#rip these are all like a month old but i still want to answer them so i decided to group them together
cassofheartsss · 1 day
Suburban Legends
a/n: This is inspired by suburban legends by taylor swift and this is the second thing i’ve ever written so don’t expect it to be the best
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It was your 5 year high school reunion and you were outside in the parking lot waiting to go in. The reunion was being held at hawkins high school and you knew you’d see Steve again. Everyone expected you and Steve to walk in together but you broke up about six months after graduating which shocked everyone. You saw some of your old friend group and immediately greeted them and walked in with them. “Oh my god hey i’ve not seen you in like forever” Nancy said with a smile. You and Nancy had always been close. “Hey Nance it’s so nice to see you again” You say hugging her. “Heyyy” Robin said when she saw you. “Hey Robs” You replied hugging her too. “Are you excited to see Steve?” Jonathan asked. “It might be nice to see him again” You said and Robin gave you a look. She knew you still liked him it was so obvious to everyone actually. “So how did the breakup actually happen?” Nancy asked. “I paced down his block, I broke my own heart cause he was too polite to do it” You said and Nancy,Robin and Jonathan instantly understood what you meant. You then started talking about what you had all been doing since you graduated.
After a few minutes Steve walked and you immediately looked at him. He walked over to you and the rest of the group and greeted everyone and just nodded at you. He then walked over to the drinks table to get a drink and you followed him. He was so magnetic it was almost obnoxious.
“Um hi” You said to Steve and he turned to look at you. You smiled at him and also grabbed a drink. You was hoping this wouldn’t be awkward especially since you hadn’t talked to each other since the breakup, which was four and a half years ago.
“Oh hi it’s nice to see you again” He said with a smile. Thank god this wasn’t going to be awkward. Obviously it wouldn’t be was Steve Harrington he was Good with women.
“It’s nice to see you again too” You said and then music started playing on the speakers. The song that was playing was the song you and Steve always used danced to.
“Do you wanna dance?” Steve asked with a smirk not waiting for your answer and pulling you to the dance floor. He put his hands on your waist and you put your hands around his neck and danced together. You wanted to say something but you had no words. When he holds you, it holds you together.
You were getting closer and closer to eachother and you knew this probably wasn’t a good idea but you didn’t actually come here to make friends. “I know that you still remember we were born to be national treasures” You said to steve finally thinking of something to say. “Y’know I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school and i’d end up back at a class reunion walking in with you. You’d be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out and i was hoping i’d be sharing this moment with you right now” You continued.
“I always hoped we’d get back together” Steve said smirking. “We were born to be suburban legends” He continued. You both leaned in closer and your lips met. Oh god he kissed you in a way that’s gonna screw you up forever. For the first time in almost five years everything seemed normal again. Maybe just maybe your life wouldn’t be ruined and maybe Steve would once again be a page in your diary.
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chitsangenthusiast · 2 years
oh!!! 🗣️ or ❔ for the wip ask? 👀💕💕
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🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP come when you want!!!!!! not to talk about it again but it's the epitome why write if you're not going to write for yourself!!!! the 5+1 that's meant to just be nsfw but also covers the span of zkka's relationship, and the title comes from my poor attempt at giving it the tiniest bit of plot, which is: if there's an event with a set start time, then zkka are gonna show up just-barely-fashionably late due to fooling around
(subplot: sokka pwetty)
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it. marine biologist/mortician auuuu. i still need to figure out the back half of the plot bc i'm trying to add in some major supernatural elements that requires me doing research on spirits, but i keep getting more and more ideas lately and thus excitement! half of this stems from the fact that i'm blending some scenes from the piece i wrote for zkka novels 2022 (there's like three scenes that didn't make the cut for that ficlet due to word count lol), which i think just makes it more fun!!
a cranky mortician and a thoroughly unimpressed marine biologist being forced together to figure out this supernatural conundrum? featuring many spirits (including my favorite, koh!) that they have no business meeting and the weirdest looking fish that is actually [redacted]? a BLAST
(for reference: work in progress, but make it good ask game)
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soobnny · 1 year
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one more month — bang chan. established relationship. fluff. chan missing you while he’s on tour. (0.6k words)
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It’s 11pm for you when he calls from his hotel room, somewhere oceans away. There’s still sleep dripping from your tone, and he can almost hear the rustling of sheets from your end.
“Sorry baby, did I wake you?” Chan speaks so quietly it’s almost a whisper. He was careful not to shake you out of your silence.
“Mmm, no.” You croak out.
He knows you’re lying, could almost picture you jolting from your sleep at the familiar buzz of your ringtone. The thought makes him swallow, teeth chewing on his bottom lip.
“Is there a reason why you’re calling?”
He pauses before answering. Chan has no idea how the fuck he’s feeling right now, but he knows he misses you.
It’s been 4 months since he last saw you. All he has are pictures of you in his phone, and occasional phone calls that will never suffice to the way you sound in person. To the way you feel in person.
Chan stares out the big fucking window from where they’re staying, finding comfort in the thought that you might be looking at the same moon.
He swallows again. “Does there have to be a reason?”
“Of course not.”
“Just miss you.” He breathes out slowly, head tilted on the glass windows. “And I wish— we didn’t have to be so far away all the time.”
He’s thinking of you, imagining how you look right now with tired eyes. He’s thinking of what it would be like if he was there right now. You’d probably be asleep, tangled up in each other’s limbs. It would look uncomfortable from an outsider’s eye, but he knows. Knows how it feels to have your heartbeat pressed against his and how nice it feels.
You sigh. “One more month.”
The tone in your voice is gentle, yet knowing. He knows you miss him too.
“For now, you need to sleep, no?”
It’s 3 in the morning for him, and he’ll have to be awake again in three hours.
“Can’t.” He bites his lip, swallowing hard as he tries to fight the sob brewing in his throat. Your heart clenches at the way he sounds, knows that when he feels, he lets it take over him.
“Will you be able to sleep if I stay on the phone?”
“Maybe.” Shaky.
“Okay. Have the kids been treating you well?”
A smile pulls at his lips at the mention of his best friends, and the topic change does a good job at masking the nauseating pain of missing you. A bandaid. A temporary fix.
“Still loud and stubborn, but I wouldn’t want them any other way.”
“Hmmm, I won’t be surprised if you come home with a head of white hair.”
He laughs at the thought, running a hand through his hair. “I think I’m already starting.”
“Then Seungmin calling you an old man is justifiable, then?”
“I don’t think I like you teaming up with the boys against me. You’ve signed up on my team the moment you said yes to being mine.”
You laugh from your end, and Chan’s heart flutters at the sound. He can almost see you with your crescent eyes and the cute scrunch on your nose, the one you do when you cackle.
He tries not to think about it too much. Tries not to picture himself right there with you. He knows it’d only rip the bandaid he’d desperately plastered on himself.
“Not sleepy yet?”
“Just a little.” He admits quietly, a yawn escaping his mouth.
There’s stifling from his end, and you can only assume he’s slipped himself back into the covers of his bed.
You keep telling him stories, no matter how menial, anything to keep him company. You know he just needs to hear your voice, has told you before how simply hearing you comforts him—it’s a calm only you can offer.
Chan breathes in and out slowly.
It’s four in the morning now, and there’s quiet snoring in the background.
“Goodnight Channie. One more month.”
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cjjohansson · 17 days
what if love isn't enough?
natasha romanoff x reader // part 1...
angst? yes. sad? yes. am i sorry? no x x x
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“Were you going to tell me?” you breathe out into the room, Natasha stills when she hears your voice. 
“Tell you what?” She tries to act innocent but you know better. You won’t fall into her games right now. 
“That you're seeing some girl, some doctor in the medbay?” Natasha stays quiet, and part of you feels like you can hear your heart break. 
“Ha, ok, nice. See you around Natasha.” And now it is her turn to feel like she can hear her own heart break too. 
You and Natasha have a long history. Years of flirting turned into a one night stand, which led to multiple dates. Which then turned into a relationship that floated naturally, without one another having to say a thing, without actually having to verbalize it. You shared a bedroom; well not for about 3 months now, that’s how long it has been since you two separated over a stupid argument about how she didn't want you to go on a solo mission. Nights spent in that room worshiping each other, treating each other's wounds after a bad mission, comforting each other after horrible nightmares, sharing i love you’s…
How can you be with someone for 5 years and claim you love them so much that it hurts, to then start seeing someone only 2 weeks after breaking up? 
Because according to a conversation you overheard in medbay, they’ve been seeing each other for just under 3 months. 
You mindlessly drift through the compound, ignoring everyone who tries to speak to you, you can’t do this right now. 
How can you do this when only 5 days ago, she was in your bed breathlessly moaning your name after you both needed some comfort after a bad mission?
How could she do this? That’s all that was running through your head as you approached the punching bag in the corner of the gym. 
How could she start seeing someone so quickly after you broke up? How could she then sleep with you while seeing someone else and not even tell you? How could she rip your heart out all over again? 
You hated it. You hated how much emotional power she held over you. 
But you guessed that’s what you get for falling in love right?
“Fuck off.” You huff to Bucky as he approaches the bag and holds it still, taking the force from your punches like they're nothing to him at all.
“You know…” That makes you stop. Your hands falling to your sides as you stare at him confused.
“I know what Buck?” You watch his eyes widen as he takes a step back, putting some distance between you. 
“I was going to tell you, I was, I promise you. We both just got caught up in missions and when I was here you weren't, and vice versa you know?”
“I know what James? Do not make me ask a third time!” Your anger is building, you already know the answer.
“About Nat and Dr-”
“Fuck you.” 
“Calm down, let me talk!” 
“No, you don't get to talk to me. You’ve been my best friend since we were 3 years old! You kept this from me! How could you! How could you…” You sob as you turn and walk out the room. You can’t be here. Your own best friend knew? Who else knew? Everyone most likely if Bucky did. 
You find yourself mindlessly drifting back through the compound, only this time no one stops to try and talk to you. You can’t imagine you look good right now, you're so close to exploding. 
You end up in your bedroom, walking into your closet to grab a suitcase from the top, dragging it to your bed as you work your way through your drawers and closet, grabbing everything and anything you could get your hands on. 
You need to leave, it is the only thing that you can actually think straight on. If you stay, you won’t survive. It’s been hard enough the past 3 months let alone knowing she is with someone new. 
“Babe…” You don't stop grabbing clothes. You don't bother to fold them, you just throw them straight into the suitcase as quickly as you can.
“Can you let me talk, let me explain.” You stay silent. You can’t even look at her right now. 
“I’m not, ugh, I’m not seeing her. I don’t know what you heard, but you know how rumors spread around here. I’m not seeing her.” You lose it. 
“You're fucking her though, right?” You turn to face her, keeping the distance between you. You're so angry, you're hurt, this is ruining you. 
“Y/n… We broke up.”
“Oh so that just makes it okay to go fuck someone days after we break up? 5 years of my life wasted for what? Did you actually ever even love me? Or did you just love the attention I gave you?” 
“That is not fair. You know I love you, I love you so deeply that it hurts, it aches. But you were the one to walk away, don't try and act like a victim here. YOU LEFT ME! You broke my heart. So you do not have the right to stand here and be upset and angry with me for doing that, when you were the one who walked away first.” That isn’t fair, that isn’t what happened at all. 
“I did NOT walk away. You gave me an ultimatum. I had to go on that mission, you knew I did-”
“YOU DIDN’T! Bucky said he would go instead! The lead up to that mission was driving you crazy, for months you had nightmares, you worked yourself to exhaustion. I tried to be there for you and you pushed me away! I stayed until I couldn't anymore! I couldn't stand by and let you ruin yourself. I left because in return it was ruining me too. Because if I stayed you would have hated me anyway.” Both of you are breathing deeply, the tension flowing around the room. How can any of this be happening? How is any of this fair to either of you?
“I love you. But you didn't love me enough to stay. So I walked away and every step I took, it fucking killed me. I stripped myself bare to you! I gave you so many parts of myself that I have never given to another person before, that I will never give to another person ever again! So yes! I slept with someone, I can hold my hands up and admit that I did. It was soon, and that was a shitting thing to do but you leaving was really fucking shitty too Y/n. I do not owe you an explanation or an apology for how I deal with my own pain, not anymore.” Natasha’s breathing picks up, tears flowing down her cheeks with no intent of stopping any time soon. 
“I am not seeing her. I slept with her once. And I have regretted it every single day since it happened. Because she isn’t you, but no one is going to be you, ever. And that’s my burden to carry.” Natasha turns to leave the room but you find yourself rushing towards the door and holding it closed before she can exit. Her back is pressed against your front and all you can smell is the perfume you bought her for valentines day. 
“How can you expect me to stay when you wouldn’t?” Her forehead rests on the door as she continues to breathe deeply. Her words completely throw you. Because she is right.
“I know that mission drove me crazy, but I need you to understand that I needed to do what I had to do tasha or it would have ruined me even more. They…they ruined me, they took me apart and put me back together wrong over and over as they saw fit, day after day. I was the one who needed to finish it. Not anyone else. Because if I didn’t finish it, it would have eaten me alive for the rest of my life. That night, when I left, all I felt and saw was rage. They stole everything from me, I needed it to be over, and I’m sorry that it meant I had to leave you to be able to do that. But I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to ruin you too. I never meant for any of this Natasha. Believe me when I say that, please.” Your voice cracks as you rest your forehead on the back of her head. Your tears falling into her hair, you can feel her body moving from her own sobs. 
“I know you didn’t. I didn’t either but we both did. How can we even move forward from this Y/n?” She turns in your hold, your forehead now resting on hers and you stare into each other's red eyes. 
“I love you. After all this time, I still love you. It’s always been you, it was you yesterday, it was you 2 months ago, a year ago. It is you today, it will be you tomorrow and for the rest of my life it will be you, I love you Natasha.” 
Her hand moves to your face, your own head leaning into her palm as she takes the weight of it. 
“But what if love isn’t enough y/n?”
part 2
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shadesslut · 1 year
talk me through it
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Pairing: (Grunge!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Smut, cheating, slight angst)
Summary: After Y/N broke up with him, Ethan had been a mess, and he was determined to get her back.
(a/n: Btw, if any more drama comes up with Jack, I'm probably gonna stop writing for Ethan depending on what it is:/)
Two years. It had been two years since she broke up with him. Ethan had been an absolute mess over the past two years. He missed her, he missed his old self. Ever since she broke up with him, he hadn’t kept up with the role of the ‘nerdy shy guy’. He was different. His face contained fresh piercings, his arms were covered in tattoos, and hair was cut into a mullet. He started wearing grungier clothes too, anything black or ripped, he wore. She got a boyfriend around three months after they broke up; he was a guitarist, Marc. Which is why Ethan completely changed his appearance. 
She changed too, her outfits became more sluttier, more revealing. She replaced her jeans with mini skirts, and her sweaters were switched out for crop tops and camis. Not that Ethan minded the new look, he actually loved it, which was code for he jerked off to her instagram posts every night. The unfortunate thing was that he wasn’t the one making her feel good anymore, her new boyfriend was. 
He didn’t see her that much, only at parties. That’s where he saw her, dancing and swaying her hips with her boyfriend. Ethan was fuming in the corner of the living room of the random frat house he was in. He stood next to his friend, Tyler, who he had met after the breakup. 
“I don’t know why we come to these man,” Tyler complained, taking a drag out of his cigarette. Ethan didn’t answer, he only continued to glare towards Y/N. Marc’s hands gripped her ass under her skirt, and Ethan wanted to kill him. “Hello? Earth to Ethan?”
Tyler snapped his fingers in Ethan’s face, causing Ethan to snap out of his thoughts. He played with his lip ring with his tongue, and he yanked Tyler’s cigarette out of his hand. “Sorry…but can they get a fucking room or something? No one wants to see all of that shit.” Ethan spat out. Tyler sighed as he looked over to Y/N, already knowing who Ethan was talking about. 
Marc glanced over at Ethan, before practically sucking on Y/N’s face. 
“Fuck this,” Ethan muttered as the couple left to go outside. He grabbed Tyler’s wrist and dragged him onto the porch. He spotted an old couch, and sat down, pulling Tyler down with him. Tyler blushed slightly, falling onto Ethan’s leg. Ethan’s eyes scanned over the people hanging out in the lawn, and he spotted them. 
“You got a blunt?” Ethan asked Tyler, pulling his legs on his lap. 
Tyler rolled his eyes playfully, and he reached into his back pocket. “Do you have to ask?” He teased, handing Ethan the blunt. Ethan smiled and took the weed, instantly feeling the stress roll off his shoulders as he lit it and took a hit. 
Y/N looked over at the two boys, full of a jealous rage. Marc was talking to a friend of his, and her mind was only focused on Ethan…and the boy she didn’t recognize throwing himself on him. She missed him, she knew breaking up with him was a bad idea, and she never told him the real reason why she did it. She wanted to, she was going to recently, but Ethan had…changed. She could barely recognize him now. 
“So, about the other night,” Tyler trailed off. Ethan had his arm around Tyler’s shoulders, and his leg was lifted up as his heel rested on the railing. 
“Yeah, what about it?” Ethan mumbled, holding the blunt in his mouth. 
“When you said you didn’t know if you liked boys, did you mean it?” Tyler asked nervously. Ethan knew about Tyler’s obvious crush, but he never said anything about it. Mostly because he liked the attention. Ethan nodded, still staring over at Y/N. “Do you wanna, I don’t know, try with me?”
Ethan’s head jerked at Tyler. Was he finally trying to make a move? “How so?”
“W-We could kiss?”
The truth was, Ethan already knew he liked boys too. His freshman year, he was practically in love with his roommate, Chad. Tyler was cute, but he wasn’t Ethan’s type. It wouldn’t matter if he was anyways, he already was so obsessed with Y/N to be even remotely attracted to anyone else. His eyes flickered to the hand on Marc’s, which rested on her waist tightly. “Sure.”
Tyler’s eyes widened and his cheeks reddened. He slowly raised his hand to Ethan’s cheek, and looked at his lips. Ethan groaned and looked away from Y/N. He closed his eyes, pulling Tyler towards him and pressing his lips against his. Tyler whined, reaching his hands into Ethan’s curls. Ethan moved his tongue against his, and he peeked over at Y/N. She was staring at him, her brows slightly furrowed. He smiled, and he grabbed Tyler’s hand and placed it on his dick. 
Tyler gasped, but didn’t dare move his hand. Ethan was hard, and it wasn’t because of Tyler. His hand rubbed against his pants, and Ethan moaned. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” 
Tyler’s hand stuttered, and he pushed Ethan off of him. “Ethan what the fuck?” He yelled. Ethan only, yet again, looked at Y/N, who was marching back into the house. 
He muttered an apology to Tyler, before shoving his legs off of him and following Y/N. He sniffed and wiped his nose as he followed her up the stairs. 
She turned back, and she stopped in her tracks angrily. 
“Do you need something?” She spat, annoyed. 
“I need to talk to you.” 
“Piss off,” she muttered, continuing to walk up the stairs. 
Ethan grabbed ahold of her wrist, pulling her back towards him. She cursed at him, and he only softly pressed his lips to hers. She struggled at first, seeming to not want it, but she knew deep down, she wanted it more than anything. She finally moved her lips against his, moaning at the feeling of his piercing grazing her lips. 
He pulled back, and he rested his hands on her hips. Ethan smiled brightly, probably the first genuine smile he’s had in awhile. She smirked and grabbed his hand before leading him into a room. 
His hands instantly found her tits as soon as the door closed. She gasped at the contact. Ethan kissed down her neck, marking every other patch of skin. He reached down to her skirt, and he flicked his eyes up to her. She breathed heavily as she stared at him, patiently waiting like the good girl she’s always been for him. 
He smiled, and reached under her skirt, hooking his fingers on her panties. He pulled them down, smiling it was a pair he got her. 
“Couldn’t get rid of them, huh?” Ethan teased, swinging the pair around his index finger. She shook her head. 
He chuckled. He reached over to the door, cracking it open. He hooked the panties on the door handle, then shut the door closed again. 
“So he knows you’re being fucked like a whore.” Ethan smiled innocently up at her. 
Before she knew it, he had dragged her onto the bed, positioning her to sit on his lap. He chuckled dryly as he grabbed ahold of her hips roughly, and he began to grind her against his bulge. She moaned softly, trailing her hands up his chest to his neck. 
“You miss my cock?” He grunted. “I missed your pussy.” He whispered in her ear, reaching down to unzip his jeans. 
She whined, “Mhm,” and took off his shirt, immediately latching her lips onto his bare neck. Her eyes flicked down, scanning over his chest. He had tattoos covering his whole chest and stomach; some being different objects. He had bat wings in the middle of his pecs, and she moaned, tracing her finger along the outline. 
“You like them?” Ethan asked softly as he watched her with adoration. 
“You’ve changed,” She noted, finally meeting his eyes. 
Ethan tilted his head at her, softly smiling. He raised his thumb and gently pressed it to her bottom lip. “So have you.” 
She looked at him sadly for a moment, before kissing him sweetly, continuing to grind her hips into him. 
“I want you to ride me, baby.” Ethan whimpered against her lips. She only laughed and reached down to take his dick out of his boxers. She raised her hips to hover over his dick, and she positioned him to tease his head at her entrance. 
They both gasped at the feeling of each other. It had been way too long. She sunk down on him, fully taking him. Ethan was in pure pleasure. The grin on her waist could cause bruises. She slowly, but surely, began to ride him. Her hips rolled smoothly over him, and she held one hand on his, while the other held his neck. 
“You always fuck me so good, baby. Shit,” Ethan praised her. He leaned his chest against hers, and he kissed the hell out of her. 
He breathed her in, all of her. He wanted to take all of her within him, to keep her away from everything else. Because she was his, and she was only his. No one else’s. And she knew this. Her hips moved faster, and she slightly bounced up and down, making her boobs bounce along. Ethan whispered sweet nothings in her ear. He loved talking her through sex. 
“E-Ethan-“ She whined, throwing her head back. Now Ethan began to thrust his hips upwards into her, only earning more whines from her. He only stared at her full of love, his hips thrusted, his hands moved her hips, and his lips spoke soft praises in her ears. 
“I’m gonna cum so deep inside of you baby. Make sure you’re leaking cum out of your pussy for days.” 
She felt a knot twist in her stomach, and she let go, screaming Ethan’s name as loud as she could. Ethan’s eyebrows furrowed, him finishing not too long after she did. 
The two panted, foreheads pressed together. 
“I love you,” She whispered. 
Ethan looked at her surprisingly. 
“That’s why I broke up with you. I was scared; scared I was gonna fuck it up with the one person I truly loved.” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Ethan cooed, swiping a strand of hair behind her ear. She sniffled, wrapping her arms around Ethan’s neck. “I love you too,” 
“Can you go back? Go back to the nerd I fell in love with?” She begged. 
He laughed slightly. “Anything for you, my love.” She smiled, kissing him softly. She knew she was in deep with him, and there was nothing she could do to get out.
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hurtblossom · 1 month
Back to black cl16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Female!Reader
Summary: She goes back to black
Warning: angst, alcohol, tears, the use of "I"
Amy Winehouse Back to black
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The apartment was eerily quiet as I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the packed suitcase by the door. Everything felt surreal, like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. Charles stood by the window, his back to me, his shoulders tense as if he was holding back everything he wanted to say. Or maybe everything he didn’t.
"It's over, Y/N," he finally said, his voice hollow. "This… we can't keep doing this to each other."
I knew he was right, but that didn’t make it any easier. My heart ached as I fought to keep the tears at bay. “You’re going back to her, aren’t you?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
He didn’t respond right away, but the silence was all the answer I needed. When he finally turned to face me, his eyes were filled with something I couldn’t quite place—regret, maybe. But it didn’t matter anymore.
"We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times," I whispered, the lyrics of the song that had been haunting me for days spilling out before I could stop them.
Charles took a step toward me, but I held up my hand, stopping him. "Just go," I said, my voice trembling. “Go back to her.”
And he did. Without another word, he picked up his jacket and walked out of the door, leaving me alone in the darkness. I sat there, frozen, until I heard the sound of his car driving away. Only then did I allow myself to cry, the tears falling freely as I curled up on the bed, clutching the pillow that still smelled like him.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: * :・゚✧:・゚✧
Months passed, but the pain didn’t lessen. I moved through life like a ghost, going through the motions but never truly feeling anything. The apartment felt like a tomb, filled with memories of him, of us. I had tried to get rid of them, to pack away the photos, the little trinkets we had collected over the years. But it didn’t help. Everywhere I looked, I saw him.
"I kept my head high, and my tears dry," I whispered to myself one night, sitting on the floor of the living room with a bottle of wine in my hand. The song played softly in the background, echoing my thoughts. But the truth was, I didn’t feel strong. I felt empty, like the part of me that had loved Charles so deeply had been ripped out, leaving nothing but a hollow shell behind.
People told me to move on, to find someone else, but how could I? "You go back to her, and I go back to black," I sang softly, feeling the weight of those words more than ever. Black was all I had now—black nights, black days, a black heart.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: * :・゚✧:・゚✧
The first time I saw Charles again after the breakup, it was like being stabbed in the chest. We were at a charity event, and I had been dreading the possibility of running into him, but there he was, across the room, looking as devastatingly handsome as ever. And she was with him. The girl he had left me for. The one he had gone back to.
My heart clenched painfully as I watched them together. They looked… happy. He looked happy. I wanted to tear my eyes away, to leave, but I couldn’t. I was rooted to the spot, my mind replaying every moment we had shared, every promise he had made.
"He left no time to regret, kept his dick wet with his same old safe bet," the lyrics played in my mind, and I had to fight back the urge to scream. I knew it wasn’t fair to think of him that way, but the anger, the pain, it was all-consuming.
He noticed me then, his eyes locking onto mine from across the room. For a brief moment, everything else faded away. It was just us, just Charles and Y/N, as if nothing had changed. But then she touched his arm, and he looked away, a flicker of guilt passing over his face.
I couldn’t stay. I turned on my heel and walked out of the event, the weight of the past dragging me down with every step. I ended up back at my apartment, the only place where I could let the tears fall without judgment. But even then, the emptiness remained, like a gaping hole in my chest.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: * :・゚✧:・゚✧
I had tried to move on. I really had. But nothing worked. Not the late nights out with friends, not the meaningless dates, not the distractions I filled my life with. I was still in love with him, still drowning in the sea of what we used to be.
One night, after too many glasses of wine, I did something I promised myself I would never do—I called him. The phone rang once, twice, and then he answered.
“Y/N?” His voice was filled with surprise, maybe even a little concern. It was the first time we had spoken since that night, and hearing his voice again was like a punch to the gut.
"I go back to us," I whispered, not knowing what else to say. The lyrics of the song played in the background, a painful reminder of everything I was trying to escape.
“Y/N, why are you calling?” His tone was cautious, and I hated it. I hated that he felt like he had to walk on eggshells around me.
“I miss you,” I admitted, my voice breaking. “I miss us, Charles. I can’t… I can’t let go.”
There was silence on the other end, and for a moment, I let myself hope. Hope that he would say he missed me too, that he was wrong to leave, that we could try again. But when he finally spoke, his voice was gentle, but firm.
“Y/N, I’m with her now. You need to let go.”
And just like that, the hope shattered, leaving me with nothing but the cold, hard truth. He wasn’t coming back. He had moved on, and I was still stuck in the past.
“I know,” I whispered, tears streaming down my face. “I just… I just needed to hear it.”
“Take care, Y/N,” he said softly, and then the line went dead.
I dropped the phone, my body shaking with sobs as I curled up on the couch. "We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times," I repeated, the words a bitter comfort.
Charles was gone. He had made his choice, and it wasn’t me. And now, all I had left was the darkness, the endless black that had become my life. I didn’t know how to move forward, how to find the light again. All I knew was that I was still in love with him, and that love was destroying me.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: * :・゚✧:・゚✧
The holidays came and went, but they felt meaningless. I went through the motions, smiled when I was supposed to, but inside, I was still lost. My friends and family noticed the change in me, the way I had retreated into myself, but they didn’t know how to help. How could they, when I didn’t even know how to help myself?
Charles and Alexandra were everywhere—on social media, in the news, at events. Every time I saw a picture of them together, it was like another piece of my heart was ripped away. They were happy, and I was still drowning.
I tried to find solace in the things that used to bring me joy, but nothing worked. The world felt colorless, empty. I was stuck in a loop, going back to the memories of us, back to the pain, back to the black.
"He left no time to regret," I sang softly to myself one night, sitting by the window with a glass of wine in hand. "We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times."
And that was the truth. I had died a hundred times since Charles left, and every time I tried to pick up the pieces, they slipped through my fingers, leaving me more broken than before.
As the year came to a close, I realized that I had to find a way to move on, to let go of the love that was tearing me apart. But how could I, when every fiber of my being still belonged to him?
"I go back to black," I whispered into the darkness, the words hanging heavy in the air. I didn’t know how to move forward, but I knew one thing—I couldn’t keep going back to him. Not anymore.
So I stood up, walked to the mirror, and stared at the reflection of the woman I had become—hollow, broken, but still standing. And in that moment, I made a promise to myself. I would find a way to heal, to move on, even if it meant starting from scratch. Even if it meant walking away from the only love I had ever known.
Because I deserved more than the blackness that had consumed me. I deserved a life filled with color, with light, with love—love that wasn’t tied to the past, but to the future.
And maybe, just maybe, one day I would find that love. But until then, I would keep moving forward, one step at a time, until the black was nothing more than a distant memory.
lando's version
let me know if i should do a second part xx
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skrrts · 1 month
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stairs & life, up / down (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x kim hongjoong ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, strangers to love interest, comfort, soft emotional ✧ word count: 10,4k ✧ warnings: adult language, smoking (don’t do it!), loneliness, end of friendships, moving on from a relationship, getting over heartbreaks, facing challenges in life, crying
The ripping sound of paper, the clicking of a mechanical keyboard. Loneliness sounds & feels different to everyone but somehow, Hongjoong feels like you understand his. Yet, you confuse him. Why was your first encounter so bold when he hears you crying at night when you think nobody is listening? The fire escape of the old building suddenly becomes a place of comfort he didn’t expect to find in the loneliest city, filled with millions of people but now, there is you.
a/n: when i think of summer, i think of spending long nights outdoors because it's still warm and you just talk for hours without worrying about whatever happens tomorrow. hongjoong & mc both went through some hardships with different types of relationships but they are where they want to move on, all they needed was a hand to grab them and help them going forward. thanks for reading 🤎
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The sound of paper being torn apart was often how Hongjoong would describe what his own heartbeak felt like and maybe, if it wasn’t already in pieces, it would be now. Fifty hours of passion, sleepless nights, and love torn apart, a woman with an unpleasant face hissing when she dropped his art like it was a random document.
“There was no reason to destroy it just because you did not like it,” he finally stated and received glares for daring to speak up. “It was garbage, what exactly did you plan to do with it? In fact, every artwork you have shown me in the past few months has been just that. What was the point in hiring you when your social media works were all fake?!”
Hongjoong wanted to wince but somehow managed to keep it together, being called deceitful as an artist who had given up so much for his art was hard.
“My style is exactly the same as the work you saw when you contacted me and I work the exact same way,” he bit his lip when she stood up and seemed more interested in answering her phone which was constantly buzzing in her overpriced pouch. People of her rank often held no passion at all, they only faked it for the smiles and the press.
”You have another month, if you cannot come up with the proper concept, you are out and of course, we cut your payment in half again. After all, since you came here five months ago, you did not deliver anything we could work with. That’s all.”
Hongjoong was about to demonstrate but the director of the publishing agency just left him standing there. 
He never wanted to come to New York, he could not care less about the city everyone wanted to live in but there had been nothing left for him back home. When he found the girl he loved and dated since high school being with another, the one he had given his whole heart to so foolishly, telling him it was a pity that kept them together for so long because just like so many other people around him, she judged him for his passion and his income rather than his values and happiness. Sure, he could survive from what he was doing but in their eyes, it was not worth to be called living. She dreamt of a house with a pool, a nice car, and an expensive beach vacation, rather than a cozy apartment, taking the bus and weekend trips.
On that day, when he was crying and walking through his hometown without direction, his parents said that it was time to finally grow up and work for a mindless ad agency that would gladly take somebody with his talent rather than chase his dreams of being permitted to illustrate an entire children's book, one with a deeper meaning unlike all the projects he was part of so far, where he often designed characters but based on guidelines rather than freely.
The invitation of a publisher seemed to be a wink of fate but now, Hongjoong simply found himself trapped in a city of millions, yet never having been more alone. 
Maybe he always had been, considering how blind love made him, believing to hold the love of a woman who cheated on him for who knows how long, likely even making use of his nights of working and being home late.
He had been such a fool.
The small ringing of a bell announced his arrival as he entered the familiar small grocery store which always was the destination at the end of days like today.
One benefit in all of his misery, Hongjoong was used to managing his life with little money, he could live from the shortened salary with some tricking and ignoring cravings. There also had been savings for emergencies, put aside for better times.
“How do you even manage to survive when this is all you eat?” San frowned, pointing at the selection of instant noodles and a few cans as he scanned each one. The store belonged to his family and the student helped out frequently. 
Hongjoong offered him a playful little grin: “Magic, Sannie. Now…”
He bit his cheek and the man knew, frowning: “Another package? You said you meant to quit smoking for good… you rather should get dinner rather than spend it on this shit.”
Painted nails brushed through dark wavy hair as he shrugged: “I’m an artist, we need to have some kind of weakness, yes? Unless I suddenly find a muse and that one makes me go insane.”
He knew the other meant well as he sighed but added a package into the plastic bag, handing it to him. “Just look out for yourself.”
Hongjoong smiled at the younger: “I always do. See ya.” The guy did not need to know what he was going through, maybe Hongjoong himself was still trying to understand just that.
It was easy to smile for everyone, he had become an expert in that field. Maybe he should join those TikTokers who made seminars out of canvas pages about something that barely was a secret but called it ‘Guide to Happiness’.
At least, he was about to be home, his haven. Hongjoong had been thrilled when he found the under-the-roof apartment because there was no AC and the building was rundown, the rent was cheap but he loved it because he easily managed to access the roof, there was nothing more beautiful than allowing himself to sulk in loneliness while watching the never sleeping city.
It was almost poetic, wasn’t it?
There also used to be the benefit of being the only one who did not put some shutters on the window which was the entrance to the fire stairs. The view was ugly, but it was handy to simply take the stairs and get right up.
Well, it used to be because the new tenant who moved into the apartment right underneath him did not seem to share the sentiment of the others, the window was always wide open and it would be creepy if he would rush past it.
He lurked up but Hongjoong noticed immediately how it was open again and he sighed, muttering to himself as he made the way up to the longer stairs. Too many. He dodged a few abandoned shoes of children in front of one, a growling dog at the third, and survived!
“I am home.” 
When he unlocked the door, silence greeted him. There no longer was anyone who rushed over to smile and welcome him back but now, he was not even sure if that ever happened or merely being an imagination, an altered memory. 
His apartment was small but that was okay, he didn’t need a living room and only having a tiny shower made being short less tragic.
While Hongjoong lived up to the cliche of being a poor artist, at least he did not need too much space.
His gaze went over the sketches still scattered over the kitchen table, picking one up: “Guess, you aren’t it either, sorry.” Unlike that awful woman, he carefully formed a small pile and put it in a paper tray for all his rejected designs, so far it had been every single one he offered to them. 
Maybe it was time to give up…
No, this was not the time to cry and get sad! Urgh, hard enough to admit he had been such a crybaby when moving here, the way how his heart ached and he was lost among strangers. It was when he started smoking again, something he stopped years ago but now.
There was nobody who would complain about the smell.
Hongjoong slipped into the shower, running water always helped to wash away thoughts, he just imagined it as he carefully cleaned every inch before enjoying the feeling of a fresh pair of clothes and ruffling his hair with a towel. 
“Attempt number seven it is,” he sat down, pulling over his tablet when a loud ringing sound interrupted the early hours of the night, enough to make him jump.
“The fuck?!” Hongjoong blinked, looking around but he was sure he didn’t even own an old-fashioned alarm clock. As the sound wouldn’t stop, he rushed to the window, lurking out only to realize it must be coming from your place. Why would you have an alarm clock going off at nine?!
Nobody else seemed to be interrupted by it but Hongjoong and he was working best at night. As nothing happened, he figured you probably just forgot to turn it off before leaving, how reckless to leave your window open in New York!
There was clear hesitation before he climbed out of his window, taking down the stairs: “Screw this…”
Your window was wide open, the curtains softly floating outside, all lights on. Your place was just a little bigger than his but you surely put more effort in! The walls were painted in a comfortable olive green, plants matched perfectly with the white furniture and there was a large gaming setup he did not really expect but then, what did he know about you? The bed was covered with far too many pillows but there it was, the one causing so much trouble.
The alarm clock had the shape of a flower, it was cute and he wondered how somebody who liked such a style would move to this part of the city…
“What do I do?” Hongjoong looked around. He counted to one hundred. There was nobody in sight, the sound drove him insane and he did not want you to get back home just to find your expensive equipment stolen. The world was an asshole to him but he intended to be better.
He swallowed and slipped inside your home, quick steps leading to the damn noisy item to turn it off. At that moment, the bathroom door opened and you walked inside, holding likely a few bottles of soap you just switched out, your gazes met and he could see how your face turned red, just like his own, and the next second, there was a small scream and you started to throw shampoo bottles at him.
Hongjoong tried to dodge them, dropping the alarm clock in the attempt and grabbed one of your pillows to protect himself.
“Hold on! Stop throwing things at me”, he called out but now you seemed angry.
“Why would I do this?! You just broke into my apartment! A thief? Gosh, you are one of those perverts, aren’t you?” You were one burst of energy, he had to give you that. Hongjoong was about to say something when he fell backward over another pillow.
His hands lifted up into the air, praying you’d not murder him with hair conditioner: “Hold on, hold on. I live above you! Your alarm wouldn’t stop and I thought you left so I meant to close the window, lots of robberies in this neighborhood!”
While your face remained distrustful, you held your movement in the middle of the air, frowning, doubting.
“Which neighbor breaks into a place to turn off an alarm bell?” you questioned and that was a good question. Who would have done that? 
“Well, I actually work at night, I need a little bit of silence but how am I supposed to do this with that noise?” he pointed at the alarm once more and this time, you considered his words.
“Fine, let’s say it is the truth. It’s still weird, you could have used the staircase and just knocked on the door like any other angry neighbor would.”
That was… a very good point. 
“I should have done that,” he admitted and slowly stood again. You were looking at him, maybe considering how he barely looked like a threat, considering he was wearing pajama pants and a hoodie with a washed-out brand name.
“Alright, I will forget about it. Now get out!” you pointed towards the window and Hongjoong found himself blushing in embarrassment. he clapped his hands, bowing slightly: “I promise to knock next time.”
As you hurried over, you wondered if he had seen right and there was a small smile on your lips as he carefully slipped out. As he turned around on the fire escape, you closed the window, and your gazes met for a moment, he was giving you a tiny wave before you rolled your eyes and closed your curtains.
Hongjoong stood there, blinking for a moment until he sighed and made his way upstairs, just to be greeted with the wind likely having shut his own, forcing him to go all the way down like that and up to his apartment. Thankfully he didn’t lock the door yet when he came home earlier.
“Tch, such a reckless neighbor,” he smiled.
“Oh? Oh! This is new!” Wooyoung fished the box with flower-shaped chocolate out of the paper bag. Hongjoong made a face, trying to snatch it but the younger grinned, holding it up.
“They are also kind of expensive, do you have a crush?” It took some effort but eventually, he stole his box bag and gave it to San who was scanning them.
“I am not in love, I just kind of pissed off one of my neighbors and now I intend to make it up somehow since they live in the apartment right underneath me,” he put quite a bit of effort in leaving out as many details as possible because Wooyoung would be curious enough to just knock on your window to see himself.
“Right, you said somebody moved into the empty apartment? Took some time, you mentioned that it was already without a tenant when you moved in.”
He appreciated the cashier was offering some distraction to his best friend’s consideration of just going with Hongjoong, he did not need to say it out loud for the older to guess as much.
“Ah yeah, the landlord was surprised when he offered that one but I asked about the rooftop apartment instead. I just like the peace and quiet, nobody above me, all that,” he mumbled, rubbing a hand over his neck.
“The Lone artist above the rooftops of New York City, romantic if you asked me,” Wooyoung winked and grabbed his backpack. “Anyway, time for training, call you later San!” He waved and rushed off, the other just smiled before handing the grocery bag to Hongjoong.
“I am sure the person knows to appreciate it, this is the first time I have seen you try and … well, mention to interact with anyone outside of this store.” 
Hongjoong tried his best not to swallow hard. While San only was having a casual conversation, he called out something that the artist had tried to avoid admitting: he had dodged everyone and everything ever since coming here.
The hurt was still too deep, the way the person closest to him, he smiled at and kissed every day, threw him away like trash and everyone else saying he should understand how it certainly wasn’t an easy life rather than taking his side
or just offer comfort.
He could have used a hug.
Now, it was hard to let anyone in. San and Wooyoung were nice but they just were two guys working at a grocery store that was conveniently close to his apartment, as kind as they seemed. 
“I just really like living here, sure, the neighborhood’s a bit … tense at times but otherwise, the rent is really cheap and the place is great to work at, not much noise considering we are in a city of this size.” 
San was looking at you, it was hard to tell if he took it or simply decided to keep his thoughts to himself but he smiled: “Well, just make sure to also enjoy the city, not only busy yourself with work. I know, artists are said to do that but yeah.”
It was as if he wanted to say more but Hongjoong already waved in tiny, grabbing his bag: “Speaking of that, I have a deadline so I better be going. Thanks again.”
Hongjoong was out the moment after, he could not hear San’s deep sigh when the bell rang once more.
He spent a good amount of time drawing a little doodle that looked like your alarm clock, looking upset and cursing about that weird guy in a little thought bubble. Next to it, Hongjoong wrote, "Sorry for having broken into your place, heard this chocolate is great." He was pleased with the result and carefully stepped outside his window, placing the little delivery right by your window, knocking against the glass, and he rushed upstairs, jumping into his own home as he waited for the noise of you opening.
His heart was beating loudly when he lurked around the corner, hearing you sigh but in a pleasant way. He did not dare to fully look, biting your lip but after a very long minute, he could hear your voice: "Just knock next time you want to say hello."
Your laugh was so soft and cute.
He grinned when the window was shut a moment later and the chocolate was gone.
Hongjoong had a talent for forgetting about time when he was working and it was less about the deadline and more so about his passion. He always loved to draw, it had been his escape from a young age and he pushed through it, no matter the concerns of everyone around him. He never wanted to be rich, just do what he loved and make enough to be able to live from it.
In a way he did, his old apartment was small but nice with a lovely view and enough space for two. Looking back, he had been a fool how he thought that his ex would enjoy it, that she liked they took their time and both added to a dream of a larger home. The series he illustrated with a few other artists for a children's magazine was doing well then, he knew it was one of the favorites in consideration of being further produced with another spin-off when it happened, Hongjoong quit.
Just like most, he also worked digitally but when he was in the early stages, he often liked to reach out for old-fashioned paper, getting a few sketches done. It was when his pencil rolled from the table that he pulled the chunky headphones from his ears to pick it up when he heard it for the first time.
It was a quiet sob, the kind where you hated yourself and just wanted to stop but your body was boycotting you, ignoring your quiet pleas for it to stop. Hongjoong had done the same for a while after coming to New York but somehow, yours hit him more than he expected. The way you faced him when he came in, the conversation after.
He should know better than assuming you were a confident person just doing your thing.
His slim figure pressed against the wall next to the open window when he listened to how you cried.
It was strange, when the heart ached, even a city like this could fall in utter silence, making one feel even more alone. He bit his lip, it was hard to listen to it and when he finally convinced himself that checking on you was more important than his fear of interrupting, the small clicking sound to pull his window fully open seemed to be enough to chase you inside like a bird fleeing from busy human steps.
All Hongjoong managed to see was the way how your lights turned off and for a moment, he wondered if you maybe prayed that he did not come down to see, that the weird guy above you just opened his window to let him some refreshing air in at the end of Summer.
He was trying to recall all of those nights after you moved in, where he kept his window open and so did you. What did he hear then? There had been that clicking sound, he could hear it any time he ended up sneaking up to the roof to smoke a cigarette. He never put much thought into it but now, you always seemed to be typing on your keyboard and you were home all the time, just like he was.
When he returned from groceries, your lights were on, and when he lurked outside in the morning, the window open.
In a movie, he probably would have thought more about it and told himself to see if it would happen again. Maybe you just had a bad day. Maybe you were just going through a hard breakup.
Maybe, if anyone had been more gentle with Hongjoong, he'd not have felt the need to move far away in a desperate attempt of moving on.
No, things would have been different if people would have acted and wasted less time guessing.
"Screw this," he cursed and walked over to the mirror. He was trying to fix his hair but it was a mess so he grabbed a hoodie and put on some summer shorts, cigarettes shoved inside of his pockets, two bottles of soda in each hand.
If you thought he was insane after this, he could live with it, really. He preferred it above having to regret wondering what happened tonight.
Hongjoong took two stairs at once until he was in front of your windows, curtains closed and while it was dark, he could see a small gleam of light, likely from your phone. He took a deep breath before knocking again.
"Hi there, it's me. Again... Uh I am Hongjoong! I know I am probably starting to get annoying, and if you decide to not answer, please just do not call the police.... I was just thinking, maybe you want to have a soda with me? I can't slepe either, I tend to work through the night.
He rambled because this was how he found comfort, he did not need to hear specific words, just little affirmation, a gesture of love. It could be something silly.
When you did not answer, he bit his lip and looked around: "Uh, I will sit down here and smoke one cigarette. If you decide not to come when it's done, I promise I go back up. I'll leave you one bottle there."
He called, placed it down carefully, and moved over to the stairs, taking a few up before sitting down, opening his own drink before lightening the cigarette.
He was exhaling only for the first time when the window opened: "You know, smoking is super unhealthy?"
Your voice did not indicate that you were crying but he could see your eyes still being red and puffy. Hongjoong looked at you like you were amazing just like that.
"You are right, I admit, I only picked the habit up recently again."
He blinked surprised when you grabbed the bottle and sat down by his side, just to take the cigarette away and inhale the smoke. He was blushing, not having expected such a bold move after you cried.
"Guess, we can make it a bad habit just for tonight then," you breathed and used the stairs to open the bottle, drinking it more like it was a party drink rather than ordinary soda, offering the cigarette back.
Hongjoong was in awe, he did not assume you would be so outgoing, although he had no doubt you were brave considering the way you two encountered face to face for the first time. The thought let him grin a little: "Sounds good to me."
His gaze wandered back over the not-that-pretty view: "The sight from the roof is pretty amazing, not sure if you maybe want to have a look another night. I can show you how to get up there."
You laughed, relaxing back: "Why am I not surprised you went up there?"
The man looked innocently: "Well, I have a lot of time to think when I am settling for a design."
The word seemed to gain your interest and you leaned in: "You work at night and that doodle was really cute. Is it something artistic you are doing for a living?" The question was fair and straightforward, leading him to shrug just a little. Most people were disappointed about the answer, somehow it did not seem to be a popular idea when it came to art.
"I work as an illustrator for children's books or that is the preferred one, I also do magazines or commercial designs for such. As for books, I do both, the traditional ones for young kids where the images carry most of the story but I also occasionally take scenes from books for older audiences, you know, mainly those right before young adults where you find little images between the chapters? Mh, I dream to make one exactly in the design I want but for now, I am stuck to work with criteria set by the publishers."
Hongjoong learned to explain what he was doing right away because when it came to illustrations, people often thought about the really expensive artworks connected to infamous titles. You did not really seem to bother with the clichés, instead, your face was so bright and excited, that he was feeling shy.
"That's so cool? I only got into reading because of those kinds of books. I mean, I get it, you are supposed to go wild with your imagination when it comes to reading but I always preferred those pages that told me what to expect but that makes sense, I'm a number person. I like facts."
Numbers, huh.
"This is the very infamous part where I offer to you that if you ever want to see something, knock on my window any time or well, I guess. You have all the right to just walk in through my window. I am awful and my phone is my alarm clock tho," he teased with a more confident grin and you returned it gladly.
"I will keep it in mind, Hongjoong." You stretched.
"It's getting late and you wasted your cigarette, I will take that as a sign to withdraw," you smiled and picked up your bottle, standing. The artist was a little disappointed but it was fair, he knew it had been far after midnight when he heard you crying but now, he was happy to see you relaxed.
"Maybe I will come back to your offer," you hummed and walked down to your window. "Oh, by the way, I am __ and don't be too disappointed, I am a software engineer. That is also why I am home all the time, the bliss of being able to dodge offices but I feel, that you know well."
As you slipped inside, you were about to close the window before lurking out again: "The chocolate was tasty, thank you."
As the window shut, Hongjoong stood there, smiling to himself.
He didn't remember ever having felt as tense in the past when handing in drafts. His old publisher had been a guy in his early 60s and even in the early stages of Hongjoong's 'career', supporting them to test their own ideas within the limits of the work. Something about getting a poor payment but at least, being able to do their thing.
There was yet a small voice of hope, one that told him this piece of paper would not be torn apart because the woman was looking at it far longer than she had at any other of his earlier designs. After hanging out with you, Hongjoong had worked nonstop, a new adrenaline rush that helped him get done with it.
Finally, he exhaled when she leaned back, placing it on the desk: "Finally, something we can work at. I approve of the cats, I expect a more detailed version at the end of the week. The dogs are too ... basic. There is just nothing memorable about them, I want two pairs of options for them. That would be all, Mister Kim."
Hongjoong could live with that! The cats were the story's main protagonists about a pair of cat siblings moving with their owners to a new city and dealing with all of the changes. Yeah, maybe it did not seem like a deep story, just another book to offer comfort to kids moving but the name on both, the writer and label were big... opening doors. What else did he have left than his career and maybe, the nagging desire to show everyone how he could do it?
I would rather be happy tho, and loved.
He only gave her a quick nod as she seemed busy again, slipping out of the office. "Why is this such a pain...." he mumbled and checked his phone. Would it be weird or too early to ask you for your number? Hongjoong hadn't given it to anyone, well except San because he got permission to use the convenience store as a secondary address, should packages fail to be delivered to his door.
Hongjoong could not deny that he was tempted to look you up online but he did not log into any of his accounts since coming to New York. If anything... he did not even tell anyone. He just sold everything, quit his job, and moved. The only person who knew was his older brother, who had been supportive unlike the rest of the family but accepted his wish to remain hidden for some time.
Hearing his name out in the open made him wince and he blushed when he noticed it was you who called out for him. You were smiling, waving confidently, ignoring gazes. Maybe you really just had a tough day last night. It was so hard to imagine you being somebody who cried a lot.
"Seeing you out in the wild, I am scared," he teased with a grin, walking to your side. You pointed at the heavy bags with groceries, making him realize what you wanted.
"I see how it is, somebody asking me to make the stairs my workout," he chuckled as you looked innocently. "How about, we call it quits then, for good? And in return, you can use the fire escape as often as you want, no worries. You did start to avoid doing that because of me, didn't you?"
He was surprised by the question: "Uh... how do you know about that?"
You laughed and it was sweet, he preferred seeing you happy: "Well, when I signed the contract, the owner told me the guy above likes to take them so he advised me to put something in front of the window but then, nobody ever came."
It was your way to tell him you appreciated he tried to think of your comfort, wasn't it?
"If you are sure, I rather like walking them. I got one of those window locks, I found them on a website and they are really handy. I just prefer it because the dog from the lady on the third floor, he hates me," he admitted.
It seemed to amuse you: "Not surprised, you remind me of a cat or maybe more of a fox? Mh, I love them equally, pick the one you prefer." You rushed ahead while he took the bags, rubbing a hand over his face. Ah, it was a talent of yours, wasn't it? Making him blush.
Thankfully, it wasn't too far from the building and Hongjoong got up all the bags in no time.
"Do you want to come in?" your offer showed a hint of hesitation and Hongjoong was overworrying again. Would it be strange to accept it? Was he too keen on showing how he really would like it?
"Sure, I have some time until nightfall. I have to update some of the designs, they finally accepted two of them," he made sure not to stare, not only to be polite but he already had seen your apartment when he broke in last time.
You opened the fridge and offered him a bottle of cool water, one he gladly accepted. "You said, you do like computer things... Don't mind me, I do not know a whole lot about it. I admit, when I was here last time, I thought you might be a gamer."
His Ex used to watch Twitch streams, something about finding them relaxing.
He regretted the question the instant he asked because of how your expressions slipped.
"Ah, you could say I used to enjoy gaming? It was something I did with a ... former friend." The way you reacted hinted likely it must have been a really good friend, or why else would you look so hurt about saying such a thing` Friendships ended so often, yet this one must have meant a lot to you.
Hongjoong tried not to read too much into your expressions, he did not know you well enough to have a right of doing so, likely just misreading it.
"I am sorry to hear. My friends and family weren't always so keen on my obsession with working for book illustrations either. I would not say they meant to tell me to instead work a proper job but they thought, I should just work for some big company that needs them for ads and such but that is just so soulless, you know?"
His confession was too honest but he felt comfortable with you, sharing it. Maybe it really was because you were strangers and you did not know him or his past, you wouldn't judge him based on that.
He prayed you'd not. You seemed to think about it before saying with the kindest smile: "Following your dreams is important, Hongjoong. I get that, families always mean well but sometimes, we have to figure things out on our own."
He was too nervous to offer a good answer.
"Anyway!" the quick smile was forced but he accepted it. "You said, you know how to get up on the roof? I was thinking, we could do it tonight? It sounds silly but there will be a star shower... I do not think we can see it in a city like this but we can pretend to! I shopped for some snacks, we can make it our own little event."
Hongjoong blinked, eyes big when you invited him: "Oh! Sure! I can make some time, just knock on my window!" He did not have the time based on the deadline... but he would get it done for you! Sounded like time to fight the habit of sleeping in and work during sunlight hours for a change.
"Awesome, I'm excited then!"
There was not too much else to be said it seemed, your thoughts clearly elsewhere, and Hongjoong could only guess it was because of your friend.
The illustrator spent an hour trying to pick an outfit. Tanktop, skinny jeans, some jewelry, he even picked a barret he hadn't worn in ages but it seemed the best way to deal with his hair, even his nails were repainted before he climbed up and prepared a small cozy corner, a blanket, two pillows and a few LED candles.
By the time you knocked on his window, he was almost terrified he made it look too much like a date but then, he looked at you and it seemed, you had a similar mindset. You looked stunning, and the backpack hinted you got more than a few snacks.
"You look amazing," Hongjoong complimented, he liked your style. "Sush, you sure you aren't a model and just failed to tell me?" You brought up the cliche line but it made him laugh: "Well, I tried."
As he joined you, he led you up the stairs which ended abruptly. "If you pull here, there is actually a hidden ladder," he explained and showed it to you. "Very handy, and you can simply pull it up from up there so nobody sees it."
You seemed amazed just how simple it was and carefully climbed up first.
"Oh Hongjoong, this is so pretty!" you gasped, looking at his little setup. The sun vanished just a little while ago and the candles created a nice atmosphere.
"Well, how often does one get invited to star gazing at my age? I thought it would be nice," he explained, chewing his lip as he helped you take off the backpack.
"Well, I guess it is good then I brought an entire picnic!" Indeed, you did but it wasn't just snacks, you prepared the meal obviously yourself and it made him wonder. Did anyone other than his mother ever do this for him?
"This looks delicious!" he clapped his hands together, looking over it.
"Mh, I cannot promise the taste can live up to the looks because it has been a while since I made most of these dishes," you admitted and offered him a pair of chopsticks but he shook his head: "It already smells great, and nothing can betray that."
You seemed to enjoy how expressive Hongjoong was in showing just how much he loved your cooking. His face did not manage to hide it but it was to no surprise, not only because it was tasty but because he had been living off ramyun for the past couple of months due to his cut salary.
"This is so good, I will vote for you as home cook of the year," he mumbled between trying to chew and swallowing.
"Hongjoong, are you sure you ate in the past month or two? You are eating like you were about to starve," you smiled but there was a little concern in your voice as you ate slowly.
The artist carefully placed his chopsticks aside, contemplating if it was okay to be so honest but since he already shared quite a bit with you, it seemed fair.
"To be honest, I came here a little unplanned. I got this really amazing deal or it sounded like that but the publisher CEO lady has rejected all of my designs of the past few months and they cut my salary in half every time. I get around with some savings but food wasn't on top of my priority list."
Now you did seem concerned and sighed: "You know what? She is stupid! I looked up your work and it's so cute? I mean it! I know nothing about that business branch but I like it, they are cute and as a kid, I'd have loved them but also... I used to share a place with somebody and I have a hard time getting rid of the habit of cooking more than I need. How about you come over here and then, and pick up the rest? I hate to throw away so much."
Did you look him up? Oh, that was unexpected. Hongjoong was just looking at you in awe and you seemed a little confused by it.
"You do not have to, of course!" It seemed you both were good at misreading.
He hurried to wave his hands: "Oh no! I'd love that! I just... was a little shy when you looked it up. I appreciate it. If you ever need a doodle or like ... anything drawn, let me know. I like doing it for people."
As he looked at you somehow, it felt like you two were the same. Something happened which brought you here, leaving behind a very different life but now that you sat in front of him like that, Hongjoong was so grateful and he tried to place the meaning of his heart beating just a little too enthusiastically right now.
"You know, when I was in high school, I was befriended with this really amazing guy, Hwa. He moved away with his parents before graduation but after exams, when we both knew we screwed up really badly. He would drag me up to the rooftop of our school and play silly songs from the early 2000s we danced to. I know that sounds insane but how about... we do that?"
Hongjoong didn't think about Seonghwa in a long time. He tried to find him online a few years ago but it seemed the older did not think too much about social media either.
"You want to dance?" you chuckled and checked your phone: "Well, I'd say we have another hour until the promised star shower so let's do it. You will have to provide the music tho, I forgot to close my Spotify on my computer."
Hongjoong grinned: "No worries, I got us."
It was funny but he remembered the song and there was an entire playlist dedicated to the vibe he wanted to go for. Relaxed and soft, a little silly but not embarrassing. He ensured the volume wouldn't cause too much attention but you did not seem to care at all.
When the melody and the lyrics began you just let go. Hongjoong swallowed as he watched you and for the first time in a long time, suddenly he was feeling... excited? It was different from a grand job offer or moving, it was more like that telling himself life would go on actually was real. That good things still would happen if he just kept on going.
"What are you waiting for? Don't tell me you are getting shy now," you moved closer to him, taking his hands without hesitation before starting to dance together. The shuffle was doing a good job because it went from energetic, leading to the two of you just silly jumping and vibing to something a little slower and before he knew it, his arms were curled around your figure and you rested your head against his shoulder as you moved with the music.
"This is nice," you whispered, your gaze seemed to be far off in the distance. "I forgot how nice it can be just like that." You sighed deeply without saying anything else but Hongjoong quietly agreed as his hug tightened a little. "It really is."
It was only when your phone started to ring and you withdrew that he was a little disappointed. "Okay, time for the stars!" you smiled, looking around before glancing back at the blanket. "Let's do it like we are in the countryside!"
Without hesitation, you grabbed a pillow and laid down, looking up to the sky which was just dark, the light of electricity stealing the beauty of the night. Hongjoong laid down next to you, looking up.
"Isn't this the most beautiful night sky you have ever seen?" you gasped, pointing towards nothing: "There they are! Okay, time to make your wish but remember, you can't tell anyone!"
You were so bright and outgoing, Hongjoong envied you but also quietly was thankful how you tickled this out of him again. Even before his breakup, he had been so busy struggling with work and expectations, when did he act so carefree for the last time?
"Working on the wish," he whispered and closed his eyes.
His wish for life never changed: be happy, together with people who truly loved and cherished him and he'd do the same for them.
He winced when he felt your cool hand reaching out, squeezing him and his head turned around, the beret slipped from his hair as your gazes locked. There was another moment of hesitation but you rolled onto your side, your eyes saying what words did not manage but they did not need to as you slowly closed them. Hongjoong's hand was placed on your cheek and you met in the middle into a tender kiss.
It was nothing breathtaking like in the movies, much more a kiss between students who never kissed before but yet, were so lost in the moment that they didn't worry. It only lasted for a little before your lips parted: "Guess, my wish already came true just now."
Hongjoong blushed, he wanted to say more but there was a small quacking sound. The two of you sat up immediately.
"Did you hear that?" you whispered. Hongjoong nodded: "Nobody ever comes up here and I come here almost every day since I moved in." You exchanged a few gazes before carefully standing up, following him closely, hiding behind the chimney.
Suddenly, a large figure dressed all in black jumped up like a ninja in a movie. You gasped but Hongjoong just blinked.
San's figure showed up right behind his best friend, who was tugging on his jacket, clearly catching his breath. "I told you not to do this!" The younger man was just grinning: "But I had to make sure I left an impression!"
You chuckled as Hongjoong pointed to you that it was okay.
"I take it those are your friends?"
The word made Hongjoong blink. He saw these two idiots almost on a daily base now, he talked to them and while he never shared any personal details, they never treated him like other customers or a stranger.
He really did a great job on distancing, didn't he? Considering he claimed to have nobody but just made friends without realizing it.
"Something like that," Hongjoong said with a quick smile but Wooyoung already pulled him closer, pressing his cheek against his. "Sh, he is just shy! We are the best buddies!"
Hongjoong yelped and now was sparring with Wooyoung while San rubbed a hand over the back of his neck: "Sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt your date. Wooyoung has a hard time keeping his curiosity in check."
You hummed, knowing Hongjoong didn't hear it. Maybe it was for the better.
"That's okay. Actually, that's what I like about him. He's chaotic, just like me."
You clasped your hands together, cheering. "So Wooyoung! We got some food left, are you hungry?"
The younger stopped, grinning: "Always!"
Hongjoong groaned when he was woken up by loud noises coming from the staircase. He rolled onto his side, face lit up by his phone screen. It wasn't even seven but for some reason, it seemed neighbors decided to make a fuss. There was screaming, he was sure about that.
He grabbed a pair of sneakers, not caring too much about all else and decided to have a look because it seemed a little too loud considering you and an elderly woman lived the floor underneath.
The moment he recognized your voice, Hongjoong stopped all logical thinking, he took two stairs at once to face a very upstyled woman around his age. Expensive brands and overdone makeup, there was an envelope open, torn paper on the ground, and you were all in tears.
"What's going on?!" Hongjoong rushed to your side but you barely seemed to recognize him.
"How did you even find out where I live?! I won't sign this just go!" you yelled and it seemed to make the woman just more angry.
"___, stop being so stubborn! Just sign the damn rights! You are not part of the team anymore, you have no use for the brand name! Just sign it and we never have to meet again!"
By now, more neighbors had come and the least Hongjoong wanted for you was to deal with the police.
"Hey, get in. I will take care of it," he whispered to you, both of his hands on your cheeks to force you to look at him through teary eyes. It was when you finally realized you weren't alone, you swallowed hard, nodded but carefully withdrew. When the woman tried to get in, Hongjoong pushed her back.
"If you do not leave now, we will call the police! If you have any needs, use a lawyer!" he remembered how his mother watched those shows when he was little, they always just yelled about lawyers.
"Who are you? Loverboy? God, how can one person fall so low? Living in this shithole and now this?" she hissed, spitting on the ground before leaving. Hongjoong waited to ensure she'd not get back up before he slipped inside, closing your door.
You had curled up on your bed and he was a little overwhelmed but it did not matter. Hongjoong called out your name gently as he sat down on the edge of the bed, wanting to make sure you knew he was there, maybe his way of asking for permission.
When you did not move, he curled his arms around you to pull you tight like back on the rooftop, hand gently patting over your back. He wasn't going to tell you it would be okay or ask you to stop crying because he knew that sometimes, mind or body did not want to, couldn't.
All one needed sometimes, was a hug and somebody there with you.
It was hard to say just how much time passed when you turned around slowly. Hongjoong loosened the hug a little without moving back and you looked at him.
"You do not have to tell me anything," he assured in his soft voice but you shook your head slowly. "I want to... it just... it's embarrassing."
This time, it was he who shook his head: "Nothing that makes you feel sad ever is embarrassing, ___. Your feelings matter, you know?"
He was relieved to see it brought a little smile to your lips.
"You know, that also is true for you. If you are sad... it's okay. I understand it. Please don't feel like you have to hide it."
So you did look right through him after all: "You got me there... It is hard to admit weakness... I guess, for me at least. I was hurt by the people I cared for the most. Now, it is hard, like how to let them in again, how to trust?"
Your fingers gently reached out, brushing over his cheeks and he held still like if he moved, you might vanish into thin air.
"I get that," you admitted. "You see, that woman used to be my best friend since middle school. A few years ago, we started to stream together for fun. I made good money with my job, so I bought the equipment and I really was okay playing more of a background role. We worked on it together but she was the star, I didn't mind she also streamed a lot without me but then, numbers rose and there was a sponsorship she did not tell me about. One day, I got home from my office, and all the equipment was gone, together with my best friend. I was locked out of the accounts, the savings I kept at home for emergencies were stolen, and well. She spread some nasty rumors about how I was jealous and things got ugly... So I moved here. It is hard, your best friend is usually the person you rely on for comfort when something awful happens but now, there was nobody and I am stupid, the type of person that fully believes in a friendship."
It was sad, to think how money always ruined everything, love and friendship. Hongjoong watched you as you spoke, going more into the details and he made sure to listen well, to show you that he didn't only do it because you two kissed or because of you crying. He really cared about you and wanted to understand you better so he did not have to fear again, that imagine of you alone on the fire escape.
"There is nothing awkward or embarrassing about your feelings. You trusted and lost her. You tried your best to start over, leave it behind but she cannot let it be for selfish reasons," Hongjoong concluded and you finally relaxed.
"Thank you for listening.... that really helped," you whispered. "I... if you ever want to..."
Hongjoong wondered for a moment. Did he want to talk about it?
Yes, but...
"Honestly, I am not sure if I am really ready yet to talk about it but one day... I will," he promised and placed a gentle kiss on top of your head.
"How about I make you some tea?" he offered with a smile as you looked at him, you nodded and you two slowly sat up. Hongjoong was very determined to wrap you properly in a blanket burrito, ruffling your hair gently before moving over to your kitchen. He could feel your eyes on him as he moved but he did not mind it.
A few minutes later, he handed you a cup of yasmin tea and you hugged it carefully, sipping on it.
"You make a very cute blanket cat," he teased, hoping to cheer you up. "Maybe one day, you will let me draw you like that." And finally, there it was, your beautiful laugh. "I will think about it."
Hongjoong sat down by your side, he turned on the TV and you relaxed against him as you watched a random show just to get your mind off and sipped your tea. It wasn't until there was a more gentle knock on the door and the familiar voice of the elderly lady.
"I will get it," he offered and rushed over. She seemed a little concerned: "My, so much noise in the early morning. Such an unpleasant woman. I wanted to see if everything is alright but I also noted, that your door is wide open Mister Kim."
His cheeks flushed as he realized, he rushed out earlier without bringing his key or closing it. "OH! Yes, thank you so much," he bowed and it made her chuckle: "You are very welcome. Fear not, Mister Corner on the second floor left his dog outside, I have no doubt nobody will dare to make the way upstairs today."
As she wiggled away, Hongjoong turned around but you smiled. "It is okay, I am feeling better. Thank you for looking out for me. I will see you later?"
He did not want to go but it likely was a good idea to give you some space. "Count on it."
As much as he hated it, he needed to put some time into work if he intended to finish everything within the deadline but now that Hongjoong had a reason to work extra hard, he was doing it no problem and within a few hours, he finished a few sketches. Those would do for angry CEO and he could dedicate his evening toward you.
He was taking his phone from his charger when he noticed a small notification. Hongjoong turned off such with the exception of receiving one when somebody new followed him. To his surprise, the name of his latest follower was 'Hwastar' and there was only one person who would use something like that.
It took him a few minutes to remember his password, he ignored all other messages other than the one of the follow and he followed back. Within a few minutes, a message popped up. It really was Seonghwa and to Hongjoong's surprise, the man was in New York, asking to meet.
When Hongjoong knocked on your door and you did not answer, he guessed you were asleep and he decided to go for it. Seonghwa had picked a cute coffee shop, something that suited him. While he looked the same, he was yet a whole new man. Tall, well-built and stylish, the long hair suited him well but the smile was as gentle as when they saw each other for the last time. "Joong! It's been too long!"
There was a quick hug before they sat down, he was sipping on a drink. "You look good, Joongie!" Hongjoong glanced down, he barely could say he wore anything unique but then, he just really had gotten used to his style. "Not like you who seems to go to fashion week."
Seonghwa blushed a little before waving his hand: "Nah, I work for a small publisher." Hongjoong wasn't surprised to hear it. Seonghwa always loved to read and was great with all kinds of people "That's great! I am glad it worked out for you."
His old friend smiled before to the younger's surprise, he pulled out one of the children's books Hongjoong worked on as part of a team.
"I only recently moved to New York because we moved our office here. When I walked through some bookstores, I came across this one. I am glad to see you still do art... When I went home last time, my mom said you left and nobody really knew where you went."
So he did hear about it, huh?
"Breakups can be ugly, I guess I wanted to start over." Hongjoong finally said what he had not to anyone until now. It was hard to say it out loud because that way, there was no chance to deny it, to hide the truth about the why, and how it had come to this. Maybe because there was this old trust he had for Hwa that made him say it out loud now but it was impossible to hide the bitterness in his voice.
Seonghwa had an understanding, sad smile on his lips: "I know you loved her. You two already dated back then... but Hongjoong... I am also proud you are moving on, and didn't stop."
It really was difficult to let negative emotions take over when Seonghwa looked at him like that. He pulled out his business card: "I know you are currently working with a bigger name but we actually finally expanded to books that require some illustrations and my boss would love to meet you. Why don't you think about it? The offer is there, no expiration, whenever you want."
Hongjoong accepted it with surprise, looking at the cursive font he was sure was inspired by his friend's handwriting.
How did things finally fall in line? Was it because he was ready to let them?
Hongjoong looked up and smiled: "I will definitely call."
When he came back, it had gotten dark. As Hongjoong took the fire escape up, your window was wide open and you sat on the stairs, the wind playing with your hair and you seemed lost in thoughts but the moment you saw him, the way you smiled, he knew.
His heart finally exhaled, it held its breath for so long, scared of what would happen if it let go of all that was and no longer would be.
Now it knew it was okay. Breathing would hurt for a little while but eventually, the beat would fall back in line as it should. Painful memories remained but it would keep beating.
The wisdom wasn't wrong, life went on.
Hongjoong smiled back as you made space for him and he got comfortable, his gaze wandering over the cityscape of New York or the bit you managed to get from here.
"it really is ugly, isn't it? I mean, all we get to see are the lower side of those giant ass buildings;" you joked and he laughed, shaking his head: "No, we do not but we have the rooftop. Not that I mind this."
He closed his eyes: "It really is a great escape, I would say, we need those stairs everywhere in the world."
You hummed: "I agree. Just that we need little stickers on the windows, one that tells us that if the alarm won't go off and the windows open, just throw a shoe or something."
Hongjoong smiled innocently at you: "But how do I get my shoe back then?"
You grinned: "Well, by knocking, of course. Then, I have an excuse to invite you in."
You did not need an excuse, he gladly would come and visit you. As you looked at each other, a certain silence spread, and Hongjoong played with one of his bracelets.
"I got my heart broken very badly," he admitted. "I guess, I was blind? Maybe I just was so in a habit of having it that way, that I did not think it could change? It hurt a lot and I ran like a coward but now, maybe this is just how I am. Sometimes, I do stupid things that turn out to be good but I am also blind like needing forever to realize how I made friends just by being myself or that I can feel again."
As he looked at you, turning around, you suddenly hugged him tightly. "It is okay, you do not have to tell me everything, ever or just take your time. I will be here, whenever you are ready," you whispered and Hongjoong was surprised.
Argh, he hated how tears started to dwell up at the corners of his eyes. This was all he wanted for so long but now, here you were and you were so much more than comfort, the promise of a future where his heart was beating not only to live but love. Again.
"I really like you," he admitted, voice soft and husky. "I like you too," you repeated and for a moment, you just held each other.
Hongjoong looked at you before he swallowed: "I'd like to see where it goes... but I might... need a bit of time before I am ready to go all ..."
You placed an index finger on his lips and smiled: "It's okay. We have all the time in the world. Summer is not over yet, many nights on the rooftops. Then, when autumn comes, we go chase leaves in Central Park, and in Winter, we can wear big fluffy coats and share a scarf. Then Spring, we plant flowers on the rooftop, and when Summer comes again. We will be here, together. Close or as friends, I will be here, count on it."
You really were so dreamy, it made sense now why your room looked the way it did.
And he loved how you were bold and silly and this.
"I cannot promise not to be spontaneous, and I might would like us to be more than friends," he admitted and you smirked: "I love random and wild."
You squeezed his hand and Hongjoong was looking forward to all seasons. In this lonely city full of people but now he had friends, old and new but most of all, you.
As you leaned in to kiss him, your alarm was going off. Hongjoong groaned but you tugged on his jacket.
"Sh, you can throw shampoo at it later," you promised and Hongjoong laughed.
"This alarm, it drives me insane," he whispered, your lips so close.
"So do you."
In the best way possible.
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whoahoney · 1 year
Eddie from Chili’s
Waiter!Eddie x Shy!reader
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A/N: based off my experience with a super cute waiter I wrote about here. 😭 and no I haven’t been back yet! I still might, idk. But here’s this!!
Rip me + cole 4ever
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, shy!reader, fem!reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stood in front of the restaurant, smoothing down the front of your open corduroy shirt, questioning the little black strappy top you wore underneath.
It had been a month since you’d been here last and you’d hoped to God he’d recognize you now that you were alone and looked nicer.
During your previous visit to the bar and grill, you had the pleasure of having the hottest guy seat you—and your mother— and you hoped he wouldn’t be your server due to the fact you wore your dingiest shoes and a mustard plaid flannel with a gray Nirvana shirt. Not to mention your hair had passed its expiration date by three days.
“I’ll be right back with your drinks.” He’d said after taking your order.
He towered over you, his black shirt fitting him in all the right places while exposing his heavily inked arms— skulls and mythical creatures flowed up and down his arms as if shrouded in smoke. You wondered how long it took and how badly it hurt as you dropped your bag in the space next to you and slid into the booth.
His eyes were deep golden brown and had thick lashes to frame them, and they were set on you after flickering over your being and saying, “—and in case you need anything, don’t be afraid to grab me, my name's Eddie.” He lingered for a moment longer before turning his shoulders towards the kitchen across the bar and you could’ve swore he winked on his way past, successfully stunning you to your core.
He returned with drinks after giving you ample time to look over the menu, spending his free time leaning over the counter to talk to the bartender who appeared to be his buddy, chuckling and exchanging slightly degrading comments as the older women in the booth behind you exchanged risqué quips about the two of them.
He’d placed the drinks on the coasters carefully before bringing his hands together in front of him, shifting his weight slightly, “Would you like to order an appetizer? Or do you need more time?” He looked at you and you looked at your mom like a helpless thirteen year old. She nodded at you to speak with a pleasant smile on her face.
You swallowed at your dry throat, “We need another minute, please.” You fought to keep your eyes on his as you spoke but they kept falling down the table or away from his face. He had to have known the effect he had on you.
“No worries!” He said brightly and drummed his hands on the table before going back into the kitchen.
You groaned to yourself and try to focus on the menu, the words suddenly too overwhelming to comprehend. There were so many. And all so close together!
“What are you getting, dear?” Your mother asked, “I’m getting chips and salsa, and the sirloin!” She beamed looking down at the menu.
“Uh. The, uh.” You shake your head, “I dunno.”
“Do you need me to order for you?” She asks, concerned, noticing your state.
“—No.” you answered firmly. “I just can’t figure out what I want, I’m just not hungry right now.”
“Get the chicken pasta, you like that!” She assured before nodding as the cute waiter approached again.
“Are we ready?” He asked with a smile, looking between the two of you before resting his warm brown eyes on yours. You were seated by the window on a bright overcast day, the warm light of the lamp hanging over your table cast him in a golden glow and you couldn’t help but nod and forget every word you’ve ever known in the English language.
You turn and look at your mom for help and nod at her, “You go.”
“We’ll take the chips and salsa, with queso too, and I’ll have the sirloin, medium rare, with the broccoli and potatoes.” She said, giving him enough time to write between each item, like everyone should. She handed him the menu and looked at you as he did.
Suddenly the light was blinding and you looked down to the menu to discover you still couldn’t read the fucking words on the folder before you. “I’ll have the chicken fingers. Four of them.” You cringe.
“… four orders? Like.. 16?” He schools his face as your face drains of any color and then fills back up with magenta, probably.
“Just the four, please.” You recover.
“And do you want fries with that?” He smiled with a teasing lilt to his voice, your lips twitch up at the corners much to your dismay.
“Yes, please.” You nearly grit out of your clenched jaw.
He barely glanced down at his pad as the pen scratched across it. “Alright. I’ll get that in for ya!” And he disappeared again.
“I think I know what’s going on.” Your mother mused as she gazed at the dessert menu.
You blanch and swallow again, “No, mom.”
“Oh, now I know I’m right.”
“No, you’re not.” You insisted.
“Do I need to ask him if he’s single?”
“Please no.”
“Well you oughta know that boy has been making eyes at you this whole time.” Your mother leaned forward to utter between you.
You sharply inhale at the thought of him looking at you the way he did. “I can’t think thoughts when I look at him, mom.” You whine as you sink into your seat. “It doesn’t help I look like a twelve year old today.” You ran your hands down your makeupless face.
“Well when you sit like that you look about 4, and he’s headed this way so you better get up.” She warned.
You shoot up in your seat and clear your throat, preparing to say thank you.
Eddie appeared with the basket of chips and cups of dip, lingering again as your mom plucked up a chip and scooped up some queso, “Is there anything else I can get for you?” He said only to you.
You wait for your mom to answer, but her mouth is full so you shake your head no, “No, thank you.” You say, sharper than you meant to. Eddie nods and gives a tight smile before walking back to the kitchen.
Between the time it had taken Eddie to get the order in and the chef to cook it to perfection and send it back your way, the women behind you began ordering more and more drinks, getting louder with their advances when the bartender helped Eddie deliver food to his tables.
“Aww, what a good friend!” One drawled as she accepted her plate.
“We’re actually brothers.” The bartender affirmed, his hair shaved short as opposed to Eddie’s long dark curls.
The women gasped and you turned your head to the side, noticing Eddie shyly putting his hands in his pockets as his brother clapped him on the shoulder once the food was served.
“So how are y’all related?” Another asked.
Eddie gave his brother the side eye, “… our mom and dad?”
The women cackled at themselves, crooning about how they should’ve known they were brothers by their good looks and sweet dimples. You nibbled on a chip as the brothers proved their parentage by pulling out their licenses when one of them claimed disbelief.
“Well you’re a good brother!” One of the women gushed to the bartender as Eddie made long steps to the kitchen, his brother lingering at the table and soaking up the attention as he picked up their empty glasses, “Oh, I’m just helping him out cause he’s working til midnight tonight.”
Suddenly he was back, a blur of black and white as he approached the table with the platter of your food. He handed your mothers to her and set your basket on the table in front of you before you had the chance to reach out, giving you a quiet warning about the plate being hot.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” He asked you, again. This time your mom didn’t have food in her mouth as he waited for your answer, “Could I get some ketchup?” You suddenly ask.
Eddie’s ears perked and he reached across the table to grab the red bottle by the window, opening the top and squirting a generous helping on the side of your plate. You look up at him dumbfounded and embarrassed, swallowing before uttering, “I'm sorry, thank you.” You burned in the cheeks again.
He smiled smugly before setting the bottle down, “No worries. Let me know if there’s anything else I can get for you.” He said before walking back into the kitchen again.
You exhale deeply and rest your hand on your forehead, “Oh my god.”
Your mother cuts her steak and takes a bite, “He’s good at his job.” She shrugged.
“I freaking know.” You whined again. “I can’t even eat.”
“Don’t worry about it, just get a box later.”
You picked at your food until Eddie stopped back by when your mothers plate was empty. He took her plate and asked, “Are you feeling dessert? Lava cake?” He asked between you both as your mother gazed at the dessert menu yet again.
“Mmm… Yes! Let’s have a lava cake!” She nodded. “Can we get two spoons?”
“—oh, I don’t want any, mom.” You shook your head.
“You sure?” She asked, Eddie looked at you as if to ask the same thing.
You look at both of them and nod, “Yeah—yeah, I’m sure.”
Eddie nodded at you with soft eyes, “Alright, well, is there anything else I can get for you?” He asked you, a lilt to his voice.
“A to-go box, please.” You muster, keeping your gaze focused this time on one of his beautiful eyes. He smiles and nods, checking on his other tables on his way to the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but notice his time was shorter at other tables. He was prompt, kind, cool and collected. He had a way with people that put them at ease— except you.
He returned to the table with your empty box, the dessert, and a leather bound check— handing both to you.
He handed your mother the plate with two spoons, despite your request, then tapped a ringed finger on the surface next to you.
His body was angled towards yours, as if to show you he was asking you, and you only, “Is there anything else I can get for you before I go out on my break?” He leaned on his hand, his head dipping towards his shoulder as he clicked the pen in his free hand.
You swallowed again and took a quivering breath as your gaze raked down his frame one last time and you shook your head, “No, thank you.”
“A-Are you sure?” He pressed, clicking his pen almost nervously as he waited for your response.
“Mhm!” You said with a closed mouth smile as you dumped your chicken fingers into the box.
He smiled tensely before he nodded and walked away, less hustle in his step as he dug in his back pocket for his cigarettes and disappeared through the kitchen doors for the final time.
The interaction has haunted you since.
You were a grown woman! How dare he take up this sort of residency in your mind—over something as stupid as a one time interaction.
Eddie the waiter with his big stupid brown eyes and his easy going facade. You bet it’s all fake anyway, there was no way anyone was that charming without any effort!
He’s in service, it’s his job to be nice and appealing! Who’s to say he wasn’t just smooth and doing it for kicks and tips!
But you did notice the way his brother tended to the rest of his tables in his absence, as if he’d waited for only you to finish before going on his break.
You replayed the moment he may or may not have winked at you in your mind a thousand times, feeling so pathetic as you wished for him to do it again.
After much convincing from your friends— and mother— you decided you’d come back, alone.
And this time you’d put more effort into your appearance, your makeup flawlessly done and deciding to wear your favorite outfit, complete with your best ass hugging jeans. Your hair was washed and styled, loose curls framed your face and your perfume was your best; not too strong, and fresh yet warm.
It is 1pm on a Friday afternoon, the same time and day you’d come last time, hoping he’d be scheduled to work today.
And with a deep breath in, you yank open the door and walk inside.
Part 2
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Love Sucks I. The Beginning
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Vampire!Steve Harrington x fem!reader He's just a gloomy, little guy.
The Masterlist 🩸
You found him in a graveyard. 
Mournful looking, as one normally does when visiting a loved one. Skin a little sallow, a perpetually faded tan that you noticed never seemed to return, not even on the warmest days. Brown eyes, sad eyes. Honey hair with a small white-grey patch in the midst of it all, only found when you hunted for it, a clue to his past, of what had happened to him. He was tall, pretty. 
Really pretty, in a gloomy sort of way. Melancholy, maybe. And you realised as you passed, laying flowers by your grandparents names, that the boy wasn’t visiting any grave at all. He was lingering by the tree line in a way that should’ve screamed ‘danger!’ but he was kicking a rock and pulling leaves from the shrubs, shredding them as he sulked. He stopped when he saw you, only a few feet away, his eyes wide, as if he was surprised you were seeing him at all. 
Maybe you weren’t supposed to. 
“Hi,” you called out, cautious, concerned. You raised a hand, a small wave, a gentle surrender, the summer breeze picking at your hair and blowing the smell of your citrus perfume over to him. 
The boy raised a hand back, eyes still shocked. He pressed his lips together and stayed in the shadows that the trees gave before he answered. “Hi.”
And that was it. 
He walked with you to your car, a slow, lazy pace that both of you didn’t hurry, too busy sharing shy glances to want to part. He was called Steve and he didn’t live around here, not usually. He was your age, or there about and he was only in the graveyard because it was quiet. 
His vague answers were as much as you could get out of him, everything told to you in a soft, tired sounding voice. He had bags under his eyes, lilac coloured things that made him look like he hadn’t slept for a decade and when his hand brushed yours by accident, he was colder than he should have been for someone standing in the sun. And when you finally got to your car, the front seat still smelling like lilies and lavender, Steve tilted his head and looked sad at the thought of you having to go. 
You asked him if he had dinner plans that night, he gave you a shadow of a smile and touched his fingertips to his lips, almost as a subconscious thought. He shrugged, looking gloomy once more, saddened at the thought of having to tell you:
“Kinda, yeah.”
But then he told you he’d be around tomorrow and maybe you could meet then? Maybe go for a walk, a coffee or something. So you said yes, barely concealing your smile, unsure what it all meant since the boy hardly seemed flirtatious but when you clambered into the front seat of your car, you let out a squeal all the same. 
It didn’t occur to you that it was odd the boy had disappeared by the time you’d looked in your rear view mirror, nothing but air and the slowly falling leaves from the old oak trees, a sign that fall was coming soon. 
After that, Steve was yours. And you were his, one not usually anywhere without the other and his melancholy was lifted with your contagious joy, your overwhelming excitement calmed by his gloom. A ray of sunshine and a rain cloud. 
A girl and her vampire. 
Not that you knew that, not yet. Not quite then. 
Then one day, maybe a month or so later, Mike and Lucas upset El and the shelves she was standing next to fell to the floor, books ripped at the spines, screws scattering across the floorboards. And everyone had looked at Steve with wide eyes, ashen faces. It had taken a little bit of time to explain and the boy really hadn’t shown much surprise. 
And just when you were ready to approach him, kneeling onto the couch cushions beside him, hand offered in support, Steve had blinked and looked up at everyone just as he parted his lips and let his canine teeth stretch out from his gums, sharp, brilliantly white and pointed. 
Nancy had gasped, some of the kids shrieked, Eddie had cackled wildly and you’d waited a beat before reaching out to skim a finger over Steve’s bottom lip, the pad of it grazing the end of one fang. With one supernatural kid already under your wing - along with a boy who’d once wanted to keep a demogorgon as a pet - no one in the party was in a position to judge. 
When you asked, “how?”
Steve could only shrug. He said he was sure he had died, maybe, only just. Hit on the head, or maybe he’d fallen. Or he’d been brought back by something or someone he didn’t know. And when asked for how long, Steve shrugged again, rubbing his tired eyes and telling everyone that it could’ve been a week, it could’ve been ten years - he only really started counting the days since he met you. 
He’d been lonely, moving from town to town until people stopped asking questions and he could blend into grey buildings and tall trees. No one in Hawkins had spoken to him before, not until the pretty girl in the graveyard said ‘hi.’ And it all made sense, really. Because Steve never ate meals with you, just chugged coffee like it was going out of style and snacked on anything dry and crispy. You just figured he was a little strange, maybe trying out for the swim team, or something. 
Not that he went to school. Or a job. Or… well, anywhere. 
So you blinked and nodded, accepting the fact your boyfriend was a vampire as easily as you accepted that one of your friends kept military level weapons under her bed because other dimensions existed and monsters were real. 
Shit happened, y’know?
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Through the Fire
Jason Todd x batmom!reader
Jason’s death broke you almost beyond repair, sending you into a dark pit that you struggled to claw yourself from. But what about your baby boy? What about what happened to him? And could you ever save him like you should have done years ago?
Warnings: ANGST, lots about Jason’s death, kidnapping, Jason needs a hug, references to Damian’s conception, I repeat shit tons of angst, reader wants to die for a while, swearing, descriptions of scars, insults thrown at reader, references to murder
WC: 1.7k
A/N: I realise I took this in a different direction than what the request actually was but I hope you still like it!
Minors DNI
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You didn’t think being a mother was ever in your life plan, it wasn’t like you didn’t want children, you just never expected it to happen. Then, a little bird named Dick trotted into your life, bringing along with him a man who you knew was your soulmate. And a few years later, things got even better.
A boy, barely 11 years-old, tried to steal the tires off of the bat-mobile. And less than 24 hours later, he became a Wayne. Life was good, for a while. You did your best to provide your boys with as normal a life as possible given the circumstances and they seemed to flourish. That is until Jason was a month shy of his 14th birthday.
You remember that night in vivid detail like a horrible nightmare you couldn’t escape. Bruce had been silent on the coms after the explosion making a deep sense of unease settle in your gut. You remember little Jason’s bright yellow cape saturated with red, the fabric wrapped tightly around your son’s body, shielding you from the horror.
Bruce made eye-contact with you and you knew, you knew your little jay-bird had been ripped from you before his life could even really begin. The scream that echoed through the cave as you fell to your knees still haunts Alfred and Bruce to this day. The utter despair and rage of a mother who lost their baby rattling their bones.
For a long time, you blamed Bruce. Once Jason had been buried beneath his favourite tree on the grounds, you stopped speaking to your husband. You moved to the other side of the manor, refusing to eat or even sleep. You wanted so badly to be with your boy again and you wished every day that you had been the one who died, not him.
The appearance of Tim saved you. That smart little boy who wouldn’t take no for an answer wormed his way into your heart. He helped gather the pieces of your heart and stick them back together, even if there were a few shards that lay with your Jason.
Bruce welcomed you home with open arms and you both were finally able to grieve together. You became a united front once more, able to face any situation with the knowledge that you weren’t alone.
But nothing could have prepared you for this.
With a pained groan, your mind emerged from the darkness of unconsciousness. Your eyelids felt heavier than normal as you struggled to open them but eventually, you were successful. As far as you could tell from the dim light streaming through the windows, you were in an abandoned apartment. It stank of stale urine and cigarettes.
You huffed and glanced down to find that you had been tied to an old dining chair. Your gaze lifted to the door which was only a few feet in front of you. If you could bounce on the seat with enough force, you might be able to shatter the old wood and make a run for it.
“Don’t even fucking think about it.” The deep voice that spoke from the darkness further into the apartment startled you but you regained your composure quickly, after all this wasn’t your first rodeo.
“What do you want? Money? Leverage?” The man chuckled and you saw the shadow of his figure move. From what you could tell, he was huge.
“No, we just need to have a little conversation without Mr Wayne meddling.” Your stomach dropped. Who the fuck was this guy? But before you could retort, he stepped from the shadows.
The red of his helmet was what struck you first. The metal was smooth save for the white slits for his eyes, even to you who had faced the Joker head on, it was incredibly intimidating. Then emerged the maroon bat on his chest so like the symbol your husband sported. Then the two guns strapped to his thighs.
Anger rushed through your veins before you could stop it. “Red Hood.” You spat. 
“Very good!” He replied sarcastically. “I’m glad I made an impression.” He walked casually over to you, his goliath body towering over you. The old floorboards creaked under his weight as he moved with the grace of a man who had spent his whole life being a soldier.
Your face remained stern as he approached, not showing even a lick of emotion. Your husband’s words echoed through your mind. “Do not show your fear, give them nothing.”
“You’ve already killed more than 20 people in Gotham, I don’t think that’s a great impression to give.” 
“20 people that you know of.” He snarked, a thick Gothomite accent slipping through his carefully crafted facade. “It isn’t like your beloved husband is doing much to clean up the streets.”
He walked casually behind where you were bound and tugged on your restraints. You flinched as the rope dug into your plush stomach. “I mean he couldn’t even kill the son of a bitch that murdered your precious ‘baby bird’.” He hissed, voice full of raw hatred.
Ice ran through your veins. You couldn’t answer him, too shocked that he knew of Bruce’s double life. “I mean what kind of a man replaces his son less than a year after he was beaten to death with a crowbar! And you know what makes it even worse?” His face was now right beside yours, his mask pressed against your ear as he whispered his next words. “You let him.”
“You have no clue what you’re talking about!” You crumbled, you couldn’t help it. The pain of Jason’s death was all-too-present in your lives. “I died the same day he did.” 
“And yet you’re still breathing.” He moved away, turning his back to you. “And I know why, it’s because you weren’t really his mother. You just took him in as a little pet project because you were a bored housewife with no one to nag since your Brucie was out fucking other women. If you were really my mother, you would have killed yourself a long time ago.”
A gloved hand reached up and undid the hidden clasp in his helmet. The metal fell away easily, revealing a mop of pitch black hair that covered the back of his pale neck. “Poor Mrs Wayne, stuck in that big house all alone with so much love to give but no one to give it to. Jesus Christ, no wonder Dick left, you are so stifling.”
He huffed through his nose as if this whole thing was one big cosmic joke before Red Hood finally turned to face you once more. “Well mommy, how does it feel to know that your jay-bird is a murderer?” 
“Oh god.” You whimpered as you took him in. Jason’s face was covered with the silvery lines of old scars, including a large one that curled up from the corner of his lip all the way up his cheek, giving him a snarled smile. His eyes were no longer the soft hazel that they once were but now an almost supernatural green. A slash of white cut through his dark hair.
He was so different but he was still Jason. “My baby.” Tears quickly rolled down your full cheeks. “You’re alive.” You didn’t fight against your bonds anymore, you couldn’t. It felt like your body was shutting down as shock set it. 
Jason scoffed at your tears. “Oh so now you wanna start crying? Fucking pathetic.” He rolled his eyes.
“My boy, my boy.” You cried. He was alive, all this time he was alive and you hadn’t found him. Guilt settled heavily in your gut and suddenly it was like it was 5 years ago. “I’m so sorry.” 
“You’re just sorry that now you have to face the consequences of your actions.” You shook your head. “Or are you sorry that you weren’t a better mommy?” He asked mockingly. 
“I’m so sorry Jason. I’m sorry. I love you so much.” You were in near hysterics now. “I love you.”
But evidently, that was the wrong thing to say because with an explosive amount of power, Jason threw his helmet at the far wall. The metal dented upon impact, shattering the cheap drywall. “No you don’t! You never did!” He blazed with an anger you had never seen before.
“I do. You were the best thing to happen to me Jason. You’re my baby. I’ll love you forever.” And for a split second, you saw the rage melt away and what was left was that scared little kid who just needed a guiding hand.
“Fuck you! You’re just a fucking trophy wife who can’t even keep her husband in her own bed!” He screamed into your face but you did not flinch.
“I love you.” You repeated, your tone unwavering.
“You aren’t even my real mother!” His face was red with emotion, just the same way it used to when he was upset or frustrated.
“I love you.”
“I don’t love you!” He shouted back but his eyes could no longer meet yours and his hands were shaking.
“I love you.” Your voice was soft now, just barely a whisper but you knew he heard you. He shot forward, slipping a knife from some hidden pocket into his palm. The ropes that held you fell away just as he collapsed into your arms.
You did not hesitate, you wrapped him up as tightly as you could, Jason’s head falling to the crook of your neck as your fingers tangled in his hair. “I love you my Jason.” Tears soaked through your shirt as he sobbed, his huge chest heaving with his pain.
“I was so scared. I just wanted you and you weren’t there. There was so much fire and blood.” Thick arms wound around your waist, squeezing you harshly. “I wanted my mommy.”
“I’m here now. I’m never letting you go again, never.”
He nuzzled further into you and you almost didn’t catch his quiet “I love you momma.” 
“I love you more.”
And that’s where Dick found you hours later, kneeling on the dirty floor of a condemned building, Red Hood asleep in your arms as you sang him a lullaby.
Anon request: 3.The boys did something wrong and she punish them by (whatever you want to do) and one of the replies, “you’re not My Mom!”
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Kiss It Better - Sebastian Vettel
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<word count - 1509>
"Baby, is there any way you can keep the bees down the other end of the yard? I don't mind them, but I don't want to get stung," you said as you propped your feet up on the outdoor coffee table under the veranda.
You knew Seb loved his bees, and you loved them too, but you didn't want them buzzing around you all the time. "Once the flowers grow up there, they won't come down here," he explained, stepping out of the glass doors and handing you the water you had asked for. 
"And they won't sting you, I promise," he said, taking a seat next to you. You watched as the bees buzzed around, landing on the flowers in the planters that you had all around the garden. You and Seb had bought the house a little over a year ago now, and it was certainly your forever home. 
"So, I was thinking we could put the swings over there?" He said, pointing at a section of the garden that had the trees shadowing it over.  "You're already thinking about swings?" you smiled as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. 
"Yeah, we've only got a month to go, we need to think about these things," he said as if it were the most obvious answer ever. Seb ran a hand over your heavily swollen stomach, still never getting used to the feel of it. "Even so, they won't be able to go on the swings until they're older," 
"I'm still putting the swings over there, and I will use them until they are old enough," he laughed. Seb was pretty much still a big kid himself. Well, a big kid who loved to race really fast cars, take care of the environment and the people he loved.
"You stay here, I need to water the plants," Seb smiled, pushing himself off of the seat and heading to the hose. Of course, all of the water he used to water the plants was rainwater collected in a drum by the side of the house, but it was covered in plants so it wasn't sore on the eyes. 
"OK," you said. Watching Seb watering the plants was just like seeing him in his element. Sure, racing was also his thing, but tending to the gardens and all of that kind of stuff was what he did now. 
He leant over the bushes to get all of the plants, but you heard a sharp intake of breath that sounded like a hiss. He dropped the hose and ran to turn it off. "Hey, you alright?" You asked concerned, sitting upright. "Yeah, yeah. I just caught my finger on one of the rose bushes," he said, holding his finger.
You could tell he was trying to hide it from you, but the blood dripping down his hand couldn't be concealed. You looked at it wide-eyed, and he noticed. "Honey, don't worry-" he started, but you were already in full parent mode. 
"You sit down, I'll go and get some stuff to clean it up and a plaster," you said, standing and waddling through to the kitchen. You heard footsteps behind you, following you through to the kitchen. You were ignoring the ache in your back and hips as you walked, simply worried about Seb.
He stood behind you, holding his finger. "It's really not a big deal, you go and sit down," he tried to tell you, but you weren't having any of it. You pulled his other hand away to reveal the nasty gash down his middle finger. "Does it hurt?" you asked, ripping a paper towel off the roll and holding it to the wound. 
"A bit, but not as much as I know your back hurts," he said, giving you the puppy dog eyes that made you melt. "Honestly, honey, I can take care of this. You need to sit down," he said, blocking your path to the cupboard that had the medical supplies in it.
"I don't do anything anymore, Seb, and I appreciate that, I really do. But, please just let me do this for you," you said, gently pushing him out of the way so you could get the stuff you wanted. "Fine, but promise me you'll take it easy for the rest of the day, OK?"
"I always take it easy, Seb," you chucked, causing him to chuckle along. You found the cupboard and bent over to retrieve the first aid kit from the bottom shelf, but you couldn't really reach. Your bump was in the way and heavily restricted your movements. 
 "You need some help over there, or are you good?" Seb teased, leaning against the counter next to you. "I've got it," you said through gritted teeth, focusing fully on reaching the bottom shelf. Seb watched for a moment, then deciding that he had had his fun and needed to help you. 
"OK, come on, let me help you," he said, moving so he was behind you and gently pulled you up with his hands on your waist. "Sometimes you have to let me help you," he whispered in your ear, his breath hot against the skin.
Playfully, he peppered a few kisses down your neck, his hands gently tracing over your stomach. "Hey, I don't want you getting blood on me," you laughed, wriggling away from him. 
"Sorry, sorry, I just can't help myself," he smiled, getting the first aid kit back out and handing it to you. "OK, this is going to hurt," you said, ripping open the package of a disinfectant wipe. "Nothing I can't handle," he said.
You took his finger and wiped it clean, and the blood definitely made it look worse. Seb winced slightly, "Yeah, that does kind of hurt," he said, his cut stinging. 
"Sorry," you said, making sure the wound was fully clean before unwrapping a plaster and sticking it onto his finger. "Better?" you asked, looking at your handiwork. You had done a pretty good job, if you did say so yourself. 
"I don't know, I think you've missed something out," he smirked, giving you the puppy eyes again. You just couldn't resist those big blues. You lifted his finger to your lips and pressed a soft kiss onto the area, and you saw as a huge smile spread across his face.
"Much better," he smiled, "Now come on, let's get you sat down," he said, looping an arm around your waist and walking you back outside. Helping you back down onto the seat, you propped your feet up.
"Does your back feel any better sat down?" he asked, standing in front of you with his arms crossed. It showed off every muscle in his arms perfectly, and you tried to ignore how crazy your hormones were going right now.
"I never said it hurt?" you said.
"A good husband knows these things, you know?" 
"I guess a good husband does know these things, because you are spot on," you smiled, thinking about how lucky you were to have him. "Aw so I'm a good husband? I am flattered," he teased.
"Lay off it," you laughed as he came to sit next to you. 
"Do you want a massage?" He asked, trailing his fingers lazily up your arm. 
"That is all I want right about now," you said, your back already feeling soothed at just the thought of it. "What about me?" he whined like a child wanting his mother's attention. "Sebastian, wanting you is a given. Now, get massaging," you playfully commanded, turning your back to him. 
"Yes ma'am," he giggled, gliding his hands over the span of your back. He worked his fingers into the overworked muscles in your shoulders and back. Carrying the extra weight of a nearly full-term child was difficult work, and it was showing. 
When he hit a particularly sore spot, you couldn't help but let out a small groan of happiness. "That good, huh?" he teased, and you could hear the cheeky smirk that was on his face by how he spoke. "Yeah, it really is,"
"I can show you something else that's that good," he said, as he tugged you closer to him. Slowly he planted some more kisses down your neck and across your shoulder. "Hey, not now," you chuckled. "But you're already pregnant, I don't see the problem," he smirked against your skin.
"Seb, go finish watering your plants or something," you laughed, pushing him away.
"Fine, but only because you told me to," he smiled, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek. Swiftly, he knelt down and pressed a tender kiss to your stomach. "Don't you move, and I mean it," he said, going to turn the hose on again.
"I won't," you said, thinking you probably wouldn't be able to move, even if you wanted to. You looked out onto the garden of your perfect home, where your perfect husband was tending to the plants and his bees.
And to top it off, you had your perfect child on the way, and your life was shaping up to be the best one you could ask for. 
A/N - If anyone has made a request, I promise I am working on it! It's just taking a bit of time. If anyone else has any, feel free to submit 💖
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dreamauri · 9 months
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┇𝗠𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 - part seven, finale <3 ┇ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ┇arranged marriage does not always hold ┇the outcome you expect !! ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max vertsappen  x  wife! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( fluff )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠song — ( link ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠word count — ( 1, 074 ) ╰  🌿 :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
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Max tapped his finger in the back of his other hand, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. The gentle breeze swept into the apartment, prompting the two bengal cats to jump up and cuddle into max’s body. The blond didn’t hesitate to pet the cats gently, scratching behind their ears and rubbing their belly.
It was too empty, He sighed. The whole place was too empty, the spot you’d occupy was now an empty piece of space. And Max couldn’t help but think, he’s his father’s son, isn’t he? Was your mother right? That he didn’t really like you and it was a stupid crush? 
No! It wasn’t a stupid crush. Max reminded himself. He loved you. He wanted to have kids with you and grow old with you. You were simply the smartest, most amazing, caring, kindest, and loveliest person he’s ever met. And he’d do anything to keep you happy. Even if it was letting you. He didn’t even have a say because he had brought you here without giving you a choice.
But what truly broke Max’s heart was, he truly thought you loved him as much as you do.
And he’ll hurt over it. 6 months until the divorce papers are fully processed and the rest of his life without you.
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It was all dull for sure. People were starting to get suspicious of your absence, starting to make rumours about you or just plain out ridiculing you for not supporting your husband. Max believed the peak of such media bitting was here at the finale. 5 months and he’s never had to laugh off ‘where’s y/n?’ as much. He gave them the same answer. ‘She’s babysitting the cats. I don't want them scratching into our couch’.
Only Daniel actually knew where you were, and now that they were at the season finale filming the secret santa videos. Max wasn’t really optimistic about the gift receiving because what he wanted surely wasn’t going to fit in this little envelope or this little hand sized box. 
“I have no idea what this is.” He blew out a breath, shaking the box. It was light and small, rattling easy. Max opted for the box first since the envelope said open in private. Opening it, max frowned upon seeing a box of deck cards. With the words ‘you didn’t teach me how to play solitaire like you promised, yet’. 
“Ita deck of cards. With the words . . .” He took them out reading, furrowing his eyebrows to see. 
“Who on the grid doesn’t know- holy shit.” As soon as Max saw Daniel watching him from afar, he knew right away. “It’s from daniel.” the dutch laughed, looking down at your handwriting. You were the only person in his orbit who didn’t know how to play any sort of card games.
 “Do you know?” Daniel asked once he approached his former teammate. “You see the envelope yet?” “It says open-” “just turn around, i’ll make sure no one sees it.” And the blond did just that, facing away from the camera and pulling the envelope open. His eyes meet shreds of paper. “You’re crazy!” Max looked back back at Daniel with his jaw on the floor.
“It’s a private matter.” Daniel explained to the interviewer whilst the camera looking at daniel shocked and taken aback, disbelief but a neutral face still. “It’s not ripped all the way so you can do the rest if you want.” the woman behind the mic chuckled. Max got shredded paper and a deck of cards? How funny.
But to Max, these meant the world. Because he was literally having the most fun in his entire life continuing to rip apart the divorce papers in his hotel room that night.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The curtains were drawn and the windows were open. You’d been here. Max quickly entered the apartment looking around. Your canvases and painting equipment were out on the balcony and your clothes were back in the closet. Max had never been so happy to hug one of your hoodies. You weren’t here, the only thing reassuring max of your safety was the note you left on the fridge.
‘No eggs, brb’ He smiled to himself, taking it off the fridge. He can wait a few more minutes till you’re back– . . . or you could actually return right now, while he’s all sleep deprived in need of a shower and dishevelled . . . 
Max felt himself panic hearing the door click, a pang in his heart as he heard you push the door open and step in. With your carton of eggs, and a box on top. Once you caught his eye from across the room, you both froze. You stood in silence for a few moments before you finally cleared your throat and walked into the apartment.
You didn’t say a word. Setting the carton in the fridge and the box on the island. Max couldn’t help but look between you and the item curiously. “I—its an apology gift . . . It’s glass paint and brushes.” you pushed it towards him. “I’m . . . I’m For telling you through daniel . . . and for being so gullible.” Max welcomed you into his arms, hugging you back immediately. 
“I shouldn’t have let her get through my head like that. I should’ve listened to you.” Max didn’t want to say anything, he just wanted to listen to you. He owed you that. “I–i just want to be with you. Whether it's going to every race or staying here in Monaco. You really make me happy.”
Max felt his heart skip a beat at your words. He set his chin on top of your head, squeezing you in his arms. “Our story didn’t have a happy beginning, but I’d very much like for it to have a happy ending.” 
Max chuckled, smiling down at you. “You just quoted kung fu Panda?” You shrugged, giving him a tiny smile. “It's a good movie.” You said before cupping his cheeks, pulling him down for a kiss. A very long and much needed kiss because Max found his arms wrapped around you, unable to pull away. You guess your apology is accepted.
“You taste like car.” you giggled into the kiss. “You showered after the race?” Max shook his head. “I-i came to see you right away.” he said between kisses. “Let's go shower then.” You hummed as the two of you stumbled through the apartment, pulling each other's clothes off.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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chitsangenthusiast · 2 years
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📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit? the pet names zkka fic!! the first draft is done, i just never got around to properly sprucing it up bc split wip focuses/priorities put it on the back burner, but at some point i just gotta get it checked off the list!
also, the art heist au. it has several scenes (and their 'intermissions') written, the art has all been picked out, papercraft builds have even been vaguely constructed for it. and then it was just. dropped. for reasons i can't remember but i'm assuming also just split priorities, rip </3 but it's so much FUNNN i wanna at last get more of it written, even if it takes forever!!!!
(zkka klimt was actually one of the intended pieces for this fic! it gets featured at the end, and the reason why it was the one that actually got constructed is bc it just happened to work out for zkka week that year lol)
(for reference: work in progress, but make it good ask game)
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gojoidyll · 11 months
Imagine that you're very sick and have some sort of heart disease that has cursed the main branch of your clan for generations, and without fail - death always come when they turn 18.
Already 17 years old, you know what is bound to happen within the next year, so you try to enjoy life as much as possible. You eat what you want, sleep when you want, mess around and play games however you want.
Thats how you decided to live throughout your remaining months, well, until you met Sukuna. The king of curses himself.
It was an unexpected encounter. You were laying in a flower field. A coughing fit ripping through your chest as you covered your mouth, only to bring your hand away to see a splatters of blood coating your skin. Wincing as your chest throbbed, the blood dripped from your palm and onto a single flower. The white petals coating into a dark red.
You apologized as you plucked the blooming plant. Your gaze watching as you fell back, arm outstretched as you held the flower above you and let the sun cast a shadow over your face so you could see as your blood soaked into the petals even more so.
"Thought I smelled blood, but its just a sick little fawn."
The new voice that broke through the silence was rough and mocking. You sat up, unalarmed, and smiled at the newcomer. Taking in his appearance, his four arms, two faces, and imposing stature - it was obvious that this was Ryomen Sukuna. The king of curses himself.
And seeing you smile up at him irked him to no avail, which was why he didn't hesitate in pointing the blade of his spear at your throat.
"Smiling now, are we? Are you that confident in your life being spared?"
You shook your head, "I'm afraid my life is already forfeit in less than a year. My family has been cursed with a terrible heart disease and without fail, we always die at the age of 18. So even if you were to kill me here, the outcome would be the same."
You stood up and placed the flower behind your ear, your hands then clasping behind your back as you grinned up at the king.
"Besides, i never met you before. So even if I am to die today and not a year from now, would you be so kind into answering a few questions for me?"
You then waved your hands quickly in front of your face, "not that I'm demanding you or anything. Its just, I don't exactly have anything to live for, so making the best out of these situations and what not is the only thing I'm good at."
Sukuna had many thoughts as he looked at you, one of the main ones, however, was how much of a cheery fool you were.
The spear that was held at your neck was put away, and much to your surprise, Sukuna sat down and motioned for you to follow.
"If a pathetic human like you is going to die anyway, then you might as well entertain me before I get rid of you."
You couldn't help but to say thank you.
"Ok, so my first question... if you ever need glasses, would you need them for all four of your eyes, or just two?"
Yeah .. Sukuna was right to think of you as a fool, and maybe he was a fool of sorts, too. Because he never did get rid of you. Even as a year passed, he still found himself searching for you even when you were already gone.
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radical-ghostface · 1 year
How do you think Sebastian would react after getting released/escaping Azkaban and finding out MC was pregnant when he got sent away?
Alright so i thought this was gonne be way harder. But i jumped on this so fast.
Warnings: A little angst. Implied depression/ptsd.
Obvious implied Sebastian × MC , implied Ominis x MC.
10 years. Its been 10 years since MC reported Sebastian for Solomon's death, getting him sent to Azkaban and ripping his heart out in the process. 10 years, and he was finally getting out. He thought about this day countless times. Though about getting to see MC and Ominis again. Thought about getting the revenge he deserved. Thought about ripping their hearts out. And now he finally could.
He may have to crucio a few people to get their location, but it was oh so worth it. His vengeance and hurt numbing him to others pain.
He walked up to their shared house. Oh how betrayed he felt. Is this why they sent him to Azkaban? The sheer idea of it setting him ablaze. They would get whats coming to them.
He peeked inside the window and was shocked at what he saw.
MC was braiding a little girls hair as she smiled happily, Ominis sat across from them.
In that moment all Sebastian could do was watch. His anger giving away to curiosity. Whos kid was that? Had they had a child together while he was rotting away in Azkaban?? The idea killed him and he found himself unable to breath. Not tonight. He can't do it tonight. But he resolved to come back tomorrow. He MUST have justice for what was done to him.
And he did return, the next night and every night after. But found himself unable to do anything but watch. Watch them from the outside while they were so happy together.
He did notice from all the watching that MC and Ominis didn't seem to be.. intimate. Their relationship seemed more like one of platonic soulmates. They were always there for eachother but not in the way MC and Sebastian were. But if that were the case then whos child is this? Who had MC had a baby with? Who would she? Other than Ominis, and that seemed to be very nuch not the case. The idea of MC with anyone else still set a fire inside him. After everything, even when she turned him in, he couldnt help but love her.
His thoughts were cut short
"Hi! Who are you?"
He turned around slowly to see the little girl hes seen every day for the past month
"Im.. and old friend of your parents"
"Nice to meet you! If you know my parents.. does that mean you know my dad?!"
He took a really good look at her face for the first time and noticed something.
She had curly brown hair and freckles all over her face. Brown eyes too. Curious.
"Ominis isn't your father?" He knew the answer to that already. Why did he even ask?
She laughed "no, of course not! Hes my uncle! He just stays with my mom to help out. She gets really sad sometimes"
He hated the idea of her being sad. How could he have ever wanted revenge? She didn't do this to him. He did it to himself. And he dragged her into it like he always did. He should leave them alone. Stop watching them. Let them be happy.
"Oh! My names Anne by the way! I just realized I never told you" she held her hand out to him.
Then it dawned on him. Oh merlin. How could he be so foolish. Anne..
"How old are you?" He asked taking her hand and shaking it lightly.
"Im 10!" She beamed.
It was like he was hexed. His mind swirling wildly. It can't be.. but it is.
"I.. i have to go. But it was a pleasure meeting you Anne"
He decided he would be back tomorrow. And not just to watch. He had missed enough. He wanted to be with his.. daughter. And MC, and Ominis. Every ounce of anger and betrayal gone. He would be back tomorrow.
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ambermeh · 2 months
It's casual
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part 4 (really is the last part hope you guys enjoy)
Warnings: just Chris being crazy
Part 1 2 3
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The feeling had always felt different after you and Chris had started dating. Surely, it was just love? It was certainly different from Matt. It was more natural. Less complicated. He was always so attentive and looked out for you, even when you were with Matt.
Matt remained in your mind. Still. Even after a few months of you and Chris. This was just natural, you told yourself, it was just taking a bit more time to get out of your system. Most nights when you were laying with Chris you might have an itch at the back of your mind about the feelings for Matt, like it was just a few thoughts away.
You used that itch to fuel yours and Chris' relationship.
There were a few moments with Chris but you made sure to limit them to as small as normal.
A smile that the two of you exchanged when you had come out of Chris' room, he had tried to talk after a few days of the breakup, or whatever it was that you had done. Chris had stopped him.
It remained quite clear in your mind, even now. As you picked apart what was said every time, over and over.
'I really need to talk to you Y/N, even if you hate me or want me to leave you alone, I need you to listen' His eyes were deep, his hair messy and his voice hoarse.
You could tell how rough the last few days had been to him. Even Nick had wanted you two to just talk, Nick had always agreed to not interfere with the two of you as him being Matt's brother and your friend.
Just as you were about to agree, Chris came over. Kissed you in front of Matt.
'leave Y/N alone, she's moved on'
You hadn't. It made you feel awful. But you had lost both Matt and Chris to talk to about this.
Currently, while you were thinking about this whole encounter, Chris was sleeping next to you, his head tucked into your shoulder.
Stop it.
Stop thinking about him.
Matt hates you now.
Even Chris had said so.
A lot.
There was something about the quickness of how Chris had been so knowing of what to do that sat with unease in your stomach. He just knew everything. But that must have been down to the fact that he knew you so well and knew what to do in that situation.
Chris was always the one that you cried to or screamed at when Matt did something that made you want to rip your hair out. He must have known everything that had happened in your relationship with Matt.
That was weird, if not for him, for you, now.
He hadn't said anything about liking you. Ever.
So why after you had just broke up with Matt.
Why hadn't he been comforting Matt, as well?
You put these thoughts as being from overthinking from the tiredness and just went to bed.
Your dreams were of Matt for the nth time. You just needed to speak with Matt, but the better option was Nick.
He would listen and give actual advice, even if it was about his brothers. Someone to get all your crazy theories put in the bin and make sense of it. Your brain was just craving Matt and that was why these thoughts where happening. Right? They were trying to make sense of why Matt would put you through so much and why you let him. Why there was a girl that was an old hook up of Matt's at an exclusive party. Why he had been almost annoyed that Chris had taken you? Why he needed to talk to you so desperately and why Chris had been stopping the two of you.
A soft groan left Chris, as he woke up he rubbed his eyes. Snuggling into you.
'had such a good dream about you baby' His smirk told you all you needed to know. 'Did you have one about me?'
The question took a while to register as you were still a bit sleepy, but you let a hum, not in agreement but more confusion because it wasn't really what you expected to be answering or hearing. Usually, it was just Chris saying how crazy in love he was with his girlfriend. Or even sex. But the two of you hadn't really done that in a while. As, one of the other side effects of being in a relationship so quickly is that all you can think about is Matt. The amount of shame that fills you, just thinking about it makes you want to just tell Chris everything. Every thought, every time you had looked over the photos of the two of you, the edits that the fans made of the two of you in the rare occasion that you went out with them or filmed with them. All the fans had noticed the shift in Matt, but they all thought you were just close friends with them all.
'It's just that you were moaning'
You felt sick, and hot and wanted to cry. 'I must have then' Forcing a smile, even though it was still dark. You knew that they needed to film a video today and where going to the beach together. It would give you time to think about everything and allowed for you to have some time to be on your own because Chris had barely left your side.
While walking downstairs, you passed Matt's room, the door like a barrier for the memories and the love that you had for him, Even now. You needed to speak to him.
He never came downstairs, at least not at the same time as you.
But Nick was downstairs, on his phone and then you smiled at him when he looked up.
'no Chris then?' He sort of smiled at you. It was amusing to him that Chris was now your personal body guard as he joked.
'He's just in the shower, anyway nothing bad but can I speak to you later, feels like it's been ages since we have spoken'
He nodded and expressed how he was always open to talking to you. You missed having Nick to talk everything through. But you just never seemed to have the time between Chris and work.
The three of them had left by the time you had started snooping. I mean it was just a gut feeling. You couldn’t look stupid again. Not just another girl. Chris was going to be different from Matt.
You had started in the kitchen, not really knowing what you wanted to find. It was just a gut feeling you couldn’t shift, a weird sense that something was off. But that could be anything. It wasn’t like your gut feelings were fact. It could just be the paranoia in you. There was nothing in the kitchen. For some reason this didn’t really fill you with confidence though. The most logical next room would be his room. Looking under his bed.
A small collection of clothes and some old post it notes that had fallen down. That was enough to keep your mind at rest. How rude and cruel that you hadn’t trusted someone that had been basically your best friend. Someone who had been a shoulder to cry on. Instead you question his trust.
Until you see a small amount of folded paper under a blanket. It looks too positioned to be something that was just left. Too tidy. You reach for it. A small rustling noise followed by papers all collapsing around the blanket.
This wasn’t what you had Chris down as. Maybe even a few romantic ones about you.
As you got up and reached to get up, an old phone lay next to them. You also picked that up. What had he been doing with a phone with letters? It all could have been completely innocent though.
Your eyes burned through the part of the page that said your name and matts. This was months ago. When you two were together.
He was jealous?
You read on, almost in a trance about how you couldn’t have seen how he had just been there, ready to get with you. He knew that the two of you had broken ties, how?
Tears started to stream as you read about how he had bragged that the two of you had ended. He caused it, he had caused it all. He was the one to set up the girl, Harry. Matt was never in the wrong. Matt still loved you. He made it all up about Matt texting other girls.
You sat, hunched over in somewhat distressed silence. You needed Matt. To talk and to apologise.
Swinging open, a familiar face filled the room.
Nick. You sighed.
‘Are you alright, you look rough? Are those letters?’
You nod and hand them your him. Would he know? Would he take Chris’ side?
His face dropped as he read the countless letters. Shock etched onto his face. You just felt glad to know this was almost stalker behaviour.
You had to go on his phone. But it was locked.
Trying to figure it out, the passkey was your birthday. You sighed at either how disgusting you felt from everything happening or how disappointed that Chris had lied to you. Your trust was nothing, he just used it to get what he wanted and he also treated Matt awfully and you just let him.
You had the phone open. You felt sick. There were photos of you and Matt. Just smiling laughing, fucking. What? You were going to be sick. When did he take these? Why? Was it always this obvious he was insane? You had walked in to his trap. His sweet talking good guy rouse. His wrong that could be.
He had photos. He was deranged.
Nick stopped and just reached for your arm. Is he going to hug me? You thought, but no. He was dragging you somewhere.
Not Chris.
You needed time and a lot of it at that point.
Why was it always so bad?
His face scrunched up in confusion as he saw you. No. Concern.
He still cared.
‘Why is you crying? What are those?’
He came over and hugged you, you fell limp in his arms just wanting to feel him close once again.
‘Hey it’s okay now sweetheart’ You nodded while sobbing.
Nick explained what the letters had said. Matt agreed that it made sense why he hadn’t wanted Matt to talk to you became he would said about how he didn’t know the girl and that Chris was the one who had actually had slept with her and taken the photo on matts phone. You hadn’t realised how smart Chris had been. How stupid you had been.
Almost on time Chris walked in. His face dropping as he saw the letters.
Matt got up. He looked furious. Never had you seen him so angry.
You looked at nick for comfort but his face was also just as angry.
‘You planned it you bitch, you couldn’t get her to like you so you had to destroy our relationship. You are so sad Chris, can’t you just be happy for us’
Chris scoffed.
‘Matt don’t act like you cared for her, she was always going to be mine you just needed to be shown for what you are. A loser with no genuine love for her’
You got up.
‘That was my choice to make Chris you can’t just force me to not be with Matt’
‘I loved her, do you know how difficult it was for me’
You stopped. He had loved you.
Nick basically threw Chris out. Screaming that he was lucky he didn’t call the police.
That left you and Matt.
‘I know what Chris did was bad but you can’t just let it destroy the relationship’
‘No I can, if he is willing to do that to you as someone I love and really care about then why should I trust him’
‘I’m so sorry that I blamed you for everything’
‘Look he was right, I should have treated you better and made you my girlfriend because I know how horrible you must have felt. I was just scared that the label would change something, I know cliche.’
‘Well, I’ll be your girlfriend now’ you smiled.
Nick came back in when the two of you were hugging.
‘Look Chris is going to a friends for a few days but he will be back soon’
‘Look it’s fine we will just have to deal with it’
You were just glad to be in matts arms again.
@/enchanthings for divider
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This really is the last part so thanks for coming on this journey
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