#rita bernstein
vincekris · 1 year
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rita bernstein
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everythingabitbit · 2 years
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ilikestuff69 · 1 year
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‘West Side Story’ (2021)
Directed by Steven Spielberg
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velvet4510 · 6 months
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pygartheangel · 2 years
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"West Side Story" (2021)
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ulrichgebert · 6 months
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Überprüften zuhause nochmals Steven Spielbergs neue West Side Story. Sie ist wirklich nicht schlecht. Andererseits gäbe es so viele schöne Musicals, die überhaupt noch nie verfilmt wurden.
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laurent-bigot · 2 years
WEST SIDE STORY - Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins (1961)
WEST SIDE STORY – Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins (1961)
En 1961, les amateurs de comédie musicale n’en croient pas leurs yeux : quel est donc cet OVNI qui bouscule tous les codes d’un genre établi depuis bientôt trente ans ? Là où leurs prédécesseurs offraient du rêve et du champagne, Robert Wise et Jerome Robbins transforment un quartier populaire de New York en arène tragique. Reflétant des problèmes sociaux bien réels, West Side Story annonce en…
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julio-viernes · 1 month
Lo tenía que hacer. Tenía tenía que subir la mítica escena de "América" de "West Side Story", 1957, una composición de Leonard Bernstein y Stephen Sondheim a ritmo de guajira (en la partitura indica «Tempo di Huapango»), un prodigio del musical USA. Rita Moreno (Anita) está que se sale. Sobrada de belleza, energía, chispa y salero, canta las supuestas bondades de los Estados Unidos de América en la simpática disputa verbal portorriqueña de los Sharks, banda juvenil rival de los anglosajones Jets.
Una década más tarde, los casi siempre indigestos The Nice hicieron en 1968 su versión "progresiva" de "America". Infinitamente más recomendable, a años luz, la versión original.
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itsloriel · 9 days
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photo: Rita Bernstein
via Rosario Puglisi
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vintage-every-day · 11 months
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𝑾𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 is a 1961 American musical romantic drama film directed by Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins, written by Ernest Lehman, and produced by Wise.
The film is an adaptation of the 1957 Broadway musical of the same title, which in turn was inspired by Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet.
It stars Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, Rita Moreno, and George Chakiris, and was photographed by Daniel L. Fapp in Super Panavision 70.
The music was composed by Leonard Bernstein, with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
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jasonrae117 · 9 months
Just Another Hollywood Scene
Just in time for the new year! Please enjoy the next installment!
Also on Ao3!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49727071/chapters/133334152
Chapter 3: New News
Damian was heading to Dick’s house to have what he called a celebration, but what seemed to really be a ‘I hope the media takes the news well’ support group. Most of the people that worked in the offices were going to be there so Damian really had no choice but to come.
The costume consult went pretty much as expected and like many of his other ones he’s done in the past. The superhero costume itself was slightly uncomfortable yet manageable and defined his physique. His only complaint was that it was the colors of a traffic light, a little more red and black heavy but yellow and green definitely made their appearances. The costumer, Rita Parr, who had a 1950s vibe told him it’s to reflect his background of being from a circus. Damian snorted, the fact that Dick used his own backstory to fuel this character was still very funny to him, especially when others don’t know it and think it's so absurdly original.
The craziest thing about this movie was that Dick was not only directing it, but he is the primary writer too. He didn’t want to come across as too bold and open his sure to be box office smash to criticism because an actor turned director could also write a script well. So he put it under a pseudonym. Damian was quite surprised when he found out, the script was well written, the characters all seemed grounded, and it was more than just an action movie. Dick had found a way to work a compelling romance amongst his characters too. That is why Damian would have begged his brother to be in the movie, of course he didn’t have to, Dick was all too eager to have Damian be a part of it, but Damian would have begged if it came to that. 
When Damian’s town car pulled up to Dick’s small mansion, he could already see the cars of about seven others, and by some of the specific vehicles he knew that the majority of the production team leaders were here. And sure enough when Alfred, his family’s butler that Bruce requested help host Dick’s gathering, opened the door, he could already hear some of their voices.
“Welcome Master Damian. Wonderful that you could make it this evening.” The gentle older man stepped to the side, gesturing for Damian to enter.
“Good evening Alfred. I’m afraid I wasn’t allowed to RSVP no to this event.’
“Well, nevertheless, I have brought your favorite bourbon to help you settle in better. Master Grayson is in the theatre room with some of the others. He requested I direct you there upon your arrival.” Alfred walked along beside him.
“Great, already jumping into work talk. I’ll take a double of that bourbon when you get the chance.” Damian shrugged off his coat and put it in the coat closet, politely denying Alfred’s assistance.
Approaching the theatre room, he could already hear the familiar voices of a good chunk of the production team:
Wally West ( Director's Assistant)
Barbara Gordon (Secretary/PA)
Zatanna Zatara (Producer)
Clark Kent (Cinematographer)
Garth Bernstein (Casting Director)
Victor Stone (Sound Designer)
Rex Mason (Production Designer)
Along with Jason Todd, Slade Wilson was also present. Slade Wilson was cast to play the villain and arch nemesis to Robin, Deathstroke. Damian wasn’t a huge fan of the older man, throughout his long tenure of acting he was known to be vindictive, manipulative, and only watch out for himself. He ran his own talent agency poaching other managers of their clients to fill his arsenal. It worked, however, his name and his wealth always convinced the young and naive actors and actresses to buck over to his team. So before him, he had an army of good talent that made him richer and made membership under his agency ridiculously pricey. As for the actors and actresses, Slade saved the best roles for himself and his favorites, so every audition season was cutthroat and everyone sucked up to Slade to gain his favor and potentially better roles. Damian was disgusted by it and was appalled that Dick would include him in his project, but Dick argued that the new movie needed a genius villain and Slade was the best to play the evil man.
He had to agree with his brother, while Slade was unquestionably a terrible man in real life, he elegantly portrayed one even better on the big screen. Once he aged out of the roguish antihero type leading man, he began getting typecast as the man pulling the strings or the mob boss. Slade loved it because people loved his bad guys and he won a multitude of awards for them. It killed Damian to say it, but he was a perfect choice for the role.
Damian took a deep breath and opened the double doors to the large projector screen with luxurious plush red velvet reclining chairs creating three rows facing the front. The various men and women standing or sitting around the room, each with a drink in their hand. They turned their heads to see who the newcomer was. Dick came bouncing toward him while the others raised their glass in acknowledgement, waved, or called out a greeting. 
“Hey Dami! I’m so glad you could make it!” Dick embraced him, but really just hugged around Damian’s hanging arms.
“I had no choice in the matter and you know it, now get off.” Damian resisted.
“Well I’m still glad you listened to my threats.” Dick laughed and guided him inside. “We were just going through the final candidates audition tapes, I’ve decided we’re going to decide tonight as a team!”
“We’re casting everyone tonight?” He looked at the screen to find it paused on someone’s audition. An average height, lanky male with blonde hair and green eyes, no doubt someone auditioning for Changeling. 
“No, not everyone, but the main team. Well those we haven’t cast yet! We already signed Kori as Starfire, and yesterday we finalized Connor Kent as Super Boy!” Dick practically cheered.
Damian rolled his eyes at the last casting announcement. “Clark’s brother? And I’m the one that gets called out for nepotism.” He crossed his arms. 
Clark snorted, “You know I really thought you guys would have been the best of friends back then. Bruce was right though.” He chuckled again, few of the others joining in as well.
“He really does play cocky and arrogant well though, and you can’t play both roles!” Zatanna called out, making the rest burst into laughter.
“Ha ha. You all know he is a diva. Not everyone that fits the description of the character everyday of their real life should be the actual character. We’re actors because we can be things we’re not, not because we can portray ourselves on screen too, that's why we have reality TV trash.” 
“Yeah that’s why we cast you as Robin, a leader, noble, maybe a little romantic, hero. You sure aren’t any of that in real life.” Garth hollered, Jason cackled with him. Damian’s eyes narrowed at the pair.
“Oh, but that’s why he’s an actor, because he can sure as hell act like a badass but isn’t one!” Jason added, their laughing continued. Damian dared a glance around the room, seeing Clark trying to hide his enjoyment, Rex’s smile and the way he nudged Zatanna as if they all agreed. Slade was sitting a glass of whiskey in one hand and a smirk on his face. Once his eyes landed on Barbara and Dick who also got caught giggling, he felt his anger start to rise. 
“Your own words are biting you in the ass, Wayne.” Barbara snorted, emphasizing the use of his last name and punctuating the snarky comment with a sip from her glass of wine. 
“Laugh all you want, you know I’m right. Now can we please just get on with it so I can go home?” He snapped.
Dick, still chuckling, clapped him on the back. “Sure thing. We actually started a bit early and just voted on our Mark Beast A.K.A Changeling! His name in Garfield Logan-”
“The guy from Space Trek?” Damian scoffed.
“The very one! He has a great following and a pretty solid comedic timing. His fans adore him and he’s already got green eyes! The rest will be easy! Plus he is already trained in gymnastics and does parkour, so stunts should be a little easier and perhaps more practical!” Garth chimed in.
“See, watch!” Dick pressed play and the screen brightened to life, displaying Garfield’s audition, followed by some footage of him at a training facility doing parkour and gymnastic routines. In Damian’s opinion, he wasn’t a poor choice, but he was still skeptical. 
The group resettled into their chairs and watched clip after clip of auditions, until they narrowed it down and finally selected someone for the remaining roles. After Garfield Logan, they agreed upon Jaime Reyes to play Dan Garret A.K.A Blue Beetle and Donna Troy to portray Wondergirl, or Cassie Sandsmark. Alfred had arranged some catering to come in and supply them with a delicious meal as they were already a few hours deep into deliberation. 
It was finally time to face the choice Damian dreaded the most. Who will play the Sorceress? He hadn’t stopped thinking about how important it was that she get along with him and be a good actress herself. The role was the second largest in the movie and could cost them dearly if they choose incorrectly. That and the fact that the office didn’t stop discussing this one girl’s audition for two full days, luckily it died down after that but Damian didn’t want Jason’s new plaything to be involved at all and certainly didn’t want her too close to himself.
Garth, the casting director, had narrowed their choices down to three different women that had been the best of the bunch. The first audition wasn’t memorable, the girl had played it safe, and while it was still very well done, it was missing that certain something.
Damian recognized the second woman instantly, and all he could think of was how horribly wrong the choice would be. Terra Markov, or better known as Slade Wilson’s lapdog. She was his pet, and she also got any audition she could dream of. No doubt Garth was bribed or in some way coerced to give her a shot, because her look did not scream sorceress at all. To give credit where credit is due, she was a decent actress, she just had a temper and her questionable ties with Slade didn’t sit right with him. They still watched her performance and the crowd seemed rather pleased.
“I really like how she delivered that line!”
“Her blue eyes are so pretty!”
“Imagine if we just dyed her hair or used a wig, I think we have a winner!”
Damian looked to Slade who was sitting there with a smug grin on his face. “She is quite talented isn’t she.”
“She’s great, but we’ve got one more. So let’s not make any decisions quite yet.” Dick answered.
“What? You don’t think she is fit for the role?” Slade pushed back.
“No, no. She did very well, I’m just saying we have one left and we should watch it first. Terra is a strong actress, no question why you signed her under your agency.”
“Mr. Grayson, it’d be most efficient to just call it here, everyone approves of her.” A general nodding of heads and agreements filled the room following Slade’s words.
“True, or we can suck up watching five more goddamn minutes like the fucking director wants, and see all the possibilities. Or is it past your bedtime grandpa?” Jason barked.
“You listen here-” Slade was cut off.
Damian had marched over to Dick’s spot in the theatre and snatched the remote out of his hand, he walked back to his place towards the back of the room and away from everyone else and pressed play on the last audition tape.
The slam of the door and the energy that filled the screen silenced everyone. However, no one was more stunned than Damian, who had just realized that the very woman auditioning was the same from the lobby. It was made evident by the large brown coffee stain he caused on her blouse.
Damian watched the audition speechless. This couldn’t possibly be the one everyone was talking about. To his dismay, he had to admit that he was captivated. He knew that she had been late which explained the sudden start to the tape and lack of a slate, but despite what he caused, it seemed to fuel her annoyance of being disturbed by the alarm. She had added some lines and improvised her movements, Damian knew because he practically had the whole damn script memorized. 
He almost laughed when she forced a poor assistant to become her scene partner, the shuffle of papers being thrown at the young man caused a few giggles from the small viewing audience. His eyes widened when she pulled her shirt off and he quickly berated himself for appreciating the fullness of her breasts and how prettily they were wrapped in her beige lace bra. While the woman on the screen addressed her apparel, Damian ‘respectfully’ averted his gaze and was curious to see what the others were thinking.
Barbara and Victor were smirking, seemingly appreciating the woman’s strong presence and how she kept going even though the brainless men were stuck on her wardrobe malfunction. Victor and Dick shared a look that confirmed that whatever they were thinking, that they were on the same page. Once the girl appeared back on screen wearing Jason’s signature jacket, the owner proudly grinned and nudged Garth in the chair beside him whose eyes seemed to be glued a little too much on her body. Rex and Clark were happily enjoying the audition and had even put down their food and snacks, fully entranced. What caught Damian’s eye the most was that Slade has shifted his posture, going from neatly relaxed with one ankle resting on the opposite knee, to leaning forward, fingers laced under his chin and elbows planted on his knees merely observing.
Damian’s focus shifted back to the screen, watching her move about so confidently before sitting in a lotus position and chanting lowly.
“Azerath, Metrion, Zinthos.”
Then Dick called cut and jumped in the scene beside her before the tape was stopped seconds later. A few seconds of silence and processing followed before everyone excitedly looked around and began discussing what they had just seen.
“It’s got to be her!”
“Her eyes are so unique!”
“She improvised all that? That’s incredible!”
But all Damian could think about was the war in his head. There was no denying that she was clearly the best, but he knew he already screwed up with her and was certain she hated his guts. He wasn’t sure if they would be able to work together.
“Okay, so that was the fantastic Raven Roth! She is a phenomenal actress whom you might have seen on Skulls as the forensic scientist.”
“I think it has to be her. Even her look is spot on, she is mysterious and cool.” Barbara said.
“I don’t know…didn’t it seem kind of amateurish to just storm in there. That would not fly on set!” Zatana chirped.
“She wouldn’t do that on set, some jerk spilled coffee on her which made her late! I completely sympathize for the poor girl, and to give us a performance this strong? Incredible! Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of auditions over the years.” Damian’s cheeks started to burn at Garth’s words, unknowingly calling him out. 
“I for one agree with Mr. Bernstein, here.” The mumbles around the room silenced at Slade’s approval, he never sided with anyone that wasn’t his own talent. 
“You do? But isn’t Terra your client?” Dick asked outright, sparing any tiptoeing around the subject.
“Yes, I am not blind and I know when to fold if my hand is not strong enough. Terra cannot out-perform this girl, at least in a role like this. This girl doesn’t seek attention, she demands it with her screen presence, it’s powerful, impactful. Terra’s performance was surface level, good, but inadequate. I’ll coach her about this later. But nevermind that. Miss Roth would be an excellent addition to the cast, as well as my agency. Does anyone know if she’s being represented?” Slade asked the room, Damian noticing a certain look in his eye that he couldn’t quite name.
“Alrighty then.” Dick looked around the room, everyone nodding in agreement to the unspoken question. 
Damian felt a weight in his stomach. No way they all almost unanimously chose the vile woman from the coffee shop. Sure she had done well, but they couldn’t see past that? They’d soon find out her temper and Damian would enjoy watching them regret their decision. But still… he’d have to go to work everyday and look at her stupidly, definitely not in any way attractive, face and convince her to like him. It wasn’t fair. Maybe he should speak up? But to speak up would be to reveal himself as the ‘asshole’ and he couldn’t have that. They’d just side with Raven, and he wouldn’t even be able to explain himself. He had to get out of there, he couldn’t risk anyone realizing that he hadn’t given his usually very vocal opinion. Quietly, he snuck out the door just as Dick was finishing his statement.
“It looks like Raven Roth is our Sorceress!”
He could hear the applause from the hallway but he didn’t look back, he proceeded to the kitchen to grab some water and hide. Feeling the cold water slide down his throat, cooling the anger and frustration within him slightly, Damian took a very needed deep breath. Just then, the last person he wanted to see found him.
“Damian, why’d you leave? We just broke out the champagne to celebrate the completed casting!” Dick held his flute of champagne out, swirling the contents as if to entice him.
“I don’t care for champagne.”
“Suit yourself.” he shrugged and took a large sip. After pulling the glace down from his lips, he leaned his hip against the kitchen island and stared directly into Damian’s eyes. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t speak up in there.”
“I had nothing to say.” Damian tried to sound nonchalant. 
“If there’s one thing I know about you Damian, it’s that you always have something to say, especially when it directly affects you.”
Dick was good, he always knew when something was up, and usually Damian reluctantly found it endearing but right now it was definitely not the time. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. You all seemed very pleased with her so there is no point in voicing my opinion for it to be met with criticism.” He shrugged.
“Criticism huh? So you didn’t like her?” 
Damian opened his mouth to protest but once again, Dick had caught him. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he figured he might as well get the interrogation over with. “I had the displeasure of meeting Miss Roth sometime before her audition. She was inconsiderate and rude and I don’t think we need that kind of behavior on set. Oh and she’s Todd’s new plaything which also poses a problem.”
“Oh, I had no idea. She certainly seemed nice and courteous enough when we talked to her. But I suppose she could be putting on an act for her benefit and given that she wouldn’t know that you were already cast she'd have no reason to give you better treatment. I was also under the impression that Jason and Raven had never met prior to her audition.” He rubbed his chin in thought, “I will take this into consideration as we onboard her. I don’t want to react harshly without further investigation. As it stands, she will continue to be our Sorceress with Terra Markov as a potential backup if Raven falls through.”
Damian crossed his arms, frowning slightly. “I don’t think this will end well for me…I mean us.”
“Everything will be fine. I’ll look into it and adjust whatever needs adjusting. I’ll tell Jay to back off and we’ll make sure she’s not a diva. I appreciate you telling me and not brooding to yourself about this like Bruce. 
“Yeah, whatever.” He relaxed slightly, dropping his arms in surrender. “I’m going to go back to my place.”
“You don’t want to stay for the rest of the party? We were gonna watch some of the segments announcing your casting!” 
Just then the sound of shattering glass echoed in from the entryway. Dick winced and looked back to Damian who barely reacted..
“Absolutely not. I can watch them on my own time”
“Fair enough, thanks for coming anyway! I’ll see you soon!”
“I still had no choice.” Damian called over his shoulder as he headed out the kitchen and toward the entrance. He bid Alfred farewell and departed back to his condo.
Finally settled into the peace and quiet his own space brought him, he started searching for the articles about himself. Most of the articles had received and reported the news positively, stating that the casting choice was a no-brainer and how excited they were to see the cast built around him. A few wireless welcoming but they came from more unpopular sites, and some outlets hadn’t reported anything yet. But the information was still new so it will keep trickling down through the circuit until everyone has given their mostly unsolicited insight. 
The one thing that still popped up everytime his name hit the headlines though started popping up right in front of his eyes. It never failed to make him feel less than and unworthy.
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danieljreboot · 5 months
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Manhattan, Upper West Side, 1957. Against the backdrop of the decaying tenements in the San Juan Hill neighbourhood and the constant threat of the wrecking ball, two warring gangs--tough Riff's Jets and swaggering Bernardo's Puerto Rican Sharks--fight for supremacy. Now, with a once-and-for-all, winner-takes-all rumble on the cards, an unexpected whirlwind romance at the high-school dance between former Jet brawler Tony and Bernardo's delicate little sister María sets the stage for an all-out turf war. But what's a gang without its territory? Above all, when the future is uncertain, what's hope without love?
Directed by Academy Award® winner Steven Spielberg, from a screenplay by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award® winner Tony Kushner, “West Side Story” tells the classic tale of fierce rivalries and young love in 1957 New York City. This reimagining of the beloved musical stars Ansel Elgort (Tony); Rachel Zegler (María); Ariana DeBose (Anita); David Alvarez (Bernardo); Mike Faist (Riff); Josh Andrés Rivera (Chino); Ana Isabelle (Rosalía); Corey Stoll (Lieutenant Schrank); Brian d’Arcy James (Officer Krupke); and Rita Moreno (as Valentina, who owns the corner store in which Tony works). Moreno – one of only three artists to be honored with Academy®, Emmy®, GRAMMY®, Tony® and Peabody Awards – also serves as one of the film’s executive producers. Bringing together the best of both Broadway and Hollywood, the film’s creative team includes Kushner, who also serves as an executive producer; Tony Award® winner Justin Peck, who choreographed the musical numbers in the film; renowned Los Angeles Philharmonic conductor and GRAMMY Award® winner Gustavo Dudamel, who helmed the recording of the iconic score; Academy Award®-nominated composer and conductor David Newman (“Anastasia”), who arranged the score; Tony Award®-winning composer Jeanine Tesori (“Fun Home,” “Thoroughly Modern Millie”), who supervised the cast on vocals; and Grammy®-nominated music supervisor Matt Sullivan (“Beauty and the Beast,” “Chicago”), who served as executive music producer for the film. The film is produced by Spielberg, Academy Award®-nominated producer Kristie Macosko Krieger and Tony Award®-winning producer Kevin McCollum. “West Side Story” has been adapted for the screen from the original 1957 Broadway show, with book by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and concept, direction and choreography by Jerome Robbins.
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oscarupsets · 5 months
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Both films from 1961 were adapted screenplays that spurred additional films - West Side Story was adapted from the 1957 Broadway musical and adapted again in 2021 by Steven Spielberg, while The Hustler was adapted from the 1959 book and continued with a 1986 sequel. I can already tell you that the sequel, The Color of Money, will not be mentioned as a future upset, but will get Paul Newman his one Academy Award win!
West Side Story feels ridiculously cheesy at times, but Leonard Bernstein nails the soundtrack, the dancing is good, and the production quality is ahead of its time. It's an absolute classic and a joy to watch.
(FYI: The "one major role" that was mentioned as not terrific was Richard Beymer as Tony)
There was overwhelming support for The Hustler as the upset for 1961, and I'm still trying to understand why. I sat through the first 10-15 minutes so optimistic that it was going to be a good film, and after the first 30-45 minutes I debated if I wanted to finish it at all.
The plot was decent and the film style was quite pleasing to watch, but it was overwhelmingly slow and could not hold my interest at all! I tried my best!
At the 34th Academy Awards, West Side Story took home the second highest number of Oscars to date (and 4th highest of all time), missing out on only one Oscar for Screenplay.
The Hustler was nominated for 9 Oscars, the third highest of the night, and took home two for Art Direction and Cinematography.
George Chakiris and Rita Moreno (as Bernardo and Anita, respectively), were awarded at both the Oscars and the Golden Globes for their performances.
Unofficial Review: This ain't an upset. Unless I'm SERIOUSLY missing something about The Hustler.
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velvet4510 · 6 months
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inemi · 1 year
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Rita Bernstein
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MY 2023 Met Gala Guest List :)
(previous // there will be new people and old people as well as some changes)
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sadie Sink
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Margot Robbie
AnnaSophia Robb
Sarah Hyland
Lily Collins
Madelaine Petsch
Camila Mendes
Saoirse Ronan
Noah Schnapp
Melissa McCarthy
Florence Pugh
Rebecca Ferguson
Halle Berry
Keke Palmer
Miranda Cosgrove
Madison Pettis
Millie Bobby Brown (the so-called "boyfriend” stays at his own house!!!)
Amy Adams
Jessica Alba
Jessica Chastain
Phillipa Soo
Lupita Nyong’o
Gal Gadot
Anna Kendrick
Blake Lively
Jessica Biel
Ariel Winter
Winona Ryder
Zoe Saldana
Charlize Theron
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Kidman
Emilia Clarke
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Idina Menzel
Viola Davis
Emily Blunt
Sofía Vergara
Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Seyfried
Constance Wu
Elizabeth Olsen
Ana de Armas
Karen Gillan
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Madelyn Cline
Hugh Jackman
Daveed Diggs
Jared Leto
Finn Wolfhard
Tom Holland
James McAvoy
Leslie Odom Jr.
Regé-Jean Page
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
KJ Apa
Idris Elba
David Harbour
Bebe Rexha
Caleb McLaughlin
Bill Skarsgård
Alexander Skarsgård
John Krasinski
Dua Lipa
Stanley Tucci
Charlie Heaton
Robert Downey Jr.
Taron Egerton
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Halle Bailey
Chloe Bailey
Alessia Cara
Alicia Keys
Céline Dion
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
Elton John
The Weeknd
Lily-Rose Depp
Cara Delevingne
Taylor Hill
Elsa Hosk
Josephine Skriver
Romee Strijd
Jasmine Tookes
Lais Ribeiro
Sara Sampaio
Heidi Klum
Candice Swanepoel
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Behati Prinsloo
Miranda Kerr
Jacopo Venturini (CEO for Valentino since 2020)
Adut Akech
Paloma Elsesser
Kaia Gerber
Adriana Lima
Alessandra Ambrosio
Gisele Bündchen
Valentina Sampaio
Karlie Kloss
Gigi Hadid
Bella Hadid
Kendall Jenner
Lily Aldridge
Soo Joo Park
Paris Jackson
Daphne Groeneveld
Blanca Padilla
Sophie Turner
Nick Jonas
Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck
Billie Eilish
Billy Porter
Zoë Kravitz
Tiffany Haddish
Dakota Johnson
Kerry Washington
Mindy Kaling
Donatella Versace
Anna Wintour
Vera Wang
Tory Burch
Benedict Cumberbatch
Serena Williams
Kasey Musgraves
Katy Perry
Frank Ocean
Julianne Moore
Michael B. Jordan
Jordan Peele
Janelle Monáe
Ashley Graham
Mary-Kate Olsen
Ashley Olsen
Jennifer Connelly
Irina Shayk
Christian Bale + Mrs. Bale
Diane von Furstenberg
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Jeremy Scott (designer for Moschino)
Katie Holmes
Emily Ratajkowski
Gwen Stefani
Julia Garner
Angelina Jolie
Alicia Vikander
Adwoa Aboh
Jourdan Dunn
Solange Knowles
Billie Lourd
Daisy Ridley
John Boyega
Emma Stone
Eddie Redmayne
Bri Larson
Rita Ora
Dua Lipa
Naomi Scott
Law Roach (March 15, 2023: I would still invite him despite his decision to retire, but it’d be understandable if he chose not to attend.)
Kate Moss
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Zoey Deutch
Michelle Williams
Winnie Harlow
Kiernan Shipka
Rachel McAdams
Florence Welch
Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat on Instagram)
Grace Elizabeth
Joey King
Dan Stevens + Mrs. Stevens
Christian Siriano
Jeremy Scott
Alessandro Michele (designer for Gucci)
Miuccia Prada
Elie Saab
Iris Van Herpen
Han Chong (designer for Self-Portrait)
Maria Grazia Chiuri (designer for Christian Dior)
Anthony Vaccarello (designer for Saint Laurent)
Silvia Ventura Fendi
Giambattista Valli
Zuhair Murad
Virginie Viard (designer for Chanel)
Elaine Welteroth
Nina Garcia
Imaan Hammam
Sara Paulson
Julia Roberts
Brandon Maxwell
Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino)
Yara Shahidi
Gemma Chan
Laverne Cox
Lucy Boynton
Naomi Campbell
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rami Malek
Sienna Miller
Aurora James
Carey Mulligan
Charli XCX
Alexa Chung
Stella Maxwell
Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea
Dapper Dan
Timothée Chalamet
Camila Coelho
Deepika Padukone
Tommy Hilfiger
Violet Chachki
Nasiba Adilova
Shailene Woodley
Joe Jonas
Megan Fox (MGMK stays home.)
Laura Haddock
Orlando Bloom
Willow Smith
Jason Sudeikis
Ewan McGregor
Coco Rocha
Ralph Lauren
BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope
Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo
Doja Cat
Sam Claflin
Kiera Knightley
Sebastian Stan
Alexina Graham
Rachel Zegler
Sophia Lillis
Sam Smith
Mimi Cuttrell
Aubrey Plaza
Adam Driver
Kate McKinnon
Aidy Bryant
Thomasin McKenzie
Evan Peters
Maddie Ziegler
Colin Farrell
Kristen Bell
Idina Menzel
Michelle Dockery
Chris Evans
Peter Dinklage
Luke Evans
Amy Poehler
Liam Hemsworth
Robert Pattinson
Christian Louboutin
Stuart Weitzman
Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade)
Michael Kors
Manolo Blahnik
Alberta Ferretti
Kim Jones (designer for Fendi)
Viktor Horsting
Rolf Snoeren
Richard Madden
Giorgio Armani
Isabel Marant
Nicky Zimmermann
Simone Zimmermann
Gimmo Etro
Abigail Breslin
Lana Del Rey
Natalia Dyer
Molly Ringwald
Giambattista Valli
Tamara Ralph
Michael Russo
Isla Fisher
Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills)
Charlotte Tilbury
Allan Avendaño
Danielle Priano
Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29)
Aubrey Plaza
Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29)
Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29)
Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29)
Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine)
Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine)
Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)
Lauren Conrad
Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine)
Rob Zangardi
Mariel Haenn
Michael Fassbender
Jason Bateman
Elliot Page
Betsey Johnson
Jonathan Groff
Anna Faris
Sabrina Carpenter
Meryl Streep
Brie Larson
Renée Elise Goldsberry
Jasmine Cephas Jones
Cindy Crawford
Nicholas Hoult
Jennifer Garner
Zac Posen
Taraji P. Henson
Joan Smalls
Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine)
Lily James
Thandiwe Newton
Ciara Bravo
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Phoebe Dynevor
Allison Janney
Daniel Levy
Claire Foy
Lisa Eldridge
Kale Teter
LaQuan Smith
Lacy Redway
Alexandra DiRoma
Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.)
Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book)
Carine Backoff
Zoey Grossman
Tyler Shields
Joy Sunday (’Bianca’ in Wednesday)
Greg Williams
Cass Blackbird
Kacey Musgraves
Owen Gould
Tobi Henney
Marc Eram
Charlotte Prevel
Romy Soleimani
Rebecca Minkoff
Joseph Altuzarra
Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé)
Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline)
Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline)
Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe)
Kelsey Deenihan Fisher
Harry Styles
Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
Anok Lai
Precious Lee
Michelle Yeoh
Storm Reid
Jennifer Hudson
Maisie Williams
Tom Ford
Iman Abdulmajid
Ella Emhoff
Regina King
Amandla Stenberg
Eiza González
Stella McCartney
Edward Norton
Vittora Ceretti
Leslie Grace
Cynthia Erivo
Alton Mason
Mary J. Blige
Carey Mulligan
Ming Xi
Donald Glover
Brooke Shields
Tracee Ellis Ross
Maya Hawke
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Chiara Ferragni
Ewan McGregor
Laura Dern
Anthony Mackie
Barbara Palvin (Dylan stays at home!!!! He does not need to be at every single event with her.)
Pharrell Williams
Frank Ocean
Dove Cameron
Daniel Craig
Queen Latifah
Jason Wu
Shawn Mendes
Camila Cabello
Jenna Ortega
Olivia Rodrigo
Emma Myers (‘Enid’ in Wednesday)
Tyler Doohan
Christina Ricci
Ke Huy Quan
Demi Lovato
Kristen Stewart
Hailee Steinfeld
Anyone who works in corporate fashion, is a fashion designer, a makeup artist, fashion stylist, fashion model, or hairstylist is invited. There’s just SO many of them, though... . Also, significant others are an automatic +1 unless I said they are not invited :)
NOT Invited
Justin Bieber
Hailey Baldwin
Austin Butler
Pete Davidson
Cole Sprouse
Lili Reinhart
Kim Kardashian
Ansel Elgort
Khloé Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
Miles Teller
Kylie Jenner
Emma Chamberlain
Addison Rae
Percy Hynes White
Charlie D'Amelio
Dixie D'Amelio
James Charles
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Miley Cyrus
Priyanka Chopra
Jeffree Star
ALL social media influencers (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
Lena Dunham
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Kanye West
Doutzen Kroes
Ezra Miller
Johnny Depp
Amber Heard
Armie Hammer
Travis Scott
Emma Roberts
Tom Cruise
Henry Cavill
Alida Morberg (Bill Skarsgård’s problematic “girlfriend”)
David Dobrik
Madison Beer
Domenico Dolce
Stefano Gabbana
Lil Nas X
Olivia Wilde
Alexander Wang
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
Machine Gun Kelly
21 Savage
French Montana
Chloë Grace Moretz
Chris Pratt
Bella Thorne
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Watson
Vanessa Hudgens
Sacha Baron Cohen
Dylan Sprouse
Sarah Jessica Parker
Olivia Jade
Kid Cudi
Channing Tatum
Paris Hilton
Nicky Hilton
A$AP Rocky
Jeremy O. Harris
John Mulaney
Olivia Munn
Elon Musk
Chris Brown
▪️ March 1, 2023 ▪️
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