rktiffxny · 6 years
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insta update « misstiffxny » 17 seconds ago 
#tbt to a night with my partner in crime! 💖 
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rksejeong · 7 years
P.O.P. Music
Covering P.O.P.’s cover of Royals - Sejeong, Sooyoung, Sunyoung, & Tiffany
The evaluation was something that going in, Sejeong was not sure what to expect. She certainly had not expected to find herself with a group of girls from KT that had all been part of the nationwide MGA events and were obviously amazing talents. A lot of people would have felt intimidated, but Sejeong was always one to jump headfirst into a challenge, so she set herself a goal to one, not embarrass herself (too much) and two, to hopefully show them that she was deserving of her spot in TRC.  She knew for this evaluation they didn’t have to dance, so she considered herself getting a headstart in the not embarrassing herself category.
Practices had gone well and she could see why people said that KT training was some of the best out there. The three other members of her group were definitely some trainees she could look up to and to take the stage to do this song together was a great opportunity to show what she could do. 
Nervousness wasn’t settling in one bit as they took the stage and started in the song, their voices blending well, each getting their own opportunity to shine while the others made sure to support them with the backing vocals.  The extra actions of the bottles they had were luckily in her wheelhouse, as while her dancing wasn’t great, she had great hand-eye coordination from all of those years of playing baseball with her brother and in school.  She was thankful that the issues she had moving her feet to music didn’t seem to translate to her hands as well. She was quite pleased with the end result and hoped that she’d see the others around Seocho in the future and possibly work on something again if they’d let her.
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rksungho · 7 years
enemy of my friend.
she catches his eye in a new light these days. he sees long legs, a small face, large eyes. she’s pretty, so incredibly pretty. and she stands almost at the same height he is, much to his dismay. where sungho had first seen a refuge where he might be able to foster friendship, he now sees nothing but dangerous and hostile ground.
her first sin was by blood. taemin is her brother, the one guy that sungho can’t even pretend to get along with. friendship is impossible by that fact alone; he would never be able to confide in her his hatefulness and grudges the way he would with a more comfortable relation. how could he ever trust her to keep his confidence when his worst enemy is her kin? sungho is neither dumb enough to delude himself into a sense of security, nor is he quite selfish enough to demand that of her. blood is thicker than water, after all.
but that’s not what bothers him now. he looks at her and he sees superiority in every way. beautiful, seemingly well mannered, ideal. inho had thought so once, certainly. the faceless ex-girlfriend sungho has heard so many stories about suddenly has a face, a body, and the young man is struck by what a downgrade he is.
he can’t look at her without feeling shame and rage wash through him. even now, as they pass each other in the hall, he forces his eyes away from her, jaw clenched, eyes firmly downcast as he tells himself to ignore. surely she notices; surely she can’t miss the complete reversal of his reaction to her.
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haseulrk · 7 years
Can You Believe? || Taeyeon & Sooyoung
The news of a possible girl group being formed by some of the female trainees of KT had shocked Taeyeon to her very core.  This was really happening and she could hardly believe it.  She had waited for years for this opportunity and it was finally there.  The group of girls that she was going to be possibly debuting with was an amazing group and she couldn’t help but wonder how the others were feeling about the debut themselves.
Spotting Sooyoung, Taeyeon approached the much-taller girl and looked up at her with a smile.  Sooyoung had been on the team that Taeyeon coached back during the MGAs and she was very proud that the other girl had stuck around this long and would be joining her in the group.  “Sooyoung!  Are you excited? Can you believe it?  We’re getting so close to debuting!” she was much more animated than she had been over the past months or years even, it was almost like the news had woken her back up.  
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rksunyoung · 7 years
* ☆ › a helping hand —
there isn’t many times where sunyoung gets called to help someone out when it comes to singing -- while she did think that her skills were okay alright just good, they certainly weren’t the best and it made sense that those who needed help in that area would flock to them for advice. it was the way of life. that’s why it came as a shock when sooyoung found her amidst the crowd to and specifically asked for her help for bettering her singing. it was flattering that the other found her voice appealing enough to look for whenever sunyoung can point out more flaws within her voice instead of traits to praise.
her gratitude is shown in the bright smile that she flashes sooyoung’s way in the luminous practice room, using a lithe finger to push up the non-prescription glasses to her face while she fixes her expression to be something more professional, something like their own trainers would wear. there’s a dramatic clearing of her throat that lasts for five seconds ( aka entirely too long ) before she claps her hands twice for attention and speaks to “now, what seems to be the problem here? wait, shit, no-- that sounded like a fuckin’ perverted doctor, my bad.” laughter fills up the space between them and cracks her “professional” facade, and sunyoung decides to sit on the bench next to her friend while she continues in a more normal tone, “okay so i know you wanted to help you sing but like, what specifically do you want me to help you with? i’m not the best and hell, sometimes i even get lost during vocal training but... we can figure something out.”
* ——————————– @rkxsooyoung !
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nayoungxrk-blog · 7 years
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                      ⚡️ IM NAYOUNG ⚡️                                            for kt ent. -- starbright ‘17!
            dance: black by katie lee ( 0:43 - 1:28 )             rap: dream girl by lc9 ( 2:12 - 2:27 )
she doesn’t want to be here, but she doesn’t want to be anywhere else, either. this is the opportunity she’s been waiting for, what that feeling in her gut has been telling her to chase after ever since she saw sooyoung in the mgas. that same feeling tells her that this is where she needs to be right now, that nothing else in the world is more important at this moment.
of course, it’s kind of drowned out by the sheer panic that comes from the thought of an actual audition. she could barely handle just talking to a camera in the interview stage; how the hell is she supposed to actually perform in front of a panel of judges?
she takes deep breaths as she follows the kt employee through the unfamiliar halls. this is where sooyoung is all the time, nayoung can’t help thinking. if this goes well, i could join her. the hopeful thought makes her wince, because the last thing she wants is to get her hopes too high and have them crushed.
she suddenly misses her cat, wishes she could be home cuddling with mina in bed. it’s a panic-induced thought, she knows, but she can’t help but feel it deeply. she squeezes her hand into a fist, focusing on the sharp pain of her nails digging into her palm to ground her, bring her back to herself. it’s probably not a very healthy coping mechanism, but it works – it helps her focus on counting her breaths, ignoring the panicked thoughts racing through her mind, now banished to the dark corners to come back at some point later.
she wonders where sooyoung is now. somewhere in this building, she’s sure – the elder had told nayoung which days she usually went to the seocho building. part of nayoung wishes she’d told sooyoung about the callback, wishes the elder knew to come wish her luck before going in. but most of her thinks that this is how it should be: nobody else knows about her callback, and nobody’s hopes have been brought up except her own. the only person she risks disappointing today is herself.
they’ve reached hallway that seems to have been converted to a makeshift waiting area, with several chairs lined up along the wall. the staff member hands nayoung a sheet of paper to pin to her shirt – her own name printed in big letters, so the judges will know who they’re watching when they look back on her video. after gesturing her to what’s apparently an assigned seat, the staff leaves her to sit with the strangers in the hall, all of whom are also wearing their names on their fronts and most of whom look at least as nervous as nayoung feels.
closing her eyes, she begins mouthing the lyrics to her song, focusing hard on that to avoid thinking about anything else, about the others kt is auditioning. after running through the rap several times, she thinks of the song she’ll be dancing to and starts doing the gestures of the dance, though she keeps it small, just reminding herself that she still remembers the choreography.
she doesn’t know how long they wait. she loses count of how many times she silently rehearses, but soon enough the girl in front of her is called in to the room they’re sitting outside, and nayoung’s chest clenches in panic. she’s going second.
when her name is called, nayoung stands up and does her best to ignore the nervous nausea that sweeps over her. she can’t help her trembling as she walks to the door and follows the staff member into the room, where there’s a camera set up next to a long table of judges. nayoung’s eyes scan the table quickly, and her mouth drops open when she instantly recognizes katie lee sitting in the middle. i’m going to dance to a katie lee song in front of katie lee, is her first ridiculous thought.
she bows as she walks to the middle of the room, handing her flash drive with the music to the staff member who showed her in. she feels like her throat’s closed up, and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to even speak, let alone rap.
“i-i’m–” her voice cracks, and she winces a little before clearing her throat and trying again. “i’m im nayoung. i-i’ll be dancing t-to…” she meets katie lee’s eyes and stops speaking, nerves closing her throat again before she forces the words out. “katie lee’s black,” she says, giving the woman a jerky nod. “then i’ll be rapping to lc9′s dream girl.”
the music starts, and its familiarity settles her slightly. she’s glad that she decided to start with dancing. it’s more familiar, more comfortable, and will hopefully help her nerves settle.
after just a few short notes, nayoung throws herself into the first move, swinging her arms over her head and bending down at her hips. from there, the dance comes easy to her, though she keeps careful counts in her head so that she doesn’t accidentally rush – that’s been her consistent problem in practice.
the dance is more sensual than she usually does, but she likes it. she’s been working on it for a few weeks now, and she’s long since gotten over the embarrassment of the sexier parts of the dance, which were added at sooyoung’s suggestion. the dance technically isn’t anything like contemporary or ballet, but it’s nayoung’s personal style, which combines the smooth gracefulness of those with the modern popping of hip hop. the song is perfect for it, too – with a solid percussion bass under the smooth vocals and consistent acoustics, it’s like the song was meant for her dance.
as if to communicate this, nayoung finds herself meeting eyes with katie lee during the parts of the dance where she’s facing the judges, her eyes ignoring the camera and skipping over the other faces to land on the artist of this song, the ceo of the company nayoung’s trying to get into. in her eyes is a daring kind of charisma that doesn’t show up when she’s speaking, that isn’t there except for when she’s dancing.
she doesn’t have the regular charisma of most idols, doesn’t find it easy to even introduce herself or get through a simple interview. but she’s a performer – it’s this determined, challenging charisma that kept her on the rink for so long, that got her to the junior grand prix twice. this is why she ultimately chose to dance for this audition, because this is what she wants to show kt. this is her true talent.
when she gets to the end of the chorus, she steps up and pops her limbs and head a few times, her ponytail jerking with every dramatic movement of her head. she ends the dance with a hand on the front of her leg, the other extended slightly near her hip. her eyes are still locked with katie lee’s until she breaks the contact, brushing a few loose strands of red hair out of her face and stepping back to the center of the room, trying to catch her breath.
“next i’ll be rapping to lc9′s dream girl,” she says, not giving herself any more time than absolutely necessary to catch her breath. she’ll rap a cappella, not needing the music for this. it would just detract from the focus of her rapping, especially with the high note that covers up the final lines. after licking her lips and taking a deep breath, nayoung begins to rap.
the feeling of seeing your eyes, your lips, you’re so beautiful
she didn’t choose this song because she identified with the lyrics, but because she’s known the rap since shortly after the song was released. she’s loved lc9 for years, and has supported every comeback of theirs since their debut. she was lucky enough to see them in concert in seoul twice since she got into them, and she thinks it’s only appropriate that her first company audition – and for kt, no less – include one of their songs.
the rap lines come easily to her after years of doing them along with the song and under her breath when the song has been stuck in her head, and after the constant practicing of it she’s done in the last few days.
from one to a hundred, i treat you gently the day you chose me is when the world stops you’re my world
when the end of the song comes, nayoung opens her eyes and lowers her hands – she hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes, or that she’d been gesturing along with the imaginary beat while she rapped. the room is strangely silent now, lacking the sound of nayoung’s rap filling the room. she doesn’t find it difficult to speak anymore, and her eyes find katie lee’s again as she bows. “thank you for your time,” she says, her voice lacking all the shakiness and nerves from before.
when she straightens, she meets katie lee’s eyes one last time before bowing shallowly again and turning to leave.
it’s amazing what one minute of performing could do – it turned her nervous panic to adrenaline, and nayoung can’t help but smiling to herself as she leaves the room, following the staff’s directions to sit back down on her seat. a kind of giddiness fills her now, after what felt like a successful display of her talents.
that’s what she thinks about now, focusing on how good it feels to just perform, not letting herself think about the potential results of that performance, which she still knows was an audition.
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ktent · 7 years
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KTROOKIES is a pre-debut project by KT Entertainment.
During the first round of introductions, two members will be revealed every week with a special video meant to showcase their personalities and qualities. Trainees will be able to interact with the public under their own sub-channel before they’re ready to debut, uploading content as often as possible. Sooyoung is the tenth member to be revealed, showing her violin skills and amazing dancing. Who will be revealed next?
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rkhyeri · 7 years
* cuppucino
          “hey, you think if they put a cappucino in a cup, it’s a cuppucino?” hyeri’s all smiles as she arrives at sooyoung’s side, her slim fingers encircling one of the two steaming paper cups she’s just bought from a stall vendor. standing in line for several minutes has already turned the tip of the girl’s nose red from the chill and hyeri shivers faintly as she hands over one of the cappucinos to her companion. (it belatedly occurs to hyeri that sooyoung might not even like coffee, but surely anything warm would be a blessing on this very cold, very outside event, right?) hyeri takes a bracing sip from her own hot cup and breathes out a noisy sigh of relief when the liquid warmth spreads throughout her and thaws out the inner chill. “are you ready for tonight?” they’d rehearsed hard for the live stages in the evening and yet hyeri still couldn’t shake her nerves about getting up there tonight after being revealed as a public trainee the past weekend. the pressure seemed to be even greater than before and it scares her.
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rktaeyong · 7 years
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﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ where u at my luv ! now playing . . . rumor ! kard AUGUST evaluations feat. @rksohee​, @rkxsooyoung​, @rkseokjin​
interpersonal communications wasn’t always taeyong’s strong suit.
professional networking is a skill that comes with age, gets better with age -- like fine wine, aged cheese. he’s no stranger to it, definitely. what with his family’s dealings in both medicine and law, networking and communication was and still is key. there’s no doubt in his mind that he could have been successful had he gone that route, pursued being a surgeon or something.
but being an idol. hell, even being a trainee is something else entirely.
constant contact and small talk with others, constant surveillance under watchful eyes to make sure that everything’s clean -- professional.
he sighs -- but smiles right as the music starts, right as the part decided for him comes crashing into reality.
what do i do? i can’t acknowledge this how you easily forgot me and are so happy it’s too cruel, you’re a cruel woman i never knew this till now, i’ve been deceived
it’s a price to pay to give away some of his personal freedoms. but he would do it and give it up twice more to achieve his dream. while others might think that signing the dotted line on a binding contract might be so suffocating, taeyong thinks that signing is just a formality when he’s been so committed to making his dreams happen already for as long as he can remember.
it makes no difference to him. now he’s official. at he’s not worrying about the next opportunity he’ll get to put himself forward. at least, not for the same reason as before.
i haven’t forgotten you yet whatever i do, your smile won’t get erased there’s no way, this doesn’t make sense i wanna believe that they saw wrong
he realizes that he hasn’t rapped in so long, that his voice has been getting used to vocal warmups instead of the ache he gets in his head trying to get rhythms and flows in his head.
it’s refreshing, reminds him of himself in the near past. he remembers how enthusiastic he was, how absolutely set he was on being a rapper. the thought is sad, somewhat.
but he knows that now, he’s getting serious about his career. now, he’s thinking of the future ahead of him while still fondly looking back into the past. now, he’s training to be something big, someone that is just radiating with talent to fill.
he’s still a triple threat in his own book, in his own right.
it’s all a lie, i’ve never done that even though I try so hard i can’t forget these feelings to leave my phone background as an old photo of us it’s a waste of real love
he’s learned from the once strangers that he met during the course of the evaluation that realism and goals need to be achievable -- that sometimes you need to age and mature like fine wine, like aged cheese. being both the youngest in age and youngest in status as a trainee gave him a bit more excitement, a bit more swing in his step.
and of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. it’s lucky that he still has, he’ll still treasure being excited for monthly evaluations, for training, for dancing until his sides hurt, for getting vocal warmups stuck in his head after hours of practice.
he’ll treasure that. and he’ll treasure the wealth of knowledge from more established trainees.
he feels like he’s going to need them in the near future.
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rkxrm · 7 years
Killing Time ||
Killing time was easy in theory but harder in real life. It was easy to think that one could sit there silently twiddling their thumbs and time would go by faster. That wasn’t how it worked in reality. You could sit there, twiddling  your thumbs, and yet time will not go by faster. Yet, people will look at you as though you’re a fool for wasting time. He was trying to kill time, trying to will time to go faster so that his broken heart could heal. Since his breakup, he’s wanted to just curl up at home and not do anything, but he would probably get in trouble again. 
So, here he was at the practice rooms, staring in the mirror. he hadn’t realized how badly this breakup had affected him. He didn’t want to sleep and he didn’t want to eat. it was just easy to let himself waste time. He flopped down on the floor with a sigh.  
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rkxayah · 7 years
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« TONIGHT I DROP IT LOW » kt ❤️ june evaluation 2017 performing falling in love by global icon ft. eunae, tiffany, yulhee, sooyoung and sunyoung
ironic how she left triple crown almost two years ago and now ended up covering one of their songs for the evaluation. she never denied being more drawn to their music style compared to her current company's, but she didn't regret leaving nor did she regret getting signed by katie lee. she would be able to work on other talents here and, who knows, maybe become a decent singer by the time of her debut.
even more ironic how she felt more in her element with global icon's song than she ever would have with chi chi's. she had no idea how to pull off a concept like 'oh!' yet, no matter how people kept telling her she looked cute, eunae couldn't stop cringing every time she had to do aegyo. how did people even do that without throwing themselves out the window from all the embarrassment? she wouldn't rest until she could film her brother doing this, that was for sure.
the song wasn't her favorite, but the beat was mellow and well fitting for the summer season. it set them apart from the other kt team who got a stronger concept this time around. the trainee was curious to see how they would do on the evaluation, but for now her only focus was to give the best performance with her own team.
she wasn't used to being one of the most at ease. since she was much newer than the other four, she often ended up listening to advice and just going along with whatever they decided. as strong headed and independent as eunae could be, she also didn't mind being a follower as long as she trusted the people she worked with, and she did wholeheartedly. this time around, however, she became one of those giving advice, treating her new role very seriously.
she knew she was ready once she stepped on the stage, as well as confident in the other girls' ability to do great. they practiced a lot, experience some setbacks which led to discouragement especially on tiffany's end as she worked so hard on the remix. still, despite all of that, they pulled through as a team and hopefully this would be seen by those watching.
hopefully, too, this would make the kt staff forget about her surprise pokérap from last month.
she was the one to open the song right after the short part they sang together, but she didn't feel nervous at all compared to the previous evaluation. she felt like a fish in water, knowing exactly what to do and put on a playful smile as her 'touch me over, touch me over there' reached the audience's ears. she regained her spot to let sooyoung take over, after which the spotlight was again on her for her rap.
Tonight I drop it low It’s electrifying, my heart is about to burst, blow You’re my Johnny Depp My lips get dry and it tingles down to my bones I can’t look at you, who dazzles, Boy I’m so blind A pearl in the dirt, I’m your bride I will make you mine, That’s what a queen do Yeah in the club, it’s getting ugly, I don’t care Can’t nobody stop the fire, Let them haters sit and stare
her deep voice was a clear contrast with the original rapper's, which hopefully would let the trainers know that she was not just about to change her own colors just to fit in the mold of the original group. of course, she did bring some of the fierceness the idol has, getting her inspiration from the many lives she watched to prepare herself. but overall, she felt like she made it her own in a good way.
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rktiffxny · 6 years
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insta update « misstiffxny » 21 seconds ago
#tbt wishing it was christmas in july but it’s okay because i’ve still got my girls 💕
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kibumrk · 8 years
come run with me ;
kibum’s made a discovery. he found two flower crowns -- entirely fake ones, unfortunately -- abandoned in a hallway near the styling areas in the samsung facility, and now wants to share the one that isn’t already on his head with someone else. he twirls it in his hands as he walks through the halls, the fake fabric flowers and plastic leaves slipping through his fingers, spinning through the air, then falling back into his grasp. 
he finally catches sight of a familiar form down the hall. she’s alone, thankfully -- he wouldn’t want to have to leave anyone out of the flower crown fun. if this were the royal building they could go to the garden and make another crown, but it’s not, and as trainees no one has that kind of free time anyway. 
“sooyoung!” he calls out, waving as she turns around and spots him. her hair is short and dyed light brown for her commercial ( he doesn’t think she’s filmed yet -- he thinks she’s in one of the second week teams, and his own commercial was just filmed yesterday ) and would be a great contrast to the aesthetic of his black hair sporting the colorful flowers. “look what i found! be flower buddies with me. we can take a selca and post it online so everyone can be jealous of our spring aesthetic~”
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rksungho · 7 years
new guy.
there’s something uncomfortable about being the new kid. sungho never experienced it growing up; there was never any sudden move or change of schools that left him friendless and alone in an environment that already had set social circles. maybe that one time he had been a trainee before, but he had made a friend right away so it was hardly noticeable.
he finds he’s having a lot harder time adjusting to the social climate of kt entertainment than he ever had in another situation before.
sungho shifts his weight uncomfortably, staring out across the dining area and the tables in various states of occupancy as he wonders where he’d be most welcome to sit and eat lunch. he doesn’t know anyone, he doesn’t have any friends yet. perhaps his accidental prickliness had ruined him indefinitely, but he refuses to take the blame himself and instead says it’s everyone else’s fault for not being tougher. it’s a harsh world out there, he’s not a bad person for being competitive.
he can’t stand there forever, so finally he makes a move. the table he picks is at random and when he speaks it’s softer than he usually can manage. “is this seat taken?”
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
sooyoung, you got a strong support system, but you dont need it with all the strength you got in your heart.
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
rookie, rookie (#2)
Here’s round #2, coming from the otherwise of the world. He Who Must Not Be Named is sleeping -- he looks cute like this. I couldn’t sleep. Jetlag. I know he’s excited to get to the MGA’s and Luxe’s first teaser, he might have screamed in agony when he realised they were released while we’re away. I’ll get to them, when were back home. This is a test on our relationship, not the vacation, if we end up picking competing contestants on MGA’s S4. But let’s focus our energy on what I’m only half way through. KTROOKIES. We got through the first five, so here’s the next.
We’ll start with Anna. 
(Let it go, let it go. Can’t hold it back anymore~ I’ll be honest with you. I still sing this song in the shower.)
Anna’s teaser didn’t show much about what her skills are. Cute maknae? We get to see her play around with some M&M’s and aren’t given much more than that. It could be that KT wants us intrigued by who she is, what she’s going to do. Our expectations are kept tightly wrapped up. I watched the video and made Sleeping Boy buy me some M&M’s, so that could be an angle as well. It’s hard to say anything about it, but I am interested to see what will come from her in the future. If only to satisfy my curiousity. She is very cute, though.
Next we have Addae. That name rhymes with many things, it’s kind of fun to make songs about it~
If Aron was the romantic boyfriend, Addae is the fun one? He won us a prize in the arcade, what is cuter than that? (Sigh. I should wake up my boy and see if he will win me prizes.) Once again, we’re not given much on what his skills are, instead there’s a focus on personality and charm -- and it works. From stealing Sleeping Boy’s research, we can take that he’s a vocal and he’s got an education. (We share everything, so it’s not stealing.) But why didn’t KT get him to sing like they did Aron? Maybe I’m just weak for boys who sing, I want more from him... 
Jimin is the last boy in this batch of KTROOKIES and doesn’t the video just make you want to go to a cat cafe yourself and play with them? The entire scene sets your heart at ease. There might not be much to it musically, but it made me happy after watching it. I do wish KT gave us more to work out what some of these KTROOKIES plan to do and what their focus is, but giving it to us all at once isn’t a sound marketing strategy. (It’s why I refuse to give Sleeping Boy kisses from time to time, make him want more.) 
Hopefully they will show us more on Jimin soon.
Blue is out second to last of this batch of KTROOKIES. Her real name is Park Sunyoung. I wonder if her name has some secret meaning? She has a mature setting, something serene and calming. The ocean and her stage name fit will, and they blend with the video. All I could while watching her video was that she could give me advice on everything I ever need. I wonder if this is the image that’s going to remain? Her skills weren’t shown. (KT, what are you trying to hide?) She contrasts Anna who is more youthful and cute, by being beautiful and mature. 
Our final one for this set of KTROOKIES is Sooyoung. I don’t know how I feel about this. She’s talented. I’m not a fan of the violin, but it’s impressive to know how to play it and she played it far better than I likely ever will. Somehow it just felt there was too much going on. Anna, Jimin, Blue didn’t show much of what they could do, and Sooyoung had violin, dancing, and then playing with a bunny, I think. I might have to rewatch it again. It might have been better to focus on her playing violin, it’s the part that made her stand out the most to me. After watching it a couple times, that’s what I remember about her. But what do you think?
There’s likely more to come, from what we’ve seen and the ominous ‘WHO’S NEXT?’. It sounds a bit like they plan to murder someone. A serial killer threat~ I will try to keep up with the more actively and I’m sorry this might seem rushed. Suddenly the jetlag is wear off and I need sleep. Maybe if I wake Sleeping Boy up, he’ll get me some ice cream. 
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