#rimicha. what did you do.
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tuxaity · 1 month ago
so i dreamed this when i took a nap at school
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it was aruchaco visiting rimicha that got in jail?? and theres cielomort for some reason giving them the way where rimicha is and he looks angry or in a hurry while aruchaco were chill
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outrageousfragarian · 4 months ago
The Knight's Chivalries:
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HALLRITT - "Trust" - Believe and accept everything, whether clear or muddy. MEROLD - "Oaths" - Keep the vows you make to your lord. PURUTH - "Leniency" - To be in tune with individuality and maintain freedom. ROMARRICHE - "Respect" - Respect and care for others and for history. RIMICHA - "Courage" - To have courage and be inspired. SANAH - "Pride" - Be proud and honest.
CIELOMORT - "Love" - To always be there for you no matter how sad you are. KURODE - "???" - To be in search of something WILLMESH - "Secrecy" - Do not expose it to the world without care, instead keep it carefully hidden and protected. KLARKSTELLA - "Eternity" - To have unchanging faith, no matter how long time passes. LOUTERSTELLA - "Everlasting" - To have unchanging compassion, no matter how long time passes. MYUNNA - "Adoration" - Respect the ambition of the heart it wants to be.
BADOBARM - "Duty" - Play your own part and govern. CHACO - "Wit" - Rushing to the scene and acting flexibly. ARUPEK - "Dream" - Never give up and go straight for your dreams. TUXAM - "Dignity" - Observe courtesy and serve with sincerity. HANGYON - "Amusement" - To entertain and never make them feel lonely. PIKERO - "Truth" - Uncovering the truth and finding unwavering answers.
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aozora-memories · 19 days ago
Fragmem Incorrect quotes - Part 2!
Hangyon: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A. Tuxam: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Pikero: Fuck you.
------ Sanah: I have issues. Puruth: Finally, you admit it! The first step to redemption is accept- Sanah: With you. ----- Klarkstella: Cielomort, can I ask you a question? Cielomort: Sure, anything. Klark: Why don't you go back to your own house and leave us alone? -----
Hangyon: Rules were made to be broken. Tuxam: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Arupek: Uh, piñatas. Badobarm: Glow sticks. Pikero: Karate boards. Chaco: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Tuxam: ------ Sanah: Hey, Romarriche? Romarriche: Yes? Sanah: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Romarriche: Romarriche: Where’s Rimicha? ----- Kurode, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK. ----- Louterstella: shoves their hand in the slot of a toaster Myunna: …huh??? Louterstella: …I get confused sometimes. Myunna: Me too.
----- Sanah: So, what's for dinner? Romarriche, staring at the food they burnt: Regret.
----- Kurode: I wouldn’t wish that upon my worse enemy! Kurode: Unless of course. . We’re talking about my brother, Merold. Fuck you Merold, you know what you did! ----- Merold: Let’s write Hallritt a friendly note, shall we? Dear… Incompetent… Dumbass… ----- Willmesh: So jellyshish- Cielomort, laughing: JELLYSHISH!? Willmesh: ...You know what I meant! ----- Romarriche: What is the one thing I told you not to do? Hallritt: Burn the house down. Romarriche: And what did you do? Hallritt: I made dinner. Romarriche: Hallritt: Romarriche: Hallritt: And burnt the house down.
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cosmicrescendo · 25 days ago
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(Read Part 1 of this rant here)
If we want to talk about Noir's pelicularites, we gotta start here. Aru's really different than the 2 two protags, isn't he?
Halritt has wonderful ideals, but they're a little vague/short-sighted and he is struggling to put them in practice and bear results with those methods.
Kurode is decently competent, but lacks a clear anchor (one's chivalry) to drag him out of the stupor born from his miserable perception of himself, which hinders his progress.
Aru is a little older, and has been in the business for a lot longer than these two. I say, in terms of the heart, there's not much he lacks: He's good a strong will, dedicated in both his ideals and love for his Lord, quick to act (and improvise!), and can bear good results due to well-placed earnestness and empathy. N01 illustrates this all pretty well.
Pretty transparently, what Aru does lack, is "experience". And I'd argue its a slightly different variety than say, what Halritt and Kurode need as fresh-faced knights. Those two's experiences will develop/grow their hearts (will and identity). With Aru (and I will expound later, the entirety of Noir potentially)…….it's more of a mental thing?
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For starters, let's refer back to the idea that To Get Along = To Understand Others. Let's take Chaco. We can see he's well-liked by his community and thusly he should know how to get along with others! But why did he fail in N01? This is because the basics of attempting to Understand Others isn't enough.......we need Knowledge. One can empathize and understand the actions of their family, school, or region ...but end up stepping all over the toes of another person due to a lack of cultural, emotional, technical, and/or situational knowledge.
If something is easy for me, and I never attempt to engage/experience with the Reasons Why people who struggle with it or can't do it at all, then my attempts at being empathic will feel flimsy at best and offensive at worst! (Or I might not empathize at all, due to my own built up biases......)
So what's the easiest way to obtain such Knowledge? Getting off our asses and going to see it! Not gonna find anything remaining in the place that developed our own biases. And by being a traveling outsider, Aru brings a slice of the outside to the people he ends up encountering! It prompts learning on both ends! Now, it should be noted that the people he encounters that have Very Specific Problems born from this lack, there's not a really specific one for Aru (as of rn) aside from cultural/technical knowledge, so good on Pekkle for being a good friend and nipping that in the bud before it blossoms.
"but nova isn't this supposed to be a thread about how Noir differs? this sounds Awfully Similar to blue bouquet's Problem" Well you see the most interesting part is the Resolution. In realizing what they lack they are inherently Drawn to it, and desire More!
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Tuxam doesn't just realize he's too much of a hardass and Chaco realizing he can come across as a little insincere. they are inherently drawn to the qualities in Aru that they lack (his frankness and his freedom) and want to experience more of Aru's perspective and the other potenial things they don't know, prompting them to tag along in this cross-country journey!
In contrast.....it's not like Kurode's willful desire for independence caught Klark's attention in that way, and in canon Will-Louter and Kurode-Klark are similar to each other, in regards to changing the twins' ways in B02. And even though R03 emphasized the importance of diversity, it's a little different. We can acknowledge the strengths of others and how having such a colorful group covers our weaknesses when we're alone. However! None of the knights in there necessarily want to incorporate each other's way of life into themselves in that manner. It's pretty clear by the way R03 encourages Rimicha to be confident in what only he can do and his way of being a knight. Preservation of one's individuality is important. In Blue and Red, we have to begin where we are similar in order to understand our differences, but in Noir, differences are enchanting, exciting, alluring, that which draws us together!
What a lovely sentiment! (Go read Part 3 of this rant)
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scuffle-with-spirals · 1 year ago
idk if you already saw or not but did you see that fragmem was confirmed to be a music project!! I’m so excited!! I love music projects like hypmic, milgram, and paralive so I’m even MORE excited for this project (which I didn’t think was possible!) There’s so much they can do with drama tracks and music so I’m super curious as to where they’ll take the story!!
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OAAAAGHXJDJXJXJJFDJ I'm so so SO sorry I'm late to this but I have heard and I'm honestly so excited to see how the music videos and songs play out? I wonder if they'll all be posted in chronological order (so like, Red, Blue, Noir in order of cast list) or maybe they'll get jiggy with it and do certain characters first??? I really do think one of the three main knights (Hallritt, Cielomort, and Badobarm) may be done first and then they could branch out but it would also be super neat to see just any character being featured???
And I just can't wait for the voice dramas! I really hope English captions are provided or at least some form of translations come. Either way I'm a big fan of music series myself (I used to eat up the evil chronicles back in the day, but in terms of like, now, I really should consider trying to get in some other ones as they seem really fun? I've heard nothing but good about Milgram from friends, so :0c) so I'm really excited to see what they do all around???
As for me I mean...Rimicha music video would be kinda. Please...pleas e I wanna see that deranged salmon chef fuck it up on the mic
On the voice drama side of things, I'd love to see pretty much anything from Noir, especially if there's a focus on Pikero, Tuxam, or Arupek, but I honestly wouldn't mind some focus on the Blue bouquet, to be honest. Like, I think everyone's designs in there bang, but Willmesh really is the only stand out character to me in there, but I'd really like to see that change once I see some more official material come out. :>
So all in all: I can't wait to obsess over this series fr fr fr fr f—
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fragaria-imagines · 1 year ago
Have some silly little fun facts (and spoilers ahead) about Felicity & Ayama because why not >:D
Fun Facts (+ Spoilers):
She’s (probably) the tallest knight out of all the fragarian knights out there + the only woman who get the chance to become a knight (so far until I get to reveal more original characters for this silly franchise)
When someone said that she is their favorite knight to get along with (in which mostly done by children at this point), she can ended up being an emotional pickle for the day (also known as crying out the happy tears) after going back to the kingdom and the rest of the noir bouquet used to have no idea of why she is crying until she had to explain it to them.
She is literally being friends with everyone EXCEPT Klarkstella who have rejected her friendship start about countless times (no one didn’t knew this until Masky literally bring that up in a meeting with all the knights and the lords).
There used to be a rumor that the bells that connected with her jester hat is her “real eyes” as some people have nightmares about it until Felicity confirmed that there is no way that the bells are her actual eyes.
She is actually not a fairy but much more rather… A “monster” according to some of the citizens’ nightmares of her.
In her (upcoming) official description (made by me), it is stated that if Felicity & Ayama went insane, they will go through an abstraction (it’s basically a concept where after a character went insane, they basically have a different form… I recommend checking this page out as I take some inspiration from there.). Unlike TADC’s version of what the character looked like when they got abstracted, only the hands and the eyes are the one that got abstracted… You can say it as “Half Abstracted” if you want and there will be references to abstract art + those retro color palettes from the 70s-80s when you see the abstracted parts of her body…
Her name isn’t actually “Felicity & Ayama”.
She has owned many titles by many people but there is one that she specifically created for herself only, it’s called “The Half-Abstracted Devil”.
Her ability to abstract is one of her biggest secrets… No wonder why she literally hides it in front of everyone.
She wished that she can able to help Rimicha and Kurode out but knowing damn well that she didn’t experience those struggles that those boys had, she can’t help but hugging and giving them the silence she thinks they deserved it would help it out…
Chaco is still waiting for her to open up her secrets until this day (Yeah, their relationship is more like Mizuki & Ena at this point when I write this fact)…
And that’s all I can able to tell you! I’m sorry for the early spoilers, I just simply can be excited to finally showing someone some important details about my original characters that they might need an eye on, especially when they are (not) okay— Anyways, I hope you did enjoyed this silly ask and I see you later on!
Ahh I love hearing about them!!
Felicity especially sounds so sweet and friendly, i definitely would want to be her friend!!
Also what do you mean Ayame and Felicity aren’t there real names 👀👀
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mostunloyalbamtori · 9 months ago
It's day 3 of rimicha haunting my spotify. When this first happened I even removed the song from my liked songs and then liked it again thinking it would fix it... little did I know. Today the same thing is happening but every now and then it fixes itself? I don't really know what's happening but I do have a screen recording I'll upload on a different post since you can't upload videos on reblogs
Is it just me or are all the ever red audios on spotify the rimicha version? I'm going insane I listened to the rimicha version yesterday and today I wanted to listen to the full group one but it's just the rimicha solo again so I just thought there was something wrong with my spotify so I closed and opened it again but it's still just rimicha so I checked the other versions too and it's also just rimicha. Has there been a mistake by the people who uploaded it or am I dying please help
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outrageousfragarian · 2 months ago
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HALLRITT The sorrows nestled into this world SANAH The source of distress runs quick on its feet RIMICHA Without leaving anything behind Well then, thanks for the meal
SANAH (What's up) Thank you for waiting RIMICHA (Eat up) Bon appétit HALLRITT (What's up) Is it to your taste? RIMICHA (Eat up) Thank you for the meal?
HALLRITT I'm nothing like an unbothered adult *1 SANAH I cry in sorrow even on a good day RIMICHA In that case, if it all comes down to that Shake shake hands We're friends, right?
HALLRITT Wanting to act calm and composed RIMICHA It's that kind of phase SANAH I'd rather spend my time slacking off
RIMICHA What's in it for me? What can I even do? Sir, sir, SIR!!
RIMICHA Such pain, such frustration *2 Why can't I do anything? (And for you)
RIMICHA I'm not gonna keep comparing myself HALLRITT Not to anyone else SANAH Not to anything else RIMICHA Not even to myself
ALL (STARVE) Why is it this way? Why are people like this? I'm so sad (just for you) RIMICHA Searching for something I can't have ALL Losing sight of the "character" right in my hand RIMICHA I am "rare"
SANAH (What's up) Thank you for waiting RIMICHA (Eat up) Please have some more HALLRITT (What's up) Did you like it? RIMICHA (What's up) Thank you for your patronage
RIMICHA I wanted to hurry up, I've gotten impatient
SANAH (Steadily) Take care of them properly RIMICHA (Steadily) Make it delicious ♡ SANAH Don't touch it so roughly RIMICHA My body's gonna fall apart *3
HALLRITT Rather than being jealous, it's better to be envied (Rather than burning, it's better to be burned) I'd like to be at least as good as that SANAH Is this a "seafood" too? *4
RIMICHA What's in it for me? What can I even do? Sir, sir, sir!
ALL There's no going back, it's a one-way journey RIMICHA The view gets misty as the crybaby's tears run down ALL Everything is overflowing with love
RIMICHA Such kindness, such ease and comfort I love you more than anything (and for you) Still with only a half-baked self confidence It inspired a slice of courage
ALL (STUFFED) Why is it this way? Why are people like this? I'm so happy (just for you) RIMICHA This is what it means to be a special presence to someone you care about ALL Warming up the inner depths of one's heart RIMICHA Your "rare"
HALLRITT (STARVE) An immature youth's rampage RIMICHA (STARVE) One page of rolled up appetizers SANAH (STARVE) A shower of applause on stage RIMICHA This dream… This dream won't stop me!
HALLRITT (STUFFED) Give off a bit of talent RIMICHA (STUFFED) I'll give myself to you SANAH (STUFFED) From now on, everything will… RIMICHA Please, please accept this specialty
1 さばさば can mean something like feeling refreshed/pleasant after you finish dealing with something troublesome or by not being bothered by anything
2 歯痒 talks about frustration when things don't go as expected/don't go your way
3 身崩れ is also a term for a fish losing its shape once it gets cooked
4 ��の幸 (seafood) literally means "bounty/blessing of the sea"
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outrageousfragarian · 1 year ago
YOUR MELODY: Analysis, Merold's Manipulation
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(Parts are still incomplete like the flower language) full english lyrics, Ever Red theory (MUST READ TO UNDERSTAND THIS POST) Updated: Feb 25 2024
Flower Language
(thanks to my friend Lux for finding most of them)
Rimicha - sunflower, birds of paradise Sunflower: Symbols of joy, adoration, and loyalty. There's a story in Greek Mythology of a nymph who turns into the flower after losing her lover Birds of paradise:  Symbols of joy, paradise, freedom, and a sense of exploration
Hallritt - red periwinkle - symbol of purity, everlasting love, loyalty to friends, and hope
Merold - white and pink easter lily, white chrysanthemum, baby's breath, white spider lily, white and pink rose, hyacinth - together as a bouquet, all these flowers symbolize devoted love and loyalty, feelings of strong familial love and homesickness, positivity, happiness and admiration for the receiver, along with "seeking forgiveness/deep regret" with the hyacinths
Mirror flowers: lily, daisy, carnation, 4th still unknown - Together as a bouquet, these flowers represent celebration/hope for happiness, love and connection. Some flowers also share a meaning of rebirth or missing someone
Broken Mirror
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Broken mirrors typically symbolize a shattered self-image, fractured identity, and a sense of loss. I'll most likely be covering the voice drama in another post, but in the first episode, Hallritt is seen easily defeating a seed in one hit. Maybe Merold feels like his role as the strongest knight is being challenged? Which is why he accuses Hallritt of being a failure as a knight in the teaser for episode 2. In another scene, these two frames are right next to each other. Instead of the diamond flipping around like it did before, Merold just completely replaces Hallritt.
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The MV also had multiple "waves"/glitches, which recently has been a recurring theme of Seed's presence.
Hallritt also feels a bit "off" in the MV. It's possible that it's Eldritch Hallritt/Eldritt/The "original Hallritt" currently present. It's a bit confusing to tell which timeline the MV is set in, but it might make more sense with the System Hallritt headcanon. Eldritt formed as a protector and gatekeeper who used to hide the truth from the "current Hallritt", before deciding it'd be beneficial if he knew the truth and did something about it. Following this, the MV is in the 2nd timeline as my timeline theory suggests (with the voice dramas being the 1st timeline), and Eldritt is simply fronting instead of Hallritt.
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There's also this scene where Hallritt sings: "As if two hearts are on top of each other, I want to be connected by the same rhythm"
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Merold seems to know about the 1st timeline. He holds a ribbon, which is what represents the memories of that timeline in Ever Red. He is also seen multiple times with a corrupted version, possibly hinting at him having an Eldritch (seed corruption) form as well.
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The lyrics seem to have him hinting at the 1st timeline to Hallritt. If you corrupt the future, you echo its dark history.
To summarize: Merold is threathened by Hallritt's strength, yet he also knows the truth of what he did/will do. He wants to get rid of him somehow, or at least keep him in his place. He put up a face to seem trustworthy, but someday, that facade will shatter like the mirror.
1. Merold losing his vision? Really not much proof here aside from this quick frame
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2. blob people. idk who or what they are yet
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3. there's one transiton where something that look like vines turn into (angel? dove?) feathers and another one with a broken crystal. could it be referencing cielomort's death? is it his crystal strawberry from aozora?
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(Why? Why?) This heart (Why? Why?) It's fragile (Why? Why?) No matter what, I love you most (Why? Why?) It's overflowing (Why? Why?) These desires A melody just for you
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aozora-memories · 1 month ago
Ok ehm I'm bored so fragmem incorrect quotes go
Romarriche: Will you at least try to stay out of trouble? Merold: No.
Hangyon: Tuxam did you know if you water water it grows? Tuxam: It's 3 AM. Hangyon: Look, I brought a glass of water to prove it! Tuxam: How'd you get into my room. ----- Merold: Okay guys, we gotta make it through this locked door. Hallritt give me your credit card. Hallritt, giving his credit card: Here. Merold, pocketing it: Cool. Someone kick down the door.
Kurode: I'm gong play a song. Kurode: I called it "My Life So Far". Kurode, taking in a deep breath: AAAAAAAAAA- -----
Arupek: Do crabs think people walk sideways? Chaco: …Arupek, what the hell.
Cielomort: Slash gamemode creative. Klarkstella: This isn't Min- Cielomort: starts levitating
Klarkstella: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying. Kurode: And? Klarkstella: And you are.
Sanah, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume? Rimicha: grabs and chugs the entire bottle Rimicha: Rimicha: It's perfume.
Myunna, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! Cielomort, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds. -----
Hangyon: Gasp Badobarm: WHAT?? Hangyon: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Badobarm: inhales Arupek, in another room with Tuxam and Chaco: Why can I hear screeching?
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aozora-memories · 2 months ago
The hunger game starts!I'll put my thoughts along with screenshots of interesting things below [Just saying there's gonna be death and su1c1de mention]
[BLOODBATH] ....Interesting trio
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...Will.Will put that down. Also Hallritt probably ran because he don't want to hurt Klark </3
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M-MYUNNA-?That was not what I was expecting..
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THANK YOU KLARK.Also Kurode I don't like that.Put that down ^^
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Bad Randall >:( Also noo Hallritt you should have been more careful..
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This is actually a wholesome squad..
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KURODE.NO.(Even in the Hunger games sim he can't survive longer than Merold </3)
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[DAY 2]
Good.Ciel if you killed Roma I will personally end you even though your my fav.
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Puruth LOL Also Willmesh commits betrayal again who wants to tell Klark
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...Sanah fuck you
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And thank you Willmesh I guess but Will you might want to check on your friend
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Poor Myunna :( Also why is it this round where my favs die Tuxam you better survive
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Sanah stop being a killer please Also damn Merold chill out be nice
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[DAY 4] What did Willmesh do bro Also Klark.Klark how dare thou
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Dw Myunna I will get help ALSO GET HIM WILL
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Myunna I would suggest putting that down...Also Rip Hangyon I guess
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Merold running from Rimicha is not what I expected.But ok
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Rip Merold.But hey at least he can meet Kurode again
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[DAY 5] PURUTH- Also what did Rimicha do to you Myunna :(
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...Pikero you are on my target list
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Anyways ehm top 3 is Willmesh,Pikero and Sanah (If Sanah wins I'm gonna rage)(Funny how they are all from different Bouquets)
[DAY 7]
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....ANDDDDDDD Great.Congrats Pikero :/
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The final 3 all have 4 kills.So yeah.
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