#riverdale lemons
alteredarchie · 7 months
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Laugh Comics #21 by Al Fagaly
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rivercule · 10 months
KJ Apa: Hey I’m gonna go make out with one of the guys
Cole Sprouse: What?
KJ Apa: I’m gonna go make out with one of the guys. Did you want to make out? It’d save me a trip.
Cole Sprouse: Absolutely not. Why are you going to make out with one of the guys?
KJ Apa: To get into character. Duh. *leaves*
Cole Sprouse: *portrays a closeted homosexual anyway, entirely by accident*
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As Intimate As Chocolate Cake
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x female!reader [2nd-person pov]
Word Count: 3.3k
Rating: T for swears; no warnings
Description: When Toni is put in charge of the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm, she decides to use the opportunity to set up two of her friends
A/N: Loosely based off a scene from Hart of Dixie season 4, episode 5: Bar-Be-Q Burritos, where George and Annabeth are set up on a date by their friend Lemon
Disclaimer: I’ve only seen up to parts of season 3 of Riverdale, therefore I know nothing about the current seasons and what has transpired, so there will be no spoilers. Also, this was written with minimal editing, so any errors are accidental. Gif credit to the owner, as it is not mine.
- - -
Cheryl Blossom walked into Pop’s, looking for Toni, but instead she found someone else.
Two someones, actually.
You’d been enjoying your strawberry malt and fries all by yourself when Sweet Pea had decided to join you without warning.
“Careful now - rumor has it if you drink too many strawberry milkshakes in one sitting, you’ll wake up as a strawberry.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to roll your eyes, dunking a pair of fries in the malt before bringing them to your lips. “Thank god this is a strawberry malt then, or I’d be fucked.”
He sat down in the booth across from you without asking, grabbing a fry before you could pull them away. “Milkshake, malt - same thing.”
“Nope,” you replied, popping the p. “Malts have malted milk powder; milkshakes do not.”
Sweet Pea pulled a face at that. “And why would you want that?!”
You shrugged. “Personal preference.”
You looked up to give Sweet Pea a piece of your mind at that, but found him smiling instead. It was rare to see a smile from the Serpent, and seeing it made something that felt awfully like desire pool in your stomach. You ignored it, taking a sip of your malt while you gathered your thoughts. “Wow, a compliment? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the world was ending.”
Sweet Pea snagged another fry, popping it into his mouth, the smile turning into a smirk. “Who knows? It might be.”
“Guess we’ll find out.”
Before you could respond to that, Cheryl interrupted. “Well, well, well. Fancy seeing the two of you here. And looking chummy, no doubt. What’s so funny?”
“The end of the world,” you quipped, causing Sweet Pea to snicker and you couldn’t help joining him. 
“Haven’t you looked outside, Cheryl? Pigs are flying!”
Cheryl let out a huff, shaking her head. “Ignoring all that,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, “have either of you seen Toni? She said she would meet me here, but I can’t seem to find her.”
“Whyte Wyrm?” Sweet Pea supplied. “You know she’s been spending all her free time there ever since she became part owner.”
“I just didn’t think she’d get so caught up in it that she’d forget about date night!”
“Have you tried calling her?” You suggested, regretting it when Cheryl fixed you with a glare.
“Of course I’ve tried calling! She didn’t pick up and I-”
Just then, the door to the Chock’lit Shoppe opened, the bell signaling a new customer. The three of you turned to see Toni Topaz making her way over, pulling Cheryl in for a hug and a kiss. “Sorry I’m late,” she murmured. “Got a bit caught up reviewing the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm’s grand reopening.”
“You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” Cheryl said, her smile returning. “Ta-ta, you two. Don’t get too cozy over there.”
You and Sweet Pea burst into laughter once Cheryl and Toni were seated at the opposite end of Pop’s. “God, she can be so eccentric at times,” you giggled, shaking your head. 
“I don’t know what Toni sees in her, but I’m glad the two of them have each other.”
“She sees in Cheryl what I have since elementary school: a girl with a lot of love to give who just needs someone to see her potential.”
Sweet Pea shot you a look as he grabbed another fry. “If you say so.”
“Hey, if I said the same thing about Toni, you’d be defending her, too. Cheryl’s my friend like Toni is yours - we go way back.”
“True.” You were almost taken aback when the Serpent agreed with you. He slid out of the booth before you could process what had just happened, but not before stealing a handful of fries off your plate. “Let me know when you’re here again - I can always get behind free fries.”
“In your dreams, Serpent!” You shouted at his retreating back, no malice in your voice at all. 
- - -
“See what I mean?” Cheryl whispered to Toni, the two of them tucked away in their usual corner booth that surveyed the whole of Pop’s, splitting a milkshake. “There’s definitely something there.”
“Maybe,” Toni drawled, narrowing her eyes as she watched Sweet Pea duck his head and smile to himself when his back was turned from you. “I haven’t seen Sweet Pea look this smitten in a while.”
“Do you think they’d have a chance if we worked our matchmaking magic?”
“What is it you’re always saying? Sometimes the craziest ideas are the most brilliant ones?”
Cheryl smiled, leaning in to kiss Toni. “You’re absolutely right, Tonikins! Shall we start plotting now?”
- - - 
“What’s up, Toni?” Sweet Pea growled into his phone, his frustration bleeding over from one phone call into the next. Fangs had been giving him shit for something and while he was glad to have Toni’s phone call as an excuse to hang up on his friend, he was still pissed.
“What’s up, Sweet Pea, is that I have the perfect solution to your dilemma.”
“What kind of solution?” He paused. “Wait. What’s my dilemma?”
“Nevermind that. Meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning so we can discuss.”
“Discuss what? I’m gonna need more details than that, T.”
Toni couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “All will be revealed tomorrow morning, Sweets. Riverdale Cafetorium at seven sharp - don’t be late!”
She hung up a moment later, leaving a stunned but obedient Sweet Pea in her wake.
- - -
“Cheryl? Is everything okay?” You asked when you answered Cheryl’s phone call. Before she’d met Toni, you and Cheryl spoke on the phone almost nightly; now she rarely called so you figured something had to be up.
“It will be. Meet me in the cafetorium tomorrow at seven?”
“Uh, sure? Why the phone call, though? You could’ve just texted.”
“Just wanted to hear your voice, YN. See you then!”
Nothing was said after that, the line going dead as Cheryl presumably hung up. “See you then,” you said into the void before going back to your nightly routine.
- - -
Toni and Cheryl were already seated at a table when you arrived, the two of them sharing a pastry as Sweet Pea looked on across from them.
“What’s he doing here?” You asked, unable to keep the harshness out of your voice. It was way too fucking early for this and you didn’t even have time for coffee.
“Calm down, dearie. Take a seat.” Cheryl was unusually perky but the tinge of obey me in her voice had you doing just that.
“Yeah, dearie. Take a seat,” Sweet Pea mimicked, and you couldn’t help shooting a glare in his direction. “But really, you two. What is it that was so urgent you couldn’t tell me over the phone last night?”
Toni sat up a little straighter, glancing at Cheryl briefly before she spoke, “Well, because Cheryl and I have a favor to ask. As you know, I’ve been stressing over the reopening of the Whyte Wyrm - particularly the menu - and I was hoping that as my friend,” she looked at Sweet Pea, “and my girlfriend’s best friend,” she looked at you, “that both of you would be willing to come over this weekend for a sample meal.”
“I knew she wanted something,” Sweet Pea leaned back, crossing his arms and muttering under his breath, and you couldn’t help but agree with that statement.
“Of course she did,” you said in the same tone before turning your attention back to Toni and Cheryl. “All you had to do was ask! Of course I will!”
“Me, too. But YN is right - next time just ask us. Not everything has to be a big scheme.” 
His statement shocked you. The two of you hadn’t ever really agreed on much since Toni and Cheryl’s relationship had started, and now you were both agreeing with each other more than once in twenty-four hours? It was almost too much for you to handle. Sure, the two of you were polite and cordial with each other - for the most part - but lately it seemed to be getting out of hand. 
“That’s really good advice, thank you,” Cheryl said, cutting in. “So, we’ll see you Saturday at eight? Oh, and dress real nice. Tonikins and I wanna see what the vibe could be like if we manage to bring in some fancier customers.”
And just like that, Cheryl and Toni stood up in unison just as the bell signaling first period rung, leaving both you and Sweet Pea stunned for the second time.
“Why do I feel like the scheming isn’t over yet?” Sweet Pea asked, turning to look at you.
Your eyes narrowed towards the doors where Cheryl and Toni had just exited. “Probably because it’s not…” Your voice trailed off as your gaze met his and you finally got a glimpse of his face up close and in broad daylight. A flash of his face from last night illuminated by the neon lights of Pop’s crossed your mind, specifically of him grinning as he popped a fry into his mouth. That same desire came flooding back and you knew you had to leave before you did something stupid and make a fool of yourself in front of the Serpent.
“See you Saturday at eight!” Sweet Pea called after you as he watched you walk away, wondering what the weekend had in store.
- - -
You sat in your car, putting the finishing touches on your lipstick and tugging at your dress one more time before taking a deep breath and getting out. After the ambush in the cafetorium by Cheryl and Toni, you’d spent more time than you cared to admit agonizing over your outfit, but in the end it was a no-brainer. You’d worn the dress you felt most confident in, pairing it with strappy heels and light makeup that accentuated your favorite facial features.
Seeing Sweet Pea all dressed up made you stop in your tracks. His version of ‘fancy’ was nice jeans and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. His Serpent neck tattoo was on full display, standing out against the stark white of his shirt.
“Hey,” he said, crossing his arms and drawing your attention back to them. “You ready for this?”
“I guess so. There was never really an opportunity to back out now, was there?”
“Those two make it very hard to say no, don’t they?”
You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head. “Don’t I know it.”
Before either of you could say any more, the door swung open and out stepped Cheryl, clad in her signature red. “There you two are! Come on in! Welcome to the new and improved Whyte Wyrm!”
“You look…nice, by the way,” Sweet Pea murmured as he held the door for you, letting you in first.
A shiver of need raced through you at the feeling of his eyes on your body. You paused, looking back at him and meeting his gaze. “Thanks. You, too.”
Your mouth was practically watering as Cheryl set down a filet mignon in front of you. “And this is our bourbon-maple glaze filet mignon.”
“This looks delicious,” you said, smiling at Cheryl. “Give my compliments to the chef.” Toni stood off to the side, the first time you’d ever really seen her look nervous about anything.
“I gotta say, everything has looked fantastic tonight, Toni, and I’m sure the Whyte Wyrm’s reopening is going to be a huge success,” Sweet Pea chimed in, surprising you. You hadn’t really ever heard him give anyone a compliment, but you figured if anyone deserved a compliment from Sweet Pea, it was Toni.
“Thank you,” Toni murmured, nodding stoically. 
“Well, you both have exquisite taste buds and despite how much you both have grown and changed over the years, I knew I could count on you-”
“Okay, what is going on with you?” Sweet Pea asked, the two of you exchanging a suspicious look.
Toni laughed awkwardly, trying to drag Cheryl away.
“Yeah, what’s so funny?” 
“It’s just that we’ve all known each other for so long…” Cheryl trailed off, realizing her mistake.
“I knew it!” Sweet Pea clapped his hands, more excited than you’d seen him while he was stealing your fries at Pop’s. “I knew it!”
“Knew what?” Toni asked, her turn to look suspicious.
“You and Cheryl are out here trying to get YN and I closer so we can be some weird, messed-up version of the Breakfast Club.”
You let out a groan, shaking your head. “Seriously? Cheryl, you know how I feel about you trying to set me up with people! I thought we agreed you were going to stop doing that after eighth grade.”
Sweet Pea crossed his arms and your attention diverted to his delicious forearms once again. “And that’s why we’re here…this is a scheme within a scheme,” he tutted, giving both Toni and Cheryl a reproachful look.
“Excuse us for wanting to try to get the two of you to see in each other what Cheryl and I see in both of you!”
“This is just like that time Toni and Cheryl left us in the woods for some fucked up bonding experience over our hatred of Weatherbee.”
“Or when they sent us on that futile mission to the abandoned Southside High and we had to hide in the janitor’s closet until they were able to get us out.” Sweet Pea glared at them. “The two of you can be so annoying.”
“So fucking annoying,” you agreed, seething as more memories popped up where you and Sweet Pea had been thrown into situations thanks to Toni and Cheryl’s scheming.
“Do either of you want dessert or not? Cuz if you keep whining, Cheryl and I will just eat it ourselves.”
That shut the two of you up and Toni nodded, satisfied. “Enjoy your filet mignon.”
“We’ll be here,” Sweet Pea said, finally getting a chance to cut into his steak.
“Oh, fuck this is good,” you couldn’t help groaning at the first bite. “I had my doubts about a bourbon maple glaze on steak but this is…wow.”
“Mm-hmm.” Sweet Pea’s hum of approval sent another foreign feeling racing through you. 
You tried to think of another conversation topic, but all you could think of was yet another time you and Sweet Pea had been forced together by either Toni’s or Cheryl’s schemes.
Conversation flowed pretty easily after that, and neither of you paid any attention when Toni slipped in and cleared your plates while Cheryl served a single slice of chocolate cake between the two of you.
The cake was delicious, maple syrup infused into the icing, of course.
“Fuck, this chocolate cake…Wow. You’d think Toni would’ve splurged and given us two pieces,” Sweet Pea shook his head as he brought his fork in for another bite.
“I know,” you agreed, nodding. “It’s like you’re stealing my fries all over again.”
“Ha ha,” Sweet Pea deadpanned, making you giggle. “Doesn’t Cheryl have some weird, fucked up saying for this?”
His question took you by surprise, but you knew exactly what he was talking about, rattling off the phrase as if Cheryl herself was saying it. “It’s the most intimate thing two people can do other than…” You stopped short, your eyes widening as you realized the final word.
Your eyes met Sweet Pea’s, his expression mirroring yours as you both finished the word in unison. 
The sounds of your forks hitting the fancy china were the only sounds in the room as the two of you processed what had just happened. 
“Are they…?” You started.
Sweet Pea finished. “Trying to set us up?” You nodded and he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “They better not be.”
“They’re really outdone themselves this time. It’s a goddamn scheme within a scheme within a scheme.”
“I mean, I just don’t understand why they think we would make a good couple. It’s so random and strange - no offense.”
You shrugged, truly unoffended even though you’d have been lying if you said you hadn’t been entertaining the idea all night. “None taken.”
“I’m still not convinced there isn’t more to this scheme.”
“God, I hope not,” you said, resisting the urge to run your hands over your face but you didn’t want to ruin your makeup. “There’s only so many schemes I can participate in during a year and I think I’ve already hit my limit.”
Sweet Pea looked around before leaning in, a smirk on his face. “What do you say we get out of here? We’re not technically dining and dashing because this was free, but I could definitely go for some fries and a chocolate milkshake.”
You didn’t have to be asked twice, dabbing your mouth with your napkin before pushing your chair back and heading out, Sweet Pea instinctively taking your hand in his as the two of you made a mad dash for Pop’s.
“Thanks,” the two of you said in unison as Pop Tate set your malt and Sweet Pea’s milkshake down in front of you, placing a large order of fries in the center of the table. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to finish all these fries after the meal we’ve just had,” you said, eyeing the basket as you took a sip of your malt.
“I’m sure we’ll find a way if we sit here long enough.”
Your phone vibrated with an incoming text from Cheryl but you ignored it, turning your phone facedown on the table. Sweet Pea did the same and you couldn’t help feeling secretly thrilled that all his attention was now focused on you.
“So,” you started, picking up a fry, “Fancy a trip down memory lane?”
You didn’t think you’d ever seen the Serpent smile as much as he did tonight, and it was starting to affect you. Before tonight, you never would have thought twice about considering someone like Sweet Pea as boyfriend potential, but there was something about both Toni and Cheryl butting into your dating life to bring Sweet Pea in that was making you reconsider. 
You reached for the last fry at the same time he did, your fingers brushing his. You recoiled as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, but it didn’t seem to affect him. “It’s all yours,” Sweet Pea said, gesturing to the solitary fry.
“You sure?” You hesitated. “We could split it.”
Sweet Pea shook his head. “Like I said, it’s yours.”
You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your lips as you dunked the last fry into the dregs of your malt. “Maybe there’s more to you than just a Southside Serpent.”
That made him chuckle and duck his head - and in that moment, he had never looked more attractive. “Well, maybe there’s more to you than just Cheryl’s sidekick.”
It was well past midnight when the two of you exited Pop’s, making your way to your separate vehicles.
You stalled at the door to your car, part of you not wanting the night to end. “I…had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me, too.” Sweet Pea stepped closer and you sucked in a breath. “Maybe, we could do this again without Cheryl and Toni’s interference?”
“I’d like that. Are we counting this as a date?”
“I don’t know. Would you like it to count as a date?”
Not one to shy away from getting what you want, you decided to go for it. “Well, if you were planning to kiss me goodnight if this was a date, then yes, I would like tonight to count as a date.”
Sweet Pea towered over you, his eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you stared up at him, waiting for him to make the first move. “I’d never turn down an opportunity to kiss a pretty girl goodnight.”
With that, your lips met in a tender kiss, the promise of something more lingering in the air when you finally pulled away. “Goodnight, YN,” Sweet Pea murmured, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he stepped back. “Get home safe.”
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
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sumquiasum · 2 months
rvd characters as shades of green?
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He's Riverdale and Riverdale is surrounded by forests so is there really another option?
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Distinctly American shade of green.
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He's weird. He's a weirdo. He doesn't fit in. He doesn't WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen him without the blue tint so strong it might as well be blue? That's weird.
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Special shade of green originally made from fancy ingredients that was used to paint foliage, so she fits into Riverdale but there's a layer of artifice.
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New, fresh, spring.
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A feature of nature like Archie, but not the right one to be front and center. Always at the periphery of Riverdale.
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You know who also never quite fits in? That's right, Kevin. That's why he gets bitter lemon, a yellow-heavy green that describes his emotional state throughout some of Riverdale.
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Very attention grabbing and in-your-face.
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Calming, pleasant, could easily fade into the background
All colours were found here.
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kingofangst · 5 months
Tagged by @thiamsxbitch thank you and I am sorry but I am now going through all of my activities and tags now and I realize wow I have been not looking at tumblr until yesterday 😩
Last Song I Listened To: All The Stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA. Inspiration and Empowerment was my mood here.
Last Book I Read: IT by Stephen King🎈🎈 Let's just say that horror and psychological thriller has made me look up inspirations from Stephen King and the book portrayal of IT is downright horrifying compared to the movie
Last Film: Godzilla: Minus One. I had to rewatch this revitalized Japanese masterpiece again and it is both mesmerizing and heartbreaking
Last TV Show I Watched: All Of Us Are Dead. I have been into Korean and Japanese media lately and so far these Korean dramas have been exciting and intense to binge watch. Plus they really know how to pull one's heartstrings and torment the audience. Plus I have been learning Korean just from watching these dramas😁
Last Video Game I Played: The Mimic, a Roblox Japanese horror game with a compelling lore and plot
Last Thing I Googled: The most expensive city in the world. BTW Tokyo is no longer first place as the most expensive city, now it's my home city, New York City💀💀. Yayyy!!! (Sarcasm implied)
Last Thing I Ate: Lemon Meringue Tart. It was very good and tempting😋
Savory, Sweet, or Spicy: Truthfully, I like all of them. I do not have a picky preference for these three. (I survived Mexican, Indian and Korean food😅😋)
Currently Watching: I am watching Riverdale, on season 2 and I find the storyline intriguing to continue and the teenage drama to be dramatic. But I am also on Teen Wolf season 1 for writing purposes📖📖🖊🖊
Currently Reading: Key Witness by J.D Freedman. Currently still reading it but it is a suspenseful and intriguing book about a powerful and wealthy corporate attorney who is risking everything to fighting an unwinnable case who's client is a murderer and career criminal👀👀
Amount Of Sleep: Sorry what is that?
No Pressure Tags: @rhyslahey @arewordsenough @wolfboy88 @ksbbb @scisac @chasing-chimeras @isaac-not-isaac @unsanedes @phantomraeken @moonraeken
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namenoted · 7 months
get to know me meme !
1. favorite colors: grey, black, white —— i have some colors i prefer, but i have a shade differentiation color blindness, so it's all base colors to me unless heavily satured. you can see my color preferences in my psd choices across my blogs.
2. favorite flavors: salty, spicy, umami, sweet —— i have a broad palate, there isn't a lot i dislike. lemon and cherry are heavy preferences for fruity flavors.
3. favorite genres: horror, fantasy, slice of life, anything that's like nostalgic, sociopolitical, etc. i like romance sometimes, but more shoujo than live action.
4. favorite music: very broad, from run the jewels to tracy chapman to stray kids and block b to mia to just about anything. i even have a few country tracks i like. i'm a huge rap, r&b, jazz, and blues fan. i love anything in the lofi genre, vaporwave, and ambient nosises.
5. favorite movies: the lion king is my all-time favorite movie (thus hamlet my favorite play). i enjoy like all horror slasher series like jason, michael, freddy, etc. so it's hard to pick and choose, but i'm a huge freddy vs jason fan.
6. favorite series: bioshock, death note, danganronpa, mob psycho 100, kny, kingdom hearts, ouran (my wife does a lot of ouran fanart and products for our booth and store!), animal crossing, cowboy bebop, inuyasha, yu yu hakusho,
7. last song: bad girls by mia
8. last series: for games, bioshock infinite. for anime, i think like mob psycho or something. for manga, yu yu hakusho. for live action shows, i think we finished riverdale (listen, i love hate-watch that show, it's a guilty pleasure and i had to know as a true archie fan what the hell was going on, i already started so i wasn't going to stop)
9. last movie: i think it was maybe like the puss in boots movie or the mario movie or something, we did a binge watch to catch up on some animated films recently, but it could have been a random film from streaming lbr
10. currently reading: i'm about to start no longer human when i finally have the time 
11. currently watching: yu yu hakusho rewatch, currently
12. currently working on: the manga (writing by me, art by ottermelon) that's associated with the lore and canon of the blog hehosts, making perfumes and colognes for my new series lines, restocking our store, and getting ready to leave for many cons these next three months. does that count?
tagged by: no one, i stole it from multiple sources tagging: uh you of course
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fanwriter320 · 7 months
Hello! I wrote fan fiction of any type(smut,angst,lemon,soft etc) I wrote mostly Riverdale,Criminal minds and greys anatomy, Marvel and South Park but if you give some backstory I can try to write! I take all ideas just comment on this post or dm me.
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shcnleys · 2 years
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❆・:*。( zoey deutch. twenty-seven. cis woman. ) | look who entered the cabin! it’s SHANLEY EVANS. SHE/HER is/are known for being the CATALYST of the group & that’s because they can be INDEPENDENT but also ARGUMENTATIVE. we bet they’re excited to be coming back to the cabin. they believe MADE YOU LOOK by MEGHAN TRAINOR is the best way to describe them. wonder what trouble they’ll be getting into this season. ( gigi. twenty-five. cst. )
* BASICS ...
FULL NAME : shanley nicole evans NICKNAME : shan, shanny ( family ) & insert nickname ur muse has for her AGE : twenty-seven BIRTHPLACE : small town, mi / tbd BIRTHDATE : february 8th 1995 ZODIAC : aquarius sun, leo moon, aries rising GENDER & PRONOUNS : cis woman & she/her ORIENTATION : bisexual and biromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single / dating (npc) OCCUPATION : pilates instructor / influencer-ish (550K) PHYSICAL TRAITS : 5’4”, dark brown hair (dyed), hazel eyes TATTOOS : all of zoey’s CURRENT RESIDENCE : los angeles, ca FAMILY : richard 'rich' evans ( father ), dorothy 'dotty' evans ( mother ), hadley 'haddie' evans ( sister, 30 ), shenae 'shay' evans ( sister, 24 ) PETS : maryanne 'mims' renesmee ( cat ), mrs claus ( snow corn snake )
born & raised in a small town in michigan. shanley's childhood was as 'normal' as you could imagine. one straight out of a disney film with a loving mother and father and two sisters (older & younger) who protected her. like your typical middle child, shanley did everything she could to stand out, putting on performances with her sisters and making sure to be the director, the producer & the lead. she refused to be in anyone's shadow - making sure to leave an impression on everyone in every room she walked in. in school, shanley never cared about her studies - doing her best to pass her classes (but girly is smart af,, think jess mariano from gilmore girls but *spoiler* actually graduates) and keep her in the extracurricular activities - volleyball & theater. she loved the attention & made it her goal to be the lead in almost every play , which always happened. loud & confident, she was the girl who made sure everyone around her was comfortable and not left out. definitely the one to call out the bully and protect the bullied. she was never scared of anything or anyone. it might be because of her parents who always reminded her to reach for the stars, nothing was impossible & if she fell, she would always have them to catch her. after high school, shanley knew school was not an option. only attending community college to have a back up plan and to please her parents. she received her associates degree in business management while taking pilates classes and completing a training program to become certified. soon after, winter house was proposed to the group & with this new found fame, shanley took it as an opportunity to chase her dreams. she moved to los angeles where she does press for the show & instruct classes three times a week.
LIKES : cold brew, snacks, tattoos, flirting, teakwood, shots of tequila, being center of attention, sunshine, laughter DISLIKES : loud chewing, obnoxious scents, rude people, staying in on the weekends, liars, cloudy days AESTHETIC : blowing on dandelions to make a wish, car rides with no destination, spending hours in vintage stores, 90s fashion, wind in your hair, flipping off cameras. CHARACTER PARALLELS : cheryl blossom ( riverdale ), samantha jones ( sex & the city ), maddy perez ( euphoria ), gabrielle solis ( desperate housewives ), cece parekh ( new girl ), & jennifer check ( jennifer's body ) TV PERSONALITY PARALLELS : sammi sweetheart ( jersey shore ), ariana madix ( vanderpump rules ), ashley darby ( rhop ), kate chastain ( below deck ), nicole richie ( simple life ), dr. nicole martin (rhom) SIGNATURE SCENT : floral, vanilla / perfume : GUCCI FLORA Gorgeous Gardenia FAVORITE DRINK : lemon drop martini / green tea shots FAVORITE FILM : dirty dancing FAVORITE SHOW : gilmore girls FAVORITE FOOD : pasta ( gnocchi ) & truffle fries HOBBIES : hiking, crocheting, bidding on vintage t-shirts on ebay GUILTY PLEASURE SONG : steal my girl - one direction PINTEREST : here
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How many blossoms have you recieved?
Blossoms ! Check notes... (More below)
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We have a few Blossoms of several kinds in the doc :
(side note : I've already answered for Sakuras, you can check my 'sakura' tag)
- Bellossom from Pokémon
- Blossom from Powerpuff Girls
- Blossom from TokiDoki Cactus Pups
- Cure Blossom from Heartcatch ! Precure
- Yamagishi Fuuka from Persona 3
- Hanagima Saki from Fruits Basket
- Cherry Blossom from Sk8 the Infinity
- Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale
- Cheryl Blossom from Archie Comics
- Benizakura from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin (Silver Fang)
- Kinomoto Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura
- Orange Blossom from Strawberry Shortcake
- Peach Blossom from My Little Pony
- Peachblossom from Protector of the Small
- Konohanasakuya-hime from Japanese Mythology
Other Blossoms you can submit :
- Blossom Russo from Blossom
- Plum Blossom Thirteen from Scissor Seven
- Cherry Blossom Cookie from Cookie Run
- Eurasia Blossom from Tower of God
- Lily Lemon Blossom from the series of the same name
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daenerysstormreborn · 2 years
Tagged by @theblackqveen tysm!!
Three ships: I’m not really much of a shipper anymore honestly but I’m highly invested in Jonerys. I just watched Wednesday, which was a mixed bag of a show, but I like the idea of Wednesday and Enid. I’ll forever have a special place in my heart for Black//Sun and Bumb//leby from RW//BY, even though the show really is not good anymore. (Slashes added so that doesn’t show up in the tags… some fans get REALLY mad when anyone criticizes this show)
First ever ship: Gosh, it’s hard to remember… the first one I can really really caring about was Applejack and Rainbow Dash from MLP when I was like 13 years old and Friendship is Magic was first coming out.
Last song: Summer is a Curse by The Faim
Last movie: I think it was Barbarian, which was excellent
Currently reading: A Clash of Kings!
Currently watching: Nothing, actually. I’m pretty picky about TV shows. As I said, I just watched Wednesday, which is an odd pick for me because normally I’d rather squeeze lemon juice in my eyes than watch a teen drama, but two different people told me that Wednesday in that show reminded them of me (but I’m a much warmer person) and it made me curious. It was charming. Flawed, but charming. What I really like about it is that there is zero sexualization of the teen characters and their outfits are very age appropriate. When so many teen dramas are like Riverdale or Euphoria, it’s so refreshing to see that this show is devoid of the male gaze. Teenage girls are often heavily influenced by media and like to emulate their favorite characters. Wednesday has been massively popular and I’m already seeing depop listings of items similar to those that the characters wear and posts in search of exact items from the show. I hope other shows follow suit and realize that they can create very successful shows about teenagers without sexualizing high school students.
Currently consuming: My daily sugar free redbull to wake me up in the morning
Currently craving: A good long thunderstorm. It’s actually been quite rainy in San Francisco these past few days, which is highly unusual. No thunder yet, but I can dream.
I don’t know anyone from this blog well enough to tag yet… I only have two followers! But I’m absolutely welcome to anyone who wants to interact with my posts or send asks to have discussions
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alteredarchie · 1 year
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"When life gives you lemons...."
Laugh Comics #21 by Al Fagaly
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
Inhale My Love (F.F smut)
To be honest with you all, this has been a work in progress for the better part of a year, so here ya go! This is the best type of sin: PWP! Fangs decides to smoke a little joint with Reader beside him and well, I think you can connect the dots from there.
Warnings: use of recreational marijuana, smut, PWP, vaginal sex, fingering, oral sex(mxf), riding, little bit of a Papi!kink in there, little mention of a possible 3some, slight hair pulling, tbh this is mild compared to my SP smut
WC: 2126 words
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It was a lovely Friday afternoon and since it was so close to spring break, Toni and I decided that we should split class for the day then head down to the quarry to get some sun.
I placed my sunglasses over my eyes and sighed, settling in my blanket that I had laid out before I announced,”And now, I shall take my nap to kick off my weekend.” Toni scoffed and glanced over at me as she protested,”Y/N, we all know that you couldn’t take a nap to save your ass. It’s not in your nature.” 
I raised my sunglasses to glare at her while I muttered,”You didn’t have to crush my hopes and dreams, ya know,Topaz? There’s this thing called compassion, maybe you should try it out.”
“I can’t, that blocks me from using this thing called the cold, hard truth on you.” I rolled my eyes at her statement and pulled the book I had started this morning from my backpack then began reading it.
“Don’t you know you should use sunscreen when you’re out in weather like this!” Sweet Pea called as he and Fangs headed over to us. I sighed then set my book and shouted in return,”And don’t you know you should stop yelling like you’re a maniac?”
He flopped on top of me and said,”Nope, because you’re a maniac too, which means that you really don’t mind me yelling like a maniac.”
“That made no sense. And get off of me, you’re ruining my tan lines, you ass!” I snapped, shoving him onto the ground. He grinned over at me then Fangs settled between Toni and I before the taller of the two stated,”So, what are we doing today?”
“Nothing, because it’s a lazy day.” I replied, continuing to read my book. The boys groaned then suddenly went quiet, something I was more than excited about.
“Fuck me!” I cried out as the boys soaked me with water. Fangs paused and looked down at me before he replied,”Tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
My mouth dropped open in surprise and Sweet Pea began rolling with laughter as he crowed, ”Goddamn,my boy’s finally growing a set! Shit, Y/N, you just got served.”
“Served? This isn’t the 1990s anymore, Pea.” I muttered, shaking out the pages of my book to try and dry it out, only to huff, knowing it was hopeless to save.
Toni jerked up after answering a call then gripped Sweet Pea’s arm, yanking him to his feet, before she exclaimed,”We’ve got to go, Jughead needs us.”
“You want us to come along?” I asked, peeling my shirt away from my skin. She shook her head and jabbed her finger at Fangs, ordering,”No, we’ve got this. You take her back your place and get her new clothes to change into since you guys wanted to be a bunch of asses.”
He nodded and helped me to my feet before we drove to his place. Once we arrived back at his trailer, Fangs handed me a pair of sweatpants and a shirt much larger than my frame then I headed back to the bathroom, changing from my wet clothes.
When I walked into his room, he held up a joint and asked, ”You cool with me smoking one?” I nodded, settling beside him on the bed then turned on his little TV and focused on the random show after getting comfortable.
I watched as he put the joint out then his hand landed on my inner thigh, which I didn’t acknowledge. Whenever Fangs got high, he always got touchy feely, something I was used to. But what threw me off was when his hand slid up further, until it landed on my waistband of my sweatpants.
“Fangs?” I asked, looking up at him. His dark eyes were bloodshot and drooped half shut with a lazy grin stretched across his face.
“Pretty girl, I got a question for you.”he drawled out, leaning closer. I glanced down, my eyes catching on something in his pants.
“Oh my God.” I gasped, eyes glued to his erection. He reached for my hand and pressed it to his dick as he asked,”How would you feel if I fingered you?” Fangs was never this blunt when he was sober, but god, I was so thankful that he was acting like this.
“Come on, pretty girl, you know I’ve got a clear head, so let me finger that pretty pussy.” I squeaked at his filthy words and he smirked, releasing my hand to tangle his fingers in my hair, pulling me into a kiss.
I gasped into his mouth and pressed closer to him as his finger slid down further, parting my pussy lips. He growled at the feeling of how wet I was then he muttered,”Now I really got to finger you. C’mon, pretty girl, what do you say?”
“You’ve already got me this riled, so if you don’t make me come by fingering me, I swear to God, I will punch you in the dick.” I informed him, my breath coming out in pants. He grinned and wiggled the sweatpants down my legs before I kicked them off the rest of the way, Fangs moving between my thighs.
“God, pretty girl, you’re so wet. Maybe I should smoke around you more if this is what I get for it.” he suggested, spreading my lips to expose my clit. My body trembled with excitement as he pushed two fingers into me, almost like he was testing my readiness.
“Fangs, please. I can take it.” I whimpered, fingers winding in his hair. He smirked up at him and stated,”I’m fingering you, pretty girl, what more do you want?”
“Eat me out please.” I gasped, pushing at the back of his head. He leaned forward, blowing air onto my clit, and my hips jerked towards him, nails digging into his scalp. His tongue flicked out and wet his lips, teeth claiming a place on the plump bottom one.
“You sound so pretty when you’re desperate. You sure that you want that?” Fangs asked, raising an eyebrow at me. Nodding eagerly, I blurted out, ”Please, need it so bad, baby, please.” A smirk spread across his pretty lips then he leaned forward, sucking my clit into his mouth and gave a small nip to the nub. I gave a cry at the feeling and my head hit the pillow, hips rising to chase his mouth as he pulled away.
“Aww look at my pretty girl. So fucking desperate for me to make you come. You sure you want to come on my fingers and mouth… or do you want something just a little thicker and a lot longer?” His free hand traces his cock, a groan escaping his pretty lips then he questioned, “You wanna come on my tongue, lil mama? Yeah, I bet you fuckin’ do, pretty girl.”
“Fangs, c’mon, please… please fuck me, fuck me, let me come!” I pleaded, tugging on his hair. He flashed a grin at me then replied, “I suppose I could give in to you, but I don’t know…” I grabbed his wrist and tugged it upwards, sucking his fingers into my mouth, causing him to pause.
“Ahh fuck, pretty girl, you look so good sucking my fingers. That’s not fucking fair. Alright fine, you can come.”he agreed, curling his fingers upwards to find my g-spot. I cried out, head slamming into the pillow as he pressed a forearm across my waist, tongue flicking upwards to suck my clit back into his mouth.
“Fangs! Oh God, yes!” He allowed me to ride out my orgasm, my head thrashing back and forth as the pleasure began to consume me. He pulled away and crawled up to me, kissing me as he tangled his fingers in my hair, asking as he pulled away, “You ready to take a wild ride, pretty girl?”
“Hell yeah I am, Fangs.” I chirped, unbuttoning his jeans. He sat up and pushed them down, taking his boxers with him. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a condom, tearing the top off. I snagged it from his hand then pushed him into his back, straddling his waist as I rolled the condom on, grinding down on him.
“Fuck, pretty girl, being so naughty. But I can take it and I sure as fuck am gonna take you.”he snarled, slamming me backwards onto the mattress, pressing my thighs apart, guiding the head of his cock to my entrance.
“Just fuck me, you cocky serpent.” I spat, tilting my hips upwards. He gave a mean grin then chirped, “Fine, you asked for it.” He buried his cock into me, ducking his face in the crook of my neck as we moaned, my nails digging into his back.
“God, Sweet Pea’s gonna have so many fuckin’ jokes about this.” Fangs moaned as I dragged my nails through his hair. I laughed and allowed my eyes to flutter open, pleading, “Don’t talk about Sweet Pea while you’re fucking me, it’ll give me ideas.” His eyes seemed to grow darker, dilating, then he purred, “Does pretty girl like the thought of me and SP fucking her at the same time? Cause god, that’s fucking hot.”
I wrapped my legs around his waist then tightened them, snapping, “Can we make each other come now and talk about our possible threesome with Sweet Pea later? I’d really appreciate that.” He snapped his hips upwards, changing our pace of sweet and sensual to fast and rough as he bit out, “Yeah we can do that. God your pussy is so fucking tight, makes me want to come. But first, you’re gonna clench that cunt around my dick and you’re going to come for me again.”
“F-Fangs, please! Please let me come on your cock, I’ll be so good for you, fuck! Please, please, papi!” He froze at my plea and my eyes widened when I realized what I had called him but when I thought he was going to pull away, he groaned and muttered, “Dios mio, mi amor, you are so trying to kill me.” He rutted his hips against mine, deft fingers finding my clit as he continued to fuck me, my hands gripping the blanket underneath us.
“Aww, does pretty girl like the way I pound her pussy? Is she gonna come for me?” Fangs asked, pressing upwards with his fingertips, his pace beginning to stutter. I rocked down, twisting my hips to gain more friction before he leaned forward, working love bites both on my shoulder and neck, then I pleaded, “Make me come, Fangs.”
“Okay.”he stated simply, yanking my hips down with his free hand, his fingers pressing just right on my clit, a cry escaping me as he did so, my orgasm rushing through my body. My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear the thump of the beat in my ears as Fangs met his own release, a soft groan breaking the silence of the room.
He rolled me onto my back then kissed me on the forehead, murmuring, “Give me a minute, okay, pretty girl?” He pulled off the condom and tied it, throwing it into the wastebasket beside the bed, then walked into the bathroom, the sound of water running catching my attention.
He returned a few moments later, with a glass of water and a washcloth. I took the cup and began to sip on the drink as he wiped my thighs, waking sure he didn’t miss anything, before he offered me a shirt, saying, “Don’t want you getting cold.” I smiled at his worry for me then wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest.
His phone began ringing and he picked up, letting out a hum when he realized that it was Sweet Pea calling him, “SP, what’s up, man? How’d it go with Jones?” Our tall friend began ranting about all the bullshit our favorite Serpent Prince had put our friends through then I took the phone, informing him, “I hate to do this to you, Sweets, but it’s my cuddle time so call back at another time. Thanks, love you, stay safe!”
I pressed end and set the phone on the floor, tangling my legs with Fangs’, murmuring, “Alright, it’s nap time, motherfucker.”
“Am I forgiven for the water incident?”he asked, kissing my temple. I hummed for a moment then muttered, “I dunno, ask me in the morning when my brains return to me.” He laughed in return, pressing his forehead to mine as he murmured, “Thank you.”
“Mm, thank you.”
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HM: FP takes Reader’s virginity
(A/N) Another request by a lovely Anon. I hope you like it!
Pairing: FP x virgin!Reader
Warnings: smut, loss of virginity
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FP would he be so fricking sweet
like, he wouldn’t do anything without asking you first
no matter how often you told him that you’re okay and trust him
he would constantly make sure you’re okay and that nothing hurt or was uncomfortable
your pleasure would be the most important thing to him
prepare for a LOT of foreplay
like…a LOT
eating you out
fingering you
basically one orgasm after the other
and the whole time, he wouldn’t let you touch him
he didn’t care about himself in that moment
just wanted you to enjoy yourself and feel good
he would also make sure to prepare you
slowly stretching you while pleasuring you
after all, he wouldn’t want it to hurt when he took your virginity
as soon as he feels like you are ready, he would ask you again if you’re sure you want to go through with this
“Are you sure, Y/N? We can stop for today, it’s okay.”
you would just shake your head
“I’m fine. Please FP….”
and he would answer to your plea
as much as I believe that he loves it rough, he would be the complete opposite with you
slowly edging his cock inside you, while closely watching your face
if there were any signs of discomfort on your face, he would stop and ask you if you were alright
and you would have to assure him that you were before he continued
when he was finally completely inside you, he would give you as long as you need to adjust
and honestly, the feeling of being inside you alone was almost enough to make him come
still, he would hold still until you gave him the okay to move
and even then, he would slowly pull out before pushing back in
all the while making sure to pay attention to your breasts and clit
his thumb wouldn’t move away from the sensitive bundle of nerves
and his lips would either be sucking on your nipples or be busy moving with your own lips
before he could even think about coming, he would make sure that you, once again, had multiple orgasms
only when you were overstimulated, did he speed up a bit, chasing his own release
and once he was also done, he pulled out and fell down beside you
he would pull you into his arms, cuddling you while whispering how good you were
once he managed to calm his own beating heart and breathing, he would get up to get a washcloth and gently clean you up
and as soon as that was done, he would pull you back into his arms and pull a blanket over the two of you
you would definitely be the first one to fall asleep
and he would watch you sleep with a smile on his face, happy that you trusted him enough to give him your virginity
also, he would tease you the next day
on one hand about how cute you were
on the other, about you walking awkwardly
and you would hit him in response
but you would still smile
glad to have him by your side
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riverdaleremix · 3 years
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campgender · 2 years
I heard that season 1 of Riverdale is mostly normal teen drama and season 2 is when it starts getting insane, do I have to watch season 1 or can I skip straight to the weird stuff?
i mean you definitely can skip season one if you want but imo it’s so fucking good - there’s some normal teen drama but it’s also a campy murder mystery masterpiece and the gayest jughead, plus some very very good cheryl characterization! also really great foundation laying of the parents’ pasts and relationships. s3 is my fav but s1 is a close second. like it’s the most “normal” of the seasons but it’s very much Still Riverdale yk?
however big cw for a csa plotline, it’s. not handled well. although they do go back and refer to it as grooming and get into the trauma in s6 which is something. feel free to hmu if you want more detailed content warnings for that or anything else!
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nat-20s · 4 years
Love how tumblr has decided to cope with April via just a fuckton of personality quizzes
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