#riko's mother X yoshiko's mother
(ive never submitted an ask before so i hope this is right haha)
just some ideas: shizuai or shiosetsu? karindia? or if we’re really breaching crackship territory…riko’s mom and yoshiko’s mom? (they’re friends in the anime lol)
this is right, yes!
shizuai, shiosetsu, karindia, and riko's mum X yoshiko's mum are in. I had a queued post where I explained in more detail, and yes, adult/adult ships like shipping the parents with each other is allowed. can't seem to find an image for this particular one, but still.
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mitaharukai · 3 months
Title: Don’t be afraid to be who you really are
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Riko struggles to realize and accept she’s lesbian, but her mother’s and friends’ love and acceptance will make it easier, especially when a certain blue haired self-proclaimed fallen angel helps her to face the homophobia still present on the music industry.
Words: 5.1k
Sneak peek:
“- I think… I-I like Yocchan, mom… I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, mom.
Riko lets out in between heartbreaking sobs and Nana feels her heart breaking upon the pain in her daughter’s sobs, in the fear and shame coloring her voice urging her to hug her tighter and kiss her head.
- It’s okay sweetheart, it’s okay. Trust me, there’s nothing wrong with liking Yoshiko-chan, or any other girl for her matter.
She tries to reassure her daughter, feeling Riko tightening her embrace around her as she cries harder, and Nana can’t help but feel beyond proud of her daughter for coming out to her, hoping she knows she still loves her the same if not even more for liking girls.
After coming out to her mother, Riko finds easier to admit she’s a lesbian and likes girls, or rather likes Yoshiko.
- Riko-chan! – Chika’s cheerful voice surprises her at practice, cornering her concernedly – Are Yoshiko-chan and you okay? You two seem to have fought.”
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r-escribe · 6 years
Trust or Love?
Word count: 5608
Pairing: Yoshiko x Riko
Summary: Do you ever get that feeling? When you just know who’s a good person. You may barely know them, but, for some reason you trust them.
Witch/Fallen Angel AU
Rating: Teen and up.
Warning: Slightly violence, angst. Riko please forgive me.
Their black feathers, their mischievous smile, their white hands and face; they don’t scare you anymore. Instead, you praise them. You press your hand against her cheeks and with your thumb you clean the falling tears. Her knees fail them and you catch her.
“I’m sorry” they cry, “I’m so sorry Riri.”
“Shhh.” You try to comfort her while stroking her long raven hair. It wasn’t her fault, after all, you were the one who corrupted her. A witch manipulating a fallen angel. At first you wanted to have fun, just another girl you’ll use and then you were going to leave, like always. But it escalated and you could not find your way out. It was only a matter of time for something to go wrong. She trusted you, you trusted her. Yet you made her do it, and she did.
“Everything will be fine, I’ll be fine.” You whisper in her ear. You sit on the ground and gently place her head on your lap. It won’t take much longer before they take you. You start kissing her temples, her nose, her jaw, and finally you reach her lips. It’s soft as if you are afraid if you press any harder she’ll break. Just like when she first kissed you. She reciprocates the action. Unlike the first time your lips met hers, her lips were now salty. You break the kiss and lock eyes with her. But before you could pronounce a word you hear them and so does she. Their brooms cutting through the air in an attempt to catch you and your lover.
“You need to go now.” You command while pushing her.
“I’m not leaving you.”
“Yocchan,” you say with the most caring voice you could use in this situation, “I’ll be fine.” And you kiss her once again. It’s rough, but you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to kiss her again. With a slight motion of your hand your broom takes Yoshiko away in hopes that she’ll reach the other side in time. You hear her screams cursing you for not going with her. It hurts to listen to the person you love say those words to you, yet you know she’s resentful not at you but at your sacrifice. You know she would rather die by your side than to live knowing you’re being tortured. But you rather be torture knowing she’ll be fine.
Black and grey-haired women arrive on their brooms, closely after them a brunette and a blue-haired angels. The black-haired woman, who you assume must be the leader of the patrol, talks:
“Sakurauchi Riko, the sixth generation of a prodigious sorcerer bloodline, master of the dark arts, you’re now under arrest. Your crime: socialize with other species outside a working environment.”
The other witch approaches and handcuffs you. There’s no point in trying to escape they outnumber you, and you’ll put Yoshiko in a greater danger.
The room is dark and musty. You’re sitting against the wall with your knees close to your chest hoping it’ll keep you warm. You look at your left hand and then your ring. It has little demons engraved on the silver circle that surrounds the emerald on the center. You should have got rid of it for the same reason you decided to keep it. It’s the only connection left you have with the fallen angel. You’re known for being cold and though, sometimes even cruel, however, right now you feel vulnerable. Even your dragon leather coat can’t protect you against this wound. But to know that Yoshiko is safe is your only comfort, you’re willing to risk this and one thousand lives for her and for the bond the two of you have created.
You take off your ring and look directly to the emerald, there’s a small almost imperceptible dark dot. You feel the guilt and for the first time in over a decade, you feel something warm and wet travel down your cheek. You quickly erase the trace of it and focus once again on the ring. Before you could fully see the dot and decipher its meaning the door opens. The bright light blinds you, and you only hear a voice telling you to get up and follow them. You do as said and follow the prison guards to a larger room. Unlike your cell, the room has large windows and it’s covered with big portraits of the previous wizards who ruled the kingdom. Scarcely you recognize a blond child as the current ruler, Ohara Mari, the strongest of all witches and wizards. But as soon as you slow down the guard pricks your back with his spear and it burns. It burns so bad. Your whole body is burning. You yell. There’s no one to save you. You feel every muscle, every organ burning.
When the burning sensation is finally over, your body is covered in sweat and you can’t walk. The guards take you by the arms and drag you through many hallways and rooms. It’s hard to stay awake. Even you, a prodigy of the dark arts, can’t fight against the Empress’ magic. You fight against the pain and the fatigue until you make it to a stop. Large wooden doors are in front of you and you know what it means. You’re going on trial. If you deny your actions you’ll be torture until either they can prove your crimes or you admit them. You know you can endure them for a while but even you have your limits.
The doors open and once again you're dragged due to you not being able to stand on your own. You’re sat on a black chair and for the second time in the last forty-eight hours they handcuff you. There must be at least one hundred people surrounding you. In front of you the four women who arrested you piercing through your face, expecting you’ll give the information to the whereabouts where the woman you love is hiding. If only they knew.
Soon the court becomes silent as the Empress enters the room, just behind her, an orange-haired woman follows. Her wings are different from the angels who capture you, and so you know she must be the princess of the Sky Kingdom. The Empress takes her sit in front of you, and the princess at her right.
“Sakurauchi Riko, the sixth generation of the Sakura's sorcerer bloodline, master of the dark arts, your trial begins now.” The blond woman takes a few seconds for everyone to prepare. “You are being accused of establishing relationships with a former angel. As you know this is one of the most severe crimes and you could be sentenced to death.”
The Empress keeps talking about the punishments, but you don’t longer hear her. It becomes a white noise in the background while your mind travels through your memories.
There’s a small child, her golden eyes directly looking at you curiously. “Riko come, it’s time to go.” A voice calls you and the child quickly turns around to run towards your mother. Younger you seems so happy, so…carefree. Your bare feet and your light blue dress portray your innocence, up until that day. If only you knew what was about to happen.
The next memory is a teenager version of yourself, she’s more pale and thin. Her face is now sharp and may you say she’s a rather beautiful girl. Again she’s looking directly at you. Her eyes are now cold and sharp, nowhere near showing her feelings. Another voice calls her, only this time it’s a man’s voice. Sixteen years old Riko leaves the dark room full of flasks, tests tubes, and spell books and you follow her. There’s a man, who called himself your father, waiting near a wooden table, beer jar on his right hand. He's already drunk.
“Riko,” he begins “when your mother could no longer take care of you, she left you in an orphanage. They mistreated you and hold you back. But I didn’t. Since I first saw you I knew you were special. You are” he said dragging the words, “the best pupil I ever had. Don’t you think it’s time for you to pay me?” He gets up and corners you against a wall. He starts licking your neck and tears apart your blouse. He takes a few seconds to admire your white skin, and those seconds it’s all it takes for you to cast a spell. He notices what you did and tries to undo it. It’s too late though, his arms and neck are already becoming stone. “Well played Riko, but you’re still a child the spell will quickly fade away. And when it does I’ll look for you and take what is mine.” He starts a hysterical laughter before he’s fully transformed into a statue. You grab the few belongings you had, some nourriture, and some ingredients in case you ever need to make a potion.
You now see a slightly older version, she must be around eighteen, maybe nineteen years old. Only this time she’s no longer looking at you. Instead, she passes by your side without hesitation. She’s caring some groceries. You assume she’s going to the apothecary so you follow her. The bell rings but there’s no one to greet her since she’s the only worker and the owner. The place it’s dark and full of exotic instruments and plants. Younger Riko goes behind the counter directly to the kitchen and starts preparing her meal. That’s how you lived for a few years, with the same boring routine. Wake up, get ready, get breakfast, open the store from 9 am to 4 pm, leave the apothecary to get groceries, prepare your dinner, go to the small yard and train until dark, eat dinner, go to sleep, repeat. The only exciting days were Sundays. The only day the store was closed. Usually you would train the dark arts during the morning, on the afternoon you’ll read how to improve your potions or learn new spells. And on the evenings you’ll go to a bar and hook up with whoever you find attractive. You never take them to your place. They were only a one night stand on a hotel, and you’ll be gone before the sunrise.
This memory is different from the previous, you’re no longer looking at a younger version of yourself, but you are inside the version, unable to speak or move you see everything from a first-person view. You already know where and when you are. Only a few months ago, before your twenty-sixth birthday.
Tonight you’re at the bar as usual, same place, same time, same objective. There’s much potential, you’re free to choose, just like you chose your strawberry martini. There’s a bunch of people who could be your potential victims. While you choose an innocent soul to play with, another group of people enters, but one of them catches your attention. A raven-haired woman, probably about your age. You inspect her and there is nothing that could sell her off, everything looks so normal yet so…tempting. Her pink diamond-like eyes catch yours and she quickly turns around and leaves. Intrigued by her behavior you follow her until a dark alley. She’s wearing a black hooded coat.
“Miss,” you allow yourself to say while a mischievous smile starts forming in your mouth “I don’t think I’ve seen your face around before.”
“Leave me alone.”
“I could, but I’ve never been face to face with an angel.” The shock showed on her face was enough for you to know your suspicions were right. Her coats fall onto the ground as a pair of large white wings emerge from her back.
“You foolish witch, no creature has ever defeated an angel, why would you be any different?”
“Because, I’m more than your average witch.”
Long metal feathers cut through the air in your direction, and only by reflex you made it in time to cast a barrier. The dust covers your vision and you no longer see the angel. You call your broom and surf the air in hope you’ll see her. Only a few blocks down you see her unmistakable raven hair and rush your broom to go after her. You jump and land over her. There’s no one around so you cast a dagger.
“I have never use angel’s blood on my potions I wonder with what I can come up with.” You start pressing the blade against her neck and red, hot blood starts emanating from the cut. Her eyes open and smile forms on her face.
“You truly are stupid.” She suddenly throws you a few meters. When you get up she’s fully standing and the place where you made the wound has healed. Before you could reply or even move a peculiar noise catches your attention. Not taking any chances you run towards the angel and before she could process what’s going on you take her by the wrist and run.
After running for seven kilometers you come to a stop.
“Quick, get inside.” You immediately close the door after both of you are inside the apothecary.
“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Saving your life.” You state as if it wasn’t obvious. “And mine.” You murmur hoping the stranger won’t hear you. “And aren’t angels not supposed to course or joke with hell or heaven?”
“That’s the least of my problems right now.”
“Well let’s see. First felony: you’re in a foreign kingdom, secondly you fought with me, so disturbing public order seems like a fit. And now to escape the police. You’re quite a case.”
“You’re one to talk! I remind you that you also fought me, and you helped me escape! Not to say that you’re hiding me right now!”
“I’m only hiding you,” you answer as calmly as you could “because if you got caught they’ll make you talk and my description would come up at one point or the other.”
“So what? Now I’m your hostage?”
“You’re free to leave whenever you want, but if you get caught I’ll blame you for the fight.”
“Me? Are you fucking serious? I was protecting myself from a crazy witch!”
“Whatever, you can sleep on the couch if you want, there’s some food in the kitchen.”
“Wait!” You turn around to look directly into the angel’s eyes. You won’t admit it but those are the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen. If they weren’t hers, you could stare at them for hours. “W-where are you going?”
“Well unlike you. I like my job and not to be persecuted by the police, so I’ll be going to sleep now, after all, it’s been a day.” You go upstairs not bothering to let her question you anymore. She could kill you while you sleep but that’s a chance you’re willing to take.
You’re back to the courtroom, the grey-haired witch is showing what you believe are proofs. The air is hot, you’re hot. You’re also thirsty and hungry since you’ve been locked up for forty-something hours and your last meal was about fifty-something hours ago. You wonder how long it’ll take them to declare you guilty. Not that you care anyway. In this life you’ve been in hell and for a brief moment in heaven. The only thing left to you is your ring and your memories.
You already know the truth, it doesn’t matter what you do or say, you are guilty. Guilty of falling in love with an angel. It wasn’t supposed to happen yet it did. Thanks to you she’s now a fallen angel, and you, you probably won’t be alive by the end of the week. If these are your last hours you want to leave with something more than one hundred pairs of eyes staring at you.
So you take your mind to the day after you met the person who would change your life.
Surprisingly you open your eyes. It doesn’t seem like the angel came upstairs, but maybe she prefers daylight to kill you. You quickly get change and go downstairs. There, lazily sleeping on the couch, is your guest. You don’t bother to make breakfast for yourself but nor you know what an angel eats so you make your way to your workshop and start a new potion.
About half hour later you hear some yawns, and someone entering the room.
“What are you doing?” the stranger asks while rubbing her eyes.
“You may be an angel and all you want but even your kind can’t be in a foreign kingdom for long periods of time without losing a big amount of energy. And since I don’t know what angels eat you’ll be having this.” You hand her a thick, blue liquid.
“As far as I know that could be poison.”
“I already hide you from the police, I have no reason to kill you now.”
Not fully believing you the stranger takes the bottle and drinks it.
“Good. But now you’re going to feel dizzy for a few hours and since I can’t have you around the store you’ll need to go upstairs. I left you out a pair of clothes, you can sleep in my bed.”
“Well well, isn’t someone happier today?” The woman asks while raising her eyebrow on the most irritating way you’ve ever seen.
“Sh-shut up. And get a shower you stink.”
You make your way to the counter in case anyone comes in. How could an angel, who tried to kill you by the way, make you stutter like that? You decide that by the end of the day you are going to kick out that angel once and for all. And from now onwards you’ll stay even on Sundays in the store, you already had been through too much trouble to help a stranger.
“Ah, morning Riko-san.”
“Welcome Ruby-chan, what can I do for you today?” You don’t like people, especially soft people like Ruby, but she was an exception. In fact, she was the only person you were fine to be around with. Maybe because you felt like a big sister. Or maybe because she does the best pastries, and she’s always been nice to you. She was one of the first customers you ever had, and she’s so timid she doesn’t talk much but stays around just looking at your stuff. At first you were annoyed by this but you’ve come to accept, even like it, a little bit. She also does the small gestures for you, so maybe that’s why you like her.
“Umm, Onee-chan needs some ingredients for a new potion…”
“You know even after all these years of you coming to the store I’ve never seen your sister.”
“She’s too busy to come and I don’t have anything else to do. Besides I don’t mind.” Ruby was just too pure for this cruel world. And that’s another reason why you always try to help her.
“Okay tell me what you need.” After a long enumeration, Ruby finishes the list.
“Oh and Riko-san?”
“Could I ask you a more personal favor?” Well this was unusual, especially coming from Ruby.
“Sure, how can I help you?”
“W-well you see.” Ruby was really struggling to find the words so you come up to her and put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. “There’s this witch who I like, but she’s so cool and responsible, and I don’t think she’ll ever pay attention to someone like me.”
“Ruby, any witch who’s lucky enough to draw your attention should be grateful. I’m sure she has already noticed you, but if it makes you feel better I have something for you.” You go quickly behind the counter and after looking for a few seconds you find a small bracelet. “Here, as long as you use it the person you want to spend time with will always make time for you. I can’t say they’ll fall in love with you since even I can’t manipulate another being feelings but this should help for now.
“Thank you Riko-san.” The younger witch says as she hugs you. You’re not use to this kind of affection so you just stand there.
“Anyways, tell your sister I should have everything by the end of the week, so come here on Friday and tell me how the date goes.”
“Yes! Thank you so much Riko-san, I’ll do my ganbaruby!” And with that last sentence, Ruby left the store. You chuckle at what just happen.
A few minutes later you decide to go upstairs and check on the angel.
“So after all you have a heart, Riko.”
“How do you-“
“You were right, I’m feeling dizzy but that doesn’t mean I can no longer hear you know.”
“Fair enough.” You say while inspecting her. Her hair is wet and she already changed her clothes for yours. They’re slightly big but they do the job. “So what now are you going to keep your name a secret?”
“For now. Maybe you do have a hearth but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an icy one.” So now she’s going to play the rough girl uh? Well it’s not like you need her name anymore, she’ll be out of your life before the night hits.
“You’re right, in fact most people say I’m a rather cold person, some even say I’m cruel.” You step up to her until your faces are only a few centimeters from each other. “And since there’s no kindness in my heart and you’re no use in any way you’re going to leave the store once I leave to do my groceries.”
“It’s not like I was going to stay you know?”
“Good.” You go back downstairs not willing to let her object.
At 1 pm your stomach decides it’s time for you to eat a little snack. You quickly make two sandwiches and eat one, the angel did say at some point she could eat anything. Since there’s no one in the store you take the other sandwich to your bedroom. Peacefully sleeping on the bed is the stranger you saved. Mesmerized by her beauty you slowly approach the bed. You leave the plate and sit next to her. She’s gorgeous. You move closer to her. You want to caress her ear and move your hand close to it.
“What are you doing?”
“Waaa! N-nothing!”
“Yes! You were going to touch me!”
“I-I was not!”
“Then why are you blushing?”
“I’m not!”
“You totally are.”
“No! I only came upstairs to get you something to eat. Now if you excuse me I have some business to attend.”
“What did you just said?”
“Nothing.” She answers with an angel-like face. “Don’t you have a store to take care of?”
This ungrateful angel was really getting on your nerves. Okay, she’s leaving in a few hours calm down Riko you can do it. Some more customers came in and you finally closed the store.
“Hey angel! I’m leaving now so you should too, otherwise you’ll cause trouble for me and yourself.”
You leave without a response to your usual grocery trip. It doesn’t take you long to finish your courses and thirty minutes later you’re on your way home. You get inside the store and leave the bags on the counter. You go to your room to get change already forgetting the last twenty-four hours. Until you see her. Crying. She’s crying on the floor. You rush to her side and you don’t know why.
“H-hey what happened?”
“It’s all your fault.” She whispers.
“IT’S YOUR FAULT! They know what happened. They know I’m here. They’re looking for me.”
“The police! They know there’s a fugitive angel and when they find out I’m here…The council. They’ll take my wings!”
“Calm down. No one will find out you’re here.”
“How? They’re already securing the borders so no one can leave or enter.”
“You’ll stay here. Don’t look at me like that. If you get caught I go down with you. I’m doing it for myself.” You get up and go get change, only to realize what you just said. “Since you’re staying, you’ll need to help around the house.”
“CAREFUL!” You rush to catch the falling bottle just in time.
“Just how unlucky are you?”
“Hey! I’m not that clumsy.” You raise your eyebrow. “I’m serious.”
“Yeah, just like when you set the kitchen on fire? Or maybe when you almost got caught?”
“Okay the kitchen was a mistake and I said I was sorry didn’t I? And you said I wasn’t your prisoner, so I can get fresh air whenever I want.”
“Yeah! But not when the freaking police is next door!”
“Okay that’s it. The great angel Yoshiko can’t take this any longer, I’m leaving.” She pauses for a second and looks at you. “What?”
“You said it.”
“Your name, you finally revealed it. Yoshiko.” Finally. This girl, no, Yoshiko has been living with you for a week and up until now she always knew how to avoid saying her name.
“So what, great you know my name and I know yours I think we’re equal on this game.”
“Oh no.” You approach her and place a finger on her chin. “Now I have an advantage. So be careful, Yo, shi, ko.” You say savoring every syllable.
You can’t see but you sense something. Not taking any chances you murmur and cast a dagger. There’s an extra weight on the other end of your bed. It’s getting closer. Slowly you turn to face whatever is getting in your bed. Your long burgundy hair makes it even more difficult for you to see but you decide to take this opportunity to pounce on your enemy.
“Yoshiko?!” You cast another spell and the candles light themselves up. When you can finally see you’re on top of Yoshiko with a dagger almost on her jugular. “What are you doing here?”
“The couch is quite uncomfortable.”
“Well you haven’t quicked me out, so an upgrade would be quite nice. And before you cut me short your bed is large enough for two people.”
“Fine. But you better stay on your side.” Too tired to keep arguing you turn off the lights and softly hear the girl getting comfortable near you. Yoshiko really knows how to push your buttons. Your only wish is that everything is soon over. Maybe by the end of the week, the frontiers won’t be as monitored and Yoshiko can leave for good.
You open your eyes and you’re in the courtroom, there are people talking around you. There’s also a new face in front of you, must be your attorney. You’re not sure why would anyone try to plead for you. Intrigued by what he’s saying for the first time today you pay attention to your case. He makes you seem apologetic of your actions, and from now onwards you’ll become the model citizen, you’re even whiling to cooperate with the police to find Yoshiko. He’s a great layer, lying to get you out of this. Everything he said was a big lie. You don’t regret anything. And even if you did it would be not having spent as much time near the person you love due to you being so skeptical. She knows it’s not your fault, the world you lived on made you this way. It takes a while to gain your trust, and even longer for you to fall for someone. Actually, this was the first time you did, always playing with everyone else around you. Never staying long enough to make a friend, less to say a lover. You turn your attention back to what’s happening. Your lawyer seems to have finish whatever he wanted to say. You stay silent as people make their decisions. Someone approaches the Empress and gives her an envelope. She read it and gives it back.
“Sakurauchi Riko, how do you plead yourself?” She asks. A cold sweat goes down your spine as you answer:
“Very well, you can go back to your cell. Tomorrow your sanction will be defined.”
A pair of arms take you by your armpits and drags you back to your cell. It truly has been a long day. You close your eyes and rest. When you open them again there’s a tray with some food and water. You devour it all even the last drop of the grey looking water they offer you. You lay on the floor and look at the ceiling. Maybe if you had said not guilty instead you would had had a better chance to live for two maybe three days. But what’s the point? Only more days to have time to think. That’s the last thing you want to do now. Think. Once again you close your eyes and let yourself go to a place where no one can find you.
There’s a faint breeze caring a salty smell. Your bare feet are touching grass, and the sun gives you some warm. You look at the clear blue sky, no cloud to be seen. You lay there enjoying the landscape, the peace. Until a shadow covers your face, pink eyes looking down at you.
“Yocchan?” You ask insecure.
“Who else would I be silly.” She smiles. Her smile warmer than the sun.
“What are you doing here?”
“Just stoping by.” Before you could ask more questions she kisses you on the lips and lets herself drop on top of you. You feel her laughing against your lips. You take her face in your hands and admire her beauty.
“You truly are an angel.”
“What is it?” You sit and make her sit on your lap, her arms now around your neck.
“You need to say you’re not guilty.”
“Please, I don’t care if you need to look for me, or if we can no longer be together. Tell them where am I. Unlike you I can’t die, they’ll just take my wings, but that’s okay as long as you are-“
“No.” You look at those dark pink eyes that captivated you from the moment you saw them. “I won’t tell them where you’re hiding, nor will I say I’m not guilty.”
“Please, I beg you. Don’t do this to me.” She’s crying.
“I’m sorry Yocchan.” You kiss her again and you let her go as you open your eyes. They’re wet but this time you don’t stop, you let yourself cry silently.
A few hours or maybe only minutes later, the door opens again and the guards take you out. Only this time you won’t let them touch you and you make your way to the courtroom. The same people as yesterday are here. Good. The trial starts just like yesterday. But today you focus on everyone’s reactions. The people who capture you seem proud of themselves, the angels slightly irritated. Probably because they can’t find Yohane. The Empress’ face is illegible, she does a perfect job at hiding her emotions. The only person who shows a little of humanity would be the Princess. She seems empathic, she’s probably feeling sorry for you. In other circumstances, she would perhaps have advocated for you. But today she’s just a guest, she can’t really say or do anything. She’ll be a fine Queen when her time comes.
“Sakurauchi Riko, the sixth generation of the Sakura's sorcerer bloodline, master of the dark arts, I declare you guilty of your crimes. You’ll be executed today at sundown. Please return to your cell.”
You do as say and calmly go back. You go to sleep for the last time. You’re in the apothecary. Sitting on the counter is Yoshiko.
“Do you remember the time I first kissed you?” It’s the first thing she does before looking at you.
“We were fighting and you silenced me with a kiss.”
“Your face was so red.”
“It wasn’t that bad!”
“Sure it was, but after that you couldn’t even look at my face.”
“Yeah, you really took me by surprise. I remember though, that just the next day you were able to return home."
“But I didn’t want to go back.”
“Neither did I. I just wanted to be with you.”
“Then why do you give up now?” Tears now forming on the corner of the raven-haired. “Do you no longer want to be with me?”
“Of course not! I want to be with you right now, but it’s not possible.” You’re now hugging each other not knowing when the dream will end. Tears going down your faces. You kiss her forehead. “Hey listen to me. My execution will be today. I left enough money for you to stay hidden for a few years. The apothecary is also yours, you can do whatever you want with it.”
“I don’t want the store! I want you!”
“Shhh. You’ll be fine, I promise you. I’m really sorry Yocchan to have caused you so much pain.” You give her one last passionate kiss and you wake up. You’re not crying but there’s this feeling of emptiness in your chest. You look again at your ring and take it off. You crush it with your boot. Now they won’t find her. The doors open and you don’t let the guards take you, you make your way to a bigger room. There’s only a wooden chair and a small desk. On the desk a small light pink pill. You take it between your fingers. You take it to your mouth and then you swallow.
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lighkoda · 7 years
YohaRiko Choose Your Own Adventure!
Merry Christmas to everyone! And a special Merry Christmas to the recipient of this fic, kami, @amuletangel on Instagram~ Her art is super cute!! I participated in the Love Live Secret Santa gift exchange this year, and I’m absolutely thrilled to present this to her! 
Hope you like it! It’s a little different as I made it a choose your own adventure. Instructions on how to play below keep reading!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2.6k (roughly)
Ship: YohaRiko (Tsushima Yoshiko x Sakurauchi Riko)
Spending a day with Riko-chan <3 Choose-Your-Own-Adventure with the fallen angel Yohane!
How to play:
1. Choose what Yoshiko says/does! You get three chances~ 2. At the end, count up your points for each category! 3. Read the ending that you got the most points for! Or you can just read all the options at once and all the endings afterward! Do whatever you feel is the most fun for you.
Spoiler alert: All endings will be happy, no matter what you choose~ So just have fun!
“Yoshiko-chan, you’re late! Did something happen?” Riko stands under the shade of a tree, wearing a white shirt tucked neatly into a pink skirt with sakura blossom patterns. A light pink, checkered bow pulls her fringe back, and on her petite feet are simple white sandals, trendy yet comfortable for walking. She holds a bag with piano keys down its side, and an orange mikan keychain hangs from the strap.
[1] “I was searched at the train station because I looked suspicious!” [2] “I overslept.” [3] “S-Sorry!”
[1] +2 Sympathy, +1 Exasperation “I was searched at the train station because I looked suspicious!” Riko smiles sympathetically–not that she could sympathize to begin with, though. “That’s troublesome… Well, you’re here now, so should we get going?” Yoshiko nods, a small smile finding its way onto her face in her excitement.
[2] +2 Exasperation, +1 Affection “I overslept.” Riko stared at Yoshiko, hard. “Didn’t you think to set an alarm clock?” “I did, but it didn’t ring!” When Riko glares more fervently, Yoshiko flinches. “It’s true! I just have bad luck. After all, I am a fallen angel.” Riko stops staring and turns away. “Well, anyways, let’s get going.” “O-Okay,” Yoshiko replies, slightly put off.
[3] +2 Affection, +1 Sympathy “S-Sorry!” Riko chuckles quietly, and Yoshiko is struck by the femininity of Riko’s laugh, feeling a warmth bubble inside her. “That’s okay! As long as you’re safe, right? I worry when you’re late and don’t say anything.” She grabs Yoshiko’s hand firmly and pulls her forward, looking back at the lilac eyed girl with a gentle smile. “Shall we get going?” “Yeah, let’s!” Yoshiko grins.
“Yoshiko-chan? Earth to Yoshiko-chan…” Yoshiko becomes aware of a hand waving in front of her face and abruptly shakes her head, trying to come back to the world. The pair currently sat in a cat cafe, a white cat settled on Riko’s lap and purring happily. Riko peers at her, looking at her closely. “You okay?” Yoshiko nods, a little embarrassed.
[1] “Yeah, just zoned off for a moment.” [2] “I was just disappointed that I can’t pet the cats…” [3] “I was thinking about what we should do together next!”
[1] +2 Exasperation, +1 Affection “Yeah, just zoned off for a moment.” Riko purses her lips slightly, looking irritated. “If you didn’t want to come here, you could have said so…” Yoshiko waves her hands in front of herself quickly. “No, that’s not it at all! The ambiance here is just too relaxing. Besides, I’m happy to go wherever Lili wants to go.” Riko’s expression melts slightly and smiles serenely. “Is that so…”
[2] +2 Sympathy, +1 Exasperation “I was just disappointed that I can’t pet the cats…” Riko pauses for a moment and thinks. Confused, Yoshiko simply watches, and Riko then moves the white cat off her own lap and brushes her skirt off. She reaches towards Yoshiko, and before the fallen angel realizes it, she’s fallen into a soft lap and feels gentle caresses to her head. “Eh? Eh?! L-Lili, this is…” She tries to turn her head to look up at Riko but is held fast by Riko’s hands. “Don’t move. Does this feel good?” Her slim pianist fingers comb through Yoshiko’s dark tresses tenderly. “Y-yes,” Yoshiko blushes. “Why…?” Riko laughs. “Well, you said you couldn’t pet the cats, so I thought maybe I could pet you instead. Hm…rather, is that thinking a little backward? Should you be petting me instead?” Her eyes swirl, confused. “No, this is f-fine,” Yoshiko stutters slightly. “It feels really nice.” Riko smiles. “I’m glad. I don’t want it to only be me having fun, after all.”
[3] +2 Affection, +1 Sympathy “I was thinking about what we should do together next!” Riko nods in comprehension. “Do you have any ideas?” “Well…” Yoshiko trails off and digs into her oversized bag only to pull out multiple guides and magazines. “I brought these for reference!” Riko stares for a moment before bursting into laughter. “No wonder the police thought you looked suspicious at the train station! You had a huge, heavy bag that was crammed full of all these books!” Yoshiko scratches her head sheepishly. “What’s wrong with that? I never know when I might need them,” she pouts.
The couple left the cat cafe and wandered around down the street, looking at the various merchandise. “Yoshiko-chan! Want to come inside this cafe? It has a deal for couples.” “Hm? N-No way, the fallen angel isn’t interested in paltry chocolate and strawberry parfaits or Belgian waffles with strawberry and chocolate syrup… Urk!” Yoshiko’s eyes met Riko’s, and Riko looked at her knowingly. “You actually really want to go in, don’t you? Why don’t you just say so? Come on, let’s go!” She wraps her arm around Yoshiko’s back and ushers her inside forcefully, sitting her down at a table. They order the large berry parfait for couples, which also includes kiwi, banana, and chocolate shavings on top of the mango ice cream and berries. They also order the Belgian waffles drizzled with decadent chocolate syrup and topped with fresh berries. Yoshiko’s thoroughly abashed inside the cafe, but also can’t help her eyes from wandering the cute decorations with pusheen cat plushies and pink wallpaper. Their food arrives, and Riko takes a couple pictures of the food and one picture of them with the food. “It’s rather cute, isn’t it? I’m sure it’ll be delicious, too.” Yoshiko nods slowly. Riko takes a big spoonful of ice cream with chocolate shavings and blueberries and directs it towards Yoshiko. “Here, say ‘ah’!” Yoshiko blinks, then opens her mouth with a half-hearted “ahhh.” The spoon flies in her mouth, and the tart mango ice cream melts on her tongue, harmonizing with the velvety bitter chocolate shavings and sweet blueberries. “Mmm…” Yoshiko sighs. “Is it good?” Riko asks. “It’s delicious,” Yoshiko smiles back innocently, a face of pure bliss that catches Riko off guard. Usually, Yoshiko is so guarded and only produces the exact reactions from the same formulas each time. But Riko feels rewarded, seeing such a cute face. She wonders if she’ll see more of those faces from now on, being together with Yoshiko more and more. They finish their food and sit for a moment, digesting. “Where should we go next?” Riko wonders.
[1] “Let’s keep walking around and shop here. There’s something I want to buy.” [2] “I’m a little tired. Can we hang out at your home?” [3] “Where do you want to go, Lili?”
[1] +2 Sympathy, +1 Exasperation “Let’s keep walking around and shop here. There’s something I want to buy.” Riko nods. “Sure, that’s fine with me. Shall we go?” As they walk out of the shop, Yoshiko shyly reaches out and hooks her arm around Riko’s arm, taking Riko by surprise. The usually composed, older girl blushes slightly and stutters. “W-Why…” Yoshiko looks up at Riko, being a bit shorter, and puffs up her cheeks sulkily. “Can’t I?” Riko quickly turns her head, fighting the warmth that threatens to envelop her face. But her ears are pink. “I-I guess there’s nothing wrong with it…”
[2] +2 Exasperation, +1 Affection “I’m a little tired. Can we hang out at your home?” “What, already? Are you an old man?” Riko jokes. Yoshiko huffs. “Well, whose idea was it to go out here? The sun is too bright. I suggested playing games at home or something, but you said it’d be a waste of a nice day.” Riko smirks. “But you got into it, didn’t you? Who was it that brought a whole bag of reference books and magazines just for this day?” Having no words, Yoshiko just huffs again. “Fine, fine. Anyways, I’ve never been to your house before, so it should be fine, right?” Riko sighs. “Okay, I get it. Let’s head to my house. But I’m warning you, my room is nothing special.”
[3] +2 Affection, +1 Sympathy “Where do you want to go, Lili?” Riko blushes. “Well… Is it really okay for me to pick? You won’t mind?” Yoshiko smiles smugly. “Well, it can’t be helped, right? The fallen angel Yohane will especially accompany you wherever your heart desires, little demon Lili!” … Riko stares at Yoshiko stoically. … “Hey, why are you making that disgusted face?!”
After a day of playing together, they start to set up Riko’s room for bedtime. “You got permission from your mother to stay here, right?” Riko asks. “Fallen angels don’t need to ask for permission–ouch! What was that for?” Riko had flicked Yoshiko on the forehead sternly, and a small red bump formed on her head. “Did you ask or not?” “Yes,” Yoshiko whimpers. “Good,” Riko smiles. “Appearances sure can be deceiving,” Yoshiko mutters to herself as she pulled out her shark. “What was that?” Riko turned towards the dark-haired girl. “Nothing, nothing!” She unrolled the shark. Since there wasn’t anywhere to hang it, she’d just have to lay it on the ground. They decided to change into their pajamas, and Riko went to the bathroom while Yoshiko occupied Riko’s room to change. When she throws her bag to the dark corner of the room, it hits something, and she turns towards the darkness. A black fabric cover hides the identity of the object from her, but it was rather large. Although Yoshiko knows she shouldn’t mess with the things in Riko’s room, she can’t help but slide the fabric off gently. Beneath lies a hidden gem–the sheen of black wood glints in the dark, and she recognizes it as a piano. Opening the keyboard cover, she runs her fingers across the ivory keys delicately, smooth and polished. Riko knocks on the door but doesn’t hear a response when she asks if Yoshiko’s done changing. She opens the door carefully. After all, they were both girls. “Yoshiko-chan?” Yoshiko’s dark hair shines in the moonlight filtering through the white, translucent curtains that billow softly as the night breeze rushes in. Her lilac purple eyes sparkle darkly, and her pink lips are slightly open, inviting. As Riko watches Yoshiko sitting at the piano bench, she thinks she sees wings behind the younger girl. But when she rubs her eyes, it’s not Yohane at the piano anymore. Just Yoshiko. A smile graces her lips. This moment was only for her eyes, and Yoshiko’s presence was only for her. She was overwhelmed with joy and a deep love, so boundless and strong it even scared herself.   She steps forward and embraces Yoshiko from behind, wrapping her arms around the girl warmly. Yoshiko startles and jumps slightly, words failing her. “Ah! Lili? Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” But she’s interrupted as Riko lets her hot breath fall upon Yoshiko’s ears, and her lips brush Yoshiko’s cheeks lightly. Yoshiko’s breath catches, and she turns her head slightly to face Riko only to have her lips caught by Riko’s in one fluid movement. Riko holds Yoshiko’s chin in her soft hand tenderly, as if Yoshiko were a fragile, blooming flower in a meadow. When she draws apart from Yoshiko, they stare at each other for a moment. Both girls blushed a dark shade of red, and Riko swiftly goes to the closet to pull out her futon. “Okay, should we go to bed now?” Yoshiko nods mutely and crawls inside her shark, feeling stiff. Riko lays her futon down right next to Yoshiko’s shark and turns toward Yoshiko.
Endings- add up your points and check which one you got! Or just read whatever you want.
Exasperated Ending
“Yoshiko-chan?” Riko speaks quietly. Yoshiko turns towards Riko, rolling over to face the gold-eyed girl. “Yeah?” To her surprise, Riko looks abashed, and her eyes are watering. “Did you have fun today?” she mumbles. Yoshiko reaches a hand out of her shark and touches Riko’s face gently. “Of course. Why do you look so unhappy?” Finally, a tear slips down her cheek, and she holds Yoshiko’s hand with both of hers warmly. “Well… It seemed like I was the only one having fun, after all. I felt like I was the only one getting all excited about today’s date. I felt embarrassed and frustrated.” Yoshiko blinks. “Why did you think that? I’m really happy we got to spend today together, you know…” Riko looks at Yoshiko defiantly, pouting. “You overslept today. If you were excited about today, wouldn’t you have woken up on time so we could have more time together?” Yoshiko chuckles, which only frustrates Riko more. “Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny at all,” she sulks. “Actually, I got searched at the train station because they thought I looked suspicious. I just didn’t want you to worry,” she smiles mildly. “Well,” Riko starts. “You couldn’t pet the cats at the cat cafe earlier and looked bored.” “I’m never bored when I’m with you. Even if I’m just sitting there,” Yoshiko replies sincerely. The purple-haired girl continues. “You just wanted to come to my house and sit around, not do anything special.” Yoshiko smiles again. “Didn’t I just say that I have fun even when we’re not doing much? It’s fun just being with you. Plus, I wanted to see what your room looked like.” Riko lets out a sigh of relief. “What, that was all? If you were curious, why didn’t you just say so?” “I was afraid you wouldn’t let me come in if you thought I wanted to look around your room,” Yoshiko says. “Anyways, you see now, right? I could never be bored spending time with you.” She reaches out her other hand from her shark, unzipping the shark slightly. “What, do you need to use the bathroom?” Riko lets go of Yoshiko’s hand. “No, that’s not it,” she replies. Yoshiko stretches out her arms and opens them wide. “Come here, Lili.” “C-come here? I’m not a dog, you know…” She mumbles, her face turning pink. But nonetheless, she scoots over and Yoshiko wraps her arms around the older girl. “Yosh, yosh… Good girl,” she says as she pets Riko’s head gently. Riko just melts into Yoshiko’s embrace, resting her head on Yoshiko’s arm and allowing herself to relax.
Sympathetic Ending
By the time Riko’s in the futon, Yoshiko is already unmoving, sound asleep. “Come on, we can’t cuddle together if you’re in the shark…” Riko poked the unconscious girl gently. “Yoshiko-chan?” She sighed, but the ends of her lips turned upwards fondly. “Who’d have thought you’d fall asleep so quickly… Well, it can’t be helped. I’ll just sleep beside you.” Riko moved her futon closer to Yoshiko and got under the bedcovers, snuggling close to the fallen angel. “Good night, Yoshiko-chan. I love you.”
Meanwhile, Yoshiko lay awake, immobile inside her shark. Red covered every inch of her face as she thought about those last two words Riko had uttered. The next day… “Yoshiko-chan, did you not sleep well? You look tired.” ‘All thanks to somebody!’ Yoshiko thought. But she bit her lip, remembering Riko’s words. “…I’m fine,” she answers with a blush on her cheeks.
Affectionate Ending
The pair lay silently for a couple moments. Then… “You’re awake, aren’t you, Yoshiko-chan?” Yoshiko turned to face Riko in response, yawning. “…Yeah. What is it?” Riko was already turned in the younger girl’s direction and gazed into Yoshiko’s eyes lovingly. “…Can we cuddle?” Yoshiko felt her cheeks warm and thanked the devil the room was dark. “Okay, sure.” She unzips the shark slightly and wiggles forward like a fish. “Ow! S-Sorry, Lili…” Yoshiko had accidentally head-bumped Riko. They rub their foreheads and then look at each other, eyes smarting. Riko bursts into laughter, and soon Yoshiko follows. When the funnies die down, Riko moves forward this time, and she pulls Yoshiko closer. Yoshiko’s head rests on Riko’s chest, and she listens to the steady pounding of her girlfriend’s heart. Safely in their own world, Riko draped her arm over Yoshiko affectionately. There was no other place they’d rather be.
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
Stealing (not just your) Kisses
A/N: Again, I’m not sure if the title fits. This fic has been siting on my drive for months and I only decided to post this now because I finally had the time.. also because of my feels from reading earlier. 
Pairing: Dia x Riko
Word count: 3,269 words
Everything happened in a sudden manner. One afternoon when we were about to go home after finishing our dance rehearsal, the two of us were being slow at packing our things and was left alone in the club room as the others wait for us by the school gate.
We were just talking casually about some incidents that happened to our rehearsal that day, until we were both ready to leave the room. She opened the door for me just doing what a senior would do for their junior. When I was about to thank her for the gesture, we locked eyes for, I don’t know how long, and then it happened. She closed her eyes and inched closer until her lips met my own. In spite of my surprise, I closed my eyes as she moves her lips into mine, slowly and sweetly. I was sure my heart would have jumped off my chest if we stayed like that a bit longer when she stopped. Silence occurred to us the moment she pulled away and I can tell that as much as her face is flustered, the same goes for me. She was the one that broke the ice first.
“R-Riko-san, w-we better hurry. The others are waiting for us.” She said trying her best to properly get the words out.
“Y-You can go ahead first. I-I think I still left something here. I will c-catch up to you later.” I replied, not any better than her.
“O-Okay then. Make it fast though.”
She left after I nod to her in confirmation.
What just happened? I asked myself inwardly as the memory of what just happened to us replayed in my mind. I can still feel her lips on mine when I touched it with my index finger. I then remember how soft her lips felt. And I couldn’t even deny that I liked it.
Several days passed and neither of us mentioned about it, though I would have to admit that there’s something between us every time our gazes meet. And ever since the incident, I started noticing her more. Kurosawa Dia-san, our student council president that was against to our idea of forming a school idol group before. She is now one of the mother figure of our group who watches over everyone.
If someone will ask me about my first impression of Dia-san, I would say, scary and strict but very admirable. Everyone can see that, as the student council president of a school that is may shut down in the future, she’s doing a great job at keeping everything in order. And we can all see how much she really cares for the school and the students. After getting to know Dia-san more, I found out that being the president and a role model student is not the only admirable things about her. Her sense of responsibility goes further than I can imagine. When she takes charge of something our group needs to do, you can expect that everything is planned out neatly and as much as possible she will make sure that it will be followed. And then, seeing her as Ruby-chan’s elder sister is another story. I sometimes envy Ruby-chan for having an older sister like her. Her strict and scary image loosens when Ruby-chan is involved. Her sweet and caring side shows and it is always a refreshing thing to see. And when she let her guard down, her clumsiness shows to which everyone finds as very adorable.
I haven’t even mentioned about how beautiful she is and her model-like figure. What is there to not like about Dia-san? The person Dia-san will fall in love with, will be very lucky.
I talked too much about what I think about her. How can I not? There is so much to say about Dia-san and I would like to know more about her. I want to understand her better. And I want to know why she stole my kiss just like that. Does she even know that it was my first? I’m not really the one to talk though because I let her do it. And even let her do it again and again.
We haven’t talked about it once when it happened again. The second time happened when we accidentally met each other in the school’s comfort room and we happened to be the only ones in there. I was about to exit the room when she opened the door, about to go in.
“D-Dia-san?” was my reaction upon seeing her so suddenly.
“R-Riko-san?” was her reply with the same tone as mine.
We stared at each other for a few seconds before she made her move. She pushed me further inside the rest room as she locks the door and her lips on mine. This time the kiss was longer that it gave me time to consider kissing back. But before I even decide on that, she pulled away.
“S-See you later Dia-san” was the only thing I was able to say as I ran away from her. I ran away not because I wanted to get away from her but because, embarrassment and excitement was taking over me. And just like the first one, we did not mention about it to each other.
From then on, it became a frequent incident. Whenever it will happen to be just the two of us, a kiss will occur. Dia-san is always the first one to make a move. One time it happened when we were both retrieving things from the stock room for our P.E. class. It was probably the second briefest kiss we had. Because the briefest kiss we ever had was also the most surprising (on my side) and most nerve-wrecking kiss we ever had. It happened when we were trying the new outfits You-chan made for our next live. I was about to step out of the changing room when I heard Chika-chan asked Dia-san to check if I was done already.  I thought that I should just walk out so that she won’t have to check me. As I was about to do so, the door opened and Dia-san dived in just like that. It may have been just my imagination but I think she grinned at me for a split second before turning back to Chika-chan and tell her that I was ready. She left me there, frozen in place because of her sudden actions.
Everyone could’ve seen that! What is she thinking?! I raged in my mind. Thankfully, no one seemed to have seen what happened. They were too busy checking their outfits.
Along with our secret moments together, a few changes in our behavior became obvious to the other members. During one of our mini unit meetings, Mari-san mentioned out of the blue about how much Dia-san seemed to be in a good mood recently.
“Why Dia-san all of a sudden?” Yoshiko-chan asked after taking a sip from her drink.
“We’re taking a break anyways so why not talk about something else? And besides, aren’t you two curious for the reason behind the happy happy mood of our student council president?”
“Miss school director, you should know better about that and also Kanan because you two are her best friends.”
“But Yoshiko-chan, I wouldn’t be asking like this if she told us anything. When we asked her, she said it was just our imagination. Riko what do you think?”
“M-Me? I don’t have any idea.”
If it was only Yoshiko-chan here, my stutter would have gone unnoticed. But nothing escapes from Mari-san. She gave me a suspicious grin before speaking again.
“Hmm… If you say so. But Riko, I noticed that you’ve been in a good mood lately too. Is there anything you might want to share to us?”
“T-there’s nothing in particular.”
“Lies! There’s nothing you can hide from the fallen angel Yohane! Speak up little demon! What are you hiding?”
Yoshiko-chan may be slow at catching signs, but at times like this, she can be persistent which only made it worse. Now both she and Mari-san are trying to get me to spill the beans.
“W-Well,” I started, “all I can say to you two is that, yes something happened but I don’t know if I can say that it’s a good thing. Now, shouldn’t we resume our meeting? This break has taken too long. “
“Don’t leave us hanging like that. Tell us everything, right Mari?”
“Riko is right. We must resume our meeting or else we’ll get scolded by Dia for not getting anything done. We should let her off for now, okay? “
Yoshiko-chan frowned but agreed anyways. I mouthed a thanks to Mari-san but her wink gave me some chills. I then thought that she is definitely going to ask me about it in the future. But before she even does, Chika-chan and You-chan beat her to it.
It was one after school, and there was no rehearsal because we decided to take the day off. I came with You-chan to Chika-chan’s house to do some homework. Out of the blue, Chika-chan asked me…
“Riko-chan, you’re in love aren’t you?”
“Calm down Riko-chan, I was just wondering.”
“But that was so sudden Chika-chan, even I was surprised. Though nothing is more surprising than how Riko-chan reacted… Does that mean~”
Chika-chan and You-chan inched closer to me with their expecting eyes.
“U-Umm… O-Okay I’ll tell you.”
“Yay!!” they both cheered in happily.
“I don’t know if it’s love or anything. Maybe like? Attraction? Infatuation? Crush? Curiosity? I don’t know. I can at least say that there is something. The way we are before and the way we are right now is a lot different, and I like it.”
“So you mean, there isn’t anything clear about your relationship status with this person?”
Why is Chika-chan sharp at times like this only?
“Yes. If anything, I can say we’ve gotten close. Or maybe not? There really isn’t anything about us and now that I realized it…. Arrrhh! What do I do Chika-chan? You-chan?”
The two patted me on my back. “There... there…” they said trying to comfort me.
“First thing, is it anyone we know?” You-chan asked.
I nodded starting to feel the heat on my face.
“Someone we know? Whoa, I almost thought you’ve got someone you left in Tokyo. Haha- Wait, the only ones we know are…”
“Our classmates, and members of Aqours, right Chika-chan?”
“Yes. No one else- Ehhh?!! Really RIko-chan?!”
Right at that moment, I felt my face burning up already and hiding it from them would be futile.
“That is right Chika-chan, You-chan…”
The excitement on their expression just doubled when I admitted it to them.
“So who is it Riko-chan? Tell us! Tell us!” they both said in unison.
“Is it by any chance, You-chan?’
“Or maybe Chika-chan?”
“S-Stop teasing me you two!”
I backed away from them because they already leaned in too close. They apologized as they realize it.
“Why are you two so excited about this?”
“Anyone would be excited by this. Our Riko-chan is in love right now. We must know if they deserve you.”
“You-chan… Chika-chan…” I didn’t have enough time to appreciate their thought because Chika-chan started again.
“So tell us Riko-chan, is it me or You-chan?”
“E-Ehh? W-Why do you think it will be either of you?” Oh shoot- Why did I say it that way… “A-ah I.. I mean-”
“So we don’t stand a chance for you Riko-chan?”
“Are we not good enough for you Riko-chan?”
Chika-chan and You-chan started sulking in front of me and I didn’t know what to do. But then suddenly, both of them started giggling and I figured that they were just teasing me again. I yelled at them for their actions.
“Sorry Riko-chan. Your reactions were just really cute.”
“We can’t help it. Tehee~”
“But seriously. I’m the one who doesn’t stand a chance.”
“E-Eh? What do you mean Riko-chan?”
“You two are my best friend and I know better than anyone else that you can be perfect for each other.”
My innocent statement left them stunned with their flushed cheeks. They stared at me with their ‘ehh’ expression then they stared at each other only to look away about a second later. Thanks to that statement though, I was able to stop them from asking further. After a minute of awkward silence, Shima-san came in with snacks for us. The topic was never brought up again after that and we just continued with our homework.
Since that incident, I started to wonder to myself about what to do with my feelings for Dia-san. The more we do it, the more I get confuse about her actions, and also the more I realize that love is the only way to describe my feelings for her. It wasn’t her kisses that got me thinking about her, but Dia-san herself.
Should I confess?
But what if she rejects me?
She’ll probably stop the kisses.
So what? It’s not what is important! It’s not her kisses I want from her! I want her to know my feelings and I want to know hers too!
My thoughts are battling inside my mind that one night. In the end, I did not decide on anything. I lacked sleep because of it and went to school the next day feeling tired and sleepy first thing in the morning. I still managed to focus in class anyway. But by the time our practice started, I am already too tired it didn’t go unnoticed to the other members. Chika-chan and You-chan were the first ones to approach me and asked if I was alright. I did my best to reassure them but then Mari-san chimed in.
“Why don’t the two of you take Riko to the infirmary. She looks like she needs some rest.”
“There’s really no need for that-”
“One of you should carry her bridal style then. Who would it be?” Kanan-san added.
E-Eeh? Why should that be?
For a moment I think I saw Chika-chan and You-chan stared at Kanan-san and Mari-san curiously but then they looked at each other as if they got the message. That wink Mari-san gave them made me suspicious.
“We should decide this by rock paper scissors then You-chan!”
They could only ready their hands for the first round of their rock paper scissors. Dia-san took everyone by surprise especially me, when she suddenly swept me off my feet, in more ways than one.
“I will be the one to take her to the infirmary. Please excuse us” was all she said to everyone before leaving them with their mouths hanged open.
My mind was too hazy with the sudden turn of events. I couldn’t think straight.  I was probably staring at Dia-san the whole time until we got into the infirmary. She settled me on one of the beds.
“The nurse seemed to be out. And I can’t just leave you here by yourself. I guess I should stay here with you.”
“N-No Dia-san it’s alright. I can’t have you miss practice because of me.” I said trying to reassure her but it didn’t help. And it was only then that I realized Dia-san seems mad about something. It didn’t take me long to find out why.
“Why? You’d like it more if either Chika-san or You-san stayed here with you?”
“E-Ehh? It’s not like that Dia-san.”
It wasn’t the first time I was alone together with Dia-san, due to our secret moments together, but it’s probably the most intense one. The way Dia-san stared at me feels so intense I feel like I could melt.
“If it isn’t that, then what is it? What’s wrong with me staying here with you Riko-san?”
I didn’t know how to answer her question. It was just the two of us inside the spacious infirmary of our school but somehow I felt myself cornered. Dia-san must have noticed it too. She turned her back on me before speaking again.
“Forget it. And I’m sorry for my rude behavior just now. I will take my leave.”
I knew how much she tried hard to hide it from me but she failed. I knew she was hurt but I couldn’t understand why. At that moment, I knew I would regret if I just let her leave like that. And I wouldn’t want to let things go that way. So without thinking, I made my move.
“Dia-san! I don’t understand you at all!”
She turned around to me just as I have expected. To her surprise, I was in time to reach her when she faced me. I tiptoed for a bit to reach her and without any hesitation, I went for her lips. It was the first kiss I initiated. I pulled away a second later.
“You always do this kind of thing to me but never told me why. That is not like you Dia-san. You are more responsible than this! And you really should be responsible of me!”
Our faces were both flustered with unbreakable eye contact. I wasn’t really thinking straight that time. I just had enough already and wanted to make it clear with Dia-san.
“I didn’t know what it was at first. You took me by surprise one day, then repeated it for a few more times, and then I started to feel something. Dia-san, as I got more curious about you, the feelings got deeper. And I am sure of it now. I love you.”
She buried face on my shoulders. My heart is beating wild against my chest but I can tell that the same goes for her. Her hands followed moments later pulling me into a hug.
“Did you really mean that Riko-san?” she whispered into my ear.
“You know, I started with curiosity about you as well. I’ve been watching you secretly ever since Chika-san introduced you as the composer of Aqours. Before I knew it, I had fallen for you already.” She faced me again, not breaking our hug. “That day we first kissed, I was pretty mad like today. You talked so much about Chika-san and You-san after all.”
“Dia-san… Were you perhaps… Jealous?”
“D-Don’t even mention it!”
So cute~
“A-Anyway as I was saying, my feelings got over me. I wanted you to think of me too. When our gazes met, I couldn’t hold my feelings anymore and kissed you without thinking. And I didn’t think that it would happen again for a few more times.”
“You’re a pervert, aren’t you?”
Her reaction was just so cute I couldn’t help but giggle. I know it wasn’t the time to be joking but, I probably caught it from Chika-chan and You-chan. Dia-san’s face was still so red when we break the hug. I apologized for my sudden joke but she ignored me.
Eh? Is she mad?
I was starting to get worried when she finally spoke up again.
“You may be right. I am a pervert who took advantage of your kindness for letting me kiss you over and over again. All this time, I pondered to myself why are you letting me have my way with you.”
“I wanted it too Dia-san. Now, isn’t it your turn to tell me?”
I looked at her expectantly waiting for her to finally say it too. But instead, as I should have expected, her hand reached out to my cheek and pulled me in to a swift kiss.
“I love you too Riko-san.”
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My idea about Love Live x Danganronpa crossover
(Warning! Too many bad english + weird idea)
Honoka Kousaka: Ultimate Patissere. Her main theme is Japanese sweets. Her goal is to combine Japanese sweets and western style, and gets so many awards because of her creativity. Her family also own Japanese sweets store named Homura. She also weirdly obsessed with breads.
Kotori Minami: Ultimate Fashion Designer. She is the daughter of headmistress of Otonokizaka High. From her designing clothes as a hobby, into something big. She is known as cute, but beautiful and comfortable dresses. She once works as a maid in Akibahara.
Umi Sonoda: Ultimate Archer. Her father is the master of traditional Japanese martial art, and her mother is the master of traditional Japanese dance. She also member of archery club in her school. She wears long skirt because, she feels shameless when she wears short skirt.
Maki Nishikino: Ultimate Doctor. She comes from famous and wealthy family of doctors. Her geniuses since young age make her recognized as one of the youngest doctor. She is somewhat believe in Santa, and keep the fireplace clean.
Hanayo Koizumi: Ultimate Botanist. Her success start with her obsession with white rice and curiosity. Now, she become a scientist in botany and agriculture, while her great obsession with white rice and idols still remain. 
Rin Hoshizora: Ultimate Athlete. She is a member of athlete club in her school, and she is one of the talented member in the club. She great at any sport, but her main sport is football, basketball, and hurdling. She tends to say “nyaa~” a lot, while ironically have allergies to cat. 
Eli Ayase: Ultimate Ballerina. Her mother and grandmother are great in ballerina, and passed down to her. Her another charm point is her beauty. She is partly Russian from her grandmother. One of Russian language than she tends to speak is “Harasho”. She is also student council president in her school.
Nozomi Tojo: Ultimate Fortune Teller. Her accuracy at fortune telling make her famous. She usually use tarot cards. She is also student council vice president in her school. She has unique technique called “Washi Washi”. 
Nico Yazawa: Ultimate Idol. One of her charm point is her smile. Her optimism and cheerfulness, sharing happiness to people around the world through her songs. She actually born from poor family, but her occupation as famous idol helped her family finance. Her catchphrase is “Nico Nico Nii~” 
Chika Takami: Ultimate Servant. She is one of the servant in her family ryokan (Japanese inn). Compared to her two older sisters, she is better at serving the customers. Furthermore, her family ryokan also known for their open air, and the ocean-view hot springs, making her become more famous. She has obsession with mikan.
You Watanabe: Ultimate Sailor. Her father is sailor, and she inspired by her father. She is also one of the youngest sailor. She is also great at swimming, and she is good enough at it to qualify for the national team, but she continue become sailor with her father instead. Her catchphrase is “Yousoro!” 
Riko Sakurauchi: Ultimate Composer. Started with piano and viola. Now, she is a well known young composer. She is from Tokyo, but later moved to Numazu. At free time, she tends to reads doujins, mostly kabedon and kabekui, a sub-genre under shoujo ai (girls’ love), . 
Hanamaru Kunikida: Ultimate Choir. She is work at her family shrine as shrine maiden. Since her school have club for choir, she joining in, showing her gifted talent. At free time, she goes to library, and reads some books in there, sometimes borrow it. Says “zura!” a lot.
Ruby Kurosawa: Ultimate Fan. None of the idols things that she doesn’t know. From merchandise to “something bigger than that”, she owns it for her collecting goods. Never skipped for concert, and swing her light stick. She is actually a shy girl that born from well known, and rich family. 
Yoshiko Tsushima: Ultimate Summoner. She is best known with her trick to calling satan, or so it’s known. She usually broadcasting her effort, and spreading all over the world. She calls herself as “Yohane” and acknowledged “Yoshiko” as her fake name. 
Dia Kurosawa: Ultimate Heir. Her politeness, intelligence, and her strictness, is which made her famous. She is born from well known, and rich family. She tends to speak with formal and polite Japanese. She is also a student council president in her school.
Mari Ohara: Ultimate Director. She is a young director of famous hotel. Behind her leadership, she is actually a girl who loves joking around, saying some random English like “Shiny!” or “It’s Joke!”. Her father is American-Italian, while her mother is Japanese. 
Kanan Matsuura: Ultimate Diver. Started with working at diving gears shop with her grandfather, now she is one of the member of International Diver Club, as well as the youngest. She enjoys underwater scenery, a lot. 
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mitaharukai · 3 months
Title: Wings of acceptance
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Over the passage of years, Kyoko sees her daughter crying for being different due to her fallen angel persona, before she sees how Yoshiko is accepted and loved by a group of nine girls, and especially by a certain burgundy haired girl.
Words: 2.6k
Sneak peek:
“Every day, Kyoko watched her daughter becoming a shadow of the cheerful little kid she used to be, reaching out for her just to see her flinching and slipping through her fingers to lock herself in her room and cry herself to sleep.
Every day, Kyoko heard nothing but Yoshiko’s sorrowful crying, before it slowly turned into a muffled talking.
So one day, driven by a mix of sadness and curiosity, the older blue haired woman stood behind her daughter’s door trying to hear her, wanting nothing more than knock on it and know what she was up to, when suddenly, the door opened and a black caped Yoshiko with her characteristic black feathered bun looked at her sheepishly, almost blushing in embarrassment.
- Mom! – she exclaimed nervously, yet somehow happily – Come, look!
Yoshiko exclaimed coyly, taking her mother’s hand to invite her to enter her dark room.”
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mitaharukai · 7 months
Title: Falling too late
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Basking in her blue light and grasping her hand tightly, Riko lets Yoshiko help her to get out of her bed and of the darkness she has been plunged in ever since she got her heart broken by a certain orange haired sunshine.
Words: 1.1k
Sneak peek:
“It has been several days since that happened. Days in which she has chosen to ignore the world and hide from the light of the sunshine in the dark and in the comfort her blankets and bedroom provided her with in despite of her mother’s attempts to get her out of them.
Days ignoring everything and everybody, before the person she least expected came into her rescue to illuminate her life with a different light, one more blue than the moonlight in the vast night sky, yet as radiant as any light she could have ever imagined.
- My dear elite demon Riri, it’s time to get up. You’ve been exclusively chosen for a very important mission with the fallen angel Yohane, so we shall begin with it.”
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mitaharukai · 1 year
Title: Reverse the curse on my heart (with your love)
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Genjitsu no Yohane)
Summary: Yohane can’t help but want to laugh about the irony of being one of those rare cases of people whose heart suffers from a curse that can’t be reverted unless it’s with the love of her soulmate who is also the cause of her pain.
Words: 1.6k
Sneak peek:
“Yohane can’t remember the countless times she has either visited or has been in the hospital ever since she was a little kid, but she does remember vividly how an electric jolt ran through her veins until reaching her heart, shaking it as a maraca, before she felt it being squeezed tightly, before her world blackened out and sparks of a burgundy color flew around while she fell to the floor unconscious.
She still remembers the beeping of the heart monitor mixing with her mother’s cries as the doctor told them she was one of those rare cases of people whose heart suffered from a curse that couldn’t be reverted unless it was with the love of her soulmate, making her want to laugh about the absurdity of the power of a soulmate reversing such an incurable and rare curse when ironically they were also the cause of her pain.”
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mitaharukai · 10 months
Title: Night knight
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Bored to death, princess Riko finds herself trying to search for a reason to leave the ballroom, when a certain blue haired knight comes to her rescue.
Words: 1k
Sneak peek:
 “As soon as the door closes, darkness swallows them only being slight broken by the timid moonlight.
- Tell me, my night knight, where’s the queen?
Riko asks aloud trying to discern in which part of the room both her mother, the queen, as well as her personal knight are, only hearing a quiet giggle in return.
- Nowhere Riri. I’ve thought it could be a good excuse to rescue you from those men.
Yoshiko, her personal knight and childhood friend replies making Riko giggle, before she feels the blue haired girl’s warm hand taking hers to pull her towards the large window and see the moon shining brightly at the peak of the dark sky.”
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