#robert tubing
animation-is-my-jam · 5 months
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That feeling when nobody gaf about you're one rarepair but you go crazy for it anyway. TUBEBRAINS MY BELOVEDD (Robert Tubing in general)
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ratlordsarah · 2 months
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Monthly crap post for august 💀
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ttsquid · 2 months
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forgot how much fun evil lily is to draw
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mysharona1987 · 13 days
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Look, man. I know we consider him evil, and “Dr Doom” isn’t the greatest name if you are trying to tell people you are good, but we must consider his take on this complicated issue.
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the only reason i can stand the 1974 gatsby is because of the actor they have playing nick. and even then barely.
please get the straight people off my screen—
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—and please return the miserable wet cornstalk to my screen. i can’t deal with the above two.
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welcometoterrorcity · 9 months
*Theres now a ten foot tomato terrorizing the city and eating people whole*
Becky:.... Professor Terror:.... Becky:....Well dad? Professor Terror: I swear I have no idea how a ten foot carnivorous tomato is causing this much damage. Becky: Professor Tubing and Professor Doohickey already told me about the first tomato incident. Professor Terror grumbling: Dirty rotten snitches. Professor Terror: Okay well last time it was 50ft. Besides I wasn't the only one responsible for the incident. This one is a lot tamer than last time anyway. No one is going to be digested this time!
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ireton · 1 year
Joe Rogan - YouTube Removing Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Videos
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a-casual-egg · 1 year
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Silly Robert doodle
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Disillusion - Bios
Becky Boxleitner - aka - Lady Corva: From that day on, Becky became a new type of person. She became the anti-hero Lady Corva. Her illusion of heroes shattered, especially when some of that corrupt hero's PR people tried to pay her dad off for silence. (They refused the money and left the city, no intention of returning.) She has a hatred and distrust for older heroes and pity for up and coming ones (Like Rex). As Lady Corva - Becky doesn't interfere with villain schemes. She rather just keeps civilians out of harms way. If the police come knocking or any hero comes around to stop the villain, she makes their jobs that much harder with her powers, skills, and tech her dad designed for her. She would often help villains with their crimes, making the getaway's easier, as long as people don't get hurt (unless those people are jerks). In her civilian life, Becky is still friendly and outgoing with her close friends Violet, Scoops, Victoria, Tobey, Rose, and Eileen. Otherwise she does not try to actively make friends and is only respectful and polite to people when they treat her and her family and friends well. She is warm with the Botsford family because why not. TJ has the International Lady Corva Fan Club. Instead of Art class, Becky takes gymnastics and fencing to help sharpen her skills. She does not solely rely on her powers in battle in this au. She has a pet crow named Rapier. Her aunt found the guy alone and abandoned on her way to visit her brother and niece in Fair City. The crow became Becky's pet. It was discovered by Steven that the poor crow was a result of an abandoned genetics experiment. Rapier has better eyesight and speed than an average crow and can live for a very long time. Rapier's secret identity Plague Hunter. This crow eats bugs and berries. Including some spiders. Steven - Dr. Two Brains: Still becomes Dr. Two Brains in this au. Although the mad scientist is miffed his arm never grew back. Two Brains: Come on it worked for Kurt Conners. Steven had gotten his arm amputated after the accident. His best friends Tubing and Doohickey helped Steven make his robotic prosthetic arm. Tobey is intrigued and curious to how it works but Two Brains won't let the kid touch it. After his accident, Two Brains repairs his arm by himself mostly. He made a few modifications to get it to resemble a mouse paw. He and Becky are not on opposing sides like in canon or the regular bbau's. Even back when he was Steven, Two Brains made gadgets and tech modifications to help his daughter with her anti-hero side. He still talks to Tubing and Doohickey even afterwards. Lady Corva has a black visor and earpiece to help her dad observe her battles (when he is not committing them), and give her aid and advice as usual. This Two Brains/Steven is not much different from his bbau and canon self. He did become slightly solemn after Becky learned the dark truth about corrupt heroes just because his child was sad now. Becky and her dad are both still sassy people. Squeaky was at first afraid of Rapier because he thought the crow would eat mice, but he calmed down after seeing the crow prefer berries and bugs, including spiders. Squeaky also relates to Rapier about being genetic experiments. Dr. Two Brains is also a practical joker and more relaxed in this au. Note: Don't ask him to give you a hand. Notable changes: - Mousebrain takeover is not that angsty. Two Brains was bored and Squeaky and Lady Corva mostly had friendly chats. Lady Corva felt Squeaky did cross a line when he openly terrorized people because it violated her rule. -Lady Corva was never fooled by Miss Power. -Becky is 12 to 13 when Kid Math comes around. This part is angsty.
-A world without Lady Corva (Wordgirl) - Becky's wish is for Bob to come back and that they never went to that city in the first place. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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cosmoglass · 8 months
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Dexter Fletcher tries to pick up Kelly Macdonald on her way home in Tube Tales (1999) and it's exactly like Renton and Diane in Trainspotting (1996).
I've always thought that the reason why Kelly Macdonald has been cast by so many major directors like Robert Altman, The Coen Brothers and Martin Scorsese, as well as top tv showrunners, is not just because she's beautiful and a good low-key drama actress who can do accents. It's also because they all went mad for Diane the ladette and her no bullshit way of dealing with Renton when she takes him home.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
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the Testubular Five
before Calvin was fired and Athena really went off the deep end. Steven, Tubing, Doohickey, Athena, and Calvin were once known in the science research labs as the Testubular Five (it was the 80s or 90s so that nickname makes sense in this context.) Doohickey and Tubing are the last of the original top scientists and they look at this photo in missing the loss of their friends and colleagues (even Calvin because he wasn't a complete jerk to them, somewhat little civility. Guy has some standards and won't bully those with a disability.) - @ninjastormhawkkat
As part of their work, they had lab animals which they would conduct relativity harmless tests and experiments.
Calvin's lab animal...if he did have one...its probably dead bc he was experimenting on it past what was okay. Thus leading to his exposure and disbandment
Calvin - @ninjastormhawkkat
Athena - @drtwobrainsstuff
Original colored ver and black in white ver
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marian-1122 · 2 years
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Big Audio Dynamite in a performance on TVs The Tube , January 1986 .
©️ Dave Hogan/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
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ratlordsarah · 4 months
unhinged aah history dream I had last night
for some reason, in this dream, I was a 34 year old man living in Ancient Greece named Wallis with a jet black beard and some muscular aah legs, and I had a ginger haired brother named Cornelius (he looked like if amazing rope guy had a glow up)
and basically, I disowned Cornelius for being to annoying when I was 15 in the dream , and we were no longer on speaking terms for some reason, and we had the most Disney ending ever, it was like near the ending of encato where Bruno meets his ma again or something idk 💀
but we worked this job where we had to scavenger for wood planks and rocks in the city states Sparta, Athens, and Troy, in which the boss was a buff version of both Robert tubing from wordgirl and William dafoe 😭
half way through the dream, Tim, tj, and sally botford, as well as dr two brains, glen furlblam, Timmy timbo, the coach, and Chazz from word girl were in California as a meet up, to go visit Ancient Greece. As I am now in the pov of dr two brains, we travel to New Orleans from a magical flat escalator or something, and then we take a several day trip (walking on foot)to Canada , and on the way there, we had to share a single hotel room for some reason
after several days in the dream world, we make it to Canada, where there is a magical portal that takes us back to Ancient Greece, and we hop in.
as we are now in Ancient Greece, dr two brains sees Steven boxleitner, and they have one of those old western stand offs, accept apparently, d2b has schizophrenia in the dream, so you see both in dr two brain’s pov and Sally’s pov where dr two brains is saying “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us” in a southern accent, while gripping a revolver, talking to absolutely no one
anyways, two brains’s hallucination goes away, and he placed a magical box in the middle of Greece, that does nothing, and nothing happens, but anyone who hears about it or comes across it has to put in a passcode for no reason.
I am back into the pov of Wallis again, and I refuse to put in a passcode to see what happens, and dr two brains is screaming “AAAAAAHAGH THERE ARE RATS IN MY BRAIN AAAHAHAG” in which he is being dragged away like a toddler by sally, and Timmy timbo is only speaking Hebrew now, and he is striking up conversations at random Greek people in Hebrew. anyways, the travelers leave, and about 6 months pass by before the Romans take over, and we die for some reason. Also, the Roman’s were literally just a bunch of will woods marching in unison with the helmets and armor on (the Roman will wood army had a New Zealand accent for some reason)
I was so confused when I woke up, because I was genuinely convinced that I was this middle aged Greek guy that was getting conquered by the Romans for a solid 5 minutes 💀
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Feeling a lot of gender envy about every single character played by The Stupendium in this musical video
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
I’ve apologized for what I did and she still wants to be with me. End of story.
Ronnie issues Robert a word of warning about Elaine getting hurt again (‘it’ll be more than a black eye’). Robert assures Jack he can handle Ronnie and no, he won’t ‘leave it for a bit.’ Ali blasts Robert for his behavior toward Elaine (‘you Elaine, well… I thought you had more sense). While they are back together, Elaine admits to Robert she isn’t ready to trust him again, just yet. Robert will prove himself, and enjoy doing it.
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secretagentstevenau · 2 years
What happened to squeaky?
Squeaky's brain was removed during surgery by some doctors. I don't know who though. I kind of wish I took up Professor Tubing's offer to help remove Squeaky the first time he offered it. Then maybe things would not have gotten so messed up they way they did.
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