#rize my dearly beloved
rehide · 4 months
just barely started my reread but. i think one of simultaneously both the most interesting and devastating aspects of rize, whose entire character is about her stolen autonomy, is that we never really get to know her outside of other characters perceptions of her. we know her through kaneki's brief meeting with her and his once hallucinated version of her, through furuta's idealized memories of her in the garden and the twisted perception he has of her now, through tsukiyamas run-ins with her, briefly through shachi's ideas he got of her as she was growing up, but we still rarely get to hear from her. and despite this, she's still overwhelmingly present in the narrative, though more as a concept than anything. we do briefly get that scene in re where she talks to kaneki about the garden, but it still cycles back around to what he has to accomplish going forward. a lot of the information we know about her comes from the people fighting so hard to control her and take the autonomy her entire arc is about in the first place. just something i've been thinking about. how we know rize is so overwhelmingly present in the narrative but the people who she's tried to escape from her entire life are primarily who we've learnt about her from.
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aesrot · 5 months
So the basic worldbuilding of Tokyo ghoul is that living among humans are a species called “ghouls” which are monsters (I say that and then realize there are some moral implications to that) that eat human flesh, that’s the only food they can eat. Otherwise they look act and are almost essentially humans (aside from a special organ that gives them essentially their own weapon from their body I think it’s kagune that might be wrong). They live among people and there is a special government agency I don’t remember what it’s called dedicated to hunting ghouls. Essentially kinda like a cannibal serial killer situation.
Anyway, the show follows kaneki ken (my beloved) he’s an awkward socially awkward college student who goes on a date with a girl named rize who turns out to be a ghoul. They get into some sort of weird accident and rize is killed but kaneki isnt. Although he does need a few organ transplants………… anyway yeah he becomes a ghoul and the show follows him dealing w that in the ghoul society that I honestly think is really interesting how it works.
The worldbuilding is super cool and I love it a lot, it’s a lot of eating people, blood, gore, becoming a monster, corruption giggles. God the end of the first season and the next season are so cool to me, let’s just say kaneki goes through a Lot Of Change through the story. It’s so cool and the first anime I ever watched and it’s so special to me I love it so dearly from the bottom of my heart… waughhhhh I’ve read like the entire manga too I think (unless it’s updated since I’ve last watched which I think it has tbh… so I should rewatch it n read it$ I don’t like the third season (Tokyo ghoul: re) as much bc it makes no sense without reading the manga but the original is so special to me
giggles very good timing actually, yesterday i was thinking to myself that its been quite a while since i watched any anime, let alone gory ones and was just wanting to find something but then forgot. GIGGLES >:3
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juzuya-13 · 6 years
And a happy motherfucking Valentine's day to all my beloved fictional characters that died without receiving the love they deserved.
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Karren, my beautiful German rose, that sacrificed so much, she gave up her own identity in order to fulfill her late father's wish to carry the family's name, she was such an interesting complex character that I couldn't help but fall in love with. Sadly, she died in order to save someone she loved more than her own self. In the end her selfless nature took over one last time. She deserved better.
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Agni, my beautiful, brave soul. He was one of the kindest, most righteous characters I've ever seen, despite his troubled past he remained so crystal clean at heart, he was so faithful and honest it hurt, he also had a smile that could light up Soma's whole palace and our Ciel's entire manor at once. Unfortunately, he died protecting someone he loved and praised more than life itself. You were too pure for this world and you deserved so much better. Agni you were truly an exemplar butler until the very end.
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Rize, my little funky blood thirsty woman, your actions were questionable but in the end you didn't really knew better and were just trying to fight your demons all along, a great character that deserved better.
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Arima was just am AMAZING character, I've loved him from the very beginning and I was stunned when he died, I know he did it for the greater good but it still felt so unfair to me, he lived a lonely, sad life, and he for sure deserved better.
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Eto just broke my heart, even though I refuse to believe she's actually dead it was just awful to have given her such a bad ending. Eto was one of the strongest, most well written characters in the whole entirety of Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul :re (my opinion), she had such a troubled past, everything she went through and what she was trying to accomplish, the person she became along the way just made her such an interesting, complete character. I truly wish Eto could've been there at the very end to see the new world order she helped creat, Eto you were the best and you deserved better.
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Furuta, I don't even know where to begin, I've always loved furuta so much, he was such a complex character, he did have a twisted mind at times but once his motifs became clear I couldn't help but love him, he was just as hurt as Kaneki, he too was struggling, I refuse to see Furuta as "the bad guy" because he simply wasn't, if anything he was Kaneki's equal. In the end all he wanted was to live a somewhat normal life besides the one he cared so dearly for and he didn't get to do so. Furuta you deserved better.
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Shirazu was such a light-hearted character, I loved the fact that he was so innocent and goofy but also so strong and responsible, he wanted to help his sister and make sure his squad mates were safe at all times, he was the big brother we don't deserve, he was too good and unfortunately a lot of people only understood his worth after he was already gone. He died fighting to protect his friends while trying to raise money to support his sister. Shirazu you deserved so much better.
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The whole Circus troupe, I know they had their faults and what they were doing behind the scenes wasn't right but I couldn't help but empathize with them and their stories, they all had very traumatic pasts, living in extreme poverty, being disabled, feeling unwanted and disregarded by society, everything they've been through was just heart breaking, all they had was the Circus and each other, also I'm sure they didn't mean to do the the children any wrong they were just caught up in the mess of some psycho who used them as a vessel to obtain what he wanted. I was very saddened to see them all die one after the other, I still believe they deserved better.
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Madame Red aka Angelina, I loved her character so much, she was beautiful and fierce, I know she was a murderess and very troubled with the loss of her unborn child and her husband plus the whole Vincent being the love of her life and Rachel being her own sister situation, the fire that burned everything she had ever loved to the ground and eventually the return of Ciel (our Ciel). In a way she did deserve her fate given all she had done wrong but also I don't believe she had bad intentions, she was just deeply hurt and struggling with her own sense of morality, I do wish she would've lived so we could see more of her interactions with our Ciel and even the possible reaction to the return of the the twin (real Ciel). Overall I do miss Angelina, she deserved some happiness for a change.
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Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, this one is tricky, I know the whole point of Kuroshitsuji is our Ciel avenging the death of his parents so that in the end Sebastian can finally have his soul as payback, but I still can't help but love the dynamic between Vincent and Rachel, they seemed to be such a loving couple, they are probably my only reliable ship in this whole entire fandom, they seemed to be very much in love and every little panel with them is always lovely, Vincent being so high and mighty but also so dorky at the same time and Rachel being such an adorable mama bear to the twins, I don't wish they would've lived because if they did the story wouldn't have a reason to be but I do hope they're having a lovely Valentine's day in their afterlife or if they happen to be reborn again I hope they find their way to each other once more.
(the characters aren't ranked in any specific order)
Fandoms : Tokyo Ghoul / Tokyo Ghoul : re and Kuroshitsuji.
Also a huge honorable mention to Kuzen Yoshimura that was such a great man that lost so much and despite his sorrows still managed to strive for goodness and believed the world was worth saving, Kuzen you deserved so so much better.
Happy Valentine's day everyone! Hope this didn't make you too sad, remember if you love someone don't waste time go tell them you love them today and everyday.
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spearcast · 2 years
Rapid fire random OC questions!
Which OC(s) has a sweet tooth?
Which OC(s) can cook?
Which OC(s) would have a superpower and what would it be?
Does your OC(s) have a specific way they wash the dishes?
Your strongest OC and your weakest OC have to work together to solve a puzzle. Who leads? Who does the most work? Who’s the brains? Who’s the brawn? (Hint: strongest doesn’t always mean physically strong)
Three random facts about your OC(s)?
Which OC(s) has a sweet tooth?
Oh man, lemme think... Miles Reed, Horizon Renna, Rose Rogers, Peak, Tuya, Prentiss, Vespera Dhel, Janet Woods... the list could go on but off the top of my head it'd be them HDJDGSJ
Which OC(s) can cook?
I haven't thought about my ocs cooking for the most part which is kind of silly BUT one of the few I HAVE thought about would be Livyatan, originally one of my clone ocs from the Star Wars universe (though I'm trying to flesh out my faves from my massive list of clone ocs so they can be multiverse ocs). Livy is arguably THEEEE best cook out of all of my ocs
I think Teo can cook too honestly they seem the type to be really good at it without trying HDJDHDJDH
Which OC(s) would have a superpower and what would it be?
Well, a few of them DO have superpowers, namely Horizon Renna aka Hotspot whose powers are lava/magma and earth manipulation, but who has trained to become sort of ridiculously OP at times and can literally manipulate heat and rock without thinking- and a number of other branched off abilities, but if I had to pick a non super powered oc to give a super power I would pick Miles bc I think she deserves it HSJDVDJSB she'd wanna talk to animals and be able to understand them
Does your OC(s) have a specific way they wash the dishes?
Livyatan washes all of the dishes by hand regardless of if he has a dishwasher handy or not. He's very stubborn that way HSHDGSJS
Ves / Vespera uses a dishwasher any time she can and washes all of the silverware first, going smallest dish to largest dish
Teo. Refuses to do dishes if they cook for someone else, because whoever made/provided the meal shouldn't have to do the dish work in their mind HDJDVS otherwise if it's just for them they just handwash things
Janet does the reverse as far as how Ves does hers- Jan goes smallest to largest and hand dries everything as opposed to letting them on a rack to dry
Your strongest OC and your weakest OC have to work together to solve a puzzle. Who leads? Who does the most work? Who’s the brains? Who’s the brawn? (Hint: strongest doesn’t always mean physically strong)
Oh man oh man.... hm.... Horizon is one of my strongest ocs, mentally and physically, so I'll continue the trend with them- as for weakest oc........... I feel like all of my ocs are OP in some capacity HDJDHDJDH hm... maybe one of my SW ocs, Saphira Hael, would be considered 'weak'? Saph is kinda ditzy and sweet and a little airheaded but I love her dearly.
Horizon has a lot of patience so they and Saphira I think would actually do well together, even if it takes them awhile to finish the puzzle HDJDVSJ Horizon is kinda the brains and the brawn but Saphira is entirely moral support and Rize's cheerleader and she'll braid Horizon's hair while they're thinking LMAO
Three random facts about your OC(s)?
Livyatan is named after an ancient hyperpredatory whale called Livyatan Melveilli (forgive me if the spelling is off HDJDHD) because I'm obsessed with prehistoric creatures and the beast with his name is one of my favorites; also I have another oc who goes by Livy, but their name is Olivia Jones and they live in a horror movie essentially HDJDH I think Livy and Livy would be friends [:
Miles Reed came about by being an oc for the Jurassic Park universe when the first Jurassic World movie came out but she very quickly surpassed those bounds and now she's one of my most beloved ocs, who investigates and protects cryptids and other paranormal/praeternatural beings
One of my OLDEST established ocs (Rosario Salazar/ Rosa Salazar) was/is a multiverse oc I created as a kid for The Secret Saturdays show on cartoon network, and then she developed into an oc for Generator Rex ALSO on cartoon network, and she was the titular character's younger sister [:
I'm not sure if you wanted specific ocs or anything but REGARDLESS thank you for the ask!!!!!!! And apologies for how long this took to finish, SMH
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