#rn I’m working on a ring (it’s a cup and a plate but the cup fell off recently and is missing)
deityofhearts · 1 year
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the evolution of my “tea party” bracelet! im finally genuinely happy with how it looks! most the changes made were adding new beads, swapping them out for different beads and lastly taking away a few beads to make the bracelet less loose and bulky! I think this is genuinely one of my favourite pieces of jewelry I’ve made so far!
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minimoxha · 4 years
Batfam Valentines Day Special
 The batfamily takes Valentine’s Day very...very seriously.
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wyane, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wyane, Y/n L/n(Batmom), Alfred Pennyworty
Warning(s): None
1,579 Words
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Not edited.
(A/N I know Valentine’s Day passed but I got this idea after it so...deal with it.)
All throughout Wayne manor, everyone was preparing for the day known as Valentine’s Day. They were moving so fast it made it seem like they were competing. Probably because...they were. Why? Because today was Valentine’s Day and they all wanted to give you the best day but every one of them wanted to do different things. So when Jason first joined the family, it became a competition to see which one could give you the best time with them.
You woke up to the sweet smell of French toast, a smile Turing on your face. You knew what day it was, possibly one of your favorite days other than Christmas or your birthday of course. Damian was the first to come in your room, Laing down and cuddling with you. No matter how people saw him on the outside, he was a soft and cuddly bear on the inside. “Good morning Mother. You’ll spend time with me first, right? I am your favorite so it’s only natural I go first.” Damien Gloated, making you emit a small giggle. “Dami, I told you that it was dickies turn this year.” You said making the young boy groan in response and get ready to lift up but relaxed his body again once you started to run your hands through his hair. “Who’s cooking for me Dami?” Damien answered your question by counting to five on his fingers. Once he got to five, Jason came through the door holding a tray of food, Bruce with a card and flowers, dick holding cups and apppe juice, (Apple juice is better than orange.), and Tim holding coffee cups.
All four of the men walked into the room, Joining you and Damian on the bed, not before saying good morning to you. “Flowers? For me?” You teased, smelling the roses. “They were from me” Bruce admitted, a smirk crossing his face making Jason roll his eyes. “So who gets you first, ma?”  Jason asked. “Hm...Dickie.” You smiled at your oldest, making him mirror his expression and everyone else groan. It was sweet really, instead of spending time with their friends or significant other they wanted to give the day to you. All of you had busy schedules so these were one of the days they could spend a lot of fun time with their mommy. After everyone finished eating, dick gave you an outfit and waited outside your door for you to change. “So you know that musical you wanted to see? Well I Got tickets, the best seats!” He cheered. You squeezed from inside the room, quickly opening your door. “My outfit looks great on you.” He smiled. You were wearing High waisted black pants and a gray hoodie with no hood that was a little too big for you. 
Dick was right, they were amazing seats. The both of you were in Love with the musical and tried to keep yourselves from singing but failed, earn dirty looks from the people around you. (I didn’t make more because idk but if you want short tories on how the details went during everyones time with Y/n tell me))After you left the theater, the both of you got slushies and cinnamon rolls (Even though it was 11Am, your dentist is pissed rn) and then he returned you home and went to his brothers ti gloat and tell him how the defenitly won and had the best time with you. Next was Jason, right when you walked in he got you and took you back out. “What do you have planned fir me today, JayJay?” You asked following him after he grabbed a bag onto his motorcycle . “You can choose between a Monster Truck Rally and Paint balling Ma.” He said. “Paint-balling” Nodding, he drove off to a paint ball arena with you holding onto his back. He arrived at the place and signed in. The both of you were taken into the back where you got a run down and gear. “Dickies going to be pissed that his outfit is covered in paint.” You giggled, putting on your gear along with Jason and listening to the rules. You didn’t follow them though. The both of you DEMOLISHED every kid, adult, and teen, only getting a few paintballs on yourself. Then it came down to you and Jason. He stalked around you, trying to be be intimidating but failing with a smile. “Theres only room for one paintballer in this town” He said, faking a country accent.  
“Well then, It’ll have to be me!” You yelled, shooting three at him then ducking under a rock. He successfully dodged your attacks making the game go on for what felt like forever for the bystanders but just a couple minutes for you. It seemed like it was going to go on forever until Jason tripped on a rock and fell, giving you the chance to shoot him right in his butt. “Suck it, Jay!” You yelled, doing your victory dance in front of him. Jason smiled, he loved seeing you in this mood. With work, and watching from the batcomptr, you were either on edge or stressed out of your mind, And once you got competitive, you stayed competitive until you won. Constantly, challenging your family to games. “Ill beat you next Time, Ma’” Jason laughed, fist bumping you and standing up to sling his arm around your shoulder and walk to the changing rooms with you. (Not the same one) “Guess what we got the Replacement and Demon Spawn to do for ya.” “Hm I Don't know Jay, What.” 
“I got them to share your time and have a picnic with you.” You sighed then answered, “Jay, I’ll be surprised if there still is a picnic by the time we get there.” Jason laughed at your Joke, getting the both of you on his bike and driving to a beautiful forest. The sun was cutting through the trees who's leaves were falling off. There was an opening, where Damian had lanterns all around while the picnic blanket was in the middle of a flower bed. You got off of Jasons bike and saw through the trees, Damian and Tim arguing, on the verge of turning it into a full blown fist fight. Before things escalated, you stepped in and let Jason leave the three of you alone. “Boys, please don't fight today” With one last glare, they settled down. Damian opened the light brown basket and took your favorite dishes out. “We helped Alfred make all of your favorites, Mother. I hope you enjoy them” Tim opened the Saran Wrap. “Yeah Mom, I hope you like it.” Damian put a couple heart-shaped sandwiches on your plate and poured the drinks while Tim showed you this cool coding project he had been walking on. “So mother, isn’t this the best out of both of the trips they took you on?” Damian asked, smiling slightly after biting into a cupcake and clearly enjoying it.  “I had an Amazing Day with all of you, I won't pick favorites.” You smiled and ruffled both of the boys’ hair. They were amazing children no matter they're faults. The rest of the picnic was amazing, the both of you eating until you couldn’t eat anymore and Joking around. For the first time in a while, you saw a Huge smile on both of the boys’ face. After, Tim called Alfred and he picked the both of you and took you to get your hair done, nails done and a nice dress that they (surprisingly) agreed on. They showed up at the manor and rushed Batmom to the backyard where bruce was standing in a candlelit circle. Inside it , was a couple speakers and Bruce right in the middle. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing a nice suit that matched your dress. He raised his hand out toward you and you excitedly took it.
“May I have this dance?” He smiled, pulling you into his chest. His cologne, being all that you could smell. “you may” The both of you danced like nobody was watching, because nobody was. It wasn’t like the dances you would have at formal events, where you had to dance like professionals. No, it was your own little dance party with only the two of you. You didn’t have to worry about people watching or taking pictures. After about 5 songs, the dancing stopped and Bruce slid a ring on your finger. It was a crown with the tips and middles having diamonds inside of them. “Bruce...this is beautiful” you smiled as you looked at it. Bruce snuck his hands around your waist and put his chin on top of your head. Him being the tall man that he was, he had no problems with hugging or cuddling with you while standing. “Let’s be honest My love, I gave you the best day , yes?” He smirked. Bruce was always very cocky but you found yourself more attracted to him after each word he uttered to you. “You’ll never know, Dear” You teased making him playfully sigh. “I’m the worlds greatest detective, I already know.”
“God, I love all of you so Much” Like every year, Each one of your boys always found a way to surprise you or just make your life better. They meant the world to you and if you could keep life like this you would. This was perfect. Absolute perfection
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lilxberry · 4 years
Extended Family - Scott Lang
Cassie’s staying the night over at her fathers’ and step-moms’ home, bringing along a small gift which has made you feel apart of the family like no other gift.
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Warnings: Nothing really, just fluff I think
Words: 1,176
Pairing: Scott Lang x Reader. Cassie Lang x Step Mom Reader.
“Y/N!” Cassie exclaimed loudly once she had walked through the door with Scott and spotted you hanging more Halloween decorations.
“Hey there, short stack.” You smiled at the girl before walking over and giving her a big hug. Having met Cassie when you had first started to date Scott was nothing but a huge bonus in your relationship. You had been so afraid that he wouldn’t like you but that fear had quickly melted away after spending time together. 
After you had gotten married, it’s like she only ever visited for you with how much time you spend together. You and Maggie had even grown close, all three of you spending days out together, having a girls shopping trip or going to watch the new movie Cassie had been begging to go see.
“Do you wanna see what I made in school today?” The young girl asked excitedly as she bounded up and down rapidly. 
You smiled fondly at the girl and nodded. “Sure, kiddo.” Cassie practically tore her back pack off of her shoulders and hastily rummaged through it. She soon presented a drawing of all her family in their Halloween costumes. What truly warmed your heart was the inclusion of yourself sandwiched between her and Scott, Maggie, Paxton and her baby brother drawn on her left whilst you and Scott were positioned on her right.
“It’s us! See!” She pointed to each person, explaining where they were and what they were wearing. “And that’s me right in the middle!” She beamed up at you as she finished raving about her art work. 
“It’s wonderful, Cass, I love it!” You exclaimed proudly, watching Cassie’s face brighten further with joy. 
She held the picture towards you as she smiled, showcasing her little, pearly white teeth. “Good ‘cause I want you to have it!”
“What about your mom and dad? Maybe Jim might like one?”
“Well, you’re my mom too, why shouldn’t you have it?” She shrugged, puzzled by your question, as if her reasoning had been as clear as day from the get-go. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread across your chest, you almost even cry out in happiness from the interaction with your step-daughter. 
She smiled up at you before quickly continuing. “Plus, Halloween is OUR favourite holiday!” You laughed at her statement before hurriedly scooping her up into your arms and cuddled her tightly, mindful of the drawing.
You plated a big kiss on her kiss and she laughed she laughed at the action. “Thank you, short stack. I’ll treasure this for the rest of my life.”
Scott who still stood by the door way had quietly watched the interaction between his daughter and wife silently, whole-heartedly admitting that the scene brought a sense of normality and peace into his life.
He knew your statement would ring true. He knew how much you loved Cassie and she, you. Apart from Christmas and birthday gifts, this is the first time she had given something she made exclusively to you and only you.
After placing Cassie back down on to her own two feet, she turned to face her dad, a proud smile etched across her little face. “She liked it!”
Scott let out a hearty chuckle. “Hell yeah, she did!” Scott spoke, matching his daughters enthusiasm. “Why don’t you run upstairs and get into your spooky PJ’s that like Y/N? Then we can get takeout and watch movies!”
With that, she quickly ran past her father and flew up the stairs. “I WANT CHINESE FOOD!” She shouted as she climbed up to her room.
Scott let out a heart chuckle as he turned towards you, finding you looking down at the Halloween family portrait Cassie had gifted you and walked over, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you into him and kissing your temple lovingly. 
You smile as you place the picture down on to the coffee table before turning your body to fully engulf your husband in a tight hug, one he reciprocates instantaneously.
“I love you, both of you, so much, y’know that?” Scott mumbled quietly into your hairline, leaving another sweet, tender kiss.
“Who wouldn’t love us? We’re great.” You teased earning a playful pinch to your side from Scott. You squeaked out a giggle and buried yourself further into your husbands embrace. “I love you, too.”
Scott pulled back ever so slightly to cup your face in his larger hands and brought you into a loving kiss, tenderly pushing his lips to yours. The kiss was soon interrupted by an ‘ewww’ coming from the stairs. 
You broke apart laughing, turning your head to see Cassie faux heaving. Scott swiftly moved to scopp his daughter up and littered her face with sloppy, wet kisses “HOW *kiss* DARE *kiss* YOU *kiss* SAY *kiss* ‘EWWW’? *kiss*”
“Okay, she yields. Now can you please order some food? I’m wasting away by here.” You joke, deciding to save Cassie from her gross torture.
“Hmmmm, fine, I guess.” He walks over to the couch and playfully throws her atop it then pulls his phone out whilst walking towards the kitchen. “So, what’s everybody having?”
After your fill of food and films, Cassie had began drift off occasionally as she sat sandwiched between you and Scott. You looked down at her tired little face, eyes hooded over. You smiled fondly as you pushed a stray couple of hair strands behind her ear and out of her face. “You tired, short stack?”
All the energy she could muster was thrown into the nod of her head and a quite mumble of incoherent words. Noticing your husbands light snoring, you took it upon yourself to get her up to bed.
You stand and quickly scoop the girl into your arms and make your way towards her bedroom. You tip toed your way up the stairs and down the small landing before reaching her room. You bump the door open with your hip prior to laying her gently into her bed, tucking her tightly. 
“Can we go to a haunted house tomorrow?” Cassie tiredly mumbled out. The corners of your mouth quirked upwards.
“What’s wrong with the one we live in?” Cassie giggled at your response and barely peeks at you through the slits in her eyes. “I’ll ask your dad when he wakes up short stack.”
“Okay...Night, mom.”
“Night, kiddo. Sweet dreams.” Your heart swelled at the name as you leant over to place a gentle kiss upon her head. You stealthily made your way out of her room, taking one last glance back at the sleeping girl before switching her light off and closing the door softly.
That night, you lied in bed, entangled with your husband and thought of nothing but your family. You conceded that you would do anything to protect your family that you had worked so hard to become apart of. 
You loved them with ever fibre in your being and nothing could ever deter you away from them.
You were happy with your family and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
I was in the mood to write something cute tbh like Cassie is precious and I would die for her
And yes I know this is centred around the time of Halloween even though it’s December rn but I think Cassie is a Halloween kind of gal 
Plus, Halloween > Christmas
I hope you enjoy reading this
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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lyricalimerence · 4 years
drinking games - JJ Maybank
word count: 1598
warnings: this bitch is all angst i'm sorry just in my feels lmao, an incredible amount of drinking like i'm surprised there's no alcohol poisoning, mentions of assault, implied smut, you know you know, i think that's all?
summary: reader likes jj, but he manipulates her feelings for him to get her to be a part of his drinking games. the pogues are a little older in this maybe eighteen or around there.
a/n: this is another song based oneeee. it followed the song drinking games by silver sphere and it's a beautiful song truly gets me deeper into my feels. 10/10 would recommend listening to the song. i haven't included the lyrics in between paragraphs in this, but it follows the song pretty closely if you listen to it :) her voice literally sounds like a cloud i'm not kidding. sorry if this is bad i'm just sad rn. also, babes, if he manipulates you, he's not the one. know your worth bbys, xx
The Boneyard was the place to throw a kegger, it was common knowledge--almost as common as your thing for JJ Maybank who was, quite honestly, your bestest friend. But back to the kegger. You were a few drinks in and your lazy dancing with Kiara and Sarah ( which mainly consisted of you three jokingly throwing it back to make the boys jealous ) drifted around the beach. Separating from the Pogues, you were jumping up and down to the loud, bass, synthesized beat blaring from a speaker somewhere. As you swayed your hips and pumped your fists, you found yourself near a group of Kooks who were eyeing you up and down--not that you took particular notice or care.
JJ noticed though. The golden haired adrenaline junkie watched you with a sour expression as you spoke a light conversation with a certain Kook he had gotten into a scrap with before, but, then again, hadn’t he gotten into one scrap or another with all of them? You giggled as the Kook complimented how your eyes sparkled when you smiled. JJ knew that giggle. That giggle was supposed to be his.
So, he walks up to you and forcefully takes you away from the Boneyard. The two of you end up in the beat up, old Volkswagen van that was more of a forewarning for law enforcement that the Pogues were coming.
JJ had no idea what came over him. Maybe it was the intense jealousy he felt when he watched you dance closer to the Kook than you ever had with him. Maybe it was because he went home last night and resurfaced that morning with a split lip and bruises spiraling underneath his muscle tees. Whatever it was, a tear slipped from his constantly full eyes.
“J…” You whispered, taking his hand in yours. Rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb lovingly, the water he built up like a dam finally broke, overflowing and spilling down his cheeks. Your comforting touch was something so new, his father was the farthest from loving and to the Pogues he was just one of the boys. But, you. You were so gentle it infuriated him as much as it brought him to you like a moth to a fluorescent light.
As you whisper sweet words to him, he grabs you and hold you in his arms, his forehead falling to rest against your exposed shoulder. You reciprocate the hug, your heartstrings tugging painfully each time JJ sobs, his ribcage shaking against your chest as you tighten your grip around his back.
He doesn’t say a word about it. A simple, “I’m okay. Love you, Y/N.”
That was all you got as he opened the door to the van and stepped out, jogging back to the party without even waiting for you. You didn’t necessarily mind, though. A soft smile fought its way across your lips as you bit it back via trapping your bottom lip between your teeth. Telling the Pogues that you love them was normal for you, you did it constantly. Life wasn’t the best for you, but the Pogues made it worthwhile. You truly loved all of them, but usually it was just Kie, Sarah, and occasionally Pope throwing a “love you, too” over their shoulders back.
JJ's in the mood to drink and forget. Forget what just happened in the van. Forget that he haphazardly told you he loved you. Forget that his skin crawled with jealousy when you saw you dance with a Kook. You watched from the sidelines, gently nursing a red solo cup filled with golden beer as he laughed and partied with your friends. He catches your eye and it's something different than in the car. it's purely platonic, almost nonchalantly acknowledging your existence.
All you want is for him to feel comfortable enough with you to tell you when he isn't okay. Everyone isn't okay once in a while and that is perfectly okay. But, you get too attached to the things he says--he says he's great, better than before, he loves you ( with an unspecified emotion ). He knows you don't live in the best neighborhood--your next door neighbors is Barry, a well known basehead that sells coke, more specifically: sells to JJ’s dad. But that night, JJ doesn't care if you get home safe. He says that he loves you and you're perfectly strong enough to get home on your own when you walk up to him, tugging on the fringe of the cutoff of his muscle tee.
He doesn’t care because you're just another player in his Boneyard drinking games.
You start the trek back down the dirt roads of your neighborhood, chock full of druggies and trailers--a dangerous combination. Walking up towards your door, a tall blond man which you instantly recognize as Luke Maybank exits the dilapidated shack next to your small home. He doesn’t pay attention to anything around him, but Barry walks out behind him who instantly spots you. You’re his favorite subject of torment. Barry is a Sicilian who would make a perfect mob boss if he got away from dealing cocaine to broke people looking for a quick high.
The second he calls out, “if it isn’t the pogue princess,” you speed up, wanting to get to the old Toyota in front of your well kept little shack. You were quick on your feet, but Barry was quicker--especially if he had just done a line. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against your car, his foul breath panting in your face and his menacing eyes staring you down. You had no energy or fire to fight back, you just let him dig his nails into your shoulders and kick your shins.
Until Kie and Pope came running down the road to find you. JJ always walked you home if you didn’t catch a ride, but they saw him and not you, so they wanted to make sure you were okay. They pulled Barry off you and nudged you forward, back in the direction of John B’s house. Kie had interlocked your elbows and started to talk about a new environmental initiative she was thinking of working on.
At the Chateau, you sat on the pullout couch next to Sarah as she put Neosporin on the freshly bleeding crescent moons on your shoulders. You chased after JJ a little bit in your time as a Pogue. Everyone knows you are in love with him, even JJ, but you know you won't ever be his girl. As you’re starting to get your mind off of him, he stumbles into the Chateau with another girl. They make their way through the group of Pogues giving them dirty looks to the guest bedroom, not breaking their lips apart as they travel. He doesn't even look at you, as if that wasn't you two the night before in your own house.
You run out of the Chateau, Sarah and Kie right behind you. You cry, throw pillows around the porch, but then you finally break. Pausing your emotional outburst, you sink down to sit on the steps, you back leaning against the stabilizing wooden post.
“I’m better than this,” You mumble, receiving aggressive nods from the girls who had taken seats beside you, gently playing with your hair to help calm you down. You are better than this because you know JJ is just going to tell you that you two should forget whatever happened in the van the next morning when you're sober. If that was you instead of whatever girl he brought to John B’s, he would tell you that he cares about you, but he was drunk.
You see his eyes when they glaze over when someone mentions “worth” or calls someone else a piece of shit--you see it, but you just get too attached, too reliant on his words of reassurance. As much as you care and he pretends to, he doesn't care if you get home safely because, at the end of the day, you are just another player in his drinking games.
The next night, you and the Pogues are sitting in a circle, a ring of shot glass in the middle. You take turns taking shots and playing truth or dare, getting so drunk JJ’s belches have more depth perception than you do. That night, he’s back to you, pulling you into the guest bedroom while Pope and Kie clean up outside and Sarah and John B are otherwise occupied in his bedroom.
The next morning you wake up to the sun shining on his golden blond hair and the peaceful rise and fall of his chest. You brush some of his shimmering locks of hair out of his eyes, gently shaking him awake. JJ mumbles something incoherent as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Once his ocean eyes train on you and his calm expression falls.
“Y/N, I care about you, but sleeping with you was a mistake.”
You two are sober from each other now, and another piece of your glass heart breaks off and your glass shards are limited until your heart is broken.
But, then, that night as you push your dinner around your paper plate with distaste, he calls you and says "hey, cutie,” asking if you're going to come over and drink with the Pogues. And it happens over and over again because you get attached to the loving things he says when he's half passed out from beer and you're just another player in his drinking games.
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starryseo · 5 years
phone number. | yang jeongin
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pairing ↠ jeongin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ just a fluffy barista au!!
wc ↠ 3229
summary ↠ jeongin likes you a latte.
warnings ↠ just jeongin being cute and in loooove. its cringey.
a/n ↠ barista!jeongin bc who doesn’t love cafe aus?
cafe glow is well-known around these parts of town bc it has such!! great!! food and drinks!
it has a real homely feel so a lot of student from the nearby schools/ unis come here
and it’s a pretty big cafe so there’s a lot of space for ppl to come in and chill, whether that be large study groups or just individuals trying to cram for upcoming tests
that homely feel?? it’s bc of all the youngsters that basically run the cafe
it’s officially owned by mr and mrs bang, but their son, chan, manages this cafe a lot since they’ve got a few other places in town to run
chan loves recruiting teens to work bc, despite their hyperactivity (esp the lot that are currently there), they’re a lot less work to deal with than grumpy adults complaining abt wages
just a few months ago, jeongin started looking around for places to work at
let’s get that bread bro
he spoke to a lot of the nearby businesses like the florist, library and pizzeria but as soon as he entered glow and saw a blond guy downing shots of black coffee as he made different drinks, he Knew he wanted to work here
he headed straight to the counter (ok ofc he waited in line first but who cares abt that)
“welcome to glow, what can i get ya?”
“hi, i was wondering if you were hiring?”
“so,” the guy - nametag reading Felix - began, leaning forwards on the counter, “you wanna join the glow gang, huh? have you got what it takes??”
maybe he should’ve thought more clearly abt this-
“felix are u creeping out kids again?? i swear this is the last time i leave you on counter duty” the black-coffee-drinking blond huffed, wiping his hands on his apron as he left the coffee machines. he nudged felix out of the way, pushing him to the machines before he turned to jeongin. “i’m sorry abt him, i don’t know why i still keep him around”
“i heard that!”
 “anyway,” the blond - nametag with Chan printed on it - grinned, “what can i get for you?”
“a job here would be great”
“you really wanna work here,,,, with that?” he pointed over to felix who looked back with a frown
“yeah, it seems pretty fun!”
“you got a cv on you?”
jeongin is a Prepared Boi. before his job hunting run he printed off multiple copies of his cv so he handed it over to chan who briefly looked over it
“when can you start working?”
“when do you need me to?”
chan let out a chuckle at that, pocketing jeongin’s cv, “swing by tomorrow at 4 and we’ll work that out, yeah?”
jeongin went home a Happy Boy and the next day at exactly 4:37 he had landed himself a sweet job at cafe glow
ever since that day a few months ago, jeongin had been learning the ins and outs of the cafe
he’s learnt all about where felix hides his ‘secret’ stash of sweets, where to kick if the machines ever go down and jisung’s ability to not stop talking
jisung’s the guy in charge of training jeongin bc chan doesn’t trust felix with another human’s life and minho, an older uni student that works here part time, is way too busy flirting with customers to get more tips those uni fees won’t pay themselves u go bby
and chan himself already has a lot to deal with since he mainly works in the kitchens
so jisung has taken jeongin under his wing and taught him how to make all drinks (despite there being a manual for this) and how to deal with the customers
and even tho jisung is only 5 months older than jeongin, he n e v e r misses an opportunity to baby the hecc out of him
“what are the different cup sizes we have?”
“uh,, small,, medium and large??”
“goSH jeonGIN you’re so smART!!!! ily!!! what cAN’T you do???”
jisung’s overdramatic as hell but he means well
and it’s always funny when jeongin teams up with felix (still a pretty rare occassion) to prank jisung
one day jeongin had a test after school so he couldn’t come by
and ofc he let chan know this in advance but he and felix decided not to tell jisung
jisung was waiting around for jeongin to come and he literally almost started crying when felix told him an hour later that jeongin wasn’t gonna come
“,,m,y bab y ? jeonginnie??? wh at do u me an,, he won’t com,e??? felix you a s s don’t l i e to m,e,, :((((”
they even got minho to record the whole thing not for free ofc, and minho’s services are n o t cheap, but it was totally worth it
felix screenshot jisung’s crying face and it’s now the display picture of their glow gang group chat
which btw never shuts up bc: during the day (and work hours) felix, jisung and jeongin will be spamming it, during the evening minho will complain abt all the uni work he’s got to do, after dinner time the youngsters are back on it sending memes until like 2am, and then by 4am chan finally gets on and complains abt the boys killing his storage with their dumb memes & he gives any updates abt the next day’s schedule if need be
it’s a great system, hella wild and random, but jeongin loves it nonetheless
now for the part where u, dear reader, come in!!
it’s just an ordinary day, a bit quieter than usual but jeongin’s not complaining bc it gives him time to finish off some of his hw while he’s at the till
he looks up when the door chime rings and
(°ロ°) ! 
he’s vvv obviously staring at u as u walk in, his pen drops on the counter and his mouth is :0
damn yn you’ve broken jeongin
but does he care???
is he stopping?????
also yes but you’ve already seen his dumbstruck face and he realises he was caught just staring at u when u walk up to him with a shy smile on your face
he doesn’t know what’s come over him
and he doesn’t mean to be some typical teenage boi straight out of a high school drama
but u just look so pretty he couldn’t help but?? go heart eyes??
he’s trying not to lose his cool when u finally reach the counter
“hi!” he grins, “welcome to cafe glow, what can i get for you?”
you order your drink and watch as jeongin types away at the computer
he’s rlly hoping the screen blocks his blush bc he’s still (´♡‿♡`)’ing and he’s pretty sure he can feel his blush at this point
“is there anything else i can get you?”
your number
he finds your thinking face so cute!! the way u bite ur lip a little as your eyes glaze over the sweet treats they have on display
he d i e s when u look back up at him and ask, “anything you’d recommend?”
he keeps his cool as he says some of his fave desserts, and you choose the cheesecake
“alright! will you be eating in or is that to-glow go”
his heart swells when u laugh at his pun but he’s highkey dYinG inside bc he wants u to stay for just a little longer
he almost cries when u say you’re eating in bc !!! yes!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! maybe he could try talking to you!!!!!
“sweet! take a seat anywhere, your food will be made shortly!”
when u go to pay for ur food he’s internally hating felix bc he swears all these mushy feelings he’s experiencing are bc felix made him watch back-to-back romance films
he’s taken money from a lot of customers but he’s never, n e v e r, wanted to just hold their hand and he’s honestly so close to just never letting go of yours rn but he mentally slaps himself
pull it together jeongin u dumbass
when u tell him to keep the change he’s just
s i g h can u get any more perfect
he yeets felix out of the way from the coffee machines and towards the till
“role change, i’m bored!”
“but chan banned me from the tills, he’s gonna kill me!”
“i’ll get jisung on you”
he’s halfway thru making ur drink when minho sliiiides next to him and slings an arm around his shoulders
“so, innie, who’s the cutie you’re serving?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
from his short time working here he knows that minho is in love with any kind of gossip and there’s no point in lying to him
esp not with this massive blush on jeongin’s face that’S STILL thERe bc jeongin peeked over and saw you taking out textbooks which means you’re gonna stay here for lo n g er than he thought
and he’s got this huge grin on his face :D
and no one’s ever that happy making coffee
esp not when felix is right next to them singing along to the twice song playing in the cafe
god knows who put felix in charge of the cafe playlist
an y w ay
“does our baby innie have a,,, crushhh on a certain someone???”
“noooooookay maybe? idk i just met them!!”
“:0!!!! our baby’s iN LOVE!!!”
minho said that so loudly!!! jeongin peered over minho’s shoulder and saw that y o u had looked up at the exclamation and he let out a sheepish laugh to try and make the scene look normal
u just grinned at him and he almost swooned
minho’s shouting alerted jisung who deadass ran from the other side of the cafe
jisung, out of breath: wh-what do u mean,, in love,,,??? you’re too young for that ://
even chan popped out from the kitchen. “jeongin loves someone?? how cute, who is it- felix, what the hell are u doing there, didn’t i ban u from the tills??”
“blame loverboy!”
“gUYsss :((( let me wORk!!”
“u do u, innie, go get ‘em tiger!” minho said, smirking as he took a step back
the other boys stayed quiet as well, chan filling up the front display with the baked goods he freshly made
jeongin quietly got to finishing off ur drink and grabbed a cheesecake slice to carry over to you
“h-hey,” he started, placing the plate and drink beside your textbook, “sorry it took so long,,,”
“that’s alright,” you smiled and all his worries literally washed away, “was everything okay back there?”
“yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, “minho’s just easily excited and nosy, a terrible combination really”
u laughed at that and he grinned, his nerves easing away
“u guys seem really close,” when he saw u quickly look over to the counters he turned as well, just in time to see all four of them rush to try and act natural (altho jisung just dropped to the ground so he’s really a lost cause)
“they’re really crazy, but they do mean well,” he grinned, “except felix, avoid him at all costs”
“i’ll keep that in mind,” you chuckled when jeongin pointed out who felix was and felix just glared back at him, as tho he knew jeongin was talking shit abt him
“well,” he started, realising he should go bc a big group of customers had just entered, “i’ll leave u to it, i hope u enjoy ur food. let me know if u need anything else!”
he headed back to the counter, a HUGE grin on his face, he’s so glad his back is to u bc he’d be so embarassed if u saw
it’s bad enough minho saw and is non-stop teasing him abt it now
throughout his shift minho was just taunting him, cooing “innie’s in love~”
as he was dealing with other customers and running around the cafe, he’d make quick eye contact with u and each time he did, u let out the softest smiles, he’s pretty sure he’s never smiled this much
abt an hour later when the rush had died down, jeongin looked over to see that!!! u were still there!!!!!
he fixed up a quick mango smoothie, smth he always found super refreshing, and headed over to your table
“h-hey?” he tapped your shoulder when he noticed u had your headphones in
“oh, hey! i, uh, i didn’t order this?”
“yeah, it’s,, it’s on the house, thought you might need a pick-me-up, you’ve been working rly hard”
“ahh thank you!!!” u grinned at him so cutely, “would u like to sit down?”
he nodded too enthusiastically but he hopes u didn’t pick up on that ((u did)) as he sat down opposite you
for the next 30 mins? hour?? neither of u know
u guys just talked
he’s thanking god that there was no rush in customers bc he enjoyed spending time just talking to u
the conversation seemed to flow so?? naturally???
he found out ur name and that u go to a nearby school sadly not the same one as him
and u were taking the scenic route home instead of ur normal walking path or using the bus which is why he’d never seen u before
he’s so glad that fate brought u here today tho!!!! eternally grateful that u made that wise choice!!!
when ur phone buzzed with a message from ur family he finally realised that it was getting late
he watched almost in tears as u packed ur stuff up, thanking him for the drinks and snacks that he definitely didn’t steal from felix’s hidden stash
he went back to the counter, stars in his eyes as he leaned against the counter, opposite minho who was chilling by the till
“so, how’d it go? did u get their number??”
jeongin: (❤ω❤) 
jeongin, 0.02 secs later: ヽ(°〇°)ノ
felix, jumping in: “pls don’t tell me u spent all that time,,,,, and u didn’t get their number-”
minho: “loverboi was too busy making moves, eh?”
jeongin’s mood instantly dropped and he was so close to just headbutting the counter then and there
what if u never come back????
what if u came back when he wasn’t there?????
what if you’re on ur way here but then u see another cafe and u go there instead and fall in love with a barista there???????
jeongin’s 2 seconds away from pouting for all eternity when chan comes over and pats him on the back, “i’m sure they’ll come back!”
jeongin’s praying the old man’s right
and he is!!!!!!! cliche ik
u didn’t come back the next day which broke jeongin’s heart and he was honestly so close to losing all hope bc he’s incredibly dramatic like that
but u come back the day after!!!
jeongin’s wiping down a table when u enter and u spot him instantly and wave
he waves back but the cloth he’s holding slips from his hand onto the ground
and he rushes to pick it up but hits his head on the table when he tries standing up again
and he’s in so much pain but he just nervously laughs it away esp when he sees ur half worried, half trying-not-to-laugh-aloud face
when he sees u walking to him -- not the counter -- he’s counting to 100 in 3 seconds to try and calm himself down to not look like even more of a fool
“is the table okay?”
“yeah, i’m alri- hey, rude!” he pouts, faking a sniffle and rubbing his head
“i’m kidding, jeongin” (he had to bite his lip to not squEAL when u said his name) “are you okay? that looked painful :((”
“i’ll live,” he fake sobbed, rubbing away imaginary tears with the cloth in his hand before he realised what he’d just done and dropped it on the table in disgust (he highkey dieddd when u laughed at him again) “ew, i’m sorry you had to see all this”
“it’s fine,” you grinned, scrunching ur nose when u saw the wet smears on his face, “but u got a lil smth there” u pointed to ur own cheek
jeongin wanted to CRY
he knows he’s a cute boi (he uses this to his advantage whenever he can)
but rn??
he knows he looks like the epitome of a grade A DumbassTM
he just let out the longest s i g h
“i’ll be right back!”
he rushed off to the back and sorted himself out (and quickly iced his head)
he came back out to see u sitting down at the same table as last time
as soon as he came thru the doors u looked up and held out thumb, an eyebrow raised
and he reciprocated the gesture, telling u he’s all okay now!
he found it so cute that u cared!!! his heart: on fire!!
felix walked right to him, pulling him along to the coffee machines as he told him ur order
“u owe me one now loverboi!”
jeongin prepped ur food and took it to u like last time
but this time u initiated the conversation
“felix isn’t all that bad, y’know?” you said, holding onto your hot drink as it warmed ur hands up
“for now,” jeongin started, “trust me, if u ever have the misfortune of seeing him act cute, you’ll regret ever saying that.”
your nose scrunched as you imagined that -- jeongin gasped when he saw and then prayed you didn’t see that -- before you let out the cutest laugh he’s ever heard, “yeah, i can’t imagine that looking nice”
you two talked for a bit more until jeongin had to get back to the counter and take orders
he popped up at your table when he could, offering felix’s sweets and a refill
“do you treat all your customers like this? free drinks isn’t good for business, y’know?”
he went bright red at your teasing bc “nope, you’re special!” -- his eyes went w i d e when he said that and, if it was possible, his cheeks went redder -- but god, was it worth it bc your eyes sparkled and your blooming blush was so pretty he was starstruck
he cleared his throat, let out the most nervous chuckle ever, put the lemonade on your table before diving behind the counter
he could practically hear minho’s smirk from all the way over here
it took a little while longer for him to psych himself up to go over to you again after that disaster
but seeing you pack up your bag made him forget everything and run up to you
“hey, you’re done already?” he asked, pouting as you put your last book away
“yeah, i’ve gotta help make dinner soon,” you replied, fixing your bag over your shoulder, “thanks for the drink, it was great!”
“y-yeah, no problem!” you loved his drink!! score!!!! “come again soon, yeah?”
“definitely,” you winked -- you winked, god his heart was weak -- before waving and taking your leave
felix slid up next to him, throwing his arm around jeongin’s shoulders
“pls tell me you got their number this time”
the top gif is jeongin’s face right now
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Whatever We Become
Summary: In Lucas’ final year of high school before he has to face the real world, he comes across the new identical twins, Eliott and Leo. Needless to say, Lucas falls head over heels for both of them. 
Or The twin au absolutely no one asked for
Word count: 2.8k
Ao3 version
Chapter Eighteen: Give him time
With a shuddering breath, Lucas plucked his phone from the floor. It thankfully only had a small crack in one of the corners. He turned to his mum, lip wobbling. "Mum?"
She smiled knowingly. "It's the boy, isn't it?" Lucas nodded. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
Lucas stood up on unstable legs, pulling out his wallet. He tossed in a handful of euros, bending down to give his mother a quick, tight hug. "Happy birthday. I promise I'll make it up to you again. Soon."
And then he was scuttling out of the restaurant, bounding down the street, feet hitting the pavement only barely as he practically flew through the streets. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, arms pumping by his sides, a whole drum set beating against his chest cavity, chest heaving. He pushed past multiple people, just barely dodging an oncoming car as he sprinted across the street, only looking back for a split second out of instinct.
Lucas sprinted the entire way through the endless side streets, panting, bounding past familiar and unfamiliar streets alike.
Finally, after sprinting for a completely undetermined time, Lucas stumbled to a stop, back in the familiar courtyard. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket, turning on his flashlight and pointing it around the dark area. "E-Eliott? Eliott?" he called, looking around frantically, tripping over his feet in the dark and shining the white light into all the windows and into all the corners. Nothing. He was too late.
Eliott was nowhere to be found.
Lucas bit his lip, teeth chattering and turned his phone screen on again. He read over the messages Eliott had last sent once again, tears beading in his eyes at the heavy implications of Eliott's messages. Lucas' knees buckled and he landed on the cold and slightly damp concrete, a sob escaping his lips. Eliott was gone and Lucas was alone.
As the sobs wracked his whole body, forcing him to lean against a wall of one of the grimey buildings, Lucas pulled up his contacts, scrolling frantically. His fingers trembled violently, almost dropping the phone as he clicked on the contact he needed. As he waited for the phone to stop ringing, Lucas stumbled to his feet. Finally, after only 4 long rings, Yann's voice came over the phone.
"Lucas? Is everything okay? I thought you were with your mum." Yann asked, voice laced with worry. Lucas never called unless he was desperate.
"Yann?" he sobbed into the phone, gripping tight and taking a few wayward steps forwards.
"Lucas? What happened? Are you okay?" Yann blurted, voice raising a pitch or two.
Lucas shook his head, wandering aimlessly out of the courtyard and making his way down the street with heavy, thudding footsteps. "It's Eliott. He's gone." Lucas hiccoughed, turning down a street he didn't recognise at all.
"Gone? What do you mean? Lucas you aren't making any sense," Yann said. His voice softened. "You have to breathe, Lucas or you're going to pass out."
Lucas gulped down a bucketload of air, though it did little to help. "Leo messaged me saying he couldn't f-find him and then Eliott messaged me and—" He interrupted himself with another wailing, echoing sob. "It sounded like a goodbye."
Lucas continued fumbling his way down the street, sobbing into the phone and earning odd looks from passersby. "Like a proper one? A goodbye goodbye?" Yann clarified, his own voice beginning to turn slightly shaky as he took in Lucas' barely coherent words.
"Yes. Fuck, Yann."
He scrubbed his hand over his face, making his way onto a larger main street. He could see a large foot bridge spanning across the great black water, which had another pathway underneath it. Lucas made his way over on jelly legs, tears still streaking his face and wetting his shirt.
"Do you need me to come and get you?" Yann asked on instinct, steadying his voice with a thick clear of his throat. It was much more hoarse than before, however.
Lucas sniffled, clambering down the steps like a drunk man. "I don't know. Maybe. I don't know where I am," he babbled, leaning against the stone wall for support, grappling for air though he couldn't reach it far enough.
Under the bridge, which was relatively high above the water, Lucas caught sight of a tall figure standing, looking down at the water. They were mostly cast into darkness, shrouded from view, a vague silhouette of a person. It was a vast contrast to the bright glow of the city which was blinding Lucas in his panicked state.
"Lucas? You there? Are you okay?" Yann's voice came over the line again, startling Lucas back into reality.
"One second. I'm-I'm gonna call you back." Lucas hung up the phone and turned his phone's flashlight on again. He walked over on uneven, frantic steps as he made his way towards the small tunnel formed by the bridge. The greyish water lapped up the sides of the bank, tiny droplets splashing upwards onto the pavement. "Eliott? Eliott, is that you?" he asked tentatively, shining the light towards the figure.
The other person gasped, falling to the ground while their hands continued to grip onto the handrail for dear life. "Eliott?" Lucas repeated, taking another step forwards, lighting the other properly the closer he got.
Eliott was on his haunches, fingers pale with the grip on the metal, tears soaking his face and shaking his head back and forth. "I can't. I can't. I can't," he kept on saying, voice broken and raw.
Lucas dropped onto the ground once again, leaving no space between them as he pulled Eliott into his arms. Eliott fell away, letting go of the bar and shuddering. He shook his head again, looking away from him with tears in his eyes. "Hey. Hey, look at me," Lucas whispered, tilting Eliott's chin up and leaning their heads together, "You're not alone, okay? You're not. And you are enough. You've always been enough." Lucas cupped Eliott's cheeks with his hands, staring into his deep swimming pool eyes and losing himself a little inside of their intense depth. "I'm here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
Another sob from Eliott and then he was gripping onto Lucas' jacket, face buried into his collar, shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. Lucas rubbed his hand up and down Eliott's back, holding onto him like a life raft. "Shh, I'm here, Eliott. I'm here. I'll always be here."
Eliott ended up staying the night at the flatshare after Yann came and picked them both up. He stayed mostly silent as they sat in Yann's back seat, clutching onto Lucas and leaning all of his weight on him. Yann didn't ask any questions, just glancing in the rearview mirror every so often and hugging Lucas out the window when he dropped them off outside the flat.
Now, on Sunday morning, Eliott was still there. He was fast asleep as usual, curled up in a ball under Lucas' duvet and dressed in a pair of Lucas' hoodies and t-shirts. Lucas was sitting up in bed beside him, half on his phone, half watching Eliott. Mostly watching Eliott. Lucas read over his latest texts with Leo then, trying to fill the time before Eliott woke up that afternoon.
Me: I've got him now. He's at my flatshare, is that okay?
Leo: is he okay?
Leo: my parents said it's okay for him to stay with you if that's what he needs rn
Me:He's asleep now, but that's all I can get from him
Leo: that's the usual. keep me updated
Underneath the covers, Eliott began to stir finally, stretching his arms out in front of him and rolling over, hands searching for Lucas. Lucas put his phone down on the bed beside him and scooted down a bit to allow Eliott to use him as a teddy bear, resting his head on Lucas' chest and gripping onto his hoodie. Lucas smiled, fingers combing through his tangled brown hair slowly. He was oddly content sitting there curled up with Eliott in his arms, despite the constant thrum at the back of his mind about Eliott's wellbeing. As long as Eliott was with him, he knew he was safe.
The wind whipped through the streets of Paris, a chill spreading as autumn turned to winter, leaves fluttering from the trees and landing dead. A bus was pulling from its stop, grey fuel filtering out of the exhaust pipe. Lucas was standing on the edge of the pavement, hands in his pockets, watching, waiting.
"Lucas!" He turned towards the voice, smiling when he made eye contact with Leo as he crossed the road. They hugged briefly in greeting and then Leo stepped away, crossing his arms over his chest. "Shall we head to a cafe or something?" he asked, gesturing down the street. Lucas bobbed his head, following him. "How is he?" he asked, glancing around, a slight nervous energy radiating off him as they walked together past shops and restaurants.
"He's still really only sleeping and only eats a little bit," he said, "But I don't really know how he's feeling now. He isn't talking much and I don't want to scare him away." They turned into a small cafe at the corner, sitting down across from each other under the blue umbrella.
Leo frowned, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "That's normal. After he has an episode he's usually pretty tired for a few days. Just, you know, give him time," Leo explained, shrugging. A waiter came over carrying a notepad and the two boys paused their conversation to order coffees. "Are you going to school tomorrow? You should," Leo asked once the waiter had left.
Lucas shrugged, fidgeting with the silver sugar tongs on the plate between them. "I dunno. I don't want Eliott to be left all by himself while we're all out at work or school." Leo gave him a look, raising an eyebrow. "It's not that I don't trust him. I just don't want him to get lonely or something," Lucas added, flushing under Leo's look.
Leo shook his head and replied, "He's not a child Lucas. He can take care of himself. I'm sure he'll survive a day by himself." He paused, watching a lady walking past with a toddler and a small pomeranian. "God knows he's used to being alone all the time…" he muttered.
"What's that supposed to mean? Alone all the time?"
"Not exactly alone, really. Our mum has been ill on and off for years and usually stays at the hospital and our dad always worked late, so that's why we pretty much live alone now," Leo explained. He paused as the waiter placed their drinks and cake on the table, muttering his thanks. "He's been lonely for a long time, I think. He lost touch with friends recently and he's struggled with making friends since his diagnosis. Everyone found out at school and it wasn't very fun for him."
"That just makes me want to leave him alone even less," Lucas said hopelessly, fingers skimming through his hair.
"I'm not an expert, but right now I think he just needs support. Whether that's from a distance or not is up to him, really," Leo said. He took a sip of his drink, wincing and adding a couple sugars to his coffee using the tongs, swirling the beige liquid with a teaspoon. "But be prepared to… deal with some shit. Sometimes he snaps at you or pushes you away, but don't let yourself think he doesn't like you. Because he does. He never fucking shuts up about just how much." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Lucas leaned back in his chair, taking a gulp of his latte and briefly taking a look at their surroundings. Despite the cold, it really was a nice day, birds chirping and the sun low in the sky and washing the city in a pleasant glow. "Thanks for meeting me today, by the way. It's helped a lot," Lucas admitted, putting the coffee cup down on its plate. "I've researched all about bipolar disorder almost constantly the last few days, but I still had no idea how to help him or be there for him. So thanks."
Leo shrugged, holding his hand up for a fist bump over the table. Lucas obliged, rolling his eyes and smirking. "No problem, man," he said, dropping his hand in his lap. His smirk fell from his face however and he glanced down at his plate. "I should probably apologise about the other day, as well. For shouting at you and then ditching you in the middle of the city at night. That was pretty shit of me to do."
Lucas shook his head, touching Leo's wrist momentarily. "It's okay. I get that you were just stressed about Eliott," he reassured, eyes softening.
Leo sat up straight, huffing. "But that doesn't give me an excuse for how I reacted. You had absolutely no idea what was going on and you weren't to know about what to do or not do if Eliott hadn't told you yet," he said, speaking rapidly, "Yeah, I was scared because that was a pretty bad episode in a long time, but you looked even more terrified with the situation. I shouldn't have been so harsh." Leo placed his hand on top of Lucas' and sent him a half smile. "So, I'm sorry once again."
They sat in silence for a little while after that, drinking their coffee and watching the world go by. It was pleasant again with Leo. Lucas had almost forgotten about how comfortable he could be around Leo. But something still nagged at the back of his mind, a whisper that grew louder and louder until it was almost screaming in his head.
"You said your mum has been sick on and off for years. What did you mean by that?" Lucas asked slowly, tentatively, voice low and hesitant. He sipped his drink, looking up curiously over the rim of the cup.
Leo scratched the back of his head and drummed his fingers on the table, nervous. "Ever since I can remember, our mum has always been pretty unhealthy and weak. She often ends up in hospitals long term for treatments pretty frequently," he explained, frown deepening with every word, "She was doing okay for a good while recently, but she fell ill a couple weeks ago and had to be sent to emergency care in the middle of the night. I think Eliott was staying at yours that night, actually." Now that he thought about it, Lucas could remember how Eliott had gone, stating that Leo had called him to come home for a family emergency. His gut twisted horribly as he remembered the slight bitterness he had felt when Eliott left him, now seeing as it was because his mother was sick.
"Eliott never took it well, our mum getting sick. He tells people she works a lot like our dad, but she's just usually too sick to leave hospital or hospice," Leo added, almost choking on his hot coffee as he remembered the extra detail. "It's a complicated situation to say the least."
Leo's phone chimed in his coat pocket then, a light, tinkling sound and he pulled it out to look at his message. His eyebrows furrowed with focus as he read over the message and then he slid it back inside his pocket, finishing off the last few mouthfuls of his coffee in one large gulp. Lucas squinted his eyes and tilted his head as Leo proceeded to get up from his seat, wiping his mouth on his napkin.
"That's my cue to leave, unfortunately. But it was good to see you," Leo said, pushing his chair under the table. He pulled out a few euro coins from his wallet and plopped them onto the table.
Lucas grabbed his wrist to keep him from going. "You're sure it's okay for Eliott to keep staying with me?"
"I think it's better for him right now. He feels safest with you, clearly, so yeah." Lucas nodded, dropping Leo's wrist. "See you at school tomorrow?" he added, raising his eyebrows.
Lucas nodded, smiling. "Probably. See you later." He watched Leo crossing the street again, waving over his shoulder and walking back in the direction he had originally come from earlier. Lucas continued to sip his coffee and eat his cake for a few minutes before going inside with the cash to pay for their food and grab a croissant to go.
With the birds singing their light tunes and the lightest of breezes on his skin, Lucas wandered his way back to the flat, happier than he'd been in a while.
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jaywrites101 · 5 years
Tag Game: About the Author
I was tagged by @trickster-writes you should give her a look-see if you haven’t already. Thanks =)
Rules of the Game: Answer these questions and tag blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname: thejay101 was the name I used while gaming online, what little of that I did. Now, on Social Media, I use JayWrites101 as a brand name to unify my different accounts (even though the only two I’m active on is Twitter and Tumblr) Fun Fact: Jay. is my nome de plume or pen-name. There’s a lot of meaning packed into those four characters lol.
Zodiac: Uhhh, Capricorn, I think. I don’t put stock into zodiac signs so I keep forgetting, but I like reading posts about _____ as the signs, so I keep re-looking up what I am. XD
Height: Don’t know. I don’t measure. I’m taller than you’d think but shorter than a lot of people.
Time: rn it’s 11:11 A.M. I think I’m on U.S. Central timezone.
Favorite Band/Artist: Favorite?
Song Stuck In My Head: The Cups song, -- I can’t remember it’s proper name -- but I’m weird so I’ve also got bits of Five Rings, New Divide, Halzy’s Without Me, and the main refrain of Spectacular Spider-man interrupting at “fun” intervals. (Spec-tacularr, Spec-tacularr, Spider-man! Spec-tacularrrrr (repeats))
Last Movie I Saw: Captain Marvel. And before that Shazam. (I watched S first so I wouldn’t be quite as biased towards one or the other.) The JayReviews should be finished on Friday.
Last Thing I Googled: The correct spelling for the word “necessarily.” In my defense, that was four days ago. And I double check words a lot out of paranoia more so than proper misspellings. (I have Grammarly for that.)
Other Blogs: None, but again, I’m on all Social Media platforms except Kick. But again, again... I’m only active on this one and Twitter.
Do I Get Asks: Every once and a while. I love asks, especially about my writings, life, philosophy, or my furry little editors. =D
Why This Username: Well, I started gaming under thejay101 ‘cause Ima school ya’ ;D I’ve always been really good at games, and I’ve always been a bit (read lot) of a braggart. But with the march of the internet, that name got more and more taken by people who were not me. XD 
So I came up with JayWrites101: A Writer on Social Media. It was unique, interesting, slightly more humble and -- most importantly -- not already taken. So I spasmed my fingers across my keyboard as fast as I could to go through each of the Social Media accounts and stake my claim at the accounts before anyone else could. I even made a website under JayWrites101 so no one else can.
This way, It’s a brand name. I’m still trying to grow it. To figure out what I am and what I do, but I’m getting there slowly. =) Right now it’s just my author’s platform, but I’d like to think that someday if I get big enough and have people who share my dreams with me, it’ll grow and become a pillar of the internet.
Following: Only 667. And... Fun... Fact.... <.< I’ve only got 274 followers, but in your defense you guys and gals and everything in between are Awesome!  I love ya all and I like how much interaction we have ^.^
Thank you.
Average Amount of Sleep: 8-10 hours! I’m a long sleeper. If I get any less than that I end up groggy, slow, and it’s all I can do to go about my day on autopilot.
Fun Fact: Once while I was working at DG, I was so overworked and go so little sleep that I spent a whole workday running on autopilot and when I got home I couldn’t remember anything I did that day at work.
Bonus Fact: The day after that was my day off and I spent the entire 24hours asleep!
And my manager still wonders why I quit! <.< Whackadoodle.
Lucky Number: Ten. Let’s see if you can guess why lol XD
What am I wearing: Well, normally it’s a t-shirt and blue jeans, but today I’m being wild so it’s a t-shirt and sweatpants!
Dream Job: Making money as a playboy billionaire who made a tech company when he was six and is still making enough from interest alone to justify him never needing a job as long as he lives, but he continues to go to the office and sign paperwork so he can make even more money, buy a few yachts, tour the globe eight times over in style, and still have enough money to fund a few local social programs like “here, I’m not a dick.”
Just kidding, my dream job is doing everything I’m already doing, just getting paid for it.
Dream Trip: I’d really like to tour Europe, just once. Go to London, travel to France, see Rome, and Athens, go to Barcelona. You grow up hearing about these places and seeing them romanticized through film, but... I want to see them for myself. It’s kinda like wanting to go to Disneyland to see the unpaid actors and find the cracked, seams in the facade. I want to see the reality behind the dream.
And I want to go with friends or family. Or maybe both. I know I don’t want to go alone.
Favorite Food: Chicken Fajitas with either Fried Rice or Nachos and just simply drowning in queso cheese. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s heaven in a plate.
Instruments I Play: Um... I can read sheet music, and I can sing. Roughly that means I can sorta play all instruments badly, but none of them well.
Fun Fact: I took piano lessons as a kid, but stopped.
Bonus Fact: I still compose little tunes to go with my poetry.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Aesthetic: Combat boots and a long brown overcoat, a wisard’s staff in one hand, and a short sword in the other, a broadsword across my back and a mischevious grin on my face.
I don’t know if this is an aesthetic like your looking for, but it’s how I see myself.
Languages I speak: I badly speak English, I can read and write in Spanish, and sorta hold a conversation. (Hearing words pronounced is a challenge) I can bluff my way through Japanese (A few very important words) and various bits and tidbits across all the Latin languages that come from studying etymology. 
Most Iconic Song: If it’s theme songs you’re looking for that would be Centuries, by Fallout Boy. But if we’re talking about songs that are iconically me to me, that would be Fairly Local, by Twenty-one pilots.
Random Fact: There’s no such thing as fire or lighting. 
What we see as fire is actually a low-level plasma that’s formed from the air superheating into the fourth state of matter due to an exothermic reaction. (A chemical reaction that releases heat energy and carbon stored within the wood.)
And what we call lightning is the same phenomenon caused at a much higher intensity as invisible electricity moves through the air. The sheer friction of electricity passing electrons through the air causes the air molecules to superheat and change states into plasma. Basically, electricity is burning the air as it moves from one point to the other.
Tagging: @currentlynotreading, I have to know what your answers are lol. @bexminx @blueinkblot @pens-swords-stuff @kiramartinauthor @odd-dog @ciestess @ednaraged @thatoneaceinthecorner @siarven @prettydoddleoddle and @soul-write
I think you’re supposed to tag twenty, but you’re all my most active followers. =)
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satorisa · 7 years
Lift the Veil - Chapter 7
Lift the Veil - Chapter 7: Take Me
Rating: T
Summary: After living in Tokyo for the past six years, she decides to head back to Azumano to escape the big city. However, she now has to face everything that she tried to flee from all those years ago. How exactly will she fare when the pages of a long forgotten book start turning once more?
Read On: FanFiction.Net, Archive of Our Own
...I said I would upload this on Thursday or Friday, but I was apparently fooling myself. Would’ve uploaded this earlier today, but I am tired from canoeing (it’s terrifying when the boat capsizes) and decided to practice some voice acting today. (TBH I REALLY SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR MY MIDTERMS RN.)
The song used for this chapter doesn’t really add much to the story, but since I did listen to it while writing most of this chapter, and since it is a good song, you can listen to it here. For now, enjoy (or suffer) reading about our two leads being hella awkward in this chapter.
Chapter 7 – Take Me
We need some time to mend this broken trust…
I woke up to the scent of miso soup and steamed rice accompanied by whatever was beautifully sizzling. Sitting up, I turned to see Ritsuko in the kitchen, back towards me, dutifully manning the stove with her hair up in a messy bun. She spun around to put something in the sink, and I laughed at the pink, frilly apron she wore.
“Good morning to you, too, Risa!” she called.
“Sorry! It’s just…” I couldn’t finish my thought and burst into a fit of giggles.
“Don’t judge me! It was the only thing left at the store when I went!”
I shook my head at her blatant lie before getting up and folding my blanket. Sauntering over to the kitchen, I asked Ritsuko if she needed any help. She raised her eyebrow in skepticism and told me to set the table instead, pointing at the cabinet where she kept the dinnerware with her spatula.
“So, um…” she started as I took out some matching plates and bowls. “Are you okay? Did you sleep well?”
“Why ask?”
“Well, I woke up in the middle of the night to hear you rambling on about Dark, light, and that blond guy with the spiky hair from those video games,” she explained, and I had to stifle a laugh at how she got “Cloud” from “Krad.” “I thought you were awake, so I went to check on you, but you were fast asleep, squirming around like crazy. Did you have a terrible nightmare or something?”
“I don’t remember dreaming about anything last night,” I told her while setting the table, arranging everything as neatly as I could. “But it sounds like I had my recurring nightmare again.”
“About video game characters?” I nodded with a straight face, imagining her puzzled expression and finding amusement from this hilarious misunderstanding. “Well…um…alright?” She paused for a bit. “Have you had that checked out?”
“I’ve never had a reason to go to anyone about them.”
“Well, if you say so…”
When I finished setting the table, I returned to the kitchen to convince Ritsuko that I wasn’t incompetent in the kitchen, but she only brushed me off and laughed, calling me names relating to the weird content of my dreams. When she finished cooking, we sat down at the table before digging into the meal. We weaved through moments of silence and chatter, talking about everything but anything related to last night and my nightmare. (She did, however, keep pestering me about why I was dreaming about video games when I wasn’t an avid gamer, so I gave in and told her that she had misheard the name I spoke before she finally let the topic go.)
“Hey, were you planning on heading home soon?” she asked after finishing her food.
“Nope. Why ask?”
“I have to head to the store soon, and I don’t want to keep you here any longer than you want to. I’ll be back before dinner though, so do you think you can be alone until then?”
“I’m not a kid, you know.”
“I know, but I can’t help but worry about you.”
“I’ll be fine.” Getting up with the dirty dishes, I placed them in the sink to soak for a bit. I appreciated Ritsuko’s concern, but damn, it was suffocating.
She went into her bedroom, and I wiped down the table before floating over to her bookshelf. When I finally found the book I gifted her once upon a time, wedged in between a worn fashion catalogue and a thick textbook, she came out with her hair styled, a face full of makeup, and a well-coordinated outfit that I was wishing I had.
“Stay safe and enjoy yourself!” She closed the front door behind her, leaving me alone to read a book I haven’t touched in years and would probably regret picking up again.
In high school, during one of the many afternoons I spent holed up in the school’s library, I stumbled upon an out-of-place book sandwiched in between thick tomes detailing what seemed like the finer points of sociology. Its cursive English title on the spine stood out to me, so I took the book off the shelf to read its synopsis and checked it out the moment I realized it was a romance, immediately ditching my afternoon study plans to read it.
After I found myself thoroughly enjoying the book, I messaged Ritsuko saying that she had to read this whenever she found some free time before messaging Hiwatari, wondering if he could meet up with me that evening. Whenever he was swamped with work, I studied at the library since the Niwa household was too distracting for me if I was by myself. To make up for his absence, Hiwatari would always call me once he returned from work, guiding me through assignments and topics beyond me or keeping me company through time-consuming projects and last minute crunches because of my terrible habit of procrastinating.
After getting a message from him saying that he could grab dinner with me, I headed over to the family restaurant close to the police station and reserved a table. Mostly undisturbed, save for the waiter intermittently asking if I needed anything, I plowed through the book, miraculously finishing it despite having just started it earlier that day.
Unfortunately, Hiwatari arrived shortly after I read its ending, and he rushed over in concern when he saw me trying to discreetly cry into my hands, asking me what was wrong until I shoved the book into his face. Sighing, he slipped into seat across from me before resignedly questioning what the “accursed” novel was about. Through my blubbering, I somehow coherently explained its plot, pausing twice through my summary to order and thank the waiter when the food came out.
“Risa, please, your food’s getting cold,” he interrupted when he realized that I wasn’t even close to the halfway point of the story. “Just lend me the book, and I’ll finish it later.”
“Thank you for…ordering the food…and listening.” I sniffled before digging into my omelet rice.
“You’re welcome, but please don’t worry me like that again. Coming here and seeing you cry after you asked me to meet up with you stressed me out more than my work itself. And then I come to find out that all this fuss was over a book…” He jokingly glared at me, and I laughed.
I eventually cheered up from my food and company, and I left the restaurant with Hiwatari accompanying me back home. He called me later that night, nestled in an ottoman while I was somehow comfortable on the kitchen floor as we whispered the night away.
The next day, Hiwatari picked me up right after school and bought me two copies of the book: one for my personal use and the other for me to give to Ritsuko. (He personally didn’t like the book, but that’s because we didn’t share the same tastes in genres. He did acknowledge my books when he found them well-written, and he told me this one was much better than the usual drivel I read. [I smacked him because I knew he was only saying that to avoid getting hit, but he laughed at how little faith I had in the veracity of his opinions.])
In the span of a week, after my annotations and bookmarks marred every page, the book looked like it had years of constant wear and tear. Despite being my favorite book, it had become too difficult for me to ever read through again after graduating high school. I couldn’t bring myself to destroy it or give it away either, so I kept it perched on my desk as a reminder and a silent promise to myself.
After completely reading through Ritsuko’s copy, I heard the door ring. Without thinking, especially since I was emotionally compromised on several different levels, I opened it to see Ritsuko and Hiwatari slightly panting with concern on their faces. Ritsuko’s expression fell, and Hiwatari looked about ready to hightail out of there.
“Risa…are you okay?” Ritsuko asked as I let them in.
“Yeah…um…” I pointed to the book on the sofa while wiping away my uncontrollable tears. Both Ritsuko and Hiwatari nodded, sharing a brief look with each other before looking back at me. Ristuko patted my back before heading into the kitchen while Hiwatari followed me to the sofa, settling down as far away from me as possible.
“I sent you a text saying that Hiwatari was going to take you home tonight,” Ritsuko told me. “But you didn’t reply, so we rushed over here only to have a heart attack because you were crying…over a book.”
“To think that you would worry people again over the tears you shed over that accursed book. If I may be so bold, Harada-san, I believe you should reconsider your tastes in literature.”
I only pouted at Hiwatari’s comment, still too preoccupied with trying to calm myself down to wonder why Hiwatari, of all people, was accompanying me home. Ritsuko returned, placing two cups filled with tea and coffee respectively and a bowl of snacks on her coffee table, telling me to let her know when I’m heading out before disappearing into her room. When her door shut, I became painfully aware that she had just left me alone with Hiwatari. My tears immediately dried up, and the muggy haze that usually clouded my mind during (and after) a good cry gave way to an alertness characteristic of Hiwatari himself.
“Why…are you here?” I cautiously asked him.
“Riku and Daisuke had evening dinner plans, so they asked me to bring you back home.”
I groaned and whatever composure I wanted to retain in front of Hiwatari vanished. “Am I really that unreliable that I need people around me constantly?”
“Yes, you are,” Hiwatari scolded. My eyes widened at the sudden sharpness in his tone. “You’ve been practically drinking yourself into stupor every night since you’ve gotten here, worrying everyone with such immature recklessness that is, frankly, scaring us. If you want to be treated like an adult, you should start acting like one.”
I let out a dry laugh. “I…can’t believe I’m being scolded by you right now.” Picking up my cup of tea, I took a sip before letting it rest on my lap, staring at my rippling reflection as if it had the answers to my unanswered questions.
Silence settled between us before Hiwatari cleared his throat. Glancing up at him, he looked annoyed. Or was that distress? I really couldn’t tell anymore. “Sorry if I came across as harsh.”
“No, it’s okay,” I told him softly, absent-mindedly tracing my cup as I returned to my reflection. “Even as adults, we sometimes still need a stern talking-to.”
He nodded, opening his mouth as if he had something to say before immediately shutting it, knotting his eyebrows as if deep in thought. He sat there thinking as I helped myself to Ritsuko’s snacks in a vain attempt to focus my attention on anything but the awkwardness of these interactions. Our current relationship (if you could even call this mess one) stood on unstable ground; one wrong step out of the many that could easily occur, and this odd reconciliation we finally reached would crumble instantly.
“We should probably head out,” he finally settled on saying, getting up from the sofa. “I’ll wait for you outside.”
Going our separate ways, I knocked lightly on Ritsuko’s door, patiently waiting for her to open it. She finally appeared, makeup stripped off her face and hair messily gathered into a bun, smiling as she strutted to the door in an oversized shirt and equally baggy shorts. She gave me a hug, wishing me well before letting me out. When I heard the door shut, I came face to face with Hiwatari leaning against the wall by the doorframe with his eyes glued onto me as I stood there staring back at him. Somewhat straightening up, he got off the wall and lead me through the complex until we finally found its entrance.
On the streets, we joined the many heading towards their plans for the night. Six years later and the streets were alive and bustling, almost reminiscent of those in Tokyo. They weren’t the same in scale, of course, but I found this change comforting. After living in the city for so long, the constant busyness became my norm, and I appreciated that I wasn’t fully alone with Hiwatari. While I relished his lone company as he walked me back then on these once practically empty streets, it would’ve driven me crazy now if I had to deal with that.  
Hiwatari walked ahead of me, and I couldn’t help but examine him under the meager lighting of the street lamps and storefronts. Outside of work, he didn’t carry the air of the Police Commissioner. He disguised his slim and toned body under his dull, ill-fitting clothes and hid his face behind those awful wire-rim glasses from last millennia that he apparently never needed; if it weren’t for his eye-catching hair color, he would easily fade into the background. And no confident man would stuff his hands into his pockets as he slouched: only a ruffian would do that.
He didn’t have to hide anymore with Krad finally gone for good, and he had actually gotten better with maintaining his outward appearance while living in the Niwa household, probably under Ms. Emiko and Towa’s tutelage. His casual clothes finally coordinated to some degree, and he walked around with his back fully straight. If anything, he should’ve continued down that path, especially as a young bachelor with the world at his fingertips. He could attract any woman if he tried and, if they bothered to uncover his actual personality hidden under that prickly shell of his, he’d be set for life.
Odd for me to even bother going down this train of thought, especially considering that I couldn’t even stand Hiwatari’s presence mere days ago, but I couldn’t help but notice that idiosyncrasy. When Hiwatari and I were good friends, he would always walk beside me, and I was too preoccupied with his face to bother paying attention to anything else.
Hearing my stomach growl, I slowed my pace down to distance myself from Hiwatari. I wanted to get home as soon as possible so I could shorten the time that I spent in his presence, but my stomach, hellbent on ruining my perfectly reasonable plan, decided to growl louder. Hiwatari turned around, looking somewhat startled, and I felt my face burn up from his attention.
“Harada-san, are you—“
“I’m fine.” My stomach decided to rumble yet again, and I hung my head down in embarrassment.
“We can stop by somewhere to grab food if you’d like.”
I nodded, lifting my head up to find a place to eat nearby. There were several fast food restaurants and convenience stores, many of them having popped up during my six-year absence, but I really wasn’t in the mood for unhealthy food. Not that I should be picky if I wanted to head home quickly, but I wanted something that I wouldn’t regret eating the next morning. I walked past Hiwatari, trying to see if there were any other places, but they all had a queue of people huddled close to their entrances.  
“Royal Host is close by,” Hiwatari spoke up behind me, as if he knew that nothing interested me here.
I turned to face him. “The one by the station?”
He nodded before brushing past me, leading the way to our destination without bothering to confirm whether I wanted to go or not. We used to meet up at this family restaurant for dinner whenever I wanted to personally see Hiwatari whenever he was busy. I wished he had recommended another place since I really didn’t want to revisit memory lane, but I wasn’t going to complain about it, especially if I could get some omelet rice…
I bumped into Hiwatari, who had stopped walking while I was preoccupied with my thoughts. “Sorry,” he apologized for what seemed like the umpteenth time. “I didn’t realize that I didn’t ask you if you wanted to eat there.”
“It’s fine.”
I pursed my lips, hating how forced everything felt. We stood there, stagnant and unmoving in the sea of people, and I looked at our new surroundings to see if I could avoid going to Royal Host. Luckily, I spotted a Starbucks nestled at a street corner.
“Um…why don’t we go there?” I suggested, pointing to the café.
Bobbing his head once more, he turned around and lead the way. He opened the door, letting me in before it shut behind us. The overwhelming aroma of coffee washed over me, and a brief memory of the many late night study sessions and early morning caffeine runs (for tea) at coffee shops flashed through my mind. Hiwatari headed for the counter first, ordering an americano and pausing a beat before turning towards me.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll pay for myself.”
He faced the cashier again and paid before passing by me, choosing to sit at a table close to the entrance. I watched him take out his phone, opening what seemed like LINE before looking at a wall of text, before I turned back around to the menu, deciding on an iced tea, a bakery item, and a wrap. After I paid, I joined him at the table and pulled out my own phone.
Checking through my messages, I briefly replied to the ones Riku and Daisuke sent, hoping that some word from me could stave off their unnecessary worrying. I smiled looking at Ritsuko’s barrage of texts that started off relatively calm before devolving into a mess of typos and all caps. I also had a message from Saehara asking if I wanted to come over to Akane’s apartment for dinner to which I replied that it was about damn time before busying myself with anything, everything, to avoid conversing with Hiwatari.
He shuffled out of his seat to grab his drink but didn’t return, so I assumed he went to the restroom. When I heard my name, I was about to get up and grab my order, but I settled back down when I saw him returning with our food. I hesitantly mumbled thanks, uncomfortable with this chivalry, before digging into my food.
“Sorry,” he said again in the middle of my bite. What the hell was he apologizing for now? “I didn’t realize it would be this difficult to talk to you.”
“The feelings are mutual.”
Hopefully, that would end any possibility of Hiwatari speaking up again so I could eat my food and put this night past us. We stayed quiet for a while, me enjoying my food while Hiwatari absent-mindedly scrolled through whatever he was reading on his phone while periodically sipping his drink. Well, until something compelled him to open his mouth yet again.
“I…want to make this up to you.”
“Our…relationship isn’t going to get better if we run away and refuse to communicate. I want to make things right with you, if only to make this easier to bear…for both of us.”
“Hiwatari-san, keeping this cordial and impersonal is the best way for both of us. Going any further than that is…”
“Dangerous? Difficult? Nigh-impossible?”
“Exactly, so why are you insisting on this?”
He didn’t answer, resorting instead to look out the window. I followed his actions, wondering what was so interesting outside. There were just passersby and the fluorescent lights of signs and cars: nothing particularly interesting but somehow hypnotic in a way. The rhythm of the mellow jazz song softly playing in the background followed the beat of everything outside, lulling me into a brief trance.
“Because seeing you act this way because of me hurts too damn much to bear.”
I spun around with my eyes widened in shock, gasping when I found him already facing me. Instead of hiding it behind his blank expression, behind those glasses that helped to disconnect him from the world, his bared it all for anyone to obviously see. His furrowed eyebrows cast a slight shadow onto his face from the lighting above, contrasting the light colors of his eyes that crinkled in pain. And his mouth, always shaped into a slight frown, slanted in discomfort.
The cruel joke that had bubbled inside of me to break the tension around us disappeared. I managed a small smile to get my mind off the swirling emotions inside, but I could already feel my voice bubbling up in my throat, threatening the truth I could no longer keep inside.
“Satoshi, you know that I’m only like this because you hurt me…right?” I croaked, struggling to speak while my throat closed itself in on my voice.
“…I know.”
I inhaled, trying to keep a hold of the composure that I knew would break soon. “Then please,” I begged, painfully aware of my cracking voice, “leave this be. I shouldn’t have you in my life anymore; I shouldn’t even care about you, but seeing you like this…it’s…”
I couldn’t finish. The tears broke out, and I brought my hands to my face to hide and suppress the screams threatening to escape. And Hiwatari, knowing full well of his place in my life, could only sit across from me, facing the consequences of his actions and knowing, with every fiber of his being, that he shouldn’t be comforting me.
After I finally calmed down, I quickly finished my food, and we resumed our trek back to my house. The walk was silent between us, and I expected Hiwatari to leave once we arrived, but he let himself in, lying down on one of the sofas. I went into the kitchen, guzzling down a bottle of water to hydrate myself from all my crying before I joined him in the living room, settling down on a chair close to him.
“Why are you still here?” I asked, resting my head on the armrest.
“Tired,” he mumbled placing his glasses on the nearby table before rolling around to hide his face.
I watched him for a while until my parents appeared, wondering if Riku and I were back yet. Apparently, my sister was still out with Daisuke, so they just stayed in the living room for a bit, asking if I was okay in hushed tones to not disturb Hiwatari. I told them I was fine even though I was sure that I looked terrible, but they didn’t push me for answers and returned to their room without a fuss.
I grabbed the nearby remote, turning on the television and browsing through the channels before settling on one that was showing an American rom-com. Even though it was rife with clichés, I reveled in its predictability and the character’s stupid antics, trying to keep my laughter down so I wouldn’t disturb Hiwatari. When the movie finished, the front door opened, and I heard Riku and Daisuke. They said their goodbyes before the door closed, and a lone pair of footsteps echoed through the house.
Turning around, I saw Riku in a dress that hugged her torso, flowing down a little past her knees. She complemented it with matching accessories and well-done face of makeup, and I was impressed. To think that she was hopeless with fashion years ago.
She approached me, and I braced myself for a slap or a long tirade or well…something, but she pulled me into an embrace instead.
“What perfume are you using so I could steal it?” I asked, mostly joking.
She let go with a huge smile on her face. “You must be fine if you’re able to joke around like that.”
“Mostly, yeah. I was kind of scared you’d be upset or something.”
“I was worried, not upset. Especially after your dinner at Daisuke’s house.” Riku turned towards Hiwatari’s resting figure on the sofa, and she looked at him in confusion “Why is Hiwatari still here?” I shrugged. “You should wake him up since I’m back. And make sure you drop by my room when you come up.”
“So that you can scold me and probe into the depressing recesses of my mind?”
“No!” she responded, upset that I even suggested it. “I just wanted to talk about anything: the perfume, your life…you know, to catch up with my sister since we’ve been so busy. And if you’re comfortable with me poking my nose where it doesn’t belong, that too.”
“Fat chance of that happening,” I told her. “But I’ll take you up on talking about everything else. Maybe with a couple of beers?”
She laughed, shaking her head at me before walking up the stairs with a womanly grace she probably also picked up during my absence. I went to Hiwatari, gingerly shaking him awake while whispering his name until he moved. He slightly rolled over but was clearly still asleep.
“Risa, please forgive me.”
I blinked, wondering if the external stimulus of me calling his name triggered it before deciding to play along just for the hell of it. “I’ll forgive you if you wake up.”
And he did, as if those words worked. I backed away, startled at the impeccable timing. Luckily, he didn’t notice having just woken up, and he slowly sat up and put his glasses back on.
“Is Riku back?” he asked.
Standing up, he headed to the entrance and said his farewell before disappearing into the crowds of the night. Closing the door behind me, I headed to the kitchen, grabbing two beers and some snacks before heading up to Riku’s room to forget about the day’s events by chatting the night away.
#dnangel#satoshi hiwatari#risa harada#satorisa#my writing#fanfiction#and yet another chapter that hit the 4000 word mark#i'm astonished and slightly terrified at the length of the past three chapters#and now some cultural things before we move onto the actual story!#so a traditional japanese breakfast consists of steamed rice and miso soup and some type of protein with vegetable side dishes!#and a family restaurant is...kind of like a diner in a sense?#they're really hard to describe in english tbh#but they're really cool and i love them#and when ritsuko's talking about risa's dream she says light and cloud right?#the most common reading and usage of hikari is light so that's what she assumes risa is talking about#and i think it's confirmed somewhere that the the kanji for hikari is actually ice hunter and not light#and i needed to find something that sounds similar to krad (pronounced using japanese syllables) so i went with cloud#it's a stretch but it kind of works since ritsuko's not familiar with what risa's talking about#ANYWAYS...chapter stuffs#so this chapter was so hard to write#i've rewritten it a couple of times before finally coming to this#and i'm really happy with this#the middle part where they're at starbucks was initially really hard and i actually cried writing it during a rewrite#other than that i felt like i needed to add a riku scene at the end so there you go#and there's a couple of things that pop up in this chapter that you...might want to hold onto...#just saying#AND PREPARE FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER#BECAUSE THERE'S GONNA BE A REVEAL#OF SOMETHING#BUT SOMETHING WILL BE REVEALED
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kiironekolady · 4 years
I was tagged by @kuronekonerochan​
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? black and grey
2. Name a food you never eat. cow, i mean beef. and many more things tho.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? cold
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? an owl sign
5. What’s your favourite candy bar? twix
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “acho que já vimos todos” (i think we’ve already watched all of them)
8. What is your favourite ice cream? hazelnut (incredibly rare here ugh)
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? choco mint black tea (surprisingly good. @kuronekonerochan​ got one for you)
10. Do you like your wallet? meh. i’ve been looking for one specific type for ages and still haven’t found another like the last one i really liked
11. What was the last thing you ate? potato
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no.
13. What was the last sporting event you watched? this insane sailing thing in New Zealand. prada cup i think
14. What is your favourite flavor of popcorn? just sprinkled with yellow sugar
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to? dad
16. Ever been camping? yes
17. Do you take vitamins? very very rarely
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
19. Do you have a tan? no
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? Chinese. wasn’t there an episode in teenage mutant ninja turtles where they made pizza gyoza?
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? no
22. What colour of socks do you usually wear? all colours
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? yes
24. What terrifies you? oh dear. i don’t think i’ve ever been terrified (yes, privilege). but i’ll say war. human cruelty
25. Look to your left, what do you see? tea
26. What chore do you hate most? anything involving bleach
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? n. r. walker
28. What’s your favorite soda? well if i’m forced to have one i guess cola/pepsi
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? neither, if ever, it’ll be in a food court at a larger shopping place
30. What’s your favourite number? 21
31. Who was the last person you talked to? mum
32. Favourite meat? chicken
33. Last song you listened to? Resistance, Muse
34. Last book you read? finished LOTR the fellowship of the ring. Lacuna (brilliant). now reading the two towers.. and the first hp in french. + epubs
35. Favourite day of the week? saturday
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? eventually
37. How do you like your coffee? decaf hazelnut (mocha) latte. ideally. there is one delta café creme that i’m surprisingly enjoying recently
38. Favourite pair of shoes? walking/trekking blue purple ones
39. Time you normally get up? wake up naturally around 8h30 am, get up when need to pee; for work 7h.
40. Which do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? sunset
41. How many blankets on your bed? is an eiderdown a blanket?
42. Describe your kitchen plates. inherited
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. i have 5 cats and it’s raining. there is no human at home rn.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? no
45. Do you play cards? no
46. What colour is your car? not mine specifically. we have a grey one and a dark green one
47. Can you change a tire? in theory. for the jeep there would be no point in me trying, even the auto assistance guy was having trouble with it
48. Your favourite state or province? Tasmania
49. Favourite job you’ve had? ha!
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Charlotte Josephine
CJ Two ways of writing: having a plan and not. Inspired by everyday life. Writes little but often then puts the pieces together like a puzzle. - Confidence - Reading and language - Watching alot - Space and respect Write a list of colours: Pink Purple Green Red Brown Yellow Orange Blue Chocolate bars: Mars Twix Kit Kat Galaxy Bounty Kinder bueno Bathroom cupboard: Toothbrush Deodorant Tampons Toilet roll Perfume Sun cream Tablets Teenagers bedroom: Plates Cups Bed Dressing table Clothes Shoes Straighteners Lady handbag Make up Tampons Purse Phone The pill Paracetamol Book Diary List of fans as tic lies I need to feed my fish My bus was late I need to see my Nan I find it easier when no one else is in the room to do my presentation You're my fave I love you A list of things todo when embarrassed Go toilet Bite nails Put the focus on someone else Go red Shit myself Play with my hair Look at my feet Leave the room Pretend you don't care Think of being in bed/comfort zone A list of BIRTHDAY cake wishes I want to meet Harry styles I wish for a someone to love me I wish for concert tickets I wish for money I wish for everyone to be happy I wish for no arguments I wish to have the people who mean most, forever I wish for my friends to come home from uni I wish for a mini A list of things that terrify us Spiders Losing my friends Being hated by everyone Not going anywhere in life Disappointing my family Death The unknown My pets dying Never having kids Getting pregnant at the wrong time Throwing away something I didn't realise was important. A list of things you'd find on a summer holiday: Factor 50 suncream A burnt ginger Alcohol Books People awake at 7 to put a towel on a sunbed Tanned people Lost languages A list of hiding places: My bed My car Millie's house The park Under my bed Behind a door I'm a hole Under the stairs Anywhere dark The green room Aunty jos house The library Things never said to a parent I smoke You're child is a Cunt You raised you're kid shit I've fucked your daughter I hate you Places to stand when the sea is rough In bed Somewhere where there is no sea On a boat In the sea with a snorkel Pavement Masculine or feminine things Blue Pink Muscles Hard labour Giving birth Emotions Trust someone: Raw Honestly Hearing what you don't want to but need to Having my back when I'm not in the room Being there when I need them most Answering the phone Going along with my lies Meeting your girlfriends parents for the first time: "Hi John nice to meet you, yes this is your daughter, yes she's wearing my top and no, she hasn't got shoes on because she was at mine last night not at Chloes like she said and yes that is my cum in her hair" - as if I'm going to say that out loud as my first words to John but it's definitely what's running through my head rn... how about a simple hello and hand shake, that could work right? But I don't want him to think I'm too formal.. fuck. Right that's it I'm not going. I don't understand why first impressions are always hard. When In actual fact it a simple hello. Everyone seems to always over think it. Ofcourse I want to make a good impression but I'd much rather not lick his ass hole because a year down the line he's going to know the real me and know I was putting on this front to impress him. Why can't I go in with the simple "alright mate, I'm your daughters new boyfriend, I respect her a lot fuck on a daily and think she's fucking hilarious" but nah got to respect that although he knows that the hand he just shook has actually be all over his daughter... he's thinking, I'm thinking it, might as well say it right? But instead I go with the, "nice to meet Mr Smith, I'm Daniel" "do I work?" Well yeah in a bar one day a week I'm still a student.. "still a student at the age of 21... living of mummy and daddy still then?" Why the fuck do I need to be questioned about what I do as long as what I'm doing makes me happy, I'm living my life not you. Blake: Age: 21 Cats or dogs: Dogs Live: house in leatherhead How do they spend their days: High as a kite writing music for the homeless. What is a smell that calms them: Petrol Three words to describe them(mum): a little podgy, good boy, likes candles Happiest on holiday: Florida At 8 he wanted to be: Fireman Item of clothing wear too much: Adidas original jumper in Kaki Phrase to often: but think of the homeless man Secret: I have a kid Roll model: my nan Fave drink: Redbull Vodka and Lime Lost virginity: his family friend Louise at 18 (he begged her init) On his own he dances to ballets Deeper secret: he is a professional ballet dancer Parents : mum is his world dad is a rich wanker Place: His studio, his workspace but also his hobby, he has his own chair (that no one else can use) others can join him but not use his chair. There is a hidden mirror for when he wants to practise ballet. Blue dim to the room - no windows. Constant music playing, there's a window to the booth that has a sticker of his dog and nan on the right hand corner. Smells like hard work, has a little can of petrol hidden under his desk where is chair is for when he gets stressed. There a aircon unit that always makes a slight noise of fresh air coming into the room. Everything is black apart from the lighting. Wearing something unusual: he's wearing a leotard under his clothes - it quite tight but he likes it, no one can see it but he knows he's wearing it. Smells fresh out the packet never had one before but always envious when watching professional ballet people wear one. I didn't mean todo it, it just... *sitting in his studio* staring at his hidden mirror - reveals it from behind its curtain. Looking at himself in his new leotard practising first position. A 1,2,3 second 1,2,3 first 1,2,3 second 1,2,3 first... *phone rings - it's zain* Wag1 Blake I'll be outside in 2. Blake: gets dressed quickly, hides his 'ballet for beginners book' and sits in his chair.. zain opens the door "oiiii wag1 G what you saying" Blake realises the mirror is still on show.. "shit" Madting when did you get a mirror in here..." B:"errrm yesterday init... it's for..." Z: it looks sick bro, makes the room feel massive.. Zain sits down Z: "oi you heard this new tune" Plays some bad man song Blake tries to release his wedgie that his leotard is giving him.. Zain is oblivious keeps mixing music Blakes burst out "I didn't mean todo it, it's just one day I saw your sister...." Z: "what do you mean my sister..." Blake: it just she was standing there in her leotard and it got me... Z: got you what bruv why you looking at my sister in a leotard bruv are you a pedo or something Blake: wait what... Z: staring at my sister whilst she's dancing wtf if wrong with you Blake: no no bruv it's not like that.. I wasn't looking at her because she had no clothes on.. I mean very little clothes on and don't get me wrong she looked fit init but" Z"what the fuck do you meeeeeeaaaan, what didn't you mean todo stare at her fat peachy beautiful ass" Blake: wait what... Z: forget get that... Blake: nah it's just I was fascinated Z: fascinated by Me and An old man in an army uniform We are in a very busy train station on a Monday morning I want success But there is a shark in the way I'm a busker, I've tried making it in acting, I've tried making it in dance and now singing but here I am... Monday morning the busy crowd is coming and I'm playing my guitar... people chuck coins and pennies and some cunt chucks a button... all I've ever wanted is success.. all I ever need is success but my success and the worlds are completely different, I just want to be heard, respected and a warm house to go home to, to see my loving family. I see an old man approaching.. he's wearing a uniform shit do I need to run? My license doesn't cover this station... I start packing my away my equipment, collecting my scraps of money... I look up again and he's just standing there... his uniform looks worn but well kept, badges glistening.. his boots are shinny and still smell of polish. He chucks a £50 note in my case.. "I tried to make it one time too but the army called for me instead" I stare.... my heart still racing from preparing to out run the Feds... He reaching out a hand to help me up... I take the offer, my hands trembling from adrenaline. BOTH HAVE THE SAME SHARK TATTOO. Fish tank This is England Shane meadows I really enjoyed Charlottes workshop as she opened my mind to write everything and anything and atleast one of them if not more will blossom. You don't have to have an order or a reason when you first start just start. I find writing terrifying, I'm always cautious that it won't have a good ending, beginning or even an interesting plot but Charlotte made me feel so comfortable to just write. Going forward I definitely will write down any ideas even if I leave them for months and revisit them with a fresh mind. Overall when it comes to writing my own script I will not give up and I will accept mental blocks and stop to allow my brain to breathe. Watching films and TV series really inspire me to help build characters however Charlotte opened my eyes to embrace what is happening in the moment day to day, as well as through books and seeing live theatre. There is never too much detail to a character or a place.
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