nods,* i think it was the summer of ‘75 when everything started. that sounds right.
Jonathan Byers (guitarist of, “silver springs”): i didn’t really know steve. the only person i really knew was dustin, and that was because he was friends with my brother.
Dustin Henderson (lead drummer of, “silver springs”): i knew eddie from this little dnd club we were in, and i knew jonathon because he was my friends brother, but i think the only one of us who knew steve was eddie.
Eddie: yeah, i knew steve.
i knew that he a massive douche.
Steve Harrington (lead singer of, “silver springs”): the person i was in high school… well all i can say is i hope i’m not the same person i am today as i was back then.
Robin Buckley (lead keyboardist of, “silver springs”): the day steve harrington, the king of hawkins high, graduated, was like the fucking renaissance.
Steve: i was really just trying to fit in with the people around me back then, so once we graduated and everyone went off to college except me… well i had no one i needed to pretend around anymore.
Eddie: it was a really hot day in the middle of july, and me and some of my friends were practicing in my garage. we had this band called ‘corroded coffin’. stupid, i know.
Steve: i was walking my dog, and i suddenly hear some music a couple houses away. of course, i was curious, so i make my way over there, and boy was i surprised to see eddie munson shredding his guitar like his life depended on it.
Eddie: when we saw the steve harrington walking up our driveway, i think we had all expected something completely different.
Steve: they all stopped playing and just… stared at me.
Eddie: *laughs* i think he said some corny ass shit like, “well don’t stop playing on my account!”
Steve: i told them not stop playing, and they all glanced at each other, shrugged, and continued.
Eddie: god, i know we had to have sounded awful.
Steve: they really weren’t half bad.
Eddie: we had all expected this to be a one time thing, y’know? but then steve didn’t stop showing up, and eventually, i think he became my best friend.
Steve: eventually, sometime in early august, eddie started teaching me how play the guitar.
Eddie: he was a fucking natural. it was like he was made for it. and once he started singing? he was unstoppable.
Steve: eddie wanted me in the band. everyone else… not so much.
Eddie: i spent days trying to convince those dickheads that we needed him, but they couldn’t get over how he acted towards us in high school. like seriously, grow up!
Steve: eventually, eddie gave them an ultimatum. either they let me in, or we’re both leaving.
Eddie: those scumbags basically kicked me out of my own band!
Steve: *laughs* thinking back on it now, it’s kind of funny. i mean, they looked eddie in the face and said, “then i guess we’ll have to find a new lead guitarist.”
Eddie: those douchebags never even touched the level of fame we had, so really, maybe it was a good thing they kicked us out.
Gareth (drummer of ‘corroded coffin’): i’ve never regretted kicking eddie and steve out of the band. because i have something they never will.
Interviewer: and what’s that?
Gareth: financial stability.
Steve: me and eddie knew we still wanted to be able to perform, and the two of us alone just wouldn’t cut it.
Eddie: so, we had to form a new band.
Steve: and i knew just where to look.
Robin: when steve harrington and eddie munson knocked on my door i thought i was dreaming.
Steve: i had seen robin walking in the halls, and word on the street was she was a damn good keyboard player.
Eddie: i had never heard of robin before.
Robin: steve says to me, “you robin buckley?” i just nodded and said, “yeah.”
Eddie: then steve says, “you play the keys?” and robin goes, “yep.”
Robin: and next thing i know i’m loading my keyboard into the back of steve’s AMC pacer.
Steve: it was pretty easy to convince robin to join the band. she asked if she would get any money out of it and i said, “yeah probably,” and then she’s leading us into her basement to grab her keyboard.
Robin: steve and eddie ask me if i knew anyone else who played any instruments and i said jonathon.
Jonathan: me and robin were never friends, so i have no idea how she knew i played the guitar.
Robin: we had no idea where jon lived, so we were kinda just cruising until we saw him or anyone who knew him.
Steve: that’s when we saw dustin and his friend, will. jon’s brother.
Eddie: so, we pull over and we ask the kids if they knew where jon lived.
Dustin: me and will were heading back to his house anyway, so i figured if they were looking for jon they could give us a ride, because that was where we were headed.
Eddie: so, the kids hop in the backseat and will gives us directions to his house.
Dustin: thinking back on it now, it probably wasn’t the best idea hoping into a car with a bunch of strangers and giving them directions to our house, but it was the 70’s. no one cared back then.
Robin: so we pull into the driveway, and low and behold jon is outside smoking a cig.
Steve: when he sees us pulling into the driveway with his little brother and his friend, he looked confused.
Jon: i was confused. here’s my sixteen year old little brother, with eddie munson, steve harrington, and robin buckley. it was the strangest group.
Dustin: me and will get out the car, and steve follows.
Jon: steve walks up to me, hands in his pockets, and just stands there.
Steve: i was trying to figure out what to say. with robin, it was easy, but jon just had this… intimidating look about him.
Jon: i said, “you want a cigarette?” and he just shook his head, says he doesn’t smoke. which back then, that was out of the norm. i mean, everyone smoked.
Eddie: me and robin were in the car just watching them.
Robin: i think they sat there talking for at least ten minutes.
Jon: steve says to me, “you play guitar?” and i was like, “why?” and he goes, “would you be against joining a band?” and honestly, i was.
Dustin: when i heard them say “band” i just knew i needed to be a part of this conversation.
Jon: i said, “what, are you trying to recruit me or something?” and he goes, “yeah, actually, i am.”
Steve: it was hard to convince jon to join us. i mean, he was college bound. he graduated with us, was taking a gap year and then going to college.
Jon: i wanted to say no.
Steve: i told him he could just try for the rest of the summer, and if he hated it, then he was free to leave.
Jon: that convinced me. i mean, it wasn’t like i had any other plans.
Steve: i was about to ask jon to get his guitar and come with us to scope out a new place to practice, but dustin jumped in the conversation.
Dustin: *laughs* you know, i really didn’t think they would let me in. especially because back then, i was still a beginner. i mean, i could barely play the drums!
Steve: we were desperate.
Dustin: so i go, “you need a drummer?” and steve stares at me for a second, shrugs his shoulders, and goes “yeah, we do.”
Steve: here’s this sixteen year old kid, asking me to join our band, and who am i to say no?
Eddie: at first, i had thought steve was insane for letting this kid in the band. i was a little mad about it too.
Steve: i could feel eddie glaring at me from the car when he saw dustin following behind me and jon.
Dustin: i was just excited to be there, honestly. i really didn’t think it was gonna go anywhere.
Steve: you know, i think we all thought it was just gonna be some summer gigs, maybe some over the school year, but we would all end up getting some boring 9-5 job.
Eddie: god, were we wrong.
Steve: the rest of that summer, we spent practicing. i discovered my love for writing songs and creating music, and i like to think everyone else started developing a love for it too.
Eddie: i tried to write some songs like steve did, but, they were never as good as his.
Dustin: steve was like… freddy mercury and we were those other dudes in the band that you never really learn the names of.
Steve: by september we had atleast ten songs, and we had just booked our first gig at some wedding.
Dustin: it was hard because school was starting up again and steve wanted us to practice atleast four times a week.
Steve: i just wanted us to be as good as we could be.
Jon: i wasn’t supposed to be in the band past summer, but we had just… made so much progress. there was no way i could leave. especially not before our first gig.
Eddie: september 17, 1975 we’ve got our very first gig.
Steve: i was excited. i mean, i don’t think i was nervous at all.
Robin: out of all of us, steve was the one shitting his pants the most. he was practically shaking!
Eddie: the first song we played when we got up there was this song steve wrote called, “letdown.”
Robin: steve was… *shakes head*, he was amazing.
Dustin: i mean, god can this man sing.
Steve: i just went up there and… it just felt so natural. this was my first time performing ever and, it was probably the happiest i had ever been at that point.
Robin: i think that was the night i realized we couldn’t let this thing we built go to waste. i mean, we needed to go professional with this. i knew we were just that good.
Eddie: not to sound, like, egotistical or anything but… we were good. amazing, even.
Jon: after that, i knew i couldn’t quit.
Steve: that night really changed my life. i mean, it changed everyone’s life. that was when we decided to try and get a record deal.
Eddie: lucky for us, there’s this dude there, and his name is murray bauman.
Murray Bauman: these kids, they were good. i knew they were good, and if they could get themselves a record deal, i could get them on tour.
Eddie: murray tells us that he’s a ‘tour manager’ and he lives in LA.
Robin: he tells us if we can get a record deal, he’ll get us on tour.
Jonathan: i wanted to do this of course! but… school. it was only september and i was going to new york next year for college.
Steve: i wanted to say yes. i almost said yes.
Jon: i told murray to give us some time.
Murray: i was kinda shocked. they want time? to do what? get some useless degree? you know, i never went to college and look at me!
Steve: i understood why jon wanted to wait. so i decided, that’s what we would do. we would wait a year until dustin graduated and jon decided what he wanted to do.
Robin: i wasn’t sure when steve had started making decisions for us, but it seemed everyone was okay with it.
Eddie: being told we were good enough to get a record deal? the first thing i wanted to do was party.
Steve: so, we dropped dustin off at home, and we go to this party down on cornwallis.
Eddie: it was mostly just a normal house party, alcohol, music, the whole shebang.
Steve: back then, i had only drank a few times. but, i hadn’t touched any alcohol since high school.
Robin: i barely remember that party, i got so fucking wasted. i do remember nancy being there though.
Steve: when i met nancy… it was, like love at first sight, you know?
Nancy Wheeler (wife of steve harrington): when steve walked up to me, he looked so confident that he could get me in bed.
Steve: i knew that i had to talk to her. so i walk up to her as casually as possible, and i say, “what’s your name?”
Nancy: i said, “why should i tell you?” and he seemed to short circuit at that, like he couldn’t come up with any reason!
Steve: i was cool about it. back then, i was pretty smooth with the ladies.
Nancy: he goes, “if you tell me your name i’ll tell you mine.”
Steve: i was pretty well known around town. but, i didn’t want to just assume she knew who i was.
Nancy: of course i knew who he was. but, i wanted him to think i didn’t.
Steve: i told her my name and eventually, she told me hers. i didn’t even sleep with her that night. we just… talked, exchanged numbers, that whole kinda thing.
Nancy: those next couple of weeks i went to every single practice.
Eddie: she was pretty much our honorary member.
Robin: nancy became my best friend. i hadn’t realized that i was only really hanging out with boys until she showed up.
Dustin: i already knew nancy, she was the older sister of one of my friends.
Nancy: i was always a little weirded out everytime i showed up to practice and dustin was there. he was only sixteen, and he was in a band with a bunch of graduates.
Robin: i guess it was kinda strange. but, who was i to tell the kid how to spend his days?
Steve: i officially asked nancy to be my girlfriend in november.
Nancy: i said yes, of course.
Steve: once we were officially together, i was… i was just so happy. i had a family, y’know? that’s what we were.
Eddie: once nancy and steve got together, the songs he wrote stopped being about random shit. they were all about her.
Nancy: it felt kinda strange, y’know? i mean, he wrote at least fifty songs over the course of that year.
Robin: by the time dustin graduated, we had enough material for at least two albums. maybe even three.
Dustin: the shitheads all showed up to my graduation. they probably cheered the loudest out of anyone’s families.
Eddie: i mean we were proud of him! plus, him graduating meant the only thing holding us back from LA was jon.
Jon: it was either college or LA. pursue a stable future, or pursue my dreams. how do you choose?
Eddie: one day sometime in june, we all show up to practice like normal. i’m tuning my guitar when jon walks in, and says we all need to talk.
Steve: i knew what that meant. he was either about to tell us that he was leaving or that he was staying.
Jon: i said, “this past year has… meant to much to me. but, we all knew i would be leaving at some point.”
Dustin: of course we all knew it, but i think we all assumed he would change his mind.
Steve: i tried to change his mind. we all did, even nancy! but, he was set on what he wanted to do.
Jon: i packed my shit, said my goodbyes, and i went home.
Steve: once jon was gone, well i think we all lost hope that we could pull this off.
Eddie: i really didn’t care that jon left. i mean, it sucked, yeah, but… i thought if i practiced hard enough i could play both parts. which, by the way, that’s pretty much impossible.
Robin: still, we pursued, and by the next week we packed our shit into eddie’s van.
Steve: imagine our surprise when on the day we’re set to leave, jon knocks on the door.
Jon: shit, screw college. over that week me and my mom talked, and she told me i needed to pursue my dreams.
Joyce Byers (mother of jonathon byers): i told him how it is. college will be around forever. it’s not going anywhere. the chance to tour the world? that’s once in a lifetime.
Jon: i’ll forever be grateful to my mom because of that.
Steve: we welcomed him back with open arms, obviously.
Robin: so we threw jon’s stuff in the van, said our goodbyes to our families, and then the six of us were off.
Steve: my parents didn’t show up to say goodbye. my dad told me, “you’re an excuse for a son.”
Eddie: we all knew steve’s parents didn’t approve of what we were doing.
Steve: but, clearly… i made the right choice in leaving. no matter what my dad believes.
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okay guys i’m actually so excited for this story!! it basically follows the plot of daisy jones and the six, so if you haven’t read the book or seen the show, you should! it’s genuinely so good.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 9 months
Destroy the Silence (Drummer Steve)
by ArtaxLivs
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Robin Buckley, Gareth (Stranger Things), Unnamed Freak (Stranger Things), Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things) Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Healthy Communication, Safe Sane and Consensual, Kink Negotiation, Light BDSM, Hand & Finger Kink, A medium one, Competence Kink, Honesty, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Spanking, Drummer Steve Harrington, Developing Relationship, Steve Harrington's Bare Chest, Eddie thirsting for Steve, Top Steve Harrington, Bottom Eddie Munson, Service Top Steve Harrington, Steve just likes taking care of people, Eddie likes taking care of Steve, Gratuitous Smut, Lots of plot though too Words: 17,102 Chapters: 1/1
It’s the spinning that does it. Eddie couldn’t look away if someone paid him. Every single time it happens, he just stops what he’s doing and stares. Drooling. Before, it was just kitchen utensils or the baseball bat. Now...now it’s at band practice every day. As it turns out, Steve can actually keep rhythm really well and while he can’t read music to save his ass, he understands beats and notes like a natural. The problem is- the problem is, that he keeps spinning those fucking drumsticks and Eddie’s gonna jizz in his goddamn jeans one of these days. OR - Steve becomes the drummer for Corroded Coffin and Eddie can't handle his thirst
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