#robert downey jr x daughter
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youre-amazing-say-it · 2 years ago
A fic with rdj babying teen reader!
Papa-Bear Mode
Summary: The reader gets a tiny injury during her first fight scene, and RDJ goes full Papa-Bear Mode.
Warning: talks about stuntwork, swearing, little cut on the forearm
A/N: sorry these are taking so long. my bad!
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"All Right guys, shooting in 30. Get ready!" You heard the Russo Brothers speak into the megaphone. You were off talking to the stunt coordinator, Meghan when you heard the announcement. You were about to shoot your first-ever fight scene and were terrified. The shakey breath you let out was evidence of it. "You got this girl, it's a very simple scene, no harnesses. just fighting," she spoke as she rubbed your shoulder, helping you relax. "Yeah, but what if-"
"So Pipsqueak! heard you are doing your first stunt scene today!" you heard a voice behind you say. Robert walked over and stood right behind you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders, giving them. gentle squeeze. "Yes, and I am FREAKING OUT!" you shouted as you pushed his hands off you.
"Hey hey calm down kiddo, okay?" he spoke softly as he turned you around for an embrace. With your head on his chest, he mouthed to Meghan that he got it, sending her on her way. "Now," he continued as you stood still, "why are you scared?"
"Look stunts can be scary, and I don't want to get hurt or injured because of something I messed up," you said looking at the brown-haired man in the eyes. "Well, do you know what you need to do for the scene?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I mean yeah but-"
Robert made a shushing sound before you could even continue. "And I'm sure Meghan and the rest of the stunt coordination crew have your safety in mind while working out this scene. So you will be fine, you got this, okay pipsqueak?" he spoke to you. You let out the breath you have been holding in. "Okay, I got this. You are right." You spoke confidently before embracing RDJ once more.
"Thanks, Robert, I appreciate you." You felt him give the top of your head and you squeezed him tighter. "And I appreciate you, Y/n. Now you ready to go kick some ass?" he shouted as he raised his hand for a high five. You easily returned it, "Hell yeah, let's go!"
"Alright Y/n, let's shoot that scene one more time, okay?" you heard Anthony Russo speak into the megaphone. You gave them a thumbs-up from up on the railing where you were fighting the villain of the movie (I'm too lazy to decide who it is). You looked to the side of the stage and saw Robert watching you and also gave you a thumbs-up. So far all of the takes have been great, and no one has gotten seriously injured. Once this take was done, you were excited to just go to bed.
"Okay, an ACTION!" They shouted and you and your scene partner got to work. You quickly dodged the punch, went in for a kick, and continued your routine. Everything was going great until you heard some rattling above you. you couldn't look up so you tried not to let your anxiety show through. It wasn't until you got to the part where your partner had you up against the wall that you heard the sound of a part coming undone. Before you knew it, two small boards came crashing down on you and your partner. You felt one of the edges scratch your arm before landing on the floor.
"CUT! CUT!" You and your partner let go of each other and quickly checked yourself over for injuries. "You okay Y/n?" they spoke. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a cut on my forearm. What about you?" you asked them, "Nothing I think I'm - " they were saying before you felt Robert crushing you with his arms. "Oh my god Y/n!" He shouted into your ears. He let you go and held out your arms. "Robert Im fine, I promise. You said as you chucked. You felt his eyes scan your body, checking you for injuries.
"MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC!" he shouted as he took your injured arm and tried to turn it into the light to get a good view of it. "Robert I said Im fine! It's just a cut, see?" you said as you tried to pull your arm out of his grip, but he wasn't budging. "Look it could be infected, or worse than it looks. So let's just be safe okay?" he asked as he looked at you with pleading eyes.
You chuckled at him before reluctantly agreeing, " Okay papa bear, I'll get it checked out." You could hear him say "I'm not a papa bear," under his breath as you too made your way towards the medics on set. "Yes you are, and it's very adorable. Thanks for looking out for me." He leaned down and kissed your head.
"I gotta look out for my cubs."
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andulina567 · 1 month ago
I need Tony Stark to be my father
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Hey!, im just wanted to say that, the request are open and i gonna share the masterlist.
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Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 911 (Abc series)
━━Steve Rogers/Captain America
━━Bucky Barnes/ The winter soldier
━━Tony Stark/ Iron man
━━Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
━━Bruce Banner/Hulk
━━Clint Barton/ Hawkaye-
━━Thor Odinson
━━Loki Laufeyson
━━Peter Parker/Spiderman (Tom holland, Andrew Garfield, Toby Macquire)
━━Avengers cast.
━━Chris evans.
━━Sebastian Stan
━━Robert Downey jr
━━Chris hemsworth
━━Evan "Buck" Buckley
━━Eddie DIaz
Soon I will be adding more characters, actors and fandoms to this list. Don't forget that if you want to be tagged in my next stories, you must let me know.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 2 months ago
I love this song😍❤️
Tiktok: charles.xavier_logan
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desigemini24 · 2 years ago
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Tag List Registration
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
So, if anyone wishes to Request something for the characters and celebrities mentioned below, feel free to go.
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Daemon Targaryen
Realm's Desire
Honour of our House (Sequel to Realm's Desire)
The Present as It Is (Sequel to Honour of our House)
Dreams and Dragons
Dancing with Dragons
Never Yours
In The Stories
Blessings of the Goddess
In the Silence
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never Yours)
False Accusations
For Your Sake
For Them
Without Him
True Targaryens
Aemond Targaryen
Not in Our Destiny
In the Darks of Night (Sequel to Not in Our Destiny)
Rage of a Mother
The Crimson Lady
The Crimson Queen (Sequel to Crimson Lady)
Twisted Feelings
Twisted Love (Sequel to Twisted Feelings)
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aegon x Reader)
Fire of Desire
You Love Me Right?
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's Eye Part 2
Being Reborn in Wizarding World with Aemond
The White Dragon (Also, Cregan x reader)
Cregan Stark
The White Dragon (Also, Aemond x reader)
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never )
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Would Include
Aegon II Targaryen (Only on Request)
For A Better Future
My Gorgeous Princess
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aemond x Reader)
Helaena Targaryen (Only on Request)
Ecliptic Wedding
First Meeting
Being in an Arranged Marriage
Defending Your Honor
You are a Foreign Delegate
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Tony Stark
A Woman of a Kind
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peculiar Thing
Doctor Stephen Strange
Bucky Barnes
Broken Beings
T'Challa Udaku
Something New
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Carlisle Cullen
Marry Me
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Under the Moon
Aro Volturi
Marcus Volturi
Caius Volturi
Demetri Volturi
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Draco Malfoy
The Kiss of the Dark
Tom Riddle
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
The Fate Awaits (Sister!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Gellert Grindelwald
The Fate Awaits (Wife!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Be By My Side
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Aleksander Morovoza
Being a princess and Meeting the Darkling
Nikolai Lantsov
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Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
Is Air Conditioner Working?
Tom Hiddleston
Beautiful yet Broken Doll
Crazy Cravings
Matt Smith
Indian Dinner
Robert Pattinson
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Mistakes Are Common
Tom Felton
The Harry Potter Reunion
Ram Charan
Ben Barnes
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maddieautobot273 · 1 year ago
Silk & Cologne (50)
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A Miguel O'Hara x OC fanfic - link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 50: Marvel - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Female OC
Words: 5.3K+
Warnings: PG-13 for mentions of previous physical/sexual abuse, violence, and intimate soft fluff.
Summary: After a lovely dinner with her mother, Lisa blinks and it's time to perform for Marvel Day!
Special thanks to my friend Tikoy on discord for beta reading!
“Oh, I’m so excited for your show! You know, growing up she was a huge fan of all those comic book superhero type things,” Janet smiled. 
After exploring the different vendors and stalls for the first day of Marvel Day, by sundown, Miguel and I treated my mother to dinner at a nearby restaurant. The food was great, and thankfully it seemed like my mother had taken my words to heart, making an effort to talk to Miguel. As the night progressed, the pair seemed to be hitting it off so far and I was very relieved.
Keeping his true identity a secret, Miguel went with the original cover story we came up with back when we were chatting with the police after the first fight with Chameleon. Miguel explained to my mother that he worked with an indie tech company outside of the city, and that due to his office’s grueling schedule, we both talked it over and decided instead of ‘driving’ back home whenever we did have time together, I offered for Miguel to spend the night at my place to let him rest. He left out the vise versa of me staying with him at his place, as he sympathized with my mother’s worry about dating again, and we both agreed the idea of me traveling to another dimension to spend it with a guy would definitely freak her out even more. 
“Oh, I’ve noticed,” Miguel offered me a side eye’d glance with a smug grin. “A certain comic collection?” 
“It was just the one time, Miguel,” I rolled my eyes as I played with my food. 
“Oh are they about that one guy. . . The one who wore a suit and flew around. You know, the guy they got to play him for the movie was very handsome, though nothing like you, Miguel!” my mother mused happily, her eyes widening at the idea of her daughter’s old childhood interest resurfacing. “What was his name sweetie?” 
I thought I was going to faint as my cheeks flushed, elbows on the table as my hands covered my face to block out Miguel’s teasing expression. “Tony Stark’s Iron Man, mom. . . Robert Downey Jr.,” 
“Really now?” Miguel raised a curious brow, sipping his wine.
“Yes, that’s the one! Lisa had a massive crush on him growing up,” Lisa’s mom giggled. 
“Mom!!” Lisa gawked at her.
“We all did, dear, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Janet reassured me with a motherly grin. “Honestly, I personally think the films have gone down hill since they killed him off.”
“Ah, ah, careful mom,” I pointed a cautious finger at her, my lips forming a playful grin. “Even the walls have ears.”
While I’m pretty sure she was safe and the chances of other patrons in the restaurant having also come from Marvel Day were slim, I relished in the little friendly payback I got when my mother had quickly glanced around to see if anyone had heard her. As I continued eating my dinner, I couldn’t shake off the feeling I was being watched. 
“On that note, I’m going to make a quick trip to the ladies room,” Janet excused herself from the table, sitting up before she scurried across the room. 
When she left, I was reaching for my wine glass when I sneaked a glance at Miguel and noticed him staring. “What?”
“Are you alright?” He asked me.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I shrugged, rolling my shoulders as I adjusted my posture. “I’m used to my mom embarrassing me by now,”
A ghost of a smile coursed through Miguel’s lips before they thinned into a firm line. “I was referring to your friends,”
“My friends?” I repeated, turning to face him as I lowered my fork. 
“You were practically glued to your phone earlier today while we were at the hotel until your mother snapped you back into reality,” Miguel gently reminded me, although his voice carried a stern demeanor. “Plus I noticed them leaving you while I waited in line to grab the coffee, especially Kasey.”
My expression softened into a saddened state as my back hunched. “Right, that. . .”
“Lisa, is everything alright with your friends?” Miguel asked me,with concern, his arm reaching out to rest along the back of my chair. 
“Mostly, yeah, it’s just Kasey I’m worried about. . .” I sighed, staring down at my plate.  
“Have you two not spoken since your fight the other day?” Miguel asked, his voice gentle as he tried to not sound overly probing. 
I sighed again, deeper this time. “No,”
Miguel shared his own sigh, shaking his head. “Alright, I know I asked this earlier, but. . . what did Kasey say to you during your fight?”
My pupils went wide at the question, and if I wasn’t already hunched over and we weren’t out in public, I would have curled up into a ball right there and then. “It’s embarrassing. . .”
“Perhaps, but I can tell that it’s clearly been bothering you,” Miguel stated. “Come on, Mona, you’ve always said I can talk to you, so let me return the favor for a change,”
I was hesitant at first, humming in disarray as my gaze flickered between our plates on the table. Long fingers curled around my chin as Miguel gently coaxed me to look up right at him, his thumb brushing along my skin. The look he gave me made me feel like I was going to melt into a puddle. 
“Talk to me, mi corazon,” His voice pleaded softly. - my sweetheart 
I gulped as his hand lowered from my chin. “Just. . . promise me you won’t freak out?”
His pupils dilated, his head pulling back slightly as if to process my request. He nodded. “I promise,”
“Okay,” I nodded gently, looking around briefly to make sure my mother wasn’t coming back yet. “Well. . .”
I leaned in closer towards him and Miguel reciprocated, angling his head so he could hear me over the bustling chatter of the restaurant. 
“Kasey asked me. . . if ‘it was that good’,” I whispered to him, recalling the memory in my mind as I cringed at the thought. 
I could literally sense the moment it registers in Miguel’s mind, the meaning behind those words. His cheeks turn red, whether from anger or being flustered, I couldn’t tell exactly as Miguel pulled away. His fingers curled into the wooden chair, taking a deep breath to compose himself. “Now I understand. . .”
“Are you mad?” I asked him nervously, reaching a hand out to engulf my hand over his in a comforting manner. “Please say no. . .”
Miguel managed one more calming breath, breathing through his nose as his eyes closed shut before opening again. There was the tiniest flicker of his brown eyes shifting to red then back to brown again. “I’m not mad, Lisa, just. . . upset that you went through that alone,”
A small weight was lifted from my shoulders as I sighed in relief. 
“But I also remember you saying that she didn’t mean it, but that it still hurt to hear,” Miguel added as his hand turned over, his fingers curling around my own and squeezing my hand tightly. “What did you mean by that?”
Now more than ever I wanted to shrink into my chair, to stand up and run and hide. But Miguel’s thumb gently rubbed along the skin of my hand, his eyes patiently staring as he waited for me to answer. My cheeks flushed as I fumbled for the words. 
“Well, because. . . we haven’t, you know. . .” I ducked my head down into my shoulders, my cheeks now burning as I noticed the recognition in Miguel’s eyes. “So when she just assumed. . . I snapped. . .”
“I see,” Miguel responded gently, squeezing my hand. 
“I apologized to her earlier, because I didn’t know what she had been going through in her private life and deep down I knew she didn’t mean it. She said so long as our performance tomorrow goes well, in the nicest terms, we’re square, but. . .”
The memory rewound itself in my brain, playing like an old record over and over again. God, I felt so fragile at that moment. Just like I do now. 
“. . . Is that something you want, Lisa?” Miguel suddenly asked me. 
He reached over with his free hand, gently brushing a strand of hair away from my face and tucking it behind my ear as I looked up to face him. 
“What?” My voice was barely a whisper. 
“Is that something you’d like to try and. . . pursue with me?” He asked more confidently, “Not now, of course, but in the future?”
My eyes widened at the thought, the idea of Miguel and I being physically intimate with one another. Everything we had tried and done up to this point was. . . magical, as corny as it sounds. But it was the truth. 
“I. . . I would love that, Miguel, but. . .” I smile softly at him before it falters into a frown, my voice hesitating. 
“What’s wrong, Mona?” Miguel asked me, that look of patience never faltering from his face. 
“Nothing! I mean, nothing involving you, of course,” I reassured him with wide eyes as I squeezed his hands. “Miguel. . . you have been so patient with me with this. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve your affection. You’re just. . . amazing, and yet I make myself hesitate because. . .”
Miguel didn’t say anything, his head tilting to the side as his fingers brushed down my hair again. You’ve been so patient with me. 
“When it came to our relationship, Ji-Ho left more than just mental scars, Miguel. . .” I shuddered, lowering my face in shame. 
I could feel the muscles of his hand twitch as Miguel froze. 
Same old Lisa, so snarky and stuck up.
Going to leave a stain here with that Captain America looking buffoon like you did with me in Korea?
I shuddered at his previous threats, my mind filtering back to old memories. I swallowed nervously and without realizing it my hand came up and brushed along my neck as if I sensed someone else’s hand wrapping around it. Threatening to tighten its grip and make me choke. 
I could feel the body heat that radiated from Miguel’s body gain closer in proximity as he leaned down and kissed the top of my head. “We don’t have to discuss this further if you’re not comfortable. But when you are, I’ll be right here,”
A single stray tear raced down my cheek as I willed myself enough courage to look back up at him, his token of affection releasing me from the dark pit I was falling in. “Thank you, Migs. . .”
“Shall we discuss something else to lighten the mood?” He suggested. 
A tired sigh escaped me, “Yes, please, before my mother sees me,” I reached over for a napkin to dry my cheek. 
Miguel allows me the moment to compose myself as he reaches for his glass. “Tony Stark?” He raised an almost judgemental brow in my direction. “Really?” 
I nearly recoiled as I grabbed my wine glass. “Miguel O’Hara, you’re not jealous are you?” I matched his demeanor, leaning back into my chair as I swirled the wine in my glass. 
“‘Jealous’ is a strong word,” Miguel rolled his eyes. “What do you like about him anyways?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, he’s funny, and I think his suits are cool,”
“Okay, but without the suit, what made Stark so likable for you?” Miguel glanced over at me with a genuinely curious expression, trying to mask his jealousy. 
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist,” I grinned, sipping my wine. 
Miguel immediately shot me a look, eyes widening.
“Don’t give me that look, he said it!” I gaped, trying to hide my snicker.
“Oh he’s a philanthropist alright,” Miguel muttered into his cup. 
I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder. “Easy, guapo, you are way better than Tony Stark. You take off your suit, who are you, Miguel O’Hara?”- handsome
“You mean other than a guy who goes commando?” He whispered in my ear with a toothy grin.
It took everything in me to not spit my drink out, again. “You know what I mean,”
Miguel snickered, his lips grazing the shell of my ear. “Genius, trillionaire, and a handsomely charming philanthropist,” he grinned. “You are stroking my ego so much tonight, it’s honestly adorable,”
“Well first impressions, meeting the parents and all, I know it can be stressful,” I sighed gently as I set my wine glass down on the table. “Just trying to keep your spirits high,”
“Mona Lisa, I’m having a wonderful time. I like your mother, she’s a lovely woman,” Miguel reassured me with a soft expression, his mind beginning to wander as his gaze drifted. “It’s just. . . having another mother figure appear in my life after my own wasn’t exactly. . . the best,”
Something tugged at my heartstrings as I lifted my head up from his shoulder, concern pulsing in my eyes. Family trouble? “Are you okay?”
After briefly hesitating, Miguel nodded his head. “Yeah, it’s just going to take a moment for me to. . . adjust is all. But I swear to you, I enjoy your mother’s company,”
“I’m glad,” I smiled up at him, squeezing his shoulder. “But if you do ever feel uncomfortable at any point or need to step away, you can tell me, okay?”
Miguel’s smile curled as he leaned in, kissing my cheek. “I promise,”
We smiled warmly at one another before returning to our food. 
“Well, all this talk of Stark did make me think of a little passion project of mine,” Miguel’s lips curled into a ghost of a smile. 
“Oh?” My eyes perked up. “What kind?” 
“I had an idea for another suit,” Miguel mused. He quickly peeked over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching them or coming up to their table before he pulled back the sleeve of his jacket, revealing his gizmo. He tapped the screen, revealing a small holographic projection of a schematic for the new spider-suit. “Still nanotechnology, but the protective material would be an armour plating,” 
“. . . Is the colour scheme red and gold?” I offered him a playful smirk. 
Miguel shot me a look as if I just insulted him and his genius brain, finding comparisons to the comic book hero simply to annoy the shock out of him. 
Try as I might, I couldn’t hold back my laughter as I lowered my hand from my mouth, “I’m joking, Migs!”
Miguel scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully at me. “If you must know, I was thinking of a white, black, and red colour pallet. This will make Stark’s suit look like a tea kettle,” he grinned.
“That’s a big claim,” I grinned, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“I’m sorry, who did you say was your favourite again?” Miguel gave me a knowing look, as the projection vanished and he leaned into me, wrapping his arm around my back.
“You are, Miguel. My genius, trillionaire, charmingly handsome philanthropist, and Spider-Man,” I smiled, my hands snaking up his chest and caressing his neck. 
“Thought so,” He grinned. 
“Getting cozy again?” A familiar voice approached us.
Miguel’s eyes glanced up suddenly and his pupils went wide. He quickly stole a kiss from me before pulling away, returning to his seat. “Nothing too scandalous.”
Janet sat back down in her chair, giving me a teasing look before she picked up her fork. “Reminds me of back during my work days, I had dinner with Bon Jovi and his wife one night. Couldn’t keep their hands off one another,”
“Mom!” My cheeks flushed as I hunched into my chair. 
My mother erupted with laughter and Miguel’s own hearty chuckle quickly followed after. I looked over at his face, seeing the way he smiled. After realizing how much I loved seeing him smile, I laughed along too. 
Miguel’s P.O.V. 
After dinner with Lisa and her mother, Janet, they escorted Lisa’s mother back to the hotel she was staying at. Miguel smiled softly as Lisa hugged Janet tightly, saying her goodbyes. It made him reminisce on what might have been with his own mother. 
“I had so much fun tonight,” Janet’s smile was practically beaming as she pulled away to cup Lisa’s face. “Don’t forget the extra suitcase I brought for you, and get plenty of sleep for tomorrow.”
“I promise, mom,” Lisa smiled back, playfully rolling her eyes at the reminder. “Old habits die hard.”
Janet nodded at Lisa before pulling away completely, and looked over towards Miguel. Miguel immediately stiffened, snapping to attention when Janet approached him. To his surprise, she offered him her hand. 
“It was very lovely meeting you, Miguel,” Janet offered Miguel a genuine smile. “I can certainly see why Lisa likes you.”
“Aww, mom. . .” Lisa’s cheeks flushed, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked off to the side. 
Miguel couldn’t help it as a snicker escaped his lips, shaking his head. He reached over and shook Janet’s hand, offering her a warm smile in return. “It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Mrs Kend– ah, Janet, sorry. Lisa has always spoken highly of you. You’ve raised a wonderful woman.”
“I would certainly hope so,” Janet smiled as she glanced over at her daughter with a teasing look. “I didn’t go into early labor for nothing, you know!”
Lisa’s eyes went wide. “Mom!”
“I’m teasing, dear,” Janet’s lips curled wider as she snickered. “You’ll make sure my sweet Lisa gets back home safe, Miguel?”
Miguel couldn’t help himself even more as he laughed, bringing a hand up to his mouth to calm himself down. “Of course, ma’am. I always do,”
“Such a gentleman,” Janet squeezed Miguel’s hand briefly before pulling her own away. “I’ll see you both tomorrow!”
Miguel could still feel his heart pounding in his chest as he drove Lisa back to her apartment. From all accounts, it appeared he had gotten Lisa’s mother’s approval. She genuinely liked him, and that statement alone made Miguel feel so over the moon with relief. 
He helped carry the suitcase into Lisa’s apartment, setting it down on the couch with a grunt. It was surprisingly heavy. “What’s even in here?”
“When my stay in Korea was extended for the foreseeable future at the time, mom packed extra goodies from home for me to try and combat the homesickness,” Lisa explained as she began to unzip the suitcase, pulling the lid open and she gasped. “Oh, yes!!”
“What?” Miguel stepped closer, peering over her shoulder. “What is it?”
It couldn’t be new clothes, she has a closet full of them already. Was it spare medkits? More household items she’ll need to make her everyday life easier?
None of the above. 
“Mama came in clutch!” Lisa squealed, clapping happily. 
The suitcase was filled to the brim with books, video games and a gaming console. 
“No puedo mas,” Miguel grumbled, face palming as he shook his head. - I can’t even 
“Hey, what’s with the judgy face?” Lisa retorted as she grabbed a handful of books, setting them aside. 
“If my brother were here and he saw all of this? If you two are friends now, after this you two would be insufferable,” Miguel huffed, slouching on the couch next to the suitcase.
“Is he a gamer?” Lisa asked with a curious twinkle in her eye as she started to pile the games onto the coffee table. 
“Well he’s not called the ‘King of Virtual Reality’ for nothing,” Miguel shook his head, coming off as a disappointing gesture, but deep down, he was actually proud of his brother’s work. 
“Why didn’t he say so before?” Lisa’s eyes widened. “I should invite him over for a game session sometime,”
“Oh no, I hardly get to see you with these new security measures in place,” Miguel stated as waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “I ain’t sharing.”
“And who’s idea was it for said new security measures?” Lisa narrowed her eyes towards Miguel in a teasing manner.
Miguel rolled his eyes at her as Lisa started to lift the gaming console out of the suitcase and set it by the TV. Miguel’s back straightened as he sat up, watching her fiddle with the console’s wiring. “What are you doing?”
“Setting up the console,” Lisa answered, glancing over at him.
“Um, no?” Miguel shot her a questionable look with an eyebrow raised. “You promised your mom you’d get enough sleep for tomorrow’s show, it’s almost 11pm,”
“But video games!” Lisa sulked, a soft whine escaping her. “I haven’t played this for over a year,”
“Nope,” Miguel exclaimed, shooting up from the couch. “Bedtime,”
“Miguel, what are you–?!” Before Lisa could say anything else, Miguel suddenly scooped up Lisa in his arms, throwing her over his shoulder as he hooked his arm around her waist to keep her from falling. “Miguel!!”
“Don’t make me tattle on her,” Miguel grinned, snickering. 
“Miguel, put me down!” Lisa gawked, laughing as her hand smacked against his back. 
All Miguel did was laugh in response as he stalked over to Lisa’s bed, pulling back the curtain. Kneeling at the edge of the bed, Miguel reached for Lisa and carefully laid her down on the mattress. His hand cradled the back of her head as Miguel set her down, smiling down at her. 
“Now be my smart girl and get ready for bed, please,” He emphasized, his hands now on either side of her head. 
Lisa’s cheeks flushed at his close proximity. She sighed, looking up into his eyes. “Fine, only because you said please.”
“Thank you, mi Mona Lisa,” Miguel’s face softened as he chuckled, his fingers brushing some hair away from her face. 
As he looked at her, at that moment all he could think of was the one question he asked her during dinner.   
Is that something you want? 
The idea of getting to that point with her. . . Going all the way. . .
It caused Miguel’s heart to burn, turning his blood hot as he stared at her with such love and longing. But he also knew that he couldn’t rush into it. As tender as this moment was right now. 
Ji-Ho left more than just mental scars, Miguel. . . 
That arrogant bastard. Miguel swore an oath to himself right there and then, that when the time came when Lisa felt she was ready to be physical with him, he’d make it special for her. He promised himself that he’d make up for the precious lost time and wasted memories that befell on her. Miguel would do everything in his power to make it so magical, the very essence of that k-pop wannabe will be erased from Lisa’s mind for the rest of her life. 
Miguel lowered his head, first kissing Lisa’s forehead before his lips trailed down her face. His soft touches made Lisa squirm, giggling before his lips finally found hers. The kiss he planted on her lips was slow, tender and sweet, and judging by the enamored gaze Lisa was giving him, the look he gave her as he pulled away sent chills down her spine. 
As it did for him.
“Your mother isn’t the only one looking forward to seeing you on that stage,” Miguel grinned as he pulled away. 
Lisa’s eyes widened, sparkling in delight as she sat up. “You’ll be there,”
A portal opened up behind Miguel as he offered Lisa a proud grin. “I wouldn’t miss it for the multiverse,”
Lisa’s P.O.V. 
I barely slept a wink last night. It was a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and the overwhelming urge to just scream that kept me up. Even now as I stood backstage, preparing myself to walk out on that stage in front of all of those people, and on live television for the first time in so long, I wanted to scream. It was finally happening. 
I took one more peek past the curtain, watching as METRO BOOMIN who had just moments ago walked out on stage to introduce himself to the crowd, hyped them up with this upcoming song. His new song, the one that my friends and I would be performing to. I scanned the crowd, and smiled when I saw two familiar faces. 
Miguel and my mother. 
My fingers curled, holding my fist close to my chest. This was for them. For Miguel, my mom. . . and for dad. I looked up into the sky, wondering if he was watching me right now. But perhaps not just them. . . if Jin was watching too, I could show him how much I’ve grown since camp. 
Footsteps caught my ear as I lowered my fidgeting hands and turned, finding my friends approaching me. We were all dressed in our spider costumes. We worked hard, we practiced and we trained for this very moment. To show the world what we could do. 
“Is everyone ready?” I asked them, trying to sound encouraging. 
“You bet!” Hannah cheered.
“Let’s rock their socks off!” Touga cheered, his brother jumping up and down to psych himself up. 
I looked over towards Kasey, who had decided to remain quiet since our last conversation, at least towards me anyways. From meeting up with the others to get to the venue before the event security guards invited the public, to changing into our costumes and doing our warm up exercises, she hadn’t said a word to me.
She looked between the three of us before nodding softly. “Let’s do it,”
I offered her a soft, small smile as I extended my fist. “Webslingers on 3?”
One by one, they brought their fists into the little circle, our knuckles brushing against one another. “1, 2, 3, Webslingers!”
We shot our hands into the air, laughing and cheering. 
“Alright ya’ll, this is a brand new song I got in store for tonight, and I won’t be doing it alone. Give it up for New York’s very own. . . WEBSLINGERS!” METRO BOOMIN’s voice echoed through his microphone. 
“That’s our que!” Hannah’s cheery voice sang as she ushered us to move. 
One by one, we made our way out to the stage, the audience showering us with welcoming applause. After offering bright smiles and wide waves, we each took our positions on the stage before I signaled METRO that we were ready. 
“Let’s get to it!” He cheered. 
Miguel’s P.O.V. 
A chorus of violins coursed through Miguel’s ears, playing a pleasant and angelic like melody. One by one, spotlights shined on Lisa and her friends as they began to move, as if they were being whisked away like clouds. 
“Not done fightin', I don't feel I've lost
Am I dreamin', is there more like us?
Got me feeling like it's all too much
I feel beaten, but I can't give up~”
The bass kicked in, and the crowd began to howl and cheer in anticipation, getting a feel for the rhythm and the beat. Miguel swayed with them, glancing down at Janet who had a proud look on her face, eyes watering as she couldn’t steer her gaze off of Lisa, and never could he. The song, its lyrics, its melody, entrapped them.
It was as good as Lisa had promised him it would be.
“I'm still fightin' (Metro), I don't feel I've lost
Am I dreamin', is there more like us?
Got me feelin' like it's all too much
I feel beaten, but I can't give up~”
The crowd cheered as the lights kicked back up again, Lisa and her friends literally jumping into the next set as the electric drums pedal guided them with the beat. Lisa and the girls hung back while the twins Toya and Touga stepped up with their duo choreography. 
“Uh, wakin' up, feelin' like the thankful one
Count up my ones, lacin' up my favorite 1's
One of a kind, one of one, the only one
Got one shot and one chance to take it once~”
Their movements were so fluid, for a brief moment Miguel wondered if they were even truly human. The crowd cheered them on as their bodies seemed to swerve, leaning into their next set of moves. His gizmo started to go off, and he almost didn’t notice it due to the strobelights and the loud bass pounding in his ears.
“Kiss my mama on the forehead, 'fore I get the code red
'Cause I was born, bred to go in, toast red
And swing by four-ten, beef patty, cornbread
In the concrete jungle, where my home is!”
As Hannah jumped in to join the twins, Miguel glanced down at his gizmo. He noticed Spider-Byte’s caller ID and his eyes flared. He brought his wrist up towards his face, his finger swiping left to answer. “Margo?”
“Miguel, the scanners are fluctuating again, they're off the charts!,” Margo’s voice filtered through the com-link, filled with worry. “I think something big is about to happen,”
Miguel’s eyes immediately began looking around, his infrared scanner embedded into his sunglasses powering on. “Lyla, where is everyone?”
“Pinging you their locations now!” Lyla’s voice echoed in his ears as one by one, Lyla located Spider-Noir, Webslinger, Gwen, and Peter B. Some were hiding among the cosplay crowd, while others were covertly among the shadows. 
He initially had only asked Spider-Noir and Webslinger to keep watch. But Miguel had a weird gut feeling in the pit of his stomach. A feeling that kept nagging him all night that something just didn’t sit right, and that this wouldn’t go well. 
He hated being right. 
“All get focused, all range of toast is
The nickname, Mr. Keen-To-Do-the-Mostest
I was livin' down bad in my folks crib
Now I'm laughin' to the bank and the joke is (no way)
Did more things than folks did or folks get
We've been gettin' this fly since some poor kids
My rich friends and my broke friends co-exist
They love to mix and we know what it is~”
What sounded like lightning crackling, followed by a loud roar of thunder caught Miguel’s ears as his gaze immediately shot upward into the night sky. Just above the Statue of Liberty, sparks flew as before his very eyes, a portal opened up. 
Oh shock! 
“Team move in,” Miguel commanded. “Lyla, call in backup. Send in anyone you can get a hold of!”
Lisa’s P.O.V. 
The sound of a loud crackling of thunder and lighting made me jump and the music came to a screeching halt. My friends and I looked up towards the sky, in fact everyone did. My body froze, standing in shock as I watched a multiversal portal open up above us. 
But not from the Spider-Society. 
“AYO, EVERYONE EVACUATE!” METRO BOOMIN yelled out into the crowd. 
Harry. . . he was back, only this time he wasn’t sending a Russian spy to take me in. 
Toya grabbed Hannah, pulling her to the back of the stage. Touga reached for me, but I leapt out of his grasp as I went straight for Kasey, as she stood as calm as the wind, observing the portal with an almost blank stare. 
“Kasey!!” I called out to her.
When she slowly turned to face me, her hand reaching for her cheek, I froze in place, Touga right behind me. 
“Well, Miss Lisa,” Kasey’s lips suddenly curled into a dark smile as her fingers dug into her skin. 
The gasp that left me felt like I had been punched in the gut as Touga instinctively grabbed me, stepping in front of me as I watched in pure horror as Chameleon ripped off the face mask and removed his disguise. 
“Mr. Osborn’s stage is finally set, and it’s time to put on the show,” 
Kasey. . . where was Kasey?!
“What. . . where is she?” I was desperately searching for my voice as the crowd shrieked at the man now standing before them. 
Chameleon laughed at the question, tossing the face mask aside. I could hear Hannah screaming from behind me, Toya hugging her tightly. Toya muttered a curse in his native tongue, eyes widening, but he didn’t falter. 
Not even when Chameleon whipped out a gun and opened fire directly at him, and in that split second, I blanked out. 
Leave a like or comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
taglist: @0eye0​, @sadgurlstar , @uhnanix​ , @r1dd1kulus​,    @kirablommuwu @kenacole​ @kuinnoa​,   @devotedlyatomicdeer  @hltendo , @r0sib3lleeditx @noahspector​​    @senicrile    @ahoeformyself
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lnfours · 2 years ago
Hey!! I'm not sure if you are still accepting requests but I was wondering if you could do a Tom x RDJ niece reader one where Tom and y/n have always liked each other but due to y/n being RDJ's niece they have always tried to deny their feelings for each other but one day they simply can't keep denying their feelings..
this is so 😩 im a sucker for anything where reader is related to rdj/stark!reader UGH okay here we go
also thank u for being so patient while i worked on this, i hope you like it! <333
cleaning out my inbox 💌
ever since it was confirmed that you, the niece of robert downey jr, were going to play tony stark's daughter, everyone on social media lost their shit.
in a good way, of course.
in the marvel cinematic universe, you play the daughter of tony stark. your character takes on the responsibilities of being 'the next iron man', as some will say. your character is as witty, charming, sarcastic and smart as tony is. which is why people thought that having none other than a blood relative of the man who brings tony stark to life play your character was a great casting decision.
they especially went crazy when it was revealed that your character ends up being the love interest of peter parker. the scene between you and tom in infinity war was a fan favorite. said scene being where you realize that thanos had gotten what he wanted. the one where tom's unscripted line broke the heart of millions of people.
the one where your characters share a kiss before he's turned into dust before your character has a full blown mental breakdown over losing the love of her life. where tony pulls your character close, sharing the painful grief, heartbreak and sadness.
and if someone had told you that specific on-screen kiss would change your life, you would've thought that they were crazy.
but here you were, sitting in your trailer as you were about to go onto set. your character was brought back to be in the new spider-man movie. of course, it was no secret that you and tom had real life feelings for each other, but you found each scene to be a little bit harder to hide the fact that you were slowly starting to fall in love with him.
you were waiting for your call-time to come back to set to wrap up for the day, absentmindedly flipping through the paper script before you heard a knock on your trailer door. you got up, opening the door and being met with a familiar pair of brown, warm eyes.
you smiled sweetly, "hey, come in."
tom smiled back at you as he made his way into the trailer, closing the door behind him. you sat back down on the couch. tom had asked earlier on in the day if you wanted to run through a few lines together before going back to film. you had agreed quickly, praying that it didn't sound too eager to make sure he didn't catch onto the fact that you'd do anything as long as you got to be with him.
he did catch on though. but he didn't mind, he was glad you were as smitten as he was. he was glad to know that he wasn't the only one crushing hard on the other.
"which scene did you want to go through?" you asked as he sat down across from you. he flipped to the page where he had bent the top corner, letting his leg slowly start shaking as nerves took over his body.
"we could do page 223, if you wanted to."
you flipped to the page, eyes slightly widening. you were familiar with this scene, it was the one the two of you were doing later. the one where your characters kiss.
oh, fuck.
"sure," you cleared your throat, "where do you want to start?"
"from the top?"
"sounds good."
he cleared his throat, his american accent filling your ears as he reas the words on the page, "sorry for bailing the other night, wasn't cool."
"it's okay," you smiled, "duty calls."
he chuckled, "yeah, we can say that," his eyes looked up from the script as he looked at you, "however, i'd much rather spend time with you than chase shocker through the streets of manhattan."
you smiled, "you like me that much, tiger?"
he shook his head, smiling softly, "no, i love you that much."
you smiled, "it's honor to be loved by you, spider-boy."
you both read the line at the bottom of the page. you bit down on your lip nervously.
"we don't have to kiss right now if you don't want to," he said, his british accent filling your ears again, "i mean, i know we have to when we film, but right now we don't have to."
"i mean," you shrugged, "it's in the script."
he chuckled, "yeah, but we can save it for the cameras."
"i mean, i don't... mind... as long as you don't, obviously." you stammered, cheeks turning hot as a light pink shade dusted his cheeks. he nodded.
"i don't mind either."
"okay," you chuckled nervously.
"okay," he smiled, "did you wanna... c'mere, or did you want me to..."
he trailed off as you waved him off, "i can come over there."
you bit down on your lip nervously as you got up, ignoring the way your legs felt like jello. he watched as you climbed into his lap, like the way you're supposed to in the movie. both legs on each sides of his hips, his hands wrapped around your waist as yours snaked around his neck. he was so close, the smell of his cologne filling your nose as the warmth from his body radiated off of him.
"is this okay?" you asked, slowly starting to be distracted by how close the two of you were.
he nodded, eyes flickering from your lips back up to your eyes, "yeah,"
"cool," you smiled shyly, your heart pounding against your ribs. his hands came up and cupped your face, like his character is supposed to.
"is this okay?"
"it's great," you nodded, forehead pressing against his.
"cool," it was his turn to become shy.
"ready?" you bit down on your bottom lip.
"yeah," he said, "you?"
"mhm," your eyes closing due to how content you were. you could've stayed like this for the rest of time.
he brought your face down to his as he kissed you softly. you kissed him back, his left hand moving has he gripped your waist, squeezing you tighter against him as your lips slipped together. he made the first move, his teeth gently pulling at your bottom lip. you gasped quietly against his mouth, his tongue slipping in as he kissed you passionately.
this was all the two of you now, nothing scripted. nothing but pure lust for one another.
the two of you kissed for what felt like hours, but in reality it was probably only a couple minutes. you hadn't realized, but you ended up moving to lay flat on your back, tugging on his hoodie as you brought him with you. he didn't let his lips leave yours as he hovered over you, pulling away slowly so he could catch a breath.
"holy shit," he panted softly.
you chuckled, "is that a good 'holy shit' or a bad one?"
he leaned back down, shaking his head with a smile, lips brushing up against yours as he spoke before kissing you again, "a very good one."
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 8 months ago
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The Anderson Family Tree (x)​
( Aurora, Faye, and Lilibeth all exist within separate universes, notes will be made at the specific points that canons differ)
shoutout to @the-witching-ash for helping me develop this entire clusterfuck of a family
Tag List: want to be added?
Althea Anderson ( Maggie Smith ):
Matriarch of the Anderson family
Divorced her husband in her 60s, came out as a lesbian, her lifelong best friend moved into her house
Would do anything for her grandchildren no questions asked
in Lilibeth & Faye's verses, she lives in a mansion in Ohio, in SOWK she lives in the South of France and has a second home in Paris
her contact with Devon's children was severely limited until they got older and could maintain contact with her behind their father's back
Edgar Anderson ( Robert Redford ):
Truly the worst
Homophobic, racist, misogynistic, borderline christian fundamentalist
He just sucks so much like you don't even know I hate him so much
Disowned Mallory when she came out
Former Dalton boy
I hate him so much that's all there is to say I hate him
Catherine Arnoult ( Julie Andrews ):
Althea Anderson's best friend ( they're gal pals, your honour )
Her family are french aristocrats
moves in with Althea after she and Edgar divorce
As classy as they come but also has the greatest insults in the world, all of the Andersons want to be her when they're older
Devon Anderson ( Robert Downey Jr ):
Also the worst
Just like his father, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, shitty ass father
Republican politician (senator of Ohio)
Former Dalton boy
Foes not talk to his children except when it benefits his image
Pam Anderson ( Lea Salonga ):
Stay at home mom minus the mom part
Loves her son & step son, and daughter in Faye's verse, in SOWK she raised Aurora as her own despite not being her mom
But lets Devon push her around and call the shots
Virtually no relationship with her kids since Blaine & Aurora came out (not homophobic but Devon says no talking to them so she doesn't)
Not outright abusive like Devon but does nothing to stop him
Eleanor Anderson ( Angelina Jolie ):
Realized that Devon was a piece of shit and got out of there
Not close with her son but they do maintain contact and she always asks about his younger sibling/siblings
The best parent in that branch of the family
She wasn't ready to be a mom but Devon pressured her to marry and have kids
She left him when she found out he was having an affair with Pam
Mallory Anderson ( Sandra Bullock ):
TBD if she's exclusive to Lilibeth's verse or not I can't decide
Lesbian icon
The best of the Andersons by far
Came out as a lesbian the day of her UCLA graduation (after her father had paid for all of it)
Was disowned by her father and brother but stayed close with her mother
Lives in LA
in Lili's verse, she moves back to Ohio to help take care of her mom and the house when Althea moves into a retirement facility
She's just so cool also she yells at Schue a lot
Very close with her nephews (and nieces if she exists in Faye or Aurora's verses), Cooper comes over for family dinner once a week until moving back to Ohio
Could be a lawyer, tbd
Gloria Santos-Anderson ( Nicole Scherzinger ):
Also the coolest
Bisexual icon, 80s & 90s pop star
Now works either in music production or management, is known for always putting artists above profit
Very supportive of her daughter's music & vlogging career
Technically Lili's manager but in a "you have the natural talent for this I'm going to make sure no one fucks with you" way not insane stage mom way – she and Mallory never pushed Lili into doing this but wholeheartedly support her when she does
Cooper Anderson ( Matt Bomer ):
What a man tbh
Bisexual polyamorous disaster
Dalton alumni, was roommates (biblically) with his best friend Roman Kline
Now in a relationship with Roman & Ash Astor
Actor, mostly in indie projects and commercials but looking for his big break
Loves his younger sibling(s) but has not always been the best at showing it
Learned too much emotional absence from his father, he's working on it
The reason theatre kids have a bad rep
Blaine Anderson ( Darren Criss ):
How do I begin to explain Blaine Anderson?
Truly don't know what to say, we all know him
The real reason theatre kids have a bad rep
Disaster gay trying to pose as distinguished gay
Means well but also sometimes an idiot
Faye Anderson ( Vanessa Hudgens ):
Top student at Crawford Country
Lead soloist of her glee club
Was a boarding student at Crawford Country despite having a family house in Ohio because that would involve her parents having to actually come to Ohio
Really truly does not want to go to McKinley but her parents decide that if Blaine is so insistent on it then the twins can just live at home and both go to McKinley – she's very bitter
Her favourite instrument is the piano
She was almost kicked out of home when she came out, the only reason that she wasn't is because Devon was up for reelection and it would have looked bad
Aurora Anderson ( Kaylee Bryant ):
The girl the myth the legend
Everyone's favourite bi (except Kurt and Rachel)
Only girl at Dalton, Devon pulled a lot of strings to make it happen – not for her benefit but because Andersons go to Dalton
Her best friend is Nick Duvall and they dated briefly before he realized he was gay and they agreed that it felt like dating a sibling
Nearly died on her fourteenth birthday when she and Blaine were victims of a hate crime after their freshman year Sadie Hawkins dance, has severe PTSD as well as mental and physical disabilities & a collection of mental illnesses
Nine months younger than Blaine and should be a grade below but as far as the world knows, she's his twin – the only people who know the truth are the Warbler Inner Circle + Cooper, Roman, and Ash
Dalton fight club champion
Musical theatre nerd and also just a nerd in general
Her favourite movie is Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame
Everyone's baby sister
Lilibeth Anderson ( Olivia Rodrigo ):
Grew up in LA with her moms, moves to Ohio at the start of eighth grade (glee s2) not happy about it but she does love getting to see her grandmothers & Blaine
Very close with Cooper since Mallory insists on him coming to family dinners
Youtube vlogger & singer which was turning into a full blown career but it stalled big time when she moved to Ohio
Her grandmothers lived in the same home as Jean and she had become close with Jean before she died
Sue is a fan of her because of this, no one gets away with fucking with her at McKinley because of it
She starts as a freshman at McKinley in season 3 – Rachel can't stand her
Dates Ryder and it's very very bad for her, eventually she dumps him when he goes on his transphobic spiral towards Unique
Didn't plan on becoming a Cheerio but is dragged into it by Sue and is surprised to love it
Cooper is the one who helps her figure out how to revive her vlog & music career in Ohio
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denimbex1986 · 2 years ago
'When Christopher Nolan's historical epic "Oppenheimer" made its way into theaters, it did so fronting serious A-list energy in stars Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., and Florence Pugh. Impressive as those names are, "Oppenheimer"'s extended cast of supporting players whom Nolan assembled is truly jaw-dropping, with names like Casey Affleck, Gary Oldman, Kenneth Branagh, Jack Quaid, and Rami Malek topping the list. If you scroll far enough down the "Oppenheimer" IMDb page, you'll even see the name of Mr. James Remar, who played U.S. Secretary of War Henry Stimson in the film.
If you've seen "Oppenheimer," you know Remar's character doesn't garner a ton of screen time. Like most of the film's supporting team, however, the actor more than made the most of his moments. He even added to one of the film's most powerful scenes, reportedly improvising the line of dialogue where Stimson removes Kyoto from the list of possible bombing sites in Japan in part because he and his wife honeymooned there. It's a powerful moment, to be certain. And it's just one of many Remar has delivered over the years. 
Fans of 1997's "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" hardly need a reminder of Remar's skill, as the actor put just as much energy into playing super-powered kung fu fighter Raiden in the film. Of course, given the video game adaptation's critical and commercial shortcomings, "MK: Annihilation" hardly ranks among the actor's biggest hits. And yes, Remar has contributed to quite a few hits in his decades-long career.
Mortal Kombat is but one of many intriguing entries on James Remar's resume
To be fair, the general shortcomings of "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" hardly rest on the shoulders of James Remar, with producer Lawrence Kasanoff claiming in the 2017 book "Lights, Camera, Game Over!" that studio bosses forced the filmmakers to release the movie before it was actually finished. Lack of polish aside, "MK: Annihilation" has become a low-key cult hit over the years, with certain fans now embracing its schlocky, B-movie energy.
As it happens, that cult status is sort of fitting since one of Remar's first big roles came in Walter Hill's 1979 cult hit crime thriller "The Warriors." Remar was quick to capitalize on that early success, scooping up roles in hit '80s TV shows like "Hill Street Blues," "Miami Vice," and "The Equalizer." He'd also appear in celebrated films like William Friedkin's "Cruising" (opposite Al Pacino), Hill's Eddie Murphy vehicle "48 Hrs.," Francis Ford Coppola's "The Cotton Club," and Gus Van Sant's landmark indie "Drugstore Cowboy."
Remar has continued to split time between the film and television realms over the years, making notable big-screen appearances in "Pineapple Express," "The Blackcoat's Daughter," "RED," "Django Unchained," and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," as well as contributing to the "X-Men," "Transformers," and "Fast & Furious" franchises. On television, Remar has turned up for roles on "Sex and the City," "The Vampire Diaries," "Gotham," "Animal Kingdom," "Yellowstone," "The Rookie," and the recent Arrowverse hit "Black Lightning." Still, Remar is perhaps best known to modern TV viewers for his series-long stint on "Dexter," where he portrayed the title character's murderous adoptive papa, Harry Morgan.'
0 notes
thelovelydreamer17 · 5 years ago
The Lost Adventures - Teaser
Summary: Starting junior year in a new school halfway through the semester was already hard, but after you and your biology partner make an alarming discovery it was starting to look like a walk in the park.  
Relationships: Robert Downey Jr. x Daughter! Reader, Eventual Tom Holland x Reader (As in later in the series) 
Word Count: 1,932
Warnings: Slight mentions of anxiety
Prompt: “I’m sorry, you’re what now?”
A/N: Here is my part in @afictionaladventure16 2K Celebration Challenge! It is loosely inspired by their series Safe and Sound, one of my all-time favorite stories. I haven’t posted anything in a long time, so go easy on me, please! This is sort of a prologue/teaser for the storyline. I have a lot of ideas on where to take this, should anyone want to read it. I hope you enjoy and have a Happy New Year!
You paced back and forth in front of the couch, biting on the side of your thumb. Indio was supposed to be here five minutes ago, you only had so much time before Robert was done filming and would be coming back. The minutes were counting down as your worry went up. As you crawled into the fifteen-minute mark you decided that this was ridiculous. Grabbing your bag off the counter, you swung it over your shoulder and hurried to the trailer door to get the hell out of here before anyone came back. Just as you were about to open the door, it swung open nearly hitting you clear across the face. 
“Shit, Y/N.” Indie waited until you had moved back before pushing it open enough so that he could slip in. He set the small cardboard box he was holding down on the little kitchen table and kicked the door shut with his foot. 
“You’re late.” You started to pace again, not being able to sit still. 
“I know, sorry.” He opened the box and started to pull out what you were going to need. “Mom was home and it took longer than I thought to sneak it away from her and then Andre stopped me at the front gate to talk about school.” 
“He’s going to be here any minute.” You let him take the bag out of your hands, crossing you then freed arms against your stomach. “This is a horrible idea.” 
“It’s a great idea, and I got Holland to try and stall him. It should work for a few minutes. Now come sit down and please stop pacing. You’re making me anxious.” 
You looked at him incredulously, “I’m making you anxious? How are you not already anxious?” 
“Because I know this is a good idea and I’ve been wanting to do this from the start.” He sighed and stood up, halting your steps as he placed your hands on your shoulders, grounding you. “I can remember the few years after you were taken when he was so full of grief and worry that he would drink himself into a haze, and then when that wouldn’t work he would switch to drugs just to make it a little easier. It took him years to finally come to terms with what happened, and get clean, but I know that he still struggles with it. 
“Every year on our birthday we light a candle for you, mom always will make a small little cupcake and we light the candle and make a wish that even if you don’t come back to us, that you are happy and safe and loved.” You wiped your eyes with the heel of your hand, letting out a sniff. 
“If only that wish came true.” He wraps you up in a hug, the solid six inches he had over you making it feel like a warm blanket. 
“And that is why we are doing this, so that can be true.” Giving you a kiss on the top of the head he pushed you away, “Now, let’s get this show on the road. Holland won’t be able to keep him away much longer and we need to get your nerves under control and get a plan together.” 
You wiped your eyes once more and nodded. Indie gave you a soft smile before handing you the box you kept in your bag.
“I honestly don’t know what half the shit in here is,” You let out a laugh and took it from him, walking over to join him at the table. He had started to lay out the papers and documents that you were going to use as both proof and evidence. You still hadn’t decided if you were going to press charges, but Indie was sure that Robert would want to. 
You had just placed down your copy of adoption records when the door burst open once more, this time without nearly knocking you out. Your eyes shot up and you felt your throat clench when you saw Robert standing in the doorway, a confused look on his face. Tom popped up over his shoulder, mouthing an apology to the two of you. Quickly putting down the papers, you took a half step away from the table as Indio tried to fix the situation. 
“Hey, Dad. How was filming?” He ever so carefully slid the papers under each other behind his back, and your thumbnail ended up between your teeth once more. 
“It was good, now does someone want to tell me what’s going on?” He fully entered the room, crossing his arms as he raised his brows at his son. “I’m assuming this has to do with Holland trying to get me to taste everything at the buffet table?”
You shot Tom a look of wonder, and he just shrugged, stepping into the trailed and closing the door behind him. 
“You guys said to stall him and I ran out of ideas.” You stared at him a moment longer until he added, “And I was also hungry.” 
Indie let out a chuckle and was about to add to the conversation when Robert interrupted him again. 
“Aren’t you the biology partner?” He was looking straight at you and you felt your face heat up without your approval. You nodded, your eyes flashing between Indie’s and Tom’s. If you were anxious before, you were damn near a heart attack now. This was not how this was supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen this way. 
“Yeah, she is.” Indie said slowly, “But there’s something else that she is as well, something that we need to tell you.” 
“Are you two dating?” You let out a high pitched laugh that sounded slightly on the verge of hysteria. 
“Dating, oh my god what is happening.” Your voice had risen three octaves and you run your hands through your hair before sitting down on the edge of the couch. You could feel their eyes on you, and Indio inched closer, letting you know of his unspoken support. 
“No, we’re definitely not dating.” He let out a sigh, turning around to grab all the papers behind you in an unorganized clump. “You’re probably going to want to sit down.” 
He walked over and sat next to you, leaving Robert to the armchair directly across from you both. Neither of you noticed as Tom snuck out of the trailer to give the three of you time to talk.
“Do you have the test results?” Indie asked you, mentioning the DNA results that started this all. 
You nodded and grabbed the box off the side table, digging through it until you produced the two thick pieces of paper. They were the official DNA results, you had both figured that the classwork would not suffice in this situation. 
“Okay, so I’m not really sure where to start this.” Indio glanced at you, and for the first time that day, he looked unsure of the situation. You gnawed on your lip, looking down at the papers that were just out of view of his dad. 
“Dio, what’s going on. You know you can tell me anything.” Robert said softly, making you both look up at him. Seeing the truth in his face, you made the decision for both of you. Grabbing the papers out of Indie’s hands you arranged them into a way that would make sense and passed them over to Robert. He took them,  his eyes not leaving yours as he scrunched his forehead in confusion. 
“Just read them. We can explain anything else afterward.” He nodded and started to look through them, switching pages every few seconds. You felt as though the air had been sucked out of the room as you waited for him to finish. When he got to the DNA results, his eyes flashed upward, looking between the both of you with suspicion. Finally, he set them down on the table between you and crossed his arms over his chest. Your gaze met Indie’s as you both wondered what the older man was thinking. 
It was silent, the tension in the room building until your leg started to shake again on its own accord. 
“I don’t understand what this means.” One look at Indio’s face told you that he wasn’t going to be any help, and you were forced to bite the bullet yourself. 
“I’m your daughter, his twin.” There was a moment's pause and when no reaction was made you continued on. “I was taken for what I think was this illegal black market adoption ring, people would steal kids and them sell them for a lot of money for this ring who would them sell them to other people who would think it was a legit adoption company. Usually rich, desperate people. 
I would have stayed there with them, but they were in a car crash a few years after they adopted me and I was put into foster care. I bounced around for a while until I ended up at the school that was partnered with Hamptons Bay for a Bio project, a DNA comparison project. Indie and I happened to be paired up, and we figured it out but then there was the contest, and then the Thymes and I wanted to wait but Indie and Tom said that we shouldn’t, and we were going to do this in a smoother way where we could ease you into the idea, but then Indie was late and you were coming and so we just had to blurt it out and,” 
He cut you off, making your mouth close with a clank of your teeth. 
“I’m sorry, you’re what now?” He looked at you, then changed his gaze to his son who had been awfully quiet since the conversation started. 
“She’s what now?” Swallowing Indie flipped through the papers on the counter before pulling out the two DNA results and your original birth certificate and the fake copy that the adoption ring had made. 
“She’s my twin, your daughter.” He laid all four out in front of Robert, “She’s Y/N.” 
This time, Robert took in the information and understood what he was looking at. You could see his eyes start to water and when he looked up at you again you could see that he understood. 
“It really is you.” He said it softly, a tone that you had never heard in the movies and interviews you had seen of him. It was a tone that was reserved only for his family. “You came back.” 
He stood up and moved over to crouch in front of you. Gently, he unraveled your arms and took your hands in his, his grip loose enough to allow you to pull away should you choose. When you didn’t, his grip tightened slightly as he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“We’ve missed you, Kid. You might not remember us, and to you, we’re probably strangers, but I have never stopped loving you or believe that you were still out there. Never.” You felt your own eyes water slightly at his words. Nobody had ever told you something with so much love and trust. This as a man you barely knew who had shown you more kindness in the last half an hour than anyone had in the past ten years. Sure, you had some good homes, with some nice parents, but they had never loved or cared for you as Robert claimed he did. 
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afictionaladventure16 · 6 years ago
k so what about an rdj x teen daughter or something along those lines, and she doesn’t want/is self conscious about him coming to her school play bc he’s so good, and what if i let him down or something like that?? i love your writing and i just thought you would do great with this prompt
I’m Trying To Make You Proud (Robert Downey Jr x Daughter!Reader)
A/N: I may have changed it up a bit… anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic! Sorry, it took so long! 
Actors Masterlist
Character Taglist 
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 1,920
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Robert had was notified through a letter about your grades, he was concerned about it and even though Susan said she’d go for him, he refused to just sit at home about this. So, there he was. Sitting at the principal’s office, feeling as if he was a teen again, waiting to be scolded for no reason. Okay, maybe for some particular reason, but this time it felt like for no reason. He tried his best to remind himself that he wasn’t there for himself but for you and no matter the outcome of the meeting he was going to try his hardest to help you through whatever you were struggling with at school. 
“Mr. Downey!” He heard your principal say. 
Robert quickly stood up, shaking your principal’s hand, “please call me, Robert.” 
The principal smiled before taking a seat behind his desk, “Robert,” he repeated, Robert regretted having the principal call him by his first name because now it sure did feel like he was going to get in trouble. “I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked you to come to speak with me today.” 
Robert chuckled, “yes, and all this waiting has made me feel like I am a teen again, I hope I’m not getting detention for the spitballs I did in class,” Robert said causing the principal to laugh. 
“No, no, as a matter of fact, I think this meeting is quite pointless. I could’ve just told you over the phone that your daughter is exceeding in her classes. Especially with all her after-school programs,” the principal said as he viewed your transcripts, “she’s an amazing student, Robert.” 
Robert smiled proudly, “well, she does tend to take after me… in some ways.” 
“That she does! You must have been so proud when you heard she got the leading role in the school play,” 
Robert looked at the principal confused, “I’m sorry?” 
“Y/N, you’re daughter, you must’ve been proud when you heard she got the leading role in the school play, were you not?” 
Robert didn’t know what was going on but he put on a face, smiling at the principal, “extremely proud!” 
The principal smiled, “I’ll expect to you see you on opening night tomorrow?” 
Robert chuckled, “you know it! And every other night they will be performing too!” 
The principal laughed, “now that’s the kind of support I love to see from a parent, again I am so deeply sorry that you had to come all this way for something that could’ve been done over the phone.” 
“It’s fine,” Robert said as he got up from his seat. “I’ll see you tomorrow at opening night then,” he said as he shook the man’s hand before leaving the room. 
Robert walked into his house, quite expecting his two youngest kids to come running up to him but once he was greeted with nothing he remembered that they were at a friends house for the afternoon. His mind wandered back to what the principal had mentioned. 
“Robert? Is that you?” He heard his wife, Susan, call out from the living room. 
“Yeah,” he said softly as he walked into the living room. 
“How’d it go?” she asked as she watched Robert sit down on the couch beside her. She closed the book she had been reading to give Robert her full attention. 
“Did you know that Y/N got the lead role in a play?” 
“What?” She asked in awe, “well, that’s amazing!” 
“Opening night is tomorrow.” 
“Wait, what?” 
“Exactly,” Robert said softly, “she didn’t tell us about it.” 
“Well, maybe there was a good reason?” 
Robert shook his head, “what good reason could there be to not tell your own parents about getting the lead in a play?” Susan stayed silent, “exactly, there’s not.” Robert got up from the couch, “is she home?” 
“She’s in her room,” Susan said softly, “go easy on her, Robert.” 
Robert sighed before leaving the living room, he made his way down the hall. He softly knocked on your door, “come in!” he heard you say from the other side of the door. 
He slowly opened the door, taking in the view of you sitting at your desk, doing your homework. His mind couldn’t wrap around the idea that you wouldn’t tell him about the play. He wondered why you would do such a thing, was he not supportive enough? Were you afraid of his reaction? “Hey!” You said as you noticed your dad standing in your room, “what’s up?” you placed your pen down to give your full attention to him. 
“Uh- I-I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow night,” Robert lied, “maybe we can have a father-daughter date. We can go to Olive Garden?” He asked with a suggestive wink. 
You immediately froze at the mention of tomorrow night, “uh- I c-can’t,” your mind raced to find something to lie about, “study group! I have a study group tomorrow night! I was gonna ask you today if it was okay with you if I went to a friends house for a study group.” 
Robert’s heart shattered, you were lying to him straight to his face, “Why not have it here? Our house is pretty spacious.” 
“Uh- because my friend’s parents are very conservative and they don’t really let them go over friends houses,” you were pretty impressed with your lie. 
Robert hummed in response, “well, next time, right?” he said with a small smile. 
You nod, “yeah!”
 Robert walked over and placed a small kiss on your forehead, “I’m proud of you, hon,” he said softly, Robert was proud of you. Not just because you were doing so well in school but also because you were doing so well in the arts. In something that he had been so worried, you might feel pressured to achieve because of his status. He never wanted you to do something just because of him, he always wanted you to just follow your dreams even if it meant taking a different route than he did. 
Before you could even respond your dad was already gone, you had felt so bad for lying to him and you so wanted to tell him about the play but you just couldn’t. You weren’t as good as him and you felt like you would only be a disappointment if he saw the play. 
Robert walked back into the living room, “how’d it go?” Susan asked as he sat back down beside her. 
“She lied to me,” he said in a surprised manner, he let out a dry chuckle, “straight to my face. She lied to me straight to my face when I asked her if she wanted to hang out tomorrow night, Susan.” 
Susan placed a comforting hand on her husband’s shoulder, “maybe you should surprise her by going to the play,” she suggested, “just yourself.” 
“Just me?”
She nods, “it’s obvious you need to go by yourself, babe, we’ll go all together as a family the next day, but you need to go and show your support.” Robert was right, if he was going to do this he had to do this by himself. So that way you could feel liberated to speak to him. 
The scene of the opening night made you feel jitters. Your drama teacher was running around trying to make some final adjustments, but the sounds of everyone talking so loudly made you feel so overwhelmed. You fumbled with your thumbs as you recited your lines to yourself. Regret started to settle in your stomach, all you wanted to do was to run to your father’s arms for comfort. You wanted him there beside you to ease the nerves that were going through your mind. 
“Curtains up in five minutes!” Someone yelled. 
“Are you ready, Y/N?” Your drama teacher asked as she looked over your costume one more time. Your scene wasn’t until a couple of scenes in. You were cast as Cosette so that meant you had to wear a blonde wig. You gave your drama teacher a nod before they wandered off to make sure other students costumes were correct. 
Robert sat where he knew you couldn’t see him, he watched in amazement throughout the whole show. Amazed by the amount of talent your fellow students had. When you showed up for your scene, Robert smiled, but it wasn’t until you started singing In My Life that Robert began to feel moved to tears. He sat there watching as you put emotion to the words you sang, he heard sniffling around him. You had brought others to tears. 
Once the show was finished, Robert made his way backstage, trying his best not to get recognized. He noticed a paper on one of the dressing rooms, with your name on it. He knocked softly, “come in!” he heard your voice say. He sighed as he opened the door, you hadn’t taken notice of him as you were too busy trying to take the makeup off your skin. 
“That was a pretty amazing performance, kiddo.” 
The sound of your dads’ voice startled you, you quickly stopped everything you were doing to turn around to face him, “dad.” 
“I was pretty hurt that you didn’t tell me about the play,” he said as he closed the door behind him.
“I wanted to tell you,” you said softly. 
“Then why didn’t you?” 
You sighed as you finished taking off your makeup, discarding the wipe, “because I was afraid of what you might say because I’m not as good as you.” 
“Not as good,” He scoffed, “Y/N, honey,” he walked over to you, pulling you into an embrace, “I never want you to feel afraid to tell me these sorts of things, I’m sorry if I ever did something to make you feel that way.” He let go of the embrace, placing his hands on your face so you would look at him, “I was so impressed by your performance if anything I think you’re better at acting than I am.” 
“So, you don’t think I’m a horrible actress?” 
He chuckled, “you’re an amazing actress, Y/N.” he sighed, “I just want to support you in everything you do and I can’t do that if you’re keeping secrets from me, honey.” He couldn’t help but smile at the memory of your performance, “ugh, I am so fucking proud of you!” 
You smiled and hugged him again, “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you.” 
He kissed the top of your head, “it’s okay,” he sighed. 
“I wish mom was here to see it,” you mumbled. 
“What are you talking about? We’re all going to come tomorrow to see the play.” 
“Wait, you wouldn’t mind seeing it again?” 
He smirked, “I bought tickets for all showings,” he said, “I also may or may have not told some friends who are now set on coming to see you perform.” 
Your eyes widen, “who?!” 
“Scarlett, Chris, Sebastian, Other Chris, Mark… Hey, you hungry?” He asked trying to change the subject. 
“Dad! That’s too much pressure!” you exclaimed.
“You’ll do great! I believe in you!” He placed an arm around you, “but seriously, I’m starving.” You rolled your eyes as you followed your dad out of your dressing room. You felt bad for not telling him sooner, but now you were dead set on telling him about all your acting choices. Your dad is Robert Downey Jr. for christ sakes, of course, you were going to have amazing theatre skills, you took after him after all.
Permanent Taglist: @otomefan @dejaazaro @culturebay @kpopishilarious @fireproof-heaven @iloveyouthreethousand-o6  @weappreciatepower @whereyoustand  @white-wolf-buckaroo @spider-woman22 @coffee-habit @supernaturallover2002 @barnes-parker @therealmrshale @myinternetissoslow @myhippiehopes @celyndavies @xzowiex @ximaginx @wooshytooshy @ellaorelizabeth @rororo06  @chloe-geoghegan1 @hdthdthdt @unapologeticallymimi   @glitterquadricorn @lady-of-lies  @cassmoreiraxo @just4muggles @mellorine-paprika  @agirlruinedbybands @yougottalovefandoms @avngrsinitiative @lizlil
Robert Downey Jr. Taglist: @icegirl2772 @galaxy-meteor @snowangle1994 @imsarahsexual @livi-lu @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @edgyhargreeves @noobmaster63 @tonystarkismyboy @kayleigh2703 @xiumin-girl99 @linnyalou @peachacracy @buckybcrness @adriennechavez @thewintersoldier1124  @leni-liv @booksarebae2000 @scarletmeii
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rnebbie · 3 years ago
Can you pick me up? (Request)
Tony stark x teen! Reader
Request description: Request: could you do something with tony x teen! reader, where reader was supposed to be picked up from somewhere (school, sports game, idk) but their parent bails and they call tony instead. maybe he brings their favourite food and they listen to dad rock on the way home. if not thats cool too :)
Requested by: anonymous
Warnings: parental issues, mention of getting drunk & mention of feeling sick
(A/n): I’m sorry I’ve been gone! I hope u guys like this and I cant promise to be better but I will promise to try. Love u all and I’ll try to get to work on these requests. I didn’t proof read so if there’s a ton of fuck ups that’s why. I love u guys goodbye
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You sit on the steps outside of your school's front doors, shivering as you’d been waiting in the freezing cold weather for the past 45 minutes for your mother to pick you up. But alas, there you sit.
You click on her contact again for the hundredth time scrolling up to see all the texts you’d sent her tonight and all the missed calls she’d just brushed off. You know nothings wrong because this is something she does all the time. Most days she just loses all care about you and you’re left in the dust.
You feel a frustration tear roll down your cheek and you quickly reach up to brush it away. She doesn’t deserve your time, she doesn’t deserve your care. But it just sucks that you have to be left alone to deal with it yourself.
You would’ve gone home with one of your friends if you’d known your mother was going to ghost you again. And you feel so stupid for not knowing she was going to do this. She always does.
Your school dance ended almost an hour and a half ago. You had waited longer than that before for your mother, and you would still wait longer now if you knew she was coming, but you know she’s not coming at this point, so once again you’re left to your own devices to figure that out for yourself.
You finally work up the courage to walk back into the school to see if any teachers are left and someone could maybe drive you home, but once you go to reach for the handles and pull on them, it immediately becomes clear that they were locked, and they had been for a while.
You sigh heavily and hang your head, resting your face on your hands. You rub your face and take a few steps backwards to sit down on the steps again. You pull out your phone half hoping to see your mothers name come up texting you that she’s on her way. But of course, your screen is void of notifications.
There’s only one person you can think of, and you hate that he’s probably the only option. You scroll for a second before tapping on his number and calling him. You start to lose hope as the phone rings more than once, thinking about how many times you’ve heard the ringing tonight while calling your mother. But he picks up after a few rings, “hey kid, what’s up?” He asks.
You take a shaky breath before responding, “hi, Tony. I’m sorry to bother you, are you busy?” You shiver again and run your hand down your knee, feeling the goosebumps that line your skin. “Nope, don’t worry. What’s up with you, why'd you call me?” Tony shakes his head from where he’s sitting in his lab as if you can see him.
“I-If you can't help that’s fine, and I’m sorry I have to ask, but I’m stuck at school and my mom won’t answer her phone. I’m really sorry, but could you pick me up?” You ramble on, feeling terrible and selfish. Your stomach hurts, but you can’t tell if it’s because of the fact that you haven’t eaten all night, or if it’s the guilty feeling that makes you feel sick. You get that when you have to ask people to help you.
When Tony doesn’t answer immediately you bite your lip and brace yourself for not only the rejection you’ll get from Tony, but also for the walk home in this weather.
You hear a door on Tony’s end close and his keys rattle. “I’m already on my way, kid. You're just at your high school, right?” He says as you hear his car start. “Yes, sir. Thank you so much.” You beamed, because you can’t help but smile out of relief.
He Hums in reply, “do you need me to bring you anything?” He asks. Out of habit and not wanting to burden him further you immediately answer, “no thank you, I’m just fine.” And you accidentally cut him off from replying, “Actually, I’m a little cold, I was wondering if you could bring me a blanket or something.” You sniffle, you know Tony won’t like that.
“Yep, will do. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Hang in there, y/n.” He answered. You hang up the phone and shut it off. For those few minutes you were talking to him you completely forgot about your mother. And you feel upset all over again when you remember she forgot about you entirely. You wish you didn’t have to reap the consequences of her bad behavior because she wanted to get drunk and do her own thing. You wished she didn’t embarrass you every day, most days multiple times.
A few minutes go by before you hear the roaring of Tony’s expensive car engine down the road. You look up from your phone and a few seconds later he’s in front of your school. You stand up and lightly smile towards Tony’s car, even though you can’t see him because his windows are tinted. You open the door to the passenger's seat and duck into the car, shutting the door and turning your gaze towards Tony.
He stares at you for a few seconds knowingly. You tried not to make it obvious that something was bothering you but he could tell. You fear if you stare into his eyes for any longer you could break, so you reach to the other side of your seat to buckle your seatbelt silently. Your hands linger motionlessly for a couple of seconds before looking up at him again.
“You okay?” He questions you, you nod quickly and fake a smile. “It was a fun night. One of my friends got shit faced and had to be taken home like thirty minutes into the dance.” You laugh, trying to change the atmosphere of the car. Tony smiles, catching the vibe you’re trying to give off, and starts to drive down the road. You grab the blanket from the backseat and lay it over your legs.
“Thanks again.” You look out the window at the lights passing by quickly. “Of course, kid. Anything you need.” He says, making you feel comfortable. You tilt your head back til it rests on the headrest. Tony turns the heat up for you, and you smile at him in thankfulness.
“Are you hungry?” Tony asks, you shake your head, knowing you’ll just eat when you get home. God forbid Tony has to spend money on you. But to your dismay, your stomach growls just after you told Tony you’re not hungry. You didn’t mean to be ignoring your hunger, you just wanted to get home so you could be alone and soothe yourself since you knew no one else would.
“You sure?” He eyes you from the driver's seat. “I guess I could eat, but I’m not dying of hunger. I’ll be fine” you assure him. He nods, before abruptly turning the car into a Burger King drive through. “Tony, it’s fine I swear.” You look at him. He nods, “I'm hungry, kid. Can I eat?”
You smile and chuckle lightly. He pulls up to the drive through window. “Two cheeseburgers please.” He orders. Within the minute you have the bag with your food. He hands you one of the two cheeseburgers and parks in the parking lot. “Thank you.” You take it from his hand and smile.
He unwraps his burger and you do the same. You two sit silently eating for a minute.
“Your mom bailed on you again?” He looked at you. You sigh, you hate how often this happens. And how everyone seems to expect her behavior besides you. Everyone seems to know not to trust her again, and doesn’t give her another chance, besides you. You always forgive her and most times you forget about it. Out of all people, you deserve to hate her, right? So why don’t you?
You just nod. You’re not in the mood to defend her like you always do, but you just don’t want to talk about it. Tony understands how you feel. He usually makes you talk to him, so if anyone were to know what you were feeling, it would be him. But he lets you off the hook for today.
“Next time you have an event you need a ride to or from, let me know, alright?” He takes another bite of his burger. You nod, “thank you Tony.” Is all you say.
“And do you still have practice on Thursday? Do you need a ride?” He asks. You turn your head to him, smiling. You’re surprised he remembered your schedule. You had to remind your mother of it several times a week and she still always forgot. “I do.” You reply. “Alright, then I’ll see you on Thursday.” He says. You look out your window and smile. It’s nice to have someone who looks out for you and treats you like they care. You wish your mother could even fake it for you. But at least you have Tony.
Once you two finish eating, he turns the radio on and his 80s playlist starts shuffling. He turns the volume up all the way and rolls all the windows in the car down. “Tony.” You whine and put your face in your palm, and he belts the chorus out in response.
Halfway back to your house, Tony turns the music down. “It’s pretty late, and last time I had to drop you off at your house, your door was locked and we had to wait a while. Do you wanna sleep at the tower?” He asks.
You act like you’re thinking about it but the second he offered you’d already decided yes.”if that’s okay.” You respond. He nods and turns the radio back up all the way. You sigh while smiling and look out the window as your hair gets messed up from the aggressive wind.
Once the two of you get back to the tower you go to the room Tony has already set up for you. You've used it a few times in the past and you feel more at home in that room than you do in your entire house. Just like how you feel more comfortable and more like yourself around Tony than you do with your own mother.
You change into a pair of pajamas he’d washed and folded and kept in your room for nights like this, “have you seen those pajamas I left here last time I stayed over?” You’d asked him, thinking he threw them out or shoved them somewhere to hand to you next time he saw you. “They’re in your dresser.” He answered as if it was nothing. And really, It wasn’t that important. But to you it meant everything.
When you were pulling your blankets down and unmaking your bed to get into it, he knocked on your door. You told him to come in and he opened it, just to say goodnight to you. That gesture alone made you feel so important and loved. You walked over to where he was standing at the door and hugged him. He stood stiff for a moment before hugging you back. “Thank you for everything, Tony.” You said, hiding the tears that were finally coming out of your eyes.
“I love you, kid.” He replied. And you sniffled. “I love you.”
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker
Lmk if u want to be added to my tag list <3
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bellarkeselection · 3 years ago
Attractive Stranger
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Tony stark's daughter accidentally opens a doorway to an alternate universe and Andrew Garfield's spiderman comes though and they need to work together to get him back to his universe
@sessa23 @underoostarks @rosie-posie08 @makeshift-prime
Part 2
Part 3
Laying in a chair in my father's lab filled with Iron Man suits while my father was fixing one of the flight thrusters that was broken. I keep tossing a gold ring in the air that he got from someone named Doctor Strange from the battle with the purple guy from space. "Sweetheart can you hand me that rench?" He asked pointing to the one near my foot that I grabbed playing with the ring until it glows. I hand my father the tool gasping as a orange circle portal opens up behind him. My father raised his brows seeing someone walking out wearing a Spider-Man suit. "Kid, how'd you get in here. This is trustpassing?" The stranger removed the mask and I feel my cheeks heating up at seeing its not our Spider-Man.
"I am Peter Parker and I'm Spider-Man." The guy had brown hair and eyes almost matching the young Parker we knew. But there was no way that he just returned since Thanos wiped out half the universe. Getting to my feet I had to admit I found this Peter attractive if he's telling the truth. "You're pulling my leg, you're not Parker." My father pointed his tool towards him as I got to my feet thinking up something. "Climb the wall or web shooters." I moved my hands in a circle before the new Peter jumped up sticking to the ceiling by his right hand questioning. "This proof enough, Ms..." He trailed off staring down at me where I hold my hand out that he shakes. "Y/n Stark."
Suddenly my father pulled me backwards behind his chest eyeing the guy hanging from his ceiling. "Don't touch my daughter, you space creature." He warned raising his hand so his hand blaster attached to his right hand. Peter dropped down his eyes lighting up at what he just saw. "Woah how did you do that. Do you create that in a lab or were you electrocuted by something metal?" My father knitted his eyebrows together trying to be intimidating towards our intruder. "Nevermind that back to my questions. How the hell did you get here and what do you want so called Peter Parker?" Peter shrugged his shoulders moving his hands around rambling off science terms sounding like my father with his technology terms. "I'm not sure how I'm here exactly. My guess is that is has something to do with uh - String theory. Multi dimensional reality and matter displacement..."
I step around my father who glared wanting me to stay away from him being overprotective. I pick up his wrist seeing a tech sort of thing on his wrist needing an answer. "What are these. Did you make them. Because I thought you get bit by a spider?" Peter smiled bending his head down embarrassed about you holding his hand, even though he wasn't apposed to it at all. "I uh - I did. But I made these to control my web shooting...like in a lab type thing. There were a few mess ups..." He rubbed the back of his neck staring down at me since I'm not as tall as him. "I just don't know how to get back to - um my world. Do you think you could help, Y/n?" I smiled softly up to him getting interrupt my father's shouting. "There will be no romantic involvement with my daughter what so ever!" Whipping my head around I groaned back to him feeling my face turning red and apparently Peter was blushing too.
"Dad seriously. Nothing is going to happen he needs our help that's all!" I throw my hands up flipping my hair over my shoulder. He lowers his hand blaster shaking his head with a serious look on his face. He could see that you got embarrassed around this Peter unlike with the one he knew. So he wasn't taking any chances, Pepper your mother would be on your side if she wasn’t away on a business trip. "Mr Stark, I promise I won't date your daughter while I'm here." Peter held his hands up reassuring him hoping to not get shot. My father plopped down in his rolling chair calling for his AI. "Jarvis, see if you can find Thor anywhere on Earth and patch me through to S. H. I. E. L. D." The AI response suprised Peter. "Yes, sir." He glanced down to me with a shocked smile on his face. "It's just like Oscorp. An artificial intelligence, right?" My father nodded his head to his statement. "Smart answer, Parker." One way or another we were going to get this Spider-Man back home.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
I honestly had fun writing what their interaction would be.
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elles-archives · 3 years ago
Optional Family
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(Pictures from Pinterest)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Optional Family
Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader (platonic), RDJ x Reader (platonic)
People included: Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans.
Request Summary: you don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable, but could you maybe do a peter parker x stark!reader (or just stark!daughter reader), where the reader is diagnosed with cancer and tony, peter and the rest of the avengers help her through the side effects, like peter/tony shave their hair when she looses it to chemo. thank you
A/N: I don’t really write Peter Parker x Reader; however, I really like you request. I changed it so it is a member of the cast has been diagnosed with cancer. She plays Tony Starks daughter and dates Peter Parker, so she is really close with all the actors. I hope you still like it any way and thank you so much for your request. xx
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: A cancer diagnosis was the last thing you thought you’d have. But when it comes, you have the best people to support you through everything.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, talks of Cancer, maybe a curse word, sensitive content. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU FIND THE CONTENT UNCOMFORTABLE.
You knew you had to talk to the Russo Brothers. You had to tell them what was going on. What your diagnosis was.
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You had noticed a mole on your skin had gotten bigger. You had never paid much mind to it before but as you were moisturizing, you felt a change in texture and saw that it increased in size. Initially you didn’t think anything of it. In hindsight you should have. The next time you thought to check you saw the become darker and it had again grown.
This time you spoke to your parents. Your Mom took a look and at once booked you a doctor’s appointment and came with you. You knew straight away that something was wrong when you saw the look on the doctor’s face. it was confirmed something was wrong when they sent you for tests. Despite the doctor saying it was ‘routine,’ there was a voice in the back of your head, a gut feeling, that your mole had become more than that.
You took the tests and a few weeks later you had to go back for the results. The morning of your appointment, you noticed another mark on your skin. Planning to tell the doctor at your appointment, it took all your courage and strength to attend.
Sitting in the waiting room was the most daunting part. You didn’t know exactly how close you were to getting your test results and you had nothing to keep your mind off of it. Soon enough the doctor called your name. you didn’t hear it to start with, but your Mom shook you out of your trance and helped you through to the consultant room.
“So, as you know we ran some tests, and we now have the results back. I am sorry to tell you Y/N, but it came back as the mark on your skin being a melanoma. Which is a type of Cancer. There are few treatment options available…”
You stopped listening as soon as the doctor said Cancer. You always had an instinct, but the confirmation was giving you a feeling of nausea that you had never felt before. Every so often you would hear the words ‘surgery’ or ‘lymph nodes’ but you weren’t taking in the information. You looked at your Mom and noticed that she had tears running down her face.
Eventually, you went home where your Mom immediately spoke to your Dad. However, you felt stuck. The only thing you could think of was you were gonna die. If you had been in a state to listen to the doctor you would have known that actually if the treatment was successful, then you should be on the road to recovery soon.
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Your management team decided that you only had to tell the directors. Anyone else that could know would be completely up to you. Depending on treatment meant that you would have to consider taking time off work to recover.
You felt like your life was falling apart and all you wanted to do was lay in bed all day and cry. However, you knew that you had to tell someone at work about the diagnosis and that hiding from it was not going to make it go away.
So here you were, standing outside the set ready to tell them everything. As you entered the premises, Tom Holland over waved you. You and Tom played love interests in the films, and you maintained a strong friendship outside of filming. This was because with you being two of the youngest on set, you were gently bullied by the rest of the cast.
Sighing you make your way over to the Brit. You know he always means well, however, at this precise moment in time, the last thing you want to do is engage in optimistic small talk.
“Hey, Y/N/N. I thought you weren’t working today?” Tom questioned obviously confused by your presence.
“Oh yeah, well there were a few scheduling issues I needed to discuss.” You lied. You hated lying, especially to Tom, however, you didn’t want to tell him you had cancer. It’s not that you didn’t trust him, but you didn’t want him to see you differently, or treat you like you were fragile.
“It’s good to see you anyway. Are you free tonight? It’s been a while since we’ve spent time together and a few people are coming.” Tom seemed so excited.
“Actually, I’m busy tonight but I’ll come out with you another night.” You tried to smile and shrug it off. Unfortunately, for you Robert was standing behind you and heard you decline Tom’s offer.
“That’s unlike you Y/N, you normally love to come out with us all.” You didn’t have to turn round to know that he had caught onto your lie.
“Me and my Mom have something planned tonight.” You lied again, not being able to look Robert in the eye.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Robert asked and put a comforting hand on your arm. That’s all it took for the waterworks to start, catching the attention of a few people around you, including Elizabeth, Scarlett, and Evans.
Tom and Robert quickly ushered you to your trailer, away from prying eyes, knowing that at that moment you needed some privacy. It took a while for you to calm down but both Tom and Robert were patient with you.
“What’s going on Y/N?” Tom questioned. You took a deep breath.
“I have cancer.” You confessed quietly. You felt the pair of them tense up, but soon Tom wrapped you up in a hug while Robert sat in silence.
“How bad is it?” Robert asked.
“I have to have surgery and then potentially a biopsy to make sure it hasn’t spread to my lymph nodes. They caught it fairly early.” You told him.
The three of you were sitting in silence when there was a knock on the trailer door. Robert got up and opened it to a very worried looking Elizabeth, Scarlett, and Chris. With a nod of your head, Robert let the three of them in. No one said anything for a while but eventually you spoke up.
“You don’t have to stay with me.” You told them.
“What’s going on Y/N? You don’t have to tell us but is it anything we should be worried about?” Chris asked. You took a shaky breath before looking down.
“I have cancer. They caught it early, but I am going to need surgery.” You told them. You saw all their faces morph into worry and then pity. “I’m gonna be alright but I just don’t want anyone else to know. I was supposed to tell someone today, but I don’t have any energy to now.” You confessed.
There was something about the people who had all crowded in your trailer that made you feel safe. You optional family.
“It’s okay kid. Let’s get you home.” Robert stood up and went on his phone to call a cab or something.
“I have the rest of the day off; do you want me to come with you?” Tom asked. You didn’t want to bother anyone, but you really needed your best friend, so you nodded. You got up and were instantly wrapped in the arms of Elizabeth and Scarlett. Their silent way of showing support. Chris then wrapped his arms around you before you and Tom went to the care Robert ordered.
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When you got home, you and Tom sat on the couch watching crappy films and eating ice cream. Tom treating you as he would normally helping you take your mind off of everything. You felt relaxed for the first time in weeks, knowing that whatever you had to face, you wouldn’t be alone.
Part 2 >>
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if it’s not too much trouble to ask, maybe a scenario with the mcu cast in which the reader is a young artist. something along the lines of billie eilish for example. if you’d prefer to just write a select few of people then i’d be just as happy with that! either way, cheers. <3
Being A Young Artist And Apart Of The Marvel Cast
MCU Cast X Teen!Reader
Warnings: none
Reader's Age: 16
A/n: Hi! I hope you don't mind but I decided to do a headcanon.
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You joined the cast after gaining fame for your music. So they all knew about you.
You quickly became apart of the family.
I completely believe that Tom Holland or one of his brothers were fans of you. Probably Paddy, so you did sign something for him.
I feel like Evans and Sebastian heard of you but never bothered listening to your music. So when they found out they'd be in a movie with you they listened to a lot all of your music.
They loved it. Also Chris's niece is probably a fan so you offered to make a video for her. She loved it.
Anthony probably heard your music from his kids. So he was familiar. He also picked on Tom for his fanboying.
Now to talk the ladies of the cast. Scarlett knew of your music, and had met you before you even auditioned.
The two of you probably met at some kind of award ceremony or something of the sorts.
You definitely had a fangirl moment when you met her. You were fan of hers it was surreal meeting her. Even more surreal when you joined the Marvel family.
"Your Scarlett Johansson!!!" You exclaimed. She chuckles at your excitement. You totally in that moment forgot you were famous, you got her autograph and a photo with her. Which both stayed framed in your room after you joined that cast which made her laugh.
Okay so you met Elizabeth your first day on set. And you guys became friends instantly.
Okay so collectively the cast would try to come to your shows whenever you were in their city or close enough to them.
Also I feel like your parents would just get used to you leaving the hotel or tour bus a few hours after a show to go meet with up with someone.
Those in the cast not living in America were always salty when they saw photos of the others with you at shows. Cause they wanted to be able to meet up with you as often as the others.
Holland was ecstatic when you announced that you were going to do a world tour. He immediately bought tickets for him, his brothers, and Harrison. Which you refunded him on because "your the brother I've always wanted" if you have a brother, he was salty when he heard you say that
Hemsworth didn't go to your show in Australia as it was on a night he was busy but he invited your family over for dinner.
Okay now to during filming movies. Cause obviously.
I feel like you'd be in your trailer writing a new song and someone would bust through the door (usually Sebastian and Anthony) they'd insist in you singing a bit of it to them.
You agree sometimes but usually you close your notebook and flip them off.
When your not in your trailer working on new songs, you in Robert's "village" arguing with Evans about your favorite Disney movies. Cause why not.
Filming would be so much fun. I feel like just to spice it up you'd randomly start singing your lines in the most mundane scenes.
Whoever was in the scene with you would ask do so to mess with the directors.
You only did it once and a while since it wouldn't be funny if you didn't it a lot.
Benedict is the only one who you didn't do that too, mostly cause you had very few scenes with him and you just forgot to do it.
The blooper reels for every movie you were in had at least 3 clips where you broke into song.
"Steve, Tony stop arguing over useless stuff we have bigger problems." You sang keeping a straight face.
"She has a point." Scarlett copied you cause the cast and some of the crew to break out into laughter.
Now to your concerts again. You obviously had to plan concerts around filming. But right after filming for Endgame, you had to fly out to the location of your concert that was the next day. You didn't realize the OG avengers talked to your parents and they ended up showing up in the crowd. You invited them on stage.
"You in the front and your group come up here." You pretended not to know it was Chris Hemsworth, and the others.
That was the only time you had a tour planned directly after filming after that you were given a month on advanced, because Chris Evans got to wild and lifted you on his shoulders. Accidently dropping you making you break your arm.
He felt so bad.
All together being in the cast was fun though. Especially when you got to meet up with them at your concerts.
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misschris1412 · 2 years ago
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Charlotte Rogers fille adoptive : Emilia Clark
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