askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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I am giving you stuff because I can
Dude this is so cool, she looks so cute in your style my gosh! @A@
Thanks for drawing this, I didn’t want to post till I did the doodle I wanted to do for you first, darn you for beating me to the punch! XD;;; Thanks a lot for drawing her my gosh so cute. 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Another warm up doodle this one with Dax and Rino
Dax belongs to @askawott 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Much better. 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Heres a warm up doodle of Rino. 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Mod: Yeah to be totally honest I started to take that into account, the big thing was I wanted Rino to be a bit rough at first and then as I went to ease her out of her shell, so in turn showing more of her as who she is. Shes still tough but I also wanted her to still have a feminine side to her. Hence the whole her hair..fur.. idk getting longer to show it along with personality. 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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So I looked at Rino’s proflie and realized some things... She sure has been changing wow, like look at dat! My little wott growing up! haha so I’m going to take the time to update everyones profiles soon.
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
Nalusa@Rino: "It's like a plague that just seems waiting to come forth to the surface of this world. Is your heart locked away, too, shrouded from the light? Those like you seem to be popping up all around now. I can see why you being dead would make some feel so secure. Some see it as a taint. If you let this get out too much... You'll only have more hunters."
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Rino has blocked you out
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
Yo Rino, did you ever know a Mightyena named Edward or Eddie or whatever?
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Rino: He found me passing through his village. I was a bit upset at the time and he cheered me up, he even offered to make me a flower hat. Pfffft could you imagine me wearing something like that hehe. 
((Rinos mark seems to be calming down))
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Rino: This curse mark is only given to those that they saw as worthy holders of it. It has the potential to completely possessed its host. I’ve never seen anyone make it so far as to have that happen but the power is completely insane, you can level mountains depending on your power, not to mention the ones that get in the way. 
The mark covers more of the host depending on how many kills they have gotten. More kills more power, pretty simple. Its simple enough to starve the curse by merely waiting out 10 years but that also differs depending on kills. It can be removed but the host will under go extreme psychological torment for the time it takes to remove it, lets not even start about even finding someone that can remove the thing. 
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Rino: The answer is simple, if I hadn’t my eyes and mark would have never reacted to my temper spike. So yes I have, only once. I killed Knoll... I’ll explain the details when he gets here. 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
So is it wrong of me to assume that star on Rhino's shoulder is like a curse mark of sorts. Meaning it releases hidden, untapped strength at the cost of making you look different, making you more aggressive, and slowly spreads more until it covers your body? (Or am I reading too much into this?)
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Rino: When this “mark” starts to channel it goes all into my left arm, doubling all channeling and power in it. The more aggression the more it spreads. It has the potential to cover more then just my left arm but I will never kill again, no matter what as long as I bare this mark, I can’t afford too. I should probably explain what I mean by that. 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
[askpmdorks] Sparkplug@Rino: Whoa! Your tattoo did something funky just there! What was up with that?
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Rino: I never wanted anyone to see me like this… I’m sorry. It flares up when I want it too. Its aggressive power that changes me, reverting it back takes a lot of calm, I’m just glad Knoll is still gone for the time being but I would still like company…
(Rino is in a corrupted state) 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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((Guess I can upload this here, Rino in her cursed state.))
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Rino: Its been only a day or two but I’m looking forward to seeing them again and hearing about how their event went.
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???: And here I was hoping to see the little four eyed kid and tell him about how he spends his time with a psychotic murder~
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Rino: Out of all the hunters, you are the most disrespectful of the treaty! You hunt me regardless to whether I break the rules or not!
???: Gotta make sure you don’t step out of line. Sides you’ve broken them once before~
Rino: That was different and before the treaty! I’ve never raised my sword at anyone since! So just go away! If your hear to pick a fight I’m not interested in taking a beating just so you can cry North Star!
???: Nah, I’m already a bit banged up from me last bounty. Sides I just wanna cut off your arm but maybe later when I’m more up to it. Just thought I’d say Hello~ Easy on the curse there sweety no need to get to frenzied.
((??? has left)) 
Rino: //calms down//........... We have to leave.........
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Rino: I hope Theo and Knoll are having fun... sorry I couldn’t come Theo... this is very important to me.
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Rino: Wow hard to believe it all went down hill so fast huh? Ha... I really wish I could have been faster, maybe I could have done something but less of that huh? Guess you wouldn’t want me saying that, probably scold me for it... hehe...
I’ll say what I came to say...
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
Coriander@Rino: I-I think you're pretty toned. You must keep in really good shape, so I don't know why someone would suggest your hips are fat from lack of fitness. May I ask a question? Do you have a lot of hip muscle? I could see that, combined with your fur making them appear big.
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Rino: If I fell over and cried everytime someone said something rude to me. I’d never be who I am today, words are just words, take them as you will but be proud of who you are. For the record, its the skirt, it just makes me hips look bigger… 
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
Rino: (something about hips)
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