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nikatyler ¡ 6 years ago
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When you’re reading this, it’s already after my prom. However, when I’m writing this, it’s the night before my prom, I’m freaking out and I’m listening to some Christmas music to calm down. Don’t judge me, okay? I’m not one of those “November = Christmas” people but I like to listen to Christmas songs early. I’ll start decorating by the end of this month. And buying gifts, too. End of November sounds nice.
Anyway, my prom. I’m freaking out. Long dress, high heels, makeup...aaaand I still don’t know what my hair will look like and that freaks me out as well. I’m a mess. When you’re reading this, I’m already at home, it’s all done, I have survived. Hopefully I don’t have a hangover.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON RONNIE HERE! If this wasn’t the best evening of my life then I don’t know what was. I didn’t make a fool of myself, I had a great time, I drank responsibly, I’m just a little tired and sad that it’s over.
It’s actually Monday afternoon now. Oops. I was going to post it yesterday but then I didn’t because anxiety. Basically. I hate myself. (take a shot every time I say something along these lines)
Replies now. Just a warning, it got really long this time and also, technically I spoil something even though at this point it’s obvious anyway so...yeah just thought I’d let you know :D
For some reason I couldn’t get a few of these replies straight out of my activity feed so I went and just did it manually because I knew they were there somewhere. Just saying in case you were wondering why the format is different.
jackssims:  “Forget her” woooow Ross
elisabettasims:  Ross, you don't deserve to be turned and live forever after that remark.
This goes on the list of the worst things he’s ever said. Not that I have a list like that, but I could start one.
riversong331:  I swear to god if she dies I’m going to start a revolt
I’m not ready
Well then...you better start getting ready. Just saying.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Daddy gone again?” December: “Oh yeah, he is. It would be...”
It would be nice if he was there /at all/ for Sunset lbr
Yeah. He needs to work on that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hottub is no fun when you’re alone. Once again, the conversation I had...”
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Hottub is no fun when you’re alone. Once again, the conversation I had...”
Yesyesyesyesyesyes xD
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Hottub is no fun when you’re alone. Once again, the conversation I had...”
*incoherent screaming*
but this doesn't excuse lack of interest in your daughter, Ross!
The ship may sail now.
By the way, at this point I was kinda scared everyone would just be excited about this revelation and forget Ross is still a bad person who sees his daughter as a minor inconvenience his parents can take care of. I’m glad that didn’t happen, he can’t be forgiven just yet, thankyouthankyouthankyou. I never should’ve doubted you, honestly :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Daddyyyy wake up!” Ross: pretend you don’t hear her, pretend...”
It's really, really difficult for me to like Ross. To be fair to him in this case, a lot of parents have done this.
Ah, yes, sadly...I know people whose parenting is very similar to Ross. :/
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Daddy gone again?” December: “Oh yeah, he is. It would be...”
I`m soooo close to calling Ross an a-hole
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tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Sunny, you can’t do this. Your dad - as in me - is a very busy...”
And when is your free time scheduled? When you have grandchildren?
Good question...guess we’ll find out when he actually has grandchildren in the game :D
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Sunny, you can’t do this. Your dad - as in me - is a very busy...”
Every time Ross says something like this to Sunset I die a little inside
You’re not the only one. I felt so bad writing these lines
jackssims replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Are you feeling a little unwell, brother? Is Sunset...”
Valentine pls
She’s trying to bring my alien jokes back leave her alone everyone
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ooh boy. It was one hell of a nausea.”
*eyes emoji*
I didn’t think anyone would think this was important but then again...we know how I feel about aliens  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “WHAT WERE YOU TWO DOING THERE THAT’S YOUR SON’S CLOSET”
It's the small little revenges that are the best.
I wonder how he would feel if he found out. Buuuut I think he didn’t find out, considering...well, let’s just say that closet has seen things. I’m not responsible for that, he did it on his own. I swear.
davidmont replied to your photoset “Look Ross. You’ve made mistakes and we all know that. We all hate you...”
Yikes indeed. Deal with your problems, Ross! Don’t just set yourself on fire!
Did I just call Sunset “a problem”?
I am officially as bad as our dear buddy Ross. I hate myself.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I love Ross as a character but I hate him as a person (if that makes...”
I like him as a character, too! Contraversional characters are the best
Ahhh yes! He was fun and interesting to write and think about. But he’s the worst. I’m not saying he doesn’t have any good character traits, I mean he’s hardworking for sure...but yeah he’s showing his bad side more
wizardofweather1 replied to your post “I love Ross as a character but I hate him as a person (if that makes...”
I Feel Like If His Parents Let Him Be With Caleb Then He Would Be Open About The Alien Baby Then Ross Would Never Have Went And Attempted To Seduce Everyone In Sight And Happier Ending But This Challenge Is This Way
My “theory”/”explanation”/idk how to call it because I’m tired is similar to yours. I’ll try to explain it somehow because honestly...would I miss the opportunity to talk about my characters? Watch out for a super long essay! :D
Let’s take it from the beginning. At first Ross was just kind of this child obsessed with his “cool vampire friend”. He adored him. When he aged up into a teenager, he went and started dating Carol, his classmate and a good friend. They were the same age and knew each other for a while so...yeah. It wasn’t that hard. I don’t think Ross had any romantic feelings for Caleb at that point just yet. Strong feelings, definitely, but not romantic.
Anyway, fast forward to Caleb getting abducted by aliens because I have no self control. I think that even though Caleb liked Ross a lot, they were best friends, they always had a great time and everything, he knew Ross can be shallow and bit of a dick. Which is why he decided to avoid him for a while. That however almost ruined their friendship, as we’ve also seen.
The feelings most likely started changing at the beginning of gen 2 when they started hanging out again - before drifting apart once more when Ross found out about Stella. During those dark high school times, Ross had this mindset that he wanted to date someone, find the “one true love” as one may call it. He didn’t know who exactly he wanted so he just went and tried all his options...but he was looking for something, someone specific. He was missing Caleb, even though he was also mad at him for keeping secrets and not trusting him. Now, I’m not trying to defend Ross. I would never defend him for this. He was confused and he missed Caleb, okay, cool. Well Ross, guess what, you can miss someone but that doesn’t give you the right to date a million people at once.
Ross then tried to move on when things got more serious with Jordan, but something still didn’t feel right, and then there was Marika who only made this indecisivity worse, and then things turned out the way they did. (I actually believe Ross and Jordan could have been in a happy relationship if it wasn’t for her.) And then Ross started talking to Caleb again and boom the feelings were back and even stronger and it was just a matter of time until he finally realized. Basically. As for Caleb’s point of view, well, I think it’s still too soon to talk about that and this is getting long anyway.
I wouldn’t necessarily blame Ross’s parents for all of this, though they obviously play some role in it as well. Let’s be real, Ross was an only child for a long time and a pretty spoiled one...hadn’t he been so spoiled, he would’ve probably grown up to be a better person, Caleb would’ve trusted him et cetera.
Wow, this turned into quite a rambling, I’m sorry. These are the kind of things I think but at the same time don’t think about, it’s more like a feeling, and writing it down, it gets long. Aaand now I definitely didn’t make sense. I hate myself. Don’t let me do this when I should go to bed, I’m really really tired. Why do I do this to myself. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Love gets so much more confusing when you actually mean it. I...”
Everybody but you knew, Ross.
Everybody but him...and me. Yeah. I started shipping them around this scene. I didn’t really think about it before that, in fact at that point I didn’t even know what I wanted to do next romance-wise for Ross. Once I was sure I wanted them to get together, I went back to edit the dialogue a little bit, throw a hint here and there...and I realized that I didn’t even have to edit it too much. I already wrote him pretty much like he’s kind of crushing on him without knowing he’s crushing on him. So like...I hate to say it but I’m just as oblivious as him. That’s concerning. Or maybe I just got so into his character, which is just as concerning.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Love gets so much more confusing when you actually mean it. I...”
Idk, Ross, you’re entire life perhaps?
You’re not wrong
I mean, like I said above, those feelings weren’t always romantic but he has always loved him in some way.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey. Why did you place that down. You eat that right now.”
I see that frowny face in the tags it better not be what I think it is
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “nononononono December please can you like maybe go away? Thank you.”
Gosh this is... Unexpected((
jackssims replied to your photoset “December: “Okay what are you trying to do.” Kieran: “I’m trying to say...”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “December: “Okay what are you trying to do.” Kieran: “I’m trying to say...”
I remember this clearly. I was going to leave the game soon and go to bed and he was like “oh you wanna sleep? me too but I won’t wake up. bye”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Oh, yeah. Glad you noticed your husband really is dead.”
It's sadly hilarious sometimes how long it takes it to jump in the queue if they're in the middle of something already.
I hate that. I feel like ts3 is quite the opposite, if something is supposed to cancel everything in the queue, it happens fast. Sims 4 though...
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Persephone made a new friend.”
"Give my best regards to Hades"
This moment was perfect thanks to her name
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Persephone made a new friend.”
I guess the Grim Reaper is still an animal lover. I loved that about him in TS3. It was one of the few things that made pets dying bearable, the way Grim greeted them with open arms and hugs.
Yes, that was cute! Still though, none of my sims animals has ever died because, well, it’s too sad for me to handle.
Well, actually, spoiler alert - Persephone died, but that was off screen, so that wasn’t as bad.
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “December: “I’ll take you to bed, Sunny. I’m so sorry you had to...”
I'm not crying! You're crying! These damn onions
Oh I am crying. I have very sensitive eyes, I cry all the time. (I’m not kidding btw and I hate it)
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Now he’ll never know…anything. He won’t see me graduate....”
He wouldn't be proud of how you treat your daughter. :D
Of course! Too bad Ross doesn’t see it...yet :D
jackssims replied to your photoset “Watch out Sun- Nevermind.”
The routing in this game really is something else
ikr? It’s like...in TS3, even a minor thing ruins the routing, sim gets stuck, screams, we all know how that goes, but this one...I’m not sure what I prefer to be fair. TS4 makes it all easier but it’s weird
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Why didn’t she come to me for a hug? I mean, I’m her dad after all -...”
Be a better parent for starters, Ross
jackssims replied to your photoset “Why didn’t she come to me for a hug? I mean, I’m her dad after all -...”
Be a better parent? Spend time with your daughter?
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Why didn’t she come to me for a hug? I mean, I’m her dad after all -...”
Make it up to her!
What a shocker, he now finally sees he sucks, but he doesn’t quite know how to become this “better parent”. Even if it’s so obvious. But then again, this is Ross so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Today is a very special day. A promotion is just around the corner, I...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Today is a very special day. A promotion is just around the corner, I...”
At least he understands that he should be here for his daughter’s birthday so there’s that I guess...even though he’s clearly not happy about it so...yeah Ross, you’re doing great, this will definitely make you a better parent.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ahh yes, no more crying, she’s growing up. Maybe we’ll get along now....”
Maybe if you weren't such a jerk, Ross.
*Selfish jerk.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ahh yes, no more crying, she’s growing up. Maybe we’ll get along now....”
Someone should explain to him that the change won’t happen on its own, he’ll have to take the first step. 
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
I thought it was Sharon. Pretty indeed!
I’m so obsessed with her even though I don’t really talk about it. She’s fun to write, she looks awesome, I love her relationship with Tyler, the way they tease each other, I could go on forever but that could potentionally mean spoilers so I’ll shut up now. I hate spoiling things.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
She truly is ❤️❤️❤️
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
Oh I love her.
Those Breeze genes never fail.
simmering-pancakes replied to your photoset “Today is a very special day. A promotion is just around the corner, I...”
I might fight this boi
Let me help you with that
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simmancy ¡ 7 years ago
Hello! I really like your female body hair in noodles sorbets color pallet, however in my game it shows up at the very bottom of my cas selection making it so that I can only access about 10 colors. Is there anything I can do to change this?
Hey there! I’m sorry about that--it probably has to do with how many CC tattoos you have in game + the type of tattoo it is.
If you’re used to working with S4S you can probably go in and change the category yourself to a different type of tattoo, but if not, I uploaded a version that’s considered an upper back tattoo Here for ease.
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darlingberries ¡ 7 years ago
riversong331 replied to your photoset “Jay is a natural!  Jasper? Not so much.”
@darlingberries do you have a cc blog?
i do!! it’s @darlingcc :-)
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wystia ¡ 2 years ago
What do you use to get the moodlets on your pictures? They look cute!
hey @riversong331. for the moodlets, i use a psd template here. i find it looks better and the words are more clear to read in posts using this method.
i take screenshots of all my sims moodlets as i play. then open the template in either photoshop or photopea and type out the moodlet information. i take out the bits i don’t want, put an icon sticker here, and save as a png so i can place it on top of my photos.
hope this helped 💕
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justanothernsbblog ¡ 6 years ago
WCIF the bunk beds used in your last post?
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