#rip manson
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smellroy · 4 months ago
He has many hobbies, but his real talent lies in escalating situations.
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twetterbirdy · 6 months ago
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wandixx · 1 year ago
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I had so much trouble with this one tbh. My markers don't agree with my line art tools and make it all smudgy, so I have to put colors before fully erasing sketch and I usually find a way to make it work but here I just couldn't. And she doesn't look as feral as I wished she did
I like there hair though. Hair is probably my favourite thing to draw on characters
What do you think about it?
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luckyshinyhunter · 8 months ago
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🦕👻 Shows from 2004 must love having a iconic trio that people remembered! 👻🦕
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evakyrteeva · 2 months ago
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Сегодня в возрасте 78-ми лет умер давний друг Мэрилина Мэнсона, Американский режиссёр, кинематографист Дэвид Линч 🕯
Познакомились они через Трента Резнора (фронтмена группы Nine Inch Nails) на съëмках фильма Линча "Шоссе в Никуда" 1997-го года. Там Мэнсон сыграл маленькую роль вместе с басистом группы Твигги Рамирезом, а также в саундтрек к фильму вошли такие песни, как I Put A Spell On You и Apple Of Sodom. Также они поработали над книгой, сделаной в виде перевëртыша "Генеалогия Боли"
Press F 🫡
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funstyle · 5 months ago
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so this is 100% Not True (somebody already found the sample) but i think this just connected something in my brain lmfao...... cus i was DEEPLY!!!!!! affected by seeing the earthbound giygas battle & accompanying music as a kid like i remember being at my grandparents house not being able to sleep cus i was so freaked out and amazed by it 😭 and of course hearing poledo when i was like 14 made me go ape shit forever......suddenly i was in highschool like hey girlies anyone else fw cabaret voltaire n throbbing gristle 🤓 Girl who gives a fuck it's 2016. I need a one dance
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twetterbirdy · 6 months ago
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beansterpie · 1 year ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @marley-manson! <3
I would tag people but it's late and my brain is tired so literally, PLEASE just adopt this tag meme if you see it and read the whole thing. You have my full permission to say I tagged you, even if we've never spoken lol. Go for it, be audacious.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
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2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well the posted fic is a Berserk fic, but I have various other wips that I pick away at when I'm bored. Among them include Eyeshield 21, MDZS, RotE, Harry Potter (technically?). Those are the most recent ones anyway.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chain of Dissent, she's my favorite fic <3 (she's my only fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah I try to! Though I'll admit uhhhh I haven't updated it in... fucking? two years? god, and so I've been bad about responding to the more recent comments because I feel guilty for not updating in so long :') Really gotta get back to it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None, because I haven't finished a fic yet lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
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8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far! I've gotten a couple of comments that come across as unintentionally mildly rude, but definitely nothing that constitutes as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well not so far in CoD, but, ahem, I have written smut in one of my wips lol. Deeply self indulgent but I guess character driven? It's mildly nasty and desperate <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't actually written a crossover (yet. well, recently) but they are a bit of a passion of mine lmao. I love ridiculous crossovers, and I'm talking about "a magical portal opens up and throws characters from fandom A into the world (& characters) of fandom B" type shit. I don't need the ways in which the characters interact to make sense, I just want them to be thrown together and see where it goes from there. Fish out of water shenanigans! Characters questioning their own motivations and idea of life by seeing a world entirely different from theirs!! Just like, fun shit! I also absolutely don't need for the two fandoms to be similar lol. I have a somewhat detailed Berserk/Eyeshield 21 crossover living rent free in my head so clearly anything goes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Lol no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I'll probably have to say GriffGuts, because it's a ship that's gripped me by the neck for the past 7 years or something, where my interest in it hasn't really waned.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uhhhh, idk? I mean I am DETERMINED to finish CoD, so that's out. And the wips I write in my spare time are just like, things I do for fun where I don't put any pressure on myself over it. I'm not planning on posting them anywhere, and I'm not generally planning on 'finishing' them either. I mean if I do finish one, I might post it, but again, they're low key things that I'm not taking too seriously.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. I honestly don't consider myself a very strong writer, at least in terms of things like prose and sentence structure, grammar, that sort of thing. I think I'm pretty decent at figuring out the direction that I want the story to go, and all the individual steps that need to happen to get to that point in a way that feels organic (at least, imo.) And I like to think I'm pretty good at characterization-- having the characters behaving and reacting in ways that feel like could concievably happen in canon is generally what I'm going for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Yeah prose, lol. I mean, I don't actually dislike my more.... utilitarian writing style, mainly because I generally prefer reading more direct writing (unless the lyrical writing is really really good), but I do think I could inject some more illustrative details and metaphors into my writing overall. @marley-manson is SO good at coming up with perfect metaphors to describe a situation or feeling, all while perfectly recreating the character's voice, and I really admire that about her writing!
I also want to get better with having characters like, doing things while they're talking. I find a lot of the conversations I write happen between characters just kind of standing around, which obviously is fine but I'd like to construct scenes with a bit more specificity in the future.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Wait so like, say in a fic that is otherwise written in English, having a line of dialogue written in Spanish when a character is speaking it? I... don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other I guess lol. I mean ideally the line(s) written in the other language are correct lol, and not just badly google translated or something.
Though you know, now that I think about it, I feel like it would work best between languages that use the same alphabet (which does end up narrowing the possible languages down quite a lot) because that way the reader can still sound out the dialogue even if the don't understand the language, which could emulate what the pov character is experiencing. Whereas if it was a fic written in English, and then had a line written in, say, Japanese, the reader wouldn't even be able to sound it out so it's kind of a brick wall. (Unless there's footnotes, but that tends to be a little more clunky in fic than in a published book with pages).
If the readers are supposed to understand the dialogue written in another language, like two characters suddenly start speaking in said other language and we're meant to keep up with the conversation, then I feel like it's just easier to translate their words in whatever language the fic is written in otherwise.
But yeah idk, I think with intent and good execution, anything can work, but it could also be done in a way that's more annoying than anything.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think. It was neopets LMFAO. I remember writing a fic when I was like 10 about Hannah (the adventurer) and Jacques (from the maraqua plot comic) as a romantic couple because I was annoyed at the time that there were multiple fics about Hannah and Garin (or whatever his name was, also from the maraqua plot) getting together even though I thought Garin was BORING and they were just shipped together because they were both usuls (which are overrated imho), even though Jacque was obviously better.
... I may have had a crush on Jacques.
But the first fic that I think I posted anywhere was for Xiaolin Showdown lmfao, probably also when I was 10 or 11 or something. I wrote like four separate fics for that show.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Yeah it's CoD lol. It's the longest thing I've written so far, and I'm overall still very proud of it. I'd probably go back and change some things in the first chapter because it reads a little clunky and like, abrupt to me now, but I'm not doing that until I finish the fic. Allowing myself to go back and edit stuff before I've even finished the story seems like a road to ruin lol.
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jamiethebeeart · 2 years ago
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(a week late) Happy 19th Dannyversary!
Based off an old drawing of mine:
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EDIT: APPARENTLY I ALREADY HAD A REDRAW OF THIS???!?!?! Which also links to an earlier redraw? WILD
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pebblezone · 2 years ago
Idk how welcome home has overrun literally all of my social media but I guess I welcome it
#talkingcore#I love puppets it’s all on me I’m engaging this actually isn’t a complaint more like a I Didn’t Know This Existed 24 hours ago#and now it’s literally all I’m seeing like 80% of the videos I’ve seen today have been welcome home which like honestly is super impressive#hell yeah to those creators they’ve got some insane drive#album adventure update: finally rolled good ol honorary Beach boy Glen Campbell maybe I’ll give you guys ram ranch#pip would’ve loved ram ranch 💔 rip king fly high 🕊️🧍‍♂️ 18 naked cowboys 😭 at the ram ranch 😰#I’ve been fucking around with lip syncing shit and it’s tedious as hell but heeehee it’s fun woooah the mouth moves wooooahaaahhhhhh#also this dude keeps leaving his Apple Watch in the practice room in my dorm and like thankfully I’m such an amazing and perfect person#that I didn’t take it the first time but the second time (like 2 weeks later) I said fuck it and just used it while it was still in there#(I’d checked at 2. saw it was there. didn’t use it. came back at 5 it was still there so like a reasonable amount of time to get it)#so I fucked around as normal but like I started getting freaked by the possibility of it listening (it probs wasn’t)#so I left but like bro how do you forget it twice why are you taking it off#I gave it to the help desk people which I think was the right thing to do but also Dude think how easily I could’ve stolen it please keep it#no longer dying of the plague but I need to hang onto my t boy swag pleasepleaseplease let me keep at least some lower notes#I will accept not hitting a G2 again but like. a C3? even just a D3 like regularly? please? please? please? hello? you’re nothing#anyway I’m avoiding my work you guys should look up The Beach Boys and Charles Manson have a gander at that for fun#thanks to my lovely institution having a strike going on by mid Thursday I’m done for the week which means I get to indulge and boy shall I#love you 🫶 go slay 🫶 have great vagina 🫶 byeeee
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artfan100 · 1 year ago
🎵You had to show Danny's insanity that was peaking through.🎶
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I saw THIS photo-set and immediately knew just what I had to do. 
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robinsnest2111 · 7 days ago
ach, I wish kanye hadn't turned out to be such an awful human being... i thrifted a yeezy/yeezus t-shirt many years ago with a pretty skull and flowers print that says "God Wants You". would be the perfect combo of my dark/alternative/goth aesthetic and my latest obsession with Conclave
maybe... if I can somehow cover up the yeezus logo... 🤔
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evakyrteeva · 2 months ago
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🕯Мэрилин Мэнсон поделился сторис, связанной со смертью режиссёра Дэвида Линча.
Подпись: «Да будет вечной твоя жизнь в наших мечтах»
На фото — постер фильма «Шоссе в никуда» — именно с этого фильма Линча началась актёрская карьера Мэнсона.
Контекст и немного ликбеза:
Вчера мир потерял выдающегося режиссера, визионера и по-настоящему доброго человека. Он неоднократно сотрудничал с Мэнсоном, и это всегда приводило к созданию замечательных произведений искусства. Хотя последними из них стали совместная художественная выставка в Вене (2010) и настольная книга (2011) под названием "Генеалогии боли", их знакомство началось еще с фильма Линча 1997 года "Потерянное шоссе", в котором Мэнсон снялся в роли актера порнофильмов, неосознанно снимающегося в снафф-фильме. Кстати, эта роль стала первым появлением Мэнсона в кино.
Мэнсон также записпл две песни для саундтрека к фильму: кавер-версию "I Put a Spell on You" группы Screamin' Jay Hawkins, которая ранее уже звучала на платиновом расширенном альбоме группы "Smells Like Children" (1995), и "Apple of Sodom", возможно, одну из самых уникальных песен группы, которая была написана специально для "Lost Highway". [Позднее Мэнсон заявил, что эту песню следует рассматривать как часть "Antichrist Superstar" (1996), и в последний раз она была сыграна вживую во время тура "Dead to the World Tour". Группа также сняла жутко завораживающий клип на "Apple of Sodom", режиссером которого выступил гениальный Джоей Калтис, но официально он увидел свет только в 2009 году.]
Что касается личных отношений между двумя артистами, Мэнсон всегда очень высоко отзывался о Дэвиде, признаваясь, что его любимый фильм Линча - даже не тот, в котором он снялся, а криминальный фильм 1990 года "Wild at Heart". Линч, со своей стороны, даже написал вступление к автобиографии Мэнсона "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell", вышедшей в 1998 году, которое звучит так:
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miami2k17 · 1 year ago
the feeling of listening to music u thought was so cutting edge and saying important stuff when you were like 14 and realizing its just Nothing is so surreal
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howdoyoudothedew · 3 months ago
Rated: G
Pairing: Swagger bishie (Danny/Dash)
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: Final words soulmate au
It burns. Dash’s soulmark burns, the words feeling like they’re on fire for a few agonizing seconds. Once it’s stopped, he looks down at the now faded blue text.
His soulmate just died. Their last words– at least to him– burned into his skin. The words are normal, everyday ones, but Dash has always kept track of the people around him. The words which come out of their mouths. He knows without much thought who’s dead. Fenton.
It doesn’t matter to him. He absently wonders how Foley and Manson took the news, because there’s no way his loser friends weren’t told immediately. It doesn’t matter to him. He rolls over and forces sleep.
The next morning, he wakes with a new soulmark in the same thin font. This time, it’s green. Apparently fate has decided to give him someone new, since he failed so badly with his last.
The A-listers all knew what each other’s soulmarks are. It’s a common pact among close friends– show each other your soulmarks, and never say those words to the owner. Dash is sure the loser squad has the same pact.
He wonders if Fentina ever had words, or if he always knew he’d die first. Paulina has no words. Dash knows it keeps her up at night sometimes.
But that is why Dash is glad for his letterman jacket. It hides the new words on his arm away, the thin green feeling oddly damning. See how little you cared about your soulmate? Maybe this one you’ll care for more.
At school, Dash faces the impossible.
“Are you alright, dude? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Kwan’s words barely register. All Dash can see is Fenton. Alive, whole, and not looking even a little like he died just last night. Instinctively, Dash knows the soulmark is Fenton’s again. Of course, who else would Not today, Dash be for? For whatever reason, Dash has been given a second chance.
He doesn’t take it. Everything in him knows Dash will outlive Fenton, knows he’ll witness the mark fade again, and Dash can’t bring himself to act any differently to his crush soulmate. If he does, it feels like Fenton will know. Dash doesn’t want Fenton to know.
Dash also doesn’t know what he doesn’t want Fenton to know. That his soulmate is destined to outlive him? That his soulmate is the same person who bullies him and shoves him into lockers? Whatever it is, Dash knows he wants to keep it from Fenton.
When Fenton sees him and says the words painted onto his arm with tired eyes, Dash panics. It’s too much suddenly, to know for certain someone won’t make it through the day. If Dash were anyone else, maybe he’d just walk away. If Dash had more time to mentally prepare, maybe he would’ve been able to scoff, throw out a ‘whatever, Fentina’ and act like it didn’t crush his ribcage because this is Fenton who’s just some loser. Instead, Dash panics and shoves him hard into his locker. He successfully avoids him the entire rest of the day.
After school, Dash feels the same burning sensation. It last just a few seconds– five, he counted them this time– before going away. Once it’s done, Dash rips off his letterman jacket. The thin green text is faded. The memory of Fenton saying them flickers in and Dash bites his lip. Without a thought, he hurriedly shrugs the jacket back on.
He sleeps in the letterman jacket that night.
The next morning, as he’s changing, he spots new words just under his pec. The same thin font, but this time in purple. He knows they mean he’ll see Fenton again today. It’s still a shock when he does.
Dash keeps track of the colours and the words and the times Fenton dies. It’s a daily occurence, happening most often at school, though sometimes Fenton makes it to the end of the school day before dying. But it does happen every day. Every day, Fenton dies. And every morning, Dash wakes up with new words in a font he now associates with Fenton in a different colour to tell him what new thing Fenton will say before he does. By now, the faded colours wrap around his skin like a multi-colour tattoo. Sometimes Dash thinks he’ll be more rainbow than skin by the end of the year.
After the first few deaths, Dash stopped wailing on Fenton so much. He still makes fun of him, because he has appearances to keep up, but he figures if the other boy is dying so much he doesn’t need Dash hip-checking him in the middle of the hallway.
As his skin gets more covered, he decides to avoid Fenton totally instead. He doesn’t want someone to see him, to see his skin, and know just how strange he’s become. To see how messed up whatever is happening to his soulmate must be. Already, he has to change in the bathroom stall for gym and practice, just so no one will see his skin. Before long, or so it seems, the words will have no where else to go but his neck. If he can avoid Fenton, at least he can delay the next new set of words.
Only, it doesn’t last longer than a few days, because it’s one thing to make it through the weekend without feeling your words burn at least once. It’s another to make it through a week, spending every night knowing your soulmate has died– because they die every day, so of course they’ve died even if you don’t have the faded words to prove it– and not knowing in the morning if this has been the one. Sure, none of Danny’s other deaths have stuck. But what if this one has? What if the next one has? Dash has nightmares, centered around Danny’s unknown deaths, and he hadn’t realized the ever changing words were the only thing holding him together, but apparently they were.
After a week, Dash traps Danny against a locker just to make the other boy speak to him. When his soulmark burns in Lancer’s classroom, Dash feels his heart stutter. But Danny is in his next period, whole and alive, and Dash wakes with new words the next morning. It’s a return to a comfortable normalcy Dash wasn’t even aware he’d become reliant on.
Eventually, Dash will probably have to talk to Danny about the whole dying thing. And the soulmate thing. Especially since their lives are bound to go different directions– Dash is a jock, Danny is a loser in love with space. The odds they go to the same school are zilch. If Dash can’t make it a week avoiding Danny after knowing for just half a year they’re soulmates, how is he supposed to make it after four years? Not to mention the toll constantly dying has to take on Danny. Dash has noticed the dark circles.
They echo his own.
It’s something Dash is only to put off for so long. Another month, several more nights of bad sleep, and a nearly lost football game and Dash cracks. He ambushes Danny after school, grabbing him before he can meet up with Foley and Manson to leave and pulling him into one of the  janitor’s closets. Before Danny can ask, Dash shrugs off his letterman jacket. He watches Danny’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, his mouth open to probably ask Dash what he’s doing, then the slight widening of his eyes as realization hits. When Danny grabs his arm, his hands are cold and the touch feels like an electric spark. Danny moves up his arm, pushing his sleeve up to see the words on his shoulder. One sentence, bright and unfaded, curls partly there from his back. Dash doesn’t move to stop him, even when Danny pulls his shirt up to examine the skin of his stomach and chest.
“What…?” Danny breathes, hands shaking as he pulls away. Dash pulls his shirt back into place and pulls his letterman jacket back on. “So all this time, you…”
“Had a front row seat to you dying every day,” Dash finishes for Danny when it seems like he won’t. The other boy flinches. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry,” Danny says.
“Why are you sorry?” Dash asks, frowning at him. “You’re the one constantly having your heart stop and start again.”
Danny shrugs. “You’re the one feeling it.”
“Yeah, well,” Dash looks away, fiddling with the cuff of his jacket. Really, Danny has a point. It’s a shit situation either way. But if Dash could just know why. He thinks, somehow, it would solve everything. At least it’d let Dash not worry so much he’ll wake up without new words. “Just. Tell me why you’re dying so much.”
Danny bites his lip, looking at the ground. After a while, Dash thinks Danny won’t say anything, and Dash thinks he might have to beat it out of him. Because Dash very suddenly doesn’t want to leave without an answer. A very big part of him needs to know just what is happening to his soulmate. Needs to know Danny is relatively okay. Needs, at least, to know Danny won’t randomly and permanently die on him before they’re even out of high school. Or out of their twenties. Or thirties. Or perhaps married with two kids, five grandkids, a paid off mortgage, and a good life insurance policy.
Preferably the last.
Dash refuses to consider why his mind gave him that specific scenario, though.
Finally, Danny does explain. Danny explains impossibilities, and ghost portals, and the cold burning heat which covers Dash for all of five seconds each time a soulmark fades. Danny explains Phantom and ghosts and– at least partly, Dash can hear words unsaid but he gets an answer and that’s all he cares about so for once he doesn’t push– being functionally immortal because of it. None of the deaths will stick.
“How can you be so sure?” Dash asks after it all, because death is made to be permanent and half-ghosts seem like a thing of fiction. Because he’s seen Phantom and it makes a lot of sense for Danny to be him– it’d certainly explain the deaths at school– but it’s hard to connect the boy who’s always dying with the ghost hero. Or, maybe, it’s frighteningly easy. After all, who better to be a ghost hero than someone who constantly kisses death?
Danny transforms for him. As blue eyes become green, Dash feels his back burn and closes his own eyes because even if he’s used to it it doesn’t change the few seconds of pain. When he opens them, Danny is dead. He looks apologetic.
“Sorry, I didn’t think-” Danny reaches for Dash-
“No, it’s okay-” Dash starts-
- and Danny’s hand connects with Dash’s shoulder, under the letterman jacket. Cold sweeps over him. A soft glow fills the space between them, different from the pale glow Danny gives off now, and Dash looks down where Danny’s eyes are staring wide-eyed to see a faint glow below his shirt. His own eyes widening, Dash backs away– the glow stops– and strips off both his letterman jacket and his shirt. Looking at each other with equally wide eyes, Danny slowly touches Dash. The cold sweeps over him once more and his skin becomes a mottled rainbow of glowing words. Each one feels like it’s radiating life. Whatever keeps Danny alive in his ghost form, Dash can feel it, beating along each death heralding word.
Dash breathes and for the first time, it feels like he’s getting oxygen.
“Oh,” Danny says quietly. Dash can’t do anything but repeat it.
“We seriously need to talk about you ending all our conversations with, like, one word sentences. I only have so much skin, Danny,” Dash says after he’s dressed again and Danny’s no longer Phantom. Danny laughs. Neither of them mention how this is the first time Dash has used Danny’s actual name.
Most people don’t get to know who their soulmate is, not really, until they lose them. But Dash is special. Dash loses his every day, sometimes several times, so he does know for certain.
Danny does have words, right over his ribs. They’re blue and blocky and have never changed.
It’s strange to know for certain what your last words are.
Everything will be alright.
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ghostlyglimmer · 2 months ago
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Happy Phandom Truce @five-rivers ! I decided to do an undercover agent at Casper High! Happy Holidays I hope you like it 💚
The hallways of Casper High buzzed with the usual chaos between classes—students rushing to their next period, lockers slamming, and snippets of conversations blending into an endless hum. Wes Weston, however, wasn’t paying attention to any of it. He pressed himself tightly against the cool wall of a corner, peeking around it with laser focus. His target was just a few feet away.
The hidden earpiece in his ear buzzed with static before the sharp voice of a Ghost Investigation Ward (GIW) agent cut through.
“Agent Weston, report. Do you have the target in sight?”
Wes rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, “Yeah, I’ve got him.” He shifted to get a better look, careful not to be seen.
There, standing near his locker, was Danny Fenton. The kid was holding a cheap, rainbow-colored fidget spinner, grinning ear to ear as it floated a foot off his palm, spinning in the air. No tricks. No strings. Just hovering there like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Wes’s jaw dropped. He instinctively pulled back behind the corner, his heart hammering in his chest.
Danny turned to his friends, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, his excitement barely contained. “Guys, look at this! I finally figured it out! I can keep it spinning without it breaking!”
“Dude!” Tucker hissed, darting a glance down the hallway. “What are you doing? We’re at school! People can see you!”
Sam didn’t even look up from her phone. “Yeah, Danny, great idea. Use your ghost powers out in the open. Real genius move.”
Danny shrugged, the spinner still rotating effortlessly in midair. “Relax, nobody’s paying attention.”
Tucker frowned, scanning the hallway again, but his eyes widened when he caught sight of Wes peeking from around the corner. His face paled. “Uh, Danny? We’ve got a problem.”
Sam followed his gaze and immediately locked eyes with Wes. Her lips curled into a smirk. She raised her hand and, in one fluid motion, gave him the middle finger, her expression daring him to do something about it.
Wes’s earpiece crackled again. “Agent Weston, confirm: is there ghostly activity? Report immediately!”
Panic flared in Wes’s chest. He ducked further behind the corner, flattening himself against the wall as his thoughts raced. Danny Fenton was using ghost powers—ghost powers—in the middle of Casper High. He was definitely Phantom. This was it. This was the proof he needed.
But… was it?
His memories flickered to all the times Fenton—or Phantom, as he now realized—had helped during ghost attacks. There’d been moments where Wes had barely escaped danger, only for Phantom to swoop in and save the day. He hated the smug attitude, but did that really make Danny the bad guy?
“Agent Weston! Respond!”
The sharp voice jolted him. His hand shook as he reached for the earpiece. “I—uh—no activity,” he blurted out. “It’s… it’s nothing.”
He could almost hear the agent on the other end frowning. “Are you sure? Target must be identified—”
“I said it’s nothing!” Wes hissed, ripping the earpiece out of his ear and stuffing it into his pocket.
“Yo, Wes!” Tucker’s voice called out from around the corner, too casual to be innocent. “You doing okay over there?”
Wes froze, his stomach sinking. Slowly, he leaned out from behind the wall. Tucker, Sam, and Danny were all staring at him now. Danny’s expression was sheepish, but Sam’s glare was sharp enough to cut steel. Tucker wore a nervous grin, but the way he adjusted his PDA told Wes he was ready for whatever might come next.
“What’s your problem, Weston?” Sam asked, folding her arms and cocking her head to the side. Her tone was light, but her eyes dared him to make a move.
Wes’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. What was he supposed to say? That he’d been sent to spy on them by a shady government agency that wanted to dissect their best friend?
“Uh, nothing,” Wes stammered, stepping back. “Just… forgot my locker combination.”
“Sure you did,” Sam muttered, rolling her eyes. “You keep lurking around corners, and you’re gonna have a real problem.”
“Big one,” Tucker added, tapping his PDA ominously.
Danny just gave him an awkward half-smile and a tiny wave before turning back to his friends. Wes ducked down the hallway and hurried away before anyone could say anything else.
He wasn’t sure what he was going to tell the GIW. He wasn’t even sure what he thought anymore. All he knew was that if he turned Danny in, he’d have to deal with more than just a couple of angry friends. And something told him Sam wasn’t bluffing.
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