#river callaghan
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pinewaterbacc · 5 months ago
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The next morning it was Saturday, and Emmett got straight on the phone to the builders. He wanted to at least expand the downstairs bathroom so that they had two full bathrooms between the six of them so the builders were commissioned to come in and do that for them. Then he got on with some household chores, still in his robe and bunny slippers.
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A short while later, Sapphire was off to work. She was so excited to be getting back to it, and confident leaving all her kids in the loving care of Emmett. Have fun at work, Sapphire!
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deathlikelead · 11 months ago
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Food Fight! Heartbreak High: S2E7 The Grapes of Voss
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lansangprincess · 11 months ago
guys what if hbh season 3 was a summer break season that could be really fun. or would that totally defeat the purpose of being a show set in a high school. hsmtmts did that tho. what if hartley high was the friends we made along the way 🥺✨
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sageandred · 11 months ago
Some Positives of Heartbreak High S2 + Hopes for Possible S3
The camping episode was the best-group coming together for chaotic and hilarious moments ever-the high crawl, Malakai hallucinating, Ant + tree, Darren's mocking of Rowan
Amerie's abortion-was portrayed in a way I don't think is seen often, and wasn't what I was expecting when she was late
Quinni's storyline-She had some powerful lines; I loved her owning her truth and being a bad b*tch when ignoring Darren and friends, because she was in the right.
I want to see more of Quinni's self discovery journey.
I'd like to explore more with Darren and Cash. I do think it's great to see 2 characters who are less visible in media be in a full-on relationship; I like both of those characters individually though I'd have liked to explore more in depth the context of how their relationship works, regardless of whether they stay together or not.
I like that they showed Malakai explore his bisexuality.
Malakai come home! Or at least do a time jump to show Amerie and Malakai reuniting. They're gonna be that deep-seated "what could've been" type love, I can feel it; they've been through so much now; I think they need to grow, but a lot has shaped them while they were involved with each other that I think they are gonna have a tough time moving on from it when it's all unfinished business.
It doesn't have to be a diversity tick, but can they have more queer couples? It did feel lacking in some way after last season. If they never added more queer ships outside of what we had, hypothetically it would be fine, but we've missed some pieces and development as the show's progressed (we've only heard abt some couples from the map; also what is Ant's sexuality?)
the Cash and Harper scenes; I liked that Harper didn't blame Cash, but also didn't try to make him feel better about the situation (that was a good scene).
They actually shocked me with Bird Psycho; they had me until the 2nd half of the szn, which seems uncommon now in shows so props there and the extra twist was a good one.
More parents-it felt lacking this season
Another theme-type/campy episode-they showed a few different elements with this in this season, but I'd like to see another whole focussed episode like the camping; like some wildly out there event or special day that's mandated
Wondering what will happen with school now that theirs burned to the ground...Kind of want them all split up at the beginning of the szn for like an episode-see how that changes them & doing their own thing
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betafreud · 2 months ago
finally getting around to watching heartbreak high season two and i swear to god if rowan ends up being "bird psycho" i will crash out. let malakai have a pure, stress-free romance for ONCE. PLEASE. dont let my boy be evil.
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moon0fairy · 1 year ago
Finished 2x05 of heartbreak high and oh boy stuff went down (contains spoilers!!):
I kinda expected the identity of bird psycho but also didn‘t want it to be true. He was kinda acting sus during the camping trip and something about his mannerisms, the way he looked made me suspicious
On reason why I threw away that thought is because I couldn‘t think of a motive since he‘s the new kid but I‘ll guess why‘ll find out soon
Poor Malakai tho, he deserves someone who truly likes him :( I can‘t tell if I still like Amerie x Malakai because she‘s done some not so nice stuff but let‘s see
Amerie listing out to Malakai what he‘s done wrong in a frog costume and a flute was hilarious
Poor Quinni, I totally get it tho :( She was so focused on her detective work and then suddenly it all collapsed. I also panic when my friends have so much stuff going on and I feel left out. I‘m just glad we got such great autism representation
Darren, Cash and Harper sounds like the most chaotic living situation ever (I feel like Cash would do all the household chores and being stressed out)
Kinda need more Darren and Cash scenes, I‘m glad they‘re communicating more ( minus Cash not telling Darren about the whole Chook thing, which also understandable)
Interesting that we get a Spider redemption arc and yeah, after seeing his living situation, I can understand why he behaves like that (what Missy said). I hope he learns that he doesn‘t have to be such a shitty person
Also MISSY IS SO GORGEOUS I HAVE A FAT CRUSH ON HER (Spider you better treat her right)
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dedenneblogs · 1 year ago
HEARTBREAK HIGH S2 ANALYSIS PART 1 (buckle up this is going to be a doozy)
so... it's out (the trailer).
my excitement cannot be expressed...
BUTT! today, i will be doing my iconic mouse analysis of this trailer (this is actually the first time im doing something like this so it's not rlly iconic BUTT it will be soon) with the most comprehensive inspection i can using under 2 minutes of video as a basis....
with that said lets
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the heartbreak highers are back for another "cursed" term....
so glad to see the trio back in action. like. actually so happy. MIGHT explode from excitement... as always, their outfits slaylay.
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the boyfriends... friends? boys? BUGS??? found out on hh s2!
these goons are back... gayer then ever,,, seriously. when will these two have an episode long make out 'sesh? unlikely, to much dismay....spoiler alert...you'll see....
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MISSY!!!!! and sasha, i guess
SPOILER ALERT AGAINNNN missy looks like she'll be more prominent in this season so...WIN!!!!
also why is she mewing who is rizzing up
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and new on the the chopping block-- Rowan Callaghan!
we'll get to rowan when we get to rowan
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in other (more important) news-- SHE'S HEALING! HARPER IS HEALING!!!
i... *sobs* i she's growing her hair out oh my GAW...... she's getting better...she... there's a lower chance she'll cock-block amerie (oh but she'll get cock [spoiler-- again!])
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butt let's not celebrate just yet-- it's still "everyone hates amerie" up in this joint, smellas
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may as well... shot them. huh. well. pop off, i suppose... (amerie asserts her right to bear arms-- truly patriotic coming from an aussie!)
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...touché coming from the (still) most hated student in heartly who only adds salt to the wound by... using the pink 'ildo from s1 as a mic... chat... she's lost it.
(unrelated but in the background-- MISSY AND MALAKAI!!! they were building up a relationship between them in s1 and how she and her brother (i think? 'memory's fuzzy) helped him heal from the shit he had to go through in s1 and even better connect him with his aboriginal roots. i hope to see more of these two interact come april 11th and i binge the whole season)
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ALSO also ANOTHER new character-- Zoe Clarke!
we will ALSo get to zoe when we get to zoe
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anywho-- cue: AMERIE'S ONLINE HARASSMENT ARC! becuz every show needs one...unfortunately. Give a cold welcome to Bird Psycho, heartbreak highers (we will get to bird psycho when we get to bird psycho)
(who ever is doing this shit is a bitch but either way: "you dont get to be the hero" shut your goofy ass up)
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oh that's gore. that's core of my comfort character.
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ok so maybe this bird psycho cuck isnt fucking around because clearly he's gotten to our girl ams :(
(dw they uh...take her out for ice cream. after this. proabably.)
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yeah anyways with this in mind she'd totally try and crack the fnaf lore wouldn't she. wouldn't she.
she's slay she's girlboss but at the end of the day she's a weirdo
anywho nuff of my rambling there--
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ominous of you to say zoe
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ca$h omg eshay eshay eshay pspspspsp,,,
i am so happy to see him (spoiler alert for 2 secs throughout the whole trailer) but anywho remeber? remeber right he's in prison. but seems to be doing okay... (maybe for the best heartly drama is really coming to a boiling point)
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and-- oh. uh... chicken dumbell... okay... pop off, missy...
when i said i wanted more missy i didnt expect this
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spider seems to be into tho maybe what ??1/1/111.1/?!??!/1/1/1
missy x spider was NOT on my bingo card
BUUTTTttttt-- i. am. down. for. it... somehow. frankly, spider needs someone to put him in his place and low and behold, missy seems to be the student to do so..........
hey. if they're both happy with their...chicken dumbells, i am too.
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amerie dont be alarmed but there's a white boy to your right
in other news this love triangle scares the diarrhea out of me
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look at them. they're the perfect couple (malakai x amerie 4life) and rowan is--
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well he's a nice boy but cmon
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LOOK AGAIN IM DOWN FOR THEM TO BE HAPPY BUTT when it comes in between THE BEST SHIP IN THE SHOW (looks at amerie x spider shippers with affectionate disdain) i draw the line.
but who knows? rowan seems nice enough, and if he's able to make amerie happy, let them have each other! <3
also knowing malakai's track record i wouldn't put it past him to get freaky with rowan too (threesome attempt 2??? actually no wait thats a horrible idea NEVERMIND [gets s1 ep4 flashbacks])
also also "classic love triangle" scene gives major "erm...well this is akward!" vibes from ams (we stan cringey amerie in this household tho)
and well. shart. max limit of 30 photos. oh well-- ill make a second part! tune in for the update heartbreak highers :3
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paintedwingz · 7 months ago
hbh textposts bevause i said so!!!!
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part 1/??? (all parts will be under the tag #hbh texposts)
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xanx · 6 days ago
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Let them have a funky good time in season 3 🙏🙏. Also I need show recommendations feel like I have watched everything on netflix atp
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sapphirebluejewel · 1 month ago
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Nutbush City Limits - Heartbreak High 2x08
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pinewaterbacc · 5 months ago
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With nowhere else to sleep right now, Phoenix's toddler bed was swapped out for a child bed in his parents' bedroom.
Emmett made a mental note to commission a bunk bed from Oscar sooner rather than later so that he didn't have to share a room with his youngest child for too long!
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lansangprincess · 1 year ago
pls reblog im trying to see something 🫶
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sageandred · 11 months ago
Some minor things I'm thinking about/predictions for season 3~
-some more (pretty unedited) things I think could happen + predictions I don't necessarily hope to happen; + talking out some frustrations I personally had (if u don't want to read anything partially negative)
Missy & Amerie friendship. It would be good to expand to some less visited friendships. We got a hint of Amerie & Missy once again and I could see them talking even more nxt szn.
Sasha and Quinni are going to be working together nxt szn, and I can already see how the writers might try to rekindle something, but I don't want that, obviously. I could see them making Sasha develop feelings again only for Quinni to turn her down or it could be an opportunity for Sasha to actually apologize after some reflection as they continue to go their separate ways romantically.
Ant has to find out Harper also made the map, right? (that's the direction it's heading in??)
I don't care either way, but if Rowan wasn't just a 1 season and done type of character, I could see them trying to explore a mental health storyline, and separate from that make him more likeable/building friendships with anyone but Amerie.
Critiques of the Season/What I Hope Going Forward
They really missed some opportunities with Harper. It's totally valid for 2 childhood besties to grow apart in some ways and come back with an even greater and more mature connection. Instead, they just had Darren and Quinni adopt her into the group when I wish they would've spent a season of her developing her own friendships and building up her relationships that will be beneficial going forward.
which brings me to my points: I want Harper and Amerie to spend some time apart next season. I don't want it to be dramatic and I don't want them to have a fallout. They can actually be friends without being attached at the hip, but I don't want the s1 trio to be disrupted when I think that relationship is very special (sorry if this sounds harsh), and feels more organic than Harper's outside of the one that's developing with Cash.
Speaking of relationships: Ant & Harper feels underdeveloped to me. They could be a great couple. I wish they spent more time this season giving them individual arcs, but I think next season they kind of need to go through something dramatic to have the kind of break-through I'm wanting from their characters. They're kind of boring to me rn (I'm so sorry Harthony fans). They could end up together or not; I'm just not sold on their story yet.
New couples-I like the development stage of new couples/couples you don't expect. Give Quinni a gf, ofc. Switch up some of the dynamics. Relationships can be a means to another end, and it doesn't have to = the previous being bad. I don't want a love triangle, though; let them grow without the drama.
They could show the journey of Missy dealing with a toxic man, or they could show Spider/Missy grow together (I really don't care); I just want development for both of them individually and their own separate arcs regardless (especially Missy-he did have his own large arc this season). I actually think it would be cool to show the slow effects of how things add up and trauma causing some unhealthy behaviors with Spider (it doesn't have to make him bad; he's like 18 and anyone could grow from a failed high school relationship/become a really great person, but I just don't feel awe when I see their scenes...personally).
I didn't add this point with them on my other post, but I kind of want Darren and Cash to each have new romances/flings. I know there is love there, but I think they need to find themselves independent of one another. Their relationship very much feels like they grew up together and prematurely decided they belong together what with Cash's long secret crush (which is fine, but..); it is absolutely cute, though their incompatibility and continuous communication problems need to be explored/they need to mature.
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heartbreakhighpolls · 11 months ago
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poppletonink · 8 months ago
TV SHOW REVIEW: Heartbreak High - Season 2
★★★★★ - 5 stars
"My name is Spider and my bro-nouns are dude, mate and bruh."
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The students of Hartley High return in an unwaveringly chaotic and entertaining sequence of events for the second season of Heartbreak High. The season centres around a school captaincy election between Amerie, Spider and Asher, and the mystery of Bird Pyscho who wants to ruin Amerie's life.
Heartbreak High deals with a lot of arduous topics including trauma, abortion, questioning sexuality and sexism. While all of these subjects are presented with meticulous care, all are still discussed in Heartbreak High's typical humorous tone. This creates some brilliant moments for a range of characters, which are exceptionally performed by the outstanding cast.
It also contends with the important discussion of the impact of masking upon neurodivergent people through the character of Quinni, played remarkably by Chloe Hayden. It questions why autistic and other neurodivergent people are forced to live by the standards of a neurotypical society. Simultaneously, it showcases how this can be detrimental to the mental health of people and can lead to a loss of identity. While this part of Quinni's storyline was definitely not showcased enough within the show, it is still an extremely important conversation that needs to be discussed.
Love, crushes and romance are a core part of teenage life, and in turn, of the show. While romances from the original season return and are put through their own turmoil, such as Ca$h and Darren, and Malakai and Amerie, new relationships that are equally as interesting and important are shown. Heartbreak High displays romance storylines that span different sexualities and genders, highlighting the idea that love is love. They show how love can come in different forms, especially through Ca$h's storyline of trying to learn how to balance and come to terms with the impact his asexuality has on his relationship. This is an extremely important storyline in a world that normalises sexual relationships. Through the romance storylines, Heartbreak High depicts how love fluctuates and sexuality is complex, both of which are very important lessons for the, primarily teenage, audience.
Heartbreak High's second season is undoubtedly as hilarious and powerful as its first and a must watch for all Gen Z audiences.
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the-a-word-2214 · 11 months ago
Hey! Any heartbreak high fans open to roleplaying? Looking for anyone to play Spider for my OC, happy to play any character for you in return. I have discord if you prefer roleplaying there.
Like this post, comment, or dm me if you’re interested.
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