#riley dawson
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loisfreakinglane · 3 months ago
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hexmurphy · 1 year ago
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You have to do this.
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sai-int · 3 months ago
no one knows this but me but.....
my oc is actually the most nuanced character ever. obviously her entire story hasn't been posted yet, but she's quite literally that protagonist that ultimately becomes her own biggest antagonist while in pursuit of someone she thought she was after. she thinks that she is justice, but in reality, she will become her own reckoning.
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calritchie21 · 1 year ago
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userlaylivia · 6 months ago
@maya-matlin, @nikkisgwens, @makeyouminemp3
ps I forgot some like clarktavia, summer/marissa but there's only 12 options ugh
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hlh-shortcuts · 5 months ago
Something Called Living by ArgentumLS
Summary: Of all the morgues in all the world, Richie Ryan just had to wake up in Henry Morgan's. (Highlander/Highlander: The Raven/Forever)
Why should you read this? This was written for hlh_shortcuts 2015, I clicked on the story without realizing it was a crossover, and I've never seen an episode of Forever. I know the series premise. I know who played the lead, Henry Morgan. Did I ever expect this writer to take these three series and mesh them together into one brilliant whole, one that makes sense?
Of course I did. ArgentumLS is just that good. Richie's superpower is making friends in the absolute worst situation, and Argentum highlights his ability to bond with others and his essential good nature here - even when things get bad, Richie can find a way out of it. She brings in Liam Riley from HL: The Raven, and a whole host of engaging characters from Forever and I can hear the crisp tones of Henry Morgan as he finds a new mystery - and friend - in Richie and the gruff weariness of his son Abe as Henry gets up to more shenanigans.
Go. Read. It's the first part of a series with about 160k words total, and I assure you, you'll be delighted by it all.
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jollybone · 2 years ago
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Dusk is a surprisingly good wingman for his Lieutenant and fellow Sergeant :)
Sgt. Maxwell 'Dusk' Dawson is my OC
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andreabaideas · 1 year ago
Sam Claflin BEST on screen couples
Or... Where i make a list (no ratings) with the actresses that i've seen Sam have more believable chemistry with and look cute on screen, even if I think that he so good that he could act romantically with a flowerpot...
But i digress.
I included here also some info about the actresses (ages and heights) Last one because Sam is 1'80 (centimeters) and I personally like couples with a taller man and a shorter woman (typical I know, but hey, the heart loves what the heart loves...)
• Verónica Echegui :
-Seen together at : Book of Love ❤️
-Height: 1'77
-Age : 1983
I adore Verónica, I actually met her once in a restaurant with my family, she was super nice with us !
So i was greatly surprised to see her in a film with Sam. I love the Book of Love, it's super underrated, tbh. Their chemistry was on top and I liked their story too.
Also, go watch their interviews together, they were so cute. Sam trying to speak spanish Its adorable (he tries, he really does try). I leave the video link here :
• Lily Collins :
-Seen together at : Love , Rosie.
-Height : 1'65.
-Age: 1989.
I like Lily a lot, and I found her and Sam really cute at the movie and the interviews too. The chemistry was so strong , I liked them.
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• Gemma Arterton :
-Seen together at : Their finest.
-Height : 1'70.
-Age: 1986
I adore Gemma Arterton, especially at Byzantium and Their finest. Their chemistry in that film was off charts, they were like an old couple marriage bickering, but i loved them.
I just wish the film ending was different (I wont spoil, but if you have seen It, you know what I mean).
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• Emilia Clarke :
-Seen together at: Me before you.
-Height: 1'57.
-Age: 1986.
I like Emilia, and I found them amazing in that movie, I was devastated with It! I also found their reunion at the Dream It con at London super wholesome.
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• Astrid Bergès-Frisbey
-Seen together at: Pirates of the Caribean: On stranger tides aka Pirates of the Caribean 4.
-Height: 1'71.
-Age : 1986.
I like Astrid a lot, she has an intriguing aura, she and Sam were the few good things about the movie , their ship was so cool. I liked them a lot!
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• Stef Dawson
-Seen together at: Hunger Games saga Mockingjay I and Mockingjay II.
-Height : 1'55.
-Age : 1988.
I like Stef as Annie, she was cute and delicate, perfect for that character. They were amazing, in fact one of my otps. I live in the Au odesta universe with them fine and thriving (Still mad at Suzanne Collins) Au Its better than canon many times. For the few times that she appears on screen she ate and left no crumbs...And the chemistry was unmatched, I mean, have you seen their reunion at Mockingjay I??
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And the wedding at Mockingjay II?? The looks at each other, the dance...
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Just perfect. I love them!! ❤️
• Camila Morrone
-Seen together at : Daisy Jones and the Six.
-Height : 1'75
-Age: 1997.
Contrary to other people in DJATS fandom, I did like them together a lot. I think they had chemistry, a Sweet calm one, like the familiarity of a longtime couple, like highschool sweethearts. I loved them, tbh. The wedding was super cute!! You can ship what you want, but be objective , I mean...
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How can you look at them and think they aren't cute, like how??!
• Riley Keough
-Seen together at: Daisy Jones and the Six.
-Height : 1'70.
-Age: 1989.
I love Riley, I love Sam, they were amazing together, their chemistry was magical, perfect, unmatched.
Their voices together were awesome , and they looked hot and cute too. Their kisses were spectacular. The Episode 10 (concert and backtage) was 🔥. I loved them ❤️. Their nominations were very deserved (they were very robbed 😡).
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Also Riley and Sam on the videos and interviews are so chaotic besties , especially the TikTok... Toktik video and the cocktail or band interview ones were just XD.
That's it.
*Also thank you very much Pinterest© for the images and YouTube for the video.
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year ago
I love how Sway and Lyla just take in Riley and especially McKinley as part of their family🥹
I mean they did take in Dawson at a young age, you know they made sure he was eating and had what he needed
Ofc they’d take in Riley and McKinley as if they’re their own
Lyla knows what it’s like to a have a family that isn’t really a family
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loisfreakinglane · 3 months ago
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years ago
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ORNITHOLOGICAL MISCELLANY by George Dawson Rowley (London: Turner, 1876). Illustrated by J.G. Keulemans. Many of the plates are handcolored.
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wttnblog · 9 months ago
June 2024 Book Releases You'll Love to Read
Happy June! and Happy Pride Month! I’m delighted to share this list of new books—there’s so many big names and even more queer content that I can’t wait to read. While I won’t be able to get through all of them, I am hoping to get my hands on at least a few. Let me know if you’ve read any and what books you’ll be putting on hold at your local library! Wish You Weren’t Here Author: Erin…
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fragmcntedsouls · 1 year ago
billie dawson & riley shaw ✦ exitium.event002
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It was never supposed to happen like this. It was never supposed to happen at all.
There had been no warning, or at least no warnings that Billie had heard. Her mind felt hazy and all memories of the evening had seemingly blurred into one. Dancing with Briggs, her laughter, the happiness that she had felt; all of that seemed so far away now. Replaced with nothing but dread, with death.
Her eyes were slow to open, each limb heavy and blood was now matted into her hair. A shaky hand rose to inspect her throbbing temple to find a wound as a shaky breath urged from her aching lungs.
If she had screamed - she couldn’t remember.
The room was unsteady, her breathing even more so as Billie pushed herself onto her knees, aware of a whimper in the distance, but that whimper quickly manipulated into a cry. The sound unforgettable, a tortured scream causing for her blood to run cold but after the scream came a harrowing thud until finally, silence.
“Ri- Riley?” the name choked from her throat, remembering now that she had been with Riley. They had only been exploring, but death had other ideas. It always had other ideas. Like a moth to a flame, the banshee had been powerless to it; unknowingly leading another victim straight into its clutches.
“Riley?” The other's name left her lips breathlessly, more desperately as Billie strained to see through damp eyes. Her face felt wet but she couldn't work out whether she had been crying, or whether it was blood.
The banshee stumbled to her feet, her throat raw and her body aching as she reached for something, anything to hold onto. Grappling with mid air for support, but as she pulled herself to her unsteady feet, that was when she saw her.
“No, no no no!” Billie pushed forwards, collapsing to her knee’s once again as she fell beside a body. Still warm to the touch, but lifeless. “Wake up, Riley, wake up...”
Her words came unsteadily, but demanding nevertheless; begging, pleading for the other just to open her eyes but there was too much blood. She couldn't even be sure this was Riley. Her cries became louder, almost definitely alerting a member of the OEA as footsteps rapidly approached and Billies begging became louder “you don’t have to do this, you don-....” 
Silence fell upon the wailing woman, her last memory being the striking blow that had been delivered by a hunters weapon; harsh enough to knock her unconscious in a single hit as her body collapsed and Riley's was dragged away.
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stelstellakidd · 1 year ago
Letty in the Marvel universe? 💚
oh very interesting very interesting.
also i have slightly changed some stuff for her so it might be a little confusing
i think she would start off as a paramedic still. like that’s what she’s doing . she’s a firefighter and paramedic and is saving lives.
i can see her being a frequent first responder at events that heroes cause damage. probably really annoys her too.
so avengers comes around. she’s there during the battle of new york , just trying to help people. cue her almost dying because it’s marvel. something to do with the alien tech giving her powers. which she then has to learn how to control.
winter soldier i’d say is her sort of “welcoming.” cause shield has a file on her , steve needs medical care. she’s friends with sam at the va because she’s a frequent medic for veterans.
so sam calls her when steve and natasha show up. she gets dragged into it. it’s fun.
i really don’t know if she’d be like a main main. i can see her being like a rhodey who shows up and is a side character in a lot of the movies.
i feel like she’d have a thing with sharon tho. because well letty would be team cap and have to go on the run. her and sharon get together . and so then she’d be in falcon and the winter soldier.
she’d just kind of be a badass former firefighter superhero which is - yeah!
gifs featuring colin donnell as tony stark and gif credit for @sacreddonkey
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timeate · 1 year ago
misc tag dump.
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dracolizardlars · 1 year ago
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