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duranduratulsa · 8 months ago
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Up next on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Batman (1989) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #batman #thedarkknight #thejoker #BruceWayne #VickiVale #harveydent #MichaelKeaton #jacknicholson #kimbasinger #MichaelGough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #jackpalance #ripjackpalance #BillyDeeWilliams #robertwuhl #jerryhall #BobKane #DC #dccomics #detectivecomics #traceywalter #charlesroskilly #vintage #vhs #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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mikyapixie · 3 months ago
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36 years ago The Land Before Time released in theaters!!!
This movie always makes me tear up but the song at the end is what finishes me off & makes me a crying mess!!!🥹🥹🥹
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data2364 · 6 years ago
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this was "Manhunt for Claude Dallas"
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
My Reaction to “Batman and Robin”
Oh God here we go.�� Just in time for the holidays...
*externally screaming*
*deep breath then continues screaming*
What’s with these opening credits?
Do they really have to put creases everywhere on the Batsuit?
Is Robin wearing eyeshadow?!?
Hot Wheels:  The Movie
“This is why Superman works alone.”  Oh God, Superman’s in this universe?
My sister:  It’s the Nicholas Cage version.
You gotta have this big elaborate light show to reveal Dick’s motorcycle
Is that Pat Hingle [as Commissioner Gordon]?  God, just go away.
Not gonna lie, I like the makeup they did for Mr. Freeze’s face
“Hi Freeze, I’m Batman!”
The hole left in the wall when Dick crashes through it is the Robin symbol.  SUBTLE!
“It’s the hockey team from hell!”  I mean, yeah.
Random close ups!
Ice skates!
Freeze just threw that guy straight up in the air.
This whole movie looks like it took place in a rave.  Like, what’s with all the neon lighting in an art museum?
I like the bottom of Mr. Freeze’s boots.  At least he’ll get traction
[Mr. Freeze rockets out of the museum] *sings*  If you want to view paradise...
So where does Freeze find all this time to make these contraptions in the first place?
George Clooney’s acting is like a stick:  it’s wooden
If Dick yells “Cowabunga!,” I swear to God...
“Cowabunga!”  Oh my God no
There is no way Batman can catch up to Mr. Freeze in free fall.  10 ft per second, assholes!
The colors in this movie would legit make a pretty awesome commission color palette
Robin was just frozen mid-air?!?!?
*sing songs*  Shaky cam!
Chuck him [the frozen Robin] at the wall!
Matte painting!
What did she (Dr. Isley) just say?
AN:  We’re only 15 minutes in?!?
Is she [Dr. Isley] speaking into a tube of lipstick?
Antonio Diego?
This whole scene with the introduction to Bane looks like something out of Rocky Horror for some reason.  You got a couple weird people in suits watching the whole thing up on a balcony and you got a wacky-ass scientist with crazy hair
That’s.... gross...
Pointing... more pointing!
So dumping a whole bunch of toxins on Dr. Isley is gonna turn her into a psycho plant seductress?  OK...
I like how the security camera zooms in on Victor becoming Mr. Freeze
George Clooney looks way too smug to be Bruce Wayne for some reason.  Grow some hair!
AN:  Oh my God, we’re only 23 minutes in... *whines* this is a two hour movie!
Dutch Angle!
I do like the purple lighting in the lab
*Poison Ivy appears in the middle of the lab from underground*  How?
“My [Ivy] blood has been replace with aloe, my skin with chlorophyll.”
My sister:  Moisturize your skin with my blood!
Chlorophyll is a pigment.  If her [Ivy’s] skin is now made up of chlorophyll, shouldn’t she be green?
Is Woodrue’s tongue turning green?
“Hell, I am Mother Nature!”  That’s like probably one of the only good lines in this movie.
*starts singing “Mr. Snow Miser”*
I like Freeze’s polar bear slippers!
This mofo [Freeze] is blue!
Why does Mr. Freeze have a cigar?
This whole movie plot is ripped from an episode of “Batman:  The Animated Series.”  Seriously, the episode’s called “Cold Comfort.”
The actress playing Nora Fries looks waaaay too young for some reason.
George Clooney is wearing a turtleneck... for the love of God, wear something else!
“I’m not used to this type of luxury...”  You [Barbara] go to a boarding school.  Shut up!
This looks like one of the streets used in the Batman TV show in the 60s.
That wig Ivy just put on has the Pulp Fiction bangs
Who’s the lady in the pink suit?
Julie Madison?  Why don’t we see more of her besides being a one-off girlfriend?
OK, I like the trench coat Ivy has on
They used the word “primordial” in the script.  I’m impressed.
“... warm-blooded opressors...” Aren’t you [Ivy] warm-blooded though?  You’re human...
Holy crap the makeup on Mr. Freeze without the costume is great
*The costume ball starts*  This is “The Mask” all over again
This is literally the same set they used for the art museum in the beginning of the movie
There’s a dude in the background wearing a leopard-print tuxedo
*mutters*  The hell is this music?
I actually like the eye makeup on Ivy
“I’ll bring everything you see here and everything you don’t.”  Mic drop.
Was that a banana peel sound effect?
My sister:  Yes it was.
“Good night.”  OK, that was funny.
Where is Ivy still there after Freeze left?
*The camera pans up a giant statue*  HANDSSSSS.... TOUCHING HANDSSSS...
Oh my gosh the CGI
*The Batmobile gets frozen and crashes*  Oh no, not the merchandise!
“We have very little time.”  For what?
Michael Gough:  MVP of the movie
Did they just use a lightsaber sound effect to indicate the end of the flashback?
Ominous green lighting!
They [the Arkham guards] put him [Freeze] in an ice box...
The tile son the floor in Victor’s cell line up to make a snowflake
*Radioactive ghetto people show up*  I would legit go as one of them for Halloween
This movie is just one big sound stage
Where’d she [Ivy] get the seeds from?
George Clooney legit sounds like Mel Gibson’s John Smith from “Pocahontas”
There’s a floating face!
I think that’s actually Coolio
AN:  Yes it is
What is the point of this whole motorcycle race thing?  There’s literally no point to this scene.
My sister:  Did they just really wanna show off the set?
Me:  Well this movie is literally one giant toy commercial so...
That green screen was terrible
“Alfred’s not sick.  He’s dying.”  Well way to whip that out, movie!
You can tell that they put some effort into the characterization of Freeze in this movie.  It’s just surrounded by a bunch of campy, stupid stuff.
“Men are the most absurd of God’s creations.”  Man was one of the first ones, bitch...
I have the Poison Ivy gif of “Not good!”  saved on my laptop
Sorry Freeze, only one person looks good in chrome
*Freeze freezes the pipes to make them explode*  Well that was quick
Liking the statues of the absolutely ripped dudes on the fireplace mantle in Wayne Manor.  Schumacher, I see you.
*Batman opens up the secret bookcase in Freeze’s old lair to find Nora*  IT’S MISTER WHITE CHRISTMAS, IT’S MISTER SNOW!
I like that there’s a convenient lever from “Heat” to “Freeze”
*Bane beats Robin*  I was wondering what would break first:  your spirit... or your body!
“Why are all the gorgeous ones homicidal maniacs?”  Point!
Oh there you go.  Commissioner Gordon actually did something in this movie.
Is that slime?
“I’m [Dick] going solo!”  But not Han Solo.  He’s not cool enough to be Han Solo
My sister:  He’s whiny enough to be Ben Solo
Me:  Except Ben Solo was written better.
Oh, Ivy’s green boots are awesome
Freeze’s eyes look orange in this scene
“First...” Gotham!
“Gotham!”  Then the world!
“And then... the world!”  Haha!
“Adam... and Evil!”  BOO...
OH MY GOD- oh, that’s Bruce.  OK.
*Bruce and Dick argue over Ivy’s influence over them*  It’s called pheromones, guys.  Everyone has them.
What the... heck was that transition?
Oh I like that dress Ivy’s wearing...
Slow... motion...
Ellie Macpherson (Julie Madison) kinda looks like Jennifer Garner
Oh just smash it [the Bat-signal] in!  You don’t need to actually lift it up!
I just realized what’s wrong with George Clooney in this movie:  it always looks like he has a five o’clock shadow above his top lip
*Bruce hugs Alfred*  Aaawww!
The signature on the portrait wasn’t there a second ago!
*cracks up at the computer saying “Access Granted”*
Why is a telescope powered on crystals?
“... will you trust me now?”  *in best angsty teenage impression*  No, because he’s [Dick] got his eyeshadow on!
OK. Arnold’s evil laugh is getting there.  A little more work then he’s got it
*Barbara puts on her Batsuit*  Eeewww... eeww!
How the hell did Ivy set up her evil lair?
“Hi there.”  *in best George Clooney voice*  Hi Robin, I’m Ivy!
“How about ‘Slippery When Wet?’“ 
*actually has to collapse backwards on floor to laugh*
My sister:  Her eyeshadow’s awesome
Me:  She [Ivy] looks like a drag queen!
My sister:  It’s the eyebrows!
*Robin peels off his rubber lips*  WHAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!?
Oh my God, look at her [Ivy’s] bangles!
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait!  They rewound the tape when Robin resurfaces from the pool!
My sister:  *sings*  My name’s Blurryface and I care what you think...
*Ivy’s plants suddenly eat her*  ...Why?
Oh she’s not dead.  OK...
*Camera pans up giant statue*  Aaaabbsss... Schumacher loves them...
*Random person in telephone booth gets frozen*  NO, NOT THE TARDIS!
He was frozen mid-pee though.  Youch.
Why do all the Batsuits have silver accents now?  Unless the silver bits are just snap-on attachments...
*sing songs*  Free-zing... freezing the city!
My sister:  Now I just want the planetarium fight from “The Great Game” to happen
Me:  Oh my God... we should watch that instead!
My sister:  Right?!?!?
You seriously could take any shot from this movie and all the colors in them would make up an awesome color palette
*Dick unleashes the grappling hook at the last minute and successfully latches onto something*  I CALL BULL!
Where the hell did he [Bane] come from?!?
AN:  Oh God we’re almost done with this movie YAAAAYY!
*Bane literally deflates*  Eeeewwww!
Oh my gosh, that 1997 CGI though
[Some of the ice in the city proceeds to melt]  *sings*  Here comes the sun...
*Mr. Freeze lets out an evil chuckle*  What a story, Mark!
Oh my God, that green screen though!
*The Bat gang manages to get rid of all the ice covering the city*  This... is bull... shit.
The ice actually wiggles on the cop car door!
I call bullshit on this whole movie!
Oh, and he [Freeze] just had the cure [to Nora and Alfred] on him the whole time?
OK, I actually liked the music for that scene.  What the heck?
OK, for being a man-hater, Ivy, you’re pretty obsessed about one.
“Winter has come at last.”  Game of Thrones did it better.
The official catchphrase for this movie:  Hi [insert name], I’m [insert other name]
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junker-town · 7 years ago
Which sports mascot do you not trust AT ALL?
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And why?
This week gave us just a glimpse of the wide-ranging personalities mascots can bring to sports. During the World Cup, Japan’s ennui-filled frog mascot chronicled his sightseeing adventures around Russia. It was incredibly engrossing, even if we felt sorry for poor Ippei-kun.
Then on the other spectrum, the Phillie Phanatic injured a fan by hitting her in the face with a hot dog.
Luckily, the woman was not seriously injured — and she said it was totally fine to laugh about the incident. But if you ever had suspicions about Mr. Phanatic, he only confirmed your worst fears.
And surely you have — the Phillie Phanatic has been sued more than any other mascot and he looks like he’s wearing a suit made of all the muppets he killed. But he’s not the only mascot that give us the wiggins. Here are the ones we wouldn’t let near us, especially if they were equipped with a giant hot dog cannon.
Blue, the Colts’ horse (?) mascot
Reason No. 1:
He claims to be a horse, but have you ever seen a blue horse? Or a horse that looks like a distant cousin of Sulley from Monsters Inc? Or a horse that probably murdered an air dancer and then stuffed its arms up his nostrils like a trophy?
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RIP, Inflatable Tube Man
Reason No. 2:
Enjoys humping the air waaaaay too much, made even more disturbing by the look in his eyes that’s devoid of any emotion whatsoever:
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Get outta there, Lamar Miller!
Reason No. 3:
His anger management issues run from mustache-twirling villainous (shoving kids!) to hilariously vengeful (knocking Pat Patriot around).
Whether he’s just mischievous or full-on sociopathic, my advice is to never turn your back on Blue — and stay at least 50 feet away so he can’t thrust in your personal space.
— Sarah Hardy
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Dude, Orbit. What the hell.
(Update: It was an ostrich, but its face was turned the other direction. Sorry for the confusion.)
— Grant Brisbee
Big Red
I love Big Red, and it’s cool that Big Red self-identifies as Big Red and nothing other than Big Red, but I’m not going anywhere near Big Red.
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Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports
— Jason Kirk
Providence Friar
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Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports
Look at that face, but not for too long lest you lose all semblance of who you are as you spiral into self doubt and your soul leaves your body. The expression of despair never changes, and you could not pay me to go within 10 feet of that horrible monster.
— Caroline Darney
Pierre the Pelican
We can all agree that King Cake Baby is the creepiest mascot in the NBA. The Pelicans really locked that title down the first time he it stepped foot on the court. But what I’m here to posit is that King Cake Baby has made us all blind to the intense creepiness of their other, every day mascot: Pierre the Pelican.
Not even the original Pierre, which was truly the stuff of Stephen King novels. But this new one too.
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Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Doesn’t his beak just seem a little too big? His eyes a little too dark still? His fists a little too clenched? What are you hiding, Pierre? Behind this less creep version of yourself. I don’t trust him. There’s something unsettling here and King Cake Baby is just taking the attention away from who we should really be skeptical about.
— Whitney McIntosh
Jazz Bear, the Utah Jazz mascot
Ok it literally picked up a child one time and threw it over his shoulder and walked down the sideline of a game while it was live.
Also wondering where the Jazz Mascot is going with this child pic.twitter.com/MDkn4r60wC
— Born Salty (@cjzero) November 29, 2017
— Matt Ellentuck
The Oregon Duck
As a former mascot — my career has officially been declassified — I was always in awe of the sheer amount of pushups The Duck would complete during games. Chip Kelly’s offense used to put up 60 points every Saturday. As Spencer Hall reported a few years back, The Duck did 179 pushups one Saturday. That’s bonkers.
But underneath his glory, I knew there was something about The Duck that was suspicious. It turns out, back in 2007, The Duck got in a huge fight with the Houston Cougars mascot, Shasta.
Never trust a mascot that body slams another mascot. Period.
— Isaac Chipps
Saint Louis Billiken
Why would I trust the frat Voldemort of sports mascots?
It’s time for the Rise of The #Billiken tonight at @CapitalOneArena pic.twitter.com/SQcO5QsYF7
— Billiken Athletics (@SLU_Billikens) March 9, 2018
Nope. Absolutely not.
— Adam Stites
The Wichita State Shocker
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Peter G. Aiken-USA TODAY Sports
He’s got the hair of a sociopath and the outfit of a 1950s workout guru.
— Christian D’Andrea
Harry the Hawk
I’m in first grade. We’re in P.E. He’s on a unicycle, and falls right on six-year-old me.
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Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for D12 Foundation
Stop doing that shit breh
Simple as that, can’t trust him.
— Harry Lyles Jr.
Demon Deacon
I mean, my guy’s got “Demon” as a qualifier in his name. Right off the bat, not a great look. And like the Providence Friar above, his soulless, black eyes, oversized chin and smug face suggest something sinister bubbling just underneath the surface. In fact, he’s always kind of reminded me of someone with similar qualities...
i don't know which one to shoot pic.twitter.com/JREutNpE9F
— Ryan Simmons, The Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas (@rysimmons) December 12, 2017
— Ryan Simmons
So which mascot do you not trust? Which one haunts your dreams? Which one do you think DEFINITELY has a collection of fingers stashed in a nondescript box under his bed? Let us know in the comments — if you’re not too scared.
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duranduratulsa · 2 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Maximum Overdrive (1986) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #maximumoverdrive #stephenking #trucks #emilioestevez #PatHingle #rippathingle #YeardleySmith #frankiefaison #GiancarloEsposito #JCQuinn #holtergraham #lauraharrington #ellenmcelduff #johnshort #Leonrippy #bobgunter #MarlaMaples #patmiller #aimeeleigh #nancyallen #TabithaKing #williamhope #christophemurney #vintage #VHS #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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duranduratulsa · 4 months ago
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Up next on my Spooktober Filmfest...Maximum Overdrive (1986) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #maximumoverdrive #stephenking #trucks #emilioestevez #PatHingle #rippathingle #YeardleySmith #frankiefaison #GiancarloEsposito #jcquinn #holtergraham #lauraharrington #ellenmcelduff #johnshort #Leonrippy #bobgunter #MarlaMaples #patmiller #aimeeleigh #nancyallen #TabithaKing #williamhope #camploman #vintage #VHS #80s #spooktober #october #halloween
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duranduratulsa · 6 months ago
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Batman Forever (1995) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #Batman #batmanforever #Robin #twoface #harveydent #theriddler #brucewayne #dickgrayson #edwardnygma #AlfredPennyworth #CommissionerGordon #chasemeridian #batmobile #batwing #batboat #valkilmer #TommyLeeJones #jimcarrey #nicolekidman #michaelgough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #chrisodonnell #drewbarrymore #DebiMazar #ReneAuberjonois #joegrifasi #MichaelPaulChan #ramseyellis #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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duranduratulsa · 7 months ago
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Batman Returns (1992) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #Batman #thedarkknight #batmanreturns #ThePenguin #catwoman #AlfredPennyworth #CommissionerGordon #batmobile #Batmissile #batskiboat #timburton #MichaelKeaton #dannydevito #michellepfeiffer #MichaelGough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #christophermauricebrown #andrewbryniarski #JanHooks #michaelmurphy #christiconaway #paulreubens #rippaulreubens #vincentschiavelli #ripvincentschiavelli #DebbieLeeCarrington #SeanWhalen #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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duranduratulsa · 7 months ago
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Batman Returns (1992) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #Batman #thedarkknight #batmanreturns #ThePenguin #catwoman #AlfredPennyworth #CommissionerGordon #batmobile #Batmissile #batskiboat #timburton #MichaelKeaton #dannydevito #michellepfeiffer #MichaelGough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #christophermauricebrown #andrewbryniarski #JanHooks #michaelmurphy #christiconaway #paulreubens #rippaulreubens #vincentschiavelli #ripvincentschiavelli #DebbieLeeCarrington #SeanWhalen #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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duranduratulsa · 9 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Maximum Overdrive (1986) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #maximumoverdrive #stephenking #trucks #emilioestevez #PatHingle #rippathingle #YeardleySmith #frankiefaison #GiancarloEsposito #JCQuinn #holtergraham #lauraharrington #ellenmcelduff #johnshort #Leonrippy #bobgunter #MarlaMaples #patmiller #aimeeleigh #nancyallen #christophermurney #acdc #vintage #vhs #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Action Theater 🎥... Batman (1989) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #batman #timburton #BobKane #MichaelKeaton #jacknicholson #kimbasinger #michaelgough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #jackpalance #ripjackpalance #BillyDeeWilliams #robertwuhl #jerryjall #traceywalter #vintage #vhs #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasactiontheater
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duranduratulsa · 2 years ago
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Now showing on my 90's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Batman Returns (1992) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #batman #batmanreturns #timburton #BobKane #MichaelKeaton #DannyDeVito #michellepfeiffer #christopherwalken #michaelgough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #vincentschiavelli #ripvincentschiavelli #michaelmurphy #paulreubens #rippaulreubens #andrewbryniarski #JanHooks #SeanWhalen #vintage #vhs #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas3rdannual90sfest
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duranduratulsa · 2 years ago
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Now showing on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon and Stevegoolie Saturday Night...Maximum Overdrive (1986) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #maximumoverdrive #stephenking #trucks #emilioestevez #holtergraham #PatHingle #rippathingle #YeardleySmith #frankiefaison #GiancarloEsposito #jcquinn #MarlaMaples #aimeeleigh #nancyallen #TabithaKing #vintage #vhs #80s #durandurantulsas5thannual80sfest #80sfest
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duranduratulsa · 2 years ago
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Now showing on Steve's Favorites Filmfest...Batman Returns (1992) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #batman #batmanreturns #catwoman #thepenguin #MichaelKeaton #michellepfeiffer #dannydevito #michaelgough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #christopherwalken #90s #vintage #vhs #stevesfavorites
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duranduratulsa · 8 months ago
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Now showing on my 80's Fest Stevegoolie Saturday Night...Maximum Overdrive (1986) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movies #movie #horror #maximumoverdrive #trucks #stephenking #EmilioEstevez #PatHingle #rippathingle #lauraharrington #YeardleySmith #holtergraham #ellenmcduff #johnshort #frankiefaison #GiancarloEsposito #JCQuinn #Leonrippy #bobgunter #MarlaMaples #christophermurney #nancyallen #TabithaKing #vintage #VHS #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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