#Nasca Car
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abarefunato-kiroku · 6 months ago
2024.7.11thu(大阪)environment 0g
7/11(木) 大阪・桜川 environment 0g
“AUDIO INVADERS’ EXPERIMENT 2days at 0g” (DAY1) 河端一(guitar from AMT), Mandog(guitar) 船戸博史(contrabass) 藤掛正隆(drums) Nasca Car(electronics) DJ:Junya Hirano(environment 0g) 19:00open 19:30start  ¥2,800+Drink https://nuthings.wordpress.com/
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all2collectmore · 9 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RARE 90s sealed NASCAR 3M Limited Edtion Collector’s shirt Compressed Car Shape.
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nnjzz · 1 year ago
JEUDI 02.11
20:00 portes 20:45 action
P.A.F. 6€
à LES NAUTES 1, Quai des Célestins 75004 M° Sully-Morland
WAMEI /jp osaka Jeune musicien prolifique et très versatile, il est la moitié du duo " psych-drone- pop" Sarry ( avec la chanteuse Fuji Yuki ) et également membre de plusieurs groupes de la région de Kansai dont le groupe psyche/rock Hibushibure, le combo techno/noise Nasca Car ou le groupe post-punk Jacob’s Ladder. Solo, il construit de plus en plus sa musique dans une accumulation de strates de drones saturés, même si - à l'opposé de ce spectre - il excelle à concocter des vignettes électroniques compactes et mystérieuses, des mini-capsules sous forme de pop-ups délétères, comme des mini-bulles de soundtracks éphémères, tantôt lymphatiques tantôt agités, qui peuvent faire penser ( ou pas ) à, pêle-mêle, Conrad Schnitzler, Cosmic Jokers, Mort Garson, Matsuo Ono, Edward Artemiev, Gil Mellé, Coil, classiques d'early electronica ( Herbert Eimert, Otto Luening, Vladimir Ussachevsky... ), Kid Baltan & Tom Dissevelt, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram et autres ciseleurs de la vintage electronica de l'âge d'or du BBC Radiophonic Workshop.  " Avec un style d'expression totalement abstrait basé sur le drone (performance avec son soutenu), ses performances s'intéressent aux « sons qui mènent à d'autres mondes », qui affectent directement les sens de l'auditeur plutôt que sa sensibilité musicale. Le style d'interprétation, qui utilise un minimum de synthétiseurs et de pédales, vise à faire entendre à l'auditeur la musique du plus profond de sa mémoire, et supprime en profondeur les éléments musicaux tels que la mélodie et le rythme, et, à la limite du bruit, détruit la pensée et crée des sons qui agissent sur les profondeurs pures du psychisme et sur les sens qui s'y trouvent. Le groupe joue des sons qui agissent sur les profondeurs pures du psychisme et sur ses sens les plus intimes. " Dans le passé, il a participé à des groupes et unités de divers genres, y compris l'unité que Sarry a formée avec la chanteuse Fuji-Yuki, et a également produit et publié de nombreuses œuvres sur des labels en Europe et dans d'autres pays, ainsi que des tournées en Europe, Australie et Taïwan. Il a également effectué des tournées en Europe, en Australie et à Taiwan et a collaboré avec des musiciens d'autres pays pour produire des œuvres
ABYSMO / fr paris bruxelles Mealbient, hypnagogic dance music
Nonmei9227 + C Folle : duo créant de la musique visqueuse inspirée des parcs à thème, des marécages et états hypnagogiques au travers de synthèses de vocalisation et de patterns flasques.
OCTAVE MAGESCAS / fr paris Parisien de toujours, musicien et chercheur ( Sound Art Museum de Rome, EHESS ), Octave nourrit sa musique de  field recordings, crépitements synthétiques, clicks_+_cuts à la mode de Frankfurt, tout le langage sonore de l'ambigu et du contemplatif post-digital.
Incursions parfois harsh noise, parfois sleek lush ambient, parfois sound art-ish seront ( ou pas ) de mise, qui verra, verra.
UNNECESSARY ATHLETICS ar / it paris +ou-
des sons qui parcourent les quatre coins du tableau comme des pièces d’échecs des jeux d’avance et retours
Et ça sautille, et ça percute!
UA est un duo composé de : Luca Ventimiglia - électronique  + Joaquin Ortega - électronique.
Les deux font par ailleurs partie d'innombrables permutations entre d'innombrables membres du collectif 2035. 
Fly - Mehdi Hercberg aka SHOBOSHOBO
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em0ticonz · 1 year ago
Can you tell more of the lwa racing au?
And have you considered turning anonymous asks fir shy ppl?
omg i didnt know yuo cld do that so ya ill do that!!! tyz 4 telling mee :] nd yeaea !! so its more nascar rather than F1 or street racing ! itd still b british tho so idk how thats working out yet... ive been thinking of maybeee integrading magic but im not sure... sucy and constanze are the mechanics ! they often add illegal costumizations on the cars which penalizes akko nd amanda more than anything (only knocks em back a few points) lotte red teams pr manager and has to be within 5 steps from akko at any given time to make sure she doesnt say anything thatd get the hardcore fans to go cray.. in nasca there r ppl who r "on the same team" kinda, so like theyll b employed by the same people but all wanna win the race for themselves and thats what the red green nd blue team r to each other! so while they all have different crews nd everything they are forced to help each other during races!! diana struggles w this the most since she doesnt believe akko or amanda deserve the win, but to keep their sponsor happy she has 2.. i think a plot point wld b her realizing that he teammates are skilled and that she needs to respect em? js a thought!
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dustedandsocial · 6 years ago
Pro Et Contra -  ロケットUSA~フランキーの涙~スペクタクルの社会 = Rocket USA ~ Frankie Teardrop ~ La Societé Du Spectacle
Features members of Overhang Party and Hijokaidan. Suicide lyrics and Guy Debord text get traded back and forth, over intermittent manic screaming and an intensely hypnotic rhythm.
“These are the means we choose to strip bare contemporary "music" and "art" that continue their eternal usurpation by the smoothly self-driving machines of capitalism, to loudly challenge this reality. Twenty-first century punk rock.“
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pataphysiquerecords · 8 years ago
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February 2017 3 days ogikubo club DOCTOR  6bodies60minutes6months 総員荻窪に結集せよ! 2017.2.21(TUE) “荻窪サイケデリック”幻惑、反復、Rock'n'Roll !” THE DEAD PAN SPEAKERS / 川口雅巳NEW ROCK SYNDICATE
2017.2.22(WED) 荻窪水曜劇場”We are Pataphysical Alchemist !” NASCA CAR(from OSAKA) / 魔術の庭 2017.2.23(THU) サボテンだらけの部屋”小泊村よ サラエヴォよ 目覚めたら応答せよ” 三上寛 / 鳥を見た 各日開場19:00 開演19:303日間通し券¥3000のみ 各日drinkのみで入場可 企画:club Doctor / Pataphysique Records / Purifiva / le sonimage records February 21, 2017 (TUE) @Ogikubo club Doctor THE DEAND PAN SPEAKERS / Kawaguchi Masami New Rock Syndicate February 22, 2017 (WED) @Ogikubo club Doctor NASCA CAR / Majutsu no Niwa February 23, 2017 (THU) @Ogikubo club Doctor Mikami Kan / Toriwomita open 19:00 start 19:30  These concerts have only 3days pass ticket(3000yen+drink order). 光りは東京荻窪から! 集結せよ、結集せよ、総員荻窪Doctorに集結結集せよ!其処は医者?Y~E~S、FEELGOOD ! のオイシャ様さ。FEELGOODなもの、FEELGOODなもの….そいつはDrug?Y~E~S、最高のDrugさ。もう666ならぬ純度999、ピュア極まりないヤツさ!裏取引しようぜ、へへへ、裏取引しようぜ、へへへ、へへへ、へへへ…最高のDrug「音楽」ってヤツをな、ホモのお巡りさん。俺はブラックリストに載っているのかい?Y~E~S、よく御存知だな、全くその通りさ、「音楽は、万人によって作られなければならない、決して一人でではない」からな。よーく覚えておいといた方が良いぜ!だから、おまえら皆全て、既にとっくにブラックリスト入りに決まっているだろうが?何の為の?鈍いね!おまえらミュージシャンってヤツらは。決まってるだろ?「自由な表現を試み、愛する者達」のさ。お巡りさんは「自由」ってヤツが大嫌いなのさ。 Ach! Pfui ! … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … まあ、いいや、そんな輩はとっとと放っておいて、さあ、皆さん、我々と楽しい楽しい「裏取引」始めませんか?素敵な音楽差し上げますよ。もう一回言うよ、「裏取引」始めませんか?素敵な音楽差し上げますよ。 へへへ、へへへ、へへへ、ヘへへ、へへへ、へへへ、へへへ、へへへ、へへへも一つついでにへへへのへ…、へ! 裏取引は唯一の正常な交換行為である! Ach! Pfui ! こーの「自同律の不快」めが!もう…. そんなあなたに首ったけよ! 2016年12月末日 福岡林嗣
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newmasterpiece · 5 years ago
[nmpMIXTAPE017] hitachtronics / New Masterpiece Label Mix #1
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NewMasterpieceの2020年初配信は、主宰による本レーベル設立から6年と前身同人サークルのリリース含めた10年分の音源オンリーミックスです。 ”新蒸気波要点ガイド”で本レーベルの名前を知った方への入門編、いままでのリスナーの方々には改めてアーカイブ再確認用にお聴きください��
The first release of <NewMasterpiece> in 2020 is 6 years exclusive mix of own label's Tracks. Listen as introduction to <NewMasterpiece> in "新蒸気波要点ガイド”.
Listen:Mixcloud//////// Download////////
released 1 January 2020 CAT: [nmpMIXTAPE017] fee: FREE DOWNLOAD (mp3/320kbps)
1. 豊平区民TOYOHIRAKUMIN/無題7 (Golden Living Room remix) [nmpDATA033] 2. BoogieIdol × ΔKTR/The Sun-Drug [nmpDATA010] 3. SUNTRA/Giraffatitan [nmpDATA038] 4. takuya/After the Gaggae [nmpDATA043] 5. Nasca Car/Bristol [nmpDATA043] 6. さよひめぼう/レゲエ110番LaserDiscシステム図鑑  [nmpDATA040] 7. さよひめぼう/West End Girls [nmpDATA040] 8. ヘントナー大佐/雲の見る夢 [nmpDATA001] 9. tokyo kabuki boys/skit 1 (ambient1) [nmpDATA053] 10. WOODMAN/オモチが来た道をゆくおもち [VHSDISC003/nmpDATA050] 11. tanaka scat/(Do you remenber) aquarium'92 [nmpDATA053] 12. NO喫茶/Dear Drivelight [nmpDATA051] 13. Kuknacke/Fisherman's Wharf! [VHSDISC001] 14. DJ消しゴムはんこ/Playground [nmpDATA053] 15. ヘントナー大佐/昨日 [nmpDATA017]
Mixed, Artwork by hitachtronics
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daytona500live2017-blog · 8 years ago
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 Watch Daytona 500 Live Stream, The Great American Race,enjoy from here 2017 NASCAR 59th Daytona 500 Live Daytona 500 Live Stream 2017 NASCAR 500 Live Daytona 500 Live Stream 2017 TV Info of NASCAR 500 Live Online.   Daytona 500 Live http://daytona500live.org/ Online, Stream, 2017 Daytona Online Streaming, TV Coverage,Daytona 500, NASCAR 2017, Daytona 500 Live Stream on February 26 with HD Quality Video Laptops, Mac, Tablets, SmartPhones,iPhone, iPad, iPod.      
  Date & Time: Sunday, February 26 at 2:00pm ET                                     Place: Daytona Beach, Florida, United States                                         Broadcasting: daytona500live.org
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martine-luc · 6 years ago
8ème jour - Mercredi 16/01 - Départ de Nasca pour Cusco en bus Cruz del Sur à 21h 50 (initialement prévu à 21h) pour 15 h de voyage.  Nous avons traversé des montagnes enneigées et à l'arrivée une belle découverte Cusco perchée à 3400m d'altitude. Une ville très animée car très touristique et c'est aussi le point de départ pour visiter la vallée sacrée des Incas et le Macchu Picchu.
Premier jour un peu difficile car les maux de tête et nausées sont là. ...
Un taxi nous a amenés à notre hôtel à 2 kms de la gare de bus toute en montée 😥
Après un bon repos, l'am nous sommes allés à pied depuis l'hôtel rejoindre la plaza de las Armas.  Le souffle nous manque un peu mais le dépaysement est total.
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anarchist-caravan · 6 years ago
Ni-Hao! - Look at that (Peach) - Gorgeous (2005)
“Japanese all-girl experimental punk band Ni Hao formed in Kyoto where the three initial members, twin bassists Yukari and Ariko, and drummer Reo, were at university, releasing their first homemade cassettes in 2000. The band carved a distinctive visual image for themselves, with each member adopting a color-coded stage name (Yukari Blue, Ariko Red, and Reo Green) and dressing accordingly when playing live. From the start, their sound drew comparisons with fellow Kansai experimentalists OOIOO, who shared Ni Hao's playful yet nonsensical vocal utterances from numerous female singers, as well as their often avant-garde song constructions, which had their roots in Yukari's studies of modern classical music. In 2001, Ni Hao and Fukuoka all-girl punk band Garorinz put out a self-released split album, and a CD-R EP in 2003, but it wasn't until 2004 that the group made their official debut, with the mini-albums Blue and Red both released in the same year on indie label UMMO Records and produced by Folk Enough's Inoue Shuichi, who had earlier recorded the debut album of Yukari's other band, Limited Express (Has Gone?). The following year saw increasing recognition for Ni Hao, with tours of Australia and South Korea, the release of Red Blue Green, a compilation of the first two mini-albums on Australia's Tenzenmen label, and full-length debut Gorgeous on Tzadik in the United States following shortly after. After this, the band started experimenting with a new direction, with Yukari occasionally playing drums and Ariko and Reo switching to synthesizers. It was this more new wave/techno-pop influenced sound that was on display with the 2006 album and DVD New Hao, released through Japanese indie label Poet Portraits. Reo left the group in 2007, joining Kansai indie supergroup Ultra Jr. and new wave band Nasca Car, and continuing to play with power pop band Mamastudio. Yukari and Ariko continued to perform as a two-piece incarnation of Ni Hao, moving in a more punk and hardcore-influenced direction. “
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all2collectmore · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RARE 90s sealed NASCAR 3M Limited Edtion Collector’s shirt Compressed Car Shape.
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noisefliers · 6 years ago
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What an amazing band Grind Orchestra were! This was a killer album, and they were phenomenal live, though I only got to see them twice, I think. Yet another outgrowth of the Boredoms family tree, when vocalist Yoshikawa left he formed Grind Orchestra folks like Nakaya from Nasca Car, Tatekawa from Hanadensha, and others.
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perou-bolivie · 7 years ago
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Encore une journée bien chargée ! Réveil aux aurores direction nasca afin d'admirer depuis un coucou les fameuses "lignes de nasca". Ce sont des lignes "creusées" dans le sol en -600 avant JC qui donnent lieu à de nombreuses hypothèses quant à leur utilité : - pour certains elles représentaient des signes astrologiques, - pour d'autres elles servaient à prier les dieux afin de rapporter de l'eau dans la région, - et enfin de signes extraterrestres servant de pistes d'atterrissage aux vaisseaux ............. Après une attente intense en raison du temps (3h) nous avons pu monter dans nos coucous équipés de sacs en cas de vomito ... et nous n'avons pas du tout été déçus car les sensations ont été à la hauteur de leur réputation ! Nous avons été deux (Léa et moi même ....) à ressortir blanche et jaune-verte mais cela sans vomi !!! Après un déjeuner dans un restaurant typique nous voila de retour à Ica à bord de notre super taxi conduit par Luís. À l'intérieur nous avons profité d'une nouvelle forme de musique, "aller-je-mixe-des-musiques-super-ensemble-et-j'en-fais-quelque-chose-de-pas-top-top" ou aussi "globiboulga" ... ainsi on a profité de Remix de oasis et Green day en même temps ... nous n'avions pas les mots et laissions donc place aux rires. En tout cas nous sommes bien rentrés à Ica et nous attendons notre bus de nuit pour aller à Arequipa. La suite au prochain épisode ... Doux baisers, EP
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automaticvr · 7 years ago
Any and all professional work showcased was a group effort. I only listed specific aspects in which I contributed to the projects. Audio: Niky Nine by Road Breakdown: Isaac - Personal Concept By: David Ardinaryas Lojaya https://ift.tt/2JeGydl This was my submission for Artstation's Wild West Game Character Art challenge in which I was responsible for all 3D aspects of the character. Sculpted in zBrush and retopoed in Topogun with the revolver being modeled in 3DS Max. All texturing was done in Substance Painter with a little assistance from Photoshop after I baked maps out of Marmoset Toolbag. Lighting and rendering was also dont in Marmoset. Angie - Personal Concept By: Angie Nasca https://ift.tt/2KYHLuh This is a personal project in which I was responsible for all 3D aspects of the character. Sculpted in zBrush, retopoed in Topogun, unwrapped in 3D Studio Max, textured in Substance Painter & rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3. Skater Girl - Personal Concept By: Luigi Lucarelli https://ift.tt/2GS2PAR This is a personal project in which I was responsible for all 3D aspects of the character. Sculpting was done in zBrush with retopo done in Topogun. Unwrapped in Maya and textured in Substance Painter. The base textures and grass are from Megascans. Lighting and rendering was done in Marmoset Toolbag 3. AMG Tech Videos - Professional All Things Media LLC. Client: Mercedes Benz https://ift.tt/2GBQqh0 I was responsible for complete lighting and texturing of the shots shown in 3D Studio Max. I also render wrangled in Deadline Monitor for numerous shots across four different videos. AMG Powerwall - Professional All Things Media LLC. Client: Mercedes Benz https://ift.tt/2GUVIaw Each car and component in this application uses original CAD files that I assisted in sorting, shading, lighting, and animating. I rigged numerous components and animated them based off of provided scripts. All prep work is done in 3D Studio Max with final importing and shader creation in Unity. I also helped train new hires on the workflow for both vehicles and components. Cadillac Virtual Reality - Professional All Things Media LLC. Client: Cadillac https://ift.tt/2GCJVKM I was responsible for helping create an efficient process for rendering ambient occlusion maps for all vehicle parts. I also assisted in sorting and prepping vehicle CAD files for import into Unity. Creation of shaders specifically for car paints, wheels, and interiors. I also helped with environment UVing, light map painting and texture adjustments. Abandoned Playground - Personal https://ift.tt/2GVtqwU This environmental scene was modeled and assembled in 3D Studio Max with texturing done in Substance Painter. For the foliage, I used SpeedTree in combination with Megascans and distributed it with Forest Pack. It was rendered in vRay and composited in Nuke.
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kpep · 7 years ago
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⇢ Pairing: Park Jimin / Reader
⇢ Word Count: 467
⇢ Genre: Angst
⇢ Basis: (x)
“I missed you. Where were you the past few days?” Jimin asked.
She didn’t answer.
She still looked as beautiful as when they first met. She was wearing a white dress tinged with blue. It touches the white tiles, but she has no difficulties walking in it, she seems to glide even. Her straight brown hair goes past her midriff, and flows as if blown by the wind. Her kind eyes are melancholic, and she smiles like it’s her last.
She stood up from his bed, and tugged his arms so he would stand up with her. She snapped her fingers, and he heard a beautiful Aria echo from the background. It was Sempre Libera from the opera La Traviata, her favourite opera.
[Violetta:]                                                       [Violetta:]
Sempre libera degg´io                                    Free and aimless I frolic folleggiare di gioia in gioia,                            From joy to joy, vo´che scorra il viver mio                                Flowing along the surface pei sentieri del piacer.                                    Of life’s path as I please. Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia,                  As the day is born, sempre lieta ne´ ritrovi,                                  Or as the day dies, a diletti sempre nuovi                                     Happily I turn to the new delights,     dee volare il mio pensier                                 That make my spirit soar.
[Alfredo:]                                                        [Alfredo:]         Amor è palpito dell´universo intero,               Love is a heartbeat throughout the universe, misterioso, altero,                                           mysterious, altering, croce e delizia al cor.                                      The torment and delight of my heart.
[Violetta:]                                                       [Violetta:] Oh! Oh! Amore!                                              Oh! Oh! Love! Follie! Gioir!                                                    Madness! Euphoria!
As the lyrics of Sempre Libera roll out into the 4 corners of the room, Jimin danced with her. He was still graceful as he twisted and turned, pulling his body into positions only dancers can perfect. He laughed as he took her arms in his and danced a slow waltz with her.
He was better these days. His hallucinations were less than before, he didn’t scream at the dead hours of the night, and he didn’t seem to be as catatonic as when he first came in.
You watched him through the glass dance as if with a partner. You watched him dance in delight like a child. You smiled sorrowfully because you know who it is that he sees.
You know that he can never see you. It wouldn’t be good for him, because you look just like her. Your heart ached for him, and what has happened to him. He couldn’t cope up with your twin’s death–he blamed himself for watching her take her last breath and not be able to do anything as he was stuck in the car seat when a truck crashed their car. A month after your twin’s death, Jimin was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It has been 3 years since then.
All you can do is watch him through the glass like a shadow.
admin ren
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newmasterpiece · 7 years ago
[nmpDATA043] VA / Reggae For Airports: Central
リアーナも「犬にでも聴かせる気?」と大絶賛!? 話題の #エアポートレゲエ、なんと25組参加の2枚セットで堂々登場。 ブリストルからキングストンまで、快適な(架)空の旅をお楽しみください。
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released 8 November 2017 CAT: [nmpDATA043] fee: FREE DOWNLOAD
1. 越谷バンバー太 - This sounds like a reggae song at an airport /07:00 2. Franz Snake - airport reggae pt.1 /03:59 3. TEACHI - Welcome! /04:25 4. Gimgigam - Tamuning /03:18 5. fanta_and_vision - airport’90 /05:54 6. CPA BOYZ - AirportDeCPA /05:00 7. inumoto - Airport_code_DUB /05:09 8. takuya - After the Gaggae /04:36 9. Nasca Car - Bristol /04:03 10. Seaketa - 搭乗口が分からない /05:01 11. YASUHIRO MORI - Islands /03:54 12. 中南海航空 - 祝祭日のみ休みなさい /01:30 13. Franz Snake - airport reggae pt.1 (dubwised by T2R) /03:18
Compile & Jacket Work by hitachtronics
Reggae For Airports: Central by New Masterpiece (V.A.)
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