#rimuru x guy
demonicsaintess · 2 years
Rimuru x Guy // Your First Time… Again?
Rimuru has been summoned back to the Octagon table; or rather, Guy’s castle; or to be more pointedly, his bedroom. Not to do anything but business of course— I mean, unless being alone with him and being forced to hear him whisper every lie I’ve ever wanted to hear, isn’t business. Then, I suppose it’d be a more personal visit…
Link to the fic on Ao3 here
Warnings: sexual content, swearing
Please Note:
*obviously I don’t own anything and this is just for fun. Also, remember Satou/Rimuru are virgins lol.
** also I used the word boy here. Rimuru is of age but due to his small stature it just flowed better for being the bottom, okay? Okay.
*** also, of course the vagina is more complex than the way Gii explained it; I just wanted him to “mansplain” it for added flavor 😂 since Gii is technically genderless as well
*Setting the Scene*
Rimuru shook his head as he walked through the cave. Plip Plip… sounds of water dripping from the stalactites could be heard echoing throughout the cave as Rimuru ceased his steps. Before him laid a large sone platform, inlaid with the intricate carvings for it to be usable as a transportation portal.
This dull headache seems to be present more often than not these days, he thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Sometimes I wish I could freely stop time and space… So many people were wheedling his time away, blathering on and on about regulations, and rules and such. It’s nice being The Ruler of Monsters, but… goddammit just forget about it—
Running his hand through his loose iridescent blue locks, he stepped onto the platform. Drawing a hand up to form the magick circle, he let out a thin stream of magicules envelop him, and pull his body. Just as it felt like he would actually move, he appeared, in a sparkle of light, at the center of a dark room.
*Gii’s POV*
“G-Gii-san…?” The small figure trembled in front of me, slowly unfastening his buttoned up white shirt, shyly glancing up between thick white lashes. “Gii… Gii-san!… GII-SAN!!”
My eyes shot open to see the same blue boy straddling my waist. But instead of unbuttoning his shirt, he was beating me with a pillow… and instead of being shy and cute, he was swearing at me for a number of things. Oh well, nagging can be cute too, “Good morning to you too, Rimuru-chan~”
I sat up with a yawn, pretending not to notice the vein threatening to burst on his pale face. “Relax, relax Rimuru-chan! You‘re far too beautiful to be angry at such an early hour, it’s awful for your skin you know!”
The pale blue boy glared at me while delivering a swift punch to my abdomen. Ah! that punch was definitely pulled, “I’m a slime! I always have good skin! And I told you I’m an adult, enough with the brotherly endearment! It’s also 11 at night?!”
I stifled a laugh watching him flare up. He called himself an adult, and I’d even accidentally seen a few of his past memories within his mind of what he looked like as a human man, when we had the last summit meeting. So why was it every time he was around me, the little slime “adult,” turned into a hopeless, whining, mess?
I finally gave up in holding back my laughter, clutching him within my grasp as I threw us backwards on the bed.
Bracing myself on top of his small frame, I took in the innocent golden eyes, that shone brightly with confusion. I inadvertently shivered, and grabbed his thin hand bringing it to my lower half. I gazed at him between half-lidded eyes, and growled at him, “Now, now Riumuru-chan~ play nicely, you started it now. If not,” I hitched one of his thin legs up, wrapping it firmly around my waist.
“Besides, why did you transport here of all places Rimuru-chan~ you wanted to see me, right? Hey, tell me,” I leaned in, grinding my knee against that spot feeling much less than what Rimuru preferred to be there. I knew it.
“Rimuru-chan~ you’ve become quiet, what’s wrong?~” Glancing up, I met those amber eyes that now reflected a much deeper desire. Here it comes~
*Rimuru’s POV*
Shit! He’s got me again.
I’ve retreated within myself momentarily to bring me a few minutes respite before I had to reason with this fool. I flinched as I felt myself pulled forward onto the bed. My hand was brought up to his pants, letting me feel the warm hardness emanating within the silk folds of his stupid, soft robe.
What does he think he’s doing?! Like hell I’m interested in this! I don’t even… like…him~ That’s.. odd, why… is it painful to think about that….
*Gii’s POV*
I watched the small form wiggling beneath me.
His breath started to become little gasps as I clutched him into my body. His leg still wrapped around my waist, I brought my knee up further, making him push his hips forward eagerly to reach me.
He’s in a female form…?
I suppressed a groan as I buried my head in his shoulder. Nipping lightly at his ear, he started to whimper as I took his lobe between my teeth. A few seconds later, violent shiver rocked his body as I felt him start to dampen the place he was grinding into on my leg.
He’s losing it,
I pulled him closer, shifting my knee up and down to further stimulate his budding desire. “Rimuru…” I breathed into his ear. He responded with a small groan, wrapping his arms around my neck.
“Gii-san…” he whimpered, “I can’t take it anymore… please…” I peered into those golden eyes, half lidded, eyelashes fluttering with desire. “T-Take me…” he begged, tears softly forming in his expressive eyes. I took a deep breath to calm myself. “You know I won’t stop when I start… are you sure?” I softly stroked his head, causing him to nuzzle into my hand.
“It’s okay… since it’s Gii-san… since it’s Gii-san, it’s good.”
I swallowed hard as those amber eyes gazed at me with anticipation. I rubbed my thumb across his soft lips, before eagerly taking them into my mouth. He cautiously parted his lips, allowing me full control. Darting my tongue in, I tangled it with his, earning a series of small whimpers as I drank him in without abandon.
Pulling apart, a silvery thread remained.
Then, as my eyes bore into his, he unconsciously licked his lips, making him look look like a cat enjoying it’s treat.
An act that he probably doesn’t even realize he did.
*Rimuru’s POV*
It’s happening AGAIN. I don’t know why my body keeps responding this way with this man! Also, why do I have female genitalia?? I don’t even remember actually seeing if this one was useable! So why is it here!
I lost my chance to think further about it, when my leg was pulled and wrapped around Gii’s hard, lean waist. I gasped when he ground his thigh into me.
Why.. why does this feel so GOOD? Ah~
Feeling the growing heat in my stomach start to tense, I looked up at Gii-san to find his eyes boring into me.
However, instead of the bright red that normally showed, they were dark, and filled with lascivious inclination.
I felt my cheeks heat as he looked at me like that.
He really wants me…
“Gii-san…” I managed to gasp through the deep kiss he had me locked into. “I can’t take it Gii-san, please.” I whimpered as I gripped his strong shoulders. “I know you can feel it,” I pushed my hips forward to meet his thigh again. “Take me…” I whispered as I bit his ear lightly.
Gii-san stared at me intensely, lust mixed with monopolizing greed. He buried his head into my shoulder, breathing in sharply as he clutched his nails into my shoulders, and he held me tightly. I whispered into his ear as he laid me down gently on the pillow, “Be gentle with me Gii-san…” I whispered as he gripped my hand and brought it to his mouth.
*Gii’s POV*
“Hold onto me Rimuru,” I wrapped his arms around my neck as I pulled him over towards the middle of the bed.
With one hand I caught both thin wrists and held them above his head. I used my free hand to rub his lips again, as I left a trail of small love bites along his jaw. I saw him open his mouth, small puffs of air coming from him as I brought my teeth further up his neck.
Fucking beautiful… Is all I could think of as I gazed at him.
His eyes were shut tightly, a small crease between his brows. His diamond shaped mouth was letting out soft moans, giving me more access to explore him more.
“Rimuru-chan~ you’re so sensitive~~” I softly teased him, enjoying the bits of frustration that peeked out between the shades of lust.
Seeing that he needed more, I moved my free hand to his shirt. I slowly unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, lightly teasing his pale throat with my finger tips.
I earned goosebumps from him, while he moaned when I caressed his soft skin. I slowly removed the shirt from his body. Sucking in my breath raggedly, my gaze darkened upon the pale boy between my arms.
Flesh of jade and bones of ice…
The couplet appeared in my mind, as I took in the shimmering body beneath me.
His face was flushed as deep breaths came from his mouth, his lips still red and swollen from the kiss.
I slowly traced his waistline, slipping my finger tips into his shorts. I felt him start to tremble again. I looked at him cautiously, planting a firm kiss on his forehead. I kissed both his cheeks, making my way down his slender body. The loud moan that escaped his mouth was an affirmation of why he was here.
This man, who thought of himself as an adult, was the same slime who ruled an entire country. He’s quite revered throughout the land, as a frank and fair ruler; and right now, here he was, begging for mercy, as if he was in heat.
I slowed down teasing him, I could see it in his eyes that I had him where I wanted him to be. I looked into his eyes and his face flushed when he realized what was happening.
“W-wait!!! Gii-san…” I looked up at him from between his legs. I could see fear flashing across his face. Remembering that his first time was only a couple days ago, made me snap out of the lust filled trance I was in.
I reached my hand out to stroke his hair that sprawled around his body on the bed. Taking a lock of the pale silvery blue hair into my grasp, I brought it to my mouth, laying a small and delicate kiss upon it. Looking into his eyes, I nodded.
After confirming with him that he was alright, I finished removing his pants. His pale skin seemed to glow, even in the dark room. Laying one last reassuring kiss upon his shoulders, I then took his other leg, and wrapped it around my waist, so his growing patch of wetness, was pressing against me. “Rimuru-chan~ do you like it when I tease you? Do you feel good? Do you need me to stop?” I whispered into his ear. Soon I heard a small voice reply between labored breaths: “No… Gii-san.. don’t… don’t stop…”
*Rimuru’s POV*
I can barely think straight. It feels like I’m drunk… but I shouldn’t be able to get drunk…
Another moan ripped out of me as Gii increased his gyration against me. Riding his momentum, I couldn’t help myself from pushing up into him. I felt the heat building in my stomach, while my most sensitive place was being rubbed upon. I felt it grow increasingly slick, as Gii continued to stimulate me.
It feels so good…
My movement against my body jolted me back to the present. I looked down, Gii’s fingers were pulling down my pants.
“Gii-san…” I whimpered, looking up at him in trepidation. He slowed, gathering a bit of my hair into his grasp. He brought it up to his lips, an act that told me he’d be careful. He didn’t want to hurt me; and he wouldn’t hurt me.
He whispered how much he cared for me into my ear, as he ever so slowly pressed a finger onto the small bud of my slit.
Tremors rocked my body as I stiffened. The electric feeling that coursed through me was confusing, but… I wanted more!
What WAS that?!
I desperately searched my mind for the knowledge I had about sex, and all I could come to the conclusion of was, it was the vagina. Something on it caused that. I’m almost 100% sure.
*Gii’s POV*
All I could do was grunt in extreme satisfaction, feeling the pleasure ride through his body as I first touched him. The shivering he was doing after that let me know that he has no idea how a vagina works!
I chuckled softly as I laid him back onto the bed. Leaning over him I kissed him softly.
He’s so eager, I thought, as I peeked at him with one eye.
His softly arched eyebrows, were slightly furrowed, as his tongue danced with mine.
He was trying to sit up to get closer, when I pushed him away, so he was flat against the bed. I started sucking on the one spot by his jaw that he loves; the spot just near the small mole on his neck, the spot only I knew about.
I made my way down, pausing to nibble along his collar bone, tracing lightly with my tongue down his sternum. I caught one small nub into my teeth, as I teased his soaking wet entrance with my fingertips.
Just a few seconds of rubbing it and he’s this close, smirked inwardly as I continue to fondle his chest.
His cheeks were growing more and more flushed as he started to twitch beneath me.
I bit down harder on his nipple, and he let out a deep moan, arching his back against the bed, shaking violently as I increased pressure from my other hand.
Fuck, I groaned as I slid one finger up his wetness and across his clitoris.
Rimuru rode out his orgasm, while he laid a soaking mess beneath me.
I gripped him tightly, until he slackened in my arms and began to timidly sniffle bringing his small hands up to cover his face.
“Rimuru… Rimu-chan, are you crying?” I sat up immediately and gathered the shaking boy into my arms. “Rimu-chan what’s wrong? Tell me, it’s okay I’m sorry Rimu. Did it scare you?”
Rimuru looked up at me, his clear gold eyes glowing in the darkness. He nodded slowly, and buried his head back into my shoulder.
“Oh…? Ohhh… Rimuru. That was your complete first time with THAT… wasn’t it…?”
Again the boy nodded; this time without raising his head.
This poor, poor thing. What am I supposed to do with you when you’re this naive?
I willed my heart to steady as I took a deep breath. Bringing him out from my arms, I stood up. Tightening the sash on my robe, I gathered his clothes, and quickly used magicules to clean them. I laid them neatly on the chair across the room, and then I turned to my small blue slime. I grabbed the thick blanket I keep at the end of the bed, and wrapped him up swiftly so nothing but his head was exposed. Then, I sat down across from him and smiled.
Look at that hair. A “Ruler of Monsters” he says, but still acts like a child.
I looked into his eyes, “Rimuru, do you know what you made?” I asked gently. “N-No.. well I mean, yes technically, but I’ve never seen one, like, in real life. Let alone use it…” His voice came out as a small whisper as he buried his crimson face into the blanket.
“Okay that’ll help. Listen to me explain, alright?” I smiled gently to encourage him.
Why do I feel like a father giving their child the sex talk?
I quickly dismissed the thought, pulling my full attention back to Rimuru. “Ok, Rimuru, what you made was female genitalia. Specifically the kind for human women. I’m assuming because of your memories as Shizue-san. It functions differently from… what males have. The last time you were here, we performed anal… because you… were in a male form.”
Jesus I can’t believe he’s making me do this. Where is Raphael??
I continued on with my explanation. “When you use female genitalia for sex, it’s different.. There’s two places you can stimulate a human woman to make them climax... One, is their clitoris. Which is that little spot on the top near your labia. Oh, and labia are the lips that enclose the vagina.” I held my hands out and twisted my fingers, trying to diagram it crudely.
“Anyways! What happened to you was a female orgasm, from having your clitoris stimulated. I’m sure it was quite a shock for the first time.”
I softly laughed and laid back on the bed. I felt him squirm from within his blanket burrito, and instead, burrow into my arms, pulling the blanket over both of us. I squeezed him softly as I felt his breathing start to steady. Soft puffs of air came from him, indicating he bad fallen asleep, as I continued to hold him.
“Ruler of Monsters, eh? Indeed, he has a way of charming monsters…”
*Rimuru’s POV*
I shot up from the bed, just as the first sign of light was beginning to shine through the curtains of Gii’s room.
Looking to my right, I see Gii fast asleep, breathing deeply, his finely chiseled chest slowly rising and falling.
He’s so beautful… when he’s not talking…
I laughed softly to myself, running my hand through his soft and fiery hair. He groaned and opened one eye. “Oh it’s morning already? Good morning Rimuru-chan~” I narrowed my eyes at the moniker. But I decided to let it slide.
All of a sudden I was falling, when Gii scooped me into his arms and wrapped his arms around me. “Hey~ Rimuru-chan~ it’s morning, isn’t it?” He asked, burying his head into the crook of my neck.
“…Yes… it is indeed morning…” I cautiously asked, turning around to face him. I cocked an eyebrow and looked into those fiery red eyes.
Uh oh… why are—
I felt Gii grip one of my palms into his. He brought it forward to rest on his abdomen.
Wait… those aren’t his.. it’s… what’s this lo—
I stiffened as the realization dawned upon me.
This evil demon! This perverted old goat!
I glared up into his eyes, but I was curious. Now that I could make one… what if the vagina was used… Gii wouldn’t let me get hurt. He’d be gentle, and he obviously knows what he’s doing…
I shifted my gaze into one of curiosity, as I made a small nod. Gii’s eyes darkened as a smirk began to form on his lips.
Oh dear…
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master-muffinn · 4 months
Tensura slime
Y/n: How do you kindly tell someone to “fuck of”?
Milim: Punch them in the face!!
Veldora: Fight them!!
Diablo: Stab them.
Rimuru: Guys, stop! That’s not how we handle all problems!
Shuna: Have you tried telling them to just leave you alone?
Y/n: Yes, it’s not working.
Rimuru: What did they do? And what do they look like?
Y/n: An annoying red-haired guy follows me around and flirting with me.
Shion: HOW DARE HE!!
Shuna: Y/n i will have a serious conversation with my brother for you. 🙂
Benimaru: Wait- I haven't done anything?!
Hakurou: That’s right, he has been training with the youngsters today.
Rimuru: Y/n can you tell us more?
Y/n: Weird black clothes that show his belly and lower chest…
Rimuru: Okay, I think I know who he is..
Souei: Y/n let me kill him for you. Where are you?
Rimuru: Don't be stupid! He’s a demon lord, you don’t stand a chance!
Diablo: I can stab him for you! 😊
Rimuru: NO!! Why do you always choose violence to solve problems!! STOP!
Rimuru: Y/n come to my office, i will talk to him. See if we can solve this pieceful.
Guy Crimson: I don’t know what you are talking about~ 💅
Diablo and Souei: 🙂🔪
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luxthestrange · 10 months
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#38 Not on my watch...
Guy*Looking at You and Rimuru*Stay foxy~
Y/n*Putting an arm around Rimuru and pulling him close, looking up and down at him unimpressed* Die lonely~
Rimuru"Now I get why women fantasize about this-I feel so safe"*Happily latched to your side*...
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pandorazaithysse · 5 months
Tensura ships!
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yersang-dreams · 8 months
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"No matter what, we'll always be together"
AU: Real World!
Pair: Rimuru Tempest x F![Name]
OS/IMG/HCS: Oneshot
Summary:Uh oh! Rimuru suddenly comes into your world in which you thought it was a very good cosplay until he started convincing you! What should you do? Should you believe him?
Note:Since Rimuru won the poll and I already had a new idea that was on my mind for a few days, so I thought why not make it already? So here it is!
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Let's start with a flashback first...
You were just chilling in your bed watching a new anime that your best friend recommended, you thought it was gonna be very cheesy because of its name 'That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime' but as soon you watched it by the first few episodes, well you immediately became intrigued. As soon you finished the anime, you immediately started reading the manga/Light Novel since you wanted to know more but you well somehow ended up falling in love with a certain slime boy in the anime and his name was Rimuru Tempest you couldn't help it, he caught your attention during watching the anime and reading the manga.
Now let us move to the present...
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An alarm suddenly rings disturbing the peaceful silence and slumber of a girl with the name of [Name] [L/N], she reached out and tried to turn off the alarm that was ringing rather very loudly. The alarm became silent of it's loud ringings, [Name] sat up and began stretching her arms with a yawn.
You looked at your alarm it was already 7:01, you then remembered the convention you were supposed to go and so you stood up rubbing your eyes gently while walking down the hallway then to the bathroom.
A shout bursts out from the bathroom and you panicked as soon you saw your reflection in the bathroom mirror.
"WHAT THE?! My hair is messier than ever!"
The shower curtains were immediately opened by you rather aggressively. . .
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[Name] soon finished her bath, and changed into some adorable dress. You know those coquette outfits that you see on the internet? Yes you were wearing those because you got invited in a tea party by your dear best friend, you accepted since you have been attending plenty of tea parties but the party doesn't start until 9:30a.m so you still had time to visit the convention and maybe buy some merch too.
"Alright! Let's just cover the outfit with a cape to avoid those creepy guys."
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At the Convention Event Center...
You reached the event center which was obviously crowded since it was Saturday, you looked on your phone to see the time and it was 7:30.
"Already?! Time sure flies fast.."
You then entered tha Artist Alley, you saw a lot of nrw artists in that place and also the old ones who are currently selling their arts. You passed the Alley then moved to the merch section, there were a tons and tons of merch ranging from Demon Slayer, MHA, and many more but one stall cuaght your eye—it was a TENSURA merch stall, it was rare but you found one on this convention so you took the opportunity to buy some and maybe start a collection.
You finished buyibg the merchandise you didn't have on your collection, you chuckled as you held two bags of merch.
"Well! And soon my collection is complete!—Wait...is that a Rimuru cosplay?"
A really familiar blue hair caught your eyes and a outfit really similar to his Demon Lord clothing—You approached the 'cosplayer' and started complimenting them.
"Hey! You know that's a really good cosplay! It's almost like the real deal!"
"Huh? But I am the real Rimuru Tempest—"
"Haha! You're hilarious but fictional characters aren't real, after all they are just from an anime that is just fictional."
You laughed as he said that he was the real Rimuru Tempest, He looked at you like you were crazy until he started speaking again.
"I'm telling you! I am Rimuru Tempest! Look, I'll even transform into my slime form to prove it!"
Your laughter died down as soon he said that he will transform into his slime form.
'That can't be right? All characters are just fictional. He's just crazy...calm down [Name]...'
"I am indeed real, in fact I came here to look for you."
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Note: Don't worry this isn't the end! I'll make part 2 as promised! Do be patient and wait for it!
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an-idyllic-novelist · 2 years
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Hey guys, welcome to my fluffy blog! You might have seen my yandere literature blog, @forbidden-sunlight! I hope you will enjoy your time here with a cup of tea and your favorite treat!
If you would like to read my yandere content, I will leave the link to it here.
Chainsaw Man
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Morning glory [aki hayakawa x gn!reader]
The Sunless Sands [aki hayakawa x fem!reader]
Record of Ragnarok
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A Brilliant Color from A Voiceless Volundr [jack the ripper x nezuko!reader]
Buddha headcanons with Yoriichi Tsugikuni!fem!reader
Buddha with Lady Tamayo!reader [request]
Ares with Haganezuka!fem!reader [request]
Qin Shi Huang headcanons with Yoriichi Tsugikuni!fem!reader
Buddha headcanons with Muichiro!fem!reader
Jack the Ripper platonic headcanons with Muichiro!fem!reader
Hades with Kanae Kocho!reader [request]
Chen Gong headcanons with fem!Tanjiro reader
Sasaki Kojiro with Mitsuri!reader [request]
Raiden Taeemon with Mitsuri!reader [100+ follower milestone special]
Hades with gender-neutral!Muichiro!reader headcanons
Rudra headcanons with Tanjiro!fem!reader
Giyuu!fem!reader headcanons with Leonidas and Buddha
Buddha with fem!giyuu!reader scenario
Anubis with fem!giyuu!reader scenario
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
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Kim Dokja headcanons with a fem!reader who is a writer
Kimetsu no Yaiba aka Demon Slayer
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Hotaru Haganezuka headcanons with Chise!reader
part one
part two
part three
Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy!
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Dark Schneider with Shinobu!reader headcanons
part one
part two
Dark Schneider with Shinobu!reader scenario
The Amazing Digital Circus
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Jax and tired!fem!reader scenario
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Rimuru Tempest with fem!Tanjiro!reader headcanons
Hazbin Hotel
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Husk with gender-neutral!reader headcanons
Alastor with gender-neutral!reader Christmas scenario
Platonic Angel Dust with Violet Evergarden!reader fluff scenario
Lucifer Morningstar with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
Husk with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
Lucifer Morningstar with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario in honor of Valentine’s Day
Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario: daily routine
Helluva Boss
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Stolas Goetia with sinner!reader scenario
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Record of Ragnarok x That Time I Got Reincaranted as a Slime
I’m sorry but the mental image of Rimuru just absorbing their enemy god and then combining their physical features with his regular human form and just either figuratively or literally flipping off the other gods while all of Jura is just going wild about their Lord Rimuru easily beating a god
Plus, I’m just imaging that Brunhilde chose to have Rimuru to go against Zeus just to absolutely destroy the old man
-Brunnhilde had her hands on her fist, glaring down at Zeus who was glaring up at her, the Greek god pointing a finger at the third being in the room, “What is this, valkyrie?”
-Brunnhilde smiled, almost evilly, “A mere slime, Lord Zeus. One who can speak and has agreed to fight for humanity.”
-Zeus frowned at her, thinking she was mocking him, “We agreed on the strongest members for both sides! How is a slime strong!”
-Rimuru’s little slime arm rose, getting their attention, “Don’t underestimate me! I want to fight!” Brunnhilde said nothing but Zeus stared down at the little blue slime before he snorted and immediately busted out laugher, holding his stomach.
-Zeus wiped tears from his eyes only moments later before he glared, still annoyed, “If this is what you’re planning on, Brunnhilde, to have this slime fight for humanity, then I’ll allow it. Don’t come crying to me when you lose again. In fact, how about I fight next against this little slime?” Brunnhilde was shocked but agreed, trying to keep her elation hidden before he walked off.
-Brunnhilde and Rimuru shared a glance before she lifted a fist and he lifted one of his faux arms, “You’re gonna fuck him up, right?” Rimuru couldn’t help but chuckle himself, “With pleasure, cocky guys like that are the best to beat.”
-Goll was the one who carried Rimuru down to the entrance to the arena, cuddling the adorable slime who assured the youngest valkyrie that he was going to be just fine!
-The crowds were almost near rioting, the humans furious that Brunnhilde chose such a weakling to represent them, and the gods feeling insulted that their supreme leader, Zeus, was facing a mere slime, it was an insult to their power.
-Rimuru toyed with Zeus, taking his blows, not getting injured in the slightest, but crying out as if he was being hurt, playing up that he was just a ‘weak little slime’
-Zeus grew tired, annoyed that Rimuru wasn’t dying, annoyed with him bouncing around, and glared, “Time to get serious!” his body swelled as a dark aura surrounded him, grinning darkly.
-Rimuru, hearing the cheers of the humans watching, feeling the thoughts of those in the Great Forest of Jura, Rafael projecting their thoughts to him, it made him feel warm as he seemed to beam, sparkles around him, “Then I’ll get serious too!”
-His words stunned Zeus who had charged at him, but the words infuriated the leader of the gods, a furious war scream leaving him
-Rimuru let the punch hit him, but instead of bouncing back, his body seemed to liquify, enveloping Zeus’ arm.
-Many thought Rimuru had perished, finally squished by Zeus, until the leader of the gods cried out as tendrils, made of slime, began to crawl up his body, constantly latching to him, not giving an inch as more and more of the slime covered Zeus’ body.
-The crowd watched, horrified, seeing Zeus being dissolved and devoured by this ‘harmless little slime’ until only Rimuru remained, landing on the ground with a small bounce before he seemed to beam, “I won!”
-Everyone was stunned, completely silent, eyes wide and jaws to the floor, seeing that Zeus was defeated, and this ‘mere slime’ made it look easy!!
-Rimuru hopped back to the waiting area while Rafael spoke about the new skills he obtained, only paying half attention as he had so many now that he couldn’t keep track of them all.
-Brunnhilde and Goll were quick to meet up with him and he seemed to grin when Brunnhilde praised him, “I knew you were strong, but I had no idea you were capable of doing something like that!”
-He just laughed like he was an old man or a mentor, lightly teasing them, “Fu-fu-fu, that’s why you should never underestimate your opponent! Now Brun-chan~ you mentioned something about a feast if I won?”
-She held her arm out to show him the way, “Yes, we have prepared a feast of Japanese cuisine for you to enjoy.
-Rimuru leapt up high in glee, “Whoo-hoo!! Let’s go!!”
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all-encompassing-hero · 4 months
It's always "Veldora x Rimuru" this and and "Diablo x Rimuru" that and of course half the fics that actually have Souei x Rimuru also include Benimaru and like nothing against the guy but he seriously throws off the whole thing plus he and Souei are basically brothers so them sharing Rimuru just feels a bit wierd and also Souei x Rimuru just feels so much calmer without Benimaru there and honestly that's kinda what I need in a ship if you get what I mean and also Benimaru always feels like he's at his best writing wise when he's not tied to Rimuru and he really gets to play the role of general while Souei is at his best when he's with Rimuru serving as his hidden protector from the shadows keeping a watchful eye on his master, always ready to respond should Rimuru call for him like . . . (my voice begins to fade as I continue ranting as you back away slowly, wondering if asking me about my feelings on this was a bad idea)
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paulythide · 1 year
One Shot details!
So, while I work on the next chapter of the White Lion of the Red Keep, I want to ask and add more details to some of the more prominent options of the future one shot.
For example,
Idea F)-(Tensei Shitara x Galadriel (Overlord) Should it be more interesting if Galadriel was reborn there instead of Rimuru? Because I think it would've been a bit more interesting. Maybe, when Galadriel was reborn, she would've been forced to live in the same cave Rimuru was and slowly absorb the world's magic slowly, without her knowing because she is spending time with Veldora. Then she goes out, and that's where the fanfic began.
Another idea is for her and Rimuri to simply appear together in the same cave. I think this is good too. Rimuru, Veldora and Galadriel could have a sort of hilarious friendship. So, while Rimuru is levelling up, Galadriel would be already op and begin to experiment with that world's magic, perhaps, even level up herself. I don't know. Slime's world mechanic is kind of weird, not going to lie. But it is quite amusing to think about.
Idea >D)-(Mushoku Tensei x Galadriel (Overlord) Now, I think there could be different versions of this, but one of them is. Obviously, Galadriel is born there instead of Rubeus, and the dynamic of the entire series changes. Now, Galadriel could be born full op, but just in the body of a child and growing up, or gradually unlock her power.
Or, she could be born as Rubeus' twin. I don't know about this one, but again. It will change the dynamic of the series.
Idea>B)-(High School DxD x Galadriel (Overlord) I have been watching the series, and honestly, I just can't get into it. It's not for me. But I get the appeal, and the history is not really that bad. I guess it is not for me. Nevertheless, I just think Galadriel could take the place of Issei. I hate that guy, truly. But she would not be the pawn.
I'll let your minds continue with this.
Idea >G)-(Naruto x Galadriel (Overlord) Honestly, it's not really that bad if I think about it. I'll have to deal with just the Naruto fans. But I think it would be an interesting take. Galadriel, a Demonic entity, befriending Naruto with the Nine Tails. I don't know, I can of like the idea.
Idea >H)-(Bleach x Galadriel (Overlord) Now, the two versions are fun to think about. Galadriel just trying to learn more without bringing too much attention to her while also proving to be a sort of "new threat" since her Reiatsu is so strange and unique.
Galadriel, as a new Shinigami recruit, just shocks everyone and shows she has the Reiatsu of a Captain.
Or, Galadriel doing her best to not get the attention of Aizen, who thinks of her as a sort of unique Arrancar.
Funny both and interesting.
-The Game of Thrones or Dance of the Dragon ideas remain the same. But I think I have enough Game of Thrones fanfictions going around. So, yeah, I don't think I'll use them.
There are some people who want me to use I'm a Spider, so What? Well, I'll have to read the novel since the anime doesn't give me much to work on yet.
Also, some of you asked me if I would write an Overlord Fanfic, where Galadriel and Ainz met. Well, it's an interesting concept. Others asked me why I didn't put them together. Well, the original idea I had years ago was to make Galadriel, Ainz's little sister or twin sister.
But decided to just go with Galadriel solo. Well, the idea is still there.
-Also, some asked me about other works.
-Noblesse x Overlord (Now, I like this too! I remember reading the entire webtoon of Nobless for almost two weeks non-stop. I love it. So, it's out there to consider, eh?"
-Goblin Slayer x Overlord (Mm, intriguing.)
-Knosuba x Overlord (Do you want Galadriel to lose her mind with that useless goddess? Do you want her to go full genocide in that world?! Yeah, I thought so...)
-Shokugeki No Soma x Overlord (What...? I don't know even... how would that work? I mean, I am all in for intriguing ideas, but this is weird... but funny. I won't lie!)
-How not to Summon a Demon Lord x Overlord (Galadriel's harem history.)
-Kuroko no Basuke x Ovelord (Demiurge's wearing Laker's uniform.)
So, those are the details and other crazy ideas lying on there, from people's PM and hell.
See you all soon, and keep telling me what you would like to see!
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ljdoublecc · 1 year
Carrying Baskets
Milium x Reader:
I hummed as I walked through my home city, Rimuru. I smiled and occasionally waved at the other monsters that acknowledged me. I readjusted my hands on the basket of picked fruits because they were losing grip.
'I need to ask for a new basket soon,' I thought staring for a brief moment at the loose straw seems, 'It is getting too worn out especially nowadays.'
"Oh (Y/N)!" I heard a bubbly and cheerful shout behind me.
My head rotated 90 degrees to discover the one calling me. I smiled a little with a short sigh recognizing the pink-haired, blue-eyed, demon lord herself. She was running with those huge aqua eyes and an all-too-sweet smile. I turned my head forward as she approached me and I resumed walking. She caught up to me not too soon after.
"Hello, Milium," I greeted her when she was walking beside me, "How are you today?"
From the corner of my eye, I watched her pout, "Rimuru wouldn't give me a treat for doing a great job!"
"Really?" I was thrown off guard at her statement, "Why wouldn't he give you a treat for your hard work?"
She huffed, clearly frustrated, "These humans were picking on one of my besties' subordinates and tried to hurt him so I hurt them back."
I could feel the sweat-drop manifest itself on my forehead. I should have known that it was her own doing that she didn't get a treat rather than the Great Rimuru being cruel.
"Well, it was--no, is a rule to not mess with humans. You should have scared them not hurt them. They can cause heaps of trouble later." I said sternly.
"You sound just like my bestie," Milium cried.
I stayed silent for a bit. I felt cold when she said that. Do I sound like her bestie? Can we not bring up that I am like him? I am not like anybody but me. Don't talk about this or that reminding you of the guy that I am in a rivalry with for your affection. Pushing that aside I need to raise her spirits.
"Here," I tossed her one of the fruits in the basket. 
I heard her fumble a bit to catch it but she did. She didn't even ask me why, she just devoured it. Thankfully, there were no seeds for her to accidentally swallow. 
"Hm! Delicious!" She raved.
My lips' corners rose up at the compliment. Then it was back to silence between us as we walked. My eyes were focused in front but the bricked road was replaced by the demon lord and forced me to halt. I stared at her happy face in question, quietly asking her why she had stopped me. 
"I'm going to help you carry the basket," she beamed ripping the basket from my hands and running off with it. I also watched with horror as some of the fruits flew out the basket!
"Wait, Milium! Please slow down!" I chased after her while also catching any falling fruits.
All she did was laugh and continue running. It must have amused the others too because her laughter wasn't the only one I heard. She probably didn't even know where to go.
"Milium, please slow down or you'll hurt yourself!" I exclaimed fumbling with the fruits in my arms while running.
Too bad my warning was a little late. I heard her scream in surprise and saw her fall backward. Time felt slower as I discarded all the fruits in my arms and lunged for her. My arms wrapped around her waist, tugging her to my chest to prevent her from hitting the ground. Unfortunately, the momentum and force of her falling on me caused us both to hit the ground but at least I was her cushion. After that, the world resumed at normal speed.
I groaned sitting up with her in my lap, "Are you okay, Milium?"
"Yeah," she murmured.
"Oi, are you both okay?" I heard Rimuru say.
"Yeah! We're both fine!" I called back getting up with Milium in my arms.
"Are you okay, Rigurd?" Rimuru asked, who I'm guessing is the one Milium ran into. When Rimuru affirmed that he was fine, he turned to us, "What happened?" 
We had already separated from the embrace but I wish we hadn't. I shouldn't think of that right now. Milium was already being punished for fighting today, I can't let her get into any more trouble.
"It was my fault, Great Rimuru," I bowed my head, "I asked Milium to help me take these in and when I noticed we were running late I forced her to run faster. She got distracted because I was telling her to go even faster. Please forgive me, Great Rimuru. And most importantly of all, please forgive me for forcing you to do my work, Milium."
It was quiet, too quiet. I was worried he saw right through me. Please forgive me for lying, Great Rimuru! I picked up on a sigh.
"Alright, as long as you are all okay then it's all good but you are still picking all this mess up, and be careful next time." Came his response.
"Yes, sir. Right away, sir." I got on my knees to pick everything up.
I heard footsteps walk away from me and I let a sigh of relief out. I'm glad he didn't get mad and that he believed me.
"(Y/N)," I registered Milium's voice, "Why did you do that?"
"You didn't deserve another punishment when it wasn't your fault. I should have carried my own basket," I stated throwing her a grin then got back to work, "Now, go enjoy the rest of your day."
A few moments passed before she too walked away. 
"Oh no," I frowned holding the unwoven straw that was once my basket, "This is what happens when you complain about a few seems."
I sighed, now having to find a way to carry all the fruits.
****Late afternoon****
"Finally!" I huffed. 
It took me an hour to gather all the fruits because they got scattered all over Rimuru but now it was done.
"Now all I need to do is carry them," I dreaded.
There were so many! Just as I was about to roll up my sleeves and just do it I heard an ahem behind me. I turned to see a sight. Milium holding a basket similar to the old one but newer and she was blushing. 
"Here, this is for taking the blame. Even if it was my fault," she spoke, "I'm also going to help you this time."
I was confused at first but then I grinned at her, "I would love that. Thank you."
She blushed more as she came to sit beside me. We sat very close, our thighs touched, but I didn't mind. We gathered the fruits in comforting silence.
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master-muffinn · 5 months
That time i got reincarnated as a slime
When someone walking in on them when they making love (gender neutral)
Warning: nsfw, but there's no descriptions and barely any sex talk
These people are a true gentleman/gentlewoman. The moment they notice that the door are opening they cover up your body with either their own body or with anything in their surroundings like a blanket. They don’t want anyone else to see your beautiful naked body but them. They will make it clear to the intruder, whoever they are, to leave quickly with a threatening tone and a serious expression.
Afterwards they ask if you are alright and if you want to continue or not. If you do, they will give you a little extra attention to get you ‘back in the mood’.
^ DIABLO, SOUEI, Velzard, Hakurou, Treyni, Albis, Frey, Hiiro ^
These people are sensitive and can’t handle it very well. They become sooo embarrassed that their body and mind go blank for a moment. The longer the stranger takes to get out of the room, the more red and shaky they get. Please s/o, you have to calm your baby down and reassure them! They probably won't be able to continue after the ‘accident’ and if you’re unlucky, you probably won't have sex in some time because they are scared that the same accident were to repeat. Maybe with extra love and support the process will go faster. 
They get embarrassed and SCREAM. “GET THE F**K OUT!! HAVE YOU NEVER LEARNED TO KNOCK!!” Which hopefully won't make you deaf, unless you already are after dating these people. They will try to lower their voice for you, since they don’t wish to make you uncomfortable and worsen everything. They will however complain and/or mutter swearwords of irritation under their breath. They will need some time to calm them self down before continue, unless you say otherwise. 
^ VELDORA, MELLIM, Gobta, Ranga, Shion, Gabiru, Ramiris, Rigurd ^
If the stranger takes too long to get out they are like: “Um..can you… please leave..” They are awkward, embarrassed of course but mostly awkward. They don’t really know what they should do. This is just..weird. They try to not make it a big deal, like..this can happen to everybody right? But shouldn't the person have heard you two? Or did they do it on purpose? No that can’t be right? They would be fine to continue but their mind will go back to the ‘accident’ and you will soon lose interest so you end up cuddling and talking about it instead and you probably would laugh about it.
^ RIGUR, RIMURU, Shuna, Geld ^
All they do is stop what they are doing and stare the intruder straight in their soul with death. How DARE they interfere in their precious intimate time with their s/o. When the person leaves they apologize for not locking the door properly and then  ask if you are alright. After that they continued with what they were doing like nothing ever happened. Plotting murder later.
^ LEON, Gazel, Luminous, Clayman? ^
Getting caught mid sex? They found this really interesting and kinky. They totally leave the door unlocked on purpose so this would happen often. Might ask the person to come and join or watch them depending on who they are, but will of course change their mind if their s/o slaps them complains. They will continue your time together without problems, maybe even a little more horny. ;)
^ GUY CRIMSON, yuuki, Diablo? ^
Thank you for reading! I hope you like it! ❤ Likes, reblogs and criticism are very much appreciated! 🥰
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luxthestrange · 3 months
Tumblr media
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
Any polys (character/reader/character) you really want to write or just love to see in general?? im a gremlin.
Plenty of polys I ponder about, their potential chemistry and angst shit sends me over the fucking moon. Plus, more hands to hold.
I love polys that work immediately just as much as ones that take time to mold correctly. Below are some polys I think about more often than I know I should;
Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist): Mephisto Pheles/Amaimon/Reader, Arthur Angel/Lewin Light/Reader, Sheimei/Rin Okumura/Reader
Arknights: Gladiia/Andreana/Spector/Skadi/Reader, Vanilla/Fang/Reader, Amiya/SilverAsh/Reader, Mountain/Waai Fu/Reader, Mr. Lee/Hellagur/Reader, Mr. Lee/Waai Fu/Aak/Hung/Reader, Jay/Reader/Waai Fu
Mega Man Series: Mega Man/Blues/Reader, Gemini Man/Snake Man/Reader, Terra/Sunstar/Reader, X/Zero/Reader, Red/Zero/Reader, Scarface/Epsilon/Reader, Ciel/Zero/Reader, Eight Gentle Judges/Reader,
The Battle Cats: Catman/Reader/Lucifer The Fallen, Immortal Keiji/Wargod Hanzo/Reader, Immortal Keiji/Zeus/Reader
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (TTIGRAAS): Shion/Shuna/Reader, Diablo/Rimuru Tempest/Reader, Benimaru/Hakuro/Reader, Milim/Guy Crimson/Reader
Onmyoji: Ibaraki Dōji/Reader/Shuten Dōji, Abe no Seimei/Shuten Dōji/Reader, Asura/Taishakuten/Reader, Lord Arakawa/Kingyo/Reader
Undertale: Sans/Reader/Toriel, Toriel/Asgore/Reader, Underfell & Underswap Sans/Reader, Dream/Underswap Sans/Reader
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nihilityart · 28 days
Anthro Kaiju AU x TenSura
I saw a few good Anthro Kaiju AU's on this site so I decided to make one of my own. Kaiju in this AU are known as Monster People or Monster Men, or 'Kaibutsujin' in japanese. They are an older species than humans but have lived side by side with them, some cultures worshipped them as gods, or feared them as demons.
The Monsters follow a polytheistic religion that worships many different gods. With the Supreme God being referred to as Asur-Vel.
This takes place an alternate version of modern day Japan.
The Gojira Clan:
The Gojira clan has been the ruling family of Japan since basically it's inception in this AU. The humans treated them as Gods and the Monsters followed them as rulers. Their species can live for a long time.
Now let's go over some characters.
Emperor Setsu Gojira (Legendary Godzilla):
The current reigning emperor of Japan. Despite being emperor, he is actually quite young for his kind (150 years old) and is kind of a hot headed punk. He ditches his duties all the time and goes to bars and nightclubs under the alias 'Godzilla'. But despite the tough guy act he puts on, he is actually rather insecure and isn't sure that he is worthy of ruling Japan.
His friends jokingly call him a tsundere since he doesn't like to show his feelings simply out of fear that they make him look weak.
Anguirus Akihiko:
He is one of Godzilla's drinking buddies/best friends that he frequently runs into during his 'excursions' into town. He has no idea that his best buddy is actually royalty. He works as a small time news reporter for the national news.
Rodan Ryoichi:
A half Japanese and half Mexican kaibutsujin who lives and works as a bartender in a bar called 'El Volcán'. After a few drinking sessions and some shenanigans involving some of the local gangs, he and Godzilla became pretty close.
Mosura Hikari:
She is a boss of a yakuza that secretly works with the japanese government. And therefore is the only friend in the group who knows who Godzilla really is. She's quite motherly and kind, but can be terrifying at times too. Godzilla refers to her as Mothra most of the time.
They are an alien who have fled their violent home world in order to find a place to live. So now they blend into society as supposed conjoined triplets, trying to keep the fact that they are aliens a secret. He was secretly given the ability to split apart by Rimuru. However, this ability cuts their power into three so they are weaker separately than when they are together.
Ichi Ghidorah:
The Eldest of the brothers and the most responsible out of the three. He is the one that mostly makes the plans and figures out how to avoid problems.
Ni Ghidorah:
The hot head of the group, constantly gets into fights with Ichi about who is right and wrong. But at heart he is actually just a giant tsundere who doesn't like to admit that he cares about his brothers.
San Ghidorah:
The innocent and charming youngest of the brothers. He is so innocent is actually kind of scary, he openly speaks about how much he loves his siblings and only desires familial affection from them. He adjusted really well to Earth life and loves it. The people who meet him often call him by the nickname; "Kevin".
Satoru Mikami:
Satoru Mikami is Godzilla's doctor, the only other person who know who Godzilla truly is. He is also secretly the God Asur-Vel (An avatar of the ZS) who likes messing around in the mortal realm, this makes it super awkward when he is invited to the holiday that was created to celebrate and worship him. Nobody knows that he is the God Asur-Vel. He is also called by the nickname; "Rimuru". He also serves as a sort of second father figure to Godzilla.
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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fzzr · 2 years
The Eminence in Shadow is Premium Garbage
The Eminence in Shadow is the best anime of the Fall 2022 season. I enjoyed it more than Bocchi the Rock!, Mob Psycho 100 III, Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family Part 2, and all the rest, and it's not close. There's nothing else I looked forward to every week more.
We have to start with the protagonist. Cid "The Eminence in Shadow" Kagenou looks every power fantasy protagonist and attempted parody of the same dead in the eye and says, with the swagger of one who won before the battle began, "I am not here because I want your throne. It is already mine, and you sat upon it by my grace. Your time is past now, for I have come to reclaim what never belonged to you." Kirito hasn't finished grabbing a weapon before he is reduced to one inch cubes. Ainz Ooal Gown freezes in place, eyes empty, with no answer. Anos Voldigoad gives a knowing smile and steps aside. Rudeus Greyrat stands with tears in his eyes, grateful to be freed of his burden. Rimuru Tempest bows with grace. Maple doesn't know how she got here, but she's very happy for him. Kazuma and Subaru are nowhere to be found. A thousand other guys with messy hair and dark cloaks are silenced, with no time even to cry out.
The basic concept of Eminence is thus: Our protagonist has always wanted to be the ultimate badass. Realizing this is not possible in our mundane reality, he truck-kuns himself and is reborn in a fantasy world, intelligence and ambition intact. He does the usual isekai thing where he becomes stronger than anyone else with magic no one else uses mostly off screen - we're not here to see him struggle to earn his power. We do see him recruit Alpha, his first disciple in Shadow Garden, the underground antihero agency he made up to fight the Cult of Diablos, which he also made up. He decides for this scene that she will be descended from the hero to explain why those baddies wanted her blood.
Wait, "he decides?" That's right, Cid/Shadow is making it up as he goes along. He is playing a character, and the only way he knows how to do that is to actually become that character. While not being the magical Punisher, he plays a background character. He's not so good at that role - he keeps stumbling into relevancy. Eminence is improv, and Cid is very good at making things up and getting everyone to play along.
When Cid goes to the obligatory high school for aspiring magic knights (where he plans to be a C student), it turns out the princess in his class is the next target of the Cult of Diablos! Not one to leave a prompt like that unfulfilled, he yes-ands that encounter into one of the greatest statements of badassery you will ever hear. When Alpha and the rest of Shadow Garden show back up, he's grateful that they still enjoy their little game and are so accommodating of his quirks. He can't say that out loud, of course - that would break character. He just makes whatever cryptic statement feels right to him at the moment.
The world really does seem to revolve around Cid, and like the thousand shadows of his glory, he has no idea. As Shadow, the leader of a secret agency/cult of personality, he obviously has a harem of badass bombshell beauties in tight magic spandex, and just as obviously he's completely oblivious to their worship. As Cid, aspiring nobody, he has a separate, ever growing harem of less badass bombshell beauties. He is fully aware of their attention, but having an increasing number of ladies lusting after him doesn't fit the background character vibe, so he does his utmost to avoid their ever-compounding thirst. You heard me right - Cid/Shadow has two separate harems, so he gets to parody two different types of oblivious harem protagonist. There's even a power fantasy within that power fantasy, as the Shadow Garden harem regularly shows off how much better they are than Cid's collection of extremely eligible bachelorettes.
The 11/10 strength of Eminence is undoubtedly in its dialogue. In multiple places Cid/Shadow delivers lines with more impact as comedy than some of the most powerful statements in serious dramas deliver even once. I honestly struggle to find a comparison here. Monogatari is another shining example of dialogue, but even it never quite reaches that height.
Eminence does not have a deep emotional thread binding it together. It has no subtle themes woven into an intricate plot. The point of this exercise is unadulterated fun, and Eminence has that in spades. As for the rest of the factors that go into making a good anime great: The music is good all the time. The simple animation is consistent, and the expensive scenes really flex that budget. There's a bit of background CGI, but seriously who cares.
Score: The Eminence in Shadow is 9/10. Hammy, scenery gobbling dialogue can be found anywhere. Eminence manages to implement some of the best bad dialogue ever and it makes no apology, while also being gripping in its own way.
Recommendation: The power level requirement here is quite high. Eminence is only of interest to those already familiar with (and maybe a bit tired of) power fantasy/isekai anime. Additionally, it indulges in occasional fanservice you wouldn't want someone to see over your shoulder. However, if you do fall in the target audience you really should feel obligated to watch it.
I already said it's better than every isekai ever made. As a parody of power fantasies in general, it is perhaps best compared to The Misfit of Demon King Academy. That protagonist, Anos Voldigoad, is reborn with all the knowledge and powers of a nigh-omnipotent Demon King. He can literally reduce someone to a puddle of blood with the beat of his heart, and resurrect them with a snap of his fingers. Unlike Eminence, Demon King Academy has no winks at the audience - its position as parody is derived entirely from being presented as a straight implementation of the premise turned up to 20. As such, I think Eminence allows itself more room to play in that space. If you end up liking Eminence, Demon King Academy is a good pick for a follow-up watch.
How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend is the universal solvent of anime comparisons. It has many secret weapons, but the hook is in the title. Megumi stubbornly avoids classification under any well-established romcom stereotype. She's a nobody, a background character, a storytelling blank slate. In short, she is naturally what Cid tries his hardest to be. So, let's compare what these two anime think a background character actually is. Megumi defies tropes. Whenever someone tries to paint preconceived characterization onto her, it slides right off. You have to actually get to know her to understand her. Cid's view of a background character is instead someone you don't get a chance to get to know in the first place. He wants to be the guy who gets rejected to show that the love interest is picky. He wants to be the first guy to die in an action sequence to show the stakes are real. He wants to be disposable. So, to Saekano, a background character is someone you just haven't gotten to know. To Eminence, it's someone you never will. A subtle difference, but since Saekano is taking a look instead of taking the piss, it's the more interesting way to look at it.
Final Words
I will indulge myself in stealing borrowing from Susan Sontag's Notes On Camp. "Not only is Camp not necessarily bad art, but some art which can be approached as Camp... merits the most serious admiration and study." Eminence is not necessarily Camp, but it swims in those waters. I recommend you watch Eminence for the sheer audacity that it was made in the first place, but if you have a particularly open-minded professor and are desperate for a topic for a term paper, well... you might as well have fun with it, right?
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