tomatorepublic · 5 years
hi there. it's been awhile. back then I started to active in twitter and saw your tweets that you have feelings. I'm sorry I can't reach you. but now, are you feeling okay? I'm the ffnet writer that writes uchipai fanfic.
Hi anon. I'm surprised to receive a message on my tumblr actually, after being invisible here for about 2 years. I'm not sure if you are who I think you are, and if the twitter account of mine that you're talking about is the one I'm thinking. But please reach me through here. I already lost access to that twitter account. Also to answer your question, hmm yes I guess I'm doing okay now.
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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Merry Christmas and Happy YouRiko Day!!
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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Riko playing the melody of Kanan’s heart
Source: @_jo_er_ on Twitter
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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gah im so lazy
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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Riko Sakurauchi UR ♡
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
You have any headcanons for RikoMaru?
-Hanamaru gets really nervous around Riko bc she thinks Riko is this beautiful, cool older girl and she’s just awestruck
-Riko returns a music book and Hanamaru tries to comment on how cool it is that Riko can read sheet music but it comes out “wow I didn’t know you could read!” And Riko never comes back to the library :(
-Hanamaru tries really hard to get Riko’s attention but she doesn’t know how to flirt so she just screams at Riko from across the hallway that she likes her shoes and Riko literally turns on her heels and walks the other direction.
-Riko is sketching a landscape one day and Hanamaru sees her and recognizes the place she’s drawing from a book she read and it’s their first normal interaction but Riko is still mad about the reading comment
-“I’m not some dumb bimbo >:(!”
-“What’s a bimbo, zura?”
-Hanamaru gets to flip through Riko’s sketchbook and even though Riko says they’re all terrible they’re all actually fantastic and Hanamaru can tell where each picture is from
-The more Hanamaru compliments her the more flustered Riko gets bc she isn’t used to compliments
-Hanamaru decides they’re friends now and follows Riko around like a puppy and even Riko has to recognize that she’s cute as fuck especially once she realizes that Hanamaru is just an adorable little weirdo
-Riko starts to look forward to seeing Hanamaru at school and something happens in her chest whenever she sees that smile
-Riko invited Hanamaru out to go to the book store because that’s a completely logical place to go and no it’s not a date they just both like books ok
-They start hanging out more. Maru wants to see a movie because she’s never seen one in theaters before
-Hanamaru’s hands get cold in the theater and she grabs onto Riko’s hand, thinking nothing of it because her and Ruby hold hands all the time but Riko has a small aneurism. She doesn’t pull away though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-The first time they kiss Hanamaru stands on her tip toes and falls over and brings the both of them down and lands with her face between Riko’s legs and enough people saw that Riko googles the cost of a plane ticket to Antarctica where she can freeze to death and die
-Riko accidentally says zura and Chika says “wow is that like a mating call now?”
-“It’s not :(!”
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHH that chapter was healing, thank you so much for translating it! why is chika the best leader. why are they so good for each other. let them be girlfriends. let them be married
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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,¸¸.♥Created  By: || Eris.Y(7海海)☆♥•*  ☆:3 respective credits to the creator☆.
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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,¸¸.♥Created  By: || Eris.Y(7海海)☆♥•*  ☆:3 respective credits to the creator☆.
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
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tomatorepublic · 7 years
They’re six years old, and it’s the middle of fall.
“It’s not like you,” Dia says, sitting next to Kanan on the beach, “to be so upset over something like this. Especially if it’s about Mari.”
Kanan just pouts some more as she hugs her legs close and sinks her head deeper into the space behind her knees. She’s making odd grumbly sounds that Dia’s heard before, but hasn’t yet gotten very used to.
“How do you…” Kanan pauses there. Her brow wrinkles just a bit. “How do you… fight rich people?”
“What do you mean?”
“They have money, you know?” Kanan says, now more assured of herself. “If you’re really rich, you can do anything! But they have to have a weakness somehow!”
It’s not even very deep inside that Dia knows Kanan shouldn’t be trying to “fight” Mari like this, but her impulses to help and be the one with the answers gets the better of her. “Father mentioned once,” she says, recalling a conversation she’d overheard once after dinner, “that people with money fight in the court of law.”
“Court of law?”
Dia nods. “Mm-hm. It’s where people argue about things while a judge listens decides whether to put them in jail or not. Father says that to really scare someone with money, you threaten to sue them for what they did. The law is more powerful than their money, so they’ll be afraid of being put in jail!”
“Wow,” Kanan says, wide-eyed at Dia. “That’s scary. I don’t know if I want to put Mari in jail…”
“Y-You don’t have to!” Dia says. “You can say you’ll sue them without actually doing it. Just to scare them enough to stop.”
A thoughtful look crosses over Kanan’s face.
“Mari,” she says the next day, “if you throw my shoes into the pool again, I’ll sue you!”
“Sue me?” Mari says. “What’s that?”
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