#risin to the top
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raregrooves · 11 months ago
Keni Burke | Risin' To The Top
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djevilninja · 5 months ago
I know we’re doing Everything that we want to. Meanwhile, are we losing? Because we won’t let go.
Keni Burke - Risin’ to the Top
Keni Burke - “Risin’ To The Top”
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dixons-sunshine · 11 months ago
The Archer’s Girl | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: When the world ended, you and Daryl narrowly escaped the clutches of the dead and found yourselves in a quarry camp with Merle and some other people. Unwanted, someone in the camp took a weird liking and disliking to you, and it made you extremely uncomfortable. Luckily, Daryl was there to stand up for you.
Genre: Fluff, some angst.
Era: Outbreak day; The Quarry.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU but can be read as a standalone.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of morning sickness.
Word count: 4.4k.
A/N: Damn, I love when two requests correspond with each other and I can get them both into one fic. It’s my favourite thing in the whole world. I feel like Daryl is kinda ooc in this, but I tried to imagine how he’d be with a woman he just met at the quarry and started forming a relationship with vs how he’d be with someone he’s been with since he was a teenager, and in my mind, he’d totally be softer regarding someone he already knows and loves vs one he’s just started getting to know. So soft!Daryl in this, it is! Anyways, I hope you like this!
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Barely one minute prior, you had strayed from Daryl’s side to go grab some milk. You had told him that you would be right back, but with all the chaos that had suddenly unfolded in front of you, you highly regretted leaving him at all. With everything going to hell, you could be separated from the man you loved. That thought terrified you.
“Daryl!” you called out, attempting to push past the stampede of people trying to hurriedly evacuate the store you were in. You were abruptly shoved into one of the shelves, a sharp pain shooting up into your ribs. A loud curse escaped your lips as you clutched your side.
However, as you turned around, nothing terrified you more than the sight that beheld you.
On the floor, a woman was screaming in pure, unadulterated agony. On top of her was a man whose body appeared to be decaying, and he ripped a huge chunk of her flesh from her chest. His grimy hands were clawing at her stomach, and with little to no effort, he tore her stomach open. The sight was truly mortifying, and it would never be erased from your mind.
A hand grabbed your wrist from behind. You flinched and tried to rip your hand from the person’s grip, but the familiar voice of your husband calmed you down. However, when you looked at him, you were surprised to note the splatter of dark blood all over his clothes and face.
“S’me! S’jus’ me!” he hurriedly explained. He cast one glance to the horrific sight in front of you before dragging you along with him, the two of you moving quickly. He stopped momentarily in front of one of the shelves to grab two knives, carefully pushing one of them into your hold. “Ya see one’a these dead motherfuckers, ya stab ‘em in the head, alright? S’the only way they drop dead.”
“What? I don’t—”
“Dun’ think ‘bout it, Peach!” he cut you off, pulling you with him out of the store again. “They ain’t alive. The news weren’t lyin’ to us ‘bout the dead risin’. We got a real fuckin’ problem on our hands now.”
Choosing to trust his judgement, you nodded and hurried next to him. The two of you ran down the sidewalk, heading in the direction of your apartment. As you continued onward, you highly regretted deciding to walk to the store instead of taking Daryl’s truck. It would have been a whole lot easier to escape the mess surrounding you if you had a vehicle.
Just as the two of you arrived at your apartment building, about a dozen of the undead people were stumbling out of the door. Daryl quickly pulled you with him to the parking area instead, making a beeline for his truck. However, more of those things flooded the area and a couple of them were heading straight towards you, and it was clear that the two of you weren’t escaping without a fight.
“Ya got yer knife?” Daryl questioned, shooting a glance at you over his shoulder.
“Yeah,” you told him, gripping the knife so tightly your knuckles started turning white.
“Good,” he replied, stepping forward to plunge his knife into the skull of one of the monsters. He withdrew the knife, holding it ready to use at a moment’s notice. “Ya gotta stab ‘em in the head as hard as ya can, alright? Dun’ think ‘bout ‘em bein’ alive. These assholes ain‘t livin’ no more.”
“Don’t worry about me trying to talk them out of eating me or something,” you scoffed, replicating the way he was holding his knife with your own. “I’m not that stupid. All these fuckers are getting from me is a fatal blow to the head. They’re not touching me.”
“That’s my girl,” he praised you with a small smile. However, his attention soon got diverted back towards the flood of the undead stumbling around in the parking area.
As the two of you continued onwards, Daryl repeatedly stabbed the heads of the monsters. By some miracle, the two of you made it to his truck without you having to do anything. However, just as Daryl was getting into the driver’s seat and you were opening the door to the passenger seat, a slimy, blood-covered hand gripped your arm tightly in its clutches.
You let out a small cry of terror, instantly alerting Daryl to your horrifying predicament. However, as you struggled against the literal death grip of the monster, its teeth trying desperately to take a chunk of your flesh, you realized that you couldn’t wait for Daryl to come to your rescue. By the time he would have managed to make it towards the other side of the truck, you would already be doomed. You had to take matters into your own hands.
Shakily, you drew your hand that held the knife back and plunged it deep into the thing’s skull with a sickening force. The monster miraculously fell limp with the first blow, its hand falling from your arm. However, before you could fully process that you had just killed something that was once human, Daryl took your face in his hands and checked you over, his eyes filled with fear. You had never seen him with as much terror in his eyes ever before.
“Are ya okay?” he asked in a hurried manner, his voice shaky as his blue eyes searched your body for any signs of hurt or discomfort. “Please tell me the prick didn’t get ya. No bites, no scratches, nothin’.”
“I’m okay,” you assured him, watching him calm down somewhat. “But we have to leave. Right now.”
“Yeah, let’s g—”
The deafening sound of a gunshot echoed through the area, followed closely by the rumble of a motorcycle. When the motorcycle came into view, you were both simultaneously relieved and disappointed to see none other than Merle Dixon. He stopped his motorcycle once he saw you, an exasperated look on his face.
“Y’all jus’ gon’ stand there and get eaten or get in the fuckin’ truck? I did not risk my life gettin’ here jus’ to watch y’all become a mid-day snack.”
Daryl opened the door to the passenger side and quickly ushered you in, shouting over his shoulder at Merle. “What the fuck are ya even doin’ here?!”
“Helpin’ yer sorry ass!” Merle exclaimed, shooting at another oncoming monster. “C’mon, let’s go!”
Daryl did not need to be told twice. He rushed to the driver’s side and hurriedly got in, starting up his truck and speeding out of the parking area, following behind Merle’s motorcycle. With all the chaos that had unfolded, the two of you hadn’t even managed to go grab some clothes from your apartment. However, by some stroke of luck, as you glanced towards the back of the truck, you noted that two duffel bags were resting there, as well as a bag with everything needed to construct a tent, as well as Daryl’s crossbow. You thanked your lucky stars that the two of you had gone camping for his hunting trip two days prior, and forgot to remove everything from his truck. The clothes were dirty, sure, but once you found a body of water, you’d be able to wash them. And Daryl’s crossbow would more than likely come in handy.
“Are ya okay?” Daryl asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. He was nervously chewing on his thumbnail, his eyes darting between you and the road.
You nodded at him, trying to calm your racing thoughts. In a matter of thirty minutes, your life had flipped upside down. You had killed someone, whether they were dead or not. The blood from the kill coated your skin and made you feel sick at your actions, but you tried to remind yourself that the thing you killed was not human anymore. If you didn’t kill it, it would’ve killed you. It would’ve killed—
Gasping, you sat upright and clutched at your stomach. Daryl looked at you worriedly, his eyes trailing to your stomach. His eyes widened in terror, his grip on the steering wheel tightening even more, if that was even possible.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned in alarm. “Oh, god. S’somethin’ wrong with Peanut? Did those pricks—”
“No! No, nothing’s wrong,” you reassured him, your hand resting on your stomach. “It’s just... With everything going on, I forgot about the baby. I forgot about my own child, Daryl. What kind of future mother does that make me?”
Daryl moved one of his hands to rest on your thigh, his thumb rubbing reassuring circles on the fabric of your jeans. He sent you a small smile, hoping to bring you some comfort.
“S’okay,” he told you. “Yer not gon’ be a bad mom. With everythin’ goin’ on, yer body went into fight or flight mode. S’cause of it that ya managed to keep the baby in yer belly safe. And once they’re here, I know yer gon’ do yer absolute best to protect ‘em. They’ve got the best damn mama ever.”
One month had passed. One month since the dead had started walking. One month since everything you knew had gotten destroyed. One month since you had stumbled upon a quarry camp filled with other survivors with your husband and brother-in-law. One month since your life had been turned upside down.
“I hope so,” you mumbled, resting your hand that wasn’t on your stomach over his hand that rested on your thigh. “I really hope so.”
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You sighed as you washed one of Daryl’s jeans, subtly listening to the other women making conversation, the women sitting quite a distance from you. Most of the ladies in the small camp you were in tended to keep their distance from you, deeming you damaged goods due to the people you were with. Well, more so because Merle was your brother in law. You and Daryl tended to keep to yourselves, with Daryl only speaking to others when absolutely necessary, but the same couldn’t be said for his hotheaded older brother. Merle had made quite the first impression on your fellow survivors, and not a good one. And automatically, by mere association, they had deemed you and Daryl the same. Most of the women simply referred to you as the archer’s girl, and you were pretty sure they didn’t even know your actual name.
Most of the women didn’t even bother acknowledging your existence most of the time. The only exception was a sweet woman named Carol Peletier, who offered you her kindness whenever she saw or spoke to you. She offered you advice on how to properly scrub stains from jeans, on how to fix up the holes in your husband’s socks, and so much more than that as well. She was the only one who you had felt comfortable enough sharing the secret of your pregnancy with, and even though she promised not to tell anyone, she silently offered you her support, and gave you advice regarding your pregnancy by telling you stories about her own pregnancy with little Sophia. Carol was your only true friend there, and you appreciated her on a profound level.
Without her, you probably would have snapped at the other women there for the judgemental looks they threw your way, so you deeply cherished the friendship you had formed with her.
The touch of a calloused yet gentle hand drew you from your thoughts. You looked up and locked eyes with your husband, his blue eyes staring down at you with a softness reserved only for you. You sent him a smile and dropped the pair of jeans you were washing on the ground, standing up to face him better.
“Ya know all’a that washin’ s’now ruined ‘cause ya dropped it in the mud, right?” he told you playfully, sending you a small smile.
You smiled and shrugged. “It’s your jeans. I’ve never heard you complain about a little mud on them before, considering those kills you have to skin that stained these jeans in the first place.”
Daryl chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah, yer right,” he replied, before his smile fell and he adapted a more serious tone. “I have to go huntin’.”
“Again?” you asked incredulously, your mood visibly deflating. “You went on a hunt not even two days ago.”
“Yeah, I know,” Daryl said with a heavy sigh, fidgeting with his hands. “But that Shane prick demanded that I go on another hunt again for some reason. I dun’ know why, ‘cause we have enough meat to last us another week or so, but he threatened to throw us out’a the camp if I didn’t go now. We can’t leave. ‘Specially not now.”
Your lips formed into a small smile as Daryl’s eyes trailed down to your stomach, his eyes softening slightly as he thought about the life that fluttered there beyond the skin, the life that he had helped create. His very own son or daughter. A small being that he would go to great lengths to protect, even if they weren’t born yet. His little Peanut.
You stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss against his cheek, before withdrawing again. You giggled at the blush that spread across his face, and you did not miss the way his lips twitched up into a small smile. He could say whatever he wanted, but he secretly loved your little public displays of affection. It was never something big, like some passionate kiss or a full-blown make out session or something along those lines. It was always something small and sweet, something quick to show your affection without drawing too much attention to the two of you. A subtle graze of your hand against his, quick pecks on the cheek, a gentle squeeze on his shoulder, you name it. You knew how to show him love in public without making him uncomfortable, and he loved you for it.
“How long will you be gone?” you asked, nervously fidgeting with your fingers.
Daryl noticed and subtly took your hands in his, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “Ain’t no tellin’. Walsh demanded that I find some venison, and that might take me a while. Dun’ even know if there are any deer here.”
You pursed your lips and nodded. “Stay safe, okay? I love you.”
Daryl nodded. Stepping out of his own comfort zone, he leaned down and pressed a feathery light kiss to your lips. When he pulled back, he gently caressed your cheek. “Always am. And I love ya more, Sweetheart.”
With that, he turned around and left, leaving you standing alone with the unfinished laundry. Watching his retreating figure, you smiled fondly, completely missing the envious looks the other women were sending your way.
They had not heard your conversation, the two of you being too far away to overhear anything, but they did see the way the archer interacted with you. It was so vastly different from the way he talked to anyone, including his own brother, his own flesh and blood. It was clear there was a lot of history between the two of you, good and bad, and it made the two of you a strong couple. From what Merle had let slip in his high state once, the two of you had been together since you were both merely seventeen years old, and by the looks of it, the two of you were still going strong. The two of you radiated love for one another, and that’s more than most could say about their own past relationships.
Three days had passed. Three days where Daryl was nowhere to be found. Three days where you had to deal with Merle’s disgusting attitude on your own. Three days where you had to sleep alone in your shared tent, wishing, praying that he was there beside you.
It was clear the two of you shared something special, a deep, profound bond that went beyond what the naked eye could see, and it felt unfair to them that they couldn’t find love like that. And with the world at its end, they doubted that they ever would be able to.
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It seemed like Baby Dixon noticed their father’s absence, and they weren’t a fan of it. For the past three days, you had not managed to keep anything down in the depths of your stomach. Any and all food you ate came right back up again within a few hours, and it was not exactly pleasant. Thankfully, nobody saw you whenever you rushed to the bushes behind the RV to spew out the contents of your stomach, so nobody knew of your pregnancy just yet.
And you had Carol by your side whenever your stomach rebelled against you, so that was a major plus for you.
“God, I hate this so much,” you groaned in frustration, eliciting a laugh from the woman gently rubbing your back.
“It’s what comes with the joys of pregnancy,” she laughed lightly, continuing the circular motion on your back until you felt better. Once you stood upright, she handed you a bottle of water, encouraging you to drink as much as you needed to. “Drink up. You need to stay hydrated.”
Once you had enough to drink, you handed her the bottle again. “Thank you,” you thanked her, giving her a small smile. “How’d you handle it? The morning sickness, I mean.”
“I was lucky enough to only experience a mild case of morning sickness,” Carol explained, wrapping her arm around you and starting to walk with you back to the main campsite. “You know, and I’m not saying this to pressure you at all, but maybe you should tell everyone about your pregnancy. It would be good for Glenn to be on the lookout for prenatal vitamins.”
“I can’t,” you denied instantaneously. “Then everyone will look at me like I’m carrying the black plague and see me as just another liability. I can’t have that. Daryl and I can handle things on our own until we absolutely have to tell everyone.”
“Okay,” Carol replied, before shifting the conversation away from something that quite obviously stressed you out, and she knew that stress was not good for the baby. “I drank a lot of herbal teas when I was pregnant. That seemed to really work for the nausea.”
“Just great,” you sighed, shaking your head. “Where the fuck are we supposed to find that?”
Carol smiled and gently rubbed your shoulder. “I’ll see if Dale has some. I remember him mentioning something about ginger tea.”
“What if he asks why you need it?” you asked hurriedly with worry evident in your tone.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him,” she reassured you. “I’ll just tell him I’m feeling nauseous. That something I ate isn’t corresponding with my stomach. Trust me, he’ll believe it.”
You sent her a smile. “Thanks, Carol. I mean it.”
She smiled at you before disappearing into the RV, on a search for Dale. You stood waiting outside, staring ahead at the treeline. You hoped that by continuously looking at it, your husband would appear from the trees with a deer over his shoulders, dirty but unharmed. Alas, as you had learned over the last few days that has passed, that did not work, and you wished you could go out there and look for him yourself, but you knew he’d be beyond mad if you did.
No, your main priority was your baby at that moment. Your husband had shown time and time again that he could take care of himself, so you chose to believe that he would be fine. You had to believe that, otherwise you would spiral into an abyss you did not want to go down.
The feeling of somebody standing next to you startled you. You stumbled and nearly fell, but the hands of the mystery person caught you. Looking up, you locked eyes with the self-appointed leader of the group, Shane Walsh. His brown eyes were staring down at you, a small grin on his face.
“Sorry, girl. Didn’t mean to startle you,” he apologized, slightly rubbing your arms.
“What’s your story, lady?” he asked curiosly, leaning back against the metal of the RV, his eyes trailing over you in a way you did not like.
Feeling extremely uncomfortable, you shrugged his hands from your arms and took a step back, putting some distance between the two of you. You sent him a tight-lipped smile. “It’s okay,” you replied, hoping that he would end the conversation with that. However, the man had other plans.
“My story?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing with a low life nothing like Daryl Dixon? I mean, you could have anyone you want, but you chose him, the good-for-nothing redneck. Why?”
“Because I love him,” you stated matter-of-factly, sending him a harsh glare that only seemed to spur him on even more.
“Bullshit. There’s gotta be something to it,” he disagreed, chuckling at the glare on your face. “There’s no way that a guy like that managed to pull someone like you. It goes against all the laws of the universe. So tell me, what’s he got to offer? Is he paying you? Are you some prostitute he keeps around for his own pleasure or something? You certainly look pretty enough to have a guy pay you for something like that.”
Before you could stutter out an angry reply to Shane’s deeply offensive, deprecating accusation, a hand gently gripped your shoulder and pulled you aside. Looking up, you saw Daryl, an angry look in his eyes. Without a word, he stepped forward and viciously connected his fist with Shane’s nose, hearing the satisfying crack of the bone there.
“Son of a bitch!” Shane exclaimed, bending over to clutch his nose in his hands. “What the fuck, Dixon?!”
Daryl gripped Shane by the collar of his shirt and shoved him against the side of the RV, a threatening glare on his face. Terror filled Shane’s eyes, something unusual for the for the former sherrif’s deputy. Everyone started gathering around the fighting pair, and Carol, who had rushed from the RV once she had heard the commotion, pulled you back from the battle ground, holding you firmly against her side.
“Listen’a me real fuckin’ close, Walsh,” Daryl spat angrily, his voice dangerously low. “I dun’ care what ya say ‘bout me, but if ya ever talk ‘bout my pregnant wife like that again, I’ll do so much worse than jus’ break yer nose. Ya dun’ talk to her, ya dun’ look at her, ya dun’ even breathe the same fuckin’ air as her. If ya do, I’ll skin ya alive and feed the remainin’ pieces of ya to the walkers. Do I make myself clear?”
“Fuck you,” Shane groaned out.
“Yer venison’s on the table. Next time, go hunt for it yer fuckin’ self.”
Without waiting for a response, Daryl shoved Shane harshly and turned around, meeting your eyes. Instead of finding fear in your eyes from his actions, he found adoration instead. You stepped out of Carol’s hold and took Daryl’s hand in your own, dragging him to your shared tent. You didn’t even spare a glance at the people, so you missed the way all of their eyes widened at the realization that you were pregnant, that they had been unnecessarily rude to a pregnant lady that had done absolutely nothing wrong to them. They had been harsh to an expecting mother and father, and for no reason at all. Everyone felt guilty, but the groan that Shane emitted caught their attention once again.
“I’m not mad, you know,” you finally broke the silence, watching the way his ocean-coloured eyes flickered over to you, the confusion evident in them. “Shane got what he deserved. Quite honestly, I planned on punching him, too. You just beat me to it.”
Back in your shared tent with Daryl, you were stood busy, gently cleaning the blood from his split knuckles whilst the man sat on the cot. Daryl was avoiding your eyes, feeling ashamed of his actions. In all the years that you had been together, you had only seen him lash out like that once—one time when you were drinking together in a bar when you were twenty-four, a guy had grabbed your breast without your consent, and Daryl had completely lost it. After that, he swore he would never act like that around you ever again, but Shane had made him break that promise.
“M’sorry,” Daryl mumbled, ducking his gaze to the floor. “I know ya can fight yer own battles. S’jus’... Hearin’ the way he talked ‘bout ya, like ya were some object whose worth he could judge... I dun’ know. It made me pissed. Ya dun’ deserve to be treated like that, ‘specially not when yer carryin’ a baby in yer belly.” He sighed and placed his good hand on your stomach. “Speakin’ of, m’sorry I revealed that yer pregnant. I know ya wanted to keep that hidden for as long as possible.”
You smiled and gently lifted his chin with your finger, gazing deeply into his eyes. “It’s okay. They would’ve found out eventually,” you told him, gently cupping his cheek. “Look at you, always so considerate about everyone else except yourself. You’re amazing, Daryl Dixon.”
Daryl blushed. “Yer the amazin’ one,” he countered, leaning forward to rest his forehead on your stomach. He placed a small kiss to the clothed skin. “Peanut’s gon’ have one hell of a mama.”
“And one hell of a daddy,” you replied, bringing one of your hands to thread through his hair. “I love you, Daryl.”
“Love ya more, Peach,” Daryl murmured, closing his eyes at the comforting feeling, his head still resting against your stomach. “Love ya too, Peanut,” he whispered to your belly, and it made you smile.
The serene moment was soon interrupted. The soft calling from Carol grabbed your attention, and you giggled at the groan Daryl let out.
“Y/N?” she called out. “I’ve got that ginger tea I promised you.”
“Ginger tea?” Daryl questioned, looking up at you.
“Yeah. I got a bunch of morning sickness without you around for some reason. It seems like Baby Dixon doesn’t like it when their daddy’s not here.”
“Good,” Daryl chuckled, rubbing your stomach affectionately. “Then I guess ya won’t mind if I stick ‘round.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, pretending to think about it before letting out a light giggle. “I guess I’ll keep you around.”
“That’s real good to hear.”
Before you could respond, you heard the bellowing voice of your brother-in-law. You groaned in frustration, praying that Carol had gotten out of the line of fire, because your tent was about to become a war ground.
“When the fuck were ya plannin’ on tellin’ me ya got that lil’ whore’a yers pregnant?”
Daryl visibly tensed up at his brother’s words, anger flaring up in his eyes, and you knew that another beating was about to commence. “The fuck did ya jus’ say, Merle?!”
“Ya heard me, boy.”
God, you hated Merle with a fiery passion, and you doubted that it would ever change. But you loved Daryl, and you knew that as long as you had him by your side, you could face anything.
Yeah, your little Peanut was gonna have the best father ever.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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splootulu · 2 years ago
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ncityprincess · 10 months ago
Never Too Much 🌊☀️
A lil something sensual and romantic for my taurus moon king Jaehyun 🥰
WC: <1,000 | minors do not interact
*side note I’m literally counting down the days until he drops his solo*
Songs: horizon by Jaehyun, never too much by Luther Vandross, risin’ to the top by keni Burke
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Summer was always your favorite season. It was something you and your lover had bonded over. The warm temperatures and blissful days filled with calm and carefree joy is what drew you to the season. It was leisurely days like today that made you feel full of life.
You and Jaehyun rented a beach house for the weekend to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Not out of hatred for the bright lights and skyscrapers, but simply to enjoy the beauties of Mother Nature in a different landscape. It was still early enough in the season to enjoy a relatively crowd-free beach weekend, and the sun was shining just right. The refreshing aquatic air breezed through the opened window, penetrating through the steamy atmosphere that lingered in the bedroom.
You felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of your neck, and ran your hands that were anchored onto Jaehyun’s chest for stability through your hair. You were so utterly lost in the moment. Feeling the heat radiating off of your bodies. Taking in the distant sounds of the waves crashing and the music that played in the background. Being so caught up in the pleasure of it all.
He thought you were so beautiful like this, sensually grinding your hips against his. Jaehyun marveled at the sight of you deep in ecstasy and the way you chased the pleasure. The thin white bed sheet pooled around your hips, making you look particularly goddess like in the bright white room. You opened your eyes to see Jaehyun looking up at you with a dopey, lust filled look on his face. You just knew he was loving every bit of this, just as you were. The two of you lived for intimate moments like this. Not particularly chasing a high, not going too fast or too rough, just feeling one another. Letting your bodies convey what words cannot.
“So beautiful…” Jaehyun hummed absentmindedly. Your tummy fluttered with pride, and you guided his hands from his hips up to your breasts, encouraging him to stay there. Jaehyun took your cue and played with your nipples as he bucked his hips up in tandem with yours. You let out a soft whine as your orgasm washed over you, and moved up and down a few more times, bringing Jaehyun to his own release. He let out a guttural groan as he released inside of you, and you gradually halted your movements. Panting and spent, you both maneuvered back under the white sheet and embraced one another.
“A million days in your arms is never too much”
Jaehyun hummed the lyrics of love song into your shoulder in between giving it soft pecks. He caressed your whole body in appreciation for letting him have you like this. You snuggled your backside closer to his form, needing to feel his heat against you even in the stifling room. The two of you laid like this in gentle silence for a few more songs.
Ever the enthusiastic lover, Jaehyun’s caresses started to inch closer towards the front of your body, and he began to softly knead your breasts. You chuckled in amusement before turning your head slightly to give him a kiss. Jaehyun wasted no time and shoved his tongue against yours with heated passion. His desires took over him and he slipped himself right back inside of you, your glistening hole still inviting him in with ease. He gingerly picked up his pace before tossing the sheet off of your bodies and rocking into you with a little more force. Still not in a complete rush, but with more energy than your prior session.
The prettiest sounds of affirmation tumbled out of your mouth, creating a beautiful melody that blended with the sound of skin on skin, and the slight creak of the mattress. All of this drew Jaehyun deeper into the pleasure, and before you knew it, he had you on your stomach and laid on top of you, hips never stopping their methodical movements. He brushed your hair aside and whispered loving and filthy nothings into your ear, telling you how good you were being for him. Before you knew it you were sent over the edge once again, and Jaehyun’s hips faltered. He plopped down next to you in blissful exhaustion and rested his hands under his head like he was the king of the world. When your heart rate finally returned to normal, you turned to face your lover and ran a hand through his thick hair. He flashed you that dorky smile you loved oh so much, and somehow you found yourself going at each other yet again only moments later.
Oh how you loved the summer time.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 4 days ago
idk if this has already been answered but who's everyone's favorite music artists?
OH OH WAIT I LOVE THIS. hold up. lemme go first. ok. my favorites have GOTTA be. well. Elvis of course but he's obvious so we'll skip him. The temptations (my girl was worn out in the first week) Herman's hermits (their stuff is ALWAYS a hoot) n hmm. the animals. (the house of the risin sun? take my word. that is GOIN all the way)
music? I ain't picky really. Elvis. of course. did soda already say that? yeah. for sure. the rollin stones. man. I can't get no satisfaction? goddamn. that is one tuff ass song. damn. the hollies too. long cool woman? goddamn. I guess anythin with a good base.
oh oh oh. wait. Elvis. yeah. like all his shit. you can't go wrong with Elvis man. but hmm. also For What it's Worth by Buffalo Springfield. or the turtles. (WAIT I FORGOT THEM I LOVE THEM. some boysss love to run aroundddd. but this boyyy-) (soda keep your concerts to YOUR part of the note) ( :( ) also. like. anythin by the association. or Simon n Garfunkel. man. those guys are poets. the kind you read about.
I mostly just listen to whatever the curtis' got on record (lots a Elvis. good amount of the beatles) but I like the association a whole bunch!! windy has gotta top the charts this year man. or ode to Billy Joe? tuff ass keys in that song man. I like the monkees too man. they got some good ass albums.
well. I guess I don't gotta say it (but I will anyway cause the king is ALWAYS worth repeatin HA) Elvis. all the way. the poor side of town by Johnny rivers is always worth the listen. man. that song gets me. Herman's hermits of COURSE. n the monkees. I know most of em don't like em but the beach boys have some real funky tunes man. I like em (if my opinion goes far HA)
the animals. the rollin stones. the hollies. the zombies. (damn Dallas ain't you just so chatty tonight.) (fuck off. my head hurts)
(Darrys asleep) (unfortunately:() (but he REALLY digs the beatles. for some god awful reason. don't look here)
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Hi! sending good vibes. whatcha listening to lately, and/or have you heard any new songs that vibe with the anisquad?
Thank you! Off the top of my head:
Jake - "And So It Went," The Pretty Reckless
They said: the world does not belong to you/ It don't belong to you/ It belongs to me And so it went/ The children lost their minds/ Crawlin' over bodies of those who gave their lives/ And the fists began to throw/ And the bough's about to break/ Don't they think we know/ We're the fuckin human race?
Marco - "All the Good Girls Go to Hell," Billie Eilish
Hills burn in California/ My turn to ignore ya/ Don't say I didn't warn ya/ All the good girls go to hell/ 'Cause even God herself has enemies/ And once the water starts to rise/ And Heaven's out of sight/ She'll want the Devil on her team My Lucifer is lonely/There's nothing left to save now/ My God is gonna owe me/ There's nothing left to save now
Cassie - "March, March," The Chicks
March, march to my own drum/ Hey, hey, I'm an army of one/ Oh, I'm an army of one Tell the ol' boys in the white bread lobby/ What they can and can't do with their bodies/ Temperatures are risin', cities are sinkin'/ (Ah, cut the shit, you know your city is sinkin')/ Lies are truth and truth is fiction/ Everybody's talkin', who's gonna listen?
Rachel - "So Fast, So Maybe," K. Flay
Little did I know shit would get this gnarly/ This quickly/ I hardly/ Had time to think... So you better get used to the pace of things/ Cause basically, it's like stress non-stop/ From the moment that you're born to the moment that you drop/ Well, at least when you're dead you could get a little peace in the head... caught a glimpse of the action/ Since that day, I felt the passion/ Don't just talk, go make it happen
Tobias - "Both Sides Now," Joni Mitchell
Rows and floes of angel hair/ And ice cream castles in the air/ And feather canyons everywhere/ I've looked at clouds that way But now they only block the sun/ They rain and snow on everyone/ So many things I would have done/ But clouds got in my way I've looked at clouds from both sides now/ From up and down, and still somehow/ It's cloud illusions I recall/ I really don't know clouds at all
Ax - "The Truth Beneath the Rose," Within Temptation
Give me strength to face the truth, the doubt within my soul/ No longer I can justify the bloodshed in his name/ Is it a sin to seek the truth, the truth beneath the rose? I believed it would justify the means/ It had a hold over me I'm hoping, I'm praying/ I won't get lost between two worlds/ For now I have seen the truth lies between/ Give me the strength to face the wrong that I have done/ For now I see the darkest side of me
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aidothewriter · 5 months ago
Just curious if you would do male reader X Carl Grimes from TWD?
Swimming Class
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Summary : You and carl are out for the day and decided to stop by the nearby lake for a swim. What could go wrong?
• Carl Grimes x M/reader
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The sun was rising over Alexandria as the warm sun risin over the small community. You were making your way towards Carl's house to see if he was up and ready to hang out for the day. You and him didn't always get a day of your own, let alone off together, So you both always tried to make do with the time you had. Walking up the wooden steps, you knocked on his door a couple times and waited for a response. To your surprise, it was Carl, " Well, look at who finally decided to get up early for once " you said with a teasing tone only to earn a groan from Carl but you could already see the smile he was so trying to hide. " Let's just go already, I'd rather be shamed in private and out of ear shot of my dad " he said with a chuckle before quickly closing the door behind him.
As you walked through the semi empty roads, you both made it towards one of the wide ponds in the town. You both decided that it would be a nice place to relax at for at least a couple of hours. Resting your book bag against the tree, you both sat down and began chatting about your chores, days, and just anything that would keep you two entertained. Laughing at one of his stories, you wiped a tear from your eye, sighing to catch your breath. You looked up at him with a sly smile. " Haha... oh, you better hope I don't use this against you! " you said while Carl gave you a fake look of hurt and betrayal, letting a low gasp out as he did, holding his "heart" while shaking his head." y-you wouldn't dare! " he said before shaking his head and looking down towards the water.
Standing up, he held his hand out towards you, taking in your features as he did. " they've got a boardwalk down there. Wanna check it out? " he asked while you took his hand and stood up, following him down the small hill. You both walked alongside the boardwalk till you reached the end. The sun was setting against the water, leaving it to shimmer and glow against their skin. While you were at least lost in it's beauty you didn't realize the plan Carl had in his head till it was to late, you were cut off by a quick shove on your back and a loud "-splash!-" into the water. Reaching back to the top, you looked up at Carl with a scowl while he laughed his little white ass off. " You dick head! " You yelled at him while he bent down to help you out." I- I'm sorry, you left yourself wi- Ah! " While you grabbed his arm, you pulled him in after you. As he came up, his once fluffy brown hair was now slick and layed out on his face as he watched you laugh back at him. Quickly pushing his hands up through the water, he splashed you right in the face. You followed his actions and began splashing him back. As you two continued to play together, the rest of that afternoon was filled with nothing but laughter and passion. If only it could last forever....•°���
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 1 year ago
The Interview
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A/N: For @lacilou . I hope I got it right. Merry Christmas!
"Christ, I can't believe I'm doin this shit. Lucky I don't burn Vought to the fuckin ground for this.."
Don't give a damn if the wretch behind the door can hear my discontent as I recheck the address from a slip of paper in my hand. Probably got some young spit fuck with their head up their ass to do this shit. I can't believe these assholes have me out here in the burbs even botherin with this crap. Since when do they do private residential interviews with the fuckin talent?
Grunting confirmation from the piece of paper, I crumble it and toss it to the immaculate lawn behind me. Rolling my shoulders, head tip to the sky as I take a deep breath before giving the front door 2 hard knocks; only a few seconds go by before I hear hurried footsteps comin from upstairs on the other side.
Looking over my shoulder to make sure my driver from Vought is still parked by the curb cause no way was I going to let this shit last more than 10 minutes. Saw the perfect bar servin half off whiskey for happy hour and I ain't about to miss it for some fuckin interrogation.
I turned to face the door as it opens but God damn if seeing you for the first time doesn't completely incinerate my foul mood. The sun bounces off your y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes, lighting them up as you smile up at me with the cutest pink cheeks. You look so fuckin vibrant, your excitement palpable. Busty chest teases me into a quiet submission, risin and jigglin a bit quicker than normal from your jog down the stairs.
Fuck, I thought I'd be dealin with a 20-somethin year old idiot wasting my time talkin about my glory days, not a fuckin goddess just ripe for the pickin. I hope to God you don't notice me gaze from your tits to your shapely hips. I doubt you do not since I'm leerin so fuckin intently; almost miss the sweet ring of your voice speaking to me as you repeat yourself.
"Soldier boy? Hi! So nice to meet you. I'm y/n."
Holding your hand out to me, fingers painted the most alluring blood red, I mentally note how they match your pretty toes in your stark white plushy house shoes as you take a step back and politely gesture me to come in.
"Thank you."
I cough to clear my throat as I enter, suddenly feeling a few seconds of anxiousness at the beautiful vixen leading me to the living room. Can't remember the last time I've felt this way just from meeting a woman for the first time.
Your home is bright and pretty, like you. The smell of you is heavy in the air, so absolutely intoxicating as I admire the inside of your abode. The drapes and windows open wide letting the fresh air waft in and I wanna put a end to that immediately; wanna get cozy in your natural feminine scent.
You're talking, showering me in praise of my latest mission and how honored you are to meet your fave hero as I stare at your ass. So hard to not get lost in the sway your full figure.
I'm sure you thought there wasn't a thing sensual about the white button up, first two buttons undone giving me the smallest peek at the top of your ample chest; and sleeves rolled up to the elbows and paired with black leggings that accentuate your perfect frame. But that was your first mistake. Your second was letting me in.
"We alone, sweetheart?" I interrupt, sitting in the seat you offer.
Clearly confused, you nod slowly. It's obvious my question throws you off and makes you think. It's silent as you awkwardly turn to the tripod pointed at us. I can hear your little heart start to beat faster and I'm actually kinda proud. Good girl, at least you know your completely helpless and at the big bad wolf's mercy. The thought makes me smirk as I watch your fingers shakily turn on the camera.
"Before we start can I get you anything? Something to drink? Think I have some bourbon in the kitchen. If not, there's definitely whisky- or water if you prefer?"
Much as I want that drink, I'm absolutely bewitched by you and don't want you outta my sight for even a second. So for the first time in my life I decline a drink.
"No thank you."
"Um.. So.. did you get the list of questions? I sent them over to Vought a few days ago. I didn't want to be intrusive or do anything to catch you off guard."
"I did."
More silence.
"Okay.. Did you get a chance to read em?"
"I did not."
It's hard not to smile at the way you nip your lips nervously, fingers wringing together as you sit in front of me. I should feel bad how I'm flustering you but I can't help it. Love the way your cheeks tint as you look anywhere but at my face.
"Eyes on me, pretty"
I want to devour you from how quick you comply. So shy but a good listener. Also noted.
"Can't interview me if you won't look at me, can you?"
You shake your head, silky hair moving to your shoulders.
"No, sir."
"Good girl. Continue."
Gotta cross my legs and put my hands in my lap to hide the way my cock starts to chub up at your good manners. Christ, you're exactly how I like em. Can't stand the little young things from the new generation: all mouth or ready and willing to hop on whatever dick gets them clout. Love a nice mature woman; pretty but reserved and lets me do the talking.
"Just start, honey. Believe me when I say ain't nothin you can say or do to make me uncomfortable."
I tilt my head, noticin your thighs clench together a few times and take a deep breath through my nose. Oh. Fucking. Hell. You're getting wet, I can smell it. Scent so light you musta only just started to wet up between those enticing thighs. Perfect girl must like the way I tell her what to do. Or maybe its the praise? Either way I definitely plan on finding out.
"O-okay. Um, let's start with your return? How exactly-"
"Off-limits." That much Vought made clear.
"How about why you left? You were the world's hero and then-"
"Uh uhn." I shake my head.
You pause for just a second, crossing your arms before asking your next question.
"Well what about the seven?"
I raise my brow, waiting for you to continue.
"Will you be joining Homelander in the seven? If so, will that be as a teammate or replacement?"
Cheeky lil thing..
"There is no replacing Homelander; He's the hero of yesterday, today, and tomorrow." I repeat the scripted answer for what must be the millionth time since I've returned.
"Nice. Very nice response."
"Who wrote it?"
Your hands pop over your mouth, eyes wide as you realize who the fuck you're talking to.
"I'm sorry. I- I shouldn't have, Soldier Boy, sir. Forgive me."
I smile at your own corrective action. I wonder if you're usually this polite or if you're just a good girl when you're frightened. I need to find out with my head between your legs. Fuck, I'm so hard thinkin bout you, pray to God you dont notice and try kick me out. Not sure I could just leave without sampling you, fuckin temptress.
"Notta problem, darlin. Don't got to be so tense with me, won't hurt you. And call me Ben. No need for that Soldier Boy shit. Though I do like when you call me sir. Can try Daddy next if you'd like." I tell you with a confident smirk.
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That's gets me a fresh whiff of the juices spilling outta that hidden little patch of heaven. I breathe it in deeply, internally groaning at how my cock wont stop jerking against my palm at your aroma; not sure how much longer I can keep my hands off you.
It's so cute how you sputter in embarrasment, even with your knees clutchin together over and over. I know your doin it for some pressure on that throbby lil clit. Wonder how you'd react if I told you I could smell how fuckin wet you are for me.
"No, No sir, I.. I couldn't- wouldn't-"
"Jokin sweetheart. Please, go on."
Frazzled but ever the professional, you continue after a quick deep breath.
"Is it possible for you to tell me where you were during your hiatus?"
I only smile politely at you.
"How about we try something lighter: what was the first thing you did when you got back? Did you go see Crimson Countess?"
"I did."
"And how was that? She must've missed you dearly."
"Actually, it wasn't the romantic reunion you might've thought it would be."
"Why's that? All those years apart, I could think of a thing or 2 I'd wanna do." You say with the loveliest smile I've ever seen.
Hell, if you were my woman no way I'd let you outta bed since my grand return. Have that pussy singing for me day and night.
"Her and I had long fizzled out, 's nothin there. But had it been someone as pretty as you darlin, I'm sure I couldn't help but indulge."
Fuck, that lil blush against your smooth creamy cheeks is so sexy. Need to see it spread allover your body as I fuck you to tears.
"Have you.. Indulged often? Since becoming the infamous Soldier Boy?"
I think about your question for just a moment. Funny how quick this little interview turned into an inquiry about my dirty deeds.
"Haven't had anyone like you, that's for sure."
"Not what I asked."
"Yeah but your not asking what you really wanna know, are ya y/n? Dont be shy, pretty, shoot."
I say the last sentence just to get another dose of the fragrance between your legs and I'm not disappointed. Know without a doubt you're fuckin soakin wet by now. Your lil fists are balled in your lap, arousal seeping off you in waves as you sit stiff as hell in your seat. I'm bout to do somethin bout the way you eyein me down like you wanna test drive.
"So you haven't. You know.. Since you've been back?"
I laugh, dick twitchin at your question. Can't even say the words, just like you cant get that lil pussy to stop drippin for me.
"Have I fucked anyone since I've been back?" I chuckle.
You nod.
"No. Come to think of it, it's been longer than I'd like to admit since I've enjoyed a nice tight hole."
Guess my answer gets your mind reelin, pretty eyes leavin a searing trail over every inch of my athletic build as you ogle me openly. Fuck it. I remove my hands, legs spread as I give you a view of my dick stickin up in my pants.
My cock is so fuckin hard, bulging so big and lewd in my snug ass suit. I love the lil gasp you emit as I flex, makin it twitch for you. Mmmm, pretty lil sound got my dick startin to leak; a nice wet spot formin before your eyes.
"Wow.. It's so- you're.. Wow.."
Poor needy baby probably doesn't even realize how hungry you look, tongue peekin out to moist your bottom lip as you lean forward in your chair for a closer look. Shit, I can give you a hand with that.
Standin up and separatin the distance between us in seconds, I bend down and lean in to nose up your slender neck and whisper at your ear.
"As fun as this has been, your lil interrogation bout where my dicks been last.. I'd rather show you where the fuck I'm tryna put it now. You gone let me teach you sumn, darlin?"
Wish I could swallow your smalI gasps as I grip and massage at the warm flesh of your thighs. Fuck, how you tilt your head to give me access, shutting those pretty eyes is drivin me insane. The little catches in your breath are the only sound in the room as I wait for you to respond. Your mind seems muddled, already sensitive from the smallest touch and I'm gonna have so much fun with that.
"Sweetheart?" I skim back down to leave wet kisses at your slender neck as I slide my hands up your thighs just inches from your lil pussy, still rubbing slowly. "That what you want? Gotta use your words if you want me, y/n."
"Yes!" It's so needy, so desperate the way you say it, grippin my uniform tight in each fist. "Need you so much Ben- sir, 'm sorry. Want you to touch me so bad!"
Desperate words gonna make me cum before I even whip it out. Your so whiny as you turn your head to connect our lips. I swallow each whine as you melt into our kiss. It's so fuckin wet, so messy as you moan into my mouth like I'm already fuckin you. Most definitely the straw that broke the camels back.
I tuck my fingers into the waistband of your leggings and pull them down. Your groan of discontent as you chase my lips when I pull back to take em off completely is so cute. I love how you've become nothin more than my personal lil needy brat.
"Stop that. Sit back. Or your not gonna get this."I threaten as I step back, unzipping my suits pants, pullin out my fat hard cock and givin it a few squeezes.
Definitely gonna get this reward how you do exactly what I say, beautiful legs parting as you grip your tits through your shirt. Got me squeezin the base of my dick so I don't buss at the simple fact you ain't had no fuckin panties on underneath your bottoms.
"Take that shit off." I nod to your button up.
You do it, not bothering to unbutton a single button; opting to just slip it over your head instead. Damn I aint never seen titties I wanted to suck on more, dark pink peaks stiff as fuck from your groping.
Gotta close my eyes and hold my breath for a few seconds to gain my composure. Every ripple and dimple makes me wanna leave bites all over your smooth milky skin. Fuck, why you gotta be so damn perfect?
"Gone be an angel for me and do exactly as I say?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good girl. Spread them lips. Show me inside."
I'm wonderin what happened to my shy woman as you show me the pink of you. Pussy lookin so fat and wet, so inviting. Them ivory lips, dusted with just the smallest amount of hair, quiver as I stare at your insides flutterin; callin out jus for me.
"That's it, go head and play in it mama. Get that shit wet fa me."
Peep how your beath comes a bit faster through your slightly parted lips as you slowly swipe at your swollen clit and stare at my rigid dick. Your eyes close as you press harder, a small hiss slippin out.
"Uh uhn. Eyes on me. If I gotta say it again, ima paint the lips of that perfect pussy and leave you wantin. Hear me?"
"Yes, yes sir. 'M so sorry. So so sorry. I'll be good for you."
I should feel some type of way from how you look straight at my cock instead of my eyes as you plead with me. Shit, guess its fine; can't stop taking in your gorgeous frame either, especially with you slidin your other hand down to fuck a dainty finger into yourself. Don't even realize I've started to stroke my dick while I watch you moan loudly as you put on show.
"Fuck honey, thats it, touch that pretty lil pussy for me."
Your back arches, small pudge of your tummy jiggling as you stick your chest out. Already trembling with the sensations swirling in your distressed body. You moan out to me lustfully and add a second finger. Seems like a bit of a stretch as you wiggle your nose in discomfort.
"Pleeease Ben, touch me! Need to feel your hands on me, in me. Please!"
Ain't gotta ask me twice. I slide both hands up your thighs to reach under you and grab at the soft plush of your ass and massage roughly. Sucking your right nipple between my lips, I lather it generously before givin a slight tug.
"Haaaaah, uhnuhn- Oh my god!"
You don't need the hard suction I wanna give you, seems like just my lips around your pert nip has you shiverin underneath me. I pull off your breast with a soft 'pop' before switching to the other.
"Christ,I'msoclose! Please! Please, don't stop. Pleeeease!"
"Fuck, sure darlin? Ain't even get a chance to show ya pussy some love. You gushin for me already?"
I let go of my dick to replace your digits with one of mine. Testing the waters, I slowly slide it in and out as we simultaneously look down to watch. It's too hot inside, like the fuckin heat from the sun. That warmth on my cock is gone drive me crazy I know it.
"You fuckin chokin my finger y/n. How you gone take my dick?"
My middle finger prods at your opening before I add it to the mix, poking and scissoring at you a bit faster. Your hands leave your center to grip at the arms of the chair, nails diggin into the soft fabric. A light perspiration begins to coat your sexy frame as you bask in your pleasure.
"OhfuckBen, wait! Gimme a- aahhhhgod!"
I'm rubbing at your throbbing clit with my other hand making you toss her head back, hair spilling over the back of the chair. Your unintentionally humpin at my hands, lids low as you fight to do as I say and keep your eyes open. Such a good fucking girl, so I tell you that you are as I do my very best to unravel you from the inside out.
"Fuck you're doin so well for me. Gotta stretch this pretty puss to take my cock, honey. Still want it? Need me to fuck you good sweetheart?
"Yes! Yes, sir, pleeease! Need you so much, ohgod! Soooo good, cummin Ben. 'M cummin for youuuu!"
Can't really believe you manage to stare up at me with your eyes open wide as you convulse in you chair and cum for me harder than any woman ever has. My hands wet to the wrist, white cream oozing down my fingers as I rub your lil button and fuck into your spasmin cunt quicker than before.
"Goood fuckin girl, that's it! Bet you needed this huh, darlin? Gimme that shit, yeeeah. I want all of it."
Sounds of my sloppy finger fuck are loud as another dose spills down to your clenched ass cheeks. Get a pang of pride from how your head lolls to the side, y/h/c brows pinched as you pant.
I don't stop till your thighs snap shut, trying to escape my fingers as you press back into your cushioned chair.
I pull away, tasting you with a groan before using your juices to wet up my cock as I fuck my fist with a few rough strokes. Shit its not enough; ima have eat that lil pussy later. For now, I need to be inside you.
Immediately undressing, I notice my poor dazed angel breathing heavily thorough your cute lil nose. Your eyes finally close, knees pulled together as you tiredly run your fingers through your y/h/t hair. The small hint of a smile on your lips pump my ego; glad to know it was good for you.
Takin a few steps back towards your dark grey sectional, I sit on the carpet in front of it; back leaning against it with my legs spread. Takes alotta fuckin willpower to not stroke my dick till I buss to the sight of your nude frame.
"You okay, sweetheart?"
You give me a short nod, eyes still shut.
"C'mere then."
Ever the perfect girl, you open your eyes, briefly lookin at my cock before makin your way over to me. I pull you down to sit in front of me on carpet between my spread legs. Leaning in and peckin your cheek twice, hands grabbin a handful of your soft tits.
"Still want this? Cause once I get in, I ain't fuckin stoppin till I cream yo shit up. Understand?"
"Yes, sir." It comes out so meek as you give me a shy smile.
Aight, it's a wrap. I grab you by the throat and push you back, signaling for you to lean back on your palms between my open legs. Swiping my the head of my dick through your slit once before impatiently snappin my hips forward, piercing you on my leaky, sensitive tip.
Your wails echo off the ceiling of your living room and for the first time I'm worried someone might hear through the open window. I don't give a fuck about consequences, aint shit a soul on this earth can do to me. Except interrupt this perfect moment of me tryna get my dick into you. Your red manicured fingers dig into the carpet as you try raise up.
"Come on, y/n, c'mere. Quit tryna hop off my shit."
Letting go of your neck, I slide my forearms underneath your knees to grip you around to hold your waist firmly. I pull you closer to me, forcing you to slide a bit further on my dick. Your no match for my strength and I make sure you know that.
"Jesus, woman, you so fuckin tight. Thought you said you wanted this? Open this shit up for me then or ima make you." I growl out, using your waist to push you back before pull you back down repeatedly.
"Fuuuck- icant! 'Stoobig, too big Ben!"
Sweetheart not lying; I ain't never been small and the V only enhanced my shit. Poor baby gone have to get that pussy to swallow 8 inches at the least. (Ain't neva measure it, might be fun to do it with you after I see how much of it you can take.) Too bad I can't muster to feel an ounce of pity as I bully my distressed cock into your helpless cunt. You should count ya blessings that I'm fuckin you like this and not makin you sit on my dick till I bottom out and ride me till breed you.
"Don't give a fuck. Told you I wasn't stoppin till I was done. Take this dick y/n."
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Your head snaps back, neck rolling limply at the intense pressure. Guess I'll give you a pass for shuttin those gorgeous eyes. Your sob of despair would reach the heart of any sane man; good thing I ain't one of em. You really should make sure you know someone before you let them rearrange your guts sweetheart. And after getting a taste of this pussy, I really don't wanna let another soul of the opposite sex near you.
"Ooooh fuck y/n, so glad you lemme in honey. This the best pussy I ever had in my life, angel. Mmmmfuck. Wish it was the only one. No one compares- aaaaah shit, just like that. You got it mama, wet my shit up."
Thrusting upwards while pullin you on my prick got me goin ballistic, impalin you half way as I watch your tits bounce widly in front of my face. It's feels so damn incredible, I mindlessly suck marks wherever I can reach on your breasts. Gotta make sure my small nips and sucks leave hickies that stain almost every inch of the fair skin of your tits.
"P-pleeease Ben. Mmmmfuck.. Least slow down- ahhhhh! Haven't done this in so loooong."
That gets me to pause the beginning of the savage fuck I'm tryin to get into, my head poppin up out your cleavage. A line of spit connects from my lips to your breasts.
"How long?"
"S-since.. Since my divorce." You're voice is so quiet as you stutter out your answer.
"How. LONG?"
2 deep thrust that have you squealin and me almost in to the fuckin hilt. I'm drownin in yo shit, woulda probably bottomed out if your walls would stop clutchin my cock so goddamn frantically.
"2 years, Ben! Its b-been 2 years."
Huffin, blinkin back tears and leanin forward into my solid chest; you're pressin our bodies together as you hold at me tightly. It makes my pace slow as you change the angle, grasping at me like a child does their blanket. Should fuckin feel bad at the sobs wrackin you, the sporadic spasms that have you buckin your fragile body into mine but I fuckin don't.
Can't is more like it cause my mind is reeling at your revelation. Then that meant you were a single. Would've never dreamed I'd have chance like this with an exquisite woman as yourself. The reality of this being more, without me havin to kill some poor sap, that you could be mine forever has an intense buzz building in my balls.
"You belong to me now, woman. Got that?" I demand at your ear lowly.
You nod, pussy still grappling my dick as your thick cream drips out between your glistening puss down my shaft to pool at my sack. It doesn't help you already look absolutely destroyed and I'm not even in all the way yet. Fuck, another few deep breaths as I try not to end this heavenly encounter too early.
"Christ, I don't deserve you sweetheart. I know you can't know how I know that but trust me. You're too good for me."
I try to pull my hips back but your still clinging to me so fuckin tight as you breathe heavily. Shit, no woman I've ever fucked has had me so ready to nut just from watchin her take my dick.
"Let me go, y/n." I demand through clenched teeth.
Gotta admit I'm absolutely appalled at the quick shake of your head as you swiftly decline. You've been such a good girl till now. Still.. Just gimme a reason, right?
I reach back around my neck to unclasp your arms, leaning forward slowly to lay you softly against the rug as I trap you wrist in each hand beside your head. Your beautiful thighs cage my hips, still preventin me from tearin my pussy up. I lean down near your ear to growl at you, frustrated at your lil show of defiance. My nut is right on the surface and if you make buss before I get my fill, you fa sho gone pay the price.
"Woman, if I have to tell you let me go again your gonna be soooooo fuckin sorry."
After a pause your legs slowly unhook to slide down my sides and crook at your knees, cute lil feet on the carpet as you look at me with with wide teary eyes. I'm glad my threat landed; either way I'm in this tummy but it's in your best interest not to fight me.
"Should make ya bad ass get on all 4s and take this dick, see how deep I get then. Lucky I wanna see that pretty face as I nut deep in that creamy pussy, sweetheart." I snarl at you, snatching to hold your wrist in one hand.
I grip your knee with the other, pressing to open you wider to me. The first slide in and out is a heaven beyond description. The sloppy squelch of your gushy cunt as I stab into your warmth is music to my ears; I wanna hear more of it so I speed up, smiling lovingly at the way your eyes cross and slam shut.
"Oh yeah, Right here? This the spot? Want me to fuck you right here sweetheart?"
I chuckle as you actually have the nerve to shake your head at me again. Your gaspin and I'm an absolute dick for leanin down to lick into your mouth, suckin on your tongue as you gulp for air. Plump tits pressed against my chest as your keens reach an interestingly high pitch.
"Pleee- ahhhh! Uhuhuhuhnn-cantcantcant. pleaaase!"
"And yet.. You will, honey."
I release your hands, droppin my weight onto you to keep you in place as I moan my pleasure into the air. This pussy's phenomal, got my heavy balls already drawin up taut as I pull out and fuck into you with a sharp, deep jabs.
"Beeeeeeen, ahhhhh fu- BenBenBen, please!"
"Shhhhh, sweetheart shhhh. Take it like a big girl. Shit- so good.. Mmmm.. You not gettin away till I- fuck!"
And goddamn it, if my hard work isn't rewarded! I finally bottom out; my pelvis smackin into yours roughly over and over. Might be usin a lil super strength but, fuck, I ain't tryin to. I just can't help the way I grind deep into you, dick jerkin at the feeling of you scratching down my back.
"'M fuckin you sooooo good, huh honey?"
"Yesyesyesyes!" I don't think you're even aware of your brainless chant.
Tears run down your flushed cheeks and of course my sadistic ass licks em up as I groan out at how good you feel.
"Shit woman, got me bout to lose my mind in this tight lil pussy. How you expect me to keep it together when she keep stranglin my dick like this?"
As much as you try to run, try to fight me, your lil puss sucks at me. She tells me the truth, coaxes me to drill into you ferally as I make sure to drag my pelvis against your lil button on ever thrust in.
"Fuuuck, y/n, ahhhh shi- uhn uhn uhn. 'Mazin, mmmm, so 'mazin." I groan in a slur.
Its a done deal when you shake wildly underneath me, breast pressin into my chest as you spray my dick before I can get my hand down there and properly rub your clit.
"Good fuckin girl, y/nnnn. Let gooooo, just like that. Stop fightin it pretty, mmmm shit. Shhhhh, you need this honey."
Your wordless thunderous shrieks, your pretty teary face, the clutch of your cunt.. I groan in utter relief as the feelin of your orgasm forces me into mine. My first shot of cum finally splatters the inside of your used lil pussy like a shotgun bein fired. Has me weak as I lay over you and unload. Not sure how I lasted longer than a couple seconds with you tryna milk my nut while beggin and cryin under me.
"Take it woman, yeeeees, this nut all for you pretty. Haaaaah, oh oh oh oh! Christ y/n, soooo gooood for me."
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3 more thick splashes before I pull out and let the last jet rain allover your flushed swollen cunt. Smilin as I rub the thick drool of cum spillin from the tip of my cock on your sensitive clit. Fuckin soak in the way you jerk and whine while you try to close your legs, your palms weakly pushin at my muscled shoulders.
I oblige, leanin up on my knees, lookin down at your wrecked frame as you try to slip from underneath me. Smackin both palms down the side of your thighs, lovin the red print that marks your sweaty skin. I don't give you a chance to catch your breath as I command more of you.
"Quit that shit. Turn around, get on ya hands and knees." I tell you, lookin up to make sure your cams still on.
My dicks still solid, jerkin between your poor abused walls and I might want a replay when this is done. Interview ain't over just yet, pretty.
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anthemofgvf · 2 years ago
Harvest Moon: Danny Wagner x Reader Blurb
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this little blurb is based off of this ask from @acb0116 ! thanks for planting this idea into my little danny heart:,)
description: dancing in the kitchen with Danny to the song "Harvest Moon" by Neil Young.
warnings: none, just pure cheesy fluff
word count: 808
There was something so sincere about dancing with Danny in your shared home. You loved the adoring atmosphere that surrounded the both of you every time he spun you around, causing you to giggle.
So, whenever he was back home during tour, you'd often have your record player set and ready to play whatever vinyl you would have picked for the night.
He walked into the kitchen, noticing that you had set down a Neil Young vinyl onto the record player and setting the needle down onto a specific song.
"What's your choice of song tonight?" He asked you, wrapping his arm around your waist and placing a kiss onto your cheek.
"Harvest Moon," you smiled "it's been a while since we've listened to it. One of my favorites."
He nodded with a hum. "Mine as well."
He grabbed your hand and spun you around quickly, bringing you close to his body as he began to sway with you. His thumb tapped onto your waist to the beat of the music, soft touches, yet meaningful.
Come a little bit closer, hear what I have to say.
Just like children sleepin', we could dream this night away.
He hummed to the melody, to which you joined along with him in a slight harmony. Your cheeks radiated with pink as your smile ran to the corners of your eyes. His capability of making you grin was infectious, and you didn't dare to wipe the smile off your face as he locked eyes with you and looked at you with pure adoration.
But there's a full moon risin'. Let's go dancin' in the night.
We know where the music's playin'. Let's go out and feel the night.
His hand lifted your own up and let you spin in a circle, which you did in tune of the music. Once turning to meet his eyes again, you noticed how the highlights of his hair truly shone in the moonlight that radiated through the windows that surrounded the kitchen.
The hand that rested on his shoulder dared to run it through his curls, then falling to his face. He leaned into your touch with shut eyes with a smile whilst humming along to the song.
Because I'm still in love with you. I wanna see you dance again.
Because I'm still in love with you, on this harvest moon.
"I've always loved your curls." You whispered to him.
He shook them lightly teasingly, tickling your hand. You giggled at the feeling of his dark curls brushing against your hand, so you rested your hand back onto his shoulder and continued swaying along with him to the beat.
"And I've always loved you." He said, placing a kiss on top of your head.
"You're cheesy, you know that?" You huffed a laugh through your nose.
"Well, isn't that why you love me?" He grinned.
"Yes, it's something I've always been fond over. But teasing you about it is a bit fun."
He chuckled at you. He brought his hand to your waist, pulling you closer to him and letting your head relax into his chest while he hummed by your ear. His soft voice soothed you as he sang, and you always loved to hear him sing.
"But now it's gettin' late, and the moon is climbing high," he sang softly, "I want to celebrate. See it shinin' in your eyes."
In a playful manner, you lifted your chin to meet his eyes, batting your eyelashes at him as a way of acting out the song. He kept quiet, keeping his eyes on you with his teeth poking out into a crooked smile.
His eyes spoke the most in these kinds of situations, making your heart skip a beat every time he looked at you in this light. You loved soaking up these moments, to watch how his eyes lit up and the corners of his eyes slightly crinkled as his smile ran admirably. He was a perfect individual - everything about him was. You'd always take the opportunity to tell him how much you loved him, and every little detail that made up who he is was mere perfection to you.
Because I'm still in love with you. I wanna see you dance again.
Because I'm still in love with you, on this harvest moon.
As the song slowly died down and led into the next track, he placed a tender kiss onto your lips. Cupping your cheeks, he held your face close to his.
"I always miss this when I'm off on tour." He whispered to you.
"Gives you something to look forward to when you come home." You said to him.
"Always. Thank you," he placed another kiss on your lips, "I love you, on this harvest moon."
You giggled at his reference. "And I love you too, Danny, on this harvest moon."
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twiceasfrustrating · 7 months ago
A New Look
Rating: Teen and Up Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Relationship: Diavolo x Simeon Characters: Diavolo, Simeon Additional Tags: Fluff, mentions of nudity as a part of daily life Summary: Diavolo tries on some clothing from the Celestial Realm and wants Simeon's opinion  A/N: How long has it been since I posted something to this blog? Jeez. All my fandoms lately are strictly on the nsfw side so this blog has been suffering a lot. I also haven’t written for OM in so long since I stopped playing the game. Ooops. Have to remember who these characters really are. It may be a bit rough with their characterization. Word Count: 1151
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“How do I look?” Diavolo asks, purposefully posing and twirling as dynamically as he can to show off the outfit he asked Simeon to borrow from the Celestial Realm on his behalf.
The outfit, like most Celestial clothing, is white from chest to ankle. In Diavolo’s case, he is wearing a simple ensemble that consists of a top that starts at his neck and only goes down low enough to modestly cover his chest and upper back. There is a light gold streak running down his right side to act as a simple accent. The blue-white gradient pants start just below his navel and stretch down to his calves. They look tight on him, which is common for Celestial clothing, but Simeon worries about Diavolo’s mobility all the same.
The majority of the outfit’s shape doesn’t come from the top or pants, however. The sheer overcoat – similar to the grandeur of a bride’s veil on her wedding day – that hangs over Diavolo is far more bulky than anything else. It sits around his upper arms, the long sleeves stretching past his hands and flowing freely with each movement. The overcoat stretches all the way to his ankles like a skirt.
Simeon claps politely. “You look nice.”
It feels strange to say anything else. It would be dishonest to say the clothing – white and loose against his skin, flowing freely as if it was blown by an immaterial wind – did not suit him, but it would also feel blasphemous to say that the prince of the Devildom looked good in the ensemble. Still, Simeon has a brief thought that, as much as he enjoys the sight of Diavolo in his home fashion, he looks better in his usual attire.
“Nice is good.” Diavolo laughs, satisfied enough with Simeon's answer. “I didn't think Celestial clothes would fit me so well or that they would be so cool.”
“It's the magic woven into the fabric. Many angels have to deal with a variety of temperatures and environments, so it's important to make clothing suited to any given situation. The magic acts like insulation, keeping the temperature of the wearer stable. Additionally, angels that choose a human charge need extra durability and flexibility so-”
Diavolo listens intently, placing a hand over his mouth to hide the silly smile crawling across his face as Simeon speaks. He is charming as he speaks about the clothing of his home realm, listing all matter of facts and small minutiae.
“You know a lot about fashion.”
Simeon stops mid-sentence. 
His eyes dart to the side, then downward. “Not particularly.”
Diavolo's smile never falters as he continues. “But you were just talking all about what makes Celestial Realm clothing special and why it's designed that way. That seems like passion to me.”
“I’m not actually passionate about the current state of fashion. If you want someone who understands trends, it would be better to speak to Asmodeus. Celestial Realm fashion hasn’t changed in some few thousand years, so he should still know about it better than I do.”
“But you seem to know so much.”
“That’s because-” Simeon pauses, trying to find the exact words that won’t make a fool out of him. Eventually, he decides that the truth is nothing to be ashamed of, even if it is mildly embarrassing. “I knew you would have questions, so I tried to learn the basics.”
Diavolo’s reaction is outwardly reserved, but he is fighting the rising heat in his face that feels as if it will melt him from the inside out. It was one thing to ask Simeon for a favor so that he could better understand a small part of the Celestial Realm’s culture – for the clothing of a people tells you a lot about them and their way of life – but it is another to know that Simeon went out of his way for his sake. It feels far more intimate than such a small kindness should have.
And, when he glances at Simeon’s face, it is clear that he is not the only one that understands the implications in their exchange.
Diavolo has to get the discussion back on topic.
“Can I ask why Celestial fashion hasn’t changed in thousands of years?”
Humans changed fashion trends every few decades at least. Demons, though not as often, also frequently changed the clothing they wore. He found it strange that the angels did not switch out their clothing at least once every few centuries.
“That’s because most angels don’t actually care for fashion in the first place, so there is no reason to stay on top of evolving trends. Most of us would actually prefer not to wear clothing at all. We only do it for foreign relation reasons because the other realms seem to consider it unsightly to walk around without them. At best, there is a race for the functionality of the magic woven into the fabric, but that’s more akin to being the first to discover it and share your findings with others than it is to claim a new magic for your own benefit.”
Somehow, Simeon misses the implication that angels are nudists.
“I guess that explains why all of your clothing lacks fabric,” Diavolo says without any malicious intent, but Simeon furrows his brows in disapproval regardless.
“That’s an insensitive way to put it, but I suppose that is technically correct.”
“Sorry.” Even as he apologizes, Diavolo is laughing. “But I think it’s your turn now.”
“Hm?” Simeon hums in confusion.
“We’re exchanging clothing today, aren’t we?” Diavolo grabs the outer bottom of the overcoat and lifts it high so that it won’t tangle around his ankles. He begins to march toward the large clothing bag that he had placed to the side much earlier. Up until now, Simeon had assumed it was simply another outfit Diavolo would need to change into later. “I have something for you too.”
Simeon raises both of his hands and turns his face away as he refuses to see what Diavolo could possibly have brought. “It’d rather not. Devildom clothing is very hot.”
That made Diavolo pause for a moment.
He seems to think before smiling and answering Simeon’s concern. “We’ll cut off some of the fabric so you’re more comfortable.”
“That’s not-”
“I promise,” Diavolo says as he picks up the large black clothing bag and holds it toward Simeon so he can take it, “it’ll be fun.”
His smile is bright and beaming as he stares at Simeon with mischief and wonder in his eyes. Framed in white and looking so pleased, it would be easy for an onlooker to mistake Diavolo for an angel, but Simeon only sees the demon that he truly is.
Simeon signs as he resigns himself to Diavolo’s whims, already feeling heat building inside of his stomach and twisting it into knots as he takes the outfit from his hands.
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gazsluckyhat · 6 months ago
Nine- Ice Cream
Sarah's House
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Hurricane Helene can suck my asshole man. Western North Carolina is fucked. We are struggling. Could've never prepared for this. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers. It's gonna be a rough go.
We get to see Sarah's version of that night in Russia. Super excited to get to her team too! Any questions or ideas are welcomed!
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Price knew he shouldn't take the mission. The outcome seemed obvious, or so he thought. Until he wasn't anymore.
Like calls to like. Or something of the sort.
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Price read the emails he'd been avoiding, the amount in big white numbers in the corner of the app. He was on the balcony, cigar dangling from his lips. There was a nice breeze flowing through the air and it helped calm the anxious nerves creeping down his back. Tomorrow was gonna be another stressful day and he knew he didn't have the heart to deal with it. The look on Sarah's face had been enough to make him rethink it. She'd be a complete mess and the boys had to go in for a couple hours so it'd be just the two of them. One single look and he knows he'll cave. Easily. He scrubbed his hand down his face, the sun already set behind the trees.
"Can I join yo-u?" She's wearing a simple set of pajamas. Her hair still damp from the shower she'd took with Soap. Price nods, his tounge heavy in his mouth. She stands beside him, leaning her chin in her hands. Eyes glued to the view. "My mama al-ways said th-ose thing'll kill ya'" He turns to look at her, her eyes glued to the cigar in his mouth. He puts it between two fingers.
"Ya? Sounds like a smart woman." Sarah nods, a sad look in her eyes.
"The best." She turns back to the view before flipping back. "Can I try?" Her eyes not curious. Price is shocked almost, suddenly aware that his lips had dampened the end a bit. But she doesn't seem to care, eyes watching him closely.
"Thought they'd kill ya'?" Her eyes light up.
"Russians th-ought a lot o-f stuff woul-d kill me." She shrugs. A small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He holds the cigar out, expecting her to grab it but she doesn't. No, she opens her lips slightly, awaiting him to place it between her pink lips. He stutters for a millisecond. Lust creeping up his spine and into her bloodstream. Images of him slipping something else between those lips dancing in his mind. He steadies himself and sets it in her mouth, lips softly closing around it and then she breathes in. Nice and deep and he can see her chest moving. She pulls it out and holds the breath in for a minute before releasing the smoke, Price surprised at how easy she handled it. She looks at him and smirks.
"Have a couple trick-s up m-y sleeve." He chuckles and accepts the cigar back. She then leans into him, her breathing nice and steady. "I'm so-rry about ear-lier." Throwing a arm around her and pulling her closer and kisses the top of her head and speaks.
"No reason to be. After everything it's expected. But it'll be you and I tomorrow. Boys gotta run to base for a little while." She nods into him.
"Okay. Promi-se I'll be go-od." His breath catches in his chest, blood immediantly going to his cock. Good girl. Fuckin good girl. That was new, he wasn't vanilla per say, but not once had he ever thought of the phrase in a sexual manner. But her saying it, pressed into his side was causing some very unfortunate  side effects. She must been able to tell too, her hands wondering up his side and turning him to face her. She studies his face, green eyes taking in his features. Hand reaching up and rubs his mutton chops and smiles. Using her other hand on the other side.
"Surp-risin-gly soft." He chuckles as she does it and rubs her hair. Then her fingers rub over his lips. Soft touches causing his body to go wild. He clenches his hand by his side and closes his eyes, suddenly aware at how touch starved he is. Been so focused on missions and his team he hadn't thought about himself. He's still telling himself that he's not going to act on his thoughts because maybe she's just curious when she presses her lips to his, warm and soft. She's pressing most of her weight into him, leaning on her tip-toes to even be able to reach him. He threads a hand into her hair and cradles the back of her head. Leaning down slightly so she'd doesn't have to stretch so much. She pulls back first and it's only enough to look up at him.
"Th-ank you." Then she's kissing him again, more forcefully. Hands knotted in his t-shirt. Leaning back again she whispers again, "Will yo-u sleep wi-th me to-night? Pl-ease?" He eagerly nods, even if it's just sleeping. He needs to feel her in his arms, safe and content.
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Sarah groans for what feels like the hundredth time, Price rubbing her back in circles. The morning had started off decent. He woke up to his alarm, Sarah happily tucked into his side and softly snoring. He watched her for a few seconds before waking her up with a kiss, one that she happily leaned into to. Hands tangling in his hair and her hips bucking. And as much as he would love to have just pinned her to the mattress and finally experience what Simon and Gaz had, they had things to do. Which Sarah promptly tried to hide from. The blanket wrapped fully around her. Simon had to drag her out, kissing her shoulders and promises of a very detailed meeting later. Gaz had tried to help with coffee and a bagel, kissing her cheek and mumbling how much he'd miss her while gone. She'd gave him sad eyes and asked to come with him, he'd handed her off to Soap so he didn't have to tell her no. 
"It'll be okay lassie. Captain will take good care of you." He kisses her head and goes to get ready leaving her staring at Price with big watery eyes. She even sticks her lower lip off for maximum effect. And Price knows he's in trouble. Because he'd give her anything to clear up that sad little look, even though he knows she's putting it on to try and get out of the events taking place today.
"I don’t wa-nn-a go." Eyes with unshed tears. He knows she's actually scared. Can see the fear in the way she holds her shoulders and fidgets with her hands. Price nods.
"There's a ice cream shop on this little strip." She focuses a little more. "Even better there's a bookstore two stores down. I will take you after your appointments and let you buy whatever you want if you go." She squints at him.
"Promise?" Price smiles knowing he's won. He uses his hand to cross his heart.
"Promise." And so she eats.
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She still looks so tiny in the sweater and sweatpants she'd picked out. Her long hair tied behind her. Her hands were fiddling with the top as they waited for her name to be called. The first two appointments had been hectic. Price having to held her hand through the first and the second had apparently been worse. Her new therapist saying she refused to talk. Said she almost took off when she even mentioned Russia. Sent them off with 'maybe next week'. So here they were, a sterile waiting room with age old magazines and shitty TV. The only other people in the lobby were a couple of what looked to be veterans. One having lost a leg and the other with a prosthetic one. Her throat closed up when she looked at them. Memories clouding her vision.
"Am I one?" She'd whispered to Price. Voice shaky. He's been confused at first. Not quite understanding what she was asking, until he followed her gaze. His hand had found hers instantly and he squeezed. He didn't know what to say. Hadn't prepared the 'thank you for your service' spiel he usually gave. It seemed so wrong to use it for her anyway. He'd never be able to properly thank her for what she'd done. And Kate hadn't fully talked to him about Sarah's military career yet, or if she still had one.
"I- I really don't know lovie." She'd nodded, but he could see her brain working. Knew what she was thinking. "Don't do that." He tapped her head.
"I wan-na go ho-me." Her voice cracked and he pulled her to him. Placing a kiss to her head he spoke quietly.
"Jakobs?" He pulled her up and they headed towards the nurse. "Hi, I'm Leah. I just need to get your height and weight." Price keeps a eye on her as she steps to the scale. See's the way her face blanches when it stills. Forty kilos. Way underweight. The nurse seems shocked as she writes the number down, Sarah quickly stepping off and to his side. Leah leads them to a room, and points to the table for Sarah to sit on. Price drags the chair beside it and grabs her hand, Leah once again a little shocked as he does it.
"Are you examining her?" He asks, using his work voice. Leah shakes her head.
"Doctor Kline will be in her shortly. He'll do the physical stuff." Sarah stiffens and Price kisses her hand. Both her blood pressure and heart rate were elevated but it was normal under these circumstances.
"It'll be alright. I'm right here." He speaks as they wait for the doctor.
The door swings open and a tall, well fit man in his late thirties walks in. He has a Hollywood smile and it beams, but all Sarah feels is fear. It's cold in her veins. Causing the hole in her chest to widen and her vision to swim. Calm down. She tells herself. Trying to will her body to relax, but it's no use. Her hands are clammy and she knows she's sweating under her top. But still, Price is right beside her, hand held firm in his grasp. Even if it's wet, he holds it tighter and rubs his thumb across hers. Sarah's closes her eyes and goes towards that feeling he gives her. It's a light, dim but she can see it. So she focuses on it and goes towards it. Feels like she's swimming through sand but she keeps going. Until it's brighter and right in front of her. Reaching her hand out its encompassing, warm and calming. Price is suddenly all she feels, his presence relaxing. When she opens her eyes her heart rate is slower and her chest feels better.
"I'm Gerard. I'm gonna be your physical therapist." He doesn't hold his hand out, doesn't make any more to come towards her. Sarah is grateful. "I've read your file, I won't pretend to understand what you've gone through. So you take the reins. If you aren't comfortable with me touching you that's fine, maybe I can talk your boyfriend through it, yeah?" Sarah blushes. Boyfriend. The term making her feel like a school girl. She peeks at Price but he's smiling, even squeezes her hand and chuckles.
"If she's alright with it, then yeah, sounds good." Fuck. He didn't deny it. Liar. She ignores the voice. Instead nodding towards the doctor. And then they're at it.
Sarah thinks maybe Ice Cream was made for people who'd wanted to experience the heavenly feeling of sex but not actually do it. Because the delicious dairy delight in front of her was the second best thing. Only to the way she'd been fucked the past three nights. Price watches with a smile and happily takes a picture to send to the guys. Who'd worried him with questions and updates. He'd almost turned his phone off.
"Here, you got a little.." He wipes it off with his thumb and she smiles before taking the digit into her mouth and sucking it clean. He has to cough to hide the groan. "When you get done we can walk to the bookstore, ya?" She nods and continues to eat.
"My te-am, how are th-ey?" It knocks him off guard. He has no idea what to say. Her team hadn't been a thought in his mind since they found her, and when it was it was hateful thoughts. But she was staring at him, her spoon abandoned in her bowl.
"Sarah-" He starts and she looks away.
"Did th-ey look for me?" His heart breaks. She's not looking at him, eyes darting around. He swallows the lump.
"Yes. They did. But Sarah-" She once again cuts him off.
"I wan-na see them." She's crying, droplets running down her cheeks. Price doesn't know what to do.
"Sarah, they disbanded your team. Your captain was punished and demoted. The rest were sent to other teams. That' all I know." Her eyes go wide.
"N-no. It's n-ot his fa-ult! Ry-an didn't d-o any-thing!" Her voice is shrill. He can see the panic in her eyes.
"That's the problem, love. He didn't do anything. For hours." Sarah shakes her head. "C'mon, let's go to the bookstore." But Sarah is shaking, her eyes glassed over. Price is kneeling in front of her, hands on her shoulders.
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It's so cold. The snow is thick around her, the white camo concealing her perfectly. Ryan had picked the spot, said he'd seen Bryan and Craig ahead of her to scout it out first. She'd picked her favorite rifle, the one her and Dean carved her name in. She's hunkered down, her eyes focused on the land in front of her. It's a simple mission, mainly recon. She's the sniper, something she loves but misses the hands on combat, and her team are going to explore a base not to far away. She can see it from here, the entrance lit by a small light. Ryan is leading section A north-east while Dean is leading team B north-west. They're supposed to meet at the door. Sarah, Raven as they call her, is watching, trying to make sure they have a clear path. But there's no one. No guards or anything. The catwalk even clear. It doesn't feel right. Something is off. She hits her earpiece.
"Raven to Beaver." Static. "Ryan, you there?" Nothing. Something is wrong. She lowers her eye to the scope and looks for them, spots them going towards the door. Following the mission. Maybe it's just the spot they're in. She finds Dean, he's doing the same. She forces back the nagging feeling and keeps watch. Ryan radios to Dean to make sure they're in position. And they are, so he keep going. Looks back and doesn't see Raven but he knows she's there. They make it to the entrance easily, no one in sight.
"Dean, on three." And so it goes. Easily. They find it empty. No one in sight. He radio's Raven. "Raven, Beaver in position. It's empty. What does it look like on your side?" Nothing. A beat and his does it again. "Raven, are you there?" He sees Dean straighten up, eyes focused on him. "Sarah, can you copy!" Still nothing.
"Cap, what's going on?" His eyes dart towards the hill they'd left her on.
"Raven isn't answering." Dean runs out the door. "Dean!" Ryan quickly tells the team the new plan and they head out, Dean ahead of them.
Sarah see's stars. They're sparkling. And oh so pretty. He head is throbbing, she doesn't know where she's at or what's going on. Someone is talking, their voice gruff. And it takes her a few minutes to regulate her brain before she realizes it's in Russian. She tilts her head to the side and see's at least five Russian soldiers near her. Her gun in one of their hands.
"American scum." The one talking has a cigarette in his hand. "Bring her back. Let the General take her." She refuses to let that happen. Grabbing a knife hidden in a compartment in her outfit she flips up and jams it into one of the soldiers. His yell alerting the rest. She dodges a bullet and throws the knife, it lands in the guys throat. He fumbles getting it out but collapses once he does, the blood pouring out. There are arms around her chest suddenly, her vision swimming from what she assumes is a head wound. Throwing her head back she hears a crunch and is let go, slipping before she gets back on her feet and grabs a handgun on the ground. Her head is pounding, stomach turning. She can feel herself getting weaker. Knows she won't last much longer. But she refuses to go down without a fight. She points the gun at one of the men approaching her, but misses when she shoots. Her aim way off. Stumbling back she goes to tackle him, aiming her head towards his middle. Her size made these kinda take downs easier. He lands on his back and she begins to pummel him. Her fists hitting anything they can. He's rendered unconscious when she hears it. A gunshot. Loud and clear then pain. Sudden blinding pain. She takes her hand towards the starting point and pulls it back covered in blood. Her blood. She feels the adrenalin fading, realization replacing it. She gonna die. She falls back on her knees and feels the tears. She's gonna die here and she didn’t even get to tell her dad goodbye. Black is encroaching the edges of her vision. She closes her eyes and falls back, snow crunching under her weight. Footsteps loud in the distance. As she fades away all she can think about is her team and how she's let them down.
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eternal-haunt · 4 days ago
History of the dead rabbits?
Oh, boy. This is gonna be a pretty long reply. In fact, where do I even begin? Well, I'll try and shorten it all down for you lot in case this gets too long. Anyway, let's begin!
A long while back, this little syndicate was just housing around 5 to 7 folks including myself, who came up with the whole idea. Back then, I didn't have any sort of title or all that stuff. It was just a bunch of blokes tryin' to live their lives in the Backstreets. But then, as time passed by, word got around of a new syndicate - our syndicate. Folks started comin' in here and there who were strugglin' in life so we decided to give 'em a neat helpin' hand. Things were great! I made sure to take care of each and every one of 'em no matter what.
Eventually, time passed, and things got quiet. We were still doin' our usual jobs, hittin' a few pubs here and there, all that stuff. But then a new bloke wandered in, and as you lot may already know, that bloke was Heathcliff. Seeing as we hadn't gotten a new recruit in a long while, I decided to test the lad and see what he got. A couple minutes later and he's back with bloody hands and a big sack. I reckoned that he didn't even hesitate at all! So, he got a place with us and we got real close with each other. Most of the time, we tackled jobs together like a dynamic duo!
But, sadly, it didn't really last all that long. A couple long months afterwards - almost a year, in fact - the lad left, and soon later, our whole syndicate came crashin' down. It was as if Heathcliff was the only one keepin' it all together. Not much happened at that time, as the rest of us that were still there layed low for a bit as we tried workin' our way back up again. It didn't take long, though, as we were revived. Thanks to the help of The Ring, I was back on top and I'm still risin' up to this day!
Oh, what a bloody long yap session, eh? I think that just about covers the important bits and pieces you lot need to know.
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mintteas-things · 1 month ago
São Paulo
A/N: Based on an edit I saw, and guilty pleasure listening to this song. Christine Palmer is a bit of an asshole to Reader in this one-shot. For the Plot, really. :)
Word Count: 7.7 k Words
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader
Warning: Implied female reader, swearing, smut, jealousy, bullying, anal, oral giving (F to M), dirty talk, dildo fucking, finger fucking;
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Hot like risin' sun, burnin' everything she touch
She don't even want your money, can buy you and someone else
She's addicted to the rush (bota na boca, bota na cara)
I can never get enough (bota na boca, bota na cara)
She's desensitized to money, need to pay with somethin' else ᭩
Watchful eyes were all around you. The talk of the century- the best doctor that was hired in Stark Industries. Of course, after a long week of modifying “surgeries”, tending wounds, and testing blood samples of the Supersoldiers and superheroes within your care- it was party time. The successes of the heroes that all came together at the compound. Even the newcomer Bucky was present. Tony- while still upset- came around after you explained the notions of psychology and how it wasn’t him. It was like a whole other person- similar to cases you’ve read about Marc Spector who had two personalities- or people he says- within him. Once that was explained, Tony had simmered down a little and understood that. Of course, he always came by to discuss difficult feelings that he couldn’t process with Pepper.
After all- your brilliance allowed medical school, some surgery, and even psychology. All on the dime and paid for by Stark Industries. You were a brainiac- one who couldn’t be satiated by any book in the world. It was similar to Doctor Stephen Strange, the photographic memory and desire to learn. The only difference was that you didn’t want fame. You wanted to live a simple life. Yet, you were fawned and praised similarly to the Avengers that you worked with. Money? You had it. Fame? You had it. Fans? Surprisingly, yes. Freedom? Yes. A lover? No. You didn’t have a partner, but you had everything else. How bizarre. You had everything, and yet it felt like you had nothing.  
You wore black stiletto heels, bows at the back of them just around your ankles. Your dress was satin, skirt attached to a plain corset. At the top, ribbons hung off the shoulder and around your biceps, long tails hanging down. A long slit went up to your upper thigh, teasing the world with a potential view of your lace panties. Tony stood before you with his tuxedo, Pepper at his side in a beautiful red and gold cocktail dress with an open back. Her hair was placed up with a claw clip, embroidered with diamonds and glittering gold. She looked stunning hanging off of his arm. The couple looked you over, Tony wrinkling his nose.
“Too much black,” he huffed out.
You rolled your eyes, gesturing to your figure. “I wear colors during the day. Let me finally wear a piece of dark clothing..” you whined out. In a way, they were similar to parental figures.
Pepper giggled softly, hiding her smile behind her hand as Tony wrinkled his nose in return. “Look kid,” he began. Oh how you hated that nickname. “Just.. trust us.” He held out a maroon colored box, similar to the colors of Pepper’s dress. It was small and light which allowed you to carefully pull it apart. A glittering, diamond choker present. You gasped softly at the sight, Tony moving over and gently placing it on after you moved your hair out of the way. “There, better. Now let's get going. We have guests waiting.”
He held his hands at both of your lower backs- Pepper’s a little lower. Your heels clicked, the sound of your bodies moving so elegantly that it turned heads. The party was taking place at an event building in downtown New York City. Ever since Avengers Tower was destroyed, it was replaced with an event building as a donation by Tony. How thoughtful- but now he hosted a lot of charities, parties, events, and more. Typically it was company and work events, but he had to splurge and celebrate once in a while. Your nerves were on fire, hands wringing nervously together as you looked out the limo window. Tony and Pepper were occupied with each other. That was fine with you, but even then you wished you had some comfort. Happy had driven the three of you to the events center, slowing down behind other vehicles as the Avengers all filed out and waved to the cameras. Despite it all, they were all still beloved by the community. It was always an uproar when everyone could get together. The only people missing were Bruce and Thor. However you were told that Thor had to save Asgard and Bruce had to take a mental break. You swallowed thickly, watching as Steve waved to the crowd and Bucky beside him. The poor man was nervously gripping his own pant legs, eyes searching around for any comfort. They had stepped forward, allowing the three of you to step out.
“Ready to finally have your face everywhere?” Tony teasingly asked.
You shook your head no, pushing your hair to flip over the other shoulder. “It was better to laugh at the critics when they could imagine how ugly I am,” you pouted. It was true. Very rarely did your photo end up as a leak online. This was due to Tony’s compliance with your wish, and Nick Fury ensuring it be done. Director Fury had been the one to start rumors about what you looked like, ensuring privacy and the drama of a formerly Hydra infested company. With good reason- the Winter Soldier would have had you as a target. 
That earned a laugh from the couple. The door opened by a chauffeur, Pepper stepping out first. The crowd was loud,  the sound of shuttering cameras echoing and overlapping one another. Steve and Bucky turned to watch, Tony placing a smile on for the crowd as he waved. He linked arms with his lover, the two waving and saying hello before walking up the steps. 
You planted your right heel onto the red carpet, hearing Happy give you a ‘break a leg doc!’ as you nervously stepped out. Immediately the crowd hushed for a second before roaring. It intensified the moment you stood up fully, giving a hesitant wave. 
“The woman of the hour, people! It's really Y/N!” Tony yelled at the crowd before scampering away. 
Your eyes shot daggers at the back of his head, knowing his stupid smirk was on his face. Photos, flashes, cheering all around as you gently plucked up your skirt and walked up the steps. You linked arms with the super soldiers, letting them guide you up to the entrance of the exclusive party. The celebration was the fact you had somewhat ‘cured’ Bucky. Through extensive research of Psychological methods, you effectively erased the sleeper code within his brain. Atop of that, you managed to give some semblance of memories back to him. It would take a lot more research, time, and energy to even undo everything Hydra had done. Bucky had happy memories- of before and during the war. Small blurbs of Steve and the Howling Commandos. That was all you could recover.
It was tested by trained professionals and others alike- news outlets catching wind of your dedication to help Bucky. Its why you were all there now. Your eyes flickered up, looking at the grand hall that had two curving staircases to an upper floor. Waiters and waitresses bustled with serving plates, glasses of champagne and finger food present. A glittering chandelier hung down from the tall ceiling, warm lighting casting shimmering flickers of reflected light across the way. Butlers opened the doors for the three of you, allowing you to enter the cool air that was contrasted by the warm summer night outside. So many faces- your head felt like it was swimming. The psychology and medical community were there, along with close friends, acquaintances, and the media. It was elegant. Throngs of people all mingled together, and off to the distant side of the room was a space reserved for the group. You all entered, Steve looking to you before letting go of your arm. Everyone fell silent, the doors closing behind you all as the muffled sounds of voices were shut out. You gripped Bucky’s arm, nervousness building as the silence prolonged.
Then the clapping. Your fingers tightened into the fabric of Bucky’s suit as he seemed to press into you in turn. Photos of Bucky holding your waist with one gloved hand were taken, both looking serious and a topic of hot gossip. Surely this wouldn't surface later with rumors… right? Oh it would, but you weren't thinking about that at the moment. Clapping was heard, praises along with it as Steve escorted you both to the group. Odd- both of you wanted seclusion. You and Bucky never wanted this to get out, and yet it did. You all passed the throngs of people that had parted, all now intermingling behind you as you walked. Bucky’s hand not once left the small of your back as you walked with faux confidence. Off to your left, a very attentive set of blue eyes watched you. His hair neatly slicked back and a stray strand dangled handsomely over his forehead. Greys at his temples- he looked ravishing in his designer suit. He seemed to have missed what his former coworkers were talking about, looking at them when Christine touched his arm in worry. 
His gaze flickered down to search her cognac ones, finding worry and concern. A smile graced his lips, crinkling the edges of his eyes as he did so. A gentle nudge of assurance that he was okay. Stephen Strange was Christine Palmer’s date to the event. He previously couldn't take his eyes off of her. The glittering, midnight blue dress that accented her frame made him weak. Yet, when he watched you enter it was like everything stopped. The group he was with had gasped- like a scandal just dropped on the latest soap opera show. Each had remarked different things about how you looked. The only thing he and Christine had managed out was how young you appeared. Christine, more of shock and underlying tones of skepticism and possible jealousy while Stephen with awe. He felt her link arms with him, resuming conversation about your work with the others. He could feel heat radiate from his neck; he just had to get to know you.
As the night went on, bodies and voices continued to mingle. You were tired of all of the socializing at this point. This was a very big reason as to why you wanted to remain hidden. You could hide away without fear of being pestered all of the time. Yet, here you were. Surrounded by throngs of people and a crowd that didn't intend on stopping anytime soon. The party had its introduction of you and your work, and successes that were followed by the popping of corks and bubbling foam. Was this how Tony had previously celebrated? Good gods, you wanted to throw up after a second drink and little wienies that made it down your throat. You were standing upstairs on the balcony, your eyes looking over the street just below on the backside. The celebration seemed to continue on even as people left. Joining you out on the balcony was a couple, your eyes not lingering long. The man was definitely eye candy- his luxury suit deliciously form fitting and his hair neatly done. Fearing the wrath of cat claws from his date, you avoided any eye contact and merely made room for them to join you on the balcony in the warm air. Of course, thoughts focused on elsewhere, you almost didn't catch the fact he was trying to gain your attention.
His deep voice- timbre and soothing like a good whiskey on the back of the throat. Your head turned, watching the couple with a guarded expression and fully honing in on his words. “-isn’t it?” He seemed to be asking something.
“Sorry,” you shook your head. “I didn't quite catch what you said.”
The woman arched a brow as a frown settled on her lips. The man however gave a small nod of understanding. “Its Y/N, isn’t it?” He questioned gently.
Your nose wrinkled. Well, you can't fault him. Practically everyone was now just seeing you for the first time. “Yes, it is. Doctor for the Avengers,” you smiled tiredly. You held out a hand, in which he gently kissed your knuckles in a charming manner. His goatee tickled your skin, your cheeks turning pink once more. “I-I’m sorry, I didn't catch either of your names,” you spluttered out, looking between them. You caught the sneer from the woman's face, the jealousy radiating from her like a toxic gas. 
Was Tony dealing with that all the time from other men before he finally bit the bullet and decided to act on his feelings for Pepper? Gods, you hated this. At least the billionaire had charm and could work his way around the men, but you? You were socially awkward. You merely breathed in this man's direction and this woman was ready to tear off your face. “Doctor Stephen Strange,” he introduced himself. “And this is Doctor Christine Palmer. She currently works at Metro-General Hospital,” he added, gesturing to the now named brunette.
Your brows raised briefly. “I work with that hospital on occasion. They’ve done wonders with Stark Industries,” you smiled kindly to them. They both looked surprised at your revelation. “Also, just to make sure I heard you right- Doctor Stephen Strange? As in, the former neurosurgeon, correct?” 
They both nodded.
Awe immediately entered your gaze and your mouth dropped open. “Wow! That is so cool! I finally got to meet one of the.. coolest surgeons in the world, and another doctor who helped him as well,” you were now beaming ear to ear, as though this was the best situation to be in. However, just as you were about to make friendly talk Stephen and your face fell into very different expressions. His horror, and yours offense. 
“I’m sorry, but this seems to be too good to be true. You're young- way too young to have completed residency. On top of that, you somehow manage to cure the former Winter Soldier? Your medical expertise is quoted left and right and yet, you don't listen to what is given to you by more experienced doctors,” Christine’s voice had raised briefly, anger flushed over her neck and upper chest. She was glaring at you- holes burned into your body as your face contorted from your mouth hanging open to a sneer. 
Your hands clenched at your sides, wholly aware of the few friends you had that were lingering nearby. You had to remain nice- remain nice, remain nice, remain ni-
“Besides, a young woman like you, you're probably just the plaything that gets passed around.”
Stephen immediately let out a hiss, telling Christine to shut up. He paled, watching as your brows knitted together and your jaw clenched. Christine looked smug, arms folded over her chest. His eyes flitted from you to the man who came over. His own blonde brows furrowing and a scowl on his lips. He didn't like what he heard at all; Stephen admired the fact that the Avengers protected one of their own. Inside, the Sorcerer was disappointed. Why was Christine jealous? This was so out of character for her that it even took him by surprise.
“I’ll have you know,” a baritone voice began. The famous Steve Rogers at your side with his hands in his pockets. His head tilted, blonde hair slicked back and white button up stressed over his chest as his shoulders rolled back. “Y/N is the delegate to Metro-General Hospital for Stark Industries. Those fancy new items for the emergency room that were just sent out? By Y/N’s approval- an extension of Tony. I might be a veteran that came out of the ice only several years ago, but I know business discussions and planning. We’ve all taken turns sitting with her to see what she does when she isn't busy with her research or tending to us,” Steve looked mad- his icy blues lit with fire, an anger swirling in them. Christine faltered, looking up to Stephen.
Stephen was scowling down at her, a plethora of mixed emotions present while his hands shook even more. “Metro-General hospital got approval for upgraded equipment and technology. They were going to do test runs on the basis of Y/N’s work,” a sharp inhale, “Something I was going to tell you on the way to the conference those couple of years ago. It wasn't just my celebration, it was to award you with the news of what was to come.” His jaw clenched, a vein popping out along his temple as he glowered bitterly at Christine. He then looked at you and Steve, saying shortly, “I apologize for the words spoken and behavior of my former colleague-” you saw her wince, “-we will take our leave now. If you need anything, please contact me at Bleeker street, the Sanctum.”
With that, he dragged Christine from the balcony. You watched them go, your hands unclenching from their balled prison and catching a stray, angry tear before it could mess up your makeup. You turned your head away, not allowing Steve to see she had gotten to you. His hand cradled your elbow, gently turning you with a hand on your hip as you kept your head turned away. 
“Y/N…” he softly spoke, turning your chin so you could stare up at the man.
Your lips were curved into a pout, frowning as you dared to hold onto his biceps. Your eyes were glassy and  eyelashes wet. You didn't say anything, merely avoiding eye contact with him as he frowned. A deep sigh escaped through his nose, footsteps approaching as Bucky seemed to appear after seeing how upset you and Steve were. Funnily enough, the two of you found solace in one another after working together for a long time. His frame rushed over, seeing Steve reluctantly let you go to him and you hid into the expanse of the Winter Soldier. It was then that the first Avenger had gone off, presumably to talk to Tony about what had just transpired. 
Bucky peered at you, slowly wrapping his full arms around you and stared off. His storming eyes stared at Doctor Strange’s back, watching him animatedly wave his hands from a distance while Christine seemed to argue back about something. 
The tabloids were full of you. There was nothing that could stop them from capturing your face, outfits, and multiple shots of you amongst the other Avengers. While there were photos of the other famous heroes, everything was dedicated to you. Stark Industries had professional photos from a photoshoot not long ago- slapped on the front face of nearly every magazine. All different poses- but each were the same. You in a very beautiful blouse that was partially undone, black slacks, and black flats. You were standing, leaning against something, or sitting in a chair in what many dub a power move. Either way, each headline was a hit. It all talked about you- with whatever these vultures could dig up on you. Even a whole subsection of gossip about your love life. Multiple elegant photos were in that section, with one in the arms of Bucky Barnes as you two danced in a classic waltz. The flames were lit- you were under the spotlight even more. Your popularity soared and business insiders talked about your multi-billion contracts you secured while Tony’s apprentice. 
Stephen stared blankly as he flipped through each one, all similar. They seemed to regurgitate the same language, prose, and grammar. What made him pause however, was a section where it was a sneak shot of you, Steve, himself, and Christine. With headlines pertaining to jealousy and love affairs- and starstruck wonder. His lips pressed to a thin line, brows furrowing together. He was labeled as a possible lover and starstruck, and jealousy was labeled in fat, goopy letters over Christine. His hands rubbed his face, giving a groan. Wong laughed from his own chair beside him, grinning at the reading he had. 
“This is quite amusing. You should clear the air with them, you know?” He suggested, eyes glimmering with a hint of mischief. 
“If Christine didn’t open her mouth…” his hands gripped the arms of his chair in a vice grip, glowering bitterly while he did so. Christine. She was also placed in a bad spotlight. His eyes turned, hearing the door to the Sanctum open. He and Wong stood up, rising to greet who had come through the door. Speak of the devil…His hand raised, grating gold closing the tabloids as the Doctor walked up to him with purpose.
“You have to help me fix this,” she begged, her eyes red with tears. It was clear she had been crying. “They’re painting me in a bad light.”
“If you didn’t accuse the brain prodigy, we wouldn’t be in the tabloids,” Strange mumbled, narrowing his eyes at her. “Look, I don’t know what you want to do. You accused her of being a cum slut before the very team, and in front of several guests. How can I undo that?”
“I don’t know. Can’t you go back in time and fix it?” She desperately questioned.
“I can’t do that,” he frowned. “Besides, that’s not how it works.”
She ran her fingers through her hair, groaning as she gently pried at it. “Ugh! Stephen! Please, just let me apologize or something to her!” She begged then.
Strange arched a brow, his eyes flitting to Wong as he turned around and sat down. He opened one of the tabloids, giving a soft snort through his nose. “Hey, maybe the compound will be best,” he offered, pointing at a photo that was taken. Paparazzi really are roaches.
It was a good thing he previously was at the compound. It was something that needed to be done at the request of Tony Stark.  He opened the portal, right in front of the doors. Christine followed, opening the front doors as she seemed to blaze a trail through unfamiliar territory. “Tony?” Strange called out, hearing voices that quickly hushed. Footsteps sounded, coming closer and Stark appearing. He arched a brow at the Sorcerer, looking around. 
“How’d you get past locked gates?” He inquired, tilting his head. An edge to his tone indicated he wasn’t willing to play nice. He stared, jaw set and clenched. 
“Magic,” Strange remarked flatly. He didn't break eye contact, Tony staring him down as he sighed.
“Whatever balloon animal maker,” he rolled his big brown eyes and then sassily jutted a hip. “What brings you both here?”
Christine opened her mouth, Strange settling a hand on her shoulder. “Doctor Palmer came to apologize,” he began, his cloak swaying and monastic robes such a beautiful blue. “If Ms. Y/N is willing to hear her out.”
Tony glowered at the woman, now turning his full gaze on her. “You know,” he began in a bitter bite, glaring. “She worked her ass off to pull off that contract at Metro-General Hospital-”
“I understand that-” Strange began.
“No- you don't. She faced the same attitude from others that Doctor Palmer had there the whole time she made that contract. It only got through because of her work with Bucky,” he sneered. “Then you accuse my brightest talent of being a cum slut?”
While they were arguing, it was really funny. You weren't the Avenger's cumslut at all. You were your own.Your wrists were aching, pumping the dildo out of your pussy and back in. You had been tense lately anyways, and you finally had free time while the world exploded with the news of your face reveal. Besides, what was the harm? You had imagined it was Doctor Stephen Strange’s anyways, free hand gripping your mouth as you writhed overtop of the sheets. Your stomach coiled, sharply tightening into a ball and becoming undone as you reached your climax over the toy. It was drenched, your bedsheets following and you sighed out in pleasure. A beeping, followed by F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice filled your room. 
“Ms. Y/N, Mr. Stark wants to know if you could meet him in the foyer,” the AI informed.
You sighed. Your head laid back on the bed. What you really needed was a break, a good fuck, and sleep. “Tell him I’ll be right out,” you groaned, body huffing out and light from the excitement. You had to legitimately do more work- and you were promised a week off. What the actual fuck. Your hands pulled the toy out, whimpering at the loss and disappearing into your private bathroom. You washed up- quickly presenting yourself and putting on pajamas so none would be the wiser. It only took half an hour after a relaxing wash, but still it was clear that Tony was bristling. You had wandered down the expansive halls, seeing Tony impatiently waiting with his arms over his chest and glaring at you. Waiting in the room already was some of the other Avengers, clearly in discussion with someone. You could hear the familiar baritone voice and feminine voice. You glared right back at Tony. “You called me down for them?” You hissed out in annoyance. Your voice was quiet, not having rounded the corner.
His nose wrinkled briefly, frowning. “You smell… like you’re hiding something,” his eyes narrowed on you.
You waved a hand. “I took a shower Tony, doesn’t matter anyways. Why do I have to talk to them?” 
“Doctor Palmer wants to apologize. Besides, Doctor Clown back there doesn’t seem as interested in being here as you are. Go in there and hear them out,” he then nudged you, sending you on your way around him. 
How ironic. Her accusations seemed to only further cement in her belief as you rounded the corner into view and seemed to radiate a glow from post-coital interactions. Even funnier was Bucky trailing in after you as he seemed to hear the commotion and wanted to see why Steve and the others were equally as bristly as Tony. You stood in your fluffy pajamas, the Winter Soldier behind you with his head held high and hands in his pockets. An indifferent look on his features as Doctor Palmer seemed to hide her twitching manners. She was bursting with a retort that even had Doctor Strange staring her down. You knew that look- it seemed universal. He was telling her to not make a sound. 
“I wanted.. To apologize,” she finally managed out. You folded your arms over your chest. Your legs raised goosebumps, cold from the cool air in the compound. You were wearing shorts that scrunched at your waist, and a tank top that held the big A logo from the team you supported. 
“About?” You asked nonchalantly. A brow raised.
All eyes shifted between the two of you. 
“You know,” she seemed to force out, eyes rolling. 
“What? Afraid to admit to everyone what you accused me of?” You enjoyed taunting the woman who seemed to lose all confidence with everyone watching. “You seemed pretty confident and bold the other night.”
“You’re right I was. I shouldn’t even be apologizing since you seem to be basking in the glow.” That didn’t take long to let the claws out from her. Doctor Strange slapped his palm to his forehead, groaning out. This truly wasn’t going the way it was intended. “Is he proud?” Doctor Palmer gestured to Bucky. 
He made no movements, simply staring her down. Tony watched as he poured a shot of whiskey and took it. He knew you hated crowds- public spaces. But this was private- he wasn’t going to stop it. It was rare they all saw your claws out anyways. His brows shot up, immediately curling a finger towards Doctor Strange to get him to step away. Nope- no one was going to stop it. Even Steve and Natasha stepped away, allowing space.
Your head tilted and hip jutted out in a sassy manner, one that clearly mimicked Tony from before. “Jealous?” Your lips curled into a wry smile. “Even if it were true, why do you so clearly care?” You sent a glance to Doctor Strange, his eyes boring into you with a swirl of emotions you couldn’t place. “You seem to have some sort of issue with my age, appearance, my works, and now my sex life. You do realize that this is just a catty, bratty jealousy, right?” You slowly took a step forward, Christine’s body tensing. She shot daggers with her eyes when you even so much as looked in the direction of Strange. It was easy to notice, your brows rising. “Ah, I get what the issue is.” 
Her cheeks were crimson, lips in a scowl as she huffed at you. “What would that be?” She sneered.
You clasped your hands behind your back, rocking on your feet then as you hummed in thought. “You’re quite cagey around Doctor Strange,” you mused aloud. “Afraid of wandering eyes, and yet I’ve heard you have the most wandering eyes of all,” you grew disinterested, walking to the fridge to shift through and find something to snack on. Finding nothing, you grab a glass of water to drink from. Silence answered you, allowing you to continue, “I’ve done my research after rumors started at that hospital you worked at. Quite frankly, Stark Industries wanted a different hospital to help endorse. The only reason I fought so hard for your hospital was because your work in the emergency room, bedside manner, and so much more made me choose there. Another contributing factor was indeed the work of Doctor Strange, with special mechanical tools being made for him before his accident,” you took a sip of water, “But now that I’ve had several years, dealt with a lot of critics from all around, and managed to come out with my own advancements and contributions with Mr. Barnes, I had some time to look.”
You trailed back around the island countertop, standing before her and setting the glass down with a frown. “I work hard Doctor Palmer. I used to look at your work favorably and even argued the hospital needed better equipment to assist your department. Until, I learned you started the rumors when I was planning deals, making business arrangements, and much more. It was part of the reason it took several years. Turns out, companies don’t like it when there’s a threat of pulling funding. I hate using that leverage, but its probably why those rumors stopped,” you narrowed your eyes. “But then, I’m suspecting, is Doctor Strange let eyes linger too long and excitement for another female doctor grow too much. You, didn’t like that.” 
She was staring you down with a sense of hatred in her eyes. You’ve only seen it a few times, but you didn’t dare falter. “You had no care in the world to go looking for Doctor Strange when he disappeared for a year,” a wry smile. “Yet you cling to him until a better opportunity. I can see it through you. Part of my own superpower.”
She shook her head. “You’re wrong,” she objected. 
“I thought you were here to apologize?” You questioned, folding your arms below your chest and standing closed off in front of her. “I’ve only heard further insults, objections, and continue to see the hatred in your eyes. Doctor Palmer, I’ve canceled the contract with Metro-General Hospital. I’ve no time to deal with your attitude.” You turned away, walking towards Bucky.
“Well, what are you going to do instead since you have no more business to deal with? Huh? Further fool the psychology and medical community?” She sneered out. 
You glanced up at Bucky, then back at her over your shoulder. That familiar, wry smile on your lips again. “Going to go get laid, since that’s all I do, remember? By the way, he’s really great at it. Super Soldier serum does things,” a wink, you sauntered past him with a sassy walk that left Bucky remaining- somehow- straight faced and turning to trail out after you.
Doctor Strange felt a bubble of… jealousy? He didn’t know. Nor did he understand. He opened a portal and set it around Christine, letting it swallow her and back to her own apartment. Tony snorted, taking another shot while attention returned to the Sorcerer. He remained silent, before looking at Natasha.
The redhead addressed him, “You look a bit pale.” 
He shook his head. “I don’t know how to fix this damn mess,” he groaned.
“Best way is to talk to her, see if there is a common ground and get to know her,” Natasha suggested, arching a brow. She took a sip of her coffee, a soft slurp filling the air. “Well, if she wants to talk that is. Don’t know if she’d be too thrilled about it.”
Doctor Strange pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezing shut before he sighed out. “Okay, okay, where do I go to see her?” 
“Down the hall to the right. Her door is marked with some cutesy animal shit. You might want to knock first. She doesn’t like visitors when she relaxes,” Tony remarked as he joined the assassin and other Super Soldier, now taking slow sips from his drink. 
Doctor Strange followed the path laid out, now standing before your door and giving a gentle knock. No answer; it was quiet. One of the things the compound had was usually noise proof rooms. Probably because there were way too many remarks to one another about keeping it quiet in the throes of love making. He knocked again and the door shot open, showing you naked, sweating, and grinding on the toy you had earlier. Your eyes went wide, staring at the Sorcerer that was as red as a tomato at the sight. 
“Close the damn door F.R.I.D.A.Y.!” You screeched, the door immediately slamming shut. 
You stared, heart bursting violently in your chest as you quickly pulled your covers up, and pulled on a bathrobe to cover your shoulders. “C-Come in,” you spluttered out, just as red as the Sorcerer as he was now allowed in. His eyes had darkened briefly, his hands trembling a bit more than usual as he brushed them down his thighs. “What is it?” You asked a little too sharply.
He didn’t make eye contact, knowing that his pants were already growing tight. The image in his head wouldn’t leave. “I wanted to discuss any.. Apologies that can be made,” he cleared his throat.
You arched a brow, curious. “You did nothing wrong Doctor Strange,” you remarked matter of factly. “It was your girlfriend. I’m quite surprised, I never heard of her doing that really.”
He shook his head, musing, “She seems to get quite jealous, easily. Its funny, really. We aren’t dating. As much as I liked her, she never seemed to expose this side. I guess my previous remarks of how talented you are and your work is phenomenal got to her when she saw you.” 
You gave a tiny smile, looking down at your lap and way too conscious of the bulbous tip teasing your folds. “Well, she should be careful. Making baseless accusations can get the wrong person involved,” you twiddled with your fingers, then furrowed your brows. “Wait, you’re not dating?”
He shook his head no.
“Then why would she be… so over-reactive to me? If she’s confident you and her would get together, then why act this way?” 
“Competition. Scare you away and she could continue stringing me along I suppose,” he shrugged.
A brow arch at that. “You think she’s stringing you along?” 
“I thought about what you said. She has been chattering about dates with other men and constantly discussing one particular man she’s been working with at the hospital. No use to try to win her over if she’s only going to keep being this way. I’ve also been feeling it's been one-sided… Kind of hard to go after that,” he gave a sad smile. 
You looked at him, a quiet regard as he seemed to stand and look down at his feet. In an odd way, you felt for him. You also felt quite sorry. “Well.. if it makes you feel any better, I uh… Understand,” you offered with a very awkward smile. He looked up at you with a curious look. “I’ve always liked your work ever since I heard about it, Doctor Strange. Guess I’ve followed you closely until you went off and became the… guardian of the Sanctum. Word travels fast with Christine Palmer talking,” you managed out.
He blinked. Then again. His pants looked like it was tight and painful, and a new gush of excitement escaped your folds at imagining him pounding you. 
You cleared your throat, “I mean, not that it means much but her accusation was only wrong in one regard. I’ve been taking care of that area myself. I wouldn’t mind a helping hand.”
Usually, Doctor Strange wouldn’t entertain the idea. Maybe it was his dick that was taking over- or maybe wanting to see your wet folds and spread legs once more was leading his brain. Either way- he was absolutely going to take you up on the offer. Who wouldn’t? You were gorgeous, the talk of the world in the medical, psychology and scientific world. Christine embarrassed him and her job- twice- and here you were, willing to spread your legs for him. He nodded, watching your smile twist into something seductive as you rose from your spot on your bed. Your robe fell off your shoulders, the scent of sex hitting his nose as he stood rigid in his spot. Seriously, how were you not seeing anyone? The very fact you were perfect in his eyes- he saw you lower onto your knees, feeling your hands on his hips and thighs. You had moved his pants, freeing a now throbbing cock from its restraints. His pants and boxers were halfway down his thighs, your mouth taking him whole. Warm, wet, and tongue sliding so deliciously around his tip and over the underside. F.R.I.D.A.Y. locked the door now, the soft click being heard and ignored. Your head bobbed, nose pressing to his pelvic bone as you sucked him off. His hands gathered your hair, pulling it out of your face to let you work. His soft moans filled the air, your jaw unlocking further and taking him farther into your mouth. Your eyes closed, the taste of salty precum slipping down your throat as you bobbed your head. You felt like you were dreaming. You had watched his work from afar- looked at his pictures- you knew of him. 
Now you were on your knees and sucking him off. You removed your mouth, hand replacing it and pumping in its stead as you licked the slit in his tip. He shuddered, sensitive. A gentle suck at the underneath, his moan was a bit louder before you took him back into your mouth. His hips gently pushed, fucking into you.
“Such a good slut,” his deep voice rumbled. It was several octaves lower, indicating he was thoroughly lost in the haze of lust. Your core was dripping onto the floor, clearly enjoying his dirty talk and insults. “Sucking me off like a good.. Good.. whore.” 
His hands gripped the sides of your head, fucking into your mouth with an unapologetic force that had you gripping his hips. Tears swelled in your eyes, taking in breaths through your nose as you let him take control. It wasn’t rough or harsh- but it was just enough to make you worry briefly. His hips stilled, feeling his cock twitch and swell as a harsh, hot coating shot into the back of your throat. You moaned around him, swallowing his cum eagerly as he came. You were so wet it wasn’t funny anymore. You removed your mouth, licking your lips as you did. He was partially limp, dick so eager to try and get back up to bury himself into your tight, wet, cunt.
His pupils were blown wide, pulling you up to your feet and directing you back onto your bed. He used his magic to remove his clothes, and another to lift up the dildo. You watched him, bringing your knees up and holding your legs back to show off how wet you were. Your clit was swollen and aching, red and your pussy the same way. He pushed the dildo into you, watching as you took it so well. It was like it was eagerly awaiting to be filled, folds around it and being pushed and stretched. His other hand moved, fingers gently rubbing over your clit as your eyes rolled back. 
“Your pussy is so wet… look at how gorgeously you take it,” his breathing was coming out short and sharp, heavily breathing as he watched you moan and groan. He pulled out the dildo now, rubbing it’s bulbous tip over your folds. You were whimpering, feeling his fingers stop their assault on your engorged clit. He moved, pushing two fingers into you without warning and pumped. A gentle curling motion inside of you, feeling each passing padding over velvet walls. A different coil started to form, your eyes widening as you started to pant out obscene and vulgar words before him. His eyes were almost black, the deep blue focused on his hand as he pulled out his fingers. You gave out a scream of his name, squirting out juices and excitement that had him chuckling. 
His cock- now once more revived at the sight, seemed to engorge itself even more. Had it gotten thicker with anticipation? He was already quite large- but this would certainly take the cake. Your legs were quivering, stretching out.
“Stand up, lean forward on the bed,” he ordered. You didn’t argue, now planting your palms onto the edge of your bed and hips pushing into his. You felt his leaking tip slide from your entrance to your clit, teasing you relentlessly as he looked down at your ass. “Say… Y/N… can you take this cock like the good slut you are?”
“Uh-hum~” You hummed out eagerly, looking at him over your shoulder. You felt his tip press in, folds opening up just for him as he seemed to stretch you out. He felt fuller, deeper, and so much better than you could ever imagine. He pressed into you, balls pressed against your clit and remaining there. 
“Good… because I plan on fucking you so good that you’ll only be a slut for me,” his voice was dark, feeling the dildo travel between your ass. It was already wet and slick with your own juices, his thumb spreading your cheeks. “I want you to beg for my cock… Can you do that for me sweetheart?”
“Please Doctor Strange… Please fuck me,” you whined, trying to move your hips. Instead, you found a vice grip on you to keep you still. 
A hum, his head tilted. “Such a pretty ass,” he sighed out dreamily. It was taking everything in him not to lose control. You could sense that. A new feeling started to tickle above your entrance, magic clearly being worked as the bulbous tip of the dildo now started to work its way into your asshole. Your eyes rolled back, gasping as more slick gushed out and coated him. 
“Doctor Strange, fuck me- I’m such a good slut,” your depraved words like music to his ears. He started to thrust into you. A harsh, fast speed that had your body rocking. Just as he pulled out, the dildo pumped into your ass. Each part of your hole filled with pleasure. It was certainly a different experience, not having thought of being stretched through your ass either. But it was a deadly combination that had you gripping the bedsheets below your hands. His heavy breathing filled the air, your moans a song as your nipples brushed over the cloth below you. Already hard and perked, you felt overstimulated with the feeling there and how his balls slapped hard against your clit. Your mouth hung open, gasping softly as you were filled. Your body shook, hands gripping your hips and continuing the assault on your body. You didn’t know how long it would take until-
You gave a scream of pleasure, walls constricting around his dick and milking him. Your back arched, the dildo moving into you still as he paused. You heard him chuckle, sweat along your temples before he moved. Hot, electric flashes ran through your body as you continued, feeling the dildo still inside of you as he continued his pumping. The base of the dildo brushed against his pelvic bone, causing a grunt of annoyance. He removed it, causing you to whine at the loss. 
“Going to take my cum like the cumslut you are?” 
You nodded.
“I didn’t hear you,” he grunted out, continuing his fast and hard pace. The sound of skin slapping in the air as you continued to drip onto the floor. He wasn’t keen on letting you go, his speed picking up with each pump. It dragged through your walls, your toes curling at feeling the twitch along his cock.
“Yes, I’m a good, good cumslut,” you managed out, hearing a soft praise. You felt his fingers move to feel him slide into you, your own hand moving between your legs and rubbing tight circles over your clit.
“Good girl, touch yourself,” he panted, now giving a hard, last thrust and moaning. You had milked him again, his hot seed shooting into you with such eagerness that had you gasping. It felt right. So, so right.
You came out of your room hours later. You were marked head to toe, leaking cum and catching that only in your panties. A bathrobe only adorned your body, carrying you to the kitchen for water. Your eyes flickered to the group that now looked up upon your arrival in the room. Tony gave a knowing smirk and turned to his whiskey, Natasha arching a brow and Steve avoiding eye contact. 
“You’re not beating the allegations,” Tony hummed to you.
“Mhmm… Such a shame its with her former boytoy,” you grinned back, earning a chuckle. You were definitely going to enjoy being Stephen’s cumslut.
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x-heesy · 6 months ago
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Intomybloodysoul <3
Sever your head motherfucker
The blood on my fangs running down to my chest
Pussy boy talkin' 'bout actions
But when he's around me not saying that shit with his chest
I must confess
Now that I'm coming, I'm gunnin' and and murderin' all of the blessed
I do not gang on the kent's
Put a nose on the tip of the holes all on my neck
Woah, woah
Motherfucker scream, what's up?
You cannot take me home
Fuck it, take my room
Fuck it, take my home
Watching me fuck on the slope
Hand in her throat
Run around over my throat
Look at me, watching me float
Universe sucking me float
Touch it, I turned it to gold
Ho, woah
Gold phones touchin' my dread locks
Yeah, I'm pouring up the pack on my desktop
She gives the sloppiest top
Call the M16, mop
Me and my niggas will chop
Shoot at that nigga, bet that he's dead fore' he drop
Fuck all the guap, we the kids of the crop
Leave him something to spend sacraficing your body to rot
Catching my fists in the pit
Swingin' my blade from the hip
Reach in my hat for a trick
Callin' me "AK the kid", risin' up outa the crib
I might go hit me a lick
Run off of all of your shit
Keeping my dick in her lips
Then put a hex on yo' bitch
Might wanna hate some bitch, I wanna change (Ayy, ayy)
Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah (Ouh, ouh, ouh, ouh)
Where they want, where they want (Ayy, ayy)
Say wassup, woah
And they, woah, woah, ayy
Where they at (Where they at)
Where they at (Where they at)
Nosebleeds in the pit (Nosebleeds in the pit)
Gimme that (Gimme that)
Gimme that (Gimme that)
Like a fiend getting smacked
Where they want (Where they at)
Where they want (Where they at)
Nosebleeds in the pit (Nosebleeds in the pit)
Gimme that (Gimme that)
Gimme that (Gimme that)
Like a fiend getting smacked, woah
Nosebleed by Warlord Colossus, Ak3k, Tumaggz
@bethanythestrange @kattywompuss
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madintersexmermaid · 15 days ago
Binge-Listening To Bob Dylan For The First Time
Since late last night into early this morning, I've been on a binge listening marathon of Bob Dylan's music, and it's just like what I felt when I dived headfirst into Hozier's music: listening to these songs and albums ain't enough, I need to inject them into my veins lol! 😆
But anyways, I'd already been planning on listening to Bob's music for quite some time now but then the press surrounding the film "A Complete Unknown" further piqued my intrigue about Bob and his music, so to follow through on exploring his music and in preparation for when A Complete Unknown starts streaming, I began my Bob Dylan music marathon.
And my goodness, is Bob one heck of an artist, singer-songwriter and musician that I've really been sleeping on and really should've been listening to sooner. Because, just...my gosh. Musically, sonically, lyrically and artistically, Mr. Dylan is nothing to play with. And his pen is the coldest and most fire pen I've ever heard and seen put to song and paper. And I've listened to my fair share of singers and musicians from the 60s such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles, etc. (but then again I'm just obsessed with anything from the 60s in general lol), but Bob as an artist is on another level. I've listened to six of his albums so far, and I'm gonna be honest and say it's gonna be a tad difficult to pick which songs are my favorite because there's not a single bad song on any of those albums. Like, at all! But I'll just list the albums I've listened to so far, grade rank them and then list the songs that are my personal favorites (but again, it's gonna be hard because each and every track is phenomenal):
Bob Dylan (1962)
Grade: A+
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Top pick songs: Song To Woody, Talkin' New York, House of the Risin' Sun, Highway 51 Blues, Man of Many Sorrows
The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (1963)
Grade: A++
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Top pick songs: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, Don't Think Twice That's Alright, Corinna Corinna, Bob Dylan's Blues, Oxford Town, Talkin' World War III Blues, Blowin' in the Wind, I Shall Be Free
MVP song mention: Masters of War (Note: I actually listened to this song many years earlier, and this was the song that made me first really sit up and pay attention to Bob as a singer-songwriter, lyricist, artist, musician, poet and protest artist. A fiery, scathing masterclass of a political antiwar protest song.)
The Times They Are A-Changin' (1964)
Grade: S-tier
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Top pick songs: North Country Blues, With God On Our Side, Ballad of Hollis Brown, The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll, When The Ship Comes In, Only A Pawn In Their Game
MVP song mention: The Times They Are A-Changin' (duh.)
(But all in seriousness, each and every song on this album is pure art that's both timely and timeless)
Another Side To Bob Dylan (1964)
Grade: A+
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Top song picks: Black Crow Blues, All I Wanna Do (seriously, this song is so cute!), To Ramona, Motorpsycho Nightmare, My Back Pages, Ballad In Plain D
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)
Grade: A++
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Top pick songs: Subterranean Homesick Blues, Maggie's Farm, Outlaw Blues, Mr. Tambourine Man, Gates of Eden, Bob Dylan's 115th Dream, It's Alright Ma (I'm Already Bleeding), On The Road Again
Highway 61 Revisted (1965)
Grade: S-tier
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Top pick songs: Like A Rolling Stone, Tombstone Blues, Ballad of a Thin Man
These are my Bob Dylan song and album picks for now, but I'll update them as I continue my Dylan-a-thon.
In conclusion, I'm a Bob Dylan super fan now. Bring on A Complete Unknown! 😎😎🔥🔥🔥
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