#rinji fukuoka
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pataphysiquerecords · 19 days ago
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PATAPHYSIQUE RECORDS PRESENTS "WHO ARE YOU? 朕は・・・・なり!"聖イワン降誕祭2.23.SUN.2025 @OGIKUBO club Doctor open 18:30 start 19:00 adv 2800 door 3300 +drink Albedo Gravitas (ヒグチケイコ Vo,Ds, SACHIKO Vo, Electronics, 内田静男 4strings) TRIO DEATH PANCHOS (タバタミツル Guitar, 西村雄介 Bass, イヌイジュン Ds) Majutsu no Niwa + Secret Guest (福岡林嗣 Vo,Guitar, ルイス稲毛 Bass, 諸橋茂樹 Ds+Who?)
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Albedo Gravitas Albedo Gravitasは'15年に結成されたヒグチケイコとSachikoの即興デュオグループAlbedo Fantasticaに内田静男が加わり派生したトリオである。ヒグチケイコとSachikoの変幻自在なヴォイスにピアノ、ベース、エレクトロニクス、メロディカ等が絡み、空間を淀み引き裂くような独特の即興演奏。都内でコンスタントにライブを行い、'21年に仏レーベルAn’archivesよりファーストライブアルバムEihwazを発表。'23年にはスタジオアルバムluminescenceを発表する。
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TRIO DEATH PANCHOS BOREDOMS、Leningrad Blues Machine、ZENI GEVAをはじめ現在も無数のバンドで活躍中のタバタミツル(g)、日本のパンクロックの象徴であるTHE STALINのオリジナルメンバーであり建築家・画家としても活躍するイヌイジュン(ds)、ミチロウ・町蔵・Phew・川田良などのバンドでボトムを支えてきた西村雄介(b)という関西人3名による新バンドTRIO DEATH PANCHOSのデビューライブ。是非目撃を!
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魔術の庭 "Rockの最後衛にして保守反動。今時全く流行らない大型アンプを積み上げ、戦艦大和もかくやと21世紀に逆行し続ける東京ゼロファイター達は、約30年前のOverhang Party時代からなにも変わっていない「進歩の敵」である。「ただ馬鹿デカい音で延々と同じことを繰り返しているだけのようだが、そこに僕は悪魔の旋律を聴いている気がする。音楽を理解するためにはそれぞれの持っている耳の歴史が重要なのだ」とは1995年、当時の朝日新聞記者近藤康太郎氏によるAERA誌にての評。”
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albedofantastica · 10 months ago
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Delphine DORA 2 DAYS IN TOKYO 2024
MAY 10, 2024 (FRI) Okubo Hikarinouma open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Albedo Gravitas Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 秋山徹次, TOMO
MAY 11, 2024 (SAT) ASAGAYA YELLOW VISION open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 福岡林嗣 浦邊雅祥、福岡林嗣、南部輝久
Delphine DORA voice, keyboard instruments, etc(FR) デルフィーヌ・ドラは、フランスの作曲、即興演奏を共に行うミュージシャンであり、主にピアノ、パイプオルガン他、アコースティック、エレクトロニクスの区別なくキーボードを使用し、近年はフィー��ドレコーディングも作曲に取り入れている。声もまた彼女の音楽を構成するのに欠かせない要素で、神秘的かつ古代的元型と触れ合うが如くフラジャイルでイマジナリーな言語の詩を「歌」として描く。その音楽性は、異なったフォーク、ミニマル、即興音楽と通底し、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語を駆使し、その言語的元型を交錯させる。15年以上に渡り、フランス他各国のレーベルにてソロ、コラボレーションを問わず30以上の作品にレコーディング参加し、彼女自身の”ワイルド・サイレンス”レーベルの創設者でもある。
Delphine Dora Delphine Dora is a French musician, composer and improviser. Working mainly with keyboard instruments (piano, pipe organ, electronic keyboard…), her music has been enriched in recent years by the addition of field recordings to her compositions. The voice is also one of her favourite instruments, at times drawing on the language of poets, at other times on an imaginary language, a language freed of all signifiers, a voice that is fragile and embodied, archaic, mystical and free, but also plural and mutant voices that are embodied in her. On stage, she uses instruments such as the piano, organ or keyboards, and her voice, loops, various effects and mysterious sounds. Her performances are usually improvised, using voice and acoustic or electronic instrumentation, depending on the context and the place. Her iconoclastic music can be read as a work of personal cartography, based on an intuitive approach to composition and nourished by numerous approaches. For more than 15 years, she has been developing an intimate and plural musical universe, in perpetual metamorphosis, situated at the crossroads of different musical genres (folk music, minimalist music, improvised music, electroacoustic music, etc.) and languages (english, french, german, imaginary languages, etc.). A prolific musician, she has taken part in more than thirty recordings (solo and collaborations) in a variety of aesthetics on numerous french and foreign labels (Recital, three:four, Feeding Tube Records, Okraïna, By The bluest of the seas, Morc, fort evil fruit…). She is also the founder of the Wild Silence label.
Albedo Gravitas ヒグチケイコとSachikoで結成された即興ユニット「Albedo Fantastica」に内田静男(4strings)が加わったトリオ。Albedo Fantasticaのボーカルを基軸に展開するサウンドダイナミクスに、内田の変幻自在な低音の振動が加わり未明のサイケデリアが表出する。都内を中心に活動中。23年セカンドアルバム「luminescence」をリリース。
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Tetuzi AKIYAMA 秋山徹次 guitar ギターという楽器の持つ特質に、自身の欲求をミニマルかつストレートな形で加えていくことによる、原始的で即物的な意味合いを含んだ演奏を得意とする。ミクロからマクロに至る音量を、繊細に、と��には大胆にコントロールし、身体の電子化を試みる。
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TOMO hurdy gurdy / vielle à roue ハーディーガーディー奏者。東京都出身。14歳の時にギターを始める。 17歳で単身渡米。8年間米国で学生時代を過ごす。帰国後、ルーツ・ミュージック/トラッド/古楽のエッセンスと、共鳴や倍音を意識したドローン・ミュージックを軸に、ギターをはじめ民族楽器など様々な楽器で創作を行う。創作活動の過程で、千年以上の歴史をもつメカニカルかつユニークな機構の古楽器「ハーディーガーディー」に出会い、関心を持つことになる。以後、ハーディーガーディーをメイン楽器として、その楽器の可能性と独自の奏法を探求しながら、作品の制作・演奏活動を行っている。
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Masayoshi URABE 浦邊雅祥 alto sax 65年東京生まれ。 85年アルトサックスを手にする。 ソロ演奏を主とし活動。
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Rinji FUKUOKA 福岡林嗣 vocal, guitar, violin, etc 陰謀家。長年もうどうでも良いと思いつつも、生に執着し続ける男。「音楽」なんざもどうでも良いと思いつつ、各種楽器を操り、生に付随する塵芥、つまりは詩情と呼ばれるものに執着し続けている。
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Teruhisa NANBU 南部輝久 drmus ドラム、パーカッション。 現在はAural fit、熊のジョン、バラナンブ、鵺、しんらこう で主に活動。 スピード、パワー、パーカッシブから歌もののバックまで、やりたいことをやっている。
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more information***************************************************************
5月13日(月) 四谷三丁目CON TON TON VIVO デルフィーヌ・ドラ来日公演 “Dive Deep with Delphine Dora” 19:00 open / 19:30 start Charge 2500yen + 1 order
Delphine Dora (from France) Archeus(ヒグチケイコ、内田静男、TOMO) MOGRE MOGRU(黒い瞳、剛田武、Tanao)
フランス出身、キーボード/ヴォイス/エレクトロニクスなどを駆使して、即興~アンビエント~ミニマル~フォークを横断する斬新な表現活動で注目されるデルフィーヌ・ドラ、ヴォイス+ベース+ハーディーガーディーの異色トリオarcheus(アルケウス)、同じくトリオ編成の即興アンビエントユニットMOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル)による音楽表現の深淵に潜るスリーマン・ライヴ。 MOGRE MOGRUはデルフィーヌ・ドラのコラボレーションで出演。
archeus: ヒグチケイコ(vocal) 内田静男(bass) TOMO (hurdy gurdy) ヒグチケイコ(vocals)、内田静男(bass)、TOMO(hurdy gurdy)によって結成されたグループ、archeus(アルケウス)。ボーカル/ボイス、ベース、ハーディーガーディーという異色なトリオ編成での演奏は、静寂と間(ま)を感じさせる繊細な音のゆらぎ、���れられた名もなき言語の発声、不協和な音塊のインタープレイ��ミニマルな反復の魔術、ダークで濃密なドローンなど、様々な表情の化学反応を引き起こす。 2023年に仏An'archivesよりセカンドアルバム「九相図 Kusōzu : Nine Death Stages」をリリースしている。 bandcamp: https://archeus-store.bandcamp.com/
MOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル) 黒い瞳 Aura Noir : voice, musical saw, recorder, toy instruments, PC, etc. 剛田武 Takeshi Goda : flute, violin, percussion, electronics, etc. Tanao : guitar 2021年7月結成。レトロなアコースティック楽器とディープなエレクトロニクス&ギターによるインプロ・アンビエントユニット。愛称:モグモグ。都内を中心に「DIVE DEEP!/深く潜れ!」を合言葉にライヴ活動を行っている。これまで沖縄電子少女彩、ポーランドのポストフォークデュオKeirszenbaum、園田游(舞踏家/元グンジョーガクレヨン)、内田静男(ベーシスト/Hasegawa-Shizuo、albedo gravitas etc.)、Orienatal Love(モジュラーシンセ奏者)などスタイルの異なるアーティストとのコラボレーションも多数あり。
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horrificend · 2 years ago
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Michel Henritzi & Rinji Fukuoka
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musikatlach-sachiko · 5 years ago
KEVIN TOKYO 2days NOVEMBER 6, 2019 (WED) @Okubo Hikarinouma OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 2500 +1drink KEVIN(OSAKA) Ken Matsutani (from Mickey Guitar) with Bass – Louis Inage, Rinji Fukuoka,  Sachiko Miyou Fujii Andrew Wayne(US), Junzo Suzuki, Koji Shimura trio
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musikatlach · 7 years ago
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musicmakesyousmart · 5 years ago
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Fukuoka Rinji & Urabe Masayoshi - Barcelona Express Live 2004
8mm Records
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dustedandsocial · 6 years ago
Pro Et Contra -  ロケットUSA~フランキーの涙~スペクタクルの社会 = Rocket USA ~ Frankie Teardrop ~ La Societé Du Spectacle
Features members of Overhang Party and Hijokaidan. Suicide lyrics and Guy Debord text get traded back and forth, over intermittent manic screaming and an intensely hypnotic rhythm.
“These are the means we choose to strip bare contemporary "music" and "art" that continue their eternal usurpation by the smoothly self-driving machines of capitalism, to loudly challenge this reality. Twenty-first century punk rock.“
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dustedmagazine · 6 years ago
Fukuoka Rinji + Michel Henritzi — Desert Moon (Pataphysique Records)
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Desert Moon by Fukuoka Rinji, Michel Henritzi
Fukuoka Rinji and Michel Henritzi have been working together for over a decade. This is their fifth duo album since 2007, but this time around they take on a stricter focus than in the past, aiming for a more intense sound depicting the current crisis they see in theworld. Fukuoka, known for his work with Overhang Party, and more recently Majutsu no Niwa, brings violin and perhaps also guitar, while Henritzi, of Dust Breeders and many collaborations, adds his own guitar-based sonics. 
The approach here is predominantly drone-based, and the title of the second piece, "Song for Nico", is intriguing for its connection with the Velvets' roots in sounds like John Cale's strings and drones from Tony Conrad and La Monte Young. This album certainly brings to mind Conrad's album with Faust, Outside the Dream Syndicate — there are layers of violin, guitar, and effected sonics that often reach for similar inner-space states.
The 13 minutes of "Song for Nico" are in some ways this album's peak moments: these drones are not gentle ambience, but instead strongly evoke the unsettled state of the world crisis the duo has in their sights. But there's also harsh buzzing and pounding piano notes of "Inside the Penitence Box" and the album's most nightmarish moments, when "Sombre Dimanche" descends from a vaguely bohemian feel into shrieking from guest vocalist Junko, of the Japanese noise outfit Hijokaidan.  
Other pieces wander down more variations of drone and experimental journeys, including the most evocative, "Hungarian Snake Dance,” which true to its name does have a ringing, chiming core over which Fukuoka's voice moans and chants. Jingling bells and layering effects build the song into an almost claustrophobic atmosphere, but one with an optimistic flavor; the one song here that doesn't feel distinctly dystopian.  
The album's closer, "Ballad of Josef K,” takes us out the other side with a more recognizable violin part, enveloped in warehouse reverb and mysterious sonic ambience. It's almost peaceful, but then at the last minute it breaks down into clashing, crashing waves of sound and a plaintive violin scrape that could be the last cry of...well, perhaps that's the question.  
Mason Jones
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porlockstompf · 5 years ago
ALL BOMBS 2018     my favourite platterstompf
01 up-tight "live in europe" [cdr & k7]
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02 france "à la recherche de la flexitude du temps" [cd]
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03 dylan carlson "conquistador" [lp]
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04 kawaguchi masami's new rock syndicate " now" [lp]     + masami kawaguchi "13.3.18" [dl]     + masami kawaguchi, fukuoka rinji & anla couris "ramen en los parlantes" [cd] 05 bardo pond / plastic crimewave syndicate "live amen" [k7]     + bardo pond "volume VIII" [lp]     + bardo pond & major stars "this inner light b/w s.l.t." [7"]     + curanderos "on the glaze b/w danger bird" [lathe cut 12"]
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06 hôpital de la conception the electric rockin' chair [k7] 07 skullflower "werecat powers of the crossroads at midnight" [lp] 08 ulaan markhor "helm" [k7]                                09 roy montgomery "day of the lords" [lathe 8"]                    + roy montgomery "suffuse" [cd] 10 demdike stare & il gruppo di improvvisazione nuova consonanza       "the feed-back loop" [k7]      + demdike stare "passion" [dl]      + demdike stare "stitch by stitch part IV (back)" [k7] ...
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11 bridget hayden "pure touch only from now on, they said so" [lp] 12 brian ruryk & schakalens bror "2 guitars country style" [k7]                   13 hex waves "canine rising" [k7]                               14 altaat "maa on täysi" [k7] 15 yann gourdon "15.10.15" [cd & dl]
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16 ian william craig "tresholder" [lp] 17 stephen o'malley & anthony pateras "rêve noir" [cd] 18 sunn 0))) downtown la rehearsal rifftape march '98 [lp] (2018)°    + °sunn 0))) live @ echoplex los angeles 181118 [dl] (2018)° 19 wet tuna "great wet wonders" [cdx2]   + wet tuna "livin' the die" [lp]   + wet tuna "mountain busted" [cdrx7] 20 the opawa 45s "silver screen guitar" [k7]    + the opawa 45s "the ostrich triptych" [dl]    + the opawa 45s "live at lyttelton coffee company" [dl]
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21 pro et contra "pro et contra " [cd] 22 the dead c "on the outbreak of civil war b/w good consul is punished [7"]       23 mainliner & expo 70 black hole bw totality wormhole [7"]   + mainliner / plastic crimewave syndiate "no mellow" [k7] 24 midnight mines "stations b/w radio dub" [7"]    + midnight mines "invisible insurrection of a million minds" [k7]      aka midnight mines "live @ cafe oto 200517" [dl] 25 buñuel "the easy way out" [lp]
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26 ilta hämärä "velloa" [7"]                                   27 fadensonnen "brut" [k7] 28 fukuoka rinji & michel henritzi "desert moon' [cd] 29 slift "la planète inexplorée" [12"]   30 black helium "primitive fuck" [lp]
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31 keiji haino & konstrukt a philosophy warping... [live] [lp]   + keiji haino & sumac "american dollar bill..."  CF 2017 !!!   + keiji haino & musqis "keiji haino & musqis" [cd]                       32 wooing "daydream time machine" [7"]                   33 fuji/ junzo "live at de audio plant" [k7]   + fuji & suzuki junzo "live at de audio plant plus" [dl] 34 leda "japanese key b/w the silent contest" [7"] 35 the caretaker "everywhere at the end of time stage IV" [lpx2]   + the caretaker "everywhere at the end of time stage V" []
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36 albedo fantastica "culvert & starry night" [cd] 37 giegue "'77 tachikawa trip [hadaka no rallizes tribute]" [dl]     + giegue "noise guitar pop" [ep] [dl] 38 the band whose name is a symbol "basement blowouts" [lp] 39 mark lanegan & duke garwood "with animals" [cd]     + mark lanegan & duke garwood "mescalito" [10"] 40 suzuki junzo & ikuro takahashi     "live phantasmagoria vol I helluva lounge 27/11/16" [cdr]
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41 comacozer / blown out "in search for highs volume I" [cdr] 42 parades against parades "driving me stoned" [lp] 43 headroom / dire wolves (just exactly perfect sisters band) "split" [lp] 44 hastings of malawi "visceral underskinnings" [lp] 45 barth, hjorthol, & åm "the broken vessel" [cd]
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46 "in death's dream kingdom" [lpx4] 47 le réveil des tropiques "big bang" [lp]                    48 urthona "destruction blues" [cd]   + urthona & the asterism "murmurations" [cd] 49 brant bjork "mankind women" [cd]                     50 antony milton "(don't have) much to say" [dl]
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Your Annual Bowery Eclectic:
& The Usual Baker Street Irregulars:
many many rereleases & the odd compilation (short list):
01 high rise "high rise II" [1986] [lp & k7]
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02 public image ltd "the public image is rotten (songs from the heart)"      [cdx5 & dvdx2] 03 einstürzende neubauten "grundstück" [2004] [lp] 04 earth "the bees made honey in the lion's skull" [2008] [lpx2] 05 ian william craig" a turn of breath [extended]" [2014] [lpx2]
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06 tappa zukie "dubshot zukie" [dl] 07 bauhaus "bela lugosi's dead: the bela session" [1979] [lp/cd] 08 brainticket "zürich/lausanne" [1983-1984][cdx2] 09 snatch "snatch" [1983] [lp] 10 new york dolls "personality crisis: live recordings & studio demos '72-'75"     [cdx5]
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11 "step forward youth roots masters from the "punky reggae party" [cdx2] 12 augustus pablo "dub from the hills" [dl]     + augustus pablo "presents dj's from 70's to 80's" [1997] [cd] 13 international harvester "remains" [1968-1969] [lpx5] 14 "birth work death - work, money & status in country music" [lp] 15 "hillbillies in hell volume 666 country music's tormented testament '52-'74" [lp]      + "hillbillies in hell volume 777 country music's tormented testament '52-'74" [cd]   + "hillbillies in hell the rapture country music's tormented testament '52-'74" [cd]   + "hillbillies in hell the resurrection country music's tormented testament                 '52-'74" [cd]
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16 simply saucer "cyborgs revisited" [rec '74-75] [1989] [lpx2] 17 the heads "rkt!" [1998-2002] [cdx2] 18 thisquietarmy "unconquered [10th anniversary edition]" [2008-2018] [cdx2] 19 ut "ut live at the venue" [rec 1981] [lp]   + ut "early life" [1987] [lp] 20 siglo xx "box" [1982-1983] [lpx3]
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most pleasing purchases:
01 cottonwoodhill "places of light b/w poetry" [1970] [7"]
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02 batkin brothers "mai... b/w tropical" [1970] [7"] 03 worst "mmxvii" [2017] [k7] 04 shit & shine "bass puppy" [2010] [12"] 05 sister spliff & demon dread "marchena city dub" [1980] [lp] /      king blood "eyewash silver" [2010] (2015) [cd]
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bardo pond live @ magasin4 040618
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01 bardo pond “live @ 100 club london 060618″ [dl]   + bardo pond "live @ union pool brooklyn 170218" [dl]        
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02 van morrison "the catacombs tapes / live in boston '68" [dl] 03 einstürzende neubauten “live @ helsinki 241118″ [usb]
favourite record sleeve:
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surprise ;)
the dream dates “the mess you’re in b/w search & destroy” [7’’] (1979)
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               ...  sadly, 2018 saw brian turner leaving wfmu ...
01 jim sclavunos "conway savage tribute @ soho radio 240918" [dl]
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2018 summer hit:
your annual reminder:
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                   youpi youpi yeah “youpi youpi yeah” [cd] (2010)
01 hans teeuwen "real rancour" / "echte rancune" [dvd & dl]
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          ex aequo      01 stewart lee "content provider" [dvd]
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  02 simon munnery "renegade plumber" & "sings soren kierkegaard" [gfs] [dl] 03 jeroen leenders "jeroen leenders experience" [soundcloud] [dl] 04 tony law "lost show" [gofasterstripe] [dl] 05 james acaster "repertoire" [netflix] ex aequo      luke mcqueen "the luke mcqueen pilots" [bbc]
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dire times... the world needs lou sanders more than ever !
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01 "here to be heard: the story of the slits" [dvd & scrapbook]
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02 suburra "season I" [netflix] 03 counterpart "season I" [starz] / 12 monkeys "season IV" [syfy] 04 bas heijne "onbehagen" [vpro] 05 altered carbon "season I" [netflix] /      queen of the south "season III" [usa network]
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06 bron/broen "season IV" [sveriges tv / danmark radio] 07 endeavour "season V" [itv] 08 commissario monalbano "season XII" [rai 1] 09 killjoys "season IV" [syfy] 10 inside n°9 "season IV" [bbc] / david rodigan "reggae fever" [bbc]
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favourite blog:
best interwebs:
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       ... a rare glimpse of the true potentiality of the interwebs ...
may your home be safe from tigers, x leroy
HNY & stay hungry!
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the long list:
adam stone & dead sea apes "warheads" [cd] alvin lucier "criss cross b/w hanover" [lp] + alvin lucier "so you (hermes, orpheus, eurydice" [cd] amm "an unintended legacy" [cdx3] amt & the melting paraiso ufo "reverse of rebirth in universe" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "hallelujah mystic garden part one" [lp] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "electric dream ecstasy" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "paralyzed brain" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "the man who fell to us live in nagoya 2017" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo    "either the fragmented body or the reconstituted soul" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "sacred & inviolable phase shift" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo vs lee van cleef "psychic battles vol V" [lp] anna von hausswolff "dead magic" [cd] black spirituals "black access/black axes" [lpx2] black thumb "lucy leave [syd barrett]" [dl] bonnie 'prince' billy & roadie "hope is all i'm holding" [dl] + will oldham "songs of love & horror" [lp] + bonnie 'prince' billy / naked shortsellers "the best of folks b/w harbour men" [7"] + bonnie 'prince' billy "blueberry jam" [dl] boris "eternity - dear 25th anniversary tour live 28-12-17" [dl] + boris "phenomenon's drive" [12"] br'lâab "other people's crimes" [10"]
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campbell james kneale "naamah" [k7] + campbell james kneale "o blessed fornicatrix" [k7] + campbell james kneale "timid seamstress" [k7] + campbell james kneale & anla courtis "one-1-I b/w two-2-II" [7"] chris forsyth & the solar motel band "rare dreams: solar live 2.27.18" [dl] connorparty "koko [keiji haino]" [dl] cousin silas & the glove of bones "spirits of afrodubism" [k7] dan melchior "the folksinger" [lp] + dan melchior & sigtryggur berg sigmarsson dark arc [lp] + dan melchior & dylan nyoukis "unusual dealers" [cdr] daniel bachman "the morning star" [cd] david nance group "peaced & slightly pulverized" [cd]      --- "110 blues" --- + david nance group "stalled out b/w profit" [subscriber 7"] dhidalah "moon people" [k7/dl] ecstatic vision "under the influence" [cd] efrim manuel menuck "pissing stars" [lp] einstürzende neubauten "live in helsinki nov 24 0529pm" [usb stick] elkhorn "lionfish" [k7] + elkhorn "live fish" [cdr] eugene chadbourne "solo guitar volume 1 1/3" [dl] + eugene chadbourne "29.10.17" [dl] + eugene chadbourne, beresford & ward "pleasures of the horror" [lp] flame 1 [aka burial & the bug] "fog bw shrine" [12"] fuji yuki, michel henritzi, & harutaka mochizuki "shiroi kao" [cd]
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gnod "chapel perilous" [cd] + gnod "be aware of your limitations" [12"] grouper "grid of points" [lp] heather leigh & peter brötzmann "crowmoon (the auckland concert)" [cd] + heather leigh & peter brötzmann "sparrow nights" [cd] + heather leigh "throne" [cd] "hexadic III" [lp] hibushibire "official live bootleg vol III" [cdr] + hibushibire "official live bootleg vol IV" [cdr] honey radar "psychic cruise" [7"] + honey radar / john peel   "middle class revolt bw the fall as introduced by john peel" [7"]    aka chunklet industries a mark e smith tribute single [7"] + honey radar & henry owings    "wind-up man b/w 172 seconds over louisville" [7"] + honey radar & gotobeds "no present" [7"] ilta hämärä "himmeä kaihoisa sininen" [lp] it hurts "estuary" [lathe 8"] jean dupuy "all of the time: sound works 1969-2017" [lp] jo meares "back to the world" [cd] jjuujjuu "zionic mud" [lp] john zorn "insurrection" [cd]   jozef van wissem "we adore you, you have no name" [cd] julia kent, jean d.l. "the great lake swallows" [cd]           keaton is dead "treat me like I knew you would" [dl]       + keaton is dead "flying woman machine" [dl] + keaton is dead "itzy bitzy [ep]" [dl] mainliner / expo seventy "black hole bw totality wormhole" [7"] marisa anderson "cloud corner" [cd] mark kozelek "mark kozelek" [cdx2] michael gira "the egg: stories by michael gira" [cd] michael gordon, kronos quartet "clouded yellow" [cd] michael nyman "mcqueen" [cd] moe / marhaug "capsaicin" [cd] moon duo "no fun b/w jukebox babe" [12"] mv & ee & the golden road "feral run live @ brattleboro 140118" [dl]
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nick cave & the bad seeds "distant sky [live in copenhagen]" [12"] + nick cave & warren ellis "kings [ost]" [cd] + nick cave & warren ellis "wind river [ost]" [cd] norman westberg "after vacation" [lp] + norman westberg "idling live" [cd] + norman westberg "before the bridge" [dl] oneida "romance" [cd] orchestra of constant distress "distress test" [lp & k7] oren ambarchi, jim o'rourke, with special guest u-zhaan "hence" [lp] + oren ambarchi, kassel jaeger & james rushford "face time" [lp] + oren ambarchi, crys cole & leif elggren "certainly" [lp] + oren ambarchi, sprenger & sollmann "panama b/w suez" [12"] -"scale" [cdx2] peter brötzmann & fredrick lonberg-holm "ouroboros" [lp] purling hiss "out tonight b/w walkin' with jesus" [k7] schakalens bror "omelette of disease" [lp] + schakalens bror "overdrive" [k7] scientists "braindead (resuscitated) b/w survivalskills" [7"] + scientists "mini mini mini b/w perpetual motion" [7"] simon wickham-smith "extreme bukake" [dl] stefan christensen "city code" [lp] sumac "love in shadow" [cd] + sumac "wfmu" [k7] sun kil moon "this is my dinner" [cdx2] + sun kil moon "linda blair" [dl] suzuki junzo "the magus" [cd] tape loop orchestra "lead is into the light" [lp] + tape loop orchestra "return to the light" [lp] + tape loop orchestra "before the light" [lp] tashi wada with yoshi wada & friends "nue" [cd] the aints! "church of simultaneous existence" [cdx2] the band whose name is a symbol "ottawa psychfest 2018" [dl] + the band whose name is a symbol "symbol ensemble III" [dl] + the band whose name is a symbol "basement blowouts 2" [dl] + the band whose name is a symbol "droneverdose" [lp] + the band whose name is a symbol "codocil" [dl] the limiñanas "shadow people" [cd] touts "sleep" [dl] träden "träden" [cd] uh "uh" [cd] uncle jim "my niece's pierced knees" [dl]       young fathers "coccoa sugar" [cd] zeal and ardor "stranger fruit" [cd]
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-anthroprophh "omegaville" [cdx2]                           -black elephant "cosmic blues" [lp]                         -brigid mae power "the two worlds" [cd]                     -broeder dieleman "komma" [cdx2]                             -carlton melton "mind minerals" [cd]                         -civic "new vietnam" [12"]                                  + civic "live on pbs" [k7]  + civic "those who no" [7"] -dirtmusic "bu bir ruya" [cd]                             -la morte young "a quiet - earthquake style" [cd] -long hots "monday night raw" [k7]                             -mazzy star "still" [12"]                                       -nicolas wiese "unrelated" [lp] -okkyung lee "dahl-tah-ghi" [cd]                                   -sadahiro yamada "shitaiha" [k7] -sean mccann "saccharine scores" [cd]                           -stefan neville & greg malcolm "a nuance" [lp]                   -the final age "the final age" [lp]    
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    moments of brilliance (long list B):
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1/3 octave band "headlands" [lathe cut 12"]                   20 guilders "il grande silenzio: guitar improvisation 2017" [cd]     "a" trio & amm "aamm" [cd]                                 a-sun amissa "ceremony in the stillness" [cd] akio suzuki & aki onda "ke i te ki" [cd]                     alexandra philips & jan henderikse "you b/w i" [10"] alien mustangs "alienation" [lp] alternative tv "her dark places" [12"] andreas ammer & fm einheit "sie sprechen mit der stasi" [dl] anji cheung "terma" [k7]                                           + ani cheung & burial hex "solstice tape split" [k7] ash brooks "crown of thyme" [k7] ben bertrand "ngc 1999" [lp] benjamin boone & philip levine "the poetry of jazz" [cd] big blood & thunder crutch "big blood & thunder crutch" [cdr] + big blood "operate earth spaceship properly" [lp] blk w/bear "mo re b roken th an y ou" [cd] bill callahan "live at third man records" [12"]         bill orcutt "neu bros/ok phone/rural beatles" [lp] + chris corsano & bill orcutt "brace up!" [lp]                     + bill orcutt & chris cosano "gucci tops & bottoms" [k7] bong "thought & existence" [cd] boris "secrets" [cd] brian eno w/ kevin shields "the weight of history b/w only once away my son" [12"] bruce russell & noel meek "classical music" [lp] bob bucko jr "under cover summer" [k7x2] + bob bucko jr "trade mark of quality" [k7x3] brownout "fear of a brown planet" [cd] capri-batterie & stewart lee "bristol fashion" [lp] cave "allways" [cd] claire potter & bridget hayden "i am come from a place" [k7] colin stetson "the first ost vol I" [dl] + colin stetson "hereditary [ost]" [cd] constant mongrel "living in excellence" [lp] corrupted "felicific algorithm" [lp] country heroes "honky tonk tears" [cd] -courtney marie andrews "may your kindness remain" [cd] dalot & sound awakener little things [dl]   + dalot & sound awakener strangers in the city [dl] darksmith "hatred of sound" [lp] datashock "kräuter der provinz" [lpx2] dead fretts "howlin' wolf (live)" [dl] + dead fretts "third day (live)" [dl] death grips "year of the snitch" [cd] derridada "derridada waits for wolf" [k7]           dreadful "attack of the space machine" [dl] dreamweapon "sol" [lp]  
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eagle twin "the thundering heard: songs of hoof & horn" [cd] ellen fullman & okkyung lee "the air around her" [dl] emmanuel witzthum "songs of love & loss" [cdr] epic beardmen "season 1" [12"] félicia atkinson & jefre cantu-ledesma "limpid as the solitudes" [lp] + félicia atkinson "coyotes" [k7] flower room "arrangement I" [dl] futurians "distorted living" [lp] + futurians "lta" [k7] gad whip "post internet blues" [lp] geography of hell "hiroshima 1945 / nagasaki 1945" [lpx2] gerald murnane "recites how i wrote elastic man by the fall" [dl] giuda "saturday night's alright for fighting" [7"] giulio aldinucci "disappearing in a mirror" [cd] + ian hawgood & giulio aldinucci "consequence shadows" [cd] + giulio aldinucci & star pillow "hidden" [cd] + martijn comes & giulio aldinucci "split" [lp] goat "let it burn b/w friday pt 1" [7"] grand veymont "route du vertige" [lp]                       heads "collider" [cd]   henry blacker "the making of junior bonner" [cdr]                             hunderd year old man "breaching" [cd] + hunderd year old man "rei" [s-sided 12"] immersion "sleepless" [cd]                                    jandek "houston tuesday" [cd] + jandek "san francisco friday" [cd] jah wobble "the butterfly effect" [cd] + jah wobble "dream world" [cd] john zorn "in a convex mirror" [cd] + john zorn "the urmuz epigrams" [cd] jon spencer "spencer sings the hits" [lp] kinky friedman "circus of life" [cd]                         kleistwahr "acceptance is not respect" [cd]
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lajoie-tuttle "american primate" [k7]                           lee 'scratch' perry "the black album" [cd] + lee perry & diggory kenrick "the antisnake" [10"] lo carmen "gold guns and silver" [dl] l.o.x. "l.o.x. time" [k7] low "double negative" [cd] lydia lunch "marchesa" [cd] mad professor "elctro dubclubbing" [cd] + mad professor "ariwa 2018 riddim series" [dl] marianne faithfull "negative capability" [cd] marissa nadler "for my crimes" [cd] martin & bell "roman totale's death song [a tribute]" (040218) [dl] mary gauthier "rifles & rosary beads" [cd] -max rubadub "style & passion" [cd] mayuko hino "lunisolar" [cd] michael morley "blessed high regency" [dl] + michael morley "reverse bondage k.o." [dl] + michael morley "zéro de conduite" [dl] + michael morley "call back your dogs" [dl] + michael morley "here today gone tomorrow" [dl] + michael morley "rise above" [dl] + michael morley "we are here because of you" [dl] + gate "winter songs" [dl] + the righteous yeah "goodbye forever" [dl] + the righteous yeah "unknown album" [dl] + the righteous yeah "history of love" [dl] + the righteous yeah "game changer" [dl] + the righteous yeah "oiseau de paradis" [dl] mick harvey & christopher r. barker  "the fall & rise of edgar bourchier & the horrors of war" [cd] minami deutsch "with dim light" [lp] ml wah & herbcraft "no slack" [k7] + ml wah "big air" [k7] more klementines "more klementines" [lp]
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nagual & stefan christensen "third" [7"] + nagual "florida" [cdr] nww / artaud [mini cd] + nww "nerve junction" [cd] + nww "changez les blockeurs and" [cd] + nww "experimente [personal archive mixes]" [cdr] + nww "experimente II [son of trippin' music]" [cdr] + stapleton, ka-spel, potter & rollet    "the man who floated away b/w the closer... etc" [cd] ocre "ocre" [7"] øjerum "selv i drømme lyser den første sne" [lp] + øjerum "a certain grief" [k7] okkyung lee "speckled stones & dissonant green dots" [dl] pama international meets manasseh "trojan sessions in dub" [cd] peter zummo "frame loop" [lp] [rec 1984] philip marino "chasing ghosts" [cd] philippe petit & friends "on top" [12"] phosphorescent "ç'est la vie" [cd] pierre vervloesem & alinovsky "invisible quality" [cd]           pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs "king of cowards" [cd] pinch points "mechanical injury" [k7] platinum boys "we don't dance (anymore)" [7"] pumice "platelets" [7"] r stevie moore, alan jenkins & the kettering vampires "the embodiment of progressive ideals" [cd] razen "the night receptionist" [cd] rie fukuda & tabata misuru "precog" [cd] roy montgomery "jesus saves country boys too" [cd] ryan porter "the optimist" [cdx2] ryley walker "deafman glance" [cd] + ryley walker, z mark duo & extended fractures duo "lb 067" [k7]
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sarry "oppidum desertum" [cd] + sarry "exspiravit planeta" [dl] scientist meets hempress sativa "in dub" [lp] seez mics "live long enough to learn" [cdr] sheku kanneh-mason "inspiration" [cd] shilpa ray "nihilism" [k7] sigur rós "route one" [lp] sleaford mods "sleaford mods" [12"] sleep "the sciences" [cd] + sleep "leagues beneath" [s/sided 12"] sly & robbie meet nils petter molvaer ft eivind aarset & vladislav delay  "nordub" [cd] + sly & robbie meet dubmatix "overdubbed" [cd] sly & the family drone & dead neanderthals / mai mai mai  "flesh logics b/w anatole" [7"] snakes don't belaong in alaska "interstellar harvester" [cdr] + snakes don't belong in alaska "radar ocean reconnaissance satellite" [cdr] + snakes don't belong in alaska II "astral audit" [dl] somesurprises "alt" [k7] stefan neville & hermione johnson "7/10/17" [dl] stoned earth "psycho city" [dl] + stoned earth "sonic planet" [dl] sundays & cybele "on the grass" [lp] suns of arqa "pressure drop: a tribute to the great lizard logan" [dl] tanz mein herz "une autre version de territory" [lp] tender crust "the earth's axis & hare" [k7] "the black book" [lpx3] the black vomit "black dada nihilismus" [dl]                   the limiñanas "remix" [12"] the oscillation "wasted space" [lp] + the oscillation "uef" [lp] thurston moore "mx liberty b/w panik" [7"] unknown artist "ijzeren rots" [12"]                         wild billy childish & ctmf "something's missing inside" [7"]   young gods "figure sans nom" [dl]
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-akira sakata, chikamorachi ft masahiko satoh "proton pump" [cd]   -balmorhea "clear language: reworked" [lp]                         -bongripper "terminal" [lp]                                         -charalambides "tom and christina carter" [lpx2]                   -chris butler "got it togehter!" [cd] -cinchel "a sad study in temporal dissonance" [k7]  + cinchel "at once pleasant [live]" [dl] -cowboy junkies "all that reckoning" [cd]                       -dead valley girls "darkness rains" [cd]                           -dmbq "keeenly" [cd]                                           -earthless "black heaven" [cd]                                    + earthless "from the west" [cd]                                           -foudre! "kami 神" [lp] -guiguisuisui & emerge "enchanted garden" [k7] -haley heynderickx & max garcía conover "among horses III" [cd] -idles "joy as an act of resistance" [cd] -james greer & neil luck "we all emerge some hours later baffled" [cd] -jfk "weapon design" [lp] -jochen arbeit & friends "jochen arbeit & friends webcast" [dl] + jochen arbeit, gerd beßler & hopek quirin "abq" [dl] + jochen arbeit, munsha & hopek quirin "live at roter salon" [dl] + jochen arbeit, martina bertoni, munsha & hopek quirin    "live at volksbühne berlin" [dl] + jochen arbeit & hopek quinn "live at white rabbit" [dl] + jochen arbeit & paolo spaccamonti "cln" [lp] -kathryn joseph "from when i wake the want is" [cd]                   -keir vine "instance" [lp] -ktl "the pyre: versions distilled to stereo" [lp] -kyle bobby dunn & wayne robert thomas "kbd / wrt" [12"] -laurie anderson & kronos quartet "landfall" [cd] -lunar grace "the sunstruck forest" [dl] -randall dunn "beloved" [lp] -scot jenerik "drifting ash" [dl] -soundwalk collective "what we leave behind jean-luc godard archives" [lp]  -sterile garden "concrete maze" [k7]   -tales from the sleeping land "III" [cd]                             
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the longest list:
6majik9 ritual "zero / monk nun" [cdrx2] a place to bury strangers "pinned" [cd] + a place to bury strangers "frustrated operator [slowdive remix]" [dl] aesop rock "klutz" [7"] airway "live at moca" [cd] alejandro escovedo & don antonio "the crossing" [cd] amen dunes "freedom" [cd] ana da silva & phew "island" [cd] anton mobin, kris limbach & hopek quirin "live" [dl] antony milton "unrealised films" [dl] årabrot "who do you move" [cd] archie & the bunkers "songs from the lodge" [lp] + archie & the bunkers "play the damned" [7"] aries mond "come on let's wait" [cdr] asbest "driven" [cd] ashtray navigations "zoom up" [cdr] + ashtray navigations "neon eating stationary planes" [cdr] asian women on the telephone "so wot" [k7] awkward geisha & gx jupitter-larsen "final destination" [k7] bandulu dub & dub dillah "disconnect" [dl] bart de paepe "verdronken land" [lp]                       + bart de paepe "pagus wasiae" [lp] bas van huizen "kulverzuchter" [cd] bazuingeschal "bazuingeschal" [lp] beak> ">>>" [cd] bear bones, lay low "atlantean encrypted message" [12"] + bear bones, lay low  & don't dj "plafond 3" [lp] blacklab "under the strawberry moon" [dl] black moon circle "psychedelic spacelord " [cd]                     black rainbows "pandaemonium" [cd] blóm "powerfrau" [k7] blood quartet "until my darkness goes" [k7] blue chelise "daughters of time" [lp] bras mort "give her this, she takes that" [lp] "braublff [materie und laut]" [7"x2] brecht ameel "polygraph heartbeat" [lp] bruce gilbert "ex nihilo" bruxa maria & casual nun "bruxa maria & casual nun" [lp] bryan's magic tears "4 am" [lp] bvdub "drowning in daylight" [lpx2] + bvdub "a different definition of love" [cd] + bvdub "nights of nine vigils" [dl]
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camera "emotional detox" [cd] celer "malaria" [dl] + celer "a chance isn't really a chance at all" [dl] + celer "advert subversion" [dl] + celer "arc eye" [dl] + celer "something cathartic" [k7] + celer "plays ravel" [dl] + celer & forest management "landmarks" [k7] ceremony "east coast" [dl] + ceremony "darling" [k7] chaines "the king" [lp] chaos echoes & mats gustafsson "sustain" [lp] + chaos echoes "mouvement" [cd] charalambides "out of place" [k7] charlemagne palestine "interrvallissphereee" [lp] + charlemagne palestine "ttuunneesszz duh rruunneesszz" [lp] charlotte de witte "brussels" [12"] chihei hatakeyama "scene" [k7] + chihei hatakeyama "void XV" [dl] + chihei hatakeyama "void XVI" [dl] + chihei hatakeyama "butterfly's summer and vanished" [cd] + chihei hatakeyama "afterimage" [cd] + eraldo bernocchi, chihei hatakeyama "solitary universe" [cd] + vida voji´c, chihei hatakeyama "fts002" [12"] child's pose "child's pose" [7"] chlorine "the wanting seed" [dl] chris butler & ralph carney "songs for unsung holidays" [cd] chris carter "chemistry lessons volume I" [cd] church of cash "thank you sir" [cd] circuit breaker "hands return to shake" [lp] circuit des yeux ft moon bros "sœur de race [catherine ribeiro]" [dl] cocaine piss "my cake" [s-sided 12"] cold meat "pork sword fever" [7"] commodo "dyrge" [ep] connan mockasin "jassbusters" [cd] consumer electronics "the weight b/w hostility blues" [7"] coolies / the futurians "u. cs-01" [k7] cosmic ground "IV" [cd] craig gerdes "smokin', drinkin' & gamblin'" [cd] crash toto "crash toto" [dl] crayon sun "crayon sun" [cd] crazy doberman "lungs of carbon or urban paranoia without a tonal center" [k7] + crazy doberman "rust clatter for the midwest sun" [7"] + crazy doberman "confused debris from slow dreams" [k7] + crazy doberman "2038" [k7] + crazy doberman "acid gallery 3am empty bottle blow out" [cdr] + crazy doberman "live @ wfmu" [dl] + crazy doberman "live fall 2017" [k7] + crazy doberman "this land god has abandoned" [dl] + crazy doberman "get lost pens of baldwin particle one" [k7] + crazy doberman "th'basement mother 2" [k7] creep show "mr dynamite" [cd] cruel diagonals "disambiguation" [lp] current 93 "the stars on their horsies" [cd] + current 93 "the light is leaving us all" [cd] cyril cyril "certaine ruines" [cd]
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d.u.d.s. "immediate" [lp] dagger moths & philippe petit "ovaries" [12"] dandelion "every other day" [7"] dark sun "innerspace astronauts rare & unreleased" [k7] datashock "banana spleen" [k7 ep] david eugene edwards & alaxander hacke "risha" [cd] dead meadow "the nothing they need" [cd] dead neanderthals "life" [cd] + dead neanderthals "birth" [dl] dead otter "bridge of weird" [lp] dead vibrations "dead vibrations" [cd]                          deafheaven "ordinary corrupt human love" [cd] deafkids "espiral da loucura" [dl] dean ween group "rock2" [cd] delacave "window has no glass" [lp] delaney davidson "shining day" [cd] delgres "mo jodi" [cd] deludium skies "aspirations" [cdr] dirk serries "epitaph" [cdx2] + n(52) & dirk serries "scatterwound" [cd] + dirk serries & colin webster "gargoyles" [cd] + dikeman, hadow, serries, verhoeven, vicente "ideal principle" [cd] dirk wachtelaer, jürgen de blonde, alec ilyine, gert de meester  "tales from the hellhole" [dl] dj klakke "black thursday in luxemburg" [dl] dogs in reverse "drella" [k7] donkey bugs ancient chinese secrets [12"] downward spiral galaxy "dsg spacebarn bootleg live 2018" [dl] + downward spiral galaxy "remembering the sunshine on a rainy day" [dl] drew mcdowall & hiro kone "the ghost of georges bataille" [12"] drew's theory "future vintage" [dl] drinks "hippo lite" [cd] drudkh "they often see dreams about the spring" [cd] dub foundation "the good the bad and the dubby" [dl]
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è-lg "vu du dôme" [lp] earthling society "mo - the demon" [lp] echotourist soundsystem "naomi" [k7] eiko ishibashi & darin gray "ichida" [lp] electric moon "live 2015 zeiss planetarium bochum aka kosmos" [dl/lpx3] eleh "home age 2" [cd] + caterina barbieri & eleh "bestie infinite b/w wear patterns" [lp] elephant9 "greatest show on earth" [cd] emma ruth rundle "on dark horses" [cd] ergo phizmiz "boîte - the end of music" [k7x3] + ergo phizmiz "fstarstark mstarn winkyface" [dl] eric arn & margaret unknown "paranza corta" [lp] eugene chadbourne "29.10.17" [cd] fermata "salvaged space" [k7] fire down below "hymn of the cosmic man" [cd] flowers must die "där blommor dör" [lpx2] forest management "21st century man" [12"] + forest management "rotating angle" [k7] + forest management "biqui" [k7] + forest management & v i c i m "arid fragments" [dl] former selves "forgiveness circles" [k7] free/slope "abracadabra" [lp] frustration "midlife crisis b/w sad face" [7"] fuc lerrari & nean jégroni "souvenirs uchroniques" [k7]              futur.s mort.s "futur.s mort.s II" [dl] gallery six "kazemakase" [cdr] + gallery six "bansyun" [dl] + gallery six "geisyun" [dl] garcia peoples "cosmic cash" [lp] + garcia peoples "suite" [dl] gareth sager & the hungry ghosts "juicy rivers" [cd] gas "rausch" [cd] gashrat "rock on [do it for me]" [dl] ggallan partridge "eyesore" [8"] glasseyelashes "jellyfish" [k7] gnaw their tongues "genocidal majesty" [cd] + golden ashes "the desolation" [dl] goat "double date"  [10"] goat bath eternity "downers" [k7] goatman "rhythms" [lp] gøggs "pre strike sweep" [cd] graham day & the forefathers "emmaretta b/w love help me" [7"] gudrun gut "moment" [lp] guerilla toss "twisted crystal" [cd] guru guru "rotate!" [cd]
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hairbone "earth to momma" [lp] hank wood & the hammerheads "hank wood & the hammerheads" [lp] harutaka mochizuki & makoto kawashima "free wind mood" [lp] hawthonn "red goddess [of this men shall know nothing]" [cd] herman de vries & the eschenau chaos band "idem" [lp] hermann nitsch "traubenfleisch" [cdx2] high aura'd "if i'm walking in the dark, i'm whispering" [k7] + high aura'd & asama "oil pourer" [k7] holy motors "slow sundown" [cd] holy wave "adult fear" [cd] hookworms "microshift" [cd] hopek quirin "live at chateau gorilla" [dl] howlin' rain "the alligaor bride" [cd] i am johnny cash "i am johnny cash" [cd] iguana death cult "femme fatale b/w faster faster" [7"] ilsantobevitore "realm of consciousness" [k7] ilyas ahmed "closer to stranger" [lp]   international observer "free from the dungeons of dub" [cd] j c satàn "centaur desire" [lp] j gallagher "unknown cowboy [demos]" [dl] james carothers "still country, still king: a tribute to george jones" [cd] jarboe "the cut of the warrior" [cd] jay glass dubs "plegnic" [lp] + jay glass dubs & bokeh edwards "earth two² [mixtape]" [k7] + jay glass dubs "the safest dub" [12"] + leslie winner & jay glass dubs "ymfees" [12"] jean grae x quelle chris "everything's fine" [lpx2] jeffrey lewis & the deposit returners "works by tuli kupferberg [1923-2010]" [cd] jem-one "endless days" [12"] jess williamson "cosmic wink" [cd] jessica93 "en public [live] in rennes" [dl] jim o'rourke "sleep like it's winter" [cd] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 38" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 39" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 40" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 41" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 42" [dl] jimi tenor& tony allen "oto live series" [12"] joanne cash "unbroken" [cd] joe talia "tint" [lp] jóhann jóhannsson "mandy" [ost] [cd] + jóhann jóhannsson & hildur gudnadóttir "mary magdalene [ost]" [cd] + jóhann jóhannsson "the mercy [ost]" [cd] john carter cash "we must believe in magic" [cd] john krausbauer & david kendall "pdrm" [cd] john parish "bird dog dante" [cd] john tilbury, keith rowe, & kjell bjorgeengen "sissel" [cd] jon porras "voices of the air" [cd] josh pearson "straight hits" [cd] joujou jaguar "cheap life" [7"] jsm "sound system" [12"] junkpile jimmy "wants you dead" [lp] just mustard "wednesday" [12"] julian cope "skellington III" [cd]
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kapital & richard pinhas "flux" [cd] kawabata makoto "live @ akihabara goodman 281118" [dl]             kikagaku moyo "masana temples" [cd]                             killing flies "killing flies" [cd]                               king bong "beekse bergen vol I old school cool" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol II electric boogaloo" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol III bong sulfur sax magick" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol IV dreadful gate" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol V to infinity & between" [dl] + king bong "dickus pickus live at circolo gagarin" [dl] klara lewis & simon fisher turner "care" [lp] kosmischer läufer  "secret cosmic music of the east german olympic program '72-'83 vol IV" [dl] la muerte "la muerte" [cd] lärmschutz "dons" [k7] langham research centre "tics & ampersands" [k7] + langham research centre "gateshead multi-storey car park" [dl] + langham research centre "tape reworks vol I" [7"] lawrence wasser "the garden" [k7] lay llamas "thuban" [cd] + lay llamas "thuban dub ep vol I" [dl]                            lea bertucci "metal aether" [12"] leather jacuzzi "the whole hog" [lp] lee ranaldo "electric trim live @ rough trade east" [lp/dl] leroy "leroy" [12"]                                                 les horribles travailleurs, mechanical ape "collaborative soundworks" [k7] lincoln durham "and into heaven came the night" [cd] little wings & maher shalal hash baz "share" [12"] louise landes, bart de paepe, & paul labrecque "collodial love" [10"] + louise landes levi "ikiru or the wanderer" [dl] "losing today" [dl] ludo mich with jennifer walshe & w ravenveer  "ludo mich with jennifer walshe & w ravenveer" k7] luke mawdsley "luke mawdsley" [dl] lumerians "call of the void" [cd] make flames ft gavin laird "a map is not the territory it portrays" [dl] mamuthones "fear on the corner" [lp] marianne schuppe "nosongs" [cd] marie davidson "working class woman" [cd] + marie davidson & lamusa II "la ecstase" [dl] mary bell "histrion" [12"] mary halvorson with bill frisell "the maid with the flaxen hair" [cd] mats gstafson & didi kern "marvel motor" [lp] matt lajoie "the fountain [k7] + matt lajoie "free to be.." [k7] maurizio abate "the maadi sessions" [lp] + maurizio abate "standing waters" [cd] + riccardo sinigaglia & maurzio abate "dialoghi nel vuoto" [lp] maze & lindholm "where the wolf has been seen" [lp] meg baird & mary lattimore "ghost forests" [cd]     melvins "pinkus abortion technician" [cd] + melvins cock & bull bw reedy creek roast [7"] merzbow, balázs pándi, mats gustafsson, thurston moore  "cuts up cuts out" [lp] [rsd] + merzbow "monoakuma" [cd] mésange "gyspy moth" [lp] meteor vortex "absorb / implode" [k7]     mick jenkins "pieces of a man" [dl] miss red "k.o." [cd] + miss red "dagga b/w one shot killer" [12"] mythic sunship "another shape of psychedelic music" [cd] + mythic sunship "upheaval" [cd]
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nathan salsburg "third" [cd] neneh cherry "broken politics" [cd] nickk dropkick "der club de faust" [dl] + nickk dropkick "sweet, sweet jazz for the soul" [dl] neil campbell "i must have my manias" [dl] neko case "hell-on" [cd] nerve beats "nerve beats" [lp] newaxeyes "black fax" [lp] nhung nguyen "illumination [piano day '18]" [dl] + nhung nguyen "oblivion" [dl]   nordvargr "mx.tape.rn" [dl]   no joy & sonic boom "no joy & sonic boom" [12"] obnox "templo del sonido" [lp] + obnox "bang messiah" [lp] olan mill "variations on the letter h" [k7] + olan mill "sounds of a new father" [cd] + olan mill "curves" [cdr] olympus "band on the gum" [dl] one eleven heavy "everything's better" [lp] øresund space collective "live in berlin '18" [cdx2] + øresund space collective "chatoyant breath" [cdx2] + øresund space collective "kybalion" [cd] + øresund space collective "space jam 160 live @ urban spree" [dl] orgue agnès "à une gorge" [lp] otherworld ensemble "live at malmitalo" [cd] oulu space jam collective "intergalactic spy music redux" [dl] + oulu space jam collective "the lotus-eaters" [dl] p j philipson "distante" [dl] + p j philipson "linotopia" [cd] p wits "blonde on blonde" [k7x2] + p wits "feel-be" [ep] [dl] + p wits "i will fall" [single] [dl] paint "paint" [cd] papa m "a broke moon rises" [cd] parquet courts "wide awake" [cd] + parquet courts "wide awake remixes" [12"] pausal "volume flow" [cd] perhaps "hexagon" [lp] + perhaps "hexagain" [cdr] + perhaps "excerpts" [dl] peter broderick "two balloons" [10"] peter strickmann "mellow toes" [lp]                                 pharaoh overlord "chewing gum live" [lp] + pharaoh overlord "zero" [cd] pheek "returning home" [dl] pierre bastien, cabo san roque, anna homler, adrian northover, & dave tucker "fts003" [lp] pink fairies "resident reptiles" [cd] posset "another forever tomorrow" [cdr] prana crafter "enter the stream" [k7] + prana crafter "bodhi cheetah's choice" [k7] preening "greasetrap frisbee" [7"] primitive knot "thee opener of the way" [k7] pullout kings "sweat crimes" [k7] questions and answers "tell us the truth" [7"]   
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               radar men from the moon & 10.000 russos "rmftm & 10.000 russos" [lp] rafael anton irisarri "el ferrocarril desvaneciente" [k7] + rafael anton irisarri "sirimiri" [k7] rainbow grave "sex threat b/w you are nowhere" [7"] + rainbow grave & orthodox "death pyramid b/w spain is the place"[7"] rainforest spiritual enslavement "red ants genesis" [k7] ras g "ras g meets moresounds" [12"] red lama "motions" [lp] richard youngs "endless futures" [lp] + richard youngs "belief" [lp] + richard youngs "fierce years etc." [dl] + richard youngs "six panels for dissolution" [dl] + richard youngs "foot guitar vol VI" [dl] + richard youngs "foot guitar vol VII" [dl] + richard youngs "arrow" [dl] + richard youngs "daybreak" [dl] rosanne cash "she remembers everything [deluxe]" sasha grey & pig "that's the way [i like it] remixed by youth" [10″] + sasha grey & pig "that's the way [i like it]" [12″]                samara lubelski "flickers at the station" [lp] + samara lubelski / bill nace "samara lubelski / bill nace" [cd] sarah davachi "let night come on bells end the day" [cd] + sarah davachi "gave in rest" [cd] savage grounds "let your love groan" [7"] scarab "erect in the garden of grace" [dl] schwund "technik und gefühl" [lp] set and setting "tabula rasa" [lp] shame "songs of praise" [cd] + shame "all the hits" [12"] + shame "tasteless" [dl] shit & shine "bad vibes" [lp] + shit & shine "very high" [12"] simon felice "the projector" [cd] sister iodine "venom" [lpx2] snapped ankles "violations" [12"] sneers "heaven will rescue us, we're the scum, we're in the sun" [lp] sons of kemet "your queen is a reptile" [lpx2] sound awakener "duskiness" [dl] spaceslug "eye the tide" [cd] spiral galaxy with plastic crimewave "d machine" [dl] + spiral galaxy with plastic crimewave "celestial omen" [dl] spiritualized "and nothing hurt" [cd] starbirthed "citrine dreams" [2017] [k7] + starbirthed "starbirthed" [lp] + starbirthed "the dweller on the treshold" [k7] + starbirthed" messages from..." [dl] sterile garden "night loops III" [dl] + sterile garden "wandering in circles" [dl] + sterile garden "city corridors: sound & the city" [dl] + sterile garden "live recordings" [dl] steve ignorant & paranoid visions "1977220174u" [cd] stuart a staples "arrhythmia" [cd] sudden infant "buddhist nihilism" [cd] sugar pills bone "slack babbath plays peep durple" [k7] sutcliffe jugend "the hunger" [cdx2] + sutcliffe jugend "live at maschinenfest 2017" [k7]
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the bleak engineers "introspecto b/w indiscriminate" [7"] the buckshot boys "perform the ultimate survival machine" [7"] the cool greenhouse "london b/w the end of the world" [7"] the dead brothers "angst" [cd] the dwarfs of east agouza "rats don't eat synthesizers" [lp] the ex "27 passports" [cd] the fadeaways "transworld 60's punk nuggets" [lp] the heartwood institute "secret rites" [lp]                         the staches "the great depression" [7"] trust "dans le même sang" [cd] uk subs "subversions" [cd] underworld & iggy pop "teatime dub encounters" [cd] vintage cucumber "arabische nächte II" [dl] vomir & discipline "split" [k7x6] wicked shimmies exile on 5th street [k7] °debris related (2018)° william shatner & jeff cook "why not me" [cd]                        + william shatner "shatner claus" [cd]
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-adderall canyonly "museum of fire" [lp] -allen ravenstine "waiting for the bomb" [cd] -alpha steppa & nai-jah "the great elephant" [cdx2] -armonite "and the stars above" [cd] -arp "zebra" [cd] -atomonaut "inner space vol I" [dl]                                 -axelle red "exil" [cd]                                             -azusa "heavy yoke" [cd]                                             -bebe buell "baring it all" [lp] -bitchin bajas & dsr lines "encyclopedia of civilizations vol II atlantis" [lp] -black space riders "amoretum vol I" [cd]   + black space riders "amoretum vol II" [cd] -bonnacons of doom "bonnacons of doom" [lp] -brix and the extricated "breaking state" [cd] -brother jt "tornado juice" [cd] -catherine britt & the cold cold hearts "idem" [cd] -cave story "punk academics" [cd] -cavern of anti-matter "hormone lemonade" [cd] -charlotte gainsbourg "a-ring o'roses [sebastian on the beat remix]" [dl] -chris dooks joppa waves [dl] -christophe clébard on va crever [dl]   + christophe clébard & carrageenan "split" [7"] -connorparty "flying colors!" [dl] -damo suzuki & jelly planet "damo suzki & jelly planet" [cd] -deniz tek "lost for words" [cd] -die wilde jagd "uhrwald orange" [cd] -dungen & woods "myths 003" [lp] -easy life "creature habits mixtape" [10"] -echo & the bunnymen "the stars, the oceans & the moon" cd] -eddy mitchell "le meme tribu vol II" [cd] -exitmusic "the recognitions" [cd] -glenn matlock "good to go" [cd] -grant-lee phillips "widdershins" [cd] -hatis noit "illogical dance" [cd] -hilary woods "colt" [cd] -ida sofar "mind" [cd] -jack ladder & the dreamlanders "blue poles" [cd] -jenny hval "the long sleep" [12"] -john grant "love is magic" [cd] -johnny jewel "themes for television" [cd] -juan d'oultremont "je pense donc je fuis" [dl]   + juan d'oultremont "ma fiancée" [dl]   + juan d'oultremont "otages b/w invisible" [dl]   + juan d'oultremont "avant l'incident" [dl] -khalab "black noise 2084" [cd] -king dude "music to make war to" [cd] -kode9 & burial "fabriclive" [cd]
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-la race "drancy ostinato" [lp] -laraaji, arji oceananda, dallas acid "arrive without leaving" [12"] -larry heard "heaven dub" [12"] -len leise & jura soundsystem "for adrian b/w udaberri blues" ]12"] -life education "earth tones" [cd] -malcolm middleton "bananas" [cd] -matthew "doc" dunn "lightbourn" [lp] -nurgul jones "carcosa" [dl] -okkervil river "in the rainbow rain" [cd] -oneohtrix point never "age of" [cd]   + oneohtrix point never "love in the time of lexapro" [dl]   + oneohtrix point never "the station" [dl] -open mike eagle "the dark dark purple tape" [k7]   + open mike eagle "what happens when i try to relax" [12"] -orchestre tout puissant marcel duchamp "sauvage formes" [cd] -paolo conte "live in caracalla 50 years of azzurro" [cd] -peter hammill "x/ten" [cd] -protomartyr & spray paint "irony prompts a party rat" [7"] -ramble tamble "outlaw overtones" [k7] -rimjob texas "buttleg jan18" [dl]   + rimjob texas "plačilni nalog" [dl] -ruby karinto "ruby karinto" [lp] -silencaeon  "dead channel (music inspired by william gibson's neuromancer)" [dl] -sink ya teeth "sink ya teeth" [cd] -slightly stoopid "everyday life, everyday people" [cd] -stephen inglis "cut the dead some slack" [cd] -suishou no fune "moonlight" [k7x2] -territorial gobbing "circle of dads" [k7] -thalia zedek band "fighting season" [cd] -the decemberists "I'll be your girl" [cd]   + the decemberists "traveling on" [10"] -the lumineers "c-sides" [dl]   + the lumineers "live tracks" [dl] -"veterans in dub [deluxe version]" [cd] -zacht automaat "memory of the world" [12"]   + zacht automaat "commercial waste" [dl] -zola jesus "wiseblood (johnny jewel remixes)" [12"]   + zola jesus "okovi: additions" [dl] -тпсб "sekundenschlaf" [lp] - bevis frond "we're your friends, man" [cd]
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- bevis frond "we're your friends, man" [cd] - bloody hell "my boss ross" [7"] - bobby body "rock on" [7"] - chocolat billy "délicat déni" [cd] - colin self "siblings" [lp] - dita von teese "dita von teese" [cd] - father john misty "god's favorite customer" [cd]   + father john misty "live at third man records" [12"] - gary war "gaz forth" [cdr] - jennifer warnes "another time, another place" [cd] - jonathan richman "sa" [cd] - marc ribot "songs of resistance 1942-2018" [cd] - meghan patrick "country music made me do it" [cd] - no age "snares like a haircut" [cd] - nytt land "odal" [cd] - pablo raster "dub addicted" [dl] - pascal comelade & ivette nadal "arquitectura primera" [7"] - piloot "recuerda tu futuro" [k7] - rosali "trouble anyway" [lp] - ry cooder "the prodigal son" [cd] - salad boys "this is glue" [cd] - sarah shook & the disarmers "years" [cd] - satis "saturnalivm" [dl]  + satis "planetarivm" [dl] - simon love "sincerely, s. love x" [cd] - spain "mandala brush" [cd] - spiny normen "spiny normen" [cd] - the johnny clash project "the johnny clash project" [cd] - the mountain goats "hex of infinite binding" [dl] - vanessa paradis "les sources" [cd] - weiland "perruche b/w vakbond" [7"]
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3 notes · View notes
uneminuteparseconde · 7 years ago
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Octobre 09. Project Pitchfork – Petit Bain 10. Carbon Sink + Belmont Witch + Gauchoir + Sissifioul – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) (gratuit) 10. Futuroscope : cinéconcert sur des films du Bauhaus (fest. des cinémas différents) – Grand Action 12. Casio judiciaire – Chair de Poule (gratuit) 12. Peter Kernel & Their Wicked Orchestra + Tiny Feet + Adam H. – Petit Bain 12. Mlacoler Culkin + Rouge Gorge + Passenger of Shit + Tabatra$h (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les Nautes 12. Techno Thriller + Axel Larsen + Svezia Inferno + Haydée – La Java 13. Heimat + Stakattak + Marietta + Moyo + Iueke – La Station 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 13. Part Chimp – La Mécanique ondulatoire 13. Urs Graf Consort + Marius Loris & Blanca Camell Gali + Grammata – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Shifted + Artefakt + Giorgio Gigli – Concrete 14. Apulati Bien + Accou + Radiante pourpre + O.Xander + Théo Muller b2b Calcuta – La Station 14. Forest Swords (Biennale Nemo) – Badaboum 14. Wardruna + Dayazell – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 14. Elsiane + Jad Wio – La Java 14. The Pilotwings + Goto80 + Constance Chlore + Bill Vortex + Tryphème + Franck Gérard + Sauk from Mélodies souterraines (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les caves Lechapelais 14. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux + Le Fruit vert – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Totorro + Faire + Julien Gasc – théâtre Antoine-Vitez (Ivry/Seine) 14. Bas Mooy + Clouds + Verset Zéro + Yan Kaylen + Paulie Jan + Terdjman – La Machine 14. UVB + Yann Cook + Anthro + Run X b2b Herrmann + Kuss – tba 15. Daikiri : cinéconcert sur "Epileptic Seizure Comparison" de Paul Sharits (fest. des cinémas différents) – cinéma Le Grand Action 16. Micah P. Hinson – Point FMR 17. Les Hôpitaux + None – L'International (gratuit) 17. Robedoor + Chicaloyoh – Olympic café 17. Unsane + Pamplemousse – Petit Bain 18. Soft Kill + Minab + Dead – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Richard Francès & Konpyuta + Cycloptik + Sneakhead (Serendip Lab fest.) – La gare XP 18. Loth + Ave Tenebrae + Le seul élément – Olympic café 18. Red Axes + Poison Point – La Station 18. Me Donner + Andcl + Otim Alpha & Leo P – L'Époque 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 19. Pharmakon + Ensemble économique + Deeat Palace – La Station 19. Robin Fox & Sean Baxter + Thomas Ankersmit (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Avenir + Affreux Beat – Le Zorba (gratuit) 20. Marylou Guerra + Gaël Segalen + Blason – Le Génie d'Alex 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 20. Mattias Aguayo & The Desdemonas + La Mverte + Casse Gueule – La Maroquinerie 20. Otto Von Schirach + Distorsion tropicale + DJ Diamond 999 (Serendip Lab fest.) – Petit Bain 20. Bogdan Raczynski – Batofar 20. Bader Motor – Doc 21. Hypnobeat + Josh Cheon + LAAM + CIA débutante (Serendip Lab fest.) – L'Esplanade 21. Jarboe + Father Murphy – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. AZF + Von GDK + Waldman – Sacré club 21. Codex Empire + Pär Grindvik + Parfait + Setaoc Mass + Shed – Dock Eiffel (Aubervilliers) 23. Sly and the Family Drone + Grid – Olympic café 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 24. Kenny Larkin & Erik Truffaz jouent Miles Davis + Gui Boratto & Ksenija Sidorova jouent Astor Piazzolla + Marc Romboy & Tamar Halperin jouent Henry Purcell + Arnaud Rebotini & Céline Scheen jouent John Dowland + Maud Geffray & Lavinia Meijer jouent Philip Glass – La Cigale 25. Gazelle Twin + Vatican Shadow + Powell (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 25. Lite + Bennasr Alghandour – Olympic café 25. Rinji Fukuoka & Michel Henritzi + Trou aux rats + Yves Botz & Bruno Fernandes + William Nurdin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. N.M.O. + Aufgang (Biennale Nemo) – Hasard ludique 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + (D O L C H) – Petit Bain 26. Cent ans de solitude + The Dead Goldfish Ensemble + Club Dilletante (Serendip Lab fest.) – Gare XP 26. Sete Star Sept + Maria Bertel & Mariachi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. Uriel Barthélémi & Mathieu Sanchez : We are Stellar (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 26. Alexandre Bellanger & Marek Jason Isleib (fest. En chair et en son)  – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 27. The Breeders – Gaîté lyrique 27. MoE + Dead + Chafouin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Don Vito + La Confraternita del Purgatorio + Bob Cooper – La Comedia Michelet (Montreuil) 27. David Fenech & Tamara Pitzer (fest. En chair et en son)  – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 27. SNTS + W.LV.S (The Driver vs Electric Rescue) + Minimum Syndicat + Hemka – La Machine 27. Paula Temple + Blawan + Len Farki + Thurman b2b Julian M. + Avalon Emerson + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Madben + Maxime Dangles + Mark Höffen + Präri (Big Bang fest.) – Les Docks de Paris (Saint-Denis) 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon 28. Bo Ningen – La Maroquinerie 28. Jerusalem in my Heart + Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G.W. Sok – Centre Barbara-FGO 28. Big Brave – Gare XP 28. Delacave + Ventre de Biche + Le Prince Harry – Gibus 28. UVB76 + Omega Point + Vox Low... (fest. Rou(x)-teur) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 28. BlackNox + Cocoon + Paradis Noir + Super Stoned (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28. Spacelex + Waterproof + Botine + Musique chienne (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 28. Tommy Four Seven + VSK + Oake + Stephanie Sykes – Concrete 29. Omar Di Bongo + Raymond IV + Sacré numéro + Couloir Gang + OKO dj + Opaque (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 30. Boss Hog – La Maroquinerie
Novembre 01. La Cabine : cinéconcert sur "Mimesis" + Hélas – La Station 02. The National + Ride + Chassol + This is the Kit + Moses Sumney + Mina Tindle + Ethan Lipton & his Orchestra + Kevin Morby (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. Jungle + Kamasi Washington + Polo & Pan + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + Andy Shauf + HMLTD + Rejjie Snow + Tommy Genesis (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. The Residents : In Between Dreams – Centre Pompidou 03. Skullflower + Kleistwahr + Jean-Marc Foussat – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Amelie Lens + Anetha + Präri – Rex Club 04. Run The Jewels +  Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Bicep + Sigrid + Princess Nokia + Jacques + Loyle Carner + Tom Misch + The Black Madonna + Sônge (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 04. Toumani Diabaté + Memo + Gaspi – Cabaret sauvage 06. John Maus – La Maroquinerie ||COMPLET|| 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 07. Max Cooper (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 08. Vincent Epplay (fest. FAME) – Médiathèque musicale de Paris|Forum des Halles (gratuit) 08. Zola Jesus – Point FMR 08. The Wedding Present plays "George Best" – Petit Bain 08. The Horrors – Trabendo 09. Annabelle Playe (Biennale Nemo) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 10. Red Zebra + Pour X raison – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Golden Oriole + Lotte Anker + Réservé aux insensés (fest. Coax) – Centre Barbara-FGO 11. Keith Fullerton Whitman + Chris Watson [+ Biosphere : ANNULÉ] + Éliane Radigue (diff.) – Maison de la radio 11. Rien virgule + Mette Rasmussen & Julien Desprez + Sarah Terral (fest. Coax) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Liars – La Maroquinerie 14. Shannon Wright – Gaîté lyrique 14. BJ Nilsen + Thomas Tilly + Les Acharnistes – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 16. NSDOS + Watchin' with Milesdavisquintet ! (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 16/17. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 17. Trisomie 21 + The Saint-Cyr + Rendez-Vous – La Machine 17. Dälek – Batofar 17. Up-Tight + France – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Transglobal Underground feat. Natacha Atlas + Asgaya – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 18. Mr D & The Fangs + Nick Grey & The Random – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Max Richter : Sleep – Le Studio|Philharmonie de Paris ||COMPLET|| 18. Essaie pas + Nova Materia + Colombey – La Maroquinerie 18. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 18. Operant + Verset Zero – Olympic café 19. Ulver – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 19. Thurston Moore – Café de la danse 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21. Metz + Decibelles + Drahla – Trabendo 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 22. Annabelle Playe & Hugo Darcier + Robert Piotrowicz + Floris Vanhoof (fest. Bruits blancs/Biennale Nemo) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Carl Michael Von Hausswolf + Julien Ottavi + Jean Philippe Gross (fest. Bruits blancs/Biennale Nemo) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 24. Ensemble Ire (Kasper Toeplitz & Franck Vigroux) + ErikM + Benjamin De la Fuente (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Sophia + Dead Horse One – Espace B 23. Clan of Xymox + My Great Blue Cadillac – Bus Palladium 23. Modeselektor (dj) + Tijana T + Simo Cell – Rex Club 24. Emma Ruth Rundle – Espace B 24. Laibach – Trabendo 24. Arnold Dreyblatt + Prescott + Borja Flames (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Zombie Zombie + Aufgang – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 25. Stranglers – La Cigale 25. Mount Kimbie – Trianon 25. Mark Lanegan – Café de la danse 25. Protomartyr + Pierre & Bastien – La Maroquinerie 25. Etienne Jaumet, Peter Kember & Céline Wadier : La Monte Young Tribute + Colleen + Accident du travail (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 25. Dynatron + Christine + Mlada Fronta – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 25. Phase fatale & Silent Servant – La Machine 26. Quator Tana joue "Mishima" de Philip Glass – Collège des Bernardins 26. Ropoporose + Die!Die!Die! – Batofar 26. James Holden & The Animal Spirits + Groupshow (Andrew Pekler, Jan Jelinek & Hanno Leichtmann) + Paalma (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena 28. Chapelier fou – Le 104 28. John Zorn & Abraxas + Autoryno + Garth Knox – New Morning 28. Totorro + La Jungle – Badaboum 30. Simon Fisher Turner : The Picture from Darkness (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) (gratuit)
Décembre 02. Carl Craig + Bambounou + Chloé + Fabrizio Rat (fest. Marathon!) – Gaîté lyrique 02. Frustration + Komplikations + Plomb – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 03. Depeche Mode – Bercy|Arena 08. Punish Yourself – La Maroquinerie 09. Plug (Biennale Nemo) – Le 104 (gratuit) 09. Pascal Comelade, Ivan Telefunken & Charles Berberian + Sophie Agnel & Jérôme Noetinger (dessin) (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 10. Chocolat Billy & Sam Mary (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 12. Snap + Martin Messier (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Zayk + Hyperculte – Centre culturel suisse 12. Le Club des animistes (Vincent Epplay & Ravi Shardja) (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 14. Diemo Schwarz : musique pour "Wolfson" d'Anne Ropers (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 15. Jessica93 + Bryan's Magic Tears – La Maroquinerie 15. Déficit des années antérieures + TWVSTCG (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 15. Oiseaux-Tempête – Paul B. (Massy) 15/16. Éléonore Auzou-Connes, Emma Liégeois & Romain Pageard jouent "Musiques de table" de Thierry De Mey – La Pop 16. Ensemble électron (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 16. Marius Loris + Les Hôpitaux (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa)
Janvier 23. Uriel Barthélémi (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 26. Alex Augier + Paul Jebanasam & Tarik Barri + Daniele Ghisi + Rune Clerup + Alexander Schubert (Biennale Nemo) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise) 31. Doplereffekt & AntiVJ : "Entropy" (Biennale Nemo) – L'Avant-Seine (Colombes)
Février 02. Uriel Barthélémi, Gaspar Claus & Maude Trudet (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo ||COMPLET|| 15. Franck Vigroux & Laurent Gaudé : "Le Chant des ombres" – L'Ecam (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre) 16. Radian + David Rothenberg & Scanner (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin)
Mars 07/08. Ryuchi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani (Dumb Type) : "Dis.Play" – Maison de la Culture du Japon 23. PurForm + TRDLX (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 23. Pierre Henry + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Alva Noto & Anne-James Chaton : Alphabet (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last newsDes concerts à Paris et autour
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pataphysiquerecords · 4 months ago
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This Is Real Psychedelic Night of Tokyo We Are Unfolding Free Outsiders Club vol.1 11.8.FRI.2024 @HIGASHIKOENJI UFO CLUB Open/19:00 Start /19:30 Adv / 2800 Door / 3300
Act Marble Sheep Matsutani Ken (Vo,G) Baby (Vo,B) Iwamotor (Vo,Ds)
Majutsu no Niwa Sonic7 Orchestra Fukuoka Rinji (Vo,G) Yamazaki Taiga (G) Louis Inage (B) Nishimura Yusuke (B) Morita Jun (Synth, Electronics) Morohashi Shigeki (Ds) Nanbu Teruhisa (Per)
liquidbiupil light show Sato Akira
長年にわたる活動の総決算第1弾、6枚組Pyramid変形ジャケットBox作品集を完成させた松谷健が率い、2023年10年ぶりに復活を遂げたMarbleSheepと、これも長年に渡る盟友福岡林嗣の拡大編成ロックオーケストラ構想を具現化し強烈なSONICを拡張放出する魔術の庭Sonic7 Orchestraが東高円寺にて邂逅。
We Are Unfolding Free Outsiders Club !
"21世紀のテクニカラー”業火に焼かれた東京ならではのReal Psychedelic NightをUFO CLUBに現出させる。
強力なGuest & Friendsとして西村雄介(B、スターリン、Pantz他)、山崎怠雅(G、バラナンブ、その他多数)、森田潤(Synth、TACO、その他多数)、南部輝久(Per、Aural Fit、バラナンブ他)参加。 当日全編をliquidbiupil 佐藤朗のライトショウが極彩色に彩る。
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Marble Sheep
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Majutsu no Niwa
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liquidbiupil light show: Sato Akira
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Nishimura Yusuke
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Morita Jun
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Yamazaki Taiga
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Nanbu Teruhisa
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albedofantastica · 3 years ago
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Albedo Gravitas NEW RELEASE Albedo Gravitas / Eihwaz アルベド・グラヴィタス/エイワズ
artist: Albedo Gravitas title: Eihwaz label: An’archives num:  [An’24]Free Wind Mood series price: 24EUR, 28USD, 3200yen LP ltd to 285, silkscreened jacket with obi (red or black), inserts and postcardLiner notes by Jon Dale Keiko Higuchi voice, drums, pianoSachiko voice, electronics, percussion, melodicaShizuo Uchida bass
Albedo Gravitas is an extension of Albedo Fantastica (released on An’archives in 2018), the duo of Keiko Higuchi and Sachiko (Kousokuya, Overhang Party, Vava Kitora). Both of them are well known names to those who are evolving in the Japanese underground waters since each has been involved in many projects and each has a consisting discography on labels as Musik Atlach, Improvising Beings, Utech. Their respective backgrounds are maybe a little bit different but they share a common interest in different genres from jazz and rock to free improvisation and have collaborated with a cast of various musicians in the likes of Cris X, Fukuoka Rinji, Kawaguchi Masami, Shin-Ichiro Kanda…For Albedo Gravitas, Shizuo Uchida joins on bass. A peripatetic member of the Japanese underground, having played with groups such as Nord, Onna-Kodomo, Hasegawa-Shizuo, Kito Mizukumi Rouber and Keiji Haino’s Nijiumu, he most recently turned up on An’archives as one half of UH, alongside sax player Takayuki Hashimoto (of KMR and .es).While this is Albedo Gravitas’s first album, they play together with intelligence and sensitivity, but also with a strong capacity for the unexpected; there are many moments here where you’re wrongfooted,caught askance by the way the music comes together, and comes apart.Higuchi’s and Sachiko’s instrumental armory is multiple : piano, drums, melodica, electronics. Maybe their most remarkable presence, though, comes through voice – the glottal contortions, heart-rending sighs and moans, and chopped’n’screwed real-time vox improvs that soar across the album’s unpredictable musical terrain. Uchida works here with temporal disruption, there with heavyweight bass punctuation; drums plot out the most welcome rudimentary anti-rhythms, as electronics and melodica shoot arcs of white light through the air, lending an avant-chamber charm to the music here.Most startling are the dynamics of the two side-long pieces, and the way the group use silence and stilted landscapes to suggest all kinds of routes previously unnavigated. In its capacity for disorientation, it feels indeed like a surprising kind of psychedelia, one far from generic constraint, and much closer to the sidereal suspension that that most overused of terms should rend through your head.
Albedo GravitasはヒグチケイコとSachiko (光束夜、Overhang Party、Vava Kitora)のデュオユニットであるAlbedo Fantastica(An’archivesから2018年にリリース)から派生。二人とも日本のアンダーグラウンドではよく知られていて、Musik AtlachやImprovising Beings、Utechなどから幾つかの作品をリリースしている。それぞれのバックグラウンドは違えど、ジャズやロックからフリー・インプロなどジャンルを跨いでの興味を持ち、さらにCris X、福岡林嗣、川口雅巳、神田晋一郎など様々なミュージシャンと共演している。Albedo Gravitasではベースの内田静男が参加。日本のアングラシーンでNord、Onna Kodomo、Hasegawa-Shizuo、Kito Mizukumi Rouberそして灰野敬二の滲有無など様々なバンドで演奏。最近での作品ではサックス奏者の橋本孝之(KMRや.es)とのUHとしてAn’archivesから音源が出ている。Albedo Gravitasとして初めてのリリースとなるこのアルバムは、ときに音楽の展開の仕方に疑問を持ったり不意打ちをくらったりするが、知性と繊細さを持ち合わせながらも予想だにせぬことへの要素が満載の演奏だ。ヒグチとSachikoの楽器庫にはピアノからドラム、メロディカやエレクトロニクスまでたくさん蓄えがある。だが、彼らを最も際立たせるのはヴォイスだろう。声門を歪めて心を引き裂くようなため息や唸り声、切り刻まれたリアルタイムでの即興ヴォイスはこのアルバム中、予測不能な音楽領域を跨いで駆け巡っている。内田はそこここで突如途絶したり、とてもヘヴィーなベースを聴かせたり、エレクトロニクスやメロディカが空中に白い光の弧を描く間ドラムが原始的なアンチリズムを叩き、アヴァン・チャンバーな魅力を醸し出している。An’archives Free Wind Mood シリーズに匹敵し、さらにその限界を広げるような、なんとも独特なインプロヴィゼーションといえる。特に両面に渡る長いテイクのダイナミクスは衝撃的で、彼らが静寂とさらには未知への景色を見せてくれたりする。 A面は時として激しく、トリオはエレクトロニクスの光る波に乗りながら、こちらは雹の嵐の最中にトタン屋根の下で荒らしが過ぎるのを待っているように、パーカッション、ベースそして、行き交うヴォイスがリスナーに降り続ける。B面では深い音響のベースやコードの流れが吹っ飛んだトーンと���岐し、ファズの波、ピアノからは哀愁漂いさまよう2つの音が鳴り響く。方向感覚も失い、これはまさに驚きのサイケデリア、凡庸な制約からはとうにかけ離れ、最も使い古されたshouldという言葉が頭をかき乱すだろう。
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horrificend · 4 years ago
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musikatlach-sachiko · 7 years ago
Overhang Party - Live 2003 June 7 Silver Elephant - Overhang Party Live 2003 June 7 Silver Elephant Kichijoji Tokyo1. Tokyo Zero Fighter 2. Mirror 3. My Blue Heaven 4. Prayer of a Fool 5. Wolf, Scorpion, Earth Fang 6. I Walked with a Zombie (Roky Erickson) 7. Presage 8. Le Feu Follet 9. Le Fantôme de la liberté 10. On Black Water 11. Which is the ShadowFUKUOKA Rinji (Vo, G) YAMANOUCHI Akira (G) Sachiko (B) YAMAZAKI Iwao (Ds)
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musikatlach · 7 years ago
Michel Henritzi & Fukuoka Rinji Europe Tour 2017 Autumn 15 October - Cave 12 (Genève, Switzerland) http://www.cave12.org/ 16 October - Lac (Chaux de Fond, Switzerland) + Will Nurdin http://www.lac-cdf.ch/ 17 October - L'Atelier de l'Etoile (Besançon) + Will Nurdin https://atelierdeletoillestella.wordpress.com/ 18 October - Ground Zero (Lyon) + Will Nurdin https://www.grrrndzero.org/ 19 October - Les Tanneries (Dijon) + Will Nurdin https://tanneries.squat.net/ 21 October - ? (Leiden, Pays-Bas) 24 October - De Audio Plant (Antwerpen, Belgie) https://www.facebook.com/deaudioplant/ 25 October - Les Instants Chavirés (Paris) + Will Nurdin + Yves Botz/Bruno Fernandes http://www.instantschavires.com/ 27 October - Festival Densité (Fresnes-en- Woevre) https://vudunoeuf.wordpress.com/densites/
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musicmakesyousmart · 6 years ago
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Sachiko & Fukuoka Rinji - Void
Musik Atlach
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