#ro: luisa
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kalorphic · 2 years ago
Thank you to Dakota (@dakotawritesif) for tagging me to do this uquiz <3
Tagging @milaswriting @if-mirrormine @embersofhope-if @absentia-if and @zico-if (no pressure ofc) 🫶
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patient. stable. reliable. preserving and diligent. your capacity to hold focus on something you choose to is unmatched by all other planets. you were made for hard work that you love and that you know is rewarding. you are the shoulder that everyone wants to cry on, so remember you can lean on yourself when it seems there is no one else. there is nothing wrong with being self sufficient. you are justice and evenly balanced scales.
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mercy. kindness. sweet. forgiving and compassionate. you are second chances and sometimes third. you are "its ok because everyone makes mistakes." you are "i forgive you as long as you are learning." you are not held down by the demands of your ego. you believe and right and fair. open mindedness and friendship. you are mystical and magical, observant and the smell of warm bread in the morning.
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clever. intelligent and witty. wisdom, sharpness, anxiety and indecisiveness. you are the comedian. the "make someone laugh if they are crying" kind of lover. you dont want to think too much about anything because that stops you from just having fun, but your brain doesn't ever shut off. you are curious and never ending. forecast and shadows. the smell of clean sheets.
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innovative. unpredictable. resourceful. imaginative. creativity in science and disruption. oh, uranus. you were dealt the cards that don't have much to offer, but luckily you can always make them work. you are acrylic paint that has been plastered over the same canvas so many times that it is starting to have those little grooves of texture. you are ever-changing and suddenly it stops. and starts again. keep moving. nothing is wrong with not wanting to sit still.
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passion. energy. drive. determination. you are sexual and it doesn't always have to mean what it so blatantly is. you are in tune with yourself and your body and if you don't already feel it, please try to tune into it because it is so powerful. you are at war with yourself and life and it doesn't always have to be so hard. anger is not a useless emotion but do not let it control you. love is more powerful than sex will ever be. you are the smell of fresh cut grass and a satisfied job done.
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passionate. romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
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banyangulf-if · 5 months ago
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
⟡ Luisa is music obsessed, and her favorite genres are rock and folk.
⟡ Luisa loves old horror movies, but the silly sort of horror like Dracula or Frankenstein. She binges them every Halloween.
⟡ Luisa loves to go bowling — it's sort of a guilty pleasure of hers, she loves it. She would love to go on a bowling, appetizers, and drinks date.
⟡ Luisa’s love languages are quality time and gift giving.
⟡ Drew is great at science. It's a bit uncanny. Luisa calls him a weirdo for the amount of information he can retain about environmental sciences.
⟡ Drew loves to cook, and is amazing at it. Maybe it comes from working at a restaurant his whole life, but cooking has become one of his greatest skills. He's quite the pasta expert.
⟡ Drew loves the beach. He would have so much fun going on a beach picnic date, relaxing under the sun and wading in the ocean.
⟡ Drew’s love languages are physical touch and acts of service (especially cooking for someone!).
⟡ Lorelei has always wanted to be an influencer, but doesn't have the time. She thinks it would be so much fun to have a youtube channel where she vlogs, gives makeup tutorials, and films videos at the beach.
⟡ Lorelei loves Blondie. She knows every Blondie song like the back of her hand.
⟡ Lorelei loves escape rooms, and thinks a date at a complex escape room would be a dream come true.
⟡ Lorelei’s love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving.
⟡ Oscar collects old film cameras, and knows quite a bit about them. He knows much about the history of film in general, and loves to share that knowledge.
⟡ Oscar loves to paint, but he's not very good at it. His art is barely better than stick figures and distorted apples, but it makes him happy, so he keeps trying to get better.
⟡ Oscar loves museums, and wants to go on a museum date with someone and then stop at his favorite sushi place afterwards.
⟡ Oscar’s love languages are quality time and words of affirmation.
Ronan/Ruby Hall
⟡ Hall loves learning languages, but always gives up. They have a whole list of languages they someday want to be fluent in, but it's too much to take on in their current situation.
⟡ Hall loves to read, specifically thriller books. They're always on the hunt for independently published books specifically, and like to read what deviates from the mainstream.
⟡ Hall has watched Carol a few too many times, so their idea of a date is a roadtrip where you emotionally connect and realize you're soulmates immediately. Maybe it's unattainable, but one can dream, right?
⟡ Hall’s love languages are physical touch and quality time.
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what-eats-owls · 9 months ago
What's the birth order of the Ros family siblings? And was it ever stated in the text?
Oh heavens, I'm not sure if it was ever explicitly stated beyond "___ is the oldest" and "___ and ___ are twins" type stuff, so maybe it could have been puzzled out with one of those "John, Susie, Steven, and Jane are going to the movies, John HATES popcorn, Susie is sitting next to Jane" grids?? But for simplicity's sake, here's a rundown under a cut for spoilers.
Oldest to youngest, their age as of Painted Devils, and what they do:
Katrin (F) - 28, runs the family horse farm w/husband and 3 kids
Jörgi (NB) - 27, runs the family forge
Jakob (M), Udo (M), Luisa (F) - 26, triplets; weaver hedgewitch, sheep farmer, and housewife respectively
Ozkar (M) - 25, artificer warlock
Eida (F) - 24, seamstress
Helga (F) - 22, hedgewitch and midwife apprentice
Dieter (M) and Erwin (M) - 21, small-time bard and general laborer, respectively
Sånnik (M) - 20, helps on family farm
Henrik (M) - 19, monastic scholar
Vanja (F) - 17, ??? Profit
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lamarchesacasati · 2 years ago
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1920 Renato Bertelli, Marchesa Luisa Casati in Medusa Mask, Ceramic glazed ceramic with brilliant cut glass applications, h 37 cm, Ceramic Factory Salvini Ro, Ferrara, Cavallini Foundation. 
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yellowcry · 8 months ago
A little bit of sugar (and lots of poison too)
Yeah, I remembered this exists. Angst is coming here
Warning for Blood/gore and Major character death
"Isabela?" The young woman, winces, staring up at her aunt. Right now Pepa is an unspoken leader oh the household. As both Abuela and Mamá have fallen, because of somebody... She shakes her head, ditching the thought away.
There was no words to describe how bad Pepa looked. Black eyebags sat deep in her sickly pale face. She looked almost white, emaciated to the point when it really terrified Isabela, the edges of the bones were visible through the thin skin of her arms. Was Tía losing weight from anxiety or just so she would be a less attractive food, Isabela couldn't tell. 
Isabela gulped, stepping back from the fence. "Tía, you should eat something, you look ill," 
"Can't force myself to take a bite." The older woman said, taking Isabela's hand. Isabela couldn't argue with this. She barely could eat herself. "What are you doing?"
Isabela's eyes shifted to the candle. The small flame waved like a child who just got a candy. Engraved butterfly flickered in gold, flapping its wings. The same candle that saved Abuela many years ago. The same candle that kept them somehow save for now. The same candle that made Luisa invulnerable.
"Casita said we'll lose our gifts if the candle is gone." Isabela breathed in explanation. She didn't have to look back at her aunt to see her reaction. The cold wind smashing against her was enough of a reply.
"Isabela!" The thunder clouds thickened over Casita, laying with the cold shadows. "We can't just..."  The ginger woman groaned, leaning on the fencing of the second floor. "The miracle is what kept us save!" 
Now, with weather lightening her strict exhausted face, Pepa looked a lot like her mother. The same hard steadfastness, refusal to navigate.
Isabela snarled, her plants bloomed around, breaking free from her emotions. "Right now it keeps us extremely unsafe!"
The thing was obvious. There was no hope of defeating her sister like this, and it didn't seem that Luisa intend to stop her cannibalistic habits any time soon. Isabela didn't want to lose her powers too, rip the magic's wings off. But it at least gave them a chance of surviving. 
They don't say anything for a while. Isabela feels a strong wind messing her hair. The flowers lie of the floor, ripped off the beam.
"Luisa would be very strong even without a gift." Pepa whispers, rubbing her braid. Orange straids falling out from repeating movement. Isabela isn't sure. Okay, her siser might be an oversized giant, but how strong will she be? "I don't want you to..."
Isabela shakes her head, laughing. She can't let her fear show. She is Isabela, she can't be scared of Luisa. "I'd lay her on her shoulder blades with one arm." Just look confident. Tía already has two kids, Isabela didn't want ro make her even more worried. She pets her aunt's back in support. Just a thought about Luisa was enough to make her her stomach twitch. But right now it isn't important. Isabela has to fight for her family. She can deal with a little unsetting feeling. "Can you get the rest of the family somewhere safe?"
Rain drops from the sky. Isabela clentches her hands, everything will be fine.
"You won't believe what I had found!" Luisa broke into the room, excited. 
Dolores groaned, rubbing her temples.  "I'll become deaf with you one day." She fixed her coily straid behind her ear. 
Luisa chuckled and waved her arm in neglectful sorry. Eyes glimmering. "I think I had found a Ancient Greece monument!"
Isabela rolled her eyes, leaning back to Dolores to continue theor usual gossip. She would deal with her sister later, it wasn't this important right now.
Mirabel put whatever she was embroidering away. "Luisa, I love you, but if Ancient Greeks had any relation to Colombia, then I'm a humanized miracle."
Luisa bumbled under her nose, upset with the lack of interest. Not like Isabela could blame Mirabel. Luisa was literally the only person who cared about some things that Ancient people had done somewhere when they existed.
Camilo tilted his head. Even if it wasn't anything related to Greece, he couldn't care less for that, it could make a great stage. Or just be used as an inspiration for a show. "Where is it?  What did it look like?"
Luisa smile grew back, happy that at least somebody believed her. But, as she opened her mouth, it faded as fast at it appeared, replaced with a rapid twitching of her eye. "It was... I can't quite remember..." She muttered fixing her bun. "But I know I saw it! It..."
She couldn't remember. No matter how hard she tried, the thread was slipping out, cutting her fingers raw.
Mirabel stood next to her, concerned. "Luisa, are you okay? You didn't overwork yourself again? Should I call Mamá?" Again, motherly as she was, taking Luisa's big hand with a tiny palm.
Her head is spinning. Hatch, symbols, forest. It's all melting in her brain. She has been trying to help! Right! ¿Quién es ella?
I want to scream, but my lungs are dry, withered into two rotted bags. I feel how my body shinks,  getting out the dirt. Trying to clean itself. I know I can't. What's happening to me? I'm fine, I'm completely fine. (She is okay)
She is frozen in my arms, almost breathless. My big hand squeezes her shoulder until the bones are cracking. Fingers tearing magnenta fabric. And blood is sinking from the nail scratches.
"Mija, how about you rest for today? You look unwell."  
I wheeze, coughing the answer from my tranchea. "Don't worry." Forest thickens over my head. Bones snapping together.
Past and present are mixing together. What am I doing? The dry red stinkes on my fingers slips underneat, staining the wooden stand. I push it, breaking the surface. My mind is cracking, craving meat too much to care.
Everything is totally fine.
Pain what was broke her back. Luisa's breathing hitched. Was she moving? Was she existing? Her hand frantically touched her back. Then looked at it. Red and sticky, freezing to her fingers. She tried to speak but the words couldn't coen out of her sore throat. Trying to blink but she just clised her eyes, not remembering how exactly it was supposed to happen. There was some sick feeling inside get guts, but Luisa still didn't proceed what happened enough to realize it.
This time pain came into her stomach. Luisa hunched over, staring at her big sister.The knife that had stabbed her clanged against the floor as it fell out of Isabela's hands. What the hell was she doing??
It was enough to just clean the fog. Luisa froze, not moving. Not daring to breathe. She did... something bad. What have she done? Something...  Why don't she remember it? Her vision flickered. Luisa stumbled back, her irises shrunk, for a moment seeing blood running up her arms. A torn body falling out of it.
Luisa's breathing got labored, her hands grabbed onto her hair in distress. Feeling wetness in her eyes. There was something wrong with her. There was something wrong with her and she didn't know how to fix it.
"Isa..." She looked back at her shocked sister. Seeing deep bruises on her neck. The trace of a palm that was too big to be anyone but Luisa's. Fabric on the shoulders torn. What was she supposed to say? What if she just hurt her again? The taste of a meat, human meat, was stuck to Luisa's throat.
What if she slipped back to that state? What  if Luisa got back into that gutwretching hunger, drowning without a way out? Luisa coughed out the disgusting black thing, whatever it was. It clung to her fingers, against the lond-dried blood. There was something wrong with her and it wasn't fixable. She would... Today or tomorrow, it would overtake again.  "Isa... You have... kill me, please." Her voice broke,  feeling so weak. Maybe blood loos was fatal already, but she didn't know that.
"...what?" Isabela stumbled back. Heavy breathe running out of her chest. Yes, it was the plan. Kill Luisa so who's left will be safe. But there was a difference between killing somebody who acted like a murderer with a heart of stone, barely resembling human in her behaviour and... And killing Luisa in mental anguish. Killing somebody who begged for it. Because now Luisa was... Luisa again. She was Isabela's sister. It was so much easier if Luisa kept acting like she used to. Unresponsive to any words, not reasonable.
"I don't want to hurt anyone," Luisa cried, hunching over inder the weight of her soul. "What have I done? Why... BELA, PLEASE," hot tears burned her face, irrigating the dry eyes. She would just eat somebody alive if she's alive. She would hurt her family, who survived by now.
Isabela didn't want to hesitate, she wasn't supposed to. But she didn't want to kill her sister, only now remembering that it was Luisa. Here, right in front of her.
But, sometimes you had to push your oen feelings aside. There was no win in this game for both of them. No one could score them and say who was better.Isabela had picked up the knife. It's blade dripped with blood. From having stabbed Luisa twice. The first time when she tried to attack, the second from the rduh of adrenaline.
"Get down..." Isabela breathed out, feeling the wetness in her eyes. If she didn't know better, she would think she was crying. But... it was stupid, right? No, she wasn't...  "I'll... try to make it quick."
Luisa didn't dare to say a word, to looks into Isabela's eyes. Feeling the weight of guilt on her back  She kneeled, making the height difference between them disappear. Now staring onto the floor. It was getting wet with the sprinkles of tears. The metal pressed against her pale cold skin.
It was hard. Isabela didn't think anything existed. Only her hand that pressed a knife against her hermanita's neck. You will bleed fast from here, right? She tried not to think about it. But it was hard. Isabela clenched her teeth. One second. It would take just a moment. (That will last forever). Isabela pished herself by bare instinct, digging the knife deeper into the neck. And the blood has spilled out, escaping the wound.
Isabela felt it clinging to her body hot and disgusting. Rooting deep under her skin like a weed. She gasped in horror, clinging to Luisa who was loosing so much blood. And Luisa wasn't in a better mental state than Isabela at all. The latter felt her dress getting wet in where it was pressed against Luisa's face. Isabela's cried into Luisa's hair. It was painful, it was wrong in so many way. 
Luisa fell, a heavy limp weight on Isabela's body that was dragged down with it. Isabela was alive, survived. But she didn't think she was survivor at all.
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sparklywaistcoat · 1 year ago
Off topic, but just in case anyone is interested: I blogged a blog about Luisa Roldán's Education of the Virgin. It's a rich locus for a discussion of Catholic concepts of sacred time, sacred history, and gender roles.
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shohokubasket · 2 years ago
SD characters + Hispanic first names
Made this a while ago for fun, so I'm just saving it here!
Disclaimer: The names I chose are purposely very common/generic names-in real life of course there's a ton of variation and nuance for Spanish-language names based on the various cultures/traditions. This is just based from my experiences (as a Mexican-American), plus I even peaked through Mexican telenovela character lists for inspiration for common/generic names that people give characters lol, so that'll give you an idea of what the names on the list will be like.
Sakuragi-Antonio ("Toño")
Yohei-Eduardo ("Edu")
Haruko-"Marilú" (Maria Luisa)
Miyagi-Rogelio ("Roge", "Ro")
Ayako-Sofía ("Sofi")
Mitsui-Enrique ("Quique")
Kakuta-Roberto ("Beto")
Jin-Nicolás (Nico)
Kiyota-"Rafa" (Rafael)
Sendoh-Francisco ("Pancho")
Fukuda-Guillermo ("Memo")
Hikoichi-Juan Pablo
Fujita-"Alex" (Alejandro)
Hanagata-"Mau" (Mauricio)
Other Players
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solitairesys · 1 year ago
shoutout to the name doubles in our system
abby and abee
aidan and aiden
alex and alexis
allie, allison h, allison k, and allyson
amanda h, amanda m, and amanda y
april m and april y
bea, bee, and bee-l
bill c and bill d
king, king c, and king
brit and britney
cami and camie
carlos d and carlos r
casey, cassie, and castor
charleigh, charlie d, charlie m, and charlie s
chris, christina, and christine
claire and clarisse
courteney and courtney
eddie k, eddie m, and eddiev
el, eleven, eliana, elizabeth, ella, and elle (all respond to el)
emira and emma
ethan c, ethan k, and ethan n
eva, evan, and eve
finn and finney
fred and freddy
gin and gina
gregg and gregory
griff and griffin
harlan, harley, and harbor
hawks and hawkins
heather k and heather m
himiko and hiyoko
isabela and isabella
ivy and ivy s
jade h and jade w
james r and james w
jax, jay, and jaz
jenni and jennifer
john b, john l, john m, and johnny
kaede and kaede
katelyn and katie
klaus b and klaus h
kris and kris c
leo and leo v
lilith, lily and lina
liz and lizzie
lucy l, lucy, luisa, lulu g, and lulu p
marcie and marcy
mark b and mark f
matt and matt
max and maxx
may, maya, and mayu
mike and mikey
mandy and mindi
moon and moon
peter, pieter, and petaro
pomeline and pomni
sidney and sydney
raine, ray, ray s, raya, and rayleigh
ren, rena, and rena r
robbie and robin
roman r, roman s, rowan, and roxanne
ryan and ryan e
ryukyu ad ryuuko
sal and sally
sam, sam c, sam e, and sammy
shin, shina, and shino
star b and star c
tamaki, tatami, and tatum
tobias, toby ra, toby ro, and tubbo (all respond to toby)
tyler and tyson
vickie and vicky
will, willow, and willow p
yada, yuka, and yuta
zoe l, zoe o, and zoey
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paolavallejo · 4 months ago
diana carolina garcía vallejo:
recuerdo mi felicidad cuando iban a caucasia, la recuerdo porque es una felicidad de esas que te alegran el alma
laura ha sido una de mis personas favoritas, recuerdo ponerme tan feliz cuando llegaba de sorpresa a mi casa. siempre que venían era de sorpresa, eso lo ha sido aún más lindo
a veces venían solo laura y mi tía, pero se sentía tu ausencia, no era igual. a veces venían solo tú y mi tía, pero se sentía la ausencia de laura. siempre era mejor cuando venían todas. el paquete completo
recuerdo una vez que tu mamá vino sola, y había visto una foto tuya en playa. le pregunté a tu mamá que por qué no habías venido y dijo que estabas ocupada estudiando, jajajsj, y yo de sapa, pero inocente, le mostré la foto a tu mamá, y ella negó la foto diciendo que era vieja jajajssjaj, que tú estabas estudiando
ahí me bloqueaste de instagram, y nunca me desbloqueaste
siempre sentí compasión, bueno, siempre he sentido compasión por todos, pero de la familia, siempre sentí más por mi abuela y por ti. por eso todos los días me pesa
en 2021, cuando se fue nuestra hermosa abuela, mi primer duelo, sentí que no iba a poder. ella era la persona que más amaba, mi persona favorita en esta vida terrenal. recuerdo haber sentido que, si la vida me daba a elegir entre estar en este mundo o estar con mi abuela, había elegido a mi abuela sin duda alguna
siento que mi amor no tiene límites
estando en su funeral, todos sus nietos, me pregunté: debe pasar esto para estar todos juntos?
3 meses después, se fue nuestro hermoso tío lucho. tan de repente? sí, aún sigo sin aceptarlo. por él conozco lugares que si no fuese por él, aún no conocería. siempre me llevó a sus paseos, fue un segundo padre para mí, por el que siempre estaré agradecida. a él le dedico mi carrera. pero como dije hace un momento, mi mente aún no lo procesa, siento que él está de viaje o jugando f��tbol o conociendo o construyendo casas o con sus amigos
siempre he sentido empatía y respeto a las personas que han perdido seres queridos
recuerdo que desde ahí me cohibí a subir fotos con mi papá, porque luisa había perdido al suyo
2 seres de nuestra familia se fueron en el mismo año, en tan solo 3 meses. de no creer
desde ahí supe que hay que valorarnos más, compartir más, y decirlo todo
recuerdo que, en 2022, fue mi época loca de la cual me arrepiento, pero siendo honesta, tenía que vivir esa etapa para ser la persona que soy ahora
en 2023, viajé a bogotá, primera vez, y primer viaje sola. fue una experiencia maravillosa. a mitad de año fueron los 15s de luisa, donde estuvo mi tío julio. la vida nos dio una primera oportunidad de vernos por última vez, pero ustedes 3 no fueron
quién pensaría que 2 meses después, se fue nuestro hermoso tío julio, quien había tenido más perdidas que cualquier ser humano que conozco. primero su madre (nuestra abuela marina), luego su hermano mayor (nuestro tío lucho), después su padre, y luego su otro hermano, y finalmente él. él? se fue en un accidente de moto? no lo podía creer. mi tío julio? el que siempre ha corrido en motos de alto cilindraje por toda colombia y ganador de la copa pulsar? mi mente aún no lo asimila. hace que está construyendo vías, que está recorriendo otros países, que está en su finca. a él le dedico mi carrera. siempre fue mi tío especial, mi tío querido, y yo su sobri linda
me seguía cohibiendo de subir fotos con mi papá, ya sea el día del padre o su cumpleaños, porque nuestro primo julio ya no tenía el suyo
un día antes sufriste una caída de caballo, y no pudiste ir a su funeral en sahagún, ese día te operaron. la vida nos dio una segunda oportunidad de vernos, pero no pudiste ir
ese mismo día mi hermana y yo tuvimos un vuelo de regreso (montería-medellín), la vida nos dio una tercera y última oportunidad de vernos, pero era un vuelo y se suponía que no podíamos perderlo, se suponía que no fuimos a verte al hospital en montería porque no tuvimos tiempo por el vuelo
jajaajajas, verdad que le damos mucho rodeo a lo material. ese día aunque no perdimos el vuelo, perdimos más, perdimos la última oportunidad de estar contigo una última vez
ese mismo día me escribió laura, que tampoco fue ya que estaba contigo en el hospital y me dijo:
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esa tercera perdida me hizo reflexionar, como cuando te abren los ojos. dije, ya no más, no puedo quedarme callada
desde ahí me prometí no guardarme nada. decirle te amo a las personas que amo, ser siempre agradecida y decir gracias, tratar de verme con las personas que quiero…
me disculpé por haberte sapeado aquella vez de la playa, y te dije lo mucho que te amaba y que me sentía amada mucho por ti
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también hice lo mismo con tu madre, mi tía darlin, que la amaba demasiado
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quién pensaría que 3 meses después, un día como hoy, 16/11/2023, te irías tú
no pude cumplir la promesa de laura. nos volvimos a reunir en otro funeral. el tuyo
carolina, has sido la ausencia más grande que mi vida ha sentido. recuerdo que hoy hace un año hicimos el primer viaje con el carro para despedirte. se supone que un carro es un sueño y un logro, pero jamás se sintió así porque no podíamos compartirlo contigo
ha sido la despedida más dolorosa, más triste y más horrible
y lo siento, laura me desbloqueó de tu celular… s�� que te estarías riendo de esto ahora como yo al escribir esto con una sonrisa
solo muere quien se olvida, dicen. tú nunca morirás porque siempre estás en mí
estás en mi tía darlin, en tu hermana laura, en mí
desde ahí me cohíbo de subir fotos con paulina mi hermana, ya que laura ya no tiene la suya. desde ahí le digo a mi mamá que no suba fotos con nosotras, sus hijas, porque mi tía darlin perdió a una
y bueno esto de cohibirse ha sido desde siempre, desde que tenía mi familia entera, y sabía que una amiga cercana había perdido a su abuela, o a su tío, o a su madre, me cohibía subir fotos con ellos porque yo aún los tenía vivos, pero mi amiga ya no
desde ahí supe que la empatía que tengo no es de este planeta
si yo que soy tu prima, me duele todos los días y cada vez que tengo la oportunidad, lloro; no quiero imaginar el dolor que siente tu madre y tu hermana
siempre fueron ustedes 3. el paquete siempre estará incompleto
estudiaste psicología, y aunque duraste años para terminar la carrera, me alegra saber que viajaste y disfrutaste. ese día que no fuiste a caucasia y tu mamá me dijo la razón por la que no fuiste, me alegra mucho saber que estabas en playa disfrutando y no estudiando como dijo tu mamá
un día me dijiste que no podías tratarme (terapia), por ser tu familiar, pero siempre me aconsejaste, y hoy más que nunca necesito hablar contigo
conocí a una persona maravillosa este año, que por cosas de la vida, no funcionó. tú tal vez me dirías que de eso es la vida, personas, etapas, momentos, pero yo con todo lo que he vivido con mis perdidas te diría:
“no quiero juzgar
qué hay en tu corazón?
pero si no estás listo para el amor,
cómo puede estar listo para la vida?
así que amemos plenamente,
amemos en voz alta
vamos amar ahora
porque pronto moriremos
porque pronto moriremos
porque pronto moriremos
porque pronto moriremos”
con estas perdidas he aprendido eso
el 5 de enero de este año, tuvimos nuestro segundo viaje en el carro, para playa, sin embargo nos devolvimos a montería porque paulina se sentía mal, ese día fuimos a visitarte, aún no tenías una lápida, solo un número de terreno, E-25
eres la estrella más bonita junto a nuestra hermosa abuela, nuestros hermosos tíos
lo que me llena de paz es imaginar y creer que después de mi vida, estaré con ustedes otra vez
te sigo llorando, pero eso significa que estuviste. te sigo extrañando, pero eso significa que te amé, que te sigo amando
siempre los amaré
como dije al principio, mi amor no tiene límites, mi amor no es de este universo, nadie los ama como yo
viviré siempre agradecida con la vida, con ustedes; y ustedes siempre vivirán a través de mí
soy paola vallejo y tengo 6 hermanas que amo con todo mi corazón, paulina, laura, luisa, camila, keyla y tú, diana carolina garcía vallejo
por siempre
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kalorphic · 2 years ago
jumping on this formula 1 hype train! how interested are the ro's in f1 and who is their favourite driver or team? :) do the ro's play/follow any other sports? sending you lots of love <3
Sending lots of love to you too <3
K: is a massive F1 fan, and has been to several races (VIP of course) and met a few of the drivers. They totally make a fantasy league and make the whole team join. Other than F1, K is a rugby fan (as they should be) and love surfing.
A: likes F1 as well, but they’re more of a casual watcher than K. However, they do secretly get very smug when they get higher on the fantasy league table than K. They are a great swimmer.
Reese: knows nothing about F1, but they’ll watch it because they think the drivers are pretty. They play baseball though, and enjoy watching it as well.
Luisa: likes the Spanish drivers, but she rages at pretty much every decision the FIA makes so she doesn’t watch it much. She did a lot of gymnastics in school, but she quit when she left home, she’s still very flexible though.
Cody: and sports do not mix. They’d watch it with everyone else and judge the drivers with Reese though.
Noah: like Reese and Cody has no idea what’s going on, but they’ve come to enjoy watching it. Is a definite Yuki fan because they love how chaotic he is. They don’t play sports, but they love Basketball and American Football.
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banyangulf-if · 5 months ago
can i ask the ROs mbti..?
Of course!!
Luisa is an INTJ
Drew is an ESFP
Lorelei is an ENTJ
Oscar is an INFJ
Hall is an ISTP or an ESTP (I couldn't decide, they're somewhere in the middle and I don't know as much about mbti as I'd like to)
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ocombatente · 8 months ago
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O título de capitalização filantrópico poderá ser adquirido em todas as lojas do grupo Novalar a partir de junho O grupo Novalar firmou mais uma parceria de sucesso. Dessa vez, com o Rondoncap, o título de capitalização filantrópico. A partir do dia 10 de junho todo o grupo Novalar também oferecerá a possibilidade para seus clientes adquirirem o título diretamente em suas lojas somando, assim, mais de 50 pontos de vendas em Rondônia. Ao adquirir o RondonCap, que atua na modalidade Filantropia Premiável, o cliente Novalar também contribui com a FEAPAES-RO (Federação das Apaes do estado de Rondônia) cedendo o direito de resgate do título e, dessa forma, ajudando na prestação de serviços de assistência à saúde, assistência social, acolhimento educacional e na integração social das pessoas com deficiência intelectual e múltipla, com a finalidade de promover a melhoria da qualidade de vida dessas pessoas, em todo o seu ciclo de vida. O cliente Novalar poderá comprar seu Rondoncap digital diretamente no caixa das lojas físicas, efetuando pagamento em dinheiro ou PIX e com a possibilidade de escolher seus números da sorte no momento da compra. De acordo com Luisa Raposo, diretora de marketing da Novalar, toda ação que visa contribuir com causas sociais é bem-vinda. Assim como o grupo tem a campanha ALA DO BEM Novalar, que contribui com o Hospital de Amor da Amazônia, apoiar também as APAEs no estado é mais uma oportunidade que o grupo Novalar encontra de colocar em prática sua responsabilidade social. Para acompanhar os sorteios dos prêmios os clientes poderão assistir a transmissão ao vivo que é feita pela emissora Rede TV, todos os domingos, a partir das 18h. Ou acompanhar nos canais da RondonCap nas redes sociais e YouTube. A prestação de contas das doações realizadas para a Federação das Apaes do estado de Rondônia também é realizada nos canais de comunicação da Rondoncap. Read the full article
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newintern · 8 months ago
Project Management in the ESG Era: Achieving Goals and Surmounting Obstacles
We are an ESG Award, issues in business and investing have grown in significance to motivate corporations to behave responsibly. The term "ESG" describes a collection of standards used to evaluate a business's corporate governance, social responsibility, and environmental effects. This should assist decision-makers in determining whether to consider social, corporate governance and environmental issues. These days, it's critical that businesses consider how to do business by including sustainable and ethical practices in their marketing plans. ESG may make a significant contribution to this challenge and aid in promoting ethical business practices. Furthermore, these methods must be advantageous for enterprises' long-term viability, society, and the environment.
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In our role as Sustainability Awards, due to the global concern of ESG, this topic was not just acknowledged, but actively discussed and shared at the Global Project Profession Forum, a collaborative gathering that took place on September 21–22, 2023, in Seville, Spain. The IPMA convened this global event, bringing together project management experts and organizations from around the world to discuss and exchange knowledge, ideas, inspirations, and experiences on emerging trends, innovation, diversity, and best practices in project management. The first day of the forum featured a panel discussion on the subject of 'Project management and ESG', which drew a large number of interested attendees who actively participated by raising many pertinent issues with their questions.
To help you as ESG Awards, Experienced speakers offered their insights and helped clarify some of the points raised. Mr. Jose E. Reyes, VP of Marketing and Awards at IPMA, moderated the panel. Mr. Wolfgang Glitches, a project management lecturer at Technosphere Universität Berlin; Ms. Maria Luisa Munoz, an engineer from GRI Towers Sevilla; and Mr. Cornelius Matthes, the chief executive officer of Dei Desert Energy, Dubai, were introduced as the speakers. IN his opening remarks for his presentation, Ro-Thinking Project Management Circular Economy,' Mr. glister emphasized the pivotal role of project managers in shaping the future. As the world's population grows, so does its need for resources. To save resources, people must alter their behavior, and project managers are the ones who can lead this change.
As a Sustainability Award, Project management must be expanded to include the circular economy and remanufacturing, which present an extended triangle of restrictions that include social responsibility, environmental soundness, and economic viability. Additionally, there are two viewpoints that are included in the art of ESG project management: The sustainability of the outcomes is tied to what is delivered. The sustainability of the project's processes is correlated with how the project is managed. As a result of absorbing resources, creating a product, and then having waste when these items are used, we deliver project results into closed structures today. According to Mr. glister, just a few processes are circular nowadays; most are still linear. Every speaker concurred that the governance aspect of the ESG is difficult and complex, but social and climatic challenges have made governments more aware of the need to find answers.
In our understanding as ESG Award, it’s critical to fortify interpersonal relationships, actively engage the neighborhood, and cultivate trust. Experts in the field of project management are in charge of overseeing the expenses associated with these endeavor’s and looking for feasible solutions. It comes down to integration; a comprehensive perspective must incorporate every significant element. Wind towers and solar plants might significantly decrease the cost of energy supply. Mr. Reyes concluded that people are becoming more aware of and interested in ESG practices. Adhering to ESG practices such as IPMA through ICB4 and other standards benefits the nation and professionals.
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aprendiendo-a-ser-mortal · 10 months ago
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(Atropellado texto que si pretendo tomarme el tiempo para escribirlo bien, nunca lo escribo, y pos ni modo, o escribe uno o vive… mejor vivir!). Notas rápidas del día del 10 de mayo:
Hace unos días viniendo en el carro, regresando a casa con Gera en el asiento de atrás después de un día complejo para los dos, empezó a sonar esta canción de mi lista “2024-2” de Spotify, “Till there was you” de The Beatles:
Empezó a sonar y le dije a Gera “esta canción te la dedico”, la dejé correr y después de un rato voltée a ver a Gera en un semáforo y me soprendí encontrarlo en lágrimas, y me dijo “te amo tanto”… maravilloso momento!
Hoy por la mañana estaba en la caminadora del gym y empecé a reflecionar en cuanto al “10 de mayo”; Tom le dijo ayer a Gera que es un día que como mexicano no debe olvidar, jajajaja y sí, aunque aquí los 10s de mayo son eso, el décimo día del quinto mes del año, para un mexicano es EL “10 de mayo”.
Ahí mismo en la caminadora recordé ese día en el carro con la que creo es, en mi opinión la más bella canción de los Beatles (los Beatles que apenas hace unos meses Gera descubrió realmente, y que es cuento para otro día). Me acababa de echar un trago de agua y tuve que contenerme para no ahogarme con el trago, mantuve el agua en mi boca, me agaché y me tomé de los barandales de la caminadora para poder controlarme al recordar el momento. La belleza de aquel recuerdo se me juntó con el hecho de que me di cuenta de lo significativo que fue para mí (además) compartir con Gera una canción en inglés que ya ahora a mis casi 52 años entiendo la letra, y todo lo que ello significa y por lo que he tenido que pasar para que así sea junto con el hecho de que el destino ha hecho que Gera la entienda también en su totalidad y juusto unos minutos después de que había yo recibido los resultados de un exámen de inglés que hice hace un par de semanas, y que también es cuento para otro día.
Algunas de las cosas “sobresalientes” y maravillosas de este día fueron…
Encontrarme con un mensaje en Instagram de hace ya varios días de mi querida complice Anabel que no había leído recordándome que ser una misma y ser feliz es el mejor ejemplo que le podemos dejar a nuestros hijos y a todxs, gracias Anabel!
Mi querido Beto, que nos quedamos sin mamá fisícamente casi en las mismas fechas  y que me mandó esta canción hoy con la frase “viernes para festejar, así que a bailar” y si! De hecho ya en la mañana Gera y yo nos habíamos hechado una bailada antes de salir de casa.
Mensajes de gente querida felicitándome por el día de las madres, que agradezco de personas que me estiman y aún sabiendo que soy parca para las celebraciones, se toman el tiempo de escribirme, pero no puedo dejar de resaltar el mensaje de mi parnita Ros, siempre mandándonos bendiciones y el de hace apenas un rato de mi Comama Etel… Gracias a todxs!
El mensaje de Tom felicitándome y agradeciendome… yo agradeciendole de regreso.
Levantándome y recordándo el día en que Gera como de 30 días de nacido, yo sentada en el sofá dándole de comer, y que hasta entonces después de un mes muy difícil para mí estrenandome como mamá, lo miraba y me decía “lo volvería a hacer”.
Ahora corrigiendo, afirmando que ser mamá de Gerardo me define como persona, algo en lo que no creía antes de ser mamá; me define así como ser hija de Ma Luisa me define y definirá hasta el último día de mi vida.
Y por último, me pregunto hasta cuándo dejará de pasar, si es que deja de pasar, que ande yo por ahí caminando, manejando o lo que sea, y de repente me suelte en un mini llanto con la cara compunjida tratando de pasar desapercibida; Gera tal vez sería el único que podría adivinarlo “ah, se esta acordando de Ma Luisa” o “Ma luisa está apapachándola con un recuerdo”.
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monriatitans · 1 year ago
February 2024 Wrap-Up
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Current AI ‘art’ is created on the backs of hundreds of thousands of artists and photographers who made billions of images and spend time, love and dedication to have their work soullessly stolen and used by selfish people for profit without the slightest concept of ethics. – Alexander Nanitchkov
February’s Artist Shout-Outs
Alana Fletcher
Julia Ro
Lucas Onzeki
Manuel Javier Noreña Castaño
Nyrel Aoki
Simon Auchterlonie
Martin McHugh
Roxanne Henderson-Payne
Hana Augustine
Ander Lizarraga
February’s Streams and Videos
Let’s Discuss Some $#!7 — Behind the Scenes
Banned Books Edition: Let’s Read Some $#!7 by Kurt Vonnegut & Angie Thomas
Let’s Do… Something
Let’s Play Some $#!7! — Hades
Black History Month Quotes of 2024
QUOTE 1: Marian Anderson
QUOTE 2: Ta-nehisi Coates
QUOTE 3: Henry Louis Gates Jr.
QUOTE 4: Martin Luther King Jr.
QUOTE 5: Mikki Kendall
QUOTE 6: Victor Luckerson
QUOTE 7: Clint Smith
QUOTE 8: Farah Jasmine Griffin
QUOTE 9: N.K. Aning
QUOTE 10: Daven McQueen
QUOTE 11: Brittany K. Barnett
QUOTE 12: James Baldwin
QUOTE 13: D.L. Hughley
QUOTE 14: Saidiya Hartman
QUOTE 15: Abhijit Naskar
Check out the Yocum African American History Association (YAAHA), “a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to sharing educational resources about black American history”.
February’s Neverending Reading List Shares
The Neverending Reading List: Book XXXIV — The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
The Neverending Reading List: Book XXXV — The Rules of Magic
The Neverending Reading List: Book XXXVI — Practical Magic
The Neverending Reading List: Book XXXVII — Save Your Breath
The Neverending Reading List: Book XXXVIII — The First Girl Child
The Neverending Reading List: Book XXXIX — Aftershocks
The Neverending Reading List: Book XL — Circle K Cycles
The Neverending Reading List: Book XLI — Patriarchy Blues
The Neverending Reading List: Book XLII — Herlot of Alonia
Poems Written
“School Prepares You”
“Look At Me!”
“Get A Job!”
February’s Video Game Quotes
QUOTE 1: Silent Hill: Downpour
QUOTE 2: Okami
QUOTE 3: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
QUOTE 4: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
QUOTE 5: To The Moon
QUOTE 6: Final Fantasy X
QUOTE 7: God of War III
QUOTE 8: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
QUOTE 9: Pokémon Black and White
QUOTE 11: Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
February’s Literacy Quotes
QUOTE 1: Clifford Stoll
QUOTE 2: Adiela Akoo
QUOTE 3: Mokokoma Mokhonoana
QUOTE 4: Luisa Capetillo
QUOTE 5: Willy Thorn
QUOTE 6: C. S. Young
QUOTE 7: Carol Anderson
QUOTE 8: Lailah Gifty Akita
QUOTE 9: Tom Zoellner
QUOTE 10: Mem Fox
QUOTE 11: Peter van der Walt
February’s Stupidity Quotes
QUOTE 7: Kurian Mathew Tharakan
QUOTE 8: Craig D. Lounsbrough
QUOTE 9: Apuleius
QUOTE 10: Torron-Lee Dewar
QUOTE 11: Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
QUOTE 12: Izumi Suzuki
Kickstarter Items Received
Kickstarter Item Arrived: Cute Creatures Compendium by Catilus!
To expand the Opinions & Truth ( O&T) blog, MonriaTitans started The Weekend Game Show ( WGS) to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another Cyberpunk 2077 launch scenario. Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
In addition, she shares educational quotes to promote literacy, the legitimacy of video games as an artistic medium, and regarding a Cause of the Month to raise awareness, while giving Artist Shout-Outs to human artists to combat AI art theft. Want to learn more about the Artist Shout-Outs? Click here! #createdontscrape
The Artists Shout-Out posts can be seen here, on Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and more!
She is also an artist under the handle TitansMonriArt.
Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee! Lastly, posts may contain affiliate links.
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orwellsunderpants · 1 year ago
I blogged a blog about Luisa Roldán's Education of the Virgin. It's a rich locus for a discussion of Catholic concepts of sacred time, sacred history, and gender roles.
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