#rnm 4x10
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forbescaroline · 11 months ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 55. kyle valenti and isobel evans - roswell new mexico
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years ago
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married energy
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bisexualalienss · 3 years ago
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Roswell, New Mexico | 4.10 "Down a Hole"
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maycanady · 3 years ago
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angrycowboy · 3 years ago
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gra-sonas · 3 years ago
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Anyone? 🥹
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pastelwitchling · 3 years ago
My head hurts. I feel like I’m in a perpetual state of numbness, and the numbness cracks only to give way to misery. In other words, here are my thoughts on 4x10. Future rin edit; this one is long, I went on a bit of a tangent, I apologize.
If Michael or Kyle weren’t in the scene, I skipped it. I legitimately don’t know anything going on with the others except who they were working with and that Tezca is indeed good now, apparently, which was a wonderful choice to make with four episodes left. Truly, way to focus on the important stuff during the rest of the season. Marvelous pacing.
Whatever, I don’t care. Like I said, I skipped their scenes. Kyle was great, Kyle was the breath of fresh air I needed. I love Michael loving Alex and wanting to go after him, I really do, but... where’s feral Michael? Where’s the restless cowboy who’s fighting tooth and nail to get his lover back? Where’s the anger, the out-of-control power surges, the frustrated crying? Where is my Michael Guerin? Where is Alex’s Michael Guerin?
I swear, we better get Alex and malex enough in these three episodes to make up for everything.
Let me just get to it, okay? These writers, with all due respect, clearly did not care one way or the other what happens with Alex in the story. There was no effort put in to integrate him into the plot while Tyler couldn’t be there. I’m not complaining that Alex isn’t there. It sucks and I miss him and he’s the reason I breathe, but I can (begrudgingly) understand that Tyler couldn’t be there because of his health problems and he comes first, so fine. But this isn’t about Tyler being absent from the episodes. The very fact that the show uses that excuse as a reason to keep him from the story proves limit-mindedness and--I’m sorry--a lack of talent and creativity.
I saw someone suggest Alex be “in the episodes” since he went missing by communicating with Michael through lights and sounds like he only did in episode 4x08. I thought that was brilliant, and it came from a fan on tumblr who probably put maybe ten seconds of thought into it. You could’ve shown Michael missing him, texting him, leaving him voicemails. I can’t believe that they have the freaking nerve to talk about malex and how much they love them when the one malex scene of Guerin leaving Alex a voicemail was freaking cut so that they could make more time for Maria and Liz worship. I can’t BELIEVE that we had feral Michael for all of two minutes, then him apologizing to Maria and hugging Liz, everything forgiven, even though she was the one that told everyone to KEEP ALEX MISSING A SECRET FROM THE ONLY MAN THAT GIVES HIM ANY COMFORT.
I kid you not, I’ve been awake since 2:30 am to watch the episode and I went to sleep, numb and disassociated, thinking that I wouldn’t have any thoughts to share. And honestly, for the episode, I really don’t. Kyle and Michael were great, the little kybel moment was adorable but I didn’t really care that much with Alex not there, I needed more feral Michael, but the lack of Alex has drained me so that I don’t think I can properly feel anything about an episode until he comes back. That said, wow.
You know, Shadowhunters had a similar storyline to this. Magnus Bane had to go to Edom to save the Shadow World, and more importantly, the love of his life, Alec, but in doing so, it means he’s stuck there and can’t get back. So what do all of the characters do? Well, Magnus has become a dear friend and means a lot to them, not just for the wisdom he’s imparted but for the help he’s given them on multiple occasions. Not to mention, Magnus also means everything to Alec and Alec means a lot to them, too. So it’s a rescue mission. They gear up and decide to go to Edom together to save Magnus.
Clary and Jace are the main characters of the show. Alec and Magnus were sidelined for most of the first season. There are episodes in season 3 where they have a scene for a little over a minute. But when push comes to shove, Magnus is their friend and they are in this together, and that episode is one of my favorites because it doesn’t just have Alec talk about how important Magnus is and maybe doing one thing to try to bring him back. It values friendship and shows the meaning of found family, alongside true love.
What does Roswell New Mexico do after they find out Alex goes missing after an unrealistic amount of time without a hint of Michael missing Alex except for when he got sick and then said that Alex should’ve been the one checking in?
Well. Liz makes a dumb decision, everything is put on halt to save her, and then they bring out this storyline of how something is wrong with Liz and how everyone needs to turn around and help her with that, completely ignoring Alex and whether or not he might be dying in this other dimension. That’s when they’re not worshipping Maria and her nonsensical abilities that really would’ve made more sense with Rosa. Again, why wasn’t Rosa the main character? I feel like she and Michael would’ve led the damn parade through that portal in search of Alex, especially considering how similar the two used to seem when they were teenagers and could’ve been great friends. But they’ve never even spoken to each other in the show, so that’s a bust, I guess.
Yeah, that’s it. I really have nothing else to say. I’m so tired, I’m so sick of this, I’m usually painfully hopeful, even when I don’t want to be, but I’ve lost hope in this show. Believe me, for me, that’s near impossible. But I just want to see Alex. I’m so sick of the writers so eager to show how tolerant they are by forcing Maria down our throats in a role she doesn’t deserve and doesn’t fit, by refusing to let Michael get properly angry and feral for more than thirty seconds because it’s somehow toxic masculinity to fight for the love of your life, and by patting themselves on the back for their supposed work with malex that really shows their complete lack of thought, care, or attention to the couple that most people watch for. All the while, ignoring the queer guy, doing two woc injustice by having them be such selfish, self-involved, greedy, sometimes stupid, horrible people that never get called out for their flaws, and worrying more about how woke they’ll look in every episode instead of worrying about the actual story.
Merlin never needed to talk about Gwen’s skin color or how amazing her accomplishments were because she was a woman. She never had powers, never owned a business, and the only time she wielded a sword was when she was protecting her friend, and Maria DeLuca, for all the screen time, credit, and newfound abilities she gets, doesn’t hold a freaking candle next to my queen.
Oh. And as the biggest Harry Potter fan and a Marvel fan; a) don’t have Maria, of all people, reference my favorite work, and b) you wish you had anything on Dr. Strange. Do not flatter yourself, lady.
Okay. Now I’m done.
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eg515 · 3 years ago
the fitzsimmons vibes are strong with malex in this episode, with the whole "diving through a hole in the universe for the other" thing and I love it
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saadiestuff · 3 years ago
RNM 4x10 transcript
Draft of the 4x10 Transcript draft is done! All of the Season 4 transcripts can be found here.
And Seasons 1-3 can be found in this post.
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endlesslyrecklessly · 3 years ago
What I wanted: lots alien discoveries - exploring the "pocket dimension"
What I got: mad scientist with a bitchy demeanour and repetitive relationship problems
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dayscrazed · 2 years ago
A continuation of my AU where Michael is adopted by the Evans’ instead of Max. 
Based on RNM 4x10. Kyle's return leads to revelations about the console. Max interrogates Tezca who has valuable information that speeds up their discoveries. Max takes the next step to finding Alex.
Differences from Canon: - Isobel and Kyle are a couple now. - Isobel hasn’t tried to talk to Tezca since that first time, so she doesn’t have her information about Theo’s pocket dimension when she’s at Max’s house. Max insists he would use his powers if she doesn’t have answers. - Liz figures out the mist like she did in canon 4x08. Michael’s argument against taking it reflects canon Max’s lines from 4x08. - Michael, who has investigated alien things all his life and has an interest in linguistics, has been helping Dallas with his sigil research. It’s him who helps translate the symbols. Because of this and Max’s insistence that Tezca holds answers, Michael gets the idea to have her translate. - Isobe’s work with Tezca reflects hers from canon 4x11, but it’s accelerated thanks to Max’s powers. Max uses his powers again and Tezca spills. - Although this scene exists only in this universe, lines from this revelation are inspired by 4x10 and 4x11. - A greater emphasis is put on the notes from the bible and the sigil on the console and Dallas’s research. - Tezca’s mind is cleared with Max’s help. She recognizes Max’s power and theorizes that since he was born after Michael was “made” that he might’ve inherited Jones’ advanced powers, aka the blue flame (this is inspired by Tezca’s explanation in 4x05). - Tezca confesses all she remembers, which theoretically is everything Clyde knew from 4x11. - Tezca is the one who leads them to the portal so Maria is not necessary. - Michael and Max’s dialogue attempts to cover canon plot holes. - Max never lost faith he would find Alex. - Dallas tries morse code (again) after seeing the portal flash with the vibration. Max, who saw Dallas, sends a more concise message that reflects what they know at that point. - Isobel and Kyle transfer lines they said at the beginning of 4x10. - Michael also knows morse code, so he volunteers to guard it when Max goes through.
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voidsteffy · 3 years ago
watching 4x10 and the Valevans looks are killing me
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martha-dobie · 3 years ago
well that was certainly an episode that aired on television
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bisexualalienss · 3 years ago
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One mission at a time, right?
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maycanady · 3 years ago
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gra-sonas · 3 years ago
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Roswell, New Mexico, Episode 4x10 “Down In A Hole“
A SINKING FEELING – Max (Nathan Dean) and Rosa (Amber Midthunder) begin to uncover what Liz (Jeanine Mason) has been hiding, leading her to make a rash decision. Meanwhile, Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Maria (Heather Hemmens) struggle as their trail to locating their missing friends runs cold. The series also stars Lily Cowles, Tyler Blackburn and Michael Trevino.
The series also stars Tyler Blackburn, Michael Trevino and Amber Midthunder.
April Winney directed the episode written by Ashley Charbonnet & Sarah Tarkoff (#410). Original Airdate 8/15/2022.
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