#rip teefs
lockedfighter · 5 months
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ˏˋ°• ׂׂૢ་༘࿐            @goldenfists killing tifa as per usual . ♡ ₊˚ˑ༄ ↳ “ you look … ” words faltered , structure became naught but a shell for the drum of his heart whilst he stared at her , unable to avert his gaze from the dress that embraced her , leaving little to imagination . “ fucking stunning … ”
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༊⋆。˚                                  a  wiggle  of  the  finger  playfully  chastising  ,  ❛  language  ..  ❜  oh  ,  how  she  y  e  a  r  n  e  d  for  more  of  it  though  .  silk  clinging  to  ever  curvaceous  folds  of  her  body  —-    leaving  little  to  the  imagination  .  tifa   ;   never  one  to  dress  in  such  a  provocative  manner  ,  chose  a  rather    risquè  ensemble  that  evening  .  second  skin  of  a  fabric  pulling  down  to  her  calf  with  a  slit    adorning  her  left  side  ,  showcasing  a  rather  (  decent  amount  )  of  thigh  .  diamanté  drop  choker  necklace    aligning  perfectly  with  the  curve  of  her  chest  &  the  single  earring  an  added  embellishment    to  match  .  made  her  wonder  if  she  ever  did  tell  him  the  story  of  her  single  piercing  . 
dainty  hands  ,  ones  tainted  by  years  of  bloodshed  now  gloveless  ;  drowning  in    femininity  —-  nails  perfectly  m  a  n  i  c  u  r  e  d  ,  a  sensation  she  could  get  used  to  .  usually  pin  straight  locks  now  cascading  down  her  back  in  bouncing  waves  ,  bangs  flipped  up  in  a  90’s  style  blowout    showcasing  more  volume  &  heels  allowing  her  to  add  a  couple  more  inches  in  an  attempt    be  taller  against  him  but  she  was  no  where  near  his  height  . 
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 ❛   you  like  ..  ?   ❜   coquettish  charm  &  matching  smirk  sent  his  way  .    usual  demure  nature  replaced  by  such  .  perhaps  the  added   c  o  n  f  i  d  e  n  c  e   of  her  outfit  had  her  behaving  in  such  a  manner  .  his  unwavering  gaze  making  her  tremble  ;  the  power  he  held  over  her  . 
closing  the  gap  ,  index  finger  grazing  alongside  his  chiseled  jawline  ,  those  doe  like  hues    anything  but  innocent  now  .  a  flicker  of  something  within  .  ❛   question  is  —-  are  we  going  out  or  staying  in  ?  ❜   heavy  insinuation  lacing  her  tone  .  desire  creeping  through  despite  only  recently  pushing  through  that  threshold  of  their  (  platonic  )  bond  .  mere  kisses  the  furthest  gone  .  ❛   i  should  wear  things  like  this  more  often  .    ❜ 
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faerytale-creature · 1 year
No one:
My last remaining brain cell at 3 am:
mm the fact that the high evolutionary was actively surprised at rocket’s incredible aptitude in science means that it was something that wasn’t an effect of their alterations and therefore also something, maybe the only thing, that belonged entirely to rocket
(Me, in a heap on the floor: and yet you couldn’t memorize three lines of Middle English??)
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callsign-zero · 9 months
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he’s back folks
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Never before has three words had such an impact.
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"I'm done running"
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cosmicxhoney · 2 years
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vanweezer · 14 days
yall dont laugh too hard ok. ok
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paper machet paul mask
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yallemagne · 2 years
So Mina enjoys his submissiveness, and blushes at his bloodlust aura and big machete, and likes his feminity. She contains multitudes.
She's just like me fr
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One last reeep fo 420
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calimarti · 13 days
Feckin.... Cass
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You can clearly tell I just fucked the background right up lmao
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fatuaanser · 3 months
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kennykoo · 1 year
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I forgor to post in Tumblr again Canine teeth
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Some cover art for a fic I’m writing
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snapdragonessart · 1 month
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Part 2 of my dragon dentition series 😊 ancients coming next! Teef info under the cut
Obelisks take inspiration from Chinese guardian lion statues, with their voluminous manes, big paws and fierce face. As such, their teeth would be similar to a lion’s dentition, with massive canines and carnassials. Although lions mainly eat land-based animals, they are also opportunistic and will sometimes eat fish and even insects. This doesn’t make up for any large part of their diet, however, and in this way they differ from Obelisks which only eat seafood and bugs. Jaguars make a better match for Obelisks in regards to food, as they eat aquatic prey more often than lions do, with one remote population of jaguars in Brazil primarily feeding on aquatic reptiles and fish.
Pearlcatchers were pretty tricky to pin down. Their body and face look almost horse or deer-shaped. Their diet is insects and plants. The only creature that came to mind for Pearlcatchers were qilins; one-horned legendary beasts from Chinese mythology. They’re fully scaled, with dragon-like faces and a body shaped like a horse, deer or goat. This seems to fit Pearlcatcher’s the most, but figuring out their dentition is another matter. There’s not really a 1-to-1 comparative animal I can base their teeth on, so I think they’d be a mish-mash of different tooth structures. They’d have larger canines, maybe like a musk deer, but the rest of their teeth would follow a more herbivorous design. They’d have large, flat molars and premolars for grinding up plants, probably similar to a horse or goat. 
Ridgebacks are basically land-sharks, no question. Their diet and face says it all. Although their snouts look more like goblin sharks to me, I don’t think they’d have those creepy mouths. Their dentition would be more like a great white; they’d have a mouth full of serrated, razor sharp teeth. Like actual sharks, Ridgeback’s would have a reserve of extra teeth in their jaws. 
Skydancer dragons present another tricky situation. They’re bird dragons, and eat plants and insects like Pearlcatchers. Although some official art shows them with teeth, I don’t think they’d actually have them. The closest structure to teeth that's found in birds is the tomia, which is the cutting edge of the upper and lower beak. Tomia is not made of enamel, but of cartilage. Seed-eating birds use this to slice through seed hulls, and birds of prey like falcons have a single sharp projection to rip meat and insects apart. Geese have tomia on their tongues, which pushes the food back towards their throat as they eat. Skydancers probably have a gizzard as well, as the tomia is not enough on its own to grind food down completely. It was hard to figure out what the Skydancer’s beak would be most similar to; out of all the more hook beaked birds, it reminded me most of vultures or eagles, although in diet they do not match them at all. Skydancer beaks are a mish-mash of different bird characteristics that I thought would fit them the most, rather than based on a single bird in particular.
Snappers are tortoise dragons, and like tortoises they’d have ridges in their beaks to help chew food. The official lore states that their beaks are “lined with molars that begin halfway down the jaw and continue all the way to the back”. Real-life tortoises don’t have teeth, so I’d imagine these structures would be like the tomia of birds. Their diet would be a mix of what tortoises and turtles eat, as Snappers eat both plants and seafood.
Spirals really remind me of ferrets, with their noodley bodies and energetic, chaotic nature. Like ferrets, they’d have sharp little canines, incisors and carnassials for shredding meat. Ferrets mainly eat meat, but will also eat bugs too, which matches up with the Spirals diet.
Tundra dragons are currently the only purely herbivorous dragon. The lore states that they have “impressive canine teeth used for combat. The majority of their jaw is set with flat, wide molars, perfect for grinding up scrub.” They’d be most similar to musk deers in dentition, with both male and female Tundras having the enlarged canines characteristic of male musk deer. The canines wouldn’t be as thin or long as a musk deer; they would be thick, robust, and fit more snugly inside the mouth. 
Last for the modern breeds, we have the Wildclaws. They’re raptor dragons, based on the Dromaeosaurids - raptor dinosaurs (velociraptors, utahraptors, etc). Like raptors, Wildclaws would have widely spaced and serrated teeth. They’d be fairly equal in shape, and would curve backwards.  Raptors were carnivorous, which fits with the Wildclaw’s meat diet.
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asumiverde · 1 month
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genya's enrichment is tearing and ripping demons apart with his teef
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wazzappp · 5 months
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For @cannibal-wings MY OATH. FULFILLED. I also did a little thinking about how those wings would get situated in her in the first place
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That would be so fuckin weird lmfao cause these would totally like. Rub against her ribs until they’re ready to rip out. I’m thinking all of her other mutations manifested first (starting with the teeth. Hehe. Hehehehehehehehe teef falling out. New ones coming in. Yes. YESSSSS.) I like the idea of her thinking she’s done and then BOOM. PAIN. ENTIRELY NEW APPENDAGES ALL SIX OF EM. HAVE FUN.
They would harden as a response to being in the open. They’re very flexible while still in development and remain pretty pliable once dry. Don’t want brittle wings that just get broken off <3
Also, non biblically accurate below the cut I just had a lot of fun drawing this
(Also also if you haven’t read this infected Leon fic dew it. Dew it now.)
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kit-kat-jo · 1 month
My Murder Drones Finale Analysis... 2/2 - 1/2
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jesus, imagine getting your entire life force RIPPED out your body, and being able to look back at it. i feel like this is only a taste of what the dissassembly drones went through during transformation.
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uzi desperately trying to scoop her core back into her gaping open chest will haunt me for life, i think. and her hands haven't regenned yet, leaving her to scramble even more. absolutely. horrific. probably gonna be the most gruesome moment in this series for me altogether. didn't even notice N getting yoinked away there lol
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this whole sequence as well… we, or N starts hearing a second voice while she repeats “let me in,” but who is it?? the actual cyn? one thing i know for sure though, is here is where N starts to get his past flashbacks, specifically of being torn apart and transformation. fuuuucked. up
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i realize now that Uzi’s protecting her core from Cyn’s callback pings in all the times she’s grabbing at her chest, but at first i really thought she was terrified of losing her core again. which: UNDERSTANDABLE GIRLIE!! MY heart?? broke.
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so, N did see the actual Cyn while he got tore open. and now he’s having proper trauma flashbacks and getting back bits and pieces. this absolutely breaks my heart, seeing how desperately panicked he gets, watching memories of what i’m only assuming is V being transformed. my sweet baby. for a moment i thought for sure he was going into a full panic attack. it’s a good thing hand holding pulled him out of a full on episode, but i think this man deserves a nice big breakdown after everything to process all the shit he’s been through. pretty sure V needs the same thing, having held onto these memories a whole lot longer. post series group therapy sesh?
i think i'm gonna hear CALLBACK PING in my nightmares, actually.
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AND THIS IS WHERE I FUCKING CRY!!! after everything, after learning J was never on their side, V breaks. she needs to let everything out in the open to N. her apology and genuine emotion is so, so important to me… she LOVES him! always did! and it fucking hurt to have to hide like she did, only for it to all be a trick! she wanted to be honest with him this whole time, but she was so scared! she felt like she HAD to resort to acting resentful towards him and pushing him away! it gets me so, so bad.
and then N sacrifices his own safety to save her.
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also teefs.
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oh god. when V realizes that she’s only led N to his death… and that this long ago promise was only one big trick… everything falls down around her. she desperately grasps at being able to fix this. she blames herself. as Eternal Dream plays in the background… it was always their song, man. it was always V singing to N. so many of the lyrics fucking HURT now, putting it into this bittersweet context.
“let my body keep you warm, let my essence be your breeze, can you hear me calling? please look out for me. can you set me free?” it was always a love letter to N. (platonically. i see it platonically, better yet, in a sibling way.) the wishes she had for him to know everything. for them to be together. for her to not have to hide. to go home, to be set free from her neverending dream. it’s all so horrible and lovely and poetic to me. she deserves everything. they deserve everything.
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and then her expressions as Cyn’s about to eat N’s heart, agonizingly slowly, staring her straight in the eyes so mockingly to pour salt in the colossal gaping wound. HEGGDHHSGSGGH💔
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on a side note, i find it so interesting how, seemingly, a drone’s core magnetically gets yanked back to the body as soon as it gets a tiny chance. very ehm… helpful.
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“glad you’re not dead or whatever.” waaaahahahh. they care for each other. bwuhuhuhh.
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here, howd she stop letting the callback ping effect her….? just from being cringe and free?…. queen i guess?
also, she can effectively control the solver without cyn making it go crazy anymore. is this a result of just practicing and gaining more control over it? she’s just built different? or another plot hole? shrug noise. i said i was oddly okay with the plot holes, so that stands true here too.
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nori already flinging herself into mom mode with her terms of endearment had me CRYING BRO!!! development!! she went from “i caused every horror in her life,” i gotta stay away from her, to HELL YEAH THAT’S MY DAUGHTER, KICKING ASS!! mom of the year ❤️
the entire fight scene was SO GOOD!!! i need AJ Dispirito’s “Bite Me” song injected into my bloodstream RIGHT NEOOWW!!
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i’m obsessed with seeing them hold hands to calm each other down after a moment that affects one of them. it’s my favorite thing. we came so far from episode 6…… wipes tear
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the lyrics focused on these two here is interesting to me… V saying to let her go, Uzi saying she’s not worth saving… either i’m looking too deep into it or OUCH GUYS NOOHOHO, MY SWEETIES
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this had to be giffed. also, i love these scenes breaking the immersion several times and showing that all this time the nightcore is just playing through uzi’s ipod in the distance. absolutely genius.
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i’ll admit, i was so confused from the black hole scene at first. but now i understand somewhat. after uzi grabbed her core and formed a [null,] she essentially had cyn’s life force. all those times she got away by turning herself into a black hole and floating off... that was essentially HER. in the void here, cyn had to try and get it back to come back to the living, like a drone putting their core back in their chest but in a weird, eltrich cyn way, i guess? instead of her core, its the manifestation of the solver itself? cyn’s and tessa’s bodies are so far gone, that all that’s left is the solver? and as soon as uzi saw what was happening, she knew she couldn’t have it back.
she fucking eated it…. homph. that was not on cyn’s bingo card. the eyes are HILARIOUS
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awwwww husband wife reunion! she is so uzi’s mother.
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and now, before we get into the end of things, my vizzy propaganda. not only did lizzy KNOW that v wasnt dead, and distracted j for her, but now, in @ottterpops' words, the sentinel is just like the pet she doesn’t want. its her and v’s daughter now, it’ll grow on her for sure : )
and now, my chosen video! :D
EVERYTHING about this scene, N calling for her, the HUG, him squeezing the LIFE out of her, her noises of getting choked and giggling, sent arrows straight through my heart, THEYRE SUCH CUTIES AAUHHHHG!! n spinning her around and throwing her in the air, her tackling v, ugh! THEY GOT THEIR HAPPY LITTLE ENDING!
she’s a fucking mary sue guys, ohhhh my lord. the eyes are so so cool though, they literally look like a sunset. she is living her best mary sue life now, jesus christ. she deserves it ❤️
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uzi, uzi my beloved. she feels like a dear, dear friend, my sweet little emo who goes through the horrors and comes out of it with all her unhinged goofy cringe. i love her so, so much, and i’m SO fucking proud of these three. they deserve the happiest little life together.
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and lastly, end credits!!! during the series rewatch, my friends and i joked that the finale should involve n getting to play a game of cards with everyone. and HAHA SKFHSJCKSJDHDJS
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oh they’re def watching a scary movie… look at the way they hold onto each other, i’m done 😭😭 if i redraw anything, it’s gonna be this first tbh.
i ran out of space for images again, but! the solver still being alive in uzi is so good, she’s gonna be a real pain in the ass… the implications this brings up is so fun to think about, ugh the possibility for spinoff series is crazy! i’ll be waiting with baited breath for more content from glitch, whatever it may be! i’ll be happy!
alright, this is probably the longest frickin post i’ve ever made. but god, did i love this show. i’m so grateful my friend got me into it, and i can’t wait to continue loving it, rewatching it and messing with my stories for as long as that’s gonna last.
thank you Murder Drones, Glitch, and Liam Vickers. now to waste money that i don’t have on merch!! 💫
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