the reason for my name is because I'm going to be as real with you as only an anonymous person can
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
The year is 2021.
Thanks go the Twilight Renaissance, Netflix launches an original series titled Volterra, exclusively about The Volturi.
We reach the point where Carlisle crosses paths with the Volturi, and he reaches out his hand to Aro. A montage of Carlisle’s life flashes across the screen as Aro absorbs his thoughts.
For the briefest of moments, Peter Facinelli, making a cameo as Carlisle Cullen’s clergyman father, can be seen.
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The Execution of Anne Boleyn

At nine AM, Anne Boleyn left the royal apartments where she had been imprisoned and walked around the northwest corner of the White Tower to the scaffold.
She carried a prayer book in her hands and read from it as she walked, but she kept glancing back over her shoulder. Was she looking for a messenger, riding into the Tower with a pardon in his hand? It’s possible that Anne expected - up to the very last instant - that Henry would relent and pardon her, and send her to a nunnery, as Cranmer may have promised to get her to sign the annulment papers.

That morning, Anne Boleyn wore a gable hood. Likely she had chosen it not for fashion’s sake, but because it was a purely English style. Over her gown, she wore an ermine mantle. By all accounts, it was a beautiful, warm spring morning, so she wasn’t wearing the cloak to ward off the chill, but to emphasize her regal status. Though the council had debated whether it was even possible to strip her of her title because she had been crowned and anointed, her choice of clothing stated that Anne Boleyn would die as Queen of England, regardless of what they had decided.

She reached the scaffold and found a large crowd waiting for her around it, over a thousand people - some sources say two thousand. As she passed, she handed out coins to the people who appeared to be in need from a purse of £20. They were her final alms, or charity, given in the traditional expectation the recipients would pray for her soul. She emptied the purse before she reached the steps of the scaffold.
The scaffold was bedecked with dozens of yards of expensive black velvet, as suited her queenly rank - until the very last moment, the niceties must be observed. Swathed like macabre parade float, it was built high so that all who were present could see the spectacle. Straw to soak up her blood thickly covered the floor. Toward the front and center was a velvet cushion.

Anne climbed the few steps to the straw-strewn stage and turned to face the thousands who had gathered on the Green to watch her die. A sea of faces that must have stretched back to the gray stone walls.
She had now been awake for over forty-eight hours, but she seemed to show no sign of her exhaustion. The Bishop of Riez, one of the “foreigners” whose attendance Henry hoped to avoid, wrote later that she had never looked more beautiful. In her final moments, Anne Boleyn was truly worthy of the title of queen, regal and brave. Anne had lived in the public eye since she was a teenager, and had always been able to keep herself more composed when she had an audience. This was her last duty as a courtier, as a queen, and she held her head high.
She had been raised from birth to believe that a Christian does not fear death. If she had seemed at all daunted, it would have been seen as a sign her faith was weak or that she was afraid to face her God with a sinful soul.

Her ladies, on the other hand, were a sobbing mess - one described them as looking “bereft of souls,” or liked the living damned. It’s interesting, because Anne had complained bitterly about being served in her final two weeks by women known to be hostile to her. Some assume that because of the multiple descriptions of her ladies being visibly upset that Henry relented and allowed Anne’s friends to be with the queen in her final days, but no mention is made in the records of such a change. Did these ladies come to care for Anne in those two weeks? Anne is often portrayed as a termagant, unable to get along with members of her own sex due to vanity or jealousy, but whether or not the ladies had been switched out, they wept as they watched Anne’s final moments. The queen is said to have comforted them with an “untroubled countenance.”
According to later tradition, she then handed Margaret Wyatt her prayer book inscribed with the words Remember me when you do pray / that hope doth lead from day to day. It was signed Anne Boleyn. Not Anne the queen or even Anne Pembroke. It was Anne Boleyn, as she had come into this world, and would now leave it.

Many of the highest nobles in the land were present in the crowd, people Anne had seen every day at court. However, none of Anne’s family, save her uncle, the Duke of Norfolk and her aunt, Lady Shelton, were present.
Henry FitzRoy, the king’s bastard son, also stood in the crowd. Only days before, his father had hugged him and wept that FitzRoy should praise God he and his half-sister Mary had been preserved from that “venomous whore” who wished to poison them. FitzRoy had sat on the jury which condemned Anne to the scaffold, and now he was here as his father’s witness.

The executioner, a French swordsman, knelt before her to beg Anne for forgiveness for the task he had to do. Historian Alison Weir notes that for him to have reached London in time for the execution, he would have to have been summoned before Anne’s trial even began. (The Emperor’s sister wrote later that month that he had been summoned from St. Omer in Flanders, where he may have been visiting or traveling.) Anne said the expected words granting him forgiveness in French. She asked that he not perform his office until she said what she needed to say.
One can almost feel the tense intake of breath that must have swept through the court officials present. Would Anne defy convention and swear her innocence before this crowd? Kingston had sent a note to Cromwell, fretting about the possibility. They had failed to keep the crowd small, nor had they been able to prevent members of foreign courts from attending. Anne Boleyn’s final words would spread far and wide.
But Anne kept her dignity and poise. Her speech was the utterly conventional final words of a condemned noble of the day, asking for pardon from sins, praising the king as a good and gentle prince, and asking the onlookers to pray for her. Kingston must have given a silent sigh of relief as she handed away her prayer book and began to disrobe.
Off came her ermine-trimmed cloak, necklace, and hood - which she had to remove herself, because her ladies were trembling too badly. Her gray damask gown was unlaced. Perhaps there was another intake of breath when her scarlet kirtle was revealed. Scarlet, the color of martyrs. Anne had always known how to make a statement without saying a word.

The gown was laid aside for the executioner, part of his traditional payment. Her auburn hair was carefully tucked up into a white cap, leaving her long, slender neck bare.
Anne walked over to the cushion and knelt on it, and took a moment to carefully tuck her kirtle around her feet to avoid immodestly exposing her ankles when her body fell. Accounts vary as to whether she was blindfolded. I don’t think she was.
She bowed her head and began to pray.

And then, something remarkable happened. One by one, the thousands of people watching dropped to their knees in the grass, and began to pray with her. Some openly wept. Only FitzRoy and Charles Brandon remained standing, likely staring around with incredulity at what was happening. Such a thing is reported at no other execution of the era. I have a wistful hope that Anne saw it and was touched by their tribute.
Anne prayed aloud, repeating the same phrase over and over, asking God to receive her soul into heaven, a soul which was to leave her body within moments. It was time. she had completed her last performance, and now she had only to pray until the blade silenced her words.
The executioner moved toward her and her eyes flew open when she heard the sound.
He froze.
She went back to praying and he tried to move again, but her beautiful black eyes flashed to him. They must have welled with fear. How could they not?
The executioner was a kind man. He turned toward the stairs and called, “Bring me my sword!”
Anne’s head turned to watch the steps, and that’s when he swept up the sword that had been hidden in the straw. A last mercy: she didn’t have to see it coming.

The instant her head fell to the straw-covered boards, the cannons on top of the Tower walls boomed to announce to London that Anne Boleyn was dead. When they heard the sound, some at court - like Cranmer - wept. Her husband, waiting in the woods, spurred his horse and set off for Jane Seymour’s house to celebrate. They were given a dispensation - which Henry had to have applied for while his previous wife was still breathing - and betrothed that same afternoon.

There was still a man in the Tower, one of those accused with Anne, though never tried for the supposed crimes. Thomas Wyatt had once been in love with the beautiful woman on the scaffold. He is believed to have watched her execution from his cell in the Bell Tower, and later wrote this poem:
These bloody days have broken my heart.
My lust, my youth did them depart,
And blind desire of estate.
Who hastes to climb seeks to revert.
Of truth, circa Regna tonat.
The bell tower showed me such sight
That in my head sticks day and night.
There did I learn out of a grate,
For all favour, glory, or might,
That yet circa Regna tonat.
“Around the throne, the thunder rolls.”
Continue to the next part to read about Anne Boleyn's burial.
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Brother and Sister helping each other up a flight of stairs
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2 mf grams smh…Anyway, she’s a make up artist, go support her IG @ Marshalaaaa_
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I have found my people via /r/memes
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Tumblr needs more cloud leopards ❤️ 🐈
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In Rocky Horror Picture Show, is the scene where Janet has sex with Rocky rape?
Reasons why I say yes:
A) Rocky was only some odd hours old.
B) Mental capacity, does he fully understand what is going on?
Please feel free to discuss..
#rocky horror show#rocky#dr. frank n furter#damn it#Janet#brad and janet#rocky horror rp#rocky horror picture show
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A billboard by actual Muslims against ISIS.
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The story behind the Spider-Man: Homecoming poster
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Reasons why I'm confused
I read today about a speech where whoever the person was said “I’m scared that if North Korea bombs us, Trump is going to declare war….”
Now I’m not a history major but I’m pretty sure someone killing thousands of our people is a declaration of war. We can’t nuke them in return because of our friendship with South Korea…. so it would have to be small bombs and land war. America doesn’t have that great of a track record of land wars in Asia, but if it has to be done then it has to be done.
As a people we can’t just sit around and let someone murder thousands of our civilians, call it finedone then roll over and lst them do it again. Its stupid to assume that they would stop with just one bombing.
In the other hand if we do nothing then those same people are going to criticize our President for not doing anything. He is in a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation. I don’t like him as a person, but I respect that he holds the presidency and is going to do what he feels is best for our nation. So let’s all grow up, take our feelings out of it and prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
~Anonymously yours
P.s. both sides not to stop being assholes and cooperate. Bipartisan equality.
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Reasons why there needs to be a change
I promised myself I wasn’t gonna say anything but it needs to be done. To all the celebrities and people that during this election said that they would leave if….. you are cowards. The influence you have is showing people that it is okay to throw in the towel when things get bad. As a nation we don’t give up! When things go sour we stand together as brothers and sisters and fight for a better tomorrow.
There are setbacks, no one is going to be completely happy but its about compromise! Reaching across the aisles and extending friendship. Working together to make a better future for our children, and not so that one group or another can get their way. Yes in the case of this presidential election neither one was cut out to hold the office. One of them does and we need to respect the position and hope for the best. Work in our communities to better tomorrow and stop WHINING.
These riots aren’t going to solve anything. Sitting on your butt and critiquing the people out rioting isn’t going to do anything!!! You all look like assholes, one smug because they got their way and the other throwing tantrums. Yes, I understand that there are people out there not doing these things.
As a nation the only way to fight this hate is to work together…..
End rant. Sorry this isn’t how I usually do things.
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Rw: as a Christian I dislike going to most churches
1) fake people 2) the fake people are distracting or make distractions during service 3) not everybody needs to know what's going on in my life 4)you're going to forget my name in 5 minutes why should I tell you? 5) if everyone was there to worship and love God they wouldn't make it about them 6) Even when they are trying to be warm and welcoming they come off cold and frigid 7) once you find a spot on church, these little things you notice become amplified and increasingly harder to deal with
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R.W. this whole (insert) lives matter thing is stupid
1) there are conflicts between society we get it. This isn’t a perfect world…
2) we are grown ups…. Settle this like grown ups. Not with fighting
3) Not everyone is as radical as everyone makes them out to be
4) Both sides are carrying the burden of being in the wrong
5) quit putting it on the younger generation, who express themselves without suppression
6) Everything matters…. Butterfly effect
7) Look over what Martin Luther King Jr. Did and see if he would support what you or doing. Or Ghandi, neither solved things with violence.
8) there are other more important things going on in the nation besides fighting each other
9) one way or another someone is going to be put down for something. Don’t use the colour of your skin to fight the battle for you. You’re black and you want to make something of yourself do it. You’re white and you want to do something with your life…. Do it. Same goes for if you are Asian, Indian, Native American, Mexican… etc, etc. Don’t let anything define you.
I may be a little bias but, coming from a poor community I’ve worked for everything I own and my future. I know what it’s like to be told “you can’t because….” Or “its not your place to do that”. My place is where I say my place is, thank you for your opinion though.
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R.W. I like to challenge DD
1) I like to picture his face when he says "Oh, really?" 2) frustrating him is fun 3) push limits and test where we stand on things 4) spankings 5) I'm a brat 6) princess is always right... Even when she gets in trouble
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R.W. politics are stupid but necessary
1) There's multiple sides to every story but we only hear who has the most money and influence. 2) sometimes both sides are lying to you 3) Everyone there has a secret agenda and are looking for themselves primarily 4) They get paid hundreds of thousands yet the common people carry most of the burden and our soldiers don't even get paid well for shedding they're blood for our country. 5) They're too busy fighting each other too realize what compromise is and focus on what's best for the nation as a whole. Good: 1) hasn't killed us yet 2) everyone can express their opinions (seriously under question right now though) 3) keeping informed of the workings of the nation 4) Gives good insight for where the nation is headed 5) ..... I couldn't think of another one.
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