#rip me trying to choose caps from this episode
majoris · 1 year
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0209 | Subspace Rhapsody
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kirajw · 3 years
TFATWS 1.04 Reaction: So. Many. Gems.
I can’t stop thinking about this episode, so I’m going to fire off some half-formed thoughts about before I probably belly flop into some fan fiction.
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AYO!  I'm so excited that the show isn't afraid of including Wakanda and its rich history of characters into the story.  It's been annoyingly absent from every other post blip movie/show.  Florence Kasumba is also absolutely beautiful.
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Everything about the Wakanda flashback is God-tier. From the crackling fire to Ayo's little face-twitch when she says "You are free."  Sebastian Stan's work as Bucky has been one of the most layered and haunting, and he absolutely nails this moment of liberation and also extreme guilt.
Zemo brings up the idea of "supremacists."  And it's a complex and dangerous one, and extremely timely these days.  He also floats the idea that the Avengers were supremacists, and he might not be wrong. Especially Tony. 
Stop letting Zemo wander around unsupervised.  He is an entire terrorist who killed King T’Chaka and countless others.
Sharon's character still bores me, and I don’t trust her bland ass.  She's basically playing Emily Thorne with a different revengenda.  I just want to know what it is.
It's so bizarre that Captain White Privilege just struts around the city with the suit and shield.  He looks like an absolute clown.  
Karli falls into the Killmonger Dilemma when it comes to being a villain.  Her beliefs are not wrong.  She, along with 3.5 billion others, have been irrevocably wronged.  But the way she's fighting is wrong.  Sam got her to see that in 10 minutes. The entire scene proves why Sam should be Captain America. Yes, he’s a trained soldier willingly walks to a meet filled with super-soldier supremacists. And just talks. His heart and mind are his greatest strengths.
Great Value Cap is absolutely losing his mind.  His twitchy and anxious and...bloodthirsty.  He's been deployed three times.  I wonder if anyone bothered to check if he has PTSD?  He rushes into to arrest Karli and destroys any chance of a peaceful resolution.
As Americans, we've seen this so many times: a peaceful dialogue/protest/meeting undone and escalated to violence by people of authority, so nothing gets accomplished except more people get hurt and the war never ends.
Notice that the Dora Milaje choose to attack when Sam, who they’ve fought with, is being threatened by Captain White Privilege.  
“Looking strong John!”  It’s never not funny!
This whole action sequence with Captain KKK and the Dora Milaje is FANTASTIC because they could have killed him if they wanted to.  It also shows the reverence and respect Sam and especially Bucky have for the Dora. 
I *ALMOST* felt bad for Discount Cap after this fight. He's been handed all this authority by the US government, but everyone just laughs in his face whilst whoopin' his ass. But his brokenness is because he was bested by African women from a country he probably thinks is a "shithole” even though that’s where the shield he carries originates from. Johnny Black and Blue thinks he could beat Serena Williams at tennis or Simone Biles at gymnastics because society told him he could. His utter disappointment is based in white male privilege, racism and xenophobia.  And it's disgusting.  That's why he's the perfect mascot for America as it truly is. 
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I know he’s super-powered, but is Bucky considered disabled because he’s an amputee?  I mean his entire shoulder is missing? 
Why is Bucky’s arm twirl reset so sexy?
Get we get a Dora Milaje series now?  It’s been THREE YEARS.
"I'm trying to figure out if I need to kill your brother."  So yeah, definitely a villain.
You can't be Cap if you love doors.  Or want to grow old with your bestie.  Too soon?  RIP Lemar.
The slow reveal that Captain Amerikkka taking the serum is chilling. 
It took me a second to realize that they never planned to kill Lemar.  It was entirely an accident, similar to what happened with Rhodey in #CivilWar.  This whole episode feels like a wonderful and Tony-free homage to Captain America: Civil War.
The serum doesn't change who you are.  It exaggerates it.  And the final moments of the episode show us who John Walker really is: bloodthirsty, violent, racist, vengeful, and completely unashamed.  America's cop, indeed.
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bestworstcase · 4 years
Positive thoughts: Captain of the Guard and Cassandra’s relationship?
ok you know what. doing this exercise it has occurred to me that a lot of the things that the tts fandom gets a bit salty about are actually things that appeal very strongly to me lmfao like my answer here is “they’re so dysfunctional and i like that”
like i definitely find their relationship to be the most interesting out of all the parent+child relationships in the show… and a big reason for THAT is it’s so dysfunctional and that dysfunction is integral to why cassandra is as fucked up as she is. i like the intractable messiness of it.
i think it is fun to read tts as a narrative about children avoiding and fixing the mistakes of their fathers: quirin buries his head in the sand and tries to forget his past even as it haunts him, a mistake varian replicates by pursuing his memory wiping formula but then rejects in favor of atoning for his wrongdoing, and in doing so uncovers information vital to the resolution of the black rock problem; rapunzel rejects her father’s secrecy and cowardice, learns to tackle problems head-on, and creates a better, more welcoming, safer corona; eugene convinces his dad that the family traditions are toxic and not worth keeping.
and cass sort of falls into that pattern and sort of doesn’t at the same time, because in the captain’s case i think his two mistakes are 1) uncritically bowing to authority [see: secret police, sending cass to a convent], and 2) passing his own emotional damage on to his daughter by raising her to be as strict, emotionally restrained, and servile as he is. which leads to a cassandra who sacrifices her feelings on the altar of friendship over and over again, who stays in her place as a servant long after it becomes untenable and toxic for her, who gives and gives and gives until she has nothing left TO give and then SNAPS because she feels compelled to ‘earn her keep’ in every facet of her life. cap’s big mistake doesn’t have catastrophic consequences for the world like quirin’s and frederic’s and edmund’s do: it has catastrophic consequences for cassandra herself.
islands apart touches pretty directly on this given the whole episode is about cap going “oh, no, i wasn’t the father she needed” and trying to magically undo the harm he did to her—in the process emotionally abandoning his actual daughter again rip ⭐️ you tried sir—and then like, at the end of her villain arc cassandra chooses to express her anguish and fears and then her love and in the process finds. happiness. bc in order for cass to be happy she has to reject the patterns of behavior that she learned from her father she has to allow herself to be a little selfish she has to allow herself to express her feelings and she has to Leave Corona, which is like. the ultimate detachment from and rejection of rapunzel’s/the coronan monarchy’s authority over her. so like cap’s mistake is catastrophic for her, individually, and in overcoming it she has to strike out on her own and live for herself on her own terms, which is the Opposite of the way he raised her and also a narrative that makes me go absolutely f e r a l.
[i also like that in order to repair his relationship with his daughter cap has to resign from the captaincy: in s1 i think it’s illustrated pretty well that cap relates to cass more like The Captain than like A Father, culminating in him stiffly sending her away to a convent while acting like he’s dismissing an officer from the guard and not, you know, kicking his daughter out of her home. so symbolically i kinda read his retirement as being less about not being able to face her in battle and more about recognizing that the captaincy and his own ability to separate it from his fatherhood is what bred these problems in the first place.]
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denimbex1986 · 3 years
“Hello Anthony and Sebastian.”
Sebastian: “Hello.”
Anthony: “How are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
Anthony: “Good, thank you very much.”
“All right, IDN Times from Indonesia. Okay, we would like to ask questions. The first question would be; the first episode has been released last week - did you two watch it, and if you did, how did you feel about it?”
Sebastian: “We did; I think pretty good, pre - it was pretty nice to see, uh, the episode you know, in, in, edited in its entirety, and, and, and have everything there, and it was surreal too because, again, it felt like we were only - we had been making it for over a year, so just to have it finally out there, you know, it was exciting.”
“Yeah, agreed. What about you Anthony?”
Anthony: “Uh, it was great, I mean - um, I always felt like we were doing something special and doing something different. Uh, to see it all put together and people’s response to it was, uh, really humbling and amazing.”
“Okay, cool. Uh, what about your fellow cast members; how’d they react to this? Could you share with us if there were any personal messages they shared with you after the first episode was released, maybe from your fellow Avengers cast friends?”
Sebastian: “Wyatt Russell will still not return my texts so - ”
Anthony: “Or calls.” (interviewer and Anthony laugh)
Sebastian “ - I’m wondering.” (laughs)
Anthony: “Nah everybody just, uh, congratulated us. We congratulated each other. Um, you know it’s a - Marvel is a small little community so you know, uh, everybody was very happy because they know, you know, what we all went through to get this show done - they were very happy to see it finished and out.”
“Okay. Alright. So um, in the first episode and in the next episodes are coming our way, uh, we saw that you did a lot of action including fighting scenes. We were actually curious about your preparation for the - these scenes, and which part of your body that you focused on most during the exercising and why?”
Sebastian: “Erm, well, you know, there’s always, there’s always those, those scenes sometimes, you know, can kind of like, when you keep doing them over and over again, it can get a little bit, uh, exhausting, so I - I always try to, you know, figure out a way to, to kind of hang in there for as long as I can, so, uh, it’s a lot of cardio stuff too but - yeah.”
“Okay. Well you nailed it anyway.”
Sebastian: “Aww, thank you.”
Anthony: “Thank you.” (interviewer laughs)
“Cool - uh, let me ask, for Sebastian, what does it feel like to play Bucky with a fresh new haircut, and could you please share with us what do you like most about his new style?”
Sebastian: “It was uh - I could finally feel the breeze and the wind on the back of my neck, uh, that was a liberating experience and, uh, uh, you know, just happy that he - that, that, that he looks a little bit more like his old self and you know, after all the - all that’s happened so, you know, kind of find - finding the old Bucky back again, you know?”
“Okay. Now for Anthony and Sebastian. I want you to choose quickly between these two. Would you rather leave your legacy in style by having an heroic death like Iron Man or going for retirement like Captain America?”
Anthony: “Oh, retirement.”
(laughs) “Okay.”
Anthony: “I want to enjoy old age and play golf and go fishing every day.”
“Okay. What about you Sebastian?”
Sebastian: “The retirement sounds like a good plan - sounds like a good, good way to be present every day.”
“Okay. I like that, cool. Retirement to be present every day, good one. (laughs) I’m gonna go back to Anthony. Anthony, Sam Wilson was known as Captain America’s trusted sidekick, and now Falcon is taking the center stage in the series. What do you love most from Sam’s character development in the movie and in the series?”
Anthony: “Um, you know I just love the fact that he’s a normal guy and he just got pulled into this situation, um; you know if you watch Captain America, uh, Winter Soldier, he was literally in his kitchen after a workout, and Cap just showed up and was like ‘Yo, you’re my dude.’ So, you know, he’s just like anybody else in the audience, he just happens to be thrusted into this extreme situation.”
“Oh, okay, now - you two have known each other and played the characters for years, and I believe there were a lot of fun moments on the set between the two of you. I would like to ask who’s better at doing ad-lib performance during filming, and any ad-lib scenes you want to share and the story behind it?”
Sebastian: “Uh, I think Anthony’s definitely much better ad-libing than I am for sure, um, and uh, hmm - ”
“Any stories you guys would like to share?”
Sebastian: “ - any funny stories, uh - anytime anybody, uh, you know, cracks through a new pair of pants, it’s uh, it’s a good story.” (laughs silently, interviewer laughs aloud)
“Okay, okay, can you tell us more Anthony?” (laughs)
Anthony: “Nah, there was - there were two times where I was doing stunts and I ripped through the crotch of my pants, so Sebastian likes to make fun of me because my pants couldn’t handle the round brown.” (interviewer laughs)
“Okay. Alright then, that sums up all our questions, now you two can promote the series, where can we watch it, and thank you for your time.”
Anthony: “Definitely - thank you.”
Sebastian: “Thank you.”
Anthony: “Don’t forget to mark your calendars and watch Marvel Studios The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.”
Sebastian: “Every Friday exclusively on Disney Plus Hotstar. Bye IDN Times.”
Anthony: “Bye IDN Times TV.”
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
The Coffee Prince Pt. XIV
[T’Challa x Reader]
Word Count: 4.3K
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*  *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7* *Part 8* *Part 9*  *Part 10* *Part 11* *Part 12* *Part 13*
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A/N:  Long break, but it’s back!  Hope those who read are still here to enjoy and new ones get with it too.  SO much has happened for a recap but shit went down. and now we are here.  Links to previous chapter above.
Tavia stands before you, looking healthy in plain clothes, less bewildered than your last meeting with her hair braided back like Cleo in Set It Off.  Your mouth goes dry from anxiety as you grip your door, thoughts ping pong in your mind to let her in or slam it in her face.  She has no right here.  Why didn’t you throw her shit out anyway?
Shuri steps between you both, speaking softly.  “This doesn’t have to happen if you don’t want it.  She is only here because she has made strides in rehabilitation but you have the final say.”
You swallow the rock in your throat, feeling damned by this choice being up to you. But at least you could control this situation.  “I don’t want this.”
Shuri nods,  “Then we will leave.”
“But I need to.  If it’s over with now, I can be done for good.”  You step your feet heavily aside from the doorway to allow Tavia entrance.  She hesitates, looking away but once Shuri gives her the go ahead, Tavia shuffles by to go straight to her room.  
“Do you need me with you?”  Shuri asks.
“No, it’s fine.  Thanks.”
“Ok, I will be just around the corner, waiting.”
You thank Shuri, before shutting the door slowly.  You instantly feel warm and stifled.  Having this space alone has been Hell itself but having someone there you absolutely loathe was worse.  You choose a spot on the couch, biting your fingernail anxiously.  Each click of the nail to tooth comforted you during the ransacking Tavia was doing in her room.
Tavia steps out with a duffle bag over her shoulder and a rolling luggage bag by her side.  She closes the door behind her, meandering to the middle of the living room and stops.  
“(Y/N),”  Tavia says calmly.
You lift your hand up  between your face and her.  “Don’t fucking say my name, just...”
You both sit in a stalemate of silence, making you gradually angrier.  The presence in your place felt stifling, felt evil.  You can’t stand it.  “Tavia, why aren’t you leaving?”
Tavia shrugs.  “I want to talk to you.”
“Then talk!” you shout out.
“(Y/N), you told me not to.”
You stand up, clapping aggressively.  “I said don’t say my name, Tavia!  You don’t listen, damn!”
“I’m sorry!”  Tavia screams out.  Her hands fall to her sides in defeat.  “I can’t make it better but I can’t stop being sorry!”
“And you can stay being sorry, but I will never give a fuck about the apologies!”  Your voice shakes your core, making your head throb from the energy you’re exerting.  The adrenaline you get from letting her know exactly how you feel is exhilarating and long overdue.
Tavia closes her eyes, taking a deep breath.  Tavia has never been the bigger person in an argument.  If the old Tavia caught this attitude, the whole apartment building would’ve had a show to watch.  “I just hope when you see him again, you’re as tough on him as you are on me.”
You feel your feet moving before you can think, bounding towards her.  Tavia retreats behind the kitchen bar.  “Chill, chill!”
You glare at her from behind the counter.  “Who are you threatening?  After all this bullshit, you’re still fucking around and throwing Erik in my face like he’s your personal hitman now?  Don’t think I won’t tell Shuri.”
Tavia scoffs.  “Erik?  Fuck him!  I haven’t seen him since that day.  I just know he ain’t dead, since Wakanda doesn’t fuck with that kind of thing.”
“What do you mean?  If you don’t talk to him, how do you know he’s not dead?  He almost killed T’Challa.”
“Because when I thought my head was on the chopping block, one of the red chicks said capital punishment isn’t practiced anymore.  I was talking about T’Challa, actually.”
“Shut up.”  You walk away, shutting her out as much as possible.
“I’m serious.  You want to come at me for what I did, that’s fine but you got a lot to talk to him about and I just hope cuz he dickmatized you, that you don’t let him off easy.”
You fold your arms defiantly.  “What do I have against him?  He protected me from you all acting up on me.”
Tavia bucks her eyes at you wildly.  “Do you really feel no anger towards him during all of this?”
“Of course I do!  But this isn’t about him right now!  Why are you deflecting so damn much?  You should be telling me how you and Erik decided kidnapping me and taking over an African nation could possibly turn out for the best!”
“I wasn’t a part of that.  I was-”
“But you were Tavia!  YOU put that gun to me just like he did.  I had no autonomy because you stole that by putting fear in me because I was so shook my best friend could flip on me like this.  How am I supposed to take that Tavia?  Should I just forgive you for being so close to ending my life?  And ending my child’s!”
“I didn’t know you were pregnant!  There’s no way I would’ve put you through that with that on information.”
“I didn’t know either, Tav.  But it sure is great to know that is where your moral code sticks.  ‘Let’s not wreck the fetus but send her through all the hell she can take.’  And you want to talk about T’Challa?  T’Challa the bad guy??  I would’ve taken his lies way better if they didn’t have to come out because my life was in danger!”
Tavia shakes her head, picking up her bags to leave.  “He is selfish.  If you know him, he is barely any better than Erik.  He just has a nicer way of talking.  They all lie, they all kill, you just gotta pick a side.”
“So which are you, Tav?  You still deciding?”  you ask, plopping on your couch with exhaustion, unscrewing the cap of your room temperature wine to take a swig, your hands shaking.
Tavia points to her chest, “I’m for me.  I suggest you do the same.  Don’t let him lead your life anymore.”  
“I haven’t seen him in months.  Trust me, I’m over it.”
She walks over to the door, stopping to look back at you.  “Stop thinking about him.  Get rid of that damn stuffed panther plushie, and maybe move cuz I know you can’t afford this place alone but you need a new environment.”
“Step, Tavia.”
“I’m sorry girl.”  
When she finally leaves, you glug the wine bottle a little more to drink down the pain, coughing it up when your throat closes too tight to swallow anymore.  Wiping the drips of wine off your mouth, you cry out harder than you had since you came back home from Wakanda, feeling your loneliness hit you hard.  There was no way to repair things with Tavia, no matter how badly you wanted it.  And there was no way you would reach out to T’Challa for anything ever again, no matter how badly your heart ached for a glimpse of him.  You hoped he would stay in Wakanda for good.  If he could do anything for you now, that would be the best gift you could ask for.  
The weather was getting cooler by the day as fall snapped the summer heat wave, you had more reason to stay in and unsocialize from the world around you.  You stay up late watching a marathon Will & Grace, laughing at Jack using his teaching position in his acting studio as a means to pick up guys.
“That would not fly today,”  you quip between laughs, hugging your panther plushie under your chin in the darkness of your bedroom.  The world around you grows quiet as the days get shorter, giving you peace with a sprinkling of eerie sensations.  You look at your bedroom door instinctively, feeling a shiver run down your spine ominously.  You close your eyes and shake your head.  Being alone and in the dark makes your imagination run in a dangerous direction.
“It’s nothing.  There is nothing.  It’s just you,”  you repeat to yourself again and again, pulling your covers tighter.   Your brain visualizes the worst at night.  Prowlers, murderers, ghosts, and monsters plague your brain when night falls no matter what you have watched before bed.  You say a prayer for protection to ease your worry, but something hovers above you, waiting for you to trip over your words.
The brightness of your TV creates a halo that makes your eyes tired, so you rest them while listening to your episode play out in the background.
The sound makes you hop up in your bed.  Listening carefully, you try to orient yourself and find out where it came from.  Your TV is off, leaving you completely wrapped in pitch darkness.  
“Heyyy, princess.”
You gasp sharply, seeing for the first time a dark intimidating figure standing by the window,
His voice is calm but in a way that you know you fucked up.  “You thought we were through?  Nah, far from it.”
He lunges at you, ripping your blanket back and pulling you by your ankles off the bed.  Yu land on the floor hard, feeling yourself land on a charger.  Your body seizes up, voice completely stolen as he gets on his knees, pushing your shoulders back until he has a clear grip on your neck.
“Just cuz that bitch punked out on me, don’t mean it’s over.  I’m taking you out regardless, and that fake ass T’Challa can come get you once your soul gone.”
His grip on your neck tightens harder and harder.  You try to beat his hands off of you but it feels like you’re underwater as your arms move slow and heavily.  You reach for his face to give him any reason to let off of your neck, but he won’t let loose his hold.  
His snarl glows in the darkness as his hands compress your neck.  “See how you like the afterlife without ancestors to take care of you, princess.  He has no clue what it’s like to be us.  Where is he now?”
You let in a deep breath suddenly, sitting up continuing to gasp for air.  Your hand rests at the base of your throat, making you pull it away, quickly running to the lightswitch.  Once your room is illuminated, you see your wrinkled up blankets, your plushie on the floor.  The TV is still off but no one is waiting at your window.  
Your heart is still pounding as you pick up your plushie and sit on the edge of the bed, taking time to evaluate what happened.  The violence of your dreams were nothing new, keeping you from being able to rest most nights.  Most of them are short, and jolt you awake so soon that you barely remember them but this one was vivid and completely etched in your brain.  Erik waking you, dragging you, choking you.  Your neck still feels sore like it happened but that must’ve been your own doing, there’s no other way.  
You fall back on your pillow but your body was too energized by the fight to rest anymore.  You watched the sun come up in its bright orange hue, lovely but nowhere near Wakanda’s views.  
At work, you feel the lack of rest overcome you as you type away at your computer, wanting nothing more than to rest your head on the keyboard.
A coworker of yours tosses a scarf around their neck with a flourish.  “Hey!  I was going to make a coffee run, and you look like you could use some!” they say in a sing songy manner.
You look up at them before leaning back and rubbing your temples.  “Ah, that’s fine.  I’m disciplining myself to finish this report before I get any treats, and I am just about there.  I’ll get some for lunch but thanks.”
“Suit yourself.  I just need something warm.  This building is terrible with heat in the winter time.  Uh...is that a hickey??”
You pull up the collar of your shirt further, feeling hot from embarrassment.  “No, uh, I got an allergic reaction.”
They squint their eyes.  “Lemme see…”
You grab your phone, pretending to take a call and apologize.  They shrug and mouth that they will talk to you later.  No way in hell could you explain that you choked yourself last night, which sounds even more freaky than the hickey assumption.
Making their exit, you rest your head on your arms for just a couple minutes and it feels so good, you can’t stand to be at work anymore, wishing you could snap your fingers and be done with the day.  Instead you shake yourself loose and type away, continuing your project until the very last minute before lunch.  
You feel a small sense of accomplishment, having done something arbitrary in the grand scheme of things but to add some positivity to your life, you decided not to deny yourself your promised treat:  a hot cup of a frilly coffee drink and maybe even a little cake pop or something.  Treat yourself Tuesday is afoot!
As you bundled up for the weather, you took your time crossing the street to make your way to the coffee shop near your job, crunching the red and orange leaves habitually along the way.  As you walk in, the smell of the roast livens you up on impact.  You wait in line behind the others, looking over the menu for fall specialty drinks until it’s your turn and you order our usual macchiato along with a big chocolate chip muffin..
“Tall vanilla latte, no foam!”
“Sausage egg sandwich for Steven!”
“Order for Thomas!”
You check your phone lazily scrolling through celebrity feeds until your order is ready.  
“Oh shit, I forgot to ask for it to be warmed,” you say to yourself.
“Already done!”  The peppy freckle faced barista says.
You hold your hand over your heart, touched.  “Thank you so much!”
You put the warm pastry in your pocket and walk out taking a sip of your drink.  As you round the building, a figure in the distance looks familiar.  Long black coat, broad shoulders, a contemporary confident gait.  Your stomach does a somersault, feeling dizzy and breathless all at once.  You take your time watching him walk away, heading for the garage parking lot.  There was no doubt in your spirit that that was who you thought it was.  Your reaction told the truth that your eyes couldn’t confirm.  Was he in the coffee shop while you were?  Did he ignore you for his benefit?  No, that wouldn’t matter because that’s what you wanted.  But how could he not say anything?
After work one day you head over to the community center to visit with Shuri.  It had been a while since Tavia came that you got to talk to Shuri.  As you turned the corner the parking lot of the center looked pretty empty compared to what it used to look like during the school year.  
Walking up to the building you look around and catch a glimpse of a balloon caught in a powerline.  Across the street from the center is a park.  That park was the area in which the community block party was held that T’Challa invited you to early on in your relationship.  The bustling bodies congregated around food and music was so awesome, they really pulled something off great that day.  When T’Challa carried your weak ankle self back to your place to help mend, he seemed like the most important thing to you on Earth.  You never thought he would be the kind to lie and leave.
The bang of the doors in front of you opening startles you.  A body rushes towards you suddenly.  You feel doom impending upon you as you raise your hands to stop the attack.  This wasn’t going to happen again.
“Stop stop stop!”  You yell out, stepping backwards your heel collapses over the edge of the sidewalk.  The rough asphalt catches your hand behind you as you watch two youths run past you giggling, not even noticing you on the ground.  Their laughter fades in the distance as they run across the street in the grass, slinging their backpacks at each other morning stars.
“Hey!  Why are you on the ground?”
Shuri comes out of the doors, leading with a hand out to you.  You instantly feel foolish having this stylish teenager helping you up as you sit amongst rocks and old gum.
“No reason.  I wanted to come by but some kids-”
“Eh!  It was Marcus and Angel, right?  They play too rough, and I try to tell them but they have NO RESPECT!”  She shouts at the top of her lungs to the unknowing kids.  “Come in, I was just thinking about you.”
Walking inside, the warm colors greet your eyes, entertaining you with their aesthetic.  Deep, cherry wood lines the hall with intricate carvings along the ceilings and baseboards.  Touchscreens displaying activity schedules, meal menus, and student achievements are located at the end of each hall.  You can just barely see the inside of the gym through the double doors to the left.  
“I don’t think you have ever been in here before.  Have you?”  Shuri asks.
You shake your head.  “I guess some things got in the way.  It looks amazing in here.”  
“Thank you.  It took a lot of planning on my part.  Jabari can be very stingy with help sometimes.”
“Who is Jabari?”  you ask.
Shuri starts to speak but catches herself.  “Come this way.”
Her square block heels clop down the hall as you follow behind.  She takes you to a podium in front of a frosted window.  
“This is something I especially like.  New visitors to the center are shown this during the tour, usually toward the end.  It gives a bit of some background on what brought us here and what our mission is.”
She pushes a black panther head embedded in the stand, which begins to stream a flood of light onto the frosted glass.  A voiceover talks to you about the long reign of Kings and Queens that reside in the independent nation of Wakanda.  Images of the sprawling landscape and the beautiful sunset lure you in.  Images of King T’Chaka come in that show him making a boisterous speech that is translated by a narrator. Stating his desire to close the gap of education, generational wealth and health disparities between whites and minorities across the world.  He says he wishes to make a better world for himself and his son.  As he picks up a toddler, you see a young boy with multiple beaded necklaces around his neck, smiling and clapping as a crowd cheers.
“I wasn’t born yet, so don’t worry, it gets better,”  Shuri whispers to you jokingly.  
Your eyes begin to water and it catches Shuri’s eye.  “Sorry.  He just looks...like himself.”
You feel butterflies, holding your stomach as you reminisce on what was.  The little boy in that film is T’Challa with his father.  And he looks so much like Bean did in your dream, shockingly so.
The voice over goes on to showcase the outside of the community center during its construction.  Some big burly man lug logs of wood, breaking them down to lumber.  
“Those are Jabari,”  Shuri says.  
A shot of T’Challa looking over blueprints and directing construction workers fill your vision.  You focus on him, looking at his hair coils, his black clothing with the pop of embroidery.  The camera zooms in on his long finger pointing to the blueprints and fades back in to show the constructed center.  As the film closes a final shot of T’Challa welcoming you and hoping you stay crumbles you.  This was him before he ever knew you.  He looked so happy and accomplished and looking forward to the future.  Nothing like how you left him.
Shuri touches your arm.  “Is everything alright?”
You shake your head.  “Is there a bathroom close?”
“Two doors down.”
You jog down to find the unisex bathroom, pushing open the door heading straight for the sink.  Your head is pounds as you gasp for breath through your tightening throat.  Each inhale feels more painful than the last as you lean your back against a wall and tears roll down your cheeks.  You heave a big breath and sob out loud, wringing your emotions out like a sponge.  This amounted to too much today.  Tavia’s words ring in your ear as you realize she’s right.
The door opens a crack as Shuri pokes in and sees you weeping.  She doesn’[t say a word as she wraps her arms around you, taking on your pain with all her little frame can handle. You feel like you’ll never stop crying, especially with Shuri there to help you through it.
“Please...I can’t,”  you squeak.
Shuri squeezes you tighter.  “Yes you can.  Just cry, it is fine.”
Shuri offers you some tissue to wipe your face and says, “He isn’t here, I’m sorry if you were looking for him.”
Wiping your eyes, you barely look at Shuri out of guilt.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have come.”
“It’s ok.  But he’s been spending more time in Wakanda now, so if he’s here it’s for official business.”
You purse your mouth before saying, “I swear I saw him this week.  Leaving the coffee shop near my job.  But it couldn’t be, I know he would’ve said something to me.  Has he been in town at all?”
Shuri stands quietly, looking past you.
You look at her face suspiciously.  “Has he mentioned me at all?”
Shuri’s shoulders fall as defeat washes over her face.  “I don’t want to be the one to talk to you about him.  He should be doing that.”
“I know!  But...I can’t contact him except through you or by coming here.  I shouldn’t have to hunt him down, why hasn’t he even checked on me?”
Shuri tightens her jaw, refusing to answer.  You get up and walk past her to throw away your tissue.  
“Ok.  Well tell him he needs to take his bank info off of my rent.”
“He won’t do that.”
“So you have talked to him about that?  He said something?”
“He won’t let you be without.  Even if he isn’t talking to you currently.  He may just think you need space but I haven’t got a single idea what is going on besides Wakanda.”
“It’s fine.  I’ll move then.  That will cancel it officially and he won’t have to extend his charity to me anymore.”
“What?  Where are you moving?”  Shuri asks.
“Shuri, you know I can’t tell you.  But I have to leave that place.  Probably this city.  I hate my job and I haven’t been myself since Erik came and fucked things up.  I’m done, there’s nothing for me here.”
Shuri takes our hands in hers, eyes heavy with sympathy.  “I know he wouldn’t want that.”
You shrug.  “I can’t care anymore.  It’s holding me back.  I want to leave all of what happened behind.  But here while I’m here, I have had nothing but constant memories of it.  And Shuri I love you, but your brother is job.”
Shuri nods.  “With no benefits that I can see, if you ask me.  I understand, you deserve more.”
At your office, you draft a resignation letter a couple times before the verbage hits just right for you to print and sign.  Giving it an official trifold, you put it in your desk drawer and feel your excitement in your toes just thinking about a new chapter in your life that could lead to bigger and better things.  Most of your work hours have been filled with researching homes and jobs in other counties or and some neighboring states.  
“Hey hey!  You look a little peppy!  Have you had your coffee on time today?”
Your coworker invites you to join them on a field trip to the shop, talking your ear off about the office gossip, which reminds you not to tell them about you leaving until after you have given your letter to your manager.  When you make your order, they treat you by paying for the two of you and you sit together waiting on your name to be called.
“One order for Kibble, one for Bits!”
“That’s us!  I’ll get it, stay here.”
You look out the window watching the breeze whip the trees loose of their leaves until they come back, setting your drink in front of you.
“Here you go.  My phone is buzzing the hell out my ass.”  As they take their call, they get more irritated with each minute, rolling eyes and mouthing words they choose not to say.
“Sure thing, thanks Karen!  Girl, I apparently have to help fix a fuck up that wasn’t mine AGAIN!  Fuck this job!”
“Right?  Well, hit me up another time.  You still have to tell me about who ate Lawrence’s lunch when he went the fuck off.”
“You right.  It was me, but there’s more to it.  Catch you later!”
You smile after them, taking your cup in your hand to carefully remove the top to release some heat.  Coffee jumps onto your hand, hot and messy.  You shake off the excess liquid and subtly lick your finger, spinning outward to get up and get a napkin.  
“Need this?”
You take it thankfully, looking up at your good samaritan and freezing in place.  He takes a seat in front of you, using another napkin to wipe the table up.
“How are you, umhle?”
Your mind is empty.  Your sight goes black.  You can’t recall what happens, until you hear him holler as your drink is tossed down his lap.
@sweetpeachjones​@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade​@universalbri​@therevolution-willbelive@you-like-this-chain @sarcastic-sunshines​@airis-paris14​@afraiddreamingandloving​@kreolemami​@lalapalooza718​@syreanne​@thiccdaddy-mbaku​@she-is-golden @wakanda-inspired​@90sinspiredgirl​@bidibidibombaclaat​@sithlordslut​@brujademente​@chaneajoyyy​@slimmiyagi @lewatigress​ @shesakillerkween @queentearra @fiercedeception@yaachtynoboat711​ @yofavcocoa @katasstrophey​ @zxddy-panther​@babygirlofwakanda​@destinio1​ @heyauntieeee​ @ambthegamer​ @savageiz​@klaine15689​ @nickidub718​ @dramaqueenamby
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Any rose bud and Steven hcs? (The ones from that episode)
they have sleepovers!!! (despite the fact that none of them have quite mastered the art of sleeping yet) and steven does their hair for them!! he braids it and puts little hair clips in it and the roses look at themselves in the mirror w/ star eyes like :O WE LOOK SO PRETTY HOW DID YOU DO THAT
ALSO THEY PLAY STEVEN TAG AND NO THIS IS NOT JUST BC SNOW DAY IS ONE OF MY FAVE EPISODES JUST HEAR ME OUT— one time when steven’s hanging out w/ them, amethyst comes up to him and dives on him and shapeshifts into him and steven’s like. “what- oh- WAIT. WAIT NO” and the roses just “???” so amethyst explains it to them and then suddenly steven’s backing away and nervously giggling as amethyst and all three roses look at him like 👀
also they can’t swim. they just can’t. they don’t get it. water is weird. but steven teaches them!!!! and lapis agrees to stand close by in case any of the roses start panicking, so she can quickly shift the water away from them
superfan likes literally EVERYTHING and can’t decide on one style. so she ends up w/ like, ripped jeans w/ a flowy translucent skirt over the top, a bright pink shirt w/ a boob window, a bright hawaiian shirt over that, and then a denim jacket w/ patches on top. plus pink cookie cat socks, glittery sandals, a shiny bag, and a shit load of bracelets and necklaces. it’s... a look
hippie chooses denim shorts, a low cut t-shirt that she ties in the front, converse w/ little roses stitched on them, a few woven bracelets, and a baseball cap that she immediately puts on backwards
shy chooses a flowy dress,, it looks a little like rose’s dress, but she makes it her own; lesbian and nonbinary pins on one of the straps, a pink belt, and a pink varsity jacket similar to steven’s!! she also gets a little pink ribbon headband and pink ballet flats
also hippie continuously flirts with pearl and pearl is torn between 😳😳 and “looking pretty good yourself, babe ;)”
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
The Needs of the Many: A Garashir Reading of “Broken Link”
What’s the current definition of stupidity? It might be trying to write meta for a twenty-six year old show. But you know what? I’m doing it anyway. I make questionable fandom choices and regret mostly nothing.
So. I’m still watching Deep Space Nine—about halfway through season five, but with pretty much every spoiler under my belt considering I have no patience and dove straight into the fic—and I am, without a doubt, absolute garashir trash. Now this is important because as I watch I’ve been on the lookout for all the major scenes and episodes that the fans like to talk about, those that catch our attention for obvious reasons: “Past Prologue,” “The Wire,” “Our Man Bashir,” and the like. However, through my (admittedly cursory) browsing these last few months, I’ve been surprised to find no one talking about season four’s finale “Broken Link.”
On the surface it makes sense. Though Garak gets one of his all too rare episodes, we’ve past the point of no return with Berman’s homophobia and our two lovesick faves aren’t interacting as much as they once did. RIP. 
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Thus, it’s easy to pass over Garak doing another Bad Thing in the name of his Cardassian devotion, especially when the Bad Thing is circumvented thanks to Worf instead of Julian. However, what’s nagged at me since watching that scene is one simple, yet significant detail.
Julian was down on that planet.
Quick re-cap for those of us who haven’t watched in a while: the Defiant is taking Odo back to the Great Link in order to cure him of the disease they saddled him with in the first place (nice, huh?). Garak realizes that this may be the one and only time they have all the Founders together and potentially vulnerable. He tries to gain control of the Defiant’s weaponry, but is ultimately discovered and stopped by Worf. Sorry, Garak. You might be surprisingly fit for just a plain, simple tailor, but you’ve got nothing on a battle-obsessed Klingon.
All caught up? Fantastic. Now, all around it’s not a terrible plan. There are just two potential issues. The first is the whole, you know, genocide thing. Some of us tend to frown at that, no matter how much good eliminating the Founders might do moving forward. Beyond that pesky little moral issue, we have the problem that Odo, Sisko, and Julian are all down on the planet’s surface, their deaths a surety if Garak manages to succeed in his plan. This is acknowledged too, so we can’t live with the happy assumption that Garak just wasn’t informed about who was accompanying Odo on this particular mission:
Worf: And what about Odo, and Captain Sisko and Doctor Bashir?
Garak: They'll die. And once the Jem'Hadar ships realize what we're doing, so will we. But what are our lives compared to saving the entire Alpha Quadrant?
From a shipping perspective it doesn’t look too good. After all, how loving is your duo if one can so easily sacrifice the other, without a moment’s hesitation or—dare we imagine it—a single tear in sight? It’s a rather grim picture, the sort of scene that jars shippers out of their lovely little pockets, carefully crafted worlds where suspension of disbelief runs wild. The show-runners may not have had the balls to make anything canon until 2017 (good god), but provided the characters in question don’t actively sabotage the relationship, thereby leaving room for imagining something more, you’re good to go. No such luck with this scene.
At least, it appears that way at first glance. It occurs to me that there are a couple of potential readings if we feel inclined to reach for them. I find it notable that Garak is already thinking to the next logical consequence. That is, Jem’Hadar ships bearing down on them, him meeting his own demise soon after Julian. There’s admittedly something romantic in that. The willingness to let your loved one go, safe in the knowledge that you’ll be quick to join them. We could even argue that Garak isn’t thinking straight in this moment. We know he’s a proud man devoted to his people, exile aside, and right before this he has a rather gutting conversation with the primary Founder:
Founder: They're dead. You're dead. Cardassia is dead. Your people were doomed the moment they attacked us. I believe that answers your question.
So, as far as Garak knows, entire fleets of his people were killed in their last battle, including his father—quite the emotional blow, even if Tain was an absolute shit dad. He’s also received confirmation of what the Federation has long suspected, that the Dominion isn’t content to keep the Alpha Quadrant out of their business, but has every intention of seizing control and, given their history, eliminating rather than assimilating it, to quote the Borg. You’re dead. Your entire species is dead. Everyone else you associate with, even those insidious humans, are dead. It’s only a matter of time. As Garak has pointed out seasons earlier, he knows when to cut his losses and that was one hell of a “resistance if futile” speech. If the rest of the quadrant has any hope of survival, now is the time to cut those losses—including Julian. 
Which I actually really love. 
Because it’s true to Garak’s character. He’s a complicated, morally gray guy, just the sort to blow himself and his shop up in the hopes of saving his life. Or justify killing the entirety of one species to ensure the survival of many. As much as we (or at least I) would have loved a dramatic declaration of love, the realization that he can’t target the Founders no matter how necessary it may seem because his Julian would be caught in the crossfire… that’s just not Garak. Just as importantly, it’s not Julian either. See, I think this scene pairs rather well with “Our Man Bashir.” We can come up with the same sort of potential readings for why Julian was willing to shoot someone he—from the shipper’s perspective—is already head over heels in love with: he’s a doctor and had every confidence in his ability to keep Garak alive until they get out of the holosuite. He’s genetically enhanced and has superb aim, knowing he’ll only create a flesh wound. He was really trying to hit the wall and fucked that one up badly whoops, etc. Regardless of those headcanons though, canonically speaking Julian did shoot him and that’s all there is to it. More specifically, he shot Garak to make sure that Sisko, Kira, Worf, O’Brien, and Jadzia survived, a sacrificing the one to save the many situation, much like Garak’s plan. Or, to put it another way: 
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Spirk is the ultimate standard for all other Star Trek ships, if not, for many, shipping in general. Lots of fans have already pointed out the similarities between the sickbay hand clasp in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Julian’s moment of forgiveness in “The Wire,” 
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but there’s another parallel between Spock’s iconic sacrifice and the choices made in DS9. “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” to which Kirk answers, “Or the one.” This is the same logic that our new duo is abiding by. 
Though a notorious liar, we’re left with nothing else that challenges Garak’s words—he truly seems to believe that the Alpha Quadrant’s safety is worth sacrificing those on the Defiant for. Though a doctor through and through, we’re left with Julian’s steady hand and blood on Garak’s neck—he truly seems to believe that potentially losing one friend is worth assuredly saving five. Neither one is willing to compromise their morals for the other and I personally think that speaks to a healthy amount of respect, both for themselves and each other. In the same way that Garak embraces Julian’s Federation-style optimism and Julian comes to understand that lies are how Garak communicates, they simply and completely accept one another. That includes saying through actions if not words, “I love you, but I’m not going to let that love compromise my core beliefs.” Neither is the type to let love interfere with what they perceive as their duty, but that doesn’t mean the love doesn’t exist. 
Of course, if we follow the spirk parallel, that devotion to the many is later challenged. In The Search for Spock Kirk reverses the logic and justifies his journey with, “Because the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.” Anyone who reads any of my metas knows that Context Is a Thing and in this case the context for both films is personal sacrifice. Spock chooses to sacrifice himself to save the Enterprise. Kirk and the others choose to risk their lives and their careers to get Spock back. These are markedly different situations from what Julian and Garak shoulder: sacrificing one another for the many. If you love someone, then giving up your life for them is easy. Having that action save a whole bunch of other people along the way? Icing on the cake. You die knowing that you’ve done the heroic deed and your better half lives on. But can you harm your other half to uphold your oath as a doctor? Can you kill them to save millions of others? I’d argue that Julian and Garak have the far more difficult choice and both of them managed to answer, “Yes.” It’s a testament to their characterization and, given their strong ethics, precisely how well they fit together. They know where the other stands, what they mean to one another…and when they can’t afford to prioritize that love over everyone else. 
In the end, neither even knew that their sacrifice would pay off. If Garak had succeeded in gaining control of the Defiant’s weaponry he might have found that the Founders had another trick up their sleeve to ensure their survival, leaving him with a dead Julian and an unharmed foe. Julian doesn’t know if he and Garak will be able to survive the holosuite program—or what might happen to the others if they perish. He might end up losing everyone, himself included. Neither has any assurances when they make their decision and that to me makes it that much more meaningful. They’re both acts of determination and faith. And from a narrative standpoint (with help from a healthy dose of Plot Armor) they’re both rewarded for that faith. Garak isn’t forced to kill Julian. Julian’s shot harmlessly skims Garak’s neck. They made the hard call, lost little, and in the case of “Our Man Bashir,” gained a healthy dose of respect for what the other was capable of. 
I think that’s pretty damn neat. 
Right. Thank you for coming to my decades late TED Talk. Peace ✌️
Image Credit
#1: https://boldly-yo.tumblr.com/post/183708405938
GIF: http://kuma-la-la.tumblr.com/post/36694488334/the-needs-of-the-many-outweigh-the-needs-of
#2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk/Spock
#3: https://edosianorchids901.tumblr.com/post/181806580405/garak-and-julian-in-222-the-wire
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singledarkshade · 5 years
A Bad Plan Is Better Than None
Summary: Sara let out an annoyed sigh, “Rip, you realise for someone with not much time to explain you’re talking a lot and not getting to the point.” Author’s Note: Day 5: Fix-It – Set right what once went wrong, re-write those episodes to make them better, fix those broken characters and generally turn Legends of Tomorrow into the show it should be. I have added a missing scene to the beginning and end of Season 3 to make Rip’s story for the season make a little more sense.                                 ********************************************* Rip stood outside the room and took a long slow deep breath before he opened the door to where the team were waiting.
“Rip, what the…” Sara started, trailing off when he held up his hand.
He closed the door, activating the lock and waited.
“You have privacy, Director Hunter,” Gideon spoke up.
Nodding Rip looked at the assembled group, saddened that the plans he had made, all the brilliant ideas he had for the people who had proved themselves so much in two short years would never come to fruition.
“Alright,” he said, “We have to do this fast because the privacy will only be able to be on for so long and you have a mission.”
Sara shook her head, “What the hell are you talking about? You just broke up the team and took the ship.”
“I know,” Rip replied, holding up his hands to stop the barrage of yelling that was about to happen, “There was a reason.”
“Talk fast,” Mick snarled from his position leaning against the wall a bottle of beer in his hand. Rip briefly wondered where the bottle had come from, before ignoring it.
Taking another deep breath Rip pushed a hand through his hair, currently shorter than it had ever been in his life and continued.
“When we crossed our own timestream,” Rip said, “We broke time and released a Time Demon.”
Mick spat out his beer, “What?”
 “What does that mean?” Ray asked.
“It means we’re doomed, Haircut,” Mick told him.
“Not exactly,” Rip spoke up, taking control of the conversation again, “By creating the Bureau I had to learn a whole new language of politics,” he shuddered, “In order to build the organisation I needed people and unfortunately the fact I cannot give them too much information regarding myself or the Time Masters has always been an issue.”
“We understand that frustration,” Jax said.
Shaking his head Rip reminded them, “There are still time pirates out there who if they knew too much about my past then they could try to remove me, and everything would go to hell.”
“Even more than it already has?” Sara asked.
“Yes,” Rip said before moving the conversation back to its original thread, “Anyway Director Bennett, who I had no choice in, is not my biggest fan and would lose his mind if he knew I was recruiting you all to do this.”
Sara let out an annoyed sigh, “Rip, you realise for someone with not much time to explain you’re talking a lot and not getting to the point.”
He winced and shook himself, “Sorry. Alright the basics are, we broke time, we released a time demon and the people I currently work with don’t believe in the threat because they don’t understand it,” Rip sighed, “The agents are not trained to think outside the box like you all door to be more accurate to smash then set fire to the box.”
“So, we stop it,” Nate said demanding, “Give us the ship back.”
“I can’t,” Rip told him, “At least not now.”
Martin stepped forward, “You’re not making much sense, Cap…Mr Hunter.”
“It is now Director Hunter,” Gideon spoke up making Rip smile slightly.
Nodding Rip took a quick breath, “Alright, I do have a plan. You are all going to leave here and go back to your lives for a few months. You will get the worst possible jobs that if you had any intention of making a life here you would never go to. Then in a few months there will be a way for you to come and steal the Waverider.”
“Steal the Waverider?” Sara demanded, “Like Gideon would ever choose us over you. We’ve had that discussion before.”
Rip shrugged but continued without answering her, “The only catch with all of this is you won’t remember the plan.”
“Why?” Jax, Nate and Ray demanded.
Wincing Rip replied, “Because out of all of you, Sara is the only one I know can keep a secret longer than a few days.” He turned to the other woman in the room, “No offence, Miss Jiwe but I don’t know you that well yet to know if you could or not.”
Amaya gave a slight nod.
“So,” Sara said softly, “Your plan is to give us a subconscious order?”
“Suggestion,” Rip corrected her. He sighed shaking his head, “I’m sorry. I had so many plans for you all to join the Bureau and I have tried to work things out so we could do this easier but…”
“Hey,” Sara rested her hand on his arm, “We get it.”
Closing his eyes Rip took a final deep breath, “Once I do this, we’ll be at odds until this is finished. I will do my best to protect you from the others in the Bureau, but you will be on your own most of the time.”
“Which is why you’re letting Gideon come with us.” Jax said softly.
Rip nodded, “She’ll protect you for me.”
“Once this ends,” Ray said, “Will we remember this conversation?”
“As soon as I say a phrase that I have set up,” Rip said, “It will remove the hypnosis and we can get back to the business of protecting time again properly.”
Sara stood, arms folded and a thoughtful look on her face, “I don’t think I like that, if I’m understanding you right, you’re putting us on opposite sides.”
“Same side,” Rip replied, “We’re just having to work it differently.”
“It leaves you on your own,” Jax said.
“Which isn’t a good place for you,” Martin noted.
“Especially if you let us take Gideon,” Ray added.
Rip sighed, his head dropping for a minute before he looked up at them again, “I have spent years going over this and this is the only plan that Gideon rated under a fifty-percentage chance of failure.”
“Gideon?” Sara called, “Can you confirm?
“Yes,” Gideon’s voice came after a moment, “Director Hunter and I have worked on this problem for a number of years.”
“How?” Jax asked, “We just got here.”
Rip waved away the question, “I took the Waverider back to where I founded the Bureau as I knew I found her then.”
The group all nodded, a few obviously wondering when that had become normal to them.
“We have very little time,” Rip said, “This is the time to decide and if one says no then it’s no from the group.”
Sara turned to the crew, her team…their team who all gave a slight nod before she turned back to Rip.
“Do it.”
  “Captain,” Gideon said as Rip carried the Time Core out to face Mallus, “Perhaps now is the time to remove the hypnosis from the team.”
Rip shook his head, “It’s better this way.”
“You always knew,” Gideon accused, “You never intended to remove it. Did you?”
Rip sighed, there was no point hiding it, “No.”
“Because my curse is knowing the future, Gideon,” he reminded her sadly, “And in the annuls of the Time Bureau history are the words, ‘Director Rip Hunter, founder died saving time from Mallus.’”
Rip stopped in the middle of the field, “I’ve always been heading to this moment. The others have lost enough, it’s better they remember things this way. It’ll hurt less.”
“And what of me, Rip?”
“I know you’ll take care of them for me,” Rip whispered, “The way you always took care of me. My Gideon.”
“There is always a chance you will survive, and the history is a lie,” Gideon noted softly.
Rip gave a sad smiled, “Then I know you’ll find me.”
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sunlitroom · 6 years
Gotham – s5e02 – Trespassers
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Did you miss the finale of season 4 and only now tune in?  For anyone who somehow forgot, Jeremiah’s bid to get Bruce to notice him helpfully coincided with Ra’s need to speed Bruce’s destiny along by destroying the city.  Jim helpfully tells us that the city is now up for grabs.  Tabitha made an absolute mess of attempting to get revenge for Butch – going out not only irritating and unsympathetic, but really, really dumb. Barbara wailed. Jim shot Oswald in the leg, for which he has put a bounty on his head. We are reminded that Jeremiah shot Selina – and a nurse with very distinctive eyebrows recommended that Bruce go find the witch.  A lisping big-eyed orphan child pleaded with Jim for help.
As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
We open on the boy, Will, from the last episode.  Jim and Harvey watch from the doorway as he is examined, and fill us in on his situation. His parents were killed in a home invasion and he was taken to a factory, to be a slave alongside lots of other children.  The people responsible are known as the Soothsayers.  
Harvey’s never heard of them before – but can hazard a guess as to the location of the tunnel they’re building near the docks.
Winsome orphan boy begs Detective Gordon to save his friends, because they’ll be punished for his escape.  
Jim and Harvey leave – Jim resolved to go rescue the children.  Harvey reminds him, though, that Oswald has a bounty on his head and he can’t safely leave the station.  Someone appears and tells Jim that there’s a call for him from the mainland
Jim goes to take the call. The voice on the other end tells him that confrontations must be avoided.  Jim tells him to please think of the children.  The voice says that his dedication is admirable but he lacks perspective – he runs the risk of sacrificing many to save a few.  He’s told that it’s the ‘collective opinion’ that he stand down and keep the green zone safe.
Jim protests – and says they need supplies.  The voice says they cannot risk any more pilots.  Jim snaps that they can preserve the lives of a few over many, but he can’t. The conversation is seemingly over and Jim stares consideringly into the distance.
Harvey enters with Lucius. Jim immediately starts to plan a rescue mission. They need to go through the Dark Zone.  Harvey reminds Jim of the ammo situation. Jim says he’ll talk to Barbara. Harvey reminds Jim that she might not be amenable.  Turning to Lucius, Jim asks him to sort out some sort of housing for the children they’ll rescue.  Harvey makes an unhappy face about the general risk of it all.
(An aside – in a desperate bid to extract something of interest from an episode that was pretty turgid.
I know we’re probably not supposed to complicate matters to this extent– but anything this straightforward is boring, so I feel like some over-analytical meta is needed to problematise everything.  
It occurs to me that this desperate time of suffering is maybe the happiest Jim has ever been in Gotham.
St Jim of Gotham.  They love their Jim Gordon.  Detective Gordon can save us.  
He constantly gets to be heroic – Jim Gordon keeping everyone safe, bringing them supplies. His word is law – Harvey and Lucius might pull faces, but they do what they’re told.  He has no boss, no troublesome politics to play.  There’s no awkward shades of grey – just good guys and bad guys.  The voice of authority is just that – a voice – and so perfectly unreasonable and hateable and removed – so absolutely in the wrong.  Hell – Jim should send Jeremiah a bouquet for this.
It’s telling, I think, that when Harvey later spots the candle burning in the abandoned building Jim’s head goes straight to the Wild West.  If you want to sell me that Oswald is enjoying playing benevolent leader over in City Hall, then it must also be accepted that Jim’s equally loving playing Gary Cooper at GCPD)  
We hear night time noises and see Bruce at the gates of an abandoned mansion.  He’s looking for the witch.  As he enters the house, we see ivy climbing over the walls.  As he progresses, we see it weapped around statues, and – more alarmingly – twisted around various corpses.
We see movement behind him. Someone has sneaked up on him – but Bruce had spotted them, and easily disarms him.
Are you with her?
What?  I’m not sure why Gotham went with characters from a Hammer Horror  - but, whatever.  It’s all corduroy waistcoats, flat caps, and English accents.
Basically – they’ve decided Ivy is a witch who can talk to plants and knows magic and can take souls.  They’ve trapped her in a windowless room with no food or water, and salted the floor. Eventually, they’re going to burn her. A few months of isolation and apparently parts of Gotham have turned into small superstitious English hamlets from the eighteenth century.  There’s terrible doings up at the manor!  His Lordship’s up to no good!
Bruce quickly makes up a story about a missing brother.  Credulous villager from another film says he’ll let Bruce talk to Ivy.  Bruce shines a torch into the room – and we see a sleeping Ivy. She’s wearing a sequinned jumper that also impressively manages to look like slimy moss.
Hello Ivy
At Sirens, where people are eating and drinking and generally having a good time.  Barbara, meantime, swigs from a bottle at the bar.
Jim enters.  We see there are lots of other men there.  Jim tries to make small talk about how busy the bar is.  Barbara points at his head and reminds him of Oswald’s bounty.  She asks if he’s out for one last hurrah.  Jim says he wants a favour.
Barbara laughs
A favour?  That’s why you stood back and did nothing while my best friend on this earth was stabbed through the heart?
(Best friend.  Best friend.  Wow.)
Jim protests weakly that he put Oswald down – but Barbara shrieks, eyes bulging with rage.
You restored his limp - he should be dead!
Jim takes what I think the Marquise de Mertueil described as ‘a marital tone’, and delivers an admonishing
On this – Barbara starts shrieking
Everybody out!
Jim asks if she’s planning revenge.  Barbara retorts that
Someone has to do something about that freak
(An aside - Again with the ‘freak’ word.  It really does nothing to make her more likeable.  Also – the only things she could pair with it in the warehouse were the fact that Oswald has a beaky nose and a limp.  That’s all it takes for Barbara to decide you’re a freak. Writers - if you want to cultivate any sympathy whatsoever for Barbara and her lost ‘best friend’ – it’s perhaps best not to remind the audience that they’re both beautiful entitled rich girls who looked right down their noses at almost everyone else who failed to fit that description.)
Jim tells her he has an army – it would be suicide.  Barbara angsts it up and tells him to look around – they’re all slowly dying.  Some get to choose how.  I think this is meant to be about how she’d choose to die killing Oswald – but all it does is remind you that Tabitha most definitely opted for her fate – and renders it all less than sympathetic again
Jim tells her he’s sorry about Tabitha, and that things got out of control.  What things?  When she ran into a warehouse filled with Oswald’s men and a bunch of ammunition?
He goes on to say he’s trying to keep the city from falling apart. Barbara stares back at him and tells him he’s too late.  Jim frowns.
She goes on – though, and asks him about the favour.  He asks for trucks.  She asks what for – and Jim stodgily replies that it’s a police matter.  Barbara laughs at the absurdity of it – catapulted back to the compartmentalising days of their engagement – and says they could write that on his tombstone.
She caves, though, and gives him the trucks.  She then bizarrely screams after him, though
Knock yourself out - drive into the nightmare you created.  Here he comes, Gotham – your judge, gaoler, most hated son. Have at him - rip him to shreds.  No-one deserves to die more than he!
So don’t give him the trucks, then.  Make your mind up, Barbara.
Her lip wobbles and she drinks again.  I’d give it a rest, Barbara – that was mental.  You’re one drink away from a self-indulgent karaoke song.
Jim and Harvey drive through the city – specifically under a bridge, where we can see bodies hanging. Apparently, this area was a cesspool before – but is now even worse.  People dressed in gothy, skull-heavy outfits suddenly appear alongside them, flinging Molotov cocktails and firing arrows.
Welcome to the Badlands.
We’re at the location the place Will mentioned, where there’s child slave labour overseen by some tools in gasmasks.   One complains that the oldest boy we see – Gabriel – allowed Will to escape.  He thought Gabriel had promise – and offers a chance to inhale whatever is in his mask for energy or to see the future.
He then witters on about the tunnel they’re building that will give them exclusive access to the mainland for trade.  Until the situation is resolved.  Or, you know, someone just comes in and takes it from them.
Gabriel points out that the tunnel is too narrow.  Progress is slow, the roof is leaking, and it’ll collapse when they hit the river.
Beardy gasmask guy gets cross at this.  He had high hopes for Gabriel.  He points his gun at him, but is disturbed by one of his minions telling him to get out front.
Outside – we see trucks parked.  Beardy irritably asks who was on watch.  One of your tedious stoner mates?
Put your weapons down
Is that the James Gordon?
We get western-style music
Beardy comments that if they kill him they’ll get bullets and be in Oswald’s good graces.  They draw guns – but are surrounded by GCPD. There’s a bit of back and forth – but Jim takes his keys, and goes into the building, telling Harvey to kill him if he moves.
The children all stare adoringly at Jim.  He gives the keys to Gabriel, who starts to release all the other children’s manacles/cuffs/whatever.  It was a pretty tooth-rotting moment.
Outside, leader man asks Harvey why he’d be a cop in this town.  Harvey says the costume shop was out of gas masks – so it was either this or sexy nurse.
As they talk – the leader’s eye flits to one of his men, creeping up.  There’s a disagreement that quickly turns into a full rammy.  Most of the children escape in the trucks – but Jim, Harvey, Gabriel and two little girls are left fleeing on foot.
Back at the mansion, Bruce approaches Ivy.  She seems relieved – asking for his help. She says she didn’t kill the men in the vines – it’s the park. The trees, plants, roots – speaking to one another. The men came to kill her – but the plants saved her
Bruce tells her that he needs help for a friend who was shot – not naming Selina. The nurse directed him to The Witch – and here he is.  Ivy said she would usually help – but this park is behaving so oddly.
We hear a knock at the door – jaunty waistcoat villager.  Bruce asks him to wait. Ivy says there’s a magical seed under the oak – she’ll help him find it if he protects her.
Back at the Library, Ed wakes up.  He's chained himself down – and is exultant that it seems to have stopped his sleep walking.
Doesn’t he…. have the key? Jfc, Ed.
He unlocks the padlock and gets up, heading to the bathroom
Why am I seeing this?
I don't need Ed peeing
As he relieves himself – he talks to himself in the mirror about how the sleepwalking was likely just stress.  
We hear grunting from somewhere else in the room.  Ed pulls back the shower curtain, and finds a burly biker man tied up in the bath.  
Ed looks away, back into the mirror and tells himself there’s nothing there – laughing hysterically. His laughing fades and he closes his eyes.
He pulls back the shower curtain again – this time wielding a plunger.  Without washing his hands.
He asks the biker who the hell he is.  The biker is massively disgruntled.
Are you serious?
Ed admits he doesn’t remember.  The man’s name is apparently Tank.  He’s part of the Street Demons gang.Ed asks if he hit him, etc.  Tank is still sullen – and says Ed wanted information, but he wouldn’t give it.  Ed eyes him
I’m gonna guess you gave it to me
Tumblr media
Oo-er, missus.
Ed says he can't remember the info – so they’ll have to do it all again, and hauls him out of the bath.
Jim and co running through the streets, hunted.  Shooting Oswald was dumb, Jim.  I know he’ll forgive you shortly – but it’s inconvenient in the meantime.
They run into a nearby building.  Harvey points to the candle burning, and warns that someone else is there.  Jim’s all caught up in the romance of his sheriff fantasy, and says that settlers in the Old West would sometimes leave a candle burning as a sign of sanctuary.  Maybe there’s still good people left in Gotham
Harvey raises an eyebrow at this romanticism, and then complains when Jim sends him to search the basement in this creepy hotel.  Jim meanwhile heads upstairs.  The children are left behind – and we see a shadowy figure pass behind them, looking sort of Victorian.
(An aside because this episode is boring – it’s odd how our collective imagination heads straight to Victorian stuff when it comes to ghosts)
Jim walks along the upper floor.  It’s a nice, creepy atmosphere.  There’s a room with a flickering bulb.  Jim offers a very tentative GCPD.  A small boy dressed in a school uniform runs out.  Jim reassures him.
Harvey in the basement, which is actually a proper kitchen like you would get in a big old house. Less traditional are the containers on the table containing jewellery, glasses, teeth, and fingers.
Harvey starts to quietly panic.  He’s then accosted by the masked Victorian woman wielding a razor, and starts to loudly panic.
Back at the library, Ed hits the biker in the face.  Am I expected to believe Ed was able to overpower this guy?  
He caves and passes the info – which is pretty pedestrian: Ed wanted to know where the Street Demon base was and whether their boss, Emmanuel Vazquez, would be there.
Ed asks the man what his demeanour was like last night.  Was he confident, flamboyant, charismatic?  Or a little repressed? Conservative?  Nerdy?
The man says he seemed stiff – in a daze.  Ed digests this, and then they leave.
Back at Ivy's impromptu 60s horror film.  Bruce leaves the room with a faux terrified Ivy.  Bruce tells the villagers to stay calm – he’ll take responsibility for her. Ivy promptly kills them all.
She turns to him – a hand on his throat – and tells him he’s utterly naïve.  Bruce says she didn’t have to kill them, but she replies that she wanted to.
Bruce stares balefully at her.  He tells her the friend he’s here for is Selina – she’s paralysed and has lost the will to live.  Ivy glares back at him.
Good.  That bitch destroyed the last drop of Lazarus water.  Let her suffer
Bruce says he doesn’t believe her.  Ivy avoids answering him like Jim has avoided awkward discussions about killing Oswald. She tells him she wasn’t lying about the park.  She’s been feeding it corpses.  It consumes them then flourishes.  She says she’ll plant Bruce.  What will grow, she wonders.
He tells her those men she killed were right.  She’s a murderous, callous witch. She smiles
Trying to bait me, boy?
Bruce says he wouldn’t waste his breath.  There’s no good left in her.  The park isn’t beautiful and colourful and flourishing.  It smells of death.  
Ivy doesn’t like this. She purses her lips and tells him it’s a work in progress. Bruce says it’s a nightmare.  She looks at him, and says if she helps him, he’s to leave her alone.  They leave for the garden.
Back with Jim and the kid from the room
(An aside – it struck me here that the pacing in this episode felt really off.  This should have been tense – but we spent too long with Ed and Bruce, and now we’ve lost a lot of tension.)
The boy tells Jim that his parents are dead – the woman here found him – the ghost.  She was kind at first.
They’re interrupted by Harvey. He says that there’s a crazy woman here. Jim tells the boy that they’ll protect him.  As they start to run, the boy says she makes him call her mother.
They head into a room off the corridor, but the boy slips out and shuts Jim and Harvey in.  We see the lights in the room flicker and strobe. The boy, stone-faced on the other side of the door tells them
The lights will make you dizzy.  Then fall asleep.  You won't feel a thing
Harvey starts to fold. Jim kicks at the door.  The boy calls that he should give into it.  As he does, we see the woman behind him, and she slashes out at him with her razor.
There’s a scuffle. Harvey smashes the window – allowing light into the room.  Her mask falls off, and the ghostliness is all gone.  She screeches at Jim – she’s the only mother the boy knows.  Harvey tells her she’s a crazy bitch – but she protests that she’s protecting him: she taught him how to survive.
She also manages to kick and slash Jim, and makes her escape.
At the biker hideout, which is apparently deserted.  As we look round, though, we see lots of stabbed bikers – including the boss.  Tank asks if Ed does this, to which Ed honestly responds that he can’t remember
Turning, we see a really boringly painted message on the wall
Penguin was here.
The biker growls: Penguin did this
Ed looks dubious.  I think not
Tank replies that whoever it was, someone started a war
Back at Ivy’s park.  She reaches into the earth as Bruce watches and extracts a seed.  It looks incredibly gross.  
She hands it to Bruce. He asks her if that’s human blood that it’s coated in.  She tells him that if Selina ingests it, it will find the way to the wound.  Bruce asks if it will cure her.  Ivy shrugs. Everyone responds differently.  The only thing that’s sure is that she’ll be altered forever – the darker angels of her nature unlocked and set free.  You very rarely see that one listed in the side-effect section of the information pamphlet.
She asks if Selina can live with it, then eyes him shrewdly and asks if he can.  Bruce tells her he doesn’t know any other way.  Ivy smiles – and tells him to go then, give her the seed. She adds that he still doesn’t know if he can trust her.  Bruce agrees and she replies.
Good – you’re finally becoming a man
Bruce asks where she’ll go, and she says that’s none of his business.  He needs to hurry: the seed will die if exposed to the air for too long.
(An aside - if I desperately scrabble to get more fro this episode - I could say that there’s maybe a Jim and Bruce parallel.  Jim’s doing good - but he’s definitely getting something from what he’s doing now.  Bruce’s actions are to save Selina - but also to salve his own guilt at how she ended up shot in the first place) 
Back at the haunted hotel, Harvey and Jim run downstairs and usher the children out.  As they do, Harvey turns to Jim
Not everyone wants help, Jim Gordon
They run out into the street.  We get a slightly too loud bit of dialogue between Harvey and Jim to let us know that Jim only has two bullets left. It had a real look out for snakes! quality.
The soothsayers and the goths show up.  There’s a standoff where they both have guns pointed at Jim – both keen to collect the bounty.
Bruce is back in the ward. Alfred tells her that Selina’s not great – hasn’t uttered a word since he left.  Bruce tells him the witch is actually Ivy.  Alfred looks dubiously at the seed – which does look really nasty.
Bruce says it might help. Alfred says Ivy is a maniacal cold-hearted killer
Selina suddenly pipes up
Give it to me
Bruce says he has doubts. Selina says that she’s suicidal anyway – so if Ivy wants to kill her, she can have at it.  Bruce hands her the pill.  She asks if she’s just to swallow it, and then does so without hesitation. Bravo, Selina.  That seed looked gross.
They watch. She exhales
Still here
Alfred laughs.
Selina says she knows Ivy has lost her mind – but Selina found her when she was first on the street, after her parents died.  It was a cold winter – and Ivy got really sick. Selina took her under her wing: showed her how to find food, a roof.  Eventually she got colour in her face – and Selina kept checking in with her every day.
I know she looks old now – but she'll always be that little girl to me
Alfred and Bruce look fondly at her – but as they do, she starts to sweat and convulse.  Doctors and nurses rush in, and Alfred holds Bruce back
My God.  What have I done?
Back at the standoff. This is really unforgiveably boring.
Blah blah  - Jim has two bullets.  Basically, Barbara arrives before things can go very wrong.  She’s had a change of mind since their chat.  Beardy guy takes aim at her from the ground, but Jim shoots him.  Barbara comments that it must be love, since it was his last bullet.
She steps closer and tells him to
Help me do what needs doing - kill Penguin
(An aside -I’m so very done with this stupid notion that Oswald is the big problem in town.  It makes absolutely no sense.  If anything, the only reason we don’t have all-out gang warfare is because there’s not enough ammunition to go round, because Oswald has a grip on it.  As for the notion that Barbara is somehow better – she’s hoarding food and drink to run a brothel while there’s not enough to go round.  If they show doesn’t make clear later that Barbara’s stance is entirely personal and irrational, I’m going to be very grumpy.)
Jim says they’ll table this discussion for later.
(An aside.  Barbara.  Harvey. Jim is not going to kill Oswald. If you don’t know this by now, then you haven’t been paying attention.  He didn’t do it to placate Falcone. He didn’t do it to string Theo Galavan along and get a conviction. He didn’t do it to guarantee silence after Theo’s murder. He didn’t do it when Oswald’s actions threatened to disrupt his work with the Court of Owls.  He didn’t do it when he was apparently all darkness and rage with the Tetch virus. He didn’t do it at the bequest of Sofia Falcone, and he didn’t do it most recently, when the city is a wasteland and Oswald controls virtually all the weaponry.  It’s a no, guys.   If he changes his mind on this, then it’s an ooc swizz.)
In the Green Zone - where the lighting is all idyllic.  Lucius shows off the new lodgings he’s found/created.  It’s not ideal – but it’s better than anywhere else. Citizens are gathering, and it’ll be full by lunchtime.
A woman approaches with her children to thank Jim for delivering them.  Barbara rolls her eyes and leaves – calling over her shoulder:
See you around, killer.  We have unfinished business
I have to ask – is anyone invested in this?  Anyone?
Back with Selina.  The doc says whatever she took put her into shock – but she’s now stabilised.  Bruce looks solemn.  There’s a statue of Jesus behind him.  Hi Jesus!
Alfred says they should go. He walks on, but Bruce lingers to peek in, and is shocked to see Selina’s bed empty and the window open.  He rushes in and looks out the window.  Selina walks up behind him
Bruce says it's a miracle. Selina’s eyes are closed, and she smiles beatifically.  She says she feels no no pain.  Bruce says he thought he’d killed her, but Seline says she’s even better than before.
They hug, and over Bruce’s shoulder, we see Selina open her eyes – which momentarily look just like a cat’s eyes.
General Observations
Ugh.  With a couple of exceptions, that was a slog.
No Oswald at all.  I’m not sure why this would be the case – but the episode palled badly without him.  If it’s to try and easily paint him as a flat villain in his absence, it failed.  Life in Gotham is mind-bendingly boring without him.
It’s not that I’m not interested in Ed, but there’s not really much need for interpretation or further examination for what’s going on.  It’s either part of his own subconscious (we’ve seen that this can happen with Ed), or something to do with Hugo’s tinkering.  I’m not quite sure why I feel a sort of weird lack of tension with this plotline, but there it is.
Likewise – Barbara’s revenge plot is really just tiresome.  I will admit to being nakedly biased towards Oswald, but even if that weren’t the case - it’s hard to feel real sympathy here.  Babs – Oswald didn’t invade Sirens, seek Tabitha out and then stab her in the heart.  She went looking for him, and then left him with no other options.  Not only that – but she was fully aware that getting revenge for Butch meant leaving you alone.  Last, but not least: She.  Murdered. His.  Mother. I know the big female solidarity thing really only extends to women 18-40 who can turn a profit for you – but still.  Take a moment to think this over.
Look I get that it’s easier for her to be angry at Oswald than it is to be angry at Tabitha – but it’s still a bit tedious.  A lot tedious.
As previously discussed, there’s more meat to Jim’s story right now – but I’ve no idea whether it’s intentional.  I’m sure Jim does genuinely care about the citizens who need help.  However, Jim is also loving this.  All that murky stuff from the past is gone.  Here, he’s Big Jim Gordon, the heroic sheriff in a Wild West town.  His deputies do what he says, and Miss Kitty who runs the brothel can help out when needed.  Big-eyed children rush to him for help, mothers thank him, and he gets to rush headfirst into fights outgunned whenever he wants.  
I’m not sure where that fancy-dressed guy with the European name and the limp fits in to his story, but maybe Jim’s watched more Westerns than I have.
Hopefully this might head in a more complicated direction.  A couple of the scenes with Jim and the children seemed deliberately too saccharine. Harvey warned him that not everyone wants his help.   Let’s see where things go.
Jim and Barbara
I remember, way back when, commenting that the lack of real closure between Jim and Barbara felt unrealistic.  Jim’s serious-minded and quite traditional (or seemed so at that point, anyway).  He and Barbara were engaged to be married – church booked and dress bought, as Barbara told us.  The relationship did have had its problems: Barbara was depressed and day drinking, while Jim was busily emulating his father and compartmentalising like crazy – but it always felt like they would have more definitively closed the chapter, as opposed to just moving on like it was a short-term relationship.  I think what we’re seeing here is basically unfinished business being played out. Probably better for it to play out with the help of contraceptives, but hey, we know where they’ve decided to go with this.
Again - if you want to make it more problematic in a desperate bid to make things more interesting - killing Tabitha, having Barbara trade in ‘information’ instead of all out violence, masking what goes on in Sirens, putting a nice white coat on her: it’s all to ‘purify’ her character to make her suitable for the pregnancy storyline later.  Not too, pure, though.  My guess is she’ll die nobly at some point, and Lee will wind up raising the baby with Jim.
Recaps are a lot faster and easier when there’s no Oswald and the episode is a bit lacklustre.
23 notes · View notes
sterling-starlight · 6 years
Chapter 10: Ebb and Flow
The fact that he could see his own breath, coming out in erratic bursts, said that he was anxious. The fact that White seemed to be sitting right in the middle of this bitter cold said that she was anxious and terrorfied. Staring at him with wide eyes that glistened like ice hands clutching onto the material of her hoodie like it was the single thing anchoring her to this reality. Or the only thing keeping her from running away.  There was a faint ringing in his head, something trying to pound the belief that it was just a hoodie and that White was just a frightened young woman into his brain. His common sense battling against what he knew to be the truth of the matter. 
“You came back.” Ingo said, breaking the silence. He drew his coat closer to him, fightint against the chill that was settling into his bones. 
“I had to,” White replied in a wavering voice.  One of her hands reached up to twist into her hair, ice crystals sprouting from her fingertips. She didn’t seem to even notice the ice creeping up to her scalp. 
“Where’s Emmet?” Ingo’s eyes canned the room for his brother. The younger twim popped up from beneath the counter like he had been summoned, two mugs and the tea kettle in his hands. Completely unpreturbed by the drop in temperature. 
“Oh, hi.” He greeted like this was a completely normal thing that happened every Tuesday. “I found her outside our apartment. Said she didn’t want to talk until you got home. Honey-lemon?”
This wasn’t Emmet’s usual nonchalance. Emmet only broke out the tea when he needed something to distract himself. Something he could focus on to avoid the Donphan in the room.  Ingo breathed in through his nose, but coughed when the frigid air assaulted his lungs.  Regathering his composure, he strode across the room to the couch White had taken over. She huddled into one corner nervously, so Ingo respectfully took the opposide one.  
“What did-”
“Do you two hate me?” 
Ingo and White spoke at the same time, the former being completely taken aback while the latter continued to fidget with that lock of her hair. It was almost entirely coated in frost. 
“I beg your pardon?” He questioned, “Why would Emmet and I hate you?”
“Because I’m not human.” White replied, she glaned at him out of the corner of her eye. “Because I kept this-” she waved a hand down her front, and the material of her hoodie looked more like fur than cotton. “-From you both.”
Thinking back to the stories and legends Ingo had been pouring over for the past three days, he took a while to choose his words carefully. Selkies in the stories were always desired and romanticized. There were only one or two that portrayed them as monsters to be fear as hated; but those were the stories where they were horrendous demons. As mockeries of Arceus’ Holy Design. 
White cut him off before he could defend himself. “You and Emmet... you looked at me like I wasn’t even me. Like I was... a thing.” She said, her voice barely audible. 
From  the kitchen, the kettle dropped onto the strove too heavily to be on purpose. 
“That isn’t-” He Ingo began uncertainly. He took off his cap to run a hand over his hair. “I apologize if it came across that way,” he said carefully. “It was just... suprising. Creatures like you-” He paused when he saw the hurt in White’s eyes. He cleared his throat, “People like you, we’ve only heard about them in folklore and children’s stories. How were we supposed to react?”
“...I dunno...” White replied weakly. She drew her knees up to her chest, finally letting go of her hair in favor of lacing her fingers together. “I had my mind set on you two being like me. I never really con-consi-...thought of what I would do if it turned out another way.” 
Ingo dared to shift just a little closer. He took the fact that he wasn’t instantly pushed back by some sort of cold wind as a positive sign. “We don’t hate you,” he assured gently. She turned her head to face him fully and smiled. Ingo wasn’t sure if it was just him, or if it was the room itself that had warmed up. 
“I’m really glad,” she said. “You two are my favorite.”
She smiled bright enough to illuminate the world. Ingo wanted to protect such a precious treasure with every fiber of his being.
As casual as he ever was, Emmet plopped down on the empty cushion between Ingo and White (although he still kept a respectable distance away from her), three mugs of tea expertly balanced on a tray. “Now that we’ve cleared the air a little bit,” he began, hanging Ingo a mug of honey-lemon and nudging a separate cup of what looked like hot coco in White’s direction, “how about some TV? White, I heard the newest episode of My Love; My Devotion airs tonight.”
“For real?! Turn it on, turn it on!” White bounced in her spot, the cold almost melting off her body as she stared at the blank television screen impatiently. Emmet chuckled and flipped the TV on to the drama station. Ingo signed and relaxed into the overstuffed cushions, resigning himself to a night of poorly written romance. 
“How could he do this?!” Surprisingly, it was Emmet who voiced his disbelief at the show.  As far as Ingo could tell (he was only half paying attention to the dribble), the male lead had chosen to go overseas to Hoenn for the sake of his business rather than stay in Kanto with his girlfriend. His heavily pregnant girlfriend because of course she was.
“Right? Doesn’t he know abandoning his pups is the single worst thing a parent can do? And he was so likable before.” White agreed vehemently, hugging her Seel plush (she had rushed to grab it during a commercial break). “Tatsuya deserves Nanase more than Kazuto does, anyway.” She said, referring to the three parts of the show’s main love triangle.  Honestly, polyamory would solve everyone’s problems, since all three parties clearly loved each other. Oh, but that wouldn’t be dramatic enough would it? How else would the writers incorporate a “whose baby is it, anyway?” story line? Despite how badly he wanted to rip this show’s writing to pieces, White was enjoying it. She was acting more like her old self; open and affectionate and happy. 
The episode finally ended with a grand, sweeping crescendo as Tatsuya boldly declared that he would take care of Nanase and her unborn child before it finally cut to the credits. Ingo breathed an internal sigh of relief, while Emmet and White boo’d. White was so displeased that she threw a few popcorn kernels at the screen. Which she quickly scooped up and ate before dropping herself back onto the couch. 
Ingo’s watch chirped happily, alerting him that it had just turned ten’o’clock. Had he really lost so much time with that show? There was no way it was only an hour long...
“Well...” White began as she stood back up, sucking the salt and butter from her fingers. “I guess I should get going now.” She offered a weak smile  to Ingo and Emmet. “Thanks for having me over, and for... being so nice to me. Not many humans would be, after learning what I am.” She began twisting a lock of hair around her hands again and looked away.
Ingo and Emmet exchanged glances. “It’s getting late. Are there even going to be bunks available at the shelter?” Emmet questioned. 
“If there isn’t, I can sleep in one of the canals,” White replied with a faint shrug. Her smile faltered at the corners, “I’ve done it before.”
“Or you could stay the night.” Ingo spoke up, causing the other two to look at him curiously. White shifted her weight, her eyes narrowing and lips pouting in consideration. It was unnatural, seeing her with so much restraint. “It’s too dark for you to be wandering the city by yourself.” He continued. 
White opened her mouth to argue, but the rumble of thunder quickly shut her off. She squeaked and held herself. “Where did that come from?” She asked in a quavering voice, glaring at the ceiling through her bangs. 
“A storm started brewing during the show’s run time,” Ingo informed. His sentence was punctuated by another, louder rumble. 
“OkayyouwinI’mstayingthankyou.” White somehow managed to say that entire sentence in a single breath. She practically dove back onto the couch, grabbed her plush, and snuggled into Emmet’s side for protection.  He wrapped his arm around her like he had done it a thousand times before, and Ingo felt disgusted that he was jealous over his brother.  Emmet was completely and utterly devoted to Elesa, what threat could he-
Ingo’s thoughts came to a screeching halt. Threat? Had he seriously classified his own brother as a potential threat? Arcues, this was maddening. But Ingo did the only thing that he could do whenever his thoughts and emotions began going places he didn’t want them to-
“Please excuse me,  I’d like to get to sleep early.”
-He got up and ran away like the gods damned coward that he was. Because that was all he knew how to do.
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Hey. (Part 4) (Dallon Weekes x Reader)
Note: This is the final part of the series. x
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Almost a week had passed since you had witnessed the nauseating encounter between your tree-like neighbour and his lady friend and so far, Operation: Avoid Dallon Weekes was coming along swimmingly. Given, the success of the task was largely aided by the fact that you had been struck by some or other stomach virus and hadn’t been able to leave your dorm for the majority of the week.
That, and there was also the fact that Dallon was currently on a trip to his hometown to attend the funeral of his childhood babysitter, bless her soul.
If it weren’t for those two perfectly timed occurrences, you were almost certain that you would’ve broken your resolve and ended up speaking to the traitorous giant. But in the midst of his absence, and fuelled by the irascibility you were experiencing as a result of being ill, you were starting to get more and more angry at him.
There was only so much you could do while holed up in an insignificant dorm room for an entire week, so you had ample time to bathe in the loath you currently felt towards Dallon.
Were you being slightly petty?
Did you care?
You were a relatively strong person and could put up with a lot but unfortunately for Dallon, lies were not part of that lot. You had an intense hatred of lies and liars.
Even more so, you did not appreciate being on the receiving end of someone’s fib, and it made you all sorts of infuriated whenever such an event would occur. Take your current situation, for instance – had Dallon been honest with you about his plans for that day, everything would’ve turned out just fine. You still would have been jealous, that much is true, but at least you wouldn’t have been angered by finding out that he hadn’t been truthful with you. So now, not only were you jealous, you were also angry, and everyone knows that anger and jealously are quite the malicious pairing.
Cursing under your breath after having suffered through yet another violent puking session – your third one in the past fifteen minutes – you crawled into bed and shifted yourself into a comfier position on your blanket-dominated single bed, groaning painfully as the throbbing in your head recommenced. Trying your hardest to ignore it, you reached for your laptop laying on the blanket next to you and pulled up Netflix.
With your favourite show acting as a distraction, you had drifted off to sleep somewhere during the second episode, at almost the exact same moment Dallon had set foot back on campus.
The two of you hadn’t spoken much since the day that he cancelled on you, and as your neighbour trudged his way up to his dorm room, he found himself furrowing his eyebrows as he contemplated why.
His parents had called him to convey the news of his babysitter’s passing the day after he met with Tess, and since the funeral was only a few days from then, he booked his flight immediately and was on his way back to Salt Lake City the very next morning.
Dallon would never just disappear without telling you about it, so after he had booked his ticket, he hurried across the hall to inform you that he’d be away for a little while. You hadn’t answered the door when he knocked – even when he announced that it was him – which was weird, since you always let him in or at least yelled an answer through the door.
Figuring that you were probably just taking a nap or something, he pulled out his phone and shot you a text saying that he knocked but no one answered, and that he would be going back home for his babysitter’s funeral. Surprisingly, you responded immediately, saying that you were out, and passing on your condolences.
After that, communication between the two of you was practically non-existent. From your end, at least. Dallon made a consistent effort to text or call you every single day but much to his despair and perplexity, you never answered one of them. He had began to think that he had done something wrong and that’s why you were ignoring him, so he called up Ash to find out what was going on.
Ash was very vague, only saying that you were sick with a pretty bad virus, and that you weren’t answering because you were probably just too weak. In reality, that wasn’t the case – you were ignoring him. But as your friend, it was Ash’s duty to go along with your slightly unnecessary actions.
When he heard that you had gotten sick, Dallon became seriously concerned and made Ash promise to take the best care of you as he could. His worry hadn’t ceased for the entire week, but as he walked up to your door, it did subside a little bit. He was sure that the severity of the illness would’ve died down by now since nearly seven days had passed, and he was hoping that you would be well enough to at least go down to the coffee vendor with him.
Ash had warned him that that probably wouldn’t be the case, and that it would be wise to just stay away from you until you were fully recovered. But Dallon was seriously desperate to see you, so he took his chances and knocked tentatively before carefully opening the door. The sight that he was met with was not at all pretty.  
You were half-sitting, half-lying down as you hunched over the bucket at the foot of your bed, emptying the practically non-existent contents of your stomach. The only thing that was coming up was water, since you had been throwing up so much and hadn’t been able to keep anything down other than that down.
Letting out a quiet gasp, Dallon rushed forward to grab a towel before kneeling down next to your frail body and rubbing your back soothingly. He muttered comforting comments to you and waited for you to finish. Then, he handed you a towel to wipe your mouth and poured you a capful of mouthwash.
You accepted the towel and mouthwash gratefully, but after rising your mouth with the minty liquid and spitting it out, you turned to glare at Dallon.
“I appreciate the effort, but I’m doing just fine by myself.”
He scoffed and raised an eyebrow, gesturing at your mess of a dorm. “Yeah, I can see that.”
“I don’t need you here, Dallon,” you sighed, flattening your messy hair before collapsing onto your bed, “And I don’t want you here. Go away.”
Ignoring the pang in his chest created by your words, he ran his hand through his tousled locks and leaned back on your bed.
“(Y/N),” he huffed, stammering a bit before continuing his sentence, “are you… mad at me? Did I do something wrong?”
When you didn’t reply, choosing to bury your head in the pillow instead, he continued.
“You haven’t been answering my texts or my calls, and I know that you would always pick up the phone for me, unless I did something to piss you off. And I can’t stand not talking to you. I missed you so much this past week. Please just tell me what I did,” he pleaded, gazing earnestly at you with those wonderful blue eyes.
You rubbed your tired eyes as you straightened up and returned his gaze. “You lied to me.”
It was quite clear that Dallon was confused, so you elaborated.
“You told me that you were helping Tess with her music paper. Not taking her on a date.”
Dallon’s face lit up and his mouth formed an ‘o’ before it curved into a smile and he chuckled.
“Wait a minute. Are you…” he narrowed his eyes, “jealous?”
Throwing the upper half of your body over the edge of your bed, you puked into the bucket. After repeating the process of wiping your mouth and using mouthwash, you gave Dallon an over exaggerated smile.
“And there you have the answer to that question,” you beamed, making him smirk a little, eyes still narrow.
“Really? ‘Cause it seems like you’re pretty jealous.”
Oh, now he was gonna get it.
“Listen here, you stupid giant,” you growled and pointed a finger at him. He widened his eyes, feeling both amused and taken aback. “I am not, have never, and will never, be jealous of another woman landing a guy. Especially when said guy is a lying, less attractive rip-off of Dr Doofenshmirtz!”
A silence fell over the room and the two of you just looked at one another for what seemed like an eternity before Dallon finally spoke.
“Yup. Totally jealous.”
With a surprising amount of energy and strength considering how sick you were, you let out a short war cry before lunging forward and tackling Dallon onto the bottom end of your bed.
“I,” you hissed through gritted teeth while you flicked him on the forehead.
Before you could flick him again, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down as he rolled you over so that he was hovering over you.
Before you could do anything to object, he brought his head down to the crook of your neck and planted a delicate peck on the soft skin, causing a flurry of butterflies in your stomach.
The unexpected motion earned a gasp from you, which made Dallon smile against your skin before pulling back and cocking his head at you, a goofy grin on his lips.
“You don’t have to be jealous; there’s nothing between Tess and I. But if you want to know what our ‘date’ was about, I’d be more than happy to enlighten you.”
“Please do,” you breathed, “I’d like to know what was so important that you had to brush me off and lie to me about it.”
“She was helping me,” he admitted sheepishly.
“With what?” you frowned.
Sighing heavily, he climbed off of your bed and walked towards the door where he had dropped the brown paper bag he’d been carrying when he arrived. When he neared you, he stuck his hand inside and pulled out a bunch of your favourite flowers.
“She was helping me plan the right way to ask you out,” he informed, taking a knee in front of you; you sat up quickly. “I had this whole speech planned out about how much I like you and how much I want to be your boyfriend and all that jazz, but I should have known that with you, things would never have gone to plan,” he chuckled, and you gave a small smile.
“Firstly,” he continued with a smirk, “you weren’t supposed to stalk me and see my planning session with Tess. Secondly, you weren’t supposed to ignore me for a whole week.”
“In my defence, you did lie to me,” you pointed out, not able to fight the smile forming on your face.
“For a greater cause!” he threw his hands up in the air, making you giggle. “Also, you have to admit that you overreacted a little.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, rolling your eyes, “but that’s how I get when I’m jealous,” you smirked and the both of you laughed.
“Like I said, there’s no reason to be,” he repeated, gently taking your hand in his and holding the bouquet out to you, “There’s only one girl I’m interested in, and that’s you.”
“Even after I overreacted and ignored you for an entire week?” you checked.
“Even after you overreacted and ignored me for an entire week,” he confirmed with a nod.
“Wow,” you breathed with wide eyes and a smile, “you must really like me, then.”
“More than you know,” he beamed, “So, whaddya say? Will you go out with me?”
“You had me at ‘Hey’,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Thank you for reading x
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hilarybecker · 7 years
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I really can’t say this enough - Peter is literally the sweetest man in this universe and I love him so much. He was so good with his fans and was giving everybody time to talk and say what they wanted and early on in the autograph line he was super personalizing everybody’s autographs. I ALSO SAW HIM WHILE IN LINE AND WAS SMILING SUPER BIG AT HIM AND HE ACKNOWLEDGED ME!!! But his autograph line was so overfilled that his 3-5 schedule wasn’t enough to get to everybody and he had to cut it off to do his photo ops. I waited 2 hours in that line (with my very amazing non-whovian friend who was a total trooper, bless his soul!) and was more than halfway to him when he left. I was so crushed and deflated after that because I suddenly knew everything I wanted to say to him and there was no guarantee he was coming back, until word came from his people that he was PROMISING to come back to us after the ops, even though autographing is closed at the point. HE IS SUCH A GOOD MAN!!!! So I go off for my photo op with him and I’m of course wearing my “Thank God and Scotland for Peter Capaldi” shirt (Thank you @randomthunk !!!!!) and he takes one glance at it and says “I love that shirt. That is a great t-shirt you’ve got there!” And my mind was all “afdghkljhgfdgfsk” but I was able to form words and say “Thank you!” and then I handed him my 12th doctor sonic screwdriver and I’m holding the sign I held up in the Thank You Peter video I was a part of. But because I also wanted to hug him in some capacity, I was trying to hold it one handed and put my other hand on his back. So the photographer says “Hold up, I can’t see the whole sign” and Peter said “Oh, I didn’t even see that!” and he turned it to read it and he said “Well, I can’t hold that!” with a chuckle, so I went to go hold it with my other hand but then he actually took the corner and said “But I’ll help.” so I could put my hand back on his back. SUCH A CUTIE!!!!!! And then just as cute, he actually took a moment to choose a sonic screwdriver setting for the photo. I LOVE THIS DORK!!!! Then I told him “Thank you so much” and he said “No, thank you! It was fantastic to meet you!” as he handed my sonic back over and then he said AGAIN (start counting, Ginger) “I really love that t-shirt” and so I said “Thank you!” again and I was all giddy and shit and shaking so badly I couldn’t put the photo in the cover so my friend had to lol. Then an hour later it was back to the autograph line! And I was the 2nd to last one in his line! The person behind me actually didn’t have a pre-bought ticket but 2 very young girls who’d been declined earlier because the line capped, and who were crying their eyes out in the photo op line when they were told Peter wouldn’t sign their painting until they were personally invited back to his autograph line! So I get to the table and just like with Jenna, seeing him and knowing this was my chance to actually talk to him made my brain totally crash and I straight up said to the table staff “I forgot everything I wanted to say.” and she said “Aww no, don’t worry, Peter is great.” and then she tried to read my shirt so I said “It says Thank God and Scotland for Peter Capaldi” and she laughed and then HOLY SHIT Peter, without missing a beat, and while still signing for somebody else like 4 people ahead, glanced over and smiled and said “And it’s true too.” paused and then added “I love that shirt.” PETER CAPALDI AGREES THAT WE SHOULD ALL THANK GOD AND SCOTLAND FOR HIM!!!!! FUCK, HE’S ADORABLE!!!!! And then I got a chance to choose my photo and suddenly there’s only one more person ahead and my stomach’s all knotty but I’ve got this huge smile on my face and he smiled back at me as I inched closer and finally my brain just sorta clicked again. I started with “First off, I just want to say thank you for coming back.” because I could tell at this point he was exhausted but he was still there, bless his heart, and he said “Of course, thank you for waiting!” and then as he signed my photo I said “I really wanted to tell you that you’re my Doctor. And that before 12 came along, I didn’t even know what people meant when they said ‘so and so is my doctor’” and his staff member laughed again and he smiled up at me and said “That’s great.” and I continued with “So, it’s kinda cool now to know, instantaneously, that I can say ‘12 is my Doctor’ and I wanted to thank you, for being my Doctor.” and he said “I’m so glad to hear that!” and then I started to fumble a bit as I looked at him and really make eye contact but I managed to say “And I wanted to say that one episode in particular has really stuck out for me. The one with Cass and Lunn…” and he stopped me and asked “Which one is that again?” and I said “The one where the character, Cass, is deaf and she speaks in sign language.” and he said “Oh! Under the Lake!” and I got all excited and said “Yes! That’s it!” and then I continued where I left off and said “It really meant the world to me that The Doctor didn’t treat Cass any differently than anybody else on the ship. Because, I’m not deaf, but I suffer from Selective Mutism…” and he cut me off again to ask “What’s that?” and I was crying on the inside because I didn’t expect him to actually ask, so I said “It means that sometimes, in certain situations, I can’t speak. My voice just won’t come out.” and he, BLESS HIS HEART, HE SAID TO ME “Well, I wouldn’t even know. You’re doing wonderful right now. You’re speaking very clearly.” RIP ME. I was all smiles but a total wreck and I managed to choke out a “I’m really nervous though.” and he said “Don’t be, you’re doing great.” and my heart just swelled, like how sweet can you be!? I said “Thank you and again, I really loved that episode.” and he got this really soft smile and said “The Doctor doesn’t see people for who they are on the outside. He doesn’t care about that. It’s all about what’s on the inside for him.” and he put his hand on his heart to accentuate that and went on to add, “That’s what really matters to him. That’s what’s important to him. It’s one of my favorite things about him.” and I couldn’t tell if he was going to say anything else so I waited a moment before nodding my head and saying “Thank you so much.” and I thought that was it so I reached for my autograph when he asked “Oh, how did your photo come out!?” SO YEAH, HE ALSO REMEMBERED ME, and I grinned and I said “It came out fantastic! Thank you!” and he nodded his head and said “Good. It was great meeting you. Have a wonderful night.” and I tried to say “You too” but it didn’t really come out so I just extended my hand to him and he took it and gave it a nice, gentle squeeze and a shake AND HIS HANDS WERE SO FUCKING SOFT and then he said “I really do love that t-shirt.” and I laughed and said “Thank you!” yet again because I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I finally took my autograph and bounded off with my friend and he was so psyched for me! ‘Cause I mean, I was like a million times better with Peter than I was with Jenna. He was just so ready and willing to listen and give me time and not that Jenna wasn’t, because she actually gave me a second chance, but idk there was just something so easy about speaking to him (and also that woman had me so fucking starstruck omg.) But I legit couldn’t stop smiling and shaking after that BECAUSE PETER CAPALDI WAS SO KIND AND SWEET AND SOFT AND WARM AND THOUGHTFUL AND BEAUTIFUL AND HE ACTUALLY CALLED ME WONDERFUL AND I COULDN’T AND STILL CAN’T GET THAT OUT OF MY HEAD, I’M GONNA CRY FOREVER T.T
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cult-of-kai · 7 years
The Sword of Swift Justice
Thoughts on episode eight, ‘Winter of Our Discontent’:
This episode was like the ghost of predictions past for me…
The promo picture called Cheyenne Jackson’s character ‘Dr. Rudy Vincent’, but his name in the show is Dr. Vincent Anderson. Surely this was done to preserve the surprise reveal. Right away, we find out that Vincent is innocent of all but being a lousy shrink. But even then- wait. Is he a lousy shrink? He’s exasperated by Ally, to be sure- but so were we. So was Ivy, for all that she had other issues as well. Rosie, beaming, said that Vincent cured her and he responded by praising the work she’d put in. I thought he had to be loading Kai up on Adderall if nothing else, but nope. Kai steals prescription pads from him. Vincent’s eventual fate stings because it comes right when he’s trying to atone for mistakes he is just realizing he made. I reasoned early on that Vincent might not actually be involved in the cult, but I kind of assumed I was overthinking the whole thing. Nope again. Although… there was something a little creepy about the description of “pinky power” (which sounds even sillier than pinky promise), in my opinion. At any rate- RIP, Vincent.
I guess Bebe Babbitt… went missing? I don’t know, but the ladies of the cult are still pissed about being pushed aside. It’s gotten worse, actually, because now they’re stuck cooking for and serving Kai’s army of blueshirt drones. Ivy mentions The Handmaid’s Tale, which I’ll get back to later, and Beverly relates how Kai is manipulating the city council into going along with his decisions. The bit about the gated community is decent class-war commentary. Then it’s time for story time with Winter.
How did Kai-That-Was become the Kai we know? I think it was after the trailer’s release that I called Kai a manipulative whackjob with a messiah complex. But then back in ‘11/9′, we were given the impression of relative- if perhaps dreary- normalcy until Ms. Anderson commits a murder-suicide. This definitely effects him. A mutual of mine (@loonyloomis) pointed out that this was when Kai stopped cutting his hair- Adam Sheppard tease!- and he later gets into peddling fraudulent prescriptions. But he seems to bounce back for the most part, despite living in a house with two rotting corpses. Then the two younger Anderson siblings go to Judgment House on a lark, which Winter presents as the defining turning point in Kai’s life. Symbolically, it makes sense. In a twisted parody of a church, a horror *house of judgment*, Kai is stripped down to his essence- and found wanting. His first instinct upon realizing that Pastor Charles is torturing and killing people is to rescue them, which he does while Winter runs to save herself. This is Kai at his most genuinely heroic. He saved four people, including Winter, from terrible torment and death- not to mention any other victims Pastor Charles would have found. Now just take a minute to imagine how differently things might have gone if Kai had done as the female victim suggested and called the police. But he didn’t, because the better angel of his nature fails. Instead of shining a light on a great evil, he becomes it. He denies Pastor Charles’ victims the justice they choose to do as Winter suggests and kills him, becoming a killer. This- not his parents’ death- is the crack in Kai’s soul, the fissure in his mind. Everything since has been psychodramatic fallout and Kai bringing others down with him. He’s trying to convince himself and everyone around him that he’s on the rise when he is in free-fall.
I’m not sure how prevalent they are overall, but (fake!) Judgment Houses do definitely exist in the South. I specifically remember going to one that was split between heaven and hell. Everyone kept wandering back to hell because the heaven side- white sheets with scripture written all over them- was boring. Parts of Judgment House reminded me of ‘Se7en’, specifically Sloth. That’s undoubtedly deliberate, especially since Winter already name-dropped Fincher last episode. And randomly, AHS co-creator Brad Falchuk dates Gwyneth Paltrow. Others have mentioned similarities to the ‘Saw’ series, but I’ve never seen any of those. Rick Springfield was fine, but Pastor Charles would have been a nice little role for Denis O’Hare.
Anyway. Winter wants to try to reach Kai, because she believes that can happen. They’re all members of a murderous clown cult, but what do I know? Ivy and Beverly agree to give her some time. Winter and Kai meet, and we learn that Kai definitely knows how Harrison died and doesn’t care. They do a pinky power session and shit gets strange fast. Kai has decided, apropos of nothing, that they need to have a messiah baby. And for whatever reason, Winter has to be its mother. Logically, one’s mind goes to incest. But no- it’s going to be so much weirder than that! Kai says they’re going to have a threesome with Detective Samuels but somehow Winter will remain pure. At first I thought maybe Kai was just looking for an excuse to have sex with Samuels, but later events in the episode turned that idea on its head. Winter eventually calls the whole thing off because it gets to be too much nonsense for her. (I mean, it wasn’t until then?) Between the robes and the song and the behavior of all involved, it was undoubtedly one of the most bizarre AHS scenes ever- cringy as hell, but also hysterical and… oddly fitting in a satirical way? In the popular imagination and in reality (to a lesser degree), cult practices are often oddly sexual, cobbled together, and perversions of religious rituals. Kai has a degree in religious studies. Is he trying to sanctify what he and the cult are doing? His opening salvo during pinky power might lead us to believe he’s simply testing Winter, but I don’t know. The whole scenario also evokes ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, a modern classic about women’s disenfranchisement via reproductive slavery.
As for Winter, what’s her deal? Why was she trolling “social justice warriors” with Kai? Sibling bonding? She seemed to be enjoying it. Was she perhaps also changed by Judgment House? Was her response to the trauma a hard left turn? But she swears to love and be loyal to her brother, who is politically on the opposite shore. In ‘11/9′, she told Ivy she wants to serve someone powerful. It’s all rather baffling. Regardless, Winter wearing a dunce cap and throwing recycling on the side of the road because Kai “doesn’t believe in global warming” is one of the funniest damn things I’ve seen all season. The following confrontation between her and Samuels- especially the line about losing when Hillary did- might suggest she would get more radical and truly join forces with the other women, but that’s not what happens. Instead, she… sells Beverly out? What? In turn, Beverly reads both Kai and Winter for filth.
We *finally* get a little backstory on Samuels, which I’ve been waiting for despite not caring about the character. I suspected he was a Nazi type way back in ‘Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark’, and I was right. He was also a dirty cop pre-cult, although it’s a little rich for Winter to accuse him of being a criminal when- once again- they’re both members of a *murderous clown cult*. He life is complicated by being gay and internalizing homophobia. Kai sees this and immediately goes to work, feeding Samuels a line of misogynistic bullshit and then fucking him for good measure. Kai seems particularly into it as well, which is interesting. I rather wonder how Evan would describe his character’s sexuality. So did Samuels just not care about Harrison at all? It didn’t seem like their involvement was only physical. I specifically remember them cuddling on the couch and discussing their favorite housewives. Eh. RIP, Samuels.
Finally, we have Ally to consider. We see her holding one of Oz’s toy trucks before inviting Kai over to rat Vincent out. She claims to be afraid of nothing now, and that’s after Kai has already noted a change in her. Their little exchange about Manwich is cute, as is her deliberately calling Speed Wagon ‘Aerosmith’. (Seriously, where did the drones’ names come from?) In the final scene, we see that that some drones have taken to wearing the masks of fallen clowns. Ally, staring Ivy down, is wearing the mask of Kai’s former “favorite”- the only one who impressed him. That’s no coincidence. Rise, Ally.
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astrofireworks · 7 years
Kk (possible binu story here we go) so my friend works at a small convenience store and apparently there was this really cute guy that came in once to go to the bathroom so she was like yeah I'll never see him again bUt HE came back and he kept coming back to buy the randomest things and talk to her and then once he walked up to the counter and put five dollars down and asked if he had enough to get her number and they've been on one date so far and they're really cute emergersh
ADSJFHKSDJ THIS IS SO CUTE AND PURE I’M !!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s here it’s your local binu trash coming through w ur daily binu post 
also @binsmoon was talking about a Best Hit AU ehehehehe when you mentioned convenience store I thought of this one scene and their gs25 commercial ayeeee ok to differentiate Myungjun & Eunwoo’s MJ I’ll label Eunwoo as MJ™ 
“Here’s your vest and here’re the keys and yes there you go buddy now you’re prepared" 
Bin shaking because wow his manager seems very blasé 
I mean, he’s been through a training session already so he more or less knows how everything works but 
That’s it? 
No warnings or ?????
At Bin’s mildly confused look, the manager sighs heavily and pats him on the back 
@ Bin: “Try and last as long as you can, buddy" 
Bin, now slightly terrified: 
@ Bin: “if someone in a hood comes in and you think he’s a celebrity don’t say a single word" 
Bin, now not-so-slightly terrified: 
@ Bin: “ok yep bye" 
Bin, with his vest on, standing behind the counter, staring at a display of banana milk & minion tic tacs: “oh good lord" 
He’s not prepared for this and he’ll never be 
MJ™’s dumbfounded 
It’s literally the second time this week his manager’s had a stomachache on the road & they’ve had to stop at the road side 
He peers suspiciously out the window 
Huh a convenience store 
Recoils because he remembers that last time he went to a convenience store 
Ok but what are the chances it’ll happen again???? 
His CEO should have solved whatever the heck went down 
Also this is an entirely different chain so really he shouldn’t have a problem 
He stretches a bit, grabs his wallet and hops off the car, slapping sunglasses & a black face mask on 
Can’t have anyone recognising MJ™ when he’s on a mission to collect all the limited edition minion tic tac bottles 
Huh he’s heard that the banana milk he did a CF for sold really well maybe he should get some too 
MJ™ pushing open the door and- 
"Hi hello welcome to GS25" 
A really nice voice 
MJ™ peers past his sunglasses 
A cute boy !!!! 
Who’s currently wringing his hands and staring at MJ™ 
MJ™ wincing because he hopes this boy doesn’t recognise him 
Turning away to look for that one minion tic tac box he doesn’t have 
Fhskdhsjhd the worst thing about wearing a face mask with glasses / sunglasses is that when you breathe it fogs up your glasses 
MJ™: heck it 
MJ™ removing the damn sunglasses and mask because choosing these boxes are impORTANT 
Bin being frozen because 
Um ???????????? 
A man in a hood & sunglasses & face mask
Either a celebrity or a criminal 
Bin peers at the man’s jeans and shoes 
Nice jeans, nice shoes
Probably not a criminal???????
But he might have stolen those 
Might be a criminal???????
But before he decides, the man turns around again, looking at the banana milk display 
W a i t 
That face
Is the one 
On the banana milk display 
Bin watching as the man warily picks up a banana milk packet and squints at it 
Bin trying to peer at the banana milk display to see if anyone’s put the guy’s name there 
"MJ™”? ???? 
Nah but he looks different 
This one looks a little chubbier and softer 
And looks slightly taller 
Right ????
MJ™ turning around and seeing the cashier squinting at him 
Oh shit did he get recognised? 
He tugs his hood lower over his eyes and walks up to the cashier, depositing his minion tic tacs and banana milk and pulling out some cash
Bin shrugging and scanning the man’s items 
Even if this were MJ™, his manager told him not to say anything so 
But if it isn’t, wow Bin would Tap That 
Eyelashes longer than Bin’s lifespan and bright, bright eyes 
Also soft cheeks that Bin really wants to poke 
Look at them
So soft 
It’s only when the receipt machine beeps that Bin tears his eyes away from the man's 
Truly a blessing 
He guesses that if it were really MJ™ he truly is a famous idol singer for a reason 
As MJ™ swings the door closed Bin slumps on his high chair near the cashier 
Truly about to weep 
He’ll never see this beautiful man again, whether or not he’s MJ™ 
MJ™ slumps in his car seat too 
He’ll highkey never see the cute cashier guy again 
He felt the cashier’s eyes on him the whole time he was in the store
I mean he was highkey uncomfortable at first but 
The cashier didn’t say anything other than his welcome, goodbye and his total 
So perhaps he didn’t recognise MJ™
But wow 
Reddish brown fringe peeking out from under a backwards cap 
Bright, cat-like eyes 
Shiny, MJ™’s brain notes 
You like shiny things, MJ™’s brain continues 
You like this boy, MJ™’s brain concludes 
Flustered, MJ™ scowls and buries himself deeper in his car seat 
He’ll never see him again though 
MJ™ didn’t even think to look at his name tag so now he can’t even google him 
MJ™ groans 
And groans again the next day because wow truly does his manager never go to the toilet before leaving the broadcast station? 
Until the car slows and he peers outside 
MJ™ grabs his wallet and clambers out of the car, hollering at his manager that he’d be getting them drinks only to receive a pained nod in reply 
MJ™ strolling into GS25, heart pounding disproportionately hard 
Bin looking up from where he’s reading the latest episode of Tower of God and standing up to greet whoever it is
I highly recommend Tower of God it’s an amazing webtoon
And being stunned because wow here’s maybe-MJ™ here again?????
Bin mumbling out a hello in shock because like
What were the chances ???????? 
The angel is here again????????? 
MJ™ buying milk this time and casually sneaking a look 
Many looks 
At (squints) 운민?
(Squints slightly more) 운빈?
(Squints more) 문빈? 
Bin feeling a little self conscious because wow he’s only here reading his webtoon but
Maybe-MJ™ is squinting in his general direction 
So he coughs politely and asks, “Can I help you?" 
Cue MJ™ flushing red and going "no no no no” and marching up to the counter and handing Bin his milk 
Bin thinks his blush is really very cute 
it stars with maybe-MJ™’s ears and slowly slides down his cheeks 
cheeks that Bin would really like to kiss 
Bin: uh ok anywAY
Bin: “yes ok your total will be 3.4k w" 
MJ™ sliding his milk back across the counter and taking his change and coughing 
MJ™: "uh yes do you happen to have this minion tictac box it’s the only one I don’t have" 
Bin: oh my god he’s a minion fanatic 
Bin: dammit well nobody’s perfect
Bin: "uh yes hold on I’ll go look in the back for you" 
Looking in the back entails MJ™ trailing Bin to the back of the store to get a ladder & trailing him back to the front to check the boxes at the very top of the shelves 
Also entails MJ™ enjoying a nice view of Bin climbing a ladder because holy shit this boy is fit
Also entails MJ™ blushing when Bin catches sight of him staring 
Bin climbing down with the right tic tac box and heading over to the cashier to ring MJ™ up 
MJ™ staring the whole way because wow cashier boy looks different when he doesn’t have a cap on 
His fringe is combed away from his forehead and he looks older, somehow 
Bin: "yeah I’ve heard that quite often apparently it makes me look smarter too" 
MJ™ spluttering because wow he said that out loud???? 
Gre a t jo b MJ™ 
Bin: "ok but to be fair I think you look better without your mask too" 
MJ™: blushing 
Wow truly he needs to stop blushing whenever Bin says something 
There’s absolutely no reason 
He knows he’s beautiful
Just that 
Hearing it from Bin???????? 
Makes his heart do backflips and scream 
MJ™ casually sliding on sunglasses and rolling his way out of GS25 
Bin staring after him and wondering if that was to cover up the fact that maybe-MJ™ was turning very alarmingly red from blushing 
MJ™’s manager staring at the milk packets in his hand
"You know we have like boxes of these free back at the company after your CF with them you don’t have to go to GS25 for them”
MJ™: “yes well”
MJ™: “what if I’m going for a different reason”
Manager: low-key freaking out because !!!!! what if MJ™ met someone in there and they recognised him and The Incident happened again !!!!!!!!
Manager: also catches sight of MJ™’s new minion tic tac box 
Oh well NEVERMIND then 
Best leave MJ™ to collect them by himself 
MJ™ tapping away at his phone trying to find social media accounts with the name Moon Bin
Because there’s no way he’s letting such a fine man pass by without doing something 
MJ™ finding out that he’s only a year younger than MJ™ is and that he photographs really well holy shit because all the photos of Bin he finds are A+++ 
Bin crying in GS25 because wow two days in a row is already a good streak what are the chances that maybe-MJ™ will visit again
Close to never probably 
Next day passes and while Bin’s harbouring a small hope for it, it’s quickly shattered when his shift is over and maybe-MJ™ doesn’t appear 
Isn’t sad or anything nope not at all
Day after though, 
MJ™: “manager, stop the car pls" 
Manager: wow ok I don’t even have a stomachache what does he want 
MJ™ grabbing his wallet and hopping out of the car 
Manager, yelling out the window: "don’t gET THE DAMN BANANA MILK" 
MJ™, bursting into GS25: GOTTA GET THE BANANA MILK
Bin: aiyah 
And so he rings up two banana milks and a minion tic tacs 
(He wanted to rip the display out of its base the first day he started working but if it’s what keeps maybe-MJ™ coming back then damn what the world thinks of minions, he’ll keep them just for MJ™) 
MJ™ humming in happiness because he finally got the last minion tic tac box in the collection 
Through no help of Bin’s at all nope he totaly didn’t place an order last night for that last remaining box on the chain’s supply site at all nope 
MJ™ realising that this
This is it
This is the last minion box in the collection he doesn’t need to stop by GS25 again
And he wants to say something but his manager honks and MJ™ casts one last look at Bin, smiles charmingly, winks then runs out
Bin nearly has a heart attack 
He thought maybe-MJ™ would protecc but he attACC
Bin’s on a cloud for the rest of the day, truly 
Wow that smile
Crinkly eye smile
Beautiful teeth 
wow i’m so sorry i keep inserting visual aids today but !!!! somE BEAUTIFUL THINGS MUST BE SHARED
Bin, chinhands while thinking about MJ™ & sighing dreamily 
When the store is empty he totally doesn’t talk to the MJ™ banana milk display at all 
Totally not at all
"Hey handsome,,,,,,,,,,,," 
"So uh are you mistaken for MJ™ a lot" 
"If you are,,,,,,,," 
"Haha what does MJ™ stand for,,,,,,,,,, Mr 잘생겼어,,,,,,,,,,,," 
Bin, whacking himself in the head because wow truly this is so dumb he’s so dumb
Doesn’t stop him from looking up excitedly every time someone comes in the store though 
And three days later at the very tail end of Bin’s shift when he’s totally given up hope of seeing maybe-MJ™ again 
MJ™ slides into the store 
MJ™ slapping down a five thousand won note and eyeing Bin 
Bin blinking because son????? 
Bin: "uh I can ring up banana milk but I need you to bring the packets to me so I c-" 
MJ™: "no" 
Bin: ??????????
MJ™, already feeling a flush creep up his neck: "uh" 
MJ™: "is this enough" 
MJ™: "to uh buy your number??????" 
Bin thinks he needs to take a seat 
Bin, coughing to buy time 
MJ™: o my god he doesn’t really want to give me his number he was just being a polite employee the whole time 
Bin, sliding back the five thousand won note after a while
MJ™ crying internally already because wow truly he’s just made a fool of himself time to never step into another GS25 ever again 
Bin: "only if this is enough to buy yours" 
MJ™, eventually unfreezing and laughing in relief and huffing: "well see my number is really expensive but I’d be willing to give it to you along with an autograph in exchange for a date" 
MJ™ trying to cover up the fact that he’s basically floundering inside 
Bin, chinhands @ MJ™ and blinking his bright eyes and smiling 
lmk why when i google moonbin chinhands it’s just pictures of seungjun
Wow truly MJ™’s so so so weak already for his smile but then he remembers Bin hasn’t replied
tsk of course he says yes
He’ll probably say yes to anything MJ™ asks let’s be real
Go on a date with MJ™? yeah sure
Get married to MJ™?? Hell yeah 
Kill a man for MJ™?? Bin is down for it 
Same Binnie same
good lord i’m so in love with both eunwoo and moonbin someone stop me 
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supernatural-squadd · 7 years
Who We Are
Winchester Sister Imagine
Warnings: Welllll its based off episode 12.22 on an emotion scene so there’s your warning.
A/n: I was already planning on writing this but then I figured why not combine it with my entry for a writing challenge? So this is my entry for @not-Moose-oneshots .
Side note: Since it’s based off of the episode (like my Stuck in the middle with you fic) I used some of the lines and ideas. Just know that I added my own twist ish to it.
Tags: @alexandriajanae4 @shititskatelyn @babiiface16 @blackcherrywhiskey @isoldmysoultocrowley
Writing Challenge: @not-moose-one-shots
Forever Tags: @Freaksforthewin , @thewinhunter, @cambriacaneatnoodles, @brokennoone , @@youtubehelpsmesurvive , @chrisevansthedoritobastard , @@winchesters-favorite-girl , @@we-know-a-little-about-a-lot @godh8salyssa @dean-baby-Winchester @@straightasdeanwinchester @@animexchocolate @@fabulouslycassie @@lizbeth-loves-bobear @nicolesyneah25 @@lemonadegazeelle @@i-am-an-outcast @@evyiione @27bmm @percussiongirl2017
Kill him
The voice rang through your ears. Speaking with your own tone but holding the face of somebody you could recognize.
Kill them all
This voice was controlling you. Taking away any ability of free will that you had bundled up inside the supposedly secure walls of your mind.
“Don’t be sad Dean-o. I think we both know how much I’ve hated this damn family anyways.” You spoke with a plain straight face. So emotionless. So cold.
Dean sat in a rather large and comfortable looking chair, glaring at you. His voice said not a word. Yet his eyes screamed a thousand. He was so hurt, all because of you. All because of this damn mind trap the Brits had washed over you. Everything in your heart was begging-screaming for you to stop. To snap out of this hell forsaken trance. But it was impossible.
“That’s not your sister, Dean.” Jody reassured, seeing the look of shattering hurt on ever feature of Dean’s face.
“How does it feel to play mommy to a bunch of wayward children?” You piped off. Titling your head just slightly to the right.
Once again your eyes locked with Dean’s. He didn’t recognize the girl sitting before him. Quite frankly, you didn’t either.
Sam approached Dean, speaking something that was inaudible to you.
You’re supposed to kill them
The voice reminded. Stopping the small hint of a broken feeling from creeping into your cold heart.
These aren’t your brothers. They died years ago when Mary died.
The soft spoken words almost calmed you, making your heart race only barley. Even as Dean came close to you, telling you how he was going to fix whatever the hell they did to your mind, all you could think about was his blood spilling on your hands. His life slipping away.
“I’ll see you on the flip side baby sis.” Dean sat across from you, hooked up to the same machine you were.
“Don’t count on it.” The words came off in confidence, even as you were being injected with some type of tranquilizer.
The scenery was warm. Like it was filled with love in a way the real world wasn’t. Sam and Dean sat at the table, drinking a beer and talking about anything. Anything and everything any normal person would talk about. Not monsters. Not angels or demons. Just regular boring life. But it was your cup of boring.
“Y/n.” The real Dean spoke from behind you, only to be completely ignored.
“So when is Jessica’s little munchkin due? Soon right?” Sitting down at the table, you took a drink if your own beer and gave Sam an excited smile.
“Another month until we get to meet the newest addition.” He replied, nodding in a way that showed how proud he was to become a father.
From around the corner, John and Mary came walking into the kitchen. Smiling and wearing the happiest of looks.
“Are you serious? You know this isn’t real, right?” Dean continued to try and grab your attention, but you just acted as though he wasn’t there.
“What name are you picking for the little slugger again?” John directed his attention from Mary to Sam, who seemed to be he highlight of the hour.
“Castiel Winchester. Cas for short.” Everybody smiled at the baby boys name. Mainly you.
“He’s going to be our little angel.” Coming up to John, you leaned in for a sideways hug as he placed a crooked kiss upon your temple.
“You’re choosing this over us. Over everything.” Dean came to realization of everything happening around him.
“Can you go get another case of beer from the garage sweetheart?” Mary asked of you. Of course you nodded, more than happy to oblige.
“Seems like that’s all we drink. And by we I mean my oldest brat brother.” You nudged your head towards Dean as you headed out towards the garage.
Although you hadn’t turned around to acknowledge Dean’s presence, you had a strong feeling he was trailing behind you into the garage. The moment the door shut he started to go at you. Which was totally expected.
“How dare you. How dare you leave us, choose some too perfect fantasy over your family. Over me.” His voice was breaking only barley, trying to hold back even more ears from falling.
“It’s always been us, Y/n. You and me along with our thickheaded hippie brother. When dad disappeared, it was us who looked around, and something became very clear.” Pausing for a moment, Dean seemed to be recollecting his thoughts. Meanwhile you still ignored him completely. “The only thing we had in this world- the one thing aside from this car, was each other.” His voice completely broke down. His heart. Everything. Dean Winchester was crumbling.
“The end of the world? I can deal with that. I can handle Lucifer and his baby momma drama. What I can’t handle? Is loosing you. We’ve lost everything. Hell we’ve even lost each other. But not like this.”
Bending over, you picked up the case of beer. Playing your fingers on the caps as you fought every instinct you had to look at Dean. To rush into his arms and mend is broken heart.
“I hate you.” He spoke the three words so clearly. So clearly that it went straight through your heart like a dagger.
A sharp release of air pushed out of your lips. His words hurt. What hurt even more was the fact that this rather large piece of your heart was breaking, and you still were somehow glued away from him. Like a wall was between you two. A wall the Brits put up.
“We lost everything. A mom. A dad. All in one night. Our perfect family was gone, it was gone. I had to be more than just a brother to you and Sammy. I had to be both parents to make sure you both stayed safe. Because that was my job. That wasn’t fair- and I couldn’t do it.” Dean was so choked up, so hurt and so damaged. Then again, weren’t you all?
Neither of you moved. You didn’t try to leave the garage. Or try and force him to leave. His words had numbed you. Like concrete was pouring from his lips and stopping you from moving.
“Every end of the world, every damn Armageddon, I know where I place my bets. It’s on us. As a whole. As a family. You. Me. Sammy. Even Crowley and Cas.” He took a step forward, as a revered magnet you took one step away from him.
“I can’t do this without you fighting beside me. None of us can. The world may be a perfect fit in here, everything you’ve ever wanted. But the world ain’t supposed to be perfect and exactly how everybody wants it. And I’m sorry if that doesn’t fit your reality.”
Your eyes closed lightly. Trying to find a simple solution to this problem. To your mind. There was no key to this equation. Living in this dream world wouldn’t help you. And it sure as hell wouldn’t help your brothers.
“Look at me, Y/n.” Dean took another step towards you, only to find this time you didn’t move away. “I need you to look at me. I need you to see me.” He begged for you to show him a sign that you were still in there.
“I understand why you created this. This life. I would stay in here too, it’s safe and comfortable. But it’s a fantasy. The worlds never been meaner for ripping the chance of normalcy from us. Sammy and I aren’t mad at you for wanting this, and we can all work together to help each other outside of here. On the other side of this we can start over.”
Uncertainly you turned towards him. Eyes looking down at the ground only for a moment to compose yourself. Slowly but surly you peered up into his devastated green eyes.
“Dean…I’m-” something painful jerked him away from you. Something that hurt you and seemed to almost rip apart of you away.
There was noise everywhere. Things breaking. Ketch down talking your brother. Ketch. He was going to kill Dean.
Your heart took action before your mind even had a chance to think twice, grabbing the gun off of the table you shot it at Ketch. Unsure of where it would hit, but the goal was to just get his attention.
“Y/n. Darling-” the sound of the gun clicking back into position to be shot again stopped his words.
“I knew you were a killer. You both are.” Ketch spat at you both for the last time. Starting directly at the barrel of the gun pointed at his head.
“You were right.” Dean spoke his final words at the man that had caused so much heartache between a family.
“Must be genetic.” You added, pulling the trigger and leaving the dark and hidden part of yourself dead along with Ketch.
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abumblebeeat221b · 8 years
‘I Love You.’
That was cruel. I know minutes later Eurus makes Sherlock choose between John and his brother, but that whole scene with Molly reaches another level of cruelty because at least John and Mycroft know what is going on. But Molly?
I think my main problem is that it reduces Molly’s character growth to a joke. Series 2 has her date Moriarty, in series 3 she gets engaged,and both times it’s she who beaks it off. And I loved it, because in series 2 she stood up to the show’s ultimate super-villain. And the other time she said ‘no’ to someone who might have been mistaken for a Sherlock stand-in.
The Blind Banker is the last episode in which, as far as I know, Sherlock consciously uses her feelings to get what he wants (he compliments Molly’s hair to take a look at the feet of the morgue’s latest residents). He seems genuinely sorry when he hurts her feelings in A Scandal in Belgravia. And while, in all fairness, that scene is cringe worthy to watch, it shows Sherlock has no idea she could like him *that way*.
Two episodes later he asks for her help.
You’re wrong, you know? You do count.You’ve always counted and I’ve always trusted you.
He needs her help to make the aftermath work and yet he doesn’t say ‘I love you’ even thought that would have got the job done. What does he say instead?
If I wasn’t everything that you think I am, everything that I think I am, would you still want to help me?
He tells her the truth and gives her a choice. He needs her to help him because she wants to, and not because someone has manipulated her into doing so. (Does he end up manipulating her anyway? I don’t know, but at least he tries not to, and guys, that’s character growth right there).
Once he comes back, and John is not there he takes her on cases (and let’s not forget that’s his idea of having fun). At the same time Sherlock makes sure she knows she is not some kind of John-substitute.
- So if I’m being John… - You’re not being John, you’re being yourself.
Later Molly makes him apologies to the guy who shows him the video of the vanishing tube car, after Sherlock expresses his surprise of the guy having a girlfriend. Which shows Sherlock respects her opinion.
When they leave, he tries to invite her for chips, and says thanks for everything she did for him.
Because the one person he thought didn’t matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most. You made it all possible.
(Note: a series later he takes Faith to the same place (given that he mentions he’d have taken Molly to a shop near Marlyebone Road, which is not far from Baker Street, and we don’t see Sherlock and Faith taking a cab. That’s enough proof for me as I just don’t have the patience right now to track some screen caps down))
But back to Molly. Because here comes the thing. She refuses to have chips with him. She tells him about her engagement, and he wishes her all the best. He seems genuinely happy about her having found the love of her life.
And then, between John’s wedding and His Last Vow we learn she’s broken it off.
Sorry your engagement’s over. Though I’m fairly grateful for the lack of a ring.
You don’t say ‘sorry your engagement’s over’ when you are high and happy that the person you’ve been pining for is free. Okay, maybe you do, but Sherlock does not. Also, the writers don’t bother for Sherlock to mention the matter again.
On the contrary, when he gets shot, she is the one who tells him which direction to fall. She guides him through his deductions - it’s not romantic, or fancy, it’s  practical.
And then TAB happens. The one where we see Molly in the mind palace - where it’s MP!John who knows of her little secret. And who is MP!John? Yes. Sherlock. But which part of Sherlock? The one that makes his friend presentable to the world.
In the same episode we see MP!Sherlock keeping a picture of Irene Adler in his pocket watch. In The Lying Detective we learn Sherlock bothered to save Irene Adler’s personified text-alert every time he changed phones (now, that’s what I call determination). He even plays the piece he wrote for her, when Eurus asks him to play something he’s written, because he oh so clearly doesn’t understand Bach. And what’s her reaction?
Oh! Have you had sex?
That’s why the ‘I love you’ he says to Molly hurts so much. For three out of four series we watched him trying not to manipulate her emotions. In TAB Mofftiss literally wrote a scene where MP!Sherlock meets the women in his mind palace which he had wronged.
They didn’t give us the slightest hint he’d be pining for her. And now he got himself into a situation where he needs to lead his friend on to keep her alive. He knows saying those three little words will hurt her, and he tries to rip them off of their meaning: he tells her it’s for a case, it’s an experiment.
But the only way to save Molly is to manipulate her into saying it. So he says it first and the Sherlock from series 1 would have had no trouble to do that. But that’s not who Sherlock is or rather who he wants to be anymore.
When the line disconnects immediately afterwards, he knows he has hurt her. He smashes her coffin with the words ‘I love you’ mockingly engraved on them because he knows what he did was not okay and he wants to feel her pain too.
Which would be an awesome scene, if it hadn’t been for the tiny fact that by doing so, they turned Molly back into the little mouse we meet in series one. All these other characters get to grow, they learn from their experiences and become a better, more happier version of themselves. But not her, the one who defeated Moriarty in two ways.
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