#rima plays ikemen sengoku
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#ikesen#ikevamp#ikevamp isaac#Sarutobi Sasuke#isaac newton#ikemen vampire#ikemen sengoku#rima plays ikemen sengoku#rima plays ikemen vampire#ikesen memes#ikevamp memes
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Ikevamp MC: How could you have not named your cat?? That's it! I'm giving him a proper name
Ikerev MC:How could you have not named your pig?? That's it! I'm giving him a proper name
Ikesen MC:*in complete resignation* I guess you can name your cat Kitty....
#Rima plays ikemen revolution#rima plays ikemen sengoku#rima plays ikemen vampire#ikerev#ikesen#ikevamp
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After playing both Sasuke’s and Yukimura’s route I’ve came to an important conclusion...
#I should be making graphics for my report rather than memes#but you know I had to#ikesen sasuke#ikesen yukimura#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#sarutobi sasuke#sanada yukimura#ikesen memes#rima plays ikemen sengoku#ikesen spoilers#...i guess#I feel like doing this for Masamune's route too... maybe later
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You are evil Cybird!! 100000!! It's like 3 times what I make on a regular event!!

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ok, we know Sasuke and the MC are supossed to be around the same age; the question is:
Was Sasuke younger than the MC before going to the the past? or Is he now 4 years older than her?
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Why is Mitsuhide so hard to place on these memes?... I honestly think he would just walk away because he doesn’t care enough about food but since I was too lazy to add that choice I guess this is the second best
#Ikemen Sengoku#Ikesen#ikesen memes#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen hideyoshi#ikesen sasuke#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen Kenshin#Ikesen Masamune#Ikesen Kennyo#Ikesen Shingen#Ikesen Mitsuhide#Ikesen Yukimura#ikesen Ieyasu#rima plays ikemen sengoku
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are you ready to see me pull just Yukimuras again??
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I laughed more than I should have...
#rima plays ikemen sengoku#in case somebody didn't get the joke on Masa's route when he gets drunk he sees Mitsuhide as a horned pillow#I think you can only get that part on the second playthrought on his POV
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You can't convince me otherwise
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...oh....I see what you did there Cybird
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Ikerev Version
MidCin Version
#Ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikesen hideyoshi#ikesen shingen#ikesen masamune#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen kenshin#ikesen yukimura#ikesen Ieyasu#Ikesen Kennyo#Rima plays ikemen sengoku#ikesen memes
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Hey quick question, would all the ikemen be in the same universe? Or that wouldn't work cause of time periods? What do you think lol
Actually I’ve thought a bit about this…but the short version is: it’s possible for all beside MidCin.
I think it’s safe to say MidCin it’s set on it’s universe because it happens on a fictional country (or countries) and doesn’t feature any clear time period, it’s more like a classic fairy tale setting. (you could argue about the Sirius visits Stein story but during it it’s said he was transported to other world, it never states it is the land of reason)
Now for the others games, they all start off in a setting that follows the same time line and rules that our real world till the normalcy is disrupted by something supernatural… now the origin of said supernatural phenomena changes from game to game… for Ikevamp, Ikerev and DTL it is attributed to diferent kinds of magic meanwhile for ikesen it’s supossed to something scientifically explainable… thought you could argue the wormwhole is not very different from magic…. I mean it allows bending the rules of time and space just like the other two and follows a somewhat predictable pattern like the door in ikevamp and the rabbit hole on ikerev…. also it’s not exclusive, we could say this world allow both the existence of magic phenomenom like the rabbit whole, the count’s door and whatever that cherry tree does on dtl (sorry, I didn’t understood well how does that work) while more scientific paranormal stuff like the wormwhole also exists…also it would mean that “the land of reason” it’s quite a misleading name
The real problem starts with the time line… Ikerev doesn’t count on this discussion because by going to live on Cradle Alice doesn’t change history also I’m taking out Ikevamp because for most, the vampires don’t change the story besides putting in XIX century Paris a bunch of people that would be weird seeing, but it’s stated that all those figures died before going to the mansion so they fulfilled their role in history (even Arthur that someway exists twice on that time period)
But DTL is set on the Edo period which is closely related to the Sengoku. For the Edo period to happen Nobunaga has to die in Honno-ji, Hideyoshi has to take over his unification effort and Ieyasu has to stablish the Tokugawa shogunate… And now it’s where it gets tricky…because MC saving Nobunaga’s life changes that course of events…but like we see in all stories she returns to the future it doesn’t change much… but it does change stuff, on Yukimura’s route she even notices changes on the Sengoku travel guide. but that is not the point; the only scenario in which the change of leadership from Nobunaga to Hideyoshi ever happens is on Nobunaga’s route where he retires to control his army from the shadows in order to “dissapear from the history books”, also in an event (Heart Spark “clean up war”) it’s stated quite clearly that the decisive battle between Ieyasu and Mitsunari was avoided by MC’s presence on the time period. On the other hand on both Ieyasu’s and Hideyoshi’s routes the MC is convinced that someday they both will take the place history gives them,
And as you can see it’s getting quite confusing…
Other point to take into consideration is that on Sasuke’s route when he and MC return to the future and are having their last date before going to live on the Sengoku. They are set to visit the “Angel and Devil brothers pancake only bakery” (a clear reference to Vincent and Theo) and watch “Alice on the land of reason part II”
it would be fun to see the mansion’s inhabitants living there for 200 years, seeing the world change around them and somehow Vincent and Theo decide “we are going to move to Japan and open a pancake store” but it would also be very weird considering the reason they became vampires… so it’s probably just a little easter egg that could be written off as a coincidence.
Also it would mean that in the ikesen universe ikerev is a fictional story… but on ikerev world Alice in wonderland is also a fictional story so nothing says they could not be on the same timeline.
Basically I think it’s up to us to decide whether we consider it’s one or several timelines, I usually take them separately but also crossovers are fun so I don’t have a clear preference.
Thanks for letting me ramble about this anon!! also, sorry for the long post
#rima plays ikemen sengoku#Anonymous#rima plays ikemen vampire#Rima plays ikemen revolution#rima plays midnight cinderella#rima plays destined to love
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I just realized that tonight all 4 cybird games are on story event!! (that’s 5 events for me if we count SLBP)
I’m not sure I can handle it but here we go....
#Rima plays ikemen revolution#rima plays midnight cinderella#rima plays ikemen sengoku#rima plays ikemen vampire#rima plays samurai love ballad party#I'm glad tumblr saves my tags because i'd be a pain to write all that
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Has any historical figure ever died...like for real?
Ikesen and Ikevamp MC's, probably
#ikesen#ikevamp#rima plays ikemen sengoku#also it's never too early to start using#rima plays ikemen vampire#I think I'll start tagging this stuff as#rima thinks she is funny#so they won't end up mixed with my ramblings on my personal stuff tag
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This is the best I've ever done on an event on ikesen...still I was pretty far from the top 100 but I got my hugging husband so I'm happy
(Why is ikesen's room so tiny? I had to take off all mi chibis to display the anniversary stuff...I want to cover the screen on chibis like I do on ikerev and midcin)
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