ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
themusicanon @themusicanon • 10 m
today’s #mgas4 episode better be good. @ponyoismnet and i didn’t wake up at the crack of dawn for a flop-fest.  
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themusicanon @themusicanon • 5 m
no seriously. if this episode doesn’t end well, my main hoe’s going to make me buy him more injustice gelato when he’s already on a sugar high. lord help us all.
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 7m
#injusticegelato is serious.. mnet only cares about visuals... why call yourself a music program if you only care about who looks pretty? 
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 7m
you’re lucky.. none of my picks got voted off this week. but i can’t believe the long haired rapper got voted off
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
@moon_jehan DM → @ponyoisms: hello ponyo-ssi!! just wanted to thank you for your support in the mgas! I will try harder to better my lacking performances and show you a better and more charismatic moon bin! please look forward to it~ ❤
ponyoism is typing… private message to @ moon_jehan
아…안녕하세요! ^^you’re lacking performances..?^^a i don’t agree with that! you have a very nice voice, sweet and full. i wish mnet would give you more screentime! your vocals are more stable than some of the other performers even. i don’t understand why they don’t highlight that more…ㅇㅈㄴ mnet only care about visuals.. ;;;;;;;;; i was excited to see the face behind the market o song though. i’ve like your voice since then. it suited those types of songs, so i hope that you will be able to do them more. ㅇㅋ?화이팅 moon bin-ssi!
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
what teams are you looking forward to in the mga's and who are your favorite in all of the teams?
ponyoism is typing…
ㅇㅈㄴ how can i answer this when mnet shows favouritism? 아…
team d would be the one that i think has the best chance to shine. they have a good balance of skills in their group. hyunjin (ㄷㄷim shivering again thinking about his last performance), jeno and kyungri can dance well, moonbok can rap and sing, luda and kyungri both shine as singers as well. if they do the performance well and let everyone shine, i think they could be the best performance of the night.
team c has an interesting composition, if they manage to find a song that highlights each members talents they will do well, but if they don’t….ㅇㅈㄴ 
my favourites in each team… 아… this is harder than picking out my favourite flavour of gelato..
team a, i’d say juyeon. he is the back bone of the group. he’s what will keep them centered during the performance. the others in his team may overshadow this fact, but without him, they are only sprinkles and no ice cream, and elpof tells me that that is not a proper meal. my vote is for ice cream, juyeon. 
team b – yongsun. she’s going to stand out in her team with her vocals (if mnet isn’t shady and gives her screen time). no one should be surprised i picked her ㅋㄷ she’s growing to be one of my favourite contestants through the show. (she even sent me a message to thank me. ㄷㄷ she is a idol in talent and heart). 
team c, between longguo and youngjae, it’s a tough decision. but longguo has that mystery energy, it gives you shivers when he looks into the screen ㄷㄷ. he makes my heart waver. i would ask for both but i need my pass for the next team… 
team d. hyunjin and luda. sometimes two scoops is better than one. luda is reliable vanilla, silky, smooth and sweet. and hyunjin is chocolate, milky and catching.  ㅎㅎㅎ(eplof says i’m not allowed any more gelato until my sugar levels come downㅠㅠ) 
team e was easy again. hyunjung. (elpof is going to say i’m biased and i am. vocalists, and more vocalists). female vocalists…아… i love them. hyunjung is beautiful, she has voice that can move through you..ㄷㄷ.. you don’t get that with male vocalists.. i don’t know how to explain it
team f is bin. he’s my pick to win. it hasn’t changed yet despite the wavers in my heart. team f is the other team that i think can do well, they have a good balance of talents. i wanted to pick them too, but that would make me too biased…  i’m worried about hyuna’s publicity, she’s a trainee from royal, she was on royal survival.. if people already know how they feel about her and don’t like her, it could damage her team… 진짜..  
team g. jinsoul. another female vocalist.. i think she has more power with her voice than hyunjung, but..  (아… if i could born again, i would come back as a female vocalist.) i sound like i’m repeating myself. she appears more cute than hyunjung, but she showed in the last episode that she’s a versatile performer; singing, dancing, charisma. 
kenta, gone… jaehwan gone.. and the last three of my male picks together.. you can’t make me pick. i refuse to pick between these three. if mnet eliminates sungwoon, junhoe or donghyun, i’m starting a petition. they are three talented vocalists, their voices have power and strength. team h, 화이팅! we are brothers in arms!
team i. soojin. she’s my last female pick. (진짜..mnet put one in each team to make it difficult for me to choose a team i liked most..ㅇㅈㄴ) she’s the only female in her team too. i hope this means she will get to stand out among them. it might be like she’s debuting as a soloist ^^a beautiful woman, surrounded by male back up dancers
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
do you think convex is too cutesy?
ponyoism is typing…
until they debut, i can’t say…ㅇㅈㄴ 
a majority boy groups debut with cute concepts and commercial friendly images. to promote, their songs need to pass through various boards and be approved by the music shows. public friendly concepts, song choices and styling make it easier for companies to get their groups on television and into the eye of the public. it’s a strategic decision made by sphere, maybe convex is too cutesy… ^^abut you can asked liar, liar, pants on fire (i shall call him elpof henceforth) @themusicanon.. i like cute songs. they bring happiness and joy. you get them stuck in your head. they put a warmth in your heart that other songs don’t. ㄷㄷ
this is only convex’s beginning and i trust baek jiyoung has much more to show us in the future!
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
@yongsolar // private message: hello, i have been swamped with practicing for the next round but during the break i saw your tweet about me and just wanted to thank you for mentioning me as one of your female favorites! thank you for the support ^^~
ponyoism is typing… private message to @ yongsolar
아…! i didn’t think you would even see my tweets!ㅇㅁㅇ 
i hope that your efforts to train hard pay off, and that mnet will let your vocals shine. i think we haven’t got to see everything you can do ㅋㄷ don’t let that stop you from putting in your best. 화이팅!ㅇㅋ?
ㄱㄱ !
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
themusicanon @themusicanon • 8m
for the love of all that’s good and holy. i didn’t think it mattered telling people who my parents are @ponyoismnet​. i didn’t consider my parents’ jobs a big deal. 
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themusicanon @themusicanon • 6m
lol. you might want to check if he’s gay. he might not be into guys. 
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themusicanon @themusicanon • 4m
fine. both convex’s sehun ( @rkohsehun ) and k.i. ( @rkkey ) are impressive. but none of them are my type. good song cover choice though. i’ll dig up more on them when i get back to seoul
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 10m
you let me believe that they were something they weren’t. @themusicanon​  
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 8m
gender doesn’t matter if he falls in love. he looks like the romantic type, he’d bring me flowers and not lie to me about his parents. a good boyfriend ㅋㄷ
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 7m
sehun is now my type. if anyone knows him, tell them i have gelato that i will share with him when i’m back in seoul
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 10m
he who must not be named and i are breaking up…. why???? he’s a liar! he didn’t tell me who his parents were. @themusicanon​  i’m having break up gelato, without you
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 8m
i’m going to date sehun from convex. i’ve been watching k.i. and his cover, and he’s tall, good looking, and sings well. he’s ‘he who must not be named’ 2.0
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 7m
i heard he can even dance... +200 points.. 
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 12m 
kenta got eliminated? kenta.... #justiceforkenta how can mnet get it so wrong? 
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 11m
kenta, then jaehwan... #justiceforjaehwan is this a talent show or a beauty competition?
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 9m
ㅇㅈㄴ... i need more depression gelato, but i’m being told i’ve already had too many. but you can’t have too many when talented vocalists are eliminated and mnet keeps trying to force visuals and gimmicks over skill..
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 8m
im eating he who must not be named’s gelato, in protest
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 6m
i only got to see the eliminations, and some of the performances, so i’ll comment more in depth once i can. but i got shivers when i saw that dancer who did sign language ㄷㄷ someone tell me his name. that was beautiful ㄷㄷ
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 6m
hyunjin.. ㄷㄷ
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 4m
i just saw someone comment... did ninja turtle rapper pass? is he good? can a rapper come explain that to me? ^^a i thought jaewon did better. he did his own song. how do they decide this...? #justiceforjaewon
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 1m
i’m going to drag he who must not be named for some injustice gelato! #injusticegelato
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
Will you be talking about the Sphere showcase? Please do!
ponyoism is typing…
sphere should have told us earlier when the showcase happened. he who must not be named and i were out of the country when it happened ㅇㅈㄴ our friends sent us messages asking where we were, we had to get two serves of depression gelato. europe is so far away from seoul~ 
our hearts are so far away from our s(e)ouls.ㅎㅎ
if anyone has any information or pictures, send it! ㄱㅅ i hear they were good too. that i will get shivers when i hear their vocalistsㄷㄷ why didn’t sphere tell us?
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 4m
did you see luxe’s new teaser? ㅋㄷ jisub plays league. we have it confirmed. royal’s ceo plays league. xayah and sona. it looks like they’re training to come conquer our hearts too ㄷㄷ
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 2m
each teaser makes me more excited for they’re debut ㅇㅈㄴ i’ve been waiting so long
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 9m
we’re going out again today, but while he’s in the shower, i thought i’d update on my top picks for the mgas. i’ll delve into a deeper blog about it once i can, but from what i saw, here’s a quick list ㄱㄱ
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 7m
top pick: moon bin, #4032. he sung for that market o competition. go take a listen to it. i’m surprised he wasn’t signed by any company after that. ^^a his voice is so smooth and sweet. some training and he’d make a good main vocalist
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 5m
top five girls: lee luda #4033 kim yongsun #4012 jung jinsoul #4027 seo soojin #4024 kim hyunjung #4025
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 3m
top five boys: koo junhoe #4044 ha sungwoon #4048 kim donghyun #4014 takada kenta #4013 lee jaehwan #4002
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 2m
we didn’t get to see a lot of some of these. i hope as the mgas continues, they’ll care about talent more than visuals -_-;; but it’s mnet... if anyone has any information on these contestants, send it to me?
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 2m
also anyone got tips on good ice cream places around here? he who must not be named said he’d buy me some ㅋㄷ maybe i can trick him into buying me two!! ㅎㅎ
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 5m
he who must not be named ( @themusicanon ) can’t believe luxe and convex teasers are all coming out while we’re away ㅋㄷ i’ve never seen him so stressed. i think he’s getting gray hair ㅍㅎㅎ
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ポニョ ☂️  @ponyoism • 2m
but can someone confirm, sona is a character in a video game? does this mean someone in royal has been playing them? seo... ji... sub?
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
rookie, rookie (#2)
Here’s round #2, coming from the otherwise of the world. He Who Must Not Be Named is sleeping -- he looks cute like this. I couldn’t sleep. Jetlag. I know he’s excited to get to the MGA’s and Luxe’s first teaser, he might have screamed in agony when he realised they were released while we’re away. I’ll get to them, when were back home. This is a test on our relationship, not the vacation, if we end up picking competing contestants on MGA’s S4. But let’s focus our energy on what I’m only half way through. KTROOKIES. We got through the first five, so here’s the next.
We’ll start with Anna. 
(Let it go, let it go. Can’t hold it back anymore~ I’ll be honest with you. I still sing this song in the shower.)
Anna’s teaser didn’t show much about what her skills are. Cute maknae? We get to see her play around with some M&M’s and aren’t given much more than that. It could be that KT wants us intrigued by who she is, what she’s going to do. Our expectations are kept tightly wrapped up. I watched the video and made Sleeping Boy buy me some M&M’s, so that could be an angle as well. It’s hard to say anything about it, but I am interested to see what will come from her in the future. If only to satisfy my curiousity. She is very cute, though.
Next we have Addae. That name rhymes with many things, it’s kind of fun to make songs about it~
If Aron was the romantic boyfriend, Addae is the fun one? He won us a prize in the arcade, what is cuter than that? (Sigh. I should wake up my boy and see if he will win me prizes.) Once again, we’re not given much on what his skills are, instead there’s a focus on personality and charm -- and it works. From stealing Sleeping Boy’s research, we can take that he’s a vocal and he’s got an education. (We share everything, so it’s not stealing.) But why didn’t KT get him to sing like they did Aron? Maybe I’m just weak for boys who sing, I want more from him... 
Jimin is the last boy in this batch of KTROOKIES and doesn’t the video just make you want to go to a cat cafe yourself and play with them? The entire scene sets your heart at ease. There might not be much to it musically, but it made me happy after watching it. I do wish KT gave us more to work out what some of these KTROOKIES plan to do and what their focus is, but giving it to us all at once isn’t a sound marketing strategy. (It’s why I refuse to give Sleeping Boy kisses from time to time, make him want more.) 
Hopefully they will show us more on Jimin soon.
Blue is out second to last of this batch of KTROOKIES. Her real name is Park Sunyoung. I wonder if her name has some secret meaning? She has a mature setting, something serene and calming. The ocean and her stage name fit will, and they blend with the video. All I could while watching her video was that she could give me advice on everything I ever need. I wonder if this is the image that’s going to remain? Her skills weren’t shown. (KT, what are you trying to hide?) She contrasts Anna who is more youthful and cute, by being beautiful and mature. 
Our final one for this set of KTROOKIES is Sooyoung. I don’t know how I feel about this. She’s talented. I’m not a fan of the violin, but it’s impressive to know how to play it and she played it far better than I likely ever will. Somehow it just felt there was too much going on. Anna, Jimin, Blue didn’t show much of what they could do, and Sooyoung had violin, dancing, and then playing with a bunny, I think. I might have to rewatch it again. It might have been better to focus on her playing violin, it’s the part that made her stand out the most to me. After watching it a couple times, that’s what I remember about her. But what do you think?
There’s likely more to come, from what we’ve seen and the ominous ‘WHO’S NEXT?’. It sounds a bit like they plan to murder someone. A serial killer threat~ I will try to keep up with the more actively and I’m sorry this might seem rushed. Suddenly the jetlag is wear off and I need sleep. Maybe if I wake Sleeping Boy up, he’ll get me some ice cream. 
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ponyoismnet-blog · 6 years
rookie, rookie
This is late, it’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks. University has been hectic and some people (coughthemusicianoncough) do not make life easy for others. That said, KT would be my fourth favourite company. (TRC is hip hop and, according to the same persons who do not make life easy, I’m not coming out with my rap diss track anytime soon. Wait for my next soundcloud upload. You’re my first target. Prepare~) 
But lets focus on the KTROOKIES. There’s nearly a dozen of them. Ten! I counted them with my own fingers. I’m going to get through five today and upload the others on another blog entry.  You’ve got two small groups there. Katie Lee must have been collecting them all up. We know most of them from various other things, but I want to pay attention to just what they’re showing in their videos.  It’s easy to start this off with a girl who I might love more than anyone. 
Despite KT being fourth company, Taeyeon is my favourite vocalist. Her honey vocals, her sweet imagery... She melts her way into your soul... I’ve loved her since the MGA’s. I was worried for a while she might have disappeared, but I’m glad she’s still there. Music choice, A+. Visuals, A+. Taeyeon, A+!! When she debuts, she’ll be winning over hearts everywhere. She pulled off her sunbae’s song well, it’s always daunting doing a song of someone you look up to. Bravery, A+.
Tiffany is not as strong a vocalist as Taeyeon, but there’s no denying that she can hold her own and compared to some idols skills, she’s not someone to be doubted. Charismatic visuals that could lure anyone in -- she feels a bit like Katie Lee to me. But it’s her dancing that sets her apart from Taeyeon and lets you see she is her individual. She’s not just a vocalist. I know nothing about dancing, but I’d say she’s a good dancer? 
Don’t correct me on this. Lets agree to not grade my dance skills against hers.
The next two to be released were boys, Taemin and Aron.
We should know Taemin from Dream High. (Yes, I went and rewatched it. I made He Who Must Not Be Named rewatch it with me.) Comparing from back then to now, he has matured? His aura went from new rookie, to mature idol; someone who knows what he’s doing and how to show his best sides, and can capture the audience. Is it all the training? Katie Lee should share some tips with me! I know a few people. He was dancing so... Well done dancing, Taemin! You’re a good dancer too.
Ah.... Aron might be my second favourite KTROOKIE video. Romantic scenery, picturesque lighting.... (He might have made my heart race a little. Handsome guy with a guitar.) Any girl would be moved by him, and he has the skills to back it up. You can tell someone who knows their instrument and who doesn’t by how they play. His vocals are stable in my opinion, he could use some work here or there, but.. It works for him. Boyfriend? (Is that what they say? Boyfriend?) He’s like a boyfriend. He doesn’t need those powerful vocals to draw you in.
I think he’s one of the faces we haven’t seen before too, have we? Who else is she hiding there in KT?
As my last one for this blog, Hyeri! She seemed so fun when she was playing around, I think she’s perfect to end this on and reenergise. We didn’t get to see a lot of her skills in dancing or singing -- but with the video, we can assume those are what she’s going to be doing. Maybe she will be the one who handles all the cuteness and moodmaker parts in a future group? Yes, she has nice legs. Yes, she has visuals. But as we’ve seen with the first four, Katie Lee has a whole company full of talented individuals and so we will those too. 
(Won’t we, He Who Must Not Be Named? We will appreaciate them past the urge to climb them.)
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