#rin's coffee adventures
zhongrin · 5 months
sg-based peeps, any recommendations for coffee beans blends? my stock is running low 🙂‍↕️
my usual go-to blends mainly has caramel/chocolate/sweet tones, medium roast, mostly balanced acidity + bitterness, and i love a good aromatic explosion in my face lol
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
April Fools Year 3: Past and Future
TL;DR: Everyone has been transported into one of two mysterious, seemingly inescapable SEKAI: a prehistoric forest with ruins and dinosaurs, or a futuristic city with tech and aliens. They split up into groups to survive and find a way home.
In the Past? SEKAI,
Team Survival Masters consists of Shiho, Airi, Nene, Kanade, and MMJ Len. They set up base camp and prepare delicious meals for the others.
Team Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest consists of Ichika, An, Ena, and L/n MEIKO. They brave the wilderness to collect materials and food.
Team We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! consists of Minori, Toya, Tsukasa, and MMJ Miku. As long as they keep high spirits, nothing will stop them from finding the way back home.
In the Future? SEKAI,
Team Relief Space Cafe consists of Honami, Shizuku, Mafuyu, and n25 Luka. They serve coffee at the place where everyone can rest.
Team NicoNico☆Food Search consists of Saki, Kohane, Emu, Mizuki, and WxS Rin. They try and find food while befriending aliens.
Team Here and There in the Futuristic City consists of Haruka, Akito, Rui, and VBS KAITO. This chaotic yet responsible team searches for the way back home.
Full fan translation (Project Sekai in English)
This summary is currently a work in progress. Area conversations will be added periodically.
Upon login, Miku asks you to join her in exploring two special SEKAI of the past and the future.
None of those transported to the Past? SEKAI know how they got there. The same happens in the Future? SEKAI. All the units cross each others soon after arriving and decide to team up to survive together. They'd decided to split into base camp/rest, food searching, and exit-searching teams.
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Survival Masters Cover: Setsuna Trip
Kanade and Nene greet VBS Rin, MMJ Len, and n25 KAITO. Nene's extremely intimidated by KAITO's harsh demeanor. She questions if she did something wrong, but Kanade explains he's just like that.
Shiho greets Airi, WxS MEIKO, and L/n Luka. Airi leads the group based on her past variety show experience. Luka divides up material gathering roles, impressing MEIKO and Airi. Neither of them are used to a reliable Luka. Luka offers her lap when MEIKO expresses loneliness without her sleepy one.
Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest Cover: Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story
An, Ena, and Ichika make a fishing rod out of sticks and strings. Ichika realizes they need bugs or worms as bait, but all three are too scared to look. n25 Miku finds a bunch of worms under a rock and picks them up without hesitation.
L/n MEIKO leads Ena, MMJ KAITO and VBS Luka search for water. Ena's a bit frustrated by how easy-going Luka is in such a strange scenario. KAITO explains how it's cool to get to experience nature, and Ena reluctantly agrees that it would be great for references. She's also extremely thrown off by how nice these Virtual Singers are.
We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! Cover: Booo!
Tsukasa prepares the members of the Pegasus Exploration Party. L/n Rin wants them all to get cool nicknames and form an adventure huddle. Minori tries her best to get n25 MEIKO to join. She's forced to put her hand in the middle, but doesn't cheer.
The Pegasus Exploration Team has been searching for some time now. WxS Luka had fallen asleep, so Tsukasa yells for her to wake up. The scream ended up startling a dinosaur, who begins to chase them. Toya leads them to hide in an ancient ruin.
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Relief Space Cafe Cover: Meru
Shizuku suggests checking out a place she'd seen earlier. She tries backtracking based on the signs she'd seen, but Mafuyu points out they change color. MMJ Rin asks Shizuku to hold her hand, pretending she's nervous. She just doesn't want Shizuku to get lost.
Mafuyu finds a malfunctioning robot. Shizuku tries to help it out by clicking a button, accidentally triggering a self-defense mode. Everyone panics, but Mafuyu calmly tells it to stop. WxS KAITO notices something off in her demeanor when she said it, though.
Honami, L/n Miku, VBS MEIKO, and n25 Luka explore the back alleys. Luka teases Miku about being a senpai figure, but only MEIKO realizes the intent. Honami praises Miku.
NicoNico☆Food Search Cover: Alien Alien
Emu, Mizuki, and MMJ MEIKO head off on their food search with a wonderhoy, but n25 Len isn't quite sure what to do. Mizuki and Emu teach him how to do it. They do it one more time, this time with Len.
The group finds an octopus-like alien. Emu tries copying the alien speech, but it comes out like nonsense. The alien responds, to everyone's surprise. The alien then copies back Emu's wonderhoy.
Here and There in the Futuristic City Cover: Devil's Manner
Akito wants to leave the Future? SEKAI as soon as possible, but Rui and WxS Miku are too distracted by the futuristic technology. Miku keeps getting the number of "no"s in Akito's name wrong.
VBS KAITO thinks he saw an alien, but L/n Len and n25 Rin don't belive him. KAITO's thrown off by how different the two are here.
Haruka uses her idol charm on an alien. (There's likely more to this interaction, but the translation was cut off.)
Rui explains his exploration drone to L/n Len. He offers over the controller. Akito asks if n25 Rin wants to join since she looks curious, but she denies it since that's "just playing around". Akito asks for the controller for the spare drone and explains how it would help. Rin caves and takes the controller.
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zumicho · 4 months
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𝜗𝜚 LIKES — mcu/marvel movies, gilmore girls, the oc, modern family, gravity falls, adventure time, gracie abrams, daniel caesar, dark chocolate, letterboxd (boo 🍅), rainstorms, studio ghibli, iced coffee, electric guitar, wes anderson films & florence pugh
𝜗𝜚 DISLIKES — politics, bean sprouts, people who aren't self aware, waiting in lines, nonfiction /hj
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♥︎ ! ! °⋆ REE’S ROSTER
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whisperofthehxart · 1 year
You’re On Your Own
Late Spring 1/?
Warnings: no rin only pompompurin
Word Count: ~3300
By twenty-three you’ve graduated from university and have found a cushy office job in Shibuya.
With adulthood you’ve settled into a nice routine:
Mornings include a stop to your favorite coffee shop two blocks away from your train stop. Work goes from 8:30 am until 5:43 pm, after which you go to the gym, you catch the 7:04 pm train home. Dinner is a lonesome affair where you always cook enough to pack for lunch the next day.
On some weekdays there are invitations to go out with your coworkers or an old college friend that has come into town.
Saturdays are designated ‘adventure days’ picking a new spot to explore spot in the city. It provides equal opportunity to people watch and spend time alone (unless you’ve gone out of your way to invite a friend to join).
It’s how you find yourself playing arcade games and attempting (and succeeding) to beat the highest scores of whatever game you find interesting. You’re currently halfway through your fourth game (only 536 points short of the high score) when you see two figures a few machines down.
Approaching the next level of your game, you opt to ignore them. Until they come closer, that is.
They’ve each taken presence at your shoulders, peering over at your progress.
They must think themselves unnoticeable and are likely waiting for you to lose before speaking to you.
Undeterred, you confront them while still moving the joycons in the correct order.
“Can I help you?”
“Sorry to bother you —” the one on your left starts.
“It was you, wasn’t it,” his friend cuts him off.
“You’ll have to be more specific,” your last word punctuated by the mashing of a button.
You’ve beaten the high score with your last move and decide to stop playing.
“You’re ‘PRIN’.”
His tone lame and bored, pulls a smile out of you. You recall the previous first place usernames of the few games you’ve played.
“You must be ‘BONO’, nice to meet you,” you tease finally turning around to face both boys.
Bono stares at you as if you’ve grown a second head, while Bono’s friend looks at least slightly embarrassed.
“It’s actually supposed to be ‘PURIN’ for Pompompurin, but you know.”
You shrug your shoulders in explanation and follow up with your name, properly introducing yourself.
“I’m Isagi and this—,” the one formerly on your left gestures over to Bono,“is Nagi.”
Bono cuts straight to the chase.
“Well Purin, it’s the first time I see your name around here. What are you up to?”
You can’t help but snort.
Is he serious?
“Well, clearly I’m conspiring to dethrone you,” your tone is teasing and light.
You explain that it’s your first time at the arcade and you’re enjoying a day off.
And Bono realizes that you aren’t a serious gamer and are no threat to the rest of his standings.
He simply hums in response.
Isagi’s shoulders have dropped, relaxing after he sees that you’ve not taken offense to his friend’s attitude.
“How did you get so good at them?” Isagi asks.
“A college friend of mine was pretty into coding video games, old and new. Taught me to identify patterns.”
That piques Nagi’s interest, he’d never thought of approaching his games from a coding perspective.
A lull in the conversation settles before Nagi breaks it.
“Yoichi, you can go ahead and get lunch without me.”
“Um, but we’re supposed to meet up with the rest of —”
“Tell them I’ll be late.”
Frustration crosses the blue-eyed boy’s face.
“You promised last time it wouldn’t happen next time. This is next time.”
You’re a spectator to what might be one of the oddest interactions in human history.
“No, we already agreed.”
It’s like watching a parent explain to a young child why they can’t have a toy.
Isagi sighs.
Nagi pouts as he pulls his phone out of pocket and throws his phone in your direction.
You barely manage to catch it as you stare at it.
Another sigh escapes Isagi along with a, “fucking hell”.
Now it’s your turn to stare at Bono as if he’s grown a second head.
“What am I supposed to with this?”
The full grown man before you stomps his foot and crosses his arms, shyly looking away.
“Can I have your number?’
Isagi looks as shocked as you feel.
You’re not quite sure what is it that possesses you to agree, but you do.
“Um, sure.”
“Just put in your contact info, I’ll put you under Pompompurin.”
You hand Nagi his phone, a smile on both of your faces.
Isagi, pulled out of his confused stupor checks the time.
“We better get going. It was nice to meet you.”
“Likewise Isagi.”
Both men turn around and walk out, before you’re out of earshot Nagi shouts back.
“See you around, Purin.”
You can only respond in kind.
“Bye Bono!”
You exchange short texts with Nagi throughout the next two weeks.
You learn several things during this time:
1. It is confirmed, that while Pompompurin does in fact best suits your personality; Gudetama best fits Nagi.
2. Nagi is least likely to respond while you’re commuting to work, but most likely to respond once you’re on your way home. He says that while you’re going to work, he’s managed to fit in his workout and is taking his first nap of the day.
3. Nagi, though seemingly lazy and unmotivated, has a competitive streak so fierce that you can’t help but admire him for it.
and most importantly,
4. Nagi wants your help to destroy all the 2-player arcade game records that he hasn’t been able to beat.
It’s such a funny idea, you can’t help but agree.
You meet Nagi the following Saturday, he wastes no time directing you over to the first game.
Little to no conversation is shared between you. Anything that slips is a compliment or a suggestion.
You lose the game the first three times. On the fourth attempt, the two of you have synced up your in-game movements.
It takes nearly an hour, but you both finally achieve the high score.
“What’s our team name going to be?”
You think for a second.
“How about ‘GUDEPRIN’?”
Lazy pudding.
Nagi punches in the name in agreement.
For three months Saturdays and Sundays have become dedicated for hanging out with Nagi.
Occasionally, Isagi drops by with a second friend of theirs to whisk him away for some other planned meeting. On such days, you leave ready to follow some other possible adventure (or the scent of food if you’re hungry).
However, today is different.
Isagi and his friend, who has introduced himself as Bachira, linger as you play with Nagi.
You chalk it up to the oncoming summer heat, Isagi and Bachira must be seeking refuge from the sun.
Conversation flows between four of you and you finally gather to courage to ask, “How d’you all meet each other?”
A look is shared between them.
“Club sport,” their voices in unison.
“Ah, so you all kept it up after college?”
Isagi is the first one to respond, “Something like that.”
“What spo—”
Nagi cuts you off.
“We ought to head out.”
The transition pulls you away, yet you take note of the suspicious nature.
“Of course, see you next week?”
The question is directed for all of them.
“Actually… Purin,” Bachira sweetly speaks “wanna join us for a meal?”
“When exactly?”
“Right now, of course.”
It’s punctuated by such an innocent laugh that you almost believe there’s something reasonable about it
“I wouldn’t want to interfere.’
“No, it’s fine. It would just be us,” Isagi amends.
“Would’ya mind?”
Unsure if Nagi would be alright with your interference.
Nagi finally speaks up,“No, Reo pays anyways.”
Oh, okay. Thanks Reo (whoever you are).
Isagi spills the truth first.
The words bounce around the corners of your mind as you mull on the conversation while safely in the confines of your apartment.
“Blue Lock”
You elect to not search their names, you’re sure that if and when you do you’d most likely have to face some other reality about a past you left behind.
Some part of you feels like an idiot for not recognizing them.
Surely, you’d caught some glimmer of their face years ago.
However, Nagi hadn’t been exactly caught up on that.
“It’ve been such a hassle if you started acting differently.”
He was right, it would have.
Your phone pings from the other side of the couch, pulling you from your daze.
You don’t even to respond to find out who’s on the other end.
It’s Bachira. 
You see Nagi, Isagi, and Bachira only a handful of times after the reveal.
Eventually, they leave to Europe for their pre-season training.
You return to your previous weekend schedule of exploring Tokyo. Sometimes passing by the arcade if you’re in the area (you tell yourself it's just to make sure you’re holding on to your rankings).
Maybe you miss your new friends a bit more than you let on.
“It’s a practice match.”
You hum along to Bachira’s comments over the group facetime.
“In Spain then?”
“Germany,” Isagi chimes.
“That’s what makes it so great, you’d come and see us all!”
Bachira seems delighted at the prospect while Nagi doesn’t say anything at all. You can see his phone in hand at the corner of his screen.
With golden week approaching, the game perfectly coincides with your time off.
The idea sits in the air for a moment.
“I’ll think about it, just give me-”
“Purin, what’s your legal name.”
Was Nagi even paying attention to the conversation?
You respond before continuing your half-assed excuses.
“I might have some things to catch up on.”
“We understand, we thought we might extend the offer anyways.”
Your phone vibrates on your desk, you glance at the new email notification.
Your slack jaw must be a bit more obvious than you’d want.
Bachira and Isagi are about to voice their concerns.
“Reo paid.”
And once they see your pout, the dots connect.
Bachira cheers, Isagi laughs, and Nagi continues playing on his phone.
“D’you know much about soccer?”
Isagi and you are in the stands waiting for Nagi and two of his teammates.
“Mmm, yeah a bit. I was really into it before high school.”
Of course, you want to tell him about the piles of jerseys in your parents’ house and your collectible cards that you started collecting around five. But that’s a can of worms you're not ready to open.
“What made you stop?”
“Oh, well. It was just a bit hard to keep up with.”
It’s not technically a lie.
“What about you, what made you such an ‘egoist’?”
You’d heard the term tossed around by Bachira once and decided to give it a try.
Isagi seems surprised at your question, but it brings a smile on his face.
“Blue Lock. I met so many amazing people. It just makes me want more and more.”
The far off lock in his eyes a clear indicator that he’s shifted off to some specific memory.
Part of you is jealous.
Jealous not of his success, but his courage to follow after his desire and his ability to keep up with it.
“That’s very admirable ‘sagi.”
The moment ends when Nagi finally comes along trailing after who you assume to be Reo and Chigiri.
Reo and Chigiri introduce themselves.
“And this is Purin,” Nagi speaks before you even have the chance to open your mouth.
Bono is only saved by the fact that the teams have walked onto the field.
Watching Bachira play is indescribable.
You feel your heart thrumming in your chest and chills flare on your arms.
“He’s good, right?” Chigiri’s question is redundant.
You dumbly nod your head along.
His aura is childlike but sophisticated. His play style is chaotic and free; somehow it all makes sense.
He’s a monster.
You must say it out loud because Chigiri is soon laughing, “Something like that.”
When was the last time you’d been so excited?
After returning to your hotel room that night, you lie awake in bed for hours staring at the ceiling until the first rays of sun begin to filter through the room.
The return home is lackluster.
You soon pick up your regular schedule and meet with your college friend, Aoi, who asks you about your recent vacation.
You show her the photos of your tourist visits, describe the foreign foods, and mention the game.
Aoi points out that she’s never seen you so excited about something.
“Not when you found out that Daisuke liked you back,”
“when your project got picked for that conference”
“not even when you won that raffle for a trip to that fancy ryokan!”
You grumble at her ability to recall such specific moments.
Back off my case, I wasn’t that bad.
“But, I’m happy for you.”
Aoi’s words make you feel lighter, the smile on her face proof of her genuineness.
As winter approaches, you’re beginning to have to hound off your parents’ calls.
With some experience you know the line of questioning usually starts innocent enough. Usually something along the lines of:
“Have you been well?”
“I am, how about you two?”
They’ll ignore your response before following up with more questions.
“When will you next visit?”
“Once I’m on winter holiday, I might also be able to take off an extra day or two.”
Which will then lead into more dangerous territory:
“Are you and Daisuke back together?”
“No, we haven’t talked in quite a bit.”
And after the reminder they’ll transition to something else.
“I see, well are you dating anyone?”
“Oh, okay.”
Your parents’ objective is not to judge, but it seems that they’ve just never known the right questions to ask.
So, when you blindly answer your phone on a Sunday evening you make the mistake of assuming it could only be your mother on the other end.
“Mom, can I get back to you? I’m doing laundry and my hands are kinda full right now.”
Once you hear the laughter you heave a sigh of relief.
“Sorry about that ‘sagi, thought it was my mom.”
He’s half-chuckling when he responds.
“No worries, sorry if I scared you,” his teasing tone indicating he might understand your situation.
“A little, but I’ll live. What’s up?”
With that Isagi shares his proposal for a New Years get together.
“We all miss you and there’s some others who’d like to meet you.”
“Oh, um sure. In Tokyo?”
He confirms your suspicions.
“I can send more information after Christmas.”
When you finally arrive to your parent’s home, the winter sun has begun to set and you can see your breath come out in small puffs as you wait on the porch for your parents to open the door.
It’s your father that opens it for you, greeting you and pulling you inside and away from the elements. A short second is provided to put down your bags and remove your shoes and coat before he’s hugging you.
You slowly take it all in.
If the scent down the hall is anything to go by, your mother has made your favorite meal.
Your father mumbles his greetings and squeezes you a bit harder for just a second.
Once you finally pull away, your father kindly informs you that you have guests. It’s only then that you count the three extra pairs of shoes by the entrance.
“They’ll be happy to see you, it’s been quite some time.”
He’s smiling, both glad to see you and surprise you.
Your father has you lead the way almost as if knowing that you’d turn and run depending on the faces you see.
Your only option must be to act as nonchalant as possible.
“Mom, I’m home.”
You announce, your voice carrying throughout your home.
You can hear her cheer from the living room. Similar to your father, you're hardly given the chance to take in your surroundings before she’s pulled you into a warm hug. One which you return with equal gusto.
Despite her company, she presses a kiss to your forehead (just as she did when you were a child).
And when she pulls away, you see them. The Itoshi family… minus Rin.
You’ve not seen the Itoshi parents in nearly two years when your own parents had planned a small celebration for your hiring. Sadly, you had to move into your new apartment sooner than expected. All you had was a few minutes to greet them before having to say goodbye in the same conversation.
Time, however, has not changed the smiles they wear when looking at you. Before you know it, both mother and father pull you in for another set of hugs.
And Sae.
Well, you hadn’t heard from him since you were twelve.
The last time you saw him was when you watched his U-20 matches, right before you and Rin stopped talking.
And here he is, just 3 feet away from you.
Why is he here?
Why didn’t he ever call?
Did he know what happened?
Did he ever actually care?
You have so many questions.
“You’ve grown.”
It’s the only thing you can manage to say.
He smirks and raises an eyebrow almost as if asking you, “Really, is that all you have?”
“So have you.”
The Itoshi family is invited to stay over for dinner. Conversation is guided by the parents’, each set taking their turn to pull their children in.
And it seems that its your turn in the hot seat when your mother mentions your name and your trip to Germany.
The Itoshis all seem equally intrigued.
“Oh, yes. I went to visit some friends during golden week.”
“What did you do?” Mrs. Itoshi is eager to hear about your adventures.
“The usual tourist activities. Visited the gardens, museums, and a few restaurants.”
Mr. Itoshi takes a turn, “Was it college friends then?”
“No, I’ve erm—” you trip on your own words, “I’ve some new friends that work abroad.”
You’d mentioned Nagi and company to your parents, but you’d never actually told them that they were professional players in the European league.
“Catch any games?”
Sae has his head resting on his palm while he asks. It must be a mandatory punchline for someone so obsessed with sport.
“I did.”
His eyes widen ever so slightly. Why was he so surprised?
“I was invited by a few friends to watch the FC Barca game. And so, I went.”
Sae’s head no longer rests on his hand, he’s intently looking at you.
You continue to address the rest of the table, “Nagi, my friend, is actually a professional player and we were there to support a friend of ours.”
Something akin to recognization flits through everyone’s eyes.
A shroud of silence fills the room.
You’re sure it’ll suffocate you —
“That’s so sweet of you!”
Mrs. Itoshi saves the day.  
Your families decide to take tea after their meal.
“I can get everything ready,” you offer taking any excuse to step away and breathe.
You’re halfway to the kitchen when you hear Sae speak up.
“I’ll go help.”
As you maneuver around the kitchen in silence Sae catches up and leans against the counter opposite you.
You’re reaching for your mom’s favorite teapot on the second shelf when he decides to speak up.
“You haven’t spoken to Rin in some time.”
It nearly slips from your fingers.
You stare at the intricate patterns on the teapot in your hands for a second.
“Does it matter?”
Your question is sincere.
You measure out the leaves now.
Out of the corner of his eye you can see him shrug.
“Just figured you’d keep each other around.” 
While I wasn’t there.
It’s not difficult to the read between the lines.
“I thought so too,” you confess.
You pour the hot water into the tea pot now and organize the set so it all fits on the tray.
And as you walk out you remind Sae, “We don’t always get what we want.”
That same night Rin is packing his bags for his trip to Japan when he receives a text from his brother.
‘you’re an idiot’
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vasheden · 5 months
Rinkah Bajhiri
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A.K.A.: Rin, to friends. She’s pretty strict on casual acquaintances and strangers using her whole name.
Age: 29
Nameday: 10th sun of the third umbral moon (which is 6/9, completely accidentally)
Race: Keeper of the Moon miqo’te, 1/4 hrothgar
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual and demiromantic
Profession: Mercenary, alchemist
Physical Aspects-
Hair: Very dark green that looks black except in the light. Slightly longer than shoulder length, usually kept braided or tied out of the way.
Eyes: Pale silver, almost white. Reflect light and seem to almost shine even in daytime.
Skin: Grey skin with black tabby markings all over
Tattoos/Scars: Healed gouges across her nose and left eye, several healed stab wounds in her stomach and back, tattered ears
Parents: Never knew her dad. He was a wandering adventurer who hooked up with her mom and then went on his way. Her mom wasn’t great, but wasn’t terrible. She was mostly just there. Rinkah left her village at 14 and hasn’t seen or heard from her since.
Siblings: None that she knows about
Grandparents: None
In-Laws/Other: Drusilla and the lemures are the closest thing she has to a family. They took her in, saved her from the voidsent that was slowly killing her, and offered her a place in their family.
Pets: Taro the tiny tapir. He sleeps next to her and eats her nightmares.
Hand and Land: Rinkah is a very talented alchemist, if a little bit reckless. She was initially self-taught, making medicines, potions and other supplies that she could sell on the streets for less than the official prices. She got caught, but her work was good (and Severian hates menial tasks), so she got hired by the alchemist’s guild. She is also a decent botanist and miner, due to needing to gather her own materials.
Combat: Rogue and reaper. Her skill with her daggers carried her for a decade, until she encountered Drusilla. She recognized that a voidsent had been haunting Rinkah, and offered to teach her how to use it to her advantage.
Hobbies: She really enjoys painting, saving images of places she’s been so she can revisit them in some small way. She also really likes experimenting in the kitchen. She’s always on the lookout for interesting new ingredients and recipes to try.
Most Positive: Doggedly loyal to her friends, incredibly professional and keeps her word/contracts with employers
Most Negative: Hot-headed and distrusting. She doesn’t come around to liking folks easily and tends to keep very solid, very high walls up.
Colors: Black, mossy green, red
Smells: Fresh coffee, old books, the astringent smell of mixing chemicals
Textures: Well-worn wood, deerskin leather. Her house is full of very solid, cozy things.
Drinks: A nice cup of coffee, whiskey, green tea
Foods: She really loves the food from Doma and Hingashi. Her pantry is full of ingredients she stocked up on the last time she visited. She also really likes Ul’dahn comfort foods, like hearty mushroom stews.
Vices: Smokes like a chimney, prone to picking fights when she drinks too much. Has experimented with a lot of drugs (especially homemade ones), but doesn’t do any of them regularly
Mount Issuance: She has a motorcycle that she tinkers with sometimes, and an alkonost that she befriended. She was absolutely entranced by him when she first saw him in Kaia’s island paddock, and over time she won his trust. The day he let her climb on his back is a big contender for happiest day of her life.
Been Arrested: Yes, a couple of times. She got caught undercutting the alchemist’s guild and released into Severian’s service, and she’s been locked up overnight a few times after bar fights that got out of hand. She’s tried to stay on the Yellowjackets’ good side after starting work for Jacke, just because she doesn’t want to make any trouble for the rogues.
This has been in my drafts for so long, sorry about that @halikyon! I was also tagged by @elliewiltarwyn! I’m just gonna leave this an open tag for anyone who hasn’t seen this yet ☺️
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jezawitha-z · 7 months
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📍Rodriguez Nature Park • Kape Sinukuan • Arayat, Pampanga
This is what I wanted for a long time. I always want to reconnect with nature. I'm amazed by the calm trees, the sounds of birds and crickets, the fresh air, the long walks, the sunset, and the overlooking landscape.
They say this is gala but for me this is life. I'm living my life. This helps me to heal and to reset. I really enjoyed my own company with fascinating food, iced coffee, book, and the view. I couldn't ask for more.
Whenever I take pictures, I always compare it to the real one and I'm just like "iba pa rin sa personal" or maybe I just don't know how to get a good shot. That's why instead of taking more pictures of places that I've been to, I'm more into savoring the moment. I don't even have a selfie! Haha
Cheers for more adventures self, you got this!
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Matchups, Round One!
Botsun | beta Alice Yabusame (Your Turn to Die)
playable Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) | Vah Manta (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
life indicator rune | early concepts (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Termina Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) | Unicorn Fountain (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
cut dungeons (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) | The Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Courage
Yosuke Hanamura romance route (Persona 4) | devil Joker boss fight (Persona 2)
Moonjumper | Timmy (A Hat in Time)
Sand n Sails | Vanessa's manor third floor (A Hat in Time)
distilled emotions (Psychonauts 2) | Li-Po document (Psychonauts)
human woman (Star Fox 2) | Dinosaur Planet (Star Fox Adventures)
Michael Tutori (Wii Music) | fish render (Wii Party)
"like, half the game" (combined with cut levels of Monty Gator Golf) (Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach) | coconut.vtf (Team Fortress 2)
F-Stop | Cave Johnson cube (Portal 2)
Czar Dragon (Final Fantasy VI) | musketeer class (Final Fantasy XIV)
room_water_prebird (Undertale) | unused art (Undertale console versions)
twisted sword | everybody weapon (Deltarune)
unused Ralsei battle (Deltarune) | final boss battle backgrounds (Mother 3)
wolf howls | beast boy (Minecraft)
Rana | Steve and Black Steve (Minecraft)
beta Arceus | beta Giratina/Kimairan | ???-type Arceus (Pokémon Diamond/Pearl)
Pokémon Z | Paldean sea and skysphere (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet)
cut beta pokémon (combined with unused baby pokémon) (Pokémon Gold/Silver) | Kotora and Raitora (Pokémon Red/Green and Gold/Silver)
unused trade theme | Mew (Pokémon Red/Green)
Honey the Cat (Sonic the Fighters) | Tiara Boobowski (Sonic Xtreme)
good Cortex (split from Good Cortex and Evil Coco) | evil Coco (Crash Twinsanity)
8 beta colossi (combined with Spider colossus) (Shadow of the Colossus) | "Hot Coffee" minigame (NSFW) (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
backdash | ancient_bench (Hollow Knight)
extended Abyss | Pure Vessel dream nail dialogue (Hollow Knight)
the Aviary | Daylight Prairie invisible boat | early Isle of Dawn (split from the entirety of Sky: Light Awaits) (Sky: Children of the Light)
arms on the player characters (Journey) | Omori keyhole cutscene (OMORI)
original rabbit designs (Splatoon) | octoling backup dancers (Splatoon 2)
Singing Mountain (Chrono Trigger) | multiplayer sabre (Halo: Reach)
Selph/Self | robo NiGHTS (NiGHTS into Dreams)
fur (Wobbledogs) | Ancient Castle Spires (Neopets: The Darkest Faerie)
Dude (Hylics) | FN F2000 (Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades)
BomBom (Angry Birds) | Snick the Porcupine (Pizza Tower)
Golden Deer!Ashe (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) | Jagen death scene (Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light)
Laura Cruz (Tomb Raider) | Kale quest (Eldin Ring)
Dragon King: The Fighting Game (Super Smash Bros.) | Melee selected animations (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
Meteor Slime (Slime Rancher) | SNES CD-ROM (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
the original story (Bayonetta 3) | Kid Kirby
Bionis Shoulder (Xenoblade Chronicles) | pitcher plants (The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion)
Phoenix Wright heart eyes | early concept art (Ace Attorney)
cut character models | docks mission (Dreamfall Chapters)
Musa boss battle (Skeleton Boomerang) | the plot (Ace Combat 03: Electrosphere)
Starbeans café crossover cameos (Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga) | Bottles's Revenge (Banjo-Tooie)
Shipwreck Cove (MySims Kingdom) | MySims Agents 2
Shockwave (Genshin Impact) | doki17.mp3 (Doki-Doki Literature Club)
Satsuki Rin (Touhou Project: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) | anti-piracy measures (Higurashi: When They Cry)
elh (Luigi's Mansion) | Tramplin' Stu (Super Mario Sunshine)
cats (Super Paper Mario Korean version) | dragonhead flower (Super Mario Galaxy)
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daemonwritesstuff · 10 months
Short (No, LONG) introduction of your favorite writer (Me, Jaxrel) behind the screen! ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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My name(s): I’m usually called Jaxrel or Jax, but I also love being called by Himawari, Rin, Eden or Luke too! Whatever nickname is easy for you to call me by then go wild!
Identity: I use he/him pronouns, but I’m also cool with people using they/them pronouns on me as well, but I do like using more masculine pronouns for my comfort :,)
I have been professionally diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, BPD, Schizophrenia and OCD, I am a little bit more severe with my Autism (but not so high, ifykwim) so I may not understand a lot of social cues or tones in words or voices and etc, so just be mindful of this please and be kind to me and also everyone :)
I am a trans man, im pansexual, polyamorous, aromatic & asexual, I have a preference towards men more than woman (:
I’m Polish, Middle Eastern (Iraqi), & Filipino with some Scottish, I currently live in Baghdad, Iraq, I also live in America too.
Likes: Anthropology, zoology, pathology, theology, astronomy, writing, history/science, soccer, basketball, volleyball, art(painting, pottery, digital art, sketching, etc), cats, sharks, anime/manga, vocaloid/UTAU, k/j-pop, vkei, plushies, figurines, stuffed animals, puppetry, tabletop RPGS, gaming, rhythm games, documentaries, youtube, twitch, skateboarding, sweets, asian cuisine, iced coffee, boba tea, dancing, cleaning, musicals, collecting many things, rain, horror, and so much more!
Dislikes: hot weather, bitter tastes or smells, feeling restricted, pessimism.
Favorite Video Games: I do have a lot I play but here are the ones I really enjoy playing… Persona5(more), Danganronpa, OMORI, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Honaki Impact 3rd, Zenless Zero Zone, NieR: Automata, Hollow Knight, Final Fantasy 7, TWST, Obey Me!, Tears Of Themis, Mystic Messenger, Sally Face and more!
Favorite Animes: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bungo Stray Dogs, Vanitas no Carte, Jujustu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Blue Lock, Black Butler, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Revengers, TBHK, Toradora, Oshi No Ko, A Silent Voice, Doukyuusei, JJBA, Sk8 The Infinity, Food Wars, Assassination Classroom, Hunter X Hunter, Devilman Crybaby, Banana Fish, Serial Experiments Lain, Monster, Soul Eater, Magical Girl Madoka, Akudama Drive and more
Favorite Movies/Shows/Cartoons: Mean Girls, The Great Gatsby, Breaking Bad, Any Marvel Movies, AlRawabi School For Girls, Girl From Nowhere, Alice In Borderland, Stranger Things, Heartstopper, Breaking Bad, Total Drama Llama, South Park, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls & More
Other Media: Heavens Offical Blessing, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Cherry Crush, Creepypasta, The Mandela Catalog, SCP Foundation, Flicker (Roblox), Sanatorium (Roblox), The Walten Files, The Evillous Chronicles, Homestuck, Eddsworld, Nijisanji EN & more
Top Kins: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
Favorite Characters: Toji Fushiguro (Jujustu Kaisen), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Mondo Owada (Danganronpa 1), Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa 1), Blair (Soul Eater), Goro Akechi (Persona5), Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger), Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland), Mushitaro Oguri (Bungo Stray Dogs), Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs), Qi Rong (Heavens Offical Blessing, SORRY), Belphegor (Obey Me), Aponia (Honkai Impact 3rd), Mitsuri Kanoji (Demon Slayer), Enmu (Demon Slayer), Wriothesley (Genshin Impact), Neuvillette (Genshin Impact), Raiden Shogun/Ei (Genshin Impact), Takanobu Aone (Haikyuu), Willam Afton (Five Nights at Freddy’s), and more
Favorite Artists: ATEEZ, Stray Kids, LOONA, TXT, SHINee, Orange Caramel, Red Velvet, NewJeans, BIGBANG, (G)-IDLE, TWICE, Enhypen, LE SSERAFIM, Itzy, Wonder Girls, Perfume, Gackt, ATARASHII GAKKO, Yoasobi, BABYMETAL, Fuji Kaze, King Gnu, Arashi, Ado, Eve, Miki Matsubara, Tophamhat-kyo, Gulu gulu, Malice Mizer, DADAROMA, The GazettE, Kaneto-Juusei, Mejibray, Madmans Esprit, BUCK-TICK, X Japan, Korn, System Of A Down, Oingo Bingo, Puzzle, Strawberry Guy, Tyler The Creator, Lemon Demon, The Mountain Goats, Mitski, Mac Demarco, The Cure, The Smiths, The Garden, AJJ, TV Girl, Bôa, Current Joys, Eyedress, Car Seat Headrest, My Bloody Valentine, Alex G, Marina, Weezer, Radiohead, Cage The Elephant, Tame Impala, Playboi Carti, Deftones and more
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I’ll update this whenever I can! Hopefully you guys enjoy getting to know more about me (:
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geraniumplant · 8 months
🌸 Character Questions: 🌸
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🌸 The Basics: name: Genjo Sanzo the 31st of China (formally Kouryuu) age: 25 zodiac sign: Sagittarius one good trait: He keeps his promises. one bad trait: Aloof. 🌸 Habits: one bad habit: He tends to zone out alot. one good habit: Early riser. one habit they can’t break:  Addicted to nicotine. one they’ve broken: Playing with his hair. what they’re afraid of: Failure. 🌸 Family: their parents names: Rin Toku - father Kouran - mother Koumyou Sanzo - adopted father & master Son Goku - ward their siblings names: none favorite childhood memory: Making paper airplanes with Koumyou. favorite childhood toy: Paper & markers. embarrassing story: Sanzo was often mistaken for a girl in his youth. favorite family member: Koumyou & Goku. 🌸 What They Prefer: coffee or tea? Both. taking baths or taking showers? Baths. writing or reading? Both. indoors or outdoors? Outdoors. land or sea? Land. platonic or romantic? Neither Loud or quiet? Quiet summer or winter? Summer spring or autumn? Spring money or influence? Influence knowledge or strength? Both 🌸 Favorites: clothing: Traditional robes, jeans, boots. season: Summer object: Red prayer beads from his youth. Otherwise, he doesn't own a lot of things. color: Gold, violet, green. music: No music. Just quiet. place: Shangri-La memory: Being pulled from the river by Koumyou Sanzo. food: Simple monk meals. person: Koumyou.
Tagged by the lovely: @adventures-written, Tagging: @shouga-nai & you.
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zhongrin · 11 months
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𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐄 // 𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐞
strong chocolate (especially when it bloomed!), acidic/sour scent before brewing.
surprisingly not as acidic as i thought. slightly smoky and has a bitter aftertaste on the tongue. not that overwhelming, though, which is good. feels like the kinda coffee al haitham would like.
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✰ 7/10 ( ´ ▽ ` ).。 would brew again
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askpandaloids · 2 years
Blog Information + Characters
What is this blog?
"askpandaloids" is a vocaloid AU based on the mod's webcomic, which has its blog at @pandapearls ! This is a side blog, and will follow through @askyukayuzu . This blog is run by @pandrena and has dialogue help from @servantparent
What's it about?
Essentially, it's about the vocaloid characters but they're dressed up and act like the characters from my comic. That said, there's no plot to follow, so don't worry about having read the comic first! Just enjoy the nonsense.
This blog has, um...interesting ships...?
I tried my best not to pair up any vocaloids who aren't like. "okay" to be paired up. That is, all canon ages have been checked to the best of my ability before pairing up characters with other ones to avoid child/adult relationships. If a canon age was not given, I figured it was free reign unless the character explicity looked like. Yknow. a child (eg. Rana whose...age is 0 for whatever reason.) As a result, there's a good interesting mix of ships. If I have in fact missed something and there is a child/adult ship that I accidentally made, I will fix it ASAP and change one of the characters being depicted in the AU.
How do I view only the answers on this blog, and nothing else?
See this tag! Or on desktop, you can access this page of navigation.
Cast info below the cut! This is a long post, beware. Thank you for following and interacting in this blog!
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Rin Kagamine = Maria Rennington: Rin is the daughter of Gumi and Mayu, the niece of Miku and Luka, the sister of Len. She’s a funny girl, who’s very chaotic and loves bunnies.
Hatsune Miku = Nori Fuchi: Miku is the grumpy aunt of Len and Rin, the adopted sister of Mayu, and is married to IA. She’s very edgy and emo, unlike our usual Hatsune. She also swears a lot.
GUMI Megpoid = Edgar Rennington: Gumi is the ex-villain and silly genderfluid father/mother of Rin and Len, husband/wife of Mayu. She’s chaotic and comes off a bit of a joke, trying to reform for her past crimes…She’s also blind.
Kamui Gakupo = Rennird Von Garnet: Gakupo is a surgeon who takes part in very morbid operations. No, none of its legal. His assistant is Yukari, whom he also dates along with Avanna. He’s an ex-friend of Gumi and Rin considers him her best friend. He was recently reunited with his little sister Yuki.
Yuzuki Yukari = Runi Von Garnet: Yukari is Gakupo’s assistant. She and Rennird both date Avanna as well, and she has a body that can regenerate anything. She also has a “pouch” that can store organs and objects for Gakupo’s later use.
Avanna = Poku Hallowell: Avanna is a pirate captain, as well as romantically involved with Yukari and Gakupo. They are a satyr and has a lot of fae magic on their side, as well as a love for adventure.
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Luka Megurine = Pillowchan: Sister of Gumi, aunt of Len and Rin, lover of Kaito. She loves crab and is kind of the most loyal cat with a human head you’ll ever meet…But she’s also going to sass you.
Kaito = Voice of Reason: Ex-butler to Gumi, boyfriend of Luka. He’s got the ability to control shadows and usually wears a bird mask.
Meiko = Emi Fuki: Meiko is a very “no nonsense” type of woman, and gay as hell. She works at a zoo full time, and is addicted to coffee. Her wife is Galaco..
Len Kagamine = Roy Rennington: Len is an anger-driven individual with an unhealthy relatonship with his father, Gumi,and his emotions in general. He’s very protective of Rin.
Mayu = Emily Fuchi: Mayu is Gumi’s wife and the mother of Rin and Len, and the adopted sister of Miku. She’s sweet, but can be threatening in nature.
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IA = Allen Jones (belonging to @servantparent): IA is a puppy with puppy love for Miku. She takes care of basically everyone by cooking and cleaning the house - which she’s experienced with from being Gumi’s previous maid. However, there’s a bit more to IA then there initially appears…
VFLOWER = Static 003: Ex-assistant to Gakupo, ex-cohort of Gumi, and girlfriend of Mirai, V Flower is a confused sort morally, but she’s trying her best.
Mirai Komachi = Jester (belonging to @servantparent): Mirai is the girlfriend of VFlower, and a chaotic force of nature. Carries a Kazoo at all times. Multiple, even. Also, she’s always there to make people happy. Kazoo noises
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Fukase = Kem: Fukase is a ferryman, and dear friend of Yukari and Gakupo. Took care of Yuki for some time, with his boyfriend Yohio.
Oliver = Hibo: Essentally penguin themed all around, and pilots a penguin mech, he’s an orphan who’s very angsty.
Kokone = Milly Brontow: Cow-hybrid daughter of Galaco’s old bodyguard. Originally appeared to like Nori, but actually likes Una and is dating her. She is almost entirely mute, with only capabilities of small wordless noises.
Galaco = Princess Moko: Ex-princess, Galaco now lives with her new wife Meiko as the two adjust to a nuts life. She never opens her eyes.
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Yohio = Hask: Sort of an adoptive father of Yuki, and boyfriend of Fukase. He never cloes his mouth, only alters his toothy smile to a frown and vise versa. Very sweet, but most people find him scary - his “mask salesman” shtick doesn’t help anything.
Kaai Yuki = Andrea “Andy” Von Garnet: Gakupo’s little sister, who was assumed missing for years. However, she’s actually been under the care of Fukase and Yohio. She’s sweet and shy and loves turtles. She’s also easily sick…
Macne Petit = Urisk: Cute little 10-year-old parasite who harbors a crush on Yuki, and is the source of Gakupo’s tentacle weapon. Calls Gakupo “Boss” a lot, but views him sort of as a parent
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DAINA = Cedric Fortwalk: Daina is a shapeshifter, and her current appearance isn’t actually her “true” appearance, because whatever she shifts into has a chance of leaving a permanent feature - this means she’s actually just a mishmash of many different peoples’ appearances. Her brother is Dex, and she hates him.
DEX = Fore Fortwalk: Dex is a monster hunter, and is sort of out to kill Daina for all the crimes she’s commited, too. He’s very honorable, even letting the worst of thieves get away if they merely apologize. Problem is, Daina won’t do that apology game.
MAIKA = Wibkinz (“Kenzie”): Maika is a witch. She enjoys messing with people for her own gain, but isn’t necessarily a wicked witch. She’s just here for whoever can pay her most, but does have a teeny tiny amount of morals…She likes to collect ingredients, and her broom is actually a double barrel shotgun.
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CUL = Zasshu: Cul is a head ninja and theb oss of Big Al and Sweet Ann. She’s quiet and reserved, but can be energetic if given the right topics. She fights with a large axe not unlike Len’s.
Big Al = Luther: Big Al is a ninja, and Sweet Ann is his partner in crime. He’s easily exhausted by the chaos around him, but is also determined to reach his goals. He works under Cul.
Sweet Ann = Kuru: Sweet Ann is a ninja, and Big Al’s partner in crime. She’s fashion sensible for the most part, but can go a bit wild with Al’s money. She’s very sweet an energetic, accepting of most anyone. She works under Cul, and crushes on Prima.
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Kizuna Akari = Doe(belonging to @servantparent): Akari is half-devil, half-angel, and sarcastically, brutually honest. She basically raised herself, because her parents were busy, and she doesn’t show much emotion…But does seem to harbor a crush on Rin! 
UNI = Aceline(belonging to @servantparent): Professional dancer and Kokone’s girlfriend, Uni is friendly to most everyone. However, she finds it hard to trust others and is wary towards men.
Luo Tianyi = Nomikomu (“Komu”): Tianyi is a ninja like Sweet Ann and Big Al, and also works under Cul. She’s shark themed, with a fin on her head, but interestingly enough, she’s also known as “Smoke Shark,” due to the smoke constantly protruding from her mouth. The source of this smoke is unknown, it just is. 
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Hiyama Kiyoteru = Robert: Kiyoteru is a co-worker of Meiko, and hates Miku for uh. Literally tearing off his arm a while back, resulting in him obtaining a gun arm. He’s flirty, and can be stubborn.
Nekomura Iroha = Lila Kitty: Pretty much cat. She’s childish and playful, and gullible to boot. She wants to be a journalist, and her hat is actually a robot, with the paws “sentient” through artificial intelligence.
Prima = Egoha: Prima is the object of Sweet Ann’s affection, and works as a model as well as a mechanic. She’s friends with Oliver, and likes spending money on frivolous things. Her ahoge, that big strand of hair? She can control that.
Some other characters who do not have references include Avanna (representing Poku), who is a satyr who is part of the poly ship with gakupo and yukari
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thispenguinrocks · 1 year
looking for nintendo switch friends ! specifically someone who can play re6 with me !!
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hi! you can call me erin/rin i play:
Stardew Valley (would love to play with u!)
Sky: Children of Light
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Some non-co-op games i also play:
Coffee Talk
i like mystery, adventure, VNs, and horror games!
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callunavulgari · 2 years
Scrapbook 2023 | Pt I
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 65 books, finish 4 video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and expand on your original novel outline to the point that you START WRITING.
Past Years
(The Day After Tomorrow)
Jurassic World: Dominion
(Princess Mononoke)
Glass Onion
Do Revenge
(Star Wars: Rogue One)
(Ever After)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
(Spirited Away)
(Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure)
(Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland)
(The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)
(The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
(The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies)
(Howl’s Moving Castle)
(Lotr: The Two Towers)
(Lotr: The Fellowship of the Ring)
(Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
(Spirited Away)
Watcher: Top 5 Beatdown
That 90′s Show
Owl House, s3
Lockwood & Co, s1
Watcher: Top 5 Beatdown
The Witcher: Blood Origin
Fantastic Fungi
Miraculous Ladybug, s5
The White Lotus, s1
The Last of Us, s1
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Vox Machina, s2
Modern Marvels, Tea and Coffee Episodes
Watcher: Are You Scared
Watcher: Too Many Spirits
The Last of Us, s1
Watcher: Are You Scared
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
Miraculous Ladybug, s5
Russian Doll, s2
Shadow and Bone, s2
Watcher: Are You Scared
Watcher: Top 5 Beatdown
Case Study Vanitas
Buzzfeed: Worth It
Buzzfeed: Worth It
Watcher: Survival Mode
Watcher: Weird Wonderful World
The Owl House, s3*****
The Mandalorian, s3
(She-Ra, s7)
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
Sweet Tooth, s2
First Kill
Seasparrow | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
Ace of Shades | Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé [Fin]
A Restless Truth | Freya Marske [Fin]
The Kingdom of Copper | S.A. Chakraborty [Fin]
Bone Witch | Rin Chupeko [Fin]
Ocean’s Echo | Everina Maxwell [Fin]
(Lair of Dreams | Libba Bray) [Fin]
(Captive Prince | CS Pacat) [Fin]
This Is How You Lose the Time War | Aman El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone [Fin]
The Empire of Gold | S.A. Chakraborty [Fin]
Legend & Lattes | Travis Baldree [Fin]
The Bone Season | Samantha Shannon [Fin]
Juniper & Thorn | Ava Reid
(A Court of Thorns and Roses | Sarah Maas) [Fin]
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
The Burning God | R F Kuang [Fin]
The Shadow of Kyoshi | FC Yee 
The Shadow of Kyoshi | FC Yee [Fin]
Juniper & Thorn | Ava Reid
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
A Mirror Mended | Alix Harrow
A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah Maas [Fin]
Our Violent Ends | Chloe Gong [Fin]
The World We Make | N.K. Jemisin [Fin]
The Sun Down Motel | Simone St James [Fin]
Babel | RF Kuang [Fin]
The Hollow Ones | Guillermo Del Toro [Fin]
The Stolen Heir | Holly Black [Fin]
A Mirror Mended | Alix Harrow [Fin]
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi | SA Chakraborty [Fin]
Iron Widow | Xiran Jay Zhao [Fin]
Juniper & Thorn | Ava Reid [Fin]
Love & Gelato | Jenna Evans Welch [Fin]
The Dawn of Yangchen | FC Yee [Fin]
Hell Bent | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Tress of the Emerald Sea | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
The Oleander Sword | Tasha Suri [Fin]
The Beautiful Ones | Silvia Morena-Garcia [Fin]
Happy Place | Emily Henry [Fin]
Foul Lady Fortune | Chloe Gong [Fin]
(Zero Hours: A Matter of Time)
Critical Role, Campaign 2: Episodes 1-3
Critical Role, Campaign 2: Episode 4
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, 12 hours?
The Last of Us [Fin]
(Horizon: Forbidden West)
Persona 5 Royal, 220 hrs [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Origins, 20ish hours
Stardew Valley, 20 hours?
Stardew Valley, 56 hrs
(Kingdom Hearts 3)
Stardew Valley, 56 hrs
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
(Bioshock Infinite) [Fin]
Red Dead: Redemption
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Fanmixes/Spotify Playlists/Graphics
Kawaii desu desu bullsh*t 
Prelude Music
Invitations by nbfutureboy | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | “Uh, Steve? How do you know my Dungeon Master?”
the sun in the west by misantlery | House of the Dragon | Rhaenyra/Daemon | 6k | Scenes from the reign of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name.
Halfway There by nbfutureboy | Stranger Things | 2k | Eddie wakes up to a thumping headache, a sweat under his collar, and a warm spot in the bed where Steve had previously been.
I Could Lift You Up by ouijaboy | Watcher | Shane/Ryan | 5k |  Five times Shane made a big ol’ romantic gesture, and one time Ryan returned the sentiment.
whatever you want by Wildehack (tyleet) | Wolf 359 | Kepler/Jacobi | 5k | Kepler doesn't fuck him that first day, when Daniel swallows his pride like it's a hot coal he can feel boiling down to the pit of his stomach and dials the number left on the card.  
turn our golden faces into the sun by liesmyth | The Locked Tomb | Harrow/Gideon | 5k | After Canaan House and Cytherea's death, Harrow wakes up on the Erebos as a newly-made Lyctor. She meets God. Then she meets God's daughter.
Two Pollens (Alike in Indignity) by rhysiana, ritualist | The Untamed | Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao | 12k | Meng Yao gets dosed with truth pollen. The cure has some side effects.
A Man of Honor by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Robb | 36k | Tyrion sighed. “He's nineteen, well-favored, and as far as I know, neither demented nor stupid. And not a hint of a betrothal. Sorry.”
in the garden of my heart by liesmyth | House of the Dragon | Alicent/Rhaenyra | 1k | It was a strange feeling. Alicent she found herself grasping Rhaenyra’s fingers, hard, filled with a possessiveness she couldn’t give a name to, a fierce love that threatened to burst out of her.
The Mistress Clause by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Mistborn | Wax/Wayne, Wax/Steris | 51k | Wayne doesn’t poach, because poaching’s just a fancy word for stealing a heart, and he doesn’t steal (anymore). But he might trade for a heart, if he can find something of equal value to swap it with.
Here, After by spqr | 9-1-1 | Buck/Eddie | 12k | Buck’s not proud. Buck lives in a horror movie.
high water by spqr | Star Trek | Spock/Kirk | 7k | “Andorian wine is very potent,” Spock says. “How much did you consume?”
rhadamanthus by spqr | Star Trek | Spock/Kirk | 6k | Spock murmurs, “I cannot imagine a universe in which it is not my life’s duty to protect you. You are — “ he has to search for the right words, in Jim’s language. “You are — most dear to me, of all things.”
Necromantic Adventures in Bodyswapping! by liesmyth | The Locked Tomb | Augustine/Mercymorn | 4k | Mercymorn swallowed. Then she said, “I should’ve known you’d suck your own dick, you empty-headed egomaniac.”
of all that lived by spqr | Batman | Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne | 9k | WIP | The first thing Kyle does when he gets home to find his apartment ransacked is account for all his cats.
That Old Forever by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 29k | Din had commed laughing to show him his ewok targets stacked three deep in carbonite, which would have made Luke laugh too if he weren’t too busy being sullen and sleep-deprived and generally unpleasant—and focused on concealing a giant, soul-crushing, absolutely mortifying pubescent crush on his adopted brother.
a warm spot in a cold snap by hygarden | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 4k | The thing is it’s not like Jacobi hasn’t thought about it.
a luxury few can afford by three-fingered (calciseptine) | Marvel | Spiderman/Deadpool | WIP | "And what's the going rate for swiss cheese?" Peter asks as casually as possible.
Roll To Charm Person by harriet_vane | Stranger Things | Will/Mike | 59k | Will needs a date to his mom's wedding. Mike volunteers.
it hurts at first (but it ain't that bad) by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 12k | Xue Yang might be dying, but he can at least make sure Xiao Xingchen knows who tricked him.
so little time and i'm way off track by defractum | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 25k |  "Have you heard of Wei Wuxian?" someone bellows.
god was a dog-man by spqr | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 12k | “Do you have a secret teenage son?” Stiles demands, as soon as Derek opens the door.
Here's Not Here by theroguesgambit | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 10k | Stiles is different today.
It Can All But Break Your Heart by orbiting_saturn | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 7k | Turns out, Derek can’t go anywhere without getting hit on.
I Might Be A Fool by prettylittlementirosa | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 35k |  The thing about Stiles, though, is that for him, turned on and angry are not mutually exclusive feelings.
The Price by theroguesgambit | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 18k | Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
you were there and so was i by magneticwave | Teen Wolf | Sterek, Allison & Stiles | 8k |  For their tenth birthday, Stiles had gotten Allison a mug from a kiosk at the mall with AREN’T YOU GLAD WE EVOLVED OUT OF NEIGHBORING CELLS on one side and a picture from their school trip to the zoo, the one where Allison was hitting a goat trying to eat Stiles’ shirt, on the other.
Same As It Ever Was by QuokkaFoxtrot | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 62k | "Deja-vu? Like you feel like you've done this before, because-"
In Bloom by Celia_and for BensCalligraphySet | Star Wars | Rey/Ben | 14k | He doesn’t love her. But when his hands are on her body, she can pretend.
straight at the sun by brawlite | Trigun Stampede | Vash/Wolfwood | 4k | Drunk as a skunk and feeling maudlin, Wolfwood finds a stranger in a saloon who reminds him of Vash. He lets hungry fantasies get the better of him.
night sounds by brawlite | Trigun Stampede | Knives/Wolfwood | 6k | While drunk, Wolfwood confesses his feelings to Vash. It goes surprisingly well -- until it really, really doesn’t.
fool in the moon by arahir | Trigun Stampede | Vash/Wolfwood | 8k | Wolfwood carries a body.
I just can’t wait for love to destroy us by FlowerCitti | Trigun Stampede | Vash/Wolfwood | 8k | There are small things to be noticed, if you know to look, that make Vash just a little less human.
come to conceal the confusion we feel by iodhadh | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Chengmei | 7k | As far as Song Lan is concerned, Xue Yang is nothing more or less than the most irritating student taking lessons at the dance studio he co-owns with his boyfriend.
No Passing Fascination by madamerioulette | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen | 36k | “If no consensus can be made, and no act of justice agreed upon, then it falls to myself and my companion Song Zichen to take matters into our own hands.”
Hawkins Halfway House for Homeless Horrors by Trensu | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 2k | Steve wanted to be a dad more than anything. Unfortunately, he was a single dude in his thirties which meant no adoption agency in the world was willing to give him a chance. Or at least no human adoption agency.
Please Hold by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | Lesson of the day, no matter how busy you are, it's rarely a good idea to let your subconscious take the wheel.
pretty doctor by spqr | House | House/Chase | 5k | ROBBIE DOWN UNDER. LET ME GET UNDER YOU. “CRIKEY, THAT’S A BIG COCK!”
My Right Hand Man by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | In which movie night takes an unexpected turn, and it's surprisingly easy to just let it happen.
then out of nowhere, somebody comes and hits you with an ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh by @calciseptine | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 42k | A man with spider-themed superpowers accidentally breaks into Wade's apartment. 
like a record, baby by jilliancares | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 8k | “I already have an escape plan,” Deadpool says. He grabs Peter’s wrist, raises it above his head, and then digs his thumb into Peter’s spinneret.
So No One Told You Life Was Gonna Be This Way by Jenetica | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 32k |  Peter Parker's life doesn't need an influx of new, distinctly spidery Spider-Man powers.
let me explain by jilliancares | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 8k |  Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him
Tiny Entanglements by MargaretKire | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 7k | Spider-Man has some hidden desires. So does Deadpool. Things get complicated when Morbius claims to have a cure for Peter’s ‘impure’ DNA.
Your Call Is Important To Us by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | Steve needs a minute, and some moral support from a friend, after accidentally kissing Eddie goodbye.
Hard to be Soft by stereobone | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | Eddie's had sex on a bed before. A lot, actually. Face down, usually, sheets dirty, barely able to breathe, someone holding him bruise-tight and pressing his face into the mattress.
A Breach In The Wall by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 1k | Steve is forced to wonder if it's still a rude awakening when you're just pretending to be asleep.
2022 || Multifandom Mashup (Happy New Year)
2022 Movie Trailer Mashup
therefore i am [Wednesday]
Paint It Black || The Rolling Stones
MARVEL || Ode to Joy
House Targaryen | Fire & Blood
The Batman || Where is My MInd?
(The Witcher) Geralt Of Rivia | Home
The Batman || Where is My MInd?
Princess Cirilla of Cintra (+Geralt & Yennefer)
It's Alright - Percy de Rolo AMV (Legend of Vox Machina)
MARVEL || Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania - Rise
derek & stiles || on my way
call me by your name; stiles & derek
Ellie | The Last of Us
Multifandom || It's Going Down Tonight
Wednesday || Bad Guy
They will not control us
Joel & Ellie | Look for the light
Joel & Ellie || The Last of Us
Daemon & Rhaenyra || Play With Fire
Iron Man & Doctor Strange || Don't put your blame on me
sick thoughts
Doctor Strange || Enemy (Tommee Profitt)
The Last of Us | When Innocence Dies
loud | Wednesday
Derek x Stiles | the one to save me
The Last of Us | Fear
Time changes everything.
wednesday || utopia
Meimuna - Meimuna
Colors - Black Pumas
Sho’s Song - Cecile Corbel
The Darker the Weather - MISSIO
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
Dragonstea Din Tea - Feuerchwanz
Onwards We Row - Miracle of Sound
Edge of Midnight - Miley Cyrus
August - Vanisa Khamkhosy
Warrior of the Mind - Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish
FU In My Head - Cloudy June
Villain - Bella Poarch
Kalyna - Go-A
I See You - Leona Lewis
Genesis - Otyken
Dimna Juda - Walkauz
See You Again - Miley Cyrus
Ohio Is For Lovers - Hawthorne Heights
Queen of Kings - Alessandra
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Take A Hint - Victorious Cast
rapunzel - emlyn
Sorry Barbie - Todrick Hall
Six Soundtrack
Fairytale (Violin) - Joel Sunny
Tea, Milk and Honey - Oh Pep!
Middle of the Night - Elley Duhe
Tongues & Teeth | The Crane Wives
King | The Amazing Devil
A Little Bit Off | Five Finger Death Punch
Masterpiece | Motionless In White
Khamlu | Hubert von Goisern
Con La Brisa | Foudeqush
Interlude | Stormzy
Our Light | Lyn
Mountain at My Gates | Foals
Fuel to Fire | Agnes Obel
Arms Unfolding | dodie
Truly Madly Deeply - Yoke Lore
Step Into Darkness | Dubkiller
Main Theme | PurpleSchala
Hungry Heart | Steve Aoki
ceilings | Lizzy McAlpine
It’s Terror Time Again | Sesamoid
Tuning In To You | Wonstein
Lost | Linkin Park
Got You | GA Eun
Wake Up | Elaine
Watch the World Burn | Falling In Reverse
Eat Your Young | Hozier
Scars | Boy Epic
Cover Me | Black Math
Just a Man | Jorge Rivera-Herrans
labour | Paris Paloma
The Tornado | Owl City
Green Green Grass | George Ezra
Tombi | Kvi Baba
Suzume | Radwimps
Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Boys Town Gang
Linger a while - Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Mermaids - Florence & the Machine
Una Musica Brutal - Gotan Project
Francesca - Hozier
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lottie-blr · 1 year
grabe. super adventure kami ngayon ni mama hahaha
umabsent si mama sa work para samahan niya ako magpa medical and para magpa NBI. btw, meron na akong new work. so slightly nag aayos ako ng requirements. usually mkasi kapag medical/laboratory mag fafasting ka diba. so hindi kami kumain ni mama ng breakfast kasi nga naka fasting kami. pagdating sa clinic, wala silang ganito ganyan. eh yung employer wala rin naman binigay na complete details ng medical kaya hindi ko rin masabi ano ano ang need ko. edi nag go na kami. natagalan kami sa clinic kasi si mama hindi siya ma-ihi para sa drug test hahaha need kasi puno yun diba. grabe yung kain namin literal na lunch break na hahahaha. para pa kaming patay gutom na hahaha
tapos kumuha kumuha kami ng nbi and nag coffee kami ni mama kasi kulang ang araw kapag walang coffee. like tanghali na ako nagising pero yung antok ko ay intense. ayun nag coffee nga kami.
tapos eto pa ang ayaw ko sa laboratory. yung kailangan ng stool sample hahahaha. shuta bumalik pa kami sa clinic para i- submit yun. nakakaloka talaga at napaka init mga marehh
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rinstagrams · 1 year
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ABOUT THE WRITER ARI! twenty-one year old university student with an unfortunate fixation on k-pop, writing, and 2d anime men. she/her! bisexual aries sun, moon, and rising. i know. scary, isn't it? infp.
LOVERS! hinata shoyo, kageyama tobio, SUNA RINTARO, okkotsu yuuta, GOJO SATORU, zenin maki, ISAGI YOICHI, itoshi rin, eren yeager, miyamura izumi, yamada akito.
LIKES! rainy days, iced coffee, fluffy blankets, plushies, blue, dancing, spicy foods, spontaneous adventures, video gaming (valorant, sims, stardew valley), late night drives, objectifying anime men.
MUSIC TASTE! swiftie (since day one), nct, aespa, chase atlantic, the 1975.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ RULES ONE. this blog is 16+. while the majority of my blog content is not explicit 18+ content, i do reblog/interact with mature content occasionally and mature themes may be present across my works. they will be tagged as so. minors may interact with my sfw posts but DO NOT follow or interact with my mature content. BLANK or AGELESS blogs will be blocked.
TWO. while i don't take requests unless openly stated, i'm always open to hearing ideas or inspiration that others might have. (when people send me headcanons of suna i go insane in good way).
THREE. that being said, my asks are open. i always try to get back to asks as soon as possible but please avoid trauma dumping or sending triggering content in my asks without a content warning.
FOUR. i do not tolerate any sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, antisemitism, fatphobia, and general negativity on my blog. i do NOT write or interact dark content such as pedophilia, rape/noncon, incest, etc. on my blog.
FIVE. all characters written on this blog are aged up to 18+ unless given certain circumstances (ie. high school aus which will be sfw). i mainly write f!reader or gn!reader (will be clarified).
SIX. i do not allow any reposting or translating of my works. the majority of my work will remain on tumblr ONLY, but some will occasionally be reposted to ao3 under the user baekby. other than this, i do not post my work any other platforms.
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raqy-is-venting · 1 year
my future.
Lord, I have asked you for signs for a number of times. There were times where my wishes went according to my will, and there were also times where confusion met my thoughts. I cannot recall if this is the first time that I am doing this because of a guy, but I am sure that I like him with all that he is, because finally, a guy who has met my standard is within my proximity.
Lord, my past is full of settling for the guys who were available in the moment. My dating history says that they were the ones who liked me first. I have never experienced being liked back and being dated by that person. Now that I am wiser, I want a better love life. I want to stick by what I want in a guy and not be distracted by temporary pleasure caused by flings or by any boy that I meet at a bar or any gathering that requires alcohol. I am not saying that I do not enjoy kissing a guy casually, but I am afraid that continuing to do so would prevent me from meeting the guy of my dreams. Would I want to be in a relationship with someone who kisses different guys at bars? I bet not. So, I have to change. I also have to be a woman that fits the guy who has the standard that I set for myself.
Lord, you know the guy that I like more than I do, but I still want to emphasize the qualities that my guy should have and what he should be once we are in a relationship. These are the following:
1. Smart. He should be intelligent in all aspects. Of course, I like a guy who is academically smart, but I like him even more if he is emotionally intelligent. I also want him to be street-smart. 2. Kind. The world is already cruel, I do not want another guy to add more to that cruelty. He has to be kind because I want a relationship that embodies a safe space for him and I. 3. Soft-spoken. I do not want an obnoxious guy. 4. Family-oriented. I love my family more than anything, and I am planning to have a healthy family of my own someday. I don't think a guy who does not give importance to his family would be able to give me the family of my dreams. 5. Foodie. I like food a lot and am willing spend money on food. I hope he is as adventurous as I am, because I do not want to stop trying restaurants and coffee shops just because someone does not enjoy it as much as I do. 6. Loves to travel. I may not be able to travel right now, but I want to see the world. I do not want a guy who would hinder me from that. 7. Loves me more than I love him. 8. Respect me so much. 9. Shows the 5 love languages. 10. Tall. Please lang, gusto ko talaga ng matangkad. Iba talaga ang dating basta matangkad. 11. Handsome. Gusto ko rin ng gwapo. Please, please, please. 12. Inspires me to become better. 13. Gives me peace of mind. I have experienced being with someone who made me overthink and I did not like it. I will never like it. 14. Has a good hygiene. 15. Accepts me for who I am, especially my imperfections in all aspects. 16. Loves my family like his own. 17. His family loves me like I am their own. 18. Gives me assurance that he loves me. 19. Will never cheat on me. 20. Loyal and faithful. 21. Smells good. 22. Neat and organized. 23. VERY AFFECTIONATE. 24. Not scared of showing his emotions. 25. Will hold my hands in public. Kiss din. No to guys na takot sa public display of affection. 26. Willing to live abroad with me. Mag-immigrate kami kay kahirap dito sa Pilipinas. Pero kung hindi sya Pinoy, pwede rin nandoon sya sa ibang bansa already. Basta yang he's ready for geographical changes. 27. WILL SAY THE PASSWORD THAT I HAVE MADE.
(date added: 4/15/23) 28. His friends will accept me wholeheartedly.
(date added: 4/23/23) 29. He DOES NOT HAVE any feeling towards his ex girlfriends, ex flings and ex crushes. Dapat naka-move on na sya completely, kasi ayaw ko na gipili ako just because I was the one who was available. I do not deserve being treated like that.
Will probably edit this, but for now, ito muna.
Lord, please, give this guy to me. Please, Lord. I know there is someone out there, Lord.
For now, Lord, you know I like someone. If he is not for me, then please, help me get over him. Please don't let me get my hopes up. Please let me see him as a friend. I don't want to romanticize him anymore, Lord. Please, just let him see him as a friend if he really is not for me.
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