#rip american campers
thaliasthunder · 2 years
leo latino? so what im hearing is that he always kisses piper's cheek when he greets her and tells her goodbye
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italianhomosexuality · 7 months
you don't have to know what to say or what to think on ao3
The first time it happens, it's an honest mistake.
(The times after that are also honest mistakes, but Nico feels like he should've known better.)
He's been working really, really hard to learn American Sign Language. After his three days in the infirmary, after working night after night, talking to Mr. D, struggling to learn how to open up to other people and how to finally be a 15-year-old teenager who tries his best to not let his lifelong trauma get to him too much, Nico di Angelo had become close friends with one Will Solace.
He'd never thought he'd be able to have a friendship with someone like Will. Someone who didn't take shit from anyone—he made sure to make that clear—, but was doting and cared for everyone else, sometimes a little too much. Someone who was as bright as the sun itself, who could light stars in the sky just by smiling, who could coax Nico's fears out of him and make him feel equal, not judged.
Someone who Nico could see himself loving.
Okay, and, woah, that might be a little too far, but was he wrong? He was finally allowing himself to feel hope after The Incident (mental trademark), letting himself have friends and a crush that didn't feel like ripping his insides apart and stir-frying them for dinner. So what if Nico's eyes lingered a little too long on the way Will's hair glowed against the infirmary's emergency lights?
(“Nico, when the siren rings and lights up, you stop everything and you go help!”, Kayla had yelled at him the first time it happened. He only felt death in the air after Will finally started running after the patient.
It was that bad.)
Who could blame him, then, for wanting to learn the language the boy he liked felt more comfortable with? Will had assured him that he did just fine with English, that his Cabin Nine hearing aids worked more than perfectly, but Nico had seen the way he got excited whenever he got to sign with someone. There were a few Deaf demigods around camp and Will knew every single one of them. Sometimes, he would sign while speaking, and it made Nico's Italian self happy because hand gestures! Then it made Nico's gay self happy because Will's hands, oh my gods, and then Nico wanted to learn how to make Will's face light up like that.
So, he learned. He got familiar with the computer in the Big House, watching YouTube videos on the matter, practicing in the mirror, going up to other campers who were signers and fighting social anxiety like his life depended on it. He had nailed most stuff by week three. The power of hyperfixations.
He did it all hiding from Will, of course. It was meant to be a surprise. He would walk up to Will, sign something, and Will would be like, “Nico, I didn't know you signed!”, so Nico would reply, “I learned just for you!”, and they'd hold hands and kiss and skip into the sunset.
A guy can dream, right?
“Hey, Nico!” Will yells out from the infirmary steps. “I'm done with my shift. Wasn't expectin' to see you here.”
Gods, his accent is so cute.
“I just thought I'd stop by, see how you were doing,” says Nico, preparing himself mentally for what comes next. “I have a surprise for you, actually.”
“Oh, you do?” Will gives his side-tooth smile, the one he does when he's excited for something he doesn't want to show excitement over.
Nico takes a deep breath.
“Food-you-want?” He signs, slowly but surely. “Me-hungry.”
Will blinks.
“Do that again.”
A warm feeling bubbles up in Nico's chest. Embarrassment, adoration, nervousness, teenage crush? He doesn't really know. He only knows that Will's cheeks look flushed and his voice is barely above a whisper, a tone Nico doesn't get to hear often, so of course he signs his sentence again. He'd do anything Will asks for.
“Do the last sign again.”
“Hum,” Nico starts, feeling a little off. He signs it again, anyway, placing his hand shaped like a C in front of his torso, following a line from the center of his collarbones down to the middle of his chest, then vice-versa. “It means 'hungry'... Right?”
Will takes a deep breath, face redder than Nico's ever seen.
“It means 'hungry' when you do the movement once,” he explains, carefully, doing the sign. The same handshape and movement Nico did, but just once, from the collarbone to the middle of his chest. “When you do the movement twice… It means something else.”
“What does it mean?”
They stare at each other. Nico's eyes are wide. Will's eyes are so blue. Nico would pay more attention to the blue if he weren't so preoccupied with—
“It means 'horny'. You signed, I'm horny.”
—With running away.
The second time it happens, Nico is still embarrassed by the first one.
Maybe it had been his fault to not pay a lot of attention when the online video he was watching went over the five parameters of ASL. But it wasn't entirely his fault the two signs were so similar, right? Will assured him afterwards—after he found Nico and after a few awkward laughs—that it was a very, very common mistake. The signs were really similar, after all. Nothing wrong with admitting that.
Still, Nico couldn't help but feel his face heat up every time he remembered that day. He'd told his crush he was horny. Unwillingly, sure, but it was sort of true! Nico was still accepting what being horny meant, but he knew that, even in the mildest sense of the word, he was horny for Will. Embarrassing, but honest.
So now, they were hanging out in the Hades' cabin, just the two of us and a bunch of DVDs they'd stolen from the Apollo cabin and Chiron's stash in the Big House. A mix of old rom-coms, sci-fi, noir, and historical dramas, limitless options, but they still argued over what to watch.
Nico suggested, finally, Back to the Future. Will adjourned his case.
As Will walks back from the DVD player, having put the disk in there, Nico takes a deep breath.
“You-eat-want-what?” he signs, going over each sign in his head like a mantra. He does not need a repeat of last time. Then, he raises his eyebrows, signing, “Pizza?”
Will goes as red as a tomato in the face.
“N-No, I'm good,” Will stutters, fanning himself like Hazel does when she's shocked. “Not hungry.” 
“You just came back from a 12-hour shift,” Nico deadpans.
“Let's just watch the movie.”
So Nico is taken back to nights at the Lotus Hotel, when they would have movie nights and play Back to the Future in a loop. Marty McFly might have been his first boy crush. Briefly, he imagined Will in a costume like that for Halloween. But, for now, they're doing just fine, thighs close enough to touch, Will's hand nearly making its way to Nico's scalp for some good head scratches, and life is good.
Sooner than Nico would've liked, it's curfew time. The DeLorean is long gone, and Will is rising up to his feet, stretching, his shirt riding up, and Nico sees the sliver of skin, with a little of hair on his navel, and, oh, gods, he shouldn't be seeing this, but Will is really handsome, and—
“Walk me out?” he says, sweet as ever, and Nico can't say no.
“I had a good time,” says Nico, leaning on the door panel. The moonlight makes Will's hearing aids glimmer.
“Me too,” Will replies, smiling. “The infirmary today was as excitin' as a mashed-potato san'which, good Lord.”
His accent got thicker the more tired he got, just like Nico's.
“Good-night,” Nico signs. “Sleep-good, you.”
Will's eyes linger on Nico's hands, then on his face. His expression is unreadable. It seems… fond? Happy? Nico doesn't know. He just knows he wants that big smile.
“By the way, Nico,” Will starts, voice a little serious, “this is how you sign 'pizza'.”
He goes through the motions. It's just fingerspelling, Nico notices. P-i-z-z-a.
Nico furrows his brows. “What did I sign?”
“You signed…” Will takes a deep breath. “You asked me if I wanted to eat, uh, the… The female genitalia.”
Nico slams the door so hard he doesn't know how Will keeps all of his teeth and nose intact.
The third time it happens, Nico is just plain tired.
He had been on a week-long trip for his father, working on some old business in Louisiana, fighting the occasional monster that came his way and shadow-traveling out of danger—no longer to an inch of his life because he didn't want to make Will worry about him. His clothes are a mess, his hair is greasy, there's soil built up under his fingernails, he hasn't had an actual meal in days, and he's exhausted to say the least.
After showering, eating, and bed-rotting any leftover worries away, he sleeps for fifteen hours straight. He wakes up still exhausted, though a little less, so he walks up to the infirmary since he has nothing better to do. Might as well get a check-up while he's there.
“Good morning, Sunshine,” he says to the head of blond hair when he sees it.
“Good afternoon, di Angelo,” Will replies, looking ready to tackle any challenge, bloody or non-human, that comes his way in his combination of scrubs, cargo shorts, and Jesus sandals. “You look like you're near 'bout past goin'.”
Nico doesn't know what he's saying, but shrugs anyway. “I'm tired.” Then, he signs, “Me-tired. Coffee, me-need.”
Will smirks.
“All you had to do was ask, Death Boy,” he replies, amused, and Nico lights up.
“You have coffee?” He doesn't know why Will looks so smug about coffee, in a way he's never looked before, but he lets himself be led to the infirmary kitchen, watches Will drape over the Nespresso machine, churning out a nice cup of pure, slightly-processed espresso.
The smell is enough to make Nico's eyes open a little more.
“Also,” Will says, putting his doughnut down by the table, still smirking for reasons unknown, “the sign for 'coffee' goes like this.”
He demonstrates. Nico barely follows, focused on taking a sip from his coffee.
“You signed, I need to make-out. You've gotta pay more attention, di Angelo, or— oh, my gods, Nico, breathe! You're gonna burn your throat! Nico!”
Nico is tired of failing.
It's not like he's failed-failed. Will has been more than helpful, willing to show him the ropes and correct his signs, and they've actually spent more time with the other Deaf campers, practicing and practicing. Nico is still fighting the flush that decorates his cheeks whenever he signs with someone else, but he's getting there. Anything for that megawatt Will Solace smile.
So, on the Fourth of July, as they're watching the fireworks, Will takes his hearing aids off, saying the noise makes it hurt. Nico gets a little antsy, but shakes it off, and would rather focus on the way the red, white, and blue from the sky makes Will's freckles change colors, too.
And he looks so good tonight. He ditched his usual medic attire for something still Will, a white tank top, denim shorts, an American flag bandana to keep his curls out of his eyes and flip-flops. Nico dressed similarly, but in a black t-shirt and black shorts, black socks and black sneakers. No bandana; only Will can pull it off.
The tank-top is low cut enough that Nico can see his tattoo peeking out. Gods, he's so beautiful, he thinks to himself, lost in thought he almost misses the way Will is waving his hand in front of Nico's face.
“Hi,” Will signs. “Here, fun.”
Nico nods.
“Confess-me,” Will signs. It's a closed fist by his sternum, opening outwards, like he's pulling something out of his chest. Nico translates it to, I need to tell you something, then nods again. Will takes a deep breath. “Me-like-you. Me-like-like-you.”
Nico's breath is stolen. He doesn't know where it went. He doesn't know what's going on. Off in the distance, someone whoops loudly and a group of campers cheer, but he can only focus on the opaque thump of the fireworks and his own heartbeat increasing pace against his chest. Will is staring at him, blue eyes like the sky, like the bandana, like the prettiest gemstone one could conjure.
“Sign-you-learn. Why? Me. Special-you. Me-like-you, why? You.” When he points at Nico, the final 'you', he does a flourish, like he's honoring Nico. You learned sign for me. You're special. I like you because you're you.
Nico feels words bubbling up in his throat, but doesn't let himself say anything. Instead, he moves his hands like he's practiced so many times in front of the mirror before.
“Me-like-you. Long-how? Long. Favorite-person, you-mine. Date-you, I want.”
I've liked you for a long time. You're my favorite person. I'd like to date you.
With that, he finally gets a megawatt Will Solace smile.
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
Medic has to trick soldier to take his calcium/iron supplements via a slice of American cheddar or ham, but considering how many sandwiches heavy makes(and the fact that Spy and Scout enjoy mid-night snacks), sometimes they run out.
Because of this, on several occasions, Soldier has burst from the medical lobby, having ripped off his clothes, screaming and running away on all fours like a wild animal, chased by the (way faster) medic, who tackles soldier, restrains him (with some help from Heavy/Demo) and has to force the supplements down his throat.
imagine being sniper visiting the base occasionally during one of these. all he wants is a snack. or a coffee.
and suddenly out of nowhere he sees soldier barreling down the hall and fucking YELLING with medic, heavy AND demo chasing him down. medic is shouting something in german about pills.
because he has never been on base during one of these times (too busy doing whatever he does in his camper van) he looks to whoever else in the room for an explanation that never comes because everyone (else) knows that this is an at least once a month occurrence.
(this applies to miss pauling btw except she would actually follow them to see what in the god forsaken fuck is going on)
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your-dietician · 2 years
Volkswagen's New ID Buzz EV Van Already Has a Slide-In Camper Unit
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/volkswagens-new-id-buzz-ev-van-already-has-a-slide-in-camper-unit/
Volkswagen's New ID Buzz EV Van Already Has a Slide-In Camper Unit
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Ququq is based in Germany and actually makes five different versions of its camperbox modules for many types of European SUVs and vans, as well as some Japanese and American makes. These modules include a camper bed, kitchen, and storage in a single, typically slide-in unit that give owners a place to cook—including a gas stove—and to sleep while camping without breaking the bank with a full camper conversion.
Essentially a box containing the kitchen items forms the basis for a 3.9-inch-thick foam folding mattress that is between 43.3 and 52.75 inches wide depending on which version you get and folds out to 76.77 inches long when fully deployed. The best part is that you don’t need to rip out the vehicle’s rear interior to make it work. If you have a vehicle that has a third row seat (all U.S.-spec ID Buzzes will), it needs to be able to fold flat or be removed, but the second row doesn’t have to. For vehicles that have fold flat or removable second row seats, the bed’s forward end can be supported by chains or straps attached to either the grab handles or the upper seat belt anchors, or by its integrated folding legs on the bed. For vehicles with non-removable, but foldable second row seats that don’t fold completely flat with the cargo floor, you can use foam blocks to support the forward section on the folded-flat seat backs. Using those two handles on each side of the box, a set of lashing straps hold the box in place inside the vehicle while a smaller strap holds the folded bed down while in transit.
When everything is set up, you have a fully capable camper with a cooking stove; a place to store food, water and other items; and a small table to work with that pop out from below the bed.
The water storage is made for those rectangular water jugs with an integrated tap, and the bin below it can hold a small container to let you clean your dishes and silverware. The cooking stove is on a slide-out cabinet that has a wind protector and another place to store those dishes, cookware, and silverware. Push everything back in when you’re finished cooking, and the ID Buzz is good to go on an electric excursion without having to break down an extensive camp.
Done camping generally for a time, or need to use either the cargo hold or those third-row seats? You and a friend can remove the 140- to 195-pound assembly (depending on which version you get, but the BusBox is typically the heaviest of Ququq’s camping modules) out of your vehicle and store it away until you’re ready to use it again.
Ququq has already shown off the BusBox 4, which is made specifically for the upcoming ID Buzz, but that’s not the only version that Ququq has. These BusBoxes are made to work with the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter and Metris vans, the Ram ProMaster, and the Ford Transit for European vans built for sale here in the U.S. They also offer the Flat Box camping modules for the Land Rover Discovery 3 and 4, the Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Sienna, Chrysler Pacifica, Lexus GX, and Honda Odyssey; the Kombi Box for the Ford Transit Connect; the D Box for the Defender 110 up until 2018; and the G Box for the 1979-2018 Mercedes G-Class, but only for the long-wheelbase version. Despite being built in Germany, these modules are sold in the U.S. by RRE, a company in Nevada that specializes in Overland Vehicle and Conversion Van parts and accessories.
While we know that there are many DIY conversions out there that might do this same basic task for very little cash using wood, it looks like the Ququq camper modules are a perfect solution for those who who just want a plug-and-play way to take their van camping. The modules start at $3,990 while the BusBox tops out at $4,490 for the version 2 that includes a pedestal to allow the bed to be fully folded while the rear seats are folded down.
We asked VW if the BusBox for the ID Buzz would be available at U.S. dealerships and for how much, but unfortunately, it hasn’t disclosed the ifs or whens by saying, “We are looking at offering a kitchen/bed module in our market and looking to leverage an established manufacturer. However, it’s too soon to say what the final features, pricing or sales channels would be.” In the meantime, we can’t wait to see if the classic Westfalia pop-top treatment makes a comeback for the ID Buzz. But such a creation would surely cost silly money, which is all the more reason to get excited for the Ququq BusBox.
Read the full article here
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
So Dave AKA Dan and Terry cheesman are attempting to kidnap our son at the intersection with the parts store where he usually goes in the parking lot because people want to zoom by him on the corner and almost run into him and they're mad because he avoids it all the time and they're constantly pointed out everyday okay every time he goes there there's these stupid a****** smiling hyena getting their ass beat in and they keep doing it so there they are with some sort of front car already damaged on the front right front and intent to run into him and say that didn't happen and they had a car truck behind with Dave with the push bar coated with rubber and it's supposed to and they were going to run into our sun and they said to go after Trump and we're saying we're going to go after you and other people are too and we don't need that kind of help but no one does and you're dead meat and we send it on the radio sort of. Dead mean so we know that we're going after them but bja pulled them over both of them are under arrest and nobody can stand these idiots they're going after yourself so what that's stupid and we are going to hit there facilities for it and take them down here and he wants us to rip tons of stuff out so we're going to go ahead and do that personal houses he wants houses ripped apart of theirs to pieces and we know which ones and their pieces of s*** anyways and this junk and all of it and they're corroded and what is rotten so he wants people to go and tear their houses apart by hand cuz there's such insulin swine give them a message they should leave and BJ is probably going to blowing up a little but he's got a lot of people and he's going to get rid of this idiot and he likes the idea no draw them out and they're going to get pummeled to death and taking the prison and mac daddy says no but they always say no it's such a pain we're going to publish it's a good idea
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Some trumpster showed up and was parked in the library with a broken down camper and it's very old looking for a pity and stuff for my son and helped to get the thing going with her husband and it's not John remillard but it's close and on Sunday had no interest at all just wanted to know if the animals are safe and told her she should plug the electricity in did she tried it and it works and really these people are sick and it is a safe haven and it's meant for that but they're going around and abusing it and being a burden on purpose when there's a lot of people who need the service and they have a lot of money so he said you can get a camper for $88,000 it's really like $245,000 it's a significant number and she's thinking about it later and she's going he's telling us off all the time but it's just so stupid and crass and mean and she got mad and said we have to do this s*** somewhere else and just saying it's too late and I said yes it's too late everybody in town is going to beat you up people are
**so you talk to me like a big wise ass all the time little s*** next door. So I got to tell you African Americans don't like you Trump but they like your money and they like bling and you've got plenty of bling I don't know what the hell they're doing just drive by and shoot you and take your stuff and he's saying that he's also saying that he would have like this 2-in thick fro like the Rock and I guess he'd be in the car too not much different but our son would be black like a black guy he said boy that guy went down and he shoots some more he looks at them again says he is down.. and The Rock would say get down so they all get down and say just kidding and his poke up and it starts shooting and he said what are you just kidding about he says who are you Martin I said no bang bang he's down again the amount of time you said the joke he's back up again is that he keeps doing that but as a black guy he said that last part and that was The Rock he keep doin dat!!!! And that's how they say it like that and it's hilarious it's like 10 ft away from him and he's p Diddy out in front of his house and he owes our son money for the zit formula he's trying to still have him buy it so where can I sue him for that we are going to sue him for that because people are putting it on documents LOL and we'll take the money they make and get it to our son and yeah black guy that's not black that's perfect so we get the gig and The Rock and our son ken was along and Garth they're not really black
Thor Freya
I've had enough of this s*** why do you have to be black oh I see he's saying he's a black guy and screwing around with us saying we're breaking the law you're not bad but it's kind of like a drive-by he's saying we're kind of feds now so we can sign up and get away with that s***I've heard enough this isn't Africa for crying out loud
Eddie Murphy
Okay buckwheat you know what to do about that
We're going to shoot you you wigger you don't say that s*** to us and pipe down you over there you're only part black it's really pretty rich though and fun he's 10 ft away you're shooting a point blank keeps getting up with a scrawny ass down here announcing he's off and I'll see he's down Jesus Christ I'm not black either I sort of get something that's stupid it is stupid
Now this is horrible but still we should sue p Diddy so you getting a group lawsuit together and they don't know about it but the guy took the took a whole bunch of ideas and he's saying it's all these Max and the max are doing worse stuff but this guy is more annoying so go figure we need all the stuff he has I'll tell you what we have to go after him and right now again and a son almost wasn't an accident because of them and we have to go after them and we we have to take them down and Dave was going to drive over him and we're sick of that guy we need to shoot him in the head until he's out
Thor Freya
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shop-korea · 7 months
BY - ME - CAN’T - WAIT - 4
ALSO - QUILT - $14.95
AGE 246
OF - HIS - SON’s - AGE 32 YES
WANT - 2 - KNOW - AS - 14TH
IF - THEY - DARE - AS 18
BUT - 2 - STEAL - 2 - KILL - AND
AGE 19 - 25
FIRST - 500 - BOYS - & - GIRLS
AGE 18 - 25
cailey . us
shop @ cailey . us
eVOICE - TOLL FREE - ( 800 )
GIFT - CARDS - $5,000 - EACH
$5,000 - EACH - TAX FREE
THAT’s - WHY - THE - 1ST
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Camping Cryptids
Summer is the perfect time for people to go hiking and camping. While most out-door adventurers worry about taking safety precautions against the weather, bugs, and wild animals, most do not even think about the possibility of running into something much more mysterious. Yet every year, numerous reports emerge of eerie creatures being sighted among the thick trees in the woods. Below is a list of some of the more popular cryptids that have been sighted throughout the years. Perhaps next time you go into the woods, you will spot one yourself.
The Wood Devils:
Seen around Coos County, New Hampshire since the 1930s, these creatures have been described as looking very Bigfoot-esque. They are typically around 7-9 feet tall wih long, shaggy tan-grey hair. Unlike other Bigfoots, Wood Devils hide behind trees when they see a human coming. If there is no place to hide, the Woods Devil will stand completely still. Throughout the years, many outdoorsmen and campers have heard the screams of these creatures echoing throughout the woods.
The Whirling Whimpus:
Another Bigfoot like creature, the Whirling Whimpus is said to be responsible for the deaths of numerous lumberjacks in the North American Woods. It is said to look like a 7ft tall gorilla, with a fat black body and legs that have hooves, that will hide behind a bend of a trail while a human walks by. As soon as the victim walks closer, the Whirling Whimpus will spin around on one hoof quickly, so as to become almost invisible. While doing this it will make a low humming sound that seems like it is coming from the trees above. When the prey looks up, the Whimpus will attack.
Devil Monkeys:
Devil Monkeys are large baboon-like primates that are being spotted in forested areas of Flagstaff Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado, among other places They are described as being 4-5 ft tall, very quick, having sharp pointed faces, long springy legs, and 3 toed razor claw feet. The first sighting took place in 1934 in South Pittsburgh, Tennessee, when reports of a creature that could jump extremely high began to surface. The first official sighting of the Devil Monkey came in 1959 as a couple who was driving through the mountains on their way home in Saltville, Virginia when their car was attacked. The ape-like beast left three scratches on their car. Two days later, two nurses from the Saltville area were driving home when a similar creature ripped the convertible top form their car. Reports continued throughout the years, with many of them involving the Devil Monkeys attacking local animals. One couple in 2006 came home to find a “devil-like” creature attacking their dog.
Flatwoods Monster:
The Flatwoods Monster can be sighted in both Flatwoods and Frametown, West Virginia. The monster is said to be about 10ft tall, and it looks like it is in some sort of space suit or robotic armor. It has a cowl in the shape of an ace of spades, a huge round head, two large eyes that glow green-orange. The Body is a metallic armor structured with thick vertical pipes. The very first report of the Flatwoods Monster came on Sept 12th, 1952 after three boys saw a bright object fall from the sky and land in an acre of land belonging to a local farmer. They ran home, grabbed a small search party, and went to the farm to see what the boys had seen. Upon reaching the site, the group saw a huge ball of fire. They also saw two small lights over to the left of the object. When he put his flashlight on the lights it revealed a creature which hissed and began gliding towards them before changing directions. The day after this incident, a couple driving home had their car come to a sudden stop. A sulfuric odor filled the air. They then saw the Flatwoods Monster standing in front of them.
Lone Pine Mountain Devil:
This creature is a winged carnivore that lives in the West Coast. Some believe it is related to the Jersey Devil. The animal is said to be large, furry, multi-winged, and have razor sharp talons. Its beak also contains rows upon rows of venomous fangs. Sightings began back with the early settlers, including the Forty-niners, who began spreading the tale after numerous coyote and bobcat carcasses were found laying about in the dessert. There were also stories of prospectors found with unrecognizable facial features and torsos eaten clean to the bone. Although sightings were frequent early on, they eventually diminished in the early 1900s. Although sightings were scarce for 100 years, starting in 2003, there has been an increase once again of reported Mountain Devil Sightings.
This cryptid has made two appearances so far. The first one was in Fresno California while the other was in Yosemite National Park. In both instances, it was only caught on video. The creature appears to be only around 4ft high. It is extremely thin with a white humanoid body. However, it does not seem to have any arms, and appears to be wearing a white gown or cloak. According to some Native Americans, Nightcrawlers have existed on Earth for a long time. They are thought to have come from a planet that was mostly swampland.
Jersey Devil:
The Jersey Devil is one of the most talked about creatures in cryptozoology. It is said to terrorize the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. This creature supposedly had huge bat wings, hooves, horns, and a forked tail. Reports of the Jersey Devil include wailing in the forest at night, the slaughter of domestic animals, footprints, and of course, sightings of the Devil himself. One of the most memorable group encounters occurred during January of 1909. During this time, the newspapers published hundreds of accounts on the Jersey Devil. Some of these accounts included the Jersey Devil attacking a trolley and a social club. Although there have not been as dramatic sightings recently, there are still those who claim to have seen the Jersey Devil today. In fact, for many who inhabit the area, it is almost expected that they will have a Jersey Devil sighting during some point in their lifetime.
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lovelyyy-luna · 3 years
run away with me
pairing: (jimmy darling x fem! reader)
fandom: american horror story: asylum
type: fluff and a little angst
warning: mentions drunk mean parents
word count: 949
date: april 17, 2021
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-back in 1934, 6 years old-
You stomped to the playground behind all the campers. The stars and moonlit the way and you sat on the swing dangling your feet.
You were still sniffly from your parents yelling at you. They were both drunk and always took their anger out on you.
You hear a twig snap and your head snapped up, “Who's there?” you said with uneasiness in your voice.
“Are you okay?” a boy you’ve seen around the campground spoke.
“Yeah, I'm okay. What’s it to you?”
“Um well, I heard you crying and wanted to make sure you're okay.”
You could tell that he meant well.
“Why do you have a suitcase? Are you going on a trip?” he says pointing to the bag near your feet.
“No, I'm running away.”
“Oh, where are you running away to?”
“Not sure yet. Why are you wearing mittens? It’s summer?”
He hid his hands embarrassed of something.
“Hey, I don't bite. Sorry if I was mean before.” you hold your hand out and he was hesitant about letting you see his hands.
“I just don't like people seeing my hands. Sometimes they yell or make fun of me.”
“Well, I won’t make fun of you. We’re friends now,” you say with a smile.
“Really? I've never had a friend before.”
“Me either. We can be best friends.”
He took off his mittens and showed you his hands. You weren’t disgusted by them but interested and curious about them.
After a few minutes of you looking at his hands, he cleared his throat, “are you still going to run away? Because you are my best friend and all I wouldn’t want you to and I'm still new at writing.”
“I think I’ll stay because I don't have any money for the bus.” the both of you laugh and in the distance, your mothers call your names.
“Well, I better go,” he sighed, “oh I’m Jimmy Darling by the way.”
“Im Y/N L/N.” you give each other hugs and you go back to your campers.
-present day, 17 years old-
You slam the door to the camper. You had yet another argument with your parents. The problems they shared with you were mainly caused by them but they needed someone to blame and you were the common denominator.
The moon shone its familiar face and you made your way back to the swing.
You couldn’t count the times you’ve threatened to run away, but you had nowhere to go and you knew no one outside of the campsite.
Like clockwork, he showed up, Jimmy Darling. He was your only friend and you didn’t mind because he was great company.
“Hey there. Running away again?”
You chuckle, “what does it look like to you.”
He walks over and sits on the swing next to you. “Y/N how long have we been friends?”
“I don't know 10 - 11 years,”
“And you know I would never do anything to hurt you right?’
“And I wouldn’t want to do anything that would ruin anything.”
You look at him hoping he would finish where he was going with this.
“So I’m just going to come right out and say it. I… fuck, I didn’t know it was going to be this hard. I really, really, really, love… spending time with you.”
You felt your heart get ripped out, mauled by a dog, and stapled in your chest. “Oh.”
“No that’s not what I meant. I mean I do love spending time with you. Just take out the do, spending, time, and with.”
You look at him even more confused and lost.
He yells a frustrated groan into his hands. “Fuck. Y/N I love you.”
You leap from your swing over to him and cup his face kissing him. The kiss feels like it’s going on forever, he stood up combing his webbed fingers through your hair.
Once you both stopped for air you just looked at him smiling.
He chuckles, “so I take it that you feel the same way about me?”
“Of course I do Jimmy.”
“Okay, there’s something else I have to tell you.”
“What is it?” you say moving a piece of his hair out of his face.
“Im moving.”
And again heart ripped, mauled, and stapled. “What the hell Jimmy? You tell me you love me and then you just up and leave!?”
“I didn’t plan for this Y/N, a german lady came up to me and mom and offered us a spot in her show.”
With your arms crossed and you were pacing in front of him, “I'm happy for you Jimmy. I really am but... But you’re leaving me.”
Tears started to fall and he pulled you into a big hug, “hey at least I can write so we can send each other letters.” he chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey! Come with us!” he suggests.
“Jimmy. You know me. I talk a big game on leaving but never do.”
You then hear your mom call your name. Jimmy looks at you hopefully, “Y/N run away with me. It’ll be you and me. It’s always been you and me.”
You look at Jimmy then back in the direction of your camper. You then hear his mom calling his name.
“We’re leaving tonight. I want you to come with us. I know you don't want to spend the rest of your life here, you’re destined for much more.”
Looking one last time at the place you called home and picked up your suitcase and hand in hand with Jimmy you left to start the first day of the rest of your life.
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wanna be tagged? (X)
tags: // @breathinfive // @whiiiiplaaaaash //
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artzychic27 · 3 years
Artist Family Values?
Everything is calm. Marinette, Alix, and Rose are playing funeral in the backyard; Felix is helping Juleka write a love note to Rose, confessing her feelings; Nathaniel is arm wrestling That and losing
Marc: Nathaniel, wonderful news. My mother is going to have a baby and she wants us to have it... Right now.
*Several hours of excruciatingly painful labor later*
Little girl: And then mommy kissed daddy, and the angel told the stork. The stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond under a leaf in the cabbage patch, and the diamond turned into a baby.
Marinette: They had sex.
Rose: Nathaniel!
Juleka: What news?
Marinette: Nathaniel, what is it?
Nathaniel: It’s an Artist!
The baby’s name is Kiran. He has black eyes and was born with fangs
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Marinette and Alix immediately hate the baby and do everything they can to get rid of him. Guillotine, shooting him, dropping him from the roof
Marc: Mari. Alix. Why do you hate the baby?
Alix: We don’t hate him. We just wanna play with him.
Marinette: Especially his head.
To keep Kira out of trouble, Marc and Nathaniel hire a nanny. Lila.
Juleka immediately hates her because of how she’s taken a liking to Rose. Little does she know that she isn’t in love with the blonde. She’s a black widow out for their fortune.
Noticing that Marinette and Alix are onto her, Lila makes it seem like they wanna go to summer camp so they’re not in her way.
Nathaniel: *Disgusted* Fresh air. The scent of pine.
Chloé: Hi. I'm Chloé Bourgeois. Why are you dressed like that?
Marinette: Like what?
Chloé: Like you're going to a funeral. Why are you dressed like somebody died?
Marinette: Wait.
While at camp, Marinette and Alix make enemies of the popular bratty rich kids and allies out of the outcasts (The Akuma class)
Marinette finds herself glaring at a certain boy from America who glares right back at her... It’s Damian.
Back at the Artists’ home, Rose finds herself falling in love with Lila, much to Juleka’s anger but no one seems to notice
Marc and Nathaniel invite them to a gothic bistro
Lila: I just can't tell. Does she like me at all?
Marc: Of course she does. She pulled out her hair at the sight of you.
Marc and Nathaniel perform the badass tango from the movie
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Meanwhile at the cemetery, Lila and Rose get engaged surprisingly quickly
Rose: Good news! I’m engaged!
Juleka: What?! *Felix pats her back for comfort*
Lila: *Shows the ring*
Marc: That ring.
Nathaniel: It was my grandmother’s. She was burried with it.
Lila: *Holds up a shovel*
Later that night at the camp, Alix and Marinette attempt to escape with some help from Damian, but are caught by the brat campers and are forced to sing Kumbaya
Damian and Marinette find themselves becoming closer
Damian: You know... I’m pretty good with a knife myself.
Marinette: ... *Holds Damian’s hand*
Escape attempt #2 is a success. When they hear about the wedding, Marinette and Alix have to go and see if it’ll be a train wreck. Of course, Marinette invites Damian as her plus one.
It’s surprisingly pleasant. Everyone’s dressed in black, the flower girl is tossing dead petals on the ground.
“I do.” “Ditto.” Marinette catches the bouquet.
Damian: Now you have to get married.
Marinette: It’s not binding.
On their honemoon, Lila attempts to kill Rose by dropping a toaster in her bath. Unfortunately for her, Rose is immune to death by electrocution
Needing a new plan and for the Artists to stay out of her way, Lila forbids Rose from seeing or speaking to em ever again.
Meanwhile at camp, Alix shoots an endangered bird!
Camp director 1: It’s a white tailed eagle!
Camp director 2: Aren’t they endangered?
Marinette: They are now
Juleka is sulking after receiving a letter from Rose, saying she can’t see them ever again.
Juleka: Have I done something, said something? Why does she despise me?
Nathaniel: Rose adores you.
Juleka: I'd do anything for her. At her request, I would rip out my eyes. At her command, I would crawl on my stomach through hot coals and broken glass.
Marc: ... You’re in love with Rose?
Back at camp, the directors announce that the campers will be performing the poorly written and quite racist play about the first Thanksgiving
Chloé will be playing Sarah Miller, the outcasts will play the Native Americans, and Marinette will be playing Pocahontas.
Marinette passes out at the announcement
Meanwhile, the Artists visit Rose and Lila at their pristine white mansion.
Juleka: So these are the gates of hell.
Lila forced them to leave, and Rose, out of fear, backs her up.
Marc: I see Lila that you have placed Rose under some strange sexual spell. I respect that. But please, may we see her?
Lila: No!
Marc: You have gone too far. You have married Rose. You have destroyed her spirit. You have taken her from us. All that I could forgive. But, Lila...
Lila: What?!
Marc: ... Pastels?
They leave, but not before Juleka curses Lila.
They try to go to the police, but they won’t take them seriously, and Nathaniel makes the following announcement
Nathaniel: I shall not submit! I shall conquer! I shall rise! My name is Nathaniel Artist, and I have seen evil! *Juleka holds up Kiran* I have seen horror! *Felix waves* I have seen the unholy maggots which feast in the dark recesses of the human soul.
Marc: They’re at camp.
Speaking of camp. The main 3 attempt to escape again, but are caught by the other campers and are soon forced into the Harmony Hut where they’re forced to watch Disney Movies.
Hours without food or drinks later, and they come out looking pale and traumatized
Marinette snaps out of it and traumatizes them back by smiling
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With the Artists, something horrible has happened to Kiran. He blonde and has blue eyes!
Marc: My brother!
Nathaniel: *Faints*
Juleka: *Reading from spell book* “Infant possessions. These terrifying changes are most often the result of a troubled family life.”
Marc: Rose!
Juleka: If we don’t get Rose back, we’re talking dimples.
Nathaniel: Not in this house!
Juleka: He could stay this way for years. Forever. He could become... A lawyer.
Nathaniel: No!
Juleka: An orthodontist.
Marc: Juleka, please!
Juleka: ... Mayor.
It’s the day of the highly offensive show that portrays Native Americans as uncivilized people.
It goes off well until Marinette flips the script.
Marinette: You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d’oeurves. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will drive stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, “Do not trust the pilgrims, especially Sarah Miller. And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you, and burn your village. To. The. Ground.
The outcasts burn the camp to the ground and attack the brats while the main 3 escape in a canoe.
Meanwhile, Lila tries one last attempt at killing Rose, knowing this won’t fault. A bomb.
When it goes off while she’s out, she’s expecting a blonde corpse. Not Rose holding a tray of cupcakes and a warm smile
Enough is enough.
Lila: *Aims gun* I tried to make it look like an accident! I tried to give you some dignity, but, oh, no, not you!
That shows up to save the day by hitting Lila with his car and helping Rose escape back to the Artists’ Home,
*Now for the best scene*
Marinette: I may never see you again.
Damian: I know.
Marinette: There are forces tearing us apart-- Gary, Lila, tenth grade.
Damian: I'll never forget you.
Marinette: *Touched* You won't?
Damian: You're too weird.
Marinette: We'll always have today and camp
Damian: And this. *He holds up a retainer*
Marinette: What is it?
Damian: Chloé’s retainer. *Drops it to the ground* Meyn ziskeyt.
Marinette: Mi querido.
*The two kiss through the fence before pulling away and wiping their mouths*
Meanwhile, Nathaniel’s lost his mind.
Nathaniel: *Lying in bed* Swing low... Sweet chariot... Coming for to carry me home.
Marc: Oh, my sister is ill and my husband is dying. Juleka, what am I gonna do?
Juleka: Well, you already have a black dress.
Rose returns, apologizes for abandoning them, reconciles with her friends
And at that moment, Marinette and Alix return from camp. They all group hug, and Juleka is about to tell Rose about her feelings for her, until...
Lila: In-laws!
Down in the dungeon, the Artists, Felix, and That are strapped into electric chairs while Lila tells them the story of her life... Through slideshow!
She burned her house down with her parents still in it because they gave her Malibu Barbie instead of Ballerina Barbie
Marc: *Disgusted* Malibu Barbie. The nightmare.
Nathaniel: The nerve.
Her first husband the heart surgeon could never make it on dates, so she committed axe murder.
Juleka: Aw, an axe. That takes me back.
Husband #2 was a Senator who wouldn’t buy Lila that new, expensive car because they had to set an example. She ran him over.
Lila: So I destroyed one innocent life after another. Aren't I a human being? Don't I yearn and... ache and shop? Don't I deserve love... and jewelry?
Marc: *nods* Adios, mi querido.
Nathaniel: Zay gezunt, meyn tayer.
With some encouragement from Felix, Juleka uses her last few moments to confess to Rose
Juleka: Rose, night after night, I have desired you. I would worship every pale, lifeless limb on your body, die and kill for you, love you even after my dying breath. Rose... I love you.
Her confession leaves Rose in tears.
Rose: I love you, too.
Lila: Oh, barf! *Grabs the lever* Goodbye, everyone! Wish me luck!
Artists: Good luck.
Right as she’s about to pull the lever, Kiran, back go normal and by some miracle drops down from the ceiling and switches the wires, making Lila electrocute herself to death
*One year later*
Juleka and Rose got married! Also, it’s Kiran’s birthday! And Damian’s invited!
Rose: And to think I might have missed all this. What was I thinking?
Marinette: Physical pleasure.
While the others are celebrating, Marinette and Damian hang out in the cemetery and talk about marriage. Which Marinette doesn’t want
Damian: But what if you found a man so devoted to you, who worshipped you, that he’d be your eternal love slave?
Marinette: I’d pity him
Damian: *Looks at Lila’s gravestone. ‘Friend, Family, Killer* Damn. Lila was sick.
Marinette: She wasn't sick. She was sloppy.
Damian: What?
Marinette: If I wanted to kill my husband, I'd do it, and I wouldn't get caught.
Damian: How?
Marinette: I'd scare him to death.
Damian: *Scoffs* Sure. *As he goes to lay a flower on Lila’s grave, her hand pops out of the ground and grabs him, making him scream.*
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queeniecamps · 3 years
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I wound up coloring this gal and?? she’s so pretty??
Anywayz, Frannie’s a teen from Italy who came to America with her parents. Her mamma was originally from America but met her papà while studying abroad and fell in love and wound up having Francesca along the way, so she stayed there for a good 20 years before the family decided to return to America.
Franny’s working as a Garden Mother (Sister?? Again, whatever the rank for a junior garden mother would be called here) in hopes of earning some cash and getting to know some of the American kids before she starts school in the fall. Too bad almost all of the Flower Scouts and surrounding campers are DICKS lol.
 RIP Francesca, we hardly knew ye
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calico1999 · 3 years
Im Possibly Making A Camp Cretaceous Fanfic With my Own Original Character
The fanfic will Follow all of Camp Cretaceous Seasons 1-3 and will possibly Continue until the last season
So Introducing my Original Character:
Name: Gustav Taylor
Age: 14
Race: Irish-American
Sex: Non-Binary Boy
Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them ( Im using Steven Universe gem logic here)
Hobbies: Wood carving (Thats it)
About the character:
He has Semi-Long hair mostly covering his eyes and wears a Plad red shirt, ripped jeans, white sneakers, a hoodie tied around his waist, and carries two wood carving knives with him. His family owns a wood carving buisness in Alaska and hand crafts every wooden decoration inside Jurassic World. And he has an eye for friendship for one of the campers. He is into gory stuff thats the reason why he accepted the invitation to Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous he knows the history behind the place.
he is very open in being Non-binary it took him years to were he is today. He has a calm personality and loyal when you gain his trust he is very dependable. He backs away from a fight he sees that is not worth it he will stand into the corner and allow it to happen unless it gets to far out of hand he is Independent but rellies on others when he has to. he makes wood carvings of owls he thinks its good luck.
Fun fact:
He is an inch shorter than Ben
His Birthday is on January 31 2001
He lives in Alaska.
His dad is Irish while his mom is American
his dad is supportive (good for him)
He has 2 brothers and 1 sister.
He paints his Nails black
So there is My Original Character So about the fanfic I would need help in Writing it so you can put in sugestions if you want. this would be my first fanfic so pls be patient with me The fanfic will be posted on either A03 or Wattpad ( Wattpad since I just sent an Invitation request for an A03 acount but I will transfer all the chapters once I get a notice.)
I just thought of this while rewatching Camp Cretaceous imagining if there was a non-binary character
ill probably post the fanfic some time around October 25 or 30 because I have exams coming up.
Edit: I did a little revamp for Gustav's character made it he doesn't get a hatchet until later on in the story and made his backstory a little less tragic. (his mom is alive)
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tinypeckers · 3 years
Summer is an eternity with you
Fandom(s): The Creatures / Cow Chop
Pairing(s): Eddie Cardona/Seamus O’Doherty (SlyPKC), James Wilson/Aleks Marchant (NovaHD)
Summary: Seamus O'Doherty’s big plans for the summer of lounging in front of the TV, gorging on snacks and getting approximately 0.005 hours of sunlight are dashed when he is unceremoniously dumped at a summer camp by his parents. If that wasn’t bad enough, he’s sorted into a bunk with the most obnoxious, dorky know-it-all, Eddie Cardona, who seems to determined to torture Seamus with his gung-ho attitude. Will his other bunkmates be enough to keep him sane? Will it all end in a blood bath a la Friday the 13th? Or will Eddie find a way to make Seamus a happy camper after all?
AO3 Link
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Seamus pulled the red, faded bib over his head. He gagged as the neck of it slid slowly over his face. Once it had settled on his body, it stuck to his t-shirt with sweat from the boys of summers past.
“Is it some unspoken rule that they don’t wash these things or what?”
Aleks snorted back at him. He stood, hands in his pockets. James had abandoned them within seconds of arriving at the soccer field. Seamus recognised the guys he high-fived with from the welcome cabin on the first day. Aleks kicked at the dirt. He picked at the threads sticking out of the knees in his jeans. Seamus nodded toward the hole in his jeans.
“You’re committed to your look, aren’t you? Your jeans are gonna smell as bad as these,” Seamus pinched at his bib, “if you don’t wash them soon.”
Aleks’ lips twitched into a small smirk but the smile did not reach his eyes. His head whipped around as someone called his name.
 Seamus glanced around him. Three boys strode toward them. Like Aleks, they all seemed to be oblivious to what camp attire entailed. They all wore jeans, some ripped, most worn in. Only two of them wore t-shirts while one of the guys appeared to be dedicated to sweating it out in a hooded sweatshirt. The three boys huddled around Aleks and started to discuss what he had been up to, what activities that they had chosen and whether or not he was enjoying camp. Aleks had started to turn his back to Seamus, so Seamus tucked his hands into the pockets of his shorts and he cleared his throat. Aleks glanced back at him over his shoulder. He held his hand in Seamus’ direction.
“Oh, right. Yeah, guys – this is Seamus, my bunkmate. Seamus this is Dean,” Aleks gestured toward a lanky, dark-haired boy with glasses that had been taped in the middle. “This is Kai,” he pointed to an African American boy with buzzed hair. Kai grinned at Seamus. Aleks pointed to the last boy, “and this is Joseph.” The freckled ginger boy waved back at him.
“I thought you were bunkmates with that weird-lookin’ kid, the one with the neckerchief?” Kai asked.
 Seamus and Aleks shared a smile at the mention of their eccentric bunkmate. Kai held his hand up, one shoulder raised toward his ear. Aleks and Seamus just shook their heads. They looked up at the sound of a horn. Their heads whipped around, half expecting that Eddie had dodged his swimming activity to torture them. But the man behind the horn was only Jordan, who grinned as he pulled it away from his mouth. He gestured to the group of boys in front of him. He started on a long, elaborate spiel about how soccer was a team game, so they’d have to work together to get a touchdown! The boys snickered. A senior councillor corrected him and Jordan bolstered forward with his introduction. He ended by reminding them to split into their teams. Kai, in his red bib, stayed beside Aleks and Seamus. The other boys wandered over to the blue team. Seamus startled as James knocked into him. They were given their positions with James, Seamus and one of James’ friends – Todd, he was introduced as – made central, right and left defence respectively. Kai was given goalkeeper while Aleks was thrust out into the forefront as right striker.
 The game started when Jordan blew the whistle and almost immediately James, Seamus, Todd and Kai were rendered useless as their team kept the ball by the other team’s goal. They couldn’t quite see what was happening and so James and Todd made their own huddle by Seamus. Kai inched his way toward them as well when it was clear the other team wasn’t going to be bringing him any action. Todd clapped a hand on Seamus’ shoulder. He pulled him close, a big grin stretching out his lips. Seamus tried to shrug his hand away but Todd’s grip was persistent.
“I heard that you’ve become Eddie’s new obsession,” Todd leered. Seamus forced the other boy’s fingers from his shoulder, one by one. He rubbed at the spot where his hands had been.
“New obsession?” James clicked his tongue and waved his hand across his neck. Todd threw his hands up. Seamus cocked his head at James. “Obsession?”
James rubbed at his hair, his fingers moving up and down along his curls. He mouthed something to Todd that Seamus couldn’t quite work out.
“Every year Eddie finds a new,” James accentuated his next word with air quotation marks, “friend. Then he falls head over heels for them and just stalks them for the rest of camp.”
Seamus clicked his tongue. He waved his hand in James’ direction. He was not Eddie’s new ‘friend’ – they were barely acquaintances. He certainly was not going to become Eddie’s obsession – not a goddamn chance. Seamus was about to tell James’ as much when from across the pitch someone yelled: “Heads up!”
Seamus ducked just in time. The ball sailed over his head, past Kai and into the net.
 When Jordan finally blew the whistle, ending the game, Aleks ripped off his bib and threw it on the ground. He stalked across the pitch toward James, Seamus, Todd, and Kai. He threw his hands toward the net. It had come away from the goal due to the amount of balls that had been kicked inside of it. Seamus dumped his own bib on top of Aleks’. He picked at his t-shirt and gave it a sniff. The smell of the bib had infiltrated his own clothes and stuck there. It certainly wasn’t Seamus’ own sweat as he’d barely moved from his spot the entire game. The most exercise he had got was when Jordan had scolded their little group from standing too close and when they’d had to switch sides at half time. Still, Seamus was definitely in need of a shower before they went to lunch. He half-listened to Aleks’ complaints that they could have won had their defence, y’know, done some defending. James pat his bunkmate on the back. He reassured him that next time they would try harder, he even promised. The glare Aleks gave in response told James that yes, yes they would and next time, next time they would win. Seamus made a mental note not to get on Aleks’ bad side.
 They met back up with Eddie for lunch. He had commandeered their usual table and taken the liberty of filling up their trays for them. When he saw Seamus and the others heading his way, Eddie pat the bench beside him. Seamus made sure to sit across from him. He glanced down at the tray in front of him. It appeared that today Dan had raided the kid’s section in the freezer aisle. Several smiley faced potatoes stared back at him, nestled beside some peas, and paired with dinosaur-shaped nuggets. Seamus was about to squish one of the smiley-faced bastard’s smile inward when Eddie pulled his tray away. He tried to steal it back but it was quickly replaced with another. The food on this one was almost identical but there were a couple more dinosaur nuggets. Seamus’ eyes widened when he saw the peas, however, that appeared to have been arranged into a heart.
“Why’d you swap the trays?”
“Oh, I got you extra nuggets because you’re going to need all the energy you can get. Crafting can be intense,” Eddie nodded his head real slow. Seamus raised his eyebrows. Out of the corner of his eye, Seamus saw Aleks shake his head. He reached across and slid the tray toward himself. The motion rolled the peas out of their shape. He shoved his own tray back toward Seamus.
“Fuck that, this asshole conserved all of his energy during soccer. I’m the one that needs the extra energy,” He muttered as he stabbed his fork into a potato’s face.
 Seamus had barely scraped the last pea off his plate when Eddie tucked his arm into his. Seamus sputtered his complaints as he was hoisted to his feet. Eddie didn’t wait for the other two, who were both off to wood whittling, as he dragged Seamus toward the door. He pulled the other boy close to him as they stepped outside. They followed a small group of other campers toward the welcome cabin, where Eddie explained to Seamus the upstairs was used as a space for activities such as crafts. Seamus nodded along, wary that a few of the other campers were giving them looks. They passed Todd on their way and the other boy winked in Seamus’ direction. Seamus swallowed. He tugged his arm from Eddie’s. As his hand fell, it brushed the back of Eddie’s. Without missing a beat, the other boy entangled their fingers together. He beamed back at Seamus, squeezing the other’s hand. Seamus smiled tentatively back.
 As they came up the stairs to the first floor of the welcome cabin, Seamus snorted. Several plastic camping tables had been set up around the room, each with a different set of materials laid out on them. The first, closest to the stairs, featured a mix of canvases, brushes and paints. Further back were bits and pieces, pipe cleaners, beads, buttons, pom poms, thread and a mix of coloured paper. Yarn, wool and other various threads were stacked on top of a table to the right complete with little boxes of needles. An electronic sewing machine had been set up in the far corner of the room. Another table held a bunch of modelling clay, the kind that dries by itself overnight, with some little scalpels and some paint. There were extra tables, too, so that the campers could grab the materials that they needed and work wherever they wished. There were stacks of papers on each of these tables. Seamus listened to the councillor in charge, one of the many senior councillors that was not Jordan or Dan, talk them through what was to be expected in the coming weeks. He stressed that there would be a safe place to keep all of their crafts over the entirety of camp and that they could work on anything that they’d like. Seamus startled when Eddie tugged on his hand. The other boy dragged him toward the table with all the clay.
 Seamus wrestled his hand free as Eddie started to pick at the supplies. He edged away from the other boy. He sidestepped to a nearby table, the one with all the beads and thread and stuck his hands into the box of beads. They reminded him of a rainmaker as they cascaded through his fingers. Seamus looked up as another camper neared the table. He withdrew his hand.
“Gonna make a necklace for your boyfriend?” The other camper glanced over at Eddie.
Seamus huffed. He turned his back on the other camper. Eddie had gathered up some clay. He motioned with his head toward one of the tables. Seamus frowned at him. He didn’t look as he grabbed a bunch of supplies. He took his seat, three tables over from Eddie. He glanced back at the other boy over his shoulder. Eddie had ducked his head down and started on his craft. As he lifted his head, Seamus whipped back around to his own station. He picked at his spoils. He had gathered various colours of thread and a few beads. He glanced at the stacks of paper in front of him. It wasn’t just plain paper, as Seamus had thought, but a set of printed instructions for various crafts. They had been neatly organised by material. Seamus thumbed at the one for thread. Typically, the first one he picked up happened to be for a bracelet. Seamus dropped it back on top of the pile. He forced a breath through his nose. He flicked through the rest of the sheets but nothing took his fancy. Seamus blew a raspberry. Bracelet it was, then.
Seamus was startled by the horn for dinner. He chucked his bracelet onto the table. Well, if you could call it that. Seamus had barely been able to weave a couple of threads together. The instructions had made no sense, and the councillor had been no help. Seamus had never wished for YouTube more than he did then – he’d have given anything to be able to see what it meant by a ‘half-hitch’ knot. The campers around him scraped their chairs as they stood up. Seamus bunched his craft into his hand. Though he couldn’t see him, Seamus could feel Eddie loom over his shoulder.
“What are you working on, Seamus?”
Seamus tucked his craft into his pocket. Eddie looked at him expectantly. Seamus stood up and nudged past the other boy. Eddie followed him, barely two steps behind, toward the cupboard the councillor had dedicated to their crafts. Seamus slipped his bracelet and some extra materials under someone else’s… bag? Either way he didn’t want Eddie, or anyone, to see what he had been making.
“It’s, uh, a secret,” Seamus muttered. Eddie’s hunk of clay fell onto the shelf with a clunk. Most of it had been left untouched, save for a smaller lump that Eddie tucked underneath the wrapper for the clay. Seamus pinched his eyebrows together and nodded towards the object. Eddie placed his fingers to his lips and giggled.
“It’s a secret, Seamus.”
 Dinner was not the usual sit-down in the mess hall. Instead, Jordan and Dan gathered the campers around the campfire. Piled up on a table were what seemed like hundreds and hundreds of potatoes, all wrapped up in aluminium foil. Next to that, arranged in neat boxes, were the toppings. Grated cheese, ham, tuna, diced onion, crumbled bacon, black beans and more as well as chilli and baked beans, kept warm inside of a hot pot of course. They were informed that tonight they would be baking their own dinner – so that they could at least cook one meal when they went camping solo. Seamus’ salivated as he grabbed his potato. Aleks was ahead of him in the neat queue that the campers had made. He brought his finger to his lip, nibbled a little bit, and then pulled it away and studied it. He sighed. Seamus nudged him forward when Aleks hadn't noticed that the line had moved. Aleks pinched at his skin. He showed his hand to Seamus. If Seamus squinted he could see the splinter that had been bothering his friend. Seamus shrugged. He had no idea how to get that out. Thankfully, they shared a bunk with someone that had been awarded every first aid and wilderness certificate out there.
 While the others huddled around the campfire, Eddie held onto Aleks’ wrist with a death grip. He’d procured some tweezers from somewhere, Seamus suspected Jordan’s fanny pack, and was holding them millimetres from Aleks’ finger. His tongue peeked out from between his lips. He glanced up from the splinter to Aleks’ face. The other boy had looked away. He had roped James into baking his potato for him and, to keep his mind off the minor surgery Eddie was about to perform, Aleks was keeping an eye on what was going on. He winced as Eddie finally took the tweezers to his hand. Aleks’ face contorted as, with a quick yank, Eddie freed the splinter from Aleks’ skin. The other boy squeaked. He shook his hand and squinted at the pad of his finger. Eddie held the tweezers in front of his face. Aleks could barely see the splinter that had been bothering him.
He opened and closed his hands in a claw-like fashion toward his potato, which James had since proclaimed cooked. Little gasps of breath escaped Aleks’ lips as he peeled back the foil. He closed his eyes and sniffed as smoke wafted out of the browned skin. Eddie had brought his own Tupperware with him and had let his bunkmates choose what toppings to fill them with so that they did not have to keep getting up and going to the table. Aleks delicately sprinkled some cheese inside his potato, which had been pre-cut before it had been wrapped in tinfoil, and licked his lips as it started to melt.
 Seamus pulled his own potato from the fire. Unlike the s’mores, his potato had remained in one piece and he’d actually get to eat it. Eddie nodded toward the toppings. Seamus had kept quiet when prodded to choose what he wanted and so none of the ones Eddie had gathered particularly appealed to him, cheese aside. Seamus was sure that everyone – even vegans and especially lactose intolerant people – loved cheese. But Seamus didn’t want Eddie’s cheese. He didn’t want Eddie’s anything, especially as the boys from the other bunks had snuck glances at them all night. Seamus did not want to give them any more reasons to think that he and Eddie had a thing. So, he took his potato, held in his scream as the hot tin foil made contact with the palm of his hand, and headed toward the table.
“Seamus,” Eddie started before Seamus could get one step away, “where are you going? We’ve got toppings here!”
Seamus looked at the array of toppings – cheese, ham, tuna and crumbled bacon in a baked bean-stained Tupperware pot, which had promptly been dumped out when Eddie thought that it was melting the plastic. It hadn’t and Seamus had wondered how a boy who seemed to know everything did not know what the beans were not hot enough to do so.
“I, uh, want some beans,” Seamus said. It wasn’t exactly true but he didn’t know how to reply.
 As luck would have it, the beans had been demolished. Seamus’ shoulders slumped as he peered inside the empty pot. In fact, almost all of the toppings had been demolished. He knew that Eddie’s Tupperware was still full, if Aleks had not yet licked them clean, but he couldn’t go back. Not now. So Seamus miserably sprinkled about two flakes of cheese into his potato as well as some diced onions and tuna. He frowned down at it and walked back to his campmates, ready to face an onslaught of questions from Eddie when he returned with his sad, sad potato.
 However, Seamus need not to have worried about being the centre of attention. His eyes widened as he approached his fellow bunkmates. Aleks was laid flat out on his back, his shoulders pushed into the ground by James’ hand. The other boy had straddled his bunkmate, knees adjacent to Aleks’ chest and ass planted firmly on his stomach. Aleks’ own baked potato had been crushed into the floor beside them, half-eaten and mostly hidden by the flurry of ants that had descended upon it. James held a clump of the potato high into the air above Aleks’ face. He leered down at his bunkmate as ants crawled all over his hand.
“Eat it,” James thrusted the handful of potato toward the other boy’s face.
“No, I don’t want to eat it!”
“Aleks, you’ve got to eat it. I lovingly made this for you.”
“So? I’m not eating it.”
Aleks turned his head. He closed his eyes as James brought the ant-riddled mush closer to his face.
“But I made it for you! You’ve got to eat it, otherwise it was a waste of my time.”
“I’m not eating it, James. Get off of me!”
Aleks bucked up against the other boy. James barely moved an inch.
 Eddie was perched beside the two. He had pressed his thumb so far into his hand it had changed the colour of the skin around it from tan to white. He looked up as Seamus inched closer. Seamus looked away in disdain when relief flooded the other boy’s face.
“Seamus, help me – James is going to get us in to trouble and he won’t listen!” Eddie’s voice tapered off at the end into a high-pitched whine. Seamus wanted to ignore him entirely and let the other two work it out between them but one of the councillors had looked their way and he did not want to deal with more whining from Eddie should they get reprimanded. So, with a heavy sigh, Seamus kicked at James’ thigh.
“Just kiss and make up already, you two. We don’t have time for domestics, my potato is going cold.”
 It was as though Seamus had thrown an ice-cold bucket of water over the pair. James shot up. He chucked the potato mush onto the ground and shook off the ants that had clung to his hand. Seamus smirked in response to the glare he shot him. Aleks took a little longer to get up, taking a second to adjust his jeans. He looked up and licked his lips at Seamus’ potato. Seamus rolled his eyes at him.
“Want to go halfsies?” The blond asked. Aleks nodded his head but his excitement quickly dispersed when he saw the meagre toppings.
“What’s this janky ‘tato about? What happened to the beans?”
“Shouldn’t have thrown the potato I cooked you on the floor like a baby then, should you?” James interjected before Seamus could reply.
“Well I didn’t mean to; it was an accident!”
“Oh my god,” Seamus groaned around his potato, “it’s like hanging out with an old married couple.”
“We’re not married!” The two boys yelled in unison.
Seamus rolled his eyes. He caught Eddie’s gaze and smirked. Eddie’s lips twitched into a half-smile and shrugged.
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barrioseu · 4 years
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⟨ ADRIA ARJONA. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, LEONOR BARRIOS is actually a descendent of A R E S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-FIVE year old PSYCHOLOGY & LINGUISTICS major from ANTIGUA, GUATEMALA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite FEARLESS & SELFISH.
hello, frens! ♡ this is leo ! i’m v excited for her to be here, however she is not. i’ve included a tldr version of who she is because the doc has stats, headcanon’s, and full bio. i still know nothing about pjo universe ( i’m so sorry ) so if i messed up somewhere, pls tell me because i tried looking up things but i’m not too confident in what i retained?? anyway, i would love to plot with everybody and without further ado, here’s leo:
tw: mentions of death, violence, & ptsd
born in antigua, guatemala  — her mom died during childbirth and leo ended up spending the first six years of her life in the local orphanage.
she still somewhat traumatized from that, specifically an incident that took place where she was left in a small, dark room by herself. you may catch her outside at night on her own but you won’t see her go near any small spaces. 
she was adopted at the age of six by a prominent guatemalan-american lawyer who was highkey in the middle of a midlife crisis. life was good for a while because of her. she was pretty much spoiled by her mom during those years.
one thing she remembers fondly is all the traveling they did when she wasn’t in school. she’s still in awe of all the places they were able to visit and had planned to ‘honor’ her mom by picking up the traveling again once she left camp elecktra.
her world came crashing down shortly before she turned twelve when an incident with a mean girl turned deadly. leo picked a fight with her and ended up sending her to the hospital to which her mom was furious about, only fueling leo’s rage that day even more. a monster attacked shortly after this fight with her mom and ended up killing her. a satyr who she thought was her therapist came to the rescue not really and took her to camp elecktra. 
she was a camper from ages 12-18 where she was pretty much ready to rip someone to shreds, at least for the first year or so. she was reluctant to participate in anything that didn’t involve punching, kicking, or screaming.
there was one camper in particular that she could not get alone with. in an ironic turn of events, they discovered they had more in common than they thought and became attached at the hip. they were the reason leo started opening up a little more, becoming just a tad less violent and a bit more friendly.
they had made plans to travel the world upon leaving camp at eighteen. super exciting stuff ! her friend then suggested they go on a quest - it was leo’s first and only. they had almost completed it when they were attacked out of seemingly nowhere and leo lost her best friend that day. 
leo shut down again after that and instead of now honoring her mom and her best friend, she flew back to guatemala to see wtf had happened in the six years she was gone. people were very confused because they figured she had been kidnapped and killed, too. leo wasn’t impressed and was reluctant to offer any answers.
she found out her mom had drafted a will shortly after adopting her that left her everything, which was quite a bit. she used that as a clean start and bought herself a little apartment in antigua as she studied at usac and worked as a bartender for the next two years.
things were okay until another monster attacked and while leo couldn’t have cared less if others died, for reasons i still need to figure out she still made the decision of attending eonia.
she started off as a criminology major before switching to linguistics dabbling in different languages before declaring a double major in behavioral psychology and spanish.
she’s still pissed off that she has to be at eu.
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shvdxwcd · 4 years
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&& baby what good’s the light                     without a little shadow ??
〔 PHOEBE TONKIN, 25, CIS FEMALE, UMBROKINESIS 〕╰  MORRIGAN NAUGHT  just  came  over  half - blood  hill .  you  know ,  the  child  of  HECATE  who  was  claimed  ten years  ago ?  i’ve  heard  chiron  say  that  she  is  CURIOUS & AFFECTIONATE ,  but  if  you  ask  the  aphrodite  kids ,  they’d  say  they’re  RECKLESS & TEMPERAMENTAL .  i’d  say  they  remind  me  of  lying in the middle of an empty crossroads on a warm summer night, half-melted candles casting light over an abandoned home, bruised knuckles and bloodied grins, a lullaby that stirs a longing for a place that doesn’t exist, the wild-eyed look of someone lost for so long they were forgotten ,  especially  since  they’re  FOR THE NEW CABINS .
basics .
name :  morrigan astra naught . nicknames :  mori , genny, naught, zero . birth date :  december 21st , 1994. gender :  cis female . pronouns :  she/her . ethnicity :  white . nationality :  american . hometown :  new orleans, louisiana, usa . demigod abilities :  umbrakinesis , mist manipulation , spell casting . cabin number & godly parent :  cabin twenty , hecate . how did their godly parent meet their mortal parent? :  elias naught was a man born into a life of witchcraft and magic , with a gift that let him see through the mist that clouded the sight of most mortals . he grew up in a large home somewhere in the irish countryside , surrounded by family that worshiped deities from all over the world . he’d intended to leave that all behind when he moved to america , but he’d found himself a home in new orleans - a place where he could continue to practice what he’d been taught without others paying too much attention . he bought a bar and added his own touches , including charms and wards carved into the doorways and a little room in the back where he’d sell a variety of magical nicknacks . it was in this back room where he’d meet a woman that would change his life , one he’d never dreamed he’d come face to face with. she stayed for barely two months , showing him new tricks and old tricks , teaching him to love the night as much as he feared it . nearly a year later a baby was left in the back room with a note , revealing him to be the father of the two month old girl with bright eyes and a dusting of freckles.
muse  appearance .
faceclaim :  phoebe tonkin . height :  5′10′ . hair colour :  naturally red / auburn , “dyed” brunette . eye colour :  blue right , green left . dominant hand :  ambidextrous .  distinguishing features :  her mismatched eyes , a faint dusting of freckles across her nose/cheeks/shoulders that vaguely look like the night sky , keyhole tattoo behind her right ear . dress style :  relaxed / grunge . ripped skinny jeans, oversized t-shirts, tanktops, boots that almost never seem to be tied .
camp - related .
go - to  weapon : prefers close-range weapons - typically dual wield daggers , longswords - but will use a whip or spear in a pinch . ambrosia :  fresh baked apple pie & melted vanilla ice cream , both homemade by her childhood neighbor . favourite camp location :  thalia’s tree . their opinion of their godly parent :  she’s indifferent , if not a bit disappointed in her mother , where she once was proud . age they were claimed : fifteen years old . how they were claimed : morrigan was claimed after running away from camp for the third time . she’d tried to go home this time , had managed to make it back to nola before she was attacked . she quickly found herself cornered by a cyclops - even if he was as young as she guessed he was , she knew she wasn’t in a position to fight on her own . a voice in the back of her mind whispered secrets her body seemed to know were true , and as she backed into the shadows she passed out . when she woke she was back in camp , having been delivered by hecate herself through the dark . stance on the new cabins : for  the  new  cabins . reason for their stance :  she knows what it’s like to go unclaimed - she was in camp for four years before she was claimed - and to have no place of your own even after your godly parent came forward . if that pain and sadness could be kept from others , if they could know who they came from and have a place to feel at home , she would gladly be in favor of it . their opinion on lyssa pentelute :  she doesn’t know much of lyssa outside of whispered rumors , and as much as she disagrees with her movement, morrigan can understand the feelings that led lyssa to where she is .   quests : the simple answer: yes . morrigan has been on three different quests - the first two went smoothly , but the third... the third is one she doesn’t often talk about . she left when she was 18 , along with two other campers , and came back alone five years later with the item she’d been sent to retrieve . she was presumed dead . when she came back there were three months where she wouldn’t let anyone touch her and talking too loud would cause her to panic , but in the time sense then she’s returned to herself and seems relatively unaffected .
personality .
positive traits :  curious , affectionate , protective . negative traits :  reckless , temperamental , audacious . mbti :  enfp ! alignment :  chaotic good ! hogwarts house :  slytherin ! kinsey scale :  three ! archetype : joker ! what candle scent are they :  cinnamon spiced vanilla ! goals & desires : morrigan wants a variety of things . a home, a place where her loved ones can find rest and peace . to study magic more deeply , to understand all the secrets it has to offer . to open a camp in another part of the world .  fears : silence & being alone .  hobbies :  magic , singing when no one’s listening , reading , attempting to repair an old motorcycle her dad gave her when she turned sixteen . habits : running her hands through her hair , biting her lower lip , absentmindedly rubbing a scar across her right palm .
okay so this is already long which means you’re just getting a few fun facts!!
- morrigan hasn’t been home for more than a week at a time since she was eleven  - she has a black puppy that she got as soon as the hecate cabin was finished - she’s like super affectionate, but is polite-ish about it? likes to be touching people, but knows that not all people like to be touched - she doesn’t sing when she knows most people can hear her, but has been known to comfort the younger kids and sing lullabies - she’s got a bit of a temper, but she does her best to keep it in check - she was missing for five years - from the time she was 18 until she was 23 - and has been back for two years - i know i’m probably missing things but i just wanna drop this now so hit me up with any questions you’ve got <3
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necrmnce · 4 years
〔 DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL, 20, CIS FEMALE, NECROMANCY 〕╰  BROOKLYN FORDE  just  came  over  half - blood  hill .  you  know ,  the  child  of  HECATE  who  was  claimed four years  ago ?  i've  heard  chiron  say  that  she  is  CONFIDENT & PERCEPTIVE ,  but  if  you  ask  the  aphrodite  kids ,  they'd  say  they're  BLUNT & CATTY .  i'd  say  they  remind  me  of  ripped jeans, collapsing into your bed after a long day, hanging polaroids along the wall, and staying up to watch the sunrise,  especially  since  they're  NEUTRAL .  (  ✎  adri ,  20 ,  she/her ,  cst .  )
do  i  feel  like  being  alone  or  with  all  of  my  friends ?  fuck ,  i  don't  know  if  I  should  stay   or  if  I should go 
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NAME — brooklyn  andrea  forde.
NICKNAMES —  brook , b .
PRONOUNS — she / her.
AGE & DOB — 20  &  august 11th , 1999.
PLACE OF BIRTH — norfolk ,  virginia .
NATIONALITY — american.
GODLY PARENT —  hecate .
ABILITIES — necromancy ,  mist manipulation , spell casting .
* background overview !
her  father ,  mitchell  forde ,  is  a  chef  in  norfolk ,  virginia .  his  dad  is  from  memphis ,  tennessee  and  his  mom  is  from  new  orleans ,  louisiana .  growing  up  was  just  her  and  her  father  though ,  but  that  was  all  they  really  needed . 
nine  times  out  of  ten  she  would  be  with  her  dad  at  his  restaurant .  at  first  she  would  be  perched  in  a  booth  at  the  back ,  coloring  or  handing  other  waitstaff  the  silverware  they  were  wrapping ,  but  eventually  moved  up  to  sitting  at  the  counter  and  sometimes  helping  with  drink  orders .  the  time  she  spent  with  her  dad  in  between  stays  at  camp  half - blood ,  she’d  make  herself  useful  and  wait  tables  or  help  in  the  kitchen ,  which  she  actually  enjoyed  doing  as  long  as  she  was  with  her  dad . 
some  of  her  favorite  memories  are  the  days  they’d  have  off  from  the  restaurant  and  he’d  take  them  down  to  virginia  beach .  they’d  spend  the  entire  day  there  and  if  she  timed  it  just  right ,  he’d  tell  her  stories  about  her  mom  as  the  moon  met  the  waters  horizon .
she’s  been  in  several  schools  between  norfolk ,  chesapeake ,  and  virginia  beach ,  somehow  finding  ways  to  get  expelled  or  suspended  like  breaking  a  sink  and  blasting  the  library  with  water  or  severely  denting  the  lockers  with  someone  she  pushed . 
she  always  felt  like  something  about  her  was  different ,  like  being  able  to  heal  butterflies  because  she  was  so  distraught  by  them  being  hurt ,  or  bringing  flowers  back  from  the  brink  of  death  by  talking  to  them .  she  never  told  her  dad  about  these  things ,  afraid  he’d  make  it  seem  like  it  was  just  all  made  up  in  her  head ,  but  when  she  was  eleven ,  she  could  apparently  see the  ghost  of  someone  who  wasn’t  actually there ,  he  decided  to  take  her  to  camp  half - blood . 
she  actually  took  the  transition  really  well ,  except  for  the  fact  that  she  hadn’t  been  claimed ,  which  put  her  in  a  position  where  she  still  didn’t  know  what  any  of  her  powers  and  abilities  meant  or  actually  were  despite  speculation . 
that  being  said ...  she  went  on  a  quest  when  she  was  about  fifteen ,  and  one  of  the  members  didn’t  make  it  back .  she’s  carried  that  guilt  with  her  ever  since  then ,  developing  a  bit  of  a  hero  complex  where  she  feels  the  need  to  protect  everyone  so  it  never  happens  again .
she  was  claimed  on  her  sixteenth  birthday  when  she  essentially broke  the  big  house  and  she  assumes  that  was  finally  enough  for  hecate  to  claim  her .  she  couldn’t  stay  mad  for  long ,  considering  she  was  actually  given  a  gift  from  her  mom  and  could  finally  learn  how  to  use  her  powers .
fought  on  the  side  of  the  gods  during  the  battle  of  manhattan ,  is  pretty  salty  that  others  joined  the  titans ,  especially  if  they  harmed  other  demigods . 
* personality !
okay  so ,,, ana  called  her  “ chaotic  baby ,  but  still  baby ”  and  that’s  the  best  description  of  her  ever .
back  home ,  she  was  raised  to  be  a  good  person ,  she  had  a  really  loving  home  that  she’s  thankful  for .  her  biggest  desire  is  just  to  make  her  dad  proud ,  so  she’s  not  really  sure  what  she  wants  to  do  as  an  end  game .
for  years  she  was  the  one  of  the  most  helpful  campers ,  making  sure  that  every  person  knew  at  least  one  smiling  face  around  camp .  she  put  effort  into  almost  everything ,  absolutely  loving  it  because  she  finally  felt  like  she  belonged .  
after  her  quest  with  andromeda  presley ,  that  completely  changed .  she  withdrew  from  nearly  everyone  that  would  let  her ,  spending  even  more  of  her  time  training  and  trying  to  figure  out  what  the  hell  she  could  do ,  even  going  to  the  athena  kids  to  see  if  they  had  any  ideas . 
she  really  shut  everyone  out ,  and  wasn’t  afraid  to  step  on  toes  to  do  it .  the  blame  she  put  on  herself  causing  her  to  constantly  carry  that  weight  and  shorten  her  temper .  it  took  way  less  to  get  her  to  snap  than  it  ever  did  before . 
despite  this ,  brooklyn  will  crack  if  you  really  try .  she  loves  the  people  that  have  stuck  by  her  side  endlessly  and  would  do  anything  for  them .  if  you  somehow  manage  to  get  this  far ,  it’s  like  nothing  ever  happened . 
* headcanons !
so  i  know  for  a  fact  that  her  favorite  song  is  golden  by  harry  styles 
but  she’s  usually  listening  to  fall  out  boy  or  missio  if  she’s  training  ,  she  listens  to  softer  stuff  when  she’s  alone  in  her  room . 
she  doesn’t  like  mentioning  she  has  necromancy  to  most  people ,  because  she  is  not  down  to  be  someone’s  messenger  to  lost  loved  ones . 
she  never  slept  where  she  was  supposed  to  when  she  was  still  in  her  hermes  cabin .  she’d  grab  her  blanket  and  pillow  and  go  out  to  fireworks  beach ,  or  find  a  spot  on  some  cabins  roof  that  had  a view  of  the  sunrise ,  or  sneak  into  the  big  house  to  sleep  on  the  couches  there .  
if  you  come  up  to  her  nicely ,  she’ll  pretty  much  do  anything  you  ask  her .  is  BIG  on  matching  someone’s  energy . 
always  has  on  some  kind  of  heel  because  she  doesn’t  enjoy  having  to  look  up  at  people  all  the  time .  
* aesthetics !
ripped  jeans ,  collapsing  into  your  bed  after  a  long  day ,  hanging  polaroids  along  the  wall ,  and  staying  up  to  watch  the  sunrise ,  candle  lights ,  chocolate  milkshakes ,  high - waisted  jeans ,  standing  on  the  beach  in  the  middle  of  the  night ,  old  leather  jackets ,  journals  filled  with  scratched  out  and  scribbled  sentences ,  restless  nights ,  plants  sitting  on  a  windowsill ,  the  smell  of  rain  in  the  air ,  old  fashioned  rings .
* wanted plots !
i’m the worst at coming up with things but,,,,, here’s a few
general  friends :  some  she’s  managed  to  keep  or  even  make  in  the  last  five  years  or  so .
best  friends :  someone  that’s  been  by  her  side  for  years ,  someone  she’d  literally  trust  with  her  whole  life .
ride  or  dies / other  quest  partners :  honestly  what  it  says ,  maybe  like  two  or  three  of  them  that  have  been  through  the  thick  and  thin  of  it  but  still  have  a  really  strong  friendship  in  the  end ?
confidant :  honestly ,  probably  someone  she’s  close  with ,  but  doesn’t  see  on  a  regular  basis ?  maybe  they  just  train  together  from  time  to  time  to  blow  off  steam ? 
exes  ( good ,  bad ,  anything  in  between ) :  you  know  the  drill ,  hit  me  with  the  good  angst . ( male ,  female ,  nb )
hook  ups :  you  also  know  this  drill ,  sometimes  you  gotta  blow  off  steam .  ( male ,  female ,  nb )
i have another idea based off this song ! but  we  can  discuss  it  more  in  detail  if  you’re  interested .
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forestwater87 · 5 years
I detested most stuff and I still do
You see, I hate everything but you
“God, this is lame.”
“Aw come on, Max!” David, attracted like a bloodhound to the slightest hint of negativity, flocked to Max and gave him his most winning grin. (David rarely won anything, especially with that stupid smile.)  “This is a very special experience for you campers!”
Max rolled his eyes. “A shitty waterpark in the middle of nowhere, full of screaming kids. It’s a dream come true.”
“Well, maybe if you went in the water you’d feel better! I could hold your sweatsh --”
“Touch it and die, camp man.”
“Seriously, Max,” Gwen said, coming up behind David with her arms already crossed in what she probably thought was an intimidating pose. Would probably be scarier if she wasn’t constantly trailing behind David like a duckling with an attitude problem. “This stupid trip cost us money we don’t have, so you better not ruin it.”
“Even if I wanted to run away, where would I go?” He threw his arms out to the side, making a dramatic show of looking around. “This place is more isolated and run-down than most Saw traps. Pretty sure I’ll die of tetanus just walking around.”
David looked like he wanted to say something inspiring (and dumb), but something over Max’s shoulder snagged his attention. “Mr. Campbell! Put those ‘No Running’ signs back!”
As the counselors ran off -- well, David ran; Max was pretty sure Gwen wouldn’t run unless a serial killer was chasing her -- he let his disinterested mask turn into an actual, evil-villain smile.
He’d only said he wouldn’t run away, after all. There were lots of things he could fuck up besides trying to escape.
He just needed his partners in crime . . .
“Max!” Right on time. He had a split second to brace himself before Nikki collided into his back, looping an arm around his neck and nearly dragging them both to the pockmarked cement. “This place is awesome! There are water guns attached to poles and I sprayed Preston in the face!”
“Amazing, Nik,” he replied, shrugging her off and readjusting his hoodie. “You really can find the bright side to even the shittiest things.”
Neil trotted up to them, already a little out of breath and wiping the sweat from his hairline. Max pulled an inhaler refill out of his hoodie pocket, but he waved it away and said, “I don’t think we can steal the guns. Not without a screwdriver, and I’m pretty sure I left mine in the tent.”
Nikki had already moved on. “The vending machine over there is broken! Neil and I got twelve packets of Cracker Jacks!”
“Do you even like Cracker Jacks?” he asked. Weren’t those just packing peanuts covered in caramel?
“I don’t know!” She tore a package open with her teeth and tossed the entire thing into her mouth. “Not really!”
Neil grimaced. “Jesus, Nikki, at least finish chewing --”
“Catch!” Nikki had already ripped into another packet and tossed a handful of Cracker Jacks in his face.
While Neil was spluttering and wiping peanuts off his face, Max said, “So what percentage of the water here d’ya think is pee? I wanna make sure I really emphasize the health code violations in my letter home. Maybe Mom and Dad will be so pissed off they sue the camp.”
(Not that they would; he was convinced his parents had learned English mostly by watching family sitcoms and cheesy coming-of-age movies, and they were convinced that garbage heaps like Camp Campbell “built character” and were part of the “true American experience.” No amount of common sense would get through to them. They were parents -- so, basically hopeless.)
Neil gave the pool a slightly nauseated look before shaking it off and turning back to him. “Even you have to admit this is a little fun.”
“I really don’t think I do.” He swept his arm up and over his head in a wide semicircle. “It’s a beautiful sunny day, everyone’s enjoying themselves, there’s some weird hipster shit playing over this place’s one broken loudspeaker. It’s picturesque. Disgusting .”
Nikki cocked her head to the side, listening to the tinny music crackling through the air like it was being played through a tin can. (And by a tin can. It sounded like a pile of tin cans in a clothes dryer that was also somehow tin cans.) “I kinda like it.”
“There’s a mandolin in this song. You know where mandolins belong? At Ren Faires and Scottish funerals.” Probably. He didn’t know much about Scottish funerals -- or what “Ren Faires” were beyond that Nerris liked them, and she seemed like the kind of weirdo who’d listen to tiny guitars -- but he doubted Neil or Nikki did either, so he was fairly confident he could get away with saying it.
His friends exchanged a look, one that set Max’s teeth on edge. “You’re doing it again,” Nikki said.
“Doing what?”
“Hating things,” Neil replied.
That wasn’t what Max had been expecting. “I mean . . . yeah,” he finally said, shaking his head. “It’s kinda my brand.”
“I know.” Nikki started chewing on the tip of one of her pigtails, the hair muffling her words. “And usually I like causing mischief, but it’s hot and I wanna go on the water slides!”
“She’s right,” Neil added, and Max began to feel like he was in some sort of intervention. “I know this place isn’t the best --”
“I’d rather be in Super Guantanamo.”
“-- but is it really more fun to just stand around being pissed off at everything?”
“Obviously.” The response was automatic, but the question actually threw him for a second.
Complaining was fun. He and Neil could spend an entire Saturday trading complaints and insults about the camp, their parents, even the weather if they were really running low on things that sucked. Max considered himself a champion at bitching about things, but Neil’s super-geek brain was so good at plucking out faults in even the most awesome things and somehow making these observations both stupidly obvious and even funny -- in his dry, “not entirely sure he’s actually joking” way.
And ruining things was fun: Nikki had the worst, impossiblest, batshit-craziest ideas, and buried in all that weirdness were some of the best pranks he’d ever pulled. Even when Max couldn’t shut her down on a bullshit scheme, it was fun watching his friends use science and Nikki-ness to make it work -- and fail, usually. It was even more fun when they were actually able to pull something off that shouldn’t have been possible (usually with his help and great insights; he was the best at causing mayhem and always would be) . . .
The look on Neil’s face when his jerry-rigged hamster ball actually allowed them to roll around the camp without popping on anything, even Nurf’s knives, was priceless. And so was Nikki’s war cry that sounded like an Indian from one of those old racist Westerns, which she reserved for explosions big enough to singe off their eyebrows.
But they didn’t want to do anything like that today. They wanted to just . . . what, enjoy themselves? In this pathetic soon-to-be-abandoned-and-bankrupt pile of junk?
And he was supposed to just go along with that?
Why the fuck would he?
They could hang out without him, they did it all the time. When he was busy . . .
Hating things, usually.
“Okay, fine,” he finally said, letting out a long, beleaguered sigh like they were being too annoying for words. (What? Sometimes being dramatic was fun too.) “I’ll do things your way for an hour. And if it still sucks, we break something. Like David’s legs.”
He wasn’t surprised by the way either of them smiled; after the entire summer he’d gotten very used to both of them. Nikki’s grin, so wide it was almost scary, with a tooth that got chipped during Fighting Camp and another one she lost a few weeks ago (then immediately swallowed to see if the tooth fairy would come into her stomach after it), the way she tilted her head like an excited puppy: same angle, same direction, every single time. Neil’s tiny, shy of his barely-crooked teeth, the way his gaze would land somewhere in the vicinity of Max’s face but never actually his eyes -- forehead, nose, for some reason his left ear (but never the right) -- before flicking down to stare at his dorky T-Rex hands, which he’d twist together until every finger-joint cracked, this teeny little divot in his right cheek that only showed up when he laughed, too small to even put a pinky in.
Max hated people smiling, especially smiling at him . But he didn’t totally mind with Neil or Nikki; they were his best friends, maybe his only friends. It’d be weird if they were frowning at him all the time.
“Come on then, sourpiss!” Nikki cried, taking one of his hands and gesturing for Neil to grab the other.
“Sour puss ,” he corrected, his fingers briefly settling on Max’s wrist, elbow, and forearm before closing tight around a handful of his sleeve.
Max let himself be dragged forward, wincing at the sticky caramel still on Nikki’s hand. “I’m not gonna run away,” he whined, scuffing his toes along the ground before remembering that he liked these sneakers. “You don’t have to --”
“Our way,” she reminded him, breaking into a half-skip, half-run that left Max and Neil stumbling to keep up. “Oooh, look! Flowers!”
“We aren’t seriously stopping and smelling flowers right now, are we?” Max demanded, almost overcome by the lameness of it.
Neil just shrugged, ducking away from a bee that zoomed out of the nearest one. “Our way, Max.”
He sighed and breathed in a lungful of pollen. “Yeah, yeah,” he managed between coughs. “But just for an hour.”
“It’s gonna be a rose, but like . . . a black one. With thorns. And it’ll say ‘Too Cool’ underneath. Maybe in the vines or something.”
“Wow, Ered!” Nikki said, leaning against the rickety wooden railing that was keeping them from falling off the long line up to the tallest slide. “Your dads will let you do that when you’re sixteen?”
She tossed her hair. “Totally.” She turned to Max and Neil. “You gonna get a tattoo?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna get ‘None of your fucking business’ on my forehead.”
Nikki pouted, shooting Ered an apologetic look. “Max, our way!”
“It’s been way over an hour,” he said. His hair and sweatshirt -- which he still refused to take off, though he did dump everything inside into David’s backpack -- were soaked and beginning to steam under the sun, and he pulled his hood over his eyes and rested his head on Neil’s shoulder. “Wake me up when we get to the top.”
His friends were quiet, Ered having turned her attention to a surprisingly impassioned conversation with Nerris over the benefits of each class in DnD. After a moment Nikki said, “Well, the hour is over.”
“And he’s still here.” Neil smelled like sunscreen and chlorine, and his skin was burning warm like the sunburn he would inevitably still get. As a strong breeze shook the wooden tower they were standing on, a chill caused Max to lean more heavily into him for warmth and wind-blocking. (Not snuggling. Not even in the same neighborhood as snuggling.) “Better than I’d expected.”
He could hear Nikki’s smile. “Me too!” They shuffled forward, ignoring the alarming creak of the wood beneath them. “He’s a good friend, deep down.”
“Ehh, very deep down, I guess.”
“Oh yeah. Like, in his toes or something.”
“You know I can still hear you, right?” Max said without opening his eyes.
“Absolutely,” Neil replied.
“We were counting on it!” Nikki added brightly.
“Max!” They’d reached a bend in the line, and he realized with horror, opening his eyes, that they’d come into view of David, who was apparently accompanying Space Kid. Birds of an annoying, friendless feather . “I’m so happy to see you’re enjoying yourself! Isn’t it great having fun off the grid like this?” David’s voice was sincere, a little bit tearful, but with an underlying I told you so that made his blood boil.
Max turned to Nikki and Neil, who understood what he was thinking from his expression. “We’re not letting him get away with that, right?” he muttered.
“Of course not,” Neil said immediately, and Nikki nodded.
“Slide first, though,” she said, as though they were going to just leap off the side of the tower or something. (Which, considering her, couldn’t be ruled out.)
Max grinned, giving in to the oppressive sunshine and shrugging out of his hoodie. “Slide first,” he agreed. “Then we’re doing things my way.”
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