#rii has also been quietly co-fronting with me too lately
enchantedmirage · 6 months
I've been lurking around the side of DID tumblr, and I keep wondering if I should make a system blog? Like, the thing is it's not necessary for me because I have been very functional recently which is fine, good even because it means that they don't perceive any danger (mentally or emotionally) to come out.
Or if I repurpose my main to be that sort of hub, because it already has the links to all of my other blogs and stuff. I will probably go for this option if I do decide. But basically:
I don't have Dissociate Identity Disorder, since I don't meet all the criteria but most especially not having amnesia between switches, or having this feeling of lost of time.
Not diagnosed at all, and I hardly think I will because I present as high-functioning but because of the above I've been suspecting that it's OSDD-1b
I have three alters/headmates, which have been steady for the past two years now. There had been far more in the past.
The three of them co-front or basically co-pilot with me, unless something major happens and I'm incapable then they will full reign control until I am fine.
For more context: (under the cut)
Ann has been with me since I was four years old.
Kuromi's current state is the most recent at two years, but their predecessor's predate back to five or so years ago (2019)
By that, I mean that Kuromi was a cause of the other alters (at least 3) 'merging' together as their functions overlapped. They don't have any memory of what happened before though, only through what Ann tells them.
Rii also came into being two years ago, from two previous ones: Aisatsu and Koriyuu. Two years ago she also went by Riko and used to front the most, which helped me cope with the stressful situations but made me distressed because I didn't like the fact that people kept associating me with her.
And that has thankfully mellowed down in recent times, I do have to hand it to Rii for navigating the online world for me, and I don't mind sharing it since I go by 'Aeriko' now.
I as the system's host have struggled greatly with this for years, and this usually is the source of my fragmented sense of identity.
Ann has made me realize that I can't ignore the existence of this system, due to her role as a persecutor. The other two are an overlap of other functions with Kuromi distinctly being the gatekeeper, and Rii as the protector.
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