#robert laing fan fic
crimsonmoonlite · 4 months
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies
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Photo Made using Mage.Space AN: I am so sorry for the wait on this chapter. Please enjoy it! September 4th, 2006, Saturday 1:08 PM
First Beach, La Push, Washington
   The girls and Mike moved closer to the wolves. Bella wanted a day away from the pining guys after her, but she was doomed to be fawned over. She was the last thing Jacob was thinking about. He was a couple of feet away on the beach, watching Mike, freaking himself out at how amazing he smelled.
   Mike was laughing and playing around with Seth and Paul as the other wolves were freaking out just as much as Jacob that they had found an Omega. It was getting worse for them to control themselves as the scent doubled.
   "Hey," Beau ran up to them.
   "Beau?" Bella asked, "What are you doing here?"
   "I just thought I would come to hang out," Beau gulped, looking around. He was just about give it to his sister's boyfriend in the public library. "I rode Mom's old bike here. I need help putting it in the bed of your truck."
   "You rode a bike all the way here?" Angela asked. You should have called. I'm sure Bella would have picked you up," she offered, but Beau knew that wouldn't have been the case.
   "You can't even swim. I thought you didn't want to come this morning." Bella asked, and Beau rubbed his forehead, annoyed because he was embarrassed by that.
   "You don't know how to swim?" Lauren laughed with Jessica, and Beau sighed.
   "Why aren't you wearing a swimsuit?" Bella asked, and Beau looked around. "Beaufort, no." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as he stripped down to his panties. If the werewolves hadn't looked at him, they would have been now. Bella rolled her eyes.
   "Just make sure you put on some sunscreen. I don't want you to complain about it all week." She said, and Beau sighed, beginning to regret coming. He just felt like he should come to hang out with Bella after he almost kissed her boyfriend... It didn't sound as wild as he first thought it.
   Jessica handed him the sun lotion, and he rubbed it in. His pale, nearly hairless body enticed the wolves. Beau had only moved here a month ago, so he didn't know the pack as well as Bella. He remembered Jacob as they would hang out when they were little, and his older sisters would babysit him and Bella.
   However, he didn't remember how affectionate Jacob was. he felt someone approaching him from behind, and it was a little too late as he felt Jake's large hand curving around his waist.
   Jacob had been on the brink of losing self-control. He needed to get his hands on an Omega. After catching Mike's scent, he felt a closer bond with him, but Beau had Edward's scent on his hands... and he was just as intoxicating as Mike. Some goosebumps lined Beau's spine as Jake leaned down, and his lips hovered less than an inch from his ear.
   Bella scoffed at how obvious Jacob was with this move on her brother, but jealousy had sparked seeing it. Angela held in a coo as smoke came from Bella's ears.
   "Hand me the lotion..." Jacob said as Beau froze being touched. He leaned down to whisper in Beau's ear. "I don't want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so beautiful," Jacob said as he squeezed some of the sunblock and began to massage it into Beau's back.
   Beau relaxed as Jacob rubbed him. he had been so stressed lately from the moving, the mysteries, and the tension between him and his sister. "Mike, dry off so I can reapply sun lotion on you," Jacob said, half caring about Mike burning up the other half for nefarious reasons.
   "That feels amazing, Jake," Beau's eyes rolled back. Jake was rubbing out the knotted muscles in his body. Bella muttered to herself, wishing that they would get a room. Only the werewolves laughed at that since they had better hearing.
   Beau lulled his head back, resting his head just below Jake's sternum, looking up to make eye contact with a cocky Jacob Black. The wolf was massive and dwarfed the Swan boy. The older guy's hands could fit around Beau's waist, with just a few fingers overlapping. Jake's bicep was about the size of his head, and the wolves could palm his head like a football.
   "Oh, hey, Beau. When did you get here?" Mike smiled, happy to see someone he knew wouldn't be a bore. He and Beau got along nicely at school, and he wanted to see him this morning when they were coming here.
   "Hey Mike," He nearly moaned. Mike understood since the pack had already put sunscreen on him like this five times today. "How has it been?"
   "Well, it was boring at first, but then Jacob found us, and I hit him with a wet sandball, and now it's fun," Mike smiled. "The waves are bigger now, so Seth and I have been trying to surf and skimboard." Mike said excited, "I think they might have another body board for you to use,"
   "Oh... I'm okay," Beau blushed, and Mike raised an eyebrow. He wasn't usually such a stick in the mud.
   "He can't swim," Bella smirked, and Beau glared at her.
   "Oh uh... that's okay," Mike said while Jake kneeled to massage the lotion on Beau's legs. He blushed, and my when the guy's giant hands massaged up to his inner thighs. "You still come in the water with us. I'll protect you. I was the water polo captain in summer and came five times in a row." Mike stood on Beau's side to cover him.
   Jacob's touch excited him. Beau was glad for Mike and that there were no other beachgoers in the direction he was going. He managed to calm down when Jacob was through putting sunscreen on him.
   "Hey Jacob, I need some sunscreen," Jessica giggled, but Jacob didn't hear her. She looked around to see all eyes on Beau and Mike. "Hello?" She said, frustrated as they might as well have been at a gay club.
   "Wait! Wait-wait-wait!" Beau felt another guy approaching behind him at a fast pace. He felt himself being scooped up and pulled into the water. "Ahh!" Beau yelped, freaking out, trying to climb up on the man's head as he heard the girls laughing.
   "Relax, relax," Sam calmed him down and put his hand down his back.
   "Who are you?" Beau tried to snap, but he was still terrified
   "Im Sam, it's okay. I'll teach you how to swim," he said calmly. He had always gotten on the Swan's bad side, but like all other werewolves, he tried to get on his good side after they found out he was an Omega.
———- 5:49 PM    The time was coming to pack up and head home. Despite Beau's inability to swim, he had a really good time. He was tired of being laughed at for not knowing how to swim, and Sam taught him some basics.
   Several people were around to help him if the water got too deep or he lost his ability to stand. Seth had some dry clothes to change into when they were heading home, so he gave them to Beau to wear.
   "Hey... where did the girls go?" Beau asked as they were walking up to the chairs. He had been so preoccupied with surviving and staying in shallow waters he hadn't noticed they had left.
   "They went home like hours ago," Jerard said, walking in sync behind Beau. It was like he was glued to Beau's back.
   Beau thought it was weird all of these guys were so close to him, but that is only because he has only known mostly homophobic men. He didn't know they were wolves and were walking so close to him and Mike as they were guarding their 'entrances.' It was an unspoken game between the wolves while keeping the humans safe from being claimed
   "Well, shit..." Beau said, and every single wolf looked away, concerned.
   "What?" Jake rushed up to him. Jared's lips snarled up before Sam shot him a look to calm down.
   "How the hell are we going to get home," Beau muttered, mad at Bella. She should have told him she was leaving. "Maybe she left the bike behind," he muttered, drying off and dressing in the clothes Seth gave him.
   "She had to have. She is nice and thoughtful," Mike said. I can definitely hike back home, but I would be worried about you. You're probably not used to hiking," Mike said with a worried look.
   "Nonsense," Seth said to both of them, "Some of us came in Jake's Van. I am sure he will take you home."
   "Oh, I don't want to-"
   "You won't be a burden," Jake said with a smile. "Do you boys want to come back to the house? We are gonna grill some of the fish Embry and Quil caught."
   "Oh, um... thank you, but I need to talk to my sister," Beau said. He had been worrying all day about the almost kiss between Edward and him. He knew that he needed to tell Bella before she found out. Their relationship was already strained, and he didnt want a boy to come between them... but boy, he didnt know that would be inevitable.
   "Alright, let's go, but on one condition," Jacob said, and the boys looked up into his eyes, a bit worried, "You guys come to boys' night this coming Friday,"
   "Oh, um..." Beau blushed as he hadn't had many male friends, "You... You know I am gay, right?"
   "Wait, you are?" Mike squeaked.
   "Yeah, so?" Jacob raised an eyebrow.
   Usually, Beau wasn't so bashful. As soon as he got to the beach, he stripped to his panties. It was after he and Mike had been treated like the hot new chew toy all day. He remembered Jake being rambunctious and silly, but this Jacob was criminally good-looking and cheeky. "Er. Yes... okay, I will see what Bells is doing,"
   "Don't bring her," Embry scoffed, crossing his arms, annoyed.
   "He is right," Sam started, leaning against Jacob while looking down into Beau's eyes. Sam and Jacob agreed on a few things, but this was one: He wanted these omegas to be there. "It's a boys' night. Last time I checked, Bella wasn't a guy, was she?"
"O-Okay," Beau looked down and saw Jerad's grip getting lower to his hips. Sam snapped his fingers, and Jared froze before patting Beau on the back.
   "See ya, Beau and Mike," Jerad smiled before tackling Quil and trying to force him back into the water.
   "Bye, guys," Seth smiled while combing his hands through his long jet-black hair. Don't tell the girls about the Boys Night. We don't want them crashing," he winked at the two.
   "Oh... are you guys not leaving? I wouldn't want to rush you all," Beau said, and Mike nodded, backing him up.
   "It's okay, guys. You two look beat. Come on," Jacob snuggled between them, placing hands on the small of their backs. He guided them to the stairs up to where Jake parked. Jacob knew when to talk and not to, though he mostly ignored that. He would drop Beau off first and then Mike, but before he got out of his van, he would ensure that he had both numbers.
   "Mike," Beau turned to look at the boy after a few moments of silence. He wasn't aware that he would be coming out to Mike. He thought it was fairly obvious. Can you meet me in the cafeteria on Monday? I still don't know how to get around," Beau asked to check if they were okay. By the way, Mike smiled from ear to ear, and he knew it was okay.
   "Sure, Beau-Beau," Mike beamed, and Beau smiled back.
   A couple of moments later, when the car pulled to a stop, Beau realized he was home now, "Oh wow, I guess it just seemed like forever on a bike,"
   "Yeah, you are pretty tiny, so it probably seemed like that," Jake said, pulling his phone out of the glove box and handing it to Beau to put in his phone number. He looked at Bella's window and saw her glaring down at them. 
   Jacob has been trying to get her to pay attention to him, to see if he was better than any other man for her, yet he has yet to get that reaction... until today. Jacob cupped Beau's face and whispered into his ear, making eye contact with Bella loving how pissed off she looked. "I'll text you when I want to meet up with you guys. Pack for overnight. We will be camping,"
   "Hey Jake," Beau said with gritted teeth as he had enough of guys getting up in his personal space. Jacob's hand was about to slip under the waistband of his shorts.
   "Yeah, B?"
   "If you and your buddies want to keep your balls, I suggest you keep your hands above my fun zone," Beau said with gritted teeth. Jacob got the hint and quickly took his hands to himself.
   "Er... sorry,"
   "Bye Mike," Beau got out of the van, "Thanks for the ride," Beau offered a wave, and Jacob gave home a nod.
   He hoped Bella would keep the door unlocked because he had left his keys and important things at the library. The librarian was good at keeping lost and found items separate from the rest when she knew who it was and who was more recognizable than the Sheriff's son, who had just moved back to town. 
   As he reached out to open the door, he saw it jiggle. Hearing it unlocked, he assumed it was Bella. The door opened, and he planned to spit out what he wanted to tell her, but then he smelled his father's pine scent.
   "Hey Bubba, have fun at the beach?" Charlie smiled, and Beau calmed down when he saw his father's peaceful smile and disarming aroma, "Them boys didnt give you too much trouble, eh?"
   "No, Daddy," Beau smiled, diving into his father's arms for a hug. He heard a hardy chuckle as he was constricted into his father's embrace. "Well, they did, but I can take care of myself."
   "Well, just be patient with Bells,"
   "What?" Beau widened his eyes, "She is mad at me?"
   "I don't know why, but maybe it is... Aunt Flo is visiting or something." Charlie turned red, trying to make Beau feel better. "Look, it will be fine, whatever it is. Just give her some space,"
   "N-No... I have to explain my side..." Beau said, trying to remain brave, he had done nothing wrong. He was never going to kiss Edward... he just was shocked. Yep, that is definitely why he didnt pull away or beat Edward's ass.
   "Goodluck," Charlie said, patting him on the back, "Imma clean out the grill,"
   "Traitor..." Beau muttered to himself before walking upstairs. Only half wanted back up from his dear ole daddy. "Bells?" Beau asked, knocking on her door before opening it, though it was locked. "Please... Bella, I need to talk to you," Beau said before flinching. The wind didnt even hit him. He didnt even see the tall man's shadow grabbing him by the collar.
   "Please, Please don't tell her. She means everything to me," Edward was so mortified. He didnt know how Bella had found out. He had been trying to get into her room for hours now, but she threatened him with her little cross necklace to get out.
   "She is my sister," Beau snarled at him, "Bella, he tried to kiss me! I didnt let him!" Beau said, and Edward gulped. He grabbed Edward's shirt before he zoomed away. Luckily, Bella shoved open her door.
   "You fucking tried to kiss Jacob?!" Bella snapped before it registered that Edward was in front of her. "Edward? What are you doing here?"
   "Bella, did you fucking hear what I said?" Beau snapped, "Your vampire boyfriend tried to kiss me," Beau snapped. This isn't how he wanted to break it to her, he intended to warn Bella about Edward's wandering eye. Beau didnt really know the fate and magnetic pull Edward felt between them yet.
   "What?!" Bella snarled.
   "Hold on, youre telling me that you were fucking mad at me for Jacob flirting with me when you are dating Edward?" Beau said, now earning the right to be pissed off.
   "Get out of my sight, both of you," Bella said, getting ready to slam the door, but Beau stepped in front.
   "Bella, I didnt do anything wrong! Will you let two boys you have been talking to for a few months come between us? We haven't been apart since the womb up until a couple of months ago!"
   "Yeah, well, maybe that needs to change," Bella shoved at Beau before slamming her door and locking it,
   "Shit..." Edward pinched the bridge of his nose after saving Beau from stumbling down the stairs. Chief Swan came running up the stairs. "This is all my fault, I am so sorry," Edward said. He widened his eyes as Beau started crying, he could also tell that Bella was crying.
   "I think you should leave, Edward," Charlie quickly hugged Beau to comfort him, "Bella, come out here right now and tell me what the hell is going on!" Charlie rubbed on Beau's arm before he stormed off to his room... which was the former nursery. "What the hell is going on!" Charlie said,
   He couldn't open the door, it didn't have a lock on it, so instead, Beau propped a chair up against the knob as a makeshift lock. Edward was a gentleman... or at least, that's what he thought he used to be. So he told him what had gone down, officially being banned from the Swan house for 'the rest of eternity.'
------- 11:10 PM
Swan Home, Forks, Washington
   Luckily for Edward, being uninvited from entering a house or asking permission to get access was an old vampire myth. He told himself he was being an idiot and that he needed to beg for his life and apologize to Bella, yet he was in the room directly under hers.
   He perched at the window on the other side of the room. It was a tiny room, but he still had a good view of Beau. He walked over as Beau started to fidget, by reading his mind, he knew the guy was having a nightmare.
   "Calm down... I will protect you," Edward whispered before caressing his hand down Beau's arm, slowly but soon enough. Beau's subconscious moved onto another dream. Beau relaxed his body a bit, a small smile spreading. He nudged his head under his pillow and was completely safe now. "Shit... what have I gotten into..." He muttered. Please Vote, Comment, Add to your lists, and share this story with a friend:). Updates sporadic 
Twin Flame - Chapter 2 - crimsonmoonlite - Twilight Series - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies - Wattpad
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theology101 · 1 year
My Works Master File
Howdy! I do a lot of stuff across a lot of different platforms, so I figured that I should maybe collect some of them. I'm only including active or completed works in this - I do not have the best history of follow up lmao
She-Wolf of the Rock: My first ever fic and... you can tell. It's also my most kudos story... we make do. It's dogshit and a fetish story before I understood that it was. But I'm still proud of it
Tentacle Porn, but the Tentacle is a Metaphor: Female Theon Greyjoy gets silly drunk and seduces Jon Snow
A Quiet Conversation: The recently married younger son of the King Rhaegar Targaryen, first of his name, has come back from war. And not only that, he's gotten married and has a baby! Modern AU where Jon decides he and Joffrey need to have a chat
The Daughters of Tytos Lannister: Tytos' children are genderswapped. Tya is Tywin, Tyene is Tygett, Kyrene is Kevan, Gerion is Abigael and Genna is Gerold. Female Tywin is just as brutal - but in a different sort of way
Who would win in a fight, Robert Baratheon or the Mountain? My first major Quora answer and also a respect Robert Baratheon thread. Plus, I figured people might want some more info on medieval weapons
Will George R.R. Martin's Winds of Winter be different than the television series? Will he change the outcome or events or keep things the same? This is for those who are familiar with the show but don't know that much about the books. This thread is my explanation of a few differences.
Cannibal, the Cradle Egg of Maegor the Cruel, is alive on Skagos and will bond with Jon Snow: A theory I think I actually came up with? I've always thought Cannibal on Skagos could be the 'Waking Dragon from Stone.' Idk, I first posted this on quora years ago but this reddit link is the most clear
Unnatural Histories: A book-accurate Spreadsheet of all Dragons in ASOIAF sorted by either age, size, or political affiliation.
Baldur's Gate:
A Plant on the Road to Baldur's Gate: Halsin and Jaheria find some weed. Lae'zel, who has never been high before, get's overconfident. Shadowheart metls. (3/3)
Saved (Against her wyll): Wyll/Minthara starting in act 2. He learns that she's brainwashed and feels morally obligated to save her - only to then find out she was always like that, just her allegiance changed. (2/3)
Mommy? Sorry: Tavomir of Fort Morninglord's mother comes to visit the camp. But... she didn't know Tav would be there. The rest of the camp reacts to his mother, specifically Wyll and Karlach
Star Wars:
Two There Must Be: Anakin/Vader's spirit, immediately after Endor, is teleported back over fifty years to be reborn as his own older sibling. Or should I say, her own because she's in a female body. Started as silly goofy, but now I'm really into the politics of the Prequel era
Title of Jen'ari: AU of 2tmb, set a thousand years before Yavin on the planet Dromuund Kaas. Has minor spoilers for 2tmb (read until chapter 13) but is largely independent of anything. Anakin and Ava are siblings and they're Sith attending an Election on Dromuund Kaas
Fan Map of Dathomir: Legends and Canon have two wildly different depections of Dathomir. My solution? It's just different continents lmao. I consider the Nightsisters to actually just be a collection of other clans under the authority of one Overclan and it's Matron - that being Talzin. The Language is butchered Slavic but such is life.
Nieces and Nephews: Sabrina Spellman is prepared to face down the Dark Lord... only for a sarcastic, British asshole to walk into Dorian's. He flashes his detective badge, and claims to be Lucifer Morningstar, who came from LA to deal with an impostor. And oops, Sabrina is his daughter!
Conductive Materials: Female Toni Stark and Thor bond over the fact that position's of power can often limit their personal connections. And then they bond over not having a power dynamic over each other.
No One Escapes Cidhna Mine: My first attempt to chronicle my elder scrolls character. It was fine, I guess, I'm not too crazy about it and would definitely change a few things about it now. My Dragonborn (or the one I consider to be my 'main') is a Half Nord Half Reachman intent on reaching godhood through artifacts and political schemes.
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meggie-stardust · 1 year
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secret relationship
new (to you) paring hold you like a weapon by GingerAlchemy | Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus | The Locked Tomb
high school/college AU
secret identity
long fic (>25,000 words) A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood* by gremble @abeautifulblog | Dadsona/Robert Small | Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
time travel
rec'd by a friend in reference to motility, please proceed by vicariously kingly (pelted) | Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard | All For The Game | rec’d by @teenwerewoofs
mission fic
sports AU
daring rescue
future AU The Sorrows of Your Changing Face by BoroughKestrel | Steve Rogers/Tony Stark | The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
superpowers/no powers AU the age of iron, steam, and speed by ghostoftonantzin | Guillermo de la Cruz/Nandor the Relentless | What We Do in the Shadows (TV) l rec’d by @achaosmuppet
found family
fan art
short fic (<1000 words) Drabbles about visiting the Starless Sea by rororowyourboat @rosieposiepuddingnpie | Dorian/Zachary Ezra Rawlins | The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern
under the influence
author's oldest fic
gen fic
fic with no comments yet When the Levee Breaks by schmevil | Tony Stark/Steve Rogers | Avengers (Comic)
multi-chapter fic
dressing up
werewolf AU
*technically I didn't start this fic just for the summer reading bingo, but the last chapter just posted and so, I'm gonna count it. Fight me.
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melrosing · 2 years
Opinion on jaime/Ned (I read this really neat fic about them, and now I'm obsessed). Just imagine an au where Ned grew up at Casterly Rock instead of The Vale
I don’t talk about them much but Jaime/Ned is my second fave asoiaf ship and also the only reason why I would ever want a Robert’s Rebellion adaptation (or just more material - GRRM I will let you work on Fire & Blood II if you work this in for me) - so that like with Aemond, a Jaime/Ned fandom can manifest out of nowhere and start generating the fan material I am to lazy to make myself.
Ned as a ward of Casterly Rock is the perfect AU. like maybe they start as rivals à la Ash vs Gary Oak. maybe they immediately hit it off and it’s friends to lovers. maybe (most likely) Jaime is like an annoying younger brother to begin with and it’s only when they meet again as adults that it’s like oh I see you differently now. also maybe a world where the Rebellion still happens (somehow, idk what Ned’s role would be without his relationship with Robert) and Ned has to reconcile the idea of Kingslayer jam with the kid he knew once. oh the potential
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neonponders · 1 year
Tag Game: Stranger Things Edition ✨
[ Thank you @ratbastardbilly for tagging me! 🌹 ]
1. Ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove
2. Most annoying ship: Mike and Eleven, for so many reasons, but anything with the younger kids is uncomfortable to me. I understand younger fans will flock toward the younger characters, and that’s fine, but I’m not really interested in them unless it’s platonic. I will say that Max/Eleven and Max/Lucas have the best material to work with, though.
3. Second favourite ship: Eddissy and Buckleway.
4. Favourite platonic relationship: Steve and Robin, Billy and Argyle, Max and Eleven. 
5. Underrated ship: Argyle with literally anyone.
6. Overrated ship: Steddie. I enjoy their art a lot but have a hard time enjoying the fics unless it’s Harringroveson.
7. One thing i would change in canon: Billy dying so soon (killing your most interesting character is bad writing but firing your best actor is just weird bad business). Also both Nancy and Eleven need to be single.
8. Something canon did right: the sibling behavior and Steve’s arc with Robin in s3.
9. A thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I’m proud of my 2343454 wips (LOL) and my smol selection of finished fics ~ ao3 here.
10. A character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Argyle.
11. The character i relate to the most and why: Steve, Max, and Argyle. I dress very colorfully like Argyle lol am a little sister to a brother like Max, and am kind of mean but do my best like Steve.
12. Character i hate the most and why: Henry Creel. I don’t like that they wrote him as a “psycho straight out of the womb” kind of guy. It’s ironic that they dropped the money for Robert England to be his father, but he has no real foundation as a character.
13. Something i've learned from the fandom: the warmth and strength in this fandom is insane. The strength that people have had to recover from their own abuse and then to go further to enjoy a character who is visibly abused/neglected and is a walking allegory for failing mental health, AND to share these parts of themselves for discussion as well as to thank the actor is impressive.
14. Three tags i seek out on ao3: if I see vampire or werewolf anything, I click.
15. A song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: I’ve got a whole collection of songs that I was listening to on repeat when I first started writing Harringrove but there’s something about LA Devotee by Panic!At the Disco that just hits for Steve and Billy running amok in California together.
Share yourselves!! There are too many incredible people in this fandom, so just tag me back lol
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ultward · 2 years
Oooo! Bella w/ short hair sounds amazing. Idk what chapter it is, but I'm excited to find it (and read your wonderful writing).
Also what inspired you to redesign the Cullens? What do they look like in your head? (Another question, what's Bella's style in addiction? Is it different from canon or somewhat similar?)
i am lucky enough to have been a book-first twilight fan, so i came up with my own mental images of the characters before i saw them in the movies! i also browsed a lot of other people's interpretations on deviantart back in the day (this is part of why i am such a diehard redhead edward stan, because that's how fanartists would draw him before robert became the default depiction)! so, essentially, i've always had my own "designs" for them in my head! they've visually changed over the years but the vibes i had in mind have always stayed the same
esme and carlisle don't look too different from how the books would describe them (or how they were cast in the films, aside from esme having consistently red hair)
edward has copper-red hair and freckles, which i know goes against stephenie's weird (and racist!) rules for vampires skin. i picture him with a messy two block cut that he can wear styled up a la pattinson or loose and unstyled. i also imagine him being way shorter than he would be canonically, probably around 5'10"
i give jasper long hair and and undercut in my head (which he usually wears in a tightly styled ponytail), and his scars are much more prominent and cover a lot more of his exposed skin than they do in canon, including parts of his face. he's around 6ft and sometimes he pretends to wear glasses
emmett and alice are both mixed. emmett is scruffy in a way that would suit an older teen/young adult, and he's the tallest of his brothers at somewhere over 6ft. still built like a brick house (definitely buffer than kellan but no shade to him; i imagine emmett being unrealistically swole)
alice is whatever obscenely short height she is in canon. her hair is, of course, short, but she tries to mix up the styling and sometimes wears wigs. not a ton of differences here outside of the fact that she is Not White in my mind
the biggest difference for rosalie is that i picture her being around 6ft tall (on par with jasper so they can play up the twin narrative). it doesn't make a ton of sense with her human background but i like to imagine her being a little muscular just because i think that's hot. maybe that's a side effect of vampirism, you get a little jacked
and an overall note is that they usually dress way more normal and casual than they do in the films - outside of alice, who is always turning a look. they each have their own sense of style and they don't color coordinate or exclusively dress like nordstrom models or whatever, nor does alice dress them... most of the time. she has a little sway over jasper tho
edward in particular i imagine dressing very comfortably, lots of big hoodies and worn in jeans. you could go so far as to say i imagine him having a touch of tboy swag
and to answer your last question, bella dresses pretty similarly to how she does in the earlier films with more awkward soft butch swag. there are a couple outfits i describe in the fic that are definitely outside the realm of canon where she's trying to pull off some cute masc shit. again, just like, casual kstew vibes most of the time
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la-muerta · 2 years
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#the untamed - 27 posts
#malec fanart - 26 posts
#shadowhunters fanart - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also relevant for asia and southeast asia which was vastly more tolerant of nonbinary and queer people before white missionaries showed up
My Top Posts in 2022:
ENG SUB – Zhang Zhehan Instagram video, 4 May 2022
Zhang Zhehan updates IG on 4 May 2022 with a video emphasising the points he made in his handwritten letter posted on 30 Apr, urging "fans" to stop hurting his family and friends in the name of the imaginary romantic couple in their heads.
54 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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Title: Lucky Thirteen
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Warnings: Rated E. Canon-typical violence
Relationships: Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane, Jace Herondale x Maia Roberts
Words: 3,490/?
Chapters: 1 of 5
Summary: Private Investigator Magnus Bane has finally gotten a lead on his mother's murder more than a decade after the trail has gone cold, and he'll be damned if he's going to let some gorgeous stuck-up FBI agent swoop in and take him off the case.
54 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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56 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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514 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Speaking of king of improv — Harry is just ad-libbing all his lines in this whole scene and our Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh cannot deal 🤣 “I have this like really nice body and a really pretty face and I don’t know what to do with it” OMG HARRY 🤣🤣🤣
692 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
40 through 49 for the song asks please 💕
40. Which was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
So far I'd have to say it was going to see Huey Lewis and the News with my parents before covid times. I am planning more concert trips comes 2023 though cause more of my favorite bands are performing again.
41. Have you ever been to a music festival? If not, would you like to go?
I have not! I almost went to one this summer, but stuff happened and I wasn't able to go.
42. Your favorite(s) “no skips” album(s):
How long do you have? The very first Led Zeppelin song is just a masterpiece. Any Greta Van Fleet album. Amy Winehouse Back To Black. Until The Money Runs Out by Mac Saturn. Any Santana album. Nothin But Love by Robert Cray. There's SO MANY that I could name.
43. Do you enjoy musicals? If so, what’s your favorite?
I do! I just recently went to see Wicked with my friend (continues to be amazing). I'm a big big Mamma Mia, and Phantom of The Opera fan.
44. Have you watched any musician’s biopics? Do you have a favorite?
YES! The Runaways is absolutely one of my favorites. Get On Up is also phenomenal. La Bamba is also one I grew up with so that's become a favorite. There's honestly a lot on my to watch list.
45. A non-musical movie or show with a soundtrack you love:
Last Night in Soho has a good ass soundtrack full of 60s music that I play constantly. As well as Almost Famous, Dirty Dancing, When Harry Met Sally, and sooo many others. Also just catch me replaying ever Star Wars soundtrack ever cause I'm that person.
46. Do you like comedy songs? If so, do you have a favorite?
I haven't listened to enough to form a solid opinion on them to be honest.
47. Is there an artist you used to dislike but learned to like because of a friend’s influence?
I'm not a big country music fan but a friend really got me into Chris Stapleton.
48. Who’s an artist you think it’s criminally underrated and deserves more recognition?
I don't know if they're underrated, but Thee Sacred Souls are just...they've got some of the best music I've heard lately.
49. Is there a cover you like more than the original version?
Turning Pages by Sydney Rose. Her version inspired a whole ass fic series because it's that good.
music asks🎵
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that-little-zebunny · 4 years
Win Win
Pairing: Robert Laing x Reader
Warning: Alcohol consumption, implied smut, making out, grinding.
Note: How bout some Robert Laing action? 😉😉😉 Been listening to the High Rise Audio book read by Tom while working (Yeah sorry end up working on a weekend again oTL) but hey back to Laing xX hope you'll enjoy this. This is for @the-th-horniest-book-club 's Lucky in Love Day 28 Upper Hand.we can all agree that as fucked up as the story is Tom in HR is freaking delish 🤤🙈🔥
Tom Hiddleston & Characters' taglist: @jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @curleyred2020 @lookalivefrosty (taglist open)
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You tried to hit the tennis ball for the unknown time but failed. As expected. Robert didn't even gave you the upper hand even once.
Looking at his smug face with your failed attempt of a deadly glare you went to his side of the court to smack his firm shoulder like the sore loser that you are.
"I hate that you won gain! I've been practicing!" You whined and he just laughed loudly while offering you a drinking water.
"How will you learn if I wont give me best?" He said and winked at you.
"Oh shut your face!" You said stumping your right foot. "What's the price this time?" The two of you are now walking towards the elevator. You silently prayed that its working today because all the tennis playing you did had your legs a little shaky.
"Hmm..." He hummed. His eyes squinting a little like he always do when he's thinking. You had always find that look on him adorable.
"What you've won so much you ran out of ideas? You really should have let me win." You said bring your teeth at him.
"Well I do have an unopened wine in my fridge. How bout dinner at my place?" Your face lighten up upon hearing his price but sanked as quickly. "You'll be cooking of course." He winked at you and went inside the now opened elevator.
You stared at him with annoyance but got in yourself. Well good thing you're a Chef but ugh cooking for this man and his tons of opinions? Its kinda scary.
Lucky that you're always well stocked woth ingredients incase you're in a mood to invent new dish so preparing for dinner for Robert went smoothly.
You've got some freshly baked bread too. Carrying a tray of dish you went out of your apartment and walked to the door across yours. It's already slightly opened so you didn't have a problem knocking with your hands full.
You got in and found a quiet apartment. Where did he sneaked into again?
"Robert? Dinner's here!" You shouted.
"I'll be there in a minute." He called out somewhere. Must be in his bedroom. You went to his dining room and fixed the table while waiting for your host.
He popped in after a minute and went to the sink to wash his hand. You can smell paint on him.
"Are you changing your wall's paint again?" You asked and he nodded his head.
"Got tired of the grey." He said and sat down infront of you. Putting down a wine bottle. "Hope you dint mind I opened it already and took a sip while I was waiting for you."
"Its fine." You said and served him the Honeyed Garlic Glazed Salmon you cooked. He closed his eyes and smelled the aroma of the dish and let out a quiet moan. Your legs tightens hearing the sinful noise he made. Working out with him is already a bad idea now you're dining with him in his private space.
God, you hope you wont spill your heart over dinner or you'll end up broken just like the other ladies of the High Rise.
Drinking your fifth glass of whine while laughing at something Robert said. The two of you had moved from the dining room to his living room. You know you should have stopped on the third but you're enjoying chatting with him that you lost yourself.
The two of you might annoy each other from time to time but it didn't stopped you from finding him attractive. He's smart, sexy and a mystery but you're lucky enough to had the chabce to step in his invisible wall and that was what sparked your feelings.
He was laughing too with his head tipped up and you saw some paint on his well sculptured jaw. Unconsciously you tried to wipe it away but looks like its already dry.
Robert stopped laughing when he felt you touch him. He looked down to your adorable frowning face as you tried to wipe something in his jaw but seems to fail.
What is it?" He asked.
"Uhm...you got some paint in you." You said giving up on your mission.
"Yeah I tried to be as clean as possible this time but looks like a failed a little." He said emptying his glass.
"Are you changing your gray paint with a darker gray?" You asked amused. He just proudly nodded his head and stood up pulling you with him.
He brought you to his messy bedroom. News papers are covering everything except the walls that are now half light gray and darker on the other half.
"What do you think? Darker is better right? It'll highlight my light colored stuff." He said and walked towards his painting tools. With a wobbly hands he started applying paint on his wall. You went to him and took the brush on his hand and attempted to apply a straight line but failed. You did it again but your new stroke was worse than the first one.
You met Robert's eyes and the two of you end up laughing hard. Seeing his handsome face even wheb dying from laugher annoyed you so you dipped your fingers on the paint and applied them on his face. He stopped laughing looking at you like a deer in front of an incoming car.
"You didn't..." He said.
"Oh I certainly did." You said laughing proudly at you masterpiece. You saw him dip his huge hand on the paint and sprinted out of the room to try and save yourself from turning gray. Robert was hot on your heels.
He was able to catch you from behind when you tried to run back to his bedroom his arms wrapped around your shoulder.
"You've never been a fast runner darling." He teased and spread his paint cobered hand on your shoulder down to your collar bone. Shrieking at the cold sticky feeling it left you tried to shake him off of you but failed. Looking up you saw your reflections on his balcony's glass door and saw that Robert is also staring at it. Him behind you with his arms holding you close to his body.
You saw the shift on his eyes. The playful look now replaced with a hot glares as he looked you body up and down. Pulling you more close to his body.
"Robert..." You whispered as you turned your head towards his.
"Yes Y/N?" He asked his arms slowly fell towards your midsection.
"Kiss me Robert." You breathed out and his face slowly went down to meet yours. You both moaned as you felt each other closely. Your left hands went to touche the back of his head to full him down closer. Opening your lips to grant him access to your mouth. His tounge danced with yours in a hot but slow kiss.
"I've been wanting to do this." He said breathing heavily as he let go of your lips. He turned you around to face him. The both of you kot bothered by all the paints that are now all over your clothes and skin.
"Hmmm...so do I." You said licking your lower lips savouring his taste mixed with the delicious wine. He growled and pulled you close again. His head went down to nip at your exposed neck. Teasing you with his little bites and kisses.
"God I want you so bad." He said and hurriedly pushed your dress off you. He groaned seeing your matching lace underwear. He brought down his fave near your chest, rubbed his nose from the center up to your earlobe. "So, so bad." He whispered and suddenly lifted you up his arms.
Startled by his sudden move and roughness you wrapped your arms on his neck your legs around his waist moaning when your needy core felt the bulge on his trousers.
"Robert..." You moaned, grinding your pelvis on him. He grunted and his steps faltered but he continued carrying you towards his bedroom.
"Darling stop teasing me or I won't last" He moaned, quickly kissing your lips and it made you smile wide knowing that in bed you can actually have the upper hand. But you wont want that. You let Robert show you how good he is and how much you'll crave for more.
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crimsonmoonlite · 4 months
Mini Love Bites - Queer Twilight Mini-Fics - 1. Just Throuple Things - Jacob/Beau/Edward
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Links to this minific on AO3 and Wattpad
AN: Unless said so, all of these mini-fics will be silly and campy from this sort of AU. I want to remain under 200 words, but I will be under 500. Be sure to click the links to my AO3 and Wattpad to read my other works!
Everyone is 18+
   Beau whimpered and kicked slightly as he tried to wake up from a nightmare. "Hey... Hey," Edward said softly, cupping his face. He flinched and started to tear up, quickly tackling Edward in a hug. "It's okay, it was just a nightmare," Edward kissed him on the forehead and held him.
   "B-But it was so real," Beau whined.
   "Do you want to talk about it?" Edward questioned.
   "Well, I-I was a girl named Bella, and Jacob and you were fighting over me... I was horrible, I had no personality other than you," Beau said, and Edward raised an eyebrow.
   "Was she hot?" Jacob asked from the foot of the bed where he was curled up. Edward shot him a look to behave while Beau looked at him, overwhelmed.
   "Huh?" Beau glared at him.
   "Were you hot as a girl..." Jake asked like it was obvious.
   "What?" Beau stammered.
   "Am I speaking another language?" Jacob raised an eyebrow, "Did you at least have big titties?"
    "I dunno... I am gay," Beau whined, and Edward pulled him to his chest.
   "Does being gay also make you blind?"
   "Stop freaking him out, Jake," Edward cooed, petting Beau's curly hair out of his face, "It was just a bad dream, okay." Edward kissed his head.
   "Y-Yeah, Okay," Beau sniffled. "But me being a girl didn't scare me. You two hated each other, and it was all because of me." Beau said as Jacob crawled up and kissed him, deciding not to tease him anymore.
   "Well," Edward met Jacob's lips, kissing him, "As much as vampires and werewolves are scary, at least we are not straight and in a love triangle," Edward said.
   "Speak for yourself, icicle ass,"
   "Yeah, okay, Fleabag,"
   "Hey! That is culturally insensitive to werewolves," Jacob snarled, grabbing Edward by the neck; Beau gasped and tried to wedge between them. 
   "Jake, stop!" Beau yelped.
   Edward and Jacob laughed at him and then kissed again, "But seriously... don't say that," Jacob said, a bit sensitive, "Beau dewormed and gave me flea medicine yesterday,"
   "Yeah?" Edward bit his lip as Jacob kissed Beau, "I don't think it worked." Edward laughed
   "Well, it did!" Jake said, and Edward pointed at him, scratching his neck with his foot.
   "Ugh... Jake, I told you to stay still when I was giving you the flea medicine," Beau muttered as Jacob whined like a dog, "C'mon, I'll hose you down again out back."
   "Fuck yeah! let's go for a walk too!" Jake jumped off the bed and shifted, howling as he ran to the back.
   "Jake! I've told you a million times not to shift until we get outside!" Beau groaned. Please Comment, Vote, and add this story to your reading lists. Check out my full length fics and my One Shot collection under 'Love Bites'
Mini Love Bites - Queer Twilight Mini Fics - Chapter 1 - crimsonmoonlite - Twilight Series - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Mini Love Bites - Queer Twilight Mini Fics - 1. Just Throuple Things - Jacob/Beau/Edward - Wattpad
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Also find all works on AO3
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frostbitten-written · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tom Hiddleston - Fandom, High-Rise (2015), High-Rise (2015) RPF, High-Rise - J. G. Ballard, British Actor RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tom Hiddleston/Original Female Character(s), Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Tom Hiddleston & Original Female Character(s), Tom Hiddleston/Original Character(s), Tom Hiddleston/Original Female Character(s) of Color, Tom Hiddleston & Original Female Character(s) of Color, Tom Hiddleston & Reader, Tom Hiddleston & You, Tom Hiddleston & Original Character(s), Tom Hiddleston/You, Robert Laing (High-Rise) & Original Female Character(s), Robert Laing (High-Rise)/Reader, Robert Laing (High-Rise)/Original Female Character(s), Robert Laing (High-Rise)/Original Character(s) Characters: Tom Hiddleston, Robert Laing (High-Rise), Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s) of Color, Reader Additional Tags: Actor Tom Hiddleston, Dystopia, Thriller, vent fic, Dresses, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Neck Kissing, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Come Eating, Come Swallowing, Come as Lube, Fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Risky, dangerous sex, Adrenaline, Accidental Voyeurism, Animalistic, Roughness, Chaos, Multiple Orgasms, Orgasm, Simultaneous Orgasm, High Rise - Freeform, Balcony Scene, Balcony Sex, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Shameless Smut, Don't Try This At Home, Stranger Sex, Angst, Angst and Porn
Evelyn is a new resident living in the High Rise. It seems that she too has finally succumbed to her breaking point. In comes, Dr Robert Laing providing just what she needs, sex.
“I haven’t fucked anyone in this building,” she suddenly blurted out.
Robert looked at her, searching her face for an answer; he remained neutral.
“And would you, consider it?”
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gif by @damnyouhiddles
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Just for fun I made a page on my blog with book suggestions for Black Sails fans, but I think it’s impossible to get there on mobile and I’d like some people to actually see it so I’m making a post for it too :) Here it is under the cut. Enjoy, and let me know if there’s anything you would add to the list!
Books directly referenced within the show:
-          Meditations by Marcus Aurelius – self-explanatory.
-          The Odyssey by Homer – I think the translation Flint is most likely to have read is Chapman and it’s worth skimming that for a sense of the language, but if you want something more readable for a modern audience, I recommend Emily Wilson (and even if you don’t read the whole thing, her introduction where she talks about the nature of translation is really interesting).
-          Don Quixote and La Galatea by Miguel de Cervantes – I haven’t read La Galatea, but it’s the one Flint leaves for Miranda as an apology. Don Quixote of course is referenced by both the Hamiltons and Madi.
-          The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan – I haven’t read this either, but it’s a very influential text (referenced in both Little Women and Vanity Fair, for example, to give an idea of its wide range) so it’s good to know at least a little about it, and this post by starbuck is really good meta as to why Flint might be reading it when he’s in the fort.
-          Something (possibly The Changeling) by Thomas Middleton – Again, I haven’t read this, but interesting post here by flintsmintsplint about the significance of this book choice.
-          A Cruising Voyage Round the World by Woodes Rogers – Heads up this is a fairly awful read, except when he tries to describe animals, at which points he’s unintentionally pretty funny.
-          The Bible I guess, particularly Genesis (quoted by both Thomas and Flint), Song of Solomon (quoted by Miranda), and Revelation (just a vibe, plus it’s briefly referenced in Treasure Island)
Other books, in no particular order, which are relevant, or which I think could give you valuable perspective or additional things to think about, or which might appeal to people who like the show:
-          Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson – Duh.
-          Dreams of Exile by Ian Bell – A biography of RLS. Not the best bio in the world (a little boring at times, and Bell’s fixation on RLS’s mommy kink is grating) but there are interesting points especially on the ideas of duality, identity, and the power of a place, which are so central to his fiction.
-          The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down by Colin Woodard – A good basic source about the real people and events in Black Sails. I’m pretty certain the writers of the show consulted this book.
-          Shakespeare – The Tempest seems like an obvious start (I doubt Miranda’s name was an accident) and when you’re done with that you can check out Aimé Césaire’s postcolonial reimagining A Tempest.
-          Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson – It is unbelievable to me that no one has written a J&H fic about Flint yet. Also this story contains one of the three funniest lines RLS ever wrote in my opinion.
-          The Iliad by Homer, The Aeneid by Virgil, and The Metamorphoses by Ovid
-          Paradise Lost by John Milton – Check out this post.
-          Frankenstein by Mary Shelley – If Flint lived a hundred years later he would have been a Romantic, I feel this in my soul, and I want to read this book in particular to him SO BADLY. Same kind of logic as Paradise Lost, except I actually like this one.
-          Moby Dick by Herman Melville – There’s homoeroticism and it’s set on a ship, what more do you want?
-          Why Homer Matters by Adam Nicolson – I am constantly screaming about Flint and Silver as Odysseus.
-          The poetry of Elizabeth Bishop – Her poem “The Weed” is eerily reminiscent of the final silverflint confrontation(s) but honestly the rest of the collection has nothing to do with BS, I’m just in love with her and wanted to give her a rec while I have your attention.
-          She Would Be King by Wayétu Moore – Not technically magical realism, because that’s a culturally specific term, but it’s like magical realism. It’s a retelling of the creation of the country of Liberia, and it is so good. I’m putting it on this list because it’s an exploration of how marginalized and enslaved people can have their own power in the face of colonization.
-          The Deep by Rivers Solomon – “One can only go for so long without asking who am I? Where do I come from? What does all this mean? What is being? What came before me, and what might come after? Without answers, there is only a hole, a hole where a history should be that takes the shape of an endless longing.” Interesting exploration of community and history and generational trauma and pain and identity and the scars of white supremacy.
-          A Field Guide to Getting Lost and The Faraway Nearby by Rebecca Solnit – Just vibes I guess. The second one especially has a lot of focus on stories, and if I ever write the silverflint Eros/Psyche AU that lives in my heart I’ll definitely be thinking about her words.
-          Meadowlands by Louise Glück – An Odyssey-inspired collection of poems. I don’t love the book as a whole, but there are a few gems, including that one poem I’m crazy about.
-          On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong – You have seen passages from this book posted on tumblr. I know for a fact that at least two (the one about drowning before meeting the other person and the one about the word monster and lighthouses) have been used in (really beautiful) Black Sails edits. I think it’s important to read the whole context. It’s intense and deeply personal. His poetry book Night Sky with Exit Wounds is also powerful – “I write things / down. I build a life & tear it apart / & the sun keeps shining. Crescent / wave. Salt-spray. Tsunami. I have / enough ink to give you the sea / but not the ships, but it’s my book / & I’ll say anything just to stay inside / this skin.”
-          The Lost Books of the Odyssey by Zachary Mason – A story is true a story is untrue etc.
-          From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers by Marina Warner – Such an interesting book. Definitely check out what she has to say about gossip.
-          Maurice by E.M. Forster – this parallel
-          Les Miserables by Victor Hugo – Some of the themes might resonate, plus maybe you’ll be inspired to read my Silver=Grantaire fic lol
-          Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson – Another one you’ve probably seen used in Black Sails edits, and for good reason. The main character’s name is Silver, there are direct references to RLS and Treasure Island, and it’s a story all about stories and inner darkness and that sort of thing. Kind of a weird book structurally, but some lovely language. Also worth reading some of Winterson’s other work, especially her memoir Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?
-          When Captain Flint Was Still a Good Man by Nick Dybek – A fucked up little novel which, despite the title, has almost nothing at all to do with Treasure Island. Last few sentences pack a punch.
-          Folklore and the Sea by Horace Beck – Feels even longer than it is, rambling and hard to get through, and also kind of outdated (sometimes verging on offensive) – but it does have some pretty interesting sections.
-          The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall – queer love, a genderfluid protagonist, piracy and other evils as a response to imperialism and colonialism, mermaids…
-          Pirate Women: The Princesses, Prostitutes, and Privateers Who Ruled the Seven Seas by Laura Sook Duncombe – Has some issues, especially a kind of annoying girlbossy tone, but is interesting.
-          Flint and Silver: A Prequel to Treasure Island by John Drake – Unlike everything else on this list, this one is actively an anti-recommendation, in case you happen to come across the title somewhere and say “oh, a book called Flint and Silver, I have to read that!” Do not do it. It is so bad.
Edited later to add:
-          A Clash of Steel by C.B. Lee – a total reimagining of Treasure Island as a queer romance about Chinese and Vietnamese girls and women. I loved this book! Two particular characters from the original were merged into one character which would never have occurred to me and it was SUCH a good reveal.
-          The Last Smile in Sunder City by Luke Arnold – It’s by Luke Arnold.
-          When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill – About women (especially queer and otherwise nonconforming women) in the 1950s refusing to be silenced and controlled. Because they’re dragons.
-          The Arabian Nights – I recommend the new(ish) version translated by Yasmine Seale and annotated by Paolo Lemos Horta, which is enormous but really interesting. This is a really foundational text that has consciously or unconsciously influenced a lot of other stories, and I don’t think it’s a leap to guess that Treasure Island, Black Sails, and some of the other books on my list are among them. Plus, here’s a quote from the introduction that might give off some familiar vibes: “Every story in the global canon of fantastical literature is in some way a vessel shipwrecked on the rocks of its misinterpretation… Assessed in these terms, One Thousand and One Nights is perhaps the greatest and most sprawling ruin of them all.”
-          Cinnamon and Gunpowder by Eli Brown – Some poor bastard finds himself stuck as the cook on a pirate ship, gets his leg amputated, and falls in love with the ruthless captain. Hmm.
-          A Conspiracy of Truths and A Choir of Lies by Alexandra Rowland – Explores the roles of storytellers in society through the misadventures of really fascinating unreliable narrators.
-          The Drowning Empire trilogy (beginning with The Bone Shard Daughter) by Andrea Steward – a very compelling fantasy series which I initially picked up primarily because the covers look kind of like the Black Sails intro sequence
-          Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco, which yes! I did look at entirely because it had Silver in the title. It’s a vampire book and it has some weaknesses BUT it’s a polyamorous romance which counts for a lot.
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alikaheroes · 2 years
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In Character - Drabble
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Avengers Cast x Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Language Summary: A trend has made its way into the big league of actors by a curious non-actress who is dating a cute meatball. What’s her move?
A/N: Excuse the horrible writing, this is a year old fic.
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Today, Chris had brought you on set today and were filming the Avengers: Endgame and they all were just getting ready for it. You weren’t in the film but you were happy to still be here. You and Chris have been together for almost 2 years. And it was a blast. The cast knew you very well and became just one big family.
Out or boredom, you really needed to make some kind of joke but memorable moment between your best friends. You waited for most of the Avengers to get dress, of course, this is a trend some people do. You thought it'll be funny and share around for the fans to see.
You see Chris come out in his suit, hair combed back to put on his cowel, so then you walked up, holding your hand out, "Shake my hand in character."
He turns around, "Huh?" He asked. "Shake my hand in character," You grinned. He smiles, shaking his head and takes your hand, "Steve Rogers," He says in his Captain voice. You laughed. "I love it when you use your Captain voice." Chris laughs lightly and kisses your knuckles just after. Turning away, you spot Scarlet, Robert, and Hemsworth come out in their costumes. Chris being Fat Thor, you wondered how he would do.
You walk up to Scarlet first, "Shake my hand in character."
Her tilts her head, then realizes the trend, "Oh, this! I love this..." She clears her throat, "Natasha Romanoff." She shakes your hand, adding a smirk at the end. Seconds later, you turn to Robert and smiled, "Shake my hand in character."
Tony waves his hand, "I don't shake. It's not my thing." You lean back, "Oh! That's good. I knew Tony was that type of guy." Robert laughs. You walk up to Chris Hem, "Shake my hand in character."
Chris burps, "Oh my, don't you look just--" Burp, "Rather beautiful on this fine day, Lady Y/N."
Everyone laughs along with you, "The burps were amazing, totally was Thor there." Chris laughs. You turned to find someone else around the room to join in on the fun. "Who else could we do?" You asked. Scarlet looks around, "There's Mark."
"Oh!" You run over to Mark who's with Paul, Elizabeth and Don. "Mark, shake my hand in character!" His brows furrow in confusion, "Shake your hand?"
"In character," You add. He smiles shyly, "Hi... I'm...I'm Dr. Bruce Banner." You nod, "That was good!"
"Oh! Let me try!" Elizabeth says, she walks over and you hold your hand out. She takes it and smiles, shaking it gently, "Wanda Maximoff." You laugh and turned to Paul who gently takes your hand, "Vision."
Don comes up, "James Rhodes. Have you heard about the War Machine story?" He asked, you laughed at that. "You guys are good. Better than me."
"I've seen that trend so much now, and it's pretty cool," Elizabeth says. You turn to see Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch. "Tom!"
"Yes!" He turns around to face you with pure curiosity, "Shake my hand in character." He takes my hand, giving me a shy smile, "I'm Parker... Peter Parker," His accent went away like a snap. You laugh and turned to Benedict, "Shake my hand in character."
Benedict smiles, "Dr. Strange."
"Oh, we're using our made-up names? Then I'm Spider-Man," Tom says. Benedict and you laugh at the reference. "That wasn't that bad, you guys!" 
"You should try it to Anthony and Sebastian," Tom said, you whip around and spot them in the corner. "Oh, yes! I forgot about them!"
You began to walk over till Chris caught your arm, "Where are you going?" He asked. You tried to push him away, laughing, "I was gonna do the shake with Sebastian and Anthony." He smiles and nods, "Okay, let's go."
The two of you began walk over to the two boys laughing to themselves, "Hey lovebirds," Anthony said. You hold your hand out, "Shake my hand in character."
"In character?" Sebastian asked, he hums. "Bucky Barnes. What's your name doll?" He asked, Anthony scoffs. "That's not how you treat a woman, tinfoil. Hi, I'm Sam Wilson."
"Never thought an old man would actually get someone like you in his arms, huh, Steve?" Sebastian asked Chris. He laughs, "I got pretty lucky." You blush and laughed. "You guys are weirdos."
"I think she means cool," Sebastian said. You all laugh and the three men were called in for set. Sebastian and Sam walk off, leaving you and Chris alone. "Starting the day off smooth, huh?" He asked. You shrugged, "It's fun doing things with the cast. Sad to see them in these types of movies go." He nods, "We won't stop seeing them."
"Would you want coffee or something?" You offered. Chris tilts his head with a grin, "You know I'm not a coffee fan," He says. You smiled, "Then what do you want?"
"Well, there's gonna be a lot of action so get me some water."
"Copy that," You say, he smiles and kisses you. "Hey! We all know you love America's Ass but we're gonna need that ass on set so give it to us," Robert jokes, making you two pull away laughing. You playfully slap his ass, "Get your ass on set." He smiles. "Get yours to the water, then." Your mouth gaped. "You're so mean."
"I love you, though."
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some of the amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of September. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Hard Candy Dripping On Me (Til My Feet Are Wet) | Explicit | 1997 words
Louis gets fucked on a plane. That’s it.
2) Fucking Nightmares | Mature | 2151 words
Louis has a nightmare. Harry comforts him.
3) You Could Take A Lick (But It's Too Cold To Bite) | Explicit | 2469 words
“You look kinda thirsty.” Louis croons softly.
Harry leans back in his chair and tilts his head to the side. His eyes are covered by the pair of expensive shades, but Louis feels his eyes drifting down his backside as he lays on his stomach.
“Why don’t you bring me a bit of that ice cream, darling?”
Louis and Harry have fun in a summer day.
4) Interview With The Vampire  | Explicit | 4135 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/Robert Pattinson.
Working at an alpha magazine wasn't always easy for an omega like Louis, but he's just landed his biggest interview yet with an A list actor who has asked for Louis especially. Unfortunately, the interview is with Rob Pattinson, the biggest pain in the arse alpha on the planet.
Inspired by Rob’s interview in GQ Magazine and not actually about vampires
5) Conozco La Vida | Teen & Up | 4761 words
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it. 
"I have a son," he declared, there was a very thinly veiled layer of hesitation.
Harry was unaware in the direction which this conversation was heading but chose to stare at the man instead.
"He is an Omega," he dropped the pivotal piece of information.
Harry's attention was hooked now.
"He has been raised in an Omega convent all his life, he hasn't been in the presence of any Alpha who isn't his immediate family."
"I am still waiting for you to make a point."
"You could take him as an Omega."
Harry did not react, his face remaining perfectly free of betrayal of any sort of emotion and leaned back upon his chair, his leg crossed upon his knee. "You are selling your son to me?"
6) It’s Hard For Me To Go Home | Not Rated | 4890 words
Don’t call me baby again.
7) So Baby, Let's Keep It Secret | Explicit | 4638 words
“I’ll leave with you,” Harry said after a beat, sounding sure of himself.
“What!? No!, you can’t leave with me, Harry, you have a life here. You have a job and friends an-”
Harry kissed him in the middle of his rambling. “Which means nothing if I don’t have you.”
Into You Music Video AU.
8) ZOMOS | Mature | 5659 words
Is it easy to forget everything and start afresh? Is it easy being served with hateful glances and insults when all you wish for is to be loved? Is it easy to make it seem like everything is alright when in reality your world is crumbling into pieces with every breath you take?
Is it easy to be the omega who is unwanted by their alpha?
9) Your Biggest Fan | Explicit | 9075 words 
Just like everyone else, Louis has a few habits that he can’t seem to break. Guilty pleasures, rather. His nails are perpetually short because he can’t quit biting them, the bottom of his shoes scuffed from tapping his foot constantly. Sometimes his leg gets a cramp from bouncing it so often underneath his desk. That isn't too bad, he reckons, just some average teenage coping mechanisms.And also, occasionally, minor instances of theft.
10) Making A Splash | Explicit | 9557 words
“You want this?” Harry muses, fisting his cock as he drags his hand lazily up his thick length. Louis eyes the motion and nods his head absentmindedly. “You want to show everyone at this beach how much of a slut you are for Daddy’s cock?”
“M‘your slut,” Louis immediately replies, inching closer, inching closer with his eyes glued on Harry’s glistening cock, precome shining under the sun as it dribbles out his slit.
Harry grins widely and stops the movement of his hand to grip himself at the base again, pushing Louis’ head down. “Show everyone how much of a slut you are.”
11) Hung Up High in the Gallery | Mature | 14006 words
When Harry’s best friend, Louis, comes to support him at his art show, he decides they need to do some celebrating afterwards. How fast do the lines between friends and lovers get blurred ... or better, get painted?
12) My Home Is Your Body | Explicit | 15341 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/Henry Cavill.
He had seen who had made his senses go haywire. His ex was in the front row, five feet in front of him. He felt his eyes on him even as he mechanically made his way to the end of the runway, hoping to God he didn’t look like a maniac. Everything was a blur. He somehow managed to walk the rest of the way without falling or emoting anything. Why was he HERE? Of all places.
...where Louis is a successful omega model and the last thing he expects is his ex to become the co-partner of the new company he works for....
13) There's Nothing Like It (Nothing At All) | Explicit | 15471 words 
Note: This is a sequel to this fic.
His hands are outstretched on the mattress like he’s reaching out for something, reaching out for Harry. It makes his heart swell, almost bursting with affection and love. He only waits a bit longer before reaching over to turn off the light and pulling Louis to his chest, smiling when the omega immediately sighs in contentment, nuzzling into his skin happily.Tomorrow, he tells himself. Tomorrow, they’ll talk about it.-Or, Harry isn’t ready for things to change, and the end is just the beginning.
14) Seven Simple Words | Explicit | 15535 words
It’s not like he and Louis were a couple. No, they might have been a lot of things—best mates and colleagues with a seemingly convenient friends-with-benefits arrangement—but never a couple. It wasn’t Louis’ fault he didn’t feel the same way and couldn’t reciprocate Harry’s feelings in the way he’d wanted, the way he’d needed. Harry had allowed himself to get in too deep, his entire being aching to be loved back by the object of his affections. But in love, as in life, you don’t always get what you want.
15) Works Like A Charm | Explicit | 18061 words
Ever since Louis joined the team in fifth year, a few facts have become set in stone.
One: Louis is the best chaser in Hogwarts.
Two: Harry is the best beater in Hogwarts.
Three: They do not get along.
So it’s really unfair of Liam to think that forcing them to spend time together as Louis recovers from his injury will make them the best of friends. The last thing Louis would do is get along with that git.
16) The Way This River Runs | Explicit | 27417 words 
It’d be so easy to just open his mouth and plead with Harry, to scream I’m sorry until his voice disappears, but he can’t. Be it his pride or his ego or his insecurities, he just can’t do it. The worst part is that he knows Harry would probably forgive him.
But Louis doesn’t want phony forgiveness. He doesn’t want Harry’s soothing words and pity embrace, thinks he might just break altogether if he was offered them. He feels like he’s made of glass recently and it’s to the point where he kind of wants to tip over the edge, just to see if he’d shatter. Just to see who’d be there to pick up the pieces if he did.
17) Give Me Love | Explicit | 41041 words
Louis doesn't feel like a good omega, Harry doesn't remember how to be an alpha, and they figure it out together.
18) Falling Out Of Fashion | Explicit | 42123 words
Harry Styles has been the established face of the Grimshaw House of Design for two years. It’s a prestigious and coveted modeling contract Harry took away from once-famed supermodel Zayn Malik. With the model transition Grimshaw’s designs went from a more urban, Zayn-forward aesthetic, to a Harry-favoring flowery, flowing femininity in the Grimshaw designs for men.
So when Harry sees a dress Grimshaw made for a famous Marvel actress, “only a tease”, Nick says, of the evolving look, Harry knows Grimshaw is shifting his aesthetic.
Harry wonders if he can pull off the look.
19) Three Days In February | Explicit | 189346 words
Louis is cursed after a night out with the lads and the five have just three days to figure out what happened and how to break it before Harry and Louis both lose their sanity and maybe something more. Louis can hear everything Harry thinks and Harry isn’t sure he can keep his feelings for Louis a secret from his own mind.
Ridiculous amounts of banter and angst, a lot of Harry and Louis alone together, a healthy dose of OT5 friendship, and one very magical weekend.
20) Boss Bitch | Explicit | 386901 words
Harry had always wanted to work for this successful mafia; the mafia that everyone knew, everyone feared. Led by none other than the pahntom
"L'eue Courante", whom everyone knew existed, but had no other clues who this person could be. The only thing known was a high heel the phantom once left.
So this person had to be woman, Harry assumend. And man, was he wrong.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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